#mummy reader
odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Hmm, any chance you could do some hcs with a Fem Mummy! Reader x Quan Chi (MK1) with the basic premise being that the reader was revived by Quan Chi and is actually happy with being alive (or at least close to it) and as a result is loyal to him and later fell in love?
A/N: I can indeed!😄 Hope you don’t mind, but I’m a fan of Corpse Bride and Imhotep from Brendan Fraser's "The Mummy".
Eternally Loyal
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Admittedly, you were caught off guard when pulled from your eternal rest, only to be thrust to life once more. Yet it was soon replaced with sheer joy when realizing you are walking among the Land of the Living again. By the looks of it, you had the mysterious pale necromancer that stood above you, your now beating and glowing heart in his hand.
He introduced himself as Quan-chi, the most powerful sorcerer in Outworld, Master of the Dead, and now your reanimator. You sincerely thank him for bringing you back to life, as you had only begun to achieve your true ambitions and plans. Quan-chi suggests that you may still be able to after you settle your debt with him. According to your House's tradition, those who save a member of the House of L/N are now indebted to the first. Bringing life back to your revived corpse counts as keeping one's life in your book.
You don't doubt that, with your reanimation, you were undoubtedly gone for a long while and thus in a whole new world and unknown territory. You figured it'd be best to make nice with your guide if you want to gain any advantage.
Quan-chi smirked when you inevitably questioned how you could repay your new debt to him.
"You can start by serving under me until I deem your debt repaid in full."
"On your soul then..."
Which Quan-chi agreed, but whether or not he was sincerely remained to be seen.
Quan-chi had made it so you had to occasionally steal and absorb body parts from others to remain alive and whole. While Quan-chi resurrected your heart and soul and used to influence your actions, they can keep you tethered to the mortal plane for so long without refueling. So you keep yourself wrapped up as you were to not reveal your constantly rotting and healing body.
But even with such a weakness, you have been given strength as Quan-chi gifted you with the ability to drain the moisture out of anything by touch alone (excluding himself), control over sand, and become sand, your preexisting telekinetic abilities.
Since then, you have loyally served under Quan-chi, executing every order and task with near perfection without question. Fervently hanging on to his every word and feat of magic so you may one day use it for yourself when you feel the time is right. You also had no issue cutting down any of your fellow minions if you think they are disobedient to your master. To which Quan-chi is not against, even with one of the demons from his Sisterhood of Shadow. In fact, he's growing fond of your usefulness and how you serve him well.
As powerful as Ermac turned out to be, he was ultimately a failure in Quan-chi's eyes. The same applies to Ashrah, whom Quan-chi could not control. Which is a shame to the sorcerer, as both were powerful tools. Oh well, if you do not succeed at first, try again.
In comes you, a mummified Edenian Noble renowned for her ruthlessness, problem-solving, and tenacity during a warring era before Sindel’s Golden Era. Who has (yet) to disobey him. Unfortunately, you were cut down in your prime on the eve you were to marry your betrothed to secure an alliance with another nation. A shame, really, as you had plans for the future. But you're just happy to be alive.
It helps that Quan-chi praises you whenever you perform a task well for him, such as uncovering lost grimoires, to encourage you to continue aiding him and fulfilling your debt. Eventually, Quan-chi awards your efforts with gifts such as flowers or a new robe as you continuously serve him well in his quest to overthrow Liu Kang. With each gift, you could've sworn you felt your heart beating within your chest, and not hiding on Quan-chi's person.
Often, he would converse with you about his studies and discoveries, doing most of the talking as you just listened and reacted. You couldn't help but notice how Quan-chi treats you more amiably, almost as much as he is with Shang Tsung, his fellow sorcerer. Perhaps even as a companion, as he prefers to have you follow him for his tasks the most. You like to think its because the Sorcerer has the same admiration for you as you do for him, as silly as it sounds and which you would be caught absolutely dead saying aloud.
Speaking of the snake-like Sorcerer, Quan-chi proudly introduced you to Shang Tsung as his latest work of genius once. The latter critically looked you up and down and admired the magic used to keep you together. Although to not admit to Quan-chi's magical prowess, Shang Tsung would ask.
"How do you know this minion won't turn on you like the others?"
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, your looser wrapping unraveling and posing to strike down the blasphemous Sorcerer, but before you could make the blow, Quan-chi explains.
"She won't,"
Quan-chi would glance back at you and softly run a hand under your chin, which you followed with your head.
"But even if the impossible happens, I hold their heart."
Quan-chi would summon your purple and green heart into his hand, petting it with his free hand like a small pet.
"It would be such a waste if I must. Isn't that right, Y/N?"
You, of course, nodded. That was the closest you would receive as an admittance of love from someone like Quan-chi.
Playlist while writing this:
"Loyalty" - Maria's Theme from Mad Father
"In the Dark of the Night" -by Christopher Lloyd
"Mr.Sandman" -by The Chordettes
"Monster" -by Lady Gaga
" Dark Horse”-Cover by Our Last Night
“I miss the misery”-by Halestorm.
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kyseya · 18 days
Ancient Mummy
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Imagine working as an archaeologist for a museum. However things hasn’t been going so well lately and there are hardly any visitors during opening hours. Sadly, you’ll be forced to close multiple exhibitions and if conditions are not met, the entire museum might have to shut down.
But by some miracle, a new tomb has been discovered in Egypt; undisturbed, unexplored and completely untouched by humans for centuries. It’s said to be the grave of an ancient king- a pharaoh- who was betrayed and murdered by his own cousin.
It’s the perfect opportunity! Maybe you’ll find something that can bring back interest and by extension, save the museum.
You go along with a few other colleagues to the site in Egypt. The journey was a bit tough but it was a hindered percent worth it. With avid curiosity you explore alone and with the others, the different things to find inside the tomb; artifacts and additional discoveries. It’s all very interesting. Wanting to save the best for last, you finally get an in-person look at the grave itself- the sarcophagus.
