sammy8d257 · 1 year
the world is burning. Have a meme!
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farsidejr · 1 year
You're an artist, do you have any advice
(sorry if this cringe)
i do ! it really depends on what you wanna draw buuut here's a few that apply to everything !
also i loooooove giving art help it is NEVER cringe :} if you ever see me draw something and go "woa how did they do that" PLEEAASE ask me !!! i will be more than happy to share my process on individual subjects/techniques/etc
USE REFERENCE IMAGES !!! i know it's always said, but it really helps. HOWEVER what i don't think is emphasized enough is your reference images for shapes, poses, animals, objects etc should be photos, not other people's drawn artwork. with a real life photo, you won't pick up another artist's mistakes and are more likely to be able to develop your own style ! plus, a lot of artists don't appreciate heavily referencing their images, since it can end up getting close to tracing in some cases.
DON'T FORCE A STYLE ! your art style is the way you personally comfortably draw, it's the shortcuts you take that make drawing easier and the details you personally have fun doing. you can definitely get tips on what to try out, take inspiration, etc, but at the end of the day it's just how you draw. everyone who draws has a drawing style, full stop
SKETCH !!! too many artists starting off i see either don't use sketching or use very little. yes, you CAN learn to draw without ever sketching, but it is a huge help. sketch basic 3d shapes overtop reference images to get an understanding of the structure. this is an exception to the first tip i gave, you absolutely can reference the way other artists structure their sketches. later on, you'll be able to eyeball it, for sure, but that takes time n practice
DON'T BE SHY ! this is still something i need to remind myself with. once you know the rules for drawing certain things, don't be shy to break them. exaggerate expressions, stretch or curve things if it makes it look better. don't be shy with shading if you want to do some, i used to shade way too faintly and was too nervous to really darken my shadows n brighten my highlights. most of all don't be shy to ask for help !
i might draw up a few visuals for rules of thumb i follow and reblog this with them later, but for now if you got any more questions feel free to ask :}
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unpleasant-angel · 5 months
very pretty gradient you are
thanks you're not so bad yourself
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
i think you sent this to the wrong blog
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sobredunia · 2 years
Do you do comminsions? If yes are they free or do people have to pay for them?
Hello! I do indeed do commissions, but there is something I'd like to point out:
A free commission is called a request, and I do not do requests at the moment, only paid commissions
If you would like me to draw whatever you want, my dms (and wallet lol) are always open! :D
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ultraericthered · 2 years
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Firstly, wrong Gwen Stacy getting snap’d there.
Secondly, YIKES. Those are some dark ass thoughts, MJ!
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saturnsuv · 2 years
8 episodes into tlok trying to fill the atla hole in my heart again and my impression so far is that it’s aggressively mediocre. sorry
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Samantha Nyad Simpsons
Fullname: Samantha Nyad Simpsons
Aliases/Nicknames: Sammie, Sammy, Sam, Weirdo/Freaklo/Loser by Mandy and her friends, Sammy Kin by her father Sam Jr./her grandfather Sam Sr./her mother Gabby/her grandmother Luna/her uncle Robbie/Jeri, Sama by her youngest twin brother and sister, Mikey and Misty
Ages: 13-14
Dates Of Birth: September 17th, 2010
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Ethnicity: Mulatta (Kenyan American, Afro-Haitian, Irish-Mexican)
Hair Color: Burgundy Brown
Eyes Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Brown
Sexuality: Aromatic Asexual
Religion: Protestant
Home: Beverly Hills, California
Hobbies: Studying Psychic and Biology with her best friend Alexia and Clover, Helping her parents at her part time job, Practicing Tennis, Softball and Baseball Every from Monday to Friday 1:30-3:30, Spending time with Alexia, her friends and family
Favorite Color: Green, Yellow
Family Members: Samuel Harold Simpsons Jr. (father), Gabriella Carol Simpsons (mother), Robert Oliver Simpsons (paternal uncle), Samuel Bobo Simpsons Sr. (paternal grandfather), Luella Zuri Simpsons (paternal grandmother), Sébastien Simpsons+ (paternal great grandfather) Layla Simpsons (paternal great grandmother), Glenmore Brown (maternal grandfather) unnamed maternal grandmother+, Amelia Brown+ (maternal great grandmother), Femi Brown+ (ancestor)
Role in the team: The Smart Ass Firecracker
Friends: Alexandria Elisa Laurent-Casoy, Kairi Yue Ewing, Britney Diana Smith-Lewis, Dean Ace LaBride, Blaine Hiro Chen, Louise Sarah Wallace
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet (arch rival), Amanda Erica Luxembourg (arch rival), Caitlin Kelly Laurent-Casoy, Isabella Luz Dominique, Marvin Robert Luxembourg
Love Insterests: Dean Santiago Rodriguez (boyfriend)
Fashion Choices: Varsity Causal Clothes
Favorite Movies: Superheroes and Science Fiction Movies
Favorite Music Genre: Hip Hop, Gospels
So po z hiFavorite Foods: Soul Foods, Jamaican Cuisine
Favorite part of being a spy: Standing up to bullies include Mandy
My version of Samantha is different from the original. She is smart, upbeat, quick witted and adventurous of the trio.
