#my best guess is I read it in a physical book while researching for a feature article for my course
sudden-memory-loss · 11 days
having a fascinating experience right now where I know there's a quote, I have it written down in the sticky notes app on my laptop, but I cannot find a single record of it anywhere else on the internet or in real life. I haven't even attributed it to anyone (though I believe I remember who said it). I have literally no idea where this quote came from.
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thirdsaltyhunter · 3 months
Lost With You
Dean Winchester x gn!Reader
Summary: getting caught in a storm with your sweet boyfriend
Warning: FLUFF, kissing, swearing probably, gn but use of 'sweetheart'
700ish words
A/N: little gif drabble, not proofread all mistakes are my own
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You had set out for a hunt in Minnesota earlier in the morning. Sam was out of commission due to hurting his leg on the last hunt, so that left you and Dean to deal with the latest pop up of werewolves alone. Even though you hated seeing Sam hurt, you'd be lying if you said you minded the alone time you were getting with your boyfriend. You loved the long drives with Dean; it felt freeing being with him, windows rolled down blasting music.
At this point the sun had long since set and you had been driving most of the day, aside from the occasional food or gas stop. You had hoped to make it to the motel and get some shut eye before scoping out the town in the morning. Driving down a stretch of backroads, everything was going as planned until the sky suddenly decided to unleash the most intense rainstorm you had ever seen. The sky darkend even more and the droplets pelted the windshield so hard you couldn't hear the radio anymore.
"Son of a bitch, the bottom really dropped out didn't it," Dean said clicking on the brights, not that it helped.
After a few minutes of struggling to see the road and losing the reception on the GPS, Dean pulled over onto the side of the road. As good of a driver as he was, he knew when to throw in the towel. Right now he couldn't see more that two feet in front of the car, had no idea where he was going, and he was not willing to put you or his car in danger for the sake of making it to the motel.
"Guess we're stuck here for a while" he turned to you.
"Where even are we?", you asked pulling out you phone to see if you had any reception. To no avail.
"Honestly I have no idea" he said with a humorless laugh "But get comfy, I don't think it's clearing up anytime soon". He turned and reached over the seat, digging into one of the duffel bags and pulling out a few lore books.
Turning back, he tossed one to you before resting his back against the door and started flipping through his book.
After about a half and hour of reading, you started to lose focus. You were tired physically and tired of researching. Your eyes drifted up to your boyfriend, you couldn't help but admire how he looked right now. It was pitch black outside, but the glow of the dashboard lights illuminated the side of his face, bringing out all of the contours of his face, the curve of his lips, the soft freckles on the bridge of his nose. You loved him so much and it was moments like this that made you realize that all the more. Moments like this where you were able to make the best out of the worst situations; together.
You're definitely staring and now he's looking at you. "What?", he asks wondering why you're staring at him with a peaceful smile on your lips.
"What?" you echo softly, sounding dazed and tried.
"You're staring" a teasing smirk graces his face but he can tell you're still lost in thought.
For another moment you look into his eyes, losing all sense of reality and you can't help but reach over and cup his cheek. There's a brief look of confusion the crosses his face before he closes his eyes, leaning into your touch.
"You ok?" he asks eyes still closed before opening them to gauge your reaction.
"Sometimes I love you so much it overwhelms me."
You said it so genuinely that Dean was taken aback. He didn't really know how to respond to that and if he thought about the weight of your words it would probably make him cry. Before he could think about it, he was reaching for you.
"C'mer," he said tossing his book into the floorboard and pulling you to lay between his legs with your head over his heart.
You sighed contentedly, nuzzling you face into the warm flannel lining of his jacket.
"I love you too, sweetheart", he said pulling his spare jacket over you and rubbing his hand up and down your back.
He looked down at you and could see that you were teetering on the edge of falling asleep. "Let's just stay here for tonight", the rain was still coming down heavy and he was pretty sure he was too tired to find his way to the motel.
"Ok," your voice was muffled by how your face was hidden in his shirt.
Dean smiled down at you and felt sleep tugging at him too. He settled back against the door, feet propped up on the bench seat with you laying on him, and thought that, in the grand scheme of it all, there was nowhere else he'd rather be than right here. Lost with you.
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simply-hyacinth · 2 years
You write L so wonderfully and so in character. I had a request if they’re still open: Could I request Reader (any gender) giving L his first kiss, teaching him how to kiss in the process, and L discovering that he really enjoys the sensation of kissing? I headcanon L as so mentally devoted to his work that his physical form has kind of taken a backseat, and so something like a kiss or touch from the right person can ignite in him a new understanding of himself. Thanks for reading! 💖
So, I was gonna answer this later because I have a truly astounding amount of homework to get done, but how could I keep you waiting? Anyways, I tried my best to adhere to your request, and I'm so sorry if it's disappointing, I've never really done this before. Please let me know if you want anything else written or rewritten, or literally anything. Your wish is my command. Also, thank you so much for your kind words! I am trying to write him as realistically as possible because I saw too much ooc L, and so I'm doing my best.
“Cake?” You asked, setting it down in front of him gently so as to not disturb his setup. 
“Thank you.” He responded. His eyes never left the screen as he picked up the fork and began to eat. 
He had arrived at your apartment last night and in typical L fashion, had given you little notice before knocking on your door with a briefcase of files and papers. He had turned your living room into a crime scene, and as far as you knew, hadn’t slept a wink since he had gotten here. 
You didn’t want to ask him any questions or bother him, despite how incredibly curious you were, but you did want to be sure he wasn’t wasting away under your watch. If that meant feeding him desserts every hour to ensure that something was being consumed, then so be it.
“Cake for dinner,” You said softly to the air, shaking your head as you served yourself a slice. “I’m living my childhood dreams.”
Taking a seat next to L, you very carefully pulled a blanket up to your lap. You watched him cautiously, worried that your movements might distract him.
“You are not bothering me.” He said abruptly. 
You froze “Are you sure? I can just go to my room if - “
“No, I quite enjoy your presence.” He turned to you. “And if anything, I should be the one worried about bothering you. I have completely taken over your living room with my research.”
In furious denial, you responded, “No not at all! I love having papers about - “ You pick up a paper and skim the first sentence. “ - mass murders…on my couch…”
L let out a soft chuckle, to which you gave him a smile in return. “I should be thankful that you have not yet tired of my existence.”
“How could I ever? You’re my best customer.” You gestured to the state of your messy kitchen - a result of all the baking and cooking you had done for him since he had arrived. 
He responded with a little laugh, and turned back to his screen. You admired how much he devoted himself to his work, however it worried you nonstop to see how it ate away at him, both mentally and physically. 
You didn’t pretend to understand what he did. As far as you could tell, he was a spy or detective of sorts. He never confirmed or denied your guesses, but there were certain aspects of his routine that allowed you to infer what you could.
What you were sure of, however, was that the only time he was ever able to properly relax was when he was around you. Which only made it that much more saddening that he was so immersed in his research at this moment in time.
But you said nothing. It was never your place to interfere or say anything. That was how the two of you worked.
You picked up your book from the table in front of you and began to read. It was nice, being near him and the two of you being allowed to do your respective things. In fact, the book you were reading was one he had suggested for you after you told him it had been a while since you found a good book.
So far, you were quite happy with the recommendation.
After a couple of hours of just being next to each other and occasionally exchanging words, you began to doze off. The book slipped out of your hands and your head dropped onto L’s shoulder.
For the first time in hours, he was completely taken out of his work mindset. The weight of your body slumped against his was so warm. He knew it probably would be best to let you sleep, but how was he meant to get any work done if you were right against him?
Lucky for him, you started to stir, yawning as you awoke from your brief nap. “You’re here?”
“I’ve been here since yesterday.” He replied quietly.
You quickly noticed how much of his personal space you had accidentally invaded and shot straight up. “Shit, I didn’t mean to - “
L reached over and took your hand. It was a bit of an awkward grab, but you understood he meant it to be comforting. “You do not bother me.” His words were firm. 
“Right,” You breathed out, unknowingly lacing your fingers with his. “I forgot.”
“You also seemed to forget that I was here,” He noted. “You were surprised.”
Your cheeks heated up at his observation. “I think…I’m not used to you being so present next to me. It was a bit shocking to wake up practically sleeping on you.”
He was silent for a moment, and then, “Elaborate. On the part about me being present.”
“It’s not a matter of you being physically absent, but I mean you’re always so absorbed in your work that it’s like you forget I’m here or even where and who you are. Mentally, you are on another planet almost ninety percent of the time.” You explain, embarrassed. 
This seemed to bother him. You noticed the way his grip on your hand loosened and his shoulders deflated even more. 
“I never meant to make you feel that way.”
Your heart broke at how defeated he sounded. “Not at all! I just want you to be aware that you’re allowed to relax around me. You’re under no obligations here.”
He nodded. “Then you should also know that I don’t mind you being close to me.” He looked down at where your hands were still intertwined. “I’ve come to enjoy being in contact with you.”
You laughed lightly, relieved. “Thank goodness. I could kiss you right now, you know?”
“You could.” He confirmed quickly. “It would certainly be an experience I’ve never had before.”
To that, your laughter stops. “Never? You’ve never been kissed before?”
“I think I, of all people, would know if I had been.” He said dryly. 
“Would you want me to kiss you?” You asked him, your words hushed and curious. 
He pondered it for a moment. “I would want you to, of course. I have no expectations on whether or not I will enjoy it, as I have no previous experience to form them from. However, based off of what the vast majority of the population would - “
You decided you had enough of his talking and leaned forward, pressing your lips against his and using your free hand to hold his face gently as you did. 
By kissing standards, it was not perfect. It was soft and awkward, but to you it was pure bliss. And as you pulled away and saw the gratified look in his eyes, it was fairly evident he felt similarly.
“How was that?” You asked teasingly.
“I’m not sure,” He replied. “I think you should do it again, for me to provide you with a satisfactory answer.”
You let out a laugh and leaned against him. “To be entirely honest with you, I haven’t kissed many people before.”
“In comparison to them, how did I do?” 
“Well, that was just a basic kiss.” You explained. “If you really want to be memorable, you should try a little harder.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “And how should I do that?”
You gave him a sly smile and moved until his back was pressed against the couch cushions and you were positioned slightly above him, your legs on either side of his lap. 
“Just open your mouth…” And like the obedient boyfriend he was, he did. “...lean forward…” Your lips met his again and you pulled him in closer; so close that you could feel his heart pounding against your chest.
The two of you quickly fell into a rhythm, and for someone who claimed to have never been kissed before, he was oddly passionate.
Breathless, you pulled away and beamed at him. “I would say that was pretty good. You?”
“If I wished to rank it, I would have to kiss other people to properly make a comparison.” You met his eyes, a teasing spark illuminated within them.
You scrunched up your nose. “Don’t joke. You are horribly unfunny.”
“Your lies do not concern me.” He placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose, much to your surprise. 
“It appears you like being kissed then?” 
“If it’s by you, then yes.” He sighed, a mixture of content and sadness. “I apologize for making you feel so unwanted around me while I work. I truly appreciate your presence and your efforts to distract me.”
You nodded acceptingly. “Well, do they at least work?”
L smiled. “They do.”
With a little exhale of relief, you rested your body against his and closed your eyes. “Anyways, you’re pretty good at that whole kissing thing. Maybe we can make it a habit.”
He squeezed your hand lightly. “I would like that.”
Because there was something so satisfying about kissing you, or even touching you, that made him only crave it more. L, whose mind was forever restless, had come to a complete halt the moment your lips had touched his. 
It appeared that the only tried and true thing that could ever relax him and bring him out of an overworked state of mind, was being with you. 
It was selfish. So incredibly selfish of him. To be with you, knowing the dangers, knowing the consequences, all because it made him feel good.
But he couldn’t help it. Not if it meant the possibility of kissing you again. And so he solidified this resolve in his mind that he wanted you, and only ever you. He knew there could be nothing good to come of this in the long run, but for now, you were both content in each other’s company.
L never stopped thinking about this moment. It might have been one of the only ones where he could truly say he was happy. 
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teeth--thief · 7 months
Hi. Your previous anonymous speaker, again. I’m reading Midnight in Chernobyl, as I’m fortunate enough to have found a copy. Notes? Thoughts? Thank you, again. I liked your last reply much.
- R
Welcome back R, so glad to see you! I'm happy you liked my reply ♡! I shall continue replying for as long as you'll continue asking.
It's probably the best English language book about the disaster out there. As I've mentioned in my previous post, it does a great job showing the people involved as, well, people, which a lot of other books fail to do. It does repeat certain myths and misinformation, though, mainly when the source is Medvedev, so I guess that's on him. Everything is on him. We (me) hate Medvedev in this household.
