#post-war uws
magicfor3st · 4 months
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Dear Diary,
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certifiedunicornhater · 5 months
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FLOR DAY FLOR DAY FLOR DAY!!! he is one year old today ^_^ also featuring my friends oc who was made today alongside him yaey!!!! it’s their day today!!!!
(art blog: @goat-chops)
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pybytes · 3 months
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my baby girl man wife named Brown
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pnutsdotorg · 11 months
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unfinished azulin portrait #1
azulin design belongs to @bearsfunky
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pawzofchaos · 2 years
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explodes like padre 🤯🤯
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cariciapadre · 1 year
out of the three generals Hocicos hated Mondo the most ( Otto hating him the least , up until the end ofc ) . Hocicos never got along with Mondo , and always had issues with him . This hate carries on to Dr Empala , as he is not fond of her either . The only part of that family Hocicos didn't hate was Blanca because she was nothing like Mondo !! however Empala is like . basically a carbon copy of him lol
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matan4il · 8 months
Daily update post:
Israel has published intel retrieved on Dec 18 from Hamas headquarters in Gaza, on how Hamas was using a network of fake Facebook profiles, pretending to be Israelis living abroad, and looking to hire Israeli Jews to make deliveries for them. First, they were meant to be innocent deliveries, in order to "groom" the Israelis for the moment when they will unknowingly be helping Hamas to deliver explosives. This was carried out by, among others, terrorists released in the 2011 Gilad Shalit hostage exchange deal (where Israel exchanged 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for the release of one captured Israeli soldier), who had a better knowledge of Hebrew and of Israeli due to their time in Israeli prisons. The terrorists released in the Gilad Shalit deal include Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza.
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Israeli soldiers in Gaza have reached a cemetery for British soldiers who died there during WWI. The Brits usually buried their soldiers where they died. Among the British soldiers who fought and died in Gaza during that war were Jewish ones, too. I've seen people using the good state of their graves to claim that in Gaza, they are very respectful of Judaism itself, that it's evidenced by how they treat Jewish graves well, and it's only Zionists they have an issue with. What they leave out is that this cemetery was so well preserved because it's NOT a Jewish one, it's British. I found a pic where you can specifically see the grave of a Christian soldier, with a cross on the tombstone, buried next to the grave of a Jewish man, with a Star of David engraved. In comparison with this British cemetery, we can talk about the ancient Jewish synagogue in Gaza, that was appropriated and turned into a mosque (that they then used for terrorist activity, leading to its destruction in this war), or the modern synagogues left behind by Israel when it withdrew from Gaza in 2005, which were burned down by the Palestinians.
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For several days now, protesters have been headed down south to where aid trucks pass from Israel to Gaza, in an attempt to block them. I wanna emphasize that they are NOT looking to deprive civilian Gazans of aid, they are just saying that humanitarian aid should be given in exchange for humanitarian aid making it to the Israeli hostages held in Gaza. On different days, the protesters have been sometimes more successful, sometimes less, but what's clear is that Israel is doing its best not to allow this, arresting protesters, and temporarily declaring the roads leading to the Gaza crossings as closed military areas.
In Sweden, a suspicious object was found next to the Israeli embassy, meaning they fear it was an attempted bombing. In an interview, the Israeli ambassador said that the staff is sure that's what it was, that the Swedish police is handling it, and they have no further information. The Israeli embassy in Sweden has recently been a target for Hamas' terrorists in Europe.
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If you're interested, Reuters has uploaded the House Hearing on the future of US support of UNRWA. You can watch the whole thing here:
Sweden is now the 18th financier suspending their funding of UNRWA. In Germany, there are voices calling for the dismantling of it completely. I'm gonna attach a piece about that in Hebrew, but the Germans being interviewed are speaking in English, so it shouldn't be a problem to understand them. The first speaker is Uwe Becker, an amazing ally to Jews, who has been in charge of fighting antisemitism in the German state of Hessen, the rest belong to the democratic liberal party FDP, which is a part of the coalition.
Meanwhile, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Denmark and Belgium are continuing their funding to UNRWA, despite its ties to Palestinian terrorist organizations. Let it be remembered that Norway, Ireland, Spain, Denmark and Belgium have no issue with their money going to antisemitism and anti-Jewish terrorism.
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The amount of pics and vids coming out of Gaza, showing weapons and rockets being hidden inside UNRWA schools, facilities and bags is insane, so I kinda stopped repeating myself with them at some point, but here's another one, fresh from today, explosives and mines found inside a bag with the UNRWA logo.
