#portuguese fires
guskinnie · 2 days
hey, I don't know if Tumblr knows of the wildfire situation right now in Portugal because of everything else in the world right now, but I think it's still something worth talking about and it's a great opportunity to again raise awareness about forest fires and about not throwing your damn cigarette on the floor because that can do serious damage.
if you aren't aware, for the last 4 days, there have been serious fires in a lot of areas in Portugal and they're spreading really quickly (for measure, over 60 hectares of forest have burned down in the last 4 days which isn't a lot of you live in a big country but Portugal is smaller than lots of US states). I live in Portugal, and luckily I haven't been seriously affected by the fires, but I do have lots of family and friends in areas where the fires are destroying everything, and everyday I'm asking my family if they're ok. I have been spending my entire day fearing that the people I know have been hurt, and I truly wish the best to all the people whose house was destroyed or knew one of the victims that died.
And it's not just the fires that are affecting people; the air quality near the fires sucks. The sun and moon have been red and since yesterday I have seen more and more people wearing masks on the street because there are ashes everywhere. Again, I'm very grateful that I am not in a dangerous area, but this is awful. I feel like it's COVID all over again.
These fires have had various causes, and at this point I don't even know which one was the worst. What I do know is this: the temperatures are high, the wind is strong, and the humidity is below 30%, which means that all the plants are dry, and one cigarette not put out and thrown on the floor can cause a huge fire that will spread very quickly (because of the wind). If you smoke, please don't throw any cigarettes on the ground. One of those can cost hundreds of people houses, money, and even some people, lives.
I hope someone sees this post. The world that we live in has a lot of stuff like this and worse than this happening, and it's so important that people know. And if you live in Portugal, are Portuguese, or have family/friends that are Portuguese/live in Portugal, I am with you hoping everything turns out ok.
small same day update: one of the biggest fires is under control, but they say that things can change throughout the night. air quality's also supposed to improve, we'll see
next day update: from what I know the fire situation is basically the same but I think that things are getting better since the air is much better, the sky is blue again, and in the early morning the sun was red but it went back to regular white
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garvalhaminho · 1 month
i think the most heartbreaking part about sebastian as a character and the people around him is that clary, jocelyn, jace, they're grieving the person sebastian could've been had valentine not been his father. had valentine not created and raised him to be a soldier. he could've been a brother to clary, he could've been a son to jocelyn, he could've been...whatever that was to jace, but he was poisoned in his mother's womb by valentine, doomed since before he was born. and he himself sees what he could've been moments before his death, without the demon blood weighing on him as a person. his last words are "i've never felt so light". he could've been jonathan christopher morgenstern, but valentine was his father.
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qroier · 1 year
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current progress on the quackity studios enigma 👍
translation (according to google translate pardon):
"This message is encrypted [... ] th, 2023 at 1 PM PST. We've been informed some [...], we might need..." There is still a lot to be discovered, but we are almost there! Saturday, 1 PM PST (5pm BRL) maybe there's something? - Credits to the Cellbit Discord guys!
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kawaiidreameater · 4 days
Small update: I can smell fire everywhere in the house even though everything's closed. The sky is NOT visible and the wind makes it feel even more scary because it's just spreading more fire.
Some areas have already been dealt with, but roads are still blocked and I don't even know if it's possible for me to go to work. Speaking of, there are still people going to school and to work inside the district despite the conditions. Scary.
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xemptymialife · 1 month
I was just reading GoF and one little thing caught my attention... In the second chapter of the book, when Harry writes a letter to Sirius talking about how his scar started hurting out nowhere, he mentions that Dudley throw his PlayStation out of the window.
I thought that the Playstation videogame was from the early 2000's since is when I got the chance to see one for the first time. I did a quick research and apparently it was realeased on December '94 in Japan, but only September '95 in Europe.
So, accordingly with the school calendar, it wouldn't be possible for Dudley to have one of those since Harry started Hogwarts in '91, so this would set Goblet of Fire in 1994, right? And Harry goes to school in September, and all of this happened probably on August or prior.
How Dudley had a brand new videogame that only came out on December that year?
Am I missing something??
I'm not familiar with the school calendar of European schools, on my country is very different, so if someone could enlighte me on this, I'll be very happy!
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yink07 · 2 months
My drawingsss — today in a restaurant:
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The best part is that I offered the drawing to the restaurant and they accept!
Now they're going to fix my drawing on a wall!
I am so happy!!
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tortoisewithoutashell · 3 months
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Cascais, Portugal
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drondskaath · 1 year
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Blasphemous Fire | Beneath the Darkness | 24th July, 2023
Portuguese Black/Death Metal
Artwork by Belial NecroArts
Formerly known as Summon, Blasphemous Fire have rebranded and revamped their sound now carried by Godz ov War Productions. 
