#oc hazard lore
hazard-c-horror · 2 days
Why are the astrals afraid of Hazard? XD
(I know that they are a "parasite", but they are so scrunkly at times!)
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Don’t know, maybe they just don’t like silly boi :)
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ilikemicrowaves · 14 days
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Meet my venom twins xp (ID plus info under cut)
Hazard is an Umber and dark green with dark brown patterns that go along the sides of its neck to its tail, the shape of diamonds and dots. It has a long tongue from its silkwing heritage. A horn comes from the middle of its forehead from his hivewing heritage. Its ears are bright lime green frills from its rainwing heritage. It has a sail on his back that is not shown in the bust drawing. Hazard is an assasin for Queen Markhor of the sandwings. He uses a specific kill order with his given gifts. He paralyzes the victim with his stingers and stabs the sides of their stomachs with its barb tail, and shoots venom into the victims throat. Unless he needs to make a quick kill, this is the way he does it. It had a sibling named Unicorn.
Rainwing venom
Sandwing barb tail
Hivewing paralyzing stingers
Silkwing tongue
50% Sandwing
30% Rainwing
15% Hivewing
5% Silkwing
Unicorn is a taller and brighter version of its sibling with fewer abilities. Unicorn is very envious towards its sibling but tries not to show it. It has no face or neck jewerly but wears a gold barb tail protector gifted by the Queen. Although Unicorn does not have a barb tail, it makes it look like one and protects its stinger tail from its hivewing heritage. Unicorn does have rainwing venom, but it was never trained, so it's never really used. Unicorn has orange and green scales a yellow underbelly. Its horns are magenta except for its forehead horn that gave it its name, that horn is green. Unicorn has "bug eyes," meaning it has 4 eyes with black sclara with white pupils. Unicorn is Queen Markhor's advisor and knows a lot of information about the issues and problems with the kingdom.
Rainwing venom
Stinger tail
Bug eyes
Silk tongue
50% Sandwing
30% Rainwing
15% Hivewing
5% Silkwing
If you guys want to, you should totally send an ask about them...I really like these two a lot. Thanks for reading about my babies.
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tsunael · 7 months
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Didn't expect to go as hard as I did with this... but 'tis the season.
original template: here !!
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geminired · 1 year
The Splat Chat and Other Stories
Main Fic:
The Splat Chat (incomplete)
Q&A Events 1 and 2:
Splat Chat Q&As (complete)
Multi-Chapter Side Stories:
Raid Under Storm and Stress (complete) *READ BETWEEN CHAPTERS 29 AND 30 OF THE MAIN FIC*
Agent Four the Comedian (complete)
Amaranthine (complete)
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (in-progress)
Triple Tempest (in-progress)
SC Ficlet Collection (in-progress)
Canon One-Shots:
Proceed With Caution
Suds of Love
Big Run
Alias Grimm
Reaching Into Empty Air
The Wrath of Momarina
Thou Shalt Not Squidbag
And I’m Not Coming Back
The Octarian Support Group (considered canon for now)
Dear Zenni
Cold Feet
Still a Kid
Two Shadows in the Sun
Non-Canon Stories:
Bad Ending
No Escape (Bad Ending #2)
In Another Universe… (We’ll Still Find Each Other)
Someone politely requested that I do this because there are a lot of characters in the Splat Chat, so here you all go. Let me know if you want any other information about the characters or some of the characters that I left out added onto this post. It’s my first time doing one of these so it’s not like I really know what to put on here lol. Hopefully it helps!
Captain 3 (Former Agent 3)
Name: Aspen Arbor
Chat ID: CapIII
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: Great Barrier
Agent 8
Name: Solace Houzuki-Ida (Bi’terives Sovachi)
Chat ID: Agnt8
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: The Domes
Agent 4
Name: Zenni Vortex
Chat ID: 4gent
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Hometown: Sterling Butte
Neo Agent 3
Name: Yasmín del Mar
Chat ID: Neo3
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 14
Hometown: Valle del Sol
Non-OCs: Callie, Marie, Sheldon, Pearl, Marina, Shiver, Frye, Big Man
Name: Bines Fucholn (Bi’nes Fucholn)
Chat ID: Carabine
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 22
Hometown: The Domes
Name: Juno Viles
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 21
Hometown: Headwaters
Name: Trevix Saltstream
Chat ID: Trip
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Rifa Saltstream
Chat ID: Rip
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Sparky Joy (Harthekao os Hinido)
Chat ID: Sparks
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18 Hometown: The Domes
*There’s a lot of them so I only did the most important ones*
Name: Evergreen Arbor
Pronouns: She/her
Relation to Aspen: Sister
Age: 28
Status: Dead
Name: Ash Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 27
Status: Alive/In custody
Name: Sycamore Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 20
Status: Alive/On the run
Name: Crystal-Jade “CJ” Lepa
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
Who: Bines and Juno’s friend, captain of the Man I Love Flingzas (TWSH’s friendly rivals)
Name: Kia’tana Etho (Kia’tana os Etho)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Who: Neo’s friend from back when she was a Splatlands wanderer
Name: Tycho Finch
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 18
Who: Another one of Neo’s old friends from the same Splatlands alliance
Name: Lourdes Sorbete
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 42
Who: Chief of Splatsville security, someone give this woman a break
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1, 12, 14 for Lucius and Driscoll? 👀
HELLO FRIEND THANKS FOR ASKING!! referring to this post.
since this all qualifies as Deep Lore Hours (which i love!! you're the best!!), and i'm a wordy person, have a cut checkpoint on your dash:
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
lucius actually happened because i asked claire for a starting blirb [sic] in ms. mecoli's creative writing class in high school (remember that???), and she gave me a bit about lucifer standing outside a churchyard with a big black dog*, and i thought "hm. bit on the nose," (for the weird little christian fiction thing i thought i was writing, which has obviously since mutated Significantly), so i changed it to lucius. originally he was the Antagonist™, and human although he didn't realize he came out of a test tube just like bewinged lili did, and all i knew about him was grown-up white dude with black hair.
obviously, he has since undergone SIGNIFICANT revisions (lol. lmfao, even), but embryonically he started with a modified name!! (i went digging through my archives, and i do in fact still have the index card with claire's pencil writing below my pen request! wild.)
(i don't actually remember when i decided he needed wings too, but i think it was around the time i realized i wanted my protags to be all Not Exactly Me, and therefore boy protag would be Different, and then he got his black wings!)
*the big black dog has also made it back into this version, after falling out of the intermediates!! vanya, my beloved, ...
for driscoll, i vaguely remember the purple hair probably being first (i recall chewing on finding The Right Name for a while?). to confirm, i went into THAT archived notebook (red, helpfully labeled "LIMINAL PREWRITE," with "LANGUAGE AND COMP" obliterated beneath thanks again, high school).
weirdly, the first four (4) pages of the driscoll thing is NOT the character profile (that shows up on page 5, and does mention purple hair/brown eyes/physical appearance), but one of these OC ask meme type things, transcribed into the notebook. hilariously, the very first question is "If they want to buy a firearm, what would it be for?" which. omg. (my answer eventually got to "no they wouldn't lol," but it's wild to see how that slow revelation happened on september 3, 2017, when i was first figuring this kid out.)
so apparently first for driscoll i wrote some random character finding Q&As, and then i have the story of their misplacement, and then the physical details, which: wild, on all fronts, to me. (it's a good thing i keep my notebooks in an archive refrigerator tower, or i would've bluescreened on driscoll 100% haha.)
