#plus finishing my actual fuckin final piece
britcision · 2 years
Listen. Could Dead and Loving It be a fraction of the length and maybe finished by now if I only focused on Danny and Jason?
Would it be a better story?
Probably, from several perspectives
But it absolutely would not be the same story, and nor would it be the story I want to tell
Because I am hopelessly addicted to ensemble casts, and I don’t want the boys to exist in a vacuum. I want Jason to run off with his siblings and with Danny’s friends, and I want Danny to fuck with the bats
I want them to touch all the parts of each others lives that existed before they met, and will still continue to exist after even if things change forever between them
I want all the background characters to interact with each other, have their own inner worlds and their own motivations, and yeah, this absolutely means this is not an efficient telling of a slow burn romance
Because the story isn’t the slow burn romance
The story is these two people, and the world they live in, the story is the way Duke and Cass both see Jason differently than Dick and Tim ever could and that matters, and that none of them are wrong
The story is Danny finally telling people who will listen about the Anti-Ecto Acts, and all the fucked up things the GIW do, and being able to ask for help and have that be okay
The story is messy and complicated and will have so many rises and falls, so many pivotal moments that are drama and combat and so many that are just two people talking to each other and finally seeing eye to eye
The story is the way that Jason’s relationships with his family can finally mend, now that he has someone who can get him the help he’s needed
The story is the way that Danny can come to terms with the responsibilities of being a king, the constant question of agency and power and what he’s worth if he’s only Danny and not the Ghost King
The story is Clockwork fucking with the pair of them because he specifically thinks it’s funny (he’s right)
And yeah, there’s a slow burn romance in there. There’s also a coming of age tale, and a story about healing and reconciling and moving forward knowing you cannot change the past, but you can do better
Unless fucking Clockwork decides you can change the past because yeah then it’s fine to just go do that I guess
I was kinda considering breaking the story out into multiple chunks because holy fuck is 100k an intimidating chunk of words, but I’m not gonna
It’s all one story, and you will be my hapless victims as we get to fucking 300k or wherever this beast ends because we are not here for efficient story telling and motion of the plot
We’re here for the connections, the characters, the meaningless bullshit that would absolutely be cut in anything anyone ever wanted to sell, cuz I am not selling this
Imma write every fucking scene I wish I got from books, TV, movies, podcasts, actual plays, every fucking time I scream at the characters to just fucking talk to each other because messy is good too
Messy is okay
Stories don’t need to be marketable to be worth telling, and this one’s gonna be too long and intimidating for some people and that’s okay
But I fuckin’ rolled in from Critical Role which averages around 500 hours of content per campaign and a cast of 7 plus Matt’s NPCs
And I STILL want more goddamn character moments from all of them so I haven’t found a size yet that I can’t manage
I love reading focused stories that I can get through fast, and fuck, look at the rest of my AO3; I will fucking never diss a one shot, or a short story, or a piece that really focuses in on one or two characters
Delicious, I love them, my bread and butter
It’s just not what this mess is gonna be, and that’s okay too
Gods be fucking willing we will not have another six chapters that take place over the course of three hours, but we’ll just have to see how that shakes out cuz I’m being possessed by a seemingly infinite number of plot bunnies and my own tendency for “hey it’d be funny if”
And oh boy has it been funny every time
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
Here's a long one, a whole week catch-up of new kintype. Riz "The Ball" Gukgak, Licensed Private Eye, at your service.
It was only a matter of time before someone finally got my nerd ass into DND one way or another. However I didn't expect it to come with a new kintype, and definitely not this one. Not when Fig is RIGHT there. I had IRL friends guessing which of the Bad Kids I was before I confirmed it, they ALL thought I would be Fig. An anarchist tiefling bard checks all the boxes, I even play bass, kinning Fig would make the most sense. Nope, I'm the dweeb who carries a briefcase everywhere and somehow that also makes sense.
I only just discovered Dimension 20 a month or so ago, and I found out I kin from Fantasy High literally last week, just before finishing freshman year. Now that was a relatively good note to START off on (no I am in fact not doing good anymore I'm now beginning what I've gathered is apparently the "Traumatize The Whole Party And Especially Riz" season, but I'll get to that later) and despite the horrors to come, the first few days of settling into this kintype were the best I've ever had. Already had the right clothes to try dressing like myself again, got my first set of dice, painted a little trinket box to keep them in, impulse-bought a magnifying glass. I've been slipping into my old mannerisms and behaviours ridiculously fast.
I already have a gaggle of sourcemates near (system full of FH fictives who dragged me into the quicksand with them) so I get to hug my friends. Fabian is calling me The Ball again (constantly). It has spread and now at least two other friends are also calling me that, one of them doesn't even know the context. I do have an actual name thank you just in case you forgot (no, it is not The Ball) but I can't say I'm mad about it, it's affirmation and I've been being affirmed left, right and centre. And also enabled. I'm getting to investigate shit. There have been so many nonsense made-up crimes to solve. There have been so many bits. And the bit spirals out of control beyond anyone's comprehension so fast. And I have had SO MUCH FUCKING FUN. Overall, very positive experience. Usually finding out a new kintype is a very painful thing to come to terms with and often puts me in deep denial at first, plus days of a lot of crying and processing, the first days are usually the worst and they HURT. But this one was just very comfortable and enjoyable to really lean into right off the bat.
And that's probably because I did not have the Problems yet but the Problems start now. It was easy when I didn't have to care about the Problems yet. But now I know the Problems are coming. And NOW the hurt gets to start. As I said, I have just started sophomore year and. Ahahahehghgehgghdgh. GREAT start there, greeeeat way to end episode one. That. That sure is. Sure is some fuckin' cliffhanger there. To put right before the episode I've been told "I'm sorry in advance" about several times. The one in which I know a certain character's introduced whom I am NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING.
I have not gotten that far into episode 2 yet and am trying my best to avoid spoilers, so there are only 2 things about Baron that I think I know. One, they seem to have some sort of fixation on me. Two, I would really REALLY rather they not. I have no idea what their whole deal is yet but I'm already very afraid of them even before I knew who I was. just. as an instinctive reaction to them and. hhhhhhghgeghggh thAT'S SO GREAT I'M SO NOT WORRIED ABOUT ANYTHING.
I don't know why they set off alarm bells even pre kin awareness (other than the fact that they just look creepy as all hell) but I'm NOT continuing the episode right now, it's 20 minutes to midnight, this is... not the time to find out, I've already learned my lesson to not face kin horrors past 9, this is the time to try and salvage the sleep schedule that exploded to pieces this weekend before sleeping starts to feel not quite so normal and safe anymore.
- Riz Gukgak (#sparkler🔥🎇)
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mayordeas-clone · 7 months
i just finished my second playthrough of octopath traveler 2. probably gonna ramble a bit in response. there will be spoilers perchance. (huge emphasis on ramble because i really am just saying whatever shoots out of my ass)
the epilogue gets me really emotional for some reason. the scene where the travelers part ways, each leaving in the reverse order you recruited them. oouuggh. i am in pain. i know ill be keeping them together for eternity while i attempt to beat galdera in this run, but the reality that these guys all have different ambitions in life and therefore they need to split off eventually to pursue those ambitions makes it a very bittersweet finale. at least there’s the class reunion at the very end, but still OOUUGHH THIS GAME MAKES ME ILL IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE
on that note, the fact that there’s a proper ending, a proper sequence where the travelers talk to each other and reminisce on their journey and eventually part ways AT ALL really makes this experience special and a cut above the previous game.
bc it reminded me of just how strange the ending fight aftermath of OT1 was. like after you beat the true final boss of that game, pretty much nothing happens. like you get the ending sequence with kit saying thanks but then the game hands you your prize money and now there’s nothing left to do. the travelers just don’t give a FUCK. there’s also the issue of the travelers from that game never interacting or discussing amongst themselves about the revelations learned in the gate of finis; granted, octopath 2 is not flawless in this regard either (like, agnea witnesses a flashback involving tanzy being fuckin sacrificed to extinguish the flamechurch torch and had absolutely no comment) but it was pretty bad in octopath 1. the whole questline to unlock the true final boss is hidden in a chain of sidequests that quietly unlock after beating everyone’s story, whereas in the sequel, it’s a proper sequence the game tells you about and encourages you to prepare for. so i really appreciate the strides the sequel took to tie the overarching story and links between all of the travelers’ quests more tightly. it really makes me feel like all of the travelers are actually pals who decided to travel together and help each other achieve their many missions and goals, and when that’s all over there’s an actual ENDING. TO THE STORY. the strangeness imo of octopath 1’s final battle is that the journey doesn’t feel over even though it definitely is. you know what i mean?
i also just. ADOREEEE the cast of this game. i did like a few characters in the first game like Tressa, Alfyn, and Therion, but again the fact that they never interact outside of missible (and to be honest forgettable) travel banters and NEVER as a collective unit made it harder for me to get attached to them as a whole. were they even friends with each other lol? who knows. plus i feel like a lot of them were kinda pretty basic rpg archetypes? like i found ophelia to be extremely boring bc she feels like the basic cutout of what a nice healer character should be without many extra wrinkles to her to make me interested (though it has been a while since i’ve played the first game). of course, octopath 2 is no stranger to archetypes (no piece of fiction is tbh) but i just feel like there was more emphasis on making the individual travelers and their stories more interesting. octopath 1 laid the groundwork with the ‘eight characters, eight stories that all secretly connect by the end’ concept (plus the GOOD ASS BATTLE SYSTEM) so the sequel could polish it into a nice, respectable shine. it makes me giddy looking back on the ways octopath 2 improved on the flaws of the first game. because i LOVVED the original octopath, but the sequel captured everything i loved and added more stuff. ITS GOOD. ITS VERY GOOD. ALL OF THE NEW TRAVELERS ARE MY BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!
it’s probably a cliché thing to bring up at this point, but the difference in ways the two games handle their eight-character cast and how they interact with each other is oddly reflective in the respective games’ box art. like, the first octopath had all the characters walking in one direction, their own path, all parallel to each other. whereas in octopath 2’s case, they’re all hangin out!!! isn’t that swell! :D
i also liked the improvement of the boss battles that bookend each traveler’s story in terms of their relevance to the individual stories. namely, i like how all of the travelers have a dialogue break between phases (the bosses have distinct phases now! makes them feel more separated from the ones leading up to them). ppl really liked when ophelia talked to mattais during her fight, or therion talking to darius, and now everyone has a personal one-on-one with their final boss. this couldn’t be done with all of them in octopath 1 since some were unspeaking monsters (though ochette was able to pull that off in this game) or opponents that only appeared so the travelers could solve a specific problem (like tressa and alfyn), so no previous attachment was there. in general i love how all the final bosses had some kind of connection to the travelers, big or small.
ochette feels remorse and sympathy for the darkling since it became corrupted because she didn’t choose it as her companion as a child. castti feeling betrayed by trousseau losing his way and becoming nihilistic and genocidal. or throné losing her marbles after finding out the truth of the blacksnakes, and her palpable RAGE during her fight against claude, the only thing motivating her is seeing him dead and breaking the vicious cycle he birthed. osvald’s is obvious because harvey is a mega-bastard, but when you fully boost as osvald during that fight he screams “HARVEY!!” which is super satisfying (oh, and i absolutely love how this game adds in special lines for certain bosses, adds a more personalized touch to each traveler’s boss encounters~). partitio clawing his way to topple roque’s greed and monopoly on technology he believes could change the world forever. THE FUCKING DANCE OFF BETWEEN AGNEA AND DOLCINEA. OOUUGHGGH THE SONG OF HOPE PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND TOO 😫😫😫😫 MY FAVORITE SONG IN THE OST. temenos also feels a bit of vengeance facing off against kaldena, given she was responsible for the deaths of two people he was very close to. and lastly there’s hikari, who fought and lost much to reach the moment he can finally confront his tyrannical brother.
it’s so scrumptious. not to mention the way each character’s theme is woven into the final boss theme during the second phase. actual galactic brain move on the part of yasunori nishiki and everyone else apart of the creation of this game’s ost. i love how there’s a greater emphasis (and consistency) of each character’s theme, namely in how their battle preludes actually take from their character theme rather than just being something else that uses similar instruments. it’s another thing that was really cool and unique from octopath 1 and now made even better and more impactful in the sequel. i especially love osvald’s theme, every iteration of it. the way it’s combined with ‘journey for the dawn’ is actual peak.
um what else…… i guess i kind of alluded to this earlier but the way the stories intertwine is much stronger in this game which made connecting everything together really satisfying. it helps that this sequence is an actual part of the road to reaching the Ending of the game (the credits! i think the credits rolled in the last game when you beat your protagonist’s story. which is kind of crazy town to me looking back…) rather than unlocked through a chain of sidequests (im still not over that im sorry). the moonshade order’s members exist throughout all of the characters’ stories, whether they’re the puppet masters at the top (oboro, arcannette, and claude) or people that were manipulated into the cause (trousseau and tanzy) or simply loyal followers (petrichor, harvey, and ori). the presence of The Shadow, mentioned in 6/8 stories, laying hints to the overarching evil before this final chapter sequence begins. ooooohgh it’s so cool. i wish i could experience the final chapter for the first time again, i remember being so excited going through it (down to all eight travelers talking to each other at the beginning!!!!!!!). i know the final chapter isn’t perfect since a lot of the information is given through Reading rather than actual cutscenes (and again, tanzy’s involvement with the moonshade order and her death elicits zero reaction from anyone that met her), and tbh it would have been cool if we actually fought some of the other remaining members akin to the battle with arcannette (i know the monster near the toto’haha torch is implied to be petrichor, but she’s the only member that never met any of the travelers, and it would have been cool to confront her outright).
this would be where i put my whole rant about agnea and partitio's stories and their relevance to the grand story, but i made it its own post! you can read it here if you want to consume more of my octopath brainworms.
woooh that’s all i have to say. apologies for the text wall, it will probably get longer when i conjure more thoughts </3
i love this game, it’s very good even though it’s very easy to break the battles in half.
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
FF16 Blogging: I just got back from Kanver. Spoilers and whatnot.
I’ve only been playing a little bit for the last couple of days. And I don’t feel like I’ve hit any big “aha!” moments in the story.
Like first, after Twinside, was the “go around and see how shitty things are” quest where you have to help Martha’s Rest, Northreach, Dalimil. And basically, whatever Primogenesis does, exactly, it’s fuckin’ things up. The sky is all weird, there’s aether and akashic popping up everywhere, Ultima’s thralls are causing trouble, and governments basically aren’t a thing anymore on Storm, so there’s like anarchy and lots of bandits and other ne’er-do-wells are running rampant. Okay, got it.
Then you go Kanver to help Mid and Gav, except nothing really happens there. You’re too late to save the city, Harbard challenges you and then just kind of dies for no adequately explored reason. The most interesting part was Barnabas showing how powerful he actually is by giving you what-for. Annnnnd he’s kidnapped Jill. Great. I mean, I was gonna have to go to Waloed anyway. But I’m miffed she’s been fridged.
