#lu humans are not hylians au
the-moon-files · 12 days
I’m not sure if I’ve said this one already or not, but I wanted to tell you anyways! It’s about the humans-are-not-hylians AU!
You know the uncanny valley evolution? That thing where when you look at something that resembles a living being too closely and some part of your mind is screaming that it’s not whatever it looks like and to get away from it? Imagine that with the reader! They can spot shapeshifters easily because of this, but it instills the same extreme primal fear we’d experience, so it might be hard for the reader to confront them at first and they’ll instead just tell the Chain for a while.
This might be a double edged sword, though, because when Twilight is in his wolf form, the reader still gets that same feeling when “Wolfie” is looking at them, whether or not they know it’s Twilight. In this case, the first time the reader spots Wolfie approaching the camp, they probably freak out and try to avoid him, even if the Links are okay with him or if he seems familiar to them.
The bottom line is that wolf isn’t a wolf, so what is he?
“It’s okay, he’s a really friendly wolf!”
“...That’s not a wolf...”
Sorry i took forever to respond!! im slow as always, life is too busy for even my hobbies lately sobs 😭
bro this is especially true bc someone looked back at TP games and how he looks in his “wolf” form, and apparently he is actually a dog lol - like at most a wolf-hybrid, i added this in to support this Hyrule-is-hella-Uncanny AU lol
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Moon: Guide! - Gender Neutral/Masc!Reader (”you”/he/him)
Orbit: Short headcanons
Stars: mentions of most of our Links <3
Comets & Meteors: CWs: typical LU/Loz violence, mild swearing, etc & TWs: mild possible derealization trigger, talk of Link’s Awakening and Koholint.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
The Yiga clan members have never fooled you, not Once in person, unlike back when hyrule was still a video game
it was the constant smell of bananas, the way their eyes were always a little unfocused or they moved their head to move around their eyes, rather than their actual pupils moving, the facial muscles all stiff, usually stuck in an uncomfortable smile-
it makes more sense once u realize that they technically have a mask under that glamour hylian face, but its never not hilarious to see Wild look over his shoulder at you before approaching a lone traveler on the roads and watch him get increasingly frantic to get ur attention to see if theyre yiga lmao
u bet ur ass every link was relying on you on their adventures to know shapeshifters/illusions/glamours/etc. on sight and tell them to better prep them/warn them
tbh they all got at least a little better at being able to tell the difference the longer they heard you point out stuff/talk abt exactly why it was off-putting
(that said some of ur heroes are better at it than others, both in general, and certain aspects of it: like Twilight isn’t able to pick up illusions/glamours for the life of him, literally, sometimes, but he is more likely to figure out shapeshifters by scent after you Guided him)
(no, your heart didnt crack a little after learning that the boys had a harder time with deceit after you stopped playing the game = “were forced to leave after their adventure” bc while they were better at detecting it, they werent on ur human level yet..)
(…the only deception you ever really fell for was Koholint. It was so painful too, because Legend quietly disclosed to you one late night that you would constantly get strange feelings/uncanny disturbances, but were never able to put a name to it for him, which both made you jumpy/paranoid on the island, but made him regret ever letting his guard down all the more or feel guilty for what felt like dismissing ur instincts the more he relaxed… Legend never doubted your sense for the uncanny ever again. He takes it seriously every time now.
When you feel as if you should apologize, he tells u not to, that these days he takes comfort in it actually, it makes him feel safer. Legend looks to your face for confirmation that something isn’t a dream, and if you look at ease, so is he.)
its the way you casually laugh at Twi being called “Wolfie” when he’s obviously a wolf-dog hybrid or just a big dog
and when everyones confused u just explain smth smth, wolf heads are larger in comparison to their body, their legs are narrow, their paws are big, dogs are like the oppposite, or way more proportional like “Wolfie” is, dogs bob around when they run like “wolfie”, and have shorter legs,
smth smth wolves cant have eye colors like blue, only dogs/wolf-dog hybrids can silly-
and Wolfie is just like, 😐 😑 😐
turning around and walking away, bc hylias knotted fucking braid- he really cant escape the dog accusations now, you literally used ur freaky truth-seeing instinct and read his shapeshifter ass from head to literal toe/paw-
Wild/Hyrule look fascinated, Wind and Legend cant breath theyre laughing so hard, Time is coughing suspiciously into his fist and pops back up smirking, Four is laughing but also encouraging you to keep going, Sky is desperately trying to keep it together while also trying to get Twi to come back lmao, Wars is literally pointing and laughing ashkljdl-
ok but Twi gets his revenge later by tricking you into yapping abt how Hyrule/Four/Time all kind of look “off” sometimes too
like how u swear Rulie is glowing subtly when the moon is full, or how the world distorts behind his back sometimes,
or how Four’s eyes change colors all the time, his fighting style looks like its rotating between 4 diff ppl’s techniques,
or how Time’s face wrinkles like smile lines/crows feet at the corner of his eyes will randomly appear and disappear, how he’ll have some stubble one day then 3 days later despite having not shaven (u literally saw him wake up and do his morning routine) it’ll disappear like it was never there in the first place-
and when Twi has stopped asking you abt the others as they all reel over the knowledge of what all u can tell abt them,
(ur quietly relieved no one asked abt Wild.
You resolve urself to just lie if anyone asks, even to Wild himself.)
hey im alive!! im slow yknow how it is,
ive been doing too much, and i cant wait to be done with this class so i can have free time guilt free again 🥲
god thats one good thing abt getting out of academia i dont miss and would only wish on my worst enemy,
the anxiety of doing smth, even necessary stuff like eating/sleeping/showering, and feeling liek you should be doing homework instead, god its so awful
cant wait to feel like an adult with my own life again lmao
that certification better work and get me a white collar job goddamit 🤞
anyway, hope ur all having a good weekend,
and just to let u know, im so happy acc that im alive to see the first zelda game that actually follows what i originally thought the plot of zelda games was when i was a kid lmao
(zelda as the protag, saving link!!)
Peace out,
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zarvasace · 7 months
I have too many AUs and I'm not overly dedicated to this one but I figured I might as well share what I have of it :) It's a pretty good amount!
LU Space Crew AU
There is some art here!
Most who work the celestial highways long to find a place that they can call home. Most drift between crews and jobs, whether within the Kingdom or without. Some, however, live for the stars and find home is a cramped ship with engines rumbling the ground beneath their feet, and a crew that's almost family.
Those who man the special operations ship Epona are one such crew. Nine bright characters from across the galaxy, brought together through chance, staying together with determination. Though all of them have a home elsewhere, they've found cameraderie on Epona, and none are keen to leave anytime soon.
Epona and her crew are commissioned and funded by, but not officially employed by, the Kingdom. She goes where she will, to urban and rural planets alike, seeking out cells of the Black-Blooded, a mob-like organization that has infested every corner of the semi-united Kingdom. Whether the Director of the Kingdom has secret agendas for the Epona and her crew is unknown.
Time was a Kingdom special officer, trained from a young age. He comes from the planet Kokiri, but is not one of them. He is the only registered member of the alien race known as the Deities—a near-mythical people that adopt permanent forms similar to those they grow up around, identified by colorful markings and blank eyes. Whatever form they end up taking, Deities have unusual strength and kinesthetic awareness, bordering on supernatural. They also occasionally enter battle hazes, in which their abilities are multiplied, but they become dangerous and potentially unable to identify friend from foe.
After a harrowing mission in his youth, Time deserted the Kingdom and lived as a sight-after mercenary for a time, before meeting his wife Malon and inheriting the ranch on the planet LonLon. He was enlisted for the BB mission by an old friend, codename Sheik, who ensured (through dubiously legal means) that his record was wiped clean. He serves as the captain of the Epona and has grown very protective of his little crew.
Warriors was a high-ranking general in the Kingdom's army before his assignment to the BB mission. He is pure Hylian, which is rare, as the Hylian diaspora centuries ago ensured that most Hylians in the present day have other ancestry mixed in. As a pure Hylian, many people find Warriors's presence to be rather uncanny: his hair just a little too golden, his posture just a little too straight, his eyes just a little too sharp, his skin just a little too perfect.
