#saturday band
vaampiricdecay · 1 year
fav character in itgo is the loofa
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Hooked by why don’t we is such a Saturday song idec
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preqvelle · 6 months
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When hims being silly.
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hey-hey-j · 2 months
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assorted stuff I've been picking at. I'm trying to teach myself that it's okay to take my time and go slow with art because I feel like I put too much pressure on myself lol.
....plus I need to start taking it easy on my wrist 😬
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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Happy Space Cetacean Saturday! Check out these winged dolphins around a whale spaceship, by Rodney Matthews for the 1992 album art to Asia’s “Aqua.” Or are those really thin orcas? They have the markings.
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Tintin Meets Inspector Gadget
Art by Adam Murphy
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mercurysketches · 3 months
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it’s ghovie eve y’all 🎞️🍿
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ndostairlyrium · 24 days
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Vacanze Romane playing in the background
Ankh: "I'm gonna get your ring back"
Cullen: "You better. That thing costed me a fortune"
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crooked-hourglass · 9 days
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Rain Ghoul - Halloween 2024
Please do not edit or repost
{Prequelle Pumpkin Ghouls | Impera Pumpkin Ghouls}
{More Artwork | Socials and Prints}
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highhhfiveee · 11 months
mikey and his sunshine gf. need i say more
wc: 2.3k tags: sweetgf!reader +dickheadbf!mike, fluff, one moment of suggestiveness, mike curves his fuck buddy for the love of his life ♡ errors bc even though i proofread, i’ve been so fucking tired blegh a/n: i haven't written much fluff about sweetgf!reader and dickheadbf!mike, but once again, i feel like this is them!
sweetgf is super sweet to mike, and i know it may seem like you just love breaking him down and making him whiny and desperate for you, but you would literally grab earth in both hands and give it to him if that's what he wanted. 
you'd been in lots of relationships where you'd gotten fully invested, pouring herself in (foolishly and) wholeheartedly. they all ended with you in tears, disheartened and jaded with humanity. after your last relationship burst into flames over you asking for just one bouquet of flowers for your birthday, you'd never wanted to be with someone ever again.
that is, until mike.
you'd first seen him with a tiny, well-endowed blonde girl, standing in line for a comically expensive beer at a nearly saturday concert. they were one of your favorite bands, and something about seeing him there, sexy and brooding and taking up so much space in the crowded drinks line, fascinated you. he looked bored beyond comprehension, eyes shadowy under the dim overhead lights and arms crossed over his chest as his friend dashed up to the booth when it was their turn, her body wracked with the movement of conversation. 
he'd stayed back from her, a feet or so of space between them as she ordered, holding up a peace sign to signal two beers and flashing her ID. the vendor had to have said something off-putting, because mike rolled his eyes, a deep scowl set into his face as his friend was handed the beers, looking off into the distance. 
he'd caught your stare. you swore at yourself because how embarrassing was it for him to catch you like that? redness blossomed over your features, but you still couldn’t look away. you two maintained eye contact for a bit, just staringuntil a smirk creeped onto mike’s face. it was so small from where you were, but it still shined on you like a million suns. you returned his action with your own grin, all teeth and embarrassment, sheepishly looking down to the ground before your friend pulled on your forearm. you’d forgotten you were standing in the merch line with her, frozen where you’d stood.
“c’mon y/n! we gotta get our merch so we can get to our seats before they start!” 
you two were up in the mezzanine, front row seats protected by metal railings. you were almost at the end of the row, two seats left beside you, and you wondered if anyone would sit there. the concert hall had started to fill up more post opener, and you felt the jitters of seeing your idols living and breathing in front of you creeping around under your skin. 
you’d decided to put your merch on, sliding your arms and head through the respective holes. you met mike's smirk again when you'd finished, all of the moisture leaving your mouth. he was sitting in the seat beside you, his friend in the one at the very end. they both had their large beer mugs in hand, and you couldn't stop thinking about how mike could hold the monstrosity with just one, noticing that his friend needed both of her dainty ones. condensation trickled over his fingers.
the friend looked over at you with wide, friendly eyes, pointing at your shirt with a gasp.
"oh em jee, that shirt is so cute! i didn't even get a chance to look at the merch, the line was so long and i didn't want to miss the beginning of the show. how much was it?" she talked so quickly, not a single mistake made.
"$40," you mumbled, choking on your answer as you tried to shift your eyes away from mike. he'd begun sliding down in the seat, manspreading his legs. his knee grazed yours ever so slightly, and you worked hard to maintain your poker face. "uh, $40," you tried again after clearing your throat. 
