#rottmnt never part again au
rufwooff · 1 hour
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nikaserb · 11 days
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moooore turtles~
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and Donnie from the Replica comic...👉👈
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squidthesquidd · 3 months
hey what if i just started tmnt posting. what then
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twignotstick · 4 months
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
Part 3 💜 | Part 1 <- 🧡 | Part 2 <- 💙
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I wrote this as my love letter to the story and the characters. Especially April :)
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Donnie & April, April & the Turtles, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, recovery (hehehehehe), talking it out because we're adults, skating, social avoidance? idk how to tag that
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): yelling, some violent actions
Words: 2,065
Summary: April was able to figure out her first brother easily. Now, she gets three more, with a couple more issues to worry about.
One brother was already a lot. He was sweet, if a little violent. April was content with one brother.
Then she found out he had two more. Lost in their youth, taken away, never to be seen again. Suddenly, one wasn't enough. April wanted three brothers.
So she got them. One by one, she welcomed her new brothers into their home. She helped them feel safe and welcomed. And, in turn, they helped her learn her place as a big sister.
Now, four? Four whole brothers? That was pushing it.
Donnie was a wild card. Some days, he'd bounce around madly, blabbering about whatever “improvements” he'd made in the lair (always putting Splinter on edge, yet he could never find any problems with whatever Donnie did, probably because his brothers did damage control before he could catch it). Other days, he'd literally hiss at April until she left. Not just left the lair; left the sewers.
This day was supposed to be one of those days. Donnie was visibly shaking with all the pent up energy in him. The brothers had apparently had an “intervention” with Donnie after the previous night, when he had almost broken a major support beam in the lair just so he could collapse it on April. Now, he wasn't allowed to show violence to April in any form for a whole week. In exchange, he'd be allowed to take a single blood sample from each of his brothers, which was the weirdest trade April had ever heard. But Donnie really wanted it.
And boy, was it hard for him.
“Did you see that?! Did you see? I totally landed that one!” Mikey yelped, shaking on his skateboard.
“Good job, big man.” Raph stepped up beside him, lightly touching Mikey's shoulder and making his eyes widen as he tried to maintain his balance.
Mikey had been wanting to practice his skate tricks, and Raph wanted to make sure he did it in a safe environment. The skate ramp in the lair was perfect. Even if they were just practicing kickflips at the bottom, it was safe and contributed to good vibes.
While Raph and Mikey stood at the bottom, April, Leo, and Donnie sat at the top with their legs dangling beneath them. Well, April and Leo's legs were dangling. Donnie was perched up like a frog, knees thrown out to the sides and his hands curled on the edge of the ramp. Leo, of course, was between him and his self proclaimed mortal enemy, absorbing as much murderous intent as he could. It was a lot, to put it nicely.
“Do you think he'll ever actually get to use the ramp?” Leo asked, enjoying the spectacle of his youngest brother getting properly babied by his oldest.
“Four is definitely tough enough to survive a fall from this height,” Donnie responded cheerily. “His shell is the best of all of us. A human, on the other hand, would likely get severely injured if they were to be shoved off the edge.” His face grew the slightest grin at the imaginary violence.
“Watch the language.” Leo raised a brow to Donnie. “And it's Mikey, remember? Not Four.”
“R-right!” Donnie stammered, patting his hands on the side of the ramp. “Four is Mikey.”
“No, Mikey is Mikey. His name isn't Four, and it never was. Just like my name isn't Two, Raph's name isn't One, and your name isn't Three. You're our brother. Donatello.”
Leo was getting slightly agitated, and Donnie- or maybe Three- was starting to fidget and rock back and forth. It was clear that Leo wanted Donnie to just give up all this number talk and act like their childhoods hadn't happened. But that was just an impossible task. April could tell that this situation would be quick to spiral.
“Hey, uh, Leo?” April asked, getting his attention.
“Betcha can't do an ollie.”
Leo turned fully to face April. “A what?”
“I-it's a skateboard trick…” Donnie said, causing Leo's attention to whip around again. “F- Mikey showed me a couple days ago.”
“Oh.” Leo's brow ridges tightened as he whipped back to face April. “You think I can't pull some stupid skate trick? You are so on.” Leo slid down the ramp, using his carapace like a sled. “Mikey! Give me your board!”
Donnie watched him slide down with wide eyes. “Has he… ever skated before?” He asked, mildly concerned.
“Nope. Never even touched a board.” April smirked. “He's gonna be stuck down there for at least an hour.” She looked over at Donnie, who was gazing down at his brothers with a lost glaze over his eyes.
“You wanna go join them, Donnie?”
The softshell's neck popped as he snapped to glare at April. The murderous intent that had been building suddenly channeled into his face, and he growled before standing up and stomping away swiftly toward his recently decorated room.
April glanced down at the three brothers having fun, then pushed herself up to follow the one who wasn't.
“Wait, Donnie! What's wrong? I-”
“Stop.” The turtle hissed, not turning around to face her.
“Stop? Donnie, what did I-”
“I SAID STOP IT! STOP CALLING ME THAT!” He pressed the heels of his hands into the sides of his head.
“What do you mean? Just tell me what's-”
The turtle turned on his heel in the doorframe. “JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I don't know how to put it in a way your STUPID HUMAN BRAIN WILL UNDERSTAND!” His face morphed into a manic grin. “Goodbye! So long! Sayonara! Toodaloo! GET OUT OF MY FACE!”
The door slammed shut, and April was left breathless.