He was instrumental in defeating the Black-Blooded leader Cia in one of the outer Kingdom systems, directing and participating in many of the battles himself. At first, he felt a little lost on the Epona thanks to the fact that he always had Artemis and Impa with him. He serves as the Epona's first mate, overseeing logistical issues such as supplies and schedules.
Twilight was a goat herder on Ordon until he was caught up in the invasion of the Twili rebels, when he worked behind the scenes with the Ordonian resistance group and the true Twili princess to overthrow the rebels and free Ordon entirely. In the process, he discovered that he was not, as he and everyone else assumed, part Ordonian human and part Hylian, but part Ordonian human and part Twili. Due to his ancestry, he has an alternate shadow form and several physical traits that have been growing in prominence since he discovered and has been using his shadow form, traits that make him a bit intimidating to most people (such as blackened hands, tough nails, small fangs, and occasionally glowing eyes.)
Ordon is not officially a member of the Kingdom, but its princess Dusk does her best to keep friendly relations with the Kingdom despite her efforts to stay independent. Twilight volunteered for the BB mission as a bargaining chip that she could use against the Kingdom. He was determined to dislike the Epona, but grew to love her and the crew. He serves as her second mate, in charge of their combat training, weaponry, and together with Warriors (and a vote from the crew if possible), is authorized to override any of Time's decisions or policies.
Sky is, as Warriors is, also pure Hylian, but his demeanor is a bit less uncanny. He grew up on Skyloft Station, which is a massive space station that once hovered over the planet First Hyrule as a place for knights and their families to live and train. The station disappeared when First Hyrule collapsed centuries ago and the Hylians dispersed around the galaxy, assumed destroyed in the aftermath. However, it appeared again a few years ago, out of a huge rip in spacetime. The station now orbits New Hyrule, the seat of the Kingdom. Its people are struggling a bit to adapt to the new era, but many ancestral Hylians are eager for a chance to know more about their lost heritage and culture.
Sky was a teenager when the station appeared in the present day, and won't speak much about the journey. He and Sun are the only ones who know exactly how much they did to get Skyloft Station safely home. Sun didn't love sending him out on this mission, but he wanted to explore! He is the Epona's primary pilot, responsible for navigation and actually flying the ship. He prefers to fly manually, since he doesn't quite trust the new automated systems.
Wild has also dealt with a bit of temporal displacement. He lived on First Hyrule as a trained knight until its collapse in the Calamity. He got himself and Flora out on a small research ship, taking a lot of damage in the process, and leaving Flora to pilot the ship for several years alone as he recovered in an induced coma. She flew out so far that when she came back, centuries had passed on New Hyrule. Unlike most who lived on First Hyrule, Wild is not pure Hylian. He is actually part Deity, lacking the distinctive markings but with very pale eyes and a hint of Deity strength.
He helped with a minor war in the Kingdom's outer reaches, putting him on the Director's radar. Flora now lives quietly on LonLon as an engineer. Wild is the Epona's computer engineer, fixing and updating her internal systems. (And occasionally causing havoc for fun.) (He also cooks. He thinks modern rations are an abomination.)
Four is a bit of an odd case, since he was not born. He was created by Kingdom scientists as a sort of proof-of-concept android made with brand new self-propagating nanotechnology. How and why he gained sentience is a mystery to even him, but he only managed to convince one scientist of it: Dot, who provided a huge distraction and excuses and allowed him to escape. He went back for her and, with the help of a small, kind alien race known as the Minish, managed to win recognition as a person and citizenship in the Kingdom. A certain offshoot of Kingdom scientists headed by Vaati attempted to recreate the success of Four and created Shadow, who lost his body in his fight for freedom. Four carries a chip holding what he hopes is Shadow's soul or something, perhaps to revive him someday.
He often works on himself, both hardware and software, hoping to expand his capabilities and perhaps discover the source of his sentience. His greatest achievement so far has been the ability to split his consciousness and body into four, and only four. The pieces end up fully independent, but rather fragile, and separating can take a lot of energy. Four is not particularly open about his nature, but he doesn't like hiding it. He volunteered for the BB mission in an attempt to find a low-profile occupation where he could work on his own projects and be protected by Kingdom power. He is the Epona's mechanic, somewhat wary of her computers, but he loves the ship and knows every rivet and wire.
Hyrule comes from a very rural planet called Kasuto, known for its frequent natural disasters and dangerous fauna, all things made more common after First Hyrule collapsed. (it is said that Kasuto resonated with the people so far away and mourns even now.) Some of the fleeing Hylians found refuge with the dying Kasitan race, and now the two peoples are virtually indistinguishable. It's a difficult world to live on, and there aren't many Kasitans in total, but their havens are tight and well-defended. Hyrule inherited a lot of the ancient Kasitan survival traits. He looks mostly Hylian, though leaner with longer fingers, but he has a number of subtle traits: eyes that can see much better in the dark (though not as well in the light), flexible keratin plates beneath his skin for an added level of defense, and the ability to go longer than anyone else without food or water. He can withstand and survive a wider range of temperature, pressure, and air quality than most others.
Hyrule fought many of his planet's monsters to help defend its settlements and defeat a tyrannical warlord. In the process, he found... something. Even he isn't sure what it is. But he can now help a body heal faster, he can raise a hand in a storm and channel lightning through his bones, and monsters always seem to find him. On a good day, he calls it a blessing from his planet. Legend suggested him for the BB mission. Hyrule is the Epona's medic and primary explorer, though he takes a support role in more diplomatic situations.
Wind is from a tiny fishing planet called Outset in a small, close-knit system. He is mostly Hylian, though he is also part Zora. His skin is scaly in parts, his eyes big, his teeth somewhat sharp. He has some webbing between his fingers, and as he's grown, he has to trim down the fins on his arms and legs like he does his hair. He learned how to fly a ship at a young age, and learned to swing a sword by necessity.
He found some old First Hylian technology under the ocean where he lived, which sent him on a journey through his system to defeat a wannabe warlord trying to take over. Once he was old enough, he got a job on a cargo ship, hated it, and was recruited for the BB mission by Tetra, his good friend who is (reluctantly) involved in Kingdom politics. On the Epona, Wind is a secondary navigator and an in-between-er, doing whatever needs to be done.
Legend could swear that he's experienced the same time dilation as Wild but in reverse. Trained in the techniques of the Kingdom knighthood but never actually enlisted, Legend grew up on the urban side of the planet LonLon. His parents were native to the planet Kakariko, and he is mostly Sheikah, which makes his form quite malleable. He had to learn quickly how to drastically change his body by force of will alone. Most Sheikah can manage to change their hair colors or height—Legend can mimic appearances very well, and has even mastered much more dramatic transformations, like turning into a rabbit.
Through his uncle, he made a few friends in Kingdom networks, and when Fable needed help, he went right to her rescue. And he's never really been able to stop doing those things. He loves the stars, and when Fable caught wind of the BB mission, she knew Legend would want in. He did. Legend is the Epona's primary face, the talker and the fountain of random knowledge. He's handy in a pinch and comes up with a lot of weird solutions to problems around the ship.
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wayfayrr · 10 months
Welcome to my humble abode on this beloved hellsite of ours, you can call me moss!!
I write for Linked universe, with the links holding my whole heart and living in my mind rent free most of the time. My asks are always open if people want to talk! While requests can vary - but this will always be up to date with if they're open or not and the masterlist is below the cut. I hope you'll enjoy your time here <3
Requests are currently - closed - Commissions are currently - Open (dm for more info!) - Rules are here! here's the masterlist for my 100 followers event! Here's the masterlist for my 300 followers event!!