I guess it’s kinda cool that Joshua has had this whole secret service/CIA network at his disposal the whole time. But he hasnt yet explained how he came to find out about Ultima and its machinations. Also, and this is fandom-brain, but are he and Jote a thing? The way he kisses her forehead has a kind of intimacy, but it’s almost more fraternal. And there was something in the scene where he meets Mid and is all formal with her, which she doesn’t know how to take, that made me wonder.
I’m still trying to work out what Mythos and Ultima are, exactly. Like, in an ontological sense. Some of Harbard/Barnabas’s comments (“Mythos is everything”) have me really curious for them to nail that down, but I don’t know how much they’re really going to explain it. I guess we’ll see.
Most of what I have this time is stray thoughts, though:
I finally beat Atlas (at lvl 38), but damn if it didn’t take everything I had (including 2 Elixirs), plus Joshua and Jill’s help.
I dunno what’s going on with Oscar. But sure, send him to help rebuild Eastpool; there’s some poetry in that.
Lol @ Clive’s terrible acting in Dalimil. And also the clear LotR reference in the name Underhill. Doesn’t L’ubor even say something like “we don’t want to do the name Underhill a disservice?” Mmhm. I see you.
Some of the sidequests from the Hideaway in this bit were kind of fun. Clive’s a good teacher—the way he responds to the kids who are rebuilding Mid’s scales by indulging their questions while gently pointing them back on track—that was a really well-written bit that did a lot for him as a character in my mind. Also, I love the way he’s kind of afraid of Charon during that quest with “Wetlegs” and stuff. He’s a likeable guy—gruff, but with a soft, creamy interior.
So there’s that quest when you’re on the way to Kanver where you help the dying Republican soldiers deal with some akashic and, at the end, instead of being grateful, the guy you save is super pissed off cos he knows who you are and hates you. I let him live instead of fighting him, which I feel was the morally correct choice, but is that gonna bite me in the ass later? Cos he did swear revenge and all.
I forget exactly how it happened, but I have a note appreciating that they worked in the Phoenix Down. It’s such an iconic item.
Oh, and I finished the Quinten/Lostwing quest. There’s a lot in this game about like, finding purpose. I’d wanna play through it again with this in mind, but it’s interesting to see how it’s functioning as a piece of art created in the current socio-political environment.
I dunno. Again, I feel like I haven’t accomplished much in the past few hours of play. But I also feel like it’s the calm before the storm of the final push. Presumably I’m gonna cross over to Ash next, and whatever’s going on there is gonna be (had better be) crazy.
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lovelinu · 7 years
me, ignoring the steadily increasing waves of sheer terror and panic in my chest at the huge deadline tomorrow and, instead of doing anything about it and ignoring the ever worsening physical symptoms of my anxiety by choosing to write a tumblr post instead of the multiple essays due: lol
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zukuist · 3 years
“y/n decides to make an impromptu cupcake for the class’ angry boy. thing is, they’re bad at making food appeal to the eye. then comes in the said angry boy and.. yeah”
fandom/s: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia (bnha)
includes: k. bakugō (x reader)
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral, lowercases intended
note: so like.. it was his birthday yesterday and omg i completely missed it because of school >:( anyways, have this thing i whipped up. also there’s no editing soskdw sorry if this is bad
out of the many things you have done so far, this wasn’t definitely not the smartest.
sure, your inner conscience tells you that this would be considerate, and it would’ve been a.. kind gesture towards the upcoming birthday boy.
which is why, you managed to sneak out of your dorm past curfew, a few cooking ingredients that you bought 2 days ago in your arms, as you quietly trot downstairs, and into the kitchen.
you had an internal fight with yourself on why this would be a magnificent idea in the first place. the said upcoming birthday boy being bakugō katsuki, the class’ most feared, and definitely the one with the lowest amount of tolerance with sugary sweets.
so, why did you decide on making him a cupcake?
it’s logical. first, making a small piece of chocolate would be too small for a birthday gift, and he’d probably cackle at your face, if he saw that a piece of chocolate was his birthday gift
not saying that he wouldn’t laugh at you if you didn’t give him a piece of chocolate. the blond would still ridicule you regardless.
and second of all, bakugō despises cake. if he was presented with a large cake on his birthday, he’d probably pay no mind to the time taken to make it, and stomp on it heartlessly.
plus, the class all decided to make him a cake behind his back, so.. why would he need two?
and third of all, you.. have feelings for him. you’ve never actually said it out loud, it just simply haunted your mind for the past several months. you banged your head against your table when you realized that you’ve developed feelings for him.
him, out of all people.
you wouldn’t say that you’re.. nice to him. you have a comeback every time he throws an insult at you, and you take some time out of your day to beat his ass (which is 50/50 when it comes to results)
for once, you decided that you wanted to do something nice. after all, you don’t recall him being necessarily ‘mean’ to you on your birthday
and in bakugō terms, that just meant that he didn’t insult you for an entire day, and instead, ignored you. which you weren’t sure if that was any better.
you’ve thought of things like writing him a letter, buying him spice packets for food and.. getting him whatever he asked for?
you’ll settle with baking a cupcake. you don’t feel like being ordered around right now
it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? you just have to hope that the oven wouldn’t ‘ding’ too loudly, and you just have to rely on your luck that aizawa-sensei wouldn’t walk into the kitchen and see you make a chocolate-vanilla butter cream cupcake.
luckily, the oven doesn’t ‘ding’ loudly, you can thank yaoyorozu for making a quiet oven, just because of mina and kaminari’s late night cooking antics. you pull out the cupcake from the oven with mittens, and you’re just left.. staring.
“that.. can’t look right.” you quirk your head in confusion, “i followed everything in this recipe. why does it look like that?”
the cupcake looked nothing like what you’ve imagined. you had all the ingredients, read through the entire recipe, and you did everything correctly.
however, the cupcake was separated, split down the middle with what looked like.. bubbles? it looked disfigured, and definitely something that was incredibly inedible.
bakugō would never eat this. he would think that you poisoned it!
you hear foot steps echo through the hallway that would connect to the common room, and you panic. just.. panic. you quickly shuffle to disregard the cupcake liners, the chocolate mix, and most especially the sorry excuse of that cupcake.
a voice that’s familiar, well known, and one that strikes humiliation into you fills your ears “oi, which extra is baking in the middle of th—”
scarlet eyes settle on you, and you feel like a deer caught in headlights. you can’t help but notice the mop of disheveled ash blond hair, lacking it’s usual spikiness.
which you would’ve teased him about but.. not with what you’re caught with. the situation can’t be turned onto him.
you’re expecting him to just turn around and walk away, tsking in annoyance, but you don’t hear the echo of his foot steps “what the hell are you doing?” he questions you, straight on
you look down on the cupcake, well.. ‘cupcake’ you’ve just made, and you lift your head at him once again. “happy.. birthday?” you greet, “i was making a cupcake.”
he ignores the fact that it is his birthday. “it’s midnight.”
“i’m aware, bakugō.”
“aizawa’s going to beat your ass when he finds out that you’re— no but, what the fuck is that?”
it dawns onto you that he has seen your sorry excuse of a cupcake. your cupcake for the most part is.. put together? besides the messy frosting planted on top of the cupcake, there’s a tiny patch of unbaked cupcake batter, which is a sore to look at (and not in the good way.)
you’d say it looks like a bland batch of casserole but heck, even bland casserole looks better than this
“a cupcake..?”
“ugh. why didn’t you just get some from the fuckin’ convenient store?” he interrogates you for some reason, and it seems to be that the sleepiness from his eyes washed away.
“you’re acting as if you’ve never had a bad batch of food in your entire life!” you half yell, half shout, surprisingly still aware that if you were to raise your voice by an octave, aizawa-sensei would’ve definitely heard it.
“i haven’t. i’m just a fuckin’ natural at cooking.” he rolls his eyes in annoyance, but you’re just annoyed that he’s bragging.
and the fact that you had no source of food rebuttal, and the fact that there’s not a single case of imperfection in bakugō’s cooking record.
“look,” you sigh, looking at the failed cupcake. “you weren’t supposed to see this, at all. i was going to trash this and go to bed.”
“and?? i don’t see any deathly important appeal to a cupcake.” he stares down, observing how the icing was almost about to drip onto the clean counters.
“yeah, but it was a cupcake i made for your birthday!”
aaand that was it. that was totally it. you should’ve kept your mouth shut, and you should’ve just threw the entire thing in the trashcan, and sprint past bakugō, hoping that bakugō would think that he was having some sort of freakish nightmare.
he doesn’t say anything, and you can’t find it in yourself to look at him, even though you normally didn’t have an issue with that. you can hear him navigate through the dim kitchen, and you can feel him observe your ‘cupcake.’
“there’s no visual appeal whatsoever.” his voice is low, eyes averting to the ingredients on the kitchen island, meaning that he acknowledged that the ingredients used weren’t necessarily.. incorrect.
“yeah, figures,” you grumble, ready for another insult to be slammed into your face, and the salt to be rubbed merciless against the wound that was on your ego
but, it never came. “but, i suppose i could try it.”
“you can’t be serious.” you look at him, startled by the sudden suggestion, “don’t food poison yourself.”
“it’s my birthday, i can do whatever the hell i want.” he glares at you, ruby eyes zeroing in on you, and the cupcake.
“oh, well..” there was no way you were going to contradict him. you make a cupcake for his tasting only, so you’d guess that it was right of him to want to taste it, even if it did look horrendous in visual appeal
you shuffle around for a fork in dim lighting, and he stops you, “if aizawa sees a fork in the sink, he’s going to chomp your head off.”
right.. aizawa-sensei would definitely punish someone over an unwashed fork. “so, you want to eat this with your hands? that’s unlike you.”
“i have better ideas,” and before you could question what those said ideas even are, a piece of cupcake is shoved into your mouth, icing smeared all over the side of your mouth, as bakugō smashed his lips against yours
you stumble in surprise, and bakugō’s movements are agile, quick to press you against the kitchen counter swiftly, warm hands are firm against your sides, and his tongue eagerly collects the sweetness of the icing that was shoved into your mouth, his lips moving alongside yours with an inconsistency
but nonetheless, it’s exhilarating.
when he finally pulls back, you’re left with wide eyes, questioning what the hell just occurred, and why bakugō katsuki just decided to shove a piece of your cupcake into your mouth, and take it with his mouth
“the visual appeal isn’t the worst thing, and the taste isn’t bad.” he comments, “oh, and the cupcake lacks visual appeal.”
your cheeks flush with heat at the implication.
“thanks for the birthday gift.” he smirks with satisfaction, and before you could yell at him, he’s gone.
and then, your legs give in, and you fall down onto the floor, utterly stupefied
bonus :
“y/n! are you going to join us?” midoriya asks, obviously referring to bakugō being surrounded by all of your classmates, and being forced down into blow the cake’s candles.
“uh.. in a bit.” you smile with reassurance. midoriya seems to doubt you for a second, but he’s dragged away before he could ask for a follow up question.
you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened just a few hours ago. and what was painful was that he was totally smug about it!
on the outside, he looked well.. himself? but whenever no one was looking, he’d throw that.. look on you!
curse him.
bakugō finished blowing out the candles, after many protests, and when everyone is left to chatter to themselves, sero takes the initiative to ask the question first, “uh.. is y/n okay? they seem.. quiet.”
bakugō glances over onto you, and you tense, just knowing that he’s looking at you. “don’t be worried about that dumbass. they’re all shy about something.”
while kaminari and kirishima perk up at the word ‘shy’ in excitement, and they bombard him with inquires. bakugō eyes shift onto you once again, secretly thrilled just thinking about when would be the next time he’ll be alone with you again.
just so he can scold, and most especially tease you about visual appeal
©️ zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal ❕
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inkmemes · 4 years
amazon  prime’s  the  boys  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  seasons  1  &  2.  contains  non-contextual  mild  s2  spoilers.  some  have  been  slightly  altered  to  better  fit  out  of  context.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i'm supposed to be this hero, but i don't know what the hell i'm doing.”
“just remember who your friends and who your enemies are.”
"you can't do this. you don't have the fight, you never have.”
"my superpower is reading people. watching them when they think they're alone. i see people for who they really are.”
“why have average when you can have extraordinary?”
“if i'm gonna make a difference, i just feel more comfortable doing it on a smaller scale.”
"i know a little about a lot of things.” 
“never let them see you like this.”
"just 'cause you fall on your ass doesn't mean you have to stay there.”
"since when did "hopeful" and "naive" become the same thing?”
“you need to unclench your asshole.”
"i can do whatever the fuck i want.”
"pardon my french: fuck those fuckers.” 
"you tell anyone what you saw or heard here today, and i’ll cut your hands off and shove them so far up your ass, your fingers’ll give us a little wave out your throat, yeah?”
“when they’re apart, they’re absolute fucking rubbish. but, you put them together, they’re the goddamn fucking spice girls.”
“sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.”
“i really did want to make a difference. i really did care. i was just like you.”
“i started giving pieces of myself away and i guess i gave away everything.”
“you see, i know your secret.”
“you’re not a bad person. just a scared one.”
“what have you got to lose that you ain’t already lost?”
“i figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.”
“here’s the truth. anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.”
“you know, i managed to go my whole life without seeing someone die horribly, and now i’m up to about a half dozen, so i think i’m good.”
“we’ll cross that bridge when we burn it.”
“in a partnership, there is give and there is take.”
“i should’ve done a lot more stuff. because there is nothing up there. there’s nobody in the sky watching over us. not anybody. it’s all just lies.”
“i don’t know if they really want you to be a hero. i think they just want you to look like one.”
“he is too much of an asshole to die.”
“fuck this world for confusing nice with good. be a bitch if you want. be whatever. just drop the mask once in a while. feels good. you can finally breathe.”
“[name], how is it possible that you’re dumber than you look?”
“[name], you've done a murder. comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.”
“we didn't bring him here for a fucking happy meal.”
“i've got my phone linked to the ‘find your shithead friends’ app.”
“i just had to pop down to the shop. i was running a bit low on ‘mind your own fucking business’.”
“you know something? on my first day, I, uh … well, i felt like a fraud. but the good news is, everybody feels that way.”
“you ever touch me again, i will burn your eyes out. understand me?”
“wou know how you have this… image of yourself? like, i thought i was strong. you know? like, made of steel. a fighter.”
“uf you’re the fucking reason i can’t finish that vermont country dollhouse, i will fucking end you.”
“you are dispensable, which means you answer to me.”
“you’ve been walking around for months like you want to kick my ass. so do it already.”
“i can be that person that nobody thinks is awesome, but it turns out, they’re kind of fucking awesome.”
“i’m sorry but we’re not anything.”
“my nana’s your biggest fan.”
“not even [name] would have dared to try and pull this kind of shit.”
“shouldn’t we all just be competent at our jobs?”
“we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us. that is a good feeling. a really good feeling.”
“you need to get the fuck out of my house.”
“you were right. i’m not gonna get bored and move on. i’m not going anywhere.”
“life isn’t actually a pr strategy. you can say what you think.”
“pippi longstocking would bite a d, that’s for damn sure.”
