#my name is ssshh
n0intr0ducti0n · 1 month
Introduction. I need none... You all will know who I am soon enough..
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writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Hope you guys enjoy! Support on Ko-Fi
Part 1 <<<
They find out you had their Child pt. 2🐊 🚬🫧
Sanji, Crocodile and Law
⚠️ Warning: ⚠️ Tsundare Themes, mild Angst in one story and obsession in another. General Drama tho
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"Crocodile you can't do that. It is not your place to keep me here and just have me as your house wife" You said offended, angry as Crocodile looked back at you with a amused smirk-
"Ssshh I got you I got you" You whispered softly. Gently rocking your son in your arms, fussy from his feeding and clearly wanting the world to hear about it.
It had been a few months since you'd given birth to your son, Kibo as Crocodile had named him. He was the light of your light and brought you more happiness then you could imagine.
Almost immediately after you'd given birth, Crocodile had taken you to his base having what was equivalent to a luxury pent house apartment set you for you.
And you'd been there since-
He would leave for a while, you assumed to whatever pirates do. But he'd return to you and Kibo always, finding it important to spend time with the two of you.
As you stood there, deep in your thoughts you didn't hear the sound of the door opening. Only falling from your daydream when a large hand hit the small of your back, snapping to see Crocodile peering down at you and the now quieting child.
"Oh hi Crocodile, Didn't exact you back already" You said softly, not wanting to get too loud and wake the baby.
"Of course- Dinner should be done soon as well and sent up. Is the lad alright?" He asked calmly, looking over his sons pink face and twisted pout.
"He's fine, Just fussy. Actually speaking of Kibo, I wanted to talk to you about something" You said rather cheerfully as Crocodile escorting you from the nursery and out to the lounge.
"I want to start working again soon anyway so a Nanny for Kibo may be nee-"
"Work? What Work?" He mused, you raising a brow at his words. His hand leaving your back as he had you take a seat.
"My Job- I have to return to work eventually"
"No you don't and no you're not" He stated calmly, you looking at him confused.
"And do tell, what are you going to do about it my love? Do you know where you are? Or even how you got here? I set everything up so you could never leave me again" He said, and it felt like ice had been injected in your veins. The Sinking feeling of realization hitting you.. this was once of the most dangerous pirates currently living, you we're without a home or income as well-
"So You are either going to stay here, play house with our son. Or I hire someone to watch over him till you come back to your senses and as you know, Im very persuasive~" He said calmly, staring down at you as you held Kibo close to your chest. The realization hitting you like a tsunami- he was going to drag you back here no matter what, When he came to your apartment that day it wasn't to just check on you.. it was the bring you back-
This wasn't love was it?..
This was obsession...
Gazing in his eyes you could see it now- Like he had found a treasure that he never intended to let go or have others risk finding. His Possessions-
"Do you understand now mh flower?" He asked you calmly, seeing the way your eyes shifted as you thought through your options and finding non of them satisfying what your thoughts were.
A look of horror stretching over your face and Crocodile chuckled at this- Stepping towards you and kissing your forehead gently the smell of the tobacco making your eyes water a bit, or it was just tears welling.
"Sees like you do Darling" Your skin crawling at the feeling of his kiss as he stepped back and began to leave the room.
"I will return"
He said calmly, leaving you in the room as you heard Kibo start to cry in your arms as you stood there in shock-
This was your prison...
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Sanji had been on cloud nine since he had found you and Sunaki. His Darling Girls- The loves of his life!
The Chef of the Strawhats had been staying on your island for well over a month now. The new father wanting to soak in the joy of having his daughter- That and also spending time with you.
You weren't sure what he was trying to do, assuming you had just been a fling for him and nothing more- But you never expected to see the man trying so hard to woo you. Cooking dinners, gifts you knew he couldn't afford, the works.
That evening he invited you onto the ship, cooking you and Sunaki dinner and then helping you when the toddler inevitably got it all over herself.
The two of you sharing in the domestic bliss of bathing the squirming blonde toddler who was more interested in splashing the two of you then getting clean.
"Darling you gotta stop splashing Mommy" You giggled, Sunaki giving a loud squeal. Sanji who had his sleeves rolled up taking a cup of the warm water and carefully rinsing her blonde locks with a chuckle.
"I think that's all we're gonna get done (Y/N) without getting soaked ourselves- I'll grab a towel" He said calmly and went to steal the fluffiest towel on the ship to take the now mostly clean toddler. You grabbing some spare baby clothes Sanji kept for his time with her and a diaper.
Like a well oiled machine both of you worked to get Sunaki dressed, baby powdered, lotion on her face and ready to settle down for the night. Sanji holding her since she settled down faster in his arms-
"Thank you for dinner tonight Sanji"
Sanji smiled, a twinkle in his eyes as he held Sunaki who was hell bent on trying to use Sanji as a jungle gym.
"Of course (Y/N)"
Sanji sat before you, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and adoration as he held Sunaki in hid arms. He took a deep breath, gathering his nerves.
"So ive been thinking and Please hear me out (Y/N), but come with me. Join the Strawhats on the Thousand Sunny. I adore you, and I want you and Sunaki by my side, always-."
His words made your face warm and your heart swell at this. You searched his eyes for any hints of doubt or hesitation, but all you found was sincerity. Sunaki seeing the tension between her parents and squealing as she reached a hand up to grab some of her father's hair which she managed to dodge.
"I can't imagine having to wait two years out at sea and leave you and Sunaki behind- but it would be safer if you joined us! I swear it would be great" He insisted as he sat closer to you, Setting your daughter between the two of you.
"B-But Sanji I don't know.. I could be invading your ship and having me and some toddler on a pirate ship could be bad- Besides we aren't even together so they may not be up for-" Sanji stopped you dead in your tracks and kissed you suddently. Your face flushing as red as a tomato as you stared at him wide eyed.
"Then I'd marry you-! Your the only one I'd want to marry anyway! You gave me our daughter afterall!"
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, the weight of Sanji's words sinking deep into your being. To know that you were adored by someone as incredible.
"Really?-" You whisper out. Sanji smiking as he stood up then, Pulling you up to your feet and handing you Sunaki who was babbling randomly and excitedly at the world. Sanji rushing to Nami's room and you hear crashing and the sound of the red head screaming which drew a giggle from you-
Soon Sanji came back, a fresh black eye forming on him as he fell to his knee before you- His eyes no better then hearts at this point as he held out a beautiful gold ring out to you.
"Marry me (Y/N)- Please do me the honor of officially making me the happiest man on earth"
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"We are having this talk. Now-" Law said evenly, you sighing heavily at realizing their really wasn't a way out now and didnt think arguing with him while in his little prison was in your best interest.
"Fine..." You said as you patted your hands on your clean scrubs before pushing him away from you to create some space- anxiety building in your chest. "What do you want to know?"
"Why didnt you tell me? You should have told me (Y/N)! I could have helped. Looked out for him- for all you know he"
"I am a medical physician just like you Law- I can watch for signs of the genetic illness just like you and on top of that it's not like your exactly an easy person to get ahold of" you said calmly, clearly taking some of the wind from his sails as he awkwardly stared at you for a moment.
"You're a RN not a doc-" The harsh glare shut him up quickly from saying that mistake and he backpeddled "It's just.. A boy should have his father at least and I would have helped you"
You impatiently crossed your arms over your chest as you waited for Law to figure out what to say.
"In that it may be good for him to come with me its far better fo-"
"Over my Dead Body-" You said sharply, His eyes locking onto yours as he clearly thought of your words. Carefully.
"There isn't a reason for-" You cut him off again with a harsh glare.
"Just because you have regret in not being in our child's life doesn't mean you get the right to take him away from me or push your own agenda onto him and this relationship" You hiss angrily making the Doctor sigh in annoyance.
"Why are you making this so difficult? I wish to be in the child's life in my way and make sure he isn't ill. I care about you as well-"
"Dont. You. Dare! You Gave that up- So don't you DARE act like it's me who is the problem here Law. You never wanted this do you remeber?" You hissed gesturing to yourself, your anger bleeding through which made Law blink at you in surprise.
Marching forward you jabbed your finger to his chest.
"I don't do well with things long term- Those were your exact words to me, we dated for less then a month just so you could get the edge off wothout having to pay for it" His face twisted in something that could only be guilt, seeing the anger in your eyes.
"So why in hell would you think I would tell you or bother to find your ass? Hm?"
Law was silent at this, staring at your face and seeing the rage painted on it.
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"Now release me- This conversation is done. If you want to see our kid then you have to go through the proper channels like every other deadbeat dad" You said still reeling from your anger. Law snapped his fingers and the room disapeared around the two of you- The man taking a step away from you.
"Fine... At least tell me his name (Y/N) and give me the chance. You forced me to he a so called 'deadbeat' by not telling me about him and despite what happened between us it shouldn't affect him" Law reasoned "Don't let your hatred of me deprive him of a father-"
You flinched at his words, rubbing your face as you knew this was on you- your anger making you slightly unreasonable.
"A-Ame.. His name Is Ame... and fine. You get one chance however- if you fuck up you leave us understand?" You clarify and the man gives a soft smile and nods.
@princessrabi @jisungswifie @mugiwarasoul19 @mothmomjay
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prettykittycastle · 2 years
Watching a “Movie”
Summary: Shuri and the reader have a fun sleepover. 
(The reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably black.)
(Content Warning: Pussy eating, fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms)
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It was rare that Shuri would leave her lab early and call it a night. Every now and then her and some friends of the family would decide to have a sleepover and they would spend all night doing whatever they want as long as it was only in her room and they promised that they wouldn't be too loud. Tonight was one of those nights, but instead of the usual group, it was just you and Shuri. You and her had an unspoken attraction that had been going on ever since you two were children, but never acted upon it. But something changed tonight. The usual lingering stares you two threw at each other seemed to last longer tonight than it did before. Subtle touches between you two not only lasted longer but they sparked a fire between you both that couldn't be put out. It wasn't until you two had decided to go to her room and watch a movie that you both had done something about this attraction.
You had took your usual spot beside her bed on the floor with your sleeping bag and pillow, but before you could get comfortable, she had stopped you. You had a feeling that something might happen between you two the minute she invited you to lay in her bed beside her, but you ignored it. Which is how you ended up like this: trying to keep quiet and not alarm the Dora Milaje guard outside her door, while she ate your pussy like it was the best meal ever made.
"Shuri," you gasped her name, feeling her tongue flick at your clit before giving it a quick suck. You squeezed her bedsheets between your fingers and bit your lip, hoping to keep quiet.
"Ssh, love. Let me taste you," she whispered before lapping at your pussy.
She used one hand to hold your lips open and ran her tongue up and down your center, lapping at you like a dog licking up water. She used her other hand to hold on to your thigh, keeping it from meeting the other one.
"Oh my god," you moaned loudly, closing your eyes, feeling the warm sensation inside of you quickly get hotter and hotter with each lap of Shuri's tongue.
"Ssshh," she shushed you again, pulling away from you.
You opened your eyes and looked down your body to see Shuri looking up at you with a teasing smile, her braids falling around her face and her lips shining with your juices. Just the sight of her mouth shining like that made another moan leave your mouth and you lifted your hips, trying to push your pussy back towards her mouth.
"(Y/N)," she said your name, the hand on your thigh moving up to push you back down on the bed. "You mustn't be loud, or the Dora Milaje will come in."
It took you a second to register what she said, your mind and body only focused on having her mouth back on you. "Okay, okay," you said, nodding your head.
Seeing you nod, she moved her hand back to your thigh, holding on to it tightly, while she brought her other hand to your pussy.
The teasing smile on her face grew as she lowered her head back down to you. You furrowed your brows, wondering why she smiled like that and suddenly you understood why and you quickly let go of her bedsheet and covered your mouth to hold in your moan as you felt her tongue begin circling your clit. Oh fuck, I'm finna cum, you thought, the warm sensation getting hotter from every circle of her tongue. You could feel more of your juices leaking out of you and running down to your ass onto the bed and you hoped for a second that Shuri wouldn't mind you making you such a mess on her bed when you felt the sudden pushing of her finger into your entrance, going all the way in, knuckle deep.
"Mmm," you moaned behind your hand, your pussy squeezing her finger and soaking it with more juices.
"You're close," she lifted her head and asked.
You nodded your head silently, not trusting yourself to move your hand and form an actual response.
Lowering her face back down to your center she placed her lips around your clit and sucked you, moaning into you.
The vibration of her moan almost pushed you over the edge and you lifted your hips, wanting to grind against her face, but she wouldn't let you and gave your thigh a light slap, warning you to be still, before returning it back to its previous spot, holding you.
"Ssshuri," you whispered and hissed her name, wanting to tell her that you were almost there. "Shuri, I'm almost-"
You stopped mid-sentence, your eyes almost closing as Shuri began moving her finger inside of you, curling it so the tip would hit and stroke your inner walls.
Another moan, accompanied by her sucking you and twisting her finger brought you over the edge and the warmth that had been building inside of you took hold of your body and mind.
"Aaah!" You couldn't help the cry that slipped out of your mouth as the waves of your orgasm rocked your body. What made it worse was Shuri. She didn't stop sucking on your clit as you came and she didn't remove her finger from inside you, not that she would be able to as your walls squeezed it too tightly. No matter how much your hips rose and try to move away, she wouldn't stop moaning and sucking your clit, quickly overstimulating you.
"Shuri, stop," you begged, removing your hand from your mouth and trying to push her face away, but she held onto your thigh and continued to suck.
"Oh my god," you moaned loudly again as you felt the tingling sensation of another orgasm rushing up. "Please, please."
You made the mistake of looking down and made eye-contact with Shuri as she began sucking even harder on your clit and twisted her finger inside of you again. The sight alone was enough to make you cum again and this time you couldn't hold back the scream that escaped your throat, wringing loud in the room.
"Princess," you heard the guard outside her room say from outside.
Shuri quickly pulled away from your clit and answered,"I am fine."
You laid your head back on Shuri's pillow and closed your eyes, letting your orgasm wash over you now that Shuri had stopped.
"The queen wants to speak with you."
You were just feeling the effects of the orgasm slowly begin to fade when suddenly you registered that Shuri's finger was still inside of you, and worse, she was slowly thrusting in and out of you.
"I'm a little busy right now," You heard her respond back, before you felt a second finger join hers, slightly stretching you and you let out a whimper at the feel of it.
Quickly, Shuri placed her hand over your mouth and you opened your eyes to see her face above yours, her body leaning over yours, and you quickly recognized the look of hunger in her eyes.
"The queen wants to know-"
Her fingers began thrusting in and out of you faster, your juices making it easy for her. Your already overstimulated pussy began tingling again, and you couldn't help but grab onto her shoulder silently urging her to slow down as the heat inside of you was quickly building up again.
"-why you have left the lab."
A loud, wet, squelching sound was heard in the room as her fingers fucked you faster, your juices beginning to leak more and more out of you and wet her bed further. The moans you let out behind her hand was quickly rising in volume the more she fingerfucked you. You knew this next orgasm was going to be stronger than the first two and you already felt your mind beginning to glaze over the closer to the edge you got.
"Be a good slut and cum for me again," she demanded, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
Her words and her fingers fucking you pushed you over the edge and with a cry muffled by her hand, you came around her fingers, your juices soaking not only her bedsheets but her hand as well.
"Princess," the guard said again, but this time Shuri didn't answer her back, continuing to finger you through your orgasm, overstimulating you so much that small tears began to fall from your eyes and you lifted the hand on her shoulder to push her away.
There was a look of cockiness in her eyes as she leaned away from and slowly pulled her fingers out of you. When she finally removed her hand from your mouth, you were letting out little whimpers, your legs shaking from your orgasms. Looking down at you, Shuri couldn't help the smirk that appeared on her face as you continued to whimper and hold a look of absolute pleasure.
She brought her soaked fingers up to her mouth and ran her tongue up and down them, then her palm, moaning at your taste. Should I fuck her again in the morning, she wondered, eyeing your pussy and the juices still leaking from you.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her doorknob being turned and she quickly threw her cover over your body, knowing you were too exhausted to do it yourself, and hurried over to the door, unlocking and opening it to see the guard looking at her with suspicion.
"The queen wants to see you, Princess Shuri."
"Yes, okay. Let's go." She stepped outside her room and closed the door behind her, locking it.
"What about (Y/N)," the guard asked.
"She's tired. If she asks, let her know that I am with my mother."
"Mother, did you want to see me?" Shuri asked walking into the throne room to find her mother waiting on her.
When the queen heard Shuri, she turned around and looked relieved. "Yes, I noticed you left the lab early, but I hadn't heard of the girls being with you."
"No, it is only (Y/N) tonight."
"A sleepover?" The Queen asked, but her tone was different.
Shuri heard the change in her mother's tone, but chose to ignore it and nodded her head.
"Where's she now?"
"In my room. She's tired."
The queen was quiet for a second and looked at her with a look that made Shuri nervous.
"The guard said she heard noises coming from inside."
The nervousness inside Shuri quickly rose but she tried to not show it on her face. "We were watching a movie."
"A movie?" She asked, her tone and her face showing her disbelief.
Nodding her head, Shuri looked at her and tried to ignore the look on her mother's face.
"Well, make sure you two don't 'watch movies' all night long," she smirked knowingly at her daughter, making Shuri's cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Yes, mother, we won't," Shuri quickly said, turning and beginning to rush out of the throne room when she heard her mother speak again.