Anons ✦ 🍄anon, 🫠anon , 𐂂anon, 🍞anon, ☕anon, 🍀 anon, 🦆 anon, the menace, 🐰anon, destiny anon, Red panda anon, 🌺 anon
My kofi is over [Here]
Key: yandere ✧ self - aware au ⚝
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✦ Sky ✦ ✧ Shuffle-inspired Yandere Sky ✧ Self-aware sky ✧ ⚝ Sky's escape into your arms ✧ Ace of the sky ✧ ⚝ Anniversary nostalgia ✧ ⚝ Copy and pasted ✧ Yandere Headcanons Love like you ✧*.⚝⋆ ⚝ Soft cuddles
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✦ Twilight ✦ Showing twilight Twilight ✧ A platform to fall for twilight ✧ ⚝ A Sickly escape Part two
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✦ Wild ✦ Signs and errors ✧ I would dye for you ✧ ⚝ By your side from day one ✧ ⚝ A little escapade Birds without feather flock together - Toucan play at that game Yandere headcanons
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✦ First ✦ ✧ First meeting Yandere Headcanons
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✦ Mask ✦ ⚝ Mask meets with his sibling
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✦ Time ✦ Time x DQ worker ✧ Kissing his scars ✧ ⚝ Siblings? I'll be your sibling for real
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✦ Hyrule ✦ Hyrule handling the modern world
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✦ Calamity ✦ Cal bonding with parent reader over tarot cards
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✦ Legend ✦ Legend x Isekai reader
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✦ Tears ✦ Small drabble requests are all under #lu tears Headcanons Stardew valley Insecure headcanons
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✦ Wind ✦ It's empty -
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✦ Warriors ✦ ✧ ⚝ Self-conscious captain ✧ Human errors ✧ I bet on losing dogs - My love mine all mine
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✦ Four ✦ Nothing yet -
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✦ Multiple Links ✦ Fics - Hair washing and bubble baths Catboy wars and wild [crack] I didn't think hyrule had berlin- "Wait no you're not supposed to get hurt."
Headcanons - Aspec links yandere touches Sassy/ motherly reader Asking for affection Humans are hylian orcs Gossiping with aryll Yan divorce Hcs
Destiny & LU x reader - HC's about player
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adrift-in-thyme · 9 months
I’ve been meaning to make a post like this for a while now but kept forgetting. Since First isn’t widely known I wanted people to have an explanation of who the heck this guy is (and why they should love him). So without further ado
Who is the First Hero?
(All of the following pictures are from the Hyrule Historia)
The First Hero (or First as we call him in the Linked Universe fandom) shows up in a tiny manga at the back of the Hyrule Historia (that’s basically an encyclopedia for Zelda). He isn’t technically canon and doesn’t have a game of his own. But according to the manga he is the first Link, Skyward Sword Link’s predecessor.
He lived in a time when Hylia was still a goddess and before Demise’s first attack. He was a royal knight, much like Hyrule Warriors Link, and seemed to be a man of great respect and esteem. Until, that is, he was framed for an unknown crime and imprisoned.
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He remains in the dungeons for four years. Then, when his so called “premonitions of danger” begin to come true, and Demise attacks Hyrule, his people decide “oh, wait! They kinda need a hero now!” So, they set him free and practically beg him to fight for them. He’s understandably bitter about the whole thing, but being the hero he is, he goes out to battle.
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No sooner has he agreed to fight, than the goddess Hylia shows up on her crimson loftwing. She has come to battle Demise and help her people escape to safety.
The loftwing looks down upon the humans as weak and cowardly. But Link stands up to him, telling him “there are those among us who have the courage to fight.” The loftwing admires him for the sentiment, but isn’t convinced. He promises to keep watch over him to see if Link is a worthy rider.
With the loftwing gone to the heavens above, Hylia gives Link the Master Sword
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Link doesn’t think he is worthy of it after his imprisonment, but Hylia assures him that the sword knows better. It sees beyond his tarnished reputation to the kind, brave man beneath.
Though Link is still bitter about everything he has endured, he swears to fight for his friends. He takes the sword and hones it into something a mortal can wield.
Then, he goes to battle.
Hylia rallies the other races around Hyrule to help the Hylians. Meanwhile, Link and his men fight for seven days. Despite their efforts, Demise begins to burn Hyrule to the ground.
In the end, Link goes to face him, promising to slay him.
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But he is badly wounded in the fight. He collapses, weak and near death. Before he can fade away, however, the loftwing shows up and chooses him as his rider.
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He swears to ride with the loftwing forever. Shortly afterward, the dragons from Skyward Sword bless the Master Sword with the power of the Triforce. Then, Link gives the sword to Hylia, who carves Hyrule from the earth.
Link retrieves the sword and drives it into the ground, finishing the job and sending Hyrule skyward.
He wants to follow his people to the skies, but his wounds catch up to him. He falls to the ground. In his last moments he promises that his spirit will always be with his people.
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Hylia seals Demise away, even as the enraged god promises to prevail. Then, she goes to where her fallen hero lies.
She holds him, crying over him and lamenting the pain he had to endure to become the hero Hyrule needed. Knowing that Hyrule will need their help once more, she then promises to reincarnate them both. Only this time, she will be a mortal.
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This story, we learn, becomes legend in the era of Skyward Sword. And the loftwing who Link swore to ride with chooses the child who has his reincarnated spirit, Skyward Sword Link or Sky.
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Now, as for First’s standing in LU…I’m know multiple LU fans (myself included) speculate that Jojo will include him at some point. She’s been cryptic about it when asked though, so we don’t know for sure. Neither do we know when he’ll show up (if he does). So, for now, we can only hope.
…and create our own AU’s in the meantime ;)
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fever-project · 7 months
LU Pokémon AU - The Link’s Types and General LoZ Types
To preface this, this is all made up and generally not canon to the actual Pokémon universe. But humans are canonically Pokémon, so they are likely to have Pokémon types. Before we takle the Links, let’s explain how things generally work in this AU.
All humans (yes, Hylians-and Gerudos-are humans too) are generally Normal types. Occasionally, humans are able to gain a secondary type, think about those Psychic type trainers who have psychic powers. Those trainers are Normal Psychic types, and the Normal type being first is important, because if it isn’t first, then they are no longer a human. Sheikah aren’t humans, despite trying to appear so. They are Fairy Dark type, but try to-and have successfully as of BotW/TotK-pass themselves off as Normal Dark type. Dark does not always necessitate being evil.
Naturally, humans typically gain either a Psychic or Fighting secondary type, although gaining a secondary type is still very rare, and is an ability unique to humans. Zora, Rito, and Gorons can’t gain a secondary type like how humans do. Zora are Water Fighting type, Rito are Flying Fighting type, and Gorons are Rock Ground type.
To gain a secondary Psychic or Fighting type, a human must devote themselves to learning the type’s moves with the help of actual Psychic or Fighting Pokémon. It is a hard, and challenging process, and yet almost all Gerudos are naturally Normal Fighting types due to how many Gerudos in the past gained a Fighting type despite the tedious process. Urbosa and Riju are Normal Electric type. Ganon typically gains a secondary Dark type, but when he’s pig Ganon he’s mono Dark type, since he’s no longer human. Few humans can also be born with a secondary Psychic type as well, although it’s a rare occurrence.
The Zeldas are all Normal Fairy types thanks to Hylia, who was a Fairy Dragon type. Post-TotK Zelda is instead a Normal Dragon type, and was a Dragon Fairy type while in dragon form.
Now onto the main course, the Links. Here is a list of the different types the Link have and explanations for them:
Wild - Normal Ghost - After coming back to life after 100 years, he gained a secondary Ghost type. He also gained the powers of his fellow champions from their spirits, which further cemented the secondary Ghost type he has. If he didn’t gain their powers, the Ghost type would have gradually faded away and he would’ve went back to being a mono Normal type. Once the other Links learn about this, they would be very concerned.
Twilight - Normal Dark - After getting turned into a Dusk Lycanroc with the use of Twili magic, he got slapped with a permanent Dark type. His Lycanroc form is also a Rock Dark type instead of a mono Rock type because of this.
