#season two is gonna HURT like a mfer
cherrybomb107 · 4 months
Chile not the so called Vi fans over on Twitter acting like they can’t understand why we’d be unhappy with seeing a character we love dearly become a fucking COP of all things. Yes, I know it’s part of her lore. Yes, I understand that it’s integral to the plot. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I don’t understand it. Some of y’all gotta get hip to that
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hoedameron · 4 years
big night for television because i not only watched my two szn faves pero i found another show to watch. here is a little rundown that no one cares to read but i wanna talk about them bc the online community is super small and there aren’t any cool bitches </3
spoilers!! //
ncis szn 18 premiere: i think it’s so mf sexy that the showrunners/writers didn’t write in about the pandemic like...it was such a relief. this is already traumatic to continue to experience but my gosh, very appreciative for those who are actually on the frontlines and just don’t want that reminder. ANYWAYS! that fucking beginning got me standing up and shrieking i was like NO WAY did gibbs try to shoot down mcgee ain’t no WAY !! i demand mf ANSWERS like how COME he is chasing that plane, why is mcgee alone, why is gibbs on the mf ROOF with a SNIPER RIFLE?? also that shit with fornell...like KINGS if this show wasn’t homophobic, those two would make a really great couple love wins <3 but also, their friendship is incredibly special and i like that aspect more than a romantic relationship between the two. they’re always getting into some shit and it’s like jaksdjslka. oh, jimmy :(( almost getting hurt :(( that’s my mans y’all why would u wanna hurt him :(( him with those rolled up sleeves though 🤤😏 bishop and torres being the duo that they are...wish to see them again. the plot was pretty okay like it wasn’t thrilling and it was kinda like oh man, this shit wild fr...solid start! can’t wait for what they cooked up for the rest of the szn. ALSO!! next week is the 400th (FOUR HUNDREDTH!!) episode and it looks so scrumptious we get young gibbs and young ducky let’s fucking GOOOOOO
fbi szn 3 premiere: okay let’s just take a moment of silence for our lost comrades kristen and special agent emily WE POUR ONE OUT FOR Y’ALL :// this shit had me on the edge of my seat bitch!! i missed this show like yeah it kinda put me in a sad mood knowing that we lost a series regular so suddenly (and i still don’t know why...there are no articles out) but this shit was culturally relevant. it did touch on the pandemic with face masks but i think some of the scenes were shot before the pandemic so there was like...some hella inconsistencies. HOWEVER! i am willing to gloss over that shit when there is some ajskdjskal shit happening on the screen. never disappointed in the writers to deliver some poignant shit like in the beginning where the dude said that all white people are racists, including him and her (her being the other character in the scene) and the way she reacted was so funny like YES BITCH YOU TOO “GOOD WHITE GIRL”. and that new character nestor? is he staying on for the rest of the season because.....🤤😏 maggie, if you ain’t claiming him i will take both him and oa in one swoop <33 ANYWAYS, that shit with oa and his informant....that shit hurted 😔 can’t believe these mfers were about to snpe his ass and for what -_- also the music never ceases to make me bounce in my seat like YEEHAW!! the maggie snippet of why she wasn’t happy about the “success” of her undercover work before coming back to the fbi....MAN, okay more shit hurt damn bitch!! also the new girl (forgot her name lol) that is scola’s (barely remembered this guy’s name lol) partner now, she so bad like she seems like a fun character we will see how she fairs. and scola, my mans....looking fine as always <33 jubal.....scrumptious and showing up that whole command center and for what! love him. fbi always has a fire season so i can’t wait to watch :)
big sky series premiere: YES, SUE ME, I WATCHED IT!! it was advertised all over twitter and my dad and i saw some ads for weeks so we were like okay, let’s give it a chance...and it is actually REALLY fucking good. predominately white cast pero whatever ig...annoying because we only have one black woman in the cast and that is IT for people of color....crickets. anyways, the plot is interesting and it may be typical: a trucker in his late 30s who still lives with his overbearing mom gets sick and tired of her snide remarks that are supposed to be “out of love” and starts kidnapping people...possibly even killing them. the twist is that, well, he has a state trooper covering for his eyes and HE LITERALLY KILLED SOMEBODY BECAUSE THE KIDNAPPER (forgot his name lol) WAS GETTING “SLOPPY”. back to the other characters, we got cassie and jennie/jenny (idk which spelling it is) who are kinda in a fight bc cassie slept with jenny’s husband who are separated but the miscommunication led jenny to get big mad when she found out cassie slept with cody (husband). now they’re gonna have to work together (they’re all private detectives/investigators) despite this to find the girlfriend of jenny’s son who went missing when she was on a roadtrip with her sister to meet with her son. ANYWAYS yeah it sounds a bit boring BUT that cliffhanger made me stand the FUCK up like AHHHHHHH!! this season looks fire and i am willing to give it a shot :) i actually thought that big sky was more about the supernatural but it’s just some white guy abducting women so what’s new
and that does it! tuesdays are for da copaganda :3c taking three hours out of my day of being a police and prison abolitionist to watch ncis, fbi, and big sky 😼 and that is like the only day besides sunday (SUNDAYS ARE FOR DA NCIS NOLA BEST NCIS) so like...i really don’t watch anything on streaming for some odd reason. like, give me a television show on the tv where i gotta wait every week for an episode with commercials and i am THERE but give me a streaming show with zero commercials and i’m like 😐 wonder if there is any content for these...don’t mind me gonna go in da tags 🤠
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