> One of my least favourite things it repeats is that there was some kind of a disagreement in the control room. There were calm conversations and the closest thing to an "argument" was when, allegedly, Dyatlov snapped and told Akimov to hurry up because he was taking too long looking over the test program during the beginning of the shift. Nobody reported anything else - if they did, it would have most definitely been used against Dyatlov himself during the trial - and yet, seemingly neither Akimov's nor Toptunov's testimonies said anything about being forced to do anything or getting yelled at by the Deputy Chief Engineer.
It is unclear to me why this kind of narrative persisted even after people realised the operators weren't at fault and that Medvedev had it out for Dyatlov for some reason. Drama is what makes things interesting and it's easier to say "oh, well, the operators did not agree to XYZ, actually" when you don't want to blame them, I suppose. But you might as well be perfect obedient and be innocent and the same time - after all, it's not like any of them were exactly planning making the reactor go boom that night...
> It's not clear why there was a power drop to begin with. Higginbotham says that the SIUR "made a mistake", while Dyatlov and a few others say it was an equipment error. RBMK is a beast of a reactor, reportedly hard to control when the power is low and an inexperienced SIUR, which Toptunov was, would probably have problems keeping up with everything. If it was the case of the SIUR messing up, then it's not as simple as the author presents, you don't just miss one step and it all goes to shit, you actively have to not recognise and/or not be fast enough with your actions. But that's nitpicking, it's not that relevant.
> The fuel channel caps never jumped or at least were never actually SEEN by anyone to have been jumping, my god. Perevozchenko was in the control room when it was "going on". That Chernobyl Guy made a really good (and fun!) video on the topic if anyone's interested. Love that guy, he's doing a great job!
> I'm pretty sure that the description of the control rods and the positive scram effect (and the purely technical, nuclear bits) is not that accurate. I'm going to be very careful with both of these because pure physics is outside of my comfort zone and will actually recommend you do your own research on both of these, if you're interested, from the fear that I might start sounding like Medvedev (without proper education)
Other than that, it's really really good! It includes some relevant pictures, which is always nice (I'm looking at you, Kate Brown's book), it covers a great time duration - from before Prypiat to after Chernobyl. And the author interviewed a ton of people, we have to give him that.
All in all, I absolutely need to reread this book again because my memory of it is a little foggy and I'll report back to you in case something of importance will come up!
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cheesy-che · 1 month
for mizu: 🔵 Blue, 🪩 Disco Ball, 🟢 Green. and for emy: 🔴 Red, 🎱 8 Ball
OC Ask Meme
Waaaa thank you for asking, my lovely friend. UwU <3
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
In general, she’d be alone or with friends who don't require a lot of energy to be with. She’d probably read a book or two, listen to some calming synth/electronic music and cozy up in a blanket. BIG bonus if it’s rainy outside during the summer. If we’re talking specifically in the TMNT 2003 universe where I put her often, she’d be delighted to spend a day at the farm house. Mizuiro loves a night walk in the forest in the hopes of seeing the stars clearly and stumble upon some fireflies. 
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
WOWEEE Big question lol.
Self-doubt in general is absolutely her biggest weakness, but I personally think it’s some kind of strength. Because she unfortunately doesn’t have high confidence, she always assumes that her mind could be changed. Extreme open-mindedness, if you will. It has proven to be a strength in the way that she nevers assumes that she’s right about something unless she has done hours of research to prove her point. Yes, she is a victim of a lot of self-doubt because of that and it is difficult to live with, but it also means that she’s always open to discuss any subject… unless it diverts from her basic values ofc.
As for a strength that could be twisted in a weakness… I guess it could be considered a weakness not to express her emotions often or to stay silent most of the time. It’s a strength in a way that she can take the time to think clearly before answering a question and it can be helpful not to show someone how you truly feel. At least, she herself sees this as a strength. She values her secrecy a lot and is quite happy about establishing her boundaries about who’s allowed to see which sides of her. Although, it has proven to be quite difficult for her to make new friends or to express herself correctly because of this self-inflicted social restriction.
🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
Mizuiro doesn’t like to get the attention centered on herself, but that doesn’t mean she won’t celebrate alone if the occasion arises. I’m not at that part yet in my story (minor spoiler alert for anyone reading Space Echoes… oops), but when she realizes that her cardio and overall form has improved while practicing physical training, she feels amazing. It’s probably her friends who make her realize that she, in fact, has improved. Your girl loves a warm bath, and she would love to celebrate her training session by indulging in hours-long baths and self-care. So, definitely small personal victories. For Mizuiro to be proud of herself, it takes a lot!
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
The average person ™ doesn't see how kind she can be. Really, that’s mostly all there is to it. Emy has what we call a “resting bitch face” and she’s a “matter-of-fact” kind of person whenever you address her. Even when tries to show that she cares, it’s mostly going to be shown with a mocking snicker or sarcasm. So yeah, her true kindness, without her “tsundere attitude”, is only seen by a few. 
🎱 8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
Emy hides stuff from her parents, like any teenager does. For example, her brother knew about her brief romantic relationship with Mizuiro… her parents didn’t. Not that they would care about Emy being in a relationship with another girl, but Emy didn’t want them to know. She feared they wouldn’t let her sleep at her best friend’s place anymore or think that their relationship was more serious than it actually was. Mizuiro and Emy ended up preferring to stay friends after showing some skinship to one another. It strengthened their bond, but they realized they weren’t interested in having more than a platonic friendshippy love for each other. Her parents would’ve been super awkward about it (at least, according to Emy) and she had her brother swear that he wouldn’t tell because he had found out… in exchange for her doing the dishes in his place for a year. Thanks bro. 
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msommers · 3 months
1, 3, 4, 14, 18 for riya, meredith and ellana!
thank youuuu xoxo we ignore how long this took between forgetfulness and having no braincells xoxoxo // questions about creating your ocs
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
RIYA — because we knew the campaign at large would span the 15-year long third blight, the first thing i landed on was the base concept of a character who could grow into the type who would willingly brave that ultimate sacrifice to end the blight when it came down to it. obviously with no guarantee of Give Me That Death It's All I Want or even reaching that point, i was just interested in exploring what type of clown i could force into this inevitable character development. 
MEREDITH — god. it's been so long. it was probably her appearance because i went into origins as a baby da fan and didn't know what to expect. which is kinda funny now because her appearance is the biggest change she’s ever had thru all these years. 
ELLANA — on my second playthrough when i knew at least a little bit of what the fuck i was doing in the setting, i believe the first consideration for her was whether i wanted to double down on my interest in the elven culture in thedas that'd i'd developed during my first run of the game or if i wanted to try focused on other aspects (fairly obvious nowadays that i went with the former). 
3) How did you choose their name?
RIYA — i went back into dms with the dm and turns out i chose the name because of the cute nicknames you could get out of it. so pretty much nailed it first try because riya is iconic tbh
MEREDITH — she's one of my oldest characters which means i didn't do Any research before picking her name, meredith was chosen purely because i've been in love with the name since i first read the vampire diaries books when i was a tween. its meaning being “great ruler” was pure destiny, i'll never get over that discovery. 
ELLANA — default name pretty 🥰🥰 and no i still haven't landed on an extended version of her name, don't talk to me about it i have problems making decisions (someone send help).
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
RIYA — without a doubt the fact that mages in nevarra were given an absurd amount of freedoms compared to countless places, i loved that. i believe soon after that i stumbled upon the vague history tidbit that a duchess had donated her “palatial estate” to become the new college of magi because she had a mage daughter, and that became a solid base for the new pc right quick. riya was shaped so fast between that initial concept and these two discoveries it wasn't even funny. somewhere in there i found the grand tourney business, dunno when. 
MEREDITH — okay so take literally every element of the human noble origin story and its plot through the game and there. you got it. the entire laundry list that had me fucking obsessed with mere since the jump because everything there ticks my boxes. the politics, the family ties and history, the kingdom pride, the sense of duty that's matched in intensity only by the inescapable desire to enact justice (bordering on violent vengeance lmao) for your family and people with your own two goddamn hands because nobody else is going to get it for you. also you have a cute dog right off the bat, that rules. 
ELLANA — her creation is so. muddled to me because she was the first character i ever played a da game with, so most of the influential elements likely just popped up in inquisition at some point or other and nothing stands out there. my best guess would be that the vallaslin and god domains played a good part tho, because there being a goddess of motherhood and justice has been huge for her.
14) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
RIYA — it physically pains me sometimes, but the first is that i have to remember just how privileged this woman was and try to reflect that in what she says and how she reacts to things (i took psychic damage when she blatantly was judging every bit of that little village). second would be that i have to remind myself how much pain and trauma is gathering up in this mage, unhealed and unacknowledged, because sometimes i can forget while caught up in all that’s going on just how fucking bad it really is. i’ll go quiet here and there during a scene not because i can’t think of what riya would say, but because i realized something would’ve triggered her to spiral into the negative feelings and all she’d be capable of is a “hm” or clear i want to get the fuck out of here one-liner lmao
MEREDITH — number one is that she’s putting noble responsibilities above all else always, sometimes to the detriment of other priorities and even relationships. second is that “canon” doesn’t matter at all and i can have fun with her story however i want, who gives a fuck. follow the fun and all that. i have to keep this in mind for her out of everyone because she has some Strong negative opinions on certain characters which have some,,,aggressive fans and that held me back for a good while lol
ELLANA — first is that she approaches things with gentleness and empathy 99% of the time, even if it’s not advisable and she has people pushing against it. second is naturally Legacy, because that fuck haunts her past, present and future. she's constantly musing on it for both herself and others, and its influence on her can't be noted enough. i have a vivid memory of pausing the hakkon dlc to repeatedly bash a pillow against my face to let out the emotions i was dealing with because the plot was trying to end my fucking life with ameridan and ellana.
18) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
RIYA — the first thing i can think of was a few months back with the callout that correctly identified riya’s lowkey desperation to get warden-commander satine’s approval as her having mommy issues. blatantly obvious fact, yeah, but it had gone without being commented on and it took me tf out for a few minutes after hearing it. as you can imagine she’s thriving after each positive response from sending updates sent the warden-commander’s way.
MEREDITH — ooooh, a few things because of that long ass warden sheet i’ve been slowly chipping away at in the docs. i believe the most recent is that i never gave this poor woman some hobbies outside of a minor interest in map sketches, so i’ve been on-off thinking about that for a little while. who knows what i’ll land on, i’m lazy. embroidery was a contender because it's the Classic for noble ladies and also i think she deserves arts & crafts fun, just look at her life she needs it
ELLANA — nothing really, she's been consistent for a long while 🤷‍♀️ closest thing is that i did very briefly revisit the ancient idea that i think she deserves one or a few kids to fulfill her “mama bear” energy to a more literal degree but that's mostly a goof. 95% a goof. maybe 90%. if she ends up w kids at the end of this week i can’t be held accountable-
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Nancy Wheeler x Female Reader: Dating Head-Cannons
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Feel free to use these for your own creations, I don't mind at all.
I'm guessing most people reading this are over 5'3, as the first head-cannon mentions the reader being taller then Nancy, but if you're not, please just ignore it as I could not think of a way to make an alternative :)
Some of these are based on very specific scenarios cause I am very specific when it comes to most things.
Let me know if you'd like to see that one shots of these head-cannons, as I'd love to provide them for you :)
Being the tallest out of the two of you has it's perks.
E.g. Taking her journalism notes away from her when she's been working on them for too long, and holding them above your head so she can't reach, and then only way she can get them back is if she promises to finish her sentence and stop writing, or by physically tackling you and stealing them back (which she has done before).
Her having to get on her tiptoes or you having to lean down to kiss/hug each other. Etc
The ultimate duvet/comforter thief in the entire worlds existence, literally as soon as you turn over to go to bed/settle down to go to bed, she will wrap herself in it so you have to snuggle into her to keep warm.
Enjoying the best dates together.
Studying together at a local cafe.
Movie dates.
Picnic Dates in the Spring.
Tanning and swimming together on the beach (and building sandcastles as well if that's your sort of thing).
Long autumn walks.
Snowball fights in Winter.
Nancy is a morning person and nobody can convince me otherwise. She definitely gets up at 7am every morning, on the dot and will try anything and everything to wake you up (and if you are anything like me, and you usually get up at 10 in the morning, it can make things difficult) but she usually ends up getting you out of bed by bribing you with extra kisses and cuddles throughout the day.
Stealing each others clothing has just become a thing, if one of yours or her pieces of clothing has disappeared there's a 99% chance the other person has taken/borrowed it.