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
oooh, good question. my lucius answer is probably biased, because i hadn't started doing the Bitch Journal while i was working through that drafting/those revisions (and i have the object permanence of a fruit fly), but i THINK my biggest difficulty was figuring out the right balance of ~Interiority~? and i still don't love where i left that querying draft at (now, after four years' distance, lol), but getting the right balance of Thoughts and Reactions down on the page was difficult for me, which i suspect was because i've been too in his head for so long, if that makes sense? like the things he notices and what he narrates on imply enough of the interiority to me that i don't see gaps readers do (because, shocker, they HAVEN'T been living in his head since uh. 2007.). and i think i cut away some of the interiority in my preliminary Wordiness Passes, which nerfed me, but i started fixing that in the fourth draft!
my driscoll answer is just. a web of angst lol. and i know most of it is Living Situational/Circumstantial, so we're going to Ignore That and just answer with the Actual Textual Difficulties.
so: driscoll's Actual Textual Difficulties are mostly that i started out writing thing as "someone i'd like to be" with regards to kindness and gentleness and how much they care about people, but somehow i had to backpedal and get a Character Development Conflict in there, which is hard when my starting point was "very good noodle." i think i'm getting there!! but nesting competing wants into a late-stage draft without breaking anything (or, y'know, while finding stealth-broken things that i didn't think were), is a Trying Time™. i'm leveling up about it! enjoying the leveling up!! i'd be leveling up faster if i wasn't burning all this emotional bandwidth on a bullshit living situation! we're fine!!
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
OH FUN, i percolated on this on my WHOLE BIG WALK yesterday, thank u for this enrichment
lucius: first, physicality is key. he has to be Very Aware of where he is in physical space/how much of it he's taking up (because an 18+ foot wingspan really doesn't fuck around, and only half the time is he somewhere that his dimensions are accommodated). when his awareness slips, it (1) has to be for a good reason and (2) usually results in something breaking, and both of those are fun to play with >:D
second, what he notices needs to read like More Than Human--he's got raptor vision, and he's spent half his life around other hybrids with combat training, so he's very visually Intense™ and good at reading a wide variety of body language. and because he's Friends with these combat trained hybrids, he's asked a lot of questions, and he notices a lot more than human people would.
driscoll: first, child, you have physical limitations, and you ignore them at your own peril. i put this kid in a shifting monsterscape armed with pretty much just a flashlight and the distinct ability NOT to be able to run away from their problems (because their lungs don't cooperate), so both driscoll and i have to be very aware of the Exit Plan for any situation they get themselves into (and they get into a Lot of Situations).
second, another dual-wielding type of thing: driscoll is both weirdly in tune with In Between and mostly cannot tell people that, so how i write about them navigating has to change depending on who they're with. hazard is the only one they're fully open with at the start, and they have to be carefully guarded with the other walkers/crew, AND they have to tell newly misplaced just enough to inspire confidence without revealing so much that they (the newly misplaced) will be Suspicious if they stick around to become townspeople themselves. it's a Lot to keep in mind (perhaps uh. More. than i kept in mind. in drafts two and three lol. we're working on it.)
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moe-broey · 7 months
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@eriisaam Had a "Haha YESSS" Sickos moment seeing this like YEESSS!!! I will Show You (and everyone else here I'm trapping you all here to Look At My OC boy)
But I do put a lot of thought into the Function of outfits/accessories! Even when it's stupid. ESPECIALLY when it's stupid, actually. It is one of my favorite things to do LMFAOO
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The anatomy of ITS HOOVES (you bitch!) -- Transcribing this into the main body of the post bc it is so significant to me
1.) Leather straps hug the ankles, providing support! (Thinking on it now though, I hope it doesn't cut off circulation...)
2.) The bottom of the shoe has a solid base, keeping its feet firmly planted on the ground.
3.) Aesthetically inspired by tabis, may even have that split toe... but the wood base of the wedges and metal of the "hooves" themselves don't seem conducive to The Purpose/Build Of tabis, traditionally. (Maybe it still serves a purpose, though...?)
As a sidenote/addition, jika-tabi are what I was referencing here!
There's a bit of uncertainty on that third note LMFAO, but thinking on it deeper (beyond aesthetics), I think it still fits. Something that stood out to me is the flexibility and grip of jika-tabi. Even conceptualizing Moe's shoes as they are, I think in the back of my mind I am thinking about the flexibility they Could theoretically provide if you squint (notably, the ankle straps layered on tights -- I imagine them snug, but malleable enough to be flexible. All the while, being lightweight).
Also just.
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I don't know how this is going to help Moe in combat. Especially in flat grassy terrain. But one Must Imagine Moe scaling up a cliff or tree damn near vertically.
Other details!
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Alfonse (and Sharena's by extension, the bottoms of their shoes are pretty much identical!) shoes
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A visual on how I adapted Kiran's boots into whatever Moe has going on. (Same shapes, meaning, similar silhouettes going on here -- the black tights mimicking the brown part of the boot, even the red part on the bottom as well tbh! Just switching some things around to fit Moe's theming more!)
BUT ALSO. BACK. TO YOUR MAIN POINT. Yes absolutely if a shit ton of Heroes can get away with wearing stilettos to the battlefield I think Moe can get away with its tabi-style ankle-breaker goat wedges. 😤😤😤 Perhaps up a mountain of some sort (I'M ALSO. Just thinking about how some people are exceptionally skilled at performing athletic feats wearing high heels. And all the potential implications of what that says about Moe, actually 🤔)
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4, 16, 30 for Fiasco - 5, 6, 28 for Hazard - 7, 20, 24 for Dissent (i picked at random lol, hope this is okay!)
It's okay!
4: He likes to listen to audiobooks a lot, especially ones from whatever planet he's on. The more cheesy the novel is, the better.
16: Oh he thinks his carrier and sire can be overbearing, so he likes to push the limits, but ultimately cares about them and knows it's vice versa🥰
30: I'm actually going to go ahead and say no, I don't really see Fiasco getting into any serious relationship or wanting to, including conjunxing anyone.
5: I like to think Hazard's dream job as a kid was being a microbiologist in general, which isn't what their job is now per say but it's close to it
6: A difficult question, actually, but I think it's got to do with how different they look than other mecha. Haz prefers mecha focus on their reputation rather than their unusual appearance.
28: Most certainly a cat person, they're pretty okay with the little menaces.
7: Probably their paintjob. Dissent took a lot of time figuring it out and exploring different looks, and is very satisfied with their current color scheme.
20: Dissent doesn't have much of a childhood, but fondly remembers the time they found a turbofox den while on a walk.
24: Typically if it's someone they cared about, not well. Dissent likes to pretend they didn't care but they'll spend a lot of time avoiding things that remind them of said loved one.
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thekittyburger · 4 months
Constantly mourning the fact I don't have a lore filled smp minecraft server with my friends with intricate character designs and arcs on a customised map with pre planned storylines
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raguiras · 1 month
Music Weeks at NRC!
A Twisted Wonderland fan event
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For a big event, Night Raven College splits into four large music groups, each with their own unique style and aesthetic. Follow the beat of your heart and create something miraculous!
These are just some quick sketches, but I'm pretty happy with them!
DEADLINE: none :) // My other ongoing event (ship art trades)
☆ LORE ☆
RAGU Entertainment, an up-and-rising music company focusing on young talents, has offered Night Raven College a sponsorship and cooperation! The student body is being split into four large music groups, each with their own aesthetic and style. For every song made by the students, Night Raven College is rewarded with both exposure and money in exchange for promoting the company through the students' music. Some of the teens chose their groups themselves, others were assigned to one; some are performers, others work behind the scenes. Additionally, everyone is turning the music weeks into an unofficial battle — who makes the best, most well-received songs?
The NRC faculty members supervise the groups themselves, and Allen, the Ramshackle student known for his lyrical talent, organization skills and passion for music, is in charge of supervising the event's quality while simultaneously also working as the co-leader of his own group.