You have already heard the main tale of the pharaoh within, so you are a little surprised that there is more to the story than you previously believed.
Over the entire stone coffin were multiple hieroglyphs, each one helping and becoming a story together. Your collegue read some inscriptions and told you a basic summary of what it’s about.
Centuries ago there was a king. He had a wife whom he adored more than anything. She was provided with riches, glory and honour. There was nothing he wouldn’t accomplish for her. The people saw the care he had for his wife and therefore both respected and feared her as well, since any ounce of rudeness might end up with their heads spiked on a pole. It was a punishment fitting for those who dare disrespect his queen.
Unfortunately tragedy struck- a disease, more specifically. It took the lives of many and left whole villages empty. That hardly mattered to the pharaoh though, all his focus went to his ill wife; she, too, had been snatched by death. Up until the moment of her demise the pharaoh spent all day and all night at her side, attentively worrying about her needs. When she was gone he was ruined. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep, he didn’t even have the energy to clean himself. What was the point? His beloved was gone so there wasn’t really anything left for him.
It was after this that everything took a turn. It appeared that the king had enough with laying around and decided to do something. There were records of him behaving strangely- even by ancient standards- and drabbling in dark magic. He was later overthrown by his brother, who ordered him to be buried alive. It was quite the terrifying penalty go give one’s sibling. The brother didn’t want the darkness to spread out into the world from the old pharaoh, so he locked him inside the sarcophagus and sealed him far away.
What a tragic story, you thought. Well it was back in the old times and a lot of things were practiced then that aren’t okay in modern day. You suppose it wasn’t the most horrible incident that have happened.
It hadn’t been long since your colleague told you the backstory of the tomb and its inhibitor, but now the others wants to get to the good part and open up the stone coffin. You don’t think it’s the best idea in the world- of course something like this needs to be examined closely and so on, but there is something special about the tomb.
Ever since you’ve arrived, you have had a strange feeling following you around. It’s hard to explain. You feel almost drawn to the sarcophagus or perhaps it’s because it feels as if it is looking back at you. You tried ignoring it, however, the feeling came back stronger than ever the moment the others began preparing to open it up.
You should have told them of your concerns. If you did, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
The first few seconds after opening it everything was fine. All was as it should be; people flocking around to see the discovery and fawn over it while being mindful of its fragility. Then it changed. Your colleague who had been the closest had suddenly been strangled by the thin, dirty arm belonging to none other than the ancient corpse that previously had been resting in death. Everyone was silent as her face turned blue from the lack of oxygen. It was only after she fell to the floor dead that people began panicking. It was hard to process what had just happened, after all.
There was chaos.
Folk ran around like chickens fleeing from a fox that’d managed to get inside the coop. In a way, that was exactly what was going on, though. You had watched as the mummified corpse sat right up and climbed its way out of the cold coffin. It stumbled on its bony legs and quickly found a cornered man and approached him. He screamed when the mummy grabbed ahold of his face and brought it before its own. The creature started sucking the life out of the man- literally.
The man who had previously been a healthy and active person was now shrivelled up like a raisin. His face was dry and wrinkled. He died soon afterwards, only a soft wheeze leaving his lips as he passed.
The opposite seemed to happen to the former-corpse, though. It attacked more and more people and for every kill, it appeared to revert to its original state- a man, pharaoh of an ancient kingdom. The flesh grew back and filled up in the right places and he seemed human again.
How can that be? He had been dead for centuries. Although, just about everything was pretty fucked up in this moment, so his make-over is the least important factor.
You backed into a corner. Your eyes followed the mummy’s every move, it was impossible to look away. There was hardly anyone left apart from you. The one person that was still there was getting attacked by the monster and it wasn’t long until they were reduced to nothing.
Now it was just you and the creature, and it appeared it new that too.
It turned to look at you. The mummy had now completely reverted back into a man and he was nothing short of breathtaking(and very naked, but you tried not to think about it). It pained to to admit it but it was the truth. He was easily the most handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on. His long, dark hair flowed when he stalked towards you. Despite his outer beauty, you couldn’t forget what you’d just witnessed him do.
Trembling, you pressed yourself against the wall. “Stay away.” you weakly mumbled.
‘This is it. My time is over.’
You closed your eyes in fear and braced yourself for the pain that would undoubtedly come; only it didn’t. Instead of death, a hand grazed your cheek. It was a light touch, one reserved for something valuable and fragile.
A raspy voice talked, “…My love..it is you..”
You had no idea what he said, it sounded like an ancient language. You had studied hieroglyphs but did not know anything about what speech might’ve sounded like. You decided to be brave and slightly opened your eyes.
The mummy was staring at you, but there was no malice or hatred in his expression. In fact, the only emotion you could find on his face was amazement, shock and….love? No, that can’t be. This is not some ‘lovers reunited’ situation.
“How can this be? Death took you and left me all alone- not that I hold you accountable, of course. I know you would never seek to hurt me.” the mummy kept muttering to himself. “Perhaps….the magic worked after all?”
His face brightened and he smiled gently at you. Whilst he happily went on about something, you became more confused than earlier. What the hell was going on? He committed multiple murders in one swoop and now, suddenly, he is acting like you’re friends talking about your day. He isn’t even human! Or at least not anymore, not really.
You voiced this opinion weakly, “Ummm, could you let me go?” You tried pulling away from his touch, uncomfortable at his caresses.
His brows furrowed at your reaction. From the look of it, he didn’t understand you any better than you did him. He focused at the subtle way you attempted to peel his hand off your arm. You let out a yelp when his arms snaked around your waist and he pulled you into his embrace.
He leaned down and whispered into your ear, petting your hair at the same time. “Wife, why do you seem unhappy at my presence? I do not understand. Are you not joyous at our reunion? I love you so, I cannot comprehend any reason why you would not wish to see me.”