"And keep it down. You don't want others to hear your 'movie'."
Shuri's cheeks burned hotter at her mother's words and she hurried out of the room to see you.
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lilacskyly · 8 months
Honored Ones: Yandere Satoru Gojo x Reader
(This might be bad idk :,> not that proud of it)
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Throughout Heaven and the Earth, he  is the honored one. 
Then what does that make you?
“Oh goddess~ You aren’t hiding from me, are you?” you heard Satoru Gojo coo as his steps echoed throughout the abandoned building. You covered your mouth, trying your best to cover your shaky breath. “You can’t hide from me forever~ You know we’re bound… right goddess?” You heard him laugh and then a chain rattled. You froze, staring at your wrist to see the spirit bind chain that was shackled to your wrist. “Stop fighting me. You already know I can sense you… right?” he questioned. Tears fell out of your eyes just as Gojo teleported in front of you. “Found you~”
You jumped before he covered your mouth. He put a finger to his lips, “Sssshhh my dear…. Ssshh… I’m here… those special grade curses are gone… there’s no need to cry!” He smiled for you before planting a small kiss on your forehead. If you didn’t know better, he would’ve just been his normal self. But, after you saw him kill those curses and some of his fellow jujutsu sorcerers for ‘getting in the way’, you knew you couldn’t trust his smile.
His smile only grew upon hearing his name come from your lips. God.. those perfect lips of yours. He was practically salivating.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts. “Yes my goddess?”
“W-where are the others?” you asked.
“The others? Oh… you mean the pests. They're gone now. They can't bother us now~” he whispered in your ear. “You cryin’? It's okay my goddess… you're safe now.” 
He took your hand in his and lifted you off the ground. Despite your fear of him, you hugged him and started crying even more. He engulfed you in a hug as well. “Never do that again.” he said, getting scarily serious for once.
“I-I won’t! I swear I won’t!” you cried. He knew better than to take your word for that.
He sighed, “Let’s go home goddess. You’ve had a long day..”
You couldn’t track how long it took you to get to his place. Time always seemed to mush together when you were with him. You couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. Gojo locked the door behind you two when you entered his place. He collapsed on the sofa, pulling on the spirit bind chain to get you to come over. 
“Y’know goddess, I never imagined being this close to you…” he started. “After all, you’re barely a jujutsu sorcerer my dear… it’s a miracle we even met.”
“... y-yeah… I-I’m sorry, I’m really weak..” you said, looking down at his hands. 
He shook his head. “Stop lying to yourself. You may not be as strong as you want… but soon enough you will be.”
“I’ve been hinting at a surprise haven’t I? I think it’s about time I finally reveal it.” he smiled softly at you.
You tilted your head, confusion spread across your face. “W-what do you mean?”
“You’re almost entirely mine, my precious goddess~ Did you figure out what I’ve been doing yet?” he asked innocently. 
Wait. He didn’t.. He fucking wouldn’t.
He smiled after seeing your expression. “You’ve figured it haven’t you? You’re so smart my goddess! I’ve been putting drops of my blood into your food I’ve prepared for you… and you know how your cursed technique works.. Right?”
Of course you did! You weren’t stupid.. Were you?
“Your cursed technique isn’t very practical… at least for you. You have to quite literally consume a part of a person to gain their strength. But but but! If you ingest too much, your life becomes officially theirs to control. It’s funny really.. You get stronger but you become less and less you the more you do so!”
“G-gojo… w-what..?”
“Look my goddess… I know someone as holy as you could never be mine… so, I’m taking fate into my own hands. We will be together now, forever. No matter what you do, you won’t be able to die as long as I’m alive. You can’t even escape me in death. We’re bound, remember goddess? You’ve sealed your fate the very moment you agreed to this.” He grabbed your wrist, showing the spirit bind you two established. You both had to ingest some of each other's blood to even establish it. You just wanted to be stronger… to be protected by someone…
You should’ve died to those curses in that building earlier.
Before you knew it, Gojo tore at his wrist till it bled heavily. He held it up for you to drink his blood. He chuckled as you looked at him in horror. “H-how… how long have you..”
“Oh, since we made the pact. I’ve had my sight on you for quite a while my dear.” he said nonchalantly. “Now, drink up. Haven’t got all night.”
You shook your head causing him to laugh loudly. “Seriously? You’re still being stubborn? You really don’t get it dear… you’re mine.” His blue eyes pierced your own, seeming to tear into your brain. “Now, drink.”
Your body moved without you as you downed his blood. The taste was repulsive, you hated doing this. Gojo however seemed to be enjoying it as he petted your hair muttering ‘good girl’ every now and again. He pushed you away after some time. “Now now dear, we don’t want to suck me completely dry, do we?” he teased.
“Mhm…” was all you managed to say.
“Y’know… the pact is fully made now, right? Ha! How funny! I can literally control you now!” he laughed lightly. “We can claim this world as ours… and ours alone. After all, we’re gods… together we are the honored one…”
He pulled on the now fully materialized chain around both your wrists and hummed cheerfully. 
“Let’s go have some fun, shall we?” 
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schlattsdarling · 2 months
Prompt List !!!
Send in any amount of requests that you have and state if you want it with either Schlatt or Ted.
If you have an idea of what you want the story to be about then feel free to add more detail!
1. "I think I'm falling in love with you."
2. "Is that my shirt?"
3. "We'd make such a cute couple."
4. "Are you flirting with me?"
5. "Well, since you aren't feeling too good, maybe this could help?"
6. "I could kiss you right now."
7. "You gave it your best shot. That's all anyone could ever ask of you."
8. "Can we just stay in bed?"
9. "Let me kiss it better."
10. "Stop moving I'm almost done!"
11. "You look like shit."
12. "Just pretend to be my date."
13. "You came." "You called."
14. "I'm right here."
15. "I like you just the way you are."
16. "Please, stay."
17. "You owe me a favour."
"Can I ask you a favour?"
19. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
20. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
21. "Can I come over?"
22. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."
23. "That is by far the stupidest thing you've ever done."
24. "How much did you drink?"
25. "How drunk was I?"
26. "You make me want to be better."
27. "Come back to bed."
28. "You're lucky I love you."
29. "You kissed me last night."
30. "They're coming. Kiss me!"
31. "I really need you right now."
32. "Wanna bet?"
33. "Let me take care of you."
34. "Say that again? But slower."
35. "Going somewhere?"
36. "I heard that!"
37. "Why are you awake?"
38. "This isn't what it looks like!"
39. "Go to sleep."
40. "Why are you looking at me like that?
Something on my face?"
41. "I've never done this before."
42. "This stays between you and me."
43. "Will you stop talking for ten minutes?" "Why don't you come over here and make me."
44. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
45. "Look what you did to me, l've had to deal with this all day."
46. "Give me a little show."
47. "Stop teasing!"
48. "We're in public, you know."
49. "We can't do that here."
50. "All you had to do was ask."
51. "Do you think they heard us?" "Yes, we did."
52. "Could they make you feel this good?"
53. "Do I make you nervous?"
54. "We have to be quiet."
55. "Bite me!" "If you insist."
56. "Oh my god, do that again."
57. "We're going to be late."
58. "You taste so good."
59. "Don't hide from me, you're beautiful."
60. "I know you can be louder than that."
61. "Mine." "Say it again."
62. "Let them know I'm yours/you're mine."
63. "This is wrong." "So wrong."
64. "Oh, you like that."
65. "It's so hot when you talk to me like that."
66. "Make me shut up then."
67. "Who knew you were hiding such a dirty mind."
68. "I'll put that pretty mouth of yours to work."
69. "You've never been fucked before? How?"
70. "This is exactly how I imagined it."
71. "I like it when you tell me what to do."
72. "Look at me."
73. "You want to cum? Beg."
74. "Show me how much you missed me."
75. "I keep thinking about your body against mine."
76. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't remember his name."
77. "I've been wondering what it feels like to..."
78. "Makes me want to wreck you."
79. "I thought this was a one-time thing?"
80. "You look so fucking hot right now."
81. "Is this the end? After everything we've been through?."
82. "We shouldn't be doing this."
83. "I needed you, and you weren't there!"
84. "You're always leaving me."
85. "Why do you hate me so much? What did I do?"
86. "It wasn't your fault."
87. "The fuck was that?"
88. "It's not you that I don't trust, it's them."
89. "You're kidding, right?"
90. "Open your eyes!"
91. "Can you please come get me?"
92. "I'll stay as long as you need."
93. "Ssshh, it's okay, l've got you."
94. "I don't deserve you."
95. "I should've expected this."
96. "We used to spend every day together. Are you telling me that staying the night in the same place is too close a proximity for us to share?"
97. "Maybe the fact that we have such a hard time staying away from each other is saying something."
98. "I thought we were more than whatever... this is. But clearly, I was wrong."
99. "Interesting, isn't it? Two days ago you were a fumbling, blushing mess and looking at me like I hung the stars out for you, and now you can't even look at me. Real fucking interesting."
100. "Why can't you admit to anything? This is your fault!"
101. "What are we?"
102. "Things would be fine if you didn't go and run your mouth!"
103. "I didn't know you felt this way."
104. "Do you know how stupid you made me feel?"
105. "Why don't you love me back?" "You're drunk, let's get you home."
106. "I don't think I can do this anymore. Not with you."
107. "I can't do this anymore. Sometimes... sometimes I really need you and you're just not there."
108. "I'm not allowed to be upset because they were hanging all over you?”
109. "You're supposed to be mine!"
110. "I'm not jealous, fuck off."
111. "Are we going to be okay? I don't want this to change anything between us."
112. "You deserve the best. And that's...that's not me."
113. "Don't cause a scene, please."
114. "I didn't mean to fall in love with you, I really didn't and I'm sorry."
115. "I don't want to be the second option anymore."
116. "It's starting to feel like you don't want to be seen with me."
117. "What about me? What about my life, my feelings? Where do I come in all this?"
118. "I will always find you."
119. "I love you. I will always love you, but l'm not sure you love me."
120. "You always do this!"
(I got this list from @/star2fishmeg)
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galaxyedging · 4 months
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Ted Garcia x f!reader
WC: just shy of 4k
Warnings: smut, violence, horror elements, mentions of killing children.
Summery: Ted saves you when a mysterious madness claims his town.
The Cabin
The banging synchronised perfectly with the throbbing in your head. Memories faded in and out in time with the beat. Running through the desert. Someone chasing you. Fear and betrayal swirl in your gut and fuel the pumping of your legs.
The exposed light bulb swings on its pendulum in time with the pounding. That sparks another memory. Pleasure blooming from between your legs. His deep breathing in your ear. Promises whispered as you lay on the soft pillow, your body feeling just as soft and pliable as you come down from your high. 
With a groan you try to sit up, the room spins but the pounding stops. Large hands find your back as the sparsely decorated room comes back into focus.
“Hey, you. You're awake. How are you? I was so worried.” Relief floods his voice as he wraps his arms around you. His moustache brushes your temple before he places a kiss there. Like he had a thousand times before. Ted. His name is Ted.
“I…I can't remember. What’s happening?” Your voice sounds far away to you. The rest of your mind is searching inwards. 
You remember your name, you prefer dogs over cats, tea over coffee. You remember Ted. The Mayor. Your Ted. He brings you flowers every date night. The pretty pink roses on the table between the takeaway he brought. The best tacos in town. You remember screaming. Someone attacking you. You, fighting for your life. Not just your life, someone else's. It's all there but it's not. It fractured, some parts missing completely, others a mere outline.
“What's the last thing you remember?” His broad frame is wrapped around you as he cradles you. His thumb gently rubs back and forth on your cheek. 
His presence brings you comfort. You know how you feel about him. “I love you.”
A sigh leaves his lips and blows through your hair. “I love you, too. What else do you remember?”
“Someone attacked me. I was fighting to protect myself and someone else…you?” His lips twitch into a smile against your skin as the words leave your mouth.
“Yes. That's good, you remember some of it. I'm glad because if I had to explain it, I don't think I could make you believe it. It's just…insanity. That's the only way to describe it.” He holds you even closer. “The people…our people…they started to attack each other. I don't know why. It's like a madness that spreads. Those that don't die in the attacks become mad too. I was bringing you here, to protect you when we were attacked. You're right, you fought for me, saved me, but you took the brunt of the attack before I could…I had to put them down.” His voice is choked up now.
It's your turn to comfort him. “Ssshh, Ted. You did what you had to. I remember the attack. It was dark. We were walking then they grabbed me by my hair, kicked me, choked me…”
“Hey. Don't think about that now. We're safe.” He kisses away tears you didn't know you had shed. “We have food and water. We can wait until things are safe then get out of here. You were only passing through anyway. We'll go buy that beach house you wanted. Alright?” His lips find yours. The kiss is easy, familiar, your lips move against his with ease. 
“Yeah. That sounds perfect. Do you have any idea what's causing it? The madness?” You can't help but think of your neighbours. A sweet old couple. Hopefully they are safe too. 
“The doctor had a few theories. Animal virus in our meat. Fungal infection. Natural gases. I tried to get us help. I really did. It happened so fast. The army should be on their way to help…survivors.” His shoulders slump. He loves his town. He loves being Mayor. That's part of what attracted you to him.
Your coffee was lukewarm as you planned the next part of your trip. Ted walked past the diner talking passionately about his town to the camera. He speaks with ease, his words are honest, straight forward. Later, he speaks the same with you. His marriage is a sham. His wife is already half moved in with her lover. She's staying until after the election, on his campaign manager's insistence. He likes you but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. It's you that does the chasing. He's almost shy when you touch him. He looks down at you through his lashes when you drop to your knees for him. You bring his hand to your head it lays there passively until he lets out a stifled groan and his fingers clench in the stands of your hair. It takes a while for him to take charge, to be as comfortable with you as he is in his role. When he does though, he has your sobbing, near folded in half, your cervix bruising, you and your body screaming. When you lay in his arms afterwards you spill your secret desires and hopes. You want a home on the beach, a career in nature photography. He wants a family, a bigger political career. You lay both your bodies and souls bare in your stolen time together. Quickly, you fall head over heels for him.
The water is hot and inviting as Ted helps you into the tub. “Here. This should help. Nice and hot. I have some whiskey here somewhere too. As my Abuela would say, a couple of shots won't solve everything but they won't hurt either.” 
Ted had taken stock of your injuries, while he helped undress you. Your sides were bruised. You remember them kicking you while you were curled on the dry ground. The scrub cut your face and bare arms as you tried to roll away from your attacker. The water stung the tiny scratches at first. Then it began to relax you.
“There, all cleaned up.” Ted wrung out the wash cloth he cleaned you up with.
“Thank you.” You sigh.
“No problem. I'm a public servant.” He laughs lightly. “You relax. I'll go heat up some food. Then you can go to bed early. I boarded up the windows and barricaded the door but I'll stay up to watch over you, just in case.”
The tinned soup is pretty damn good. It warms as it fills you. Ted washes the dishes in the tiny sink in the corner of the room, next to a small counter top with a camping stove and some utensils on it, while you rest on the bed. 
Once he's done, he fills a glass of water and hands it to you with a couple of round, white pills. “I found a few painkillers. Have these for now.” It still hurts to swallow but it'll be worth it for the painkillers to kick in.
“Thank you. You're doing all this for me but how are you?” You pat the bed next to you and he takes a seat.
“Honestly? Terrified. I don't know what's going on. I couldn't help my town. I feel like I could have done more but I saw the opportunity to save you and I had to. What kind of person does that make me?” He hangs his head in his hands.
“I'm sure you did whatever you could. Then you saved who you could. I would have done the same.” You replace his hands with your own. Drawing him to you, you place a gentle kiss on his lips, he returns it, then you do, then the back and forth rhythm dissolves into a hungry clash of tongues. Using his flannel shirt as leverage you pull him close until a pain shoots through your abdomen. The hiss that leaves you stops Ted in his tracks. 
“Honey! I'm sorry. Are you alright?” He checks you over as if he can fix it all. Ever the practical man.
“I'm okay.” The pain subsides and you feel even more tired.
“Come on. I'll lay with you until you fall asleep.” Once again he is cradling you like he can protect you from the world.
Sleep comes quickly. It's fitful and filled with nightmares. Nightmares about the madness that Ted told you about. The sweet old couple you were worried about tearing out the throats of the children across the street. Their terror filled eyes glazing over as their blood spills over their colorful chalk drawings on the sidewalk. Sweat cools on your skin as you jump awake. Ted flips on the light and is by your side in seconds. His shotgun is abandoned on the cupboard that is serving as a barricade and the high stool he was perched on to keep watch is tipped over in his haste.
His hands find you to comfort you. “I'm here. I've got you. Oh, shit!” 
Following his eyeline you see the heavy blood stain on the white sheet between your legs. “What?! What. I…” 
“Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. You took some kicks to the stomach, maybe something was damaged. Let's stay calm. If we need to I'll get you to a hospital. The army should be here now. I'll get you help, I swear. I love you. I love you.” Fear creeps into Ted's voice as he begins to ramble while he rocks you in his arms.
A week passes, each day much the same. You rest. Ted cares for you. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped before that first morning. Each day you get stronger. With each day the hope of survival rises. Each day Ted reminds you why you fell in love with him. He's your gentle protector. 