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It only took several decades of people in the music industry knowing Roger Waters is an antisemite, and several very long years of the public starting to see it as well, for Waters to be fired by his music company, BMG. People are now connecting the news to an interview he gave back in November, in which he of course accused Jews for his firing.
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This is 24 years old Ran Gevili.
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On Oct 7, he was at a hospital, awaiting surgery. When he heard the news, he didn't hesitate and left for the area attacked by Hamas terrorists to help. At 10:50 in the morning, he sent his friends a message on WhatsApp that he's been shot twice in the leg. He was thought to be kidnapped, but today it's been confirmed that he had been murdered that day by Hamas, and his body is being held hostage in Gaza. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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susartwork · 8 months
Underwizard alternative timelines:
Like 90% of these are angst timelines and the other 10% are self indulgent ones, sorry not sorry
Pacifist (the original one)
Future (the original but post barrier)
Neutrals I don't think we need a list of all of them, do we?
UWU Infection Never add a U to UW. This is a post barrier timeline where a UwU virus spreads terrorizing Ebott's Town. Frisk, as the monster's ambassador, will have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone's safety from the cute virus.
REDress Previously known as the "Amalgamate" timeline, now it was completely rewritten. The families of the amalgamates took revenge on Sans and Alphys, injecting them too with Determination, melting them into amalgams as well...
War Rewind Flowey and Sans mess with the resets, mistakenly send themselves back to the time of the war between humans and monsters. Flowey dies, but Sans, adopting baby Chara to save them from their fate, allows Asriel to survive in the future and become king. Now all humans who fall underground will be treated as friends. This timeline was fairly inspired by Timetale! And also by my chats with @ask-dcf :3
Hopeless Timeline Flowey grows bored, and decides to torture Sans with Save Files and Resets to see how far that would go. The story then starts to take interesting turns as I RP it. This timeline is somewhat important so here's the latest ref sheets: [Hopeless UW!Sans] [Hopeless UW!Frisk] [Hopeless UW!Dwerby] Here's a chrono link to read right from the start! But pls note this.
Underground's Insanity Previously known as the "Hopeless Queen Alphys Timeline" (the name was too long). The genocide (?) version of the Hopeless Timeline. It begins as a Queen Alphys ending, to then take a Horrortale-like turn, with some angsty Salphys who has to face Frisk, the strongest hunter wizard to ever exist.
Playbackwizard Playbacktale x Underwizard Too spoilery to UW's story talk about it now 👀
Helioswizard Heliostale x Underwizard
Something Magical Something New (Killer!Sans) x Underwizard
"What if...? OC" My UTMV outcodes swap backstory with the UW crew: Basic - UW!Sans | Alphysis - UW!Alphys | Clone - UW!Frisk | Quasar - UW!Papyrus & Flowey | Kyria - UW!Undyne
Disbelief UW!Papyrus Disbelief Papyrus x Underwizard
Horrorwizard Horrortale x Underwizard
Axewizard Axetale x Underwizard
Dustwizard Dusttale x Underwizard
All of these above were made by @alittlegreenghost!
Underwizard alternative versions:
Wizardfell Underwizard x Underfell (planned remake)
Wizardswap Underwizard x Underswap (planned remake)
Overbeast All the events of Underwizard but reversed...? Hunter wizards -> beasts (aka monsters with human souls)
UnderWoZArD The crappy version of Underẁ̶̙i̴͈̚z̸̼̾-̴̢̄-̷̨͗ ̶̹̂A̴̺͂L̵̥̽L̶̗͆ ̸̛̟H̶̝͛Ä̶͔Ḭ̷͗Ļ̸͝ ̵̛͈W̴̭̚O̴̺̍Z̷̺͝ ̷͕̊T̷̋͜Ḧ̵̨́Ẻ̷̠ ̶͉͑E̸͎͛M̸̮̕P̷͈̍Ḙ̷̎R̵̲̆Ŏ̴̯R̴͇̆
Inversowizard Inversotale x Underwizard
Tartaroswizard Tartarostale x Underwizard
Wizardchess Underwizard x Chesstale Frisk and Flowey are stuck in a endless chess battle to decide the fate of the underground.
Zombieverse A mix of many AUs characters, such as Underwizard, living in a zombie apocalypse
A L I V E x Underwizard Idk what to call it. It's basically the UW crew but with the backstory of the ALIVE crew. Sorta. ALIVE's story is difficult to apply to UW.