Hazard/Riff: hip hop/rock fusion // street style aesthetic // leader: Deuce (+ Allen)
PASTEL BXMB!: bubblegum/dance pop fusion // pastel aesthetic // leader: Kalim
GLOWCHAIN: k-pop/EDM fusion //sparkly, mature aesthetic // leader: Vil
lonely lantern: indie/soft pop fusion // light academia/cottagecore // leader: Silver
The descriptions are rather vague so there's more room for you to be creative.
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You obviously aren't limited to these pictures and can expand on the aesthetic as long as it's still similar! Draw your OC in whatever clothes you consider to be fitting.
Pick one of the four groups for your OC. Which one suits them best?
Use said group's designated background (scroll down in this post to find them) and make a TWST event card for your OC!
Write some voicelines, such as gacha or homescreen ones.
OPTIONAL: Make a GROOVY version portraying your OC in a music video scene (may be posted separately).
OPTIONAL: Include a few fun doodles or outfit-related stuff.
Post it with the hashtag ragu music weeks, tag (@) me so I can see it, and link this post in it!
I will link your OC's card in the official lineup section of this post.
Writing a fic, drawing something other than a card, or just doing anything creative in general is also allowed! You can obviously mix multiple of these things, too.
I'm looking forward to ALL types of entries.
All types of NRC student OCs are allowed (except for fan children/another generation)! Faculty OCs are also allowed, but as supervisors instead of performers.
Your student OCs can be anything: a vocalist, rapper, dancer, instrumentalist, producer, lyricist, makeup artist, stage designer, director, choreographer, whatever! Just don't make them a co-leader without my approval.
You can obviously enter with multiple OCs!
Making cards of canon characters is technically allowed, but the event is supposed to focus on OCs. (I will draw Deuce's OFFICIAL card and maybe also some others.)
There are no canon ships (other than Deuce x Allen, which is only canon/extremely implied because Deuce's planned event lore is heavily dependent on his relationship with Allen), so please don't bash anyone for implying that their OC is dating/crushing on the same canon character as yours.
Don't make your OC beef with other people's OCs unless they've given you permission to do so.
Don't move a canon character into a different group. The official lineups can be found below.
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Hazard/Riff -> PASTEL BXMB! -> GLOWCHAIN -> lonely lantern
[Your OC will be added here with a link!]
Hazard/Riff (supervised by Vargas)
DEUCE, Allen, EPEL, ACE, LEONA, RUGGIE, FLOYD, Zian, Estella, Iyad, Estelle, Yuhua
PASTEL BXMB! (supervised by Sam)
KALIM, LILIA, IDIA, ORTHO, SEBEK, Carla, Bonbon, Astrid, Romeo, Fiend, Yumi, Yuya, Forsythea, Ben, Ruby, Victor (links will be added once I've regained them... they got removed 😭)
GLOWCHAIN (supervised by Crewel)
VIL, TREY, CATER, AZUL, JAMIL, MALLEUS, Ryuuni, Viviroe, Stephanie, Erin, Kyoi, Aurinelle
lonely lantern (supervised by Trein)
SILVER, JADE, RIDDLE, JACK, ROOK, Jinx, Cass, Yorrana, Illysabeth
DEUCE: Having adapted music as an outlet for his delinquent tendencies from Allen and enjoying himself with this form of self-expression, Deuce is the born leader of Hazard/Riff. Not only have his vocals and especially his rap greatly improved by now, but he also writes lyrics together with Allen.
KALIM: Spread joy! Despite it being different from his usual aesthetics, Kalim immediately felt intrigued by the concept of PASTEL BXMB! and knew that this was the group he wanted to join. Through his naturally positive aura and ability to bring people together, he fits them incredibly well, and serves as a vocalist as well as the main dancer.
VIL: GLOWCHAIN has a mature, elegant sparkly aesthetic — it was a no-brainer that Vil would be its leader. The ambitious, talented artist makes sure that the group stands out and draws people in with his preexisting popularity and charisma. He is a vocalist as well as the visual of the group.
SILVER: Being calm, kind and well-liked, Silver is a fitting leader for lonely lanterns, an indie group welcoming to all kinds of personalities and skill levels. With his soothing vocals, good looks and somewhat odd aesthetic, he became the face of the group.
(ALLEN: Being the person who introduced music as a coping mechanism to Deuce, Allen is the co-leader of Hazard/Riff. Not only is he a talented producer and rapper as well as an exceptional lyricist, but he also has a blind understanding with Deuce, and the two spend tons of time together. When it comes to the group, Allen is perfectionistic but enthusiastic.)
Hazard/Riff: Partial usage of instruments. Focuses on rap, rock vocals, and meaningful lyrics.
PASTEL BXMB!: No usage of instruments. Focuses on positivity, good vibes and dance.
GLOWCHAIN: No usage of instruments. Focuses on aesthetics, elegance and good vocals.
lonely lantern: Partial usage of instruments. Has no focus and is the most open-minded group.
Hazard/Riff — PASTEL BXMB! — GLOWCHAIN — lonely lantern
You're very much allowed to include my designs, Allen (his profile is linked in the leader section), or the Deuce x Allen ship (they have duo magic too!) in your OC's card's groovy version. No need to ask for my permission!
Interactions between your OC and Allen are very much encouraged! Feel free to mention him in your OC's voicelines, too.
I'll make a card for Allen, and I'll also make Deuce's OFFICIAL card. If the mood strikes me, I'll possibly also draw official cards for some other canon characters.
I'll reblog every entry on my reblog blog and also link all entries in this post!
If this event ends up being well-received, I'll do a second part someday! So far, the idea is that it would be vkei/electro swing/weirdcore/Europop.
All resources were found on and downloaded from Pinterest, then edited. The event art was drawn by me.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment!
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cloverpatches · 6 months
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Hello Hello! Welcome to Niel's LobCorp Abno Explanation and Creation Guide!
When making an OC Abnormality, there are a couple specific ranges that are immensely important: Breaching Damage Output and Risk Level. While all breach kills or immense damages should be talked out first or at least notified, damage output with Abnormality presences alone and collateral lead to damage type and output being important. Damage type and severity are hard to calculate for those who haven't/can't play, so I'll be specifying amounts below.
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To note, on DAMAGE TYPES:
RED is direct damage to the body of an agent. This usually refers to the types of damage that can be done with weapons or the body, and envelops most forms of harm capable by weapons in the City. Despite being common, those who deal Red damage typically have much higher output in sudden bursts and should not be underestimated. (EX. Scorched Girl, All-Around Helper, Nothing There)
WHITE is psychological damage. It attacks the psyche, usually working to petrify or take away the mind of an agent, either on purpose or not. This is usually dealt by Abnormalities that work to convince employees to stay with them or who are particularly horrifying. White Damage can take a physical form by some EGO or Abnormalities in a cloud of white, choking smoke. (EX. Happy Teddy Bear, Child of the Galaxy, Blue Star)
BLACK is supernatural weakening of the mind and body of an employee. Abnormalities with magical attacks, health hazards like slime, mucus or rot, or medical influence that causes infectious harm to those around them. This causes a piercing and increasing pain much like gathering and constricting thorns, and can cut across bodies and weaker EGO like hooked thorns. (EX. Void Dream, Snow White's Apple, The Mountain of Smiling Bodies)
PALE is the most painful and dangerous damage and it directly damages the soul of agents. There are only two Abnormalities in-game whose work deals Pale damage .. and one of those is WhiteNight. In Ruina, this is shown through the status effect Erosion. It's a gradual and near unavoidable death of all who stay around this Abnormality, beyond black's rot and erosion, by enveloping their entire essence in the Abnormality's perspective. It's comparable to having your being shifted and taken away by an external force beyond your soul or body. (EX. Judgement Bird, Servant of Wrath, WhiteNight)
If you don't know damage numbers, it's okay not to use them! Saying "a small amount, a decent amount, a high amount" is more than enough! In roleplay, it's all by estimate anyway.
