#mike nesmith summer
chiropteracupola · 3 months
dyke nesmith, gayvy jones, 'george michael' dolenz, and ah. yes. peter tork as well.
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happyfoxphantom · 21 days
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Michael Nesmith outside the Astor Towers Hotel in Chicago during the summer of 1967 Monkees Tour, photo shared from Christine Siewert.
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monkee-mobile · 2 months
guys :3
i saw friends
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im calling it this summer is SWAMP SLUDGE SUMMER so GET SLUDGEY my friends. it's happening!!
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lugosis · 10 months
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Mike Nesmith - Summer 1967 - taken by Micky Dolenz
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doublydaring · 2 months
Song of the summer. Mike Nesmith's mid-life crisis Jimmy Buffet fantasy. What's better than this on full blast on your way to work?
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thislovintime · 6 months
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With The Apollas (Leola Jiles, Ella Jamerson, and Billie Barnum) during the December 1966/January 1967 tour. The trio opened for The Monkees.
"[In 1965] I accompanied this black trio called the [Apollas], on the stand-up string bass.” - Peter Tork, Goldmine, May 1982 “I managed to pull together a job playing double bass for a while for a black female vocal trio called the Apollas. I got to repay the favor later on.” - Peter Tork, Monkeemania (1986) "So I played blues guitar for a girl named Lynne Hughes, and I played stand-up bass for a Supremes-type, three-girl singing group [The Apollas], who wound up opening for the Monkees." - Peter Tork, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story "We had done a club in Huntington Beach. Peter Tork was the dishwasher there and he played guitar for us when we were there. [...] [When The Monkees were set to tour] Peter and Mike said, 'Well, let's get the Apollas, they're great.'" - Leola Jiles, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story “At the Losers North, the Apollas were backed by Mike Nesmith on guitar and Peter Tork on bass […]. The Apollas toured with the Monkees, and the two groups worked together extremely well as a team.” - My Soul Concerto: The Story of the Apollas by Opal Louis Nations, 2005 Another opening act, for The Monkees' 1967 summer tour, was also suggested by Peter: Lynne Randell. Some TV footage of The Apollas.
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justcallmecel · 3 months
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June 8th, 2024, Pt 1 (Day 61)
Today's Dog: The Redbone Coonhound! As the name suggests, these dogs were bred to hunt raccoons. Redbone Coonhounds were bred in the antebellum US South, and have been shown at Westminster since 2010. They were most popularized by the book Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, which is a children's novel about a young boy who buys and trains two Redbone Coonhounds!
Today's Monkee: Rainmaker! This song was released on Nevada Fighter (1971), Mike Nesmith's 3rd solo album post-Monkees. It was produced by Mike and written by Harry Nilsson and Bill Martin (the latter also wrote Door Into Summer from Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Jones Ltd)!
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brucequeensteen · 3 months
does anyone else ever think about peter tork and mike nesmith matching sunglasses in the summer of 1967
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rivertigo · 2 months
my mike nesmith summer
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those who have followed me for awhile probably know that I don’t write or post my own content very often, if at all. But today I need to. My emotions have been running high, my stomach in knots for hours now, I wasn’t quite sure why until I remembered the date. December 10th.
I am am obviously a monkees lover. My content proves that. It just so happens that Mike Nesmith is my favorite monkee. So this is for you Papa Nez.
I want to talk about so many things, I want to talk about how you were always my favorite. Even when I was in grade school, watching monkees reruns on Saturday mornings and after school.
I want to talk about how you and the monkees saved me in life. Not just once, but twice. Once in grade school and then again summer of 2022.
There is so much to say, that I couldn’t possibly say it all. So here’s to your greatness in the monkees, both on screen and in the recording studio,to your solo career, to your influence on music videos, to videoranch, and everything in between.
Papa Nez you have given me so much, I always know that no matter what I will have the monkees, especially Fairy Tale, and so much more to turn to. You give me comfort that I have not found anywhere else.
I love you lots, always have and always will,
Love M
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tedhead · 2 years
i was tagged by @thatdogmp3 <3333 to answer these questions!
relationship status: single 🐟
favorite color: wheneber this question comes up i always overthink it nd whoever’s asking just wants a pantone number but umn i like grass nd the movie vertigo so ill say green.
song stuck in my head: i fall to pieces by mike nesmith and the fnb
last song i listened to: thanx for the ride by mike nesmith and the fnb (mostly just been listening to loose salute today)
three favorite foods: im gonna do beverage combos. ham nd cheese made exactly right + lemon seltzer, knish + black cherry soda, cheese danish + coffee. 
last thing i googled: tje rules for blackjack. im dealing next weekend nd i have the memory of a bumblebee.
dream trip: a road trip of the us sounds cool. especially coast to coast in the summer.
anything i want right now: i need to wait to confirm payment for my film class but i just want to do it now before i chicken out.
tagging 5 people (sorry for any repeats): @mystical-one @tambourineophelia @cowboyinthesand @dancingontheporch @theamericanfriend1977
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boomcar2005 · 2 years
Shuffle your "On Repeat" playlist and list the first 10 songs that come up!
ty @mychemicalnesmith for tagging me :D
save the life of my child - simon & garfunkel
tapioca tundra - the monkees
i've got a feeling - the beatles
heroes and villians - the beach boys
hot dusty roads - buffalo springfield
long title: do i have to do this all over again - the monkees
keep the customer satisfied - simon & garfunkel
the crippled lion - mike nesmith & the first national band
summer, highland falls - billy joel
sunshine superman - donovan
i tag @solongfranklloydwright @gitsor3010 @flowersonpluto @dirtcrimes @cptnbeefheart and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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cottagehowell · 9 months
Hello it’s SRS once again!! Hope you’re having a beautiful week :)
These dances sound AMAZING and I love that you incorporate classic rock into the routines and that it strikes such a chord with students! You know for sure 10 years down the line one of these kids will hear come together or something and inadvertently launch into an entire choreographed routine, much to the confusion of everyone around them lol. Have you danced/taught dance for a long time or is it a newer role for you?