April came back the next day to a much quieter lair. The boys were keeping space from each other, whether consciously or not. Raph was wandering around, trying to act like everything was okay. Leo was training in the dojo. Mikey was spending more time around Splinter than he usually did.
The final brother was still locked in his room.
April decided to join Mikey to bring him his second meal of the day. The first one, a small plate of rice, was still outside the door, now cold and dry.
Mikey knocked lightly, barely tapping the door with his knuckles. “Donnie?” He whispered. “I've got more food for you. It's your favorite- flavorless mush! I tested it myself, no taste at all. I promise!”
The offer was met with silence.
Mikey sighed and let his shoulders slump, backing away from the door. “I just don't get it,” he muttered pathetically. “He hasn't even come out to pee, April. Do you think he's just peeing in a cup? Or a corner? Does Donnie have a pee corner that we don't know about?”
“Mikey, it's okay.” April grabbed his shoulder. “First of all, yes, he probably does, and that just means we get to bond over cleaning his room when this is over. Second, you shouldn't have to worry about this.”
“I'm so sorry, April.” Mikey looked down to his feet. “I don't know why he hates you so much. Maybe if we hadn't-”
“Don't apologize,” April interrupted. “If anyone needs to apologize, it's me.”
Mikey looked back up at his big sister with wide eyes. “Why?”
She sighed. “Because I did something wrong.” April took the food from Mikey's hands. “I'll get him to eat. I'll text you if things go super wrong, but otherwise, ignore any loud noises. I have a feeling this might get… violent.”
Mikey puffed his chest. “Roger, roger!” He saluted and rushed down the hall, supposedly to find Raph and warn him of April's plan before he could start panicking.
April stood next to the door. “Hey, bud,” she started. “It's April. I've got your food, and I'm not gonna leave until you let me in to give it to you.”
After about two minutes of just standing there and getting no response, April sat down. She would say something every few minutes, just to remind him she was still there.
48 minutes later, the lock clicked.
April opened the door slowly. Glancing around the room, she could see the state of disarray it was in. Clothes carpeted the floor, as well as abandoned scrap projects. The turtle was cloaked beneath blankets on his bed, only his bright eyes glaring out at the invader.
She left the door open and stood to the side, getting just close enough. She didn't want him to feel threatened or trapped. She placed the (well cold by now) food next to the growling blanket pile and backed away. Waiting a second, just until he proved he would actually start eating, she spoke.
“Why don't you want me to call you Donnie?”
The pile shifted. “You just… you just can't.”
“Why not?”
“...because Splinter gave me that name. It's my name as his son. As Raph, Leo, and Mikey's brother. Not yours.”
April was about to pose a question, but the softshell suddenly sat up and started showing his anger. In the action, he also revealed the red marks growing on his arms from squeezing them.
“Because I don't care how much time you spend around us. I don't care how much One likes you, or how much Four draws you, or how much stupid stuff you watch with Two! You aren't related to me. It's scientifically impossible. We don't share any genetic material. You aren't my brother!”
With frazzled eyes, he turned and grabbed April's collar, bringing the two face to face.
“And you are most definitely not my sister.”
He shoved April away and sulked back in his den. The girl decided to take the violent outburst as an invitation to get closer, and sat on the edge of the bed.
“...that's okay.”
She only got a sniff in response.
“I don't need to be your sister. Or your brother. All I want is to be your friend. And if that means I call you something else, that's okay. Just tell me what you want me to call you, and I'll do it. Maybe I can call you Purple like Splints has been. Or I'll call you Three, if you really want me to.”
The turtle, Donnie to some, showed his face, keeping the blankets wrapped around his shoulders. His fingers were digging into his upper arms.
“And I know you might not like me, but I'm not going anywhere. Your brothers like me, and they'll be upset if I go away.” When she saw the softshell's grip tighten, she quickly added, “And I know that if they had to choose, they'd pick you. But they don't have to. They don't want to.”
The turtle stared aimlessly in front of him. “...I don't… I…”
“I can just not call you anything if you can't decide. Y'know, just call you ‘dude’ and stuff.”
His shoulders lifted higher, touching the sides of his chin. “That… that works…”
April smiled wide. “Great.”
The two sat there, just accepting each other's company. Donnie's tight posture slowly loosened, and April focused on making sure his breathing was even.
This poor boy had never known true family. He had never known learning to trust people and taking them in. He had never been taken in. This concept, choosing family, was so foreign. Because to him, family wasn't something you could choose.
April would never allow that. Never again.
“...sooo, do you have a pee corner?”
April held her hands up defensively. “Mikey said you haven't come out to pee! I just wanted to know if you had a pee corner!”
“No?! Why would you automatically assume I have a pee corner?”
“Because you haven't come out of your room to pee! What, do you have a pee cup instead?!”
“Then what have you been doing?!”
Donnie pointed to a spot in the room, and April looked over to see a very D.I.Y. toilet, made of scrap metal welded together. (She could recall that Donnie's welding materials had been taken from him weeks ago.) “I hooked it up to go straight into the tunnels,” Donnie boasted proudly. “I even dug the holes myself! Digged? Dug.”
“...yeeeah, we're getting rid of that,” April grimaced.
“WHAT?! WHY?!”
[In time, Donnie would let April call him by his name. And, in time, he would learn that his name was his, and his alone.]