“you write all women as either unknowable hitchcock bitches or michael bay fuck dolls. i mean, i get that a lifetime of jerking off to transformers didn’t exactly make you popular with the ladies, but a little effort would be nice.”
“i don’t think we have to damage control your fuck up.”
“look at you. my girl.”
“nobody likes almond joy. -- jeffrey dahmer. that's it. he's the only one.”
“jesus christ! those are like the three worst candy bars in the history of candy. that's it, you're sick in the brain.”
“i’m wanted and you’re kind of super famous.”
“he’s an actor who didn’t lie to my face everyday.”
“don’t lie to me, not again.”
“she was already dead when i blew her up.
“my son is the furthest fucking thing on this planet to a normal little boy.”
“this is a moment. girls get it done.”
“there is just no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.”
“mom says being lonely makes you know yourself better.”
“i just want you to think about me when you are getting your skin peeled off your face, bitch.”
“you don’t fuck with the money. you never fuck with the money.”
“you’re my second wind.”
“it doesn’t matter who made us, or how we got here, the point is we are here. together. family. you guys, you are my real family.”
“oh, is it so hard to believe that i want you two to be happy? and in love? honestly [name], i am really, really happy for you.”
“the hate that you carry and the warpath that you’re on, it started so long before me.”
“we can’t afford to feel good or to feel safe or to let our guard down.”
“we’re all alone. that’s the truth.”
“i don’t need anyone but myself.”
“you’re so special, that most special man on the planet. everybody loves you. everybody. their love is your strength.”
“where's the closest atm?”
“you let your canary die, how you gonna know when you've gone too far?”
“you know what i thought? i thought who fucking cares?”
“fuckin’ diabolical.”
“i'm a motherfucker with a heart.”
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Nicest Asshole You’ll Ever Meet
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Request: May I request a Lip Gallagher X Fem!Reader fanfic? Maybe set during season 1 or 2? Y/N is Kevin’s little sister and gets jumped on the south side. She gets badly beat up and barely makes it back home to her brothers house. No ones home so she goes to the Gallagher’s and Lip answers. He patches her up and it’s cute and fluffy. Maybe she falls asleep in his bed and they end up cuddling and then sharing a blunt? (You don’t have to add the blunt if you’re uncomfortable) Thank you love :)
Word Count: 1.3k
And away, and away we go!
You cursed as you stumbled your way down the street. Kevin was gonna have a field day when he saw you. It wasn’t your fault you had broken the single rule he’d given you. You hadn’t started the fight. Why the fuck would you with odds like that? 5 to 1 was hardly fair. And while they had landed their fair share of kicks and punches on you, you held your own. Kevin had said that you couldn’t start any fights, but he never said anything about finishing them.
“Jesus? Get hit by the L? You know you’re supposed to stand behind the yellow line right?” a voice quipped, and you turned to find the eldest Gallagher boy sitting on his front steps, a cigarette dangling between his lips.
“Reckon I’m still better lookin’ than you, Lip.”
The boy scoffed, before dropping the cigarette and snuffing it out with his boot. “C’mon,” he said, rising to his feet and jerking his head toward the house. “I’ll help ya get cleaned up.”
You waved him off, “It’s fine. I’ll ask V for help.”
“She’s not home. Neither is Kev. Alibi.”
He shrugged. “So, you comin’ or not?”
“Fiona or Ian home?”
“Nah. Work.”
“Debbie? Carl? Liam? Fuck, Frank?”
“Do I look like a fuckin’ nanny? No. I’m the only one here. Why? You afraid of me or something?”
“Pffft, no…”
Lip smirked. “Oh, I get it. Alright. Did Kev tell you to stay away from me? That’s rich… What did he say? Like the reasons?”
“He said you’re too smart for your own good, and that you’ll use those smarts to get into every girl’s pants.”
The boy laughed. “Yeah, he’s probably right. But he’s gonna be mad either way. You might as well be cleaned up when he flips his shit.”
You blew out your next breath in a huff before crossing into the yard, officially in Gallagher territory, and following Lip into the house.
“Just have a seat,” he said, nodding at the couch before jogging up the stairs.
You complied, whatever adrenaline you had finally fading your body, pain taking its place. You wondered briefly if you looked like how Lip had said you did; like you had been hit by a train. You definitely felt like you had.
You turned to the sound of Lip’s boots thundering back down the stairs, a first aid kit in his hands. His crystal blue eyes studied you carefully as he shook soft brown locks of hair out of his way. “You’re bruised pretty badly, but I don’t think any of your cuts need stitches so that’s good. And nothing looks broken. So, what happened?”
“Stupid girls,” you hissed through your teeth as he started dabbing at your face with an alcoholic wipe.
“Hold still. Sooner I’m done, the better.” One of his hands came up to cup your chin to keep you from flinching away, his hold surprisingly gentle. “Stupid girls did this? Like from school?”
“Yes, like from school.”
“Did you get them back?”
“Sort of. 5 to 1 makes it a little hard to do much besides get your ass kicked. But I finished it, if that’s what you’re asking. And they jumped me. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to walk into odds like that.”
“5 to 1? Shit… so this was Leah, and her stupid fuckin’ friends?”
“That would be them.”
“Which means it’s Tyler’s fault. And Kev warned you about me? Damn…”
“Tyler’s a piece of shit who’d flirt with a rock if it’d flirt back.”
“Pretty sure he has.”
You laughed, then winced, clutching your side. “Don’t make me laugh, asshole.”
“Let me see,” he said, his hands falling away from your face.
“What? No! Are you insane?”
“Oh, relax. I’m not even gonna see your bra, much less your tits. Now lift up your shirt or I’ll do it for you.”
“Fine, fine,” you grumbled, pulling up on your shirt, both of you sucking air through your teeth at the sight of a giant splotch of purplish blue.
“Don’t bite my head off, alright?” he asked, his fingers hovering over your exposed skin.
You squinched your eyes shut, breathing harshly. “Do it.”
His fingers grazed across your ribs, again with a gentleness that took you by surprise. “Probably just badly bruised. That, or you have a really high pain tolerance. Or you’re a really good liar.”
“All of the above,” you grinned sarcastically, dropping your shirt.
“Well, not a whole lot for you to do besides rest.”
At the mention of rest, you became aware of just how tired you were. “Yeah. Rest. Sounds good. Thanks, Dr. Lip.”
“Anytime. C’mon, I’ll help you upstairs.”
“Excuse me?”
“What? You need to rest. And I’ve slept on this couch. It’s not exactly comfortable. You can use my bed upstairs.”
“Or I could go next door. To my bed.”
“Where Kev will find you all bloody and bruised? Nah. Plus, it’s too far.”
“Stubborn fuckin’ Gallaghers…”
“Hey, this stubborn fuckin’ Gallagher just played doctor, and offered you his bed.”
“Where he can play more doctor? Pffft, yeah right. I’m fine here.”
Lip’s eyes rolled. “I promise to not sleep with you. There. Now, are you gonna move on your own? Or do I gotta carry you up there myself?”
“Fuckin, Christ…” With his help, you made your way up the stairs and into a room with a single bed pressed against one wall, a bunk bed perpendicular with it against another wall. “It’s not the top bunk, is it?”
“No, it’s that one,” he said, nodding at the singular bed.
“Well, thanks I guess. For everything.”
“You’d be surprised how often I do this,” he tried to joke as you got settled on the bed and he fiddled with something at the desk.
“Play doctor to all the banged up kids in the neighborhood, huh? Wow, way to make a girl feel special.”
He gave a short laugh. “Have Carl as a sibling, and nobody would ever need med school.” He dug into his pocket, pulling out a lighter. He brought whatever it was he’d been fiddling with- a blunt you now realized- to his lips, lighting it and taking a deep hit. “Here,” he breathed, passing it your way.
You took a hit, welcoming the hazy cloud the enveloped you, feeling the bed dip as Lip crawled in beside you. “I thought you weren’t gonna sleep with me,” you pointed out as you handed him back his blunt.
“Do you see me stripping?”
“Exactly. I may have offered you my bed, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna sleep on my fuckin’ floor. I’m nice, not a gentleman.”
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘asshole’ actually.”
“Nicest asshole you’ll ever meet.”
You took turns passing the blunt back and forth, your back pressed against his chest as you crammed together on the small bed. “Fuckin’ bitch,” you cursed Leah and her friends when you took a hit that left you sputtering, the coughs causing your sides to ache.
“I can fuck Tyler up if you want,” Lip offered. “And I can talk to Mandy about helping you with Leah. Like I personally won’t fight girls, so she’s my go to for that shit. Needed her help back when Debbie was getting bullied.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, cuz that’s what I need. More problems.”
“Well at least start walking with us then.”
“Aw, is Lip Gallagher offering to protect sweet little me?” you cooed.
“We look after our own,” he said as easily as if he was telling you the sky was blue. The bed creaked as he reached over you to turn off the lamp on the desk, before he settled behind you again.
You lay there wondering just what your brother had been thinking in telling you to avoid the boy. Sure, he had more charm and smarts than he knew what to do with. And he was a certifiable asshole. But he was a nice- and admittedly very cute- asshole. And you felt safe with Lip’s arm thrown gingerly across your waist, and his slow even breaths lulling you sleep.
Tag List
@thanossexual​ @markofdean79​ @philthepegacorn​ @youngblood199456​ @tarltongrl96​ @ineedmorefanfics​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​
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I’m So Baked (says the pie)
A/N: So I’ve been paying more attention to Topazi (mentally) and I realize that I need more shenanigans between her and Klaus..so here we are.
Warnings: some suggestive material
Tag List:  @joz-stankovich, @misskittysmagicportal, @badsext, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @ghouls-buddy, @maerenee930, @frogs–are–bitches, @neuroticpuppy, @forenschik, @bisexualnathanyoung, @robert-sheehan, @firstpersonnarrator, @salvador-daley, @lokis-rock-n-roll-chick
“Klaus, what happened to your hand?!” Topazi asked, as her partner walked in, his hand held far away from his body, almost as if it had offended him greatly.
“I was trying to get inside of the house and the patio door shut on my hand. We need to get that fixed at some point.” he said, putting a generous amount of dish soap on his “Hello” hand before putting it under the tap.
“I’ll put it on my list to get to. Do you know when Allison and Claire are supposed to be coming over. I need to make sure I have time to get the flowers done beforehand. And I need to make sure there’s no extra snails in them, like I’ve let slide recently.” she added, getting her tools gathered on the floor of the living room.
“Uh, I think she said around regular dinnertime, 6-7ish.” Klaus replied, and Topazi let out a sigh of relief. That’s plenty of time to construct and reconstruct her design.
  It was a simple bouquet, really. Allison hadn’t asked for a specific type of flowers, but she wanted to get a specific message across. Maternal love and affection. Claire had been through quite a lot, and she wanted to be sure that her kid knew that she loved her very much. Material objects only do so much as well, so Allison planned to write a letter, and just generally try to spend more time with her kid, and be there for her more.
“That’s valid.” T remembered saying, as she picked a few cinquefoils, as well as a few carnations from her collection, looking back at her sketch.
  It reminded her in pieces of a sunflower, actually, how it looked. There wasn’t a darkness in the center, but she chose yellow cinquefoils, and yellow carnations, with regular greenery on the outside, so she’d need to change something up a little. She worked away for some time, and made multiples of the same bouquet, trying different combinations of the flowers.
  In the kitchen, Klaus was looking at a recipe book. He wanted to make Allison one of her favorite desserts, a key-lime pie. He was sure that there were limes somewhere in the house (or if the neighbors have some). There had been multiple occasions where he wished to make a specific dish and lacked a few ingredients. Topazi had mentioned, in passing, of her wishes of having a fruit orchard. That would help with the fruit issue, lest Klaus decide to become a full-time baker. It may not be a huge one, but she wanted to provide for herself. Plus, who doesn’t want to take care of plants?
“Now where is the microblade?” he asked himself as he rumbled through the cabinets, trying to make sure he didn’t let anything drop too loudly.
“I don’t even know if we have one.” Topazi replied, eyes focused on trying to properly tie a ribbon on one of her bouquets.
“Ah, here it is!” Klaus exclaimed, extracting the microblade from between the cheese grater and a plate.
   He finally went into the fridge after a few more minutes of glancing over the ingredient page, and withdrew a few limes from the bottom drawers. Soon enough, Klaus began working on the crust, and took some of his anger out (mostly at the sliding door) pounding the graham crackers to crumbs. A small part of him wanted to taste said crumbs, but then he remembered that it was for his sister, not him. (although her giving him a slice isn’t completely out of the question) He pressed the crumbs into the side of the pie plate, making sure to press from the bottom, going up. He put it in the oven, took note of the time, and got started on the filling.
“T, why do you like flowers so much?” Klaus asked, zesting a lime. He knew the obvious answer, “They’re pretty, and a lot of people like them.” However, he wanted to hear his partner talk, as the sound of the cicadas outside were beginning to annoy him.
“I like them because what’s not to like about them? In a sense. They’re pretty, and were historically used as a means to communicate, when people thought it rude and insensitive to discuss such things in public. Everything about them is made so carefully, down to how they look microscopically. Even though plants themselves aren’t sentient, they still live, and have their own systems to maintain, and how they work. If one was to extract a piece of DNA from a sunflower, specifically one that gives it its color, our perception would be completely different of it.” she stops for a moment to collect her thoughts.
“It’s also how people work, too. I like flowers because they’re easy to maintain, if you know what you’re doing, and don’t forget they exist, or run out of energy. And they’re so nice to look at. You’ve seen me stop in parks to just admire how flowers are placed in the mulch, or soil. They planters may have had the littlest idea of how I would view them, even down to what order they put them in, but they’re there. I find it so worth it to just pause for a moment, and to think, and indulge in the true meaning of something, even if it wasn’t meant to be. That’s why I like flowers. It’s completely fine to just see the surface when someone gets you flowers “Ah, they got me something pretty, and thought of me to give me this. It’s a meaningful gift.” But I want to pick apart every part of it. Because there’s so much more to so many things than what you see.” she responds, and jumps when she looks up to see Klaus leaning over the kitchen island, his face in his hands.
  His hands have small bits of pulp on them, and the “Kiss the Cook” apron that he wears has abstract juice drippage on it.
“I fuckin’ love you T.” Klaus whispers, and bends over to capture her lips in a gentle kiss, and he feels her smile into it. Her hands carefully come to wrap around his neck, making sure not to get any of the stem juice in his hair.
“Love you too.” she whispers back, pulling away “Your crust smells just a smidge burnt (pronounced buent), by the way.” she says, picking up her phone to refresh her memory of other flower requests. A small look of panic passes across his face before he pushes himself off of the counter, practically ripping the oven door off to check on his crust.
  It, fortunately enough, wasn’t too terribly damaged. It wasn’t too crisp, or burnt. He set it on the stove to rest for a moment, and he grabbed the yogurt from the fridge, and sweetened condensed milk from the pantry. He poured the juice, zest, yogurt, and sweetened condensed milk into a bowl, and whisked to combine.
“I never thought I would be so turned on by a man cooking, and the pie isn’t even for me.” T admitted, looking at the way Klaus’ arms flexed while he continued to mix the ingredients together.
