#not really but thats the closest tag i can think of for people who want to avoid this content
3liza · 2 months
the beautiful gluten free dumplings I made cause me to pass out asleep 15 minutes after eating any of them so I think I'm done with food forever now don't need it anymore. too much trouble
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ggukiepie · 1 year
girl in luv (boy in luv pt. 6)
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: jungkook finally tells you what you've been wanting to hear for so long...but you're still not happy
tags: bil!couple, college!au, bff!jk, two idiots in love, angst (what's new), fluff, happy ending !!!, kissing hihi
wc: 3.5k
a/n: lmaoooo hi im sorry this took so long. i didn't like what i originally wrote so i scrapped the whole thing and well here it is! i hope u guys like it. this is the last part for the series. tho i do plan to post some drabbles here and there (like their first time together maybe) but no promises anw thats its bye happy reading !!!! series masterlist / main masterlist
Your phone suddenly buzzes—someone was calling you. Though, instead of answering it, you stuff your phone between your couch cushions to block out the noise. You don’t dare look at your screen, sure you’ll get tempted to answer the call—whoever that was. You haven’t got much social interaction these days, always choosing to go straight home after each class, eating by yourself, declining invites to parties and hangouts. It’s not like anyone’s forcing you to be this way. You did this to yourself, really. You’d rather be alone than hangout with people. You didn’t have the energy to do so. You just wanted to be in your bubble a little bit longer.
Deep down, you know you’re craving to talk to someone. Anyone. But somehow you always end up alone. With your thoughts.
Self-sabotage, if you will.
The thoughts don’t help either. Your mind always drifts to Jungkook. Sometimes you think about him and his girlfriend. Most of the time, you think of your friendship. You missed what you had, even though you had to guard your heart every time, even if you got your hopes up at the simplest of actions. You missed being with Jungkook because for the time you were with him, he felt like he was…yours? There was no doubt that you were his. Had been from the start but didn’t realize it till later on. Your heart always craved for him, yearned for him when he wasn’t with you. Your heart felt lighter when you were together, be it doing the most mundane of things or sharing a special moment.
If you could just toughen up and tell him how you feel. But it was easier said than done. He already indirectly rejected you when he got together with some girl. But why would he reject you if he never knew how you felt? Maybe you were too busy protecting your heart, protecting the friendship you might lose if you would’ve confessed. You never thought he’d feel the same, even though you had moments that felt like he did.
You shake your head to rid your thoughts. You try to focus on writing the essay in front of you. Your Friday nights felt different now—stuck doing homework while your friends were partying.
You’re finally two pages deep when you hear frantic knocking on your door. You check the time on your laptop and see it’s a little past one in the morning. You suddenly rush to open your door, scared that you’d get a noise complaint all of a sudden.
You stand frozen, mouth agape at the scene in front of you.
“Huh?” you dumbly say.
It’s your three closest friends in your doorway. Jimin and Taehyung are somewhat conscious—at least they’re standing upright. But you notice the sway in their stance and you can smell the alcohol off of them. But it’s Jungkook between them that makes you freeze. He’s passed out, you’re sure of it, and the only reason why he’s sort of standing up is because Jimin and Tae have his arms around their shoulders.
“Why are you guys here?” you finally say.
It’s Taehyung who speaks up, smiling that smile he has when he wants something to go his way. When he has a plan that you might say no to (which you usually do). “Jungkook,” he points at Jungkook, as if you’d confuse him with anyone else, “is drunk.”
“I can see that,” you deadpan.
“And!” Tae rushes to say, like you’re about five seconds from shutting the door in their faces. “He kept asking for you. So we are simply complying with his request.”
“Because we are great friends,” Jimin pipes in. Taehyung nods in confirmation.
“Me?” you whisper, as if Taehyung were referring to anyone else. Your mind isn’t any better than his drunk one at this point.
“Yes!” Jimin whisper shouts. “Now let us in, he’s kinda getting heavy.”
Jungkook makes an incoherent sound from where his head is leaning on Tae’s shoulder, drool making a wet patch on the poor guy’s shirt. You take pity on your best friend and step aside to let in all of them, even though your heart’s racing because Jungkook is in your apartment.
Holy shit.
You watch them bring his unconscious body to your couch (they actually drop Jungkook and giggle all the way to your door, saying their goodbyes without looking back).
You huff at the sight in front of you. Jungkook’s cheeks are flushed red and he’s a little bit sweaty. Though, he looks so peaceful sleeping on your couch. Was he really looking for you?
You get a glass of water and two aspirins, placing it on the coffee table near him. The moment you near him, you kneel by his head and wipe the stray hairs on his forehead. You look at Jungkook, like really look at him. His eyebrows are scrunched together like something’s troubling him in his dreams. His lips are in a slight pout, lip ring glistening under your light (when did he get that, anyway?), little puffs of air coming out his mouth.
“Am I…” he mumbles. Your heart races. His eyes are still closed, but his mouth continues to move. “Am I at ____’s?”
Your heart seizes at the sound of your name. You gulp and nod slowly, then realize that he can’t hear you. “Yeah…” you trail off. “You’re in my living room.”
“Oh,” your best friend says as his eyebrows scrunch up some more. “Missed you.”
You sit back on the floor and hug your knees to yourself, preparing for whatever it is that he might say next. A drunk man’s words are his sober thoughts, right?
“Jimin and Tae said you were looking for me?”
“Mhmm,” he mumbles. “Wanted to… tell you somethin’”
You shake your head. Though your heart yearned to know, you also do know it’s not the right time. Not when he’s drunk. He might just regret his words now the next morning, which might even hurt worse than what he’s about to say. “Save it for tomorrow, Kook.” You push yourself off the floor but he stops you by holding your wrist, albeit weakly.
“Nuh uh…” he whispers. “Need to know…now. Broke up with Jiwoo.” He opens his eyes slightly and looks at you right away.
“Like,” he continues to say, “I did it for you.”
You feel your anger rising, your body heating everywhere. “I didn’t tell you to do anything,” you firmly say.
Jungkook moves to sit up and you take a step back. “No,” he shakes his head slowly. “Jus’ didn’t feel right.”
You feel tears welling up in your eyes and you finally walk to your bedroom, slamming the door and locking it shut. You block out the sounds of Jungkook weakly calling out your name. Your fists clench in anger, the words Jungkook just uttered replaying in your head over and over. He couldn’t just dump his problems, turn around the narrative and make it seem like you made him break up with Jiwoo. That you asked him to end things with her because it didn’t feel right. And he forced himself into your home, your personal space—and drunk at that! He knew all your weak spots and used it to his advantage.
You hope he’d be gone in the morning. You don’t think your heart can hurt any more.
You hear pans clinking which promptly wakes you up. You weren’t able to sleep that much, actually, knowing Jungkook was right outside your room. You guess he stayed in the morning. He’s either cooking in your kitchen, or someone’s trying to steal your pans.
Rubbing your eyes as you open your bedroom door, you spot Jungkook by the stove with his back turned to you. He seems to be making scrambled eggs—which is the only thing he can make confidently.
“Morning,” you say. You might as well clear the air as early as now. You watch his back tense for a millisecond before he turns off the stove and sets the pan on your dining table. He turns to face you and brings a hand up to brush his hair back, a nervous tick of his that you noticed a few years back.
“Good morning,” he mumbles.
“So,” you start.
It’s so awkward you might cry again. When did things get this out of place? You start to rethink your feelings. You haven’t even confessed yet it feels like you’ve lost your best friend already. What if you confessed? What would happen then? You felt your heart closing just thinking about it now. Was your friendship really that fragile? You and Jungkook hardly fought but even if you did, you always made up right away.
“___,” he says. You look up, eyes meeting his instantly. “About last night… I’m sorry I suddenly barged into your place. I guess I really forced Tae and Jimin to bring me here.”
You nod and lean on the wall behind you, preparing for a long talk with him.
“I just really missed you, I guess—”
“Do you remember what you said last night?” you ask harshly, cutting him off so quick his shoulders tense.
Jungkook swallows nervously and nods his head. “Yeah and… I don’t know if there’s a better to say it, really. But we did break up, ____. She just wasn’t it for me.”
“And you said you did it for me,” you say, pushing him to just get to the point.
“Yes, because I realized that my heart never belonged to her. It belonged to you. Still does,” he says in a rush.
You eye him sharply, staring at his features and expression to make sure he’s completely telling the truth. You want to believe him, you really do, but why would he say that then be with someone else.
“It doesn’t make sense,” you finally say. “Why did you get together with her, then?”
“I don’t know—”
“You don’t know,” you repeat, and Jungkook’s eyes widen in panic. “You think you can come running to me right after a break up? Like I’m some second option? You don’t love her enough so you run to me instead?”
Jungkook opens and closes his mouth, mind thinking quickly to say something. His hands start to tremble and he brings a hand up to push back his hair. “I didn’t mean that,” he says hoarsely. “I didn’t realize it soon… And—” he stutters to catch his breath. “I was just scared—”
You’re fuming at this point. How could he do this to you? To just play with your feelings like that? “Get out.”