"sick! hopefully there are some after the show. thanks," the girl smiled at you, sugary and beaming with pink lipgloss, before leaning towards mike's ear and whispering something to him. 
she'd giggled after, placing a hand on his thigh and a kiss on his cheek, and you'd concluded that she had to be his girlfriend, or at least someone he was seeing. it was disrespectful of you to keep staring at him, wondering how his hands would feel traversing every inch of your body. you finally wrenched your eyes away from him, focused on the stage. 
once the show had started, everyone was on their feet except for mike, and maybe a few other people that felt the same way he did. he was watching with indifferent eyes, leisurely downing his beer. there was a better show right next to him; you, or rather your ass, in his face, shimmying around to the up-tempo pop punk. claudia, his date-fuckbuddy-whatever the hell, had tried so many times to get him to stand up, but he didn't budge. 
he hated this kind of music honestly, but watching you having the time of your life, singing along to every lyric and note change, made him want to enjoy it with you. for you. you looked so happy, so lively, shouting words at your friend's face and bouncing along to amplified rhythms. your aura was so bright, and something about it made mike's chilly heart defrost.
after the band had done their "last" song, he'd whispered into claudia's ear for another beer. she'd bought his first one even though he'd offered to pay, and he decided that he would let her be as generous as she wanted to be. mike saw it as compensation, considering that fact that he'd had only come because she needed a ride. 
she'd nodded enthusiastically, taking off after giving mike another kiss on the cheek.
he turned to you then, reaching up to poke at your shoulder. you glanced back at him, grinning shyly. "you caught me staring at you before the show. quite the coincidence that you and your girlfriend had seats next to us." 
he shook his head, saying, "claud's not my girl, and yeah, i did catch you. no coincidence though. these were the seats on her tickets." he'd left off the part of the story where he'd seen you as he walked down the stairs of the mezzanine, asking claudia to switch seats because he "hated" sitting on the end. 
his smile beamed through the darkness of the hall, adding to the brightness around you once the lights onstage came up once more. they don't make you turn away from him, and you were staring at each other again. he stood to his feet finally, pulling his phone from his pocket and shoving it your way. "here. give me your number and we can talk more about it later."
you took his phone into your hands dumbfoundedly, typing out your number as the first chords of the encore song vibrated around you. you'd filled out your contact, adding two eye emojis to your name, before giving mike his phone back with another shy smile. "yeah. i'd like that." 
he danced with you for the final two songs. he didn’t think he'd ever had this much fun with someone other than abby.
claudia had run down the stairs after the house lights came back on, holding the new beer mugs to her chest. the moisture made her shirt cling to her boobs, and you could see all the eyes around that trained on her. 
"beer for you," she mused, trying to hand it over, but mike raised his hand, declining. "it's okay. didn't want it after all." 
claudia frowned, looking around at the masses of people moving out of the venue. "but mikeyyyyyyyyy, i missed the encore for it!" you shouldn't have liked that he sent her away so that he could enjoy the rest of the concert with you, but it ignited this feeling in you that you couldn't get rid of, warm and fuzzy in your heart and in your core,
"i'll pay you back," mike spat, unaware of your friend tugging at your arm again so that you two could leave and beat the traffic outside. you gave him a wave and a smile as you were hastily whisked up the stairs, and he'd winked back, a tiny, almost undetectable action.
mike was never one to text back on the same day he'd gotten a number. "later" was an ambiguous time to him, but this time, he felt compelled to send you a message once he'd dropped claudia off and let her down gently, a simple, "i just don't think we're compatible." he'd expected claudia to shrug it off, but instead, she screamed, cried, begged for mike not to reject her. it was sad to him, but confusing as well. they'd never ever been together, meeting on an app strictly for hookups. 
"mike, please. i really like you. i want to be with you." how the two of you had gone from casual fucking to her thinking she was in love, mike didn't know, but he just blurted out a fake remorseful, "sorry" before pulling away from her house. 
he didn't want to sit around wasting time. he had someone to text. 
the rest was history, really.
you'd expected mike to be an asshole through and through. he was aloof in this way that you didn't think you liked, and he'd reminded you of so many people you'd been with before, acting like caring about someone with your whole being (or at least some of it) was a waste of energy and time, but he'd proved you wrong.
you'd told him about your relationship past, and he decided that he needed to change everything for you. he took you on consistent dates, rotating between your choices and his, listened to you talk about everything and nothing, carried you on his back whenever you wanted, genuinely comforted you when you cried; he even woke you up on your birthday with breakfast and a bouquet of flowers, adding an extra flower for every year.
