#like just in appearance I’m not gonna tamper much with writing
lesinquietes · 4 months
How many more chapters of Thief are left? You’ve been writing this fic for years but it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long 😭 is this how parents feel watching their kids grow up
Does that make you daddy? 🥺 jk we both know Dabi is daddy
I don’t exactly know how many chapters are left! But I can say that there’s definitely no more than eight remaining. So close!
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 25
Merry Christmas everyone! I wrote this post for @hprecfest in a rush yesterday so I won’t be making a long intro but I’m so happy to be reccing these authors! I reckon OO is pretty popular - although this fic in particular remains somewhat a hidden gem - and Rilla is a rare pair master, everything they write is so good I could honestly rec anything from their catalogue but I’m going with a refreshing het ship today 🌝
Day 25) a fic rated T:
The Snitch-Maker by Omi_Ohmy (T, 21k)
Draco is content with his Snitches, with the tap tap tap of his hammer, and the tiny gears and sharp scent of metal in his workshop - until one day Harry Potter appears, asking for help to solve a rash of Snitch-tampering in the Quidditch world.
I have a soft spot for this fic since I revisit it a lot and I’m pretty sure I’ve recced it before, but I’m doing it again bc it desserves way more love and appreciation! such a gorgeous and delicate, almost poetic, comfort read - I adore the quiet pacing and organic slow burn, soft, patient and mature. the odd jobs are really interesting (I am obsessed with the engineering behind snitches! 🤯) and fit both Harry and Draco like a glove; it’s so lovely to see them being passionate and comfortable in their own skin when it comes to work. finally, this is a gorgeous and sensitive portrayal of disabled Harry that shows how he navigates and comes to term with his own limitations. it is done in such a smooth, gentle and non-dramatic way, just like their romance. my heart ❤️
Rare pair
Spring Street by rillalicious (Harry/Pansy, T, 25k)
Harry's been undercover for eight years, on a case that's going nowhere fast. Then Pansy Parkinson is kidnapped, and everything changes.
I’ve been wanting to rec a het pair since the fest started and this is the perfect excuse! I know most people don’t care much for Hansy since they’re both so obviously queer in fandomland but I was immediately sold thanks to gorgeous art pieces (here and here) and this fic explores their dynamics exactly how I imagined. I love that it’s a case fic too, the plot keeps on giving and it’s so fun to uncover. if you’re a fan of noir-esque mysteries you’re gonna love this: it has a compelling narrative, amazing characterization (love seeing Moody here!), perfect pacing and a sexy and intriguing atmosphere that got me hooked. a great homage to the noir genre!
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lyon-amore · 2 years
What if...? Duskwood Chapter 28
Chapter 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
 I wake up alone in the room. I don't see Jake either on his computer or in the bathroom. I just hope he'll be careful if he's anywhere in Duskwood. It's still too early.
 I read the chat I had with Lilly last night when Jake was in the shower. The visiting request was for a man named Ted Madruga. Since it was late, I decided not to bother Jake with this new clue. I hadn't done it out of selfishness to want him for me, obviously, just that with everything he's been through these months, I think he needed to take a little break, just that. An ordinary person can't always carry the weight of the whole world on his shoulders and I want him to know that he can't beat himself up so much.    "You just make me worry too much…" I whispered, letting out a sigh.
    I get a notification from the group. Richy had sent a list of things that he was going to need to take home. I still haven't decided what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Hey Richy Richy Hello there 😁 Macie You’re aware that this isn’t gonna be a fun family vacation, right? Richy Of course I’m aware But it feels like a step in the right direction The police investigation appears to be in full throttle We’re taking ourselves out of the line of fire The only way is up for us 🙂 And what are you going to do? Will you come? Because… Well it would be fun if you came 😳 And that we would all be together Macie I don’t know yet I'm thinking about it Richy You should come So you will be safe 😉 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I bite my nail, nervous. I don't want to go but...
 My brain starts to think is it safe to go? And with him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie OK Why not? It will be fun 🙂 Richy Cool! 😆 I hope that I can finally sleep in peace again in that house 😩 😄 Cause I haven’t really been sleeping that well lately 😅 Macie Hopefully we can rest 😊 Has Jessy messaged you at all? I don't want you two to argue Richy Oh, it’ll be fine 😅 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I feel angry with myself talking to him this way, because at the same time I appreciate him. He's not a bad guy but... My stomach turns to think that danger is really close to us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Richy you can talk to me Richy She quit Macie What? Richy Yes but is all good I bet she didn't mean it Once we all have our normal lives back, I’m sure everything is gonna clear right up 🙂 You know I’ve got the feeling we’ll have overcome everything soon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "How can you write me this?" I squeeze the phone, hoping not to break it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie What makes you think that? Richy 🤔 Mechanic’s intuition 😆
     If I end up making a mistake, I won't be able to forgive myself. I won't be able to see his face again. Dad... why did you teach me your job?
 We talked a bit more about Dan's car. It seemed that he was a bit upset, but he accepted it. I don't see any reason to tamper with Dan's car, it would be too extreme, because it could have killed him.     "But Amy... She's dead..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Richy You know I was wondering how everything would have gone if you weren’t with us Macie I’ve asked myself that too You would have never found the man without a face Richy Yeah, probably not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I notice annoyance in his message. Like in the beginning when he didn't want me to put those fantasies into Jessy's head. The monsters I look for are always going to be real, not fantasy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie What if someone is trying to frame Phil? Someone who knew he’d be on Hannah’s telephone list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I don’t understand these actions. The kidnapper might not have done anything to put all the blame on Phil, which only makes the suspicion even greater.
 Richy takes time to answer…
 After a while, I get a message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Richy I just heard a scream From the forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I close my eyes and breathe in. I must continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Was it the voice of a man or a woman? Richy Female Hang on, I have to get closer Again! Macie Richy, I’ve got a bad feeling about this 😕 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 After that message, I get a call from him. I accept and instantly hear his voice.    "Hey, ah, well, that wasn't just any random scream, that was someone shout it my name, that for sure." From the tone of his voice, he seems to be walking fast.    "You're sure?” I ask, a little doubtful.    “Yeah, straight from the forest” he says quickly. ”. Wait, I'm going to turn on the camera.”     I put my phone in front of me.
 Richy focuses first on the ground and then on the forest. I tried to take a good look at every detail that was important, but it was just forest and more forest. He sighs, calmer.    "Out quiet now." he tells me, still focusing on the forest.    "Richy, I think it would be better for you to come back." I tell him, starting to feel worried and nervous because I don't understand his attitude.    "What if it was Hannah?" he asks me, looking at me with concern. "What if she needs my help?"    "But taking risks like this is also risky, remember?" I ask, frowning. "We weren't supposed to go into the forest."    "And we don't lose anything by proving it's true or not, either, even if it's just a quick glance," he replies before stopping his walk, looking off into the distance. "I think I see someone."     He starts to run, but he doesn't focus on what he saw.    "Richy?" I'll call him "Richy, tell me what you've seen."     He continues running some more until he stops, refocusing on the forest. I can't see anything.    "Hello?" Richy yells, waiting for an answer "Hello?!"    "Richy, enough nonsense, get out of there!" I yell at him now.    "No! Maybe it's Hannah I've seen!" He answers nervously "Hannah!"     It is then. Something he didn't count on. I hear Richy grumble as he drops the phone, falling to the ground.    "Richy?!" I yelled nervously. I didn't want to go through the same thing as Jessy again.     Right now I can't think. They are my feelings before my reason. I wait for the attacker to make an appearance again, but Richy picks up the phone, focusing.    "RICHY?!" Are you ok?!" I ask when I see his face, it was as if something hurt him.     Richy continues to make sounds of pain. And everything I believed in, it fades away.    "Richy! Tell me something please!" I sit up in bed, sitting up on my knees nervously.     When he opens his mouth to speak, I see blood spurt out of it.
 My weak point…
 I start to get dizzy, but still try to hold myself there for him.    "Rich, please! Hold on!" I scream and cry. I get up and walk around the room as if I wanted to look for him in this place. What do I do?! What can I do?! "Everything will be fine! I promise you!"     Little by little Richy begins to stop moving and I can't do anything else but shout his name and cry for him. He is alone and he has me for support. A support that had been doubting him. From being Hannah's kidnapper… Richy's attacker. When I see that he is no longer moving, I feel my heart race and my legs give out. I fall to the ground.    "Richy! No! No, no, no! Richy!" I yell into my phone, watching how the sky ends up coming into focus.     In the background I can hear the crows, waiting for something. I don't know what, because in my brain it only occupies the image of Richy dying. I cry and cry, watching the Duskwood sky. Grey. Sad.
 The group! I have to warn them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED TO RICHY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I receive a call. Cleo. I was waiting for news about the bracelet. I don't answer because of my status and she texts me that Phil left the bracelet at the pawn shop. I'd be glad if it wasn't for the situation I was going through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Thomas Macie, what happened? Macie RICHY WENT INTO THE FOREST! THERE WAS A LOT OF BLOOD! Cleo Oh no Macie I THINK I'M IN SHOCK RIGHT NOW! Cleo Macie, you need to calm down Macie HOW AM I GOING TO CALM DOWN! I HAVE SEEN IT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Did Cleo really want me to calm down? After I seen my friend die? After my suspicions towards him made me feel guilty for his death?!
 I try to explain the situation to them, breathing hard. Where the hell is Jake?! Why is he not with me right now?!
 I try to get up, but my legs fail me. It's as if hands had grown out of the ground and were holding me to it, wanting to swallow me for having thought that Richy was behind everything. A punishment for being the worst person in the world.
 Lilly sends me a private message, she was going to call the police. This went beyond research. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly Macie, did Richy go into the forest from the junkyard? Macie Exactly, thhhhat's where he heard the screams He calllled me when he arrived in the forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I’m shaking as I write. I cannot think. No... I don't have the head to write. I only have the image of Richy in my head. Dying.
 Although I don't like the idea, I agree that she tells the police to tell them that he was talking to me on the phone. After all, I’m an eyewitness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jessy It can’t be true. Richy can’t be dead He was probably just attacked Like I was! Dan Oh shit Jessy I need to go him Macie PLEASE DON’T DO THAT! Jessy I just have to Macie PLEASE! BE REASONABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I couldn't risk anyone going into the forets. The kidnapper could still be there! As I read, I start biting my nails. I don't even manage to notice that I ended up biting one of my fingers until I noticed the blood. I don't care. I can't stop thinking about what happened!
 I get none of them to go into the forest and sit on the ground, waiting for Jake.
 Jessy texts me. I haven't stopped crying. I'm even scared. What if the kidnapper has Jake?! It's impossible. But why isn't he here?! Why has he left me alone again!? His stuff is still here, which means he'll be back… right? I try to cheer myself up with the story of Jessy and Richy and the office fish, but this makes it worse. It must hurt her more what happened, since they were much closer. At least she didn't have to see him...
 I can't calm down... The... Blood... Everything... It's all in my head... I have the image of Richy suffering... I get a group notification, but it only makes it worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jessy They found Richy's cap in the forest I saw them carrying it away in a plastic bag I was covered in blood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I put my phone down and start to hyperventilate. I put up with Jessy because in the end they didn't kill her. But this? I put my hands to my face, embarrassed. I had accused Richy and now… It's my fault! This is my fault!    "He-Macie?!"     I hadn't heard the door open when Jake entered. He removes my hands from my face and I see him looking at me concerned.    "What happened?!"    "It's my fault!" I yell as I try to break free from the grip of my wrists "It's all my fault! He is dead! Richy is dead!"    "Macie I-"    "Where were you?!" I reproached him, hitting him in the chest "Where were you when everything happened?!"  "I was worried about Jessica" he answers, holding my hands to make me stop ". I thought you'd be calmer if I watched that she was going to be safe around her house, if the kidnapper was there."     I breathe hard and end up burying my face in his body. Non-stop shaking. Jake hugs me and tries to calm me down. I can’t calm down. All I want to do is scream in rage.    "I am sorry about what happened" his voice sounds calm, though broken. I know it hurts him to see me like this, but what do him want me to do? "Do you want to talk?"    "I've tried to be strong!" I begin to say, avoiding looking at him "To not let anything get me down!" I hold him sweatshirt tightly, looking for a little more comfort, all I do is keep blaming myself in my head that I caused this "But I just can't do it anymore, Jake! I can’t anymore! Seeing how much Richy was suffering! But I was the only one he had in that moment!" I clench my hands tighter, I feel like I'm slipping even though I'm sitting down." It was like it was with Jessy, only a hundred times worse!" I end up looking at him, no matter how I was. My mind was blocking him. I couldn't see anything beyond Jake, I only saw Richy "I abandoned him! All I could do was scream! To tell him everything would be okay! "     Jake looks at me and caresses me lovingly, but I feel nothing but pain.    “I am here, Macie” he tells me.    "You weren't here!" I pushed him angrily and hit the ground with my fist "You weren't here hugging me! Not even to look me in the eyes and tell me that everything was going to be fine!" I look at him angrily. With rage. I see that he sits against the wall, in front of me. He doesn't know how to comfort me because he can't. No... He doesn't know what that is after years alone, without contact from people.    "I wish I had been here." he tells me, hurt. "I'm sorry."     What is he sorry? He never cared for Richy. He didn't like him.    "It's our fault, you know?" I say, opening my eyes desperate "Yours and mine" I can notice my voice rising with rage, I almost feel like I'm out of control. "We ignore so many threats, even when Jessy was attacked, we just continued.” He looks away, starting to feel guilty. “We've lost Richy, but aren’t any closer to finding Hannah!" I crawl over to him and grab him by the collar of his sweatshirt. I've never felt like this before "But you’ll just go on saying that we're on the right track" I continue and he dares to look at me ", that we just need to go a little longer" I see Richy's ghost next to him and I end up screaming "But how many friends do you want me to send to their deaths, Jake?! Tell me at least so I'll be ready and stop hurting! Say it to my face!"     He doesn't make any movement, nor does he get upset or angry with me. I need some reaction to what I'm doing, Stop me! I'm out of control and yet he… Why doesn't he react?! Why am I the one who has to be suffering like this?!    “You are angry” he says finally, in that calm voice of his. Now he makes me sick. ”I understand.”    "You’re trying to understand you mean." I clenched my jaw. "Have you ever watched a friend fight for their life?"     I see a small reaction in him to my words. He too tenses. No with me. Something bothers him. He sighs and places his hands in mine. I purse my lips seeing how little he cares.    "There’s nothing I can do but tell you that I am sincerely sorry for your loss" I start to breathe heavily. I don't know why I feel a wave of hatred towards him now, something I didn't think would ever happen ", but we have no other choice but to carry on." I snap at him, picking myself up off the ground and he does the same. ”Giving up is a luxury that we cannot afford right now, considering what is at stake for us.”     I start looking at the ceiling, listening to his words. No… I can't look at him, but I know I have to tell him to his face.    "You mean what's at stake for YOU!" I point at him angrily.     Jake looks at me hurt. Approaching me slowly.
 He grabs my hand and I push it away, but he tries again, to which I let him. He is not going to achieve anything by wanting to have these gestures. I'm fed up. I'm tired. My chest hurts, my soul... I have lost a friend and I have not been able to help him, but to doubt him.    "Macie-"    "Shut up!" I look away, trying to separate myself from him.    "Macie, please listen to me" hIs voice, previously without any emotion, seems to break as he utters those words. I just look at him and see again that broken and tired boy I knew. The one who hid everything to protect everything. "I want to be honest with you.” I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to control my breath. Jake brings his hands to my face, caressing me carefully, as if he's going to break me. "I've thought of stopping everything too, because I worry so much about you that it’s crushing me" now I cry listening to his words, which finally manage to reach my heart. I didn't know how he felt about everything that was happening to me so far. Or I simply ignored him because I thought that everything was fine knowing that he was there. Jake rests his forehead against mine, while I now try to calm down from his confession. "I thought about taking your hand and turning my back on all of this.” I can feel his hands tremble as he says it, but not his voice. He really means it. ". But it would be pointless, our responsibilities would cacth up with us. No matter where we go. "     We are both from two different worlds. I know perfectly. Jake pulls back a bit and I catch a glimpse of his eyes. It almost looks like he's going to cry. I don't want him to cry and not be able to comfort him knowing that I can't right now.    “When you agreed to work with me that day, you took Hannah's destiny into your hands, too. That day, her destiny become your burden, just like it became mine.” I hang my head, hating it all. So if it wasn't for Hannah, we might never have met. It wasn't fair to meet like this. He cups a hand to my chin, tilting my face up so that I look at him. I lick my lips, savoring my tears. "All we can do is not to lose sight of our path, even if path seems ends and insurmountable at times."     I let out a charged air, beginning to calm down. I wasn't the only one who was suffering, it's true. Jake also has his problems, I can't blame him, I can't ask him to cry for someone he hasn't gotten to know like I have. I have to at least accept his support and that he is by my side during this difficult moment.
I nod, struggling a bit. I don't know if it's because of the blind love I have for him or because he's right. I decided to accept to help because it is part of me. I'm always repeating it to myself. Jake never threatened or forced me. He could have perhaps pulled a gun on me or forced me to stay with him while I exhaustively searched Hannah's cloud for clues. My God… I was reproaching him and it's his sister who was kidnapped… How could I have been so stupid? He is also suffering.    "I will." I replied.     Jake smiles at me. Although it's not a happy smile, he seems rather sad. I'm making him suffer enough with my way of acting.    "I have told you once before" he starts to speak and hugs me "and I am even more convinced of it now than I was before" I hold on tightly to his sweatshirt, while he rests his head on mine, he even leaves a kiss on me "we will find Hannah, Macie and Richy too" I nod and little by little I'm calming down.     I try to take a deep breath, letting the heat of his body wrap me up and calm me down completely. 
