#shotaro dad au
saturnznct · 2 years
d-8; visiting family in japan | ost
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➸ note; i’m sorry that this is terrible, wasnt feeling much inspiration today,, 
➸ word count; 841 words
➸ saori; aged 9, sakura; aged 4, shichiro; aged 2
dadmas masterlist | nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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You hadn’t been back to Japan in quite some time. Shotaro had been offered so many amazing projects in Korea; comebacks, magazine shoots, TV appearances, and so on. You’d half expected him to be hard at work even over the Christmas period, but you were overjoyed when he announced that he had spoken to the company and had gotten the time off in order to spend time with your family.
‘You don’t have to take the time off for us,’ you say, ‘I know how much you love working in all of these projects.’
Shotaro smiles sadly, ‘well, the little ones  won’t be little forever. They all still believe in Santa. I don’t want to let it slip away too fast, you know? They’ll be another awards show next year. So believe me when I say that I want to be here, with you.’
‘Okay,’ you close your eyes as he kisses your forehead.
‘I was thinking we could go back to Japan for the week. Visit family, spend Christmas there.’
‘Yeah, absolutely, I know the kids would love that. And I do miss being there.’
‘Great. I’ll arrange everything,’ he yawns, exhaustion from his schedule filled day finally sinking in.
‘You’re the best,’ you rest your own head in his neck, shutting your own eyes, ‘I’m so happy.’
‘I know, and good. That’s all I want.’
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A few weeks later, the three of you are on the plane to Japan. Naturally, the flight isn’t even that long, but Shotaro has made sure you have the most comfortable seats possible, to make things easier for you both.
‘Chiro, you have to sit down,’ you lift your son by the waist and sit him down, and attempting to buckle his seatbelt.
‘No,’ he squirms, leaving you unable to strap him in.
‘Shichiro, I’m serious, do you want to go and visit Grandma and Grandpa?’ Shotaro chimes in, sending Shichiro a stern look when he nods, ‘ok, well we won’t go anywhere unless you sit down. Once we’re flying you can. take your seatbelt off, but you have to be good, okay?’
Shichiro huffs but reluctantly complies. Thankfully Sakura and Saori are not fazed by the take-off preparations, completely focused on their shows on their seat’s television. 
The flight is quick and thankfully quite uneventful, Shichiro’s bad mood makes him tired and he sleeps until you go through immigration. He sleeps in his car seat in the car ride to your second home in Kanegawa, with the driver that Shotaro had organised for you.
‘Feels so nice to be back,’ Shotaro comments as you enter the house, your belongings, photo frames, coats and shoes practically exactly as you left them.
‘I’ll go put this one down,’ you hold Shichiro in your arms, ‘he’s clearly compensating for sleep her missed out on last night.’
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‘Hello, hello!’ Shotaro’s mother answers the door, his father and siblings crowding behind her.
The three children rush forwards first, getting wrapped in a big hug by their grandmother.
‘Ah, I missed you babies,’ she cries, ‘it’s not the same when you’re in Korea.’
She looks up, acknowledging you and Shotaro. 
‘Mum,’ Shotaro stumbles into his mother’s embrace as the kids move on to their uncles and Grandfather.
‘Ah, Y/N, come here,’ you happily accept her hug, ‘look, we’ve got everything all decorated for the children.’
‘She’s really gone all out this year,’ Shotaro’s father adds, ‘she was so excited to have everyone here.’
‘Ah, you didn’t have to mum,’ you start to protest.
‘No, no, it’s not every year I get to have my grandbabies here for Christmas,’ she gushes, ‘come on, I made lots of food!’
‘Pretty lights!’ Sakura gasps at the sight of the multicoloured Christmas Tree, which is completely made up of LED lights.
The five of you had driven out to Lake Migayase, to go and see the massive Christmas Tree that was on display every year.
‘It’s so cool, right?’ Shotaro beams, Shichiro sat on his hip. 
‘Yeah!’ Sakura jumps up and down in excitement, while Saori takes photos of the scene on her phone. 
‘How are you feeling about the fireworks?’ you ask them, unsure of how the younger ones may react to the loud noises.
‘Are they pretty too?’ Sakura asks.
’Super pretty.’
Shotaro had brought ear defenders for the young Shichiro, while you knew Saori liked fireworks from seeing them at concerts.
’They’re going to start in a couple of minutes, so don’t be surprised, okay?’
‘Okay mummy/mommy.’
A few minutes later, the first firework erupts in the sky. Sakura and Saori both jump, but thankfully settle quickly and enjoy the fireworks.
At one point you look over to Shotaro and Shichiro, to make sure the toddler is relaxed. Shotaro looks up at the sky, equally as amazed as his son. They look so alike.
’Thank you for making the time off,’ you say later in the car, all three children asleep in the backseat behind you, ‘this has been the best Christmas we’ve had in a while.’
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jenoroyals · 7 months
Cigarettes After Sex - Lee Jeno
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pairing : jeno x fem!reader
synopsis : Starting your first year of college in a different country was exciting to you. Everything fell into place - your roommate, your friends, and even your apartment. The only thing that didn’t was Lee Jeno - your roommate’s boyfriend’s best friend.
word count : 17.7K words
content/warnings : college au!, fluff, angst, strangers to lovers?, one bed trope, smoking usage, heavy drinking usage, cursing, cheating (not jeno or mc), perv!jeno, semi sexual content, etc.
featuring : yunjin (lesaraffim), mina (former gugudan), jaemin (nct), mark (nct), haechan (nct), renjun (nct), chenle (nct), jisung (nct), giselle (aespa), & shotaro (riize).
During your childhood you dreamed of growing up, being on your own and going out was all you’ve ever wanted. Hearing stories from your older relatives about how wild they were in college just made it more severe.
“Yn? What college are you thinking about?” Your older sister asks.
You think for a moment before replying. “Well, I was thinking of Seoul National University.” You say and she furrows her brows.
“Well, that’s far from home.” She says, staring at you.
“I know but they have a great nursing program.” You defend while looking at her.
“Schools around here have great nursing programs too.” Your sister argues and you shake your head.
“Not like the one over there.” You say and she sighs defeatedly.
“Can you even speak the language?" Your sister asks and you nod your head.
“Yes, I took classes all throughout high school. I’m basically fluent.” You say and she scoffs lightly.
“Nerd.” She says and you slap her arm. “Hey!” She laughs and looks at you before getting serious again.
“Have you talked to mom and dad?” She asks and you shake your head no.
“I’m pretty sure they won’t mind.” You say and look at her before getting up. “I might not even get accepted. I’m still thinking about what colleges to apply to.”
“Well, as your older sister, I don’t want you to go that far. But, I know that you’ve always taken your education seriously, so if that's where you want to go, then you should apply.” Your sister says and you snort.
“I was going to anyway.” You say with a roll of your eyes, jokingly.
She pushes your shoulder and mumbles “Whatever.” before walking out of your room with a laugh.
You walk over to your computer and start looking at the application to SNU. Sighing, you click on the application and start typing in your information. “Let’s hope.”
You smile thinking about that memory while packing your bags. Tomorrow, you’ll leave your hometown and go to South Korea.
“Are you excited?” Your mom asks while zipping up one of your luggages.
“Yeah I am.” You say and she smiles while looking at you.
“Is your roommate nice?” She asks and you nod with a smile.
“Yeah, we’ve been talking a lot lately. She seems nice.” You say and your mom asks for her name.
“Yunjin. She was born in Korea but moved to New York when she was little.”
You were online looking at the dorms, hoping to find a suitable roommate when an ad listing popped up. Curiously, you clicked on it and found a girl named Yunjin who was looking for a roommate to help pay for her apartment. She looked nice and the apartment was close to the university.
Hesitantly, you clicked on the apply button and started reading the conditions before applying. You were sure that you could pay for half of the rent with your card. Your parents were both brand owners so money wasn’t an issue.
The next day, you received an email saying that she would be glad to have you as a roommate and that's when a new friendship formed.
Your mom nods her head and starts running her hands through your hair. “I’m gonna miss you.” She says and sniffles which causes you to turn around.
“Mom, don’t cry. I’ll be okay, I promise.” You say to her and hug her.
“I know you will, I’m just gonna miss my baby.” She says and you coo at her.
“I’m okay.” You mom says and pulls away while wiping her eyes.
“Now finish packing up. I’m going to start preparing dinner.” She says and walks out of your room.
You sigh and grab your phone, looking at the messages you received.
facetime? - yunjin
You quickly type a response before you get an incoming call from her. “Hello?” You ask while placing your phone on your vanity.
“Hi! I’m so excited to move in and finally meet you in person.” She says and you laugh while packing away your accessories.
“Me too! I can’t believe we’re finally going to meet tomorrow.” You say and look at her through your phone.
“Are you still packing, girl?” She asks and laughs.
“Just last minute things.” You say and she nods her head.
“What time does your flight land?” She asks and you quickly look at your boarding pass.
“I should be landing at 5pm. You’re picking me up right?” You ask her and she nods. “Yes I am.”
The two of you stayed on the phone until it was time for you to go eat dinner. After dinner you showered and laid down on your bed. You couldn’t sleep due to the excitement and nerves. You were going to be far away from home, your family, everything you’ve ever known.
It was like you were finally starting your life, this was all that you dreamed of while growing up. Now that it’s finally happening, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You don’t even remember falling asleep but somehow you get woken up by your alarm.
Your flight was at 5am and you had to be there about an hour early. You woke up at around 3am and walked into your bathroom. You brushed your teeth and hair, trying to make yourself look comfy but somewhat presentable since you were going to be on a flight for 12 hours.
After getting ready and grabbing your bags, you brought them downstairs where your parents were already preparing snacks and food for your flight.
“Are you ready, sweetie?” Your dad asks and hands you the bag of food and snacks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” He nods and hugs you, squeezing you tightly.
“My baby girl is leaving the nest.” He says and you laugh.
“I’ll be back dad. I’m not leaving forever.” You say and he laughs along with your mom.
“Okay, we should start leaving. It’s already 3:45.” Your mom says and starts grabbing your luggage.
You follow her out into the car with 2 suitcases in your hands, along with the bag full of food. After putting everything into the car, the three of you get inside the car and drive to the airport.
Your parents followed you all the way through the airport until they couldn’t anymore. You turned to face them and hugged them tightly.
“I’m going to miss you guys.” You say and they both sniffle, trying hard not to cry.
“Be safe please.” You mom says and you nod your head.
“I will, I promise.”
“Flight 423 to Seoul will now be boarding.” Was heard over the intercom.
“I love you guys.” You say to them and hug them tight once again before turning around.
You wave goodbye to them before you can’t see their figures anymore. Pushing your glasses up, you make your way into the first class section of the plane. Setting your bag down, you quickly take your glasses off and look out the window.
Another 20 minutes went by before the plane started to take off. You watch out the window as the city lights start becoming smaller and smaller.
Goodbye home.
After a 12 hour flight, you finally landed in Korea. Grabbing your bags from the baggage claim, you walked out into the front of the airport, hoping to see Yunjin.
“Yn!” You hear your name being called and turn to where the voice came from.
You let out a squeal and run towards Yunjin. She wraps her arms around you and laughs.
“You’re finally here!” She says and you nod your head before pulling away.
“The air feels different.” You joke and she laughs.
“You haven’t even stepped outside yet.”
“I know but it just does.” You say and she laughs before helping you with your suitcases. The two of you walk out of the airport and to her car.
As you’re looking out the car window, you see different types of scenery. Buildings, people, trees, rivers, and bicyclists.
“Oh wow, the college looks huge.” You say and she laughs.
“I’m so not excited for school.” She says and you nod your head.
“Me too. Thank god we have two weeks before we have to start attending classes.” You say and the both of you continue to talk until she parks inside the apartment parking garage.
She popped the trunk open so you could get your luggages out. She helped you with them before the both of you walked towards the apartment building. There were two different apartment buildings.
“Okay, so we are in the building on the left on the fourth floor.” She says.
You follow her and get into an elevator. The elevator arrives on the fourth floor and you guys walk down the hall.
“124...125…126…and 127.” She says to herself and turns to you.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m dying to just lay down for a bit.” You say and she laughs before unlocking the door.
The walls were white with pictures and decorations adorning them. She had black leather couches surrounding a glass coffee table.
“You can put your stuff in here.” She says and leads you to a room. There was a queen sized bed with black bedding.
“I hope you like it. I wasn't sure how to decorate it.” She says and you shake your head.
“It’s perfect.” You say and she nods her head.
“What time are we going to dinner?” You ask her, starting to unpack.
“At 6, and I hope you don’t mind but I invited my boyfriend and some of our friends.” She says and you shake your head again.
“Not at all. I’m excited to make new friends.” You say and unzip another suitcase.
“What’s his name?” You ask while she helps unbag your skincare and makeup onto the vanity table.
“Jaemin.” She answers and looks at you.
“You know, his friends are also super cute.”
“Yunjin don’t.” You say jokingly and she laughs.
“What? I’m just saying. You said that you’ve never dated before. Why not try new experiences? I mean, that’s what you’re here for right?” She asks and you sigh before looking at her.
“Well yeah but-”
“But, nothing. Come on, you’re in a foreign country, you’re sweet, and you’re hot. You could probably get anyone you want.” She says, walking closer to you.
“Let’s just see how this goes.” You say and she smiles while clapping her hands.
After unpacking, you showered and started getting ready for dinner. After applying makeup and doing your hair, you looked through the drawers for clothes. You decided on a pair of low rise jeans with a baby pink cropped tank top.
After getting ready you grabbed your phone to look at the time but the doorbell rang. Confused, you walked out of your room and knocked on Yunjin’s bedroom door.
“Ynn, it’s my boyfriend and our friends. Can you let them in?” She yells from the other side of the door.
You yell back a yes and walk to the front door to open it. Three guys all dressed differently looked back at you in a confused manner.
“Are you sure this is the right one, dude?” The guy in a plain white long sleeve asks.
“Yes I’m sure. Hi, you must be the new roommate.” The guy in the middle asks.
“Yeah, I’m Yn. Nice to meet you. Please, come in.” You open the door wider for them to enter.
“Yunjin’s in the room.” You tell him and he nods before walking into her room.
Feeling awkward, you gesture for the other two boys to sit in the living room. They both walked over to the couch and sat down.
“Hello, I’m Mark. It's nice to meet you.” The guy who spoke earlier says and smiles at you.
He holds his hand out as a gesture for you to shake it. You grab his hand and smile back at him. “Yn.”
“I’m Jeno.” The other one says.
You quickly look at him and observe him. He was dressed in black ripped jeans with a plain white tee and a black leather jacket.
He was oozing with charisma, from the way he talked to the way he dressed. He had rings adorned on his fingers, paired with silver metal bracelets and multiple necklaces around his neck. You almost felt intimidated by him until he flashed a bright smile at you. His eyes formed into cute little crescents of the moon.
“Nice to meet you.” You say and walk away to grab your shoes. You grab your pink dunks and walk over to the couch to put your shoes on but before you could, Mark speaks up.
“Where’s the bathroom?” He asks and you direct him to it before continuing to put on your shoes.
As you bent down to slip your foot in, Jeno noticed how he could see your cleavage poking through the opening of your tank top. He smirks and licks his lips before looking back at his phone. After putting your shoes on you sat there in silence.
“Nice shoes.” He says and you look at him.
“Thank you.” You look down to his shoes to compliment him as well when you notice he’s wearing the same shoes as you just in black.
“You too.” You shyly say and he chuckles softly.
Jaemin and Yunjin finally walk back into the living room.
“Is everyone here?” She asks and Jamein shakes his head.
“We’re waiting for Mina.” Jaemin says and your eyebrows furrow.
“Who’s Mina?” You ask and Yunjin walks over to come sit next to you.
“Mark’s girlfriend. She lives further away from campus.” Yunjin says and you nod your head. Just then, Mark walks out and sits back down where he was sitting previously.
The atmosphere was a little awkward and you felt yourself curl up into a ball. You could feel Jeno’s eyes on you but you choose to ignore it, looking at anywhere but him. Finally, the doorbell rings signaling Mina’s arrival. Mark goes to open the door and greets her with a kiss.
“Okay, let’s go.” Yunjin says and walks to Jaemin, intertwining their hands. You’re the last one out of the door and you turn around to lock the door humming to yourself.
You turn back around and see Jeno waiting for you as the rest of them start walking to the parking garage.
“You didn’t have to wait for me.” You joke and he laughs.
“It’s okay, I didn’t want to really be with the couples anyway.” He says and you laugh, the two of you trailing behind the rest of the group.
Mark and Mina walk towards her car and you follow the rest of them into what you assume to be Jeno’s car since Jaemin was getting in the back seat. You turn to look at Yunjin who wiggles her eyebrows at you teasingly. You jokingly roll your eyes and get into the passenger seat.
“The usual?” Jeno asks and Yunjin nods her head.
He waits a moment for his phone to connect to the car before pulling out of the parking garage and heading to the restaurant. The music started to play and you recognized the song.
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
“I love this song.” You say out loud, hoping to make conversation.
“Yeah?” He asks and looks over at you quickly.
“Yeah, I love Cigarettes After Sex.” You say and softly laugh.
“What’s your favorite song?” You ask and turn to look at him with a smile.
“Probably ‘K.’ What about you?” He replies and you stop and think for a moment.
“It’s hard to say because I love all of their songs but I’ve been listening to ‘Sunsetz’ a lot recently.” You say and start playing with your fingers.
The conversation dies again but this time it’s not an awkward silence, it’s a comfortable one. A while later, you guys finally reach the restaurant and Jeno parks the car. The four of you get out of the car and meet up with Mark and Mina who were inside the restaurant already.
The six of you sit down at the table and start looking at the menu. It was a Korean Barbeque place. You were at the end of the table, closest to the wall with Yunjin on your left and across from her was Jaemin. Mark and Mina took up the remaining seats.
You look at the menu, debating on what you should get.
“The spicy pork belly is pretty good.” Jeno says across from you. You look up at him and smile.
“Yeah I was thinking about getting that.” You say and he smiles before looking back down at the menu.
“So, Yn. What are you majoring in?” Mina asks you before taking a sip of her water.
“Oh I’m majoring in nursing right now.”
“Oh, no way! Me too!.” Jaemin says and holds out his hand for a high five. You shyly high five him and the conversation continues.
Mark and Mina were both in their second year of college. Mark wanted to become a music producer and his girlfriend wanted to become a veterinarian. Yunjin and Jaemin were in the same year as you and like yourself, Jaemin wanted to become a nurse. You knew that Yunjin wanted to be a lawyer from previous conversations.
Jeno kept quiet most of the time, letting his friends talk before he did. After Jaemin finished speaking you turned to Jeno with questioning eyes.
“What about you?” You ask him and he softly smiles.
“I want to be a car designer.” He sheepishly says and you nod your head.
“That’s cool! I think you’d be good at it.” You say and he laughs.
“How do you know?” He asks teasingly and you look back at him.
“Your car! You added on all of the modifications right?” You say and he nods his head.
The four friends look at each other with knowing smiles before looking back at you and Jeno.
Before you know it, the food arrived. Jeno grabbed a piece of the spicy pork belly and placed it into your bowl of rice.
“Thank you.” You sheepishly say before eating it.
Everyone was so focused on eating that there was almost no conversation. Small conversations here and there but not too long lasting.
After 3 rounds of meat, everyone was stuffed. You wanted to treat everyone since they made you feel so welcomed but Jaemin beat you to it. He slid his card into the tab and gave it back to the server. You pouted a bit and Jeno noticed.
The way your cheeks filled up with air and your lips curled into each other, pressing against each other. He softly laughed and looked away.
“You guys want to drink tonight?” Mark suggests and everyone agrees.
“Yn and I can go grab alcohol and meet you guys back at the apartment.” Jeno says and everyone agrees with the plans.
You softly smile at the thought of spending time alone with him. You walk to his car and get in the passenger seat while waving bye to everyone else. Jeno starts up the car and the music starts playing.
Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex
You smile at the familiar instrumental intro of the song. You look over at him and he already has a smile forming on his face.
“Do you want to play 21 questions? We can get to know each other that way.” He asks and you nod your head yes.
“So, what made you come to Korea?” He asks you when the car gets to a red light.
“They have a good nursing program. One of the best in the whole world.” He nods his head at your answer.
You think for a moment before a question pops up in your head.
“How did you meet Jaemin?” You ask him and he softly laughs at your question.
“We were deskmates in middle school. I met him when I was 14.” He says and you smile at the thought of a younger Jeno.
The rest of the car ride was filled with questions bouncing back and forth between the two of you. Walking into the convenience store, you ask him a question.
“What’s your favorite color?” You ask and he laughs loudly at it.
“That’s what you’re asking?” He asks and laughs again when you nod your head.
The both of you walk over to the section with the soju bottles and he grabs a case that has 12 bottles in it.
“Blue.” He answers while walking to the register.
He started pulling out his wallet but you were faster. You tapped your card and when Jeno hears the noise the machine makes he looks up.
“My treat.” You say and he sighs softly.
“You didn’t have to.” He says and you shake your head.
“Your turn.” You say to him, gesturing for him to ask a question. Before he can ask you a question his name gets called.
You turn to look at the girl who called his name. She was gorgeous. Her hair was in all the right places, her makeup looked flawless, and her outfit looked like it was chosen by a stylist. Feeling insecure you wrap your arms around your body and avert your eyes.
“Jeno? That is you!” The girl exclaims and runs over to bring him into a hug.
Jeno keeps his arms down by his sides, not reciprocating the hug back. She pulls away from his embrace and pouts at him.
“What? You don’t even want to hug me?” She asks, batting her eyes at him but he keeps a stoic poker face.