“I mean it, Jungkook,” you shakily say. “You’ve hurt me enough. Just leave, please.”
He looks at you longingly, doe eyes watering before he nods and turns to the door in silence. You watch him put his shoes on before he leaves, not sparing you a glance. You don’t realize you’ve been tearing up as well, wiping the tears on your cheeks. Walking to the kitchen counter, you realize that Jungkook made chocolate chip pancakes. Your favorite.
It’s been a week since the incident with Jungkook and you haven’t talked to him since then. You also missed your weekly brunch with your friends, too afraid to face Jungkook. Thinking about it now, were you a little bit too harsh? Maybe. You thought you’d finally be happy upon hearing his confession but instead you pushed him away, shut him out. Because you’re scared. Terrified. Things were already going so well with Jungkook when you both were just best friends and you don’t think you can lose him forever should you actually get together and then break up.
Funny since it feels like you’ve lost him already.
It’s 8 am and you’re all alone in the student council office, trying to get some studying done as you were restless staying in your apartment. Staying there just reminds you of Jungkook, so you’ve been spending your mornings here before the other people arrive.
Suddenly, the door opens which is unusual. You usually have the place to yourself for at least another three hours. Curiously, you look up and find your best friend standing by the doorway, laptop and coffee in hand.
It’s silent for a moment, the both of you drinking each other in. Jungkook looks like he hasn’t gotten much sleep, eye bags dark and skin lackluster. You suppose you don’t look any better, knowing you barely got any sleep the past few days.
“Hi,” he finally says. You’re glad you have the long table separating the two of you. You don’t think your heart can handle being physically closer.
“Are you here for something?” you ask hesitantly.
“Can I…” He trails off, looking at the printer by the corner. You’d be laughing by now under normal circumstances. You nod instead, because it’s bizarre seeing Jungkook here asking if he can print something, which is something he liked to do back when your friendship was intact. The room is silent as you see him connect his laptop to the printer, both of you avoiding each other’s eyes. It’s too silent, actually, that it’s driving you a bit insane.
“How many pages?” you ask.
“Uhm… Fifty?” he says like he’s unsure.
“Fifty?” you repeat in a gasp. The printer is free, sure, but it’s ancient. Fifty pages will take too long and you don’t know if you can stand being in the room with him for half an hour or so.
Jungkook hands you the coffee he brought with him. “I bought you coffee as thanks.” He smiles ever so slightly and watches as you take a sip. Of course, it’s your usual order at the café down the street.
He looks at you expectantly but you’re too busy looking down at the coffee in your hands, too nervous to lock eyes with him. A few seconds later you hear him exhale and it’s just the sound of the printer in the room.
Your chest feels so tight all of a sudden like it’s ready to burst out of your ribcage any minute. It feels so heavy, so constricting that it’s starting to hurt physically. Is it really worth it harboring all this anger and pain? For conjuring up these theories in your head that will make you push him further away?
You shake your head to yourself and look up expecting to lock eyes with his, but his back is turned to you.
“Did you really mean what you said last week?” you blurt out.
Jungkook jumps in surprise and whips his body to face you, doe eyes wide. He looks surprised but he also looks relieved, and your heart breaks a little more seeing the relief cross his face the moment you talk to him.
He starts playing with the hem of his shirt absentmindedly. “I did,” he mumbles. “I mean every word I said, and I’m really sorry that everything had to turn out this way when I could’ve just been brave and confessed all those years ago.”
You nod your head at his words and process what he just said. Deep down you know you believe him, but it’s hard to keep that in mind when the hurt outweighs the truth. You look up at him with a sad smile on your face. “Why now, Kook? After all these years.”
He sighs and leans on the chair in front of him. You notice his shoulders deflate and his back hunch a little. He looks tired and you feel your own tiredness in your bones as well. “I was just scared. Us being friends was so comfortable and so good… I was just scared of things changing and me losing you.”
You bite your lip to stop yourself from crying. Looking to the side of the room to avoid his stare, you whisper, “And I know—” you choke on your words and clench your hands in frustration. “And I know I’m at fault as well—for assuming and pulling away once you got together with her. I had no right because we’re just…friends.”
It’s quiet save for the printer and his feet shuffling on the floor. You turn towards him to see Jungkook slowly walking to where you’re sat. Once he’s standing in front of you, he raises his hands towards your face but stops midway. Like he’s about to hold you but he’s hesitant.
You’re tilting your head to look up at him, eyes shiny with tears but lip turned upwards in a small smile. It’s ok, you mouth, because you don’t trust yourself to speak right now. You watch Jungkook hold your face in his hands, thumbs going behind your ears to rub at your skin slowly, fingers splayed on your cheeks to wipe your tears away.
He gathers your face in his hands, thumbs gently brushing the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers shakily. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so, so sorry.”
You nod your head absentmindedly, heart squeezing at the affectionate way he talks to you.
“I really am sorry,” he repeats. “I… Yeah, we’re just friends but I’d like to believe that we both just know. That you felt my love the same I’ve been feeling yours ever since. Even though we’re just friends. But…I know better now.”
You look at him confusingly and he looks away from you and smiles, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. You watch in silence as he plays with his lip piercing distractedly. Finally, he turns to you still with that smile on his face. His thumb starts playing with your lower lip but he’s looking at you with so much adoration in his eyes.
You’ve seen this look on him before, every time you’re with him, and now do you only realize that it’s a look full of love, desire, yearning.
“It’s scary if we do become something more and I end up losing you,” he starts, “but I’d rather live a life of at least knowing what it feels like to love you and be loved by you, than doing nothing at all.”
Tears are streaming down your face but you’re smiling so wide and Jungkook’s doing the same as well, with his nose even scrunching up and his dimples showing.
“I think it’s normal to feel scared,” you finally reply. “But I’d also rather live a life of us loving together than loving from afar.”
It’s silent for a moment as you and Jungkook stare at each other. He’s wiping off your tears which makes him cry a little more, so you wipe his tears next. You’re both crying now but with happy smiles on your faces and it prompts you both to laugh.
“We were kinda stupid, huh?” Jungkook says in between giggles.
You nod and giggle back. “A bit silly, yeah.”
“Can I kiss you?” he suddenly asks. Your heart starts racing and your palms get clammy. You start feeling nervous but it’s the good kind, finally getting to do something you’ve been anticipating, been waiting for ever since you realized your heart belonged to your best friend.
“Please,” you whisper.
Jungkook wastes no times in leaning forward, his grip on your cheeks tightening just a bit, pulling you upwards to meet his lips. Your lips finally touch and it steals your breath away. Quite literally.
Jungkook’s lips are soft, slots perfectly right in between yours. He kisses how he holds you—gentle and careful. Your heart skips a beat when you feel his tongue, and you grant his wish by opening your lips just slightly.
There are no fireworks or sparks or anything grand like that. Your heart suddenly feels calm and at ease. Like this is what you’re meant to do. It feels like coming home for the first time where everything feels right. You feel a great weight lift off your shoulders and you know you’ve made the right decision by choosing love.
Jungkook pulls back but only slightly so he can catch his breath. He keeps his forehead pressed against yours and when he speaks, you feel his lips move.
“I love you,” he whispers, and the way he looks at you with his eyes, like it holds so much love and adoration and it’s all for you. “Wish I said it sooner but I don’t want to think about that. Don’t want to live and continue on with regrets. I’m so happy to have you like this,” he whispers shakily. “So lucky to be able to love you like this.”
You kiss him again which causes him to smile so wide that his dimples pop out. “I love you too.” You giggle again. Saying it is so freeing and it feels so normal too. Not some grand epiphany or realization. Like you’ve known ever since. Like your heart has felt this way throughout your years of friendship with Jungkook and only now are you able to verbalize it. You know you’re lucky, too, to be able to have him in this way. But you don’t want to give too much credit to luck. You believe yours and Jungkook’s love were destined ever since.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
thank you to the three people that tagged me in the twst author spotlight ^^ irene, siren, and sapphy, thank you. i read what you said about me and i was very touched. i didnt think i would gain so many friends in such a short period of time, and you all deserve to be recognized for your contributions to the twst community!! :D
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@tinyletterz, who has a beautiful soul and amazing writing. i've known her since my baby days on quotev writing for a fandom which shall not be named, and it's so such a pleasure being her friend. she writes twst x reader content and has a gorgeous series about flower languages that i think about a lot. thank you remy for helping me get accustomed to tumblr, you're the og!!
@shkrmpp, who was my first mutual that i'd never met before here. thank you for asking about jellyfish and being such a bubbly presence on my dash. shrimpy writes x reader content and creates adorable art!! their hair dye series with the leech twins is super cute and i find myself thinking about teh floyd part in particular very often ^^
@fukashiin, with the prettiest themes and the gorgeous art style. winou CONSISTENTLY writes absolute bangers that make me so giddy. this one in particular is one of my favorites, and her writing style reminds me of a soft summer breeze. she's such a bubbly person and its so fun talking to her, even if we don't talk often. ^^ she's one of the three people that keeps my deuce content afloat.
one could say many things about the beloved @hisui-dreamer!! from the way she adores her friends to teh way she writes, rinna is always soft and sweet. she radiates comfort and is such a soothing person, i feel so safe around her. she writes x reader content and every single piece is its own masterpiece. she's one of my closest friends on here and i wish nothing but the best for her every day.
