#platonic voxvel
velvet-games · 8 days
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more vox and vel things based on me n my bro
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asherraccoon · 1 month
More Vox HCs bc I love him <3
*Slaps Vox on the head* You can fit SO MUCH ANGST into this bad boy!
1. Vox used to be a lot more happy and cheerful and upbeat back when he and Alastor where friends. Alastor made him feel genuinely happy. So after their falling out, Vox kinda just... stopped feeling real happiness for a while. He still struggles with feeling genuine emotion to this day so he kinda just masks himself.
2.(I can't remember if I said this in my last Vox HC post so I'm saying it again) Vox has a tail! He's just embarrassed about it so he keeps it hidden.
3.Vox can't handle being alone. He needs to have someone with him at all times. Whether it's in the same room, or even just in the same building. He needs to know he isn't alone. (He once had a panic attack because Val and Vel went out without telling him once because he was still asleep)
4.Vox talks to himself a lot. He usually does it when he's overthinking (along with hand flapping and pacing) so that's usually how the other Vees know that Vox is overwhelmed and needs a break.
5. Vox has a playlist dedicated to his past with Alastor and he listens to it for comfort.
6. Vox is a cuddler and hugs things in his sleep. Usually his Alastor body pillow (Where the fuck did bro even get that from anyway?) especially when having nightmares.
7. Speaking of nightmares, Vox has them frequently. They're usually about Alastor. When he wakes up from these nightmares he immediately goes to turn on his Alastor playlist.
8. More on that playlist! He actually has a couple recordings of Alastor himself singing on there! Vox used to love listening to Alastor sing back when they were friends, and I guess he still does love listening to him now.
9. Vox talks to Velvette the most. He talks to her more than he does Val. He trusts her the most, she's like a sister to him whereas Val is just a sexual partner basically.
10. More on Vox and Vel's relationship! Vox talks to Velvette about almost everything. His latest hyperfixation(s), his sharks, updates on Voxtek, what dumb shit Val said last week, and even how much he misses Alastor.
11. Adding onto the Alastor thing above, when Vox talks about his past with Alastor he usually ends up in tears. Velvette comforts him with hugs, shopping dates, and letting him ramble about his other interests and ideas for the future.
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Something I don't like about a lot of Vox takes I see is that they tend to portray Vox as someone who's unpleasant to work with and has weird ideas about what partnership means when really... he's not? He's not and he doesn't. It's just that two of the most prominent interactions we've seen him have are with Valentino(who is a fucking NIGHTMARE to work with) and Alastor(a man he has undisclosed, deeply emotional history with). But everyone seems to discount his OTHER important relationship: Velvette. Which by all accounts, is INCREDIBLY normal.
Like, yeah, their first interaction opens with her yelling at him, but that's less about Vox himself and more about Valentino. As they keep talking throughout the first bit of the episode, she starts calming down, and they just seem to genuinely get along? She has every right to look upset during Stayed Gone because Vox is being really weird and she's nOT THE ONE WHO ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIM TO DO THIS SHIT(staring directly at Val rn), but even then during the meeting after Stayed Gone she does actually. Participate. Unlike s o m e people. Despite being on her phone the whole time(which is literally her job-), she actually pays attention and contributes real ideas! Which tbh she didn't have to do at ALL like she did not have to put up w/ Vox's bs in RKtVS the way she did. There's also their phone call during the overlord meeting which, while I definitely think Vel was playing it up to annoy Carmilla, still sounded like a conversation between two ppl who genuinely like and respect eachother!
No matter what you think their relationship is(romantic, platonic, etc...), Vox and Velvette seem to get along REALLY well(outside of Alastor-related incidents). Like, better than either of them do with literally anybody else in the show. Vox & Val do LIKE eachother, but I find whatever the fuck is going on beneath the after the battles & masterless cattles to be DEEPLY upsetting to think about for too long(ex; any of my other posts abt their relationship), and the only other interactions we've seen either Vox or Vel have are Stayed Gone & Respectless, which are literally just song battles. Both of their only interactions outside of the Vees have been song battles. Aw fuck I'm getting off topic... BACK TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS COLLEAGUES- okay uh basically, I don't think they would get along this well if Vox was a terrible person to work with(note I said WORK WITH. Hate that I need to specify this but I don't think Vox is a good person overall, just a good business partner). I think Velvette is generally a good bench mark for both Vox & Valentino's relationships with other characters because she's their equal, their friend, and isn't in a weird toxic relationship with either of them. Their interactions with her provide a window into how they just generally interact with people. And based off of their interactions, Vox seems to be actually pretty decent to work with when he isn't being Actively Provoked for shits and giggles or trying to sooth the tantrum of a man child. Also when he views you as an equal and doesn't own your soul that helps too.