Picking flowers when your out walking and making a bouquet of pretty flowers for her, or just picking one very special one. You get bonus points in her book for tucking a couple behind her ears or putting them in her hair.
Going to bookshops and picking out books to read to each other later on, while cuddling in bed.
She absolutely loves baking and is a very good cook, chocolate chip cookies are her speciality.
Pool/swimming days with the rest of the gang (Robin, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, Argyle, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Will, Max, El and Erica) at Steve's house or Lover's Lake.
Nancy is definitely a plant mom/mum, she loves plants, fake or real ones, she will love them as if they are real.
The two of you hanging out and having sleepovers with Robin, Max, El and Erica all the time, paint each others nails, dyeing each others hair, make matching bracelets/necklaces, bake cookies, gossip, watch movies, the whole works.
Going along with her as her sort of sidekick when she goes out being "the best journalist in the world", as you tell her, is the best.
Long car rides on the way to/on the way back from following leads and doing interviews for in any of her new stories.
Writing little notes and drawing little doodles and hearts on the covers of her notebooks while she's pre-occupied with other stuff.
Going out for coffee runs while Nancy's working on stories.
Proof-reading and re-reading them together over and over again to make sure they make sense and are spelt correctly
Working on designs and headlines for the front pages.
Fake names and identities, following people around, trespassing, going to extreme lengths to access research, that kind of thing.
Her teaching you how to fire her guns in case you ever need to use them (even if your not good at it, you will probably end up using it).
(For my girls with Anxiety, Autism, ADHD, or any other similar disorders) Nancy always makes sure she has your comfort things (or similar things to them) when you go out in case you suddenly don't feel 100%.
Trying to (and almost always succeeding in) getting Nancy to revive her old D&D character that she used to play with The Party when The Hellfire Club (and Will) play in the Wheeler's basement twice a week and occasionally playing the role of DM (Dungeon Master).
Robin helping the two of you plan your days out (and occasionally tagging along with them) and in return the two of you help with her flirting skills (she definitely take notes on one of Nancy's spare notebooks to make sure she remembers all of it), because the two of you are definitely way better at dating advice then Steve Harrington.
Writing little poems and notes for each other and putting them in different places (in mugs/cups from the kitchen cupboard, sticking them to mirrors, replacing bookmarks in the other persons book with them, putting them in each others jacket pockets etc).
Finding things/gifts that remind you of the other person (flowers, rocks/crystals, etc).
Obviously, dating Nancy Wheeler comes with some baggage (the Upside Down and all that jazz), so inevitably the two of you are going to get hurt at some point, and whether it's a small scrape or a deep cut, Nancy is going to immediately try and make it less uncomfortable for you and use whatever resources she has to keep it from being infected until she can clean it properly.
But as soon as you're all finished and out of the Upside Down, she sits you down and cleans your wound properly while lecturing you on how much worse it could've been, and how you need to be more careful, all while making sure your okay while bandaging it up.
However, when it comes to her injuries, she'll play it off as nothing until she absolutely has to have it cleaned and bandaged up.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
hi! id love a romantic matchup!!^_^
starting with personality, id say im probably an ambivert. it really depends on who im with though! i like my alone time a lot, but at the same time i love to hang out and do fun stuff with my friends!! my parents have told me that i can be witty a lot of the time, and i do agree that i like to tease people from time to time. my friends always describe me as nice and righteous?? i guess?? they always call me smart, too, which makes sense since im in a couple ap and honors classes.. i love learning when i have a good teacher lolol ! id like to say im organized and all that stuff, but im the biggest procrastinator lol . i try to get stuff donr as soon as i can but like,, i dont want to :P my personality type is infp !
onto hobbies and interests, i love to draw, mostly sketch, both digitally and traditionally. i like to write as well, with books and essays and poetry ^_^ i loove poetry, and id say that ties with philosophy and (idk the right word) but like. just overall deep talks(i love those, especially late at night). i like to read, and im so curious about space and the universe, ive been meaning to research it! i like both cats and dogs.. honestly i dont know who i would pick if i had to choose. more fandoms wise... i like a lot of things! obviously what im most interested in rn is mm, but undertale and ohshc will always hold special places in my heart! I ALMOST FORGOT, but i love to make stuff!! charms and cards and anything i can make at home, i love to see peoples reactions when they get them:)
id say my love language is physical touch from both sides, i love to be next to the people i love, even if its just simple touches. i also love quality time, and thinking that my partner will love me no matter what
physical appearance, i just have brown hair and blue eyes, pretty typical lol ! i love to create patterns on my nails myself, and i do put on makeup very often, just simple eyeliner and slight eyeshadow, nothing major. i always get compliments on how pretty my hair is, its just long and straight and i try to brush it the best i can before it gets tangled lol . people also tell me i have a nice nose, so!
(i feel like ive written too much lolol) i dont know exactly what i want to do with the rest of my life yet, i know im knterested in the study of the human mind, so ive been considering psychology the most. still not sure though!
thank you!!! >_<
I match you with...
Spending quality time and sharing intimate words with another person is your love language. You're looking for somebody who understands you for you. Somebody who knows what it feels like to want to be seen, and who better to be your partner than Jumin Han? He has spent his entire life looking for somebody who wants to spend time with him just because they think he's an interesting person to be around, not because they want to be around him for his money.
You're looking for a connection with another person who makes you feel comfortable and passionate at the same time. The best thing you can do with him is work on your art while you share time together in the living quarters. Imagine that, you’ve strewn your legs across his lap and you’re drawing Elizabeth, chuckling at the remark he made about the novel he’s reading. What more could you want? 
He's the kind of partner you want if you value communication more than anything. He gets it, and you don't have to worry about anything getting lost in the middle. 
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Tell me some stuff about twins. I never do any real person research for my characters but I should really start.
oh wow okay that's a long answer so be mindful of that
also this is all my own experience so if you happen to be part of a pair of twins and wants to chime in, please do so.
Okay first thing first: there are two types of twins. Identical twins and non-identical twins.
I am a non-identical twin. Which means exactly what you can be thinking: my sister and I are nothing like each other physically. She has brown hair and eyes, I have somewhat blondish-brown hair and grey eyes. Our face structure is different, our features are different. Our body is different.
Most of the time people don't even guess we are twins at first! But we are.
Second thing I should probably say: I'm two minutes older than my twin (yes it matters) I'm the older one.
Your set of twins are going to be x minutes apart from the other and that's a number you take to your grave. That's a number you remind them everytime you are in an argument and you want to make a point.
My sister and I grew up in a neighborhood where there weren't any kids out age, so we've spent almost all our childhood together. This translates to use having almost the same exact memories of things, our own language (invented words to refer to something or someone and we talk backwards when we need to say anything with people in front of us), key words that we created when we were little and basically the same childhood!
If you went to my twin and said "the girl and the fence" i know what she's thinking about. And if you told me "Imagine by John Lennon" I can interpret you our own version of the song that we wrote when we were like eight or so.
This means that more often than not we speak at the same time and say the same (I guess you could say it is because we have similar braincell patterns if you want to get scientific, but telekinesis is a much nicer explanation)
Still of course we are not the same person! At all! We both have different hobbies, likes and dislikes and are our own person, even if we still relate to a lot of things. I like to refer to my sister's hobbies as "the same as mine, but in a different direction": we both like reading, but we read different genres; or we both like a sport but for different reasons.
Living with a twin us not living with your best friend. Not always. We fight a lot (as siblings do) over dumb stuff and we are not joined by the hip. Specially not literally since she is in Germany now so...
Maybe this is also just my case, but I've grown so used to people calling me by my sister's name that I answer to it automatically, so maybe that's a twin's thing as well.
In my course, we were four set of twins: two pairs of two boys, us and a pair of a boy and a girl. Of course everyone had different dynamics but I think it's safe to say that almost all of us share that proximity with our sibling the way separate siblings don't do (← can't know for sure cause I don't have a separate sibling just my twin and I)
Somehow, the fact that we shared course, sometimes teachers, a friend group and later on the same class, has made us build our self concept around each other. Being a twin is part of our identity and now that I'm in uni and I'm meeting new people it initially shocks me when they are surprised cause they just found out that I'm not a single kid. Cause I'm clearly half of a set, you know? Still of course I know it's not something visibly clear.
We have a lot (and I mean a lot) of inside jokes, of stories and memories. I think she knows me more than anyone could ever because I've spent all my life with her. There are some childhood grudges as well (like when she ripped the scratch page that smelt like chocolate from my Geronimo Stilton Fantasy Kingdom book)
Aside from that now that we are kilometers away, our day to day conversations usually are either calling the other while we are studying and just talking about whatever or sending us memes and tiktoks saying "that's u" (she just did that as I'm typing this)
If you happen to be part from a set of twins and want to add your own little things or share stories PLEASE feel free to reblog this!!!
Again this is just my humble interpretation of 20 years of being a twin and you might not agree with some stuff which is completely normal!
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Sickening Whispers
Ghost!Isaac Grossman x GN!Reader
Warnings: paranormal elements, angst, horror, parents screaming, physical injuries, gore, blood
A/N: No it hasn't been a year since I've updated this. Your losing your mind. Just read it and pretend it didn't take a year. WHICH IT DIDN'T
Chapter 6: Nightmare
The library was now the place you were at the most instead of your own home. Why be there when you could be here? Instead of hearing your parents fighting, you can learn more about the house and take notes. You can also study what you wanted to go into for college. So being here was a perfect idea.
After talking to your brother, you wrote down any paranormal happenings the rest of the week. How many times a week did your brother see the small child who you now assume is some sort of tulpa or poltergeist, even maybe? The mask was still as hyper as ever, and the feeling of being watched never left your mind. The attic door closed even if you took two steps out of it without any wind blowing. 
Your best guess was how much time Isaac’s parents spewed their hatred for him; they must have made him out of the image they see him as. Their thoughts on how much they despised him. Their hateful thoughts created a personality stuck in your world, forever stuck inside the home where his parents built him.
Because Isaac had died at the age of 22, not at 7, he either channeled his childhood hatred into this being before he died, or he made it when he was 7. While you had no real clue if you were correct, that’s the best you could come up with when it came to him. 
That’s why you believe there are separate entities at your home. Your brother is the only one to see the boy. You also remembered that your brother saw the boy staring at your door but never going in. Was there some force blocking him or something?
Whatever it was, you were going to figure it out. Even if it took you all day.
You didn’t notice you fell asleep until someone softly tapped your shoulder. Your eyes flutter open to see the lovely librarian you met last time.
“Oh dear, did I stay till closing? I’m sorry I made you stay late because of my lack of sleep schedule.” She only let out a small laugh before patting your back.
“Oh no, dear, you’ve only been asleep for an hour. I just happened to be passing by and noticed all your notes and what your researching. You’ve taken up the entire table with your books and papers.” Your eye finally gets used to the light before seeing that she is correct. 
“Oh geez. Guess I didn’t realize.”
“It’s quite okay, but I must warn you about the subject you seem to have dived into.” The lady grabbed one of the books and started flipping the pages.
“I don’t know if you're doing it or not, but playing with the dead is a hazardous idea. Nothing good ever comes out of talking to the dead. The ones who say they’re good as always the most evil.”
“Yeah, I know. I-My friend has this problem in their home, and they don’t have a car to do this themselves, so I’m kind of stuck in it. Plus I really want to help because they’re always so scared of what's going to happen next.”
“You're a good friend, my dear. I can see that you care about others, even if it affects you. Tell you what, I know someone who can help you. They have some paranormal equipment that you can borrow. Would you like me to call them?” Your heart races at the thought. What could they have?? You’ve searched for stuff like that before, but you didn’t want to waste hundreds of dollars on stuff that didn’t work. 
“Yes! Please! Thank you so much for doing this!” You felt your luck turn around, knowing that this was perhaps a new step in the right direction.
“No problem, my dear. They live near so it’ll be quite easy to call them. Please wait here. I’ll make sure to get you when they arrive.” She sends you a small smile before walking over to the front area of the library. 
You started rejoicing that you finally had a bit of support. Just at least one step ahead rather than be 26 steps behind.  
You only had to wait about 20 minutes for the person to arrive. But it took forever for them to show you how to work each of them and what they were for. There was a lot more stuff than you initially thought, but if it makes it easier to figure out what’s going on, then you’ll take it.
They said you were given just basic standard stuff, but to you, it felt like you were holding the power of god in your hands. EVP to hear whatever the spirit has to say, an infrared thermometer to detect cold spaces, and a camera just in case to catch it. 
It wasn’t much, but it was all you needed to finally get a little bit of sleep at night.