And that's it! Totally! April has started on her long journey to fixing all of her broken brothers! She has NO OTHER BROTHERS THAT HAVE ISSUES, why would you ever think that 🟥🐢
This part gave me quite a few problems. Knowing that the "Maps" comic is probably going to explore April and Donnie's relationship, I was a little scared about making assumptions. Also, you don't realize how difficult it is to write someone who isn't all there until you're actually trying to do it. Eventually I just said "screw it, if he's out of character, its fine". So now we're here :)
ALso, no one tells you how motivating and powerful the high you get when someone you look up to praises your work is, I thought this would take me WAY LONGER to finish 🤡
aanyway, congrats to all the tmnt au comp winners, again. Can't wait to see who moves on from here :D
Part 4 -> ❤️
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snappedsky · 1 month
ROTTMNT: Retired Leo AU
Leonardo helps April with a job interview.
Mr. O’Neil
April slumps down the subway tunnels, head low and feet dragging. When she enters the lair, Leonardo is sitting in the TV chair with Splinter on his lap; Leo and Casey are sharing a beanbag chair as they play on their phones; Donnie and Raph are facing each other in a video game on the TV; and Mikey is sitting in the other beanbag, watching them.
April drags herself across the room and collapses face first on Mikey’s beanbag, groaning.
“Hi, April,” he says happily.
“Hi, Mikey,” she mutters. She groans again as she rolls over onto her back, dragging her hands down her face. “I’m gonna remain a jobless loser forever.”
“Why, what happened now?” Donnie asks apathetically.
“I applied to be a security guard at the mall,” April explains.
“Oh, you’d be good at that,” Casey remarks.
“I know!” she agrees, “but because I’m not 21, and because I’m a woman- they didn’t actually say that part, but I’m sure it’s gotta be one of the reasons- they want my parent to come in with me for the job interview.”
“So what’s the problem?” Raph asks.
“My mom will never agree to the job,” April replies, “she’s been real worried about me lately and wants me to stay safe and responsible and whatever.”
“Does she not know that you helped saved the planet from a hostile alien invasion?” Leo asks.
“That’s part of the reason she’s worried,” she clarifies, “she doesn’t know I helped fight the Krang, but I was away from home during the whole invasion. And I’m always staying out late and often coming home with bruises. I feel bad for stressing her out all the time, but I really want this security guard job.”
“Well, April,” Splinter says, “I will gladly pose as your father for the interview.”
“Uh, I appreciate that, Splints,” April replies hesitantly, “but I don’t think anyone would buy that we’re related.”
As he pouts, she looks past him up at Leonardo, who’s mostly focused on his can of soda. “But, Leonardo! You could totally do it!”
“Huh?” he questions as April jumps up to her feet and grabs his arm.
“You’re great at sweet talking people,” she points out, “you could pose as my dad and convince the manager to give me the job!”
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aprilohneil · 2 years
Soft Shells and Donnie
⚠️WARNING: rottmnt movie spoilers ahead!!
I have many thoughts! So many thoughts! Before I get into them just a quick couple of things:
All image IDs are in alt text
I'm able-bodied, and I've been concious of that and done my best to stay in my lane, but please let me know if I've overstepped! Edit: I'm no longer able-bodied lol, but this is still something I feel I dont have much authority on
I'm just some guy, this is my personal interpretation of this, I'm not trying to say anyone else's opinion is wrong!! I just wanna share my thoughts
Okay alright let's get into it!
A lot of people interpret Donnie's soft shell to be a fatal weakness or an analogy for a disability, and I disagree! At least, in canon. I've seen a lot of content exploring his shell as a disability that I've absolutely loved!! I'm not talking about fanon or headcanons or AUs or whatever - this entire post is in the context of canon. I love it when people explore things that aren't touched on in canon (and I wish it WAS touched on more in the show) I just wish the series handled it better than what they did.
I'm also not saying that having a soft shell would not be a weakness or not make him vulnerable in certain situations! It's just I've seen people talking about it in a really black-and-white way; Donnie has a soft shell, therefore he's a lot more fragile and weaker than his brothers. I think it's a lot more nuanced than that.
For a start, Donnie's shell is MEANT to be soft- he's a spiny softshell turtle. This isn't a case of an injury or something else that's made his shell like that, it's just how it is. I don't think it's fair to say that his shell is inherently a weakness, in the same way that April, a human, isn't inherently weak because she doesn't have a shell. There are both pros and cons!! In the same way that there are both pros and cons to having a hard shell!
I've seen some posts that really rubbed me the wrong way, saying things like "Donnie's probably scared of beach balls because one hit his shell when he was younger and it bruised him" and similar, I can't recall anything more specific and I'm not going to go looking for them. It just. Really annoys me?? It's borderline infantilizing.
In the movie, Donnie's soft shell and how it could affect him in battle is addressed for the first time in the entire series - if I recall correctly, that is. Its been a while since I've done a full watch through, but I'm pretty certain.
I'm not a fan of how they handled it in the movie because of that. It seemed really out of the blue, and out of character, especially for Mikey and Donnie. All throughout the show, it's never been an issue or cause of concern, and now suddenly it IS. It's suddenly a HUGE problem for Donnie. If you're going to have a disabled-coded character, then COMMIT. Include it during the entire series, not just for shock value and to create tension.
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In the first scene, Donnie saves Mikey from being crushed by crouching over him. His battle shell is crushed, he's left without protection, and him and Mikey panic about it.
THIS scene makes sense to me, this scene I really liked! Their reaction makes sense, because in this situation, Donnie IS vulnerable. The ceilings caving in, the Krang are absolutely viscous, and they're losing the fight with no way out. At all. Not a great time to have ANY fleshy parts unprotected.
Once again it was a little jarring, just because it was literally the first time it's been addressed on screen. But that's whatever, nothing's perfect etc etc. I'd prefer it to be included late than not at all.