Even if you didn’t know what he was saying, you could hear the sadness in his voice. The pain and desperation. No! You couldn’t feel sad for him. He had murdured multiple of your colleagues, he’s evil! Although, why hasn’t he killed you yet? It’s very strange indeed.
The mummy continued, “I can sense things are not as they used to be. Things are different now. Although I do not know the extent of it. However I am most certain of one thing; I have miraculously been reunited with my love and I do not plan on letting you fall through my grasp again.”
He held you in an almost suffocating hug.
“I shall make you my queen once more.”
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klauw22 · 3 months
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little lore/fic/x reader stuff under cut bcs im insane abt mummy vencha,,,
Sloane Cameron, once a young devotee to the kings and queens of the land has been chosen to be sealed alive in the royal temple in order to guard the graves and riches of the dead. Unbeknownst to them, the scripture painted onto their limbs and back were not for protection or luck in the afterlife like they've been told, but rather curses and spells binding their soul onto the thin thread which laid between the two realms, dividing the living from the dead. That is where their soul was now bound to wander until eternity, losing their grip on mortality yet unable to pass on like the rest.
With time their flesh rotted away leaving nothing but a husk of sand and bones. Before sealing, their sight was blinded as they weren't worthy of looking onto the royals that rested within these tombs, not even in death, and to ensure that Sloane wouldn't try to escape.
For centuries the guardian remained asleep in their designated chamber. That was until now. Until you and your crew of explorers too curious for your own good uncovered the entrance to the temple, awakening the guardian from their peaceful slumber in the process.
The guardian now awake had one goal in mind.
With a torch in hand you scanned the golden walls upon entering, lightly tracing your fingers along the carved paintings. Sand and dust coating your fingertips. For a moment you swore you could feel another presence there with you. Another pair of eyes watching, lingering on you while your crew stayed behind. The room suddenly felt cooler, as if a draft of cold air passed through you making a shiver run up your spine. This spooked you even further but you were determined to continue onward.
Its probably just my imagination you tried to comfort yourself as you stepped deeper.
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lordkryze · 4 months
It’s been following me everywhere
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likebatsoutofhell · 11 months
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happy actual halloween 🧻
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thatsoundslikeadate · 3 months
what about mummy Venture who wants to seal you in their temple with them 🤭 w like very possessive/needy smut
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You speaking, venture speaking, others speaking.
Warnings : NSFW, breeding kink, mentions of rotting body parts, praising, venture has a dad build, AMAB!Venture, p in v, rutting, biting, FEMALE READER!!!,cumming, multiple rounds mentioned
Also another warning, I am NOT a history person, so stuff maybe wrong but it's whatever ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😝😝🙏🙏
Ahh, who would've thought the roles would switch?
Instead of venture finding you and your artifacts.. your finding THEIRS.
You walk towards the camp with great pride, you're team behind you. It's made up of strong men AND women!! You guys put everything in your back packs, your friend Aria walks up to you and hands you a map. "These show the inside of the temple and what remains to be found, isn't that so cool!" Your friend asks, the map appears to be old, crisp and sand fall from it each time you fix your hands to look closer at the artifact. "Very much, go get Tyler and tell him we're going to the temple in about... 13 minutes. And to get out of the shower! He's wasting warm water.." you complain, stretching and watching aria run towards the bathroom. You clean up the remaining sand off of you're desk and look at the map once more, looking at the tomb of Sloan Cameron, 2000 years old. No one's come out. But you were about to change that! You walk towards the golf like car that you and your team will take to this massive underground temple and start your way, the dessert sand blowing out of your hair and onto the ground, your team listening to the radio broadcast, you start putting on sunscreen, since you don't want to get burnt.. again. As you reach the temple the humidity drops, it's dryer and more crisp.. more than normal. you shiver from that. But let it go. You reach the temple doors and step out, your previous set still there. You get you and you're team ready and walk in, you take out of the map and tell you team to split up, they do and your stuck with... No one. You walk to and from the sides of the temple, grazing your hand over the artwork that covered the wall. You walk into a dark but lit room, covered in gold and jewels, you shiver as the once hot air turn very cold. Your body shuffling you back.
You hit the back of something, the sound of sanding falling and hands wrap around you makes you jump. "Dammit Tyler! Let go! I told you I won't date you!" No answer. You hit the sides of the stranger to find... Bandages.. no. Not bandages. Their crisp and.. sandy. "Y/N! Where are you!" You hear Tyler scream from outside.. so if he's outside... Who are you backed up against?...
You slowly look up, the air leaving you as you see Sloan. Sloan Cameron. No.. this can't be real.. their dead! They died 2000 years ago! You back up from the figure as they step into the light, scars across their rotting skin, the crisp bandages moving with each step, Sloan put their hand up to take off the bandage over their head, taking it off, their hair still well.. "hello human." Sloan starts making a obvious sign that they are friendly by staying back and not moving, until you move forward. "Y-you've been dead for.. 2000 years!.." you graze over their skin, crust and dust moving from them again, they shake and sand goes everywhere... Onto you too..
"Yes but.. I was always alive.. it was a curse.. from a witch when I switched on her.. she turned me into a immortal monster!..look at me! She made me watch everyone I love rot away.." they point to the obvious meat on their bones, they aren't a skeleton.. just rotting and greenish... Human?.. they move a lot more into the light and you can clearly see they aren't dead, not at all, it's just the lack of sunlight, the gold is the only light here, other than the torches that adorned the walls. Venture walks towards you, yet you hear the doors behind you close and you run over to them, banging on the door. A few seconds go by and no one comes. You slide onto the floor. Sad and upset. Your team just left you here, with a mummy. Who was probably gonna kill you like those horror movies. But Sloan didn't make another step. Not until you got up. "Yet I have a question.." "WHAT!" They flinch, a rare movement from them considering their a king.