The second rarest Abnormality type and very highly valued.
These Abnormalities either portray themselves as harmless, or are completely harmless without the direct fault of the Manager's command. They are not prone to breaching without external input and cannot directly lore agents to themselves. When working, they have a low damage output and will cause harm to Agents in other ways, either by entrapment or becoming a part of their presence.
Zayin Abnos, more often than not, have an immensely beneficial effect to the employees that use them or to the facility they're contained in. This can influence stats, EGO, power generation, or regeneration.
Despite this, due to their beneficial nature, Zayin non-item abnormalities are often those who would be the most dangerous should they choose to harm the facility or if the Manager somehow breaks their typical nature to strike their ire against a target.
The death counter of their negative effects will nearly always be 1. TETH:
Any Abnormality classified as Teth instead of Zayin has earned it through their capabilities to cause harm and work types which Will set them off. Many Teth have specific work methods that allow them to stay calm however, and a Manager will be quick to prioritize those or find the consequences.
Most Teth Abnormalities aren't ranked higher due to their ability to be ignored and have predictable consequences with manageable death toll. Should their counter lower, it will either be breach or remain inside, with most having tracable breach patterns and/or will return to their own containment after a set period of time.
More often than not, Teth abnormalities will generally be friendly or try to be beneficial to those they come into contact with, only with a few exceptions. It's their attempt to be friendly, assist or help which causes the damage outside of their intent.
The death counter of their breach or effect in a typical facility will usually be 2 or above. HE:
Abnormalities classified as He have an innate existential drive to harm by default. Whether they have good intents or not, their actions and the effects of their existence can and will harm Agents. This usually comes through the Abnormality thriving and benefiting off the consumption of employees, lowering the counters of nearby Abnormalities, or causing a breach/harmful entity through the utilization of an employee.
The one factor keeping He abnormalities from being Waw is that they require direct interaction to cause harm and oftentimes are on the line of not getting out of hand when breaching.
Helpful He abnormalities will have high assistance with weighable drawbacks. Their use will be very helpful, especially in strained situations, and the use will usually outweigh the cost - no matter how high. Their assistance is measurable and won't get out of hand without the Manager actively allowing it to.
Agents are more likely to be attached to He abnormalities than any other, with the attachment being something often unregulated and beneficial to the abnormalities and agents in a symbiotic relationship.
The most complex Abnormality type. WAW:
The most common Abnormality label.
Best summarized as "You can work on/use this abnormality, but Watch Out!" and because of that, Waw abnormalities are oftentimes very predictable. They will have specific requirements when being worked with or else they'll spread from/during work, or they will breach on their own in direct response to other happenings in the corporation/neglect.
When breaching, they're actively influenced by the actions of the agents and managers to either increase their damage, their numbers, or their attack weight. Their work requirements and counters usually can't be ignored without facing consequences.
Waws that are helpful usually have immense and outweighing drawbacks if they are disrupted in any way, and will be turned against the facility tenfold. They can either instantly kill agents to take them into their own numbers or become an active antagonistic force.
Typically, if an Abnormality isn't very helpful enough to be a He but not harmful enough to be an Aleph, Waw is a loose label that can fit without being questioned. ALEPH:
Aleph are the highest energy output Abnormalities, but that's for a reason. Every work with an Aleph abnormality or every moment spent not working on them could be a day's last before a reset. Work behaviors of either a department and the surrounding ones or the whole facilities need to be changed to accommodate them.
When made, Aleph abnormalities embody the sheer loss of self-percieved humanity witnessed in their creation, leading to the embodiment of a concept far outreaching their individual existence. They are no longer human even in the slightest anymore. Those that hold even traces of human appearance are merely manipulation points used to draw others in, but upon even the slightest freedom, it's shed in the overwhelming collapse of body caused by their concepts.
These entities could destroy the city if they got loose. The Pianist, an entity which destroyed a whole district's backstreets in less than an hour, in a single song's playing, who was able to flood into the backstreets and bring in hundreds upon thousands of bodies into his own performance was a high WAW. He wasn't even an Aleph. A single mid-grade Aleph would be WORSE than The Pianist by a decent margin.
Abnormality gifts are very simple in comparison to classifications. Despite rank, many low level given gifts can be more useful than higher level gifts, as they scale with the agent rather than with the Abnormality. They embody the wavering and unstable existence of Abnormalities tying into the being of an agent. While some can be physically given, others can be formed through an agent resonating or being influenced by the Abno, quite literally taking a piece of them along.
While gifts can be removed and stored, they immediately become a part of the employee's being as soon as it's gifted as much as a piece of clothing on an Abnormality is a part of them. Agents will nearly never want to take them off or remove them unless forced. Forced removal can occasionally lead to detrimental reactions unless replaced with another.
Agents with 3 gifts or more can be considered closer to Abnormalities than humans. Main Branch agents' gift amounts would be seen as terrifying elsewhere.
High benefit gifts can usually come with consequences, as it's considered forming an agent closer into the image of the Abnormality, along with the mental and physical detriments or advantages that come with it.
Agents are hired through a simple criteria - reading of trauma. Through information and resources gathered from the Head, Lobotomy Corporation reads across the City to find those who have been negatively changed and transformed through their lives in the City, into trauma. People in the City aren't as likely to be traumatized by things, let alone being affected in the long run due to conditioning and mental/spiritual exhaustion through their loss of humanity and self. This is the sickness of the mind that the corporation was founded to cure. Those who can express a factor of lasting humanity, even a little, are rarer and may be selected to be hired through Hokma's City record searching.
While it provides easier link and influence by EGO into usage without direct corrosion, it's also largely for their use later in the Well. Only those with a specific mental and physical criteria can be made into Abnormalities and even less will. Thus, the hiring range is wider.
Level 5 Agents are equal to Grade 1 Fixers or Colors in combat capability.
Quick FAQ:
Q: Why aren't more Abnormalities human-looking if they represent Humanity? A: This is because of the process which creates them. Humans, half-dead or subdued, are placed into coffins nestled below the corporation, slowly stewed much like mummies in honey but instead with cogito. This slowly disperses their mind and concentrates it into their bare cognitive parts, effectively making what is called a Nameless. All Nameless together create the Well. Their concetrated, raw and City-unburdened perspectives are what allow for the perspective of any Abnormality to be made. Nameless, when selected through Hokma's record process, are injected with enough cogito and a blend of enkephalin to churn and dissolve their body from the inside out, allowing the cogito to shift their body into a shape that the Well percieves them as through the eyes of a representation of a concept. They end up deformed or with terrifying aspects, and those who are somewhat more human looking end up with aspects which show as very, very uncanny. The Well isn't human after all, but they are the very perspective and beating heart of what makes humanity into itself. Those that stay human-looking or who grasp and claw for their original humanity once injected either become failures or that becomes the embodiment of their existence as an Abnormality, such as what happened with Dr. Christopher when he became Nothing There.
Q: What makes an Abnormality containment grade? A: Their use when contained, how easy they are to keep contained, and how catastrophic the breaches can be.
Q: Can my Abnormality deal multiple types of damage? A: Yeah! Many Abnos change damage dealt between containment and when breaching. Some deal more than one- and even some Teths pull some tomfuckery out of nowhere with it. If they've got a knacker for violence, they're considered standard.