Once you got home, it was pitch black outside, with only the car's headlights and the house's indoor lights on. Barley illuminated the dark forest that surrounded your home. You had to gather up all the stuff before taking a deep breath and rushing towards the door as the car's headlights turned off, leaving you in almost complete darkness. 
‘Get in the house. Get in the house. Get in the house.’ Luckily, the door was unlocked, and you quickly jumped in and locked the door behind you. Finally, let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad your home! I was getting worried about you!” The concern in your mother's voice made your beating heart calm down a bit. 
“Sorry bout that, mom. I was at the library, and I fell asleep. And you know how long it takes to get here from town.” You laugh nervously as you hold all the books and files you’ve checked out and the equipment in a backpack you were given.
“I know. I’m just a worry wart. Glad to see you at least still have your learning spirit.” Your mom gave you a kiss on the cheek before you went up to your room.
‘Okay, now wheres that stupid key?’ You carefully try stuffing your hand in your pocket to find it, only to come up short. Annoyed, you fear you’d have to go back outside to check in the car. 
“Looking for this?” The sound of your brother's voice scared you and almost made you drop everything in your hands. You looked at him and saw that he held the key that should have been in your pocket seconds ago.
“You dropped this on the ground when you left earlier. I’ve held onto it to ensure dad doesn’t sneak into your room or anything. That and you don’t lose it.”
“You scared the shit outta me! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Your brother only laughed as he scooted past you, even though the stairs to the attic were super narrow. You could hear the door being unlocked as it opened and your brother's footsteps going in.
“Man, your room’s a mess.” Raising your eyebrow, you turn to look, only to see your room completely trashed. Your bedding was thrown all around the room, and your clothes were pulled out from your closet/dresser. Copied documents were scattered across the floor.
“You can’t be serious right now…” You simply sighed as you walked in and placed everything down by the desk.
“Damnit. I just cleaned it too.” You start gathering everything so you can hopefully return things to how they were before you left.
“Does the ghost always do this?” The sound of your brother picking up some of the scattered documents made you smile in relief at having a helping hand.
“Thank you for the help, but no. Not always. It’s like it has tantrums or something.” Your brother let out a nod of acknowledgment before continuing to help you.
“Well, now that that's over, I can try these things.”
“OOOOO, can I help?!” Your brother started jumping up and down in excitement. It was cute, and you would have let him if it weren’t for the fact that you were scared of how the thing would react to all this going on.
“How about tomorrow? I know we're both excited to use these, but shouldn’t we get well-rested and ready to go in case something happens?” Your brother held a pouty face before taking a deep breath and walking towards the door.
“Tomorrow, we can. Plus, we can try all day since you don’t have school.” A smile plastered on your brother's face as he closed your door and ran down the steps to his room. You laugh as you grab the key to your door and put it in your nightstand drawer. 
The only thing lighting your room was your phone flashlight now and small fake candles that lived around your room. Your father told you to get rid of the real ones so as not to ‘burn the house down.’ You were initially annoyed, but then again, it was an ancient house, so his concern was valid.
You went to your dresser to get changed before going to bed. You weren’t hungry for anything; besides, you had already missed dinner. You were just too tired to even think about food. 
It was a lovely couple of minutes of clean thoughts before you were reminded of the mask that had made its home in your closet. No matter what you did, it always came back in that one spot. You ended up just forgetting about bringing it back, as it was shown to be a waste of time. 
A sigh left your lips as you put away all the documents from the hours before and hid the equipment given to you under the bed. You didn’t have the energy to even try it out tonight or look more into everything. Your brain was just exhausted from all the reading and research it did. So you only changed into your pajamas while throwing your clothes in the hamper. The sound of the wooden floorboards creaking under you made your eyes even heavier.
You simply closed your eyes as you felt sleep overtake you.
You open your eyes to hear the sounds of loud whispering coming from your closet. It's not like this was the first time the mask has done this. It does it all the time, but for some reason, tonight, it was louder than it ever has been. Not to mention it spoke clearly enough to the point where you understood it.
‘Come here’
That's all it said over and over again. It gave you the creeps, so you desperately tried to ignore it, but your body started shifting out of bed before realizing it. 
Its voice kept getting more and more louder as your body finally managed to get off the bed. Its words rang through your ears as you felt your bare feet hit the freezing cold floor. No matter what you did, it seemed like it wouldn't stop or listen to you. The floorboards creaked as your body walked towards the closet.
The sound of the closet door opening made your heart skip a few beats as a blast of cold air hit you. 
The mask still whispered to you, but it was pounding in your head now. Echoing off every surface before its tune changed. 
'Wear it
You didn't even get a chance to second guess what was happening before your arms reached out and grabbed the mask. It felt ice cold while you were holding it but at the same time scolding hot. Your body didn't even seem to mind as it soon pressed the mask against your face. 
Putting it on, you felt your body go utterly numb as your eyes soon were the only thing that worked. You could turn your eyes around and such, but you had no control over your body. It was like you were having sleep paralysis but wide awake simultaneously. 
The sounds of your feet shuffling across the floor rang through your ears as you felt your body go towards the locked door. You knew you locked it when your brother left, so there shouldn’t be any reason that you’d be able to get out. 
But the sound of the door unlocking made you rethink what actually happened. Cause when you looked down, there in the door was the key. 
A sharp cold breeze hit your body as the door opened. Your body moved down the stairs without any effort that it made you feel as if you were air itself. There wasn’t a single creak of the floorboards. Your body even knew where you were going even though the house was as black as night.
You desperately tried to remember every way your body was going, but your mind was going blank, and the fear wouldn’t let you focus on anything other than what's happening in front of you. Which was only worse as it got only darker the father you went into the house. 
Your body stopped suddenly in front of something. It stood there for about a good 5 seconds before moving again. Pictures started playing in your mind about where you could be, but you were answered when you heard the familiar creak of a kitchen drawer opening. 
You knew which one that was. Only one drawer made that noise. 
The knife drawer.
You soon felt the weight of the situation hit you harder when you realized how bad this could go. Why did it come down here? Why grab the knife? What's the ghost gonna do now? You couldn’t even move your body or do anything to stop it!
The feeling of your body moving towards the stairs gave you a horrible feeling down in your gut. There was no reason to be going upstairs with a knife in the dark of night. Nothing with good intentions. 
No matter what you did against yourself, your body kept moving forward with the knife still clasped in your hand tightly. All you could do was stare in horror as you saw your body walking toward your parent's room.
Pushing open the slightly open door had your heart pounding in your chest. You could feel your body gripping the knife harder as your body walked more angrily towards your sleeping father. 
You stopped right in front of him and just…watched him. Watched him breathe in and out as he slept there peacefully without knowing. Just as you were staring at him, the hand with the knife lifted up quickly before slamming back down forcefully. 
You’ll never forget the sickening crunch and slicing noises you heard as the knife plunged into your father's rib cage. The knife went up as soon as it came down. It stayed still for a bit, almost as if contemplating, but when your father opened his eyes, the knife went back down once more. This time with more hatred and force behind it.
Your father tried grabbing your hand but couldn’t catch it with how fast it was going up and down, making holes in your father's chest. 
Opening your mouth to scream at him and tell him it’s not you, you're not controlling it, someone controlling you only for nothing to come out. You could feel your eyes water as the feeling of warm blood slowly covered your hands, making your stomach churn. 
It just wouldn’t stop. The sound of skin slicing and bones breaking rang through your ears and echoed through the room as you screamed for it all to stop and end. Not even a word left your mouth as your mouth stayed closed the entire time. 
You look into your dad's eyes and see them go from fear to lifeless in seconds. His once lively eyes showed nothing but an empty husk with no soul. You screamed no and begged him to return and that you were sorry.
You kept screaming until the words finally came out of your mouth. 
Screams echo through your room as you jump out of bed. The screams were your own as you tried to determine what was happening. To your horror, the mask was right beside your bed with a red liquid sprayed. You walked away from it and towards your door as it all came running back to you. 
You quickly open the door without grabbing the key and rush to your parent's room. Gripping the cold metal handle, you slam the door open, and to your relief, you see both your parents lifting themselves up from bed and rubbing their eyes to see what’s going on. 
Seeing your father alive and breathing made you collapse to the floor in the middle of the doorway. 
It was so real. The feeling of breaking bones and ripped open skin never left your mind. The sound of all those horrible noises was enough to make you cry even harder. 
“Sweetie, are you okay?!” Your mother jumped out of bed and rushed to your side quickly as she hugged you. You tried to get out the words, but nothing came out. Only gasps for air and cries.
“It's 3:28 in the morning! What are you doing?!” Your father yelled at you. You look at your mom before scooting closer into her arms as you finally get the words to tell her what happened. 
The tears blurred your vision, but you could feel your mother wiping your tears as she tried to calm you. 
“God, look at you! Your too old to be crying like this! Only babies cry as hard as you are right now.” Your father's words stung as they only made you cry even though you tried to stop.
“Your child is crying, and this is how you respond?! How rude and horrible could you be?!” The feeling of your mother helping you up gave you a sort of calm. She rubs your arms before wiping one last tear.
“It’s all okay, sweetie. Me and your father are okay. Do you want me to walk you to your room?” Even though you felt like a child, the thought of your mother being with you when you entered the room helped you stabilize your breathing. 
Nodding your head, your mother starts walking with you to your room. Before you left, you could hear your father mumble something under his breath. Choosing to ignore it, you just walk with your mom to your room. 
As you walked towards the stairs, a cold breeze hit you as you looked up at your door. It was wide open but as dark as night itself. Fear settled in your stomach, but your mother went right up and into the darkness before turning on all the false candles you had around your room. 
Only when everything was on did you step foot into the room. 
A single step was all it took to feel the usual unwelcoming presence in your room, but this time, you felt more safe knowing that your mom was here to at least see you in bed.
Looking at your nightstand, you notice that the mask was gone and nowhere to be found. You weren’t gonna complain about it. Just ignore it and continue going back to bed.
You didn’t waste any time going in as the bed was much warmer than the room's cold atmosphere.
“Alright, honey, I’m gonna go back now, okay?” You wanted her to stay with you until you fell asleep, but you wanted her to get some sleep too. You also didn’t want her to fall victim to whatever hell you were in as well.
“Okay. I love you.” Your mom kissed you on the forehead before repeating the words back. The sound of her footsteps leaving and the door closing reminded you that you were once again all alone. At least, you hoped so. 
Covering your head with blankets, you try to make sure that the rest of you is covered before grabbing your phone and putting on some music loud enough for it to block out any noise from outside but quiet enough so that your parents don’t hear it. 
Having at least some sort of noise that isn’t your own thoughts made going to sleep a little easier.
A bright light shone on your eyes as you squinted them before opening them. Rubbing your eyes, you see that your room is now covered in sunlight, and you take a deep breath before sitting up. 
Just then, a searing pain spreads through your body as you grab your shoulder quickly. It's where the source of the pain seemed to be coming from. The pain was intense enough to have your eyes watering, and you let out a small slew of cuss words. 
You clasped down on it, giving it a little pressure in hopes of calming it down for a second. Standing up, you walk over to your desk to see what could be giving you such pain. 
Lifting your shoulder sleeve down, your face contorts into a look of horror as you see whats giving you so much pain. 
A red bite mark right on your shoulder.
It looked so new, so fresh. You could feel the pulsating and pain it was giving off. Hell, it might have even been hard enough to give a bruise or bleed. But you were so confused about how this could happen. No one had a key to your room, and you usually hid that in your drawer.  
You look at the bite mark once more, and the confusion on worsened. If your parents or brother were to come in your room, why on earth would they bite you? And how come you didn’t wake up? You didn’t have any animals, and there was hopefully no way one could’ve managed to get into your room. 
Plus, the bite mark had human shaped teeth.
It was positioned in a way where a romantic partner would bite their lover. But you didn’t have one, so why was it there, of all places?
The pain started getting worse so you grabbed a blanket from your bed and wrapped in around yourself before grabbing the attic key and making your way towards your door. Hopefully getting an ice pack or hot pack would calm down the pain at least a smidge. 
You didn’t even make it to the second flight of stairs before your heard the yelling coming from the kitchen. Annoyance filled your being. It was already so early in the morning what could they possibly have to fight about?
Sighing, you turn around to go back upstairs and suffer with the pain to avoid the fighting but you heard your name being caught in the mix. With that being said, you silently tip toed down the last flight of stairs and hid behidn a wall to the kitchen. You just wanted to eavesdrop on what they could be talking about with your name in the mix.
“They should be out of this house! They’re old enough to find their own home! We’re broke enough as it is so it’s simply another mouth to feed!” Alarm bells start ringing in your head as you remembered something that you read in that journal.