“What are you doing here Giselle? I thought you were in Japan.” He says calmly and she turns her head to look at you. Ignoring his question she walks up to you.
“Hi, I’m Giselle. Jeno’s girlfriend.” She says and your eyes widen a bit.
She holds her hand out for you to take but before you could Jeno steps in front of you and blocks you from her vision, his taller frame towering over her.
“Ex. Girlfriend.” He clarifies and she rolls her eyes.
“Same thing. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” She says with a smile that looked all too fake.
He sighs and turns to look at you before grabbing your hand in his.
“She doesn’t need to be introduced to you.” He says bitterly.
His left hand wrapping around yours while holding the case of soju bottles in his other hand. He glares at the girl in front of you guys before dragging you out of the convenience store.
He pops open his trunk and lets go of your hand to place the case of alcohol in there. You awkwardly observe him let out a sigh before walking to the passenger door. He gets in the driver's seat and turns the car on.
You look at him and frown when you see his eyebrows furrowed with his eyes closed. Hesitantly, you poke at his eyebrows and his eyes open in shock.
“It’s not good to furrow your eyebrows for a long time.” You say and smile at him.
He softly smiles at you while looking into your eyes. Seeing him up close like this made you realize just how attractive he is. His strong and arched brows, his mole under his eye, his perfect nose, his full lips, even his chiseled jaw. Realizing what you’re doing, you quickly turn away from him and look straight out the window of the car and he softly laughs.
“I’m sorry.” He says and you frown before looking at him.
“Why are you apologizing?” You ask and he sighs again.
“Giselle.” He says, pointing out the elephant in the room. You nod your head and look at him furrowing his eyebrows again.
“We uh… we broke up last year. We dated for about two years before she had to move to Japan. Her dad got a job transfer over there and so her whole family moved. We tried to do long distance and it was going well, until I found out that she cheated on me.” He says and closes his eyes again.
You pout again and look at the man in front of you. How could anyone ever cheat on him? He was so damn perfect. Sure, you only met him today but you knew how genuine he was.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.” You say and he softly chuckles.
You quickly look down for a second, trying to focus your attention on your hands in your lap. You slightly jump at the feeling of his hands under your chin. He grabs your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, your eyebrows furrow feeling the coldness of his rings directly on your skin.
He tilts your face up to look back into his eyes and smirks. You slowly swallow the saliva in your mouth and look into his brown eyes.
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong.” He says and you slowly nod your head.
He lets go of your chin and you sit further back into your seat. He laughs at your action and puts his car in reverse, heading back to your shared apartment with Yunjin.
“Finally!” You hear Yunjin say as you open the door.
“Sorry, we had to drive to the one further away because the other one didn’t have any soju in stock.” Jeno lies easily through his teeth.
You furrow at his words before plastering a smile onto your face. “Yeah, the detour was like 20 minutes.” You say, hoping that it made the lie more believable.
Jeno smiles at you, backing him up before placing the case of soju on the counter. He opens up the box and pulls out 3 bottles from it. You walk over to help him put the rest in the fridge and he grabs your hand. You gasp softly and look up at him.
“Thanks.” He says and you nod your head, knowing what he was referring to.
Jaemin had suggested a game of ‘Truth or Drink’ so the six of you were sat around the coffee table . Everyone agreed to let loose and be completely honest, no matter how raw the questions were and if they didn’t want to answer it, they could just take a shot of soju.
“Okay, Yn.” Jaemin starts off and you look at him.
“What was your first kiss like?” He finishes and everyone looks at you, waiting for you to answer.
“Hm, my first kiss.” You repeat and cringe thinking about it.
“It was gross. He kept trying to push his tongue in my mouth.” You say and everyone laughs at the thought of it.
“Okay, Mina. What’s the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard and who said it?” You ask with a smile and she laughs at the question. She looks over to her boyfriend who gasps offendedly.
“The worst pick up line I’ve ever heard was at the club.” She says and Mark groans upon hearing that causing the group to laugh.
“Mark came up to me and said ‘Hey, you owe me a drink. Because when I saw you, I dropped mine.”
Mark screams and cringes as the words leave his girlfriend’s lips. The group laughs and starts teasing him.
“I would’ve thrown my drink at you if you said that to me.” Jeno says and laughs when Mark flips him off.
As the night went on, half the soju case was almost gone. You could feel the alcohol getting to you, your eyesight was starting to blur a bit. The game continues and it was mark’s turn to ask.
“Have you and Yunjin ever got caught doing ‘it’ by someone?”
“Plenty of times.” Jaemin answered quickly with no thought.
Yunjin, feeling embarrassed, hides her face in her hands.
“Oh my god Yunjin, you said you were innocent!” You exclaim and hit her shoulder lightly.
“She’s not innocent at all, one time she wan-mphh” She covers her boyfriend’s mouth before he can embarrass her even more.
She removes her hand from his mouth and he laughs before scanning the room. He looks at everyone before stopping on his best friend.
“Okay, Jeno. Are you completely over what happened last year?” He asks his best friend who tenses up at the question but then relaxes again.
The smile that was once on his face disappears and he clears his throat.
“Um yeah, I would say I am.” Everyone nods their head at his answer and he looks over at you with a smirk.
“Oh no.” You say with a sigh playfully. He just laughs at your reaction and smiles even more.
“You’ve been asking me questions all night, aren’t you curious about anyone else?” You ask jokingly and he shakes his head.
“Nope. Just you, princess.” You cheeks flush at his use of a pet name and you look at him with wide eyes. He chuckles and playfully pinches your cheek.
“What’s the kinkiest thing you like to do during sex?” He asks and your cheek flushes even more.
It’s not like you’ve never had sex, you’ve had a few encounters of it. Keyword, a few. Both times however, were really vanilla so you’ve never experienced anything remotely kinky.
Clearing your throat you slowly pour the soju into your shot glass and take the shot.
“Oh come on princess.” He says and you shake your head no.
“Not telling.” You say and cough when the alcohol goes down the wrong pipe. The group laughs at your misery while Jeno pats your back, also laughing.
Not long after, everyone was slowly starting to drift off to sleep. You slowly were starting to sober up and decided to start cleaning up the mess. You grabbed the empty bottles and placed them in a trashbag.
After cleaning up, you looked around at everyone. Mark and Mina were fast asleep on the couch, cuddled up. You walked over to your bedroom and grabbed a spare blanket from the closet for them.
As you were walking out of your room, you met Jaemin and Yunjin in the hallway. “I’m guessing he’s sleeping with you?”
She nods her head and drags a drunk Jaemin into her room. You walk into the living room and drape the blanket over Mark and Mina. Jeno was fast asleep with his head on the coffee table. You walk over to him and shake him.
“Jeno? Wake up.” You say softly while shaking him awake. He mumbles incoherently before tuning his head to face you.
“Jeno, come on. Go sleep on the couch.” He shakes his head no and whines softly.
“You don’t want to sleep on the couch?” You ask softly while crouching down to him. He shakes his head again and you furrow your brows.
“Where do you wanna sleep?” You ask him and he slowly lifts his head up. He looks towards the hallway and points in your room.
You sigh softly and weigh your options. You could leave him here and have his body be sore tomorrow or you could take him to your room and let him sleep on your bed while you come back to sleep on the couch. Sighing, you grab his hand and help him up.
“Come on, let’s go to my room.” You whisper and he obliges.
He stands up, albeit a little wobbly but he manages to balance his weight, never letting go of your hand. You drag him to your room and place him on the bed. Reaching over. You take off his shoes and place them on the tile floor.
You stare at the sleeping man in front of you and sigh softly. As you go to walk away, he grabs your wrist. You stop in your tracks and turn to look at him.
“Don’t leave me, Giselle.” You hear him say and you widen your eyes.
So he was lying when he said that he was over it. You knew he wasn't with the way that he reacted inside the convenience store. You sigh again and furrow your brows before grabbing his hand that was holding onto your wrist and pull his grip away.
You stare at him again and he has a sour expression on his face. You hesitantly poke at his eyebrows to ease them before walking out of your room, leaving him in there. You walk into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror.
Your eyes were red and your mascara was smeared everywhere. The pink lip tint you applied is now gone due to the oil of the food. You take out a makeup wipe and start removing your makeup, all the while thinking about the man in your room.
You barely met him yet he had you wrapped around his finger. You sighed again for the hundredth time that night. After removing all of your makeup, you brushed your teeth before walking back out into the living room.
You decided to sleep on the other couch. After grabbing another blanket from the closet, you laid down and felt your eyelids getting heavy. Sleep slowly overtaking your body. You closed your eyes and let it devour you, not wanting to think about what just happened in the last 20 minutes.
You hear voices coming from next to you and open your eyes. The sun was blaring from the balcony window. Squinting your eyes, you sit up and see that everyone was up besides Jeno.
“Want some breakfast?” Jaemin asks from the kitchen and you slowly nod your head.
Your head was pounding and your mouth felt dry. Last night was the first time in a long time that you’ve drank that much. You tried to swallow some saliva to help quench your thirst but it didn’t help at all. Yunjin and Mina came over to sit next to you on the couch. MIna handed you a glass of water and you softly thanked her.
The water was cooling against your dry mouth and throat. Gulping down the water you slowly looked around.
“Where’s Jeno?” Yunjin asks you and you bring the cup down from your lips.
“He didn’t want to sleep on the couch so I took him to my room and came to sleep out here.” You answer and they nod their head.
“Food’s ready.” Jaemin says and the three of you walk over to the dining table where Mark was setting up plates.
“I’m gonna go wake up Jeno.” You say and walk towards your room.
You slowly opened the door, hoping not to wake him up. He was softly snoring and you observed him again before walking closer to him on your bed. The events of last night flash through your brain and you stop in your tracks. Deciding to not think too much, you walk up to him.
“Jeno.” You say and shake him to wake him up.
He slowly opens his eyes and blinks up at you before sitting up fastly. He looks around the room and notices that he’s in your room. You softly laugh at him and shake your head.
“Jaemin cooked breakfast, go eat.” You say and he slowly nods his head before getting up from your covers.
He grabs his shoes and walks out of your room. You sigh once he's out and lay down on your bed, not even caring that you haven’t washed them after he used it. You stare up at the ceiling for a moment before getting up to change into more comfortable clothes.
You fell asleep in your jeans last night and it was itching your legs. Locking your door, you change into a pair of gray loose sweatpants and a tight white long sleeve that was cropped. You looked for your brown fluffy slippers and put them on before walking back out into the kitchen to eat.
It’s been a few days since that day and you haven’t seen Jeno at all. You and Yunjin were watching a movie in the living room when you looked over at her and decided to ask the question you were dying to know the answer to.
“Yunjin?” You call out and she turns to look at you.
“What’s up?” She asks.
“Who did Giselle cheat on Jeno with?” You ask and she makes a confused face.
“How did you know about that?” She asks and you panic. You didn't know if you should tell her about what happened at the convenience store but you do anyway.
“When Jeno and I went to go get alcohol, she was there.” You answer and Yunjin sits up from her position.
“She was here? In Korea?” She asks for clarification and you nod your head yes.
“That bitch.” She says softly and looks away before looking back at you.
“She cheated on him with this guy named Shotaro.” She says and you slowly nod your head.
“DId he love her?” You ask again and Yunjin looks at you confusingly.
“Jeno.” You clarify and Yunjin sighs.
“Yeah, I think he did. But once she broke that trust, it was hard for him to get over it.” She explains and you stay quiet.
“Why are you asking?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I was just curious.” You say and she looks at you with squinted eyes before looking back at the tv.
You sat there in silence, thinking about the information that you just received. You grabbed your phone and looked up the name ‘Shotaro’ on instagram. It wasn’t hard to find him after all, there weren't many Shotaros in the world.
Clicking on the first profile that popped up you looked on his page and saw different posts with girls and guys. One picture in particular caught your eye though. It was a picture of Shotaro, Giselle, and Jeno.
She was standing in the middle with her head on Jeno’s shoulder. You frowned and zoomed in on the picture. Her arms wrapped around both of them but even though her head was on Jeno’s shoulder, Shotaro was standing closer to her than Jeno was.
You looked at the date it was posted, 2021. You zoomed back onto Shotaro’s face. He wasn’t bad looking but he definitely wasn’t as handsome as Jeno was. It seems like Jeno and Shotaro were friends or acquaintances at least.
You clicked on the picture to look at the tag and found Jeno’s account. He had no posts but he had story highlights. You clicked on one and saw Jaemin and Mark along with other guys. Tapping through them you looked at them before it changed to another highlight. You noticed that this one had just him.
There were pictures of him at the gym, him biking, him at parties, and more. Just as you were about to look even more, the doorbell rang. You looked up and saw Yunjin looking at you.
“Are you expecting anybody?” She asks you and you shake your head.
Getting up, you walked over to the front door and opened it. Jeno was standing there in a muscle tee and sweats. His biceps were out for everyone to see and you slowly widened your eyes.
“Jeno? What are you doing here?” You ask and look back to see if Yunjin was watching but she wasn't.
“Can we talk?” He asks and you nod your head before walking out to talk in the hallway.
“What’s up? Are you okay?” You ask and he nods his head.
“Yeah. I just wanted to apologize about the other day.” He says and you scoff slightly.
“It’s okay. You were drunk, don’t even worry about it.” You say and he smiles softly. You look up into his eyes and feel yourself smiling as well.
“Is that all?” You ask and he nods his head.
As you turn to walk back inside he grabs your wrist. “Wait!” He exclaims and you turn back to look at him.
“Um, someone I know is throwing a party tonight. Would you like to go with me?” He asks and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Tonight?” You ask and he nods his head.
“Sure, what time should I expect you to pick me up?” You ask and he smiles softly.
“I’ll be here at 9.” He says and you smile with a nod of your head. You turn to walk inside but before closing the door, you wave to him and he does the same.
“Who was it?” Yunjin asks and you drop your smile.
“Uh, Jeno. He invited me to a party tonight.”
“Oh, it must be Haechan’s party.” She says and you furrow your brows.
“How do you know?” You ask and she shrugs her shoulders.
“Jaemin invited me but I declined because I thought we were hanging out tonight.” She says teasingly and your eyes widen.
“Oh shit. Sorry, I already accepted his invite. I can cancel on him.” You say and Yunjin laughs.
“It’s fine, if you’re going then I’ll go too.” She says and grabs her phone to text Jaemin.
You smile and walk into your bedroom. It was already 5pm and you needed time to get ready. You walked into your closet, hoping to find something to wear. Looking through your tops, you found a black tube top and decided to pair it with a blue denim mini skirt.
You knew it was going to be a bit chilly outside, but you didn’t want to ruin your outfit so you opted for freezing tonight. Laying your outfit down on your bed, you walked towards the vanity mirror and started applying makeup. You knew you wanted it to be subtle but still bold enough to compliment your features.
“Hey, what are you wearing?” Yunjin asks while walking in and looking at the outfit on your bed.
“Oh, this is cute!” She exclaims and grabs your jacket to inspect it closely.
“Well, I was going to wear low rise jeans but I thought the skirt was cuter. What about you? What are you wearing?” You say while applying some lip gloss.
You turn towards her and see her in a green mini skirt with a white top. You smile and nod your head yes. “Oh hell yeah! You look hot as fuck.” You say and walk closer to her to look closely at her outfit. She smiles and does a quick turn while posing like models do. You laugh and gently hit her shoulder.
“Is Jaemin picking you up?” You ask and she shakes her head no.
“We usually uber since we both drink but Haechan’s place is really close so we usually just walk.” She says and you nod your head.
“I think he’s coming with Jeno so the four of us will probably just walk together.” She says and walks into your bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. You walk back over to your vanity table and finish getting ready. You finished curling the last strand of hair when the doorbell rang. You hear Yunjin going to open the door and quickly look at yourself in the mirror before grabbing your black platform boots.
As you were putting them on, there was a knock on your door. “Come in!” You yell and the door opens revealing Jeno.
“Hey.” You softly say and smile at him.
He stays near the door, mesmerized by you. Your outfit, your hair, your makeup, everything was so beautiful. He slightly clears his throat before looking away and greets you as well.
“You look beautiful." He says and you shyly smile.
“Thank you.” You say and finally look up to get a glimpse of his outfit for tonight.
He was wearing a purple and black striped shirt with black ripped jeans. His signature leather jacket was draped over his shoulders. His jewelry completed the look. He had the same rings adorning his fingers and you slightly felt a chill run up your spine, remembering the way they felt under your chin. His jet black hair was styled properly this time, showcasing his forehead. You slightly blush and get up to grab your bag. Slipping it over your shoulder, you look at yourself in the mirror one last time.
You turn to Jeno and smile while gesturing for him to leave first so you could close your door. The both of you walked towards the living room so that you guys could all leave. Yunjin and Jaemin were the first ones out of the door and you stayed behind to lock the door. Feeling a sense of deja vu when you see that Jeno was waiting for you.
“Is Giselle going to be there?” You ask Jeno who shakes his head.
“I don’t know. I hope not.” He replies and you nod your head before trailing behind Jaemin and Yunjin who were joined at the hip.
“I think I have a new favorite song from Cigarettes After Sex.” He says and you turn to look at him while walking.
“Really? What song?” You ask curiously and he slightly chuckles.
“Sunsetz.” He says and you gently laugh while pushing him away from you.
“You’re such a follower.” You joke and he laughs before walking close to you again.
The both of you continued small talk while walking to Haechan’s house. Your hands slightly bump into each other since you were walking so closely to each other. Your cheeks flushed every time your hand accidentally brushed against his.
As the night went on and more people came you lost sight of your friends. Sighing, you lean your back against a wall and take a sip out of the nasty concoction that was made by Haechan himself. Suddenly you felt someone come stand next to you. You turn to look at the person when you notice how familiar he looked.
“Hi, I’m Shotaro. What’s your name?” You gape at the person in front of you. He was the guy Giselle cheated on Jeno with. You slightly smile awkwardly and give him your name.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says and you slightly back away from him to put some distance with a fake smile plastered on your face.
“I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new here?” He asks and you nod your head.
“I’m here for college.” You reply dryly and he smiles at you.
You hated to admit that he was an attractive man but you couldn’t do that to Jeno. The two of you just stood there in silence looking at each other.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Jeno stared from across the room. His hand clenched onto his cup while his tongue poked his cheek. Why the fuck was Shotaro talking to you? And why was he standing so fucking close to you?
Hachan sluggishly wrapped his arm around his friend and laughed. “What’s got you so pissy?”
Jeno huffed and pushed his arm off of him. Haechan follows his gaze and sees Shotaro. Furrowing his brows he straightens up and turns to Jeno.
“I didn’t know he was back.” He says and puts his hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
Seeing enough, Jeno removes Hacehan’s hand from his shoulder and gulps the last of his drink before throwing the cup on the floor. His eyes stayed on Shoitao the whole time he was making his way over to you two.
“Do you want to dance?” Shotaro asks and holds his hand out. Before you could even answer a hand pushes him away.
You look up and see Jeno standing next to you. His nostrils were flared and his eyes were abnormally cold. Glaring at the man in front of him while Shotaro just chuckles.
“Jeno Lee.” He says and smiles while looking straight back at him.
Jeno didn’t reply, he just glared at the guy in front of him before grabbing your hand. As he turned to get the both of you away from him you felt Shotaro pull on your other arm.
“Hey, we were talking!” Shotaro yells and Jeno turns quickly to look at him.
“Let go of her.” He says through clenched teeth and Shotaro just smirks.
He slowly lets go of your arm and continues smirking while Jeno keeps his eyes on him. You slightly tap Jeno’s shoulder, signaling for the both of you to leave. He softly looks back at you and the both of you walk back over to where the rest of his friends were.
“Why were you talking to him?” Jeno snapped and you turned to look at him.
“He came up to me, what was I supposed to do? Ignore him?” You sass back and Jeno just sighs.
“Do you know who he is?” He asks, never letting go of your hand.
Of course you knew who he was but you didn’t want to admit to stalking their Instagram pages so you shake your head no. He sighs and pulls you towards the kitchen counter. Your back hits against it and you let out a soft yelp from the pain.
Jeno steps in front of you, keeping you trapped between his own body and the counter. His taller frame towering over you and you felt a little shy looking into his eyes. You avert your eyes and look down but Jeno grabs your chin to make you look him straight in the eye. Your lashes flutter against your eyes and he softly chuckles.
He leans down so he could whisper in your ear. You freeze up because he was too close to you. His necklace dangling onto your shoulder and the cool metal against your bare shoulder makes your cheeks flush again.
“You’re cute.” He says and you softly giggle.
You can feel your heart rate going up. Trying to calm it down, you inhale a short breath but Jeno catches it. He can feel your heart pounding against his chest and he softly chuckles.
“Do I make you nervous?” He asks and you quickly shake your head no.
He pulls away from your ear and looks at you again with a smirk.
“You sure?” He whispers, leaning closer to your face.
You could feel his breath hitting in your face and it makes you back away a little bit. You didn’t get too far because his hand goes around your waist, pulling you right up against his body. The alcohol in your system and the closeness of your bodies make you start to sweat a bit. It was too hot in here, you needed to get some fresh air.
“I need to- I need to get some air.” You say quietly for him to hear and he smirks while letting go of you.
You huff out a breath and step away from him. You walk towards the sliding door and feel the cool breeze against your skin. Your heart is racing a million beats per minute. You slowly bring your hands to your cheeks and feel how hot they are.
Shaking your head, you try to calm yourself down but a touch on your shoulder scares you. You jump away from the contact and turn around to see Yunjin and Mina there.
“Oh, hi.” You say softly and they both look at you.
“Are you okay?” Mina asks and they both walk closer to you.
“Yeah. I just needed to get some air.” You reply and they both nod their head.