Q: What about (Random detail) with Plague Doctor? A: Plague Doctor's an outlier and should never be counted for Anything-
Q: I want to make my Abnormality cool and dangerous, and Teth/He abnormalities aren't much of either.. Should I go with Waw instead? A: Teth and He ARE very cool! They're very dangerous! They can instakill some level 5 agents, breach out of nowhere, or make a whole company panic if you're not careful! Plus, you can make them friendly and people are more likely to work with them. It's a myth that the lower the risk level, the less dangerous the abnormality - but all abnormalities are immensely dangerous and scary when not very prepared for them. Imagine Scorched Girl in a nest- huough.
You got this-! Make your freaky little beasts!
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themosthatedbeingg · 23 days
/— lore drop
Lucifer’s staff at the palace is an old family line of Imps and Hellhounds and Incubui/ sucubi, it’s 5 family lines of each species that have been serving the Morningstars since they first established Hell.
They were first the family lines to bend the knee and pledge their undying loyalty and service to the king and queen , they live on sight on the palace grounds and rarely venture into hell accept for meetings /guarding the king/ supplies purchases .
They used to do Tax collection but that’s been all but digitized modernized now.
The families all have amazing health benefits and actually get stellar education opportunities and vacation time ( that’s rarely used mainly cause Lucifer is so self isolating he’s not doing much ) .
It balances out the fact that working with the Morningstars can be a bit hazardous without them meaning to, imps get thrown into eldritch shadows that is his wife when she was pissed ,
Hellhounds found themselves trapped under the claws of a pissed off dragon .
Sometimes spells didn’t go right — the castle would get moody and eat the staff .
The Clydes in general .
But it’s worth it to them, Serving the Morningstars and seeing their brilliance up close .
They also get paid very handsomely; and due to their status as the Morningstar’s personal servants have a bit of a lofty view of themselves.
/ this is also open for any one who has Oc’s they work at the palace /
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hazard-c-horror · 5 months
Would spooky boi hazard vibe with Frank?
Ooo… I haven’t thought of this…
Well… if we were to go off of the Frank is Pices theory. Then it’s an iffy maybe
The Astrals are warry of Hazard. As they can tell Hazard is a being that could cause disaster to the natural order. Though they have no full proof, Hazard aura just tells them. Hazard’s something to be cautious of. Despite Hazard telling them multiple times that they would not interfere.
So it would probably be a caution agreement of trust. Frank’s wary, Hazard’s motives vary greatly on their mood, and Hazy at the moment just wants to spectate. Through overtime, maybe they would develop a sort of acquaintance relationship. Bonding over their creepy looks, or something…
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If we’re talking about a normal, omnipotent spooky Frank, that has no relation to the astral. Then yeah, they’d probably vide. Being two spooky powerful individuals, that scare the carp out of the others.
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They’d probably prank people too
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springfallendeer · 24 days
Mania - A Lethal Company AU
Introduction: “Mania” is a Lethal Company AU that is highly inspired by the game, in its current incomplete state. It is also a slight FNAF: SB AU, in the sense that many of the OCs present in the story originate as FNAF OCs. Certain characters from FNAF may also make something of an appearance, though they will not be central focuses of anything.
The AU borrows a lot from the game while also tweaking (or even adding) a lot of details for the sake of more thorough worldbuilding/immersion into the story. Certain monsters present in the game will not be featured in the story at all. Others will exist but in largely modified states, in order to transform them from aimless environmental hazards to creatures all existing in the same ecosystem.
A lot of what happens or what is described in the AU is not going to perfectly mirror content from the games. This is not a lore accurate AU, but one that is building off of concepts seen in the game. Something that is based more off of blind, lore-free exposure to the game and full of “What if” speculation on how a world like this might reasonably work.
Characters: Listing the present OCs and the people that they belong to here, as well as mentioning all of the current planned/possible cameo characters that are liable to appear in story snippets. Characters listed can be minor, but the overall idea is that they’ll be recurring and hence important enough to be specifically named.
OCs) - OCs that will be present in the story (and will ergo largely be the focus of the story).
Ayala: Primary protagonist of the story, belonging to me (@springfallendeer). Ayala is human and has been employed by the company in order to pay off her many legal fees and fines, which have been accrued as a result of being (Falsely) convicted for criminal activity. 
Through crazy twists of luck and a surprising willingness to adapt, Ayala has survived being abandoned on Mania (as well as on other moons) MULTIPLE times, for long periods of time. As a result, she has learned a lot about how to survive on these otherwise uninhabitable moons.
Jho: Another key protagonist of the story, belonging to (@twistedviper). Jho is a Bracken of the “Neckbreaker” variety, which is just a fancy way of saying that he is basically the typical in-game Bracken. His specific species has been named after its preferred method of killing humans.
Jho originally starts out hostile towards Ayala and is a threat held back only by his own confusion and desire to understand what humans actually are. But he eventually softens up and forms a strong bond with the woman, thus assuring her continued survival during her frequent incidents of abandonment.
Pluto: A soft protagonist of the story, belonging to (@justaduckarts). Pluto a Ghost Bracken, which is a non-hostile subspecies of Bracken that gives off an ethereal, ghostly glow. She inhabits the same facility as Jho and eventually goes on to become his breeding partner. Her docile and curious nature also makes her friendly towards Ayala (and other humans) from the get-go.
Hive: A soft antagonist belonging to (@justaduckarts). A man-made experimental hybrid creature that can be classified (loosely) as a “Maneater”. Hive was tailor made to be an efficient hunting machine that can take control of other creatures, namely Loot Bugs, Circuit Bees, and Maneaters. The problem was that he turned on his creators and now freely roams Mania, where he establishes himself as a looming threat.
Though he dislikes humans, he recognizes that he is in need of them in order to achieve his goals. As a result, he only briefly takes interest in killing and devouring Ayala. After which point his interest becomes more along the lines of claiming her as a suitable nest for his clutches of mindless offspring.
Carlos: Antagonist and asshole, belonging to (@justaduckarts). Carlos is a human, and is the primary reason that Ayala has been put into the situation that she is in. He is a person of high power and authority who saw someone that he wanted, couldn’t get them, and proceeded to do everything in his power to punish her for it.
He is flat out a bastard using his high status to commit heinous acts against those who are beneath him. Plain and simple.
Aberrant: A minor but beloved protagonist, belonging to (@pulsarsatellite). Aberrant is a Creepvine Bracken, which is a generally non-hostile but troublemaking subspecies of Bracken that clings to walls. He is a bit of a mischief maker, but he is never out to do actual harm to Ayala or to any of the other humans; at least so long as he remains unprovoked.
Constance: A minor but distinct protagonist, belonging to (@thelonereni). Constance is a Sugarlump Tradesman, which is a unique subspecies of Bracken which lurks in an impossible to access nest. Her whole gimmick is that people can bring items to her (or lure live prey to her) to trade them for anything that she might have.
She is a creature shrouded in mystery and her true appearance will likely remain unknown. Just know that she is far more aware of the goings on of her environment than anyone might realize.
Casterai: A soft antagonist turned protagonist, belonging to (@rnekopallet). Casterai is a Thorned Hunter, which is a subspecies of Bracken primarily encountered outdoors, though they do sometimes come inside. They are adapted to thrive in the harsh desert environment surrounding the facility. Initial hostilities are short lived, following which point Cas and Ayala come to friendly terms.
They’re still pretty dangerous with most other humans though. Largely because visiting humans tend to be unwilling to try and make nice with the random surface dwelling Bracken that will try to drain them of their bodily fluids if given the chance.
Mars: A soft antagonist that eventually becomes something of a soft protagonist, though they may be better described as the anti-hero. He belongs to (@xnanosilverx). Mars is a man-made entity best described as a “Braken”, though his genetic makeup is far more complicated than one would gather at a glance.