Legend - Normal - Arceus himself made sure that he stayed a mono Normal type, and that he can’t learn any moves without the use of items, this Link is powerful enough.
Hyrule - Normal Fairy - This Link is very adept at learning different moves. Just learning different move types doesn’t give you a new type however, he only got this type after learning how to transform into a fairy. Using this transformation power enough times had made the secondary type permanent.
Four - Normal Fairy - The Minish are Fairy Normal types, and instead of just shrinking down to their size, Four was able to transform into a Minish. Like with Hyrule, using this power enough times had slapped him with a permanent secondary Fairy type.
Time - Normal Fairy - I realize how many Links have this type. However, he gained this type from the incident with the Fierce Deity mask. Each of his transformation masks changes his type: Deku Mask - Grass Ghost | Zora Mask - Water Ghost | Goron Mask - Rock Ghost | Fierce Deity Mask - Fairy Ghost | You can guess why they all have a secondary Ghost type.
Warriors - Normal - He’s just some guy man. He wishes he had a secondary Fairy type, he loves fairies.
Sky - Normal - Just because he can fly with a giant bird, doesn’t mean he suddenly gets a secondary Flying type. He can’t fly by himself. He’s just some guy.
Wind - Normal - No he isn’t a Water type, but he is on his way to becoming Normal Psychic soon, even if he doesn’t really know that yet.
Here’s some other Links that are not really in LU or are not the main 9 Links:
Spirit - Normal Psychic - He didn’t die or get separated from his body like his Zelda, who is a Normal Ghost type, but he can see spirits better than the normal person, so he gets a secondary Psychic type, which he was actually born with.
First Hero - Normal Fairy - He got blessed by Hylia. That’s it.
Green, Red, Blue and Vio - They all get different secondary types because of the 4sword, with Green, Red, and Blue having Grass, Fire, and Water types respectively. This stays the same no matter who uses the blade. Vio, and any other fourth color gains a type that matches the emotion/mental state/whatever that color represents the most. So of course Vio is Normal Psychic, since he is the brains of the 4.
Ravio - Normal Psychic - Like most Lorians(is that what they’re called?), he’s Normal Psychic type, because unlike Hylians, the people of Lorule usually are born with a secondary Psychic typing. Ravio usually uses just his psychic powers to communicate with Sheerow easier. Sheerow is also a Pokémon, Flying Psychic type.
Linkle - Normal - She is very close to gaining a secondary Fighting type. With just a bit more training, she’ll finally get STAB on her Low Kicks.
Dark Link and Shadow Link - These two are different beings. Dark Links are mono Dark while Shadow Links are Dark Ghost.
That’s all I have for now, but if you have any other questions regarding this AU, please ask! I have done and am still doing a lot of world building, it’s so fun!
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Okay Jes, so, I took a poll a while back to figure out what Sky should be for the monster AU. He’s a Changeling now. Basically, a fairy-or maybe some other creature who knows-swapped him out with a regular Hylian when he was very young. Maybe the original Link and his family died in an accident or something, and Sky was left if his original’s place. What if one of the Golden Goddesses did it, OH what if his Loftwing did it! That’s why they connected so easily, the Loftwing was tasked by the goddess or something to leave Sky on Skyloft and stuff idk I’m making this up as I go.
Anyways, changeling lore(screenshot from Wikipedia)
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Sky is shorter than some of the other Links(he’s like in the middleish of height), he’s like 5’3 but he’s shorter than a good chunk of other Skyloftians(I think it’s been a while). He can also have those sharp, almost shark-like teeth, they can be a bit long and pointy, as a treat. Also, uncanny insight? Like a speed runner would have? Sorry, I’m a bit nonsensical right now, anyhow Sky, displaying unusual behavior? Yeah, I can see that. Mf jumped on a chandelier and that’s not even the weirdest thing he’s done.
Sky didn’t realize he was a Changeling until Impa(I don’t know if old or young Impa would be better tbh) told him he was. He did not take that well, he knew he was weird, that he was different from everybody else, but he didn’t think he wasn’t even one of them. By the time LU happened, he’s more okay about his state of being, but he still thinks of himself as a Hylian first, monster second.
I think that when Sky first meets Wars, he tries to be like “hello fellow Hylian! I am normal like you, do not worry!” But Wars, being a human, is able to detect monsters easier than most hylians would. Also he’s spent a lot of time with fairies, and Changelings are intrinsically fae-like, so Wars just looks him dead in the eye and says “I know what you are.” He doesn’t, he has a clue but he knows that Sky isn’t Hylian and does not want to deal with that right now. Sky thinks they already have bad blood between them, but they don’t, Wars is just tired of the everything.
Anyways, that’s enough of that semi-coherent rambling, hope you have a great rest of your day!
also i saw the “i know what you are” and I have no idea if you meant Wars would say it in a homophobic dog kinda way or a kobeni losing her fucking shit kinda way and my brain combined them into something so cursed and so fucking funny i spent the past four minutes in tears gasping for fucking air
i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day as well!! :)
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vicmillen · 8 months
Nooooo... I want my wip done dammit. But anyway my mind got hijacked by a sci-fi au, so. Here we go again I guess, have some sci-fi settings for the LU boys🫠🫠
Feel free to use any or all of this setting for yourself, if anyone is interested. Credits appreciated tho not needed.
General background
The Links came from different time period due to the unavoidable time delay and time wrap in intergalactic travel (think Ender's Game and how all the ships arrived at the same time despite spanning decades in departure). Up to recent times where instant wrap becomes a thing, at least.
The Links, and maybe the Zeldas too, may or may not have came from a common clone source (think Dances On The Snow style cloning, gee I love that novel)
There's a war involving a certain holder of the force of power, at some point.
I actually have no idea what the Links gathered for, something something evil shadows, I guess?
Is time travel a thing? I don't know. Depends on if they fucked with the spacetime continuum hard enough (they have). Though I refuse to melt my brain again for any inevitable paradox situations so for now let's pretend they haven't.
The Links
Sky was a well decorated pilot for the Hylian air force, back when air force is still it's own division. He is the furthest back in terms of time period, being one of the test pilot on board project Skyloft, the very first large scale long distance warp jump in Hylian history. Very skilled pilot, despite the outdated training. Fi is helping a lot with his retraining. His jet is simply named Crimson.
Four is a engineer from the Picori system. At one point got himself into a freak accident involving a cloning station and a lunatic scientist. Extremely quick learner and good at solve technical problems (it's like working fourth times the normal speed, you know:)
Time is humble ranch hand, or so he claims. He's not entirely wrong, but before he become said ranch hand, he has a complicated history with the Hylian council and the intelligence community. Specialized in mech suits, heavy hitter.
Twilight is the actual rancher, being Time's adopted son. However he got himself involved in a series of abduction and trafficking cases, and somehow ended up in some human experiment. Straight up not having a good time tbh. Though he broke himself out and took down the rig before Time got invited to the carnage, which is good because there's at least something left of the offenders. Good at mech suits and piloting jets, but specialized in hand to hand. Hand to claw? Hand to fang?
Warriors was an army captain on board of Artemis' flagship. Though he specialized more on the strategic planning than the daily management, hence why Wind is the unofficial captain of the ship now. Comes across as snobby at first because damn non of this gang have any training or discipline? Mech fighter, heavy hitter. Good with jet piloting too, just don't comes with his own jet. Copilot with Sky if needed.
Wind ran with Tetra's crew before whatever leads to him joining the chain, so a privateer. Though he prefers pirate, just sounds that much cooler. He comes with his own jet, the Red Lion. Talented pilot, very good at scouting. Surprisingly the most experienced in managing the staff on board since it's similar scale as Tetra's.
Legend is, well he'll say he's a merchant. Hauling and selling perfectly legal merchandise. The Federals disagree, but they're mistaken. His private jet, Sir Raven, is not technically armed, but the 'merchandise' on board is varied and certainly useful in hostile situations. Very skilled at navigating and bullshitting the feds and fighting with his custom weaponry. Kind of a weapons expert too.