“Oh, is that right. I’ll be cooking a lot more then, if your response is openly admitting your horniness to my non-conformity to gender roles.” he said casually, blowing a stray hair out of his face.
 Topazi looked up, and stared Klaus straight in the face, and put a finger up, opening her mouth, only to close it, and put her finger down.
“I’m not sharing my thoughts with a malewife like you.” she uttered, shaking her head in mock disgust.
“And this malewife puts it down every evening for you, willingly that is, and this is how I’m treated, ugh, the gumption.” he mutters, putting a hand to his chest, feigning disgust.
  Topazi and Klaus look at each other once more before breaking out in laughter, urging Minnie, who was sitting on the floor, to wake up from her nap. Klaus snorted, hand gripping the counter. Topazi had to put her head down to prevent any excess spittle from getting on her flowers. Once they caught their collective breaths, Klaus poured the filling into the crust, and put it into the oven to bake. He washed the dishes that he had, and dried the bowl, due to needing it for the topping.
“Okay, good, I just need to write these cards, then I’ll be done with this.” T said, grabbing them, and grabbed a permanent marker.
“These look really good T!” Klaus exclaimed, his eyes shining with glee.
“Thank you love.” she said, dragging a hand across her face. She stood up to stretch, and her back cracked loudly, mildly surprising her. She walked over to Klaus and wrapped her hands around his waist, her head resting on his back.
“Every time you put your arms around my waist like that, I swear I gain 10 more years of life.” he said, wiping his hands on his apron. She felt the vibrations of his speech on her face, and she took a deep breath before responding.
“I wonder what happens when I hug you then.” T said, walking away to put the flowers in their designated “T’s flowers, do not touch nor smell.” place in the fridge.
“I’m so smart, I know.” he retorted, pouring the heavy cream into a bowl, along with a few tablespoons of confectioners’ sugar. T jumped at the sound, and shook it off. 
  She had mentally took note of the time Klaus put the pie in, and took an oven mitt off of the hook, (patterned with tiny cookies on it) The top looked set enough, and she set it to rest on the counter. She turned the oven off, and watched as Klaus finished whipping the topping, holding it upside down to check if it was ready. It didn’t fall on his head, so he put plastic wrap over it, and looked outside for a short moment, looking up the tree in the front yard. 
  He took a breath, and thought for a second. Maybe a bit too long. His mind fluttered back to what it took for him to be where he was. How much it physically took out of him, his siblings, hell, even the timeline for him to be able to have a peaceful life (for the most part) and a loving partner. A tear slipped down his face, and he thought of how silent the ghost had been recently. He still had his powers, but the ghosts seemed to respect his current want for peace. And he loved that. He would float around the house if his feet were tired, and sometimes even do a side gig of being a medium if he felt inclined to. However, something about knowing that he couldn’t physically see Ben anymore, (his Ben, he thought, now with his newest collection of siblings, with a limited edition Sparrow Ben). He still even missed the cult, even with its downsides. He never got the right type of parental love, or familial love. At times, he doubted his siblings’ love for him, even though they’d made it pretty obvious that they’d be there for him, lest he need it.
  “Hey, Klaus, the- are you alright?” Topazi asks. She had been calling a few clients back from her home office, telling them that their bouquets had been completed. She got a random craving for cookies, and planned to go to the kitchen to make them, but she found Klaus in tears, hand covering his mouth. He hadn’t even noticed her there.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking too much.” he explained, letting her wipe the tears from his face.
“You sure?” she asked, and he nodded before taking a deep breath, and releasing it. “I was just coming in here to A. make some cookies, and B. tell you that the pie is good and cooled, and it’s time for it to be topped.” she said, rubbing his back gently.
“Okay. Thank you T.” he responded, gathering the willpower to put the whipped cream on the pie, and adding small lime slices and spare zest on top. He smiled at the completed job, and put it in the fridge to finish chilling.
“Go take a nap darling. You’ve been on your feet for a while, and you look tired. I’ll let you know when Allison is here. Or at least 5 minutes before.” she whispered, kissing Klaus’ cheek. She looked at him for a moment more, and cupped his cheek with her hand. The light scruff that covered the bottom of his chin tickled her hand, and she had the urge to scratch her palm. She however, resisted said urge, and took her hand away. Klaus smiled at her once more, and trotted up the stairs, with Minnie in tow behind him. Topazi went back to the kitchen and gathered her ingredients. She spun some vinyl as background music, and got to work on her cookies.
  A couple hours pass, and Topazi is drying the last cookie sheet she used for her cookies, putting it back in its rightful spot. She stretched again, and checked her phone, seeing that Allison had texted her a few seconds go, saying that she was on the way, which gave her about 30 minutes to get Klaus awake. She headed up the stairs, and ended their bedroom, where Klaus was sprawled across the sheets Minnie resting on his pillow. T gently shook him awake with one hand, and giving chin scratches to Minnie with the other.
“Come on, it’s time to get up Klausie.” she mutters, watching as her partner came to slowly, more of his hair having escaped from its confinements.
“Hmmm, I’ll be more up in a bit. You smell good, hon.” he whispered, rubbing his eyes.
 The sun was shining in his face, and although it may have been mildly uncomfortable to wake up to, he looked absolutely stunning in it. His hair seemed to glow, and his skin, albeit a little pale, seemed to reflect every bit of sun that hit it. His eyes though, seemed to be pools of emerald and gold. Topazi admired him from afar, and she ignored the strong urge to climb into bed with him and bask in the sunlight together.
“You’re staring love.” Klaus says, leaning on his arm in bed, petting Minnie, who was beginning to wake up as well. She meowed gently, and purred at his touch.
“Oh, hush. Like you haven’t stared at me in the sun before.”
“.....You got me there.”
“Yeah, mhm.” Topazi said, jokingly side-eyeing Klaus.
“Come here mama.” Klaus teases, pulling T’s arm towards him. She falls into Klaus’ arms, her head resting right below his. He bends down and kisses her lips, breaking away, before Topazi reciprocates the gesture, taking a small handful of Klaus’ hair in her fingers. Klaus smiles, and chuckles, letting his mouth fall to her neck. He nuzzles into it, and they sit there for several minutes, before coming to a realization.
“Oh shit, I forgot that Allison and Claire are coming over.” T said. “I’ve got to get the cookies in the jar...and I need to fix the bed too.”
“Ah, calm down. It’s fine. She’s not going to come up here and see where we engage in sinful activities, is she? No. However, I would love to join you in the cookie jarring.” Klaus mutters, smiling at her.
“Fine, you can help. But so help me god if I find even a crumb on the freshly swept floor.” Topazi said, closing the bedroom door behind her.
  T worked quickly to get the cookies together, and Klaus took a very short shower, as he knew that it would help wake him up, and he could go back to bed without having to worry about showering again. The doorbell sounded, and Topazi almost slipped trying to get to the door. She checked herself in the mirror once more before letting her niece and sister in law into the house.
“Hey Allison! And little miss Claire.” Topazi said, giving the respective people their own hugs.
“How’ve you been T?” Allison asked as she was welcomed in, shoes taken off at the door. She was also carrying a dish of some sort, covered in Aluminum Foil.
“I’ve been good. The business has been going well, and I’m thinking of making an orchard.” T replies, leading them both to the living room. “Let me get that for you.”
“That’s good. Claire’s been begging me to let her go visit the shop, but it’s always been at a bad time. Oh, thank you! I brought dinner as a bit of a treat.”
“It’s much appreciated. I like seeing you both, and having you two visit would never be a hassle.” she replies, petting JJ, the other cat, who just so happened to be waiting for attention.
“IS THAT MY SISTER AND MY FAVORITE NIECE?” Klaus yelled from the top of the stairs, quickly running down them to give his sibling a hug.
“Uncle Klaus!” Claire exclaimed, giving said uncle a very big hug around his middle, only to be picked up.
“How’ve you been, Allison, smaller Allison?” he asked, setting his niece back on the couch before taking the place next to his partner.
“We’ve been good.” Allison says. “We’ve been doing really good.” 
  The four of them sit and converse for a while, and eventually dinnertime comes around, signaled by Klaus’ stomach growling loudly. Allison had brought a very large amount of lasagna, and Topazi immediately dug in, which shocked Klaus, but he’d bring the cause up at a later time. Claire did, however, get a pre-dinner cookie (Topazi’s request because “That’s how you teach kids that good things come to people who deserve them.”)
“So, I do so happen to have a bit of a surprise for the both of you.” Klaus says, standing up and opening the fridge.
“Ooh, what is it?” Allison asks excitedly, and Claire matches her mother’s expression.
  Klaus pulls out the pie, and T moves to gently give Claire her bouquet, asking her to hold it a specific way as to not jostle the flowers, or change the position of the ribbon.
“That’s so pretty, T! Oh my gosh, I need to ask you to make more things for me, I swear I’ll pay you in whatever you want.” Allison exclaims, looking at the bouquet, leaning forward to smell some of the flowers.
“Thank you! The meanings of the flowers, and ribbon placement are on the card. Also your brother made a whole pie...by himself......we need to eat it before he does.” she teases, sticking a pointed thumb back at her partner, who already had a knife out to cut said pie.
“Klaus, it’s my favorite! Thank you so much.” Allison says, taking another bite of the pie.
“This is really good Uncle Klaus.” Claire states, looking across the island at him.
“Why danke. It was made with love. Both the pie and the bouquet, actually.” he said, kissing T on the cheek. She smiled against him, and took a piece of the pie for herself, trying to resist eating the rest of the pie it all of its entirety.
  The night came to an end, and Allison and Claire said their respective goodbyes, and drove off. T and Klaus lay in bed that night, with a book and knitting needles in hand, respectively. Klaus feels a weight against his shoulder, and Topazi had fallen asleep, small breaths escaping her lips. He put a marker in her book, and took note of note of where he stopped in his stitches. It took him some more time to get to sleep that night, probably due to his earlier nap, but he got to sleep, so peacefully. Something he’d wished for many a day, and now it seemed that he was finally getting it answered.
Key Lime Pie
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takerfoxx · 3 years
Well, in honor of the Rebellion sequel FINALLY being announced, here’s something I was going to do today anyway! Here’s the second part of the crew of Walpurgis Nights watch The Rebellion Story, stretching from Madoka arriving at the school to Hitomi’s nightmare!
Note: I originally was going to write this as one big piece and release it all at once, but then I realized what a dumb idea that would be, so it’s going to get released in chunks as they’re finished.
Note the 2nd: Every time a prolonged conversation takes place, just assume that they’re pausing the movie to talk.
G: You know, I can’t get over Tavi having legs, or Fee having hair.
Op: It does look good, I gotta say. Must’ve been a bitch to keep it looking so fresh though.
Ch: And probably sets fewer low-hanging branches alight or set off fewer sprinklers.
Op: As far as you know. That style is smokin’
H: Seeing all those boys is…weird.
Ch: I know what you mean. I mean, I can picture what they look like, and I’ve seen recreations, but even still…
G: It is interesting to think about. I mean, here it’s perfectly normal for girls to get into relationships with other girls. But there girls like us would be a minority.
Op: Can’t imagine why. Now that I’m seeing them…not really getting the appeal. They don’t even have tits!
Ch: I guess you had to be there.
Ok: Hey, is it true that girls who liked other girls got picked on a lot?
Ca: Well, that’s an oversimplification of a serious problem, and I certainly never saw it happen. But then, I was a little…sheltered. And yes, in some places of the world, that does unfortunately happen. And worst.
G: Poor girls.
Ch: And guys. It happens to the gay guys too.
Op: I never got the gay thing. I mean, using the word as an insult. Like, why would that even be something to be ashamed of?
Ca: That’s…a really complicated question, and I’m not sure I’m really qualified to explain.
G: Well, I think they’re just being silly! I don’t see how anyone could see anything wrong with this!
=Gretchen leans over to give Homulilly a small kiss on the lips. Homulilly is more than happy to reciprocate=
=Homulilly smacks Ophelia upside the head=
Ca: All of…that aside, I have to say, this is sort of nostalgic.
Ch: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?
Ca: Oh, relax. I mean, just this. The school. The girls and the boys. The uniforms. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be struck with an uncontrollable desire for penis.
Op: Though if you do, I know a girl who-
Ca: Thank you, Ophelia. Please don’t finish that thought.
Op: Ha. Still a rebel, even then.
Ca: You were. You definitely were. Even more than this version. At least this version of you is going to school.
Op: And Tavi’s the goody-goody, sneaking off…hold up.
Ok: What?
Op: Rewind it a bit.
Ch: Okay…?
Op: So, does this version of me and Oktavia…do we live together?
Ch: Huh?
H: What?
Op: How would she know about me slacking on my homework after school if she wasn’t there? Like, in the same house?
Ca: W-Well, friends visit after school, sometimes to work on homework…
Ok: No, I’m going with Ophelia. We were totally shacking up. I mean, look at us. Look how irritated I am with her. That is love.
Ca: Girls, I hate to burst your bubble, but nobody was actually dating anyone back then.
Op: Oh, come on! Look at us!
Ok: Yeah, I mean the only other explanation is…
Op: Is what? What are you…Oh, my God.
G: What’s wrong?
=Ophelia and Oktavia both start to look very uncomfortable=
Op: Candy, tell us the honest truth here: are we sisters?
Ca: What?!
Ch: Oh my God, I’m not hearing this.
Op: If you hid it so we wouldn’t freak out, I understand, but we really need to know-
Ca: No! No, you are not sisters, and you did not live together in our timeline! You knew each other for little over a month when we died, and only really got along for about two weeks!
Op: Oh, thank the flames.
Ok: Whew.
Ca: Seriously, what’s wrong with you? I already told you your stories.
G: Yeah, and Hitomi’s known Oktavia and me for a very long time! I think she’d mention it if you two were related.
H: Plus you look nothing alike. At all.
Ok: Okay! Okay! It was a momentary slip of stupid! We panicked! Leave us alone.
H: Would you two have stopped dating if it turned out you were related?
=Ophelia and Oktavia exchange looks=
Op: Probably not.
Ok: Nope.
Ch: Great. Now that we’ve established yet again how degenerate you two are, can we please continue the movie?
G: Huh?
Ok: What’s her deal?
Ca: I…kind of remember her? She was a teacher, and I think I had her my first year. But it’s been so long that-
Op: This lady’s bugging.
Ch: Too many shots in her coffee.
Op: I don’t think that’s alcohol.
Ok: Look at the class. Look at us! We’re all as confused as…we are…huh.
Ch: Don’t think about it too hard.
Op: Okay, seriously! Who allowed this lady around children?
Ca: I can remember her being a little eccentric, but this is on a whole new level.
Ch: Well, as the first few minutes proved, this whole city’s totally drugged out of its mind.
G: Does she want the world to end?
Ok: You know, I’m kind of feeling her.
G: Eh?!
Ok: Okay, look! Way back in the day, before I had a reliable gig, I used to sub every now and then for the FIB’s music department, and let me tell you, after a couple days of trying to keep those sand crabs under control, the apocalypse wasn’t sounding too bad!