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It was THIS scene that really irked me. Donnie's asked Mikey to take off his battle shell for him, so that he can fully be submerged into the Technodrome.
Yes, taking off his battle shell in enemy territory is a cause of concern, but no where near to this extent. Donnie has fought many times without it with no issues. They're not even actively fighting here - Donnie's about to be absorbed into a cocoon of tentacles (which was so so gross shdjdm). Mikey being this worried makes no sense to me, and it's kinda insulting to Donnie to be honest! It's ignoring his past experiences, ignoring the strength and skill he has been shown to have.
I've gone through and watched all the scenes in the show where Donnie doesn't have his battle shell on (once again I might have missed some, but I'm pretty sure I got them all).
Mascot Melee
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This was a pre-planned move! Donnie wasn't forced into a defensive position, he put himself there in order to use his battle shell to blast the enemy back, and exposing his shell. He's already got another battle shell on standby waiting for him, so while it was a risk, it was a calculated one, and a very small one at that. His soft shell taking a hit would hurt, yes, but not seriously injure him.
The Purple Jacket
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His battle shells have all been stolen and he's PISSED, but he's not worried at all about having to go out and fight the Purple Dragons without the protection they provide.
Insane on the Mama Train
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This is the big one!!!
Donnie purposefully destroys his battle shells and walks into a fight he KNOWS will be dangerous, against enemies he knows are strong. Not only does he hold his own against them, but he kicks absolute ass!!! He knows his limits, his strengths and weaknesses, and he knows how to fight in the way that's best for him, specifically. His soft shell is not holding him back, he's adapted, he just has to fight in a way that's a bit different than his brothers!!
Also his brothers and Splinter are not shown to be worried or concerned for him at all during this episode. They know he can handle himself.
End Game
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This would've been a great opportunity to explore how having a soft shell would affect him in certain situations, but it's not addressed at all. They all get buried under rubble, Raph asks if everyone's okay, and they all get up and walk it off.
Many Unhappy Returns
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Once again this would've been PERFECT to explore how having a soft shell would effect him!! You can SEE the damage Shredder did to his battle shell - and his battle shell is not weak!! It's made of some pretty strong stuff!!
That SHOULD'VE hurt him, in a way that it wouldn't have hurt his brothers, and they could've done so much with this and they didn't and I'm MAD.
Todd Scouts
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There's not a lot to add here, the only thing to point out is that, again, Donnie isn't worried about his shell being unprotected, and neither are his brothers. I do find it funny how the second he's separated from his tech he goes completely feral I love him so much <3
the ONLY time his soft shell was EVER actually addressed was in Donnie's Gifts.
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And it wasn't about his shell, not really. It was about him being sensitive emotionally, not physically, and it was just a play on words.
They could've handled it a lot better in the movie. Yeah, it's tough to do when you're trying to add something that didn't exist in the series before hand, but there were so many ways they could've done it.
This is a bit of a sidebar but I never see anyone talk about this and I think about it literally all the time SO:
Donnie having a soft shell can also give him some advantages that his brothers don't have!!
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From Todd Scouts and The Purple Jacket. He's very flexible!! A great skill for a ninja!! He can sneak through smaller spaces, find more places to hide, and would be great in stealth missions!!
Because of his smaller, flatter shell, he can pass as human more easily! He was the first of his brothers to go in public alone, and without a full-body disguise. To a HIGHSCHOOL no less he is braver than me.
I also want to point out that having hard shells doesn't automatically make his brothers infallible. Yes, Donnie's shell can be hurt more easily, but he would be able to take a lot of damage before it's fatal. For his brothers, with their hard shells, if anything managed to hurt them, it would be very, very serious. A cracked or broken shell could very easily kill them.
There's a reason why, in the movie, Donnie protected Mikey from the falling rubble. That very likely would've crushed Mikey's shell, and that would've killed him. Donnie's battle shell and normal shell have some give to them, they allowed him to take the hit while getting away without being horrifically injured.
It's also very lucky Raph's shell got punctured through the lip, and not closer to the centre. That would've been very bad!!!
(If anyone wants to read about shell trauma, then the IDW comics are right there - Donnie's shell gets smashed, he almost dies, and has to wear a prosthetic, it's so fucked up omg)
But yes that concludes my essay on why I didn't like how the movie handled Donnie having a soft shell, and why I don't like how a lot of the fandom treats him. Thank you and goodnight it is 2am
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tervaneula · 1 year
Hi! I'm Terv, welcome to my blog!
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How to turn off "Best stuff first" so you'll actually see my posts
Here's some handy-dandy info about my stuff. Might heavily edit this later because I'm nitpicky like that lmao, but anyway, here we go!
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Art tag: tervdraws Writing tag: tervdrabbles Personal tag: it's terv
Leonardo/Usagi tag: leoichi
AO3: katterv Pillowfort: tervaneula Bluesky: tervaneula
Commissions: Closed Ko-Fi: tervaneula Redbubble: tervaneula
❌ Do not repost or edit my art and writing! ❌
Trans Rights
A little piece about fandom etiquette
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My blog is a tcest & apritello & aprileo free zone.