Hyrule may or may not have been one of the perfectly legal merchandise that required Legend's shipping service at some point. And may or may not have led to Legend gaining yet another wanted poster somewhere, somehow. Works miracles with the med unit, and like Legend is great with the unusual weapons that they rig up.
Wild is a cyborg, multi talented but especially appreciated for working miracles with the food assembly thingie. Despite being the only one on board that don't need edible material to survive. Technically the owner of the ship, and technically is part of the ship too. Take care of the daily management with Wind.
The ships
The ship they're currently aboard is the Master Ship Zero very original I know, Fi is the ship's Ai. Though the three jets in the hull each have their own system. The master ship is not really meant for a crew of only 9, but between the Fours and some creative problem solving, they managed pretty well. (Or maybe the Links didn't came alone, so there are more crew, like Malon Ravio and idk, somebody else.)
Wind's Red Lion is the smallest and lightest jet. Single pilot, speedy and stealthy, but very little fire power.
Sky's Crimson is a antique very traditional fighter jet, though it's is under heavy modification to suit the need of the current situation. For a fighter is on the small side, but comes with heavy fire power.
Legend's Sir Raven is a modified commercial jet, packs a surprising punch. But overall focused on camouflage shielding and speed. The largest jet among the three, actually. At least the largest hull. Can fit the whole chain inside if need must, but cannot provide sustainable life support for more than three people.
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luimagines · 5 months
Hi again, Pinky! I know I've been asking a lot of Dragon AU— I just realized I've become addicted to Dragon Links. So, I want to ask how reader reacted to finding they were being courted by a dragon and were claimed before they even started dating. I know that request are closed right now but I can I ask for a scenario where reader wants to learn more about dragons and observes the lu boys' dragon behavior httyd style, like how hiccup was learning about dragons either by experiencing or seeing them do dragon stuff. You can decide whether its individual scenarios for the boys or the boys just explain as a group.
I mean.... like in the future? Of course you can! I'd love to write for more dragon au!
The boys as dragons aren't really all that different since they've had to learn to blend into Hylian Society in order to not be found out and killed. (A lot of dragon end up being Ganon's side so that would have perpetuated their more monstrous side.)
To a dragon, there is no such thing as subtle courtship. But to a Hylian, it could pass as regular (or over) protectiveness and niceness.
The initial claim is by scent alone (or with a "obvious" gift) to ward off other suitors until the courtship has ended for better or for worse. Which obviously- wouldn't be known to the Hylian/human.
Then there's peacocking and an exchange of gifts chosen specifically from their hoard.
But there's no like.... rubbing themselves in the grass like a cat or dog if that's what you're looking for. So there wouldn't really be much to put into a scenario like that when they're not as animalistic as httyd.
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wanderlustmagician · 8 months
So Cataclysmic is the name of what I call in my notes the Witches AU. Yes this is LU, it’s all I wanna write right now. :D
Some General World Building things;
> Your average witch will only live the same amount of time as the average Hylian/Human. Roughly 80-90 years.
> Familiars usually appear around the time a young Witch’s magic has begun to out grow them. They live longer than most animals, usually the same lifespan as their Witch. Some witches will have more than one at one time and rarely, a witch will lose their familiar and have a new one appear.
> Magic usage isn’t very flashy. It’s more mundane, like “here’s a tea blend to make you feel better” or a blessing given by a princess or priestess or ceremonial witch is something you can feel
> Every living thing holds magic, but not everyone can use it. Witches are those who can use it, be it their own or others.
Now onto the Boys! In the beginning I’m going to focus on Sky, Twi, Wild, Legend, and Hyrule. Though in the true beginning it will be just Sky, Twi, and Wild. As the timeline progresses, the others will eventually emerge. This means I’ve gotten some more developed than others, mostly by necessity.
> older than he looks, will not explain (believed to be 2,000+ years old)
> Air Elemental Witch, can do Earth, Fire, and Storm magic if pressed or emotional enough
> Had a Loftwing familiar
> chronic middle child, but tallest (somewhere around 500+ yrs old)
> Green Witch, very focused on the plants and animals (he can talk to the animals, sense the energy of the plants around him)
> can turn into a wolf due to his adventure, the shadow magic has no affect on his actual magic
> does not appear to have a familiar, will not explain
> actually 117
> formerly a Ceremonial Witch, but if he doesn’t remember being that… then it doesn’t count
> eventual Kitchen Witch, when he stops denying himself, and teams up with Twi and Legend to help make things for the shop
> familiar was lost, once he accepts his magic again… a new one appears
> older than Twi and that’s all that matters (somewhere around 750+ years old)
> Crystal Witch (objects have power, especially crystals, and he’s going to hoard them all)
> bullies Twi into letting him have an Orchard
> familiar is not often seen by the others and became changed after one of his adventures
> older than Wild (what like that’s hard?) (somewhere around 400+ years old)
> Cosmic Witch (very in tune with what the stars and cosmic bodies are saying, somehow can hear the goddesses the best, denies it)
> claims that he never had a familiar
This is very bare bones. For a lot of reasons. Mostly because I’m still figuring out somethings while writing. This is the AU I’m doing for Febuwhump, so as things shake out I’m taking notes on it. As always, I play fast and loose with what I write. If it looks good, sounds good, I’ll break my own rules to leave it. So if the concept of the magic in this sounds a funky, that’s because it intentionally funky.
That said… Time, Wind, Warriors, and Four will be in this eventually. This is going to be, intentionally, very Sky focused due to his own specific struggles and sometimes very Wild focused until I hit a certain spot narratively.
Though for fun; Time is a Hedge Witch, Warriors is a Ceremonial Witch, Four is a Secular Witch, and Wind is a Sea Witch.
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skyward-floored · 11 months
OK so since you asked for asks I have some thoughts and questions and things.
I understand why people like it when Four's eyes change color, but... um... all the colors have blue eyes canonically. While it is a fun idea, I've seen it so much I actually prefer his canon eye color now.
What's with the shackle on Twilight's leg? Why does it disappear in his Hylian form? What is up with that??
Please tell me I'm not the only one who desperately needs more content about Sky and Sun being married. They're an adorable couple, they deserve to be actually married and have a wedding and a nice house and a garden and all that fun stuff.
I've started writing out that modern AU for Four Swords I told you about and the main problem I'm having is that Red doesn't have a lot of... substance to him if I'm being honest compared to Blue and Vio. (I'm still thinking about Green's main motivations.) Vio is largely a survive and win at all costs kinda person, and Blue seems like he lashes out due to anxiety and insecurities. But I can't get a good read on Red.
Yeah, I get that, it can be a little overdone. I actually prefer him with eyes that are grey-blue, that get just a liiiittle iridescent glint of the other colors (looks like the four sword that way). Though I’ve also seen brown eyes on him, which do look pretty nice even if they’re not canon.
I have no CLUE what’s up with the shackle. He got locked up at the beginning of tp and just... never had it removed? Isn’t it uncomfortable...? Though about it disappearing in human form, the same argument could be made for “what happens to his clothes when he’s a wolf” so I guess it’s the same logic there?
I LOVE Sky and Sun together and being married gosh I adore them. I wrote a short sksw wedding fic once, though I didn’t have lu in mind I’ll admit. I really like seeing them together though, (it’s partially why I made them married in IAU, I want more of them being happy together darnit) I love stuff with them in it <3
Red is definitely tricky. He seems either very happy or sad, and he’s never alone so it’s suuuper hard to figure out what he’s just... like. I wish I could give you advice, but tbh he stumps me too, so I don’t know what to tell you.
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the-moon-files · 3 months
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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I would like to join the vision lu au please
do you think Four would maybe have a dendro vision because he's very knowledgeable and sassy?
I wanna say Wind has pyro cuz he's very passionate yk? but also anemo would work too with his [want of] freedom to be a pirate and cuss...
maybe Warriors has cryo?? he has a big heart and is very good at his craft. but he could also be hydro with his sense of justice...