‘We barely afford to feed ourself! How are we suppose to feed it once it gets older?!’
The fact it was so similar sent chils down your spine. Your father wanted you to come home because he worried about you since the job market is picky and rent is high in town. So why know after all this time did he change his mind?
You couldn’t help the rage that came over you. Without thinking, you stepped out from behind the wall, letting yoru blanket fall to the floor behind you. If he wanted to say something about you he could say it to yoru face.
“Hey! You might have forgotten that you asked me to live here! Cause you were worried about me! So why now are you acting like im such a damn burden!” Crossing yoru arms as you walk up closer to him. 
“Cause all you do is whine and moan! Never doing anythign other then staying out or being in that room of yours! And don’t talk to me like that in my house!”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I actually help mom with household stuff, help my brother with his homework, take him to and from school all things that you never do! I go to job interviews! I got to the library to study things and get away from your screaming! And maybe I would rather be in the attic then have to listen to you scream to my mom!”
“Oh please! I do so much for this house! You don’t know what your talking about since your so stuck up on how your ‘better than me’. I bought us this house and i allow you to live in it!”
“Oh you mean a house that you no longer put effort in?! All you do is sit on yoru lazy ass while mom, me, and (B/N) do all the work! You knew that it’d take a while to get this house fixed up but now you’ve given up on it!”
“You will not talk to me like that in my own home! Stop being such a disrespectful little shit! Pack your shit and leave and don’t you come back as long as im in this house!”
“Like hell I’ll leave! I’ll leave the day i know its safe for mom and (B/N)! With your temper and other sides of you that your showing who’s to tell what you’d do!” Not even seconds passed when you saw your father raise his hand high. As soon as if cracked down you managed to catch it before it made contact with yoru skin. 
Your mother looked at you and you looked at her before turning your heads and looking at your father. You looked into your fathers eyes and you thought yousaw a twinge of regret and shock before it quickly vanished and turned into anger.
Ripping his hand away from your grasp he shoved your harshly. The shove made you lose footing as you stumble into the kitchen counter, your back hitting it hard enough to paralyze you. You feel to the ground as you try to gather back the air in your lungs as you try to move but your back was just in to much agony to do so. 
Your mother rushed to your side quickly. She put your head on her lap as you could see her hands shake in either anger or sadness. Maybe even both.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!? How dare you do something like this to your own child! You should be ashamed of yourself! This is not the man I married! Get the fuck out of this house before I call the cops on you!” Your mothers voice boomed through the entire house, almost enough to wake the dead even more. You’ve never heard her scream like that before in your life. 
“Fine! Whatever you stupid bitch. You’ll come crawling back like all women do.” Your father stomped out of the house and slammed the door behind him. The whole house suddenly grew quiet. The silence was cut by your mothers sobs as you looked up at her. Tears poured down her face as she held onto your still struggling form. 
“It’s okay, honey, I’m here. No one can hurt you as long as I live.”
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horizonspurple · 1 year
I like your taste:) Lucifer and Sex Education🤭I really like both of them. What is your favourite series?
You and @lord-of-dice-and-kinks are so cute😌and since I know you're reading this @lord-of-dice-and-kinks I just want to say thank you for the good day wishes. I see your comments, but I'm so excited about texting Purple I tend to forget. And I hope you have good day!
I've been thinking about fetlife for a while but I guess it scares me a tiny bit.
Spanking actually fascinated me before I even knew what sex is. The point were I realized I'm into kink was during quarantine however, when read a lot of fanfiction out of boredom...and some of it can get pretty spicy. I saw that you've read ACOTAR, so I guess you know exactly what I'm talking about🤭
😌I'll stay on anon for a bit, but maybe you'll get an excited wave in your dms soon🤭
The cutest pokemon I cought recently is a Combee:) I'm having a lot of fun with the game, thank you for the idea😌
My question this time is, what is the favourite feature on you?
I hope you have a nice day:) My week keeps being not the best:(
-your sleepy anon
Welcome back sleepy!
Heyyy glad you like those tooo! Ugh picking favorites is always so harddd Sex Education is definitely up there, same with Lucifer, but I also really enjoyed The Originals, The Witcher and Alice in Borderland (can you tell I am awfull at making choices xD) I honestly can't pick between all of those, they're all so good and so different ☺ What's your favorite?
Hihi thank youuu, he'll definitely enjoy reading that! :) He's very much enjoying our little interactions Also ahww 🥺
Mhmm I get that! What scares you about it? Maybe I can reassure you or confirm the things that scare you so you can make a better educated choice about if it's for you or not (because really it's okay if fetlife is not for you, I doubted if it was a place for me at times as well)
Quarantine really did a lot of us dirty when it came to developing kinks and stuff xD (I also had a surge in discovering kinks during quarantine xD) Mhmm for sure! Do you have a favorite fanfic? Or favorite people to read fanfiction about? Only answer those if you feel comfortable
Haha I am reading ACOTAR but I'm still in the first book so no spoliers!! But I did land on booktok and my fyp is full of ACOTAR simps so I know whats waiting for me xD (can't wait 🤫) I'm also sending pics of all the spicy stuff to Daddy so he can see what I enjoy, you know for uhhh.. research purposes 🙈
That is completely okay, I'll gladly wave at you from here for now 👋🏻😊
Combee is so cuteee lucky you for getting them! And I'm so glad Pokemon go is helping you have some fun :)
My favorite feature on myself ooff, I'm always very bad of thinking of stuff like this hihi I would say personalitywise, I like how I have a big heart and care quickly, I like to see it as me having a lovefilled view of people and nature It does make me get hurt easily at times but that's okay, I now have people around me to help me with that Physically, I really like my eyes, they are a lighter shade of blue with a darkblue circle which I think looks pretty cool, and my body has an hourglass figure which I really like as well
What's your favorite feature about you?
Ahh that sucks a lot sweetie, I'll keep you in my thoughts and so really hope it gets better soon <3 My own day has been okayish, not too bad not really good either, but that's okay :) I really want to write but I'm struggling a bit to get started on a new story, the beginning is always the most difficult
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eazy-peazy54 · 2 years
TAKE MY DHMIS AU (this time it is not a reblog)
its called the insanity/sleepless/savior au. (whatever you wanna call it) (mostly called insanity) (for now, until i find a different/better name. or it may never change, who knows.)
(i'm gonna format this in a funny way so people will read this.) (ill also edit this when i make more shit up)
a lot of this is kinda out of character, but its an au, tf did you expect?
now i'm gonna stop stalling
heres how this shit went down..
Red is CONVINCED that something is up with the house.
so naturally, he locks himself in a room with a corkboard and some photos, and doesn't sleep for about 2 weeks straight. (as any sane person would do.) so yes he is very insane also duck and yellow are very much unaware of this
*side note: you know how in the movies, people use red string to connect the clues up? yeah so red was like "yo i need something to tie this all together." so he looked over at a table and he saw some scissors and he um
he cut some of his hair off
besides that, he's perfectly fine.
anyways, after days (and nights) of research and theorizing like motherfucking Matpat Game Theory,
he figures it out.
(or at least, he thinks he does.)
First off; he realizes that the days are looping. he has suspected it before, but he has finally confirmed it.
but red wants out. so he's all like "man fuck this shit., when can i leave?"
and then he comes up with the 'best idea ever.'
"what if we DIE?"
"if we all die forever, then maybe we'll leave this hellish loop!"
So he leaves the room and sees the light of day (he only had one light on in that little room.)
since the room is connected to the kitchen, yellow and duck are in the kitchen talking.
duck spots red first and is all like "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!?!? WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE"
Red doesnt respond.
so ducks just like "anyways come sit down we got food"
since red is now kind of on this i guess- elevated?? mindset, he subconsciously starts committing acts of.. violence.
it starts off small, with things like pushing stuff off tables, occasional throwing of objects, glaring at people menacingly
then the physical violence kicks in. (swatting away peoples hands, actively ignoring people, making intense efforts to be away from everyone and everything)
finally, red snaps
whilst yellows back is turned one day in the kitchen,
red draws a knife and stabs him. he stabs him 11 times
just as he does this, duck comes in and is like "WHAT THE FUCK"
he's pissed, he's sad, he's angry
he yells at red and is like "WHY DID YOU DO THIS"
and red starts villain monologuing about his theories and research. (also like matpat)
meanwhile duck wants out, so hes slowly backing away. red is turned around so he cant see duck backing away, but duck hits the kitchen counter, and red wheels around and give duck this stare
this stare where you know he is completely gone.
where you know he is lost in Insanity™️
woah that was edgy. anyways red continues. he ends his speech with something like "and now, you must die. for the sake of us" or something
so duck just books it
red follows
theres a bit where duck looks up the stairs and contemplates if he should go up them. he looks up them, then behind him, and then he just- runs left and doesnt go up the stairs.
anwyas in the end red ends up killing him
and hes like "finally, i freed them! my friends are saved" and he thinks of himself as this amazing savior. so then he waits to see if he was right. he sits in his chair and stares out the window for hours.
in his theories, he thinks that in the next day his friends will be gone and safe.
he ends up falling asleep while looking out the window.
now if this was in an episodal format, the next episode would begin.
the intro plays.
duck and yellow are there, and just fine. they didnt remember that they died. (this is including my headcanon that the characters only remember the good parts or "lessons" of each episode and barely any of the traumatizing shit) (okay sometimes they randomly remember the traumatizing things but ypu get what i mean)
but red is just fuckin confused
hes all like
"guys??? i killed you??? waht the fuck?!?!?@?"
and then for the next episode he is just super paranoid
and thats all i have
maybe red dies of stress/suicide??? then comes back the next episode? and forgets?!?!? idk?
but thats it for now
tag me if you make any content about my au btw because i wanna see cool art 👍
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nyx-sagau-dreams · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask for a match-up?
I'm attracted to males and I'm ambiamorous. My personality is kinda wack, I'm quiet but occasionally I can be loud, I'm curious about most things, kind and empathic (also kind of a bimbo but also not). I guess the scenario could be what life would be like dating them/matching up with them, headcannons or a drabble?
Hello, and welcome!
After some deliberation, I have matched you with:
Diluc and Albedo!
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With Diluc, you met at the Tavern one night while he was actually in the city serving customers (and justice, not that you knew that). You were obviously curious about what he was doing behind the counter, so he silently showed you how he mixed drinks. He even gave you one on the house!
You fell hard and fast not long after that. You had been trying to catch your cat and bring it back inside, but had stumbled upon an Abyss mage. The creature cackled at you as it caught your cat in a bubble of water.
Before your distressed even fully registered in your mind, a dart of fire came from the rooftops and popped the bubble, dropping your cat down. The Abyss mage swore in a language you didn't recognize as you scooped your cat up. Both you and the mage looked up at where the flames had come from, and saw a dark figure jumping down.
You jumped back as the person fought the mage, pushing it out of the city. As the mage fell to the relentless onslaught, the hood and mask of your cat's savior fell away. You gasped and pointed.
"The wine guy!"
He scowled, though his eyes didn't say he was exactly displeased. "Sill don't know my name?"
You faltered. "Darknight Hero?"
He sighed gently. "That's... an alias. Don't spread it around." He extended his hand. "Let's start again. Diluc."
You took his hand enthusiastically, telling him your name.
You became quite the good influence for DIluc, your empathy and kindness helping him to grow a little more outside of his shell. He appreciated your curiousity, and did his best to explain what he could to you.
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Albedo was an introverted, mysterious person. But while shopping at the Mondstadt general good store, you ran into him. He was leaving the alchemy station where he had clearly just finished talking with his alchemy assistant, Timaeus.
You asked excitedly what he was doing and how alchemy worked, and while he was a little confused at first, he gave you a brief overview of the basics.
Getting into a relationship with the great Chief Alchemist was a long game of trial and error, but when you finally got through to him, he was the most attentive boyfriend you'd ever had.
Albedo keeps a detailed list of things that make you happy, and things to avoid. He's a good listener for those times where you like to talk, but much prefers to shower you in gifts and physical affection. Albedo is even more willing to and capable of explaining things to you, as he has many experiences or has read many books and papers. Should you have a question about something he doesn't know of, he researches until he has the answer you want or need.
He gets along fairly well with Diluc, so long as they keep discussions away from official Mondstadt business. Albedo always has a tip or two for helping the Winery, whether in the alcoholic drinks or even jsut improving juice quality. Meanwhile, Diluc helps Albedo with his more artistic pursuits, often having detailed descriptions of how certain things looked.
Diluc also "sponsors" Albedo's research sprees, especially if he finds out that Albedo is doing one for you, consider it fully funded, and with plenty of refreshments for the both of you should you get a little too absorbed into the papers.