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Latest NQK update
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Chapter 15: Bonds
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A list of my ROTTMNT related fics under the cut. Most of them are illustrated! 💜
General [9/?]
help me believe (that i'm your brother) (G)
The road to recovery has been long but finally, the brothers are well enough to introduce Future Boy to one of the most comforting of habits - the turtle pile. Unfortunately, Casey has some doubts about his place in their family.
please don't be a hero (again) (G) (part 1 of a series)
Donatello needs his coffee. Leonardo finds him first.
lean on me (i'm strong enough) (G) (part 2 of a series)
Leonardo needs to get better, be better. If not for himself, then for Michelangelo - his baby brother shouldn't worry about him as much as he does.
you make me proud, little brother (G) (part 3 of a series)
Raphael worries and Leo's quip goes wrong. However, it leads to an emotional turnaround neither of them saw coming.
a lesson in trust (G)
Leo feels guilty for getting Raph caught by the Krang and refuses to let go of that burden. His big brother isn't having it anymore.
not quite kintsugi, but close (G) (ongoing)
The plan is simple. If all else fails, Michelangelo will make a time gateway for Casey to undo what Leonardo, in his youthful arrogance, started all those years ago; it will require sacrifice, but they are ready for it. Until the moment comes, of course. Or, in other words - what if Future Leonardo and Michelangelo both end up in the present with Casey? Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery") is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. (Wikipedia)
repeat until death (T) (Major Character Death)
A companion piece to Chapter 7 of not quite kintsugi, but close. Leonardo doesn't want to let go. In the end, as long as Donatello is concerned, he never did.
Cold Feet (G)
Leonardo is enjoying his lazy morning… until a certain human teenager disrupts his peace.
some boys do lay eggs (T)
Leonardo is just about to fall asleep when the weight of a body thuds against the side of his bed, startling him awake, but not awake enough to shake him out of the heaviness of near slumber. “Whassit,” he mumbles, sticking his hand out from his blankets and feeling about until his fingers touch the edge of a hard shell. Ah, he recognises the shape – it’s Leo. “...are we boys?” 
sleepless (G)
Leo is so, so tired and goes to his dad. Splinter thinks up a plan to put into motion in the morning - but it seems that he's already helping.
Leoichi (Rise x Usagi Chronicles) [6/?]
with friends like these (G) (part 2 of a series)
Meeting up with his old friends and introducing his new boyfriend to them certainly hadn't been in Yuichi's plans for the day - but it turns out to have been a welcome surprise later when it helps him realise something important about his own feelings.
make your home in me (E) (part 4 of a series)
Click the link to read the summary!
world's end boyfriend (T) (AU)
Leonardo lost Yuichi to the apocalypse almost exactly five years ago. It's now been a year since he, Michelangelo and Casey made their impossible portal trip to the present day, successfully preventing the Krang invasion this time - so imagine Leonardo's surprise when his little brother tells him that they're going to rescue his mate. They only have one chance.
and just like that (T) (ongoing) (part 1 of a series)
What was supposed to be a simple shopping trip to the Hidden City turns into an embodiment of a romcom when Leonardo runs into an unfamiliar white rabbit. Or more accurately, the rabbit's dining table.
soft bunny, warm bunny, little ball of— uh oh (G) (part 3 of a series)
Leonardo feels so lucky. He has the world's softest boyfriend who doesn't mind being treated like a giant teddy bear! Too bad it made him forget something very important.
breathe (and let go) (M) (part 5 of a series)
Leonardo needs a break from his… everything, and Yuichi is always more than happy to indulge him.
cracks never healed (they can heal now) (T)
Their plans for a nice date go awry when Leonardo and Yuichi run into a giant rampaging robot. It's swiftly dealt with, but not without a price.
well worth the wait (G)
Hana has been worried about her adoptive father's new relationship. Yuichi puts those worries to rest.
And that's it! For now. <3
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Post ROTTMNT season 2 au where Mikey overhears Splinter talking about his past relationship with Big Mama with Leo and like wishing that his last real romance hadn't ended on such a bad note.
Mikey decides to Do Something About This.
But instead of trying to redeem Big Mama (which he's still TOTALLY planning on doing, just not now) he reasons that what Splinter REALLY needs is to Get His Mojo Back!
SO he decides to set him up on a series of blind dates in the Hidden City.
All of these dates are of course ruined in a myriad of horrible and hilarious ways; the waiter trips into the table, the boys (who are spying on this) not-so-accidentally drive the date off, at least one date is so terrible that they drive SPLINTER off, etc.
This all accumulates with Splinter being even more depressed than he was before the dates, sad and outside the restaurant in the rain.
Only for an umbrella to suddenly block the rain, and a charming Yokai woman about Splinter's age holds out a hand.
They go to a nearby bar and start talking, it turns out she's a former actress who used to star in action flicks on the surface with a cloaking broach she rented out, so they have plenty in common.
They both have a grand old time, laughing and chatting about their glory days, never going to in depth to preserve that magic.
At the end of the night they part ways, but the yokai leaves a card with Splinter saying he can call her again sometime, maybe they can go out sometime.
The card is simple, elegant, and has in bold, curly letters her name:
Tang Shen
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Celina, I had the most random thought about a yandere rottmnt isekai au.
I was rewatching some rottmnt earlier and I noticed how I barely commented on anything, aside from a smile and a small chuckle here and there. It got me thinking…
What if m/c was like that? What if m/c never really commented at all aside from a few chuckles and small comments sprinkled throughout an episode? Maybe they are a bit of an introvert too? How would yandere rottmnt turtles react to this?
I think they would go insane trying to find any information at all about m/c, and at first it isn’t even because of their yandere-ness! They just want to know who the heck is watching them!
I think that they may try to do things to make m/c speak, but they wouldn’t outright reveal themselves as able to hear m/c (let’s be real here, if you found out an entity beyond your realm was watching you, would you instantly let them know you are aware of them or would you at least try to make sure they are safe first?).