Mars was produced in an attempt to create obedient and powerful entities that could be sent out to distant moons in order to gather resources. He is strong, intelligent, and able to fend off most enemy mobs with ease. But due to his treatment, he has developed a strong distaste for humans. As a result, he remains hostile towards Ayala for a while and considers her a threat. Though he does eventually soften up.
Only towards her though. He will still flat out kill any other human that he encounters.
June: A soft antagonist turned tense protagonist, belonging to (@xnanosilverx). June is a human coming from a rival colony, thus making her and Ayala enemies from the get go. At least from her perspective, and from the perspective of those with power over her.
She is betrayed by her crew and as a result, she is left stranded on Mania, where she is expected to die. However, she encounters Ayala and (following some not so pleasant confrontations) winds up reluctantly teaming up with this rival worker in order to survive being stranded in the harsh environment until she can make it back to her colony.
From there, she, like Ayala, finds herself being regularly left behind by her crew. Though her circumstances are less a failure to return to the ship and more her assigned crews intentionally abandoning her out of fear. These continuous bouts of abandonment are what inevitably leads to these women forming a long term alliance, as cooperation assures both of their long-term survival in these harsh environments.
FNAF Characters) - Note that more may be added in the future and they likely will not exist in a robotic form, but as a form of monster or human.
Sun: Standard Bracken x Thorned Hunter hybrid. Spends most of his time outdoors. Non-hostile. Protagonist. Unlikely to be involved in main story stuff and more as passing “Haha, look who's here!” and then I’ll write lewd things.
Moon: Thorned Hunter x Ghost Bracken hybrid. Spends most of his time indoors. Generally hostile towards humans but easy enough to befriend. Antagonist turned protagonist. Unlikely to be involved in main story stuff and more as passing “Haha, look who's here!” and then I’ll write lewd things.
Eclipse: Thorned Hunter x Creepvine Bracken hybrid. He suffers from gigantism and is therefore much larger than others of his kind. He is relatively innocent and curious in nature, though he can be quite dangerous if provoked. Firmly assigned to the protagonist status. Unlikely to be involved in main story stuff and more as passing “Haha, look who's here!” and then I’ll write lewd things.
Afton: A human of the highest status in Ayala’s colony. One of the few aware of the dark reality of the system and why it works the way that it does. Raw antagonist working from the shadows, ultimately doing everything in his power to maintain the status quo. Will not be featured super frequently, though he will still be considered a major part of the story.
Location: The primary aspects of the story setting will take place either on “Mania” (a non-canon moon crafted specifically for the purposes of this story) or in space, aboard the Colony.
Mania can be described as a “Super Moon” (in the sense that it is larger than the lifeless planet that it orbits, which has a far denser core and therefore a stronger gravitational pull). It is a celestial body with a unique atmosphere that is regularly plagued by potent electrical storms, which have an intense and adverse effect on mechanical objects. These storms make landing on or attempting to leave the moon an incredibly risky endeavor. It is not uncommon for transport vessels to crash when attempting to land or escape the moon. So much so that even the surface of the planet is littered with valuable metal scrap and rare resources.
Lore-wise, Mania is a celestial body that was briefly targeted for mining operations, as it is naturally heavy with a range of desirable ore and mineral deposits. It was highly sought after due to this, and due to the fact that mechanical items will thrive there… On good days.
When not plagued by magnetic storms, Mania acted as a “goldmine” that was practically overflowing with valuable goods. The strange workings of the atmosphere allowed mechanical objects to be used without manufactured power sources, which also allowed workers to go about their business for longer due to lack of a need to recharge or replace batteries.
However, on days when magnetic storms were active, fatal accidents would frequently occur. Mass power outages would periodically send entire facilities into chaos. Workers down in the mine tunnels would abruptly find themselves trapped in complete darkness with absolutely no means of communicating to those on the surface. Transport vessels in active touchdown or takeoff would abruptly lose power and crash.
While the mines were active, multiple employee deaths would take place on a weekly basis. The unpredictable nature of these magnetic storms made predicting their arrival near impossible, which in turn meant that attempts at working around the weather were also poorly executed.
Due to the frequent issues and the massive slew of casualties accrued over a short period of time, all mining operations were abruptly shut down and the moon was abandoned. Mania now exists as a moon which is only meant to be visited by the most desperate of collection crews.
The Colony, meanwhile, is one of many massive spacebound vessels in which huge populations of humans reside. There are many colonies, and likewise many distinct crews which all work for the same company. These colonies are very much at odds with each other, and each has its own distinct societal expectations. Conflicts between crews are not uncommon.
Mobs: All of the mobs listed will be monsters featured or otherwise encountered throughout the story. Remember that much of the lore regarding these creatures will be changed, largely because I’m a whore for speculative biology and I LOVE to put things together in a way that creates an interactive world.
Canon Creatures) Note that this category will ALSO feature fan-made subspecies
Harmless Entities)
Tulip Snake: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore.
Manticoil: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore.
Roaming Locust: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore.
Outdoor Entities)
Eyeless Dog: The standard form will be present, as well as a Subspecies called “Spore Dogs” which have a symbiotic relationship with Ghost Bracken. The subspecies is actually docile and will only appear late at night.
Baboon Hawk: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore. Males might be specified as being bigger.
Kidnapper Fox (and Vain Shroud): Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore. Possibly with some moon-specific variants that act the same but have different colors.
Circuit Bees: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore.
Forest Giant: Will be standard to what we see in the game. Just some altered lore.
Kamikaze Ant: A species of ground dwelling ants with access to chemical warfare. They have an acidic saliva that allows them to chew up metal, which they use to create their nests. When threatened, adult members of the colony will rush toward the target and explode, creating a shower of boiling acid that deals high amounts of damage. Can be safely lured out of their nest with food items, which creates an opportunity for their nest to be swiftly dug up and brought back to the ship.
Indoor Entities)
Bracken: The bracken will be a species heavily featured throughout the story, and will appear in the form of many subspecies. Those being the Neckbreaker (Standard), Ghost, Creepvine, Thorned Hunter, and the Sugarlump Tradesman. Not to mention the occasional hybrid. There may come the additional inclusion of other new species as time goes on and I expand upon the world.
Hoarder Bug: Will appear in the Standard form (The Hoarder), as well as in Flicker (Attracted to glowing objects) and Overcharge (Electric) varieties.
Thumper: Will appear in the Standard (Pale) and Cave (Black and gray) varieties. The Cave variety can climb and run across walls.
Snare Flea: Will only appear in the Standard variety.
Maneater: Will appear in multiple forms with slightly differing appearance, with distinguishing male and female appearances. The three distinct species will be the Standard (Charger - fast moving and chases down prey), the Hopper (Moves slowly but can leap huge distances due to specialized hind-legs), and the Mantid (slow moving ambush predator which hides and captures prey in mantis-like forelegs). The males of all three varieties have wings and will rarely leave the mines at night in order to seek out potential mates elsewhere.
Jester: The child of an Eldritch being, left brutally deformed by its parent. An unkillable and virtually inescapable entity which thrives on human suffering and seeks to regain the favor of its parent through human sacrifice. Has a fierce rivalry with its sibling, the Coilhead, who it once brutally deformed. The only of its kind which can appear on any moon at any given time. Always avoids its sibling.
Coilhead: The favored child of an Eldritch being, left brutally deformed by its sibling, the Jester. Unkillable yet easy enough to escape. Attacks humans for unknown reasons yet it is known to be ashamed of its unpleasant appearance. The only of its kind which can appear on any moon at any given time. Always avoids its sibling.