“We saw Shotaro trying to talk to you.” Yunjin says and you sigh.
“Yeah, it was awkward.” You say and inhale a sharp breath.
“Was Jeno friends with him?” You ask and they both look at each other before looking back at you.
“They were very close in high school because they were both in dance club.” Yunjin says and you nod your head again.
“Come on, let’s go drink.” Mina says and wraps her arm around your arm with Yunjin doing the same.
The three of you walk back into the house and walk to the kitchen where the rest of the guys were at. You quickly catch Jeno’s eye and he smirks at you. You shyly smile at him before walking with the girls to the other side of the counter.
You were across from Jeno but you tried not to look at him. Instead, you kept your eyes on Renjun, who was pouring the shots. He passed out the shot cups and you shyly thanked him before grabbing it from him.
The eight of you cheered and clicked your shot cups against each other before downing the shrink. The alcohol was burning your throat and you let out a sour look after swallowing it down.
“That’s nasty.” You say and Renjun laughs.
“It’s Bicardi.” He says and lifts up the bottle to show you.
“It tastes like shit.” You say and Hachan screams.
“Don’t say that about my baby.” Haechan says and grabs the bottle to pat it.
“Don’t worry, she didn't mean that.” He says and you laugh at him.
Jeno kept his eyes on you the whole time. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system or maybe it was his dirty mind that wanted to corrupt you. You seemed so innocent to him, with your sparkling eyes, your skirt riding up so high that he could basically see your panties but you didn’t even notice.
You stupid perfect lips that curl up so sweetly when you smile. Your hair that looked so soft, your belly button piercing that always adds fuel to the boner he was already springing. He was imagining all sorts of things.
His necklaces dangling in front of your face as he pushes himself into you. Your belly button piercing that would glimmer so bright as he was on top of you.
“Jeno!” Renjun’s voice snaps him away from his thoughts. He looks over at his friend who has a knowing smile on his face.
“She’s pretty cute right?” Renjun says and laughs softly when Jeno looks back at you.
“Shut up.” He grumbles and pushes Renjun away slightly who laughs at his friend.
You felt your head spinning and decided that you had enough to drink. You sat down on the counter to keep your body from falling down. You close your eyes to help your headache when you feel a presence in front of you. Opening your eyes, you see Jeno in front of you again.
‘You okay, princess?” He asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, I just need to calm down a bit.” You say and he nods his head. His hands come to rest on the counter, trapping you again.
Your belly button piercing was on full display for him, the butterfly charm draws him in. He reaches down to play with your piercing and you giggle at his actions.
“It tickles.” You softly say and try to wriggle from his hands but he softly laughs and places his other hand on your waist to keep you from moving.
Feeling bold, you grab his necklace and pull him in closer to inspect it. You smooth your fingers over the cross and he smiles softly watching you. His fingers never leaving your belly button piercing either. You look up into his eyes and smile softly.
“What?” You softly say and he shakes his head.
His eyes formed into those cute little crescent moons. This man was going to be the death of you. You let go of his necklace and sigh.
“My butt hurts.” You say and he softly chuckles again.
He lets go of your piercing and holds his hand out. You take his hand in yours and jump off the counter. You go to grab your bag but he grabs it for you and holds it with his other hand while leading you to the couch.
The smell of marijuana was piercing and your nose scrunched up at the smell. Jaemin was smoking a blunt with Yunjin on his lap. He blew the smoke out away from his girlfriend before passing it to Hachan. Jeno sits down on the couch and pulls you onto him.
You yelp when your butt lands on his thighs. Everyone was lost in conversation and you were lost in your thoughts. Mark passes the blunt to Jeno who takes a drag before blowing it away from your face. You look at him as he takes another hit.
“Wanna try, princess?” He asks and holds out the blunt to you.
You shake your head no and he shrugs his shoulders before passing it back to Mark. Jeno’s hands were wrapped around your waist and he pulled you in closer. His chin resting on your shoulders as he closes his eyes.
You smile softly and place your hands against his. You grab one of them and start playing with one of the many rings he has on. Jeno opens his eyes and watches as you get lost looking and playing with his rings. You shyly smile at him and go back to looking at his rings when a figure catches your eye.
Giselle was walking over and you quietly tapped Jeno’s arm to signal him. He opens his eyes and lets out a soft hum. He looks up and sees her in front of the both of you. The conversation died down as everyone looked at her.
“Can I get a hit?” She asks, looking Jeno straight in the eye. He sits up and squeezes your waist tighter.
“It’s not mine, don’t ask me.” He says and looks at Jaemin.
Jaemin shrugs his shoulders and hands out the blunt to her. She smiles and sits down next to Jeno and you. You roll your eyes at her and go to stand up but Jeno’s hold on you gets tighter. You turn to look at him but he shakes head. He places his chin back onto your shoulder.
“I’m comfortable.” He whispers in your ear and you giggle softly while he laughs.
Giselle looks at you two with a nasty look before hitting the blunt again. Yunjin and Mina look at each other with a roll of their eyes.
“What’s your name?” Giselle asks, looking straight at you. You turn to look at her and plaster a fake smile.
“Yn.” You say and she softly laughs.
“You don’t smoke?” She asks again and you shake your head no.
“Oh, I thought you did because Jeno likes girls who smoke.” She says with a raise of her eyebrows.
You know she’s trying to rile you up and you hate that it’s working. Jeno sighs and opens his eyes to look at her again. He releases you from his grasp and you take that as a sign to get up from his hold.
“Let’s go.” He says and grabs your hand in his again. You shyly take it and look at Yunjin who gets up as well.
“This was fun Hyuck, but I think it’s time for us to go.” She says and holds onto Jaemin as he gets up too.
You wave bye to everyone and walk out of the house with Jeno, Yunin, and Jaemin. Giselle gals at your figure disappearing and scoffs.
“It was just a joke, jeez. What’s their problem?” She asks and takes another hit of the blunt.
Mina scowls at her as she gets up to leave with Mark.
‘You know what the problem is, bitch.” She says angrily and the two of them walk off.
You and Jeno were walking into the direction of your apartment. The chilly air was blowing against your skin and you shiver. He notices and stops walking to take his jacket off. He places them around your shoulders and smiles at you.
You thank him and he grabs your hand to continue the walk. Unbeknownst to you both Jaemin was taking pictures of you two with a big grin on his face.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Yunjin says softly with a giggle and pushes his hand away.
He laughs and puts his phone back into his pocket before grabbing her hand. The four of you finally made it to your guys' shared apartment. Jeno walked you to your room and sat you down on your bed. He kneels down to take your boots off. Your head was pounding so hard you lay down against your pillows.
After he was finished he looked at you fast asleep on your bed. He smiles softly and bends down. He places a quick kiss to your head and whispers a soft “Good night.” before walking out of your room.
“You good to drive?” Jaemin asks and he nods his head.
He takes the keys from Jaemin and the both of them walk out of the apartment to head back to their dorm. Jaemin noticed the way Jeno's lips curved up into a smile. He noticed the way Jeno’s eyes lit up every time he looked at you. He noticed lots of things in his friend that he hasn’t seen in a long time. He smiles softly at his friend who continues the drive home.
You woke up the next morning, still in your clothes from last night and your makeup half rubbed off. You walk over to the bathroom to remove your makeup and shower when you notice Jeno’s jacket around you. You smile and go to grab your phone.
you left your jacket - princess
i left it on purpose ;) - Jeno Lee
You smile and heart his message before getting ready to remove your makeup.
It’s been a week since you started classes and safe to say, you were not expecting that much work within the first week. It was finally Friday and you just got back to your apartment. Yunjin didn’t have any classes today so she was already home.
“Are you done packing already?” You ask as you walk into her room.
“Yeah. Are you?” She asks and you shake your head no.
Jaemin had a beach house and he invited you all over for the weekend to destress from the first week of school.
“I’m too tired to pack.” You say and she laughs. “Well you better hurry up, They’re meeting here at 2.” She says and you groan.
“That’s in like 2 hours.” You say and she nods her head.
“Yeah, so hurry up. Princess.” She teases you and you hit her gently.
“Shut up! Don’t call me that.” You say laughing and she laughs as well.
“Just go pack.” She says and you laugh before walking to your room to pack for the weekend.
You were only going to be gone until Sunday so you packed 2 bikinis, a few pairs of jeans and sweats, and a few baby cropped tees. You walk over to your undergarments drawer when Jeno’s leather jacket catches your eye.
You smile thinking about the memory last weekend and walk up to it. You grab it and fold it up to put in your bag so you could give it back to him. You tried to give it back to him earlier but he kept trying to push it off, claiming that he had other ones to wear.
You place it into your bag and grab new undergarments to pack. Lastly, you packed your makeup and skincare into a smaller bag and placed it into your duffel bag. After zipping it up you change into comfortable clothes.
You changed into your black one piece spandex and grabbed a white cropped sweater that falls off your left shoulder perfectly. You put a pair of fuzzy white socks on and slipped your feet into your UGG platform slippers. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smiled before grabbing your bag and walking out into the living room.
You had makeup on already from school so you just touched it up a little bit. You wanted to look cute since you were going to be riding with Jeno. Jaemin and Yunjin were taking Mark and Mina, while Haechan and Renjun brought along their other two friends.
“They’re here.” Yunjin says and you grab your bag and place the strap around your right shoulder.
“Let’s go!” You say and walk out of the apartment first. Yunjin locked up the apartment before following you down to where everyone else was.
You notice Jeno’s black 2023 Mercedes Benz C-Class first. You smile and wave at him as he opens the trunk and grabs your bag from you. You open up your bag and pull his jacket out from it and hand it to him.
He smiles and takes the jacket from you and places it in his trunk as well. He closes the trunk and you walk over to the passenger side door and get inside the car. He gets in the car as well and waits for Jaemin to take off first.
“Are you excited?” He asks and you squeal.
“Yes! I need a break from school.” You say and he laughs.
“It’s barely been a week.” He says and you giggle.
“Yeah but the classes are so hard.” You say and he softly laughs.
“Who’s coming with Haechan and Renjun?” You ask and he looks over at you.
“Our other friends, you haven’t met them yet. Their names are Chenle and Jisung. They’re a bit younger than us.” He says and you nod your head.
He pulls out something from the back seat and gives it to you. It’s a small velvet box. Furrowing your eyebrows you look at him.
“What is it?” You ask softly and giggle.
“Just open it.” He says and you do as he says.
Inside was a thick metal ring adorned with jewels. It was the same one he had on middle finger. You gasp and pull it out from the box, bringing it closer to you so you can inspect it.
“You liked playing with mine so much, I figured I’d just buy you one." He says sheepishly and you smile at him.
“Oh my god, Jeno! It’s so beautiful, thank you.” You say and slip it on your middle finger on your left hand, exactly where it was on Jeno’s finger.
You lift your hand to show him and he laughs at the placement of your ring. Excitedly, you take out your phone and grab his hand to place yours on top. Snapping a quick picture of your guys hands together with the rings on display. You smile in satisfaction and show him.
“Send it to me.” He says and smiles.
You nod your head and quickly pull up his contact to send the picture to him. He looks over at your phone and sees his contact saved as ‘Jeno Lee.’ He scoffs and grabs your phone from your hands.
“Hey!” You exclaim and try to get it back but he pushes your hand away.
He changes his name to ‘jen’ and saves it before handing your phone back to you. You laugh once you see his contact name and look at him.
“What’s my name saved as?” You ask with a smile on your face.
He pulls out his phone and goes to your contact before turning his phone around and showing you. You stare at the ‘princess’ and laugh, pushing his shoulder away.
“You’re annoying.” You say and he laughs before charging his phone.
“You got your nails done?” He asks, grabbing your hands to inspect your nails closely.
You recently got them done with Yunjin and Mina. They were a nude pink color with glitter and charms adorned around them. You nod your head as he plays with the butterfly charm on your middle finger.
“I wanted to make them pretty.” You say and he softly laughs.
You look out the window and notice Jaemin’s car leaving. Jeno lets go of your hand and puts his car in reverse to follow them.
“Can you GPS the way just in case we get separated?” He asks and you nod your head before grabbing his phone.
“Password?” You ask and he quickly says the password code before you click on the group chat with the 10 of you.
You click on the address that Jaemin sent earlier this week and it starts showing the map on Jeno’s dashboard. You swipe out of the app and go to his Spotify. You look through his playlist and find one titled ‘Princess.’ Smiling, you click on it and see that it’s all Cigarettes After Sex songs. You click on ‘Sunsetz’ and the song begins to play. Jeno lets out a laugh at the song choice and shakes his head.
After a two hour car ride, you and Jeno finally arrive at the house. Jeno parks his car and you undo your seatbelt. Stepping out of the car, you walk towards the trunk and grab your bag. He follows you and grabs his bag as well.
The two of you walk inside the beach house and notice how big it was. It was squeaky clean like a brand new house. You walk through the house, looking in awe at how beautiful it was. After you finished looking at it, everyone was gathered in the living room.
“So there’s 5 rooms, everyone is going to have to share a room.” Jaemin says and grabs his girlfriend’s hand.
“Me and Yunjin, Mark and Mina, Jeno and Yn, Haechan and Renjun, and Jisung and Chenle.” Jaemin finishes and everyone nods their head in agreement.
“Every room is available besides the master bedroom, that’s where Yunjin and I will sleep.” He says and you and Jeno rush to get the best room.
You open the door and squeal when you look inside. There was a beautiful balcony with a view of the beach right outside. You were in awe of the balcony that you barely noticed the one bed but when you did your eyes widened.
You’re sharing one bed with Jeno. You look over to him and he laughs at your expression. He walks over to you and looks out the window with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, I’ll behave.” He says and walks to the bed to set his bag down. You awkwardly laugh and play it off.
“I’m not worried at all.” You say and shake your head.
Jeno raises his eyebrows at your lie and smirks before sitting on the bed. You go to place your bag on the bed as well when Jeno grabs your wrist and pulls you down onto the bed. His body hovering over yours causing his necklaces to dangle in front of you.
You eyes widen and you try to get up from his grasp but he pins your arms down above your head. He smirks and laughs at you before getting up and letting go of you.
“Not worried at all, my ass.” He says and chuckles. You sit up and huff at him.
“Shut up. You just caught me off guard.” You lie again.
He lets out an amused smile and nods his head knowing the truth. You get up to unzip your bag and grab your makeup bag to put on the desk table in the corner of the room. After doing that, you walk out into the kitchen to help Mina and Yunjin prepare the meat so Jamein can barbecue it.
Jeno sat on the bed and pulled his phone out. He looks at the photo you sent him and stares at it for a second before saving it and going to Instagram. He clicks on the photo and puts ‘Sunsetz’ as the music background before posting it.
He smiles looking at the finished product and turns his phone off before joining the rest of you guys in the kitchen. He can hear your laugh and it brings a smile to his face again. He walks outside and over to Jaemin who's preparing the grill and helps him.
You were washing the rice when Yunjin let out a gasp. You and Mina turn to look at her and she squeals before showing her phone to you guys. The picture that you just took earlier today blaring through her phone. You widen your eyes and clear your throat.
“That’s you right?” Mina asks while looking at you with a shocked face.
“No.” You shake your head and try to lie but the two of them smirk.
“Yn, we all got our nails done together.” Yunjin says and grabs your left hand to match the nails and the ring to the picture.
“Oh my god! Are you guys dating?” Mina asks excitingly and you shake your head.
“No we aren’t. I don’t even know what we are.” You say and Yunjin pouts at your words.
“Do you like him?” She asks and you sigh before nodding your head.
“But, I know that he’s not over whatever happened with Giselle so it’s impossible.” You say placing the bowl into the rice cooker.
Mina and Yunjin pout before walking over to you. They both hug you to comfort you and you smile at them.
“I’m okay, I promise.” You say and the two of them look at each other before looking back at you. They let go of you and the three of you continue to prepare the food.
After Jaemin finished grilling the meat, everyone was sitting outside enjoying the food and the weather. You were sitting in between Mina and Jeno. The latter’s Instagram story is still reeling in your mind. Why did he even post that? What was he trying to do when he posted it? 
You looked over at him laughing along to something Haechan said, you didn’t bother to pay attention to the conversation. Jaemin must’ve caught you staring because next thing you know you feel a kick on your leg. 
You looked across to him and he smiled while raising his eyebrows teasingly. You shake your head and laugh. 
“I just spaced out.” You say, trying to defend yourself. 
“Sure you did.” Jaemin teases and you flip him off jokingly. 
The conversations continue until Haechan screams and runs away from Jeno who's chasing him. You laugh at them and sip on your water. Setting the glass down, you start playing with the ring on your middle finger. Twisting it around to help distract yourself.
“That’s a nice ring.” Mark says with a smirk.  
“Oh, thanks. It was a gift.” You say and smile while he slightly laughs. 
“From who?” He asks again, leaning closer to get a good look at you. 
“Um, I forgot.” You lie and take a sip of your water. 
Mark laughs at you again and goes to say something but Mina nudging him makes him stop talking. You slightly scoff and go back to eating when Jeno sits back down. He goes to grab his glass of water but it’s empty. 
He looks over at yours and grabs it before drinking out from it. He sets the glass back down where it was and smiles at you. You don’t say anything as you continue to eat the meat that Jaemin barbequed. 
As everyone finished eating, you started cleaning up along with Mina and Yunjin. You gathered up the dirty plates and put them in the sink while the other two went to retrieve more dirty dishes. You started washing the dishes when Jaemin came over to help you. 
“Oh, it’s okay Jaemin. I got it.” You say and he waves off your comment. 
“It’s fine.” He says and starts rinsing the soapy dishes.
“Anything you wanna talk about?” You ask, hoping to ease the conversation. 
“Not really.” He says while looking at you causing you to laugh slightly. 
“How do you like the friend group so far?” He asks. 
“Oh, you guys are really fun. It’s very different from my friend group back at home." You say and continue to wash the dishes. 
“How so?” Jaemin inquires. 
“Well, for starters there’s not a lot of us in the friend group. There’s only four of us and we didn’t really hang out with guys. I mean, we did, but they weren’t part of our immediate friend group.” You explain and he nods. 
“Do you ever miss home?” He asks and you sigh quietly. 
“I do. But, at the same time it’s good to have new experiences so I’m really glad I came over here for college.” You say with a smile. 
“I see why Yunjin likes you so much.” Jaemin says and laughs. 
“What do you mean?” You ask and laugh as well. 
“You guys are just so alike. You always want to see the good in things, even in people.” He says and you laugh again. 
“Like you?” You tease and he glares at you playfully. 
“I wasn't that bad.” He defends and you laugh. 
“Yeah right. You turned from this playboy who slept around to being in a fully committed relationship.” You say and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“Maybe I was just waiting for the right person to come along.” He says and looks over at you. You just nod your head at his answer and he almost groans in frustration.
How could you not understand that he was also talking about you and Jeno. You both were the most dense people he’s ever met. Of course he and his girlfriend gossip about you guys- you’re her roommate and Jeno’s his best friend for Christ's sake. 
He knew you liked his friend, Yunjin told him. And, he knew that his friend liked you as well, even if he didn’t want to admit it. The way that Jeno acted around you was different than how he was around any other girl, even Giselle. 
Jeno cares for you in more ways than one. Like when he gave you his jacket, or when he was holding your hand, or protecting you from Giselle, or buying you a ring, or posting you on his public social media account for goodness sakes. 
After finishing up the dishes, you changed into your bikini to go swimming in the pool. Walking out onto the deck you placed your towel on the chair before jumping into the water. The coolness of it relaxes your tense body. 
You swam alone for about five minutes until you heard the door open and close. Looking over, you find Jeno walking towards the pool in nothing but his black swimming trunks - matching your black bikini. You smile slightly and continue swimming when he gets in. 
“Didn’t find you in the room.” He says and you laugh. 
“I just wanted to clear my mind a bit.” You reply while swimming to him. 
“Something wrong?” He asks and you shake your head immediately. 
“No, nothing’s wrong.” You say and he stares at you. 
He knows that you’re lying, whenever you lie you always avert your eyes and press your lips together. He walks closer to you and backs you up against the wall of the pool. 
“Jeno.” You softly say but he cuts you off by placing his hands around your thighs. 
You whimper quietly as he places your legs around his waist. His dark eyes staring abc into yours and you have to bite your tongue to not release a moan. 
“Jeno.” You say quietly and he brings his face closer to you. 
“Hm?” He asks and you try to avert your eyes but he stops you. 
“Look at me.” He says and you listen to him. 
You look into his eyes and say nothing. He leans down further and starts pressing butterfly kisses on your neck. You let out a soft whimper before biting your lip. 
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He says before kissing your neck again. He makes his way up to your jaw and starts placing kisses there as well. 
You grip his shoulders tightly as you try to answer him but you couldn’t think of any words. Your mind was hazy, trying to tell him what was bothering you. You let another whimper when he harshly sucks on your neck, leaving a mark there. He pulls back and smiles devilishly at the mark he left before placing one last kiss on it. 
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll stop.” He says and you whimper again while shaking your head. 
“I can’t- I can’t concentrate if you do that.” You admit and he softly chuckles. 
He pulls back fully and looks into your eyes, his eyes begging for you to answer him. With a sigh, you look away from him and close your eyes before opening them and speaking. 
“What are we?” You ask and he furrows his brows. 
“What do you mean?” He asks for clarification. 
“I mean what are we? Why are you buying me gifts and acting like you’re my boyfriend when you’re not.” You say and feel your eyes getting teary. 
“I don’t like feeling like this Jeno. I don’t like feeling like the second option.” You say and he puts your legs down to hold your waist and bring you closer. 
“What do you mean it feels like a second choice?” He asks and you sigh again. 
“The first night we met and you slept in my room. You called me Giselle and begged for me to not leave you.” You admit and sniffle. 