Wizardnovela Underwizard x Undernovela
Planet Flash - by @yanair25 Fusion of a series whose name I forgot (sorry) and many other AUs, such as Underwizard
Hopeless UW!Sans x LN (Bucket) - @axmoth Hopeless in Little Nightmares
UW!Aine x LN (Breach) - @parniathedevil Aine in Little Nightmares
XWizard - by @parniathedevil Xtale x Underwizard
Edit: I have deleted some timelines/versions from this masterpost because I don't find them interesting or important.
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kosmicwars · 3 months
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Actually me thinks im not gonna be funny and tag someone in this because it gets all fucky but Sombra is really fun and clingy and ataches to like the first 5 people that show him basic human affection because up until Siddy found him in that snow shack he'd been living in fight or flight for a majority of his conscious existance and he keeps wrapping around them all clingy n attached because he is absolutely terrified that if he looks away they will fucking dissapear and never come back. so like by the time he gets yeeted into the wall by Donny because he keeps scenting everything and is unaware he's essentially initiated a war because don't scent another aredrul's things if you like living he just takes it. He doesn't register that he's done something bad until someone explains it to him later but he doesn't like, fght back or claw or anything he just takes the beating because he's learned if he rolls over and just takes it it'll end eventualy, he won't get thrown away and he won't be forcibly made docile.
he didn't learn that from the best place but in his mind this is just normal behavior, and somewhere along the line he just thought this was how you go initiated into a psuedo family dynamic. But by the time like, CE's boyfriends start fiighting del for the right to date him, Sombra's gotten used tto being around the castle by himself, if he spots family shaped objects he will cling onto them for the next couple of hours but he does not go into the aboslute panic mode he used to which is really sweet because he's registered he's really safe in the UW castle and that nothing can get to him and hey he's starting to experience genuine love and care that did not make him in debt to trafficers this is great.
he very much loves his family. @sage2mage2 vacate my blog after this post idk how the nsfw tags work here yet
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uwmadarchives · 9 months
50 Years Ago: APA Removes "Homosexuality" From DSM Diagnoses
Written by Bailey Watson, LGBTQ+ Archive Student Processing Assistant
December 15, 1973 - By a vote of 5,854 to 3,810, the American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in the DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Content advisory: This post discusses the history of homosexuality in Western psychiatry and may contain offensive language or topics.
Last Thursday marked 50 years since the APA (American Psychiatric Association) removed “homosexuality” from its list of mental disorders. This change was made to the DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the current edition as of 2023 is the DSM-5-TR). The long history of homosexuality being included with physical and mental disorders dates back to the 19th century with Western European theorists working towards an understanding of same-sex attraction, leading to the coinage of the term “homosexuality” or “homosexual.” While these early theories positioned same-sex attraction or desires as unnatural, other theorists of the same decades aimed to prove that homosexuality was not abnormal but instead a natural variance of human sexuality.
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Photo Dr. Franklin Kameny from David Carter papers, Collection no. uac 183,  Box 5, Folder 49. 
The conversation around homosexuality as a disorder took a turn during the post-WWII period in the United States, during a phenomenon referred to as the “lavender scare.” This period, parallel to the “red scare” was a reaction to the Cold War policies and politics, resulting in the massive purge of homosexuals or suspected homosexuals from the federal government, and even further down to local governments (see here for information on UW-Madison’s history with the gay purges). Similarly, communists and suspected communists were also barred or purged from public service and government-contracted sectors. 
In response to these purges, the early gay rights movement, then known as the homophile movement focused on organizing and protesting the conditions that made up the lavender scare. These conditions included the DSM’s classification of homosexuality as a diagnosable disorder. To the early homophile movement, as to some early theorists, homosexuality was perfectly natural, and therefore they could not pose a threat to national security. 
One aspect of activism from this period was addressing the DSM's use of homosexuality as a diagnosable disorder. The homophile movement argued that sexuality had no bearing on mental health, and by stigmatizing the gay community, the DSM and APA were adding to the problem. Furthermore, by diagnosing people as "homosexual" the APA created a way to dismiss those voices and placed a barrier on the conversation on who was fit to participate in society freely and who was not.
Finally, in 1973 after years of protest and activism, the influence of activism, including the voice of Dr. Franklin Kameny (pictured above) and internal changes led to a new definition of mental disorder within the APA and thus removed homosexuality from diagnoses. A win for the homophile movement and a change that brought lasting and positive impacts to many people's lives, even 50 years later.