Edit: Hiiiiiiii just here to say that now, in the light of day, I don't really agree with everything I've said in this post? I wrote it at midnight while like half asleep so my ability to consider the fact that. We barely know anything about either Vox or Velvette at this point in time. Was kind of impaired I think. Cuz we really don't. I do stand by everything I said about their relationship to EACHOTHER, and I stand by the idea that we should take that dynamic into consideration for character analysis more often, but everything else I'm a little iffy on and I just woke up like an hour ago so my brains still a little fuzzy & I can't explain exactly WHY I'm iffy on it, but just know that I think the conclusion I drew is a bit of a leap in logic at the very least and I recognize that now lol
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diurnalvl · 3 months
Do you have any VoxVel or PolyVees fanfic recs? (Absolutely love your art btw and Especially Love the way you draw Velvette <3 )
you seem like a Velvette fan so im going to prioritise her. there is a terrible dearth of shippy content with her, so i've included some platonic fics that you can squint at.
oversized jackets and the worry that comes with them by Erin_kate is this wonderful fic, part of a series, which covers Velvette's struggles with ED through Vox's point of view. although it isn't tagged as ship there's definitely a read for it, as they're this constant support for each other despite their difficulties. i made fanart for it which you can spot in chapter 1 of snippets of a life worth leading's comment section. however, if you're a Val fan, he isn't the kindest here.
@voxofficial snapped lmao by ckret2, though not tagged as the ship, it's an excellent, hilarious character piece if you're looking for a dynamic and alive relationship between the three of them. it's Velvette's POV as she discusses Vox's Alastor/Pentious Theory Board. Val rocks up halfway through and they're a wonderful romp.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum is domestic and lovely, yet they're still as awful as they should be. in this work, Vox opens up about his past to the rest of the Vees, Velvette's POV.
system takeover by Subedarling, where Velvette has to save Vox and Val when they get kidnapped. shes kicks so much ass in this and the attached art is wonderful. tagged Voxval, but there's a PolyVees read.
blue light dreams by MorningsOfGold get into how hard running a media empire is, and how stressful it can get for Velvette. they snap at each other, but Vox and Val come take care of her when she has a bit of a breakdown. lovely, fluffy PolyVees.
Silken Sparks by passthevoxcord despite just being pwp, there's this injected worldbuilding and discussion of their polyamory and leaves off on a delightfully lewd and loving note. particularly, this author plays with how velvette, a younger woman, would click with Vox and Val's kneejerk dated views in fascinating ways. the main scene is VoxVel, though.
Family Business by passthevoxcord another one of this author. sorry they just always always have fascinating velvette subtext in their smut :( (im not sad about this) !!! in this Velvette considers her own rough childhood and how, almost guiltily, she loves to play house with Vox and Val. the main event is PolyVees but Vox is the hinge so VoxVel and VoxVal. size and age kink. good for them.
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prince-liest · 2 months
Sorry if someone asked this before but do you ship staticdoll (VoxVel?)/ the Vees in a vee relationship (VoxVal and VoxVel)?
I think it depends on what you mean by ship, haha! I'm a multishipper at heart and I totally enjoy reading/seeing fanworks with poly Vees and staticdoll! I just don't tend to write them that way because unless I have a thought in a specific direction, I default to canon (with some generous interpretation of how positively the Vees all feel about each other because I'm a sucker for villainous found families always).
That said, I like Velvette as their platonic and long-suffering bestie, and I like Velvette a member of poly Vees! They are both delightful options!
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velvet-games · 19 days
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based on a day out I had with my brother that reminded me friendship is real
we went out for lunch and visited a new boba place for dessert; that’s where we found the weird archway carved into the wall that echoed a lot.
I mentioned the spirited away thing because we’d watched it the night before, and the game we were playing (where you try to catch someone’s hand as it karate chops down) reminded me of it lol.
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