We stay like that for a while, until Jake lifts my chin and even though he doesn't want to, I know it's important to say.    "Can we continue with our investigation?"     I nod, wiping my face from my tears.    "Yes, there's… There's a lot to discuss" I move away a bit, but he grabs my hand so I don't fall. ". But first I want to ask you a favor."    "Which favor?"    “I want to see Richy's video."    "No. "    "Jake-"    "You're not going to see it, not after how you've been."     He walks away from me, sitting down in the chair. I see that it turns it on the computer and goes directly to delete it.    "No! " I take his hand off the mouse and look at him. "I need to see it." I keep my gaze steady.     He looks away as he rubs his chin, hesitating. A spark has awakened in me. The spark of curiosity. Jake gets up from his chair and motions for him to sit me down.    “Okay” he says finally. "But listen to me carefully" he leans towards me, raising his finger: "The moment you don't feel well, you close it, okay?"    "Okay." I accept his proposal, sitting down in the chair.     Jake stays next to me and I play the video. *Jake POV*
 She's played the video at least four times, even opening the one of Jessica's attack. I see her keep her gaze fixed on the computer, almost without blinking. I look at her hand, she has some blood on her fingers, how come I hadn't noticed before that she was hurting herself?    “Macie, stop.” I take her hand from her, pulling it away from her mouth. “You're hurting yourself…”    "Sorry." she says, stopping to bite her nails.     I look at her face again and something seems strange about her. I don't see her nervous or sad on the contrary. She would even say that she has cracked a very small smile. Maybe she is affecting her too much that she doesn't know how to feel.    "You finish it?" She removes the videos and stands up from the chair, staring at the floor.    "Yeah" she starts to think, and then she looks at me. ". Okay, I'll tell you what happened.” I nod at her and she sits on the bed, placing her hands on her legs. She almost seems like she's a kid telling a mischief “Richy told me he heard screams coming from the forest.” I sit in the chair, listening to her speak. ". I couldn't hear anyone screaming, but he only called me after he had heard it already.” She looks at me, frowning, thinking “How likely do you think it is that was Hannah?"    "Well" I lean back in my chair, scratching my chin, thinking, “thanks to you we know it was a female voice." That wouldn't even have occurred to me, because it could even be the sound of some animal. "because you thought of asking Richy that question, That was very attentive of oyou."    "Yeah, I guess it's just my curiosity," she says with a shrug.    "So the attacker may have used Hannah to lure Richy into the forest." I look at her curiously. "Why would he do that all of a sudden?"    “I don't know yet.     She stays thinking. I feel like she's left alone in this.
 I know I didn't behave properly when she told me about Richy, but I did hate that she suffered because of me. It shouldn't have taken so long to get back. Or at least have left a note or sent a message so as not to worry her. The bad habit of never having had anyone to tell that I was leaving. I don't have to do this anymore, I can't make Macie suffer anymore.    "Let's analyze it together." I move the chair closer to her and taking her hands, I begin to speak. "Since Richy got the sing of the raven, you’ve been expecting an attack on him, isn’t that true?"    "Yes, that's what the legend says." She looks at me and carefully responds to my touch.    "If I remember the legend correctly, the marked people are only brought into to the forest in the night of the new moon."    "Correct," she nods slowly. "According to Jessy it’s only in the first night of the new moon of the year.    "But Richy's attack did not occur in the first night of the new moon of the year" I didn’t understood exactly our perpetrator. He is supposed to be imitating a legend, why not follow it at least do it at night?    "And it wasn't night either" as if Macie read my mind, she says it concentrated. "Which is why Jessy is so sure that Richy can still be found.” At Richy's name, she sighs. I can't tell her that she keeps what she feels, she would end up being like me "Richy wanted to tell me something" She looks at the computer screen, surely remembering the video. She surely must not have paid attention earlier because she would be crying. "It sounded like… An apology.” I stare at her. She seems to have her mind elsewhere. "But I don’t know what for." 
    Her cell phone rings and I go to the computer, waiting to know who is calling. 
  "Hello. My name is Alan Bloomgate, I’m with the Duskwood Police" What? Why is he calling her? Does it have to do with when she called him? "I hope not bothering you, I have few questions for you concerning Hannah Donfort and Amy Bell Lewis."     I hang for her. This would cause problems. Macie looks at me confused.    "I terminated the call" I say fearfully. I don't want to risk her that much. "Sorry Macie, but talking to the police wouldn't be a wise move right now."     She hugs herself, uncomfortable.    "I agree."    "In any case, we have to assume that you're already a suspect..."     I put a hand to my head, overwhelmed by the situation. Little by little, things were getting worse for her.    "I knew that already" she says without much encouragement. "I'm probably more suspicious than the entire group put together.” She looks at me and frowns. It’s not exactly helpful that you ended the call right in the middle of the conversation... "    "I know," I admits. This may make her more suspicious of her avoiding the police "Still, I thught it was the best option in that moment." I see how she starts to look at her cell phone, squeezing it tightly. "In case he calls you again, please do not accept the call" she nods without looking at me. I hope I didn't make it worse. "So… Is there anything else we should discuss concerning the attack on Richy. "     I let her take her time answering. I don't want to put pressure on her and when she feels better, she should tell me.    "Yeah, one more thing…" she looks at me as she brushes her hair out of her face. Opening and closing his mouth wanting to speak "The... The attacker didn't show himself to me this time, why do you think that was?"     She is asking me to say one of my theories?    "Hm..." I tried to think a little about that legend and what happened. Maybe it's the same as with Jessica, right? She herself say that the kidnapper only wanted to scare us "That could have multiple reasons" I answered "Didn't he think it was necessary? Were you maybe only supposed to concentrate on Richy?"     Macie looks at me, but she looks past me.    "No, that’s not really his style." she replies in a flat voice.     I stare at her, waiting for something else.    <<A coin for your thoughts. >>    "Yes, you might be right there," I accept her answer, not wanting to continue with the subject because of her emotional state. "Right, I think we've discussed everything that concerns Richy's attack.” I relaxed a little. It has been quite tense the moment before. I still haven't recovered from seeing her in such bad shape. "I had thought Phil would be the most important of our clues."    "Are you saying it because it is convenient for you to be?" She asks me, arching an eyebrow.    “Let's drop that topic.” I say, wanting to forget about the jealousy. "But considering the current events, I am forced to re-think that idea."    "The police should see that Phil is innocent too, right?" I see that she's hopeful.     Something positive that at least makes her smile a little… Even if it's about Phil...    “If the attack on Richy gives enough evidence for Phil's innocence…” I say unsteadily, “After all, we don't know the charges or any of the circumstances."    “Phil gave the bracelet to the pawnshop…” Macie looks at her phone again, running her thumb over the screen. "Cleo called out to me, but I couldn't pick it up right now because…"    "It's okay, thanks for telling me." I thank her smiling and she smiles back. "Him giving the bracelet to the pawn shop is more proof that he does appear to play a part in all of this."    "You think that's why Hannah wanted to meet up with him?"     Hannah bought the bracelet and Phil had sold it, but why would Phil have the bracelet?    "That's a very good question, Macie," I tried to cheer her up a bit by flattering her. "Maybe she also found out that Phil had given away the bracelet."    "I'm sure the pawnbroker isn’t too big on data protection."     I smile at her knowing that she makes a reference. In addition to the fact that it is not governed by the trust of the seller and the client. I wonder if Phil ever did something to make him say it's him, buy and sell some jewelry for him to pick up?    "Richy was the first one to suspect Phil." Macie's voice doesn't match her expression. She almost looks like another person. As if it bothered her.    "Yes, he had made direct connection between him and the raven on his garage door."     I still remember the commotion that there was, because of that brand, Lilly was afraid of me. I would love to find out who did it for doing that to my sister. Not in a direct way, but it also annoyed me that it happened.
 Macie falls back on the bed. Tired. I get up and sit next to her. I think everything is already discussed.    "So, what now?” She asks me, looking at me.     The light in the room spoiled all her charm. I caress her cheek carefully.    "There's lots to do" I replied, then remembering the messages from Lilly and Macie that I read when she fell asleep and I was finally able to work. ”We have a prison inmate which Hannah wanted to visit. " I begin to count. "We know the identity of the body from Duskwood forest-"    "Amy Bell Lewis." Macie says her name sadly. "Sorry, go on..."     I don't know why but I like that she remember her despite not knowing her. Her anger at knowing that no one remembered her touched me.    "And we even know Jennifer's name… Hm… Let me think."     Macie stops my hand from caressing her, entwining her fingers with mine. I squeeze carefully not to hurt her.    “I think first of all I will check wich of our clues will yield results the most quickly” I say, and she nods. "And then go after that clue."    "That sounds good." She looks at me like she's waiting for an order. I guess I got her used to my errands "Are you keeping me out of everything right purposely?"    "Yes" I smile at her, nodding. ", I want you to rest."    "That's nice of you…" She exhales as if she's feeling heavy.    “What you had to witness…” I say slowly, choosing my words carefully now “You shouldn’t just shrug it off. Right now, we don’t know what else will have to put up with" she nods, settling down a bit and I continue. "But it is important that you face the unknown both rested, and with a clear mind."     Macie smiles at me. A smile that she missed and that Richy's attacker had taken from me. She had returned.    "Thank you for caring about me." she looks at me innocently and I am paralyzed when I see her. If she looks at me like that, it's normal that the first thing I feel is wanting to protect her.     I'm going to get up but Macie stops me, standing up.
 She stares at me and I feel like my heart is going to drop out with that look.    "Thank you…for calming me down." she whispers and I feel her skin warm from her hand.    "You're welcome" I replied, still worried "I promise we'll get this over with soon..."    "Yeah…"      She gives me a little kiss, like the one I gave her when we saw each other again. Damn, if it wasn't for the fact that I promised that I'll be looking for clues…    "Then I'm going to get some rest" she says, crawling on the bed until she lies down ". My head hurts from crying so much..."    "Do you want something for the pain?" I asked, remembering the medicines Ashley gave me.    "Yes please."      I get up for my backpack and take one painkiller out, along with a bottle of water. I hand it over to her and she settles back on the pillow, closing her eyes.
 I'm not going to forgive anyone who made her feel all this suffering that she's been dragging.
Chapter 29
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abliafina-18782 · 1 year
The Drug in Me is You
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Pairing: Joe Goldberg X Rhys Montrose
Author's note: Said to myself I was gonna write a short vampire AU and here, like the hypocrite I am, we are 7k words later. I've taken the canon and shaken it up in a cocktail mixer so do with that as you wish and I hope you enjoy✨
Warning: DUBCON, 18+, Minors DNI!! Canon typical violence and pretty much anything vampiric involving blood.
Word count: ~7,3k
Nightmares are real.
The nightmares have led me here, deep into the lion’s nest. London was supposed to be my escape, my newfound freedom. Instead, it led me here, to you. I want to know what it was about me that caught your eye. It could’ve been the wooden box.
Or maybe it was the fact I’d stuffed Marienne’s body in it and you noticed.
You suddenly appeared out of nowhere after I’d locked Marienne in the cage. She was crying, I think her arm was broken, and pleading for her life, for her daughter's life. I felt a cold hand wrapping around the back of my neck, and then my head was slammed into the glass wall. There’s still a pulsating pain in the center of my forehead reminding me of this, of you.
I slumped onto the concrete floor and the last thing I saw before slipping out of consciousness were you helping Marienne out of the cage. And now I’m here, back in this godforsaken prison.
I don’t know what your plan is tonight. Am I an easy target?
You are nowhere to be seen. I just woke up and my head is pounding and my mouth is so dry it hurts. A look around my cell shows me that it’s still the same as I’d originally planned for Marienne. The only difference is the jug of orange juice and chocolate placed next to my makeshift bed. My stomach churns and I tear into the bar of chocolate. I don’t know how long it’s been since I passed out, there’s no light coming in and I don’t have my phone on me. I drink the juice and almost finish it before I even consider you might have tampered with it. Mr. Mooney’s voice nags me at the back of my mind -Gently Joseph- and why have you left me here?
I wait. I search the cage for my backup key and everything is spinning and I can’t find it. I kept it in the same place as back in Madre Linda, and somehow it’s gone. Something palpable to fear is rearing its way into my mind. Why’s it gone? Did you find it? You haven’t returned yet and I don’t know what’s going to happen.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Charming Girl (J.JK x Reader) 🎀☁️💜🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl!AU, Angst (a bit), Fluff, Smut of course because I can’t write anything normal these days smh
Warnings: Koo has a fight with his GG and says some mean things, Taehyung has a brief appearance and it’s actually all sfw and fluffy but he curses a lot so beware, smut, usage of toys (a vibrator to be specific), manhandling/restriction of movement, GG swallows because y’all should empty the plate when the meal is good, Mentions of past infidelity and overall toxic relationship, there’s a scene where Jk spits in GGs mouth, pls don’t judge lmao
Summary: Jungkook really didn’t mean to say the things he did. He’s not even sure how his brain could even come up with such hurtful things; yet he did, and now, knowing that you’ve taken shelter in Taehyungs apartment out of all places, he’s forced to clean up his mess- and for the first time he can’t ask you for help.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl
Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles
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You had everything planned out. You even thought about making an entire PowerPoint presentation on why this was a good idea, why this should be done immediately; yet you decided against it, simply planning on explaining it to him the traditional way instead of overdoing it. This was technically his apartment after all, you were simply living with him and sharing rent and space.
Ever since you were small, your family had pets. Your parents had a dog that died sadly when you were young, later on you got your own pet; a guinea pig named Harold, whom you had all throughout your childhood. Harold died of old age when you were barely 14, and you felt as if your heart had been ripped out and buried in your yard instead of the small Tricoloured body. Ever since then you had promised yourself to get another pet when you were older.
When you had your first relationship, it lasted for a year or so, your ex had never wanted a pet. He'd complained that it was as if he was getting a child- and that he wasn't ready to be a dad yet. So you never got one during that time, even though time and space were there.
Now at 22, you had the space and time (and money most importantly), yet you didn’t have the approval of your dear housemate and boyfriend living with you. You didn’t really think it would be an issue honestly; he’d always been an animal lover- so you couldn’t quite understand the situation you got yourself in.
„But look, I’m gonna do all the work, I’ll only have them in my room, you won’t even notice they’re there!“ you whined, walking after him out of the kitchen. You knew you were being a little childish; he’d said two times already that no, not right now, and no, because no. He couldn’t quite give you a full answer that could satisfy you, and you had already noticed that he was grumpy, but you had grown so safe around him that you didn’t spot the warning signs.
„God y/n can you please sh-...“ he inhaled, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. „Please, not now. I’m really not in the mood.“ he said, and you pouted at him. Usually he would find it cute, but right now he was too riled up to really let his vision lead his thoughts. He’d recently started to get more and more agitated whenever he came home, always tired and frustrated. And he didn’t tell you what it was, so maybe that had fueled your pettiness towards him.
„Well tomorrow you’re gonna be grumpy too!“ you said, raising your hands, before facing him. „If you can’t tell me why not then I’m doing it anyways! I’m not just going to blindly do what you want just because-„ you said, but he suddenly snapped, voice way more forceful than yours, making you back off a bit.
„Yeah well if you would do what I said you wouldn’t be standing here throwing a tamper tantrum like a fucking toddler!“ he yelled, taking your opening mouth as another attempt in trying to persuade him. You actually however, wanted to apologize. Those words died down inside your throat when his next left his lips. „Can’t you act your age just for a second? I’m really into fucking you, but also acting like a father isn’t on my list of favorites, thank you very much-„
It was almost comical how his own voice slowly lost volume and tune at the end of his sentence, as soon as he saw the way your eyes widened, face evolving into a look of something he never wanted to see, let alone because of him; it was a look of betrayal, hurt, and even shame- because deep down he knew there was a spark of honesty in between his words, but he also knew that this was you, this was something you couldn’t control. And he’d just used these insecurities and flaws against you.
Your delicate hands suddenly clenched, creating small but angry fists, unraveling just to weakly Push his chest, eyes suddenly swimming with frustrated water that trickled down your cheeks. He just stood there frozen, forced to watch how you stormed away into your room, not even his bedroom you two had been sharing these nights, and he still stood in the exact same spot when you emerged again with your small pink sportsbag, rushing past him and leaving his apartment with nothing more than the lingering scent of you, and the suffocating feeling of his own voice still heavy in the air. A chuckle escaped him, lacking any form of happiness or humor as he began to sob into his hand trying to keep his emotions inside. The wall next to him cracked loudly as his knuckles came in contact with it; breaking skin and wall the same, yet the pain he felt inside his soul was greater than the sting of his scratched up hand.
Right now, Jeon Jungkook really hated himself.
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You didn’t have high hopes honestly, and as the door opened, you only looked at the mismatched socks of the older friend of Jungkook. Alex didn‘t have an own apartment, and you honestly didn’t have enough money to stay at a hotel, so Taehyung had been the only option left. You had his number still, and he’d answered to your text that he was home; yet you still had some worry down your throat that he wouldn’t let you in. He simply opened the door fully, leading you inside, and showing you were to hang your jacket and leave your shoes.