When your need for him grows too strong, he's still gentle, he kisses and caresses you until you are dripping for him. His thick fingers dip inside you to spread your slick before teasing your clit until you gush and relax for him. Even though his girthy length fills you with ease, he still takes his time with you. He works himself in slowly until your hips start to chase him. When he picks up speed he constantly checks in with you, whispering in your ear. After you come around him pulling him deeper, he asks if you can keep taking him until he comes. When he does finally spill inside you it's with a whimper.
Another week passes. This one is like a honeymoon. The worry of the world outside is almost forgotten with the two of you exploring each other's bodies like never before. Before you had stolen moments between meetings and appearances. Now you can take your time. 
“Ted, I can't!” you can't help but giggle as you push him away. His moustache is soaked with your cum. You've lost count of how many times you've come against it while Ted spent the morning pleasuring you. “Here, let me take care of you.” You reach for the massive bulge in his underwear.
Catching your hand, he brings it to his lips. “Actually, I have an idea.”
Letting go of your hand, he tucks his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear to slip them down his firm thighs until his cock springs free. Running his fingers through your slick, he uses it to coat himself until his fist pumps up and down freely. His eyes are laser focused on your wet cunt until they roll back and close. His hand slaps against his balls as he openly pleasures himself to your body. He looks beautiful, free and unashamed. A delicious look of pure ecstasy crossed his face when he hunches over grabbing your bare breast as he comes in hot ropes over your stomach. The one room cabin smells of sex every night that you fall asleep together.
The sun is setting as you finish dinner. The bare light bulb is off in favour of the small bedside lamp. Its warm light makes your new home feel cosy. Ted kisses your head as he collects your empty bowl. What you see next is so unexpected in your new little world that it takes a second for you to realise what you are seeing. A beam of white light flashes through the gaps in the boards of the window.
“Ted?” Ted turns to your voice and sees it too. 
Quickly and quietly, he crossed to the door frame, squeezing himself between the window on the cabin door and the one on the wall next to it. He tries to see out without being seen.
“Get down!” He orders as the light gets brighter.
The sound of approaching footsteps fill the small space. Your heart is in your mouth. Beating harder with each nearing step. The bang on the door almost caused your heart to explode. Another bang has you nearly choking on it.
“Mayor Garcia?!” A voice calls out. 
The name escapes you but the voice is familiar. It's one of the Sheriff's deputies. Relief floods you. “We're saved!” You sob at Ted stumbling towards him on shaking legs.
“Hello?” The voice calls, clearly having heard you.
“Ted? Open the door.” You try for the handle and Ted stiffens. “He's here to help.” Ted still doesn't move to open the door. “Ted?” 
When you look at him in the low light his face is cold for a second before he opens the door. “Of course.” He gives you a fleeting smile.
“Sir, are you okay? Sheriff Vasquez came to look for you but she never came back. I found her car a little up the road there in a ditch. Ma'am.” He added in politeness with a nod.
“We were fine.” Ted responds coolly before taking his shotgun and blowing away the Deputy.
Shock rips through you like the pelts through the Deputy's flesh. “Ted!”
Fear claws at your throat as he turns to you. His warm, soft eyes are cold as steel. 
“They couldn't just leave well alone. After all I've done for this town!” His raised voice raises the hairs on your neck. “I had a plan. I always have a plan. The ones I did for this town always work. But the one time I do one for me and it all goes to shit.” The stool by the door is flung across the room. “It was simple. Bring you here. Kill you. Bury you. No one would know. You were just passing through. No one would care.” As his words swarm you you cower back against the wall, using it to hold your broken pieces up. “Then you had to go and dig yourself out of your grave. I was going to just shoot you, seeing as choking you didn't work but then I thought ‘How did you manage to survive?’ a weak little woman. A whore, who sucks down married men's cocks. Maybe you had potential. Or maybe my seed made you stronger. Of course, I had to fix you back up. I had to make sure you lost that bastard child first. I can have an heir out of wedlock. How would that look? A hot bath, some whiskey, some pills that you didn't look too closely at. That was that. Thankfully, you didn't even remember that night.”
The pretty pink roses rest on the table. The same pink appears in two lines on the pregnancy test next to it.
“You're pregnant?” Ted is expressionless as he repeats his question. 
“Yes and I want to keep it.” You reach for his hand, only for him to snatch it away. 
“What? You think I'd have a baby with you? How would that look? Having a baby with a whore?” His words hit you like a slap in the face. 
“A whore? You said you loved me.”
“I do but you're not Mayor's Wife material. You threw yourself at me. Bounced on my bare cock after only knowing me for a few weeks. Begged me to fuck your ass. Came all over my suit from rubbing your hungry pussy over my thigh. I mean, it was all good. I've never shot my load down a woman's throat that quickly before. Even when I hold my wife's head and force my cock down her throat it takes me a while to get there. I mean, I married her for her standing, not her skills in the bedroom but to have a child with you? You must be crazy.”
You're up on your trembling legs while you try to process. The words come out before you realise. “Ted. I…I love you.” As if saying it could make him the man you fell for again, not this horrible stranger in front of you.
“Then you'll get rid of that kid and we'll go back to what we had.” He rises slowly to gently take your hand.
“No! I can't.” Your fingers are shaking in his palm. You're not sure I'd it's from fear or anger.
“You can. Or I can make you.” His free hand shoots up to grab your throat.
“Fuck you!” You manage to spit before kicking him in his knee.
Howling in pain, he releases you. “You little slut!” 
You are soon outside, running as fast as you can. The thought of your unborn baby pushing you on. Until Ted yanks you back by your hair. The sudden momentum sends you hurling to the ground. Ted manages to get a few kicks in to subdue you before he pulls you to your feet. Terror grips you as he wraps his large hands around your throat and you become light headed. The fight in you starts to fade as your lungs begin to burn.
“That's it. Let go. It'll all be over soon. Shhh. Let me take care of you.” The bastard has the audacity to kiss your temple as you go slack in his arms.
Ted feels relieved while he carries you to the shallow grave he’d dug. It would keep you hidden long enough for the animals to find you and pick you clean. No body, no crime. This is what he had to do. For the town. He couldn't have a scandal keeping him from being reelected. It was only when he lay you gently in the ground that his heart betrayed him. It clenched at the thought of you all alone out here. The two of you, without his protection. He brushed the thought away when he threw the first shovel load of dirt on your body.
Back at the cabin, he sat to get his story straight. He told his campaign manager that he was taking a day. He made sure enough people saw him leave town alone. He'd stop by the store tomorrow and make sure everyone saw him coming back. He had a few weeks before he needed to pile on the pressure with his constitutes. He could lay low for a while. If the police found you before the animals could do their job he could spin it. He could be saddened at the death of the poor woman, who he had taken under his wing. The poor woman who he'd allow to use his cabin for a while to take some nature photographs for her portfolio. She'd confessed that she had a baby on the way from her abusive ex so Ted felt compelled to help her. All his plans went sideways when you stumbled back into the cabin and passed out on the bed.
Fighting the urge to throw up, you push past Ted and out into the night. 
“Come on, Honey. You know this goes one of two ways for you. You die or you stay with me. I knew I couldn't go back to town when you came back, so I've set my sights on bigger and better things. You could be a part of that. I'll make an honest woman of you. You can have a few kids. I look after all of you. We'll be picture perfect for my new campaign.” His voices get quieter to your ears as you edge your way in the dirt towards the Deputy’s car that he rolled to a stop down the dirt track. It's only a few feet away. The door is open and the keys are in the ignition. You're sure you can make it. 
“Come on. What do you say?” His voice seems closer. 
The light from the car obscures your view. There's no way for you to know where he is without giving yourself away. 
‘Fuck it!’ you think and prepare to launch yourself at the car.
Just as you do the window of the open door bursts like an overripe watermelon above you. Glass rains down on you. You hear the distinct sound of a shotgun being snapped open. You have time to get to the car. Filled with renewed hope, you haul yourself up. Only for Ted to kick the door shut inches from your face. 
“Hey, you. Let's just talk about this.” His best trustworthy smile is plastered on his face. It's eerily lit by the car’s lights. It gives his beautiful profile a harshness. His profile becomes even more harsh when you punch him squarely in the crotch. 
Even as he crumbles, he laughs. “See, maybe that fire can come in handy. The world is changing. People expect more from politician’s wives.”
You are off running again. The same way you ran that night. Unfortunately, you take exactly the same route you took that night and end up back in your shallow grave. This time with even more company. The Sheriff is stone cold. Her face is bloody and puffy. Her glazed over eyes are bloodshot. 
“Thankfully, you didn't check those pills too closely. Sleeping pills kept you out for most of that first week so I could go back to town and sort some things out. Unfortunately, I must have made her suspicious. I should have known. She got too close last time.” It felt like Ted was just treating you like the crowd at one of his rallies now, giving one of his long speeches. “We used to have a problem with homeless people. People can only run so far from their past. A lot of them ended up here, hoping to disappear over the border. I couldn't have that. Not on my streets. The first couple were tough. They were big men. The women were easier. They followed me out here willingly. Any-who, I slipped you another dose a couple of nights ago to go back to town. The Sheriff was waiting up the road there. She knew I had property out here and was trying to catch me in the act. Dumb bitch. Like I would drive around with evidence. I disposed of everything…”
It was your turn to laugh. “Not everything.”
The beautiful smile, the one that he gave you on that first day, the one that made you feel special after years of heartache, spread across his face as his brow furrowed in confusion. His confusion increased as pain ripped through his chest and his gut. He sank to his knees, suddenly weak and cold. “You forgot to dispose of her gun.”
The day was cooling down. The sun was low. The breeze picks up as you pull the blanket around you. For a second you debate going into your home, the house that you bought with the money Ted had stashed at the cabin on one of his trips into town while you were drugged. Instead you sat to watch your daughter run around on the sand, your faithful dog hot on her heels. For the past three years of her life, you've been asked over and over again about her unusual name ‘Tesha’. With a smile you tell people it means ‘survivor’. 
Tags to prove that I did what I said: @yourcoolauntie @tinytinymenace @missredherring @artsy-girl-76 @maggiemayhemnj @novemberrain-writes @sheepdogchick3 @janaispunk
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse @sherala007 @vabeachazn
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pelova4president · 10 months
That stupid smile of hers II
Esmee Brugts x nedwnt!R
I of that stupid smile of hers
summary~ after the World Cup y/n goes back to North London and Esmee to Barcelona. Will they at least try to make things work?
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Vic was running after me, yelling my name. I stepped into our changing room and sat at my cubby, head in my hands, how Esmee was sat just moments ago.
Victoria stopped in her tracks, i could feel her eyes on me. “Kijk y/n, ik weet niet wat er gaande is tussen jou en Esmee dus alsjeblieft vertel het me zodat ik kan helpen” (Look y/n, i don’t know what is going on with you and Esmee so please tell me so i can help) she begged. I took my hands off my eyes and looked up at her. “Vic ze gaat naar barça..” (Vic, she’s joining barça..) she held her arms open and i sobbed onto her shoulder.
Vic knew that Esmee’s and my friendship wasn’t all platonic but she didn’t ask questions, she just held me. But i fell, i fell hard and fast and there was nothing she could do to protect me from that heartbreak now. “Ssshh.. het komt goed, we hebben de internationale breaks nog en je kunt dr opzoeken als we vrije tijd hebben… het komt goed y/n” (Ssshh.. it’s gonna be okay, we’ve got the international breaks and you can visit her in your free time… it’s gonna be okay y/n) she assured me.
We got onto our flights, Vic and I to London, Esmee to Barça. I haven’t really talked to her since she told me about Barça. Before she walked to her gate she gave me a hug and put a piece of paper in my hands.
I got onto the plane, exhausted from the last 24 hours. I fell asleep and when i woke up I remembered what Es gave me.
‘I’m sorry but i couldn’t waste this chance. It’s a once in a lifetime chance y/n, it’s my dream. I get that you’re upset with me but i hope you’ll give me another chance’
I couldn’t hold the tears in, my emotions were all over the place and i couldn’t control them all anymore. Vic looked at me and hugged me. I had to tell someone so i told Vic everything, about how i thought she was annoying, all the times we got lost, how she told me they wanted to offer her a contract in England and the kiss. I knew she knew i had a crush on Esmee but it felt good to actually tell someone about it all.
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liked by esmeebrugts and 12.563 others
wore the badge with honour, i can’t thank you all enough for the support. I love this team. so thankful for the people i met ❤️
svandesanden only love 🫶
victoriapelova ❤️❤️
esmeebrugts to many more adventures 😍
esmeefan22 is that esmee on photo 1 and 4??
↳ y/l/nisaballer it has to be, y/n is also wearing esmee’s sweater in photo 4!!
↳ esmeefan22 they’re sooo cute together i can’ttt
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liked by y/n_y/l/n and 11.419 others
a dream come true playing at this world cup. So proud to be part of this amazing team. Our dream ended too soon for us… Thank you to all the Oranje fans, the staff and my teammates. Onto the next adventure
ps. I may not have won the World Cup but I did beat the ‘fifa champion of england’ 😉
y/n_y/l/n i won the first game so it doesn’t count
↳ esmeebrugts the first one of twenty games yeah
y/nbrugtslovr soft launching??
↳ brugts4life they’re definitely dating
When i finally got home i texted Esmee.
y/n: hey es, ik heb je briefje gelezen. Je verdient deze kans, ik zou nooit boos op je kunnen zijn. Laat het weten als je bent aangekomen in Barcelona. (hey es, i’ve read your letter. You deserve this chance, i could never be mad at you. Let me know if you’ve arrived in Barcelona)
es: hi y/n/n ik ben veilig aangekomen. Ik mis je nu al, het spijt me dat we zo afscheid moesten nemen maar ik kom je snel opzoeken, ondertussen kunnen we facetimen. Het komt goed. (hi y/n/n i’ve arrived safely. I already miss you, i’m sorry we had to say goodbye like that but i’ll visit you soon and we can facetime in the meantime. Everything’s gonna be alright.)
I spent the next few weeks facetiming and texting Esmee whenever i could. Her signing hadn’t been announced yet but she has met the barcelona squad and told me all about it. Her first few days were hard. Only a few of the girls spoke enough english to have a conversation with and Esmee couldn’t really talk any Spanish let alone Catalan. It was Aitana Bonmatí who took her under her wing, with a little bit of translation from Ingrid.
The move from The Netherlands to Spain was still hard though, the culture was different, she didn’t really have someone to rely on and she was homesick. So she was looking forward to the first break they had.
When Barça announced her signing i was way too proud not to comment on it.
esmeebrugts, fcbfemeni
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liked by oranjeleeuwinnen and 35.679 others
Excited to announce a new dutch talent to barça, welcome Esmee Brugts
liekemartens vamosss 🔴🔵
y/n_y/l/n so so proud, you deserve it! ❤️
We had a few days off before the season started and i wanted nothing more than to see Esmee so i booked a flight, to Spain. I wanted to surprise her and spend some time with her after only seeing each other over the phone.
It was well into the evening when i arrived at Esmee’s apartment. I bought a bouquet flowers for her at the airport, what kind of gir- friend.. would i be if i came empty handed.
It took Es a few seconds to open the door after i knocked but there she was, a sleepy Esmee looking at me like she’d just seen a ghost. “Mag ik ook nog binnen komen of…” (Can i come in or…) i laughed. She opened the door for me and gave me a hug.
She went to get something to drink for me and i took in her apartment, it was so typically Esmee. It was modern but cozy and there were photos everywhere. A photo of the two of us after a game on the bus standing next to her television.
She came into the living room, holding two cups of tea. “Ik heb je echt gemist weet je” (I’ve really missed you, you know) she told me once we were both settled. “Ik jou ook” (I’ve missed you too) I told her. I put my cup on the table and layed my head on her chest, the sound of her heartbeat bringing me to sleep.
When i woke up we were both in bed, I was still laying on top of her but i had her hoodie on and a pair of her barca sweatpants. Esmee was still asleep so i walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two of us.
I was almost done with the eggs when i felt two arms wrap around my stomach and a head rest on my shoulder. She hummed good morning and gave me a kiss on my cheek, something she hasn’t really done since we’ve been apart.
Eating breakfast i told her about my journey and about Viv and Vic. Esmee had the day off so she would be able to show me the city.
We went to Esmee’s favourite cafe, did some shopping and went out to dinner. Es had made a reservation for the two of us at some fancy restaurant. She had asked her teammates for advice and they came with a few of the best restaurants in Barcelona.
After dinner she took me to her favourite spot. She told me all about it, this was really the only place she felt like home when she first arrived in Barcelona. Her appartement was still empty and didn’t really feel like a home. This place reminded her of home, the green grass and the water, it was just so peaceful. Esmee wasn’t used to all the noise and choas in the big city.
She took a blanket out of her bag and placed it on the ground. We layed next to each other, my arms around her stomach and my head on her chest. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and took in the moment.
Esmee took my hand in hers and squeezed it. “y/n wil je mijn vriendin zijn?” (y/n will you be my girlfriend?) she asked me. I kissed her and told her just how much i wanted to be her girlfriend.
The days went by quicker than i would’ve liked. I was dreading the day that i would have to go back to London and we would have to communicate over the phone again. I liked it here. I liked to be with Esmee.
The next break i got i went straight to Barcelona to see Esmee play. The stadium was absolutely packed and i couldn’t contain my excitement watching her play.
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Traveling between England, Spain and The Netherlands was getting exhausting so when Barça offered me a contract i couldn’t say no.