For design I turned her into a slim, brown skinned Mulatta tomboyish girl with curly burgundy brown hair with bangs kept in pigtail buns with yellow hair ties, dark brown eyes, black and red lips, her attire of consists, a red cat eyed framed glasses with yellow lenses and wearing varsity causal clothes. Her friends Clover and Alexia are the both of the spies whose wear makeups.
Sammie is the smartest and straight A's student in Beverly Hills High School. She had the excellent grades and has won the science contests, she is a fan of superheros, she studied biology and hanging out with her best friend Alexia and smiled at her crush David, she going to psychic class with Clover, her worst fear of failure and being embarrassed by her classmates included Mandy and the other mean girls bullying her, flirting David to making him break up with her, planning and assisting her uncle Big Manfred running her and her family out of business and try to ruling her life. She and Alexia are in their first year of high school. She is a team member tennis, softball and baseball every from Tuesday to Thursday and also a new member of Science Olympiad every Wednesday at lunch. She wearing green above the knee catsuit with short sleeves, yellow 3/4 sleeves undershirt and capris leggings underneath light green spy rounded eyed framed glasses with green lenses, green fingerless gloves, belt around her waist and combat boots. She is interested in Computer Science/Engineering in Beverley Hills High School.
Sammie was chosen to work for W.O.O.H.P because, she was 5 years old, she going to a field trip to the California Science Center with her classmates, as she learned Kindergarten Life Science: I Will Survive and then Physical Science: Sun-ergy, she passed two topics, Jeri see her as she smiled at her, she is now smart.
Sammie's family is successful skates zone and arcades, her father Samuel Harold Simpsons Jr. is a clumsy co-chair of Simpsons Stakes Zone, her grandfather Samuel Bobo Simpsons Sr. is the ceo founder of Simpsons Stakes Zone, her mother Gabriella Carol Simpsons is Beverly Hills Girls Soccer Team coach and work at Beverly Hills High School, where she and her best friend Alexia go to school. Her grandmother Luella who is a protective housewife and her youngest twin brother and sister, Michael and Misty Simpsons whose are 3-4 years old toddlers, they go to pre school in Beverly Hills Presbyterian Preschool, she continued to focus and studied computer science until she graduated from Beverly Hills High School and attended to the University of California, Berkeley and planning to interested Computing, Data Science and Society, to becoming a Computer Programmer and to marrying David someday for the next four years in the future.
Totally Spies c Zodiak Kids & Family Studio
Character designs and art c D.D' art
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sammy8d257 · 1 year
You ever get so mad at someone that you just wanna go up to them and punch their skull in?
In Minecraft?
Yeah but it takes a lot for me to get to that point
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farsidejr · 1 year
have I improved?
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Ignore this if you want
i think so !!! absolutely
i can tell you're already getting a good idea where to put shadows and your proportions are looking really good too !
i think you're the kind of person who's gonna improve a lot real fast as long as you are motivated and interested :} i don't see many people actively looking for help to improve early on, i certainly wasn't (i was too stubborn for a while)
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sobredunia · 2 years
Whats your favorite style of art?
impressionism for sure
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look at me in the eyes and tell me these do not fuck severely
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pinespittinink · 2 years
it’s emo hours for the children living in the Glavenisean Theater right now,,, i’m so fond of them all
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wellofdean · 3 months
how can a show be about hatred of women when there are no women in it who are important that aren't doomed by the narrative? now misogyny is for men? supernatural hates and kills women, and you want to claim that that the misogyny is towards the men? god forbid women do anything i guess.