Ch: How bad does her class have to be for her to go that far off the deep end?
Ok: Well, me and Fee are in the class.
=Ophelia snickers=
G: Oh, I saw Hitomi!
H: Fantastic.
Ok: I thought you two were cool now.
H: Eh…
Ch: Hey, kids! It’s time to play, “Spot the important characters!”
Ca: Did our hair really stand out that much? I distinctly remember other kids having bright hair colors!
Ch: Well, if you have a bunch of characters that you’re only animating for one scene, then you gotta skimp on some of the details.
G: Oh, there you are, Lilly!
Ca: Okay, this part I remember as being fairly accurate.
H: Huh?
Ca: I mean the bit about you being a transfer student and having been in the hospital for a while.
H: Ah.
H: My God, I look stupid.
G: Don’t say that! You look cute!
H: Did I really wear my hair like that?
Ca: Well, no. You wore it straight. And I don’t remember there being glasses.
Ca: This part…is different though.
G: Really? How so?
Ca: I didn’t know Homulilly before she showed up.
Op: Yeah, you talked about that before. She just sort of appeared out of nowhere one day?
Ca: Yes. And pretty much just…aggressively inserted herself into our group. I mean, she wasn’t rude about it, but…
H: I was a time-traveler trying to save the only person that had ever cared about me from a terrible fate and had already failed several times. No doubt I wanted to skip the pleasantries.
Ca: I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything negative.
H: No offense taken.
Ok: So basically, you had reloaded your save over and over and was skipping the cutscenes so you could get to work on the part you were having trouble on.
H: That is…a remarkably accurate way of putting it. At least I assume that was the reason. I don’t know anything other than I was told, and to be quite frank, I’m glad of it.
Op: Hear fuckin’ hear.
Ok: Cheers. Oh, uh, sorry, Candy.
Ca: Don’t worry about it.
Ok: Well, Candy’s really talking you up. Guess you were kind of an ass-kicker, Homulilly.
H: No, it’s like the other version of me said. I was probably in a support role.
Ch: What, with the time-stop thing?
H: Yes.
Ok: Support role, my scaly ass! That is like the most OP power ever! I mean, what could I do?
Ok: Uh, that wasn’t a rhetorical question. Candy, what could I do?
Ca: Oh, uh. In addition to your sword, you could use boost pads to jump and heal very quickly.
Op: So a tank, basically.
Ok: See? Just take and give damage! Basic as hell! Now time-stop, that’s a power with some class!
Ch: Plus time-travel.
Ok: Yeah, that’s like the jackpot of unfair.
H: Didn’t do me any good. We all died anyway.
Op: We’re chilling in our expensive, two-story house in a really nice neighborhood watching all this on our expensive big-screen instead of getting our asses beat every night and worrying about homework. I’d say things worked out.
Ca: Oh, come on. It’s just hand-holding.
Op: Look at that blush! Look at it!
H: She has a point. By all accounts I was already pretty infatuated with Gretchen.
=Gretchen blushes=
Ca: Fair enough. GAAAAAAY!
=group cracks up=
Op: Though, seriously. Were any of us straight?
Ca: Well, Oktavia did have that crush on that one boy that supposedly started the whole trouble, and I had a couple of crushes of my own.
Ok: Did you not see me earlier in the movie? I at the very least bisexual!
Op: Or Kyoko-sexual. Everyone’s gay for Kyoko! Even the boys are gay for Kyoko!
G: I don’t really know what that means.
Op: It means the boys find me incredibly attractive, but in a gay sort of way.
G: I still don’t know what that means!
=Oktavia leans over to whisper something in Gretchen’s ear. Gretchen’s eyes go wide=
G: Oooohhhh…
Ch: A month? So do the landscape shots just mean a time-skip?
Ok: Okay, we were joking just now, but this is pretty explicitly romantic.
H: As I said, it was at least on my end. Though I don’t understand why he has to be there.
Ca: He was always around, unfortunately. I’m mainly wondering why he’s being so quiet. Or catlike.
H: Why, was he talkative?
Ca: Very.
Op: Huh. Maybe that’s why we got Cheese. We were just used to the animal companion that wouldn’t shut the hell-
=Cheese starts screeching from the other room=
C: Pickinilly! Pickidelly! Picadely whore!
Ch: Great, now you’ve set him off.
=Cheese flies into the room and lands on Homulilly’s flower. She tries not to laugh as he prances about before spying the movie playing=
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Op: Where’d he learn that? I didn’t teach him that.
C: Rat bastard! Rat bastard!
Ch: Oh, for the love of…Here, I’ll take him.
=Charlotte offers Cheese her arm, and takes him outside=
Op: I’ll say this: the bird might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he is smart.
Ok: …did anyone else see the freaking dirigibles flying around in the background, or just me?
Op: Shit, those are a lot of airships. Hey, Candy-
Ca: No, those are new also.
Op: Something’s seriously off about this timeline, then.
Ch: Who the hell is that?
G: Oh! It’s Hitomi!
H: Of course it is.
Ch: Huh. Guess she does get more than a cameo.
Op: Jesus Christ, does her entire family all sleep in the same bed? You could fit an entire studio apartment into that thing!
G: Well, we were apparently all pretty well off.
Op: You had a normal-sized twin with a bunch of stuffed animals. She’s captaining the HMS Spoiled Rotten in there.
G: She’s not spoiled!
Op: Look, there are like three queen-sized beds between the six of us. You could put them all together and they still wouldn’t be as big as that monstrosity!
Ch: Isn’t she like living with three other girls now?
G: So? That doesn’t mean anything. Lots of people have roommates.
H: They’re dating.
G: What? What are you talking about? That’s silly to just assume-
Ok: Gretch. C’mon. It’s not a secret.
G: B-But-
Ok: Poly relationships happen all the time.
G: I…how did you find out?
Ok: You do know that I talk to her too, right? And honestly, you’re making more of it than she is.
G: I guess so.
Op: She should’ve brought that bigass bed with her, then. Gotten some use out of it.
H: Who’s she calling?
Ok: Oh boy.
Op: Well, well, well! Violin-boy!
Ok: Fantastic. Hey! I sold my soul for you! Hope it was worth it!
Ch: Er, you okay?
Ok: Yeah, I’m fine. I am pretty curious though.
Op: Oh! Stood the fuck up!
Ch: Wow, he just shot his own rich girlfriend down to play with his stringy stick!
Ok: Violins are way more than just stringy sticks! But yeah, he did shoot her right down, didn’t he? Starting to think I dodged a bullet.
H: You literally died.
Ok: I know what I said.
Op: I guess Hitomi dodged the same bullet. Traded in one deadbeat for three smokin’ hot girlfriends. Can’t see how that’s not a win!
G: Uh, her family? Whom she still remembers?
Op: Er…yeah. That’s a good point.
Op: Oh, she mad.
Ca: Teenage relationships are just like that sometimes. You feel all these big emotions and-Huh.
Ch: And you throw up yarn all over your room? What’s going on here?
Ok: We’re back on that weird shit again, aren’t we?
Op: Does she not notice any of this?
Ok: She just got shot down by her own boyfriend. Cut her some slack.
Op: Did the bed just…Okay, it ate her. It ate her and threw up even more yarn.
Ca: This is all getting very…witch-like.
G: I thought only Puella Magi could become witches.
Ca: So did I. But clearly my knowledge is very obsolete.
Op: Goddamn, Homulilly! You butterfly-effected the universe something crazy!
H: How is this my fault?
Ch: Oh, there’s another freaky teddy-bear. At least we know how they’re made.
Ok: Teenaged angst?
Ch: Most terrifying force known to mankind.
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straighttohellbuddy · 4 years
World building is the best tbh. I’m forever world building and now I have several worlds to play in and my neurodivergent brain cannot stay still enough to focus on one lmao. SLOWBURN ROMANCES ARE MY LITERAL JAM LIKE PLS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Also!!!! Concepts!!!! Pls share!!!! I love learning about the worlds of my fave fics and I can hands down say right now that this fic will literally shoot to the top of my list of favourites which means you’ll occupy the top three spots. Sorry to hear that ur feeling rough, so am sending u the biggest hug. I’m not okay but I’m taking care of myself today so that I will be 🧡-🐈‍⬛
alsjfsldkjf i have too many worlds TBH, literally one of the best parts of my 2020 was writing for the classic rock fandom and writing one of my good friend’s ocs alongside mine, like there’s so many different worlds that our two characters have now, i’m like 26k deep into a high school au that i need to get back to at some point, and then i wrote a oneshot abt the high school au but they’re adults, and then there’s also the original timeline, and then there’s the present day in the original timeline where they have kids and i probably care too much about people who aren’t real...... hahaha
yes i have a playlist for each, if you wanna hear how i interpret the vibes of the songs. if you interpret them differently, thats awesome!! i’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on them!!
testing one two - the first ep they release, the song titles are mostly themed (fast forward, press play, pause, rewind), but are mostly things y/n has been working on for a while but never got around to finishing, things they are rather proud of. i see you shiver with... is the first song they wrote specifically for the album, and it’s the last song on the EP because it’s a Rocky Horror reference; i see you shiver with...
a n t i c i p a t i o n - first full album!! the vibe is Hopeful But Hesitant it has all the songs from the ep, plus some new ones!! collabs with youtube musicians troye and dodie, and y/n’s label sets up a collab that turns into a genuine friendship. the breakout dance hit is what else is there to say ft. Troye Sivan, which is about not knowing what to make content about when it feels like you’ve already told the world everything. it featured the prechorus and hook
You, know, ev-ery-thing about me / gave it all for free / my life in HD / So, let’s dance, let me see your hips sway / we’re gonna be okay / what else is there to say?
So say that you love me, say that you love me, say that you love me / let’s die hand in hand. / I’ll tell you I love you, tell you I love you, tell you I love you / supply and demand. 
personally, i also conceptually enjoy srs bsns which is a really upbeat song about how they don’t care if people don’t take them seriously because they know in their heart that what they’re doing is good
hyperfocus - 2nd EP, a pretty substantial departure from their usual style, but also happens to quietly be Corpse’s favourite, and is actually y/n’s most polarising, because it has both the Grammy award winning HEARTBURN and the o brother where art thou which was written partially as a joke to capture a fond moment of them and 5SOS dicking around together in a hotel. written while on tour wit 5SOS, im writing the reader as having ADHD (because I have ADHD and i can do what i want), and the backstory is that they’d changed the medication/dosage they were taking, and as it’s their first full tour, they were under a lot of stress and were in a weird place mentally and emotionally, and hyperfocus is the result of that. i’m going through some stuff has HUGE agoraphobic vibes. 
HEARTBURN has the same vibes as Florence + The Machines’ Howl. It’s about being a demon without saying that or directly implying that unless you know demons real well. This is when the pressure for them to confirm their identity got real bad, and it was their way of working through those emotions.
tear in existence in the shape of a person / when i’m seeing clearly i can’t see myself / world can’t swallow what it can’t get it’s teeth into / got everything i wanted but i ain’t got my health
Got heart-burn--- / I’ll tear me apart / I’ll tear you apart / I’ll tear me apart. 
SCREAM gets rereleased as a remixed single featuring Fall Out Boy the following year. It won the MTV music award for best collaboration in 2018. 
In the time between hyperfocus and working on it, Y/N releases several singles, including a cover of Tell Him by The Exciters to be featured in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. They also take time to sort out their health, do a little bit more YT stuff, and travel internationally to do festivals. 
working on it - is kind of a middle ground between their original stuff, and hyperfocus, like pop-punk meets horror-pop meets whatever you’d classify halsey as. the first three songs were mostly written before the fic starts, so before they’re getting back to YT, but the last three, nightmare scenario, designed to hurt (touch me), and not scared were all written after they’d started hanging out with sykkuno and corpse. 
in-universe, imposter syndrome was originally something else, along the same lines of tired that they’re hiding that they’re a demon, but after meeting corpse nd sykkuno and having people who know, and lowkey being influenced by corpse’s music, the song changes directions, and YO OKAY YO::
I literally am so fucking flattered, my darling friend @bingusmode​ wrote lyrics for imposter syndrome and I’ve been yELLING about them ever since i’ve read them!! (also bunnie is fantastic and lovely in general 10/10)
if you thought you saw me 
i’d think about it twice
cuz while i know i’m naughty
everybody thinks i’m nice
cutest giggles get me
places that i long to be
but it’s not long before
everybody hates me
when you figure out i’m fucked up
you’ll probably think that can’t be right
but babe my image runs to save me
cuz i’m ugly day and night
nothing good about me
not the angel that i seem
cuz i’m a piece of shit
and i’ll ruin your fuckin dreams
i’m an impostor babe
you better run for your life
cuz there’s a bloodlust runnin through me
and you’re dripping off my knife
there’s no one here to save you
cuz you ate up all my lies
so beg me while you can
and draft up all your goodbyes 
if any of y’all are inspired by anything i put out, feel free to take it and run!! you have my blessing!! i am so overwhelmingly flattered by people who like my stuff enough to create because of it, directly or indirectly! lyrics, art, songs, anything!! legit! I love you!!
okay so designed to hurt (touch me) has big House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco vibes, and YES it’s about Corpse. YES it sends mixed messages. YES it has greek myth imagery and YES that imagery is confusing. not sure if any of these sets of lyrics actually go after each other but also idk??
will my fall from grace be graceful / as each move i see you make? / propped up on pedestals side by side / beneath our feet they shake / i’m the only one to hear you ask  / “What have they done to me?” / My boy, your wax throne is sun-drenched / you’ll fall in the name of your legacy.
eyes like yours watched rome burn / while hands like mine lit the pyre / we both heard me say we’d go down in flames / now you’re turning me into a liar / since you smile like that, like you can’t feel the sting / and we both know i can’t feel the fire
been telling myself i’m designed to hurt / but, baby, aren’t we a sight? /
check your reflection, your angles, apollo / you’re icarus in the right light /
we’re on the edge, i’m not scared to fall / we’ll take refuge in the night /
been telling yourself you’re designed to hurt / but, baby, doesn’t this feel right?
also, albumtouralbumtour is a reference to Bohemian Rhapsody.
n o s t a l g i a - the album the reader’s working on during the fic.
literally as i was writing this, bunnie sent through some FIRE lyrics for how the light gets in, (@bingusmode) i am going to be thinking about these on REPEAT for the next MONTH BRUV
little bit of darkness, treat me like a toy 
i got my hopes up and got them destroyed
bitter taste of regret sitting heavy on my tongue
can’t believe i let you convince me that you were the one
sitting here in silence, fabric running thin
petals burning in my lungs and stealing oxygen
embers from a cigarette falling to the floor
god i can’t take anymore
so i stumble to the window and pull the shades
and the moon pours in like you threw a grenade
i can’t understand why
i keep trying
cuz i never seem to win
but having any hope is how the light gets in 
from there, moment before impact ft. Billie Eilish is a club anthem along the lines of bad guy or COPYCAT, bass heavy with a drop that’s out of this world.
powdered pain, i’m in your veins / i’m the sting, the drip, the thing / you’re craving, but you hate to see me misbehaving / i heard my breakdown got you high / it’s true, but baby i can’t lie / i never got that rush, that burn / that makes you feel alive, i had to learn / to pick the slippery slope down which i fell / plan my pitstops on the way to hell / to pick my padding before i spiral / so if i break it’ll be in style
watch my misdirect, now freeze, / notice you can’t see the forest for the trees / you’re so desperate for my demise / but baby, i’ll make you watch me rise.
this is the moment before impact
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i know you hope i’m not okay / you get off on my audio misery
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i need you to know i want it this way / my breakdown won me a grammy
and this is the moment before impact
ur my favourite - interlude ft. sykkuno is probably one of my favourites, it’s just really soft, just a snippet of a conversation between the reader and sykkuno, maybe one of them told a joke and they both just sound real happy and sweet. its nice. it’s a nice moment.
means something is also for sykkuno!! it’s about how good-strange it is to be open and honest with friends, and how they usually aren’t but they’re glad they can be open and honest with him!!
meanwhile, i don’t think about u - interlude ft. CORPSE is a phonecall between corpse & the reader right after they announce they’re going to feature on acting like that, where corpse asks if they do this sort of thing to spite him, to which the reader responds ‘do i consider you when i’m making decisions about my career? no, corpse, actually i don’t think about you at all’ which then directly contrasts the song that ends the album, which is (how it feels to be) beautiful fireworks, which is essentially ‘i know how hard it is to exist like this, to be the centre of attention, to give off light and bring people joy, even when you’re in pain. i’m here for you. i love you.’
okay, i swear im done now, i’ll get back to writing the fic! (also i cannot BELIVE i managed to figure out how to embed those playlists but im so happy) edit: it didn’t actually work when i posted the ask, so anyways im sorry but y’all are abt to be spammed with playlists because i care too much abt this fic
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anthrobrat · 4 years
The Great Chocolate Heist of 1945
Merry Christmas!! Hello @papersergeant-pencilsoldier it is I, your Secret Santa!! I am so excited I got to write a little 2nd Platoon BROT4 The Last Patrol extra scene for you. The story is a little weird (and not christmassy at all, sorry) but I do hope you like the friendship and hilarity of these boys!!