Jeno shushes you and brings your head into his chest. After you calmed down a bit, he pulled back and looked at you again. 
“I promise, I’m over her. I don’t know why I said that, it was probably because Jaemin asked me about the situation and seeing her again… it was just too much for me.” He explains and cups your face into his hands. 
“I would never hurt you, princess.” He says and you whimper at the pet name. He chuckles at your response and brings his face closer to yours. 
“Can I kiss you.” 
You nod your head and that’s all Jeno needs before he crashes his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and tasted like mint. You followed his rhythm while wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands go lower to your butt and cups them, earning a moan from you. 
He smiles at the sound and pulls away from you to place kisses on your neck once again. “Jeno.” You moan his name, and he smiles into your neck. 
He smiles at the sound and pulls away from you to place kisses on your neck once again. “Jeno.” You moan his name and he smiles into your neck. 
“We should head inside.” You say unwrapping yourself from him. 
He nods his head at your suggestion and lets go of your waist. You slowly back away from him and smile shyly before turning around to walk out of the pool. He stares at your ass as you walk out and lets out a groan. 
“Do you have to look so hot walking out of the pool?” He retorts to you and you turn to flip him off jokingly before grabbing your towel and wrapping it around your body. 
He steps out of the pool as well and grabs his towel. You wait for him to dry himself off before the two of you walk back inside the house. A shy smile adorned your face the whole time. You still didn’t know what you and Jeno were, but at least you knew that he was completely over Giselle. 
You walk into your room and grab your skincare as well as a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom to shower. Slowly, you took off your clothes and stepped into the shower. The hot water burns your skin but that’s how you liked your showers. 
You lathered your rose scented shampoo into your hands before thoroughly applying it into your hair. You couldn’t help but think about what just happened. Your heart was bursting just remembering the kiss. You felt like a teenage girl experiencing some kind of first love. 
You softly giggled at your thoughts as you finished your shower. Stepping out of the tub, you reached over to a new towel to dry your body and apply some moisturizer on your face. As you rubbed the moisturizer between your hands, you glanced at the ring on your middle finger and smiled again. 
After changing into your pajamas (a pair of blue loose sweats and a white cropped tank top), you blow dried your hair. Once you were done, you walked out of the bathroom and into your shared room with Jeno. He was laying on the bed, having finished his shower earlier than you. 
He smiled and watched as you put your things away. He shuts off his phone and places it on the nightstand next to where he’s sleeping. You walk over to the bed and lift the covers up so you could slide in next to him. 
“Hi.” You softly say to him and he shortly laughs before greeting you back. 
“How was your shower?” He asks and you snuggle into the pillow. 
“It was relaxing, how was yours?” He turns his body to face you. 
“Good, I feel clean.” He replies and you stare into his eyes. 
Hesitantly, you bring your pointer finger up and trace his facial features. You traced over his eyebrows and nose before making your way to his mole under his eye. He laughs and his eyes turn into those little crescent moons that you love so much. 
“I love your eyes.” You say and trace over his eyelashes. 
“I like when they turn into moons when you smile.” You say and he laughs before grabbing your hand and placing it on his chest. 
You can feel his heartbeat, it was speeding up. You chuckle softly and look at him with your eyebrows raised. 
“My heart does that every time I think about you.” He softly says and you nuzzle your face into your pillow, getting shy. 
“Stop it.” You say and giggle. 
‘It’s the truth.” He says and brings your hand to his lips. 
He places a chaste kiss onto the back of your hand before placing it back onto his chest. 
“When we get back home, would you like to go on a date with me?” He asks, staring straight into your eyes. 
You nod your head and your lips curl up into a smile. “I would love to.” 
You lift your head up from the pillow and Jeno opens his arms to let you embrace him. His arms wrap securely around your figure and he sighs in content. 
“Goodnight, Jen.” You say to him and nuzzle in closer to his body. 
“Sweet dreams, princess.” He says and places a quick kiss onto your head before nuzzling into it. 
The both of you stay in that position all night long. His heartbeat and touch brought a sense of comfort to you and you didn’t ever want to let go of that feeling. Meanwhile, the boy next you was feeling the exact same way. 
Jeno wakes up the next morning reaching for your body only to be disappointed when he opens his eyes and realizes you’re not there. He rubs the sleepiness from his eyes and gets out of bed. 
Making his way to the kitchen, he’s greeted by the sight of you cutting up some fruit. You were so focused on cutting the watermelon that you didn’t hear him approach you. You slightly panic when you feel arms wrap around you from behind but once you recognize the rings, you instantly smile. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You say to him and he grumbles in response. 
He places his chin on your shoulder and looks over at the watermelon that you’re currently cutting up. 
“That looks good." He comments and you giggle softly. 
“Do you want a piece?” You softly ask and feel his head nod on your shoulder. 
You grab a piece that you’ve already cut up and raise it to his lips. He opens up and eats the fruit from your hands. 
“Yummy?” You ask and he nods his head again in response. 
The conversation dies down after that. Occasionally, you would feed him pieces of fruit while he gladly ate them. Once you cut up enough fruit for all of you guys to enjoy, you turn around in his embrace to look at him. 
He smiles at you and leans in closer. He closes his eyes, going in for a kiss but you’re quicker. You shove a piece of strawberry into his mouth and he grumbles. 
“Someone might walk in.” You say softly and he shakes his head. 
“I don’t care. Let them see.” He says and leans in again. 
You shriek and escape from his grasp with the bowl of fruit in your hands. 
“Go wash up.” You tell him and he grumbles softly before walking into the bathroom. 
Today, you were all going to the beach and having a bonfire night. You put sunscreen, sunglasses and two towels in your bag, one for you and one for Jeno. After packing up the bag, you walk over to your duffel bag and pull out your baby pink bikini. 
After changing into it, your hickey was on display for everyone to see, so you looked into your bag for an oversized shirt. Jeno walks in just at that moment and whistles at you. You stand up from where you’re bending over and roll your eyes at him. 
“What are you looking for, princess?” He walks closer to you and you sigh. 
“I’m looking for an oversize shirt to wear over my bikini, but I don’t think I packed any.” You pout and he laughs before unzipping his duffel bag. 
He digs through his bag and pulls out a gray t-shirt. He looks at it for a second before walking over you and handing it to you. 
“Here you go.” He says and smiles when you grab it. 
You slip it on and look at yourself in the mirror. His shirt barely covered your ass but at least you were more covered than before. 
“Thanks, Jen.” You say and turn to place a quick kiss on his cheek which makes him blush. 
He waits for you to grab your bag before holding his hand out for you. You take his hand in yours and the both of you walk to the beach, catching up with the rest of your friends. 
You were sitting on the big beach towel with Mina and Yunjin and catching up on last night’s events. 
“I knew it!” Yunjin squeals and pulls you into her embrace. 
You laugh and pat her back while observing the boys play in the water. Haechan was on Mark’s shoulder, Chenle on Jeno’s, and Jisung on Jaemin’s while Renjun was the referee. They were playing chicken fight and trying to knock each other off. 
You grabbed your phone and quickly took photos of Jeno just for you to keep before taking pictures of the three of you. After spending about 3 hours in the sun, you all agreed that it was time to go back to the house. 
Once everyone was back, they all went to their separate rooms, tired from their beach day. You quickly washed your feet before slipping into bed with Jeno for a nap. Jeno’s arms were around you and he had that devilish smirk he always has on. 
He sits up and lays on top of you, his necklace dangling over you. He slides his shirt over his head and  you widen your eyes and try to stop him but he pins your hands above your head. He leans in and starts placing kisses on your jaw before going lower. 
You softly moan and try to break free from his grip, wanting to touch him. He slightly chuckles before releasing your hands. Instantly, they travel to his hair and you slightly pull on it. He sucks particularly hard on your soft spot and you let out a loud moan. 
“Quiet, princess. We don’t want everyone hearing you do we?” He says to you with his head tilted as if he was mocking you. 
You whimper and bite your bottom lip to keep the noises from coming out. His hands teasingly run up and down the sides of your torso. 
“Jeno.” You softly whisper and he chuckles. 
“I know, baby. You gotta be patient okay? Can you do that for me?” He asks, looking into your eyes and you nod your head. 
“Good girl.” He says and his fingers slowly go towards the waistband of your shorts. 
Your belly button piercing on display for him to see and he groans at the sight of it glimmering underneath him. He pushes his fingers against your core teasingly which draws out a whimper from you. 
“Take it off please.” You beg and he almost cums at how whiny you sound. He slowly pulls your shorts down and sees the growing wet spot on your pink lacy panties. 
“You’re such a slut.” He degrades and you whine from his usage of words. 
“M’ not.” You defend and writhe underneath him. 
“No?” He asks teasingly before sliding a finger in between your folds through your panties. 
“Jeno.” You moan loudly at the contact and he brings his hands over your lips to muffle the noises. 
“Quiet baby.” He says and removes his hands from your mouth while leaning into your neck. 
‘You’re so wet, princess. Who are you so wet for huh?” He asks while sliding your panties down to your thighs. 
Your glistening folds make his dick grow even more and he can’t help himself. He slides his finger through your folds teasingly as you try to contain your moans. Your hands go around to his back and grip him tightly. He slips a finger into your hole and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You moan loudly at the feeling of his fingers inside of you, not answering his question. Jeno groans at your lack of answering and rips your panties off your body. You gasp as you hear the tearing of fabric.
“Jeno! Those were my favorite.” You say and he darkly chuckles. 
He moves one of his hands from your waist to your neck. His grip tightens and you gasp at the feeling of your airway being blocked. 
“You answer me when I ask you a question, princess.” He says seductively and stops pumping his fingers into you.
You whine at the loss of friction and he squints his eyes at you before pulling out completely. 
“No.” You quietly whimper out and Jeno tightens his grip around your neck even more. 
“Answer me.” He growls and you can feel your heat getting wetter. 
“You!” You say, trying your best to get the words out. 
He smirks and brings his lips back onto yours. His grip gets even tighter making you feel light headed from the loss of oxygen. He slowly lets go of your neck and pushes his finger into your heat again. You moan into his lips and he feels his cock getting harder. 
He pushes in another finger and you moan into his ear. “Jeno please!” You beg and he laughs cockily at you. He kisses your cheek before moving to your ear. 
“Please what, princess? What do you want?” He asks and you groan in frustration. 
“Please. Mphh… Want you inside me.” You say, whining when his fingers start to pump faster and harder into you. 
“Jeno! M’ gonna cum!” You babble and he groans into your ear. 
“C’mon princess, cum all over my fingers. I know you can do it. You’ve been such a good girl.” He says and edges you on even more. 
Your moans grow progressively louder and Jeno has to clamp his hands over your mouth again to muffle them. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten before it breaks. You finish with a loud moan that’s muffled but he doesn’t stop his ministrations. He moves his fingers even faster causing you to try to push him away. 
“Jeno! M’ sensitive!” You muffle out, gripping his arm hoping that he’ll remove his fingers but he doesn't. 
He grabs your hands and pins them against the bed again. He licks a stripe up your neck and sucks harshly again, leaving a trail of his marks starting from your ear all the way down to your chest. 
“Jeno, I’m gonna-” You're interrupted when a second orgasm washes over you and you let out a shrilling moan, hoping that no one was awake to hear. 
"That's it baby.” He says and slowly pulls his fingers from your heat. 
You babble and hum out incoherent words as you try to catch your breath. He pushes his shorts past his dick and gets on his knees. You look at his angry red tip. He was so huge and you gasp as you try to squirm away from him. 
“Jeno, I can’t.” You attempt to say through heaving breaths but he just laughs and grips your thighs to bring you back closer to him. 
“Yes you can, baby. I know you can take it." He says and spreads your legs further apart. He lines up his tip with your entrance. He lets out a quiet groan when he feels your gummy walls around him. 
You bite your lip to not let you moans out as you feel his bare dick inside you and you try to catch your breath. He was so much bigger than you expected. The stretch was too painful as he quickly pushed himself all the way in. He was bigger than anything you’ve ever taken before.
“S’ too big.” You mewl out and he laughs. 
You were fueling his ego even more and you didn’t even know it. 
“I know, baby. I know.” He says and stays still for a bit so you can get used to his size. After a minute, you nod your head and give him the green light. 
He pulls out and slams himself back into you causing you to put your hands over your mouth. You chant his name in your hands like a mantra and that only fuels him more. 
He starts thrusting inside you harder, faster, and deeper. You quickly wrap your hands around him and shove your face into his neck. He was reaching places that you didn’t even know existed. Your vision was so blurry, you felt like you were seeing stars. Your freshly done nails scratched against his back and biceps. 
“I can feel you, baby. You’re almost there.” He says into your ear and you nod your head. His grip on your hips were so tight, you were sure there were going to be bruises tomorrow. 
‘C’mon baby, cum. Cream all over my dick.” He says raspily into your ears and that’s all you need before the knot comes undone, creaming all over his cock. He groans at the sight and chases after his own orgasm. 
He finishes inside of you and leans his head into your neck. He places kisses all over the marks he left on your body. You smile and run your fingers through his hair. Giggling, you pull his head away from your neck and place a quick kiss on his lips. 
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours. He breathes you in deeply with you doing the same. The smile never leaves both of your faces. Your tummy was so warm with his cock buried inside, you didn't want him to pull away. 
However he does and you wince at the loss of him. His cum leaks out of your whole and he reaches down to push it back in. 
“Jeno!” You yelp and he laughs before sliding his finger out. 
“Didn’t want it to go to waste.” He says while looking at his art work. Your core was throbbing with spurts of white escaping and he felt himself getting hard again but he knew you couldn’t go on anymore. 
He grabs his discredited shirt off the floor and wipes at your core before grabbing another pair of panties from your bag. He slides it up your thighs and places a kiss over them before pulling his own shorts and boxers up. 
You get up from the bed to go pee before getting back into bed with him. He wraps his arms around you again as you lay close to him. You sigh blissfully as he places his head in between your boobs. He gets a perfect view of your neck covered in his marks from there and smirks. Your hands go to his hair and you start playing with it. Sooner or later the both of you pass out from exhaustion. 
Your eyes flutter open as you look around for Jeno but he is nowhere to be found. The sunlight from earlier is now gone. You get out of bed and change into a pair of sweats. You knew it was a bit chilly outside since you could see the tree leaves swaying back and forth. 
You go to Jeno’s bag and pull out a black hoodie. Quickly slipping it on, you walk outside to the bonfire where everyone is sitting. You walk up to Jeno who gestures for you to sit on him. You sit down on his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He passes the blunt to Jaemin before wrapping his arms around you. 
“Do you want a drink, Yn?” Jisung asks and hands you a cup filled with jungle juice. You slightly thank him before taking a sip. 
“Good?” The man under you asks and you nod your head at him. 
He glances at your hoodie and notices that it’s his. He doesn’t say anything but he smiles at the thought of you wearing his clothes again. 
You watch the fire as everyone around you engages in their own conversations. Looking around, you catch Jaemin looking at you and Jeno. He brings his hands up and gives you a thumbs up which causes you to laugh slightly. 
You look back down to Jeno to find him already staring at you. He slightly chuckles and intertwines your hands together. You smile sheepishly and he can’t help but to plant a kiss on your cheek. You gasp and hit his shoulder lightly with your free hand while he laughs. 
You pull your phone out from your (his) hoodie pocket and furrow your eyebrows when you see that Giselle started following you on Instagram. Quietly, you show it to Jeno who rolls his eyes. 
“Just block her, that’s what I did.” He says and you nod your head but you don’t actually do it. You just turn your phone off. 
Unfortunately time flew by too fast and you found yourself in class 3 months later. Your professor was rambling on about something that you could care less about. You looked at the clock and let out a breath of relief when you noticed that there was only 5 minutes left of class. 
Quietly, you start packing up your bag and shutting down your laptop. Just as you finish packing, the professor dismisses you guys while talking about the assignment due next week. You jump out of your seat as soon as she’s done talking and quickly walk out. 
Your phone pings and you look at it while walking. 
we’re waiting for you baby -jen
okay, coming! :) -princess 
You quickly speed up and walk over to the parking lot where everyone was gathered around their cars. You happily skip to Jeno who’s leaning against the hood of his car. His arms open wide as he waits for you to embrace him. 
He groans when you throw your arms around his neck and smiles. 
“Missed you.” He says and squeezes you tighter to him. 
“You just saw me this morning.” You say with a giggle and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“I always miss you.” He admits and kisses you quickly on the lips. 
Jeno and you finally made it official a few weeks ago after “talking” for two months. You guys were on a date like usual only this time you guys were walking in the park and enjoying the first snowfall of the season. 
“I love the snow.” You say, smiling wildly as you catch a falling snow in your hand. 
Jeno observes the way your eyes light up as you bring it closer to your face to inspect it. He felt his heartbeat fasten and he knew he had to ask you right then and there. He tugs on your hand that he was holding and you look up at him. 
What’s wrong?” You ask as you stare into his eyes. 
Jeno inhales sharply before looking at you. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks quickly and your eyes widen. 
You softly let out a laugh and wrap your arms around him and he reciprocates. You pull away and plant a kiss onto his lips before pulling away and squealing with a “Yes!” 
He laughs at your reaction and brings you in closer. His hand going to cradle your head as he connects both of your lips together again. 
Your arms go to his waist as you hold him tightly while kissing him back. He pulls away and you nuzzle your head into his chest. His arms squeeze and pull you in closer. The snowfall started falling harder but you both didn’t care. You stood there in each other’s embrace as the snow hit the ground.
“Let’s go.” Jaemin says and the eight of you pile into the cars to head over to lunch. Jeno opens the passenger door for you and you quickly get in before he closes it and rushes over to the driver’s seat. He gets in and places his hand on your thigh. 
You smile and grab his hand that’s on yours before he reverses his car and pulls out of the parking lot. Jeno wasn’t in your plans when you first arrived but you’re so glad he meddled his way into your life. As you look over at him, you smile and press a kiss to his cheek which makes me smile. 
His eyes make those cute little crescent moons that you love so damn much. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses the back of it before placing your hands back into your lap. You fell hard for Jeno and you still continue to fall hard for him. 
No amount of measurements could measure how happy you feel right now. If falling for someone felt this good, you would’ve done it a long time ago. But then again, maybe it only feels good because it’s Lee Jeno you’re falling for. 
Thank you So much for reading my first ever fic! I spent so much time planning and rewriting this, but I'm glad to finally have it out for you guys to read. Sending you lots of love and kisses!
xoxo, jenoroyals
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chlorinecake · 12 days
ᅟᅟᅟ❚❘❙❘ ✙ ✦ 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 | 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓
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ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ | 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 | ->
1. Please proceed with caution before reading or browsing through the following stories, and at all costs, REFRAIN FROM INTERACTING if you are (a.) underage, or (b.) easily triggered by any of the themes featured in my post lineup.
2. This is my first time participating in 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 as a writer, and I’m so excited to share my work with you guys !!With that in mind, the order in which these fics are listed (by date) are subject to change at any time, but I’ll try my best to stay organized and consistent with uploading !!
ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ | 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 | ->
STRAY KIDS: 「 Bangchan — Hyunjin 」
ENHYPEN: 「 Heeseung — Jungwon 」
RIIZE: 「 Shotaro — Anton 」
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ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ | 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | ->
[1] • A SUCKER FOR THE TASTE starring Heeseung ↳ Cunnilingus + Overstimulation Kink GENRE: smut, fluff, newlyweds au
[2] • YOU’RE RIGHT, BABY starring Bangchan ↳ Breeding Kink + Breathplay GENRE: smut, fiancé au
[3] • TADAIMA starring Shotaro ↳ Sex Toys + Voyeurism Kink GENRE: smut, strangers to lovers, set in japan
[4] • BITE ME ‘TIL IT HURTS starring Jay ↳ Biting + Marking Kink GENRE: smut, vampire au
[5] • SOMETHING TO HANG ONTO starring Minho ↳ Somnophilia Kink + Dry Humping + Temperature Play GENRE: smut, crack, friends with benefits, roommates au
[6] • NO GUIDANCE starring Eunseok ↳ Size Kink + Dirty Talk GENRE: smut
[7] • RABBIT HOLE starring Jake ↳ Humiliation Kink + Light BDSM + Dubcon GENRE: smut
[8] • KEEP STILL, BABY starring Changbin ↳ Titty Fixation + Sensory Deprivation GENRE: smut, late night sex
[9] • HURTS, DOESN’T IT? starring Sungchan ↳ Impact Play + Giggly Sex GENRE: smut, halloween party au
[10] • DON’T WAKE DAD starring Sunghoon ↳ Stepcest Kink + Manhandling GENRE: smut
[11] • This Is How Much IDGAF starring Hyunjin ↳ Degrading Kink + Orgasm Denial GENRE: smut
[12] • SLOW DOWN starring Wonbin ↳ Sex While Intoxicated + Hair Pulling Kink GENRE: smut, fluff, belated birthday special
[13] • me w/ the guy I told ppl I hate starring Sunoo ↳ Hate Sex + Cockwarming Kink GENRE: smut, crack, friends to enemies to lovers
[14] • STRAY KIDS with an insecure S/O ↳ Body Worship Kink + Comfort Sex GENRE: smut
[15] • LOVE ME BEFORE THE SUN RISES starring Seunghan ↳ Spit Kink + Edging + Guided Handjob GENRE: smut, fluff
[16] • ASSASSIN’S DESIRE starring Jungwon ↳ Dacryphilia Kink + Rough Sex GENRE: smut
[17] • SKZ: things they say and do during sex ↳ Dirty Talk + Praise Kink GENRE: smut
[18] • STRAWBERRY KISSES starring Sohee ↳ Praise Kink + Virginity Loss GENRE: smut, fluff
[19] • Incubus!Enhypen as The 7 Deadly Sins ↳ Spectrophilia GENRE: smut
[20] • LONG DISTANCE BF starring Hyunjin ↳ Thigh Riding + Choking Kink GENRE: smut
[21] • OUR PLACE IN THE STUDY HALL starring Anton ↳ Mutual Mastutabtion Kink + Sextape GENRE: smut, fluff, college au, tutor x classmate
[22] • PRETTY BOYS starring Jake and Jungwon ↳ Threesome + Bimbofication Kink GENRE:
[23] • Virgin RIIZE Headcanons ↳ Corruption Kink + Virginity Loss GENRE:
[24] • AS LONG AS I HAVE TO starring Heeseung ↳ Taboo Relationships + Manhandling Kink GENRE: smut, angst, college au, student x prof.