You know what? Your unwillingness to own your opinion publicly and your tone notwithstanding, this is actually a good question, anon. You are referring to this post, I think.
Misogyny in its simplest definition is hatred of women. For me, though, that definition feels a bit too narrow and a bit too gender essentialist. As a rejector of gender essentialism, I would broaden that definition to say that misogyny is the hatred of that which is seen or understood as feminine, or all the things that appear to exist on that side of the binary -- man over woman, logic over intuition, rationality over emotionality, etc. The things on the feminine side are weak, irrational, soft, untrustworthy, dangerous.
I like philospher Kate Manne's take on it -- she calls misogyny the enforcement arm of the patriarchy in her excellent book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny, arguing that misogyny (like racism) is not about personal feelings, it's “a social and political phenomenon with psychological, structural, and institutional manifestations”, and it's mission is to maintain the status quo of gender hierarchy. Misogyny operates as patriarchy's "police force" to enforce gender roles, punishing those (usually women) who deviate from them, and keep everyone (again, usually women) in their rightful places, and while obviously misogyny is directed at women, and this is the topic of Manne's book, I would argue that if women under patriarchy have a place to be kept in, so do men, whose deviation is, in some ways, even more threatening to the status quo.
I said in my post that the overt misogyny directed at women in Supernatural is cartoonish and ridiculous and feels too obviously stupid to be unintentionally placed there, and amounts to a depiction rather than a replication or approval of it. Meanwhille, Dean's masculinity is often just as cartoonish. He's practically play-acting Fonz Solo when he shows up at Sam's in his daddy's big leather jacket and muscle car. However, while Dean does performatively pose as the ultimate man's man and womanizer, leering at college girls and cheerleaders and even Sam's girlfriend, when he is actually called upon to interact with a woman who is not troped to the gills with hot girl stereotypes or posing for Sam's benefit, he is very consistently nothing but respectful and does no leering whatsoever.
Meanwhile, though Sam is too cool and urbane for the leering, he is lying to Jessica about his life and his family, which endangers her and gets her killed, while Dean, we learn soon enough, told Cassie everything the minute he thought he was in love with her. Dean play acts misogyny, but Sam is the one infantilizing his woman. And, even though Dean spends a lot of energy aggressively big upping his man-cred, the fact is that he is the intuitive, emotional one, and he plays an undeniably feminine role in his family. He's John's partner, Sam's mother. He's the one who wants to hold the family together for the sake of love.
All of this is in the FIRST SEASON. Watch it again. Think about the way Sam only agrees in the end of episode 1 to go with Dean after Jessica gets classically fridged, so Sam gets called to his hero's journey. Think about how Dean went to his brother, vulnerable, alone and afraid, needing help, and how, in the end, Sam's acceptance of their quest is not an acceptance of Dean at all. Think about how Sam is a direct mirror to John who has deserted Dean at the time the story begins. John wants Dean to submit himself to John's will, but he treats Dean with scorn, and respects Sam, who refuses to do so. Think about how trope-loaded Mary's white nightgown and Jessica's skimpy tomboy/girlish and self-consciously cute briefs and smurf crop-top are -- how what is being killed when they both die is symbolic mother/modern-twist on maiden (or whore?) femininity, which sends John and Sam on a revenge quest, and about how Dean DID NOT CHOOSE to be on that journey; he was DRAFTED.
The final episodes of the season make Dean's role explicit when he pleads with Sam and John for family, for love; tells them they are all he has, and Azazel, possessing John, praises Dean for being the one who keeps them together, who always looks out for their family, and think about what a knife to the heart it is that that's how Dean knows that John is possessed: his real father would never value those things about him. He'd think they were too soft, too feminine.
If you watch Supernatural from the beginning, keeping an eye out for every time Dean is feminized or someone (often SAM!!) drags him by impugning his masculinity (I think @ilarual is doing a tally of this? Or someone else?) it's really hard to unsee once you start noticing it: Dean is subjected to misogyny ALL THE TIME, and he subjects himself to it -- pushing down all his softer feelings until all he has is anger and fear -- it's the kind that tells him that he's isn't man enough.