@merotwst, who has a bucnh of adorable oc content (on @meromessy !!) and writes x readers!! ellie in on haitus right now takinga well deserved break. <3 but she writing is amazing and i am FLOORED whenever i see her art!!! it's literally so gorgeous and i don't understand how she does it. its crazy. how is so much talent in one person.
@siren-serenity is not only a lovely author of x reader content, but also a lovely friend. ^^ siren also has an oc named melody who is so cool!!!! she was the pastor at my wedding and fought TOOTH AND NAIL for that position LMAO love u renren!!! she really writes azul SUPER WELL and im so happy to have met someone so calm and soothing to talk to.
@officialdaydreamer00, aka nutmeg, is a rascal. an absolutely rascal but they're really the best. they have a yuusona with LORE and a bunch of really creative & cute events!! seriously nutmeg, nobody does it like you. if you want to see our favorite twst boys in strawberry dresses or recieve a pair of cute earrings, irene's blog is the place for you!!!
@the-v-lociraptor has STELLAR art. she was one of my firts mutuals on twst tumblr and i was terrified of talking to people but her vibes were very much "i am nice you dont need to be afraid" and sniffling scared me was like "OKAY I CAN TALK TO YOU" LMAO but yeah. she draws people so,,, full. thats the only word i can use to describe it. they just look s soft and alive and its really so amazing. i love her art so much!!
@siphoklansan is another artist!! i think about the art she drew from loona's heart attack with twst character weekly basically. it has been stuck in my brain since i started following her. sippy, its trully beautiful how you mix your culture and your art together. i remember you talking about it when you were drawing fairy gala stuff and it was just stunning. please keep doing what you're doing!! i hope your hiatus proves restful <3
@ceruleancattail is one of THE most creative writers i have ever met on this platform. every time i check out their account theyre talking about a new au or doing something different. they write x reader stuff and ar ethe biggest cater kisser ever (even if they wont admit it hehe!!) their writing is so refreshing, if that makes sense. their butler au is so goofy whaahwwahwah
@moonlit-midnight has the prettiest writing style :((( hannah is literally so sweet and it shows in everything you can find on this blog. THIS BLOG HAS PLATONIC FICS TOO!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?????? and even better, they're inspired by hannah's own friendships :((( literally the most wholesome thing. you can find x reader's here!!!
@iseethatimicy is an x reader writer and fellow azul kisser!!! she writes some really cute stuff for oour favorite silly little cephalopod AND AND AND AND HAS SOME OCS!!! THATA ARE SUPER COOL!!!!! shimiko and icy are both so cool and interesting 9EVEN THOUGH IM VERY SHIMIKO BIASED AAAAA I LOEV SIREN TROPES !!!!!)
@ryker-writes IS SO KIND. he gave me the sweetest set of flowers for his garden event :(( i still think about them and aaaaa i havent forgotten when he fought me over me being cool LMAO so goofy wahhwaawh!! HIS OC JAXON AND RIDDLE ARE LITERALLY SO CUTE :((( he writes x reader content & makes oc content!!!
@totallymem3 draws occasionally and omgggg meme's art is gorgeous. HAVE YOU SEEN HER DRAW AZUL. her art is so soft and its honestly adorable :(( meme is such a nice mutual too!!! like i met her on anon a while ago we've been besties ever since fr. HER ART REMINDS ME OF SPRING GO CHECK IT OUT PLEASE!!!!!
@z3llous is SO TALENTED!!!! another mutual that im liek WOW how do you exist??? he creates the most stunning twst fanart :((( THE OCTAVINELLE BIAS IIS SO REAL AND SO SO OBVIOUS BUT WOW.....WOW IS IT GOOD. zell is also a game developer and if you like cute little kitties and adventure games you should totally try it out here!!!
@cecilebutcher MAKES THE BEST OCS. creator of igor and saver of the universe. im not kidding igor saved the universe IDC WHAT YOU SAY ITS CANON TO ME. cece i sliterally the sweetest and soososososo creative i am eating up every crumb of igor content i get fed. OM NOM NOM. ofc junto is nice too and hes so sweet!!! GAHH you just put so much love and care into yoru ocs its so admirable :((((
@ang33333333l is another azul kisser that i became mutuals with a while ago!!! dolls love for sebek and azul is very sweet to see and her yuusona fauna is adorable too!! she also draws her yuu and characters sometimes!! :D she doesn't have a lot of oc content up on dolls blog yet but im looking forward to seeing more!! >:D
@leonistic deserves the most underrated writer of the year award. soru writes x reader content and is another super sweet mutual of mien (I KNOW IM SAYING THAT A LOT OKAY.) she writes aroace content and its literally feeds me. seriously. their aroace azul content makes me giggle and kick my feet and GAHHHHH !!! plus they have the patient to do matchups which is crazy and i love them for that ^^
@rains-asleep is the nickname master because he calls me straubs and thats such an adorable nickname :(((( HIS WRITING IS SUPER CUTE AND IT GIVE SME SO MUCH SEROTONIN (they write x readers btw!!!!!) they recently hit 500 followers (CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!) and they also write for haikyuu, mha, genshin impact, and obey me!!!
@shinysparklesapphires is an artists that has a lot of cool ocs!! i believe navi was the first one i was introduced to and he's such an icon ^^ sapphy is also really into precure and produces a lot of content for the fandom!! i have yet to finish the precure series she recommended to me but its good so far and laura is the best so true!!
@datboredpencil has THE most STUNNING art. if you want idia x cater content this is DEFINITELY THE BLOG FOR YOU!!! each piece has so much love poured into it and i swear. YOURE ALWAYS LIEK "its a work in progress" BUT IT STILL LOTS SO LOVELY :((( YOUR USE OF COLOR IS JUST SO MUAH!!! CHEFS KISS!!!!!!! I ADORE IT
@twistwonderlanddevotee makes really pretty backgrounds!!! i actually used the isaac one she made for my private account AND ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT I WANT TO EAT IT SWALLOW IT WHOLE MUNCH ON IT SHAKE IT AROUND LIEK A DOG TOY ANYWAYS. i am very normal about sofia's backgrounds. PLEASE GO CHECK THEM OUT its literally so unique?? like who else makes backgroudns liek sofia. Nobody.
@queen-shiba has an open inbox everyone!! you're welcome to send in requests!!! ^^ the queen of savanaclaw makes oc content for chuki, a really sweet kid taht deserves all the cookies in teh world :((( ALSO!!! she has an au for the tsavo man-eaters which is super cool!!! :O she passion for lions and tigers really is admirable and its nic eto see her talk about them :3
@beeirdos-buzzing-bogaloo has a gift when it comes to making ocs!! thule remains my favorite of the ones he has talked about because his design is just so neat!!! I LOVE THAT HIS NICKNAME FROM ROOK IS "MONSIEUR STARGAZER" :((( you have so many ocs that i havent even heard about yet...so im super curious to see what else you put out!!!
@dove-da-birb IS SUCH A GENIUS. they're one of my closests friends and their writing is SO BEAUTIFUL. they're also kidn of a little shit though so watch out /aff tehy write x reader content and draw sometimes, although i dont think theyve posted any of them. ^^ dove is SUCH a delight i promise you'll have fun every single time you talk to them. their energy is infectious and im genuinely really glad im the main target for their chaos. i would not have it any otehr way.
@ashipiko has such delicious art!!! the colors are always so vibrant and the way she draws is so unique. truly, a staple of both the twisted wonderland and as3! fandoms!! her energy is always upbeat and cheery, its hard not to smile when youre talking to her!! truly the biggest ace kisser on thsi platform (probably in the world too hehe)
@shyhaya writes for a myriad of fandoms!!!!!! hayami writes an azul thing for me that made me lose my mind IT WAS SO GOOD. PLEASE check out this blog. you wont regret it. requests are open!! ^^ even twst content aside, im sure you'll find something you like sich haya writes for so many fandoms!! talk about multitalented :3
@thehollowwriter has so many gems. quinn writes every character in twst so well, teh writing is so immersive and just ughhhh MUAH!!!!! every piece with azul in it is such a banger and it makes me giggle and kick my feet :3 LITERALLY THERE IS SO MUCH X READER FLUFF AND ITS ALL GOOD ITS A CRIME I DIDNT FIND THIS BLOG SOONER.
@cyath, who has some of the PRETTIEST art i have EVER seen. they draw stuff based on my fics all of the time and i adore it so much. examples of their art can be found here, here, here, and here. do you understand what i mean. do you get it. their art style is SUPERIOR and i ADORE IT!!!!!! they truly have so much talent like damn save some for the rest of us hello!!!!!