References and for further consideration:
Drescher, Jack. 2015. "Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality" Behavioral Sciences 5, no. 4: 565-575. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs5040565 (open access)
For more on Kameny and the early homophile movement, explore the David Carter papers, uac 182, located in the Madison LGBTQ+ Archive (housed at the University Archives, Steenbock Library)
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felyas-stuff · 1 year
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Decided to post my part of an art-trade with my good mutual Anastasia Sawkina! The last time we traded with each other I was drawing her FNAF OCs…and this time it’s her Unicorn Wars OC! This was the first time I’ve ever done something UW related and, gotta admit, it was a lot of fun! Haven’t watched the movie yet (though I have seen the good old Unicorn Blood), but I’m definitely planning to :3
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certifiedunicornhater · 6 months
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I don’t even KNOWW where to begin posting my art because I’ve been gone for so long, but in the meantime, have this reference sheet I made of my main Unicorn Wars OC!
(art blog: @goat-chops)
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pybytes · 5 months
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here have my fucked up white boy
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cactusismydisguise · 1 year
Searching for William - Woods of Birnam
Wow, was für eine Show!
"Uwe, hier kommt dann dein Sohn ins Spiel. So ungefähr 10 Meter über dem Wasser lasst ihr ihn dann fallen. Es wäre aber gut, wenn ihr das den Kindern vorher nicht erzählt. Dann ist ihre Reaktion natürlicher."
War toll, einige Songs aus Hamlet in einer ganz anderen Fassung zu erleben.
Wie macht er diese Geisterstimme? (Davon muss man doch heiser werden🤔)
Es war Morrrrd!!!
Ein Rock mit Hosenträgern!
Lange blonde Haare stehen Christian Friedel auch gut :)
"Hör auf, zu schleimen, Sabine!"
"Falls jemand Interesse an Sabine, unserer Übersetzerin, hat, hier ist ihre Nummer. Sie ist schon so lange Single und würde sich freuen, wenn sich jemand bei ihr meldet." 😂
"My precious" Die Fairy-Queen hat ein bisschen was von Gollum ;)
Langer Mantel bis zum Boden ist auch nice.
Ooh, mein Lieblingslied! (ich ungefähr bei jedem zweiten Lied)
"Der Text dieses Liebesgedichts war Shakespeare selbst zu kitschig. Deshalb hat er nach einer Strophe aufgehört. Aber wir haben daraus trotzdem einen 4-Minuten-Song gemacht."
An dieser Stelle mal danke an @dadthinksdoctorwhoisacrimeseries für deine Woods of Birnam Posts, ohne die ich nie auf diese Band aufmerksam geworden wäre!
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
Hii ther!!, first of all, i just wanna say that you are one of the best donna and eric accounts I know i really like your content and your fics and how you write it❤️❤️.
So my question for you is what do you think happened after the end of t7s or if you have any headcanons of what happened with donna and eric? (for example they raising a little leia in chicago and at the same time studying/working)
Once again, i absolutely adore your work, have a nice day <3
Thank you so much for those lovely words, anon! I love Eric & Donna so much, and spreading the ❤️ for them via my blog and writing. It makes me happy to see others enjoying them too!
So, I have a vision for a (quite long, complicated) story that bridges the two series - T70S and T90S. How did the characters get from December 31, 1979 to July 4, 1995? Eric & Donna navigating their unexpected pregnancy would be one of the main plots, so a lot of my headcanons developed there.
The story's a work-in-progress, but in the very early stages right now, so I might as well share a little (without giving away all the twists and turns I have planned. I do hope to post the full story one day)! 😊
Eric/Donna Post-Finale Headcanons
Eric went back to Africa after the finale - he had another 6 months to go. But he and Donna spent the night together on New Years Eve before he headed back to Africa and she headed to UW-Madison - and that's when Leia was accidentally conceived.
Completing college was a dealbreaker for Donna. It was incredibly important to her to finish her degree. She was a kickass student-mom and graduated in 3 years (she did all of her generals at Point Place Junior College, remember?)
Eric graduated a year or two later, and became a middle school math teacher (who runs the campus Star Wars club). He worked a lot, sometimes 2 jobs, to keep them on their feet when Leia was born.
The baby was the catalyst for Eric to finally grow up/mature/get his life together. Fatherhood really changed him for the better.
They got married at the courthouse shortly after Eric gets back from Africa. On their one year anniversary they have a small ceremony in Red & Kitty's backyard.
I think they stayed in Wisconsin for the early years, because they relied on Red & Kitty's help a lot. The move to Chicago came a little bit later, when Leia was school-aged. Leia had a tough time adjusting socially at her new school, and getting involved with the music program was what helped her finally make friends.
Leia was born premature, and Donna's water broke unexpectedly while she and Eric were at a showing of The Empire Strikes Back (again). It plays a role in Donna agreeing to the name.
I have a lot of others, but I'll stop there. 🤣
Thank you again for your kind words, and for reading/supporting my content! ❤️
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