I wanna say Time is cryo aswell, but he might also be dendro...
oh Twilight could def be geo. he's very stable and takes promises seriously.
Wild could prob be anemo with how free of care he is?
Legend might be electro for how hard he's fighting to keep the peace.
electro Sky? I'm hooked. and Hyrule def has a hydro vision but also has weird unexplainable abilities.
anyways, this us just my input. If you have other things planned I look forward to them!
Four exists in this nebulous area of "what the actual fuck am I supposed to do about the vision" because you have clear elemental assignments to the colors but the majority of the time he's not split and straight up having four visions simply. Would not make sense.
Pyro Wars and Anemo Wind are decided because I'm actually posting a fic about them tomorrow (technically today) lol. Kinda wish I had thought of Cryo tho 😔
I was originally going for Geo Time because he's very stable and such. Something a bit like Noelle, actually, abilities wise. Then Dendro was suggested and I remembered I write him as a little shit lol
I'm still undecided on Legend's vision (meaning I have no idea). Electro would be good, like you said... but what about Anemo? For his dead friend, Marin? (That's a joke (actually wait that's something to consider...))
Actually... doesn't one of his medallions summon lightning? It's not really super relevant, but...
Twilight I'm almost positive I'm going to pick Electro for (some of the Twili/shadow magic in the game is kinda electricky), but honestly it could go to Dendro or Geo...
Wild was a near instant pick for Anemo. I'll admit there wasn't any deeper meaning I just thought "likes gliding" and "dead friends". Kinda funny if he just woke up in the shrine with it, because he received it right before he died, right?
(Another cool thing- Venti does have some association with the god of time, and flurry rush and bullet time are very clearly time manipulation)
I was thinking something like Kazuha's and Venti's skill, which I'm now realizing would render Revali’s Gale obsel- actually wait what's up with the other races?
We have four races (excluding Sheikah, Hylians, humans, and whatever the fuck the Surface and Termina had going on), all of which are heavily associated with an element, as well as four Champions even more heavily associated with it.
First- the Champions.
It seems unfair to just erase Revali’s hard work with the use of an Anemo vision, so if he does have one, that's not it. The other Champions, they all had their abilities at birth (well, maybe not Urbosa, but nothing in the game seems to suggest otherwise).
Daruk's Protection can't be replaced with a vision, because Yunobo has it as well (and even if he happened to have the same vision, it still wouldn't make sense). Mipha’s Grace doesn't seem like a genetic ability, so she could have had a viso-
Ok but what if Sidon felt... less than her because he never received one, and she did from an early age? We already know he doesn't think he's as good as her, so...
(Would he receive one fighting Vah Ruta? Unlikely. Could he receive one fighting Waterblight and protecting Mipha? Maybe.)
Side thing over- it's very likely Mipha’s abilities are aided by a vision, some more Hydro healing.
Another side thing- what would happen if a Zora received an Electro vision? It's a bad match, we all know that, but would they receive resistance to it as well? Or simply never use or receive one?
Urbosa's Fury... could be genetic, could be a vision, but honestly, any of them using a vision just... simply doesn't make much sense considering they can pass on the abilities.
That's a problem for future me though. On to the races in general.
Considering no nation in Teyvat seems to have a lot of vision holders that correspond to that nation's element (excluding Sumeru, but we'll forgive that lol), the same should apply to the races of Hyrule- as in, Rito aren't more likely to receive Anemo, Zora Hydro, etc- but do they get visions at all?
If Celestia = Golden Goddesses, then those three are the one bestowing visions, rather than, say, FD giving out the Pyro visions (this is an example I've not decided on anything regarding gods and elements). I've not played any of the games where the Golden Goddesses are more prominent, but by botw, there's simply not much sign of them outside the Great Plateau, a primarily Hylian occupied place (presumably).
Of course, I could be wrong (I likely am), but Hylia seems to be the only truly worshipped god, especially in places such as Zora's Domain and Rito Village.
Presuming in other games that the other races do worship the Golden Goddesses alongside/instead of Hylia, and thus do receive visions, would they be scarcer in botw overall? Is worship of the GGs something you must do to receive a vision?
ACTUALLY Hyrule isn't from Hyrule at all. What about other countries, such as Holodrum, Labrynna, and Hytopia, or other worlds, like Lorule and the Twili Realm?
Back to Genshin- Khaenri'ah is a godless nation, presumably (excluding Kaeya) they don't have visions. Enkanomiya was also separated from the gods and Celestia (except for the hypothetical Istaroth), and there's no sign of visions there either- of course, Celestia seems to occupied solely by dicks, considering the, yknow, genocide and three celestial nails-, and the GGs seem like absent but caring gods, so for simplicity's sake, yeah, they don't give a shit about it. (Sorry for Genshin lore dumping on an lu post lol)
So, as now established, the GGs don't give a shit and other races receive visions, places on the same geographical map (Labrynna/Holodrum/Hytopia (I think Hytopia is, anyway)) should receive visions regardless who they worship as well, although considering the oracles Din, Nayru, and the unfortunately excluded Farore, Holodrum and Labrynna seem on board with the GGs. Hytopia, I, uh, have no clue
BUT- what about Lorule and the Twili?
I'm not super sure about what the hell is up with Lorule (I did just do a brief scan of its page though), so what I'm about to say is probably riddled with inaccuracies and/or obviously stated things
They have their own (now destroyed) Triforce, their own Sacred Realm, and I've even heard the name Lolia tossed around, which I'm assuming is not, actually, a real person
With this evidence, I now present to you:
Lorule isn't a mirror of Hyrule but rather a completely parallel dimension with a similar but altered history and geography
(Also- is any of this relevant anymore? Fuck no! But I'm having a lot of fun!)
Working off this- they have their own GGs, who in turn have their own system of visions. The same 7 element system and the associated reactions, but different traits. Pretty simple, reall-
Would Legend's vision work there?
His vision, filled with elemental power bestowed by his GGs, could it work in a land completely separated from them?
Uh. I don't know. If I try to talk about this it will probably be several more paragraphs. Short answer- problem for future me
OVER TO THE TWILI- they are a separate, but still attached to Hyrule, place, but what does this mean for the GGs and their influence?
(Also- I had an idea for the Abyss and Twili magic- please do not ask about this unless you want more useless information)
The Twili show no signs of worshipping the GGs or Hylia (or even other gods, such as FD and Majora); in fact, it seems like the sols are actually sort of their religion (if I'm remembering correctly).
The Twili would, hypothetically, take the place of Enkanomiya here- separate from the gods, no influence from them whatsoever.
(Well, actually, Enkanomiya is like, super fucking old, predating the archon war and presumed appearance of visions, and separated from the rest of Teyvat willingly (?) when Celestia came into power, and the Twili were banished, but that's not relevant (also don't take my word on any Genshin lore my memory is shit), and also Istaroth (?) a god (??) was present there (???), so. Yeah.)
For simplicity's sake, yeah! Twili can have visions! However, as evidenced by this entire fucking post, I don't like simple things! Time to fuck around and find out!
Presuming the Triforce is connected to the GGs power, yes, they still have influence in the Twili Realm, because Ganondorf was able to give Zant some of his power that he received from his piece, so, yes! They have visions!
Ok, though, but what after Midna shatters the mirror?
Presuming her statement of seeing Link later was not just to make him feel better, or a simple farewell, then yes. There is another way to the Twili Realm, and thus they still have visions.
But if it was the only way... no. They do not have visions after she shattered my heart- I mean, the mirror.
But, these are the Golden Goddesses we're talking about! Creators of everything under the sun, and the sun too! They can still reach it, I'm sure!
So yeah. They have visions. Always have, always will.
I think that covers everything- for now, at least. Who knows what will set me off next time
Anyway, it is... late. I've been typing for nearly an hour and a half, and I'm not going back over all this crap. I've slowly gotten more unhinged over the course of writing this, as I'm sure is quite clear.