I was sad to leave London, to leave The Arsenal but i needed a new challenge, i needed my lover and that is where Barça is.
I haven’t told Esmee yet but i might have a little plan of telling her.
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liked by fcbfemeni and 15.439 others
lieverd, i’m coming home
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Not long after i got an incoming call from a certain Barça player. “wat bedoel je met ‘lieverd, i’m coming home’?!” (what do you mean by ‘lieverd, i’m coming home’?!) she almost yelled. I giggled “Es, je weet wat ik bedoel. Ik ga naar Barça” (Es, you know what i mean. I’m going to Barça) i told her.
This time around those four words were everything i could’ve hoped for. I was gonna be with my lover, i’m gonna go home.
esmeebrugts, y/n_y/l/n
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liked by victoriapelova and 27.673 others
she’s coming home everybody. she’s a culer.
victoriapelova credits to me for making this happen?
↳ daniellevddonk i think we deserve a medal or something
y/nsbrugts i knew it!!!
brugtsfan22 they’re so cute together 😭
wosofan11 if you look close enough you can see me jumping off that eiffel tower 🥰
When i arrived at Esmee’s apartment, or should i call it our appartement, our home. I was greeted with a big smile, that stupid smile of hers and a kiss. “Stop met zo naar me lachen, je ziet er dom uit” (Stop smiling at me like that, you look stupid) i shoved her.
“Niet liegen, je houdt van mijn domme lach” (Don’t lie, you love my stupid smile”
A/N thanks everyone for reading my fic. There aren’t really any Esmee fics so i thought i’d write my own. If you have any fic ideas let me know!! <3
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annemiek19 · 1 year
Baby - Jay Halstead
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Working together and being together can some times be very difficult. You and your long time boyfriend, Jay Halstead, are working together in the Intelligence unit. Right now you got a call about a shooting. Turns out, that shooting happened in Jay’s CI appartement. 
Walking up to the apartment of Jay his CI, you could already hear a baby crying. The both of you share look before pulling out your guns and making your way to the apartment. You slowly walk forward as Jay checks the room on the left of you. 
“Clear,” he says and you both walk forward. There is blood all over the walls. The floor is covered in it as well. Walking into the living room, you see two bodies lying on the ground, both covered in blood. The baby is in a crib watching how the two people are dead. You quickly put your gun back in your holster before you reach for the baby and pick it up.
“Ssshh, you’re okay,” you say with a quiet voice as you bounce the baby up and down. 
“It’s they daughter…” Jay says. He checks for a pulse on the victims, but they are both gone. 
You pull the baby closer to you, trying to calm her down. Jay in the meantime makes a call to the rest of the team. 
“How could this have happened? Why kill the parens and leave the baby alive?”
Jay shrugs his shoulders. “She does have some blood on her arm.” Jay steps closer to you and the baby and looks at her arm. “There is no cut or anything. Let DCFS know that they should go to med, just to be sure.”
You nodded, leaving your partner at the scene while you go give the baby to DCFS. They just arrive as you walk out of the apartment building. The baby has finally stopped crying and has even put her head against your neck. 
“DCFS?” you double check.
“Yeah. Is she okay?”
“She looks okay, but let med check her out just to be sure.”
The DCFS lady reaches out for the baby, but as soon as she puts hands on her, the baby starts to cry again. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” you say as you start bouncing her again. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” The lady asks. 
“Parents were murdered. Baby probably saw the whole thing. She was crying when we arrived.”
“And she stopped after you picked her up?”
You nodded. “It took a few minutes, but then she calmed down.”
The DCFS lady nodded. “Let’s try again. Even is she is crying, just give her to me, and walk away. We’ll go from there.”
“Okay.” You hand the lady the baby, and it Starts crying and screaming. You take a few steps back, but the baby isn’t calming down. It’s turning around and reaching towards you. 
The DCFS lady walks back to you and hands you the baby back. “It’s a response. Older children have it as well. After a traumatic fact, the person that finds them, is the person they connect with. It’s probably the same with this baby. Look, I have a lot more to do today and a crying baby is the last thing I want. Can you take care of her for now? It’s in the best interest for the baby.”
Shocked you look at the lady. How can she say this? “Let me check it with my sergeant.”
You grab your radio. “Sarge. DCFS is here about the baby. They tried to take the baby and it started throwing a fit. Something about the trauma. Short story, can I take care of her today? DCFS said it was okay.”
“Get her checked out at Med, then meet us back in the district. We’ll go from there.”
“Copy you.”
The DCFS lady hands you a car seat and her card and then she is off. 
You look at the baby. “Let’s go to Med then.” You walk towards your car and put he car seat in. Right as you shut the door, Jay comes rushing towards you. 
“Voight told me to come with you.”
“Awh, I thought I could finally drive,” you pout. “I’ll get in the back seat with the baby. Do you know her name?”
“I have no idea.”
Both of you get in the car and Jay drives to Med. 
After getting the baby checked out at Med and you got some supplies from the hospital, you went back to the distract. The baby is sound asleep now. 
“You’re so good with kids,” Jay whispers as you get the baby out of the car. 
“It makes you think, huh?” You ask as you wiggle your eyebrows. 
“We never had that conversation… you want kids?”
“I think so. You?”
“Me too. It would be fun to have a little you running around?”
“Or a mini you,” you smile at Jay. Both of you make it upstairs. You put the baby down in the kitchen, before you go meet Voight in his office. 
“How is the baby doing?”
“She is sleeping right now, but as DCFS said, she has a trauma response, probably. It’s hard to tell with a baby. They checked her out at Med and she is okay. We don’t know her name, but she is asleep now. I also got some emergency stuff from the hospital. Look sarge-.” You got cut off by the door flying open. 
Jay walks in with the crying baby. “She just woke up. I tried to stop her from crying, but it’s not working.”
“I got her,” you say as you reach out your hands. You grab the baby and immediately she calms down. 
“I see what you were trying to say,” Voight says.
“Doctor Charles said that it has something to do with smell. The baby recognizes Y/N’s smell and she knows that she is safe,” Jay says. 
“DCFS said it was okay for you to take care of this baby?”
You nod. “Even the hospital singed a form, so right now I’m her guardian.”
Voight looks at Jay. “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m fine with this. It’s the best for the baby.”
“Okay good. You two can go, figure out whatever it is that you need to, like baby stuff and all that. Keep your phones on in case we need you.”
After a shopping trip at Target, you found everything that you needed. You are wearing the baby in a baby carrier, while Jay is putting the crib together. 
“I did think this would happen in another order,” Jay says. 
“Me too, but I’m not too mad about it.” You look at the sleeping baby and can’t help but smile. 
“We need to think of a name, though. We can’t keep calling her baby.” Jay stands up from the ground and looks at the crib with a proud smile. 
“I love it. But how do you name a kid? Like just pick a random name that we like?”
“Yeah. Her mom was called Anya and her dad Michael, maybe that helps.”
“I always loved to name Mia, it could stand for both her parents name.”
“I like it.” Jay walks over to you and peaks at the sleeping baby. “Too late to have the baby conversation now,” he says with a slight smile. 
“Yeah, pretty much.” You both laugh, but quickly stop as you hear the baby, Mia, making a noice. 
“She’s lucky that you found her,” Jay says and kisses the side of your head. 
“She very lucky to have you too.”
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valentine-cafe · 9 months
Hi! I'd like to order a 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒌𝒆 (with lots of jalapeño spicyness) please!
R-Rish, too... t-too much *gasps* too b-big, please, s-slow down *whimpers and tries to squirm away*
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ earth 9948e rishen aryielus
⊹ ۪ ࣪ angel x reader, cw: sexual content, rough-fucking, degradation, slut name, overstim, creampie ⊹ ۪ ࣪
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“ssshh, you can take it pretty. . . mngh,” strong hands push you further into the strewn sheets of his bed, stomach flushed into the mattress as his hips piston behind you. the constant wet slapping of flesh joins your desperate moans and his soft grunts followed by groans. the little puddle between your legs a clear indicator of how long you've been going at it.
his fingers squeeze at your thighs — landing a harsh spank when you subconsciously push them together. “spent all day teasing me, riling me up — fuck — n-now you wish to back out? not a chance, you're gonna take it.”
rishen's smooth voice now shakes as he looms over your body, chest pressed to your back, arms looped around your form and holding you down as he fucks you into the sheets. speeding up at your little whines and gasps — only giving a chuckle of a response.
“aww, too big? yeah? ohhh what a shame. my pretty amor's gonna have to take it like th-they - mngh - begged for it . . . have to take it like a slut. . . ngh.”
his cock strains as you squeeze around him and he shudders through the kisses pressed against your skin. amber eyes take a quick glance down and he observes the ring of cream along his base, sees how well you are taking him despite your whining. he bites into his lower lip as he fucks another load into you. nimble fingers pinch and twist at your nipples and your eyes loop back when he drives into that one bundle of nerves again and again.
a twinge of irritation swells within him at your attempt to squirm away and he tuts out in a drawl. “mm. . . what's this?”
the hold on your flesh tightens — yanking you back onto his cock, shoving the fronts of your thighs into the mattress and pounding you senseless as you choke out cries of pleasure. “no no, mi amanecer,” his harsh pant fills your ear as his ringed fingers squeeze at your ass and a large wing wraps around you. further trapping your quivering form against him.
a yank to your hair and soon your face is forced away from the pillow, all so he can whisper his sweet nothings to your ear. “we don't run away from a good fucking. . . hah. . . no, we take it like the damn brat we are yeah? yeah, you fucking slut.”
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
32 - Message of a Dragon
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Part 33
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Thunder roared through the dark halls of whatever castle I had found myself in. My hair was loosely flowing down my back with me in a red gown and some dragon rider boots. Slowly scanning the large room around me there was a burning fire going in the fireplace and a large round table seated into the middle of the room. “What is this place?”
“Harrenhal, little princess.” Whipping my head around it took me a second before my gaze landed on a man standing by the burning fireplace that I apparently hadn’t seen when I was looking over there moments ago.
Knitting my brows at the stranger he looked very much like a Targaryen. Short silver white hair and bright purple eyes focused on me. “Who are you? What house did you belong to, my lord?”
“I’m not some fucking lord, princess. I am a dragon prince. Daemon Targaryen.” He flashed me a wicked smirk across his lips.
Parting my lips I recalled the name from the many books that I’d been taught to read. He married his niece Rhaenyra who went to war with her half brother over the throne but was brutally murdered according to the written histories. “Why am I seeing you now, Daemon? This is a dream for certain so it must mean something of importance.”
“Most people didn’t care for my bluntness but that is what you need to hear as of late.”
Moving around the round table I stand a few feet away from him in front of the fireplace. “And what is it you feel you must tell me?”
“I see who you really are.” Daemon answered my question.
Moving my arms over my chest I raised my chin upright meeting his gaze. “Who am I really in your eyes then, Daemon?”
“You’re acting like a foolish flower. The blood of the dragon runs through your veins and yet you’re pretending to be someone you’re not.” He explained glaring at me for quite some time.
I scoffed back at him. “I refuse to use dragons to take our families throne back from Cersei-“
“How do you think we took it in the first place?” The long dead dragon man rested a hand on his sword attached to his hip.
I snorted out a laugh. “Dreams-“
“Dreams didn’t make us Kings. Dragons did.” He sharply cut me off wrapping one hand around my throat slightly choking me where I grabbed onto his wrist attempting to fight against his grasp.
I gasped for air staring into his dark purple eyes. “Daemon - I - I won’t kill people for it.”
“So if I attempt to kill you right now. You’re saying you wouldn’t fight back.” He teased me pressing his nails deeper into my throat, cutting my air supply.
One of my hands remained wrapped around his wrist holding my throat. With my other hand maneuvering downward to his sword handle where I drew it and shoved his body backwards. “What’s so funny about any of this?” He began launching dryly at me, stumbling against the stone wall.
“I am right about you, little princess. You can pretend to be a delicate lion wife but deep down you’ll always be a fiery dragon inside.”
Tightening my grip around the blade handle I growled. “So you've wished to insult me, good job. Is there anything else you wish to tell me?”
“You expect I'm simply going to tell you something without having a little fun for myself at that time.” Daemon cocked his head to the side.
A sudden gssp escaped my lips when he tugged the side of my gown he could reach and twirled me into his embrace. “Daemon-” The sword in my hands clanked to the floor, my back pressing to his front and his lips up against my ear.
“Sssh Vaella ssshh. Life's expectations don’t stop us completely from doing what we want.” He nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck.
Placing my hands on his that were wrapped around my waist holding me against his chest I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. “What do you want to do then?”
“I want you to be a Dragon.”
I muttered back a reply. “I am a Dragon.”
“Yes but you need to act more like one. A dragon needs to claim the throne, do you understand me?”
Shaking in his arms I did my best to focus on what he was telling me. “How do you want me to do that?”
“Take the throne the way you know has worked. Take the Iron Throne you know a Targaryen would.” The dead dragon Prince whispered in my ear before disappearing, leaving me standing alone in the rumored haunted halls of Harrenhal.
A gasp left my lips once I had shot upright from laying in my bed peacefully sleeping until I was awoken from the dream. My hair was tousled about and my hands clutching the soft silk sheets under them. I flinched feeling a hand touching my shoulder where I whipped my head around quickly. “Vae , woah, woah, it’s just me. It’s Jaime.”
“J - Jaime. Is it really you?” I croaked out in fear, still believing I was inside that abandoned castle with a dead Targaryen prince.
Jaime takes one of my hands in his real one, bringing it to his lips, kissing it gently. “I'm real, Vaella. I'm real. Do you want to talk about it?”
“I saw Daemon Targaryen - I saw the Rogue Prince who married Rhaenyra, the Black Queen they called her.” Hugging my knees to my chest feeling my hair falling in front of my face. Struggling to tell him exactly what I saw and not come off as crazy. “We were talking in Harrenhal and he called me a coward. He said that I wasn’t truly being a dragon like I was born.”
My husband shook his head at my words. “You're not weak because you don't want to take Kings Landing with fire and blood just to sit on a chair of swords.”
“Clearly my dead ancestors think otherwise.” Barley lifting my head up from being bearded in between my knees I sniffed through some tears. “Apparently me believing in White Walkers and wanting to help Jon Snow isn’t what my destiny is supposed to be.”
Jaime tucked hair behind my ear. “Fuck destiny. You’ve lived your entire life trapped in one way or another. Do what you want to do, that's what your mother did the first time I saw her bruises.”
“I thought the first time you saw her bruises was with me.”
He lowered his gaze down to his right hand stump avoiding my gaze when he began explaining. “It was before we had actually met. Aerys sent me to keep watch over your mother and your brother Viserys who was only an infant. “
“Around the time of the great tournament where my brother gave Lyanna a crown of roses.”
He slowly nodded his head yes. “She had been told by many other Kingsguard that she couldn’t hold her own son because Aerys feared she would hurt his son. She asked only one thing of me “bring me my son. I wish to hold my child” she said to me. And I did and never told anyone until this moment.”
“You did what was right regardless of the circumstances. That’s how we have to be now…When dead people come for us all in the night it doesn't matter who sits on the Iron Throne.” I muttered under my breath staring deeply at Aegon’s dagger laying on the table across the room.
Jaime asked, noticing where I was looking at. “What are we going to do, my Queen?”
“We stand behind Jon Snow and face the White Walkers. If my sister wants that throne then she must follow and protect the entire realm.” Tossing the covers aside I slipped on a thin cloak simply wearing a thin nightgown heading over to the table with the dagger.
Jaime held himself by his elbow on one of the pillows. “Where are you going, Vaella?”
“I’m going to educate my little sister.” Snatching the dagger off the table I stomped over to the door, throwing it opened where it made a bang against the stone. My sister needed to be taught a lesson before she got us in a war with the Northerners and Cersei Lannister at the same time.
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lovelytayforce · 9 months
Dragons Among Us Theory!!
Alright, KFP4 trailer is out and I have a couple of theories that all point to one similarity and that is; DRAGONS! Now, we all know this is the Year of the Dragon and all that jazz but this trailer takes it to another level from beginning to end so let's start how we always do here and press play; at the very start! We start with this Gate called a Paifang which is commonly used as an entrance for shrines, it can also be used for common structures and architecture but ssshh! Now, we all know this is the Year of the Dragon and all that jazz but this trailer takes it to another level from beginning to end so let's start how we always do here and press play; at the very start! We start with this Gate called a Paifang which is commonly used as an entrance for shrines, it can also be used for common structures and architecture but ssshh!
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This gate is obviously made from natural materials such as burnt paper which is common practice in said shrines during the new year to make wishes along with Wood which is a Chinese element! So, we might have hints of chi manifesting into the elements of the mortal realm into something far more mystical than we have ever seen within the series! Now, this is closely connected to Dragons, dw I didn't forget! Our first hint is Tai Lung here, aka "The Great Dragon", he's only here for this one sole reason. (People aren't gonna like hearing this but he's gonna be the last bit of energy for what is to come!) The Chameleon cannot truly transform into others perfectly, there is always an imperfection such as when she transforms into the elephant which has designs upon her head on its trunk, Tai Lung has red pants instead of purple, and Po as we've all seen is rather spiky! This all leads to ONE THING, she is a shapeshifting Dragon! And one that fits this description is Shen/Chen in Chinese mythology and makes sense of those weird aquatic like Lizards in her army that match no know species we know of. Aka they are Dragons in disguise acting as normal lizards.