@crheativity writes twst x readers!! she's a beginner writer so PLEASE PELASE SHOW HER SOME LOVE!!! right nwo she has some heartslabyul content that i havent gotten around to reading yet but i am SUPER excited to go through them when i get the chance!!! rhea is super fun to talk to hehe <3
and lastly, @jade-s-nymph who organized this whole thing!!! rubia is on hiatus right now but i've seen some of her projects and a few of the things she's written and they're all really good!! there's a lot of x reader content on her writing blog and self indulgent nymphleech content on her personal blog :3
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Surprise Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies Masterlist
** I had this idea but wasn’t really sure how to write to so hopefully it makes sense & y’all like it**
"Okay boys, you ready? " You ask the guys as you finish setting up your camera. Nods come from all of them, so you hit record. You’re crouched in front of the camera blocking most of what’s behind you. 
"Sup homies & welcome back to the channel!! 
Todays video is going to be a bit different, but still fun!! I’ve had lots of people asking for a boyfriend tag, but I think those can get boring so we’re spicing it up. I have here some of our closest friends too, since we’re going to play a little game so without further ado, let’s get started.”
You step back & walk backwards towards the couch, where there’s a spot for you on the floor between Luke & Dylan. Ethan, Steve, Philippe & Jacob are on the sofa behind. As you sit down, the boys wave. Steves made a couple of appearances in the vlogs when the two of you are studying together, but none of the other boys have so they’re pretty excited. 
You plop down & Luke wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“This is Luke, my lover. Boys, introduce yourselves.” Quickly they go around & say their names. 
“So, some of you many recognize these lovely lads, as they all play for Michigan’s hockey team. Steve here is the reason I met these lunatics, and you may recognize him as my study buddy as we go through engineering hell together” You stick your hand up for a fist bump, which you get before continuing “the rest of them just want to be in the vid for some clout.”
They protest “dont lie! Dylan asked me to put instagram handles in the vid. Anyway! They’ve all been playing since they were tiny, and today, we’re going to be testing their hockey knowledge. I’ve got 5 questions, of varying difficulty for them. They’ll have 10 seconds to write down their answers on these” you grab the mini whiteboards out of the bag in front of you and pass them around 
“Okay, lets got going!!
Question 1, and if you guys can’t get this there’s no hope for you here”
“Hold up, what do we win?” Ethan pipes up “The satisfaction of beating your teammates isn’t enough?” he shrugs, “I mean yeah”
“Anyway, question 1. 
Name one of the greats who had a fun nickname. "
“What the hell is considered a fun nickname “ Steve asks as he starts writing
"ehhhh. times up. flip!!"
L: CuJo
S: the dominator 
D: Super Mario baby
E: The great one
J: Sid the kid
P: Finnish Flash
“Ethan, thats basic, so no point. Steve, who the fuck is that, Luke, Phil, Jacob you all get a point. Duker gets a bonus for being the only one to put Super Mario which is the best nickname, no question.”
“Dude, Dominik Hasek!” Steve says “oh okay, never heard him called that but” you pull up your phone “google says that was his nickname so you get a point. Moving on”
“Question 2, name Two teams to win back to back Stanley Cups at any point. Go” The boys are writing as you count down. “Done! Flip them” 
L: Tampa bay & Islanders
S: Red Wings & Tampa
D: Pittsburg, Montreal
E: Oilers, Canadiens 
J: Detroit & Toronto
P: Canadiens & Lightning
“Okay points for all good job boys. Next question, numba three!!
Give me 2 teams located in State, or provincial before you get your panties in a twist Ethan, capital.”
“Bruh I dont know geography!” Dylan complains. “Well, that sucks for you then”
“I though this was going to be stats or something!”
“So if I asked you to list the top scorers in NHL history you would get it?”
“Yeah probably!”
“That sucks for you then since I’m asking the questions. Go”
Dylans muttering to himself going “is that a capital” as the timer ticks down
L:  Rangers & Preds
S:  Avs (Denver) & Blue Jackets (Columbus)
D: Columbus & Boston??
E: Edmonton & Toronto 
J: Red Wings (duh)  hurricanes (hopefully)
P: Detroit & Boston
“Luke, you’re wrong no points!”
“Hang on, NYC isn’t the capital?”
“Dude even I know that & I’m Canadian”
“Jacob & Steve, you both get bonus points for actually putting teams, not just cities. Clearly the rest of the boys can’t listen” 
“Duker, good job you bullshitted your way through that”
“Thats my talent babe” he winks at the camera
“Question 4, What is the dumbest penalty that a team can get? “
“Is there a right answer here?” Jacob asks
“Yes, There is a correct answer, And if you don’t know this, clearly you don’t pay attention when we watch hockey together”
“Oh thats easy” Luke & Duke both say before writing 
“Time!! Flip.”
L: Too many men - can y’all not count or something (direct quote)
S: Too many men
D: Too many “idiots on the ice” 
E: Too many sticks? idfk
J: yelling at the ref (abuse of officials)
P: Too many men?
“Wow Jacob & Ethan, wow. I see how it is.”
“You know we’re normally playing when youre watching hockey right?” Jacob says in protest. 
“Well the others got it right so stop being a sore loser. The rest of you all get points. And get your shit together guys. Lukey, bonus point for the quote”
“Its not hard, you say it every time.”
“And yet, you idiots still get the penalty!! Think of poor Adam who had his hatty taken away the other weekend because you guys can’t count!”
“Okay lets move on. We’ve heard the rant before” Steve butts in before you can get too heated. 
You stick your tongue out at him but continue
“Final question, and you can get a lot of points here. There have been lots of brotherly duos that have played in the NHL” The boys immediately start protesting & talking over each other.
“Pretty sure this is blatant favouritsim”
“Oh Hell no” 
Putting your fingers in your mouth you whistle to get their attention. 
“Can I finish? Thank you. Now, there have been many brotherly duos play in the NHL. Name one duo where at least one of them has played at least one game this season. More obscure means more points, for a max of ten, so for example if you were to say a certain Canuck & his annoying brother, that’s easy as fuck so half a point. Since this requires some more brainpower, I’ll give you 20 seconds. Go”
“What if we dont know both their names?” “You’ll still get the points if you give one as long as it fits the criteria”
“Bro what the fuck?” 
“Who the hell” 
You sit there laughing at them as they try & come up with more obscure duos than the others. After 30 seconds, times up. 
“Flip em boys”
L: Mikey & Ryan Mcleod (Go Devs!!)
S: P sure Adrian Kempe had a brother 
D: Foudy Bros (CBJ!)
E: Willy & Alex Nylander
J: Reinhart (??)
P: Kevin Hayes
“Okay, honestly I dont know off the top of my head so imma google.”
“So Luke, you’re good, 2 points.  Dylan also good, three points .”
“Hey!” Luke protest 
“Shut it. Your brother plays with one of them so its not worth as much.”
“Ethan’s secretly a Leafs fan confirmed. Also 3 points”
“Philippe & Steven. One of your boys have played this season so 5 points for more obscure”
“But Jacob, I’m impressed. Even though you weren’t sure, you not only got 2 brothers, you’ve got 3!! And only one of them has played this year, Mr Sam Reinhart. I would’ve given you more if you had at least one first name, so 7 points for you!! Be more confident in your answer next time”
“Woah woah woah 7?!” Steve says
“What would it have taken to get ten?” Phil muses
“My game, my rules. Okay!” You clap your hands “Time to see who our winner is.”
You’ve got the scores on the whiteboard in front of you, just have to tally them up
“Alright, so here’s our final ranking
On the bottom  Ethan with 5 points. You did terrible. 
Not much better, we have Luke next with 6. What the hell babe, thats embarrassing for you.
Dylan in fourth with 7. Philippe with 9, 
Stevn has 10
And our winner, Jacob! With 11 points!! 
“Can I just say, they’ve been alive longer than us so obviously they’d do better” 
“Ethan age has literally nothing to do with this. You just suck.” Jacob says
You stand up and talk to the camera
“Before this ends up in an argument or wrestling on the floor, Thanks for watching everyone! If you want to see more with these lovable idiots, check out the UMich hockey social media accounts. Maybe they’ll make some vlog appearances too! 
Love all you homies, see you in the next video!!
Luke pulls you down into his lap and you smile up at him while the boys argue, as your outro music plays in the video. 
Arms wrap around your shoulder and Luke presses a kiss to your neck. “Done babe?”
Smiling, you lean back in your desk chair & tip your head back for a kiss. “Just about”
“Hurry up I want cuddles” he whines. 
You giggle as you turn back to your laptop, double checking the title & thumbnail before scheduling the video to go live in place of your usual Sunday vlog. Hitting upload, you close you computer & join Luke on your bed.
“All done” you whisper before kissing him. He palms your ass, pulling you closer & says “good” before hungrily kissing you. You ignore the rest of your responsibilities to lay there together and cuddle, knowing your time like this is coming to an end soon. 
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mads-is-tired · 1 year
14 and chip jrwi for the ask game? :DD
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oooo good one hold on I've gotta do some research for this
Now I don’t really know if its supposed to be which one is closest to or which one I want to assign him??
For which one is ‘canon’ I think I'm gonna go with Autumn??? I'm not super good with fashion but his aesthetic does have that vibe for me, this thing I read said a lot of reds, browns and oranges, and lots of belts and I vaguely remember seeing fanart with lots of belts lol.