TLP BROT4, Rated G, 1500 words
“No patrol tonight, moving off the line tomorrow. Chuck am I dreamin?” Liebgott yells across the room as their leaders exit the room, followed quickly by Web and Jones.
“If you are, we all are.” They all shook hands and clapped each other on the shoulder.
The rapid mood change from anxious and angry to relieved and relaxed was palpable as everyone milled about, congratulating each other on their luck that day, and making plans for finally moving off the line. They all knew better than to get their hopes up, but it was difficult not to with the announcement Major Winters had just made.
Chuck had smiled for the first time since November, and everyone was caught in the good mood, not wanting to ruin it by mentioning that Winters had told them they were moving off the line twice since Foy and neither had panned out. But the Germans were very close to throwing in the towel at that point, so maybe this would be the last time they’d have to worry about falling artillery or snipers.
“So, are they gonna make us look like we’re preparing for this again tonight, or does this mean we get the afternoon off?” Babe asked as he pushed his chair back and cupped his hands around his metal tin of coffee, placing first one then the other leg onto the table.
“Lieb.” McClung walked up from his spot crouched against the wall across the room. “You should ask Web when he gets back. He left after them, I’m sure he’s got a better idea than us. Not like we’ve ever faked a patrol before.” McClung’s deadpan as he sat down at the table made them all laugh.
“You think Winters has either? He’s straighter than an arrow,” Lieb answered, and then snarled as an aside: “Although maybe Dog and Fox have been running fake fucking patrols this whole time. It would certainly explain a lot.”
As more guys filtered out of the basement to find other ways to entertain themselves, the room ended up with just the four of them at the table. Babe, Liebgott, McClung, and Chuck drinking coffee and smoking the Lucky Strikes that Luz had pilfered from somewhere or other.
“Guys, I have an idea,” Babe declared between his third and fourth smoke.
“Ah fuck, Babe, not again.” Chuck tipped his chair back and looked toward the ceiling. Lieb laughed, knowing exactly what disaster Chuck was thinking about.
“Nah, this is a good one,” Babe said, putting his coffee down and lacing his hands behind his head, trying to look confident. “Lieb, you think there’s more Hersheys bars in the stash you pilfered from yesterday?”
“I don’t see why there wouldn’t be, unless fucking Nixon ate them all.” Liebgott didn’t bother denying his transgressions. Anyone with eyes would have seen him the day before enjoying the spoils.
“So here’s what I’m thinkin’. We plan our own patrol tonight.” Babe raised his eyebrows like he had said something so brilliant that the rest of them should bow down or something. He picked up his cup and finished off his coffee, twirling the empty tin mug in the air.
“What are you, Billy the fucking Kid?” Chuck said, making Liebgott laugh while Babe scowled at them both.
McClung chimed back in. “Billy the Kid, huh? I see it, saying you want to sneak into CP to steal fucking chocolate. Just waltz right in?”
“You think it can’t be done?” Babe fired back, cigarette bobbing as he spoke, fingers twisting the mug around like he couldn’t sit still.
“I mean, the man’s got a point, McClung. It’s barely illegal, and we deserve it. Plus, ain’t no sign of Sobel with his ‘army property’ bullshit. I’m in.” Liebgott opened his jacket then, and pulled out a piece of paper with writing on one side. He unfolded it so the blank side was facing up and began to draw a sketch of the CP, with a big X where the chocolate had last been spotted.
“I guess we’re really doing this then,” Chuck sighed, before he let the front legs of his chair touch the ground again and leaned in to look at their amateur blueprints. He pulled the pencil out of Liebgott’s hand, marking up the map and motioning with his middle finger as he explained the plan they’d need to pull this off. “Here’s our perimeter. Babe you’ll be lookout, McClung you’re lead scout. Once you clear the rooms off the foyer, Liebgott and I will come through and--”
“Yea yea, we’ll check the last places chocolate was spotted, and if there even is any left we’ll grab as many as we can carry. I know my job,” Liebgott took the pencil back and tucked it into his ear before lighting another cigarette.
McClung took one more look at the map before folding it up and handing it back to Liebgott.
“So we meet outside OP2 at 2300 hours,” Babe stage whispered, “and if the coast is clear, the heist is on.”
“Babe, we’re stealing chocolate, can you calm down?”
“Chocolate or no fuckin chocolate, Lieb, it’s still a heist. What should we call it? A fucking patrol?” McClung put his hand out to Babe’s chest to calm him down, because who gets worked up over chocolate? On the other hand, it felt like they really didn’t have much else to live for at this stage of the game.
“Relax, Babe, we’re in, alright?”
“Yeah yeah, alright, Chuck. You better be there tonight. I’m counting on your leadership.” Babe winked and laughed, diffusing the sudden tension.
“Heard Lip’s getting his battlefield commission before we get back to base. You think they’ll have him transferred?” Lieb asked no one in particular as they all got up from the table and made their way back out to the street.
“Nah, I bet Winters’ll figure out some way to keep him with us at least until we cross the river,” Chuck said over his shoulder as they made their way back to their billets.
H-hour rolled around quicker than anyone had expected, with Babe the last to arrive from his outpost duty at 23:05.
“Sorry I’m late, I had to ditch Shifty. He got so suspicious I thought I’d have to invite him along.”
“It’s okay,” McClung nodded at him, “I already promised him I’d get him a bar.”
“You told fucking Shifty?” Liebgott yelled toward the sky. “Who else knows? You guys are the worst.”
“First off,” Babe scoffed, “did any of us actually keep our mouths shut?”
Chuck laughed and kicked his boot against the ground, and Liebgott gave them all an angry stare. Footsteps along the road made everyone duck into the adjoining alley.
When the footsteps had moved on, it was time to put their plan into action. Except no one moved.
“We sure it’s in there?” Babe asked, looking up at the darkened windows on the first floor.
“Fucking positive, Babe. Unless Shifty beat us to it, since people can’t keep their fucking traps shut.” McClung shrugged at Liebgott’s jab in the darkness, and Lieb pulled his map out once more and shined the flashlight on it. “Ok, if we go in this back door it’ll be about 50 yards in on the left.”
“I’d say it’s more like 75,” Chuck chimed in, trying and failing to keep the humor out of his voice.
“I just wanted a fucking bar of chocolate,” Babe interjected. “Lieb didn’t share any of his, and I promised Gene. I owe him a chocolate bar.”
“You told—“ Liebgott began to yell before he reined himself in, spun around, leveled a glare. “You told the Doc?”
Babe was about to reply when Chuck stepped between them.
“Where the fuck did McClung go?”
“He was just here, I don’t fucking know. You didn’t see him?” Lieb asked.
“Well I certainly didn’t see him, I was looking at your map.”
Just as their voices began to raise, the door banged open and out stepped their missing brother in arms.
“It seemed like that argument might take a while, so I went ahead and grabbed the chocolate.” McClung handed two bars each to his open mouthed comrades, who pocketed them silently.
“Well,” Babe stuttered at last, “I suppose that was a pretty successful heist.”
“No thanks to you.” Liebgott punched him to emphasize his point.
“Or you,” McClung said around a mouthful of chocolate. “Anyway I gotta go bring this to Shifty, I’ll see you fellas later.”
At that, McClung meandered off back down the alley, contraband chocolate in hand. Babe scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders, and ran to catch up. Chuck and Joe followed quickly behind, still laughing at the confusion on Babe’s face. 
“You think Gene will like my present? It’s not quite the Belgian chocolate that he gave me, but I still wanted to give him something.” 
“Babe. It’s chocolate. He’ll like it.” Liebgott slugged him in the shoulder. “But you’re a sucker for giving up your second bar of chocolate.” 
“Hey Chuck! You hear that! He says I’m a sucker! We’ll see who’s the sucker when I get stitched up before him.”
They all rolled their eyes, but Babe knew he was right. He also knew every one of them was going to end up splitting their chocolate with someone. He was just smart because he picked the medic.  
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writerofshit · 4 years
11 with Jerevin?
(This is a bit of a mess, and it's basically 1k of Jeremy's brain going !!!! But I hope you enjoy nonetheless!)
11. things you said when you were drunk
"You know Gav, you're a real piece of shit."
"Jeremy." Gavin says, pouting down at him. "That's mean."
"Says the guy sitting on my fuckin chest." Which is not actually a bother to him, exactly, it's just the principle of it all.
"You started it." Gavin hasn't moved, still has Jeremy's wrists pinned to the carpet. He could get out easily, could turn the tables in a heartbeat if he wanted. Gavin grins down at him. "Really, this is your fault, Lil J."
Jeremy makes no effort to change the setup in the slightest. "I have never started shit with you in my life."
It's been a weird night.
It had started as a couple of bevs with the crew, a little post heist celebration. Spending some hard earned cash at a shithole bar run by a friend with a zipped mouth. Fun times, right? Right. Until, as is tradition, members of the crew started to fall out, one by one. Then it was just the lads and Lindsay, turning to tequila shots and a fair amount of ruckus. And then they left, and it was just Jeremy and Gavin, and-
Well. Michael and Lindsay should have known better than to leave them to their own devices.
Jeremy plus Gavin plus tequila equals argument, equals shouting, equals getting kicked out, equals Jeremy calling Gavin an idiot, equals tackling in the living room, equals whatever the fuck it is they're doing now. Which, if Jeremy is being honest, feels a lot like sexual tension on its way to resolution.
Not that he says as much. Instead, he just stares up at Gavin and wonders if his brain is in the same place.
"You called me an idiot, Jeremy, that called for retro- retri-" Gavin sighs and rolls his eyes. "Payback." he settles on.
"You got us kicked out!" Jeremy leans his head up slightly, as much as he can while drunk and pinned to the carpet. "That's an idiot move if I've ever heard one." He lets his head drop back down.
Gavin studies him for a moment, worrying his bottom lip. Christ. He must know what he's doing to Jeremy, right? Must know that Jeremy has lived this moment in a dream far too many times to count, right?
"You don't really believe that." He says finally, and maybe if Jeremy were more sober he'd concentrate on how Gavin sounds like he's trying to convince himself. As it is, Jeremy is too focused on the argument to put much thought into it.
"Oh, I assure you-"
"I talked to Michael." Gavin says suddenly, as if it's a gotcha statement.
"Ok? So did I? Like 45 minutes ago?" Jeremy really doesn't know where this is heading. He can't imagine anything Michael could have said that would lead to this.
"You think I'm smart." Gavin says matter of factly. And then, when Jeremy raises an eyebrow but doesn't respond, he elaborates. "I have 'an uncanny ability to know when something's gonna work'. At least, according to you."
That's when the conversation he'd had with Michael comes back to him. It was a couple of months ago, they'd been relaxing after a long day of working and reworking heist plans. Jeremy had said something about needing Gavin there, how Gavin would have a weird but viable plan. It had turned into a bit of a moment, Jeremy drunkenly singing Gavin's praises to a skeptical Michael. They hadn't talked about it since, Jeremy had figured he'd simply forgotten the entire thing.
But no. Not only had Michael not forgotten, he'd also relayed it back to Gavin for some goddamn reason. Wonderful.
"I-" Jeremy swallows harshly, buying himself a moment. "I was drunk, Gav, you know how I-"
"Bullshit." Gavin says, leaning down further into Jeremy's space. "You meant every word, I know it."
"Oh yeah?" Jeremy raises an eyebrow at him, tilting his head up again. "How's that?" He won't lie, this whole conversation has a pit of anxiety starting to form in his stomach. Quietly pining over a friend and co-worker is one thing, doing something about it is another.
"You said it yourself, Lil J. I know things." Gavin grins down at him, and then he does the thing Jeremy hasn’t let himself hope for. He drops his head down and kisses Jeremy, soft and sweet and everything Jeremy had known they could be.
"Oh hey, you guys finally figured it out!" Comes a voice, and Gavin pulls away to look at the source.
"Trevor, it's not-" Jeremy begins, even though 'its not what it looks like' isn’t quite true. But Trevor cuts him off before he can finish.
"What you guys get up to on your own time is your business." Trevor says, pulling a red bull from the fridge despite it being 2 am. "Just… please don't fuck in the living room." He pops the top, leaning against the counter and taking a long sip. "I really don't want to be sitting on the couch wondering about stains."
At this point Jeremy has had enough of laying on the floor, and he extricates himself easily from Gavin's grasp. He hauls himself up and pulls Gavin with him, not letting go of his hand when he does. Gavin beams down at him, and that alone is worth the whole night.
"Uh, thanks Trevor." Jeremy says, trying to nonchalantly pull Gavin in the direction of his bedroom. "For being understanding, I mean."
Trevor shrugs. "I mean, crew boss whatever the fuck, you guys are my friends." He holds up his Red Bull in a toast. "If you're happy then I'm happy for you."
Jeremy nods, grateful that they don't actually have to have that talk with him. "C'mon Gav," he says, now leading him in earnest. "We've got a conversation to finish."
Whatever they're going to turn out to be, Jeremy doesn't know. Maybe they'll give this a real shot and then crash and burn. Or maybe they'll be everything. All he's counting on is the look on Gavin's face that says he knows exactly how it'll go. And he's still doing it. That's gotta count for something.