Should you be invited to a formal event, Albedo is more than happy to accompany you, his refined demeanor coming to the surface, yet staying just icy enough to keep you comfortable from the other guests. He's very in tune with how you're feeling, so the moment you start to get tired, he's ready to make the necessary excuses and carry you away.
Thank you for requesting! I hope you liked it!
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Helaena’s Prophecies And Bugs
I’ve been thinking about Helaena potentially having some kind of prophetic power what with what she said about Aemond’s eye, so I looked back at some of the other things she was saying in those two scenes we see her in where she is talking cryptically while holding bugs to see if I can decipher some more prophecies she could be making. I have not read the book and I don’t know much about the events of the dance so these could be wildly off but this is my best shot at guessing what she might be predicting. 
We get two scenes where she is seemingly talking nonsense and in both she is holding an insect of some kind. I am going to focus on the scene from ep 6 first. I actually think the types of insect she is holding isn’t a coincidence and actually plays into the particular prophecy she is making so I think it is important to look at the symbolism of these tiny creatures to better understand what she is talking about.
 In this scene she appears to holding a millipede but she also has a box of other insects nearby which I think have significance too. But lets stick with the millipede for now. Millipedes in some cultures are said to be messengers from the spirit world. They were believed to be able to travel between the physical and spiritual worlds bringing messages to and from. This could be to show that Helaena is getting messages or warnings from some other spiritual realm/ supernatural force, a nod to the fact that she is a dreamer. In Celtic mythology millipedes had connections to death and the underworld. What is really interesting though is that they are also said to be a warning of an impeding attack and also of incoming and drastic change, they are also symbolic of self defence. In this scene when talking about Aemond having a dragon Helaena says ‘he’ll have to close an eye’ clearly foreseeing that Aemond would claim Vhagar but lose an eye in the next episode. But Aemond also loses that eye during an attack so maybe the millipede is foreshadowing this too. It could also represent the attack by Alicent towards Rhaenyra and her sons in the hall of nine with the Valyrian dagger. Or even how Rhaenyra makes the claim that her son’s were attacked and forced to defend themselves when they were called bastards. Each of these incidents played a part in raising the tension between the two sides and leading to the dance. 
But what about the other bugs Helaena has with her in this scene, what significance could they hold? I could be wrong but I actually think her case of bugs could represent the timeline that leads up to the dance, each compartment representing a different event or series of events. 
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In the first compartment of her case she has some beetles, I am no expert but they look to be like they might be stag beetles. There are two black coloured beetles and then one green. In the incident where Aemond loses his eye it is Jace and Lucerys (two blacks) teaming together against Aemond (one green) with Jace throwing the sand in Aemond’s eyes blinding him and then Lucerys slashing him with the dagger which takes out his eye. Also the green beetle is in between the two black beetles, if you watch the scene where Aemond loses his eye he is in between Jace and Lucerys, Jace is on the floor in front of him and Luc is slightly behind him and off to the side. But Beetles also have alot of symbolism that I think is relevant here particularly the stag beetle. I think the most significant symbolism is that they are said to be a harbinger of war. In that scene in ep 7 in the hall of nine after the dagger attack for the first time we really see that the lines between the two sides have been drawn.       
In the second compartment there is another black beetle but I don’t think this one is a stag beetle. Again not an expert but having done some research I think this one might be a black fire beetle, these are beetles that are drawn to the aftermath of forest fires where they lay their eggs in charred tree remains. There is also either a brown butterfly or a moth next to it. Luckily both butterflies and moths have similar symbolism around them. If it is a brown butterfly it is interesting because in Celtic law it is illegal to kill a brown butterfly and it was believed that if you did then death and pain would fall over the land. Which makes me think a death will happen that will bring about the war bringing death and pain to all the land. 
Another possibility though is it might not be a brown butterfly but a moth, I actually think it might be a Black Witch Moth because of the white lines down the wings, which are a trait of the female Black Witch Moths, it is hard to know for certain because we don’t get close enough to see all the details that might help you identify it but it does look similar to me, here’s a reference image for comparison:
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 If it is the Black Witch Moth then again it is interesting, you might have guessed from the name but it is said to be a bad omen and a messenger of death. It is said that if it flies into the home of someone who is sick then that person will soon die. 
I think its clear that there is going to be a fight for the throne when Viserys dies and so obviously I do think that this could be foreshadowing his death and how that leads to the conflict, he is already sick and this moth is in his home so that could be an omen for his death. There is one thing that makes me think that there is more to this though and maybe it isn’t just symbolic of the King’s death and that is the presence of the black beetle. Viserys doesn’t technically belong to either side, he’s not a green and he’s not a black. I think maybe there will be another death that escalates things and it will be one of the blacks that will die. I also think it won’t be an accident but that someone will kill them, maybe Larys seeing as he is also a guy all about bugs, flimsy I know but we do know that he is capable of killing and Alicent made that speech about how the day might come when she needs someone who is skilled but discreet, so maybe she will order the assassination of one of the blacks. Which member of the blacks it could be I don’t know but I really hope its not any of the children because they are all precious beans. I don’t know I just feel like whilst Viserys’ death will cause alot of tension it won’t be the point of no return, they’ll still be a chance the two sides could try to work it out, but I think then someone on the Blacks side will be killed by someone on the Green and that will be it, that will be when it gets very violent and bloody as each side keeps killing each other out of vengeance. Its the only explanation I can think of for why a black beetle would be in with a symbol of death. I don’t know if there is some significance to the moth/butterfly being a creature that can fly and the beetle potentially being a fire beetle, maybe it is just supposed to represent the dragons themselves. Or maybe a dragon fight, I feel like with it being called a dance of dragons there is going to be a few deaths by dragon fight in the series. 
Anyway moving on to the last compartment where we have a scorpion and then a green beetle and a black beetle. I think this section represents the Dance itself with the beetles obviously representing the two sides. The scorpion is interesting for a few reasons. Once again the scorpion is a symbol of death but it is also a symbol of destruction, nothing says dragon war better then death and destruction. But it also brings to mind the parable about the Scorpion who wanted to cross the river. He can’t swim so he asks another creature to carry him across, in some versions its a frog in others a fox. At first the frog/fox is hesitant because he says the scorpion will sting him to which the scorpion says he won’t because it will lead to his death too, this convinces them to carry the scorpion across. Only halfway across the river the Scorpion stings them, as they are dying they ask the scorpion why he stung them when it meant he would die too to which the scorpion replies that it was his nature. The moral here being that you cannot change the natural order of things or escape your true nature. I think this is the perfect parable for the dance. Several times we hear people talking about how Rhaenyra won’t be accepted as Queen because a male heir is the order of things. I think this scorpion doesn’t just represent the two sides and how they wreck havoc on each other but the realm and society as a whole, they are so against changing the order of things that they bring about their own destruction. The truth is that if everyone had just accepted Rhaenyra as their Queen the dance wouldn’t have happened. But I do also think it can be linked to the Targaryen’s themselves. Whether they are Greens or Blacks there are those with the blood of the dragon on both sides and as Viserys said they are restless and chaotic. They can’t escape their true nature and this chaos within them all I think does play a large role in how things escalate. 
So to sum it up the timeline goes, Aemond loses an eye in a fight with Rhaenyra’s boys which leads to the incident with Alicent and the dagger which leads to the two sides being formed and those lines being drawn. Viserys dies and this brings more tension as both Rhaenyra and Aegon make a claim to the throne, things stay tense for a while as each side makes moves and sizes up their opposition. Then someone on the Blacks gets killed and all hell breaks loose with lots of fire and destruction and death, it becomes known as the dance of the dragons. 
Ok moving on from the bugs for now lets talk about what Helaena actually says in this scene. The first line she says is ‘this one has 60 rings, 2 legs on each, that’s 240.’ Now she really could just be talking about the anatomy of the millipede here and I could be looking for something that isn’t there but none the less I did try wracking my brain to see if this has any significance and I ended up focusing on the numbers. Well if you add 60 to 240 you get 300 which interestingly enough the Targaryen dynasty lasts around 300 years. What is also interesting is that it is roughly 300 years from when Aegon first conquers Westeros to when The Night King is killed in the Battle for Winterfell, Aegon becomes king in 1 AC and the second long night, which his prophecy was about, happens in 305 AC. As for the significance of the number 2 well Aegon arrives in Westeros in 2 BC having received the prophecy about the song of ice and fire, seeing as his conquest was triggered by this prophecy and he seemed to have a sense of urgency about it, it is possible that he also received that dream in 2 BC. So maybe here what Helaena is predicting is when the song of ice and fire will actually take place. Around 300 years after Aegon is sent it in a dream. 
The next cryptic line is ‘it has eyes but I don’t believe it can see.’ Here I think she may be talking about Viserys and how he contributes to the dance coming about. It has been shown how Viserys has a habit of turning a blind eye to problems that arise. He ignores the issue in the step stones, he ignores the rumours about Rhaenyra’s sons, he ignores the fact that tension is building between the two sides of the family. On several occasions you have other characters pretty much begging him to see the truth but he stubbornly keeps his head buried in the sand. There is a good argument to be made that his lack of action contributed to the dance. Another possible interpretation though could be linked to another theory that I had. Viserys’ own dream about his heir wearing Aegon’s crown and sitting the throne, I believe this dream was prophesising the dance and that it was actually a warning. Maybe here Helaena is being sent another warning saying that Viserys has misinterpreted that prophecy and failed to see that they were warning him as he instead, at first believes he was meant to stick his male heir on the throne and then later just ignores the prophecy altogether. Also when Alicent questions Helaena, right after she says that line, on why she thinks that is, Helaena replies ‘it’s beyond our understanding’. Maybe this is her saying that it was beyond Viserys’ understanding, that despite the fact that he was a dreamer/had eyes he failed to understand and then eventually ignored it/couldn’t see. 
The next line is ‘the last ring has no legs at all.’ She says this line right after Aemond says ‘they said they found a dragon for me.’ This makes me wonder if this line is about the dragons or more specifically their extinction. Maybe she is referring to how the last Targaryens to sit on the throne no longer had dragons, whilst I don’t know much about the Dance itself I think I am correct in saying that it is attributed to causing the dragons to die out. Possible slight spoiler for post the dance here but it is only 22 years after the dance that the last dragon dies. She laid a clutch of five eggs but they never hatch. The last line she says is about Aemond having to close an eye if he wants a dragon which I am not going to go into as it is fairly obvious what that one is prophesising now, he got Vhagar but it lead to him losing an eye. 
Ok so what about what she talks about in ep 7 whilst playing with the spider? If you have read my ep 7 review then alot of this next part is going to be familiar as I have just pretty much copy and pasted what I said there. But there are some parts I will be elaborating on now that I have had more time to think it all over. 
During that scene she says:
Hand turns loom, spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh, weaving dragons of thread.
Needless to say this is pretty cryptic as most prophesies are. But obviously the spool of green and spool of black represents the two sides, the greens and the blacks. I think the dragons of flesh is talking about the dragon riders and the targaryens seeing as they often refer to themselves as having the blood of the dragon. Hand turns loom makes me think of somebody being in control, this is clearly a metaphor of the act of weaving. Weaving and threads also makes me think of tapestries. A tapestry is made up of lots of interwoven threads that all together make up the bigger picture. Each thread plays its part and I think this is symbolic of how each of the players in the story is a thread and as they interact and make moves against or for each other they are forming this metaphorical tapestry that is the dance. Oh this metaphorical tapestry could represent the family itself and the ties that bind them together. However all it takes is for one loose thread to be pulled and the entire thing falls apart. Pull the right thread and maybe you can avoid a disaster, pull the wrong one and it could lead to destruction.  
The fact that Helaena is handling a spider in this scene is also interesting because of the connection it has to greek mythology which I think can tell us a little more about the potential prophecy. In greek mythology there is a character called Arachne who was a weaver, she made the claim to anyone who would listen that she was the best weaver in the world better even than the gods. Athena who was the goddess of, amongst other things, crafts such as weaving punished Arachne for her hubris by turning her into a spider, obviously a spider is closely related to weaving, as they weave their webs. I think this is trying to say that just as Arachne’s downfall was her hubris so too will the Targaryens’ be due to their hubris. Also spiders can be symbolic of deceit, weaving a web of rumours, gossip and lies. It can use its web to trap its prey which really does remind me of what has been going on in the last two episodes with this web of rumours and lies being weaved from both sides and how each are trying to trap the other.