His apartment wasn’t huge, but it was nice; you didn’t expect what you saw at all. It was warm, it smelled nice- not like your own home of course, but you’d expected his living space to be a bit more.. chaotic. He was quiet, walking into the kitchen and pouring two cups of something, before placing them down on his living room table. Here and there you could spot small things that showed he lived there; his Juul on the windowsill next to his balcony door, polaroids taped onto the wall, or his sweater halfheartedly thrown over the couch. You sat down on the edge of said seating place, your pink socks running over his light wood laminate. It was scratched, showed that he’d moved the furniture a couple of times since he lived here. Your eyes snapped towards the soft looking slippers he tossed next to your feet, shoe size way too small to be his. „My uhm-„ he scratched his head a bit before actually looking a bit shy. „My girlfriend she.. her feet get cold easily on my flooring so uhm, you can use these.“ he said, and for the first time you actually looked at him. His red hair was gone, dyed pitch black, a little curly too- it suited him well, you decided. „Ah yeah I- Guess I wanted a change.“ he said, going into the kitchen to shut down the lights before sitting down, looking at you. „So.. trouble in paradise huh?“ he said, taking a sip of his cup, eyes watching you.
You felt your eyes sting again, and Taehyubg Shuffle around in his spot. “I just..” you said, before reaching for the mug, hands uncaring of the hot temperature seeping into your skin, taking it as a punishment in a weird way. “I didn’t think About him you know? I mean, he told he he likes to take care of me but.. maybe he changed his mind?“ you said, shrugging your shoulders and sighing. „Sorry to invade like that too..“ tryout mumbled, back arching as if to cower. Taehyung clicked his tongue, crossing his legs.
„You’re Not, don’t worry.“ he said, setting his cup down with a crack against the table. His hands were so different from Jungkooks you noticed; fingers longer and thinner, nails wide. He was a tall person, so it made sense. „Jungkook can be.. difficult.“ he said, leaning his head on his hand. „He doesn’t show it but he’s clumsy. That combined with his usefulness when it comes to apologizing doesn’t really make a good mix.“ he admitted, smirking a bit as his phone lit up from the table, showing a notification from Jungkook, before vibrating a bit again and again, stopping at the count of 12. he didn’t comment on it, but continued. „I don’t think he meant what he said in a bad way. I guess he’s having a bad day, which doesn’t make it better honestly.“ he shrugged, and you bit your lip. „Also lean back a bit will ya? You look like you’re about to break a bone.“ he said, and you sat down more properly.
„I’m worried Taehyung.“ you said. „He.. I really like him, but I’m so scared he’ll get tired of me.“ you mumbled, finally taking a sip, hot chocolate swishing over your tongue, liquid warming your throat as you swallowed. „They all do.“ you whispered into the cup, and Taehyung got serious.
„Have you’ve been in a relationship before?“ he asked, and you nodded.
„Hmhm.. he cheated when he noticed I wanted to wait longer than he did. He stayed with me though because I paid for dinner. His words by the way.“
Taehyung laughed humorously, giving you a look of empathy. „Dickhead.“ he said. „Listen, Jungkook doesn’t know how relationships work. He’s horrible at it honestly, worse than me.“ he said, laughing a bit. „He doesn’t know jackshit about stuff, so you gotta teach him.“ he said. „I’m honestly surprised you both are together at all. Cause he knows this, and he never continues in things he’s bad at.“ you nodded at this. Though he knew Jungkook way longer than you did, you also knew this small detail about him. You'd wondered several times before, but you've never asked him openly about his actual dating history. If you were honest you didn't even knew if he had one to begin with. Maybe he'd always been like he was before you? You couldn't know. "What I'm trying to say is-" Taehyung said, breaking the silence, before standing up and patting your head a bit playfully to cheer you up. "Give it time. Don't try and fix things this time; let him do the work for once. God knows he needs a slap in the face once in a while, you've been babying him too much." He laughed, and you actually smiled as well. Maybe you really did need to wait. After all, his words had hurt deep down in your soul, leaving you embarrassed and insecure- he should get his cut of the cake as well. Sharing is caring, and all that.
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Whatever the fuck that was he did that night, it definitely hadn't been sleeping, that much was clear to him. He honestly looked like shit, he'd been told at work, and after several hours of snapping at his coworkers because of his headache, he'd been sent home for the rest of the remaining day, leaving him to visit his local doc and calling in sick for the last two days of the week. He highly doubted that he'd gain enough energy to really get anything done- having made mistakes over and over again today, leaving him with a feeling of uselessness. And the worst part?
Coming home.
Now usually, this would be his favorite part; he'd lay his head onto your lap while you looked at something on your laptop in the living room, or he'd get to catch you silently humming along a song on your phone while you cooked something. But he'd fucked things up these days, so his apartment had gotten a stale aftertaste as he walked through his door, nothing greeting him but silence. The lights were off, darkness swallowing the rooms until he switched them on. Has his lights always been so cold? He never noticed anymore whenever you were there.
He knew he was supposed to do something, but exactly that was the issue. He didn't knew what- because even if he asked you for forgiveness, it wouldn't make up for the crack that he'd seen in your eyes, not to mention how he didn't feel like he deserved it at all. He knew you would accept his apology as soon as he'd say it to you, and that made it so much worse for him. He couldn't even start to imagine how easy prey you were for men- and not in any way good.
This had become an issue over time. He felt like he had to protect you from everything it seemed, yet he also wanted you to become more independent- but there was the issue. He was actually scared. Because if you started to become less and less dependent on him,
would you still want him, if you didn't need him?
This had been a question riling him up greatly. It popped up randomly in his head, making it hard to really think of anything else- because deep down there was this voice, telling him that no; as soon as you found the amount of confidence you should have, considering your angelic character in his eyes- you'd start to see what an actual asshole he was. He'd never understood what exactly you saw in him to begin with. Sure, he had the looks kind of, he knew that from the amount of flirty comments he'd get, but character wise he was an absolute garbage can. He was picky, needy of being held in high standards, he craved praise and recognition. He was selfish, wanted everything for himself, and hated sharing anything. He was too honest, swore way too much, and had a chaotic way of keeping track of things.
He'd punched the poor wall in the living room again last night, the remnants still lingering like a bleeding wound, white dust from the broken material scattered over the dark carpet. After he'd heard you went to Taehyung out of all people, he'd completely lost it- eventually falling asleep on the couch, crying like a toddler after a tantrum. Ironic, since he'd called you one, when in reality it seemed that he was the immature one in this relationship.
This time he simply let himself fall onto the couch, a stray blanket still crumpled up pathetically on the cushions, looking almost how he felt. He knew he should do something, but he couldn't get himself to- simply falling onto his side, just to fall asleep, dreams haunting him much worse than before without you there to soothe him.
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After staying with Taehyung and his Girlfriend for two days, you felt like you were intruding, in a way. You also didn't like to run away anymore, deciding to face whatever would be waiting for you at home. Jungkooks friend had driven you, asking if he should come upstairs with you but you had declined- this was something you needed to do by yourself.
To say the apartment was a mess was an understatement. Empty noodle cups on the kitchen counter, sink filled with dishes. The bathroom door was open, showing that he'd been showering just recently it seemed, yet the clothes on the floor made you wonder if it was in a hurry. Even though he was chaotic, Jungkook was never really messy in a way. But the way everything looked told a different story.
You also noticed just how dark it was. The curtains were closed, room stuffy from not airing out like you did every morning, and the couch looked like he slept on it. But why? Even if he felt bad, he could at least sleep in his own bed, you wondered.
But you also noticed the lack of the person in question.
Worried, you crept into the bedroom, not finding him there. What helped to ease your mind however was, that his open dresser was still filled with clothes- he didn't leave.
So wherever he was, maybe at work? You decided to clean up, and get things a bit more comfortable around the small apartment. He did tell you to be mature, after all.
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Opening the apartment door with a bit of struggle considering the items in his hands, he instantly noticed something different. Maybe it was the fresh air, the amount of light in the apartment, or the fact that soft music played in the background, dishes clattering in the kitchen. He slowly set down everything he'd bought, almost tip-toeing into his home, eyes widening upon your form standing in front of the sink, hands occupied inside soapy water. You didn't turn around, but he could see in the way you bit your lip that you'd noticed him already, yet chose not to look at him. You feared one look would be enough to set you off, make you cry, and you knew this would probably end up as something new he could complain about. Okay, maybe not, you knew he wouldn't, but you were so unsure how to act around him now that it just felt.. awkward.
And Jungkook hated it.
He chewed on his lip as well, moving to get the stuff he'd bought set up inside the living room, wordlessly working on setting down the doggy bed, placing the other bags filled with food and toys down as well. You couldn't help but peak around the corner, almost comically leaning behind the wall between the kitchen and living room, only showing a fraction of your face. Jungkook actually chuckled at the picture you posed to him as, although it did sting a bit that you seemed too cautious around him now to actually get closer. "Can you come over here for a second please?" He timidly asked, and you looked a bit hesitant, before eventually walking closer to him, sitting on the floor in front of him, with a bit of space keeping you both apart. He sighed, before lowering his head. "I.. You can't imagine how fucking sorry I am for what I said. I didn't.. I had no right to talk to you like that, and I really fucking regret it." He said, making you nod, not looking at him either, occupying yourself with a stray string of your sock that you'd accidentally put on inside out. "I'm just.. I dont know how to actually explain it without sounding like an ass, so I'll just.." He started, running a hand through his rather long hair. "I've been noticing how you started to change like, you're becoming so much more confident and I love it, I really do, but at the same time it absolutely terrifies me because-" He sighed, scratching his neck and hand reaching out to you, not really grabbing or anything, but simply brushing against your smaller hand with his finger. It was a pathetic gesture really, but he had to clear his throat again before he spoke. "The more you can stand up for yourself, the less you'll need me, and I.. I know I sound like an asshole but I need you to need me, I just.. I need to have you lean on me and like, make me do shit for you because I'm selfish, yeah, I'll admit it. I'm a fucking dick who needs to get his ego stroked and-" Suddenly your hand grabbed his, both hands running over his tattooed skin on the back of his, and he looked at you with the eyes of desperation written in capslock. You smiled at him, so understanding and warm that he felt like crying.
"I'll always need you Jungkookie." You said, scooting forward and straddling him, burying your head into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of him as he wrapped his arms around you, his head in the crook of your neck. "Who's gonna kick someones butt when they bully me in PvP games?" You said, and he chuckled, laughing, and pulled you even closer for a moment before you pulled away from him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and intentionally messily wiping his eyes, making him grin and laugh before grabbing your wrists, kissing your nose, cheeks, your entire face before you gasped for air from laughing so hard, begging him to stop. "What do you-" You said, catching your breath. "What is all that though?" You asked, and he pulled out his phone out of his back pocket, sniffling still a bit as he tapped away on his cracked screen, before he showed you a picture of a small white puppy, pink tongue peaking out of its mouth as it looked at the camera. You squealed, before connecting the dots. The dog toys. The bags filled with food. "No way.." You said, eyes wide as he became a bit shy.
"I know you wanted something small, but.. I found her on our local shelter's website, and I met her yesterday. I thought, a dog could be a good addition-" He said, before you hugged him again, squealing into his chest and making him chuckle. "Don't let yourself be fooled though." His eyebrows raised as he playfully looked at you in a serious way. "She's your personal bodyguard- an absolute killer machine if someone gets too close, we already talked about that." And you had to snort at the image in your head, imagining Jungkook all serious talking to the white fluffy dog about guarding his owner. "We're getting here on Monday, so we got two more days to go until then." He said, and you nodded, not letting go of him. He ran his hand over your head, suddenly more serious again. "I really mean it though." You raised your head at that, looking at him questioningly. "I.. I really like how you are. Deep down I guess I know that you're actually the mature one in this, so I guess I at least want to feel as if I have the upper hand, you know?" He said, and you smiled at that.
"Well, you do though." You said, leaning your head to the side before toying with the hem of his shirt. He looked at you now, before you answered. "I still.. trust you." Your voice got a bit breathier, before you said your next sentence. "You can do all you want with me. I'm yours after all." And he groaned, letting his head fall back. "What?" You questioned amused.
"Don't say shit like that right now-" He whined, trying to force the image of the cute puppy into his head instead of you, lying underneath him in all your glory, ready for him to- nop, no no no, cute puppies, cute puppies. But you didn't understand his standpoint it seemed.
"But why though? Don't you.. you know, want to?" You said hesitantly.
He shook his head. "No, you know I kind of always want to but.. I don't want you to feel as if that's all I want." He said, looking stressed. You smiled again, leaning into him.
"I mean, that's not true. I know that." You answered, before getting a teasing spark inside your eyes. "Either that, or its so good that you go as far as to get me a cute puppy." You chuckled, and his eyes got just as impish as yours, hand smacking your behind in a playful way.
"Careful. You could charm anyone into buying you a dog with those eyes." He said, smirking. You grinned proudly, and he suddenly attacked your neck, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder, the sound of your laughter music to his ears. He actually hadn't slept in his own bedroom solely because of the reason that he'd be tormented with the memories of you both, showing him almost mockingly what he'd almost lost. Now he didn't feel pressured anymore, he felt as if he was worthy enough to be in here, as weird as it sounded.
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Letting you fall onto the mattress, you giggled as you jumped a bit on it, making him grin as he crawled over your form, immediately attacking your lips in a searing kiss, not even asking for entrance at all, simply taking. He slowly grew more and more impatient, hands grabbing and running over your skin almost possessively as he growled out his displeasure about your choice of shelter. He didn't say it out loud because he had no right to talk about it, plus he was deep down grateful that you've spent the night there instead of somewhere else, but he hated the fact that you slept over at Taehyungs place. He knew you'd never be unfaithful, yet he couldn't help but feel insecure when you left, knowing that you could easily find someone else, someone better in his eyes than him. The time apart made him cherish you again in a new way, teeth biting your skin gently, leaving marks on your skin that would soon blossom beautifully in different shades. You mewled at that, his grin reappearing, before he opened his infamous drawer under his bedside table, taking something out that seemed to be still packaged. You looked curiously, yet turned all shades of pink when you saw what it was.
"Hm.. you like it princess?" He asked, opening the plastic and cardboard packaging of the device as you began to grow a little more restless at the sight of it. It appeared to be a vibrator of some sorts, coloring just the way you liked it- soft pink with white details, making you wonder how on earth something so sinful could also look so pretty. You'd never really cared for toys like that, but Jungkook had talked about maybe using them before. "Thought you'd like it." He said lowly. "You're gonna love it once I'm done with you." He promised, glad that he saw the small green LED light up- it luckily came pre-charged, so he could use it right away after he'd cleaned it with a babywipe. "Hm, lets see what it can do, yeah?" he huskily proposed, sitting on his legs in front of you. "Strip princess. Lemme' see my gorgeous baby." He said, and you started to undress just as he told you. You've long stopped feeling self-conscious around him after all the times he'd seen you, and he also always made sure to make you feel good about yourself, so you didn't hesitate anymore when it came to things like these.
As soon as you laid there, bare as the day you joined humanity, he used the tip of the toy to gather your slick between your legs, nudging against your very center, making you jump a bit at the foreign feeling. He smiled like the devil himself as he covered it in your own personal lubrication, before it entered you, making you sigh. It definitely couldn't match up to his own length, that was something you immediately noticed, but once he clicked a button, your whines started to sound in the room, making him smile at the view of your squirming form. Oh how long he'd imagined about this exact moment, the way you moved even more bewitching as he could've imagined to be. His mind tried to burn the image into its memory, the way your toes curled, your hands grabbed the sheets, or how your hips moved in a rhythm only you seemed to feel. "hmm, so sweet. You look absolutely divine like that pretty baby." He hummed, before turning the intensity up, making you gasp a bit. He chuckled, moving the vibrator around a bit so the additional small detail close to the switches and buttons pressed against your clit, making you huff out deliciously. He'd always been addicted to your sounds, the way you responded to him oh so well- he felt like he was watching a goddess unravel in his bed, as cheesy as it may sounded. The way you trusted him, gave yourself to him, let him control you like this- it made him feel as if he was on drugs, higher than he could ever get from any substance people used to cloud their minds with. He didn't need anything illegal or toxic to set himself free and let his mind reset back into place. Not when he had someone like you at his mercy, ready to be played with however he may wanted.
As his free hand moves to fondle your breast, kneading the flesh in an almost massaging way and kissing you silly, you yelled out his name as you came undone, breaking apart just to be put together by him later. Your mouth was open in a silent scream, and as he spotted the small strand of saliva still connecting you both he couldn't stop himself from letting a drop of his own fall onto your tongue, pupils dilating at the way you simply swallowed, uncaring how just plain dirty this entire tiny gesture just was. God he'd buy you an entire kennel full of dogs if it meant he'd get to see you like this, all his and his only. He decided to not enter you as you still whined from overstimulation, taking the toy out of you as you weakly reached for him, asking him to help you sit on a little. He helped you as you clumsily tokk him into your mouth, eyes closed and pace steady as he began to groan under his breath, brushing his hand through your hair as he fondly looked down onto your head, lips around him so perfectly that it didn't take him long to suddenly gasp out, giving him no time to warn you. Yet he only felt you swallow before letting him go, his tip sensitive making him hiss a bit, breathing heavy. "God you're perfect." He breathed out, kissing you feverishly as he slowly calmed down, laying on the bed, toy long forgotten on the floor next to the mattress.
You woke up as you felt something cold and weirdly damp against your inner thighs, spotting Jungkooks naked torso as he took out another babywipe, cleaning you with gentle movements. The soft smell of the wet tissues made you smile a bit, as Jungkook used one to clean himself up as well before joining you in bed again, pulling the covers over you. "I really mean it you know." He said, and you hummed questioningly. "I know I don't say it very often if at all but.." he looked at your face with fondness, before he pulled you closer again, letting you rest your head on his bare chest. "I really love you." He said silently, and you smiled, kissing his skin as he placed one to your shoulder, his hand running along your spine.