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Those Shoes (Ch.3)
Song Inspired: I Want You by Savage Garden
Notes: @youtubequeens Hope you stay hydrated and have a lovely time! <3 Here’s this bit for now :3
Warnings: Creepy people, not getting the hint that a person’s uncomfortable, unwanted flirting, and talk about emotions bc honestly what are they?
He smiled as Eijirou took a bite of his onigiri, Tamaki sighed softly at his younger brother, as said boy had specks of sticky rice on his face.
It was a lazy Sunday morning, the boys were home from school, and Taishiro was enjoying his day off.  
“Did ya have a good day at work, Papa?” The ruby-eyed boy inquired, and Tai smiled, ruffling his hair.
“Ya bet I did, kiddo.”
 He didn’t tell his boys what he had exactly did for a living, but he promised himself that he would, in the future. So far, all they knew is that he was a professional dancer.
“Dancing must be hard.” Tamaki broke the silence after chewing on his scrambled egg, and his father laughed.
“Nah. It takes a lotta practice. Did you boys had fun at yer day at school?” He pondered, sipping from his cup of coffee.
“Yeah! There was a nice new boy who was shy! There were some mean kids, but I protected him!” Eijirou rambled excitedly. Taishiro chuckled, and then looked at Tamaki.
“Mirio fell in a puddle. Face first. I had to take him to the nurse.” He shrugged, yet Taishiro didn’t miss the soft glint that speckled in his eyes. He smiled.
“That kid’s pretty resilient, huh? Anyways, eat yer breakfast, then we’ll head out to the park, alright?”
It was a pretty November day. Skeleton trees hovered beneath the rich blue sky as your shoes crunched up against the fallen colorful leaves. Although it hasn’t been a week, yet, you were slowly re-adapting to your hostess job, and nit and tucking the dancer’s clothes.
You were surprised on how many had requested your services, staying absolutely still as you kept a cool facade, keeping the pointed needle from digging into skin as you measured, cut, and sewed loose fabric. You believed in your abilities, yet it felt as if it didn’t matter.
You weren’t good at holding the obvious flirty conversations that somehow were being thrown at you out of nowhere. They would giggle, and you had to still your hand so that you couldn’t accidentally jab their shaking bodies, whilst trying to be polite.
Where did the sudden interest come from? You wondered. Your mother, undoubtedly, was on high alert as she noticed it, too. The flirting, joking, the inquiring questions. Luckily, the fitting room had a camera, and thankfully, your patients had known it too, so they were extra careful in not doing anything that was against the regulations. Your mother was watching, you all knew.
Speaking of which, she did not try to make things better. She would wink, or make subtle little jokes, as she explained that it was good for business. You couldn’t help but press your mouth in a firm line.
You worked so hard, finding the perfect materials, ignoring your own discomfort as you bit the bullet and tried to focus on making the outfit snug and resilient, while the owners ignored your tense shoulders and set jaw. You were appalled, as they used alluring honeyed words, directed your attention to a “loose” fabric between their thighs, and so on.
You, feeling a surge of retaliation, growled out that it would cost extra for you to fix certain areas, and preferred that the outfit was on a mannequin, instead.
Your spitfire attitude had certainly weeded out a few of the unwanted customers, but, gained some more who thought it was a challenge. You didn’t miss the look of sheer pride from your mother, however, as she sported a wicked grin.
“That’ll teach them. Might make your blond a little less jealous.” She winked, and you paled in question. He was jealous? Of what? You were only doing your job, charging the dancers a certain amount, and giving your mother, your boss, a small part of the revenue as she requested. Although a thorn in your side, she was also a beautiful rose, and you knew that she was helping you in her own way, thus, opening your eyes more to the situation.
It didn’t take you long to realize, that yes, he was jealous, and you were too busy to acknowledge the possibility, until your mother had to basically tell you. So, you took your time to observe your surroundings.
Daggers for a stare had met each and everyone of the customers who had followed you into the fitting room, you’ve seen. While hosting, you started to take breaks to watch him, much to the oddly placed chagrin in the other dancers. His style was a little different, more suave and seductive, rather than downright dirty. Back against the pole, he slid up slowly as he jutted out his chin, staring at you through blond lashes while sucking suggestively at one of his suckers, hardly minding the crowd as he gave you a show that was basically personal.  
He was addictive, you couldn’t help but think. His outfits, dances, and downright attitude made the other’s shadow in comparison.
 It brought you back to the present. Your feet shuffled against the dirt as you pushed yourself on the swing, breathing out huffs of warm air that meshed with the chilly atmosphere.
 He didn’t make you feel too uncomfortable, either. He did make a request, to tuck in a few strings into his nurse outfit, you remembered it so clearly. He had strutted into your office around the right time, white fishnet stockings and heels blended in nicely with the light aqua blue fabric that left very little to the imagination.
“Jus’ some strings near the neck, Sugar. Might even give ya a sucker if ya behave.” He winked, and you couldn’t help but laugh at how corny it was, earning a smug smile and tinted cheeks. Although a little flirty, he stood perfectly still as you fixed the frayed mess that was near his clavicle, feeling his warmth resonate around you as you couldn’t help but seep it in. You hoped that he wouldn’t say anything about it. How you could feel a thundering, fast-paced heartbeat underneath your fingertips, despite his cocky facade, your face blushing immensely, or how the atmosphere seemed as if it might just break from underneath the metaphorical weight between the two of you.
However, true to his word, he began letting out pieces of information.
“We actually go to the same college.”
 You stopped to stare at him with full surprise.
“What? Really?”
“Well, ya graduated before I did, but I live near the campus. I…kinda saw ya every day. Not as a stalker!” He rushed before you could think of anything.
“-as in, my road to the school kinda passes your road, and I couldn’t help but not look away when ya were…ya know…It’s a very connected town, so I’ve seen ya…around.”
Then it hit you.
“Ah, so you must’ve seen me doing volunteer work?” You murmured, and he nodded.
“Well, yeah. You’re a familiar face. Couldn’t really ignore ya, ‘specially when you’re bein’ so wonderful half the damned time. Ya don’t know me, and I know it might be a lil’ creepy, but I promise ya that I don’t mean to be.” He babbled, face tinting a little more pink, and your ears burned from the forward acknowledged statement.  
So he noticed your volunteer work, and where you lived, and yet you didn’t really see him creeping around the bushes, or any tall figure of his build stalking around, for instance.
“So…is this why you have a sudden interest?” You asked, and you heard him swallow thickly.
“Pretty much. Doesn’t help that you’re kinda allurin’. Like a magnet.” He finished lamely, eyes shifting as he bit his bottom lip, and you couldn’t believe the shy signals that he was giving off as your own cheeks burned.
“Ah. Um…yeah.” You couldn’t help but say, and he snorted. You jutted your chin up and was about to give him a piece of your mind.
“We’re both kinda terrible at this. Anyways, that’s what I wanted to tell ya. Been seein’ ya around and makin’ the world a better place, an’ so I couldn’t help but like ya.” He waved off your short-lived glare as your expression softened.
“I don’t understand? You’re shy but not?” You questioned, nipping the small extra thread that you’ve already tucked in.
He shrugged.
“Emotions are emotions. Ya do things to me that I can’t explain, and I make ya into a flustered mess, and vice versa. I was at first too fuckin’ scared to really say or do anything, because the last thing I wanna be, is to be a creepy stalker in yer eyes.”
“I think I understand. As I don’t believe that you are a stalker…um…how do you? How did you-”
“Body language is a dead giveaway. Studyin’ to be a therapist. Plus, it’s relievin’ to get another validation that ya don’t find me creepy. ‘Specially after hearin’ my story.” He grinned, and your shoulders relaxed as you finished up your work.
“Ah, all done?” He pouted, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“You have another appointments, as well as my number.” You reasoned, and his eyes lit up.
“So, I could call ya?” He asked hopefully, and you found yourself nodding before you could comprehend what he said.
“Awesome. I’ll see ya around, Chickadee.” He hummed, digging into his wallet as he paid you upfront, letting his hand brush against yours, and yet you didn’t mind. All too fleeting, he sauntered away, but not before giving you a final look.
“The ball is in yer hands, in whichever ya want this to be. Although, I gotta up my game, if I wanna keep the competition at bay.” He winked, and then turned to leave the room. The wheels in your head had seemed to stop, before whirling again with realization.
So, he was aware of it all? The flirting and unwanted attention that you were gaining? As if he had to compete against anybody, you couldn’t help but think.
He wasn’t like the other “suitors” who were more aggressive and rude, you couldn’t help but think, your chest fluttering at the idea of him being your partner.
It’s been three days after that. You did shoot him a text, and almost immediately, he responded. He was forward with his interest, and you were still in a bit of confusion, why he, still a stranger, had decided to pursue you so quickly. You couldn’t help but think that the stars must have aligned in the both of your favor, or that it must have been fate, for you couldn’t help but start to like him, as well.
His forward approach, his respectful nature, the duality of his emotions, on how he could be so forward, and yet somehow kind of shy, he hunted at a distance, not too close or disrupting your boundaries, while never failing to look for you, or put on a show.
An excited voice rambled you out of your thoughts, a very, familiar excited voice, and your attention snapped towards the direction at the upcoming person, or people.
He sucked. He was a sucker, and he let his emotions get the best of him. Why did he have to spill out everything? Now she knew that he was an eager fool, and he didn’t mention the most important part; his two boys. Although not biologically his, blood didn’t matter, they were his sons.  
Of course, while in his interest in pursuing, he was so caught up with classes, dancing, and raising his kids, a lot of things had passed his mind. He remembered laying in the darkness of his bedroom, staring up at the ceiling as his heart clenched.
What if she was only attracted to his dancing? The two of them had never made plans to meet outside of work, and if they did, would she be turned off by his more shy attitude? His more softer, meeker side? Unwanted thoughts swirled within his head.
He was making a mistake, he was putting too much time into a woman who he barely knew, and if she did like him, would she like his boys? They would always be his first and top priority, he could never lower their needs before a potential future partner.
Growling, he picked up his phone, searching for her contact. He began typing, and re-typing as he made sure that the sentence sounded perfect.
Me: I know it’s late, but do ya wanna go to the park, tomorrow around 9 am?
He bit his lip and pressed send. It’ll just be a hang out, he told himself. He’ll bring his sons, and if she reacted negatively, he would stop cold. Maybe move to another club. It was his fault for not mentioning that he had kids, and he didn’t blame her for not wanting to deal with him for not telling her in the first place. She was an adult, she could make her own decisions, and children might not be her priority, and he could respect that. The fated ding of his phone pulled him out of his thoughts.
Chickadee: Sure. It’s supposed to be chilly, tomorrow, so wear something warm.
His cheeks felt like fire as his heart warmed up from the thoughtfulness. A chuckle escaped his throat. Even while texting, she still used proper grammar, and he couldn’t help but find that adorable. He kind of hoped that she wouldn’t be upset that he had kids, and he wouldn’t force her into anything that she didn’t want, if he did break it to her that he wanted to see her as a partner.
He was a dumb mess, he told himself. However, he wouldn’t mind to have her as a good friend, if anything else. He couldn’t help but like her, and she had a blunt, straight to the point attitude mixed in with that sweetness.
    “-lunch lady?!” A voice gasped in shock, the three familiar figures caught your full attention. Time stood still as you recognized the two small boys instantly, and behind them, stood none other than Taishiro. Surprise had hit you, but you couldn’t help but feel joy as little arms wrapped around your leg as you stopped the swing, seeing Eijirou glanced up at you with a toothy smile and bright eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile, pinching his cheeks a little as he giggled.  
“Hey, um, small world?” Taishiro asked, breaking you out of your trance.
“I volunteered at the orphanage a while back. That’s amazing, I’m so glad to you two, again.” You explained, looking at the boys.
“It’s good to see you, as well.” Tamaki said softly, and you smiled at the slightly older boy who gripped Taishiro’s jacket.  
“Oh, that’s pretty neat. Ya were in dietary?” He asked, sitting down on the swing next to you, Tamaki following closely. You looked down a bit shyly.
“Um, yeah. They were kind of short staffed, that year, and I was a pretty familiar face, so they asked, and I said yes.” You rambled, and he chuckled.
“You’re right about the pretty part.” He winked, and you huffed out a surprised laugh.
“Do you ever not flirt?” You inquired, and he grinned.
“I don’t flirt as much as ya think. Anyways, I wanted to know, if ya like to hang out with us, for the day?” He murmured softly at the end, and you felt yourself smile a little.
“I’d like to. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the boys. Although I missed the children, I couldn’t really stay, had college to go through, you know? It’s good that they’ve been adopted.” You rambled, watching Tamaki push Eijirou gently on the swing next to yours, the shyest of smiles graced the raven-hair’s features as the two were basically in their own little world.
“When I first came to this town, I didn’t really have anybody. So I took some time to think it over, and decided to adopt. They’ve been the light of my life for three years, now. Can’t imagine bein’ without ‘em.” He said softly, and you felt a burst of warmth envelop you.
“It’s good that they have a good dad. Do they know of your-?” You let the sentence hang, and he shook his head.
“Later. I doubt that they’ll judge, but I don’t want ‘em to know, just yet.”
It surprised you on how easy it was to make small talk, each of you opening up a little bit more. You fixed Tamaki’s coat, brushing the hair out of his eyes slightly when Taishiro had offered the group to get hot chocolate from the coffee shop that was near, chuckling as Eijirou’s eyes widened with pure glee.
Tamaki gripped your hand, Eijirou gripped Taishiro’s, and Taishiro held your free hand as the four of you crossed the street, and you couldn’t help but feel warmth at the domesticated atmosphere within your little group.
You wouldn’t mind if these sudden feelings stayed a little while longer.
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kalypsichor · 5 years
and they were quARANTINED [a beatles fic] - ch 1
summary: George takes a shit. Ringo braves a trip to the tescos and loses a bit of his soul. John harrasses the general public and Paul’s just trying to get them home before they kill each other. All while a virus tears the world apart.
warnings: CRACK (not cocaine), geo’s bad potty habits, ringo’s copious use of emojis
so, this is different... but i’ve always been a crack fic writer at heart. this is the result of being quarantined myself due to COVID-19. i’ve been seeing so much fear and frustration and hatred that i just wanted to write about it kinda cathartically. enjoy!
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Unfortunately, George doesn’t realize that they’re out of toilet paper until after he’s taken a shit.
“Fuck,” he mutters. “Ringo?”
No answer.
“Ringooooooooo. RINGO!!!”
George’s legs are starting to lose feeling. He bounces them up and down a bit and the motion almost makes him drop his phone in the toilet.
There’s the sound of footsteps and then a pause before Ringo answers.
“What’s up?”
“What took you so long?”
“Had my headphones in. Sorry I couldn’t be at your beck and call, O Lord of the Loo.”
“SHUT up. Look, do we have any more loo roll?”
A pause. “Why, are we out?”
George rolls his eyes so hard he sees stars. “No, I’m askin’ for the banter.”