Another connection to greek mythology here is that of the three fates. The connections to them can be found throughout the episode. In the scene of Laena’s funeral for example you can see three shrouded women standing together which really brings to mind that imagery of the three fates: 
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It is also worth noting that the three fates whilst being gifted with prophetic sight only had one eye to share between the three of them. Kind of like how Aemond has only one eye now. But I think there is a connection to Helaena’s line about ‘weaving dragons of thread’. The three fates were closely connected to this idea of weaving fates. Each of them had a role to play, Clotho was known as the spinner, when a child was in the womb she was the one that would spin their thread, Lachesis was known as the allotter and it was her job to measure the thread of each persons life, determining how long their life would be and finally there was Atropos, the inflexible, who would cut the thread ending the person’s life, she very much represented the death of the person. I think when you look at the symbolism of the fates in this episode with the whole line ‘dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread’ I think it is saying that the actions of those involved, the dragons of flesh, are sealing everyone’s fates, as we speak their threads are being measured and cut. 
Going back to the line ‘hand turns loom’ I am also wondering if this is a bit more literal and its talking about the Hand of the King and how he is manipulating and pulling threads for his own advantage. There is no denying that Otto’s interference has played a big part in creating the tension between the two sides. Obviously I don’t think he is solely responsible but that he most certainly made an impact. From sending Alicent to the King’s chambers hoping he would marry her to putting that seed in Alicent’s mind that Rhaenyra is a danger to her children. You could even go back further and say that his desire to get rid of Daemon by having him replaced by Rhaenyra as heir was a trigger for a lot of the events that followed.
So that’s everything I can think of so far. I am very curious to see how its all going to play out and if I am right about any of this. I also wonder if we’ll get anymore of these bizarre speeches that are potential prophecies and whether they’ll have an association with some kind of bug as well. 
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ouranbutworse · 1 month
Anime-Manga Comparisons, episode 25.
Welcome to the beginning of the end! I’ll try not to cry too much, over the show or all the painful research. These two episodes had me holding four books simultaneously.
This episode starts out with the introduction of the 43rd Ouran School fair, as we watch a bunch of builders setting things up the day before, but of course, there’s a lot more to it in the manga that we don’t see here in the anime. Volume six of the manga starts fourteen days before the festival, and the hosts are battling to win the central salon of the school, alongside other clubs, most notably Takeshi Kuze’s football club. There’s a lot of build up to the festival, but it’s basically the whole book, and I don’t really want to get into it all. You can probably guess that the hosts win the central salon, though.
In the anime, Kyoya gives Haruhi some exposition on the school festival, and Hikaru appears with that goddamn carriage. Mori praises him for being able to stop the horses, and I assume would immediately take back that praise later on. His praise is so cute, though. I wish he’d praise me. And give me a pat on the head. It’d fix me. Haruhi makes snarky remarks, but softens up when Tamaki wants it to be the best fair yet. And then she immediately has to read out the title of ‘The Host Club Declares Dissolution’ in a very somber tone. Comedy gold!
During the opening festival we get some callbacks with the side characters; we see Kanako and Toru, and Kazukiyo and Kurakano dancing, and Kasanoda being fawned over by girls while his gang watches him proudly. I couldn’t find any of this happening in the manga, and the fair seems more like a laid back festival, with stalls and the individual classes having games, rather than the more elegant anime gala, but since I’m flipping through pages quickly I might just be missing things. I should also mention the parents here.
In volume six, with the fair, we meet Yuzuha and Hayato Hitachiin, the twins’ mum and dad. She’s a fashion designer and president of her own brand, and he’s an executive for a software development company who took her surname. The twins claim to be shy like their father, and Haruhi questions if she’s meant to laugh at that. Honey and Mori appear next and mention having little brothers (unknown to Haruhi up until then) and that their parents are also there, though we don’t get to see them, since they’re at the middle school for said younger brothers. We get to physically see Akira Morinozuka and Yorihisa Haninozuka later in the manga, (Yorihisa even gets a tiny role in episode 18 of the anime) but we never get appearances or names for their mothers. This is the same for Kyoya, too, who Tamaki tells Haruhi he’s off elsewhere with his parents, but we never see his mother or get a name for her.
Back to the anime, where a lady says she thinks the guys just enjoy being fawned over (true) and Tamaki slides in to agree with her and call himself and gang shameless, selfish creatures for wanting to spend time with ladies. Damn, my guy, chill, we’ve got to squeeze in your relationship with Haruhi into like forty minutes. This scene takes place during an extended carriage scene in the manga, where they let their usual guests ride, and then let the older ladies ride too.
All the others also get their manipulative moments, Mori buttoning Honey’s shirt, the twins giving a sob story, and Kyoya actually explaining how things work, and Haruhi snarks at each of them. Kyoya talking about the budget being overshot is also anime only, since the whole thing is building up to Tamaki leaving, which he doesn’t do in the manga.
Eclair Tonnerre is an anime exclusive, but I think there’s a bit to be said about her, and maybe even some comparisons to be drawn between her and manga character Michelle Monale, in that they’re both European girls with blue eyes and a connection to Tamaki’s mother. Michelle’s being that she resembles his mother, and Eclair’s being that she knows her. Tamaki fawning over them and serving them is what makes Haruhi realise her own jealousy and romantic feelings for him.
Even though Eclair’s a foreigner to the source material, I think her opera glasses are actually what makes her fit in as a silly Ouran character, she even uses them up close, and in the shower!
Yuzuru teleports into the room to be a foreboding figure who demands Tamaki call him chairman instead of father, which is actually kind of similar to the way the manga first introduces him. He’s watching the battle for the central salon, and pops in every so often to call his son foolish, or say it’s a pleasure to watch him cry. He’s almost like a villain here! But by the next episode, after the battle is over, we find out he’s been using thermotyping with an orange to send his son letters, and we find out he’s actually kind of silly when his facade drops, and he does care about his son.
Returning to the anime, Kyoya talks with the chairman while Tamaki hangs from a chandelier (No, I don't know why he’s up there) and Yuzuru calls him ‘my boy’, which is sweet, especially considering what scene’s coming up soon. It’s nice to see Kyoya get some positive attention from a father figure who’s not a teenage boy with delusions. In the manga he also praises him, but earlier, during the thermotyping scene. Anime Kyoya calls Haruhi over, and Tamaki falls from the chandelier, and only the unnamed, boring background characters notice or care. It looked like a pretty heavy fall, but he’s climbing up a statue in the next frame, so he’s probably fine. Injuries only occur when needed for dramatic effect.
Haruhi says that Tamaki and Yuzuru don’t look that much alike, but to be fair, Haruhi, your father doesn’t have those giant brown autism creature eyes like you do, so don’t judge. She apologises for never paying her respects to him, and he tells her not to call him chairman, and instead offers her a rose and tells her to call him ‘uncle’, which is kind of weird, but I get that it’s the same as Tamaki’s ‘daddy’ schtick. Speaking of Tamaki, he’s climbing all over the statue in the background like a skittering spider. He falls into the fountain water (the water bill for this school must be astronomical, with all the fountains and multiple pools!) and Haruhi deadpans that the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. Now that Yuzuru has dropped his facade Tamaki can whine at him properly (still has to call him chairman, though) and now it’s time for everyone's favourite part of the episode!
There’s a deafening slap, and Haruhi turns to see Kyoya being slapped by his own father, Yoshio Ootori. This is another character being introduced for the first time in the anime who appeared earlier in the manga, though not much earlier. He’s first introduced in episode 23, volume 6, just one episode after Yuzuru. We’ve already briefly met him in the anime episode prior, but that episode in the manga is actually volume eight. In his first manga appearance he shows up to scold Fuyumi for merely stopping by to say hello to her baby brother, and gives Kyoya an awkward knock on the shoulder, kind of like you’d knock on a door. It’s not a punch or clap, a weird knock. Kyoya seems equally confused, but should be grateful it’s positive and not a slap to the cheek. Yoshio tells him, in a slightly manipulative way, that he’s rearranging his schedule to see the festival, and that Kyoya better not disappoint him and compares him to his brothers. Fuyumi looks disappointed or sad, or both, and I’m not sure if it’s because of how he just treated her, or if it’s because of him pitting Kyoya against his brothers. Both are equally likely, I think, especially since she brings that up again a few episodes later. Aside from that, Kyoya is actually pretty happy with the interaction. He’s competitive, after all.
Later on, during the festival, Kyoya gets a lot more praise from other guests, including from an older woman with black hair who’s standing next to Yoshio, but is not, apparently, Kyoya’s mother. Just some random woman. Right after Tamaki explained that Kyoya was with his parents. Since she doesn’t have a little intro card it’s kind of obvious it’s not her, but again, we never meet her at any point. She exists somewhere in the school at the festival, but apparently always just off screen. A wizard did it, etcetera, etcetera. Anyway, Unrelated Woman praises him for being smart, and Kyoya acts humble and praises his very talented companions instead. Yoshio also praises him for letting Tamaki retrieve the crown and win the battle. He admits being taken aback by the host club at first, but ultimately praises Kyoya and the club, and admits to a group that he wouldn’t mind naming Kyoya as the heir. Just six volumes in, and Kyoya’s already finished his personal story arc!
Back to the anime, and Kyoya has decidedly not finished his personal story arc. Haruhi and Tamaki look shocked to see him hurt, but Yuzuru keeps a calm face. Yoshio scolds his son for wasting his time, and doesn’t know about the host club at all until this moment, this is all a huge change between manga and anime, and the reason is to add to Tamaki’s reasons to leave. Kyoya also sounds like he’s going to cry when he picks up his glasses, which breaks my heart a little. Honey and Mori appear with the rest beside Yuzuru to give some hilariously weak exposition of “That’s Kyo-chan’s father, isn’t it?” “Yes.”, and in the next scene Yoshio walks over to Yuzuru and the rest of the club are gone. I assume they ran away cartoonishly from him. Yuzuru calls Kyoya exceptional and Yoshio’s treatment harsh, and then mentions that Yoshio has ‘troubles’ and the media will get wind of it soon, and asks if he’s taking out his anger on his son, which Yoshio just walks away from. It’s fine, he’s got two other sons and a daughter to take out the rest of his frustration on.
The club checks on Kyoya, and Honey says you should never hit someone who’s wearing glasses. I actually went back to look at episode 18 and Yasuchika was wearing his glasses during their two fights, so Honey should either revoke his comment or apologise in hindsight. Then again, Chika is only wearing glasses to distinguish himself from Honey, so maybe it’s okay in those circumstances.
Haruhi asks if he was slapped because he’s in the host club and Kyoya brushes her off and says he’s been expecting it. Tamaki is saddened that he caused it, and Yuzuru gives him a foreboding warning that whims have consequences, don’t come cheaply, and life is hard.
Tamaki watches Haruhi talk with some guests, Yuzuru tells him to think about what he wants before it’s too late, and then She appears.
Shizue Suoh is introduced being flanked by what looks to be the same people as the manga, which is always nice to see. Tamaki is delighted and runs to greet her like a puppy, but while his heart is warm, hers is ice cold. Haruhi ‘awws’ over how sweet Tamaki is, but Honey says he hates her. It’s a little jarring, but his voice is so cute that it just ends up silly. Shizue scolds Tamaki for trying to touch her and physically recoils in the manga, but just walks past him in the anime. She calls him a filthy child in both, though. When she calls Eclair over to greet him she’s introduced via a cleavage shot. That’s how I’d also like to be introduced to people.
An unknown amount of time passes as Honey questions if he’s never coming back from escorting Eclair, and when the twins question who she even is. Kyoya’s back to playing minesweeper on his laptop, and Renge appears to give exposition, and then Kyoya takes over, the selfish bitch. Tamaki takes Eclair on a gondola ride… in the school… and she’s rude about the art club’s paintings. She asks him to play piano instead. Haruhi appears to be in an adjoining room to the music room, and we see a quick flashback of Eclair and Anne-Sophie, and then she talks about the host club family and reminds Tamaki that Kyoya got slapped. The only two incidents we actually see are both Kyoya centred, but Tamaki immediately thinks about Haruhi, too, wondering if she’d be better off not in the club. The other four aren’t even a footnote, really.
Haruhi enters, scolding him for being gone from the group, and he makes the “A” sound. Not even an “Ah.” Just the singular letter. Eclair smugly asks if Haruhi is jealous, and Tamaki fawns over it, and Eclair gets a lightbulb moment! The anime actually does a really great job of callbacks, I like it a lot. What I don’t like is how Eclair is so forceful with him and offers to make a family with him. He’s seventeen, lady!