The second thing is her tail here. It grows rather than switches and flips and sheds scales of different colors as she did with Tai and Po, this I believe along with the shadow that follows is her true form.
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There could be a number of reasons why she wants Po's staff much less chi that aligns with the power much less essence of a Dragon because she is either a fallen dragon, an old god whose Shrine was left in the past by locals, or merely a Dragon wishing to ascend above what she is. It explains why the Director calls her more mystical than Kai, The Maker of Widows! She's an ancient being whose already tapped into chi and the nature around here along with knowing Dragon style already! And shoutout to my boy @thegreatying for telling me about Tibetan Temples cause I was confusing them with another type of Chinese temple so peep that info here!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibetan_Buddhist_architecture Honestly, this is going to be one of the best villains of this series with this concept alone, we are finally getting hints at Dragons and the door between the mortal realm and Heaven (aka the spirit realm) into the plot that continues on from what kfp3 left behind. The fact that chi is now normal and accessible makes beings like her look less special and less powerful. But gives her an opening for something even bigger than we could all expect!! So, that is my theory, that The Chameleon is just a code name for her taken form and that in reality, she is a shape-shifting Dragon and her army is also Dragons in disguise! With the themes of temples, shrines and maybe some commentary on Tourism in our future and how they affect old shrines and gods when we find it too inconvenient to visit them... Or maybe just maybe we'll get a hint at a true god-or maybe a Demi GOD YOU KNOW WHO IM TALKING ABOUT WUKONG! Anyways, that's all for now~!
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lostheretics · 2 years
▸ chapter 4; the art of learning and overthinking
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4
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✵ cast : jung wooyoung x fem!reader, kim hongjoong, lee juyeon, kim younghoon, ateez, mentioned oc and many kpop artists name or group
✵ genre : romance, marriage life, eventual angst, smut, mafia!au, non idol!au
✵ summary : there was a saying that learning is a lifelong process. what will you learn about the underworld, the first time you stepped into it? you might have what they call a beginner's luck, but will that be enough for the things you'll be facing soon?
✵ notes : 8k-ish. wow. thanks for waiting, to those whoever awaits i guess. i was thinking of making a taglist for this fic. taglist will be used for updates; ANY updates regarding PT. just drop ur @ in my askbox (here). also, PLS REBLOG.
☒ warnings: smut... like a wholeass breeding kink i laid it all there, once more. marriage talk, maybe a swear word(s) here and there, do remind me if i missed anything
☒ i do not condone mafia acts nor any acts that goes against the law at all. everything mentioned are just purely fiction, made to entertain myself and fellow readers in this particular platforms.
☒ do not repost this on any other platform without my permission!
✓ reblogging, liking, and commenting this post in tumblr (through comment or askbox) are very much appreciated.
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"what's happening?"
"i think they're fighting."
"over what?"
"guys, why are you standing like that?"
"like what?"
"like clearly, fucking eavesdropping. who—"
"—ssshh! they're at it again. can you hear what he said to her?"
"not a single word."
seven men stood in front of hongjoong's office with their ears flat against the door, hoping they could get a hint of anything that happened inside. however nothing was heard, no clear words exchanged between you and hongjoong got out of the door, courtesy of his soundproof room. that was besides from hongjoong's screams alongside your own. your two voices went against each other, each time getting louder and louder.
hongjoong was livid upon your actions before.
yet you stood your ground still. 
"—we just had this opportunity, y/n, and the one time, the one fucking time i trusted you to stand under the light, you fucking threw everything that we worked hard for away just like that!" he screamed, clearly driven by anger upon your actions back at the lee mansion. to the lee juyeon.
"i threw no one and nothing! i did what i was supposed to do, i was trying to save ateez!" you screamed back defending yourself.
to your words he almost laughed maniacally. ”save ateez? by putting us in jeopardy?”
closing your eyes, you sighed. the atmosphere was tense between you and hongjoong, and it was not something that you imagined would happen in the first months of officially being a part of ateez. as a part of ateez, of course it was your goal to make ateez better and powerful. yet hongjoong couldn’t seem to see it from your point of view.
exasperatedly, you sighed. ”have some trust in me. am i not a part of ateez?"
he pressed, before continuing. “because you're a part of ateez, y/n, that's precisely why you should be more careful! anything that's gonna happen to you, gonna happen to us and it's all on you. you risk not only your life or mine, but our brothers. your husband. our allies. everyone that worked under and with us, can't you see it?"
"did i not secure our place in the gala? on my first night introduced to the underworld?"
hongjoong was immediately silenced. on that note, you were right. you secured ateez’ place in the gala.
on a special note, that is.
turning to juyeon, hongjoong stuttered his words out, “mr. lee, please forgive y/n’s boldness, she only worked in the shadow before a-and never ha-“
“make sure you all come to my gala. the whole week, i expect you all to be there. i’ll introduce you to some of my friends.” juyeon cut his words. looking back, hongjoong caught juyeon’s eyes wandering to the corner where he just had his conversations with you, but to no avail when he didn’t caught you in his line of sight.
juyeon drew a small smile which surprised hongjoong, before looking back to him, “she’s intriguing. i should have more time to know her, and i insist it.” he then straightened his hand out for hongjoong to take,
“i should hope to see ateez more in the future.”
“what did you two talk about?”
it was a question, but you know hongjoong would demand an answer from you.
a shadow brought into the light, and not even in one night, was able to reach a place even hongjoong has never reached before. a higher league. anyone in their right mind would question it the way hongjoong did. 
“what did he say to you?” you countered.
“don’t answer a question with another, and i asked first.” 
with the staring contest the both of you were having and hongjoong’s stubborness, you know you wouldn’t win against your captain. 
you sighed, “i just said something about admiring his father’s work, that he was a winner, then he just said i fascinate him and made sure i came to the gala. that’s all, i promise.” you explained.
“joong, i don’t know what else to say but i just wish you could see that i’m on your side. i want ateez to win, the way you want it. nothing else.”
silence took over as hongjoong’s thoughts done the same to his head. 
"okay." he sighed after a few moments. "but i'm warning you, y/n. no more bold moves that i don't know of. behave." he pressed. he moved towards his table and sat down. 
"you're dismissed."
and so you left the room.
it takes time. 
it takes time, was the sentence you say to yourself repeatedly on daily basis. ever since you got tangled with ateez, married to one of its member. ever since you knew hongjoong and worked your hardest for his trust. that it would take time for hongjoong to fully trust you. 
your intentions haven't faded still. 
midnight strikes. the kitchen was cold and empty. sitting on the island, the bourbon in your hand had melted the ice as you hold it, just staring at it blankly. you chugged it in one go and filled your cup once again. a sigh slipped through your lips unconsciously. 
were you too much? 
the events that happened the last weeks played in your mind, as you go through it one by one, moment by moment, correcting yourself in your mind. 
the first time hongjoong unofficially accepted you into ateez. 
lee juyeon and the conversation you had. 
it most definitely was the unexpected outcome, how you crossed the boundary, how, weirdly enough, he was intrigued by you instead of angered by your statements. how you secured ateez's place in the gala all because of he insisted you'd be there. based on that thoughts alone, you couldn't help but wonder what will happen at the gala soon. 
and that man in the garden, with his piercing brown eyes. 
strikingly handsome man. 
it was quite an embarrassing scene, yet all through it he only showed his concerns. even after he picked you up and moved you to a quiet hall. even after you just said a quick thank you and hurriedly ran away from him, not wanting to cause another scene any further. 
you didn't get to know his name. 
not that you needed it, it was just for formality. he saved you, after all. 
raising your cup, you sipped your bourbon again. you were just reaching the bottle to pour another, when wooyoung's voice halted you. "how many have you had?" 
turning your head, you saw him standing near the arch with a disapproving look on his face. 
"five... this would've been the sixth," you answered truthfully, chuckling to ease the air. 
"you know i hate it when you drink. i don't want you to bring back that awful drinking habit of yours." he scowled. "i don't want you to get sick, baby. you know that, right?"
by bad habit, he might be referring to your habit of drinking those poisons like water. you'd drink when you're happy. when you're sad. when you got problems. for lunch, for dinner. any time you could drink you'd drink, and it had became a part of your life so much that you didn't think much of it. though you always stay sober instead of drunk. 
and wooyoung hated it so much he cut off all access to alcohol after the first few months of becoming your boyfriend. it was a weird feeling, the withdrawal you had. yet you weren't being fussy about it, only coming back to alcohol on certain occasion like parties, dinner, and now, just casually thinking of life on a slightly deeper level. 
you smiled, "you're worried. i understand." you put down your cup on the sink, and put away the bottle back on its rack. you sat back on the chair as wooyoung walked towards you. he positioned himself between your thighs. your hands instinctively circled his neck, as he caressed your thighs softly. a peck landed on your chin. 
"a penny for your thoughts?"
the dreading question left his lips. the one question which has no definite answer, at least for the night. too much thing going around in your head with little to no way to explain it. you shook your head, only answering to him with that smile from before. 
"was it hongjoong hyung? what did you guys talk about? he seemed mad." he urged still. 
"you asked as if it was bad and you were ready to land a punch on him."
"that's because i might."
chuckling, you circled your hands tightly around him, assuring him. "i'm okay. we're okay. he's just concerned and he voiced it all so well. as he's supposed to do, as our captain." you assured him, adding a peck on his cheek to secure your statement. "don't worry, woo. it was just about the gala."
"you sure?"
"then there's no reason for you to stay up late anymore..." he pulled on your waist, "come to bed then? i hate sleeping without you." he whined. 
he offered you his hand, which you took happily. hand in hand the both of you walked towards your room, ending the night. safely tucked underneath the warm blanket, protected by the arms of none other than your lovely husband.
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there were papers scattered around the wooden table, the computer screen was on but untouched, and a half cup of coffee that turned cold by then. 
messy table, messy head they say. 
yet it was far from how juyeon looked standing by his windowsill. his shirt were still unchanged from last morning, but still fits him well with no crinkles. his tie was loose, with his sleeves rolled up. the clock on his table was the only reminder the day had changed and the sun will soon be up, yet there he was still. 
lacking sleep and deep in his thoughts. 
a knock arrived on his office door yet he didn't bother to look up, only doing so when his butler called his name. 
"sir juyeon," he called. 
breaking his train of thoughts, juyeon looked to the elderly man standing near his desk. "ah, park jipsa*." 
"sir, the sun is almost up and you haven't had any sleep. you're not doing any of your job either. you're risking your health, sir." the elderly butler reminded him, which juyeon only replied with a chuckle. 
"you sound like you actually care about me." he mused with a chuckle, not forgetting to give him a side look. 
"that's because it's my job, sir. to make sure the lee family line goes on. it's always been a park's job to make sure of it, since years ago and for years to come," he countered back, face straight yet his eyes still hold a hard look in them. 
"not to mention it was your father's dying wish for me to keep you safe." 
ah, the lee minhyuk. dearest father. melancholy hit him, juyeon gazed to the purplish orange sky sitting outside his window. the sun was starting to show itself, welcoming itself to the morning. 
"never thought i'd be here without him." juyeon murmured to himself. 
"he loved you so much he designed everything through and through, just for you to be here," 
that old man had served the lee family since the time of juyeon's grandfather's reign. he had served lee jiyoung until her downfall, served lee minhyuk until his death, and finally lee juyeon himself. for those years, nothing about the man ever changed. 
his tongue still sharp as ever,
and his loyalty remained strong as ever. 
nothing but truth came out of his mouth. lee minhyuk was one of the fiercest man to ever live; despite his ways of usurping and his infamous act in backstabbing his own family. the world might remember him as a hero, as a villain, but to juyeon he was simply a loving father. loving enough to fulfill juyeon's need as a child even after his mother's death. 
to put everything in, he simply missed his father.
juyeon blinked a tear away, sighing before he brought back himself to reality. "you got the thing i asked for?"
"yes sir." park jipsa took out a folder and moved forward, handing it to juyeon. juyeon took it from him, opening the folder himself and screened through its pages. 
"jung y/n was an orphan. her lineage is unknown at all, our investigator asked around the orphanage and said she was just dropped there and have been there since she was a baby. the orphanage had a funding program which enabled people to fund for the children there, if they wish to help but not to adopt. that funding helped jung y/n to go to school and after that, she got a scholarship to pursue further education abroad,” the butler explained, before adding, "not much is found about her life there. after that she just went back here and took small jobs. she met ateez and jung wooyoung, courtesy of the dirty job her boss had with ateez. the rest are history, they got married and here they were."
juyeon hummed. "nothing else?"
"nothing else. nothing related to you nor the mafia world,” he answered. "may i ask who she is to you, sir? for you to look about her this way."
"that's what i'm trying to find out too, park jipsa." he grinned, closing the folder. "i just found her, and she's... enticing. i can't quite put it in words yet. like i've known her before. but alas, we haven't. but i’ll make sure we do.”
"ah, and that thing i requested?" juyeon asked once again.
his butler nodded, "it's almost ready and will be sent first thing after it's done."
juyeon let out a satisfied hum. standing up, he stretched a bit before retreating from his office. 
"i'll be resting the whole day. don't bother cleaning up my desk. i'll be available for work tomorrow." he announced as he walked out. 
the butler nodded and bowed. 
"as you wish, sir."
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the lee family gala week only started a few days after chuseok. with a few days off, ateez decided that they'd visit a family for the holiday. that family happened to be wooyoung's only remaining relative; his father who lived around the rural area of the town.
it's not like the rest of the members didn't have a family. however, wooyoung's father was the only elderly figure that aligned with ateez, as in being in underworld. he was a part of a small gang who understood a little of the underworld, only stopping when he had wooyoung. some said he sort of trained wooyoung to get into the underworld. the rest of ateez's relative aren't much involved; hence the bond was better with wooyoung's father. 
jung ilwoo, but he was more famous as just mr. jung. 
the air in the countryside sure was different from the one in the city. along the fresh air  the smell of barbecued beef filled your nose. the members were preparing for dinner behind you, going back and forth. 
"food's almost ready!" seonghwa shouted, and people quickly gathered around, finishing their tasks faster. 
"guys, where's wooyoung?" you asked when you couldn't found him within the crowd. 
"try the kitchen. he was in charge of making songpyeon." one of them quipped. 
answering a quick okay, you walked into the house. you called upon your husband by his name, which he loudly answered back, telling you of his whereabouts. 
there you found him, sitting in the kitchen comfortably, skillfully molding the colorful songpyeons by hand. 
"woo, come on, dinner's almost ready," 
"hold on," he didn't even spare you a glance, "i'm trying to make the songpyeons as pretty as possible." he remarked while proudly showing you one of the songpyeons he made. 
you tsked him. "they're gonna end up ruined in our stomach anyways."
your nonchalantness had him scowling. "it's holidays, we deserve something pretty. and they say if you can make pretty songpyeons, you'll make pretty babies." he insisted. 
"you seemed to be interested in babies a lot these days." you noted, with a lighthearted chuckle. 
but it didn't set a reaction you expected out of wooyoung. rather than giving you another witty remarks or anything light to the moment like he always did, he stopped a while, stunned, before lowering his head, consumed by deep thoughts in his head. that chuckle and smile on your face was quickly wiped out as you reach for him. 
"woo?" you called, nudging him by his shoulders lightly with your fingers. 
he raised his hand, grazing your fingers before taking it in his own palm. he took a moment of silence while holding your hand, tracing every marks in there. 
"i've been thinking about making a family of our own. it's been a while," he blurted out. 
"i know. san told me," your other hand went up to his cheek, caressing him softly. "why haven't you told me this face to face?" you asked him. 
"i dropped hints. like a lot." he jokingly said. "but i guess anyone would take it as a joke as usual—"
"you're not a joke, never."
"—point is i was just afraid, i guess." he finished nervously. 
"of what?"
"that maybe you don't want kids. that maybe we'd be bad parents, or worse, if i wasn't good enough to become a dad, considering my... line of work. and many more reason." he explained, eyes still looking down at his own feet. 
there's only one jung wooyoung. 
however the times you've spent with each other had made you both realize that there are many things you don't know about each other. like how hard it was for wooyoung to voice out his thoughts, preferring acts than words. as a capo he was more used to receiving commands, listening, doing things and getting them done, despite being able to have thoughts of his own and proving it more than once. having lived with it longer than he was with you, it became something that stays with him. he might be mouthy and loud when he was clingy or showing his affections to you and others, but not when it comes to himself.
i’m okay, it’s nothing much. those were the words that most likely would came out of his mouth. all those times when he came home bruised all over his body, or even bleeding. when he could barely move without wincing in every step he took, clearly in pain. when he came out of hongjoong’s office with his head down, always the same answer.
it took you hours, even days to extract it out of him. and you’d never forget to appreciate him when he finally came clean about his problems. 
“woo, look at me.” you spoke softly, pulling up his chin softly to stare into his eyes. “i’m your wife, you’re my husband. remember? we made a vow.” which he nodded. 
“i understand that you might need time to speak up, but i don’t want us to keep anything from each other. especially things regarding our marriage, our family.” you explained. 
“and about that,” you quipped, “i’m not opposed to it. but i want us to be more ready instead of just being reckless.”
upon your words, a hopeful smile appeared on his face, his eyes turned crescent along with it. “really?” he asked, making sure which you answer with a nod. “does that mean we can start trying and preparing?”
you feigned a gasp, “i thought you’ve been trying since forever?” 
you both laughed to it. the moment was soon broken by a shout from outside, loudly calling for dinner. "c'mon, let's not make others wait."
hollers welcomed you when you and wooyoung walked out of the house, joining the rest on the veranda for dinner. 