Like, can you not see that a saying 'Supernatural kills female characters' ergo it is a misogynist story is just...too blunt an instrument? Supernatural kills women, and it also kills and tortures men. Is there misogyny in it? ABSOLUTELY. Misogyny is a deep vein running through absolutely everything in it, but most of that misogyny is THE REASON TO TELL THE STORY. The fact that it is a story ABOUT MEN is not misogynist in and of itself, particularly when it is so critical of what men become and and are forced into by hegemonic masculinity. For my money, Dean is intentionally and thoroughgoingly queered from the off! It is no accident. It would be difficult to do that as completely as they do without it being part of the actually DNA of the story.
And PS. the fact that you think none of the women in SPN are important is pretty misogynist of you.
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jesncin · 3 months
I didn't want to talk about MAWS Lois' hanbok any more than I already did in the Asian Lois essay, so this is more of a tiny expansion on what I lightly talked about. It's what the character designer said about her hanbok design that doesn't sit right with me:
“I remember feeling strongly about wanting to inject some aspect of her Korean heritage without disrupting her characteristic as a spunky and resourceful intern/reporter.”
I've covered already that this wording poorly implies that "Korean heritage" (like the whole thing I guess) is at odds with Lois’ "spunky" personality but like, I don't think folks realize how racist their line of thinking was. If you're looking at Korean women wearing traditional outfits like this:
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and you think these women can't be "spunky" or "resourceful intern/reporter" people, then what does that leave? What do you think of these women? Are these women passive? Obedient? Submissive? Just because they're wearing traditional clothes? I think back to this essay: Thinking outside the rainbow: women of color redefining queer politics and identity (which I recommend reading), and how the many queer Asian women talk about how they're not clocked as queer people because queer culture defaults to white queer culture.
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The point being, if you're redesigning a "tomboy" "hanbok-inspired gala outfit" and you come in with the mindset that traditional Asian clothing = a passive woman, then you're coming in with racist and misogynist biases. I'd be more understanding if there was an explicit desire to design a hanbok for action heavy scenes where Lois needs to run around a lot, but then why say it "disrupts" a character's personality? Why bring personality up at all?
Again, I don't think the MAWS crew are racist mustache twirling villains with malicious intent to make racist caricatures of people of color. But this is a crew that wrote in character design notes for Vicki Vale to design her as "Indian-American or Asian American" (implying Indian people are not Asian when they are in fact South Asian), and casted a Filipino actor as Sam Lane (a contextually Korean character, because the crew think Asians are interchangeable), lazily designed a Native American Lois hologram with a feather on her head and ended S1 on Thanksgiving, made an in-show joke at Black Jimmy's expense that he doesn't understand bigotry, and had character designers say Korean Heritage "disrupts" Lois' personality. No, I don't think the MAWS crew are racist. I do think they're woefully ignorant about portraying people of color, and have some internalized biases to think through. All of which rightfully deserve criticism.
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Just A Girl
Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: Y/N starts getting into interests other than hunting, but what happens when her brothers find out?
Author's Note: another Supernatural fic? Yup, my hyperfixation knows no bounds. Enjoy!
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You were a daddy’s girl through-and-through. No question. Without a doubt.
Not that you had much choice in the matter. Your mother had died before you had even gotten the chance to form good memories of her, and your father, John Winchester, had taken you in as soon as he heard the news. So, that’s how you had grown up, looking up to your father and two big brothers. Needless to say, there was very little feminine influence in your life.
For the first many years, you had been fine with that. Overjoyed, even. You took on the role of tomboy with great ease, and you devoted all your energy to making the men in your life proud. You studied with Sam, trained with Dean, and compiled monster-killing information with John. 
But things didn’t–couldn’t–remain the same. The older you got, the harder you found it to relate to your brothers. Of course, you still enjoyed your training and the occasional hunt–they only allowed you to go on the “safest” ones–but you found yourself pulling away from your family more and more mentally, although you wouldn’t allow your inner-alienation to show to your brothers. You didn’t have to worry about hiding it from your father, since he was barely around. 