"if you want to.. instead of dying in here.. I could seal you in with me and you wouldn't die? Since those doors don't open until the next 100 years.. also what's your name? I uh-" you look behind you and a shock expression takes over your face. You consider it, if you try to escape, which you probably can't, you wouldn't be alive to see the temple again and Sloan. You consider it again. "My names (Name..).. okay.. so how do we seal?.." you ask them, they look nervous, putting their hands together and looking down at the floor, you get the idea like a lightbulb over your head. You look at them shocked. "Really?.." they shake their head yes and shuffle around, trying to find a spot to make in comfy so you guys can seal, venture goes to find some ancient clothes that aren't fucked up by the ages, once they do, they ask you to change, you do and the gold shines off of you it's a silk fabric, with gold lines on it, Sloan has you put rings and bracelets on, and finally a necklace, they clip it to their hand and draw out blood, than do your finger too, putting it on your neck to symbolize that you are apart of them now. They allow you to get comfy before looking down at their body, wondering if it still works.. they undo the bandages that cover their waist, the fabric falling, you stare in shock and blush, looking away, venture pushes your knees to the side sliding the silk fabric up your body, tracing your body with their rough hands, your soft skin different than their rotting dry skin. They allow you to get enough courage to wrap your arms around them. Your shiver as they push into you, your wetness a lube for the mummy, they push in even more, filling you up, allowing you to against will rutting their hips, whimpering at every little movement, Sloan bites your shoulder, than traces to you're neck, biting and marking you with hickeys, like a choker.
Sloan starts moving in and out, slowly letting you adjust to the feeling of them against you, you whimper as they hit your cervix, they pound into your body faster as you moan and whimper, you wrap your arms around their body as they slam into you, whimpering and wet sounds coming from the room in the temple, Tyler and aria are confused and worried, but also sketchy, because all of the team except you is here, who could you be with?
Sloan pushes against you again, this was their 4th orgasm and your 2nd, the cum seeping out of the hole they been using for 4 hours. Groaning your name, and praising you. "Nghm-.. [name].. your gonna look so beautiful with my children stuffed into you.." your speech into bubbles and babbles as they rut against you even more, signaling their orgasm. They came for a 5th time before calapsing on top of you, regaining their strength, they pull out and cum leaks out of you, venture jumps back in surprise and scratches their neck. "Heh- sorry-!" You try to say something but your mind is mush, they cuddle against you. You both sealed together.
100 years later
You wake up as venture rummages through the gold, moving around quickly as the door to the room opens, a adult who looks just like Tyler walks in, you guys stare at him.
"yes?.." you ask the human. The adult runs out screaming and you both laugh before the door closes, another 100 years in the temple is fine with you two <3
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kismetlotts · 3 months
-`♡´-Johnny mummy issues Mactavish x afab femreader
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cw: mummy issues, “good boy”, reader praises johnny, marriage, control kink?, “mama”, blow job, male thigh humping, accidental boners, male masturbation, blow job, mentions of food and diet
Johnny mummy issues Mactavish who’s mother kicked him out when he was just a teenager. Johnny mummy issues Mactavish who was used to sleeping on his mates sofas and wearing mucky clothes until his shitty part time job could give him enough money to buy anything else. Johnny mummy issues Mactavish who lived off of junk food, and unhealthy leftovers friends had in their fridges until he was old enough to join the military.
They took him, gave him a room with his own bed and supplied him with basic necessities. Providing him with a home to live in for however long he needed. Until you walked into his life.
Your stunning body which wasn’t stereotypically perfect in any way shape or form, the natural curves of your hip dips and the small hairs on your arms. Your hair slicked back or out of the way, greasy some days and cleanly washed others, always with minimal makeup on. You were his kind of beautiful.
He approached you quickly and over time the two of you fell in love, getting married after a few years surrounded by friends and relatives. Johnny had mentioned to you before about his childhood and his mother kicking him out and you offered nothing but your support him.
He’d explained to you how he didn’t know how to care for himself and that his mother was never strict with her rules when she did care, to which you had great sympathy for. However nothing prepared you for what marriage life was like living with Johnny, and maybe that was your fault for believing the military might’ve changed how he can care for himself.
He’d lounge on your double bed for most the day, playing his video games on your shared bedroom tv, despite you asking nicely if he could help with chores. You decided to wait it out and see if he would eventually get up and help out but after about three days you lost your shit, bursting into the bedroom with a laundry basket on your hip.
“Off.” Was all you said and Johnny nodded in your direction mumbling something along the lines of ‘in a minute’ and ‘one second’. You closed your eyes for a moment attempting to calm your annoyance and think of a different approach but was left with none. After a few seconds you were already walking over to his console and running your finger along the edge before pressing in the power button. His controller hit the duvet on the bed as he exclaimed, baffled by your actions.
“What was tha’ for?” He raged, his hand pointing at the screen, your eyebrows raised as you shook your head. Nearly throwing the laundry basket infront of him, crossing your arms and looking down. Johnny couldn’t help but notice your nipples pointing through the baggy grey t-shirt you’d thrown on. You inhaled, walking over to the curtains and pulling them open, the sunlight shining in and you turned around again to face him.
“Pick up all your clothes and take it through to the washing machine, then you can play your games.” Johnny looked up catching you ass swaying as you walked out the door, shutting it and getting on with the day. He reflexively sat up in surprise but instead of anger, he felt his dick swell and throb.
Something changed in the way he saw you that day, he didn’t just see you as a wife, a lover whom he can own a home with and help tidy and care for it when he was needed. You were more of a motherly figure. He would do what you asked him to do, to the best of his ability and wait for you to notice, your praises sending him crazy with lust.