“i hope you didn’t taint the kitchen. your dad cooks and eat there, y’know.” yeosang teased, eliciting laughs from others. 
“how about i taint your ears, shithead?” wooyoung taunted back menacingly, “i’ll gladly move next to your room, if that’s what you want.” he ended. the smile quickly wiped out of yeosang’s face as it turned pale with the imagination of restless nights caused by your nightly acts next to his room. and with wooyoung's stamina? it'd be miracle to have a 3 hours quiet time. 
after all, that's why you both got your own quarters, far from others' in the mansion. 
“i’d rather have my ears stabbed then.” he deadpanned.  
dinner started, along with chatters shared between the boys and wooyoung's father. though the old man preferred to answer shortly, being a quiet person he was. 
you didn't talk much with him, with how he answered so shortly. yet you still care for him, constantly reminding wooyoung to come home once in a while or bringing things for his father. 
"woo, aren't we gonna make offerings with the songpyeon and everything?" you quipped. dinner was done, you and wooyoung were in charge of washing dishes. 
wooyoung raised his eyebrows and returned a loud, "huh? what offerings?" 
"to your ancestors? it's a part of the holiday too, right?" you asked. 
after thinking for a while, he let out a loud 'ah'. "my dad stopped doing that when i was like... ten? i don't know." he answered nonchalantly. "besides, my dad said my grandpa and grandma passed a long time ago, when he was younger. he kinda decided it's way past the time."
"not even to your mom?"
the question left him stunned for a while. 
"right... she's dead. i don't know a thing about her though."
"i'm sorry, love." you offered an sympathetic smile. "was she bad, did she neglect you or something?"
he shrugged, "i don't know. dad never really talked about her, he was kinda dismissive about it. just said that she died not long after i was born."
he inhaled, then exhaled, seemingly deep in thoughts before speaking again. "but i don't think she's bad at all." he stated. "one time when i came home from school, i think i was around eleven or twelve... he set up an offering table. there were no photos, no name or anything. i asked him who it was for, and he said it was for my mom. he said it was an... important time and she would want to be remembered. so we prayed for her. and i asked one more time about her to my dad."
"what did he say?"
"he just said he believed that my mom would've loved me. it's just that fate didn't really allow us to be together. sounds cliche as fuck and i don't really get it even now. but i decide  to believe that she did love me. it's easier that way too. i never asked much after that."
"so you never know anything about her? at all?" you queried, invested in his back story. 
stopping his movement in wiping the plates, he leaned back and furrowed his brows, deeply thinking. then he answered, 
"dad said my eyes were like hers, and she gave me my name. he also said she was brave and i took after her, just in a reckless way." 
that conversation ended with laughs escaping from both of your mouths. and so did the night. 
midnight passed, and you were sure everyone was fast asleep when you moved to the living room. 
the songpyeons you had spared before were placed neatly on a plate, along with some other offerings like fruits. there were a bowl of rice and a soup. lighting the candles, you sat down in front of the table. 
you've decided to pay a little respect for wooyoung's mother, if he and his father decided not to. 
you thanked mrs. jung for bringing wooyoung to where he is now; as your loved one, while wondering what would she be like if she were still here. what would she see from you, and many things. you prayed that wherever she is now she'll do well, promising you'll do your best to be wooyoung's wife. 
he might be a pain in the ass sometimes but thank you, he's the sweetness everyone needed in this bitter life.
you were just sitting comfortably in the silence when you heard someone clearing their throat just behind you. turning your back, your eyes found mr. jung standing there, just staring at you blankly. 
"abeoji*..." you stuttered like a deer caught in the headlight, quickly standing up. awkwardness filled in, you knew you weren't wrong for doing it, but it feels unfair to do it yourself when wooyoung and his father didn't even do so. despite being in laws with mr. jung, you still feel like a stranger in the household. 
he raised his hand calmly, dismissing the awkwardness. then he smiled at you. he took a closer look to the offering table you made for mrs. jung. 
he then just stared at it longingly. 
not a single word slipped out of your lips when he observed you and your midnight activity. he just sighed again, retreating. 
"you really are something else." he chuckled with his deep voice. 
"i'm sorry if this offended you." you apologized, but he just shook his head. 
"you're doing something nice, how am i offended?" he said, "i trust she'll be at ease... now that you're here."
he then proceeded to speak more. "always a surprise, something else she was. i wish she could've seen wooyoung and how he grew up, what kind of man he will grown into."
"i'm sure she would've been so proud oof wooyoung and you. for raising him to the man he is today. i believe she'd do anything for you if she could." you said soothingly. 
"hmm, it shows." he quipped. “for everything to fall this way, i can see why she chose…“ he stopped himself, staring at you for a while, before moving his eyes to the offering table once more. 
you raised your eyebrows upon the cryptic message, confusion written all over your face. upon seeing your contorted face, instead of further explaining things, the man chose to retreat, offering you a small smile.
“good night, y/n.”
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it was a weird encounter with mr. jung. 
however, you remembered wooyoung and hongjoong's words, about how cryptic and confusing the elderly man can be. and you were never in one thought anyway with mr. jung, so you decided to drop the thoughts of that night. 
but surprise, surprise, oh the thoughts you were going to have today. 
"...say what?" you dumbly ask once again. 
your butler sighed, once again offering the fancy box in his hand. "it came just this morning, madam. a gift from lee juyeon for the gala, addressed to mrs. jung y/n." he explained. 
the whole people sat around the table were silent as they watched the scene unfold before them. wooyoung rose to action first, snatching the box from the butler and putting it on the table.
upon opening the box, he was met with a neatly folded fabric of what seemed to be a dress, a set of jewelry, a pair of masks, an invitation and a piece of paper. he took both the invitation and paper, observing the contents. he found the gala theme to be a masquerade party, the lee family invited ateez to be a part of the gala for a week. he then moved his eyes to the other piece of paper, reading it carefully. 
he decided to read it out loud. "dearest mrs. jung, i hope you accept this token of good friendship between us, ateez and lee family. come to the gala and— what the fuck? —and allow me to have a dance with you— what the," he seethed, "what is this royal bastard doing?! sending you these and- and a dance?! hyung didn't you tell him she was married?" he asked, voice going an octave higher. 
"well he did use 'mrs. jung', so he should've known." yeosang quipped, back to eating his breakfast. 
"hongjoong?" you asked him unsurely. he took the paper from wooyoung's hand, reading the content quickly before putting it down. 
"we need this connection." he sighed, but proceed to look up to you, "how about you? are you okay with this? i know this is important and we kinda don't have a choice, but i wanna know how you feel about this. don't do it if you're not comfortable." he made sure, eyes glimmering with hesitation. you just nod, though hesitating, you sure want to give the best. 
"we have no choice." you murmured agreeing with him. 
"uh, excuse me? i'm her husband? shouldn't i be the one saying that?" wooyoung cut in the conversation, still salty and filled with jealousy. 
"ooh, the green monster is showing." one of the boys said, inducing laughter. 
hongjoong just chuckled. "hey, no one is in fault in here. i told him she was married, y/n explained to him that you are, no doubt, her husband." he explained. 
"you do you, woo. watch on your wife, but remember," he pressed on his last word, "business is business. keep it professional. and i see there's a pair of matching masquerade mask in there. i think it speaks a lot." 
standing up, hongjoong clasped his hands together, gathering his voice before announcing, "tonights is the start of the gala week. prepare yourselves, show up all clean, be ready, and be at your best behavior. i expect the best out of all of us. we're leaving at five this evening."
he raised his cup of morning tea, proposing a toast.
"to our glory."
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the whole day, wooyoung has been pouting, seething, if not drowning in jealousy over the morning shenanigans. it was bound to happen anyway, with how possessive he could be. not that you're complaining, that side of him could lead to many passionate things to your marriage life. 
passionate arguments, and even more passionate endings, fiery make ups. 
you constantly teased him, drawing even more crinkle on his face leading to you laughing. he was still upset, but it went moderate when you found that juyeon not only included a pair of matching mask, but also a matching tie to your dress for wooyoung's attire, in which wooyoung complained with a ‘tie and a dress? that’s hardly fair.’
in the end, you both had to use the gift well. 
"fuck, that royal bastard has a good taste, too." he murmured, on today's evening while waiting for you on the living room. 
he was trying his best to still look upset, keyword trying. the only thing that made him angry in the first place was the fact some other guy gave you something personal; but can he truly stay mad when you look this good? 
it was a long black dress, his favorite color. a sleeveless dress with a halter style top and a choker neckline. the piece being backless and having an absolutely low cut on the front part did not help at all, only accentuating the curves of your breasts. the only cute thing the dress provided was the frilly tulle skirt. the pair of earrings and bracelet only made you shine brighter, giving you that elegant look. 
and it didn't help you the way wooyoung look with his all black suit and a tie matching to your black dress. his usually messy hair was now tied up. the rolex he got sat nicely on his wrist, giving him that professional look. as if he wasn't ravishing enough to begin with in his usual baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, he had to rub his handsomeness to your face this way. 
"you look absolutely ravishing, wife," he couldn't help but blurt out, eyes still watching you like a hawk watching on its prey. he landed a smooth kiss on the back of your hand. 
"and so are you, husband." you smirked. you boldly reach out, pulling on his neck to land a playful kiss on his lips which he happily returned. 
"please, for the love of god, get a room." 
at this point, none of the boys' complaints got into any of your brains. hand in hand, and still stars trucked, you both got into the designed rolls royce. you thought the sunset looked nice that day, but all wooyoung see was you, all the way to the lee family mansion.
the lee family mansion, to say it was nicely decorated wouldn't do any justice. 
everything was decorated in a golden brown hue, the lights were set in a yellow tone. just from the lobby you could faintly hear a classical music played by orchestra, and you could see some art pieces here and there, the ones that were guarded and, maybe, were lent from museum. 
talking about old money. 
there are some guests chatting just around the corner of the great hall, while the rest busy themselves waltzing around in the middle of the room with their respective partners. 
"tiger in. is everybody in the room?"
hongjoong's voice came through each of your ear pieces. you and wooyoung look at each other before nodding, confirming that you hear the same thing. pressing a button, you each confirmed of your presence. 
"yeon in."
"uno in."
"mars in."
"lion in."
"howl in."
"bear in."
"fox in."
lastly, you spoke, "ocean in."
"remember. behave. dance or talk around, make new allies, and observe. dismissed." hongjoong's voice once again blasted, before a light beep came through, ending the conversation. 
from the corner of your eyes you could faintly see the members starting to scatter around the room, some in pairs, some alone. your arm was still intertwined with wooyoung, as he lead you further into the great hall. 
"i think we have some time for us." wooyoung remarked, stopping in near the dancing crowd. stepping in front of you, he offered his hand. "what do you say? shall we dance?" 
smirking, you accepted his hand. "lead the way, husband."
he hold your hand in his, while his other hand rested on your waist. you put your other hand on his shoulder. he lead you both to the middle of the dancing crowd, feet tapping to the music as he swayed you in his arms. 
wooyoung was undoubtedly a good dancer. he lead you in such a way you were easily swayed and moved, as if your muscles became his to move around. he spin you around, eliciting chuckles from the both of you when your tulle twirled with your movement. once again his hand landed on your waist, pulling you close to his body. 
"you're so beautiful." he whispered. 
"and you're so handsome. how many times more are we going to have this conversation?" you ask amusedly. 
"until i forget how beautiful you are." 
he lowered his eyes, taking your whole attire. the dress, the black with gold stripes mask similar to his adorning your eyes, the soft velvet gloves encasing your hands— you looked stunning. you looked so stunning he couldn't help his hand to go higher, resting it on your bare back, giving it a gentle squeeze. his breath went heavier as he felt your smooth skin under his palm. 
you hissed upon his touch, hot against your skin. "woo—" you warned. 
"i need you," he exhaled, "god, i need you so desperately. you're so beautiful it's driving me insane." he spoke breathily. 
"baby, we're at work." you reminded him of the reality, but it didn't seem to bother him at all as he moved his lips near your ears, his breath ghosted around as he lightly nip your earlobe. 
"it'll be quick, i promise. i'll make it good." his grip on your back went tighter, "please," he begged. 
he moved his head back, staring at your eyes and lips for a second. lust were clear in his eyes, from behind his mask. he dived for your lips, kissing you lightly, though you know he's holding himself back so much as you were both in a middle of a crowd, while at work. the kiss might be light and seemly innocent, but not with the way he bit your lower lip when he pulled back, alluring you with his lustful gaze. 
he pleaded once again. 
in which you could no longer keep your stance, nor your needs, nor your sanity. a whispered yes escaped your lips, and he was fast in pulling you away from the crowd, away from the great hall, practically running to the farthest and quietest bathroom. patience be damned, as thin as ice when he backed you up against each hallway, kissing and groping each other as if there's no tomorrow. 
thank the lees for having such a big bathroom. 
wooyoung basically pushed you inside the room, making your waist hit the cabinet as he locked the room. 
oh, the primal look in his eyes. 
he took of his mask, threw it somewhere across the room. you did the same. he stepped forward, claiming your lips with his once again, this time with no restraint as no one was around. you could hear your breaths racing, the messy smacking of your lips against his, raising heat to your face and your insides. 
"baby," you pulled, trying hard to hold him, "baby we gotta be quick," you reminded him. 
he just nodded. "turn around for me." and you obeyed him, turning around to face the huge mirror in front of you. "watch us baby. don't take your eyes off the mirror." he commanded. 
and you did.
you watched as he stared at you through the mirror, his hands busy in picking up your tulle skirt revealing your black panties. you picked your skirt from his hand, bunching some of the fabric in your hands, putting it aside. 
he slid his hand through your (already soaked) panties, and you involuntarily closed. "eyes open, baby girl." he gripped your jaw. he quickly pulled his zipper, lowering both his underwear and pants just enough to let his dick out. you couldn't see it, the anticipation of it filling you, until you could feel him putting your panties aside, teasing your other lips with his tip before he pushed his dick inside your walls, up to the brim and stilling, catching his breath. 
"stop fluttering around me," he whined feeling your walls massaging his cock nicely. "fuck, so tight."
you were already a moaning mess by the time he slowly moved. 
"faster, woo," you begged already letting the greed take over. his faint smirk was visible through the mirror. 
the snapping movement he created was so good you almost lost balance, but he caught you just in time as he brought his body closer to you, trapping you between the cabinet and himself. he put his hand near your stomach on the cabinet to save you from further unwanted pain, as he laid his head against yours, lips right beside your ears. 
"my good girl, so dirty, so in love with me she'd let me take her in someone else's bathroom, at work," he groaned into your ears. "your moans are so pretty, baby. here i thought the dress was the only pretty thing on you." 
praising or degrading, at this point you have no idea. not with how delicious his cock glided around your velvet walls. not with how his lips playfully glided across the column of neck, giving feathery kisses. 
"y-you're fucking me so good, woo," you moaned out. 
"yeah? always giving the best for my girl, no?" he asked you, and you nod obediently. 
"look at how beautiful you are now, y/n." he gripped your jaw, forcing you to keep your eyes open, "other men might give you this dress, and this dress looked so damn good on you, yes,"
so this is what it was about. partly. 
"but only i can make you moan so pretty like this. make your pretty pussy flutter, make your face contort in pleasure prettily when i give you those mind blowing orgasm," he taunted, "only my dick can please you, filling you up with my cum the way you like it."
a loud moan slipped through you agape mouth, amusing wooyoung. "you always loved my cum, don't you? filling you up to the brim. fuck, could get you all round and pregnant. would you like that?" 
"yes, yes, yes!"
"yes what, baby?"
"give me your babies, fill me up, i'll be pregnant for you, fuck!" you cried out, feeling the hot wave on your lower parts, "fuck baby, i'm—" your brain short circuited stopping your words, completely replacing it with louder moans. 
"you're gonna walk around and dance around with my cum inside you. i don't want a bit of it spilled out. want you to remember that you're carrying me inside of you while you talk and move around with other men." he seethed. he slipped his hand under your skirt, easily found your clit and pressed it with his thumb, making fast figure eights on it. 
you desperately turned your face, hand going behind you to pull him by the cheek closer to your face, wanting to kiss him so bad. he captured your lips in a messy kiss, creating strings of saliva as both tongue danced around. he fastened his movement when he felt your pussy fluttering around him and your moans getting messier, which only mean you're close. 
you came with a loud moan, your essence wetting his dick and some dripping down your thighs. wooyoung chased his high, groaning loudly when he stilled, making sure he put his cum deep inside you.
"clench baby. keep it inside." he inquired as he pulled out slowly. he quickly put your panties back, getting some tissue from the cabinet to wipe the rest of your essence on your legs as well from his overly wet dick, before putting it back to its place. 
he zipped himself up before helping you to stand properly, straightening your skirt to put it back to its proper state, then smiled as if you both didn't just sin in someone else's bathroom. you were still dazed and catching your breath. turning around, you circled your hands around his neck, pulling him for a sweet soft kiss for a cherry on top. 
a ringtone blasted from wooyoung's phone, breaking the kiss. 
"shit, it's hongjoong hyung." he cussed, but still pressing the green button, "hello?"