Honey and Mori say Haruhi looks great, the twins say she’s not bad, and Kyoya just glances at her. I guess that’s the highest praise he can muster. Haruhi is obviously jealous over Tamaki being with Eclair, and the to-the-side quartet (still coming up with insults for these guys, even to the end) are not convinced. Haruhi asks why Shizue is so cold to her own grandson, and they answer. This was already explained a little in the twins’ episode, when they tell Tamaki they know about him, but it seems to be the first time we get this explanation in the manga, as far as I can tell. Earlier, Haruhi asked Tamaki where his parents were, along with everyone else’s, and when he said his dad was with Kyoya’s, she asked about his mother, and he said she’s in France, he thinks. It’s the first implication of his family situation being fractured, I think. When Manga Shizue walks away from Tamaki, he’s visibly upset, but it’s over him worried he’s upset her. What a sweet, silly boy.
Also in the manga, Tamaki simply leaves the room to talk with his father, and that’s when Haruhi finally asks about his family, comparing it to a soap opera, and the twins agree.
The story is the same in both, Yuzuru is forced to marry someone by Shizue, but then falls in love with Anne-Sophie and has Tamaki with her. He divorces his wife and begs Shizue to let him bring his new family to Japan, but she won’t allow it, and Anne-Sophie was sickly and couldn’t stay in Japan, so she raises Tamaki for fourteen years, until her family business goes under, and Shizue makes her offer, to send Tamaki away to Japan, leave Anne-Sophie behind with monetary support from the Suohs, and never contact him again. Pretty damn harsh! In the anime Shizue gets to voice her own evil offer, but in the manga Kyoya does it instead. Haruhi is shocked by this story, as is everyone else watching for the first time, I assume. The anime adds an extra flashback scene of little Haru and her father, sans the long red hair, looking at what I now realise is a crematorium chimney, as she realises she’ll never see her mother again. It’s a welcome addition, but I’m still crying. Kyoya kindly comforts her, pointing out that all that backstory made Tamaki who he is, and that he’ll always have his real, unrelated family. Then Tamaki enters to ruin the whole moment and announce he’s engaged and leaving the club.
Episode 25… don’t make me finish this!
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daystobook · 5 months
Day 1: The Cooking of Books
Running Comments About This Blog
The first physical and emotional feeling that arose when I wrote the title of this log was fear.
What if 'Day 1' becomes Day 10000 and I still don't have a book published?
Then I realised that it's highly unlikely, because I'd have enough notes from this blog to club into an expansive enough book, even if it might not be best-seller and coveted like Chetan Bhagat's or Amish Tripathi's books.
Also I'm in a dilemma. Do I have to write here daily? I guess for now, I'll write when I am able to read something or when I've made progress in writing. This is some serious commitment.
The Cooking 👨🏽‍🍳 of Books 📚
A couple of days back, I finished Ramachandra Guha's book The Cooking of Books, A Literary Memoir. First book that I read of him. I couldn't put the book down, perhaps because
The research sources for the basis of entire book were letters
It was endearing epistolary account of a 40 years old friendship.
The friendship span across discussions, feedback, arguments, wit, banter, puns, satire and occasional sharing of personal feelings.
Rukun, My Hero
I felt close and related to Rukun Advani, especially because of his perky and sardonic comments, standing up for his opinions in wit, and his reticent nature. I quit my job some months back and these quotes from his letters hit hard. I was like, 'yeah bro, same' (if Rukun ever reads this, he's most likely to say, 'what an arse.')
All is on 'hold' in OUP(Oxford University Press) until the Great White Men arrive this month to settle exactly how OUP's publishing schedule should be structured, organised, prioritised, etc. Two more editors have left, leaving only us old diehards who're too tired & ensconced to decamp. This place needs to invest in fresh blood on decent salaries, but [the Managing Director]'s investments are all in wood, gloss, machinery and salesmen on low salaries.
To prevent him from quitting, Rukun was made Academic Publishing Director and his salary doubled.
Dec 1996
...this job is actually quite taxing — travel here and there, looking at bottomlines…badgering [his boss, the new MD] for personnel, machinery and the other resources required to keep academic publishing chugging along, meeting & soothing sundry irate authors when their projects are rejected or delayed, & generally all the dreariness that goes with less ungenerous salaries.
June 1999
after working for OUP for 15 years.
My heart isn't in this OUP job any more. I'm clear the only reason I'm here is the need to earn a decent sum. The moment I don't need that, or an attractive alternative happens to come along. I'll leave. That may not happen for quite long, but at least it'll take no further reflection to move on when it does. I'm producing books and managing the academic business mechanically, like a zombie, without zest. It's a case of being browned off doing the same damn thing for too long.
browned off: annoyed irritated, or dissatisfied.
Towards the end of the book there was a very interesting side-to-side listing down of opposite nature attributes of Shashi Tharoor and Rukun Advani ( both of who studied in St. Stephen's in the same batch ).
Both ranked first in their class – Tharoor in History, Advani in English – but there the resemblance ended. Shashi was, even in college, very much a public man, debating, acting, becoming president of the Wodehouse Society and the Quiz Club before being elected president of the College Union. He was charming and outgoing, but, from the start, ferociously ambitious. Shashi wanted to make a mark in the world, quicker and more dramatically than any Stephanian (or perhaps any Indian) before him. Whereas Rukun had no ambition to become well known. In college, all he wanted to do was read, listen to music, and have one-on-one conversations with friends. In OUP, all he wanted to do was edit books; while he glorified in the success of his authors, he never remotely wanted to take any credit for this.
The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel, Rukun and Anuradha Roy
Rukun and his wife Anuradha Roy quit OUP, because the new MD didn't let them work together in the academic division. He said that couples couldn't. WHAAAAAT? This reminds me of when Gordon Ford ( played by Reid Scott ), in The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel, didn't allow 'Midge' Maisel ( played by Rachel Brosnahan ) to do stand up comedy —  when she finally got a chance to appear on Gordon's talk show, through lobbying with a person whom Gordon couldn't say no to — and instead forced her to appear only for a small section of the show as 'one of the writers of the show,' which was Midge's day job. He didn't allow it because it was a 'rule' that employees don't appear on the show.
When they shifted to Ranikhet and started operating the new publishing company Permanent Black ( a play on the situation which compelled them to quit from OUP ) that they started, Rukun had been the happiest.
In the hills, running his own show, Rukun was happier than he had ever been. A letter he sent me in June 2011 says it all. I had couriered Rukun an essay by the literary historian Rob Nixon, which I thought would interest him. A fortnight passed and he hadn't acknowledged receipt, so I sent an email about this. Rukun's reply began: "The Rob Nixon preface had been given to our dhobi by the postman, so it came in with the washed clothes last evening. Our cottage is at the forest edge and the postman doesn't feel like venturing so far in the monsoon. These are the endearing and infuriating things about Ranikhet. Everyone is laid back and going nowhere and mystified by urgency. After living here a while, this attitude makes sense and Delhi seems even more awful."
Playing With Time
One of the literary features of the book is that it's almost chronological but not really. I binged watched Death and Other Details. Suggested by @ojask1998 I very closely studied the temporal play – same amount of time shown from different people's eyes, or through the director's. The showing of time kept going back and forth to make it spicy. Each step back in time covered details, each forward built anticipation, and vice versa. Guha's book also played around with time a little bit, going forward a bit, the coming back.
I think the reason this works is because our memory is non-linear and makes perception of seemingly linear time so as well (not taking into account the scientific non linearity of time). It was done, I think, to collate things that made sense together.
The book was generously lent by my dear friend Amrita. I had asked for the book in Blossoms Book Store in Bangalore. There was confusion among the wonderful staff as to where the book was. 1st floor personnel said it was on the 2nd(non fiction floor). 2nd floor staff said it was on the ground floor. It lay behind the paying counter, amidst other books – the only copy for the day. I picked it up, turned around, looked at the price, and sadly compared it with the number of pages and returned it.
The first few pages mentioned Ram Guha's favourite research place — Prime Minister Library ( erstwhile 'Nehru Memorial Library' ) in Delhi. We added it in the itinerary for the next day, which @ojask1998 had meticulously planned for us. I had not seen Delhi much and she put together places to see. We didn't ask the security in the first meeting where the library was. We instead took the right, toward the fancy and frankly non-sensical museum, which we chucked to ask for library. When we reached, we realised we just had to take a left. Sadly (for us, on that bright beautiful onset of summer day, where we had dreamy expectations), we couldn't see the library because only members could go in. And from what we were told, only scholars and researchers were mostly given membership. I didn't inquire, though I wanted to, if membership was available for common folk like us as well. Now I think, why didn't I. I think the sun had sucked our energy and we were tired from the accidental detour. But it was refreshing to see a place I had just read about, my eye gleaming.
Later in the book I was irate and sad to read that when UPA had come to power, the Library became a centre ground of political gimmicks, with choosing a Congress Party loyalist as its new Director, who even let birthday parties be organised on campus. Guha had repeatedly urged prime minister Manmohan Singh, right from the moment the position had become vacant, to responsibly and transparently hire someone competent, even if not a scholar themself.
One of the things, perhaps the only thing, that kept my reading afloat and eager, was Rukun's humour. Telling about his friend Vipin Handa,
He taught English for some years, edited an arts journal, and resisted for long the disease to which Indians generally succumb early and which is known as SIMPLEA (Standard Indian Middle-class Parental Pleading: All Good Boys must become Babus. All Good Girls must become Bahus. Both must conjoin and produce Babas)
Social History of Cricket 🤯
It was interesting to know a little bit about social history of cricket, when Guha had started researching about it.
While living in Delhi I had begun sporadic research on the social history of Indian cricket, taking time off from my Elwin work to look at microfilms of old newspapers in the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. Back in the early years of the twentieth century, before India was accepted as a Test-playing nation, the major domestic cricket tournament was the Bombay Quadrangular, played between teams representing the Europeans, the Parsis, the Hindus, and the Muslims. This ran from 1912 to the 1940s, becoming a Pantagular along the way, with the addition of a fifth team carrying the splendid name of 'The Rest'.
While taking notes on the newspaper coverage of this tournament, I had focused not so much on the cricket as the politics around it. This included the politics of race – how did the ruling whites react if they lost a match?; the politics of cast – if the best cricketer in the Hindu team was born in an Untouchable home, could he be made its captain?; and the politics of religion – did the existence of separate cricket teams for Hindus and Muslims fuel political rivalry between the two communities.
A 9-5 Mandate for a University Professor. Whaaat?!
However, whereas my jobs in Delhi had given me the freedom to occasionally work in the archives or at home, the one institution that offered me a professorship in Bangalore – the National Law School – insisted that I come there every day from Monday to Friday, arriving not later than 9.30 a.m. and leaving not before 5 p.m. That was a condition I was not prepared to meet, so I chose to abandon the safety of a tenured academic position for the uncertain life of an independent writer. The financial and moral support of my wife was crucial in my taking this decision; although, I suppose, the inspiring example of Verrier Elwin, that author of enduring works of scholarship who never had a job, also played a part.
Advice That Rukun Gave to Guha That Stuck With Me
Even 'however' and 'so to speak', placed in the middle of a nicely fluid sentence, can make it sound pontifical. Quieter, straighter, unbroken sentences are generally a lot more attractive. The need to sound authoritative is an academic ailment which should be replaced by the subtler desire to sound tentatively certain.
Endearing Nuggest of Uselessness
Lastly, I have a thing for the superfluous in life. OUP sent many of its books to be published with one of the pioneers of printing press, and one of the most skilful and revered editors in India P.K. Ghosh. I was absolutely surprised that a person did both, that there was such time, when an editor would, on their own volition, edit the edited final draft that is spent to them, and do so masterfully. Rukun met him only a few times. Read this to take in the glory of superfluous chat
He was garrulous and would spend hours energetically illuminating visitors with arcane information, leaving them simultaneously shattered and enriched. I met him just twice. The first time he told me, apropos of nothing, that the American declaration of independence, printed in 1776, was typeset in Caslon, and that his eternal regret was not to be able to print history books in Caslon because he did not possess the full range of that typeface. On the second occasion, he said that reading a nicely set page in Bembo is as effortless and pleasurable as eating a rossogolla, except that this has been true for Bembo more than 400 years whereas the rossogolla has no such pedigree. Such charming items of 'useless' information do not flow out of printing houses today. Printing standards, specially for full-colour picture books, are vastly higher than they were in P.K. Ghosh's heyday. You can get a book looking just the way you want it by clicking mice. The pity is only that the last Indian printer-scholar is dead. Several of his successors will print material as efficiently as he did once, but none will radiate that personality and no one will harbour many of those endearing nuggets of uselessness. — In Memorial, Telegraph
This long blog post full of quotations, awe, reverence and fanboying has come to an end.
PS: I forgot to write about Rukun Advani's father's bookstore. I'll do that in the next post.
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