He’d wash, dry and fold the dishes up for you, patiently waiting until you notice. Your eyes widening in surprise with a loving and contagious smile spreading across your lips.
“Awh Johnny! Did you wash the dishes for me? What a good boy you are.” You’d coo into his ear as he pushed you against the counter. His pulsating cock, leaking precum all over your thigh as he rutted against you, whimpering in your ear.
“Really mama? Am I really?”
On days where he worked at home, looking into files or information on his computer, you’d walk into your little home office as quiet as you can. Placing down a glass of water and a plate of pastries to help him focus. Giving him a soft kiss on his forehead before turning and heading for the door, pretending not to hear the little grunts and rustling of his clothes as he began to stroke himself shamelessly.
It wasn’t only chores you’d help either, you’d help him with his diet. Being so used to awful junk food made him start to neglect the good dietary items which he needed. He ate a lot of carbs and protein which was good for keeping fit and energy at work, however when it came to foods such as vegetables and fruits, he was lacking in them. When you served him them he’d always save them last, groaning snd whining as he moved his food around on his plate.
“Do I have too, mama? I just don’t like veg!” He’d ask. His eyes looking down at you, on your knees underneath the table, lips only centimetres from his cock while your hand fisted it tightly. You’d nod and watch as he picked up a few pieces of broccoli, a grin spreading onto your face as you watched him place them in his mouth. Mimicking him by sucking his tip until his hands grab hold of the table. Innocent eyes looking up as I lick along his chubby veins.
“Come on big boy, just a few more for me and i’ll let you cum anywhere you want.”
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pseudowho · 8 months
just listen a sec
The Mummy (1999) with Brendan Fraser, but it's Nanami Kento instead
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Without you, There is no me
After the battle with Imhotep the Medjai return home to their beloveds. Even Ardeth has someone waiting for him.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Hello! This was a requested fic. Unfortunately my tumblr acted up and ate up the request and I can’t exactly recall who sent it, so if you’re the person who told me they loved the way I wrote Ardeth Bay and that they wanted a fluffy romantic fic with a fem reader, please do dm me and I’ll tag you in this fic. Also, thank you for your lovely request, I tried to encapsulate the feelings I felt while reading your request and apologies in advance if this is a little shorter than usual.
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The sun slowly melted into the golden dunes of the desert as the sky was bathed in a heady mix of crimson, tangerine and mahogany. The hot desert air slowly cooling as the glowing rays faded, descending further into the horizon. Darkness descended over the camp as the stars arose, twinkling gently alongside the moon.
The plagues upon the land had disappeared, the Medjai officials in the government working swiftly to cover up its mystical origins, yet the only word the Medjai camp had received was that the warriors were coming home and that Imhotep had been imprisoned once more.
A woman paced within her tent, constantly glancing at the entrance before returning to pacing. Eventually she tired, laying against her soft mattress and watching the entrance with rapt eyes. Breathing slowly, she rubbed her hands against her swelling stomach, impatience thrumming through her veins. As the sky changed shades and the moon illuminated her doorway her breathing slowed and her body relaxed, her bodily aches momentarily forgotten as her mind escaped into the chasm of dreams where she dreamt of warm arms and ebony irises.
She was slowly drawn from her slumber by feathery kisses upon her cheeks. Groggily opening her eyes she saw the face of the man she adored. His lips drawn into a smile as he gazed at her.
“Hello sweet wife,” he whispered with a husky voice.
“Ardeth?” She whispered full of disbelief.
“I’m here,” he said, smiling at his wife.
Overjoyed at his presence she pulled him to her arms, her grip around him tightening and unwilling to let go.
“I thought you’d- I thought-“ she stuttered out, sniffling as her mind brought forward her worst fears.
Rubbing her back he soothed her, “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m back and no one, not even an ancient mummy or Anubis himself could keep me away from you.”
Pulling away from her, he gazed into her eyes, vowing, “You, my sweet wife, are my very life. The air within my lungs and the sand beneath my feet. Without you, there is no me and I will never let you or our little one go.” Saying this he bent towards her stomach before placing soft kisses along her skin, feeling the little flutters of their baby’s movement along his hand he whispered, “I’m here, little one. I won’t leave you.”
Slowly moving away he cradled his wife against his body as he told her the tales of his recent death-defying adventure and as the stars looked down at the lovely couple, the desert breathed peace.
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peoplesgraves · 10 months
Omg Yandere Deuce and Cleo with Succubus reader! Like Deuce sees them and Cleo knows, she sees how adding you along with them would be good. Also their just so pretty that she cant help but imagine how the three of you would be as a couple!
Yandere Deuce X Succubus Reader X Yandere Cleo Headcanons
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•Deuce notices you first. Despite the instant heart eyes swimming behind his glasses, he doesn’t even acknowledge you. Too afraid of Cleo’s potential wrath, she’d nearly ripped his snakes off in the past from jealousy and Deuce still had nightmares. What he’d forgotten however was just how perceptive Cleo truly way. She immediately pinpoints the object of his runaway curiosity and is just as, if not more, entranced with you than him.
•Cleo is taken by you right away, the way you move even the way you speak ooze a playful confidence. You walk through the halls like royalty and it already has Cleo imagining you in more traditional attire and ruling over the masses together. With matching outfits,rings and an adoring public.
•When the pair approach you Cleos usual arrogance is replaced by the babbling of a girl in love. Deuce is awkward in his own way but still far more understandable than his girlfriend. Luckily you find their nerves cute and from then on it’s the three of you.
•Out of the two Cleo is definitely more in charge. Cleo uses her money to plan lavish dates and give you unlimited spa treatments and shopping sprees. Cleo loves to take the three of you shopping multiple times a week and every single time you come out with more bags than you can carry, you’d even had to start using a spare room at Cleo’s to store things. Should you start to feel bad Cleo is quick to nip it in the bud, you deserve everything she can give you and more.