"where the fuck are you? and where's y/n? why aren't you both answering to your receivers?" hongjoong's voice blasted from the speaker so loud wooyoung flinched and had to put his phone away from his ears, trying not to be deaf in such a young age. 
"hyung, chill, we were just stepping out for... a fresh air." he made up while holding back his own laugh. hongjoong might be absolutely mad over this shenanigans, but it's so worth it.
"get back here asap. juyeon's asking for y/n. and i've sent everyone out to look for yo—"
and just then, the door bursted open, revealing jongho and his face, contorting in disgust when he finally realize the scene happening in front of him. 
"in the middle of work? really?" wooyoung could only throw a sheepish smile. he sighed, before answering to his earpiece, "found the two lovebirds. in a damn bathroom so far in the east wing doing god knows what." he almost gagged. 
jongho stepped backwards, "let's go. y/n's wanted."
"never knew bathroom air could be so fresh."  someone quipped through the receiver. 
the crowd in the great hall once again welcomed you. you caught hongjoong and juyeon in the line of your sight, and you knew it was your cue to go. sharing one more quick kiss with wooyoung, you departed for the two men, leaving wooyoung and jongho behind.
you threw juyeon a sweet smile, "evening mr. lee. what a great party you have here."
"and attended by a great person, too. i see you're putting my token of goodwill to good use." he remarked, taking your hand and landing a kiss there. "and i hope this a way to say yes to a dance with me?" 
"it's a yes, sir."
juyeon smiled back, excusing you and himself to hongjoong before leading you to the dance floor. his movement was slightly stiffer than wooyoung's but he proved to still able to lead a dance. never having to stood this close to another man made you feel nervous, obvious to your awkward touch on his shoulder. 
juyeon watched your awkward body language with an amused grin on his face, "lighten up, mrs. jung.  i can promise you it's not my intention to create any problem between our relationship. especially so early like this."
"so you're planning to do it in the future, then?" you teased, in which he replied with a curt smile. 
"i hope not. i'd like to make friends more than foes." 
you followed his lead in the dance, lightening up yourself before juyeon as you both chatted. lee juyeon is as smooth as he is light with his lips, in contrast to his usual hard look and rumored harsh personality. despite you being the one who had to approach him and initiate alliance, he talked more and eased the air around, sometimes even joking around.
after a while, you finally decided to push the topic you've been dreading for the past week. "so what do you think, mr. lee? of my proposal, alliance between us?" you asked, anxiety churning in the pit of your stomach. 
juyeon went quiet upon your sudden intrusion, and you thought maybe you were too fast on confronting the issue. his eyes wandered around the room, trying to escape your gaze, you presumed. however he tightened his grip on you, bringing you closer to him. 
"i actually have considered it, and i think it's a nice proposal, but," he stopped for a while, "i must make sure that this will work, the lees and ateez. so i can't just accept you working under my family just like that," he continued. 
your heart almost dropped, and maybe so did your face behind the mask. 
"however, i have a way to do that." he spoke again, and you quickly raised your head, awaiting his next response. 
"look to your left. your nine o'clock." he commanded. you slightly turned to your left, eyeing the part of the room he mentioned. he then stated, "see the man in black and white suit, a black diamond pin on his necktie and plain black mask?" 
you nodded, confirming that you saw the same man. 
"his name is kim younghoon, from seoul kim family. ever heard of them?"
"yes. another mafia royal family. almost like your family, i think."
"not as mighty as mine, but yes." he asserted.
"what about them?" you questioned. 
juyeon took a deep breath, readying himself as he explained. "the lees and the kims have been an ally for many generations. but unfortunately, after the thing... between my dad and lee jiyoung, it sort of created a gap between us." he added, "most of their families were supporters of my aunt." you nodded. 
"their fields are similar to ateez's biggest industry at the moment. meds, drugs, et cetera. you'd found common ground with them and ateez will grow more. here's where you came in handy." he remarked, "i want you to act as a third party between our families. fix things between us. i'll introduce you to kim younghoon, pass you up for a dance. you'll work with them, and if your work is good, your bond with them will automatically be stronger, however, they won't be able to ignore the fact that i was the one that brought you to them."
"a good work to the kims means a good work for me and my family. a good work with the kims and lees means you have connections to two of the most powerful mafia families. a win-win, a perfect domino effect, don't you think?" he proposed. 
you furrowed your brows. 
truthfully, juyeon was right. it would be like hitting two birds with one stone. the lees are ruler of the south, and the kims held most part of seoul, not to mention the amount of their members that entered the politics and industries.
you’ve heard yeosang mentioning the kims more than twice. how they owned many hospitals, many other companies as well, but putting their drug company as their main family business. the kims are born from a line of doctors, professors of medicinal world, as well as businessmen dan businesswomen. some of them are even took part in the government’s ministry of health office, to maintain free passage for their own business. they don’t take much part in the dirty work within the mafia world, but they were still influential enough within it.
“taking a sweet time, aren’t we?” 
“i’ll take the offer.” you quickly blurted out.
juyeon stared at your face, your eyes, trying to find any faults, any sign of hesitation, as this was considerably a hard job for a rookie no matter how easy it sounded. yet all he was met was a pair piercing eyes staring right back at him. “i won’t pull back. just like what i said before.” 
the music stopped, just after you said your last word. you both bowed at each other, ending the first dance session perfectly. taking his offered hands to you, he led you away from the dance floor right to your awaiting guest. you walked just slightly behind him, letting juyeon take all the lead.
juyeon tapped on the said man’s shoulder when you stepped behind him.
juyeon let out a curt smile when kim younghoon turned around to face him. “kim younghoon,” he greeted shortly.
“juyeon.” younghoon replied just as short with a smile on his face. “nice party.” 
juyeon hummed, “never a boring party with the lees.”
the cold and thick atmosphere between the two were unmistakable, clear to anyone’s eyes who dared to observe. juyeon and his piercing gaze, kim younghoon as his calm demeanor, yet straight eyes and body language, keeping his dominant persona in check. 
when juyeon realized the meaningless chit-chat would lead nowhere, he pulled you forward placing you right beside him. “this is mrs. jung y/n of ateez. i told you about her just before the gala, remember?”
upon the introduction, you quickly bowed at kim younghoon out of courtesy. you wouldn’t dare to stare yet, but you could see him offering you a warm smile and a bow just from the corner of your eyes.
“i do remember.” 
“well, in my opinion you should offer her a dance. she’s a great dancer, from my short yet unforgettable experience,” juyeon had said, pulling you even further for you to stand before kim younghoon. “she follows exceptionally well.” he implied.
“then i should find out by myself.”
he offered juyeon one last bow out of courtesy, which juyeon replied back with one. juyeon stepped back, before turning around and completely disappear from both of your presence to give you a space of your own.
a counting tap was heard, indicating the start of the next dance session. younghoon offered his hand to you, “may i?”
you took his hand in you just when the music started, and he quickly led the dance, bringing you to the middle of the dancefloor between the crowd. 
it started off awkwardly, as you racked your brain, thinking hardly of what to say, of how to start a conversation at all. lifting your gaze, you were met with younghoon’s pair of soft brown eyes, already staring at you.
oh. oh. you felt something tugging in your stomach as your brain remembered and tried to recall the deja vu you just had. those brown eyes. the garden, the sound of your breath hitching.
“you…” your words were stuck, as you were stunned.
the man in the garden, your helper, your savior, was none other than kim younghoon.
younghoon smiled, you could see his eyes curved into a crescent from behind his mask making his brown eyes shine even brighter.
“miss,” he greeted softly. “i finally know your name now, y/n.”
what kind of coincidence was this?
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also i almost lost my whole document (fic bits, drafts, etc) bc i stupidly brought my phone to the pool and now it's dead.
* jipsa; butler
* abeoji; father (sorta formal)
ok i think i might start aiming to write >5k for each chapter so WE. CAN. GET. IT. DONE.
also i feel like i'm gonna focus more on younghoon, juyeon, y/n and hongjoong in the next chapter bc i need to start building the plot up.
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polutrope · 9 months
For the modern AU holiday prompts @i-did-not-mean-to requested Beren + accidental drunkenness, and MoonLord requested Thingol, Beleg, Túrin, and Mablung + Decorating a tree. ~2.2k words, rated G. [The Edain in this AU are officially whatever age and relation I want them to be.] Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list (prompts closed). Beleria Cast of Characters
The flamboyant man at the booth in the back cried out, “Another round for the bar!” and Beren and Lúthien joined the patrons in a celebratory whoop.
Lúthien threw her head back and laughed as a server set two more two more beers on the table.
“I can’t believe this guy,” she said to Beren. “Who is he?”
“His name is Saeros,” the server answered. “A regular. I think he owns a record label or something. Celebrating a chart topper.” She smiled and cleared their empty glasses. “Enjoy.”
“No way,” Lúthien said, and left her mouth hanging open.
“What?” said Beren. Lúthien continued to gape. “What, what? You know him?”
“Yeah! Saeros Green. He offered my brother a record deal years ago.”
“And Daeron turned it down?” Beren asked.
Lúthien dipped her chin affirmatively with an air of pride. “He did. The guy is a smarmy bastard. Milks his artists for everything they’ve got. I mean, look at him!” Lúthien said, gesticulating with both arms in his direction. “Look at all that bling! And the red velvet suit, on a Thursday afternoon, really? Looks like he got in a fight with the Yule display at Mírdain Mall!”
“Ssshh sssh,” Beren said, giggling. “He’ll hear you! Anyway, I like him. Free booze!” He raised his glass in a toast and took a large gulp.
Lúthien was laughing when he lowered it. “You have foam in your beard!”
Beren grinned, making no effort to remedy the situation. “How do I look? More wizened?”
“Like an idiot!” Lúthien blurted, and laughed again.
She was so beautiful. Beren fell into a besotted stupor, staring at her face lit with mirth, listening to her musical laughter… he could die happy right here, right now, getting day-drunk with the most beautiful woman in the world—
“Beren,” she said. “Beren! Your phone is ringing!”
“What, birdie?” he said, surfacing.
“Your phone!” she said, and shoved it into his hand. “Someone’s calling you.”
He looked at he call display: Morwen Ethel-Wang. “Shit,” he said. “Shitshitshit.”
The call dropped before he could answer. Lúthien stared, awaiting an explanation.
Beren exhaled a long breath before giving one. “You remember a few months ago when we talked about my buddy Húrin’s son staying with us for a few days while his wife is at a conference in town?”
“Oh yeah!” Lúthien said. “When’s that happening?”
“Um,” said Beren. “Today. They’re at our place now.”
“Shit,” said Lúthien.
On the monitor, the minutes of the last City Council meeting swam in and out of Elu’s vision. He sighed. The permanent bikeway through Hithlum park had been voted down. Again.
His eyes drifted to the thick folder of letters his intern Beleg had dropped on his desk earlier, from the Hithlum Homeowner’s Association — all variations on the same template, laying out the supposed dangers of a “bike superhighway” through a “family-oriented” neighbourhood. Since when were bicycles dangerous? He pushed the folder aside. Well, they got what they wanted.
It was those damn developers from Valin! Hithlum used to be the alternative neighbourhood back in the 80s, where the artists and students hung out, now it was overrun with wealthy— Elu took a deep breath. He valued the diversity of Beleria. He did. But by god if it didn’t make it impossible to get anything done in this city! You would think, as Mayor, that your word actually meant something—
His phone pinged.
Hey papa! I know you’re working but I have a biiiig favour to ask.
Elu Singh-Goel
What is it, sweetie?
Sooo Beren has this friend and his kid was supposed to stay with us this weekend and we kinda forgoy
Anyway him and his mom are at our place now and we’re… not lol
Elu Singh-Goel
Oh? Where are you?
We went to Gabilgathol for lunch and accidentally got drunk
Elu drew back from his phone. That was not like his daughter. It was times like these he found it most difficult to accept her choice of partner. Beren was an admirable man, with respectable ambitions, but he was so young. Accidentally drunk…
Some guy was buying rounds for the house lol
Elu Singh-Goel
I see. And how do I come into this?
Can she bring Túrin to the office?
Túrin is the kid
Just for a couple hours! Nellas says she can take him tonight if we’re not sobered up
Beren says he’s quiet. Just give him some crayons and paper.
Elu’s thumbs tapped out ‘OK’ before his mind had a chance to catch up. He stopped them, hovering over the send button. What had happened to him? There was a time he would have locked Lúthien up in her room for the weekend for getting drunk at 3pm on a Thursday! — but he couldn’t very well lock up an adult woman. Certainly not one he was going to lose.
Well, not lose. Not entirely — that had almost happened, when he’d tried to talk her out of marrying Beren, but he’d soon repented of that mistake when she disappeared for two weeks without a word to anyone. A cold current shivered down Elu’s spine. That had been a terrible winter.
But now, every day was another closer to her and Beren moving to Dead Man’s Isle. It was ridiculous: she had not needed him nearly half her life now, and yet Elu’s heart dropped when he thought of her so far away. Not around the corner, not where he could drop by on an evening stroll to say hello with a container of leftovers or a tin of Melian’s homemade lembas biscuits.
Because of all this, he had become a complete sucker and lost all ability to say no to her. And damn it if she didn’t know it, he thought with a rueful smile.
Elu Singh-Goel
Omg thanks so much papa!!
Beren will tell Morwen to bring him by
Elu Singh-Goel
Don’t to worry about it. I think I can send my intern to pick them up. Tell them to wait at The Dimbar.
Elu set the phone down, then picked up the receiver on his desk phone and dialed Beleg’s extension.
“Hey big guy, what’s up?”
Elu smiled. He really ought to impress a more professional attitude on his interns (it’s what they were there to learn after all), but there was something… rejuvenating about this one’s breezy familiarity with him — and besides, it was good for the ego to have some carefree college student call you “big guy” once in a while when you had a pile of letters on our desk addressing you as “Your Worship”.
“Beleg,” said Thingol. “Would you be able to run a little personal errand for me?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I need you to go pick up a kid and bring him to the office.”
Half-an-hour later Beleg rounded the corner at the end of the hall, running with a lanky, dark-haired boy clinging to his back.
“Here he is!” Beleg announced, and let the boy down. “Túrin, the Master of Fate! Isn’t that right?” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “We outsmarted fate six times on the way over, didn’t we little guy?”
“Red lights aren’t fate,” Túrin said, in the tone of a child who thinks he knows better. “They are for controlling traffic flow.”
“Beleg.” Elu did his best to conceal his amusement with a frown. “I hope you were not racing lights in a municipal vehicle again.”
“No sir,” said Beleg. “No racing. All very strategic.”
“Mm, I don’t think I want to know.” Elu rose from his hair and came around the front of the desk. “It’s nice to meet you, Túrin. Welcome to the office of the Mayor. I’m Elu.”
Túrin did not look impressed, and made no move to take Elu’s hand when offered. “Hi,” he said. “I’m Túrin.” Then he turned back to Beleg. “Can we go on your computer now like your promised?”
Elu lifted a brow, for Beleg’s benefit, as he addressed Túrin. “He promised you, did he? Funny, because Beleg does what I tell him to do, and I do not remember telling him to do that.”
Beleg laughed, not sounding nearly as nervous as he should have.
“Oh.” Túrin paused, visibly processing this new information. “Well can you tell him to play games with me?”
Elu had to laugh at the boy’s quick tactical adjustment. “I’m afraid Beleg doesn’t get to play games at work. But, while he was off picking you up, I thought of something else we could do.”
“What?” said Túrin and Beleg at once.
“Well,” Elu perched on the desk so he needn’t tower above them, “in the storage room there should be one of those fake trees and a box of decorations. We used to set it up in my office every year. I’d forgotten all about it, but since we’ve got you here, Túrin, I thought it would be a nice thing to do. What do you think?”
Túrin seemed to be deep in thought.
“Hey!” Beleg nudged him. “Sounds fun to me!”
“I don’t know,” Túrin said. “I barely know you. Tree decorating is for families.”
“Oh,” said Elu. “I suppose it’s something families often do together, yes. But they can be set up by coworkers, too, or even strangers, like us. I bet we won’t be strangers when we’re done.”
“We didn’t get a tree at my house this year,” Túrin disclosed. “My dad is away for Yule so my mom said we don’t need one.”
“I see,” Elu said, beginning to lose hope in this venture.
“All the more reason to set one up here!” Beleg offered.
“Yeah.” Túrin shrugged. “I guess.”
“Excellent!” said Elu. “Beleg, why don’t you take Túrin down the storage and have a look for it?”
They were gone a long time, and Elu was just beginning to wonder if he should go looking for them when they appeared toting two large boxes — and another of the interns.
“Hope you don’t mind if Mablung joins us!” Beleg said cheerily, setting the tree box upright in the corner of the room. Mablung placed the box of ornaments on Elu’s desk. “He said he was bored, I said he could help us.”
“Of course, of course. The more the merrier!” Elu said absently, distracted by fiddling with computer speakers in an effort to get the music to play. He groaned and threw up his hands. “Can one of you young people figure out why these blasted speakers have turned themselves off again?”
To his surprise, it was Túrin who answered the summons, running around behind the desk to investigate.
“It’s muted,” he said almost at once, and tapped a key on the keyboard. The bouncy beat of I’m the Happiest Christmas Tree spilled from the speakers.
The other three laughed, but Túrin crinkled his nose and hit skip on the song.