[25] • I COME ALIVE starring Riki ↳ Spooky Season Special ( SFW ) GENRE: suggestive, crack, supernatural au, crushes trope
[26] • ON THE CLOCK starring Enhypen OT6 ↳ Blowjobs + Cum-eating + Gag Kink GENRE:
[27] • Where RIIZE Likes to Fuck You ↳ Exhibition Kink + Quickies GENRE: smut
[28-31] • BLOOD ON ICE (revamped) starring Sunghoon ↳ Dubcon + Breeding Kink GENRE: smut, angst, ghost face yandere au
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ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ If anyone would like to be added to the permanent taglist for this event, feel free to leave a comment below or an ask in my inbox — Til then, happy reading !!
ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @squoxle @nishiimuranights @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @wonbinisbabygurl
Also, feel free to check out my main enhypen masterlist here !!
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anton-luvr · 11 months
riize reaction to reader's cats?
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⚝ bf!riize x fem!reader | fluff | bf au ⚝ note ; i'll be honest,, this one was kinda hard to write </3 but i hope u like it anon! thank u for requesting :) + reqs are open !
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# SHOTARO. - he's not the biggest fan of cats, but that immediately changed when he met your pet cats. he learns so much more about them and helps you take great care of them, often taking cute photos of them too. he keeps them all in a special album in his gallery titled 'our babies' <3 and like the fashionista he is, he'll definitely get your cats cute cat outfits too!!!
# EUNSEOK. - he's always been a dog person, so he wasn't very fond of your pet cats at first. but after spending days playing with them, watching tv with them, feeding them, and just being around them, he starts to get why you loved them so much. now, he'll even pitch in and help you bathe them. it's always a battle of chaos and the both of you end up drenched, but the laughter and smiles exchanged makes it all worth it.
# SUNGCHAN. - being the animal lover he is, the same goes for your cats. he loooves playing with them, and he's content with just watching them do whatever it is that cats do. he somehow manages to teach your cats tricks, and now your cats know how to pass you the tv remote and spin around like a ballerina. you don't really get the point of the tricks, but seeing sungchan's eyes light up with pride and joy is the prettiest thing you've ever seen, so you'll just let them be.
# WONBIN. - he is the ULTIMATE cat dad. you thought your cats loved you? wrong. they love wonbin. he does everything with them, carrying them in one arm while cooking dinner for the both of you with the other arm, falling asleep in bed with them all snuggled up in his arms, and playing together with cat toys for hours on end. he pets them softly as they eat, making sure they're well fed. he now saves your contact in his phone as 'cat mom' <3
# SEUNGHAN. - your cats are now also his cats. he takes care of them seriously, making sure they're always safe and healthy and happy, especially when you're not around. he even does research on cat food to pick the most nutritious one for them, and picking out cat toys that wouldn't cause any possible injuries. he only wants the best for your cats <3
# SOHEE. - they'll definitely have a love-hate relationship. he finds them adorable and so funny, but the scratches and hisses they throw at him sometimes makes him upset. you'll feel like you have actual children living in your apartment, having to break apart 'fights' where your cats wouldn't let go of sohee's cap and he was shouting for your help. but at the end of the day, they always make up and end up asleep together, sohee's arms protectively wrapped around your cats while they slept peacefully.
# ANTON. - like eunseok, he's a dog person. he's also lowkey scared of cats because they seem so intimidating sometimes... it'll take time for him to warm up to them. but once he does, they become the best of friends. anton takes cutes selfies with them, as well as filming a bunch of silly tiktoks. he even gets pictures of them made into custom stickers, placing them on his laptop, his phone case, and his headphones. they're family to him now.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
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starlightkun · 11 months
love bites ❧ teaser [sungchan]
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❧ teaser word count: 746 | full fic: 25.5k ❧ warnings: cursing, talking about like werewolf biting/marking and scenting and stuff, this is a werewolf fic either you’re into this stuff or you’re not lol ❧ genre: fluff, so incredibly fluffy and sweet it should’ve been a warning honestly, established relationship, modern magical creatures au, college au, werewolf sungchan, human reader, ft. siren shotaro, werewolf jeno & various magical neos, same universe as strawberry sunday, sequel to changer ❧ extra info: this is a sequel to changer! it cannot be read as a standalone, you must read changer first! this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe (aside from changer to this one), they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ author’s note: so this is technically the spiritual threequel (fourqual?) to my werewolf jeno fics (pupsick + abh) but you still don’t have to read those to understand this one at all! this is absolutely meant to be read by itself (after changer, ofc) ❧ estimated release: saturday, november 18, 2023 2:00 p.m. eastern time
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
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“So what were you so invested in on your phone?” Shotaro asked, cracking open a seaweed-infused sparkling tea drink popular with younger sirens. “You usually love Real Sirens.”
You popped the tab on your soda, taking a sip before answering. “I was doing some research, on what we were talking about earlier—”
“I thought you said there wasn’t a lot of research on half-werewolves.”
“Not a lot of scholarly research. But I found some people posting online about their own experiences either as half-werewolves themselves, or dating half-werewolves. About the scenting.” You explained, pausing to take a bite of your food. “And it seems like the general consensus is that most likely because their sense of smell isn’t as great as full werewolves, but they still can smell that kind of stuff, unlike humans, half-werewolves get a little more… intense with scenting behaviors.”
“I meant the clothes and the hugging, dude.” You soft-balled a kick at his shin under the table. “Not my fault you’re immediately gross.”
“Does it ever stop?”
You grimaced, “Well…”
“No?” He asked with wide eyes, presumably having the rest of his recently renewed lease flashing before them.
“Again, there aren’t a lot of half-werewolves. Or at least ones talking about it. But there is one half-werewolf/human couple I found who says that the scenting took better, and the behaviors therefore decreased after…” You trailed off, messing with the strings of Sungchan’s hoodie.
“After they followed through with the werewolf mating bite.”
The siren stared at you blankly. “Oh.”
“They’re the only ones I could find online who has done that, so who knows if that’s a guaranteed result, not to mention that at that point they were also human married, and had been together for over five years, so there was definitely just a lot of security in their relationship not to mention they’d been living together for years so they were going to smell like each other anyway—”
“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” Shotaro stopped your defensive rambles gently. “You two don’t need to do that for me. Just wear his clothes and be annoying, it’s fine.”
You stabbed your fork into a bun. “Yeah, I know that.”
“That was some weird stressing of your words there, Y/N. Anything you want to share?”
You let out a long, steady breath, your lips just a centimeter away from being pressed together. Your mind was swirling with the memory of Sungchan’s last shift. Of him asking you to take his bite. He hadn’t mentioned it again since, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Especially because he hadn’t brought it up again since. And seeing his dad’s last night…
“Sungchan mentioned it once, but I don’t know how serious he was being, and he hasn’t brought it up again,” you admitted before tearing into the bun you’d just assaulted. It was filled with delightfully seasoned veggies wrapped in smooth, pillowy dough. God, these really were some of the best steamed buns you’d ever had.
Shotaro practically did a spit take with his tea, dribbling the sip he’d just taken back into the bottle. “He what? When?”
“No, he brought up essentially werewolf engagement to you— What? While you two were playing video games or something? And neither of you mentioned this to me?”
“It wasn’t like that but... sure. I guess.”
“No, no, what was the context? Post-nut confessions or something?”
“God! Why are you like this?” You groaned, dragging a hand over your face in exasperation. “No, he let me be with him for his last shift, it was when he was coming out of it. He wasn’t all there, he was tired, he had all the extra adrenaline and everything else going through his body still.”
He didn’t seem convinced. “So I was right.”
You gave him an unamused look. “Think more like a boxer with a concussion.”
“And you haven’t brought it up with him since?”
“I was just focused on making sure he was okay. And now, I don’t know, he hasn’t mentioned it again. Maybe he wasn’t serious about it?”
“If he was... would you say yes? To be werewolf married?” The siren waggled his eyebrows at you teasingly. “Or half-werewolf married? Half-werewolf half-married?”
“They really need to make like even a single MCS class mandatory in the Gen Ed requirements, because what the hell are you saying to me right now?”
“You know what I mean. Would you say yes?”
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⤷ blog masterlist  ⤷ anthology masterlist
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hwaseonghwasworld · 11 months
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Brothers Best Friend Chapter 5: Sisters “Boyfriend”
Summary: Yunho doesn't want his baby sister (Y/n) dating any of his friends especially Mingi since they are like brothers to him and it's an issue when all Y/n's friends are dating Yunho's friends but he wouldn't let Y/n talk to any guys since he's so overprotective, it's such a shame that she's been with Mingi for almost 2 years and no one knows. What will happen if Yunho finds out?
Song Mingi x Reader
Warnings: cursing, smut, fights
Word count: 550
Genre: series, angst, comedy, fluff, hidden relationship, High school au
Updates: probably Friday at 10pm BST
The next day passed and my brother is still being an asshole, I sat in my seat with my friends and told them about our visitor “wait so your dads getting married again” “yup” Mingi heard the convo and his head shot up confused l looked over at him realising I never told him since after this whole mess I fell asleep and didn’t tell him what happened. Since his friends don’t know about us I couldn’t tell him what’s going on in this room.
I walked out of class and texted Mingi where I was and he went to me and closed the class room door behind him, “hey what’s going on” I looked up at him and he hugged me as I explained the story. “My dad is getting remarried” “they’ve been together for 2 years” Mingi looked at me in shock, he could see the pain in my eyes so he wrapped his arms around me and pissed my forehead.
Yunho stormed in as soon as we broke the hug and I rolled my eyes knowing he’s gonna say some dumb shit. “WHAT THE FUCK” I interrupt his anger making him get angrier “relax” “THE FUCK YOU MEAN” “ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING DATING” I had to come up with something on the top of my head, “no dumbass, I have a boyfriend” Mingi looked at me confused “you do?” I look at Mingi telling him to shut up “then who is it?”
At that moment my best friend Shotaro walk in, “is everything good?” I ran up to him and stood next to him “he’s my boyfriend” Shotaro looked at me confused and I slowly look back at him, trying to get him to understand “oh yes we are” Mingi looked at us a little jealous which confused me since he knew it was a lie “oh really? Then kiss” I looked a Shotaro and back at my brother “we’ve only been dating for a week so no” “whatever” Yunho walked out and me and Mingi sighed in relief knowing we just dodged a bullet “so are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” “Yunho doesn’t know me and Mingi are together and I don’t want him to know cause he’ll freak out” Shotaro looked at us confused as mingi wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I had to explain to him about how long we’ve been together for.
Shotaro agreed to act like my boyfriend in front of my brother, after sorting it out we went to class and I told my friends what’s going on. Shotaro sat next to me in class and we were talking and laughing to make it believable so while my brother way standing outside my class window he could see it and think we’re actually together, Mingi hated the fact that my attention wasn’t on him, he say the way Shotaro was looking at me so I texted him reassuring him that it’s just so my brother believes me and could leave me alone which means that it’ll be over soon, since Shotaro wasn’t in school for a while since him and his family went on holiday my brother believed me when I said we were dating since he wasn’t in class to make prove it until now.
Previous chapter 💖 Next chapter
Taglist: @scarfac3 @huachengsbestie01 @tunaasan
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stay-tiny2021 · 1 year
Shotaro, Sungchan, and Dad!AU NCT content
As most of you know, Sungchan and Shotaro both left NCT, and have re-debuted in the new SM boy group, RIIZE.
Seeing as they are no longer NCT members, they will no longer be a part of my NCT Dad!AU content lineup.
This is purely to keep things up to date, and so no one tells me what I already know about Shotaro and Sungchan.
When RIIZE gets some ground in their career, I might add RIIZE to my boy group lineup (also, be on the lookout for EXO possibly showing up, too), so Sungchan and Shotaro might return with Dad!AU content for RIIZE.
Thanks so much for understanding! 💚
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inctlife · 4 years
Will you think of families for Shotaro and Sungchan to?
i probably will!! but i’ll wait for a little while just so i can get to know their personalities!🥰
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Shikishima: Tetsuo, I heard how you unearthed the Akira cult, well done!
Tetsuo: Thanks, dad
(All the espers, Kaneda, Kei, Shikishima, and Onishi turn to look at Tetsuo)
Tetsuo: Why is everyone staring at me?
Takashi: You just called the Colonel ‘dad’, you said “thanks, dad”
Tetsuo: No I didn’t, I said “thanks, man”
Shikishima: Do you see me as a father figure, Tetsuo?
Tetsuo: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure because you’re always bothering me
Kaneda: Hey, show your father some respect!
Tetsuo: I didn’t call him dad!
Masaru: But you did call him dad.
Tetsuo: You shut up, you’ve done nothing but lie since you got here.
Masaru: Alright, I was lying about the pills, but the dad thing *Throws hands upward then puts them down again* that happened.
Tetsuo: AHA! He admitted his stance was a lie! It was a trap. All part of my... crazy... devious plan.
Shikishima: I believe you-
Tetsuo: Thank you.
Shikishima: -son.
Tetsuo: *Sighs*
Shikishima: You wanna talk about it later over a - game of catch?
Tetsuo, very quietly, so that only he and Shikishima can here: I’d like that.
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lattaeyongs · 2 years
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a collection of all my works! includes those made on my other blogs.
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[most popular]
sorted by: member
taeil, johnny, taeyong, yuta, doyoung, ten, kun, sicheng, jaehyun, jungwoo, yukhei, hendery, xiaojun, yangyang, shotaro, sungchan, mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
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Johnny Suh
two tickets to paradise | best friend!johnny, vacation (resort)!au, summer!au, fake dating!au, best friends to lovers!au, fluff, slight angst
↳ word count: 14.8k
↳ after your fiance leaves you at the altar, you’re devastated – but not devastated enough to cancel your honeymoon. instead, your best friend johnny accompanies you, and you start thinking that your fiance wasn’t right for you after all.
Mark Lee
reunion | barista!reader, exes to lovers!au, angst, fluff, smut
↳ word count: 7.4k
↳ Suddenly Mark Lee, your high school ex-boyfriend, is back in your life, and you’re not so sure that it’s a bad thing.
Huang Renjun
the trojan horse | royalty!au, historical (late 1700s)!au, arranged marriage!au, heavy angst, fluff, smut
teaser (unofficial; 100+ words) teaser (official; 1.7k words)
↳ word count: 19.6k
↳ In which the boy you fall in love with isn't who you think he is.
Lee Jeno
summer of love | ‘90’s!au, brother’s best friend!au, summer!au, neighbor!au, slice of life(ish)!au, fluff, slowburn
↳ word count: 15.2k
↳ The summer of 1997 was a weird time. As a person living in the modern era, you’d completely forgotten what it was like to live in the ‘90’s. In May 1997, you listened to the Backstreet Boys, flipped through TV Guide, and had an answering machine which seems so archaic now. But that isn’t the only reason why the summer of 1997 was weird. That summer was the time you fell for your brother’s best friend.
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sugar | ceo/single dad!jaehyun, secretary!reader, fluff, slight angst, smut (in some parts)
pt. 1 | 4k words, fluff pt. 2 | 14k words, fluff, slight angst, smut
↳ They say it’s lonely at the top, especially for Jung Jaehyun, owner and founder of Jung Industries. As a single dad who just wants to be the best father to his daughter, he realizes that you make his life a little sweeter when you’re by his side.
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eclipse: the first mini album | taeil & haechan, edit, mini album!au
ridin' as a netflix movie | edit, netflix!au, streetracer!dreamies
markhyuck as james bond films | edit, james bond!au, movie!au
nomin as james bond films | edit, james bond!au, movie!au
nct 2020's resonance as a netflix tv series | edit, netflix!au, mystery
random (but cute) texts with boyfriend!jaemin | text au, edit
boo's and spirits | paranormal podcaster!renjun, spotify!au
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johnny & dark blue | johnny & pink | johnny & cream | jaehyun & green | jaehyun & pink | jaemin & silver | sicheng & purple | jeno & black | hendery & green | haechan & yellow | renjun & baby blue | mark & brown | yuta & gray | ten & red | taeyong & sky blue |
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ljxlj48 · 3 years
The Nanny
Chapter 10
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Lee Taeyong x fem reader
preview, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
Genre: mafia au! dad taeyong au!
Warnings: explicit language, mature themes, angsty
Word Count: 2.7K+
Author’s note: I am sorry this is late. I was out today, running errands and I thought I would be back home to post this but I wasn't sadly. But this is the end guys, like this is the conclusion to the story and I feel like I lot of people just fell off at the end of chapter 8 because we found Taeyong is dead dead. When I decided to write this, I knew I didn't want it to be a happily ever after, also I didn't want to overly romanticize the idea of falling in love with a mafia man. Idk what did you guys think? like I want you guys to give me paragraphs about what you thought of the story as a whole. I want to know all your favorite moments, all the moments you hated me, all the moments that made your heart ache, all the moments that you cringed. I want to know, please tell me all of your thoughts. I beg of you. Nevertheless, hugs and kisses to anyone reading <3333
You sat in what was once Taeyong’s home office, going over the income paperwork of the last quarter for the organization. Mr.Lee, Taeyong’s father, offered you a secretary position within the corporation which you turned down. You wanted to be able to spend as much time at home with Dasom. Taking on the organization was more than enough for you at the moment.
You looked up from the paperwork on the desk. Your eyes found a picture that sat on the desk, it was of you and Dasom when you first started as her nanny. Taeyong took the picture, at that time, he said he just wanted a picture of Dasom, he didn’t mention you were in the picture too. You stared at the picture trying to remember that day.
“(y/n),” Johnny called while walking into the office. “Here,” Johnny handed you a stack of papers.
You flipped through the papers, seeing different options of private elementary schools, “what is this?”
“Dasom is gonna be five soon, you gotta choose a school for her,”
You flipped through the papers once more, “and what is wrong with the public school a few streets over? some of these school’s tuition is more than the average person makes in a month.” You looked up at Johnny wondering what makes him think that you’re sending your daughter to preppy private school at 5.
“These are school that was deemed safe enough,”
“Safe enough?” you questioned. Johnny looked taken aback.
“The original hit wasn’t on you, (y/n).” Johnny spoke hesitantly.
“Johnny,” you took a breath, fearing the next words that were gonna come out of his mouth, “what do you mean?”
“The Yakuza originally put out a bond for the kidnapping and delivery of Lee Dasom. A daughter for a son.”
You leaned back in your chair, holding your head unsure about what to think. “She’s not gonna be safe anywhere. Not until he’s dead.”
Johnny looked at you concerned, this isn’t who he imagined you to become with Taeyong dead. “We’re looking for him.”
“Make it quick, I want this taken care of as soon as possible.” You went back to overlooking the paperwork again.
“Understood,” Johnny said, as he started to exit the room.
“Oh Johnny,” he turned back around looking at you, “have someone keep an eye on Shotaro, I don’t want him trying to be a hero. We’re his family now.”
Johnny nodded his head with a small smile. You wondered what possibly went through his head, that he could smile. But all that went through his head is that’s exactly what Taeyong would’ve said. ‘We’re his family now.’
“Mommy, mommy, mommy,” Dasom yelled as she ran towards you, arms in the air. You scooped her up into your arms, carrying her.
“What do you want?” you smiled at the little girl.
“Can I have a snack please?” Dasom looked at you with big little eyes, hoping for a big yes from you.
“Sure,” you smiled at the little girl, nodding to nanny to give her the treat. You watched them walk away before turning back to your guest.
“You aren’t gonna dissolve this organization?” Taeil’s wife asked. She was visiting you and Dasom, her excuse being to check in.
“No, I won’t,” you picked up the tea that was once abandoned sipping on it. You wanted her out of your house, but she insisted on having a conversation with you. “Why did you really visit?”
“Taeil informed me that he had been given new orders, I wanted to check if that was true.”
“You don’t trust your husband?” You questioned looking her up and down. Taeil’s wife puzzled you greatly, she played this role of the dotting accommodating perfect housewife. However you knew better, she was much more than just a perfect housewife.
“I don’t trust him to understand what goes on in a woman’s mind,” she simply let out.
You hummed at her statement, not caring much about her opinions. “If that is all…”
“I won’t apologize,” she blurted out quickly.
“Excuse me?”
“I won’t apologize for my behavior at the dinner party. I do however want to make it clear that I hold nothing against you.” You tilted your head, trying to read her mind as she continued on, “Taeyong went through hell when Seulgi got sick, I believed he was gonna die with her at one point. I just didn’t want him to go through it again.”
You nodded at her, maybe it was Taeyong’s death or Taehyun’s words, but you couldn’t hate her for what she said. “It takes a strong woman to love a man of this life.”
“It does,” she nodded her head. “It takes a stronger woman to live this life. If I may offer the slightest bit of advice?”
“You may,”
“It does get more bearable.”
“Mrs. Moon visited today?” Chenle questioned at the dinner table, after hearing Dasom speaking about your guy's visitor.
“She did,” you popped another piece of meat in your mouth.