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rabbitcruiser · 27 days
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In the early hours of August 25, 1988, a fire started at the Grandella department store in Rua do Carmo (Carmo Street) and quickly spread to Rua Garrett (Garrett Street) and others, affecting a total of 18 buildings (corresponding to an 8000 m2 land footprint) in the Chiado area, of which 11 were full losses with structure collapse, including the Armazéns do Chiado and Grandella department stores, that never reopened, along with several other historical shops also destroyed,
The fire was fought by 1,680 firefighters from throughout the country, and was put out by 16:00 local time.
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gamylost · 7 months
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39/100 days of productivity • 15/02/2024
What a day ! TW : Fire
A fire broke out in a woodwork, in front of the road leading to the road where I’m leaving. No one was injured fortunately! We had a power outage., my road was closed.
It’s started at 11 a.m, the firefighters worked until 2 a.m. The smoke could be smelled far from it, and my neighborhood was foggy.
We all waited and pray for good news, sometimes going out masked to give bottles of water to the firefighters and policemen. I had a few boxes of masks, we distributed to the police, volunteers and sensitive neighbors.
Anyway after this events I wasn’t really able to focus and with the power outage it was difficult but before this incident I :
• had a call with my pedagogy group for the assignment.
• French in education
• Duolingo: Portuguese
• digital humanities
In the afternoon
I read lessons that I had printed :
• epistemology
• arts
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V de aVe © Ricardo Félix aka Photography is Silence Fiction:
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senhorcarneiro · 2 months
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Astros Errantes
“Com a chegada de Hecasis, é possível observar e discernir as estrelas dos planetas, pois aquelas estão incrustadas na abóbada celeste de maneira a permanecerem fixas, enquanto estes, que são em número de cinco, movem-se pelo firmamento, tal como os grandes luminares do dia e da noite, a saber, o Sol e a Lua.” Tratado Astronômide Teófilo de Pagona
Desde as eras mais remotas da antiguidade, os astros errantes, também chamados planetas, têm sido observados e sua origem e proposito vem sendo motivo de debate desde então. Por muito tempo, acreditava-se que os planetas eram uma manifestação visível dos planos elementais; essa era a interpretação predominante entre os povos ocidentais. No entanto outra visão alternativa e menos frequente era a de que os planetas são os próprios deuses se locomovendo pelos céus. Hoje, graças ao advento do telescópio e aos avanços da astronomia, sabe-se que esses corpos celestes são esferas de imenso tamanho e massa, que orbitam o Sol impulsionados por uma força motora.
Planetas Observáveis
São cinco os planetas que podem ser observados a partir de Telúria, e estes são geralmente divididos em duas classificações: planetas telúricos e planetas etéreos. Os planetas telúricos são aqueles que possuem uma superfície observável, enquanto os planetas etéreos têm a superfície oculta por gases. Os planetas telúricos são Anemo e Igni, e os planetas etéreos são Éter e Litos.
O caso de Hidros é um tanto delicado, pois há quem o classifique como etéreo, mas também quem defenda que o planeta deveria ter sua própria classificação como um planeta talássico, já que ainda não é certo se Hidros é um grande oceano ou se está coberto por gases e nuvens.
Anemo é o menor dos planetas e o que se localiza mais próximo do Sol sendo, portanto, o que percorre o firmamento mais rapidamente. Esse fato fez com que ele fosse associado ao plano elemental do ar. O planeta é de cor pálida e não aparenta ter nenhuma lua. Observou-se que Anemo leva apenas 145 dias para completar uma volta ao redor do astro rei. Além disso, constatou-se que o planeta não gira em torno de seu próprio eixo como os demais. Seu símbolo é 🜁.
Este, que segundo o modelo heliocêntrico seria o terceiro planeta, apresenta uma cor azul cerúlea e, por isso, foi associado ao plano elemental das águas. Apesar de alguns afirmarem que seja um “planeta oceânico”, tudo indica que ele tem uma atmosfera densa que o recobre, tornando-o o primeiro dos planetas etéreos. Isso impossibilita a observação de sua superfície e deixa inúmeras dúvidas na mente dos astrônomos sobre os segredos que suas brumas escondem. Sua órbita leva 544 dias para completar uma volta em torno do Sol, e sua rotação é bem próxima a um dia. Suas luas são Aqua e Crios, ambos pequenos pontos pálidos que acompanham e cortejam Hidros. Seu símbolo é 🜄.
O quarto planeta a partir do Sol é Igni. Ele apresenta uma cor marrom-avermelhada, semelhante à ferrugem, e por isso foi associado ao plano elemental do fogo. Em sua superfície podem ser observadas formas que geram muita discussão entre os astrônomos: alguns acreditam que sejam enormes crateras, enquanto outros sugerem que poderiam ser continentes. Há também quem proponha que o planeta seja feito de ferro, o que explicaria sua cor ferruginosa.
O ano em Igni leva 1071 dias, mas o planeta leva pouco mais de três horas para girar em torno de si mesmo, sendo o mais rápido dentre todos os planetas. Além disso, Igni apresenta mais uma peculiaridade: ele gira na direção contrária dos demais planetas. Quanto às suas luas, podem ser observadas três orbitando o planeta: Flama, Fótos e Pira. Seu símbolo é 🜂.
