themaddragon · 10 years
I personally prefer either reptile carpeting or tile! As long as your little friend isn't getting his teach/claws stuck on it (just watch during feedings) it's perfectly safe. Every 2 weeks I take it out and wash it completely (I spot clean otherwise) and while it's being washed I put some paper towels down in the tank. I use the Zoo Med Eco Carpet. You can find it at Petsmart. Hope I helped!
That is helpful! And truth be told i feed him in another area outside his tank so I don't have to worry feeding on the carpet. 
My hope is to one day have tile since the slate tile would be closer to what is in the wild.
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amphitherels · 10 years
Hey! If that happens again or just for the future, what I do is keep the hot hands hand warmers in the house at all times with my gecko supplies. Just put it in a sock or pillowcase or even one of your shirts and then you have warmth for your baby (: Hope I helped!
Thanks! Definitely will do this in case this happens again, I always feel so helpless when the power goes out, but at least I know there's something I can do now!
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reptile-talk · 10 years
I'm just stopping in to say that I love the fact that you have a whole page for explaining about the different substrates and their dangers. More people need to know that!
Thanks so much! It means a lot to get messages like these. 
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loserdarling · 10 years
I was tagged by both cookieswithcrowley and songofthecuckoo, so I'm mixing and matching questions, how about that?
Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer questions the tagged set for you in their post then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post. (eleven is a lot...so probably less...)

Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
1. Favorite non-domesticated animal? Definitely owls.
2. Coffee or tea or neither? Aughahaha coffee, right now. I require the caffeine.
3. If you could time travel to see one band/musician it's no longer possible to see live, who would that be? If I'm allowed to take people with me, it would be to go see Elvis. But if it's just me, then My Chemical Romance, definitely.
4. What do you think of tattoos and piercings? Your body, your temple, do whatever you like with it if it makes you happy :) It's just not for me.
5. Have you ever gotten a headcanon or fic-trope mixed up with actual canon? Nope, not yet, probably because I read mostly AU fics. Though some personality ticks that are fandom (like a lot of John Watson's character) I forget are fandom, which is confusing to non-Tumblr people sometimes. 
6. Any thoughts on the third Holmes brother? I really just hope he's still alive. I mean, the way Mycroft was talking about him....and I wonder what Mummy Holmes thinks about the whole thing. She doesn't seem the type to let her Mike do anything too terrible to another of her sons....I don't really know, I haven't thought too much about it yet. Still reeling a bit.
7. Favorite sound? The ocean. Heavens, I miss it.
8. Favorite movie? The Princess Bride!!
9. Do you have a fear you know is ridiculous? I have the extremely irrational fear of my belly button coming undone. I really can't handle anyone touching my belly button, including myself. Just freaks me out for whatever reason.
10. Best food in the world? Jesus, food is my favorite...but right now, all I want is a plate of Ed's fish and chips with a side of red tartar sauce. That sounds like heaven.
11. What was your favorite thing to do at recess? Swing. The swings were (and still are) my favorite piece of playground equipment.
11 Questions for the Tagged:
1. Favorite Halloween costume? 2. Song you have stuck in your head? 3. What do/did/do you want to study in college? 4. Best cartoon character? 5. Favorite month? 6. Best birthday? 7. When you were in kindergarten, what did you want to be when you grew up? 8. Most interesting thing in your bag/backpack? 9. Opinion on musical theater? 10. Cutest animal in the world? 11. Best time of day?
Thank you for allowing me to relive my middle school days, you guys, this has been fun <3
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take-it-easy-child · 11 years
Check out the URLs: recovery-is-within-reach And onewastedbreath You'd like them
thank you! I've actually been following onewastedbreath for awhile😊
pls suggest me blogs bbys
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Thank you so very much <3 onewastedbreath replied to your post: 9 months today.  ...
That’s so amazing! I’m happy that you chose recover over harming yourself (: Stay strong lovely!
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