Bunker Spider: Only the standard Bunker Spider will be present though male and females will be differentiated. Mostly by the females behaving like Wolf Spiders, which carry brood upon their backs. Males are more aggressive while females try to evade threats by fleeing armed employees. Leaving her alone is ill-advised, though, as her babies may decide that it's time to become independent. At which point a swarm of baseball sized spiderlings will begin roaming the map in search of food.
Hygrodere: Just a slime. There won’t really be any variants. Though it will behave differently. It will be drawn to corpses and distracted by them for long periods of time while digesting them.
Spore Lizard: Standard variant only.
Nutcracker: Will appear in three variants who all attack slightly differently. The Standard (Shotgun. Get blasted.), the Fencer (Sword wielding. Death by impalement.), and the Berserker (Club wielding. Tracks down and beats people to death). Nutcrackers are established as being alien organisms that went on to be surgically modified in order to exist within their shells, for the sake of guarding specific building structures. Their unaltered species remains enslaved to this day and is used to perform all manner of tasks.
Velvet Stinger: A species of giant, wingless wasps which roam the interior of buildings, using gathered loot to build nests for their eggs. They resemble velvet ants and are roughly the size of a loot bug. Males lack stingers and guard the nests, whereas females have stingers and patrol the environment in search of food and resources. Both sport a massive set of mandibles, which are used to maim and cut apart prey.
Environmental Hazards: This segment only really exists to introduce a few new environmental hazards that are specific to Mania, the primary moon that is explored throughout story elements.
Magnetic Storm)
A frequent environmental hazard associated with the moon. While not a constant occurrence, these storms happen on a weekly basis and it is not unusual for multiple to happen throughout a week (usually over the course of a few days).
These storms are harmless to organic life and only pose a threat to mechanical objects. While the moon is suffering from one of these storms, there will be random waves of intense magnetic force that roll across the terrain, completely disabling any mechanical item.
During exploration, these magnetic waves are largely considered a nuisance. They do not directly harm the explorers, but they do lead to regular injury or even death due to their ability to disable electronics. During one of these waves, handheld objects like flashlights and walkie-talkies will shut off and lose the ability to function. Lights inside of the building will also flicker briefly, before blacking out. Likewise, all functions of the ship will be completely shut off during this time.
For a period ranging from 5 to 30 seconds, all electronics will be completely incapable of being used. Following this period, all electronics will return to their previous function as if nothing happened.
These storms are the reason that Mania is considered to be a high risk moon, as if the ship is in active movement when a magnetic wave hits, there is a high likelihood of a fatal crash.
The main facilities of Mania are found in a well established desert environment, which means that it gets little water and has low humidity. This leads to a very dry and dusty landscape, which in turn means that during periods of high wind (which will usually take place the day before a Magnetic Storm), large amounts of sand and debris are picked up and carried for miles.
These Sandstorms alone are not a threat. They do not damage explorers or their equipment. On paper, these storms will make the landscape safer due to most outdoor mobs being unwilling to explore the area.
In practice, though, these storms are highly disorienting and are prone to bringing about the demise of explorers caught out in them. That being because the blanket of airborne sand is so thick that it is impossible to make out distant landmarks. Deaths most often occur as a result of explorers getting disoriented by their inability to see their environment, thus leading to them walking into rare patches of quicksand or simply getting lost out in the wilderness; where they inevitably get picked off by local predators once the storm subsides.
The Earth is no more. And through no fault of humanity at that.
Centuries ago, the homeworld of the human race was destroyed. A series of inescapable cosmic events led to the planet first being left uninhabitable, and then left as little more than a blanket of asteroids floating aimlessly through the vacuum of space.
Asteroid strikes. Natural disasters. Pollution. Corporate greed and the overharvesting of valuable, but finite resources.
Alien invasions. War with beings the likes of which the human race had no means of understanding at the point of their arrival.
All of these horrific circumstances, and even more, played into the inevitable destruction of the Earth.
Which in turn led to the remnants of the human race being banished to the stars, where they would remain trapped aboard mechanical vessels as they embarked on a seemingly endless search for a new place to call home.
Many colonies were built.
Aboard these colonies went the remnants of humanity. Along with whatever plant and animal life they could be bothered to salvage.
The majority of life on Earth has since gone extinct. As humanity could not afford to save everything that inhabited the planet.
Only that which could be reliably farmed and used was granted salvation. Few animals. Few plants. The majority of each being used for food, fuel, or clothing.
The struggle for survival then swiftly moved into full swing as the fight to secure resources drove each of the colonies into dispute.
Numerous alien worlds were located and swiftly invaded in hopes of claiming access to their bounty.
Numerous alien worlds became the final resting place to countless human lives as the natives of those worlds inevitably retaliated.
Invade. Harvest. Suffer retaliation. Retreat.
Invade. Harvest. Suffer retaliation. Retreat.
All at the command of the High Counsel; those among the human race who have inherited great political power across the generations of struggle.
Always obey.
Always obey. They make the laws. The laws are enforced.
Obey the law, lest you be tried for your arrogance and dealt a fine that no job aboard the colony could ever grant you the means of paying off.
Lest you, as a criminal, find yourself recruited by The Company and sent out into the void to hunt for valued resources, until some hostile alien entity either takes your life, or you have succeeded in paying off your debt to your people.
Obey the law. Or be sent to those long abandoned worlds
Obey the law. Or be forced to salvage.
Obey the law. Or be forced to fight the ever looming fight.
Obey the law. Or be sent to them. The beast behind the wall. The beast with a body of writhing tendrils. The beast which will take your corpse as payment if and when you fail to present it with objects of suitable value.
The law is good. The law protects you. It keeps your colony strong and grants you a safe place to live, far away from the relentless hell of the alien void…
The Earth has been destroyed.
The cause? Forces beyond our realm of understanding. Entities born of infinity and destined to exist even after time has ceased to be.
Ours, and many other habitable worlds have been erased so that we, and the many other races of our magnitude, can be put to better use.
The Great Ones seek our flesh.
They crave our suffering. Our struggles for survival bring them delight. It satiates them in the way that a feast will satiate the masses.
We are their cattle. Born to be farmed and bred to be used to fulfill their goals.
We must do what is expected of us. Otherwise humanity as a whole will be culled so that new specimens can be bred anew.
Keep the masses unaware. Prevent the hysteria. The fewer of us who recognize that we are livestock, the better our odds of survival.
Serve the one behind the wall. Do its bidding. For it is the shepherd which assures our survival.
Expand the colonies. Expand the population. Send them our dead to satiate their cravings for flesh. For the shepherd will abandon their flock if it loses its worth.
Send the criminals. Use them as we always have; to benefit the free.
If there are no criminals. Create them.
Create whatever law you must in order to assure that our supply of sacrificial cattle can be maintained.
Do it.
You must.
If you want the human race to continue on, then you must.
The quota system is completely different in the story vs what would be seen in the game. Instead of getting 3 days to collect enough materials to meet an ever expanding quota, each worker has a debt that they must pay off in order to buy their freedom and escape the company. There is a minimum quota that needs to be met in order to pay off the fees that are accrued while incarcerated. Failing to meet this quota leads to the accrued fees being added to the overall debt.
Each 4 man team is working together to pay off their total amount of debt. All profits earned during each cycle will be divided equally among them.
Each individual worker will be released from duty once their specific debt is paid off, regardless of the total debt of the group.
Failing to meet “Upkeep Quota” (the daily accrued fees) will not automatically result in termination. However, failing to meet that minimum Upkeep Quota multiple times in a row is liable to do so.
Termination, or being fired, does not mean freedom. It means death. Either by being ejected into space and left to die (banished from the colonies due to failing to contribute to society), or by being consumed by “Jeb” after failure to deliver valuable goods.