Hope this all makes sense, if, yknow, you actually read this far lol
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gust-jar-simulator · 10 months
Okay. So. It is time. I've had cookies and alcohol and therefore the real crack AU idea has been unlocked.
I've been obsessed with the idea of a Witchblade AU for LOZ, and particularly in the context of Linked Universe for maximum embarrassment for all involved parties. So! In order to get across the idea, I need to define what I mean by Witchblade for the audience.
The Witchblade is a sentient weapon in the eponymous comics that takes the term "bikini chainmail" to a ridiculous extreme. I don't care what the worldbuilding says, the Witchblade exists to rip its wielder's clothes off under the pretense of stabbing things. It takes the form of living armor that actually covers very little, though it can expand to cover more under extreme circumstances. It can also grow stabby bits like claws or even actual swords and spears. When it's not being used, it takes the form of a bracelet.
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So I present to you: What if the Master Sword functioned like the Witchblade?
In the context of the LU boys, we have:
Sky- Full Witchblade treatment. I'm sorry. It explains way too much about Ghirahim and absolutely nothing about Fi. His version comes with metal wings that function like shields until he figures out what fighting for his life actually entails. He also learns a bit of ballet dancing from asking the sword to puppet him a few times, which helps.
Four- Mercifully, he never dealt with her. He's got a perfectly good enchanted sword and he is both judging the Master Sword and intensely intrigued by the concept of living metal. Not enough to try picking her up though.
Time- The sword is rated at minimum T for Teen for good reason. She gives a respectful nod to his Kokiri origins by changing the avian elements of her previous armor design to curling vines and leaves. He's less embarrassed about this than he should be, but everyone around him is mortified enough to make up for it. The Kokiri might wear clothes but they don't exactly have the Hylian concept of nudity either. Once he properly grows up and is socialized Hylian he definitely thinks the Master Sword is fucked up though.
Legend- He's got so many fucking questions. Who thought this was a good idea, and fuck them actually. Thankfully, he also acquires magic armor that's good enough to not be instantly shredded by the Master Sword, so she just incorporates it instead with some elegant gold accents courtesy of Legend's own smithing. She grows on him, especially once he realizes how the Master Sword and enchanted gear can play together, but they have a rocky beginning. In his personal opinion his version of the Master Sword is the prettiest.
Hyrule- Never wielded the Master Sword and frankly is not sure he wants to. He's got a Shield spell to cover... everything she doesn't, true. But his world is kill or be killed, and he may not have a concept of shame, but he's very concerned about being stabbed and the Master Sword can generously be described as stabby lingerie. The others reassure him that she's very effective but really he's fine with his Magic Sword and leather.
Twilight- I'm very sorry but Midna definitely isn't. Twi might have the kind of werewolf powers where he can keep his clothes, but it's infinitely funnier to give him the double tap of werewolf powers AND a clothes destroying sword. She also generously accommodates his need to get used to wolf attacks by augmenting his body with claws and a bladed tail in human form every time he calls on her. Midna's thriving. Twilight is a little cold, actually, and wishes he could wear a towel or something. He'd rather perish than admit to being the Hero because the rumors got back home and his family is fully aware the Hero runs around with his buns out in combat. It's giving the kids bad ideas. He's suffering.
Wild- Literally living his best life. In Wild's opinion you need a decent amount of time naked in the woods to be healthy. He likes shiny, he likes aesthetic over practicality, and the Master Sword seems determined to accent his scars like a threat and a warning to whatever gave him those in the first place. She'll also give him cool exoskeleton stilt things for jumping up cliffs and trees, and claws for climbing. What's not to love? ...okay, the burning pain of drawing her and also the fact that she powers down and disintegrates off of him sometimes, but hey. It's not a wardrobe malfunction. It's a wardrobe opportunity.
Wind- He's the one who essentially held HER at gunpoint, not the other way around. Wind genuinely took the Master Sword by surprise and she didn't know how to handle him. Wind's not her master but he needs her and didn't take no for an answer, and she wasn't entirely sure how to handle the needs of a pirate anyway. The compromise: he got a gauntlet. A really cool stabby gauntlet. The only time she so much as ripped his shirt was during the fight with Ganondorf, where she gave him TWO gauntlets and some extra armor, plus foot claws for stability. He thought the legends of the Hero riding out to battle naked were thus extremely exaggerated.
Warriors- I am VERY sorry. Cia definitely isn't. However, the Master Sword responds to genuine emotional distress, and I think Cia's... everything constitutes enough of a threat that the Master Sword actually gave Warriors something approaching full plate. Weirdly organic and beautiful plate armor, but even so. By the end of the War of Ages he was very used to walking around in nothing but a layer of living steel. It was safer than anything else, anyway. If it helps, nobody remembers the early days when he and the Master Sword were figuring things out, since he wished it all away with the Triforce.
I hope you enjoy this look into what could be. Maybe I'll write something for this, I don't know. It's just been stuck in my head and I can't stop laughing.
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louve-garoue · 3 years
Legend and his Nameless Daemon
Ok I'm up now and since I didn't receive any ask for the LU Daemon AU I'm gonna arbitrarily start with Legend for no reason.
His Daemon is a Pink Rabbit, I'm not going to change their inner self if they already a canon one. The Daemon doesn't have a name (I'll come back to it later) so he will be refered to as Hero in this (that my default nickname for the Links's Daemon). His Human Body still has the same nickname we know (Legend, Veteran, etc) but if they talk to the Pair then put the nicknames in a plural form (Legends, Veterans, etc).
Hero is settled. It happened after Koholint, that's when Legends knew that all those quest have let a permanent mark on him. And it was far from the last.
Hero has two main side. First he's cold toward strangers. He doesn't trust them to be competent or to not be against him for whatever reason. He's very wary and jumpy and don't form bond easely. He wants to be alone and not be bothered or talked to by anyone. That's why, despite having separated nickname for the Human and Daemon to be addressed indepedently being the social norm in Legend's Hyrule, Hero chose to be Nameless and tell everyone to address his Human part with their Name. This led to many scene like this :
"You chose to be Nameless ? Ridiculous, how would we address you ?"
"Don't address me, leave me alone, forget my existence you'll be doing me a favor"
Hero hates adventures and travelling. He wishes his Human would settle down in his house with Ravio but he's dismissed each time he bringing up the subject. Hero hate adventuring.
But he loves saving people. And we're discovering his soft side. The side that made him only take the form of fluffy animal before he was settled. Hero cares a lot and all the mistrust and danger in the world won't stoping him for trying to help someone in need. And once he starting trusting you and caring for you ? Then he's a big soft boy. He'll give praise without shame, he let the others pet him whenever they want or need it (he can make himself tangible without Legend permission), he hates when they're underappreciate themself it makes him angry, he say out loud the soft thoughts Human Legend hide behind snark without restraint (it drives the human crazy btw). He's a worrywart and will always be worried for those he cares about. He's more overprotective than Twilight ! Once he's got close to someone and they know each other name he ask that someone to give him a nickname so that they can address him. He kept those nickname close to his heart and never forget or confuse them. You have :
Legend - Hibiscus (given after he settled the old one didn't fit anymore),
Warriors - Blanket,
Wind - Breeze,
Wild - Cherry,
Hyrule - Hug,
Sky - Softie,
Four - Flame,
Twilight - Sunrise,
Time - Bun-bun
Honestly Legend had been shocked with how quickly Hibiscus warmed up to everyone but they're their past and future self what do you want ?
Legend and Hero relationship isn't the greatest. Like I said Hero shamelessly reveals Legend deep thoughts that he wanted hidden, plus Hero rather harsh on Legend and is always critizing him. When they fight Legend has the tendencies to grab Hero in a way that could be painful, hurt him a little or at the very least is uncomfortable (like grabing him by the ears or the back of his neck). But that's about all for now and those issues aren't even that rare. Hero isn't the most tactile Daemon but he's always close to Legend's legs and at the end of the day Hero will be on Legend torso while he sleeps and get as little sleep as possible and standing guard to wake him up if monster arrive.