"I really love you too, Jungkookie." You said, before falling asleep, content and happy in his arms.
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"I can't wait to see you holding the pink leash of the cute little princess."
"Do you mean the dog or you? Because I wouldn't mind holding eithe- OW, WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!"
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la-lunaluna · 3 years
Future Nostalgia
Comandante Veracruz x Militar F!Reader 
Words: 1k   
Warning: sexism (nothing too heavy) 
Author comments: hello! Look who appeared from the shadows! I’m having a little struggle to write lately because I’m not accessing the computer I normally use to write, so things are a little slow lately. This is the third fic of my Future Nostalgia collection, inspired by Dua Lipa’s songs. I’m a little bit insecure about this, but I hope you like it anyway :) 
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You were in that position again. In the beginning, it was hard, but as time went by you got used to it and learned to get along. The looks were always the same, the mocking tone too, not to mention the sexist jokes and the disgusting pickup lines. Men were like that, they wanted to keep everything on “normality” and their comfort, without anyone interfering, playing that timeless song. You wanted to change the game. It wasn’t easy being a woman, it wasn’t easy being a military. A military woman? Don’t even talk about it. Your eyes looked at the reflection on the mirror; the serious and determinate face just showed how ready you were for that new challenge. You moved your lips, checking your dark lipstick, and figured out that your face and the braid you made on your hair made you look exactly the way you wanted.   
The sun wasn’t set yet, but you already were in the outside area of the headquarter, knowing that from any time on the others should appear. The first one was a serious tall man, and you didn’t need to analyze too much to know he was tough and grumpy. He wore combat boots, a bulletproof vest, and his uniform was gray, which showed he wasn’t just a recruit. He had an unshaven beard and mustache and his hair was neatly gelled; the sharp nose and the deep brown eyes, glowing even in the dim light, made him look like a bird of prey.
He saw you and walked in your direction, analyzing you up and down. You knew he was dying to understand you, but of course, you wouldn’t give him that taste of feeling superior, as he probably used to do with his underlings. Now, close to each other, you looked him in the eye and then picked up his ID tag.
“Comandante Veracruz” you read, seeing him creating a snobbish, narcissistic smile on his lips at the sound of his own name; he probably thought you were just a new recruit among the nurses and that you were being completely nosy by tampering with his ID like that.
He studied your face with his piercing eyes and touched your chin with his fingertips, making you look up. Your temple throbbed. You already knew your feelings for him would be strong, you just couldn’t know yet what kind they were.
“What about you?” He finally opened his mouth, revealing not only a deep baritone and an accent but also his disdainful tone. He was definitely hard-core, but you also were.
“Me?” Veracruz couldn't help getting pissed off with your boldness by answering him in that way. 
“Do you see anyone else here?” Damn, how annoying he was! 
When he told you that you remembered you were alone. In dim lighting, in a giant place, just the two of you. But… Why did he insist on getting so close to you? You felt an immense need to get off from him and decrease once and for all this friction between the two of you, but you didn’t want to lower yourself. 
“For you, Comandante Veracruz, is just General” you answered bluntly.
He let out a muffled, sloppy giggle that made you smell the toothpaste out of his mouth, making you shiver to understand how close he was to you.
"You've got some sense of humor... General Martinez won't be happy to hear that his position is being used for jokes."  He once again gave that damn annoying smile.
“There is no more General Martinez, from today on, Comandante, I am your superior.”  You smiled and went back into the barracks.
“Gonna give up now, Comandante?” You yelled out against his face, while he was doing his training, whose difficulty level was as high as his patent. 
“No, ma’am!” answered Veracruz with the voice tight with effort. 
“Are you feeling like a recruit again, aren’t you, Comandante? I bet you never had to say no ma’am to anyone… That’s what I call future nostalgia” you laughed making quotation marks with your fingers, just watching the sweat trickle down Veracruz’s tired forehead.
It had been two weeks since you were the General in charge. Your name was on the tip of everyone’s tongue and, sincerely? You liked… It could keep running their mouths. Some of them tried to impose themselves upon you, but they soon understood that if they kept on talking that talk, one they would blast out. Each day you were more feared and hated by men and more admired by the few women. With you there, people started to understand that you can’t handle this if you ain’t good for this, that you can’t be a rolling stone if you live in a glasshouse. 
In those two weeks, things had changed a lot between you and the people around you. You knew them and understood who you could count on, who were your best soldiers, and who respected you.
Veracruz, however, was a particular case. He saw you as a real unknown, and of course, you didn’t let yourself be read that easily either. Even though you were constantly in a sexist tension with him, you could confess this was kind of funny, you knew he wasn’t used to a female alpha and it left him without knowing what to do several times. You knew he wanted the recipe but he wouldn’t handle your sound.
You looked at him while he was training and he stared back at you. In those two weeks you simply couldn’t help to figure out how he was: committed, focused, professional. And that hit you in a certain strange way, different from normal… You knew he was focused because you were used to repairing his deep chocolate eyes on his fire gun training, you knew he was committed because the scent of his perfume, the one you already knew by heart, was the first to arrive at the headquarter every single morning, you knew he was professional because it wasn’t just the recruits who trembled by hearing his voice. 
But you, on the contrary of the recruits, hadn’t fear of him. You knew really well what you were feeling about Veracruz.
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frogtanii · 4 years
Hi! it's wind anon :D! The newest update to PF was really good. For thoughts and reactions...First thing that caught my eye was the fact Meiko was smoking. Shocked me so much. As a beauty YouTuber she should know the damage smoking can cause your appearance even if she doesn't care about the damage her lungs get. (For example, her teeth will be affected.) And the second hand smoke that she just did to Bokuto... Wind anon has many thoughts about that! (not to mention her using the blanket to snuff out the cigarette… much disapproval from me) I’m curious as to the backstory she has in regards to starting to smoke. Was she bullied/peer pressured into it? It would be somewhat of a chain reaction—Meiko gets bullied, she sees that YN is not, and Meiko becomes a bully herself. But it really doesn’t excuse her being a terrible person.
Anyway...Meiko bringing other people to the house. That’s a matter of privacy and security, so there should be paperwork to document them. Bokuto was right in bringing it up. Meiko’s actions are frankly uncalled for, and I really wonder why she’s burning all her bridges. The smoking, the fact she was disturbed, her already apparent dislike of Bokuto, honestly it seems like she’s doing all these actions as a result of stress. Stress at things not going her way turns into her outbursts.
The house and the basic functions (cleaning, laundry, food, etc) falling into disrepair because YN wasn’t there was also a great point really. YN is like Atlas holding up their world. However, I am wondering if Meiko could have gone into YN’s room and tampered with it or something while YN is gone. I mean, Meiko was hardly seen around the house so it’s not very likely, but as a beauty YouTuber I think she’ll definitely have bobby-pins. She’d be the type of person to learn how to pick locks just to plant some of her clothing in YN’s room and complain to Iwa about how “YN has been stealing my stuff” or something.
Ah, I’m quite tired so I’ll try and wrap this up decently. I really am glad that Sakusa recommended Bokuto to go to the therapist with him. Mental health is very important and it’s hard taking the first steps. I’m glad Sakusa is there to help. The scene with YN helping Bokuto is wonderfully written by the way.
I’ll end with a thing I imagined. YN is the type of person to be good at the shooting games and the rhythm games at the arcades. She would be okay at the dancing ones (I feel like Atsumu and Hanamaki would be good at those for whatever reason, maybe their energy?)
To end, thank you so so much for always working so hard. We readers really appreciate you and your work. Take care!
KDJDKD TYSM FOR WRITING SO MUCH!!!!! i’ll try my best to answer what i can!! i’m bouta fall asleep hehe
yes meiko n cigarettes!! she smokes them cs they curb her appetite!! keeps her looking ‘thin’ in her opinion — not great for the long term but she enjoys it
as for the guy in her bed, yeah super messed up but i’m surprised no one tried to figure out who he is! probably cs i have literally zero (0) hints but he’s someone in haikyuu lol (y’all r gonna be sad AOEJDK)
finally, yn is INCREDIBLE at shooting games, esp arcade games, she absolutely KILLS IT (though mattsun n makki hold their own in dance dance revolution hehe)
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mst3kproject · 3 years
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The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues
I found this movie online while looking for From Hell It Came (which I haven’t yet found – someday I will and then you’ll all be sorry) and it looked bad, so I checked out the details.  Turns out it stars Kent Taylor from The Crawling Hand, Cathy Downs from The Amazing Colossal Man, and was written by Lou Rusoff, who was behind It Conquered the World, The She-Creature, and… oh god, he also wrote Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow.  This is gonna suck goat nads.  I must watch it right away.
You shouldn’t picture me groaning when I write stuff like that, by the way.  You should picture me giggling like a maniac and rubbing my hands together with glee.
A monster is killing people at sea near an incredibly bleak and depressing California college town, and the bodies and wrecked boats it leaves in its wake are scorched by radioactivity! Washington sends Agent Grant to find out what’s going on, and he soon discovers that the Pacific College of Oceanography is positively overflowing with suspicious characters.  There’s the reclusive and paranoid Professor King, who is working on weird experiments in his locked laboratory.  There’s King’s assistant George, who follows him around and hides in the bushes to watch what he’s doing.  King’s secretary Ethel blames the professor for the death of her son and wants revenge, and George’s girlfriend Wanda is a foreign agent.  Not to mention the visiting Dr. Stevens, a radiation expert with an unsettling habit of turning up just in time to discover the bodies.  Someone among this motley crew has created a sea monster… and someone else is planning to sell it to the highest bidder!
You know how some movies save their monsters until the last minute, in order to build suspense?  Or because what we imagine is always scarier than what we actually see?  Or because the monster sucks and they’re ashamed of it?  Or some combination of the above?
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Phantom from 10 000 Leagues is not one of those movies.  Before we’re even a full minute into it, the monster has appeared on screen in all its ridiculous glory.  Stevens calls it a hideous beast that defies description but I think I can make an attempt.  It looks sort of like the lovechild of a saber-toothed tiger and the Horror of Party Beach.  There’s a ridge down its head and back like an iguana and a poorly-camouflaged window in its neck so the dude inside can see what he’s doing.  The whole costume is also rather buoyant, and the actor is having to work hard to stay underwater.  Sadly, this beast remains lurking in the depths and never shambles out onto the beach to menace sunbathers, which is the only thing it would have needed to make it a perfect bad movie monster.
The creature is not the only nuclear threat in this movie… or even the silliest one!  During an investigatory dive, Stevens discovers a glowing patch on the seafloor which he says represents an ‘activated’ uranium deposit with the potential to form a naturally-occurring death ray!  We finally get to see this in action when stock footage of a ship passes over it – and turns into a different ship that immediately blows up! I’m just sad this only happens once. The glowing stone itself is represented by a mirror with a light shining on it in underwater shots, and by the reflection of the sun when seen from the surface.
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So the effects are not special and make an already silly threat even more hilarious.  What about the story?  Like all cheap monster movies, the focus of The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues is not the creature killing people but the investigation into it.  There’s a large number of potential monster-makers here, which could have made the movie a bit messy – but by the time the words The End appear, we know who all these people are, how they’re involved, and what they hope to accomplish.  Even the women are given distinct motivations and personalities, although those fall neatly into the ‘maiden, mother and whore’ tropes I’ve discussed in the past. The dialogue is not exactly subtle, but it seems like I can’t wholly blame Lou Rousoff for Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow.
It’s also nice that, despite the preponderance of White Men In Suits (Stevens and Grant both walk along the beach in suits and ties at all hours of the day and night), the characters all look different enough that I can tell them apart!  None of the cast are great actors, with a lot of stilted or awkward line deliveries, but then, a lot of the things they’re saying are completely ridiculous, so I probably can’t lay that entirely at their feet.
Unfortunately, the plot of Phantom From 10 000 Leagues is rather unfocused, and like so many of these films it’s not sure who its main character is.  It seems like either Agent Grant or Dr. Stevens, who are each conducting some kind of investigation into the goings-on, ought to be the protagonist… but both are introduced in contexts that make them seem potentially suspicious.  Dr. Stevens is actually significantly more suspicious than Grant, because when he first turns up he gives a fake name, and later proves to have actually performed experiments with mutating sea life in the past.  Yet for much of the movie, it’s Stevens we’re watching, as he cozies up to Professor King and flirts with King’s daughter Lois.  He actually gets far more screen time than Grant, with the latter sometimes being out of the movie for long enough that the audience kind of forgets he’s there.
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Stevens and Lois’ love story is, as is probably inevitable for a movie of this kind, completely bland.  Kent Taylor and Cathy Downs have no appreciable spark between them, and one gets the uncomfortable impression that he’s about twice her age. The movie never offers even an approximate age for either character, but Lois is still unmarried and living with her father, which in the 1950s suggests she’s in her early twenties.  King describes Stevens as a ‘young man’ but between his appearance and his impressive academic credentials he’s obviously not, and when I looked up the actors I learned that Taylor was forty-eight when The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues was made, while Downs was twenty-nine.  That’s… well, they’re both adults, but he’s still old enough to be her father, and the younger we assume they both are, the worse the two decade gap gets.
Once we actually get to know the characters, the solution to the mysteries is fairly obvious, but this lets us spend some actual time with these men and find out what they think about the situation.  Stevens, who’s been down this road before, wants these terrible experiments to stop before any more people get hurt.  King, hearing about it for the first time, is more excited about what he might be able to learn by building on Stevens’ work. This represents an interesting inversion because if you’ll recall, King is supposed to be significantly older than Stevens (though actor Michael Whelan was actually born only five years before Taylor).
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Usually knowledge and wisdom are both associated with age.  This is a very old trope and has some fairly sound logic behind it: the elderly have had longer to learn and to experience.  In Phantom from 10 000 Leagues, however, we have the older Professor King excited by the ground-breaking discoveries made by a younger scientist and wanting to learn more about them, even when the (supposedly) younger Stevens warns him about Tampering in God’s Domain.  Each assumes the role their ages might make us expect of the other.
This is reflected in their respective fields: depending on how you define it, oceanography is as old as mankind.  Humanity has been mapping the seas for as long as we’ve known how to sail across them, and marveling at the monsters we pull from its depths for as long as we’ve been catching fish.  That is the Professor King’s domain. Stevens, on the other hand, is a specifically nuclear scientist. Nuclear physics technically begins with the discovery of radioactivity in the 1890’s, but it seemed like a new and scary field in the 1950s, as the development of atomic weapons forced scientists to take a closer look at the phenomenon’s effect on living tissues. To King, who is an expert in another field, the possibilities of this relatively new work outweigh the potential consequences.
As sloppy and poorly-made as Phantom from 10 000 Leagues can be, this contrast between Stevens and King does make it a movie with something to say.  It of course has the standard moral for a fifties atomic monster piece, about paths science is not meant to tread, but it also wants us to think about that connection between age and wisdom.  On the one hand, King’s interest in Stevens’ work tells us that you’re never too old to learn something new.  On the other, just because somebody is young doesn’t mean they have nothing to teach. If King had taken in Stevens’ wisdom along with his knowledge, a lot of suffering need not have happened.
Even if you’re not into that, the crappy monster, the bad acting, the ridiculous science, and all the sneaking around and backstabbing that goes on makes Phantom from 10 000 Leagues plenty of fun watch.  It’s much like Beginning of the End in that it ticks all the MST3K boxes, while remaining coherent enough that you can enjoy the actual story along with the badness.
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #28- I Sure Hope Y’all Like Megatron
“Dark Cybertron” is finally over! Woohoo!
Who’s ready for a return to hijinks and mild peril?
I know this guy is!
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Hold on a second-
We start our foray into Season 2 of MTMTE with a little meta-humor-
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-and then it’s right into the swing of things, as Brainstorm uses the thin, fragile wine glass of faction-based morality to hold his personal need to make instruments of violence. Nautica disapproves, but then why wouldn’t she? She’s not been steeped in the militant ideologies of the Autobots for millions of years.
It’s six months after the convoluted events of “Dark Cybertron”, and our beloved ship, the Lost Light, is back on track for the Knight Quest. Nautica’s joined the crew, which is neat, but there are far more interesting things going on.
Like Rung actually doing his fucking job for once.
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Wow, look at that little creamsicle man go.
It would seem that in the last half-year (by Earth standards) Megatron’s somehow gotten himself into the esteemed position of Captain of the Lost Light. This likely means that Rodimus has been defeated in battle, or perhaps fucked off on yet another space yacht to run away from his responsibilities. I suppose the narrative will have to fill us in on just what exactly happened.
Or, at least, I hope it does. Wouldn’t be a terribly good story if I had to guess on how exactly this dude’s in charge of a whole-ass Autobot crew.
Yes, yes, I know he switched sides, but goddammit, it takes a little more than saying sorry and changing your wardrobe to excuse the murder of half of NYC.
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I mean, we can do both. Both is an option. I’ll break out The Communist Manifesto right now, let’s fuckin’ gooooooooo-
Six months prior to Megatron’s therapy appointment, Rodimus is ready to high-tail it off of Cybertron yet again. This is because, as established in previous posts, Cybertron kinda sucks butt. He bursts into the meeting Optimus Prime called- even though he’s really not leader of anything anymore, Starscream is- bids everyone farewell, and is about to run back out of the room when he’s stopped.
Turns out that the populace of Cybertron want Megatron to stand trial. That makes sense, given what all he’s done. Of course, the Autobot pals we’ve got in the room want to skip due process and go straight to the part where Megatron pays through the nose for the last four million years.