HOWEVER. I would like to assign a Tropical Fashion Aesthetic to Chip Jrwi because I feel like he’d absolutely wear (and rock) Hawaiian Shirts. He’d have a whole cupboard full of different ones from palm trees to surfboards to a goddamn fish pattern. (he’d buy Gillion and Jay matching ones and no one can tell me otherwise)(if anybody draws this please tag me I'll love you forever)
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I also want to make it known that during my research I discovered Bastardcore and if thats not Chip in modern day times I don’t know what is. It's supposed to be like shock humour and a lot of graphic tees. “Bastardcore is an extension of "cursed images'" memes. This aesthetic is commonly used by people who would refer to themselves as "feral".”
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cure-typhoon · 1 year
what happens in the runaway au-????
im quite invested now-
Okey so i think its time i talk about what happened after this post :3 Heads up, long post! CW: Violence, Blood and Death (i will also put in the tags)
After the encounter in the cabin, they tried to talk to Karkat about what happened but because he is so disorientated they decide is better to take him to a hospital, he REALLy doesn't want to go, and says he just needs a bath and ''HE'LL BE FINE''
So they come to some sort of compromise and decide they'll talk about it again after he relaxs a little and eats something. So they go to Tavros's place, as it was the closest
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After some food, they're able to finally talk more calmly. They try again but Karkat still doesn't remember anything, he doesn't know why he attacked them and he can't even remember it happened even thought it was like an hour ago.
From the past year since he has been missing to the moment he attacked them is completely erased from his mind, he doesn't understand what's happening and is a very stressful situation for everyone involved. The only thing he remembers is right before he went missing, with him having to stop his car back home because ''THE CAR SUDDENLY STOPPED'' and him having to check it out, with the last thing he remembered was a bright light, and thats it.
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Because of that, they tried again to go to a hospital, but Karkat is really against it and they dont understand why, he doesn't want to go out AT ALL and is very scared and even though he can't understand why, his body is basically screaming him ''NO'' to the idea of going to a very populated area with other people. But he is obviously not fine, he has been missing for a year, can't remember anything of it, is malnourished and was covered in animal blood when they found him.
They start to argue until someone knocks on the door, Tavros goes to answers it and is a group of paramedics who came here because ''Of a call they got'', Tavros is confused and asks to the group ''Who called in for an ambulance?'' causing confusion because it looks like no one did
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''Can we come in?'' they ask, Tavros is unsure and tells them they got the wrong house, ''We're sure we got the right address'' while they try to keep the door open. Equius steps in and tell them to leave
That's when a chaos insues, the ''paramedics'' get into a full fight with Equius, it's obvious that theyre trained in combat because they're able to defeat Equius, even thought he is pretty strong. He gets injured badly and is left on the floor bleeding after he got stabbed
The group starts to freak out because they dont understand whats going on, but the pair of ''Paramedics'' tell them they need to calm down and if ''theyre friend'' (Karkat) goes with them, but obviously that wasn't going to happen.
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It didn't end well for them.
Karkat, or rather the alien who is possessing him, proceeded to fight, murder and the eat the souls of both of them, only for their bodies to become dust and disappear in the wind
After that, he walked out the door and tried to leave, only to be stopped by Kanaya who tried to reasure things will be fine, even if she doesn't know what is going on or the fact she just saw her childhood friend murder and turn to dust two people. The alien told her that its better for them to leave both of them alone as things will only get more dangerous the more time passes and that he can take care of himself and Karkat on his own.
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She is somehow able to convince him to help and after that it starts the runaway part of the whole story, as Kanaya is adamant to help Karkat with this whole thing, while the group thinks she is going to get killed. Only to join her later.
At the end they have to escape from the people who are trying to capture Karkat and as he goes through his metamorphosis and are basically constantly on the roadway while they look for ways to help him and try to find out what the fuck happened while he was missing, as the Alien is not the most cooperative person
Its gets more complicated than that but i am already making things long lol, hope you enjoy
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the-banana-0verlord · 6 months
Answer some or all I wanna know more about you 👁️👁️
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
Alright, ill try lmao
1.no, i dont have freckles!
2. I WISHED i found Coffee and tea good because its so aesthetic but it tastes bad imo
3. I checked my spotify and its girls just wanna have fun by cyndi lauper so i suppose its that
4.i move a lot but i usually end up on my side.
5. I move too much to sleep with a lot of them because they always end up on the floor. Although i do sleep with my malleus plushie.
6. Thats a hard one, because i do both. Though i think of writing as my primary hobby/eventual job, i definitely have more fun drawing(until art Block comes knocking that is)
7.depends on the thickness. Right now i have three eith two being thin and one being medium, but i could sleep with one really thick one.
8. Mitski!!! I love her so much. Otherwise I like mother mother and marina
9.the third of november!
10. 154 cm or 5 feet. No that is not short
11. Blue-grey-kaki. I like to think of them as blue.
12. All my mutuals, all my irls, my mom, my dad, and my little sister
13. Abandonnent, failure, the future in general.
14. Yellow and light blue!
15.fall! Its so pretty
16. Im not sure yet but i can maybe have someday a small tattoo. Im not a fan of qhoel body tattoos for myself.
17. Well my ears a pierced but im not gonna get more.
18. My two irls! Talking about not getting neuvillette in gneshin ;-;(and murder)
19. I dont have a best friend per se, although i do have a closest friend. Weve been friends for at least three years(already? Damn)
20. Honestly i miss my first mutual on here. I hope they come back soon ;-;
21. It just started but its been pretty good up til now!
22. About 9-10 hours?
23. I mean, there is bound to be other forms of life in space, just thousands of lightyears away.
24. Monday cause my friend said she didnt think we were friends.
25. Id say 1890 to 1900? Though the living conditions were meh i like the aesthetic
26. Generally being silly ig? I suppose i act childihs as a comic relief.
27. Currently my favorite book(s) is the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson! It's been clawing it's way into my brain.
28. I'm actually doing quite fine. I'm a bit stressed since i'm going to boston soon but i can push out the bad thoughts!
29. I usually procrastinate decisions as far as possible. If it's a small one maybe like 2 minutes but if it's bigger ones it'll take longer(with the answer being no a lot)
30. Something i'm dreading but also am excited for is summer! Bye school but hello summer job ;-;
31. My irls and i(can i really call them irls? i met only two of them irl and once or twice. anyways-) are planning a roadtrip after we're all 18(aka in a bit more than 4 years)!
32. Either my friend's (irls+ moots) houses or in paris. I've always wanted to see paris.
33.open, my cats need to be free to walk in and out!
34. sunflowers and roses(i have a list on the meaning of each rose color) daisies are also cute.
35. i...guess? i own a banana shaped stress ball(that is very dirty i dont use it much) but idk if it counts as a squish.
36. yes, almost more than my first name. although my first and second name are kinda in the same name. it's like first name-second name.
37.cats!!! I have two(named chicken nugget and nebraska)(my family also owns dogs but oh well)
38. I'm a bit scared of heights but i wouldn't say i have a phobia
39. i usually go to sleep at 10:30 pm on weekdays, and 11:00-11:00 on weekends(when i don't have to wake up early due to sunday class)
40.Although i haven't been to a real beach a lot, i like it! And i always prefer sunny days so sun it is(to experience sunset on a beach... must be the dream)
41. I'd say the owl house! It's so colorful with two of my main kins.
42. @xen-blank @thehollowwriter @quartztwst @boopshoops @saionjeans (so sorry for the tag non-moots! Also i would've included all my moots but it said five ;-;)
43. Yes, i have five siblings! One oldest sister, two older brother, a little brother and the baby of the family, my little sister. i have middle child syndrome.
44. Either my mom or my little sister. I hug and say i love you to them very often. Or i said it to malleus last. One of them.
45. Tbh i have no idea in which circomstances i would die for something. maybe if i could trade my life with someone's close to me. or for peace on earth idk.
46. a big ol hug from my malleus plushie. it's a real emotional support.
47. no i have not. or maybe i did. i will probably forget it soon.
48. my two parents absolutely.
49."I wish to expérience it someday" (speaking of old lady gossip)
50. can i send you the same questions? :3
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fenrisisms · 2 months
the lovely @lastlightinternet tagged me in ye olde six song soundtrack for my ocs, presumably to cause me lasting psychic damage but unbeknownst to them i'm the Sound of my ocs Guy. so anyway they picked some guys and i made some soundtracks. i was really unwell about this. some of them escaped containment and got seven songs, even. i even annotated the playlists. enjoy.
i'm not tagging anyone specific but if you see this and you want to have a crack consider yourself tagged by me c: i linked all the songs on youtube but everything is available on spotify as well if thats more ur speed.
