#ofa club plus 20 au
mrfandomwars · 3 years
AU where the Top 20 Heroes know about OFA
All might decides, wether because he was pressured by Gran Torino or Sir Nighteye or both, idk, but All Might decides to tell the top 20 heroes about OFA, in case he is in a position where he has to pass his quirk and doesn't have the time to give them all the story of the Quirk
(HC)Kind of like what happened with Nana with her friend En.
Anywho, cue chaos
Because what
It takes a while for the top 20 to understand what happened
For example, Rei is wondering why Enji is so shell shocked while taking care of baby Touya and Baby Fuyumi
*On a bright side, though, he realized that, technically speaking, he is one rank ahead because Toshinori does have help*
*Yes, this is based on that one thing I rebloged a while before, if you can find it pls send me the link
CONTINUING ON!!!! The top 20 get busy, helping either the load of All Might, so he can either rest or look for AFO OR help by trying to look for clues on where AFO is themselves
They also hunt down Toshinori and force him to sleep
Also, because of the whole OFA revealed thing, the top heroes are closer than before, with team ups and such
It also means that they are there to help take Enji out of his obsession of becoming number 1, either by forcing him to train with them or by forcing to go to therapy with the threat of ratting out to the Hero Commission about his 'unstable mental space'
They weren't actually going to do that
Side Note: The Top 20 also know that they can't tell the Hero Commission about OFA because either they would use it to blackmail All Might or force him to pass it on or worse
Anyone who tries to tell HPSC or any criminal organization will be dealt with
By whatever means necessary
Anyways, if Enji got worse, the heroes would remove Rei and the kids from home and try and get Enji back to his old, as in good, way as soon as possible.
It was then that Rei shared pictures of her, the kids and All Might in the BNHA version of Disney Land
The Press: 'Did the Wife of the Number Two Hero Leave him for All Might? More at Seven!'
Enji sulked a bit when he was back to normal because of that
Also, Enji, when he no longer was an a-hole, made it clear that if Rei wanted to leave the marriage that he wouldn't stop helping her family or stop her from seeing the kids if they somehow ended up spending most of the time with him
The Heroes also made sure that if Rei needed, they would break her out and hid her
Rei thanked them but decided to stay, with monthly trips to Marriage Counsellor with Enji, both in the agreement that if the other decided that the relationship wasn't working that they would either break up, or keep being married for show and taxes and stuff until they found someone else they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with
Also, when Touya started to insist on to become a hero/use his quirk, the Heroes were there and helped Rei and Enji deal with it
I feel like I should mention that Enji social skills are better in this au
As is his popularity ratings because of the other heroes
Oh wow, I have been focusing on Enji the Todoroki Family a lot
Just going to say this then: Weather or not, Touya still ends up becoming Dabi is undecided
Ok, now back to the other heroes
They force Toshinori to rest, going as far as to hunt him down in broad daylight and/or threatening him to reveal any embarrassing story they have to the press
Toshinori never rested more in his entire Hero Career
The Press is going wild, some trying to guess why the heroes are working together more now
The gossip rags go as far as trying to see if anyone is dating anyone
'Breaking news! Is Endeavor dating All Might?'
'Thank you Yumi, now- Wait, is that Endeavor running after All Might throwing fire at him!?'
'Yes, Endeavor was under Mind Control, no, we won't talk more about the incident.' = Endeavor Agency
When AFO vs All Might happen, the heroes minus Endeavor go help with the fight
They didn't want to make it so that kids didn't have a father, even if Enji himself admitted he wasn't the best one
Anyway, some heroes end up dead, other's injured enough to retire and a few unlucky ones got their quirk stolen
They reassure Toshinori, who blamed himself when he discovered, that they didn't mind
They did take down the worst villain in the history of Japan, so if that's all it took, they don't mind.
Toshinori still feels guilty, especially when the heroes that recovered/ weren't able to go to the fight, go chasing after him to insist that he rests
The Most effective method is sticking the Todoroki kids + maybe Rei, if she isn't busy, on Toshinori on strict conditions to not let All Might go
Also, side note: Rei now is able to do a college online (as it was easier for her at the time, later on she might go in person) and to sell some ice sculptures to her own bank account thanks to the Heroes not minding being babysitters
And slowly turning almost every member of the Todoroki family into their fans, enough that, no matter what they tell Enji, he is their number two hero
Also also also, Toshinori isn't as hurt as in canon, but AFO is more hurt, as there were more people to help All Might in the fight, so while AM isn't top health, thanks to the help in the fight and making sure he actually rests from the 'evil monster that appeared and tried to take over Japan that needed the top heroes to take them down' (as the press and people think), All might ends up having a few more hours in canon, but when he passes on the quirk to Izuku his hours shorten to 3 like in canon
No, the heroes didn't know that All Might passed on OFA until the school year started
Enji, storming in during the sports festival where the heroes that knew about Toshinori's condition and said person were, having talked to his son: What the Hell Yagi!? Why didn't you tell us you had a kid!?
Toshinori: *Coughs blood while the heroes that know and do not know about OFA are in an uproar while Midnight pass money to Ectoplasm but refuses to give some to Cementoss, they don't know for sure that Izuku was from a one-night stand, so she won't pay you*
Also, as people rise up to the charts, they are told about the secret, but only after a while when they are sure that they can trust them
Haws took the longest, and it took Miruko, Best Jeanist and even Endeavor to reassure them that they would keep an eye on him for Hawks to be told
He hasn't betrayed their trust, mostly because he doesn't want to and the rest because the Comission never asked him if he knew about All Might's quirk sooooooo
Also, they try to make sure the charts don't change much from the top 20 upwards, or if it does it's someone who was already in the known, as to not reveal the secret too many times
Which heroes who aren't in the know Do Not Like
Also, when Toshinori's time for the day is up (which, btw, the heores were concerned over the fact that it somehow lowered to 20), he calls in other heroes to replace him
Yes, this is an invitation for someone to make a fic where a hero is there with Azawa and Thirteen when the USJ happens
Anyway, cue very weirded out UA about how all the top heroes seem to passive agreesively force All Might to rest or appear and take over the classes after kicking Toshinori out
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
I have decided
Touya is under cover in the the 'Top 20 know about OFA' au, he went in shortly after the USJ attack.
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