Soon, Beleg and Mablung had the tree set up and were arguing about the best placement for the string of lights. Once that was decided, they turned to debating how best to balance the bauble distribution.
Túrin seemed more interested in rooting through the box for the most unique ornaments. Elu watched him wistfully. He had not realised how much he missed being around children and their infectious wonderment at the world.
“I like this one,” Túrin said, pulling out a golden dragon. “My dad has one like it.”
“Oh, yes, very nice!” Elu said. “Why don’t you keep it?”
“Really?” said Túrin, his face brightening. He did not wait for confirmation before he shoved it in his pocket.
“Hey, what’s this now?” Beleg ambled over. “Mayor Man is giving away his ornament collection? Mablung, let’s see what’s in here!”
Beleg peered into the box, shoving aside some silver baubles and pulling out a long black icicle.
“Oh, sick,” he said, letting it dangle from a finger. “This is some goth sh— stuff.”
“Interesting,” said Elu, watching the strange ornament twirl. “I am not sure where that one came from.”
“Ohh, mystery ornament!” Beleg enthused. “Can I have it?”
“Really, you want that?” Mablung put in. “That’s weird, man. It looks like a weapon.”
“No way, it’s cool!” said Beleg.
“Well, if you want it,” said Elu, “I certainly don’t.”
“No, I want it!” Túrin shouted, and closed his fist around the icicle.
“Hey, kid, whoa, easy,” said Beleg. “You could just ask nice—!”
Beleg screamed. The ornament flew towards the ceiling, then arced back down and shattered on the floor. Túrin careened and toppled backwards, just missing Mablung lunging to break his fall.
Beleg gawked at his finger, which was bent backwards as a very unnatural angle.
“You dislocated my finger!” Beleg cried.
“Damn,” said Elu, and he was thinking neither of his injured employee nor of the crying child on the floor, but of the weeks of workplace accident reporting paperwork he’d just created for himself.
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The day we meet
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You and your band were preparing for a show while on tour in Newyork city. You looked at the restaurant from the outside to see a lot of actors and some of the production crew from the movie scream 6. Then you saw her. Jenna Ortega.
You looked at her and smiled as she smiled at you. You didnt know what to do so you waved and smiled and she waved and smiled at you too.
You've been daydreaming about being friends with the cast of scream 6 and you still weren't sure if you were still daydreaming. 'This is my chance' you thought. You've had a secret crush on Jenna. You've always hoped she'd have a crush on you too.
Once everyone ate the manager announced your band's name. Everyone gathered around to see you and your band perform.
You said "This song is for Jenna and the entire cast of Scream 6. Alright, here we go".
You looked at the crowd and you stood in front of the microphone and began to sing.
Jenna and all her friends from the movie Scream 6 began to smile as you were singing.
After the song was over everyone clapped and cheered and smiled.
Jenna walked over to you and gave you a hug. "Did you mean what you said in that song?" She asked. You hugged her back.
You smiled. "I did. Jenna I...I love you. I fell in love with you so fast and I just wanted to-"
"Ssshh!" Jenna said. "I've been following your stories on tumblr and right now I just wanna", and she kissed you as you kissed her back. "Tell you that I love you too". Jenna said.
You blushed. "Do you mean that?" You asked Jenna.
Jenna nodded. "I do".
You both smiled and kissed each other again. Everyone smiled at you guys too.
"My Jenna". You said.
"My beautiful girl". Jenna said. "And...my kick ass rock star singer".
You giggled. "Jenna will you be my girlfriend?" You asked.
"Yes! Yes I will!!" Jenna said.
And you and Jenna had a carrot cake for dessert and hung out with the cast of scream 6 as you became their best friend!
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
Day 6: Everything Has Changed, Fili Durin
Song link
Fanfic, fem!reader
Word count: 2493
Tw: Baths, mentions of nudity but none too graphic. References to alcohol; Kili is drunk, but it’s funny. Flashbacks, little Fili and Kili <3
Summary: All day, Fili has been waiting for you. Longing for you. And when you finally return to your chambers after a day out with Kili, all Fili truly wants to do is hold you and share memories with you.
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"All I knew This morning when I woke Is I know something now Know something now I didn't before.”
It had been a long and tiring day. Far too long, and far too tiring. Fili was up before the sun was, and had left you to rise on your own. You had nowhere to be that day, safe for an errand in Laketown with Kili early that afternoon. He saw no reason to wake you up.
But with every meeting and every talk, he wished he would’ve woken you up. If only to wish you a good morning. He hadn’t seen you the entire day, and frankly, it had begun to bother him. At this pace, you saw his brother more often than you saw him.
“And all I've seen Since eighteen hours ago Is green eyes and freckles and your smile In the back of my mind making me feel like.”
If there was any comfort during the day, it would have been his mother, who had returned from her visit to Ered Luin. Kili had stayed up all night to welcome her home, but Fili had remained asleep. Mahal knew he needed it.
But that was hours ago. He had returned to his chamber directly after dinner, avoiding everyone in the halls in hope of some peace and quiet. You hadn’t even returned yet. He knew you got along with Kili well, and the two of you had probably found yourselves in a pub by now, but he could not help but secretly wish for you at his side.
And then, lo and behind, chuckling and laughing came from the halls, as a familiar voice shushed the other one, cutting off their laughter.
It hadn’t even been eight.
“I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you, know you, know you.”
“Ssshh, Amad might find me,” Kili warned, a snickering notion in his voice.
“Kili, get some sleep.” That was your voice.
“Nah, the sun hasn’t even gone to sleep.”
“It’s called setting.”
A silence fell upon the halls, and Fili nearly wondered what happened. It didn’t take long for laughter to erupt from the younger sibling’s throat, wiping all worries from the blonde’s mind.
“You look too much like him.” He snorted. “He has corrupted you.”
“Go to sleep.” You ordered, a smile apparent in your voice.
“You are not my mother.”
“Yes, yes.” He groaned, his voice echoing across the halls, now further removed from your shared chambers. “You two are so enamoured, it’s revolting.”
“'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello" And your eyes look like comin' home All I know is a simple name And everything has changed.”
As soon as you opened the door, Fili wandered up to you. Before you could even question it, his arms wrapped around your figure, ushering you into his hold. His scent caused a wave of comfort to wash over you, and you found yourself relaxing immediately.
“I thought Kili could handle his ale.” He mumbled into your hair, toying with the end of your marriage bead.
“He can.” You hummed. “But not if he has been drinking since we arrived.”
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he parted from you, holding a questioning glance. “Did I miss a certain event? A celebration?”
You smiled at him, leaning forward to place a quick kiss on his lips. “Yes, Kili’s day off Erebor.”
The blonde let out an ‘ah’ in understanding, before turning slightly, gesturing toward the bathtub at the end of the room.
“The water is still warm”
“All I know is you held the door You'll be mine and I'll be yours All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed.”
The tub offered a soothing feeling after a long walk in the cold winter air. Especially with Kili. He loved to throw snow your way every moment you were not looking.
Your toes were freezing, your hand were red, and your ears felt as if they had been frozen solid. To say Fili had been a saint, would have been an understatement.
“This is why I married you,” you sighed in bliss, throwing your head back against the tub, closing your eyes in comfort.
“Not for my good looks?” He teased.
In response, you looked at him, seated atop your bed, smiling at you. 
“It helped.” You stated through a wink, before nudging your head towards the water.
“All this hot water for me alone? Wont you join me?”
It had seemed that was all that was needed for Fili to shed his robes quickly, placing himself in front of you in the tub, a childish grin on his face.
“And all my walls Stood tall painted blue But I'll take 'em down, take 'em down And open up the door for you.”
You turned around in your seat, resting your back against Fili’s chest as your head found the crook of his neck. A low hum vibrated through his chest, sending shivers down your spine. A short, but apparent, flow of butterflies exploded in your stomach. Almost grinning in glee, you forced them down, simply grabbing one of his hands and wrapping it around your waist.
His fingers drew circles on your stomach, calming the shivers that had been sent through your system earlier. More humming escaped from him, only now it was less of a way to show contentment. He was humming a song.
You could not quite place it at first, merely enjoy it. But as he continued, the nostalgia suddenly hit you.
“And all I feel In my stomach is butterflies The beautiful kind, makin' up for lost time.”
Before you could even stop yourself from daydreaming, you found yourself in a shared bathing room. Across from you, sat your mother, lost in conversation with Dis, as both of them scrubbed a pile of clothes.
In the distance, you could hear the laughing, chatting and working of other dwarves, trying to find their comfort in their temporary home. It was no Erebor, but the people made it feel like one.
From your spot, you had a perfect vision of the mounding of the forest outside, and two smaller dwarflings who ran smock with their wooden swords.
The pair neared the hall swiftly, trudding their muddied shoes over the wooden floor, landing droplets on the washed clothes.
Dis had gasped, rising from her seat to scold the two. One ran away the second she turned around. The other stood there, staring at his mother in shame and sorrow.
“Takin' flight, makin' me feel like I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you, know you, know you.”
You had bowed your head as Dis told the same lecture again, trying so desperately not to laugh at the situation. It was not that you thought it was funny when the younger princes got scolded, you thought it was funny how they never learned.
Your mother stifled a grin as well, returning to her own work as she handed you a second shirt, silently urging you to continue your washing.
You would have joined the two earlier today, but Dis had insisted on you coming along, and you liked her. Well; you liked Fili. And thus, you wanted his mother to like you. Dis knew, of course, but enjoyed your company nonetheless.
“'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello" And your eyes look like comin' home All I know is a simple name Everything has changed.”
Only seconds later he was placed on the floor next to you, having been handled half of his mother’s pile. His younger brother always got the lesser punishment, as he was still young. 
Fili pretended to hate them. If anything, it gave his mother reason to set the two of you close to one another. He did not mind them. He had not stayed to protect his sibling, though he would later voice he did. He had stayed for you. He had planned out the punishment long ago.
He did not complain after sitting down, nor during the ordeal. No; he hummed. He looked almost peaceful. Even better; he seemed at complete and utter comfort.
That situation would happen more often than not. And it was always the same song that escaped the back of his throat. You reckoned his mother had taught him the tune, as you caught her singing it once or twice as well. But never as soothing as Fili did.
“All I know is you held the door And you'll be mine and I'll be yours All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed.”
The sunlight streaming through the opening of the doors, seemed to reflect on his hair just perfectly. It was almost as if he - quite literally - lit up the entire room. Dis had taken special pride in it, though she would never visibly show it.
But now, from the corner of your eye, you could see the light. You could see the luminations hitting the waters in a bright colour, and you found yourself having difficulties looking away.
You could not stare at him, you had told yourself. You were mere friends. He was of royal descent, and he was to marry a princess one day. Staring would not only be improper, but nigh impossible.
But you had stolen one glance. And even after so many looks at him, and so many laughs, this was that specific image you could never shake out of your mind. Each time you thought of him, be it in days, be it in years, you thought of that image.
“Come back and tell me why I'm feelin' like I've missed you all this time And meet me there tonight And let me know that it's not all in my mind.”
His eyes were focused: driven. Yet, he seemed absentminded. As if he were there, but not truly. He was daydreaming. His eyes wouldn’t betray him, but his posture would.
Your hands reached down into the tub of water, grabbing a handful of soap. Daring to shoot Fili one last glance, you flicked your hand on his direction, wetting his face.
“Hey!” He called, a grin on his face.
“You were dirty.” You laughed, returning to the shirt.
It was not long before soap landed in your hand, cascading down your arms. Gasping in shock, you glared at Fili, before offering him a mischievous look.
“I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you, know you, know you.”
However the boy was clean now, the laundry hall had turned into one big mess. One you figured would dry on its own. It was merely wood, and you were merely a child.
After being dismissed by your mother, the two of you abandoned the robes, and took off running into the woods. Your once white dress had now turned brown and green at the edges, the colour of dirt and grass nearly stitched into it.
You had run back home with sticks pointing out of your hair, and Fili’s hair all curled up after the loss of his braids. Your mother had set the both of you down at the fireplace after cleaning you, humming you that low tune Fili and Dis seemed to know. 
The scent of fresh laundry had hit your nose as you snuggled into your sleeping shirt, Fili seated beside with his cleaned robes as well.
“All I know is we said, "Hello" Your eyes look like comin' home All I know is a simple name And everything has changed.”
That same smell hit your nostrils as you were ripped from your daydream. You grabbed your husband’s fingers, toying with the rings at the edges of them.
“What were you thinking of, Azyûngel?” He voiced, placing a kiss on your shoulder blade.
You closed your eyes in content upon the notion, sinking into his arms even more.
“How did you know I trailed off?” You wondered aloud, a teasing edge to your voice. One Fili seemed to catch.
“You kept staring at a specific dent in the wall,” he pointed out through a chuckle. “I reckon it’s been there for ages. It could not have captured your attention.”
Curse him and his thoughtfulness.
“All I know is you held the door You'll be mine and I'll be yours All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed.”
“That hum,” you confessed. “It brought me back.”
Fili remained silent for a moment, letting the words sink in as he returned to the soothing patterns on your stomach.
“To where?”
“The laundry hall.”
A low chuckle came from him, his arms pulling you closer to him. Tighter, but not uncomfortable.
“There were many moments we spent there.”
“And you hummed all of them.” You remarked, turning your head slightly, as to face him better. “You never told me where it came from.”
“All I know is we said, "Hello" So dust off your highest hopes All I know is pouring rain And everything has changed.”
Again, a short silence took over. Not one pondering one, no. He was staring at you, but not in hesitance. No. He was staring at you in admiration.
“Home.” He spoke solemnly. “My mother sang it to me and Kili as a lullaby. She learned it from her mother, and she from hers.”
You smiled, placing a soft kiss on the bottom of his chin, before returning to your seat. 
“Does it have lyrics?” You asked him, closing your eyes in contentment.
“Not that I am aware of.” Was his answer. 
“All I know is a new found grace All my days, I'll know your face All I know since yesterday.”
That night, as you laid beside him, that same him escaped him. Only now, he knew you had listened to it. You had memorised every bit of it since you were a child. And now he knew.
A new sense of longing filled him. He seemed content, knowing you had noticed the song, but something was missing. He had the love he had been looking for his entire life. The story his mother had told him countless nights. 
But still, something was missing.
As he turned around on his side, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your back into his stomach. His body spooned you as his fingers subconsciously ran back to your stomach, twirling soothing circles.
‘She learned it from her mother, who learned it from hers.’
And now, you knew the tune.
“Is everything has changed.”
Taglist: @missihart23
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Nightmares (Ray Stantz x Reader)
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 555
Includes: Tooth- rotting fluff, embarrassing pet names, little spoon!Ray
Summary: You wake your husband Ray up from a nightmare, and comfort him by pointing out a bit of logic he hadn't thought of.
Notes: he deserves to be the little spoon and he loves cheesy pet names don't @ me
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^ how are yall gonna post this gif in the tag and not expect me to immediately write about comforting him in the sappiest way possible
At night you held on to your husband in your sleep, he and to you. You’d done it since you first started sleeping in the same bed, and before that, he told you, he usually slept holding a pillow to his chest. It was how you preferred to sleep, but lately he’s been needing it more than ever. 
You woke up after the body underneath your head began moving and twitching, and soon you heard little moans and whimpers coming from above you. You lifted up your head to see Ray’s brow furrowed, his head turned from one side of the pillow to the other as he whimpered again.
“Ray.” you whispered, pulling yourself further up the bed so your face would be level with his. You touched his face softly. “Honey?” You tried again, just slightly louder. His skin felt clammy. His eyes opened, and he looked shocked until he came to his senses. “Huh…?”
“Bad dream again?” You asked, letting your hand drift down from his face to his chest. 
He nodded.
“Mr. Stay-Puft?”
He nodded again. 
“Come here.”
You rolled over to lay flat on your back, and pulled Ray so he would roll onto his stomach. He moved with you, and put his head on your chest. “I keep thinking… why couldn’t I keep my mind blank? The other guys managed.”
You were running your fingers through his hair. “Ssshh, no, don’t think that way. You did the best thing you could do.”
“It was all my fault…”
“No it wasn’t. Ray, you saved everyone.” The hand not in his hair was rubbing his back, going slowly down as far as your arm could reach, then coming up again to in between his shoulder blades, then slowly back down again. You could feel your pajama shirt getting wet, and you knew he was crying. “Honey, no, don’t blame yourself. Listen, someone would have let something slip into their minds eventually. The way you did it, think of the most harmless thing, that was really the best thing any of you could have possibly done. And you did it, you stopped it. So nothing was your fault. You’re a hero, Ray.”
He looked up at you with those sad, mismatched puppy eyes, still glistening with tears. “You really think so?”
“I know so, baby. It’s the truth. And you’re my hero, especially.” You leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I love you, Ray.” 
He put his head back down on your chest, burying his face into it, but this time you could feel that his face was getting hot. You couldn’t help but giggle. “I love you, too,” came his muffled response. He turned his head to the side again, staring out into the darkness of your bedroom. “Maybe you’re right,” he said as you resumed petting his hair again. “Maybe I didn’t choose such a bad destructor after all.” 
You smiled down at him. “That’s right. Now try and get some sleep, okay, honey bunny?”
He sighed, and as he did you felt the tension in his body dissipate. You placed one more kiss on the top of his head. “Good night.” You whispered, nearly inaudible, and then you lay awake, scratching his scalp gently and rubbing his back in a slow, steady rhythm, until you were sure he was asleep.
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