When Sam left for college, things only got worse. Dean doubled-down on your training, convinced that now that Sam was gone, you needed to be able to fend for yourself. If he needed backup on a hunt, he couldn’t turn to Sam anymore. You didn’t mind the work, but the long hours of training and the few hours of anything else was beginning to wear on you, both physically and mentally. The older you got, the more you felt like you needed your own space, to explore your own interests. You couldn’t tell that to Dean, though, not after he lost Sam to his own interests. 
Your hesitance about training wasn’t the only thing that was changing for you. You were also beginning to notice how emotionally distant your family was. It hadn’t affected you as much as a little girl, because when you were little, displays of affection from the men who raised you had been more common. But now that you were older, they seemed to think that you had outgrown such things. You could tell that you were being expected to “grow up”, maybe even “man up”, something you most certainly could not do.
But it was more than that. When you were little, all you ever wanted was to be like your family. You wanted to be strong like dad, protective like Dean, and smart like Sam. But you couldn’t do that anymore. You couldn’t look up to them like heroes, because you had long outgrown that notion. Of course, you still looked up to them in some aspects, but it was different now. Dad was always gone, Dean wouldn’t know how to deal with feelings if they danced around blowing trumpets in front of him, and Sam…well, Sam had left. Not that you blamed him, of course, he had his own life that he wanted to live. But it was hard to look up to something that you never saw.
All that to say, this wasn’t exactly an ideal environment for a teenage girl. You were far too reserved to take out your feelings the way the rest of the men did–bottling them up and then letting them out by screaming at each other. You had times when you wanted to, of course–you had been disagreeing with them, especially John, more and more as you got older–but you found yourself more and more afraid of conflict as you matured. Before Sam had left, he and dad had been yelling at each other almost constantly, and it was pure torture on your anxiety. You hated raised voices, you hated hurt feelings, you hated conflict of any kind really. Your brothers and father never backed down from a fight, be it physical or familial, but you couldn’t do that. You found yourself walking on eggshells, making sure not to even say–much less yell–anything that would set off an argument.
You were stuck at a sort of impasse–your desperate desire to please your family versus your personal inclinations to just be yourself. 
The only solution you had was to try and live both worlds; you trained with Dean whenever duty called, but afterwards you would retreat to your room, letting him work on whatever hunt he was preoccupied with, and you explored your own world.
You got into books, some tv shows the men in your life wouldn’t be caught dead watching (and would certainly make fun of you for watching), you tried out makeup and let your hair grow longer (you had always cut it short to keep it out of the way during training or hunting). You found that the more “feminine” things that you would’ve scoffed at a few years ago were suddenly looking much more interesting. You used one of those scammed credit cards Dean gave you to buy some ballet shoes, which you hid in your duffel under all your other belongings unless Dean and dad were on a hunt, at which time you would pull them out and teach yourself using some books you’d found. 
It took you a long time to get over your embarrassment at wanting to try “girly” things out, but once you did you never looked back. You still played the part that dad and Dean expected, the young tomboy following in the men’s footsteps, but when you were alone, you didn’t see any harm in trying out some hobbies that felt more like you.
Like right now, for example. Dad was missing, Sam was finally back, and he and Dean were off hunting some monster. You enjoyed your isolation by first finishing off a tv show that they would’ve hated, then by reading some more of a new book you had gotten that they would’ve scoffed at. After that, it was time to pull out the ballet shoes and practice that new move that you couldn’t quite perfect. 
You were so concentrated on figuring out the move, that you hadn’t noticed that you’d been practicing for hours, or that it was getting dark outside. You were also so intent on the music that you’d downloaded to go along with your dancing, that you didn’t hear the Impala pull up to the front of the motel room. In fact, you were so engrossed, that you completed the entire move–perfect for the first time!--and you were jumping around in excitement when you finally saw them. Your brothers. Standing at the door, mouths dropped open in shock, confusion contorting their features.
You froze on the spot, unable to move. You tried to speak, but no words would make it past your dry throat. You snatched up your phone and quickly killed the music, but there was no covering up the shoes you were wearing, and certainly no erasing the boys’ memory of what they’d seen. 
The three of you stood in silence for several moments, before Sam finally got the words–or perhaps the guts–to speak.
“What was that?”
You answer was immediate.
“What are those?” Dean was staring down at your pastel-pink ballet shoes, his mouth still hanging open–which would have been comical if your heart wasn’t pounding in your ears.