“I’ll go check. Don’t move!”
George can almost see the shit-eating (heh) grin on his mate’s face as he walks away. With a sigh and some choice curse words that would make Louise cry, George pulls out his phone again. Opens Twitter. Sees yet another tweet from that spraytanned clown across the pond. Closes Twitter and contemplates deleting it. After about three rounds of this, Ringo comes back and knocks on the door.
“We’re all out. Got you some tissues, though.”
Krishna help me. George tips his head back against the wall and thumps it a few times for good measure.
“Thanks,” he says flatly. “Could you- ?”
The door opens just a smidge before he can finish talking there’s a flying blur of Kleenex box, a blinding pain in the side of his head, and a sickening crACK—
“I’m really sorry,” Ringo says for the millionth time, hovering over George as he examines the spiderweb of cracks on his phone screen. George huffs. He wants to be mad, he really does, but Ringo’s face is doing that stupid thing where his eyes are very, very blue and droopy and his teeth are worrying his bottom lip and it’s obvious that he’s genuinely remorseful and—fuck, he’s got it bad.
“It’s fine,” George insists, even though he can hear his bank account having a fit. “Piece of shit phone, anyway. And look, it still works!” Very shittily, his brain adds, but that’s what you get with a five year old phone.
The older boy’s eyes still have an unconvinced, sad look about them and George wishes he could kiss it away. No homo, though.
“How can I make it up to you?” George’s brain does a slutdrop into the gutter. “I’ll… I’ll get the groceries! How ‘bout that?”
“NO!” Scrambling off the couch, George just barely misses smacking noses with Ringo. “What about the… the virus?”
“I’ll wear a mask and all. Wash hands for twenty seconds, stay six feet away from people… am I missing anything?”
“Yeah, the quarantine bit.”
Ringo snorts and puts a hand on George’s arm. “Quit your worrying, Geo. I’ll be fine. Haven’t John and Paul been out all day?”
John and Paul want to go the fuck home. They’d walked all the way to a new art gallery opening only to find out it was cancelled (“Why didn’t you check Google?” “Why didn’t you?”). And now, both being tired as hell from their long trek, they couldn’t even flag down a single cab to take them home.
“This is the worst thing ever,” John cries, flopping his entire body down on a park bench. Paul rolls his eyes and lifts up John’s stupidly long legs so he can sit down as well.
“People are dying, John.”
“I feel like I’m dying.”
“Okay, fine, maybe I’m being dramatic. But this stupid… thing… is fucking up all our plans!”
“It’s not fucking Voldemort, you can say the name.”
“Alright, fine. Coronavirus. CORONAVIRUS. You happy, Paul?”
A woman hurrying by shoots them a wide-eyed, nervous look and crosses the street, tugging a little boy by the hand.
“... bitch.”
“Jesus, John.” Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’d do that too if some rando was shouting in the streets.”
“Yeah, but she didn’t hafta shoot that nasty look at us… did you see that? Paul?”
“Hold on, hold on.” His phone is vibrating in his pocket and he fumbles to pull it out. “Your stupid legs are in the way.”
John huffs and makes a show of wiggling said legs, almost kicking Paul in the face. Still, he tucks them to his chest (flexible, Paul thinks and then instantly regrets) so that Paul can take out the buzzing rectangle.
bongo: do u or john want anything? 🤔🤔
bongo: like groceries
bongo: going to tescos
Shouldnt you be quarantining?
bongo: ur literally at an art museum 😂
It’s a gallery
And it got cancelled :/
bongo: oop sorry m8 thats tough
bongo: srsly tho whaddaya want
We need more vegetables. Carrots, etc
“Tell him to get cornflakes,” John says, peering over Paul’s shoulder. He’s sat up and practically draped over Paul’s lap. Paul sighs and shoves his legs off, ignoring the indignant squawk the other boy makes when he almost falls off the bench.
Also that cornflake cereal stuff
bongo: k
bongo: tell john i said hi
Heyyyyyy rich wots up
Paulie’s being a bitch he pushed me :((((
Why is his auto caps on lsdnfol
“Give it back!”
“Ow! Ow stop hitting me Jesus fuckin-”
Sorry that was john
bongo: yeah i could tell lmao
bongo: where are u guys??
Stuck at some park. Can’t get any cabs home
bongo: well duh coronavirus 😷😷😷
bongo: bad time to be a cabbie man 😔
Yeah yikes
Pick up some rice for george too
And hand sanitizer
bongo: ill try but twitter says handsan itizer is going fast
bongo: what the fuc why did it space like that
bongo: oh also
bongo: geos being a mother hen and making me wear a face mask
bongo: u know where they are?
Second drawer down in the bathroom, behind the rubber gloves
bongo: … how did u reply SO fast
Uh i know where things are in our flat? Like a normal person?
bongo: thats sus but ok
bongo: wow theyre actually here
bongo: okay imma head out before it gets dark
What’s after dark? Zombies?
bongo: u never no
bongo: *no
Okay stay safe ritch
bongo: 😘🙃👍🏼✌🏼✌🏼🌈🌟🥦🥦🥦☮️
Ringo has never seen this many people at Tesco in his entire life. Two grown men are having a full on argument in the pastries. A harried-looking dad almost knocks Ringo into a rack of Twinkies, pulling along two screaming kids with one slung on his hip. And… is that person actually wearing a Hazmat suit??
“This is insane,” Ringo mutters to himself, slightly muffled due to the face mask. He just needs to find the loo roll and then he’s going to yeet outta here ASAP.
Okay, hygiene aisle… here we g—what the—
The entire aisle is empty.
It’s like a goddamn Old Western. Just add a cow skull… cue the tumbleweed… and it would be perfect.
Not for the first time that day, Ringo sends a prayer to whoever is listening above. There’s got to be something left. He walks down to the end of the aisle. Walks back. Jumps a couple times to check if there’s anything on the top shelf. Sincerely hopes no one just saw him do that. Finally, shoved at the very back behind a couple of Always boxes, Ringo digs out a dusty as shit six-pack of toilet paper.
Well. It’ll have to do.
As he’s walking to the check out lines, a woman drops her bottle of hand sanitizer. It rolls across the floor in a perfect arc and Ringo scoops it up before it can get too far.
“Oops, you dropped this!” He says cheerily, handing it to her. Well, trying to. The woman makes a strangled noise in the back of her throat, physically flinches away from his outstretched hand, and almost drops the rest of her groceries. Before Ringo can react, she’s disappeared behind the produce aisle.
Ringo’s arm falls to his side. He stares at the space where she was just a second ago and holds in a scream.
“More for us, I guess.”
By the time Ringo reaches the flat, he’s ready to never see another person again. He trudges right past George in the kitchen, dropping the groceries on the table with a thwack. John hums a greeting to him in the living room and offers him a biscuit.
“No thanks,” Ringo says. He faceplants into the couch.
Something clinks onto the coffee table. Well, coffee table is one way to put it; it’s more of a hunk of stone from back when Paul thought he was going to be the next Michelangelo and get really into classical sculpture. It now sits in the living room and primarily holds George’s textbooks, plus takeout for whenever they don’t feel like cooking (which is all the time), so you can see how that panned out for Paul.
“Tea for you,” George says. He plops onto the floor between the couch and the table and runs a friendly, comforting hand through Ringo’s hair. Ringo practically purrs, leaning into the touch, and George feels his heart melt and trickle through his ribs. “You okay?”
“I’ve lost all faith in humanity,” Ringo mumbles into the cushion. John reaches over and pats him on the back.
“Don’t worry, Ringo. There won’t be any humans to have faith in soon.”
George throws a packet of sugar at John who dodges it, snickering. Ringo groans and tries to sink even deeper into the couch.
And that’s when they hear Paul scream.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
La Mala Vida
Summary: medic finds out that living forever might be less of a hussle,and that maybe this century is worth saving.
Pt 2 here bcs Tumblr wont let me
What do we do with it?people say it is what we want it to be, that the time we have to choose is limited because we dont live forever.
Josef would not agree with that statement.
Hes been living since the 18th Century, and after all these years everything seemed the same.
Its a rainy Day on teufort, why was someone like him still in there? After all the memories he had there.
He didnt quite now, maybe because its residents were quite literally Led poisoned idiots and nobody would suspect a thing from him.
--that would be five dollars Sir-- the Cashier said giving him the newspaper.
The german Man scowled and handed him the money taking it.
'Back in my zime zhe newspaper vas vay cheaper...' he thought.
He then goes to the nearby café, catching his reflection on the windowpane of said café.
He still looked quite handsome for a Man that is centuries old,he lived through Many things and yet there he was, alive and well.
He then sits against the Window minding his own bussines waiting to be attended.
He was so concentrated in the news that he didnt noticed the people that came in and out.
Nor the music playing.
But then, he looks up at the entrance, his face cant help but to contorn in a smile.
The newest generation has been quite of his interest as of lately.
The was something about zentenialls he couldnt quite put his finger on that caused him interest.
A generation that coped with problems with self depreciating humor, yet being able to form a revolution in the span of months in one single app,but also having the biggest of hearts for those in need.
'Siamo condannati alla brutta vida
Quería decirle, bambino
Que usted está trayéndose un flow bandido
Su secreto está guardao aquí conmigo
Sabe, yo respeto pero nunca olvido
Tarde, siempre tarde yo lo siento (wuh)
Les molesta todo lo que rondo
Devoluciones, no caigo en eso
Estoy buscándome yo los pesos, uh
Yo no quería que caiga preso (wow)
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)
Dime tú si me vas a amar'
The lively music seemed to contrast with the calm ambience of the place.
Jerico pulls down the hood of her hoodie, she looks around for a place to sit, and goes to a far quiet corner of the place.
She sits down putting her bag close to her.
Her ears catch the melody playing and a homesick smile appears on her face tapping her feet to the rythm .
'La mala vida que me persigue
Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros también
La calle está ardiendo, guiándome
Ni olvido ni perdón a lo que fuiste ayer
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala vida que no puedo salir
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala, mala
Fuck mala vida, mala, mala
Quería más de mí, pero no le di nada
Estamos nasty, curtiendo strada (strada)
Rompiendo tarima como si nada'
She was mouthing the lyrics of the song while softly rocking her body to it.
Medic catched a glimpse of this and smiled.
Finally they go and take his order, then the girls and the waiter dissapears behind the bar.
Jeris glance meets Josefs, she smiles and then goes down to her phone, a hand that was used as a rest for her cheek.
'Lo hacemos igual gore
Tenemos el peso en el pecho
Y aunque duela adentro, lo hacemos igual por los tiempos
Tiempos buenos, tiempo al fin
Tiempos malos que perdí (wuh)
Fuckin' mala vida, te escupo la face
Acuérdate de mí cuando me veas, no compro fake
Los fuckin' vis a vis me tienen maldecí
Estoy maldecía, no puedo salir
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)'
He then looked back at his own stuff, the music, altough not his favourite was starting to get to him, and so his foot unintentionally started to tap following the beat of the song.
Now he wasnt the type of guy to dwell on his past, he only cared about defying modern science, well he did bring back a Man to life.
Good times.
He sighs, that smile that some found unnerving seemed to have warmed a little bit, the years were softening Him up.
Tough he feels someone watching him, his head turns to find the girl drawing on a piece of paper, what exactly? He couldnt tell.
Until her emerald green eyes met his, her cheeks flushed and looked away with a expression that screamed 'I hope the floor swallows me and never spits me again'.
He chuckled, and a side of him felt quite honored.
Maybe hed ask her for the drawing.
he drank his coffee and read the newspaper,the bitter taste of it wasnt as much of a kick in the mouth, they used to make them stronger too.
Meanwhile jerico couldnt help but dwell on her own problems while she waited.
The cold weather was rather relaxing to her, the cold and rain were always a comfort.
Though there wasnt much to do than wait right now, but shed find a way to entretain herself.
The café was too calm for her,way too calm.
But that is what happends when you used to live in a constant chaos, calm things seemed dangerous, a part of her really enjoyed this.
She sighs being absolutely bored out of her mind.
Her eyes look at the drawing that was just besides her.
Drawing that guy was fun, and the hairstyle did suit him well.
Her leg starts to bounce as she feels a familiar feel on her chest.
Maybe she should give it to him.
Or was it creepy? Did he even wanted it?
--miss heres your tea, and your pastries--the waiter said putting things down from the trail on the table--Anything else?
She shakes her head,the waiter asks her if she would want anything else, she says no.
She ends up paying her things and then enjoying them.
At least like that she doesnt have to go through the process of talking to anyone else than that waiter.
As she drinks though,Someone sits infront of her.
'Cant drink my tea in peace....' when she looks up however she jumps a bit on her Seat.
--Hallo-- the same Man she drew said-- I couldnt help but notice zhat jou vere drawing me,can I see?
The Man had his newspaper rolled under his arm, a huge smile and a coffee on his hand.
His accent, was rather cute, she thought.
--su sure!--Jerico smiles handing him the paper.
The Man looks at the drawing, and then smiles.
--Vould jou look at zhat! joure an true artist! Great job
Her chest warms and a huge grin appears on her face, her hands grip the tea cardboard Cup--thank you very much!
--Mind if I keep it?
--not at all!, I was hoping to give it to you actually,just didnt know if youd like it
--Are jou kidding? Of course id love zo! Oh wait im so stupid, I should pay jou for it ! Jour skills shouldnt be wasted.
As soon as he extends his hand with the Money jerico softly pushes it back.
Her hand had paint stains, yet the skin was soft and they were warm.
--No no please
--i insist!
--Take it as a gift Will you?
He then puts the money away, and nodds-- ah yes,jour generation is good at convincing people, plus good at arguing okay, I Vill keep my money,oh im josef by zhe vay...and zhanks
He extends his hand and she shakes it.
-- vhat a lovely name,vell I should get going , rain is going to get vorse and its a long valk home...lovely zalking vith jou jerico!
Jer smiles -- it was nice to talk to you too
Josef takes the drawing a leaves.
She just sits there, what just happened???
Thats enough interaction for today.
When she finished she grabbed her things and Walked home, the rain poured without mercy, she should have brought an umbrella.
She puts on her headphones and walks faster to the bus stop.
That of course had no FUCKING roof.
luckily the music drowned out the pesky conversation that a guy who obviously didnt know how to take a hint tried to start.
'Fuckin' mala vida, te escupo la face
Acuérdate de mí cuando me veas, no compro fake
Los fuckin' vis a vis me tienen maldecí
Estoy maldecía, no puedo salir
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)
La mala vida que me persigue (yeah yeah yeah)
Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros también
La calle está ardiendo, guiándome
Ni olvido ni perdón a lo que fuiste ayer
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala vida que no puedo salir
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala, mala
Está cayéndome lo que nunca te dije yo
Estoy creyendo que los buenos son los malos'
As soon as the music ended she no longer felt the water falling on her , she looks up.
He held the umbrella close to her.
--Hi-- she sheepishly said taking off her headphones.
--Hallo frau,vaiting fot zhe bus I see?
--Yeah, thanks for the umbrella though...should have brought one with me...but didnt...
Both share a giggle.
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