#nooo thank you
leafsleafsleafsstuff · 3 months
EW Corey Perry on my screen…
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eatmyson · 4 months
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this one's inspired by @cringefailvox's time has changed the metaphor!
It was such a good read and I couldn't stop thinking about these three ever since.
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inz-lokisdottir · 1 year
Referring you to @askdrraynor!!
“Oh dear. …no thank you.”
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madowperle · 7 months
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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<– • –>
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cinna-bunnie · 3 days
being like 5’2” - 5’4” is so attractive to me like omg ur head fits right under my chin and right in my tits ♡⁠ let me hold you. i love being a tall girl
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 days
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(ps this is vampdrew i'm working on :))
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losersimonriley · 5 months
I have no idea where else to go with this so:
Ghost catches Soap doodling the name John Riley in his notebook. They're not even together yet. Soap hasn't noticed Ghost at all, so when Ghost huffs and says "That's a stupid name." he almost jumps out of his skin. Smirking to himself, because he knows he's about to make Soap bluescreen in a more or less public space, Ghost leans in to put his mouth close to his ear. "It should be Simon MacTavish." By the time Soap's brain has rebooted, Ghost is long gone.
I’m grinning like a maniac this is exquisite
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shy-sapphic-ace · 14 days
Guys should I write a Dracula musical. Should I???
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Lace knitting hack: Swatch all the charts in a bigger, sturdier yarn, rather than making 1000 mistakes with your expensive delicate laceweight.
This is cotton, fingering weight, and I'm going to take it apart eventually, but you could also make something small & useful. Dishcloth, doily, kerchief? It also doesn't have to be quite this big, I just happen to enjoy this sort of work.
It's not going to behave (or block) like wool, and of course you'll still need to do a gauge swatch in your real yarn, but I've found this really helpful for getting my mind around tricky charts, learning what it should look like, so I can spot errors, and seeing how everything will fit together in the final product.
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TW: Blood and scars :,D
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Bloody Boyfriend :((
Edit: Enlightened Language by @worldsunlikemyown (I forgot to give you credit so I did it in tags and here :(( I’m sorry!!)
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haru-chi · 9 months
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(I don't read their manga so all I'm gonna say is purely my theories and assumptions or maybe wishful thinking on my part to suit my taste, so I'd be really grateful if manga readers don't spoil anything for me be it I hit the nail or not)
in this anime the story really starts from Himmel's death and the impact his death left on Frieren more than she actually thought resulting in her being left with deep regret. His death left no impression on me at first tbh. I mean we don't know anything about him enough to care, Heiter's death was more impactful at least to me ...
but then the more I watch the more I realize the core of this story as much as it's Frieren's journey to understand human's emotions so not to repeat the same mistake twice as much as it's about getting to know Himmel's with her so it's gonna be the death that breaks you down later on kind of way.
I thought it was cleaver that we were put in the same boat as her, we actually know nothing about him like her, so through this journey we're also gonna get to know the "real" Himmel with her.
the more she'll learn about human's emotions the more she'll understand alot of things she might've brash it away cuz she either never pay attention or don't get the real meaning of his words/actions like the fact that he actually LOVED her :)
something else that got me thinking is this ..
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at the end of his funeral, she was left staring to this ring for a while ... so LISTEN TO ME .. what if this ring here is a gift from him to her ...
what if it was from the time he confesses his love to her or even worse he proposed to her but she either didn't get what he actually meant or declined or something between those lines aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa STOP ME FROM DIGGING DEEPER OMG
so, through this journey she'll learn the true meaning of those words and feelings the more she learns about human's emotions .. and the worse part what if she realized she was in love with him too by the end of the story but never understand her own feelings ????
she said she's gathering new magics cuz he was praising her whenever she learned something new, also the ghost she saw was Himmel's ghost not her teacher as she was expecting so that proves she actually care about him more than she herself realize ><
this gonna be very tragic, yet I wants this to be the core of the story since I'm just weak for those kinds of stories AND I'M ALREADY CRYING EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW IF I'M RIGHT OR NOT YET I GET EMOTIONAL SEEING THEM TOGETHER YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND !!!!
I don't know how and why my mind decided to go wild with those ideas that now I see the anime and its story differently than what I signed up for at first ... WHY AM I IN LOVE WITH A DEAD MAN YET AGAIN !!!!! I THOUGHT I SURIVIVED WHEN HE DEAD BEFORE I DEVOLOP ANY EMOTIONS FOR HIM YET HERE I AM IN THIS HELL BECAUSE OF HIM AND FRIEREN !!!!! T^T
Did I hit the nail ?? did I ?? please say I did so that I can be happy this shaping up to be my kind of tragic story .. but then I don't wanna know or hear any spoilers ... I'm tempted to jump to the manga to see if I'm right or not but I must resist till the anime end at least ><
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thefudge · 1 month
in the process of reading KICK IN THE TEETH (so powerful! thank you for writing-sharing, i got drunk on it!) i realized that i need some hollywood gothic but as an au about brokenhearted cooper in the middle of a messy divorce and his ex wife's secretary's daughter being tangled together in something something not entirely healthy not completely filthy but something right in between.
me, trying to finish the next chapter of the dune fic: yup, coming along nicely hehe
tumblr user vittacorle: but what if i were to tell you about a delicious AU that will immediately sidetrack you
me: oh fiddlesticks
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hood-ex · 1 year
Dick and Donna playing around with a rock while they regain their memories.
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Trinity #33
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