Soon, m/c’s voice becomes… addicting. The boys constantly crave m/c’s voice and comments, doing anything to know more about them and just hear them again! This is amped up if m/c gives them small compliments here and there… especially with Donnie and Leo… (The turtles would probably develop the belief that the only reason they can hear m/c and no one else from m/c’s realm is because m/c belongs in their realm…)
Then they try to break into m/c’s realm…
Donnie would most likely be able to connect with the tech first with his nimpo, then he would hack into any device near m/c. Cameras, laptops, phones, everything! It isn’t long before the turtles learn more about m/c than they would’ve ever known beforehand, maybe even more than m/c themself…
It isn’t long before Donnie hacks into m/c’s phone and establishes a connection between the turtles and m/c’s devices…
Poor m/c would have no idea who these random people who sound-er, text?- a lot like their favorite characters from ROTTMNT. I doubt the turtles would give themselves away immediately, they would most likely bide their time and gain more information on m/c (This could also be translated into your sentient AI thing you have going on).
They would only reveal themselves in person, once the portal is ready and they can take what rightfully belongs in their world. M/c wouldn’t have the chance to run before they are dragged away, kicking, screaming, and crying, out of their own reality…
“Why are you fighting us, dear? Don’t you love us? Our reality is- No, stop fighting us- our reality is much better than this bitter and cold world, you won’t have to worry about anything ever again!”
(Bonus if Donnie hacks into m/c’s friends and families phones so Dr. Delicate Touch can have a few words with them…)
(I’m sorry, It’s almost midnight for me and I HAD to share this idea with someone :,/)
Me at 3 AM 3 hours later-
Someone send help I cried because of an angst story but now I'm dehydrated but I'm too scared to go get liquid bcs I'm pretty sure someone is on the couch and I'm far too paranoid for that shit-
Tw: Raph gets a little- too dependent on MC speaking, Mikey glorifies his position, mentions of manipulation + anxiety
First of all, delicious idea you got here- as always I'll just add a little tidbit.
Imagine occasionally they accidentally whisper or mumble when they hear you speak in the rare moments that you do. Like with me, I either talk to myself about somewhat off-topic things or just say the most basic compliments that are more or less for my self-indulgence in expressing my true feelings. (We'll go with compliment bcs that makes more sense in terms of yan development)
"Donnie is so skrunkly when he's feral I love it-"
*Donnie who was just having a typical "who's better" debate with Leo* "Oh won't you look at that...I'm loved even in times of undomesticated behaviours~" *he's very smug, and definitely is bouncing with joy internally*
I think for the most part Donnie, Leo, and Raph react pretty similarly. They kinda just have an odd pull to the weird ass voice they occasionally hear sometimes, wanting to find out more about it. So they can cling to it as emotional support.
But Mikey?
He is legit going to think he's some prophet of this mysterious voice which he believes is a superior being. Like even the smallest comment will literally make him whisper to himself- "Oh my divinity, I am a follower of your every word.." Wouldn't be surprised if he has heart eyes istg-
But if his bros say they can hear it too, he will literally be so pissed. He'll accuse they're lying and basically manipulating him into thinking he's not special. I wouldn't be surprised if he busts out Dr. Delicate Touch to start accusing them of any crime that fits with the situation. And in the end, he'll always conclude with "I'm the only one who gets to be the chosen one of my divinity~ so stop lying alright?"
Also there's one thing I want to point out with Raph, I feel he would get attached to the voice so bad over time that he either A. cannot make any rational decisions without it or B. he gets super anxious if he doesn't hear it in his head 24/7. I feel he would nickname it like, "my secret voice" or "my mind plushie".
Leo and Donnie definitely fight the most about the voice, but they also plan together the most when it comes to finding out more about the owner of the voice. But their intentions with each other are never mentioned.
(this was such a half-assed rant but surely it should be a little insight on my thoughts).
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lartiel · 2 months
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New au new designs!
Hazbin x tmnt, why? Why not! That’s why!
Love both of these and wanted to mix them for some time now so here we are, trying to figure out what the heck this man looks like!
So any opinions on this so far? And any questions about what I got for this story along with suggestions are welcomed!
Small explanation under cut of the story!
Spoilers ahead if you’re interested in this all!!!
So I saw someone’s au of a tmnt and a Jazmin hotel au, sure it was rottmnt that got mixed with it but still! It gave me an idea, give the kids to Rosie, or kid really.
I have a whole thing worked out on how the man dies and that’s how the story begins actually with what led to his death, it would take place in season some time after they get April back on their side again ( making amends ) her and the guys basically have a horror movie marathon and have just been doing some hanging out sense then! You know happy to have their friend back and all.
I felt that it would make sense for Donnie to not really enjoy horror realistically, so ya! It helps lead to his death in how he was never really all that scared with horror and crap.
And also I would like to mention that sense demons would have worshippers that’s part of how he gets there to begin with, they kept him from the pearly gates that he deserves with how he died.
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paigethepaper79 · 2 months
Y'ALL, OMG. It's been so long, actually. I think the last time I was on tumblr was like, in July of last year? (my laptop broke) BUT I'M HERE. FINALLY!!
AND, I just finished @somerandomdudelmao rottmnt apocalyptic au series, AND LET ME TELL YOU. I CRIED. AT MULTIPLE PARTS. GODDD I LOVE ROTTMNT. I still do. I never stopped actually. BUT YEAH, I might be active again idk.
OH AND props to Cass, seriously, one of the best rottmnt comics I've read. And it made the movie better! (I can't stand anything other than a happy ending you guys). So yeah, thank you for all the time dedicated to the comic!!