•Deuce is just happy to be along for the ride. He loves getting to spend hours watching you try on clothes or carry your million shopping bags through the mall. He doesn’t care what you guys do as long as he gets to be with his girls.
•While Cleo loves a nice expensive gift from Deuce and vice verse, should you buy them something they’ll both feel bad. Cleo because she has basically unlimited money, she’s supposed to take care of you not the other way around. Deuce because he feels bad that you feel the need to buy him things. Hell cherish the gift but tries to explain that it’s really not necessary. Both prefer handmade gifts because they’re just so much more special. Make them matching bracelets or a mug and they will both cry over it.
•Rarely are the three of you not together, the relationship just doesn’t feel complete without you in the middle. Should Cleo’s family or anyone else question your relationship then all hell breaks loose. Deuce is holding his hands over your ears and pulling you into his chest while Cleo rips the offender a new one. Cleo and Deuces shared love for you had only strengthened their love for each other and they wouldn’t let anyone make you feel bad about it.
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hauntedrain · 3 months
The Fortune Teller | Tom Cruise x Reader |
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Summary: You wake from a nightmare about Tom's next stunt which leads Tom to make a difficult decision
✮▹A/N: I never thought I would ever write about Tom Cruise but here I am. This is also based on dreams I have that have come true, which happens a lot now. (Also, badly written? idk I haven't written anything for a while so..)
✰▹Warnings/Notices: Nightmares, stunt , comfort, established relationship, Scientology (jk) NOT EDITED.
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Over 2 years and the hundreds of crazy stunts Tom has done you've never had nightmares about them. Yeah, maybe you weren't so fond of them or concerned about them, but never did you ever feel the way you felt with this stunt.
Actually, as a matter of fact, you were never told of this stunt, Tom doesn't like to tell you when he does certain stunts as he didn't want you to freak out about them. You guys had a routine when he did stunts, and that was him doing them (if you know or not), and then he'll call you afterward to ensure that you know he's okay. So you didn't know about this one, the only way you found out was after Tom woke up to you crying and shaking in your sleep.
It was around 3am when Tom woke up, it was one of the rare moments when both of you were home. He had filming in the city and production planned to do it here. He was going to film a stunt involving a helicopter in which he would be piloting, much like the ones he performed before in his career.
But apparently, to you, this one was different, and concerning enough that when he turned around to check on you he found you shaking and moving around while tears fell down your face,
"Sweetheart? Hey- wake up," Tom says as he shakes you awake, "Baby, what's wrong? wake up." You eventually wake up from the shaking, your face was covered in tears and you were still trembling.
"What happened? You okay?" He whispers as he pulls you to his chest.
Still out of it, not being able to fully comprehend what happened and how to reply you give a nod.
"bad dream?"
"Yeah, Nightmare," You state as you sit up and turn to look at Tom, "You have a stunt to do for filming yeah?"
"Yes baby, I always do." He says slightly smiling, you only being able to see from the muted but turned-on TV screen. "Nothing to worry about though, you know that."
Oh but it is everything to worry about, still thinking back to the dream you tense, it was a bad one. Tom was doing a helicopter stunt, like many he'd done before. However, your dream, this time didn't turn out well. It was a crash, a big one at that.
Tears still streaming slowly down your face you urge on, "What is it exactly you're doing?"
"Just flying the helicopter over the city then to the mountains out of it. Why?" at this point, he sits up along with you, moving you on top of him.
"You're not doing it."
"Sweetheart. Come on, it's my job, and it's nothing big."
"No, Tom. My dream it was- the dream was about you, the stunt. You cant do it. Not this one Tom." you state getting a bit more tense and panicked again.
"Baby, it's okay. It was just a dream, I'm right here." He turns to turn on the side lamp, which illuminates the dark room in a golden warm glow, when he turns back he sees you fully. Your reddened face and eyes were full of tears. He's never seen you in such distress, especially over a stunt. "Sweet girl, it's okay"
"Tommy please, just don't. This dream is the exact same stunt you're doing tomorrow right, there's no way I got it for no reason. I don't even dream in general Tom, just please. I- You can't." You hold his face in your hands while begging. "Please?"
Tom sighs and observes your state before replying in a soft tone, "You really don't want me to?" you nod before he continues, "I'll ask, but sweetheart I'm not certain that I can just cut it. I'll change the whole plot. I'll tell them about your dream, okay? I'll try." He says before pulling you back to his chest once again this time facing each other.
"Thank you, Tommy," you state finding some relief in his response, however, you know that getting through the film crew, especially those directing will be hard.
"I'm gonna get you something to drink, I'll be back. Then we can try to go back to bed." He states getting up to leave.
Once he comes back he has a hot tea for you, he moves back to the comfortable position before softly talking to you, "You okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just didn't feel right about it, it was different. I've had dreams before like that, not about stunts, but smaller things. They came true, I don't wanna see this one come true." You state, sipping the tea slowly.
"It won't, I'll tell them I can't do it okay? Let's try to go back to bed okay?" he says before turning off the lights. you nod and set the now empty tea cup on the nightstand before fully laying down with Tom.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
"Goodnight Mr. Hollywood."
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: Sorry if this is bad, I literally got this idea in the middle of the night so it may be a bit odd. I hope you enjoy <3
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godihatethiswebsite · 5 months
Desert Oasis
✽ Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x f!reader (The Mummy AU)
Main Masterlist ✽ Ao3
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✽ Part 1 - Learning about your cousin and his past
Maybe Kyle actually used to serve with John until one mission pushed him a bit too far past his moral compass and he ended up leaving his military career behind, travelling down to see his last remaining relative - you.
You two had been thick as thieves growing up, family always visiting on holidays as his much more persuasive self - quite a charmer even for a seven year old - was fond of conning you into mischief you had no business being a part of. Now when he's not pestering you he frequents bars to help shake off the PTSD and find people with some coin to do odds and ends jobs for.