Cycles still consist of 3 days, with a delivery expected to be made on the 4th. However, crews do not depart at the end of each day.
As opposed to daily landing and takeoff, crews will land in bases and venture out to gather resources from there. These bases are secured but must be maintained by the crew in order to deter threats.
Each base has some means of access to food and water. Workers will be charged for utilizing these utilities in excess, which will add to their accrued fees.
In the event that a base is at imminent risk of being overrun by hostile entities, emergency evacuation will take place. During such an event, workers must quickly board their transport vessel, otherwise they will be left behind to succumb to whatever fate awaits them.
Workers are given a couple of days to recover following each cycle. This is mostly to provide them medical treatment (which they are naturally charged for) in order to assure that they can continue to venture out on these dangerous excursions.
The justice system aboard the colonies is about is extreme as it comes. Breaking any law, no matter how minor the offense might be, is considered punishable by massive fine and incarceration. So stealing $1 from someone and murder are effectively punishable to the same level, though the fines that you will accrue will be (hopefully) different.
The “High Counsel” is made up entirely of people who are aware of the hidden reality of the situation. They are the people of power who create and enforce the laws in order to both keep the human population alive and under control.
There are multiple Eldritch entities in existence. Each has selected its own specific race to use as cattle. “Jeb” is the entity which is in charge of humanity. It both feeds on them and protects them from other entities that might seek to consume them.
In this setting, the gathering of scrap and other materials is very much a mislead. Jeb is the one giving humanity what it needs in order to continue to function. It has no need or desire to utilize the junk gathered by the workers. But it plays along with the little game that has been established, and likely disposes of offered goods almost as soon as they are collected. Either by sending them back to random moons/planets, or by just sending them to the colonies to be used however they will be used.
More details will be added as needed to further expand upon the ideas associated with the story.
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theautumnaldemon · 7 months
Hazards to Society
Hazards to Society is a found family/ fantasy/ science fiction show concept about an angel named Midnight who rises to power after murdering their god, afterwards founding a group called the Hazards. Although small, the group is known for causing chaos on Aleam Island… until, of course, they have to protect it at all costs…
Created by me and my real-life friend group, Hazards To a society is our passion project formed solely off of our OCs and pure chaos.
it combines the humor of the amazing world of Gumball, the lore of Hazbin Hotel, and the unsettlingness of invader zim into one chaotic mess of AWESOMENESS!
Some of the old art I have drawn for it:
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Me and my friends are working on animating a pilot and doing the voices ourselves!
The accounts of some collaborators: @vespiem @thefrogcollector @stephan-thesnail @jellyrosescollective
Autumn, the Tabaxi warrior who betrayed her nation, The Hive
Bee, aka Beelzebub, the silly goofy guy who’s also literally Satan
Beetle, the grumpy witch and bootleg Emperor Belos
Clam, the more reclusive vampire
C, the runner of a cartography company of parrots
Midnight, the cold and calculating god
Neo, the frog boy who happens to have mind control powers
Rob, head scientist and Beetle’s assistant
Lyre, the sweet cherub sent down to assist Midnight
Zizi, the chaotic and loveable ghost
Talon, who makes everyone know he was betrayed by his father
Sharky, the weird gnome thing… idk man…
Jinx, the unhinged trickster god
Flick, the perpetually-high alien retail worker
Disco, the all-powerful music god who owns Midnight’s soul
Cicada, Flick’s cool alien girlfriend
Ramona, who works alongside Flick and has been done with his shit
Orion, Autumn’s old abusive army general
Basil and Celeste, Orion’s second-in-commands, much friendlier
Cosimo, the principal of the high school Beetle teaches at pets:
Karl, Beetle’s dragon familiar
Bartleby, Beelzebub’s demonic axolotl
Hex, Rob’s gremlin raven
Mr Beaks, C’s second-in-command at the factory (also a parrot)
Gary, Neo’s frog friend
Hollie Cow, the ‘holy cow’ friend of Lyre
Mid’s Shark, Midnight’s landshark with 9 lives
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geminired · 1 year
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Low-effort Walking Safety Hazards art because Four’s League team is honestly such a group of cuties. When they’re not suffering from trauma or getting shot in the head, that is.
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thedragonagebigbang · 26 days
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @oxygenforthewicked  |  AO3: Oxygenforthewicked
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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10 Reasons Why Rift Hopping Is Probably Hazardous to Your Health (Hint: Cassandra Is One of Them)
Gin and Dema talk process, inspiration, and what to do when a character kicks down your door
Dema: Since this is a Big Bang I'll start there: have you done one before? If you have, what made you want to do it again? If not: what made you wanna give it a go? 
Gin: I've considered being a part of a Big Bang event before but I haven't actually done one yet. However, after seeing all of the fics and artwork that came out of other bangs last year, I got a better feel for it and decided I wanted to give it a try!
Dema: So exciting! Are you finding that this process feels different from how you usually write?
Gin: Not really, honestly. I've done NaNoWriMo in the past, and this feels similar in terms of working towards a set goal. I think the big difference (and better difference, honestly) is that this is much more community-centered, and the goal is to finish the project instead of just reaching a word count minimum. That in and of itself is a really refreshing new challenge.
Dema: When you tackle a project like this, what does that look like for you?
Gin: Usually I like to prepare a concept/vague outline first, write out in more detail the major plot points, create a mood playlist, and just start writing! I do tend to carve out time for writing, too, as that helps me focus better.
Dema: How much time do you feel like you need in a chunk? (Me, interviewing: “So, writing. How Do You Do It. AND WHY??)
Gin: It depends. Sometimes I can write for several consecutive hours, other times my brain can only handle about thirty minutes. Either way, I know that as long as I get words on the page, I'm making progress! But creativity isn't something that can be forced, so if the words just aren't coming out, I'll take a break for a while and refresh my brain by reading a book or watching something. Once my creative battery is full again, I can knock out a huge chunk of the project, and that usually feels so much better than trying to strongarm my brain into getting words out.
Dema: Is there something you are reading or watching right now that is providing particular inspiration? Or if not inspiration, rejuvenation?
Gin: Yes, actually! I'm currently reading A Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss, and it's been giving me all sorts of good inspiration.
Dema: Oh yes! I love that book. Is there anything in particular about it that's scratching the itch?
Gin: The lore and worldbuilding are both so interesting, but I'm also just very invested in the characters. This series so far has done a great job of creating a rich world with fleshed-out characters, an intricate magic system, and I love the complexity of the relationships. (In short, all of it!) 
Dema: Hard agree, I love those complicated characters and dynamics. Speaking of characters, when you're crafting an OC, what's your starting point? What was the spark that birthed Saeris, if you want to be more specific?
Gin: Most of the time, it's a picture or a song that sparks the initial concept. But there are other times when OCs kick down the door in my head and decide that they live there rent-free. Saeris was one of those characters. Admittedly, I did intend on creating Saeris for a specific project after reading The Horror of Hormak, but he was supposed to be a minor character that I was going to write once and never write again after that. (Boy was I wrong.) But what really sparked the inspiration for him was a photo I found while looking up references for gray eyes. The vibe of that photo just seemed like it fit him so well that his entire character quickly started unfolding bit by bit after that. I chose a name for him, a class, and all of it snowballed until he became my most fleshed-out character (and my favorite).
Dema: How long ago was that?
Gin: April 2022
Dema: Awwww! He’s two! 
Gin: LOL! It was when the event I was writing him for took place. 
Dema: I will not ask you if your Bang fic involves Saeris because I do not want to pry any spoilers from you, but thank you for your click-bait title and for your interview! Gin: Sounds good! And thank you!! It was very fun chatting.
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