Which doesn’t feel terribly heroic or good guy-ish, but I think by this point you’ve probably caught on to the fact that everyone in IDW Transformers is morally gray at BEST.
Because Megatron’s had a rough time the last few years, in relation to his bodily integrity, spark extraction- that thing that High Command lied about in relation to Overlord- isn’t an option. It would just kill him dead.
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Uh, excuse me? Optimus Prime, sir? Monsieur Premier?
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Guess Optimus hasn’t been keeping up with exRiD.
Anyway, yeah, since Tyrest fucked off in “The Sound of Breaking Glass” and also tried to commit a genocide, we’re gonna need someone to cast judgement.
Course, a military trial isn’t exactly ideal, but as long as it’s open to the public, it should be fine.
Anyway, Prowl’s also going to help. Ultra Magnus has been assigned the task of representing Megatron in court, a job which he’s positively delighted to have, if his face is any indication.
The gang breaks for lunch, and Rodimus and Optimus touch base on how the Knight Quest is going.
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Because Rodimus’ half of the Matrix had the map for finding the Knights of Cybertron in it, they’re gonna have to go with Plan B.
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Oh fuck yes, I love Plan B!
Unfortunately, finding the ideal romantic partner for all Cybertronians is going to have to wait until after the trial, because Optimus really wants Rodimus here for this. Though perhaps there’s a way to make things move a little faster…
Back in the present, Megatron’s had just about enough of Rung being a psychiatry joke, and is about to walk out of his appointment. Ravage is here, which is neat. Rung asks Megatron about the three most important people in his life, and how he met them. One of these people is, funnily enough, Rung.
Rung, if you’ll recall, was thrown into Megatron and Impactor’s table at Maccadams waaaaaay back in The Transformers #22, the first issue of the IDW run that Roberts wrote solo. It would seem that getting arrested and subjected to police brutality ruined his once-idealistic worldview. This is just a lightning-round recap of the events of the “Chaos Theory” storyline.
Being reminded of how hard he got dunked on makes Rung break out his copy of Megatron’s autobiography, Towards Peace. Of course, Megatron has to be “that guy”, and makes it out to be far more than it actually is. My dude, you used your writing to tell all your proto-Decepticon buddies to go beat up Whirl in prison. Let’s not make things sound more grandiose than they are.
Anyway, it turns out that Rung is actually just as much a nerd as he looks, as he reveals that he’s in possession of one of the only few copies of the original version of Towards Peace. And then he takes off his glasses and the fans go bonkers, even though he’s just got that Milne Same-Face going on, just like everyone else.
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There you are, you animals.
Rung discusses Revisionism, I’m reminded that the first publication of Eugenesis had a dedication to Roberts’ son of all people, and we get the question of who Terminus is to Megatron.
But alas! The X-ray vision’s been turned on, and it’s time to see… nude robots? An in-depth anatomy lesson?
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Robots are confusing sometimes. Anyways, major props to Milne for drawing all that detail. Dude does the technical stuff with a ferocity that must be awe-inspiring to behold.
Megatron’s decided that it’s time for lunch, and then he’s going to do captain stuff.
Because he’s captain of the Lost Light.
I’m convinced Rodimus is dead. That’s the only way this is happening.
Six months ago, Swerve was being awful Swerve-like, with his new buddy Crosscut- guess he finally learned the guy’s name- and Riptide, who we’ll get to a little later on. These three wonderful lads are holding a sort of “crew try-outs”, and it looks like the requirements needed for entry on Megatron’s Lost Light are stiff.
Still, maybe our new friend Nautica will make the cut.
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Oh, you are simply delightful!
Despite Nautica having interest in nearly every topic in the universe, on top of having impeccable taste in booze, she just misses the cut. It’s at this point that Nightbeat bursts into the room to stop this farce from going any further. The fact that nobody mentioned anything prior to this is surprising, given that portmanteaus don’t really seem the type of thing Ultra Magnus would approve of.
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Back six months ago, we see what Optimus Prime’s super great idea was to expedite the judicial process- Chromedome. It’s always Chromedome. He’s gonna do that thing he promised his late husband he’d stop doing. I suppose it’s a good thing- for Rewind, anyway- that Megatron is wholly against the idea of having his memories torn out of his head. Guess we’re gonna have to do the trial the normal, non brain-pokey way.
Optimus leaves the cell, because I suppose he’s remembered that there’s a conflict of interests here, but Rodimus stays behind to let Megatron know he deserves everything that’s coming his way.
Then Megatron breaks out the puzzle-box from Hellraiser.
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In the present, Chromedome isn’t so much spiraling in his depression as he is circling the drain. Nightbeat doesn’t give a shit about that though- he’s more concerned with the fact that one of the numbers on the door to Chromedome’s room is missing. But I’m sure it’s fine.
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It’s fiiiiiiiiiiine.
While Nightbeat’s busy being insensitive to his fellow man’s distress, Megatron’s arrived to his room to find his door’s been vandalized by a bunch of idiots who must have just discovered what a thesaurus is. Then he gets shot in the fucking hand with an arrow.
As you do.
Whirl’s gotten ahold of a bow, and he fully intends to use it for Megatron-directed violence. And also his fists. His very pointy fists. He punches Megatron through the fucking floor into the fuel furnace, and they fall what’s probably a good 200 feet to the ground below. Whirl yells about evening the score between the two of them, and then knees Megatron in the dick.
Turns out, Megatron remembers Whirl even better than originally thought, having gone so far as to order his forces to not kill Whirl, because, in a way, he was grateful for the lesson he learned back before the war in Rodion.
Oh man, I hope Rung’s somehow listening in on this. Like, eavesdropping is obviously bad medicine, but we’ve already established that he sucks as a professional, and he needs what few advantages he can get.
Whirl, enraged by the implication that he’s been fighting fixed battles for the last four million years, punches Megatron in the gut… and his arm gets swallowed up by an errant portal leftover from all of Shockwave’s tampering. Since you can’t really fight with only one arm, Megatron wanders off to do captainy things.
Walking back the timeline slightly, we revisit Megatron leaving Rung’s office, and the idea of personal revisionism, the conversation becoming parallel with the strange happenings going on within the ship, as Rewind’s final message is altered so as not to end with “I love you” but instead a blood-curdling scream. Chromedome is, understandably, upset by this turn of events.
Over with Whirl, it’s revealed that the little fight we saw was intentionally set up. For what purpose, or by whom, is left a mystery.
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Please see a doctor.
One last flashback to the trial, as Prowl lists off everything that’s standing in the way of our Sympathetic Megatron Redemption Arc.
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Good fuckin’ luck, James.
Back in the present, Megatron’s slapped a bandaid on the hole in his torso, as he checks to see what’s happening on the bridge. It would appear there’s a coffin floating around in space.
Pretty fucked up.
118 notes · View notes
mist-sly · 4 years
Sing of the moon
Chapter One: Coffee talks
This is a Wolfstar MMA AU that's on AO3 that I have been writing. However I'm gonna start posting it on here too because its easier for me to kept track of what I wrote. Any ways Hope you enjoy!
It was the biggest fight of the year. The middle-weight title on the line. Millions of people watching around the world. The champ, Sirius Black facing one of his biggest rivals, Severus Snape. It was a long overdue fight, the two constantly targeting each other on social media and making comments to the press.
The hype had been real. Every press conference was another layer of added tension and anticipation to the fight. No one wanted to miss it. Sirius was athletic and had every technique known to fighting in his arsenal. A predictable fight many had said. Others argued that Snape’s slippery, submission style could be enough to beat the champ.
Either way, it had drawn the attention of everyone. Even those who shied away from the bright lights of UFC. It lured those who lived in the shadows of the fighting scene.
A large flat screen TV had been set up in the old underground stadium. A crowd of fighters all gathered round to watch, each one sitting on some old create or broken chair. “Its not looking good for him wolfy,” said a teenager with dyed grey hair. He was sitting cross legged on the floor. The TV screen reflecting of his blue eyes. “Ill say. Every punch Black is receiving is drawing blood,” a big, bulky red-haired man said. He scratched at his beard and looked over to his left staring at the young man who was sitting back on the old, patchy red couch. The young man’s eyes darted around the screen, zoning in to one thing specifically as Snape aimed a body shot. “You see something, don’t you wolfy.” The other fighters dragged their eyes away from the screen to look at the young man.
Remus Lupin sat forwards, his elbows resting on his thighs, his hands covering his mouth and nose as he stared at the TV. Remus’s golden amber eyes narrowed right as Snape connect a light jab to Sirius face. He watched as a small cut formed on the champ’s cheek, drawing blood. He drew his hands away from his face showing his frown.
“There’s always something with an opponent like Snape,” he said in a low voice. The camera angle changed on the screen. A close up of Sirius’s face, enlarged for everyone to see. One eye was swollen shut, the other turning a mix of blue and purple. You could not see where cuts began, and trails of blood ended.
This should not have been the outcome. A total of three rounds the fight went on for. Thirteen minutes and a gory scene that would make any viewer feel sick. Three minutes into the third round and it was over. The champ got hit and did not get back up. The group of fighters where quiet. This should not have been the outcome.
However, everything happens for reason.
It had been exactly thirty-seven days since he lost. Thirty-seven days of thinking how? How did he lose that fight? Sirius had gone through it a thousand and one times in his head. He was quicker than Snape. Had a harder punch than Snape and was far more intelligent when it came to thinking on his feet?
Sirius shook his head to rid him off the thoughts. He was on his daily run to clear his head, not bring back more memory’s and questions. He stopped, his breaths heavy, panting as he ran a hand through his incredibly dark locks of hair. “Shit,” he muttered as he looked around. The area was unfamiliar to him. Small shops and old building surrounding the street he had just came down. Clearly it was in the more run-down part of Gryffindor. Sirius didn’t even know there was a run-down part of Gryffindor.
He spotted a small coffee shop further on down the street. A few people where sitting outside it but other than that, the street was relatively quiet.
A bell rang over head as he entered. The smell of coffee and baked goods immediately hitting him like a bus. It was warm inside, a delightful change from the nippy autumn air outside. The walls were painted a vibrant orange, the furniture looking old giving the whole coffee shop a warm and vintage feel.
“Hi, what can I get you?” asked a girl behind the counter. She had long, flowing red hair and beautiful green eyes. A sweet and pleasant smile on her face. “Sorry, I’m a bit lost. Could you tell me how to get to the upper side oh and a coffee, black?” he asked the girl.
The girl snorted turning away from him. “An up sider? How did you end up down here?” the girl asked as she started to brew a fresh pot of coffee. “Went for a run, got lost in my head.” Sirius give the girl a smirk as she looked over at him. Her eyes travelled up and down his body, taking in his appearance.
“Guess that explains why your sweaty. What about the bruises?” she asked staring at the faint mix of yellow and brown that covered half his face. Sirius smirk dropped. The girl knew she struct a nerve but before she could apologise, the bell above the door went again.
“Hey Lils. Can I get the regular for the trio and a peppermint tea for me?” Said a young man who walked towards Sirius. Tall, Sirius first thought upon seeing him. Skinny too. He watched as the young man walked towards him. His hair was curly, a caramel brown colour that Sirius doesn’t think he has ever seen before. He wore an old orange jumper that had seen better days and a pair of grey sweats that were rolled up at his ankles. Sirius looked at the bottom on his sweats surprised, surly no one that tall would need to roll up their cloths.
The young man nodded at Sirius before standing beside him at the counter. “Three sugars wolfy?” the girl, ‘Lils’, asked. The young man nodded.
It was quiet after that. The sound of coffee machines running and ‘Lils’ humming echoing around the small coffee shop.
“Here you go Up sider. One Back coffee to go.” The girl slid the coffee over to Sirius before scribbling something down on a piece of paper. “Up sider?” The man asked suddenly. Sirius looked over at him. His amber eyes sparling with curiously as he looked at Sirius.
It was now that Sirius got a good look at the young man. He had handsome features, that was for sure. He had a nice jawline, not to strong and not to soft. Freckles littered his face likes stars in the night sky. He has long eyelashes that seemed to make his amber eyes brighter.
He would have looked soft, too soft, if it weren’t for the scars on his face. He had one across the bridge of his nose and another one on his left cheek going down to his jawline. The young man had a fresh cut above his right eye that was bruised.
However, as Sirius looked at the man, the man also looked at Sirius. That was not good in Sirius’s head. The last thing he needed, was for the media to know where he is.
“You shouldn’t have lost your fight,” the young man said bluntly as Lils set the piece of paper down with directions in front of Sirius. The statement had taken Sirius by surprise. So, the guy knew him, that was great but to say something like that irritated Sirius. He didn’t see Mr tall and skinny facing a world class fighter like Snape.
“Excuse me. I’d like to see yo-“Sirius started only to be cut off by the young man saying, “Snape’s gloves were loaded.” Sirius blinked at the man, “tampered with,” he added in case Sirius didn’t understand.
Sirius couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Who the hell was this guy? Some losers who clearly knows nothing. Sirius took a deep breath and looked at the man. “Look. I’m not sure how much you know after fighting but official gloves have to be worn, not to mention that the gloves got checked and nothing was off with either one.”
The man however kept looking at Sirius with those amber eyes. “That wouldn’t necessarily matter. There’s always ways around the system.” He shrugged. Sirius could feel the laughter starting to bubble in him stomach again. “Ok then. Enlighten me, how were the gloves tampered with?” The man narrowed his eyes, a darker look falling over his once soft face. “A layer of padding was taken out of the gloves. That would have been obvious if they had not replaced it with something else. That other layer would have had to been roughly the same weight as the padding. My guess is that they used soft cast.” Sirius snorted.
Sirius knew what soft cast was. What fighter didn’t? It was an old scandal back in the day with a boxer. It had long since been forgotten though. The man continued, however. “It would make the hits harder on your face not to mention as the soft cast scratched the leather of the glove it would wear the material down.” He raised an eyebrow at Sirius to see if he was keeping up.
Sirius nodded and gestured for the man to continue, taking a sip of his coffee. Sighing the man rubbed his eyes, as if he were trying to teach a child how to read a simple word that they couldn’t quite grasp. “The soft cast would scratch against your skin and the impact of each punch would increase as the match went on because the cast would harden over time. Didn’t you notice when you were fighting, how the first hit was not hard but still drew blood? How as the fight went on Snape put less effort into each hit but was still able to increase the impact every time?” Sirius stopped drinking. His coffee cup frozen at his smooth lips. He blinked at the man as he thought back to the fight. When Snape landed his first punch, he was off balance. The punch shouldn’t have had enough force to bruise his cheek so badly, the way it did.
The more Sirius thought about it, the more he realized how much of what the tall, skinny man was saying, was true.
He shook his head and narrowed his eyes on the man just as ‘Lils’ brought over four take away drinks in coffee cups. “Here you go wolfy! One hot chocolate with cream for Seb, a black coffee with two sugars for Harley, warmed milk with coco powder on top for Cain and your peppermint tea, three sugars,” ‘Lils’ said happily with a bright smile. The man, ‘wolfy’, nodded his thanks and took the four drinks.
“Wait! How did you know about the gloves?” Sirius asked before ‘wolfy’ could leave. “I watched your fight. Noticed what was happening and put it together with an old street fighting trick.” He shrugged and opened the door with his back.
“A little too good to be true, don’t you think?” Sirius said with a laugh, but the young man didn’t laugh back. He shrugged and turned his back to Sirius. “If you don’t believe me then check for yourself.”
Sirius watched as the door closed behind the man. He stayed in the coffee shop, not taking his silver eyes away from the door. The conversation replaying in his head like a broken record. He turned back around to ‘Lils’ who was wiping the countertop. “Do you have a phone I could borrow,” he said in a rush. Like somehow, he would forget everything the man just told him.
The girl smiled at him and nodded. She took out her iPhone from the pocket of her green apron and handed it to Sirius. He wasted no time in dialing a number. Listening as it rang in his ear.
“Hello. Yeah, James it’s me. I need you and your dad to check something out for me……”
P.s this is my first proper time writing so I'm not the best. 
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austarus · 4 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader - Integrated Revelations (1/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me.
*I attempted a thing where I try to get back into the groove of writing for my murder speed husband... It’s probably shit, but here goes nothing. Sorta another theory I’ve had and had all these scenes connect together. I’m a shit writer so... Also, I’m dying and crying. Hahaha. I literally am dying. My uni work online is being ridiculously overwhelming along with my work hours for school. I really need a week with no deadlines or work just to get caught up with three weeks of work for certain classes. I really need to take a break. But I can’t, started to loose sleep. Can’t even have time to write or play Pokemon Reborn. Anyway, that a bit of an update from me. I wrote this back in July, hoping to have written a fic a week (which turned out to not happen, but hey, I tried) until October to post things. Also this most likely has grammer errors. I’m sorry. Once again, a shit writer. Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
Word Count: 3584
Part 2  Part 3
“Well...” Eobard’s raspy voice didn’t seem to alarm the two speedsters that had phased into the Time Vault. The futuristic speedster had sat with a leg crossed over the other, and elbow resting on the arm of the chair. “Things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?” Eobard pushed from the chair, standing up and taking a few steps forward. Nora and Barry looked on, one adorned a look of uncertainty and the other masqueraded his rage and pain through the years. “Barry Allen.” Barry nodded along, gauging the black-haired man’s façade. “But which Barry Allen? Clearly, you're… from a lot later than this one.” Eobard maneuvered his body and pointed to the unconscious form of an earlier Barry Allen.
“Way later.” Barry simply answered, looking indifferent.