Catching up with Kyle usually always included a stroll down memory lane reminiscing about his old war stories. His troublemaking tendencies didn't change as he got older. He was just better about talking his way out of getting disciplined for it. But you'd heard plenty of tales about what he got up to with the notorious Sergeant Mactavish back in the day. More than enough to suggest the man was a scoundrel despite the praise your cousin laid on thick regarding his ability to always have your back in a skirmish.
So when an anonymous tip leads you to a man who can supposedly get you to the fabled city of Hamunaptra and they pull John out of his jail cell, Kyle just gives him a shit eating grin leaning against the bars and says, "Hope you didn't have to bend over for anyone in there."
"Nah. They said mah mouth's prettier than mah arse anyways."
Meanwhile you're standing there watching this conversation with your eyes glued to the man behind the bars with filthy desert tanned skin, bit-too-long stubble, the strangest choice in hairstyle, and cerulean blue eyes sparkling with the promise of mischief thinking 'dear lord what am I getting myself into?'
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[Edited 5/8/24: changed formatting, title, tags, and numbering system]
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theaskywalker · 5 months
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Imagine reuniting with Ardeth after 9 years of being apart
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ashley-slashley · 5 months
Concept: being brought along to Egypt with the O'Connells, and immediately getting heart eyes when they introduce you to Ardeth
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Broken & Betrothed
So, this is in response to a post I had made asking if ya'll would read a past life Ardeth Bay fic, well, it's finally here, part 1 of it. Hope ya'll enjoy it and so sorry for the wait. Summary: She is the sister of Nefertari and in love with her private guard but its forbidden and so they have to hide their relationship but her father, the pharaoh has betrothed her to another, so with a heavy heart she has to tell her lover that her father has betrothed her to someone else
Warnings: Angst, Heart break, Part 2 (THE HORROR!!!)
Part 2
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The young Medjai strode across the alabaster stone floors. His footsteps were precise and silent. A pair of daggers attached to his hip glistened in the moonlight as he traced his way through the palace. Hidden by the shadows he moved swiftly, a destination in his mind as he entered her chamber.
She stood at her balcony, her hair shimmering in the dark as she gazed at the night sky.
‘The moon is a gift from Khonsu’, she told him once, ‘it guides travelers across Kek’s darkness.’ Silently he had motioned her to continue as he kissed her shoulder gently, ‘I wish I was a traveler; I wish I could see all the beautiful places I hear about. I want to see where the luxurious clothes I wear come from, I want to know how their strings are woven together, to see color bleed into their very strands. I want to know where the jewels I’m adorned with come from, where the spices on my tongue are grown, but most of all I want to see your hometown, the place where you grew up, the place you recall with such fondness in your eyes.’ That night he held her as she told him of her dreams, knowing that her duty, her royal blood bound her to her gilded cage.
Gazing at her his heart ached as she hummed a soft tune, it was a familiar tune, one he’d heard multiple times when the priestesses of Hathor worshipped her. Lost in her voice, he continued gazing at her, his limbs softly swaying with her voice, the jangle of his daggers accompanying her voice to form a symphony unheard of before.
Slowly the song dwindled into a comforting silence, the pair basking in it as if afraid to break this moment of comfort. “Will you simply stand there, Ardeth?” she finally asked, breaking the silence. “What would you command of me, Princess? I am but your servant.”
“Princess? You haven’t called me that in a long time.” She said sadly as she turned to look at him.
“I’m afraid it is time I start addressing you by your title, Princess. I have been remiss in my duties and have allowed myself to become too familiar with the one I was destined to serve.” He said formally, trying to distance himself, trying to hold himself back from comforting his lover.
“You’ve heard.” She stated simply, realizing why he was so distant that night.
“You are betrothed,” he stated monotonously as the very words he mumbled ripped his heart apart yet he held out hope that she’d reject his allegation, that she’d take him in her arms and strip away his doubts.
“Yes,” she shakily said as tears welled in her eyes. Stepping forward she reached out to him, silently begging for comfort. Despite his own bleeding heart, he enveloped her within his arms as she shook from the force of her sobs. He hugged her closer as though he wanted to merge her into himself, as though if he held her close enough, she wouldn’t be ripped apart from him, as though his arms could protect her from the hands of the Pharoah, from her father, from her fate.
Tears dripped down his face as the pair sank to the floor, clutching onto each other as if, if they’d let go for even a moment the strong currents of the Nile would part them. In that moment he cursed the gods, wondering why they’d let such pain befall an innocent such as her, wondering why they’d make him pay for his countless sins by putting her through so much pain. For many nights they had laid together, falling deeper into each other till their very souls melded into one, till even the blood within their veins was shared, their bodies and minds now one. They had prayed to Hathor, the goddess of love, to never separate them, yet the coy goddess refused their prayers. Rather, she made them love each other only to have it ripped apart before their very eyes.
Perhaps the most painful thing about this was that both of them were alive, for what was more torturous than seeing your beloved in the arms of another when all they crave is your arms around them?
“I-I don’t want t-to marry-y him, A-Ardeth,” she said, hiccupping. “I can’t.”
“It is your duty and your Pharaoh’s decree,” he said, hating the words coming from his mouth with a burning passion.
“You’d rather me marry someone else? Someone who’s not you?” She asked, feeling hurt at his complacency as she rose to her feet, anger and hurt radiating from her body. Staring at him through reddened eyes she cradled herself in an attempt to comfort herself.
Feeling her rip herself apart from him, the dam holding back his emotions burst as he desperately crawled towards her and wrapped his arms around her hips. Burying his face against her soft stomach he wept bitterly. He pulled her closer as she wrapped her arm around his head, slowly soothing him as she brushed her fingers through his onyx locks.