1. an event that defines their past: knock me down - youngblood hawke [circle. enough said.] 2. how they see themself: i was born, i have lived, i will surely die - young guns 3. how others see them: don't stop me now - queen 4. their closest dynamic: see you in a bit (i still care) - teen jesus and the jean teasers [in the context of origins i think many of his closest relationships are in a state of change and he is at a point of disillusionment with them & struggles to accept that he can be hurt by the actions of people he loved and trusted and still hold that love for them. many such cases for him, mostly people he knew in the circle.] be that as it may - herizen (the get down soundtrack) [the natural conclusion to the aforementioned arc. to me] 5. fight scene music: if u seek amy - britney spears 6. closing credits: blackbiird - beyoncé ft tanner adell, brittney spencer, tiera kennedy & reyna roberts
1. an event that defines their past: o death - amy van roekel & jeff grace (until dawn official soundtrack) 2. how they see themself: labour in vain - mac the knife [she is depressed and angry but she has a job to do so she can't really care about all that rn. but she does <3] 3. how others see them: smile - wolf alice 4. their closest dynamic: physical - dua lipa [the way this absolutely does not fit on this playlist but it is The eira x alistair ride or die dynamic mental amv song to me. personally. also kind of doubles as a fight song to me because the play on physical (boinking) and Physical (beating the shit outta somebody with ur boyfie) is fun. to me.] 5. fight scene music: raise hell - dorothy 6. closing credits: i hope you dance - lee ann womack
1. an event that defines their past: second chance - shinedown [there are not a lot of songs about your whole family being murdered by a trusted family friend. so mostly for the twins i did this based on their mental state Before That.] 2. how they see themself: broadfields - young guns 3. how others see them: i won't back down - tom petty 4. their closest dynamic: he ain't heavy (he's my brother) - the hollies [bronson is more shaped by bryant than the other way around so he gets this one. everything he does in origins is for the good of his brother. even some of the more bonkers things. he is not coping] because the night - patti smith [i had So many bronson/zevran songs in mind. ultimately this one made the cut because the Sound of it just works for the emotions they evoke. guys who remember the will to live together.] 5. fight scene music: gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight) - abba 6. closing credits: a beautiful life - dorothy
1. an event that defines their past: caught up - chapel [this one stumped me for the longest time because So so much the cousland murder drives his whole character arc but uh. this sums up where he was Right before that pretty well!] 2. how they see themself: landslide - the chicks 3. how others see them: changes - david bowie 4. their closest dynamic: romeo and juliet - dire straits ["hey i know ur husband just died and also we had a screaming affair breakup like 10 months ago right before i was presumed dead but is now a good time to talk about getting married" is basically the same thing as "you and me babe, how 'bout it?" right? anyway bryant x anora song.] 5. fight scene music: holding out for a hero - jennifer saunders (shrek soundtrack) 6. closing credits: that's life - t-pain (live from the sun rose)
1. an event that defines their past: rest in peace - dorothy [again there are not many songs that encapsulate the exact circumstances of her background and i refused to put a six60 song on this playlist so this works well enough <3] 2. how they see themself: missile - dorothy i like it heavy - halestorm [at this point i was just like there are So many dorothy songs in this lineup. i should throw something else in there. so i did. but i couldn't get rid of the other one it works too good] 3. how others see them: we will rock you - in this moment ft lzzy hale, marina brink & taylor momsen 4. their closest dynamic: black sheep - dorothy [inside her mercenary company that i invented from scratch are her chosen siblings so. this song is about them and their dynamic <3] 5. fight scene music: enter sandman - rina sawayama [this was so hard for her because so many of the songs on this playlist could double as fight scene songs. so for the last two i just picked songs that Sonically vibe since the lyrical heavy lifting was done earlier LOL] 6. closing credits: poison - starbenders
1. an event that defines their past: fuyu no hanashi - given (given soundtrack) [contextually this song is about grieving/moving on from a dead lover but without knowing the full nuances of the language it's vague enough that it COULD work about a dead sibling. see the vision] 2. how they see themself: towers (on my way) - young guns 3. how others see them: now come on now (mell hall remix) - KYE ft mell hall 4. their closest dynamic: if i fall you're going down with me - the chicks [again. many such bull x syracuse songs vying for the title but this one is just So funny and exactly how syracuse approaches that relationship. if he's experiencing love for the first time so are you. bitch.] 5. fight scene music: 365 - charli xcx 6. closing credits: this hell - rina sawayama
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sig-nifier · 4 months
twenty questions for writers
thanks sm @swifty-fox for the tag!! i love things like this.
tagging @magneticghouls and @onyxsboxes and literally anyone who fancies it
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
whatever tf the current fixation is. i've written for rooster teeth, our flag means death, buzzfeed unsolved, masters of the air, the eternals, and challengers! currently got a slow horses fic in the works :))
top five fics by kudos
i like the way your words taste - a fluffy druig/makkari oneshot with 860
wild things - a western gale cleven/john egan au with 849
the art of consumption - a smutty art/patrick fic with 780
make you feel alive - another gale cleven/john egan oneshot with 633
hitchhikers - a serial killer ryan begara/shane madej au with 485 (the first multichapter fic i wrote that got me an audience it was wild)
do you respond to comments?
ofc! i try and respond to every single one with at least a thank you
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a fic called stay with me, which ended in MCD.
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i end most of my fics happily!
i think the happiest is probably wild things. everything works out for the better in that one
do you get hate on fics?
i dont! very grateful that everyones always so nice, makes me feel like the are you winning son meme
do you write smut?
i used to never write smut but something this year just had me writing so much of it and whilst it feels mostly awkward to write, people seem to like it!
craziest crossover?
i've never written any kind of crossover, and i don't like to read them either. i guess MOTA in the western genre is the closest i'll come.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
also nope!
all time favorite ship?
ive been in fandoms since i was like 12, there's no way i can pick an all time favourite. it literally just depends on what im into at the time.
i really like inej/kaz from six of crows. i think scully/mulder is great. hannibal/will. ellie/dina. willem/jude.
off the top of my head i would say i'm most fond of the tenth doctor/rose. that one gets me.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i'm really starting to doubt my ability to finish seven miles out of freedom town. im gonna try my best but the hyperfixation has moved on and it feels more like a chore than something im enjoying rn. im really sorry to anyone that disappoints, it disappoints me too, cos wild things was genuinely some of the most fun i've ever had writing fic and interacting with a community. i'll try and get it finished, it might just take me a while.
what are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty good at dialogue, making it sound like something a real person would say.
i think im fairly decent at dramatic writing, at making things sound flowery and poetic and theatric. thats my favourite way to write.
dont think im too bad at characterisation most of the time.
what are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at worldbuilding. i think its boring and i dont care for it, i just want to write about the characters. planning bores me. i just write things and go back and fix inconsistencies later.
wild things is the most effort i've ever put into a world. i was googling locations like a mofo to make things accurate.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think its great! one of my favourite fics has a character that speaks french and he uses it to tease other characters who don't know what he's saying. its done so beautifully.
first fandom you wrote in?
if we're talking actual first fandom it was probably one direction or creepy pasta when i was like 13.
the first fandom i ever wrote for seriously was buzzfeed unsolved in 2018.
favorite fic you've written?
im very proud of washed clean, an angsty oneshot about gale/john. i really like the writing in that one.
i dont think i can pick a favourite, i have like three. hitchhikers and the axeman of new orleans were my starting points and really showed me the joy of writing fic that other people were going to read. i had a lot of fun writing those and i love me some dark themes.
wild things consumed my every thought for like, the 11 days i was writing it. ive never been so obsessed with one of my own fics before, it still blows me away how well it was recieved and i met some great people through it so im eternally grateful for that.
yeehaw, y'all.
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shoheiakagi · 5 months
I agree with you about the tags u left on that anon being rude to ciassu! Seriously thats just plain so fucking rude smh. Anyway u ended your tags with mention of shuhei x yata that op was going to write and it got me curious bc ive never thought of that pairing before lol so now im wondering if u have any other yata or shuhei ships u like/can think of? Sorry for the random ask i just want to see if theres any other ships i can add to my list other than chitose x yata lol
Hi!! Thank you for reaching out! And yeah, I feel like some ppl just like to send anon hate cause they’re bored? Like what is the end game here? You’re not gonna be the person with the last laugh cause your ask is either gonna be deleted or responded to in a post. And like, if you think there’s other writers who post the same type of fics, then why don’t you just focus on them? People need to realize that writing fics and drawing art is a skill, and that the creator puts in a lot of time and effort into perfecting it for the audience. I just don’t get why some ppl act mean online, when they don’t have that same persona irl?? Like why act like an internet thug??
Yes, I was also intrigued when I saw how op was working on a ShouheixYata fic! Like I know some bits and pieces of how they’d interact as friends, but as romantic partners? I’ve seen some EricxYata and and ChitosexYata, but never a ShouheixYata. I’m sooo curious cause Yata is terribly shy when it comes to romance, while Shouhei is charismatic and nicer than the other abc boys. Like is Shouhei going to be all flirty and try to charm him?? Does Yata develop a crush on Shouhei which he tries to hide but miserably fails at it??
And I do!! So to start off, I’ll be honest and say that I’m not really fond of romantic!banshou. Its weird cause i have other ships with similar dynamics, and i also adore both characters individually, but im not the biggest fan of them as a ship. I think its probably bc i dont like how its portrayed by the very few fans they have, and how a lot of things about shouhei, end up revolving around bandou’s inferiority complex towards him (which really sucks as a shouhei’s girl who wants to learn more about him).