Éter é o quinto planeta e o maior de todos, por isso foi associado ao seu elemento homônimo, Éter. Sua cor varia em faixas e listras: bronzeadas em um dos polos, acinzentadas em seu meio, e esverdeadas no outro polo. Há um consenso de que sua atmosfera recobre todo o planeta, ocultando sua superfície. Isso ocorre porque suas faixas podem ser observadas se movimentando, o que inspirou o termo “planeta etéreo”, ou seja, que não tem superfície visível.
O grande astro leva 4683 dias para completar uma volta em torno do Sol e apenas um dia e meio para girar sobre seu próprio eixo. Suas luas são em número de seis, sendo a maior delas a lua de tom dourado, Icor. As demais luas pálidas são Lampros, Lumina, Maia, Pentos e Psique. Alguns astrônomos conjecturam que pode haver mais luas ocultas, porém, isso não passa de especulação. Seu símbolo é 𝓠.
Litos é o sexto e último planeta a orbitar o Sol. É o segundo maior e o que cruza o firmamento mais lentamente, sendo por isso associado ao elemento terra. O planeta apresenta faixas e listras, assim como o gigante Éter, e presumivelmente também é um planeta etéreo. Suas cores predominantes são o branco e o azul, apesar de apresentar algumas faixas de tons mais terrosos em um de seus polos.
O pesado Litos demora um dia e meio para completar uma volta em torno de seu eixo e 12569 dias para completar uma volta em torno do Sol. Sua única lua visível é Lápis, uma lua violácea. Seu símbolo é 🜃.
Planetas Ocultos
Este tópico é um tanto nebuloso, pois alguns estudiosos predizem a existência de planetas que não podem ser observados através dos meios conhecidos, mas cuja influência pode ser notada no cosmos. Tais astros são chamados de planetas ocultos ou planetas estígios. Alguns estimam que possam existir de um a três desses planetas, porém até que seja provado o contrário, isso se trata apenas de uma conjectura, mencionada aqui como mera curiosidade.
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bluberimufim · 8 months
I think liminal space enjoyers should take a look at old portuguese malls
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Place of origin:
Pics 1 - 2: Sirius (taken by me) Pics 3 - 6: Brasília (taken by me) Pic 7: STOP (source) Pic 8: CCC (source) Pics 9 - 10: Dallas (source)
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
And what is the thing with the spiders too btw?
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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In the early hours of August 25, 1988, a fire started at the Grandella department store in Rua do Carmo (Carmo Street) and quickly spread to Rua Garrett (Garrett Street) and others, affecting a total of 18 buildings (corresponding to an 8000 m2 land footprint) in the Chiado area, of which 11 were full losses with structure collapse, including the Armazéns do Chiado and Grandella department stores, that never reopened, along with several other historical shops also destroyed,
The fire was fought by 1,680 firefighters from throughout the country, and was put out by 16:00 local time.
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fingertipsmp3 · 23 days
I really need to get a proper job so I’ll be too tired to have insane ideas like “what if I learned 5 romance languages all at once”
#it was a false alarm i was not fired. i do have projects again now#i also have a job interview but i don’t hold out a lot of hope for it because i didn’t do the assessments they wanted me to do#because they felt like psychological torture#anyway. yeah so i woke up and was browsing the duolingo subreddit and someone mentioned a challenge someone did where they tried learning#swedish; danish and norwegian all at once#which……. with all the love in the world that sounds pointless to do i’m sorry#i speak a tiny bit of swedish and i tried learning danish and i was like ‘this is just swedish but with worse pronunciation’#anyway. it made me think what if i tried learning spanish; french; italian; portuguese and romanian all at once#i’m already learning spanish and i’m getting pretty okay at it but i keep encountering the other romance languages#and i really want to learn them tbh. i did some french in school and i’ve always liked it and i love the sounds of italian and portuguese#and romanian seems really interesting because it’s so different from the other four languages since it has slavic influences#but i do think this would break my brain and also be impossible. can’t pretend otherwise#and i have been reading posts abt learning similar languages at the same time and everyone is like ‘it’s a bad idea don’t do it’ LOL#but also like.. there’s no law against it. i’m allowed to do this. i don’t work normal hours#my brain keeps being like ‘learn five extremely similar languages all at once. you will definitely not regret learning five extremely#similar languages all at once. learning five extremely similar languages all at once cannot possibly go badly for you’#maybe i could just pick up romanian since it’s the least similar and wait until i have a good grasp of both that and spanish#and then pick up french since that’s also not Too similar#or i could just learn the absolute basics in the other 4 (not spanish since i know the basics of spanish. hopefully) and pick my favourite#i think i can keep two languages separate from each other. i haven’t tried to answer a spanish question in esperanto in like.. a month#personal
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