He looked up at her with red-rimmed eyes as desperation filled his gaze, “I’d rather you lived in the arms of another man than be buried alive within my embrace.”
“I’d rather enter the afterlife bound to you than separated from you.”
“Do you not see you are my very reason to breathe?” he asked desperately.
“Do you not see, without you, I cannot live? You are my reason to live. To survive. To fight,” she stated with conviction.
“I cannot and will not sacrifice your safety, My Princess. In this life or the after-life.” He stated, rising to his feet as his eyes tried to convey his emotions.
“So, you’d rather see me in the arms of another man? Some pompous King from a distant land?”
“I’d rather see you alive and unhappy than dead,” he stated with finality as he walked away from the love of his life. His chest felt void with every step he took away from her, refusing to look back for if he did, he knew his resolve would crumble and he’d try to run away with her, consequences be damned. Yet, deep down even he knew that she did not deserve a life of hardship and that was the only life he could promise her.
“Don’t you see? I’d rather spend my afterlife in your arms than be bound to a marriage I detest, in this life and the next.” She whispered to an empty room, her knees tucked under her chin as she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to shield herself from the growing emptiness in her chest.
Weddings were an exciting affair. They were supposed to be a happy affair, commencing with a feast at the bride’s home before she departed with the wedding gifts to live with her husband as his wife. It was a period of excitement where families came together to celebrate, it was supposed to be a time of happiness yet she couldn’t seem to muster a spark of joy within her soul.
In public she played the role of the perfect princess, the beautiful blushing bride yet with every smile, with every chuckle, with every compliment she got she felt like crying, like ripping her jewels off and baring her soul for everyone to see. She desired to bare her heart to the world, to show everyone who’s name was truly carved into her heart, yet she could not. He left her, refused to fight for her, for them.
He had been avoiding her. He had traded shifts with another guard till one day she awoke to a new personal guard. On inquiring about the change, the new guard, Naten, told her that Ardeth had requested the change. Whenever she saw him lurking in the corridors he simply walked away, pretending she didn’t exist. Perhaps that’s what hurt more than being apart from him. His refusal to acknowledge her.
During the day she was a blushing bride, but at night she grieved the living lover she lost. Her mournful cries merged with the wails of widows along the streets of the city. Unheard and unseen she shed her tears till finally one day someone saw. It was her sister, Nefertiri, who found her nestled on her windowsill with her knees tucked against her chest. She gazed at the moon once again, but this time she sung a mournful tune. Trails of kohl long-dried on her face as she sniffled.
“Nefertiri?” she asked, startled by her appearance.
“Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying.”
“Don’t take me for a fool. Tell me. What has caused you so much pain?”
“Nothing, Nefertiri. Just leave it alone.”
“I cannot, you are my sister and it’s my duty to protect you,” she said, staring into her sister’s eyes with sincerity. She snorted at that word again, duty, the very thing that doomed her.
Looking into Nefertiri’s eyes, tears welled in her own as she cuddled into her sister’s nostalgic embrace, a reminiscent of when she used to comfort her when they were children. Her sister gently hushed her, slowly rocking her back and forth as she cried.
Hours passed by as the night slowly dwindled into day and Ra’s boat, Mandjet, came forth from the underworld. It was then she finally confessed, unburdening herself of the burden she carried. She poured her heart out to her sister about the lover she was tragically torn apart from.
Her sister could only look at her in sympathy, knowing that their father’s word was law and that she would not be able to help her. All she could do was offer her comfort. For the first time the powerful princess, Nefertiri, Lily of the Nile and wielder of the spear of Shapneh was helpless, she couldn’t do anything to interfere in her sister’s fate so she simply offered her comfort.
A new face had appeared in court, a beautiful woman by the name Anck-Su-Namun, the daughter of a noble at court. She was as graceful as she was deadly, trained in combat she was a skilled woman, impressing the court with her prowess. Quickly she caught the eye of the Pharaoh. Her alluring appearance and saccharine words appealed to the older widower. She consumed his thoughts till she became his most favored concubine. Soon, she was to be the Queen, bound to bear a male heir to the throne. Men lusted after her and Pharaoh’s harem envied her, yet all the wealth of Egypt was not enough for her, she desired more, something different, someone different.
Anck-Su-Namun was Princess Nefertiri’s combat instructor before she caught the Pharaoh’s eye so as a part of her wedding celebrations, a martial display between Anck-Su-Namun and Nefertiri was organized by the Pharaoh.
It was that very night that Pharaoh had been slain by his favorite lover and his trusted High Priest. The Medjai rushed to save him but they were too late. The Pharaoh bled out on the stone floors.
Nefertiri bore witness to the event, her eyes burning with rage at the death of her father. Leading the Medjai in pursuit of the priest who sought to perform a perversion against the very gods themselves, raising someone from the dead and ripping them away from the judgement of Anubis, she finally caught the priest, ordering the Homdai, the most terrifying of curses, a cursed death, a half-life, an eternity of torment.
The entirety of Egypt was in mourning, with the Pharaoh gone, who would lead them? In this moment of turmoil, Nefertiri rose to the challenge, becoming the Pharaoh herself. Like any new ruler she had to establish herself as capable, yet she did it with an unfaltering grace soon becoming beloved by her people.
Her first act as Pharaoh was breaking her sister’s betrothal. Her betrothed was not pleased and demanded compensation for the betrothal which was granted to the man in the form of a different bride, a far more willing cousin of the Pharoah who had yet to be wed.
With the betrothal ended she could breathe a sigh of relief, now she remained untethered, yet the man of her desires still refused to look at her.
Perhaps he was consumed with shame or guilt or even self-loathing. Perhaps his pride kept him from her. Perhaps he believed himself unworthy. Whatever the reason was, his avoidance was getting infuriating, so with a sense of new-found determination she decided to find him, or like her sister said, “Grab him by his ear and make him listen.”
Part 2
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