Last thing : the Dark World Curse is to switch the Human and Daemon form. So you had a grumpy pink bunny Legend (or other fluffy animal he wasn't settled yet in alttp) and his Hylian Daemon whose equally as grumpy as him about this changement but don't blame anyone for this except Legend. Twilight's Curses Pendant supposedely do the same.
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fever-project · 5 months
LU Superhero AU Rambling
It’s so hard to write my thoughts about my Superhero AU into words, so let’s skip a good chunk of the lore and talk about the Links. I’m going to be a bit incoherent because I am very tired right now.
Sky - So for starters there are Blessings and there are Powers. Powers are typically biological and Blessings are well, blessings from the gods. In Sky’s case, his Blessing was his prophetic dreams from Hylia. His Power is um, honestly somewhat body horror so I won’t describe it too much. To put it simply, he grows a bunch of wings, like a biblically accurate angel. And he has a bunch of feathers. Anyways, his Power is a secret to everyone, including Sun, mostly because he recently discovered that he had this power. Everyone else just thinks that his Blessing is actually his Power. So he doesn’t go out into the fray often, but he is good friends with all of the Heroes and Knights. He also goes go-karting with Wild.
Wild - Okay, it’s crazy time now. So Wild used to be a Hero in training and Flora’s personal Knight, but then the Calamity struck(which was much shorter compared to canon because modern AU) and he lost his memories while the other Champions lost their lives. As well as a bunch of other people like Wild’s entire family but let’s not worry about that. He got trapped in a multiple month coma while Flora held the Calamity in place. Then Wild woke up and helped end the Calamity. He didn’t wield the Master Sword for long(he physically couldn’t after he woke up, it burned him and sapped away his life force)but he did speed run fixing the Divine Beasts and gaining the Champion’s Power, since his Power is being able to use the Powers of ghost/spirits. But he kept this Power a secret mainly because he was in complete and utter denial about the ghosts of his friends following him around. He still thinks that he’s just gone crazy, because he would rather have that.
Twilight - Heheh. So, he doesn’t have a Power but does have a Blessing, which is his ability to turn into a wolf. He parades around in his wolf most of the time, the public believing that he’s just a magic wolf spirit that decided to protect humans. Time also used to do that, so everyone thinks the two wolves are related somehow. Twilight and Time are actually cousins in this AU, because they have to be related somehow. He has a heavy face of goth makeup to cover up his markings whenever he wants to go out. But he generally just stays in wolf form most of the time, his Hylian form having the wolf pelt covering his face-with the Hawkeye mask on underneath it-so that when he is forced to transition into a Hylian, no one would know who he was. He also doesn’t talk too much while disguised, only talking to Wild and Red.
Time - He’s a Hero, but not for the reasons you think. He doesn’t use his Power, or even most of his masks, he’s just a great fighter and can be very intimidating. He wears the Mask of Truth almost all the time while on duty, with some people thinking that it allows him to read the minds of his opponents. It doesn’t do that, but it does helps him talk to Twi while he’s in wolf form. When not on duty, he’s on the farm, with his lovey wife Malon and occasionally blessed with the appearance of Twi in his full face of goth makeup. Time knows that the wolf is Twi but doesn’t tell him, it’s a lot funnier this way.
Wars - So there was this time war that no one remembers except for him, Lana, Commander(aka Artemis but I don’t like calling her that sry), and General Impa. So most know of Wars as an exceptionally excellent Knight turned Hero, who is currently training a younger Hero, Wind. Wars’ Power is the ability to use and identify different magical attributes, like Light, Dark, Fire, Water, and Lightning. Also because of the time war, everything kinda got messed up. Basically, it’s the cause of this AU every existing. Wars is very aware of this. He feels very responsible for this, because the whole thing started because Cia is a horrible person and wanted to be with him.
Wind - His Hero name is Wind Waker. Need I say more. He has wind powers. I honestly can’t think of much for him rn, I’m so sorry.
Four - He still hides the fact that he can split into four, but now he is split into four all the time while on duty. Legend is the only one who is aware of this, mainly because he had used the 4Sword before. Four’s Power is being able to turn into a Minish. Also Red is besties with Wolf Twi, they care so much about each other it’s so cute and I wish I could share all my thoughts about it. But alas, I am not going to, because I am far too tired.
Legend - The most famous Hero, unfortunately. He has no Powers of his own, but he does have a fuck ton of magical items and is very skilled with them. Before the story starts he had just came back from Hytopia, being a Triforce Ranger and having the time of his life. But now he has the Power to move his soul between the Doppels, and potentially…other vessels. He’s not going to tell anybody about this, of course not. Currently is training Hyrule, because he feels like Hyrule is connected to him, somehow.
Hyrule - He has a lot of Powers, he is the magic man. He’s a Hero in training even though he already saved two Zeldas, but that’s partially because his area of Hyrule he was from was far away from the area of Hyrule the story’s set. They don’t know much about him and his Zeldas. 
Also this is all subject to change and may not be indicative of my actual thoughts and plans for this AU since I am not great at explaining things, especially right now.
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dripping-moonlight · 5 years
Random LU hcs bc i guess this is my life now
-Twilight is the biggest fucking gay. can't even look at most men without being flustered as heck!!
-Warriors has the biggest chaotic bi energy you'll ever encounter.
-War has the most feminine face out of all of them, but Wild has the most femenine body
-Wild is nonbinary, but they also accept he/him promouns for convenience
-War likes painting his nails all types of pretty colors. It's his way to destress
-again In a modern college AU War is an English major with a focus on Oscar Wilde/aestheticism
-Time is also huge bi.
-War taught all the boys how to apply battle-worthy makeup
-Legend's hair is naturally pink but he dyes it blond so as to not stand out (he keeps the strand for memories)
-Sky is really masculine? Like it's really hot but most wouldn't expect that from him
-Sky asked Twi to teach him about farming and shit bc he sure as hell doesn't know how to, but he'll need it to start Hyrule
-In a human au, Sky and Twi are cousins but they've had very different lifes. Sky got to go to a private school then married his high school seeetheart and works at his dream job. Meanwhile, Twi had to drop out of HS to work and he's doing okay but def not what he wanted to be doing.
-War and Wild bond over pretty dresses
-Once he finds a partner, Twi basically becomes the village orphanage and adopts any child who seems troubled
-Twi set up a grave for Time too
-War doesn't end up with his Zelda. It's a work relationship.
-I'm really digging aromantic Warriors who only flirts becuase that's what's expected of him? I mean, he still looks for sexual encounters but not anything commited
-Wild and Flora are practically siblings and anyone who suggests otherwise will get (figuratively) cut
-Leg acts like a bunny.
-Sky hates pumpkins but would never tell Wild or Twi that
-Leg is actually his Zelda's long lost brother, so really he's a descendent of Sky and Sky uses that to his advantage
-Sky doesn't rarely gets angry, but when he does he goes out for a walk to calm down. Sometimes he does stupid shit on that walk like walk into a tree but he's always fine
-In Hyrule's Hyrule, kissing isn't reserved for romance, so he'll go around and kiss the other Links as "thank you" or "be safe" or "goodnight" and no one wants to correct him
-Twi likes meat and he likes it rare
-Twi's canines are oddly sharp...
-Sky is a vegetarian. Once when Wild made a meat-based food, he was very sick for like a week so he only eats plants.
-Time is plant-based but not strictly vegetarian
-Sky is very religious. He respects the others' opinions ofc (esp Time) and he does question some of Hylia's choices, but you'll never find a night he doesn't give his nightly prayers.
-Wind's gonna grow up to be not as short as the other Links, and quite strong too.
-Leg hates sailing with a burning passion
-Most Links know at least some Hylian Sign, but Time and Wild are the most fluent because they are the most likely to go nonverbal. Wind and Sky know the least Sign.
-Sky has asthma, but it's only triggered when off Skyloft (which, poor him, has turned out to be a lot of time)
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