“Way later,” Eobard echoed the response, putting emphasis on the word ‘way’. The scientist nodded along, pursuing his lips as his electric blue eyes flickered to Nora. Before anyone could speak, could even move the Time Vault door dematerialized. Nora watched as an earlier version of yourself entered the Vault hurriedly and out of breath. You had entered looking over your shoulder with a tablet in hand. You had been scanning for the supposed Time Wraith that had attacked Barry, but not your present time Barry.
“Eo, I traced-” You froze in place as you turned your gaze forward. Fear crippled your heart as you saw a version of Barry, much older through the years, and a woman not too far off his from his age. You swallowed thickly, clutching the tablet tighter. There’s three Barry Allen’s now?? Who the hell decided to break time? A small throbbing sensation erupted at the back of your head, but you dismissed it. Eobard had swiftly moved to stand in front of you. His eyes connected with yours for a moment.
“You knew?!” The young woman spoke up, stepping forward towards you which caused Eobard to hold out a subtle arm out to the side to keep you behind him. “All those years.” The older man narrowed his eyes at what the female had called out to you. You frowned at her words in confusion. Who is she? An image flashed through your mind of the woman, smiling proudly at Barry while wearing a dark purple and white suit with a yellow emblem. She clearly knows who I am, but… What even happened? Are they from a different future? You pushed away the image to the back of your mind. “How could y-”
“If you even think about touching her, either of you, then you’ll regret ever running back here,” Eobard steely replied. You took a step closer to your speedster boyfriend in case something were to happen and he needed to speed you away to safety. Not that you needed saving, but you were still working on defending yourself via your lessons with the futuristic speedster. So, they’re from the future, and I’m guessing far off from this other Barry, but not too far for him to age too much. You spared a small glance to the cuffed and unconscious Barry Allen on the ground. It hurt your heart to see him vulnerable like that, but Eobard had confided to you his suspicions regarding this Barry Allen. One Barry Allen problem at a time. Taking a breath in, you remained silent and studied the two speedsters that confronted your speedster.
“Let it go.” Barry grabbed onto the speedster’s shoulder, holding her back. Oddly enough, Barry’s words coldly cut through you. 
“Now,” Eobard’s cocky attitude returned to him as he established the safety of your presence. He had that kind of affect, putting himself on the air of superiority and intellect with his attitude and words to belittle the person in front of him rightly so to get the desired reaction he wants and anticipates. Eobard knows how to tug on Barry’s strings. “Who's your friend? Let me guess. Jesse Chambers- No. Maybe Lawrence. Wait- Danica Williams-”
“-It doesn't matter who she is.” Barry cut off Eobard’s rattling of names.
You eyed Eobard’s deceptive small smile as he held Barry’s gaze then turned to the young adult. The female remained silent, avoiding Eobard’s icy eyes. “She's your daughter.” You scrunched your face in confusion before the neurons clicked in your head after a few seconds. Lemme guess, she’s a speedster that ran back in time and met a younger version of her father. Weird flex bro, but whatever. You do you. If I was a speedster, I’d do things differently. Obviously not up to scale what with the tampering that Eobard likes to do with the timeline to get his way with things. “You've brought me your daughter.” Your eyes flickered back to Barry before taking another look at the female and seeing a bit of resemblance, other than the fact that she was a speedster like him. Then the article Eo’s been obsessing about did reveal something true. Barry does take Iris as his wife. The West-Allen family. “It's, um... Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.”
“Nora.” The young speedster forced out after briefly glancing at her father.
“Nora. Oh, that's nice.” Eobard turned back to Barry with a smirk, “At least you still have one.” That’s cruel, Eo. “What- Nora- time travel's so weird-”
“Why did you come here?” You found the nerve to speak up, moving to stand beside the man masquerading as Harrison Wells. I’m not going to be afraid; I can’t always cower behind Eobard if something unexpected happens. I need to take things in my own hands. Even if they do find out about- You cleared any evidence of distress at their sudden appearance from your throat, “What do you want?”
“I need him to fix this for me.” Barry held up a broken tube-like device in his hand.
A thought hit the genius scientist instantaneously, his blue eyes widening. Turning your body, you saw Eobard take a few steps backwards, “No...” The headache didn’t go away, instead intensifying slightly by the second. Negative emotions flooded your system at Eobard’s crippling composure. He shook his head at them. “No, if you're here...” Eo turned to face the unconscious Barry, cuffed to his motored wheelchair, pointing to them and him. “And he's here... that means-”
“-You don't get home.” Barry simply stated. Your heart shook, terror and dread feeding into your system at his words. Uncertainty of the future- your future with Eobard- plagued you. How does this all end?
“I get home!” The yellow speedster whipped his head around in agitation, his voice raising with every statement. Barry smirked cruelly as he shook his head. You held your breath at Eobard’s spiking wrath, you hadn’t seen him this angry since General Eiling’s interference with The Flash and Plastique. Even then he’d mask his resentment to pull the strings in the game strategically. “I get home. I go home! I get everything-”
“-You don't go home, Thawne.” The Scarlet Speedster halted the Man in the Yellow Suit. Eobard clenched his jaw. You reached out a hand to rest it on his arm in an attempt to calm him. His eyes met yours for a fraction of a second. You felt the tension hang heavily in the air. “Unless… you help me.” Barry held up his broken device once more, mockingly this time. Your eyes flickered to the ring on his right hand. Similar to Eobard’s. A future version of Cisco must have been able to figure out how to use microtech to compress Barry’s suit. He’s the greatest mechanical engineer that I know. Eobard’s shoulders sagged a fraction as Barry held his ground. Turning around, the genius scientist rubbed his face before kicking the spare Barry in annoyance. Barry, all clad in black, winced because he probably ended up feeling that kick. You and Nora remained silent, eyeing the exchange between both speedsters.
Eobard shifted his body back, hands on his hips and fueled hatred present in his eyes. “What do you want?”
“Like I said, you're gonna fix this for me.”
“To do what?”
“Drain dark matter.”
What could Barry possibly need with Dark Matter? Hasn’t it done enough damage? “Whose dark matter?” You crossed your arms with the tablet close to your chest, a frown on your face as Eobard stepped beside you once more.
“None of your business.” Barry sneered at you. You narrowed your eyes at his demeanor, the young man who you gradually grew close to and considered as another brother like Cisco.
“-It is our business.” Eobard retorted, taking your hand in his tightly. Both men were frustrated at the others persistence.
“No, it's not.”
Eobard started, letting go of you and rounding heatedly on to Barry, “There's no chance that I help you-”
You reached a hand out. “-Eobard, don’t-”
- It's none of your business-”
“-Cicada's!” Nora blurted out. Silence filled the room between the four of your, outbursts settling. You blinked a few times, taking a step back and resting a palm against your temple. Grimacing, you cast your eyes down as images of a half-masked man in green stood with a dagger. A glowing dagger with a look of emptiness and death in his eyes. That man looks dead to the world, as if willing to kill for an estranged purpose. It’s so cold. You shook your head subtly and stood your ground, unwilling to show weakness, but you saw Nora’s eyes shift when she looked at you. Barry eyed his daughter with a sort of incredulous look while a calculating and analytical look flashed through Eobard’s eyes.
“Cicada's.” The name seemed so familiar to Eobard as it easily slipped of his tongue. The hushed tone in Eobard’s voice expressed a calm before the storm. A deceptive man full of secrets and knowledge of many, many years to come. Especially when it came to The Flash. “The one who got away. You want to destroy Cicada's dagger, don't you?”
“We want to save lives.”
A cynical laugh leaves your speedster’s lips as you pursed yours, trying to tease out the logics from Barry. “You want to save lives.” Eobard chuckled mockingly at Barry’s response. “I bet you do. I bet you do. Especially your own, right, Barry Allen?”
“Look, that me,” Barry pointed to the other version of himself in the room, “he's gonna wake up soon. He sees me standing here, your whole timeline is gonna be blown to hell. You're never gonna get home. You know that's true!”
“I know! I know!” Eobard sighed, his facial expression contorted, and his eyes held a different motive as he flicked his gaze to Nora, who hadn’t stop taking glimpses of you. “Where are my manners? Can I get you a cup of water?” You rolled your eyes at Eobard’s ploy.
The four of you had moved to the small lab, far from the Cortex in avoidance of Caitlin and Cisco. The timeline was a fickle thing to speedsters, Eobard had told you that. But oddly enough, when it came to Eobard it seemed to be malleable to his every whim. Tools and spare wires littered along the desk your speedster boyfriend was working at. The monitor held a camera feed of the Time Vault where Barry’s unconscious younger version was still unconscious.
How hard did Eobard hit him? Like, how the hell is he still asleep even through all that yelling and seething??
“Here,” you handed Nora a bottle of purified water.
“Thanks,” she quietly spoke, you nodded at her. You really didn’t know what to think about someone who knew you in the future, yet you had no idea who she would be until a few years later. Would I even still be in this time period by then? Or would Eobard had kept his promise? … Nothing’s making any sense right now. You felt frustrated for not really being part of their conversations. You were… just there.
“So, who made this?” Eobard examined the piece of teach as he started working on it.
Barry answered with pocketed hands, “Someone smarter than you.”
“I doubt that,” You snorted as Eobard laughed at Barry’s statement. Leaning against the dark blue beam of the side lab, you crossed your arms avoiding Barry’s gaze when he glanced over to you. You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “If so, then why come here? Why go through all the trouble to come here when you can get help from the person who made it? Why then would you need Eobard’s help?”
“It’s… complicated,” Barry sighed before Nora could finish saying anything, pocketing his hands.
“I think that’s an understatement to the type of trouble that seems to find you, Barr.” You crossed your arms. “At least a Time Wraith didn’t follow you this time. Which I’m still having trouble tracking down.” You nodded to his former self on the monitor. Barry rolled his eyes at you.
“You know, Allen,” the yellow speedster wheeled around, electric blue eyes meeting Barry’s green gaze, “for your plan to work, you're gonna actually have to have his dagger in your possession...”
“We've got that covered.”
The villainous speedster raised an eyebrow at the forensics scientists. “You got that covered. How’s that?” He humored them.
“With this.” Nora pulled out a dark piece of metal, holding it out for you and Eobard to observe momentarily.
“What is that?” You piqued up, causing Nora to look over at you. An odd emotion flickered in her eyes. Eobard reached a hand out to it only for Barry to pluck it from Nora’s grasp. Your eyes flickered between the two then back to Nora. She didn’t seem to be cautious around you and Eobard at all. Revealing the reason for aid and showing Eobard exactly what he seemed to want to see. You weren’t a genius, but you obviously saw the pointed looks that Barry subtly gave his daughter. The cogs were turning in your head as well as in Eobard’s. He masked his growing speculation about the two speedsters.
“Is that-”
“It's a piece of Savitar's suit, yeah.” Barry stoically responded, since Nora had already shown Eobard the metallic piece, to Eobard’s oncoming question before he could even finish. Barry knew Eobard recognized the object, shaking his head that that cat was out of the bag for this secret too.
“Savitar. The Future Flash and the self-proclaimed God of Speed, kitten,” Eobard simply explained as he worked. Images of a metallic suit flashed through your mind as it hummed with energy; a familiar face shrouded in shadows and a hauntingly course voice. “A twisted time remnant of the man you know to be your friend. Another big bad that Barry’s had to face in the future, primarily due to the mistakes of his growing unhappiness. Isn’t that right, Flash? The pain you’ve caused the people around you just for you selfish wishes.” Barry rolled his eyes but remained silent.
“Eobard, play nice,” you scolded the older man, “they’re still guests here after all.”
“Hmph. You know what's funny about your dad, Nora,” the futuristic genius caught her attention, “is he hates me. Hates me with a passion, and yet a version of him, this Savitar, is a much bigger jerk than I ever was. Did you see the face?” Eobard gestured to his own face, primarily to one side of his face while snickering “Did you- did you see the, like, pizza face-” Nora awkwardly stepped from foot to foot, looking away.
“-Pizza face?-” Eobard Tiberius Thawne you owe me so many fucking answers when we get home because these images aren’t making as much sense as they should.
“-Can you hurry up?-”
“-Yeah, I'll hurry up.” Eobard smugly nonchalantly threw the tiny screwdriver onto the desk. He picked up a different on. “I gotta tell you, Allen, using Savitar's suit, it's a smart idea.”
Barry tilted his head to his daughter. “It was hers.”
Eobard gave her a hard look. His eyes flickered towards you then turned around. “Clever girl.” You picked up an odd indication in his tone. The speedster narrowed his eyes at the tech as he ignited it, illuminating in his hands to signal its functioning aspect. On the monitor, the four of you noticed that the other Barry was coming to consciousness. Eobard inhaled silently. “Oops.” Eobard swiveled his body around to hand them the piece of tech. “Gotta go.” Barry narrowed his eyes, quiet hatred behind them as he took the tech from his nemesis. “I still look forward to seeing how this all pans out. Nora. Kitten, make sure they see their way out,” Eo glanced at you one last time before speeding away in a torrent of red-lightning to the Time Vault. The three of you watched as the villainous speedster reclaimed his rightful place, crossing his legs once more. An analytical look across his features.
You spoke before the two speedsters sped away in a torrent of lightning. “Cicada’s the one with the lightning-shaped dagger, the one that glows ominously? Heartless eyes? Breathing problems?”
“Yeah? How did you…?” Nora trailed off. Barry figured that your powers were still manifesting themselves and it seems that their run back in time has triggered sporadic post-cognitive images to be revealed through certain key words.
“It doesn’t matter how-,”
“Your powers are still developing,” Barry interjected, pocketing the tech safely. “It seems that our visit has amplified what you can do. Let’s just what it doesn’t shift anything else”
He knows about my powers… Right, time travel. “Just be safe. I-I don’t know too much and I’m not sure what the future holds, but whatever trouble you two have run into just be cautious. Not for me, but for the ones you love. The past will always have some sort of domino effect to the future. I may not be able to time travel, but Eobard has taught me a thing or two about it.” You stopped, looking off to the side while rubbing your arm. “Barry?”
“Just answer me this one thing.”
“… It depends.”
“I know, timeline and speedster stuff. But…” You took a breath in, “Is he safe?” The speedster avoided your eyes. You swallowed thickly, moving your gaze to Nora. “Does he live?” She opened her mouth a fraction, moved by the desperation evident in your eyes
“I can’t answer that.” Barry whispered without hesitation, an alien emotion behind those eyes, replacing the kindness and warmth the Barry you knew had. It was bitter. “Nora, it’s time to go back to the night it all began.” Barry flashed away to the pipeline. Nora remained.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, your body felt numb at the absence of answers. You turned back to the monitor, running both hands through your hair before picking up a spare tool and frustratingly throwing it at the wall. Picking up the tablet once more, you ran some algorithms and diagnostics privately on your powers as you made you way to the Time Vault.
Eobard’s head perked up in question at your entrance. He remained seated catching your troubled look. You only whispered, “We need to talk after this is over,” before leaning against the wall and tapping at the screen of your tablet. He hadn’t missed the embittered look in your eyes, the prominent frown on your face. A peculiar emotion hidden behind those lovely eyes of yours when the speedster had been so accustomed to seeing lights and twinkling of stars within your irises.
Eobard rubbed his wrist as he attained messy hair due to Barry and Nora’s revelations. You speculated he had been running his hands through it in thought as he tried to decipher the truth and what his next plan of action would be. King vs King. Eobard and Barry. It was a dangerous game and it’s clear that Team Flash are Barry’s pieces to move while Iris was by his side. From the future’s perspective. But you… at this point, you hazard a thought of what Eobard saw of you as. Queen… or Pawn. Pursing your lips, you shoved those thoughts away as your mind reminded you of all you and he had gone through since he had revealed himself and his truth to you. But right now, you were feeling so conflicted and insecure at how everything would play out. He promised to take me home with him… That we could start a life together. I don’t want to be used up and thrown away again. I’m tired of being broken and alienated.
The restrained Barry shifted once more in abrupt confusion as he found himself slumped against the cool metal of Eobard’s motorized wheelchair. A prop to his act. His mind felt foggy and arms felt heavy, particularly his right hand. You stopped tapping and eyed him indifferently because you really had no idea how to feel, but you realized you need to be cautious with how you act and what you say until you and Eobard clear things up from earlier events.
Barry’s eyes darted rapidly to the seated, smirking speedster in front of him then to you then to the metacuffs before lingering back to Harrison. The Scarlet Speedster assessed the guarded expression on your face. You saw this Barry feign confusion, eyebrows raised as he eyed the metacuffs and Dr. Wells. You cracked your neck as Eobard did a little hand-wave gesture to Barry. The young speedster looked baffled, probably at getting caught, as he opened and closed his mouth.
“Now, who are you?”
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Pairing - Seo Johnny x reader
Genre - Fluff, Crack
Warnings - None, This is kinda similar to my Renjun oneshot, but instead of timestamps it's going to go on as day 1, day 2 and so.
Summary - Maybe having your boyfriend hired at the café you work in was infact a horrible idea, but it made one of the most hilarious memory.
(This is such a mess, I'm absolutely sorry)
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Day 1 -
"Y/n, listen. Having Johnny here work as a barista.. You sure about that?" Doyoung, your colleague and your somehow parent ish best friend asked for the 7th time that morning. Yuta too had started growing annoyed at his constant questioning alongside you.
"He isn't as bad as you think he is, Doyoung." Yuta spoke, looking up from the cup of coffee he was writing names in for the previous order, to which you nod along.
"It isn't that he is bad, it's just, having Y/n and Johnny work at the same café? I'm kinda skeptic about that" Doyoung said, voice kept low to not attract attention from the customers.
"HEy! Why would you say that?" you ask, voice feigning offence as you cross your arms over your chest, looking up to him because of your height difference.