“Everything okay?” Renjun questioned looking at you suspiciously.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” you asked, as you sipped the wine you were having for tonight.
“Nothing, we might have assumed wrong,” Donghyuck answered as all the boys looked at each other. They exchanged questioning looks.
“Spit it out,” you said to them, “what is it?”
“It’s nothing really,” Mark answered, you raised your eyebrow at them.
“We just heard that you and Mrs. Moon got into it at the dinner party,” Jeno started off, “but obviously that’s wrong.” Jeno shot Donghyuck a dirty look.
You couldn’t help but smirk, “Mrs. Moon and I did not get into it at the dinner party, we just had an exchange of words. Everything is fine now.”
“What did she say?” Jaemin questioned leaning closer to you. All the boys seemed so excited to hear what else you had to say.
“Rumor has it she made Jaehyun’s girlfriend leave,” Renjun dropped that bombshell.
“Didn’t she fight one of Johnny’s exs?” Donghyuck questioned.
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Jeno shrugged as he continued to eat his food.
You sat there stunned with all the accusations made so quickly, “that is enough gossiping from you boys.” You had to stop yourself from all out laughing at the boys, “I am sure Mrs. Moon was doing what she thought was best at the time.”
All the boys laughed out, not believing anything that came out of your mouth. You couldn’t help but just shake your head at them with a smile.
You could hear fast footsteps approaching you, “(y/n),” it sounded like Johnny called out to you. When he was finally within sight, you could see that he had been running towards you, “we found him,” you gave a confused look, “Mr. Osaki,” Johnny stood up straight, stopped panting now, “We found him.”
“He’s in Okinawa, I’ve already sent dream out there to take care of it,”
“I want him brought to me alive,”
“(y/n), that’s…”
“I know what I said Johnny, but I want to speak to Mr.Osaki directly. He is to be brought to me alive, do I make myself clear?”
“Good, let’s go.”
It was a clean, easy mission for dream, they were in and out within 72 hours. They brought Mr.Osaki to you in one piece, without a single scratch. He now rested tied up to a chair, in the basement of your home. You didn’t want him anywhere near your daughter initially but the basement was conventitly designed for this exact situation.
You sat across from him, Johnny stood in one corner of the room. Mr. Osaki, had to be in his mid to late 50s, maybe early 60s. You could see the age clearly on his face. He looked tired. He had salt and pepper hair, he was still dressed nicely. That must’ve been a custom suit, it fit too nicely to be anything less. The colors complimented his skin tone, his wife must’ve picked it out for him.
He didn’t look to be on edge, or nervous, or worried. He looked very content, almost happy like. You didn’t really think about this moment a lot. The character in the movies that want revenge for their loved one always says that they thought about this moment a lot. The moment they can get their revenge. The moment that they put the bullet through their head, but you didn’t.
You haven’t thought about this moment at all. You wanted to ask him why, but then he would say it was for his son. You wanted to ask him if he was scared, but he looked nowhere near scared. You wanted to ask him if this is what he envisioned for his death, but you knew any man in this life was living on borrowed time, he already lived through his death. You wanted to ask him if his son was worth it, but to any parent, it would be worth it.
The question that really bugged you was what did he do to make his son leave him. How awful of a parent was he, that his son left the country? Why chase him, when he’s made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want to come home?
“Mr. Osaki?” you questioned, to see if he was still there, mentally. He hummed in acknowledgment, nothing more. You could’ve sworn you seen the corner of his lip twitch.
“(y/n),” Johnny called out for your attention, “let me end this for us right now.” Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, dear Johnny. He has always been a dependable shoulder for you, never overstepping, never being disrespectful, never being emotional. He was a rock, and you really should’ve been more aware. His voice was strained, his hand already behind his back on the gun, hie eyes burning. He wanted this man dead more than you.
You shook your head, “no, when are they going to arrive Johnny?” You changed the subject transferring it to the people you have requested for over an hour ago.
“Soon,” Johnny took a breath, retreating further back to his corner.
You turned back, once again observing Mr.Osaki.
You didn’t have to wait long for the men you requested. Yuta and Shotaro walked through the door. Now in the room, Mr. Osaki sat tied up to one chair, you sat across from him in another chair, Yuta, Shotaro and Johnny stood in the corner.
Mr.Osaki looked up, and stared at the son that abandoned him. His face looked first relieved, but then it twisted to anger. He spoke angrily and quickly to Shotaro, the two of them conversing in Japanese.
You turned to Yuta and Johnny for any type of translation. Yuta beckoned for you to come towards them, in which you did. When you were close enough for Yuta to speak without interrupting Mr.Osaki and Shotaro’s conversation. Did he say, “Mr.Osaki said that Shotaro is an ungrateful son who has brought dishonor to the family by abandoning them. Shotaro says that he dug his own grave, abusing Shotaro. Mr.Osaki responded with, i was building your character, you have always been weak.” Yuta stopped, his eyes going wide, then moving to be hurt.
You looked back at Shotaro and his father, the atmosphere different now. Even though Mr.Osaki was tied to the chair, you knew he held the high ground. Shotaro hung his head, he looked like a child getting scolded by his father. “He said,” Yuta started off, “that he wishes he never had a son.”
You made your way over to Shotaro and Mr.Osaki, you stood close to Shotaro, “finish the job, Shotaro.” you spoke softly.
“He won’t he’s nothing but a weak link in the Osaki clan,” Mr.Osaki spat out, staring down his son.
“He’s not a member of the Osaki clan, he’s part of the NCT family now.” You spoke to Mr.Osaki before turning back to Shotaro, “finish the job.”
Shotaro grabbed the gun behind his back, pressing the cold metal barrel to Mr.Osaki’s forehead. He slowly let go the safety, his finger on the trigger. He took a deep breath, “ご目なさい.” He pulled the trigger, the blood splatter across both of your faces. You could smell the fresh burn of the flesh. You feel the burning of the blood against your cheek. You could hear the faint sizzle of the bullet lodged in Mr.Osaki’s head. You stared at his hanging head, his eyes wide open as he looked up to the sky. There appeared to be a faint smile on his face.
He looked so happy.
You sat in the backseat of the car, Jisung driving and Johnny in the passenger seat. You tried to wipe the blood out of your shirt, but it didn’t seem to be coming out. Mark said that he would take care of the body. You were on your way to get Dasom from Taeil’s house. You wanted nothing more but to have your daughter in your arms. You wanted to cuddle in bed, and watch an old Disney movie while eating popcorn.
You stared down at your bloodstained blouse. Deciding you button up our jacket over the blood so that Dasom wouldn’t be aware of it. You pulled up in front of Taeil’s place. You jumped out of the car, Dasom already racing out the front door towards you.
You picked her up in your arms. You took a deep breath reminding yourself that she was right here with you. Dasom pulled back just slightly to look at you, “you finish work Mommy?” she questioned with the biggest and brightest smile you had ever seen.
“Yes princess, I'm finished.” You smiled back at her.
“Come inside for dinner,” Taeil’s wife called out, beckoning all of you to come inside, “the rest of the boys can join when they finish the clean up.”
“Okay,” you nodded your head, carrying Dasom back towards the front door, Johnny and Jisung following ensuite.
It had to have been three months already since Taeyong died. You have taken over completely in the organization. You got Dasom set up with an elementary school. All of dream continued to live at the mansion with you. Taeyong’s parents would take Dasom out for dinner once a week to spend time with her. Taeyong’s sister comes over every now and then to check in. You and Taeil’s wife have started to get along much better now, helping each other survive this life. Jeno and Jaemin both have admitted to their relationship being more than friends, but you’re unsure if they are dating yet. Shotaro feels more free now than ever, he doesn’t regret doing what he did, but he does wish it didn’t come to that.
The Osaki clan had been dissolved and absorbed by other yakuza clans. The organization seems to be doing well now. You could only hope for further success.
You were now hosting another dinner party, in honor of Taeyong. It was something you should’ve done a while ago, but you didn’t. However, some things are just better late than never.
You sat eating dinner, laughing and enjoying with all the members of NCT and their partners. You took a bite of the fish that the chef prepared, and immediately felt the urge to throw up. You shook your head, trying to excuse yourself to the bathroom.
You rushed out of there so fast, trying to find a toilet to spill your guts to. You heard someone call out after you, but you couldn’t tell who it was. You made it to one of the first floor half bathrooms, and just puked your guts out into the toilet.
“(y/n),” Taeil’s wife exclaimed as she saw you puking, she began to gather your hair holding it back for you. “What happened? Were you drinking?” you shook your head while continuing to puke. Taeil’s wife hummed, deep in thought, “(y/n), when was your last period?” You lifted your head, and looked at her with horror. “I could be wrong, I’m just guessing, I’ll get Taeil to pick up a pregnancy test, I’m probably wrong anyway.”
The dinner party was yesterday. You now sat on your bed, in the bedroom, holding the positive pregnancy test in your hand. Taeil’s wife by your side, “do you know whose it is?”
You looked up at her, “it can only be his,” you turned to look at the picture of Taeyong on your nightstand. ‘The baby could only be his.’
taglist:@morkleetrash@happygirl327@iveivory@scuzmunkie@neocityfile@b1kon131@huskyhunny@sparklygrass@keemburley@imbumkyung @gordorio @a-bts-world @pastel-boy-sungjae @tyongf-sunflower99 @floweronacloud @hufflepanda221b @maddypool31 @terjeno @spideyweirdo @bbh-bambi @straykidsftnct@xxxx-23nct @pfftbella @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @aaasteroidsky@mariamaravilla @daydreamingallthetime-world @httpmuffin @justineasian @just-another-secondary-character @sporadiccookiebagel @morklee02 @livpinkz @bangtan-jam @sekshi-namjas @ilumark @jjhmk @adventuresofrose @silent-potato
202 notes · View notes
saturnznct · 3 years
dad!shotaro | insta posts
nct masterlist
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156 notes · View notes
writemekpop · 3 years
NCT As Dads (Part 2)
🌼 Read Part 1 here 🌼
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Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Super organised, has already decided which school to send the baby to
Puts every spare penny into the baby’s college fund
Buys diapers in packs of a thousand
Knits the baby her own clothes
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Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Loses the baby at the shopping mall
Accidentally used your breast milk in the coffee
Took the wrong child home from nursery, more than once
Uses the song Anaconda as a lullaby
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Huang Renjun
Very scared initially about being a father, but rises to the challenge
Got an A+ in dad-to-be class (even though the teacher doesn’t do grades)
Opened a YouTube channel on dad tips
Expect daily video calls with distant relatives in China
Daddy AU - Craving You, Birthday Sex
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Lee Jeno
Can’t wait to teach the baby how to throw and catch
Bought a matching cycle and tricycle for him and the kid
Signed the baby up for a survival skills course (she’s two)
Created a book of ‘love advice’ to gift the baby on her 18th bday
Daddy AU - Sexual Healing, Decisions, Forgive Me Daddy, Decisions, Suck It,  Burn Baby
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Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Wrote a special lullaby just for her
Sang every night to your baby bump when you were pregnant
Insists the baby start singing lessons ASAP
Recorded her crying and sent it as an audition tape to SM
Daddy AU - Knocked Up
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Na Jaemin
His “number 1 dad” mug is his new favourite possession
Secretly hopes the baby will be a singer
Unexpectedly the pushiest dad in the class
Can’t wait to have another kid (wants at least 5)
Daddy AU - Positions, Know Your Enemy, Storks
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Liu Yangyang
Wants to name the baby Eleven (you say no)
Mansplains breast feeding to you
Makes the baby into a YouTube star
Uses soap and a paddling pool to make a baby obstacle course
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Zhong Chenle
Will buy anything and everything for the baby
Expect Moschino baby clothes…
And a Gucci maternity dress
Only the best most expensive baby stroller will do for his princess
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Osaki Shotaro
The baby rides on the back of his motorcycle
Whispers to the baby, they have secrets somehow
Insists the baby is fluent in Japanese after she says ‘konichiwa’
The baby can dance before she can walk
Daddy AU - Woof Woof
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Jung Sungchan
“I don’t know where the food’s gone” mouth full of baby’s rusks
Sulks when you give the baby more attention than him
Has recently started crying when he wants something (learnt from his kid)
Fell asleep with her in the cot once (broke it)
Daddy AU - Sex Talk
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Park Jisung
“What do babies eat?”
Cries more often than the baby does
Can spend hours and hours playing with the baby
Is best friends with all the kids in nursery
🌼 Read Part 1 here 🌼 MASTERLIST
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neosarchives · 3 years
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social media aus
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all ideas and plots are from my own thoughts, occasionally from my friends and sometimes inspired. it is not my intention to copy any plots from other aus, if it were the case, they are solely coincidences.
this is a work of fiction, names, characters, events, business, place, institutions, incidents, etc. are all ideas from the author and/or inspired from somewhere!
all pictures are not mine! i simply get them off pinterest so ctto of the photos! however, i will try to get the real owner to credit them properly :)
please do not copy, repost anywhere, or rewrite :)
enjoy reading<3
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—nct dream ot7
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i’ll be your home
—a connected au series
⋆ summary: a dad!nct dream au series that connects with each other! can probably read by itself but more fun if you read everything and in order! (it is in the order you should read them!)
⋆ pairing: nct dream x reader (oc)
⋆ genre: smau! fluff, angst, nct dream as/becoming dads! non-idol! aged up!nct dream
⋆ status: work in progress!
click here to read
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—their own stories
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mark lee
szn # 1: because i met you,
⋆ summary: after the mother of his child left him for another guy, mark had developed trust issues which brought him to never want to fall for any girl again. everything was going well in mark’s life, just him, his beloved daughter, his best friends, and his success as an author. what happens if a girl unexpectedly comes, and already falls before even realizing it?
⋆ status: on going!
click here to read
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drabble¿ smau
— short smaus
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late night texts
⋆ pairings: nct dream x reader + yangyang, shotaro & sungchan
⋆ category: smau, suggestive, fluff, boyfie!nct
⋆ summary: just some short late night text with boyfies<3
click here to read #1 & #2
"can you come over?"
⋆ pairings: nct dream x reader + yangyang, shotaro & sungchan
⋆ category: smau, suggestive, fluff, boyfie!nct / bestie!nct
⋆ summary: texting the neos "can you come over?" late at night and their responses.
click here to read #1 & #2
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a/n: send an ask/msg or fill out this form to be added to the taglist!
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hwaseonghwasworld · 10 months
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Brothers Best Friend Chapter 7: Sticky Situation
Summary: Yunho doesn’t want his baby sister (Y/n) dating any of his friends especially Mingi since they are like brothers to him and it’s an issue when all Y/n’s friends are dating Yunho’s friends but he wouldn’t let Y/n talk to any guys since he’s so overprotective, it’s such a shame that she’s been with Mingi for almost 2 years and no one knows. What will happen if Yunho finds out?
Song Mingi x Reader
Warnings: cursing, smut, fights
Word count: 570
Genre: series, angst, comedy, fluff, hidden relationship, High school au
The next morning I got changed into my school uniform, I didn’t want to go to school since me and Mingi had an argument yesterday. I walked downstairs to see my brother, my dad and his fiancée my dad could see that there was something in my mind so I denied it and sat with my brother who was looking at me like he can read me.
“Did you and Shotaro have a fight or something?” I roll my eyes looking at him shaking my head for no. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing” Yunho could see there was something wrong but he didn’t say anything since he wanted to find out for himself.
Our dad took us to school and I walked to my friends, “hey, are you ok?” I nodded since they know what’s wrong, Mingi looked at me like he wanted to talk but I didn’t want to so I turn away from him “Y/nie you have to talk to him, if you want things to go smoothly” I looked at Soyeon as I knew she was right but I just didn’t want to talk right now.
As we were about to walk to our home room classes Mingi grabbed my arm, taking me outside, “Y/n we have to talk I hate fighting with you” I didn’t know what to say, I was just pissed at him for saying those things to me. “I’m so sorry I said that to you, I’m so sorry, please forgive me”
“It’s fine” he looked at me like he lost me forever Mingi wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead “I love you so much” I tear up as he said that and I hugged him back saying the same to him, he kissed me and I kissed him back.
~Yunho pov~
While I was walking to my home room class I pissed my sisters class and I couldn’t see her “where did this little shit go” I went to go find her with Yeosang “maybe she just went to the toilet” I looked at him as I mentioned something “Mingi is missing too”
"Somethings going on between them and I want to know" "relax they're probably just friends, and isn't YIn with Shotaro" I turn to yeosang, I know Y/n was lying about that because I know my sister, she's not the type of person to look at other guys let alone talk to them privately when she's with someone. I could hear whispering outside and ran out.
~Y/n pov~
"What. The. Fuck" Yunho looked at both of us kissing and I immediately pulled Mingi away, and we looked at my pissed off brother, Yunho immediately jumped into Mingi punching him, I shouted at my brother telling him to stop while me and Yeosang tried getting him off of him, the whole fight they both were punching each other since Mingi was defending himself and I don't blame him.
Everyone ran out of there class after hearing shouting, since the rang for home room the teachers saw everyone running and trying to find the source they had helped me get the boys off each other. "WHAT IS GOING ON" the two boys went silent, the teacher looked at me and Yeosang trying to figure out what the reason for 2 best friends to be fighting but we stayed silent.
“Y/n and Yeosang I’ll see you two in detention after school, Mingi and Yunho go to the Principals office.
Previous chapter 💖 next chapter
Taglist: @scarfac3 @huachengsbestie01 @tunaasan
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kpop-hive · 3 years
It Started In Italy
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Osaki Shotaro x Reader, Romeo and Juliet based AU.
Warnings ⚠️: Language, Violence, Graphic Scenes, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Marking, Slight Praise, Slight Cockwarming, Mentions of blood, nausea, vomiting, arranged marriage and pregnancy.
I have arranged for this dialogue to be written Shakespearean language. Sorry if some of the dialogue is confusing I tried my best. 😊
Word Count: 10.4k Oops 🤭
Act I
Scene i
8:42 a.m. The sun kissed your skin as you awoke from your slumber. The white bedsheets spread across your skin smoothly as you rolled over, looking towards your bedroom door, there lay your big black suitcase packed and ready for placement in the car along with the silk dress you were ready to wear for the long flight to the Almafi Coast. You’ve always wanted to see Italy. Your father never took you and your mother with him when he went there for business. You’ve dreamt of going to Italy since you were litte, you always heard of stories about the food, clothes, structure and beautiful people. You’ve always thought about what you could find in Italy, your future, estates, love, your possibilities were endless. Now, the dream you’ve dreamt up for so long is finally coming true.
“(Y/n)! Why is my daughter still lay in her slumber!? We have to leave the house in thirty minutes and here thou are still in twilight’s clothes. Are thou not ready for Italy?” Your mother spoke. “Yes mother, has my own mother think slothfulness has been bestowed upon me? I will be ready for our departure quick and swiftly.” “Well, hurry up, thou father gets mad when thee is tardy.” Your mother says before exiting and closing the door. You sighed to yourself before getting up and headed to your bathroom for your morning routine.
You headed down to the kitchen to have some breakfast before you leave. Grabbing a bowl and some oatmeal, you pour it into the bowl, add some water, and throw it in the microwave. You went to the fridge to get some fruit to have with the oatmeal, and then your mom walked in.
“Darling, make sure thou doth not eat too much, bloating will not be accepted when there are so many young men that would adore being thou spouse.” Your mom commented. It was the dreaded marriage talk, your parents got married at a young age to secure their assets as a way to be set financially for life, and now your parents expect you to do the same. They didn’t really care about love in the relationship, it was only about partnership and favors, you hoped that if ever got to marry someone, it was because of love, regardless of money.
“Mother, dost thou not believe in mutual feelings?” You ask. “Mutual agreements are supposed to be in order dear, never feelings, thou needs to be presentable, and not fond of sloppiness. Thy image is everything, thou needs to be pure as heaven, kind and graceful, and thou will then have the perfect husband.” You rolled your eyes away from your mom, how is it that you have to be attractive to get a husband, but the marriage is not out of love at all, only lust, greed, and pride.
“Come hither my wife and daughter! We are all ready for thy departure.” Your father says. You finish up the last of your breakfast before cleaning your area, and leaving for the airport.
Scene ii
The Osaki Residence was quite different. They were filled with chaos, and humor. They lived life fully, and rarely conformed to society’s expectations. They had life long riches, but never acted as if they had it. Their life consisted of endless travel, fun and living life at full potential. In this residence, it consists of three family members as well, Mr and Mrs Osaki, and their son Shotaro.
“Shotaro, boys come forth, or we will miss thy flight!” A voice called. “Mom, we are ready, bags are together and all.” Shotaro responded. “We are fine, I thank thee, Mrs. Osaki.” Haechan said before bowing. “I’m sure we are all grateful for thee letting us come along on the trip to Italy.” Sungchan spoke. “Yeah, we are gonna have so much fun, partying, drinking, beautiful girls.” YangYang chimed in. “I know that all sounds fun, but have thou boys ever thought about settling down and finding a beautiful girl that thou would want to marry someday?” Mr. Osaki asked. The four boys all gave gagging faces. “Trust me boys, I was like thee at thou age, charming and could get many girls but remember, there’s nothing like being in love.” He said before kissing his wife’s cheek. “Now let’s go we don’t want to miss thy flight.”
Scene iii
The (L/n) family finally arrived in Italy. Almafi Coast was beautiful to say the least, and the villa that they purchased for the occasion was apart of the perfect scenery, quiet, serene, and tasteful.