But despite being in my y/n feels for shouhei, i do have a few ships for him! I don’t think it’s as obvious as it was when i first created this blog, but shouhei/eric is the closest to an otp i have for this fandom. Its probably bc theyre my top two faves, but i do think they have strong potential to be a sweet and interesting ship, and the few interactions they have are so cute 🥺 the fact that shouhei is the only person Eric refers to by their first name other than Anna 🥹🥹 (although i do think its probably cause everyone refers to shouhei by his first name lol. If im not wrong, i think eric refers to fuji by his last name despite being very close). I also do think they’d look really good together! Despite Eric being unkempt and not into fashion, he is objectively very good looking and i think his sharp and cool features are a good contrast against shouhei’s softer and warm features. I genuinely do think shouhei is the second person eric is comfortable with, after fujishima. I also ship shouhei with chitose and akiyama! I think i started shipping shouhei with chitose sometime last year and honestly? I think they’d be a fun and hot pair. I can’t really see them being them in a serious and committed relationship, but i do think they would probably hook up here and there (or even just be really good friends, since theyre pretty similar to each other except for some differences). Akiyama/Shouhei is always going to be that one opposites attract/enemies to lovers ship for me lol. I wish their fight scenes from s1 were longer, im so curious on what the dialogue would have been like.
Yata was my first ever fave character/crush when i first got into K back in 2012, but unfortunately that died out. But i do think ericxyata is such a cute and funny pair! I remember reading this really old fic on them in which yata learns english just so he can finally respond to eric’s taunts, only to have the story end with eric kissing him on the cheek 💞 i don’t remember being sold that quick on a ship like i did with that fic lmaoo. They’re like my second favorite pair, but theres sooooo little content on them :/ thats what i hate about k. Most content are on the popular/designated ships, you barely see anything on different pairings/dynamics. Yata and Kamamoto are seen as platonic for the most part, but i can see some potential for it to turn romantic! Kamamoto is a ride and die for yata. Like if theres ever a rare chance that yata decides to leave homra (unlikely, i know), i do feel like kamamoto would probably join him idk. the loyalty there is really strong. I think yata and chitose would be interesting since chitose is a playboy while yata is a virgin, but its probably gonna end with a nasty heartbreak on both sides 😬
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lakemojave · 2 years
hey so im a different person but i just wanted to tag on to that one delightful prettygender anon... between you saying your gender is bisexual, your incredible fashion and *gestures at all of CT @cryptotheism , and actually at all of you as well* i too had the lightbulb moment that i can use other, more unconventional words to describe my gender. and i have lots of fun with it, i play around with it and its brought a lot of joy and laughter to my life, like when i see a pretty sunset or a nice outfit or a cool train or a child's toy or whatever, i point and say, "that. thats my gender. im thatthing-gender," but more importantly i started seriously describing my gender as trans—like, not just that i am transgender, which i am, but that my gender itself is fundamentally and inextricably trans in nature—and it helped me explain myself to my closest loved ones and my therapist, who is helping me find even better words that fit me comfortably, and my doctor. which this is like, maybe obvious for a lot of people, but was not even an option i understood one could have, that gender can be something outside of binary male, binary female, both or neither. anyway once i understood that, i started transitioning (something i thought was not an option for anyone but binary transfolk, or at least not an option for people like me specifically.. the things you can learn when you know to ask questions amirite) and for the first time in my rememberable life i don't want to die. and ive been trying to think of a good way to tell you and CT thank you for at least 4 months now and i was so stumped, i was waaaay overthinking it, right up until i saw that other anon. so. thank you lakemojave and cryptotheism, thank you for unknowingly saving my life. and thank you prettygender anon for making me realize i didn't need a fancy gimmick or performance, i can just.. say it, like you did. im finally free. i love youse (like strangers on a bus who are wearing the same shirt can love each other) goodnight
I'm. Wow thank you. I really don't know what to say but. I'm glad we've been such a healing influence for you.
Take care on the gender journey, it's a long walk with lots of turns, but there's a lot to discover and lots of gay sex to have on the way. Goodnight dear 💜
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captainaikus · 2 years
Thanks belle! Um its just that.. I always think of myself as a boring person… but I think its because I’m just very quiet and shy. I have this one group of friends, we have been friends for 3 yrs now and its kinda shocked me how it lasted long… I’m used to people leaving in my life, I always think its because they get bored of me eventually or idk… the last time a friendship ended it was 4 yrs ago where they betrayed me, they talked behind my back and I found out about it. It really hurt me at that time, I dropped into depression I think for a while and thought that “maybe I should stop trusting people” but a year later I met these amazing people (the one 3 yrs friendship now) and they stayed… it made me really really happy that I found people that would want me there, that would want my company, one of them said that they looked forward to me and I nearly cried by how kind they were… but I always say to myself that maybe this won’t last long… maybe it will end like the others, maybe they secretly hate me… idk i have been overthinking it… I am the shyest person in the group, you can even they that I am the ‘baby’ of the group. They always looked after me, I’m really lucky to have them. I’m just scared to get attached and to close and eventually they might leave me like the others did… I never expect people to stay in my life since I am not a fun person to be with……
tags for this ask : mentions of depression with me talking abt my life problems + lessons that came with it
You're not gonna believe me but its like me seeing into a mirror right now. This was me from when I was in my teens, like when i was 15 or 16. Back in school, i wasn't popular; instead i was bookish, kept away from people and just... liked being in my own world and didn't have many friends. (along with being socially bullied with people talking about me behind my back and whispering in the hallways as i walked by them along with the circulation of rumors cause of a friend who decided to out me about my crush - yeah i didn't have a lot going for me back then)
Even when i'm 20 (still feels weird saying it cause I was still 19 last month and i'm officially out of my teens-) i tell people that i'm boring and not really that interesting - so going back to the time i got into uni, i had made a group of friends. we were close, but i ended up getting gaslighted and being called as a liar when i shared my problems with them. and when they left - or rather me leaving the group, i rarely let people in and spiraled into a pretty bad depression. i didn't want that pain again - comes with the fear of abandonment and being alone; and then i met my closest friend - Art. they were really closed off and they even found me annoying (when we were celebrating my b day this - they literally said that i was an annoying golden retriever that grew on them like a fungus) eventually we became really close friends - but that fear of my prev set of friends leaving after i was gaslit still remained and there were so many things Art said that i still remember to this day even if it was two years ago- they said that if those friends were toxic to you after you share things with them they aren't worth calling your friends; and thats something that stuck with me.
And as the years went by, i realized a lot of things. people will always come and go and as you get older, the number of people in life grow to be a less number - friend groups don't always stick together but the few that stay, they stick by you. Letting people in isn't a bad thing- cause even if they leave i'm just hopeful that i managed to change their life in some way- even if they don't like me or go down to the point of hating me. (including toxic exes and friends who i had a falling out with)
Most important lesson of all i learnt was probably not keeping expectations. cause the higher you keep them; it can lead to deep disappointments - there were times when i invested a lot in a person but gained nothing back, and i was alright with even if i made sacrifices. i'm pretty close to my roommates as well, but if they decided to leave me and not keep in touch despite us going through stuff together, then i wouldn't feel bad about it. cause the time we had was good in its own run and it was time to move onto a new chapter.
I don't get too attached, but i'm a pretty open person. Problems like these do exist but people don't talk about it thinking that it is something stupid that doesn't need to be addressed, or need to think twice before typing in something for the fear of making the other person feel uncomfortable; and with me that's not really the case. i could care less about what people think and just say what i need to say without overthinking it - which brings me to another lesson that's going with your first instinct and gut feeling
So... I'll throw my two cents in (despite not being asked), go with the flow of it, blue. i know you have your self doubts, but people's perception about you is very different from what you think about yourself. even i have my doubts where i think why would a person stick around me cause i'm always lost in my world, thinking about something or just wondering - like today i was thinking do killer whales see penguins as sea chickens
and here's what i got back -
'not really, they just see it as a toy cause they are sociopaths'
'sea chickens? thats a human thing. They're gonna look at it and think what puny things you eat-' *proceeds to debate*
now these people are my friends. they might not be here tomorrow but small things like these are moments i will remember, so now i'm at a point where i'm comfortable being alone or with people
so yea, friends stick by you even if you think you're weird or boring. and if they don't, like art said, they aren't worth being called your friends cause if you're not your true self around them then it wasn't meant to happen and there's someone out there who would want to be your friend. and i'm happy that you got that, cause i know how much simple words like them looking forward to seeing you can mean a lot
Hope i didn't annoy you with my long response (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
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lostjudgmnt · 2 years
tagged by @heartflurrys ! thank yooou!
nicknames: other than gayle which is just my name but derives from a nickname…. true and jupiter (jupey)!
sign: libra
height: 5’6
last thing googled: chappell roan she’s a musician i wanna start doing my makeup like hers
song stuck in my head: “now or never” by meet me @ the altar
followers: not many! i entirely remade somewhat recently so im only at 90 rn lol
amount of sleep: anywhere from 0 to 12 depending on the day
lucky number: 7!
dream job: criminal defense attorney! specifically public defense
wearing: a warm brown sweater and some sweatpants
movies/books that summarize me: ummmm i can really only give a genre for this one i love mysteries. give me a good/fun mystery and i’ll be happy
fav song: thats a hard one but i think its either “may the odds be ever in your favor” by meet me @ the altar or “my silver lining” by first aid kit!
favorite instrument: cello :] also bass guitar
aesthetic: kind of a mix of a lot of things…. maybe sorta grunge? thats not quite it but its the closest i can think of. people have described me as cottagecore but i sorta resent that i just like skirts and dresses (^ femme lesbian)
fav author: i dont knoooow i dont read as much as i’d like to anymore. recommend me good authors please
fav animal noise: the way my cat specifically meows. she likes to yell but she also likes to make little “meh” sounds
random: umm im an opera singer in theory? im severely out of practice but i used to sing like cristine daae type shit. yeah
tagging: TAGGING PEOPLE MAKES ME NERVOUS so im tagging people i know well and mutuals i know do tag games but u dont have to! @lasoonaofthefireembull @the-autism-mascot @housetalis and i guess anyone who wants to do this!