You hear Yuta let out a chuckle, walking around the counter to hand the coffee's to the customer leaving you and Doyoung behind. Doyoung sent a glare in your direction, holding a finger up to his lips asking you to quiet down.
"Y/N HEY!" The two of you, along with the customers and Yuta, whip your head towards the door to look at a wild Johnny, standing at the entrance, walking in as he got the attention he was looking for.
He made his way around the counter, after fist bumping Yuta that is, and gave you a bone crushing hug.
"-that's why" Doyoung let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Day 2 -
"Honestly, not bad" you say, looking at the espresso he had just tamped
"What you mean not bad that's perfect!" Johnny reply back, holding the tampering machine up by the sink, about to throw it out.
"No no Johnny you first-" you start a little too late, as you watch your boyfriend throw the coffee powder before brewing it.
"-brew it and then throw it away" you cling onto his other hand, which was placed on his hips, concentrating hard on throwing the powder away.
Just like how you took your time to tell him what exactly to do, he took his own sweet time to process what you said.
Day 3 -
Johnny was doing a good job at the café, sometimes having a slip of hand every now and then, but still doing a better job than what Doyoung had initially thought he would.
But the manager thought otherwise, according to him, Johnny was a distraction for you and you were a distraction to Johnny.
Yuta was absolutely loving Johnny's company, having someone as flirtatious and goofy as him made working at the café much easier. His somehow intimidating demeanor when he was focused on something helped dodge Doyoung's nagging.
And like said, he was a pretty good helping hand.
it wasn't until Yuta came out of the officre where your manager resided screaming while frantically trying to search for you.
"Okay so. I do NOT have any intention to scare you, but either you or John are going to lose your job, maybe even the two of you" Yuta spoke fast as soon as he reached you.
You stop organizing things in the display, a little confused on why your friend said whatever he just said.
"What do you mean I'll be losing my job?"
"Not you exactly, it's a might, but it's 95% confirmed that your boyfriend will most probably lose his job" he said, leaning against the counter, your conversation catching Doyoung's attention.
"Not surprised but that was quick, why though?" Doyoung asked the question you were about to ask, wiping his hands dry.
"So one of the customers, she asked for a sugar free iced latte, but while Johnny was making it, he dumped in a bunch of sugar, i don't know why he'd do it, he still did and then said 'THAT'S a lot of sugar' but did nothing to make her another batch and gave that sugary drink and when she said it was way too sweet, he went 'not my problem' and the manager heard all of it... "
"That is such a Johnny thing to do" Doyoung was a laughing mess while you had your eyes wide open not believing anything Yuta said, from your peripheral you saw your boyfriend walking out of the office, immediately turning to him.
"Is it tr-"
Day 4 -
"Why exactly aren't you wearing your name tag?" you ask Johnny, he was now given the job of a cashier rather a barista.
"Because it wasn't fashionable enough" you hear Yuta snort from where he was brewing the coffee, so basically right behind you.
"Babe that doesn't matter, you need to wear it" you point out, holding your hand out assuming that he'd understand that you want him to hand the name tag name tag over so you could pin it.
"Oh it does" he said, reaching out to hid pocket, taking the name tag out, looking at it was a gaze of disgust and aimlessly threw it to his side.
You look at Johnny with a look of shock when you hear a distant yelp, shakily you turn, stepping back to see who made the nose to see your manager, standing there, covered in coffee.
"You okay manager?" your oh so oblivious boyfriend asked, with an angelic smile on his face. You see your manager reaching into his mug, pulling out a ridiculously familiar looking tag.
"Oh I'm perfectly fine Mr. Seo, but i don't think you're job or your name tag is." your manager spoke out in an angry tone.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Lee, he didn't do it on purpose trust me, he really isn't the type to do that" you said, trying to get your manager to change his mind, his words clesrly implying that Johnny's about to get fired.
"Is it Y/n?" Mr. Lee asked, in an absolutely furious yet sarcastic tone.
"I'm sorry sir.." you did a 90° bow, you hear your your manager puff out a sigh.
"If anything I'll personally burn this name tag" with that, he stomped off to his chamber, well office.
You turn towards Johnny, him looking genuinely confused. "He's gonna start a bonfire..?
You let out a loud sigh, dropping your head down low as both of your friends turn into a fit of laughter.
Day 5 -
"Y/N HELP ME HOLD JOHNNY BACK" you hear Doyoung scream as you were taking one of the customers orders.
You turn around, looking at the customer with an apologetic look, signaling Yuta to take over.
The time you make your way to the back, you were too late.
A powdered sugar coated Mr. Lee, a shock struck Doyoung holding back an extremely shocked Johnny stood in the middle of the pantry room.
"He's fired. I think that's obvious" Your managers voice clearly shaking, mostly because of anger and maybe a little cause of all the sugar that might have gotten into his esophagus.
He gave Johnny one last look, huffing and walking out of the room.
That's when Johnny completely lost it, laughing his heart out, not even minding the fact that he just got fired, not like it should've mattered to him, he only joined because you insisted he do something outside the studio.
"Oh my god did you see him? He looked an Abominable snowman!" he said between his laughter.
Doyoung himself, broke out laughing, your manager made a re-appearance at the pantry room, the two barely able to control their laugh as you all just stared at him.
"what? I came here to get a towel!" he hurriedly left the room.
Doyoung thought it'd only make sense if he did some explaining on what had happened.
"Don't even bother. Hey you lasted for 5 days!" you turn to your boyfriend after waving the latter off.
"New record i guess, that's progress" Johnny said, excited to get out of the barista clothing, wiping his sugar coated hands on Doyoung's apron ignoring his whining.
You had a huge smile on your face, looking at your lovable stupid boyfriend.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
I can help protect you; Scott Lang x child reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all wow it’s been awhile since I posted a fic that wasn’t BoRhap/Queen related but now here I am with a request that has literally been sitting in my phone for almost a year now. For @randomfandoms-k8​ I wanna say thank you for being soooooooooo patient with me. But finally I came down to write your Scott Lang request. I hope you like it and enjoy it :)
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Day 143. Sunday afternoon, well technically it’s 11:55am but time seems to go by slowly when you’re under house arrest, in fact time is an irrelevant mesh isn’t it? Wow didn’t know I could go that deep into philosophy.  But anyways it’s been 143 days since I was sentenced to my 2yr house arrest after I sided with Cap back in Germany against Stark.
Honestly, this beats having to deal with prison again, this time it would’ve been in an ocean of solitary confinement.  I would’ve gone mad had I screwed up my chances of seeing Cassie again. She’s helped make this house arrest more bearable and honestly a lot more fun.  But currently her and her mom along with Paxton went North to visit Maggie’s parents who hadn’t seen Cassie in a while.
Which left me here. Alone. With no one to really entertain.  I mean sure Luis and the guys come over every once in awhile but they’re business forming up their own business.  Apparently they’re next bright idea was selling security equipment. Not that I’m complaining at all, they’re good guys to have around every now and then but—they can be a bit much at times.
I know not really making much sense am I? Well that kinda happens whenever you’re stuck in your house all day and night.
Right now it was trash day so I gathered up all the trash and proceeded to head outside to put my trashcan out (as best I could without triggering my ankle bracelet). Now I’m thinking this is gonna be just a simple in and out type situation, as it always is, but as I went out towards the trashcans that I kept in the backyard there was a sudden bang.
At first I thought it was a gunshot but it sounded way to close.  Plus as I looked towards my trashcans, I thought I saw something move behind them.
“Hello?” I called out.  There was another loud bang from behind the trashcans and I continued saying, “Look I’m unarmed. If you want money you won’t find much. But if you just want food, I can give it to you.” yeah I know that was probably stupid of me to say but most of the time you will see some homeless person going through the trash in this part of the city.
Soon coming out from behind the trashcan wasn’t an adult, but a small child.  She appeared to be a couple years younger than Cassie, her (h/c) hair was long and madded like a rat’s nest, and she looked pretty dirty like she hadn’t bathed in weeks, maybe months.  But what shocked me the most was how skinny she looked.  She wore clothes that were twice her size, it was like she was just drowning in them.
“Hey, hey sweetheart.” She backed away fearfully and tried to hide behind the trashcans once more. “No, no, no hey. It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. See?” he sat down on the ground so that he wouldn’t intimidate her.  Then using one of his new hobbies that he had to learn while in house arrest, he made a fake bouquet of flowers come out from his back.
It peeked her interest as she slowly came out from behind the trashcan.  A soft smile spread across her face.
“Here you know, I think I got something better than what you’ll find in there.” I quickly raced inside and got out the leftover pizza box I had from last night. I took out a single slice of the pepperoni and quickly placed it in the microwave for about 15 seconds before coming back outside.
I sat back down and said to the small girl.
“You like pizza?” she looked at me before nodding softly. “Then have a bite of this. At least here it smells fresh and not mixed in with some other stuff and god knows what else.” The little girl slowly walked towards me, staring at the pizza. She would every now and then look up between me and the pizza. “It’s okay sweetheart, it’s not poisoned or anything.”
I broke off the tip of it and ate it to show her that it wasn’t poisoned or tampered with in anyway.
“See? Just a little hot but it’s all good.” Finally she raised her hands and took the pizza from the plate.  She sniffed it before taking a small bite.  Slowly her eyes widened with pure joy as she continued to devour the pizza. “Whoa hey slow down there kiddo, you’re gonna choke if you just inhale it like that.” I warned her.
She quickly looked up at me before looking down shamefully down, a slight glint of tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad. I just didn’t want you to choke on it. You can keep eating.” She looked down at her pizza and went back to eating it.
Once she finished it, I took the plate back from her and asked her.
“Was that good?” she nodded. “You know if you’d like, I’ve got some juice or something for you in case you’re thirsty.” She looked up at me with those big (e/c) eyes of hers as she tilted her head to the side.  Oh wow that sounds a little creepy doesn’t it? “I promise I’m not gonna hurt you. I’ve got a daughter just a little over your age and I don’t know maybe you both might like the same stuff. Cause I—can’t really leave the house.”
I showed her my ankle bracelet and she looked down at it before looking back up at me. I held out my hand to her and she looked down at it.
“I promise, I’m not going to hurt you. Do you trust me?” she was silent but I soon saw her reach out her hand and she placed her tiny hand into mine.  I gently closed my hand over hers as I then led her on inside.
Once we were inside, I poured her a glass of apple juice (Cassie loves apple juice) so hopefully this kid loves it too.  As she began to drink the juice, so many questions kept running through my mind. Where did she come from? Who was she? How did she get like this? Where were her parents? Things like that.
Should I call someone? Child services maybe? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll sleep on that for tonight.  Maybe I can get some answers out of her.
“Hey sweetie,” she turned to face me. “Do you have a name? I mean I can’t just keep calling you sweetie, sweetheart or munchkin can I?” at that point she looked down sadly.  Her hands fiddling with the oversized shirt, oh no. Is—is she an orphan? Or, and I pray to God this isn’t the case, did her parents abandon her. “Can you speak sweetheart?”
She shook her head no.  Okay so she wasn’t deaf cause she’s actually responding to me. So was she mute? Or was she choosing not to speak.
“Well, think I should tell you me name first so that way we’re not strangers anymore. I’m Scott. Scott Lang.” I came up to her and held out my hand for a handshake now.  She softly smiled and shook my hand.  
Okay good progress we’re getting there.
“Hey, since uhh—since you can’t talk. How bout I give you a name? Is that okay with you?” she nodded and that’s when I grabbed my phone and went through some websites for the top 100 baby names for girls.  “Okay let’s see, how about…….Belle?” she shook her head no. “Ariel?” again she shook her head. “Don’t make me choose Cinderella.” She then gave me a stank face as her tongue stuck out and I softly laughed. “I’m just playing yah kiddo. Here let’s see what this list has.”
I scrolled through the website trying to find the perfect name for her.  Soon a name that felt like it belonged to her came on the list and I said to her.
“Okay, how do you feel about (Y/n)?” her eyes widened and a smile came across her face as she nodded happily. “Alright, (Y/n) it is then.”
After we settled on her name, I took her up to the bathroom to get her cleaned up (couldn’t let her remain dirty forever right?).  By some miracle I managed to get her once madded rat’s nest of hair under control, and now that she was all clean I got a better look at this little cutie.
She had a little button-like nose, her eyes now sparkled with new life now that she no longer looked like she had a raccoon mask of dirt on her eyelids.
Her chubby cheeks that showed two little dimples whenever she smiled.  She looked like a brand new girl.  Once she was all dried up, I put her into some of Cassie’s old clothes (thank god I managed to convince Maggie to let me do the Good will run. That I may have forgotten to do before I was picked to join Cap’s team in Germany).
By late afternoon, we were now currently watching some cartoons together when I decided that maybe I could make her laugh at something.  Of course she smiled every now and then but there was something in her eyes that really showed me that she was still sad about something.
Being the dad that I am I know I hate it whenever my Peanut is upset, so I make it my life’s mission to always make Cassie laugh at least once a day (once I got out of prison that was).  I got up from the couch acting like I was gonna grab a drink of water but what I was really gonna grab was my magic cards, the eye-popping glasses, and clown wig.
I put the clown wig on as well as the glasses and suddenly jumped in front of her holding out the deck of cards.
“Pick a card, any card!” I proclaimed.  She looked at me oddly but looked down at the deck and picked a single card from the deck. “Memorize the card. Okay now put it back, face down don’t let me see it.” She did as she was told.
I then shuffled the deck behind my back trying to mix the cards up till I thought it was good enough.  I brought the deck back out in front of us and I said.
“Okay (n/n), now I’m gonna brush through the cards and you tap the cushion twice when you want me to stop, K?” she nodded and that’s when I began dealing through the cards.  I heard her pat the cushion and I stopped at the 14th card.  I took it out from the deck and held it in my hand. “Alright, now was this your card?” I turned it over to her.
She shook her head no.  I turned it towards me and saw that it was the Jack of clubs.
“Wait what? Now where did that…..oh man I must really be losing my eyes if I misplaced it.” I then pressed the button on the glasses and soon the eyes on the glasses popped out.
At that point I heard her starting to laugh.  Not giggle, but a real laugh.  Her laughter slowly grew in volume but what was surprising was that I began to see the lights starting to flicker on and off.  As she then let out this one shriek of laughter, the lights suddenly exploded and the entire house went dark.
When the power went off throughout the entire house, to say I was freaked out a bit would be a bit of an understatement.  Now whether I can confirm or deny that I may have shrieked like a girl, I’ll just say I got a little spooked by it.
I looked back down at (Y/n) who was now covering her mouth and trying to sink further into the couch.  Wow, so—she’s like a real life Boo (you know that little toddler from Monster’s Inc.)  (Y/n) has powers.  Oh my god I just took in a child that has powers. Wow never thought this is how my house arrest would turn out.
“That—that was you wasn’t it?” I wanted to confirm it with her.  Cause maybe this could be a hallucination or something. Maybe the power did go off on its owe—oh who am I kidding, it was (Y/n) that did this.  When I saw her nod sadly she got off the couch and solemnly walked towards the backdoor.  “Whoa, whoa, whoa hey. Where do you think you’re going?” I said as I stopped her and knelt down beside her.
Her sad, teary eyes stared right at me and that’s when I asked her.
“Did—did you think I would get mad and kick you out if I found out about this?” she nodded, her eyes refusing to meet mine.  “(Y/n), sweetie I’m not mad. So what if you have powers, it’s cool. That means now I get to nickname you Boo. You ever seen Monster’s Inc?” she shook her head no. “Okay we’ll fix that up. It was one of Cassie’s favorite movies growing up, I think you’ll like it.”
I stroked some of the hair out of her face.  I knew at this rate with her having powers, there was no way I can get Child services involved.  Now that the Accords (still don’t really know the entirety of them all I know is that they’re bad for super heroes) had been finalized, they could take her away to that Raft prison that’s out in the middle of the ocean and lock her up.  But she’s only a kid, she doesn’t deserve that fate.
“Kiddo I’m not mad. In fact can I tell you a secret?” she nodded.  I quickly looked around to make sure we were alone (which made her quietly giggle) I gestured with my finger for her to lean closer as I whispered to her, “I’m a super hero.” Her eyes widened in shock. “Yep. My alter ego, is Ant-Man.” At this point she looked at me confused, “What you’ve never heard of Ant-Man?” she shook her head no. “Alright, well we’ll fix that too.”
I guided her back towards the living room and sat her down on the couch and I sat down beside her.  I gently stroked down her hair and assured her again.
“You’ll be safe here (Y/n). Whatever it was that you had to deal with before, or being rejected or whatever, you won’t have it here. I can protect you. And maybe once my 2 years are up, maybe just maybe……I can introduce you to some people who could help you control those powers of yours.”
Her eyes lit up as her face almost screamed out ‘for real?’
“Yeah kiddo. I promise, no one is gonna hurt you ever again.” At that point she hugged me.  I smiled softly down at her and gently embraced her back.
Call me crazy I know but I can’t kick her back out into the streets. Besides I’ve been experienced to enough craziness already from when I first met Hank and Hope, to fighting alongside Team Cap against Stark, so why not? And like I said, I don’t know what the CS would do if they found out she had powers, either lock or up or just kill her (now that’s messed up but I’m told it happens).
But hey, on the bright side at least Cassie will get to be the older sister she always wished she could be.
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Rebirth of A Samurai (Part 3)
Summary: This fic is a what if scenario to SMT4 Apocalypse. I would go into more detail, but I don’t want to spoil too much of what this fic entails. If this fic gains traction I may continue the story on from this one-shot. Warning: This is a long one.
This may be the last I write for awhile with college right around the corner. I won’t stop completely, but it will become a lot slower.