he was a dickhead sometimes, ignoring you or giving you his pitiful, patronizing eyes when you said something flighty or annoying you with his childish gripes when he was irritated, but you always softened him up, smiling or laughing or eyelash fluttering your way into making him relax, making him sigh and nuzzle into you. he loved hugging you tight, feeling your energy through your skin, rocking you and your pastel dresses back and forth.
you were so brilliant, shining so brightly on him that he couldn't help but cave in. mike loved giving himself to you, servicing you in any and every way; you never went unsatisfied with him. 
it doesn't take much for him to do anything for you, wanting to show you he cares, that he loves you. you were a delicate thing in his eyes, so perfect and celestial, a literal angel sent from heaven to be his. you and your gentle, loving eyes and soft, soothing caresses. you felt the same way, so deeply enamored with him in every way. he'd taught you so many things, so many things about yourself and your body, so many things you would only give to him. submission was shared between you, making you both soft for each other. 
you couldn't believe that you two had made it this far, a few years in and still going strong, though mike had never really gotten better at fully communicating when he's upset. he tries his best, you know, but you can tell he's having trouble when he comes into the house from picking abby up. she runs past you, yelling hi on her way to draw in her room. mike just huffs as he takes off his jacket and moves around the living room, mildly sulking around. 
you're painting your toes, and look up at his back with gentle eyes. "mikeyyyyyy," you chorus, watching how his shoulders slightly drop at your voice. "what's wrong?" he hated when anyone else called him mikey, but somehow, you always prodded at his soft spot, disarming him.
he faces you now, all pouty and irked and you make grabby hands for him, cracking a warm smile as he sits on the couch and scoots so you're in his arms and halfway in his lap. your perfume distracts him momentarily, and he inhales deeply, laughing as you swat him, trying to talk between your own giggles. "mikeee, stop. tell me what's wrong." 
"my sandwich," his tone is exasperated, nearly a wail. he closes his eyes. "no sourdough." 
"again?" you say, toning it with as much compassion as you could. you loved mike, but he was always disappointed by this sandwich. this place he went to never had sourdough apparently, and you believed it. you'd only seen him get it a couple times a month, joyous and cheery and the most excited that he'd finally gotten his favorite lunch treat. "why don't you do different bread again? which one did you do that last time?" 
"rye, and it's not the same. not bad, but not sourdough." 
"well, you don't have to let it get you down, baby." you stroke his arm, rubbing the hair at the nape of his neck and pressing your lips to his temple for a few long kisses. he sighs under you, his breathing even. "you'll get your sandwich. you always do." 
little did he know that you meant you'd make it for him personally every day, using his card to get the ingredients every time you needed to restock.
you'd have it prepared in a ziploc bag for him, and it didn't matter if you were at his house, or your own; there wasn't one day since then that he hadn't gotten his sandwich on sourdough, and a cute little note with doodles and wishes and fantasies from you, signed with "i love you the most" in neat, swirling cursive, your name, and three hearts. he thought your sandwich was better by a mile. 
you were one of his bright spots, his sun. his star. 
hehe cutie origin story (i am so tired, so eepy). hope you all enjoy this one <3 i love this dynamic and i think they're so fun to write about.
faire's seedlings ✿
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fluffyfangirl · 1 year
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✨ Byler on a date ✨
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ww2yaoi · 2 months
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world-of-celebs · 2 months
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Frankie Bridge
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leonsleftbicep · 5 months
this of III at sick new world has just made me realize how great he would be for a slasher movie
he wouldn’t have to do speaking lines and he could just become a slasher that follows you around with a chainsaw through the woods
if your hiding out in a in a cabin he just cuts through the wood and meets you with a smile you can see in his eyes.
yeah i do know a lot of people would swoon for his exterior and his actions
i also just have this scene in my mind where the final girl/guy has him all blooded and chained up against the floor, about to kill him. but he just looks up at them with pleading eyes (that are being enhanced because the lighting department is full of people that love his eyes)
if, IF we wanted to make this a slasher love story. our final girl/guy would lean down and kiss where his lips would be. and thats the moment when we hear him speak
“thank you”
and thats when either our final character kills him or he kills them.
and movie cuts there. now part two nothing thats the end.
the creator wouldn’t even think about making a sequel, we would just have this stand alone movie.
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idiotspacecowboy · 1 month
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📸: Ryan Fleming
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