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antisocialgaycat · 1 year
feel free to ignore im kind of just screaming into the void here
so i love my friends right like theyre great people however there are some things that they do that kind of make me dislike them and i feel so bad abt it cos i love them but some of the shit they do makes me so uncomfy and i dont want to say anything cos what if they hate me for it and want to stop being friends with me and even though i know that they wont it still scares me lol but some of the shit they do makes me so uncomfy like some of them are hella transphobic and dont even realise it hell some of them say homophobic shit like in a joking way but it still kinda scares me also one of them uses autistic as an insult and that absolutely does not sit right with me and like this one isnt even that bad but they constantly refer to me as the gay one and they dont even seem to think of me as more than that sometimes also i have asked them a hundred times to call me lesbian instead of gay but nope im the gay one in the friend group and nothing will change that and that kind of doesnt vibe with me too good also theres this person who they keep referring to as my girlfriend or my wife and that absolutely is not okay with me and if asked them to stop so many times but they either cant or wont cos they keep calling her that and the thing is that the person they keep calling my wife is a really good friend of mine and we also have a lot of friends in common and i hang out w her and her friends a lot and whenever my friends see me with her they always take photos and shit which makes me so uncomfy i hate having photos taken of me and theyre also really unsubtle about calling her my girlfriend and shit when shes around and when her friends around and im so scared that either her or one of her friends will figure out that i like her and she'll be like ew thats mank and ill lose yet another friend and even tho i know thats so so unlikely cos shes a great person but it would at the very least make things awkward between us and i dont want that cos shes a good friend (better than my fg) so if my friends mess up that friendship i swear im gonna have no friends at all cos ill likely get pissed as fuck at them and my other friends will think im mentally fucked up and then i may as well just leave the entire fucking school and go to my local one and even though i know im catastrophising to the end of the earth and back it still doesnt take away from the fact that some of my friends are making me feel so uncomfy that i dont want to hang out w them even tho i love them also theres these two really toxic people in my grade who sometimes hang out with us (one more than the other) and theyve told the one whos not nice per se but less bad than the other one and hangs out with us less to fuck off and the homophobic transphobic bitch who uses so many slurs its not ok at all they seem to have no problem with oh and theres this kid in the year below us who always dabs up the rest of my fg but whenever he sees me he just says ew no ur a lesbian and one time he said that i prolly jerk off to furry porn and first of all what the actual fuck second of all that made me feel so uncomfy and third of all my fg just laughed and they still bring it up so often and they surely can tell it makes me feel so so fucking scared and i dont even fucking know why oh and one of my closest friends has the most terrible taste in guys like i swear she lies the most toxic people and im the only one who can actually see that cos all the others think theyre hot and they dont realise just how bad its gonna end every time theres literally only 2 people in that group who actually dont ever make me feel like my skeleton js gonna fucking scuttle out of my skin and crab walk to the nearest trash can and jump in so tysm to sarah (i aint gonna tag u cos i dont want u to see this post lmao im still gonna post it tho) and arkie (she doesnt even have tumblr and will never see this post but i still want to put it in writing) anyways yuh thats my lil vent
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baishunpuwu · 2 years
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I posted 199 times in 2022
That's 199 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (36%)
128 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 64 of my posts in 2022
#our life beginnings & always - 21 posts
#cove holden - 16 posts
#shitpost - 13 posts
#i dont know - 6 posts
#yass slayy - 6 posts
#rant - 5 posts
#our life - 4 posts
#ow my tummy - 3 posts
#cove my beloved - 3 posts
#im still hyped to see my friends - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#like do i seriously have to jump thru all these hoops to make sure my insides stop trying yo become outsides
My Top Posts in 2022:
we should get together and form the Church of Cove, hereafter refered to as CoC
we will congregate on our shared love and devotion towards cove holden. we will forfeit all mortal possessions to cove.
68 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
cove hc i think hed be absolute trash at making memes but theyd be so terrible that they accidentally end up being really funny every time but never in the way cove intended them to be
88 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Cove Holden Headcanons that I Made Up
hed get into flower crowns, like REALLY into flower crowns one day after seeing mc making them one time, so he learns how to make them and will want to make matching flower crowns for mc and himself whenever the opportunity comes up
if the mc owns sundresses cove would ask if he can wear them sometimes. it takes some getting used to but he ultimately really enjoys the fit of sundresses and how soft and flowy the fabric is. hed jump and twirl around a lot just to watch the fabric move with him
hed try high heels to go along with the sundress(es) exactly one time before deciding that theyre too awkward and uncomfortable and make hin feel too much like a baby giraffe. after that hed just wear like a cute sandal or something
he wouldnt have a large social media presence probably, just messenger and instagram and thats it for the most part
hed would however have a lifestyle type blog where he posts about swimming and surfing and all his other hobbies and things like that and i think thatd end up accidentally doing really well. if he dates mc hed probably post a couple (hundred) entries on his blog all about how much he loves them
hed be reallly good at taking pictures. like INSANELY good. itd prolly be the main reason why his blog would do so well. people would suggest he becomes a photographer but thats not rlly something he wants to do as a job
that being said he is HOPELESS at taking selfies. EVERY single one of his selfies is at your average dad selfie angle and he looks like this every time
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hed make a frienship bracelet for all of his closest friends (including mc of course) featuring his and their favorite colors
hed have a matching phone lock and home screen with mc. yanno like one of those where its 1 picture when you line the phones up next to each other
hed use some emojis but never in the expected or popular way someone would use emojis, hed just kind of assign his own meanings to the emojis he uses the most based on vibes. anyone who isnt close to cove would need to ask mc or his family or his closest friends for the unofficial cove emoji thesaurus
111 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
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my twt moot lmaooo 😭 (all of these are public twitters so im not censoring)
117 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
they need to make cove holden as a our life merch
not like a plush or a body pillow or anything like that i want to be able to spend money to have a whole ass 6'4 adult man with wavy eyebrows and green hair delivered straight to my door
137 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
clasps hands together oh i am simply going mad with power
#clove rambles#dont re8log#uhhhhhh this is NOT a sad post XD at all#8ut! ill fill the tags so u dont have to s33 my shit anyway :P!!!!#sklhlkhlkmklgmklmgklkg  esgrk g rgre agerg lkeag er klg g klgklrlkgeggfglksdfklsgklrgreklgkleagklklagklraegklregkremgkrleagropgorepkagopkgok#kfdkgofokpghdokpsghopkrdpkogtatgoeaohbteoatperpgreopkghopkeaopkrhpokajigergrklamsgtlkhlkmrsmklthskhtoprshotgotkpsegkopropkghsopkgrkpogkopokg#that should 8e good i think#8ut last night i was mulling over like#hm. going i h8 my friends or i want to isol8 myself on a daily 8asis. is really not that gr8#so i had to evalu8 some shit in regards to my social deal and 8ROOOOOOOO#ALREADY IM SO FUCKING RELIEVED JUST THINKING OF EVERYTHING I CAN DOOOOOOOO#uhh the 8iggest issue was that most of my '''''''''''friendships''''''''''' are VIOLENTLY unsatisfying cuz they think#8eing in the same online space as me and talking at the same time = closest most intim8 friendship ever#which. git gud.#otherwise it was just shedding off particular people i dont want in my life or have to 8e with socially#which i am extremely not excited to tell some ppl this 8ut otherwise it should handle itself#so thats nice#i was really really worried cuz i thought i had to stick with as many ppl as i can for foster shit reasons; idk how ill react once im in it#and like having ppl to talk to will 8e good and important 8UT THIS TIME ITS GONNA 8E PEOPLE WHO HAVE MORE THAN A PASSING CARE A8T ME#AND WILL ACTUALLY TRY TO HELP ME AND SHIT#AND 8E; YKNOW; GOOD FRIENDS ON A 8ASIC LEVEL;#INSTEAD OF PRETENDING WE'RE FRIENDS WHILE STILL TREATING ME LIKE JUST SOMEONE THEY FOLLOW;#and goddddddddddddddddd i am so so so so so so so fucking ready to 8e like actually remotely satisfied socially#like lays flat on floor ughuguhguhhhh im god
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