OK good to know about the albums!! I am growing increasingly intrigued by the monkees based on your wild & crazy tales and would LOVE some recs!! What songs/albums/etc. would you recommend to get started?
Also yes please tell me about the Mike nesmith imprinting!! I see his name everywhere & am curious to understand the full psychological reasons why you have grafted on to him like a chick to a mother hen
Congratulations on officially having finished your finals!! I hope they went swimmingly :) do you have any plans you’re looking forward to for winter break (if you have a winter break)?
Also you’re a CS major? So brave I truly could never. I barely know how to use a computer let alone make it do NEW things… crazy & wildly impressive. What draws you to computer science?
I study environmental biology! Very fun huge fan but yes the amount of extra labs etc. is crazy. I will actually need to learn R or something next semester for a biostats class but that’s a problem for later… I literally tried to download R on my computer this summer but got stuck on that for an hour and gave up 😭
Have a WONDERFUL time relaxing from the stress of finals!! Hope you get up to something fun this week <3
Omg so sorry for going mia for a week….. now that the semester’s over my sense of time has gone out the window 💀
Your finals were this week, right? I hope they went well!! Sending you all the good vibes 🩵🩵🩵 Do you have any fun plans for your break?
I started dance when I was 2 (lol) and started teaching when I was 17!! So I’ve been teaching for a little while but not like forever lol
I think their first album is a good place to start!! It has more of a pop vibe but has some really catchy songs and sometimes gets a little psychedelic. Last Train to Clarksville was the big hit from that album. I’d also recommend listening to the soundtrack from their movie Head, the music is really really good. You probably already know I’m a Believer and Daydream Believer, so beyond that I’d recommend For Pete’s Sake, Early Morning Blues and Greens, Randy Scouse Git, Listen to the Band, Pleasant Valley Sunday, Goin’ Down, Words, Auntie’s Municipal Court, and Magnolia Simms. The four of them have such different musical influences, so I tried to get a little bit of everything here!
In all honesty, it’s mostly just that Mike is hot. (I think he’s at his hottest mid 70s through mid 80s, but he’s still really cute in the first season of the show as well. Plus in the pilot he looks so young!! Baby.) But he was also really talented and influential even though he never gets credit for it bc of the stigma against the monkees. He was a pioneer of country rock as a genre! He was a major player in the development of music video as we know it today! He created the direct predecessor of MTV and won the first Grammy for music video! He got into VR in the 90s! His mom invented Liquid Paper! The man is fantastic for trivia. On the show, he’s kind of the leader of the group, so I think that also contributes to the cult of personality. When you get into analyzing his gender and sexuality, it gets really interesting really fast. Also he’s an only child raised by a single mom, so he’s kinda sensitive in a way that resonates with me bc I’m an only child too :) But it’s very important to note that he was a complete asshole while the monkees were a thing and also he was a total dick to his first wife (Phyllis deserves so much better, she’s such a queen). So we stay #mikecritical while still thirsting over him. Oh and also his solo work is really wonderful if you’re into country :)))
Glad to be done with finals, yes! I got a 98 on my database exam, which pushed me up to an A from an A- :) I had a project that I finally turned in this past Sunday, so finals week dragged on a little longer than I would’ve liked, but I’m done now!! In January I’m gonna be spending a couple days at a friend’s house, and I haven’t seen her in several years, so I’m super excited :))) also I’m looking at taking a tap dance workshop later this month which will be lots of fun!
What’s really interesting to me about CS is the logical thinking & math aspect, like I enjoy being able to turn my people brain off and just think like the machine. It’s like a logic puzzle which is fun for me :) Plus the sense of accomplishment for having made something! Usually “making” something refers to more creative areas, so CS is kind of unique in that way. And then when your code works there’s that moment of “look!! I made it do the thing!!!”
Omg tell me more about environmental bio!! How did you become interested in it? It’s so cool when people are into more specialized areas of science bc there’s like a whole new world to hear about!! And best of luck with R 🫡 I’ve never had to use a functional language so you’ll have to let me know what it’s like!
I can’t believe Christmas is so close!! It really snuck up on me!! Do you have any traditions/events you’re looking forward to? Staying in bed half the day post-finals?? (That’s what I’ve been doing 🙃) Any hobbies you’re excited to have time for over break?
Much love, talk to you soon!! 🩷🩷🩷
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neilphen · 1 year
music asks <-
100) whats your most listened to playlist?
its either my beatles playlist or my nighttime summer playlist
101) whats your most listened to song?
last month it was 1882 Wings (shock) and Joanne Mike Nesmith <3
102) whats your most listened to album?
Probably Bronco by Orville Peck! if not that then its ATMP
103) If you were to make a supergroup of your favorite musicians who would you choose, what would they be called?
Baby, im just puttin the beatles back together and throwing in orville peck and mike nesmith thats all. call them the roaches idgaf
104) who would you want to see your favorite musicians collab with?
oomf and i were just discussing this the other day but a ringo starr orville peck collab would be soo good....beaucoup your blues orville..
105) whats something you'd like to see more represented in music?
angry faggots and cannibalistic undertones
106) which musicians would you wish to teach you an instrument?
paul mccarntey could teach me the base and i could die happy OR OR george harrison slide guitar ☝️
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