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rufwooff · 13 days
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She's my everything 🤲💖💖💖
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nikaserb · 10 days
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i wanna be saaaaved
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thenightfallen · 17 days
Night Eyes (rottmnt au)
Part 1: ----- ----- .---- ----- .---- ----- ----- -----
(Thought I’d start posting the neye story here. This means internal dialogue and this whispering. My challenge for you is to decipher the chapter titles and figure out the hidden message. Have fun!)
Frantic breathes are heard under roaring wind. Ruble of a broken city is pushed to the side and a robotic eye scans the ruin.
???: You have to find it, you have to find it, you have to find it, you have to find it- ,,, have to find what? I don’t know just FIND IT
Startled they scan the horizon. Krang. They get to their feet quickly.
SHELLDON: Yes, Master Donatello?
He flys along side Donnie as they quickly escape the area.
Don: Save coordinates 42.02’30” N, 71.50’30” W
SHELLDON: Coordinates saved. Running thorough scan of surrounding areas. Aaand downloading data now
Donnie slides down graveled rocks when he hears the ever so familiar sound of mechanics and Krang dogs. He ducks under a crumbled wall. A red light passes over head, and krang dogs growl. He stays silent until they pass. He moves quick and silent as he nears his exit.
He looks in all directions before lifting up a trap door. He slides in with SHELLDON by his side. The hallway stretches on for a while. The walk back to his base is coated in a heavy scent of displeasure.
The hallway opens up to a small room. To his right and left two more tunnels and in front a door. He pushes it open. It’s dark. He flips a switch and purple lights engulf the room. The screens shine and further bring out the shadowy corners.
Donnie plops down in his chair. He sighs and rubs his face.
Don: SHELLDON, start new recording.
=recording now=
Don: ….. Day,,, 1,105. The pursuit of- whatever i was looking for was not a success. No new findings and nothing out of the ordinary. I was cut short by the arrival of Krang scouts. Maybe next time.
Donnie pushes his chair across the room. He picks up a mug as he reaches the sink. The handle is turned and the faucet sprays out drops of water before going dry.
Don: tsk. Out of water. I’ll have to fill the reservoir again. SHELLDON add that to my “important to-do list” please.
SHELLDON: you’ve got it Donnie.
Donnie slides across the room to his computers.
Don: thank you. (To recording) I’ll be digging in the third tunnel tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be able to reach my third point by the next heat cycle. That’s how i can tell the years here. The first three months cool, then it warms up in the middle months. It’s never gone over 125F. In the later months it’s monsoon season, only it’s boiling acid from the sky. I’m just lucky that the earth is coated in a sort of acid resistant, lipid bilayer.
Donnie types into his computer. Reorganizing plots and crossing off areas. He sighs.
Don: No sign of you yet. It’s been 3 years. I’ll find you.
=recording ended=
Don: SHELLDON you may recharge now.
SHELLDON: Alright! Night night Donnie.
Don: Good night.
He looks back over his monitors.
Don: Somethings not right here
He squints at the screens. He knows there’s something missing but what is it?
With growing frustration, he closes the tab.
Beep beep beep
Donnie slides down his desk to another monitor. Using Krang matter he was able to conjure up a tracker around this area. A small group of Krang are passing by in the east. Nothing serious.
It’s getting late and there’s a lot to do tomorrow. Donnie gets up and walks to the door. He turns the lights out on his way into his bedroom. His appetite was gone so there’s no point in trying to find anything. He knows what’s in his own fridge.
Lazily he takes off his prosthetic leg and swings himself into his bed. Pulling his sheets up to his chin. He left his robotic arms on. They are uncomfortable to sleep in but it’s easier to put his leg back on when he actually has hands.
He settles down and stares up at his ceiling.
Don: Good night brothers. Good night April. Wherever you are.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
I thought I’d update my pinned so here goes:
Hello! I’m LoneAnon aka Nonny aka LoneAnonon on AO3! My current fixation is Rottmnt, more specifically Future Leonardo (peepaw brainrot) hehe, so a lot of my works as of recent are Future Leo related! Check them out when you can!
Important: my response to ai with my works
Current Work(s):
•WDS or Whispers of Distant Souls aka another F!Leo returns to the past with Casey fic but F!Leo is haunted by his dead brothers. WDS TEASER
•I’m Blue… da ba dee da… aka Reunion, DMD, LCD, and WDS F!Leos collide in one dimension due to a multiverse oopsey (aka aka a silly “what-if” story where my peepaws meet :).)
•(Accidentally) Played American Football With My Newborn aka a silly F!Leo story where he takes a small baby turtle to the past to stop the krang. Never did he think being a single parent would be harder than defeating the krang. (No turtle tots were harmed in the making of the title.) father-daughter fluff snippet
Completed Works:
•DMD AU or Dead Man’s Deal AU a series with an 8-chapter main story and ongoing side stories centered around F!Leo, who returns to the present carrying his heavy guilt that lands him in the Battled Nexus as the Barbarian. DMD Fanart
•Reunion aka a oneshot where F!Leo returns to the past in order to pick up Casey Jones (takes place after the movie).