“Oh! This exquisite, (Y/n), isn’t this lovely?” Your mother asked. “Yes, quite.” You spoke. You were still experiencing jet-lag, so you have answering as you went along. “(Y/n), come now, thou should go look at thou room.” Your father commented. You walked through the hallway and upstairs to get to your room at the villa, and you were astound at how beautiful the room was. It contained nude pink renaissance themed wall paper, a yellow canopy bed with gold bedding, and a large balcony that you could walk out to to see the coastline. You were honestly impressed with how well the room was put together. You definitely felt like your dad payed good money for this villa.
“(Y/n), how dost thou like thy room?” Your mom asked. “Very beautiful I thank thee, mom.” You replied. “Don’t forget, we mustn’t wait around, we have a party with thou father’s business partners and a few guests tonight to celebrate their new deals.” “Oh most certainly! I remember a few of father’s partners, Mr. Lee, Mr. Jung, Mr. Nakamoto, Mr. Huang, and Mr. Osaki.” After you mentioned that name, your mother’s reaction went from nice to brutal. “Do not speak of that scum that infiltrated our family do thou hear me!? He is not fit to be here! He has almost shunned our family’s honor, and I am glad that he will not be attending.” She exclaimed. You were awfully confused, your father and Mr. Osaki were really good business partners, you don’t know what happened, but due to the recent outburst, you thought it would be best to not bring it up again to your mother. She sighed before walking out of your room to calm down for a bit. You shrugged it off and began to get ready for the party.
Scene iv
After a long flight, the Osaki family and Haechan, YangYang, and Sungchan finally arrived. As they all were situated in their villa, the family and friends all caught up on the excitement that they all wanted for the trip.
“So, what is the one thing that thee would like to do?” Mrs. Osaki asked. “Well, there’s a pretty big coast, I do plan on going to thy dock one day and sail a little bit.” Mr. Osaki spoke. “For me, three words, girls, girls, and girls.” Haechan joked. “I definitely want to see the Sistine Chapel for sure, as well as some of Italy’s infrastructure and history.” Sungchan explained. “Are you kidding me, I came here for two things and two things only, parties and football.” YangYang smiled. The family continued to murmur on what they wanted to do until Mrs. Osaki questioned her son. “Shotaro, what about thee?” “I don’t know, I’ll go where thy wind takes me.” Shotaro shrugged. Everyone nodded. “I’m just glad we all get to spend time with each other, just my loving wife and son, his friends, and no one else that could ruin this vacation, besides I’m finally away from thy man who caused all this stress upon me.” Mr. Osaki said. “Are thou talking about Mr. (L/n) sir?” Haechan asked, but got glares from Mrs. Osaki and Shotaro causing him to look down. “Sorry.” He said. “No it’s alright, I guess I can explain what happened so thou boys could learn a life lesson from this.” Mr. Osaki spoke up. “Mr (L/n), and I were both working together on a co-partnership deal that we put a lot of money into. If we made this deal work, we were gonna make so much money that we didn’t know what to do with, luckily the plan was approved and we were all ready to go into action, but there was a flaw. In order for this plan to work we needed to leave home for a very long time, your mother just gave birth to thee Shotaro, and I didn’t want to leave her by herself so with rational thinking, I told Mr. (L/n) no, but that caused chaos. He was mad because I chose to stay with my family instead of going along with thy multi million dollar deal because I already have money, but I also have a family that loves me. He was very angry at me for backing out of thy deal because of money that he already has, and has a family so I asked, ‘what about thou family?’ He then replied ‘As long as I’m making money, they don’t have to worry about where I go.’ After that he came up with his own deal, and made even more money, he stopped talking to me after that. It made me realize that he wasn’t a friend, he was a cruel businessman who only worried about deals in life, and I’m pretty sure he’s teaching his wife and child thy same way, so boys let this be a lesson to not think about wealth and power over love, it shows how heartless thou are as a person.
“Wow.” The boys said in unison. “Yep, I don’t tell people this story, because it’s quite boring, I’ll do it for thee, because thou all are my rock.” Everyone smiled before looking at the time. “Oh! We have to get ready!” Shotaro said. “Where are thou boys going?” Mrs. Osaki asked. “There’s a beach party a miles along the coast. It said open invite, so we just decided to try it out.” Haechan replied. “Well okay, as long as there’s no trouble, then thou boys can go.” She replied. “Awesome.” YangYang said.
Scene v
The decor for the party looked nice, the food looked good, everyone was dressed in formal-casual clothes, and there were all kinds of guests, the business partners, their kids, younger mentors, and respectable people.
You walked up the stairs to your room to get something from your room when you overheard your father from the other side of the door of your parents room.
“I don’t care if they were accidentally written to attend this party, the Osaki’s are not invited! They are spineless saps who don’t care about there livelihood or reputation at all, they will just ruin this party, especially with that reckless son of theirs, he’s just like his father, they are not invited, and if anyone of the Osaki’s or their acquaintances try to attend this party, I command thee to use force at once!” Your father spoke to who you assumed was security. Your father sighed before you heard footsteps going towards the door causing you to walk downstairs quickly towards the party. You thought to yourself how are the Osaki’s that bad, not only was your mom upset, your father reiterated in the same tone, it was very confusing. As you walked around the villa, your mom stopped you in your tracks along with a gorgeous man with long hair.
“(Y/n), this is Nakamoto Yuta, Mr. Nakamoto’s son, he spoke very fondly of thee, so I brought him over to chat with thee, so thou two enjoy yourselves.” Your mother spoke making you side eye her. “Hi, I’m Yuta, it’s a pleasure to meet thee, (Y/n).” He said before shaking your hand and bringing it up to his mouth to kiss it. You have to admit, Yuta is quite handsome, long hair, soft yet seductive eyes, and a sharp jawline, you were intrigued. Maybe you could stay with him for a few minutes and get to know him.
Scene vi
On the other side of town there be another party, this one at the beach, and all kinds of fun, it nothing but young adults, sand, the sea, a bonfire, and fun. Haechan, YangYang, Sungchan, and Shotaro started having fun until they realized that almost half of the partygoers left due to the mildly cold waters, fire almost dying down, and open winds picking up.
“Damn, where’d all thy people go?” Haechan asked. “Probably indoors, it’s freezing.” Sungchan mentioned. “Yeah, and so is the water.” YangYang commented as he left the cold, dark ocean. “Thou guys wanna head back to thy villa?” Shotaro asked. “I guess, but I thought our main point of this vacation was to have fun? Going back to thy villa defeats that purpose.” Haechan shrugged. “What if instead of going back to our villa, we go to another?” YangYang suggests. “Elaborate.” Sungchan said. “I heard a few people say that thy guests of the Royal Renaissance villa is having a party tonight that started at 8:00, it’s 9:00 now, and I highly doubt that thy party would be over in an hour.” “What about security?” Shotaro mentions. “Please, with Sungchan’s legs, and YangYang’s and I’s sneakiness, we can easily get in there, I’m down.” Haechan spoke. The boys all agreed before pouring some water over the fire, threw on the shirts, and left the beach to head to the villa.
Scene vii
As the cab fare pulled up to the high class villa, the four boys were in awe, it was definitely high class due to the vintage yet modern architecture, pastel color palette, and array of organized flowers and lights along entry. The boys proceeded the villa with caution, taking in every detail and scoping out how they would get in.
“Okay, so what’s thy plan?” Sungchan asked. “I don’t know, but we need to figure it out to get in.” Shotaro replied. “Well, I hope we figure it out before that finds us.” Haechan said, referring to the tall and buff stone faced security. “I got it! Do you guys see that gate where the pool is? What if Haechan distracts thy guard in front of it away from the gate, we all climb thy gate, hide behind thy shack, and walk up thy stairs to thy party?” YangYang suggested. “Not a bad idea, but what about me, how will I get in after distracting him?” Haechan questioned. “I guess one of us will have to hide in that shed to let thee in. Sungchan and Shotaro are too tall to not be noticed so I guess it will be me. Just make sure you run faster than the security so he doesn’t see me open the gate. Is everyone down?” They all agreed to YangYang’s plan and kicked it into effect.
The plan was slightly conspicuous. The three boys hid in the bushes before Haechan began to insult the security guard making the boys chuckle. As Haechan took off running, the boys swiftly made their move. Considering that the gate could only be open by a key from security, and no key on the inside, they used Sungchan to leverage themselves up over the gate. With all the three inside, they knew they didn’t have much time before security came back.
As Sungchan and Shotaro moved upstairs towards the main door, YangYang hid in the small peach colored pool shed peeping out the window before seeing tuffs of brown hair flopping up and down quickly. He looked carefully to make sure security was nowhere near Haechan as he opened the shed and hid behind it before finally seeing Haechan near the gate. He moved to open the gate allowing him in as they could both tread heavy footsteps while running. The two boys ran at the speed of light, and hid under the stairs that led to the main door where the party was. Finally when the security got there, he looked around while catching his breath, and saw no sign of Haechan anywhere. Thinking he was gone, he got back to his job attending the gate.
The two boys tiptoed up the stairs as they saw the gold lighting inside. They opened the door quietly before ducking in. They assumed Shotaro and Sungchan were somewhere off browsing, but to their surprise, they were still waiting for their two friends and stunned at the decor of the party. Arranged table for Hors d’oeuvres, another table that set out wine glasses and champagne, and another one that had tons of gift bags for the guest. As they looked at the guests, they noticed their attire, laid back, but nice and formal wear, and then looked at themselves in their beach attire, getting a few looks from some of the guests, but to them, they didn’t care, a party was a party. “Guys, we made it.” Shotaro spoke.
Scene viii
As the night continued, the guests partied, some slightly tipsy as they stumbled upon their words. Laughter and chatter filled the villa well, many were happy, and were glad to be there, except (Y/n) who didn’t feel like talking to the handsome guy that irritated her.
“So my parents bought me a helicopter that I rode around in, it was worth $500,000, but I was with my friends, we were all wearing shiny Rolex watches, and my friend lost his off thy helicopter because it was too loose! Luckily my dad bought him another one, it was worth $60,000.” Yuta explained. “Uh huh.” You say nonchalantly. “Maybe, I could buy you one too, that is if you stay with me, maybe a pretty pink one with diamonds, hmm?” Yuta asked. “Yeah, that be great.” You shrugged. At this point, you were tired of Yuta, it was bad enough that you had to deal with your mom trying to match you up with him, but it was worse when all he would talk about was how rich him and his family was. “Hey, Yuta, do you mind if you could get me something to drink from thy table please?” “No problem.” He answered. He slowly walked towards the table, a slight arrogance to his walk. It was the perfect time to make an escape.
You hurriedly walked away from the people at the party, scurrying to the stairs trying to get away from anybody named your mom, your dad, or Yuta. As you walked fast you ran into somebody that was definitely taller and more broad than you. Hoping it wasn’t Yuta, you swore under your breath not wanting to see him. “Are thou okay?” A voice asked. Your ears perked up hearing a sweet voice that didn’t belong to Yuta, as you slowly looked up, you were struck with the most beautiful person you’ve ever met in your life.
Scene ix
“Shotaro, can we go somewhere else, this party is no fun, and thy alcohol and food are bleh.” Haechan whined. “Yeah, I agree with Haechan, everything here is so snotty and bratty, I tried talking a cute girl, and all she wanted to know was how much is my family’s worth.” YangYang replied. “If we find another place we could probably go to a club near here.” Sungchan spoke. “Looked it up, clubs aren’t near here, we have to travel to the city for clubs, we’re on an island coast remember?” Shotaro said. “Fuck.” Haechan swore, getting a few stares from random guests. “Okay well look, if thou guys want to leave that’s fine, but if we leave, we’ll have to back to the villa.” Shotaro mentioned. “That’s fine, at least the chefs could whip up some awesome Italian pizza for me.” Haechan joked. “You’re full of it Haechan.” Shotaro said as he walked into you. “Are thou okay?” He asked as he held you in his arms to keep you from falling. He took in your visible features like your height, hair, figure, and white dress. You finally looked up, and he thought he saw an angel, you were beautiful to him, had a very soft look in your eye, one that showed sweetness and caring personality, something that he has never seen in his life. The boys looked at his friend and the girl, and questioned the scene, both frozen, looking into each other’s eyes, as they held onto each other not letting go. Haechan, YangYang, and Sungchan all looked at each other and thought to themselves, did their friend find someone that infatuates him?
Act II
Scene i
Some people believed that there was a time and place for everything, others believe fate, in this case Shotaro and (Y/n) realized that their fate may be the best thing that has happened to them at this party, but what they don’t know is that there may be a catch to this lovely fate.
“Are thou okay?” Shotaro asked. “Yes I’m fine.” You replied still holding onto his grasp. You stood up a little showing your true height and form, even then you were still shorter that him by a few inches, but could finally see everything in view. His gorgeous smile, bright brown eyes, soft skin, You stared deep into his eyes, looking into the windows showed that he was kind, someone you could trust, you never saw that before, not even in your parents. “What is thou name?” He asked. “(Y/n), and thee?” “Shotaro.” You smiled. You felt warmth cascade through your body, you both were still into each other’s grasps, not wanting to let go, you felt safe, and secure, you didn’t know that a stranger could make you feel this way at all.
“We’re still linked.” Shotaro chuckled. “Well, it’s hard to remove yourself from someone who has such a hold on thee.” You smiled. “If it makes thou feel any better… I don’t want to let go of thee.” He whispered. “I don’t either.” Shotaro felt someone tap his shoulder, and sighed. He was annoyed at how someone could ruin such a beautiful moment. As he turned around, there stood his best friends ready to depart from the slow party. “Thou guys go ahead, I think I’m gonna stay here for awhile.” Shotaro spoke. “Are thou sure?” Sungchan asked. He looked back at you and smiled. “Yeah thou guys go, I’ll be fine.” He replied. They all smiled before patting his back and leaving from the exit.
“So what brings thee here to this party?” You ask. “Nothing but sheer boredom, I was ready to leave, but I found someone to make me stay.” He replies, making you smile. “I appreciate the gratitude, I guess I’ve become the life of the party?” You joke. “You definitely have.” He smiles. “How about thee? Is this a party thou wanted to come to tonight?” “Actually no, this is my parents party, they are hosting it.” You sighed and looked down. “You don’t seem happy.” He grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger lifting it up to keep your eyes focused on him. “Why are thou upset?” He asked with sincerity in his voice. “I’m not into this whole putting up a front for guests type of thing, I want to be my own self, not someone who is thy perfect daughter. Thou are the first person I didn’t have to lie to tonight.” You said. “If this is thee true self, I wouldn’t want thee to be any other way.” He commented. You both looked into each other’s eyes, his holding a truth to every word about you being your true self. Within seconds, your lips connected. The soft skin of his lips gave you tingles, never leaving the spot you were in, you both melted into it, you felt like your feet lifted off of the ground, and were transcending towards heaven. You loved every moment. As you both pulled away, you stared into each other’s eyes, smiling wide. “Sorry for stealing such a sweet kiss.” He spoke. “Why doth thou have to be sorry, I’m not upset, my lips feel happy to graze thee so nicely.
Not long after, your name was called, and it didn’t sound pleasant. Worried you hurried up to the stairs, with Shotaro behind you, hands intertwined. “We must hurry. I think my parents are calling me.” You said worriedly. As you both huddled towards the stairs, you saw your mother in trying to look for you with Yuta in her peripheral. You ran up the stairs with Shotaro and instantly made it to your bedroom, shutting the door and locking it afterwards.
“That was close.” You huffed. Shotaro looked around your room looking at the beautiful decor. “Nice room.” He commented. “Thank thee, thou can sit if thou want.” You replied, signaling him to the bed. “Can I ask why we were running away from thou parents?” You sighed. “It’s because of a lot, my parents hosted this party, I didn’t want to be here, and now my mom found this nice, but incredibly arrogant guy for me to talk to, but I’m not into him at all.” “Arrogant? He sounds horrible already.” Shotaro comments. “Yeah he is, they only want me to date someone who has a great status to keep up with the family name. They said that marriage is only an agreement, and should be used as such.” “That’s nothing like my parents, they fell in love when they first met.” “Well, thou parents sound lovely. I think my parents only want me to succeed at wealth and family and it’s just that I’m tired of trying to be… perfect.” “…Perfect?” You and Shotaro said in sync. You stare into his eyes lovingly, before you both leaned in and kissed again. The same feeling you had downstairs coming back to you, this time with more courage and understanding. You didn’t know what to call this feeling, but from the small comment from Shotaro about his parents, you felt like it was nothing other than love. You two were so enamored by each other so infatuated, the fact that you two couldn’t get out of each other’s grasps downstairs, and now you two have been kissing for as long as you could count, it all made sense to you.
Just then, there was a knock on your door that startled you and Shotaro. You both pulled away, you groaning in annoyance, but your emotions changed when a tone in voice replaced the knocks. “(Y/n), open this door, thou mother and I need to talk with thee it’s urgent.” Your father spoke. You began to panic, you knew your father didn’t want you to have a boy in your room, even on vacation. “That’s my father he can’t know thou are here, thou has to leave!” You whispered at Shotaro. “But what about thee? I want thee with me?” He asked. “Come by tomorrow, and I’ll see thee then. There’s a stairway under my room that is an emergency exit, thou can go through there from the balcony.” You kissed him one last time hands tucked in his hair. “Goodnight, I’ll see thee again.” You said. “Thou as well, be safe, goodnight.” He says before leaving you see him climb down safely before closing the balcony doors a little to allow some air, and finally opening the door to your room.
“Hi mother, father, what brings thee here?” You ask. “(Y/n), was there any boys here who were in swim attire that attended this party?” Your father asked. “Not that I’ve seen, is something wrong?” You asked, playing it coy. “Well one, they weren’t on the list of guests, and two, one of them was the only son of our enemies thy Osaki’s. His name is Osaki Shotaro.”
Scene ii
With night in place, everyone was happy, all except (Y/n) who now found out that her lover whom she loved relentlessly, was now the son of her parents enemies.
In that moment, your heart sank, Shotaro, an enemy, you hated to think that. “(Y/n)?” Your mother asked calmly. “N-no, I haven’t seen anyone of thy sorts.” You said sadly. “Well, just in case, we’ve upped security around just so no one with thy surname ‘Osaki’ Can step foot in this villa.” Your father replied. Your mother moved closer to you grabbing your hands as your dad stared at you as well. “Sweetheart, I know thou may not know much about thy Osaki incident, but just know that they are not good people to be around, they are untrustworthy, shallow, leeches, and one decision that Mr. Osaki made years ago with thou father, almost cost us our entire source of income and could’ve tarnished our names, we have swore to this day that no one with thy name Osaki shall cross our paths and we won’t let them.” Your mom said. “And we advise thee to do the same.” Your father said, staring at you. “Is that clear?” You nodded your head, making your parents smile. “Well good, now come along, we’ve got an hour left of the party, and Yuta would like to get to know thee more.” Your mom said dragging you out of your room and downstairs.
You looked back at the balcony thinking about Shotaro and his escape, upset that your lover is now thought of as an enemy, but one thing you didn’t know was that he was still on the steps, frozen after hearing every word your parents said about him and his family, and is also in the same sudden realization that hit you moments ago that you are a (L/n), his family’s worst enemy.
Scene iii
As dawn awakens, sunlight shines through the windows, by now, the Osaki family and friends have awaken, while the (L/n)’s are still in slumber. Shotaro smiles to himself, now happy to know he’s in love regardless of the baggage that his and her family holds to each other.
“So, let me get this straight, thou fell in love with a girl who is thou enemy!?” Haechan asks Shotaro while laughing. “Dost thou knoweth when to hold his jest laugh? She was beautiful, more than thy heavens that sit above earth. Her smile brighter than thy sun, and her sweet voice could not even compare to calming birds.” Shotaro speaks, staring in a distance. “How are’t thou so radiant in a lustrous love, that he hath forgotten thy disdain of thy families?” Sungchan asked. “Why thou question my love, thus this love can not grow without pandering to thy heart, less’t be thy heart that be so drugged in her.” “Why must we gossip? If thou love her, then thou shall seek her.” YangYang spoke agreeing with Shotaro. “I, but alas, the savagery that keeps us disheartened, also keeps us discontent.” Shotaro replied. “Her father who is thy conflict has released obsequious men who come to seek me if thy enter thy chambers. I ask of my three companions, dost thou not want me to be happy, shall I stay in isolation and remain frugal? I seek of my mates to help me through my journey, and keep me satisfied day by day forever as I live.” Shotaro pleads. As the three boys elaborate with thoughts, they all agree to Shotaro’s cries for help. Within minutes, Shotaro will see to his one true love as soon as possible.
Scene iv
Throughout the day, (Y/n) is infatuated by her lover Shotaro. As sunset falls, she dreams peacefully about the boy who was kept in her room hoping to see her again, sadly, news awaits her that she doesn’t want to hear.
“(Y/n), I come with grave news for thee!” Your mother exclaimed. “And what news shall thou bestow upon me?” You ask. “Yuta, has fallen in love with thee, and would respectfully take her hand in marriage!” You looked at her with shameful eyes, how could he want to marry you after a failed conversation? “Why must thou present this news to me now? Was said man so lustrous, he be willing to give vows so easily after a talk so lackluster?” You ask. “Oh stop being dramatic! Can’t thou see how infatuated he is of thee? If he not, then why is thy man so generous with words he cannot take back?” She replied. “But why now? Why cans’t thou wait for fate to cross our paths?” You ask. “Because fate is flawed, sometimes thou works fate in one’s favor.” “But what dost Yuta possess that no other man cans’t satisfy?” You question. “Wealth and a status that won’t besmirch thy name. Why would thee want someone worthless, when thou could have good courtship with a satisfying label? Vowing to thee would be monumental to thy family name, and help with accusations thy family has been wrongly shunned for.”You looked down, you hated to have to make a choice between your family and your lover, it was hard, but it seemed like your mother already gave you your option. “Thy ceremony is in a few weeks. That gives thee time to know Yuta in a more vulnerable state.” She says then exits. You sigh before laying back in bed, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Scene v
With forced marriage in one hand and love in the other, (Y/n) is torn. Luckily, with the help of his three friends, Shotaro might make her night feel much more secure.