“Nothing, just-” your lip started to quiver, and you were so shocked and appalled by this that you bit it so hard, blood started to dribble down your chin. Winchesters did not cry. “Just forget about it.”
“Jeez, Y/N,” Sam exclaimed, snatching up a towel and wiping the blood off of your mouth. As soon as he was done, you pulled away and sat on your bed, removing your ballet shoes as quickly as possible and depositing them back in their spot–the bottom of your duffel. 
There was silence again for several seconds, but this time it was Dean who broke it.
“So…we’re not gonna talk about that?”
“Talk about what?” you muttered, your eyes downcast as you shifted on your feet.
Both brothers scoffed in unison.
“C’mon Y/N,” Sam insisted, putting his giant hand on your shoulder, “why didn’t you tell us you were into ballet?”
“And pretty darn good at it too,” Dean chimed in, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. 
You stared at them, confused.
“You’re not…mad?”
“Mad?” Dean frowned, “I don’t know why you think we’re mad, I’m just confused. I mean you never seemed into…this kinda thing.”
“I…wasn’t,” you picked at your fingers, trying to find ways to ease the awkwardness of the conversation. “But lately…I don’t know, I just wanted to try it out.”
“Not just ballet, I guess. Just…girl stuff,” you looked up, trying to gauge your brothers’ reactions. 
Sam just shrugged, “Ok.”
You were shocked.
“Ok? Just, ok?”
Dean smirked, “You may be a bit of a tomboy, but we haven’t forgotten that you’re a girl, baby.”
"Yeah, but," you sighed, "you don't think this stuff is stupid?"
"Well, you're not exactly gonna find me in those shoes," Dean shrugged, "But you do you, kid."
A relieved smile broke out on your face.
“You’re seriously ok with this?” Dean laughed, “Tell you what. I’ll be one hundred percent ok with this, on three conditions.
Both you and Sam frowned.
“What are they?” you questioned.
“Ok, one: never ask me to watch a chick flick with you.”
You giggled, relieved, “Ok.”
“Two: never play Taylor Swift in Baby. Never. I don’t care if I'm dead, that does not happen, understand?”
You giggled harder, “Ok, ok.”
Dean was frowning now, “Hey now, no giggling, I’m serious!” he snatched you up and threw you onto his bed, leaning over you and poking your sides, “This is a very serious conversation N/N, and I-” Dean dodged your desperate attempt to kick him away, smirking as you squealed under his ticklish assault. “Hey, that wasn’t nice. I can’t have this serious conversation with you giggling like that!” He poked at your ribs, laughing as you struggled.
“Wha-hat’s number three-hee?” you squealed, still trying and failing to get away from him.
“Oh yeah!” Dean suddenly pulled his hands away, once again regaining his serious composure. “I want front row tickets when you’re on Dancing with the Stars.”
You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm, “Dean, it’s just a hobby, I’m not gonna get famous for it.” “Hey now, you don’t know that, anything is possible. Now do we have a deal or not?”
You giggled, sitting up and wrapping your arms around your big brother.
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wowsosad · 2 months
Creep Dean :/
Zero personal space with Sam. When Sam is driving, Dean is manspread far enough for their knees to touch. When they have to sleep in the Impala, Dean watches Sam sleep for hours before finally crashing himself. When Sam is wounded (even minorly) after a hunt, he insists on cleaning and wrapping it up himself, going as far as helping Sam bathe or shower, hands wandering over soap-slicked skin. He’ll sleep with just about anyone, but if he meets a girl named Samantha, he defaults playfully to “Sam” and “Sammy”, pupils blown out as she laughs at the nickname. When Sam isn’t around, he goes for the tomboys, with shorter cut hair and broader shoulders. He loves brunettes, he loves tall women, and he loves to take them in the ass and imagine they’re Sam. He steals Sam’s clothes, sifts through his duffle bag until he finds the used boxers, then shoves his face in the crotch with a groan. He’ll use the restroom while Sam’s showering, and stare hard at the curtain like it’s his enemy, or ogle Sam’s body through the frosted glass. He’s never-not trying to catch a glance at Sam’s bulge in his pants, or eye up his ass in whatever pair of jeans he wore that day. Dean steals Sam’s shirts, shivers at how big they are on him, ducks his face in the collar to huff the smell of his baby brother, and pretends that not wearing his own clothes was an accident. Grrr
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