•LCD or Leonardo Come Down aka a prologue+9-chapter fic where F!Leo returns to the past with Casey (separately) and is hellbent on getting his revenge. Casey is given the task by Michelangelo to stop the Krang and save Leonardo while F!Leo faces the consequences of his actions. LCD fanart aka my pfp
•Setting Sun aka a 5 part short, interactive story where the readers’ decisions can end the story, or discover the details of Mikey’s situation. (Unedited, no beta, silly little dumpster fire aka something bad that you might not want to look away despite how bad it is) AO3 link
•Distorted Mirror aka a 4 chapter rottmnt Leo-centric fic focusing on his role as the leader in silly time travel oopsies. (The oopsies being the future timeline with the krang apocalypse hehe)
•BYMH or Between You and Me and Him aka an ongoing series where you can ask any of my peepaws anything, or tell them you hate love them. [Peepaw multiverse interview] (please state your request as for bymh)
More to see:
Upcoming Works:
•Lost Ronin aka F!Raph returns to the past under “circumstances” and it’s up to the present turtles to solve these “circumstances”.
•Estranged aka an AU where the Hamatos reunite with their long-lost sisters, Jennika and Venus. (Based on the two turtles meant to be introduced in rottmnt future seasons—we were robbed tsk tsk.) Teaser: Two Birds Jennika and Venus appearance
•(possible?) The M-Word aka a 5?-chapter post-Rise-movie angst fic that deals with Raphael’s trauma regarding what he endured in the midst of the invasion.
•(possible?) Inimitable/Spiderweb aka Big Mama imprisons F!Leo to force him to train her upcoming Battle Nexus Champions in exchange for his freedom.
•(possible?) Reunion F!Leo returns to the past once again to provide ultimate peepaw advice and give the kids the reassurance they need.
•I’m In The Wrong AU aka a joke idea where F!Leo goes through the portal to find the key and stop the krang, but he finds himself in a New York unlike the one he knows. Rottmnt x ‘12tmnt crossover
•Mystic Mirror on the wall, who the fuck are those turtles?/A Genius’s Curiosity/Mirror Realm Activities (name still undecided) aka a separated au where Donnie is raised by Draxum, Mikey raised by Big Mama, Raph raised by the Krang and Leo raised by the streets. The turtles are reunited by Donnie aka Subject 03’s newest creation, a mirror that goes beyond its purpose and creates a realm inside its reflection that the turtles use as their escape from reality.
•Attached aka an rottmnt au set during the apocalypse where Leo is too late in providing backup for the ambush attack on Casey. Upon finding her body, he finds an infant protected in her embrace. An infant with the unforgettable gleam in its eye signifying the Krang.
[Tcest DNI]
[Story tags and asks tag below]
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momokohoa · 1 month
Rottmnt ☆ Star Child AU Part 3
angst incoming ⚠️⚠️
Alright, two weeks passed by, after the Krang incident, Leo still hasn’t changed slightly a bit, not even close. Leo can sometimes get into an argument with Raph, especially when his leg is still in a cast, Raph was so worried that Leo’s leg wont be healed by the past few weeks. Mikey, however, wasn’t always happy, because he always wanted to hanging out with his older brother, Leo. Without Leo, Mikey would’ve been more and more sad, and most likely have short-tempered attitude. Meanwhile with Donnie, he’s still finding his way to cure his brother (even though they aren’t even twins or blood-releated, he still doesnt want to lose him, especially Leo is still in the Hamato Clan, or family whatsoever.), but still feeling worried if Leo doesn’t even make it. 
  Now, back to the present, so Leo was still, I mean still in his room with his boring ass-fucking-expression on his face, and laying on his bed. However, there were a bit of commotion coming out from the living room. It was Mikey and Donnie having a chitchat not-so-totally about Leo, but about April’s birthday in two days. Mikey then has a plan about the presents and gifts for April, “Okay, so, we need to have a birthday card, 19th birthday balloons, oh and yeah! A birthday girl can’t have a birthday without a birthday cake!” Donnie then agrees. Back to Leo, still in his bed, he then sneakly limping like a kangaroo and then hides behind the walls, so his brothers wouldn’t notices him spying on them. But luckily, Donnie can sense the noise coming from behind him. He then take a peek behind the walls, and turned out it was Leo. This is his fiftieth time he snuck out while his brothers are keeping on eye on him, Leo wasn’t good at hiding places at all. “‘Nardo, how many times do I have to tell you? No. More. ESCAPING FROM YOUR DAMN BEDROOM!?!”, Donnie yells. Leo then talks back at his brother, “Okay? How many times do I have to tell you? I. Assume. IM ALREADY OKAY?!?”. Donnie then shouts “ Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t go outside and sneaking away with that leg being barely cured yet!”. The situation starts to escalate by Leo and Donnie arguing. Raph then breaks up the argument and said, “What the hell is going on here?!”. “Leo is being an ASSHOLE for leaving his room a minute ago-“ “Nuh-uh, I was looking for a restroom-“, Leo interrupted. Raph then said, “Both of you stop this nonsense. Leo, you know you can’t leave your room until your leg is feeling better, besides, if you need a restroom, just ask me or-“ “Oh no way! I can just get up all by myself.”. Leo then once again, interrupted. “Leo, stop cuting my words! I’m not finished my sentence yet!” Raph shouts, as he still can’t control his anger. “What? My leg doesn’t hurt that much.”, Leo said. “Raph was worry about you, Leo, you need to stop pretending that everything is okay!” Raph responsed. Leo then said, “ I tried to save, you, our family, our friend, the world, the universe-“ 
“Thats what you trying to do!”
“And, you dont seemed to know something about me!”
“Yes, I do!”, Raph then slapped him in the face, which it caused Leo to fall on the floor. Leo then sees his brothers a torturer. He then runs away, crying, to his bedroom, as his starry eye still glows a bit. The next day, Leo then packs his stuff, and the runs away from his home, in the lair, leaving his blue bandana on the ground, never to be found again.
(First Part | Next Part )
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