“What scuffle is thy friend about to get us into now?” Haechan asked. “With maximum protection, thy can’t help thy self to (Y/n)’s chambers.” Shotaro explains. “Well, what shall dost thou need for help?” Sungchan asked. “With one dauntless armed guard near the gate, thou needs to throw something unbeknownst to him to excel on, with swiftness, thou noiselessly move past thy gate and into her chambers.” Shotaro explains.
As the three friends nod in agreement, they follow with the plan. YangYang and Shotaro promiscuously throw two rocks in a different direction making the near guards run towards the sound. They all erupt from the bushes before Sungchan lifts his friend up and over the gate to meet his fair maiden. Shotaro thanks his friends before ushering towards the balcony to climb, as the other three boys quietly walk back to their villa. With Shotaro in a great state, he climbs up until he finally meets the balcony door of his lover’s room.
Scene vi
Unknown to her, Shotaro pays (Y/n) a visit like he said he would, but is sad to hear the news from his lover that fills her heart with dread.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” Shotaro whispers from the balcony before knocking. Hurriedly, she rushed to the door to see Shotaro, and opened the door finally seeing his brown orbs staring at her with all the love he had. He entered her room before kissing her lips with so much passion, not wanting to break away from her, but she had to in order for her to bare bad news.
“I missed thee so much.” He whispered. “Me too, but I sadly have horrid news.” You said. You could sense the worry in his body as you looked at him. You let in a huff before telling him. “My parents have arranged a marriage upon me.” Anger filled Shotaro’s body. “To whom will thou be exchanging vows with!?” He asked. “Y-Yuta.” You replied. With heavy hands, Shotaro pounded the desk behind you, rage in his eyes. You wanted to calm him down, but you were very worried about what could happen if you did.
“I have no intention to be courted by him. He is not who is here right now, only thee, I love thee.” You spoke up. Shotaro calmed down looking at you. “Thou doth not wish to be courted by him?” He asked. “No, only thee, I would gladly take thou courtship from thee. I love thee.” You repeat. He came up to you and kissed you passionately. “Then by night…and stars…take thee…and make…thee satisfied…until morn.” Shotaro said between kisses. You nodded your head before replying. “I take thee.” You whispered as he moved you to the soft and comfortable bed.
“Don’t leave…Don’t leave…Don’t leave.” He whispered as his kisses trailed down to your neck. “I’m here Shotaro, I’m here.” You moaned.
Shotaro kissed your neck softly making sure to be gentle with you, not wanting to mess this up for you. He kicked off his shoes before completely moving up onto the bed above your sprawled out body. He looked up at your state, in nothing but a silk robe almost ready for bed before he showed up. You smiled up at him wanting him to continue, his eyes fixated on your silk covered body long enough. “Please Shotaro, please.” You whined. He licked his lips, lust now clouding his thoughts more than ever. He leaned back down to place more kisses against your neck before finally giving in and marking up your soft skin. The suction was a foreign feeling, it was slightly painful, but arousing. You whined in response, making Shotaro smile against your skin, he moved away from the purple mark making sure to kiss it before moving to another part of your neck to deliver another mark near the first one and kissed it as well, he continued this action two more times before removing your robe of your shoulder to expose your collarbones to repeat the same action.
He kissed and marked them up making you sigh into his touch. Loving the way your collarbones looked covered in his marks, he pushed the right side of your robe off your shoulder to expose your right breast. He gasped at your breast, not even thinking that you two would get this far. He stared at round mound, while a small part of your nipple on your left breast peeked out of the remaining piece of the robe left on your chest. Obligated, he removed the left side as well, now your full chest on display for him. He cupped your breasts in his hand before leaning down to kiss and suck at the supple skin on your right breast leaving marks on it, while repeating the same moves to the left. His thumbs grazed over your nipples making you shudder. Finally, he took your nipple into his mouth making you whine.
He sucked the sensitive nipple eagerly, tongue rolling over the bud and flicking it up and down as you gripped his hair, playfully running your fingers through the brown locks. He moved to the other nipple to do the same actions. “Shotaro.” You moaned. You couldn’t bear it, your arousal got the best of you, you needed some sort of friction for your almost practically soaked heat. “Please go f-further.” He gave you a nod before removing his shirt showing his toned body, not making your arousal any better.
He untied the loose belt on the robe as you sat up to help him. You grabbed the robe when it was completely open, and moved it out of your way. Shotaro happy to finally have your body on full display. “So beautiful.” He groaned, his bulge now strained in his pants as he caught a glance of your soaked pussy.
He bent down to kiss the top of your thighs, not wanting to waste any time pleasing you. He kissed towards the inside of your thighs, moving your legs apart to get more access. He was now face to face with your pussy, he looked up at you to make sure it was okay. “Is this good?” He asked. “Yes, please, I need something there.” You replied. With no hesitation, Shotaro wrapped his supple lips around your clit. You threw your head back, eyes closed with pleasure going through your body. He sucked on your sensitive clit, getting you used to the feeling. Your body jolted at the immense sensation that coursed between your legs.
Continuing his movements, Shotaro trailed his tongue to your sopping entrance, licking around it teasing you before using his tongue to lick aggressively at your slit. You felt so violated, how could a tongue have so much control over you? You craved it more, your carnal instincts coming out when he pushed his tongue into your gaping hole. “Ahh, Shotaro!” You moaned. You moved your hand to his hair, while the other one laid on the sheets, bunching up the material. He pushed his tongue in and out of you, preparing you for what was about to come later on, you loved how gentle he was with you, but also liked his initiative to please you.
Shotaro removed his tongue from your entrance and moved up to suck your clit, his finger replacing his tongue from your entrance. “That feels good.” You moaned. You could feel the soft smile spread across his face in between your legs, loving the praise you gave him. He sucked harshly at your clit, trying to build up your release, he knew you were close by the way your toes curled, and your body tensing up, you didn’t even realize you’ve been grinding against his face for the past minute. “Shotaro, close!” You whined. With a groan from his voice, he was ready for your release. With the curl of his digit, and his mouth sucking your bundle of nerves, he used his tongue to claim what was his, he spelled the seven letters into your clit that sent you over the edge. ‘S,H,O,T,A,R,O’ you were his. You convulsed around his finger, his lips still doing a number on you as pleasure took over your entire body. Pants and gasps left your mouth with small whines made you sigh. Shotaro let out a smile, seeing your body go through that much pleasure. Your body sent little shockwaves as you tried to calm down, he removed his finger and mouth that were now covered in both your arousal and release. With the satisfied look on Shotaro’s face, you knew you did well.
“So beautiful.” He comments making you giggle. Not wanting to waste another minute, Shotaro unbuttons his pants to remove them, releasing some of the tension on his strained hard on. You looked at the boy who stood tall above you, nearly naked, only a piece of thin underwear stood in the way. Slowly, he removed his underwear, his length now standing at full attention, his tip leaking precum from how long it’s been confined for.
Your breath hitched as your pussy clenched around nothing staring at his impressive length. He noticed your staring before he moved back up to the bed, and kissed you again while pumping his length in his hand. He looked at you making sure you were ready as he lined himself up with your entrance. You issued him a nod before he rubbed your slit with his tip before entering in slowly.
You gave a choked sound, the pain a little overwhelming. He took in your expression that showed pain, halting his movements into you. “Does it hurt?” He asked. “A little.” You sighed. He held your waist firmly before kissing you to help take away from the pain, after every few seconds, his length inches inside of you. Finally sheathed in you, the pain subsides. “Shotaro…move.”
Shotaro began to move in and out of you slowly, moans soon taking over yours and his throats. The feeling was amazing to you, you felt so secure, and so full, you didn’t think you could feel this way. Each thrust he gave was slow and meaningful, they were also precise enough to hit you at a good angle. Your hands gripped his shoulders, for leverage, holding onto him as his thrusts went harder. Giving more pleasure between the two of you.
Shotaro’s hard thrusts we’re so good that he was able to hit a spot in you that you didn’t even know you had. “Shotaro, there!” You moaned out. Shotaro moved down to your neck hiding in it as he continued his harsh thrusts, moaning into your neck as you clenched around him. “So good (Y/n).” He moaned. You moved your legs to wrap around his torso, feeling a bundle of nerves move from your stomach to your pussy, you were close again, and Shotaro was too. His dick twitched inside of you as his thrusts became sloppy. Only moans could be heard in the room as you both chased your orgasm. Shotaro removed his hand from your waist to vigorously rub at your clit throwing you off the edge. “Let go angel.” He groaned. You released around him. A cry of his name was all that you could utter in the moment. Your pussy clenching hard on his dick making him satisfied before releasing as well. Thick spurts of cum filled you up as you both rode out your highs together giving each other one final kiss as you both began to calm down. Still fully sheathed inside of you, Shotaro flips you two over, as you now lay on top of him. With his hands wrapped around your waist, Shotaro kisses your temple before you both fall into a deep sleep.
Scene i
As the two lovers awake from their slumber, they are in peace. Tranquil sounds fill the room as they recall last nights’ endeavors.
“Good morn.” You giggle. Shotaro kisses your head and nose before responding. “Good morn, love.” You and Shotaro both cuddle each other, still tight in each other’s embraces as you and your bodies were still tangled within each other from last night.
“We’re still intertwined.” You say, your warm heat still enclosed on Shotaro’s cock. “Yes, we are, doth my love wish to remove herself?” “It depends on if thou can’t take it anymore.” You reply. “Oh, I can handle it, thou feels so warm.” He comments. “But Shotaro, thou has to leave before my mother and father find out.” You said. “Mm, give me a minute, never a morn person.” You giggle at his reply. Even though it’s only been two days, you never realized how easy it is to love a person so much, it felt amazing.
“Come on, let us take a shower to clean off thy sins of last night.” You say removing yourself from his grip and standing up completely bare. Shotaro puts his arm behind his head, and smirks. “I’d rather watch the view, thou looks gorgeous.” You roll your eyes before walking off. “If thou wants to see this, thou should get up and come to the shower.” In a flash, he scurries to the bathroom door as you turn on the shower. You both clean yourselves off, scrubbing each other’s bodies, sharing kisses in between as you hurry to get out of the shower. After a few minutes, you and Shotaro both walk out, towels covering each other’s frames, hair wet, with the same smiles plastered on each other’s faces.
“I needed that.” Shotaro commented. “Me too, now we can get dressed, and find a way to hangout today.” You reply. “I know a way.” Shotaro smirks. He began to kiss your neck, licking at the love marks he left on you last night. “Mm, Taro.” You whimpered. He couldn’t help himself, you looked good coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel on. He removed your towel and you removed his, as you were both about to take it to the bed, but you felt your heart pretty much drop at the sound of a door opening.
“(Y/n) dear, it’s time for, Ahhh!” Your mother shrieked, dropping the glass of juice on the floor. You and Shotaro completely bare, sitting on the edge of the bed was the image your mother had to endure. Frozen, you didn’t know what to think, but Shotaro did, throw on his clothes and go, he hurriedly threw on his pants as your mom stood there anger in her face. As she charged towards you, you sprung for the covers, shielding your body from the open.
“Thou wretched boy how dare thou approach our sanctum!?” Your mother exclaimed as she moved to you. Shotaro was trying to find his shirt from the floor to hurry and leave, but the situation was worse when someone who you did not want to see showed up in your peripheral. “I heard screaming what has happened, OUT!!!” Your father exclaimed, not even giving a second to check out the entire situation. Your father began to charge at Shotaro full speed, luckily Shotaro managed to quickly climb down from the balcony, his chest pounding with adrenaline.
“Don’t you dare come back, if thou do, thou will face thy fury of thee, and surely view thy fiery depths of hell for thy sin put upon thy fruit of my loins!” Your father yelled towards Shotaro. As your dad turned around, you saw how angered he was. His face flustered, veins visible with his temple, eyes seething with rage. You wanted to say something, but you were too scared to. He finally saw the glimpse of the scene in your bedroom, messy sheets, your body only covered by the sheets that lay on top of your bed, a few fixtures from the room out of place, and the discarded clothes on the floor, especially Shotaro’s shirt and underwear finally made him put two and two together, you slept with each other, now even madder than before, he wasn’t going to let bygones be bygones, he needed to get some aggression out, and the only for that to happen was to visit the people who fueled that aggression.
“As I swear by thy world today, if I don’t get my hands on that boy who take away my daughter’s purity, rage that is built up in me shall be as hot as thy wicked in hell.” He seethes before walking out.
Scene ii
Tension has arose within the (L/n) family, now with the unforseen circumstances, their entire vacation now feels like a nightmare, especially for Mr. (L/n).
In a flash, Shotaro has made it home with no questions from his family that is until they overhear a light comment from Haechan that sparks suspicions.
“Oh look who’ comes about, thy man of thy hour, how did sulking in your own love and sin feel?” In that moment, Shotaro wanted to attack Haechan quickly, but was stopped by his parents. “Love and sin? What is thy boy mumbling about?” Mrs. Osaki asked. “Isn’t it obvious honey? Our son has found love, I’m proud.” Mr. Osaki replied. “Well who’s thy beautiful girl that you spark interest with, she must be intriguing.” Mrs. Osaki said. “Quite.” Shotaro commented. “Well don’t purse thy lips together, who doth she be?” Mr. Osaki asked. Haechan, YangYang, and Sungchan all looked at Shotaro with wide eyes, waiting for his answer. “Well, she’s, her name is…” Just then three loud bangs erupted from the door, the Osaki’s and the boys confused as to what the commotion was about. As they looked around noting that they heard the same thing, the banging happened again this time louder, not wanting to anticipate any longer, Mr. Osaki went to the door before opening it, and much to his dismay, was shocked to see a person he wasn’t ready to see.
Scene iii
There stood an angry Mr. (L/n) eyes scanning Mr. Osaki. Both had despised each other deeply, and to even see each other face to face was very surprising to say the least.
“Doth thou son not knoweth of the rules of fondling with my family!?” Mr. (L/n) asked. “What are thou uttering now?” Mr. Osaki replied. “I am talking about thy sins thou son has placed upon my daughter!” Everyone in the Osaki villa looked back at Shotaro anger or shock upon their faces. “Why would thou come up with a preposterous accusation of that nature!?” Mr. Osaki questioned. “Why!? Because thou son has been seen by my and my wife’s eyes for thy matter! They have been bare together, and have laid up through the sins of lust!” “Not lust, love, it is love that binds our young hearts together.” Shotaro speaks up. “Love!? What do thou know about love!? How could my daughter even love such scum that walk!? You’re ridiculous, you’re just as incompetent as your father!” “How dare thou speak to my son! Thou has no right to speak of thy relations that spill from thou mouth, thou is a pretentious hob knob that cares about nothing in thy world but thou own’s personal gain, do not blame my son for this mess, when thou daughter could be a glorified rich earned whore!”
With that there issued a punch to Mr. Osaki’s nose, the rage and fury finally drove Mr. (L/n) to his breaking point. Mr. Osaki stumbled back, the boys and Mrs. Osaki frozen at the scene. Mr. Osaki went and lunged at Mr. (L/n), punching him across his jaw. Eventually the fight continued, both men throwing punches left and right at each other, blood and bruises gathering on their faces. Mr. (L/n) took one hit to Mr. Osaki making him fall to the ground. “I always knew thou was a weakling, couldn’t even say no to others, and now look at thee, scattered across his own floor.” Mr. (L/n) scoffed. Suddenly, Mr. Osaki stood back up and gave Mr. (L/n) a really hard punch giving him a bloody nose. “I may be a weakling, but at least I don’t put up a facade of money and status to hide mine.” Mr. (L/n) then attacked Mr. Osaki by pushing him down, now punching him multiple times at once, his knuckles were covered with blood, while Mr. Osaki grunted from the pain. The boys and Mrs. Osaki pulled Mr. (L/n) off of his body, holding him steady as Mrs. Osaki went to check on her injured husband. Sadly, the strength of the four boys was too weak to hold Mr. (L/n) and with that he punched Shotaro across his jaw. Shotaro covered his mouth making sure there was no teeth or blood involved. “Stay away from my daughter.” He threatened. Mrs. Osaki saw enough and was ready to combust, this man has interrupted their vacation and has now beat up her husband and punched her son, she was pissed. “Get out! Thou shall be banned from our place immediately, go go!” She yelled before following him and closing the door after his way out.
Scene iv
As the fight and eruptions calm down, the Osaki household has some issues to resolve. One being of how to resolve the complications that came from Mr. (L/n).
“Thou are not to speak of this matter understand!? All four of thee are to go upstairs, thou three help Shotaro, and Shotaro, thou are not to interact with that tramp ever again! Do thou understand!?” Mrs. Osaki exclaimed. The boys nodded quickly before following orders.
“That was some blow thou took!” YangYang spoke. “Can we not talk about that right now, my father was almost murdered by a psycho!” “What is thou about to do?” Sungchan asked. “Nothing. We are still here for almost two weeks, I can make up with (Y/n) before we leave, I love her, and I won’t let that crazed man stand between us. “Thou is brave.” Haechan comments.
Just then, Mr. and Mrs. Osaki barge into Shotaro’s room. “I-, I just- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Did thou not listen to my orders when I say the (L/n)’s are bad people!?” Mr. Osaki yelled. “I’m sorry, but thou shouldn’t be mad about love, thou said it was a wonderful thing.” Shotaro replied. “Well maybe thou loves the wrong person, this time.” Mrs. Osaki said starkly. “Well at this point it doesn’t matter anymore because we are leaving right now! Pack your bags!” Mr. Osaki commanded. “W-why?” Haechan asked. “Why!? Because a foul creature has evaded my vacation home and has shunned me and my family, that’s why. Shotaro, thou will never speak to her again, and that’s final, if so, then thou should drop the name of Osaki till thou’s last days.”
At that moment, Shotaro’s heart sank how is he supposed to leave without saying goodbye, he wouldn’t do it. “No, why should I leave just because thou two hate each other!? I’d rather die a thousand deaths before leaving my one true love!” “Shotaro thou are leaving with us and that is final!” Mrs. Osaki said, putting Shotaro back in his place. He didn’t say another word, and began to pack, his friends showing worry in their eyes as Shotaro aggressively packed his bags, a tear slipping down his cheek. “I’ll miss her. I love her.” He mumbled.
Scene v
As the afternoon came along, you sat and waited for everything to settle down, not even thinking about your parents, only Shotaro and when he would come back.
You looked out your balcony. Hopefully Shotaro will come back, you had to see him again. The anticipation was driving you crazy. Everything here was very rough when your father walked out for a few hours. Your mother scolded you, explaining how wrong it was to sleep with someone they despised as well as sleeping with someone while you were engaged. She even tried to scrub the love bites that Shotaro left on you last night, it only made your skin dry and irritated with how hard she was scrubbing.
Suddenly, the door opened, hoping it was Shotaro, it was your parents, you looked at your father, his face was covered in scratches, bruises, and dried blood making you gasp. He noticed your worried expression before answering.
“It was Osaki, he did this, I confronted him about his son, and he just attacked me, I tried to fend for myself, but I was useless. He obviously hates us because of our previous issues, but now it’s worse since thou have sinned with that boy, therefore thou is forbidden to see him.” Your father spoke. “What, no thou can’t do that, I love him!” You exclaim. “Well, then I guess it won’t be hard for thee to love Yuta when thy marriage complete. It happens in three weeks, a week from when we go back home.” Your mother explained. “No, I don’t want to be married to anyone other than Shotaro!” You yell, tears welling in your eyes. “(Y/n), this marriage is binding and that is final! And if I so hear one word about that Osaki kid coming anywhere near thee again, then so help me I will make it be his last.” Your father commented. “And just so thou doth not get any ideas… she will have these doors locked shut for her well being.” Your dad said before locking the balcony doors and walking out with your mother before shutting the door and locking it as well. “No! Thou can’t do this, let me see him please!” You sob behind the door. “Goodnight my daughter.” Your parents both said in sync. You silently sob into your pillow, wanting to see Shotaro again.
Shotaro Epilogue
The Osaki’s and the boys boarded the plain swiftly, all upset that their trip had to end over petty drama. The only ones sympathetic about the situation was Haechan, YangYang, and Sungchan who have never seen their best friend so crushed before, they knew that he obviously loved you and couldn’t let go, but he had to. All the stuff that he did was for you, and he’d be willing to do it all again if it meant to see you. He clutched his heart the entire time, completely heartbroken, eyes bloodshot from how much he cried about missing you. His only regret was never kissing you goodbye. But he has also learned a pretty good life lesson, love at first sight is real, but don’t be a fool enough to fall for it. As the plane began to take off he shed one final tear before the plane left the ground. “Goodbye my love.” He whispered quietly.
(Y/n) Epilogue
You had come to find out that the Osaki’s left the night of your father’s fight with Mr. Osaki, you were crushed, how could he leave? How could Shotaro leave. What was worse was that you found out one week after they left, depressed about your lover, you were crushed. He was the one you wanted to marry, the one you wanted to start a family with, live with him together forever. Now, you sit at home getting ready for the wedding reception for today, but you were very nauseous. Throwing up left and right since last night, once you peed on the small blue stick, it made sense, no period, the vomiting, and mood swings, you were pregnant, so now, you are getting married to the wrong man, you’re pregnant, and now, your lover and father of your child has departed from you, what a way to end all that you and Shotaro have stayed together for. “(Y/n) darling, are you ready?” Your mother asked. “No, but if it makes everyone else happy, then sure.” Everyone gets happiness but you and Shotaro, the boy who you will always love.
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