“Shhh...don’t say that Flynn is supposed to be having a nice dream.”, Flynn’s mother said.
“Who the fuck are you? Your not my mother she might have been controlling and overbearing, but she had a good heart. She was never a colossal bitch even to Issachar.”, Walter questioned.
“Your mother? Are you Flynn’s…? No he’s not he’s...we’re...I-I’m not Issachar!”, Issachar said.
“What are you saying of course your Issachar!”, Not-Flynn’s mother said.
“No, I’m not Issachar! And their not Jonathan, Walter, and Isabeau! We’re the fifth son, Flynn Alexander!”, Not-Issachar rebuked.
The prentices eyes widened.
“I’m not…? I’m not Jonathan?”, not-Jonathan questioned.
“Think! Do you know your parents' names? What’s the first thing that springs to your mind? How about where you live?”, not-Issachar questioned.
“I-I...Why am I imagining…? Wait, I don’t know where Jonathan lives. I've never been there. Not even before or after he became Merkabah I just never had time to.”, not-Jonathan said.
“Merkabah? Why does that…? That’s right Jonathan became Merkabah and Walter became Lucifer! I fought them!”, not-Isabeau said as her eyes widened.
“Hoy?! What are you guys...Wait I fought Merkabah too but I didn’t fight Lucifer I helped him!”, not-Walter said.
“That’s right, we're the fifth son. You who looks like Jonathan you chose preservation. You who looks like Walter you chose upheaval. You who looks like Isabeau you chose neutrality. And I who looks like Issachar...I chose to unmake the world. I chose nihilism.”, not-Issachar revealed, after he did there was an audible crack in seemingly reality.
“Hoy, that means there’s a version of me that chose law? Ah gross…”, Not-Walter said.
“The feeling is mutual.”, Not-Jonathan said with disgust in his eyes looking at not-Walter.
“No wonder I thought you guys really were Jonathan and Walter. You sure butt heads like they eventually did.”, Not-Isabeau responded with a light chuckle.
Not-Flynn’s mom’s eyes were shadowed as the world around them went silent. Everyone around them froze in place before turning on them.
“You shouldn’t be here, interlopers.”, Not-Flynn’s mom said.
“I know we shouldn’t normally. Our memories of the previous cycle’s are usually mostly dormant in our subconscious, but you’re tampering with the current Flynn’s mind has called us here, Krishina!”, Not-Issachar explained.
A demonic smile identical to the one on Flynn’s face when he was possessed appeared on not-Flynn’s mom’s face. He dropped the disguise revealing himself as Krishina.
“Get away from us! I mean Flynn! I mean stop!”, Not-Issachar said as he pulled a samurai said as he pulled out a samurai sword from thin air and the others drew theirs.
Flynn's past lives memories were normally kept in his subconscious to prevent them from driving him insane. They are basically the embodiment of his memories of those past lives. He remembers they awakened when Krishna started messing with the current Flynn’s mind. They were awakened to stop him from turning him into a mindless puppet. However, when then entered the illusion their minds were tampered with like the current Flynn’s made to believe they were other people so Flynn didn’t instantly realize something was wrong. He could tell by looking in Flynn’s eyes those times. He was slowly losing his own will. He could feel he was dangerously close to losing what’s left of it. That’s why Krishna had so much power in his mind now. He created this illusion after his fellow Divine Powers tortured him for days to break him.
“My kalki is almost ready for our fight with YHVH and I’m afraid I don’t have much time for you since I’m dealing with another interloper right now. Let’s see if you can defeat your own mind. Well I won’t but...well see you later kalkis.”, Krishna said before disappearing.
“Pfft! Is this the best you can do Krishna? You should know better than to underestimate the king of Tokyo! I can beat this entire village alone!”, Not-Walter boasted.
As if Krishna heard him, demons, angels , gods, and even humans appeared from all around them. Every single person or creature they had ever fought throughout the cycles was here, even the likes of Lucifer, Merkabah, Ancient of Days, Sanat, and Masakado.
“You just had to say that didn’t you?”, Not-Jonathan questioned, with a priceless look on his face.
“Aww man...this is gonna be awesome!”, Not-Walter said.
Not-Jonathan’s eyebrow twitched incredulously.
“How in YHVH’s name did I become you?”, Not-Jonathan questioned in complete disgust.
“You probably got sick of that pole up your ass and decided to actually live a little in your next life.”, Not-Walter replied.
“Simmer down guys, we gotta work together for now. Even if it’s just a temporary truce.”, Not-Isabeau said getting between the two.
“For now, after all it would be a tragedy if I was forced to fight my lord.”, Not-Jonathan replied.
“Your lord is the reason we’re in this freaky time loop. But, I guess I’ll tolerate your high strungness for a bit longer. I’d hate to lose my free will.”, Not-Walter replied.
“Just uh wow…”, Not-Issachar said, amazed to see how extreme some of his other selves were.
“I guess this is what we would have been like had we fallen into ‘monolithic extremes’ as Isabeau called it. But, now is not the time for that, the people need us.”, Not-Isabeau said.
“Uh yeah…!”, Not-Issachar replied, feeling awkward since he chose nihilism.
Even now not-Issachar regretted his cowardice in choosing that choice. Unlike the other Flynn’s he did fervently believe in the path he chose.
They called upon their own demons from their respective cycles. Not-Walter rushed into a horde of demons with reckless abandon, slicing them into bits. Not-Jonathan swiftly beheaded Hope without any emotion. He then stayed back observing their enemies and exploiting their weaknesses. Not-Isabeau used Antichthon which was effective against basically everything, vaporizing low to mid and even some lower high tier demons instantly. For those it didn’t it lowered their overall performance crippling their offense and defense. Not-Issachar rushed to Flynn now that Krishna was nowhere in sight. However as he did he was stopped by his dad.
Not-Issachar froze facing his father still remembering finding his mangled form on that fateful day.
“Sorry dad.”, Not-Issachar apologized, before instantly vaporizing him with Antichthon.
He looked all over for Flynn before finding him unconscious. He ran over to him, shaking him awake. Not-Issachar looked relieved as he started to stir.
“Issachar?”, Flynn questioned sleepily.
That relief faded when he felt a sword get thrust through his chest. He knew that was a bit too easy. What he did expect was for him to transform into a giant fiery snake.
“I-I don’t remember that happening?! It must have been Krishna. You're a decoy.”, Not-Issachar said.
“I am Shesha. I fooled you like I fooled your little dim witted Tokyo.”, Not-Flynn said.
“You did what…”, Shesha nearly flinched when he heard the low angered tone of Not-Isabeau.
He could practically feel the anger radiating off her umm...him? Well he was Isabeau right now kinda. Anyway, Not-Isabeau practically launched herself at Shesha. They flew through the building creating a massive hole in the house.
“Then where’s Flynn?”, Not-Issachar questioned.
He looked around the remains of the house and ran through the battlefield making sure to punch Tayama when he saw him. Throughout the carnage he noticed a calm spot like the eye of a storm. That was it he rush through to see an unconscious Flynn guarded by Odin, Maitreya, and Great Innana. They haven’t personally fought them like Shesha so this was more of Krishna’s manipulation. His demons came to his side Quetzalcoatl, Tiamat, and Orochi. He was having a tougher time than the others due to having weaker demons since his cycle ended prematurely. He was able to defeat Innanna and greatly wound Matrieya, but he was tiring and Odin killed off his demons.
“Heh, despite not being the first, you're definitely the weakest incarnation of our godslayer.”, Odin taunted as he prepared to finish him off.
He closed his eyes as Odin thrust his spear forward and a loud crackle of lightning rippled through the air.
“Odin! You bastard, you embarrassed my current self by knocking him out and kidnapping him! I’m going to tear your head off like I did to the Odin of my cycle!”, Not-Walter yelled as he jumped out from a horde of dead demons and launched himself at Odin like a madman.
Odin was too low to turn his attention to not-Walter as he was nailed in the gut by Deadly Wind. He gasped in pain, flinching and dropping his spear as not-Walter smiled devilishly. Matrieya tried to attack but not-Walter grabbed his face and vaporized him with Antichthon.
“Hoy, get up Flynn!”, Not-Walter said as he kicked the unconscious Flynn much to not-Issachar’s horror.
He cringed as he heard Flynn wince.
“Argh!!! Walter stop! Wait Walter? How do I know your name?”, Flynn questioned.
“Because none of this is real and you’ve gotta get your ass up and kick the shit out of that fedora wearing god!”, Not-Walter explained poorly.
“I-I what?!”, Flynn questioned, reasonably confused.
Not-Issachar tried to explain the situation to Flynn properly, leaving out anything about his past lives letting him believe they were just versions of his friends created by his mind. Reasonably Flynn looked shocked and skeptical, but he also saw Kiccigiori was now a massive battleground full of demons, angels, gods, and humans.
“T-there’s no way it c-can’t…”, Flynn mumbled, tears forming in his eyes looking around at the battle.
“Tough shit! That’s the truth Flynn! Our family is dead, Issachar’s dead, Jonathan’s dead, Walter’s dead and now Isabeau!”, Not-Walter said harshly.
Flynn stepped back looking incredibly shaken to his core.
“Have some tact!”, Not-Issachar yelled at not-Walter.
“We don’t have time for tact! He has to man up and wake the fuck up now or we’re done for good!”, Not-Walter yelled back angrily.
Flynn’s head hung low, covered by his bangs. Not-Issachar put a reassuring hand on Flynn’s shoulder.
“It may seem all dark now, but don’t give into despair like I did.”, Not-Issachar told him.
“You can’t go Flynn! You have to stay here with us! That’s what you want right Flynn? That’s what you always wanted! You never wanted to make the tough decisions! You just wanted to be a follower!”, another Not-Flynn’s mom said with another fake version of his dad by her side.
Tears fell from Flynn's face as he met his fake mom’s gaze. She opened up her arms to welcome him. Flynn shook, walking over to their side.
“You can’t be serious! You're even weaker than that quitter over there!”, Not-Walter roared in rage.
“I’m sorry…”, Flynn apologized quietly.
“Flynn…”, Not-Issachar murmured, sinking his head in defeat.
“...Mom...Dad...But there's nothing left for me here. You guys are dead, so is Issachar, and the village is in tatters. I let myself fall victim to this illusion because I wanted it to be real. I wanted your deaths to all be a horrible nightmare, but it’s not. It’s real and because I bought into this illusion more people...people I was supposed to protect are dead. I have to go back.”, Flynn said, with a steely resolve turning from his fake parents.
“No! Don’t abandon us again! I didn’t raise you to be heartless man who would walk out on his own family!”, his fake father yelled.
“Kiss our ass Krishna!”, Not-Walter yelled back smugly, flaunting Odin’s decapitated head as a trophy as Flynn walked towards them slowly picking up speed.
His clothes started to flicker out from his peasant garb to his samurai garb. Suddenly everything went white.
“Haha! He has spoken! You have now regained your right to create a world messiah Flynn! Let’s see if you fight to keep that right!”, the voice from his dream at the beginning of his adventure said.
When he reopened his eyes he saw a familiar teen with a half shaved head of brown hair and eerie glowing green eyes. He wore a green jumpsuit and had glowing green celtic tattoos, Nanashi. By his side were his own demons Anubis, Shiva, and his own Odin. It seemed he was in the middle of battle with him. He felt the weight of a pink lotus in his hands making him realize he was transformed like before. He was doubled over as Nanashi prepared to strike him down.
“Isabeau...what happened to Isabeau?”, he asked.
“Huh? Why are you asking, didn't I tell you, Krishna?”, Nanashi asked.
Vishnu-Flynn’s eyes were shadowed as he asked and Dadga’s eyes widened in realization.
“Wait there kid!”, Dadga tried to warn in his odd accent.
“I killed her like I did to the others before facing you. Heh, she called out Flynn’s name till the end. She was just another useless bitch like Asahi.”, Nanashi taunted, thinking he’d won.
He didn’t fully mean that he felt a bit bad about killing the others after everything, especially after actually carrying out their deaths, but it was far too late to turn back now.
“Heh, he’s shaking. Krishna must be scared now knowing I beat the others.”, Nanashi thought.
Honestly the whole point of telling him of his betrayal was meant to intimidate him. After all, he knew his former friends weren’t complete slouches. To be fair he died a few times fighting them. He killed them because he knew they would oppose the path he took.
However, Vishnu-Flynn was not shaking from fear...it was unbridled rage. The entire area around them was filled with a powerful aura of bloodlust. Nanashi was going to swing down at him with Masakado’s katana, but he couldn’t feel his arm. He looked over only to gaping in horror when he saw his hand had been severed without him even noticing. His hand still holding the katana stabbed into the ground behind him. Nanashi’s eyes widened in absolute shock.
“You fucked up there kid. That’s not Krishna.”, Dadga said.
Before he could even react his body his head was cut clean off by Vishnu-Flynn’s next strike. Nanashi tried to bite back the intense pain circulating throughout him. Normally no one would know the pain of their head being severed due to dying instantly, but since Nanashi was immortal he felt all of it and he howled in pain.
“You!!! How dare you! I saved you! I trusted you! And you killed one of the only people I had left!”, Vishnu-Flynn roared full of venom.
He stood up to his full towering height with two new detached arms and four new red laser swords.
“Ah, Flynn! He’s Flynn. Did he have to go for my head?”, Nanashi thought as his body started to regrow itself.
Nanashi gasped in pain as he was torn apart by Vishnu-Flynn’s blades again before he could regrow his body fully. A loud crackle of thunder slammed down at Vishnu-Flynn which he blocked with his swords. Which hummed only powered up by the lightning. He turned his attention to Nanashi’s demons. He dodged a Mamudoon launched by Anubis. He swiped his arms not releasing his full magical power which was dormant while under Krishna’s control and used Antichthon on Anubis nearly vaporizing him on the spot and severely crippling him. He finished off the god with a single strike to his blade. Shiva launched himself at him and the two were locked in a dangerous dance of blades. Shiva was skilled certainly, known as the destroyer in the polytheistic religion he was technically apart of right now as Vishnu-Flynn. However, Flynn was very very pissed off. When he was pissed off he didn’t slip up no...he became more skilled and more merciless in combat. Besides he’s already fought Shiva before and he knows the way he fights. Vishnu-Flynn turned the tide against Shiva putting him on the back burner as Odin tried to shoot lightning at him.
Dadga gaped genuinely impressed as Vishnu-Flynn danced around Odin’s lightning and fought Shiva at the same time. The difference between Flynn and Krishna fighting was like the difference between Heaven and Earth. Krishna certainly wasn’t a slouch, but he was primarily a schemer who used what most would consider more underhanded tactics and trickery to win fights. Flynn however was a godslayer in every meaning of the world. Dadga felt he truly understood what exactly made someone a godslayer when he saw Flynn fight. Flynn reacted to and attacked on pure instinct like a demon. However, he attacked with the skill and precision of a human. His skill in question was truly staggering on the level of no...even surpassing the best warrior gods as he was completely overpowering and nearly toying with Nanashi’s demons.
He finished healing up his godslayer who took a deep inhale as his body finally reformed after being mangled badly by Vishnu-Flynn. Nanashi tried to regain his bearings and prepared to attack Vishnu-Flynn. It took much longer and was much more draining for Dadga than usual because usually not as much of Nanashi had to be healed when he revived him. Usually the kid might get stabbed in the heart, decapitated, or even instant killed, but those weren’t as hard for him to fix.
“That man is a real monster.”, Dadga thought, feeling nervous for the first time he started his campaign to kill all the gods and recreate the universe.
This man didn’t have the ability to revive as he pleased and he was merely a human. Well...he wasn’t right now, but he usually was. At least Krishna had good taste that’s exactly why he planned to steal his godslayer from him.
Vishnu-Flynn dodged Odin’s spear strike causing him to pierce Shiva. With a swipe of his hands Vishu-Flynn obliterated the two with Shine More like Anubis not even leaving a trace behind for Nanashi to revive. Nanashi concentrated and launched a Deadly Wind at Vishnu-Flynn. More demons had replaced his fallen ones: Great Innanna, Isanami, and Xi Wangmu.
Vishnu-Flynn dodged his attack shot forward faster than Nanashi could comprehend and sliced him into bits again this time using Dark Nandaka on his bits. His demons turned to Vishnu-Flynn completely stunned at his speed. Before Great Innanna could even act she was decapitated. Xi Wangmu shot a Ziodyne at him which he easily dodged before cleaving both her and Izanami into bits. With a swipe on his hands he vaporized their remains with Shine More.
Fear grew within Dagda as Nanashi hadn’t even fully regrown himself before Flynn slashed him into bits mercilessly. He knew Nanashi didn’t have many demons left to use and Flynn was killing all of them permanently. His slashes grew so fast all Dagda saw was a storm of blades. Before that he could count about 10000 strikes per millisecond, but now all he saw was a blur. He was killing Nanashi faster than he could revive him. Dadga had a hard time keeping track of if Nanashi was dead or alive since he died so fast.
Krishna was extremely pleased. While his kalki had broken free of his contract he was now completely embarrassing Nanashi and his forces which gave him no small amount of satisfaction. As well as having a front row seat to the true magnificence of his kalki. He was content to sit back and let his godslayer do the work in killing Nanashi. Of course, there was the obvious problem that he was no longer in control of Flynn, but he could fix that in time. For all he knows Flynn can go ahead and kill YHVH while he’s at it, then he can swoop in at the right time, steal control, and achieve salvation. So, yeah Krishna was pretty content sitting back and munching on imaginary popcorn while his kalki went berserk.
Dadga was sweating now as he was greatly drained by how many times he had to revive Nanashi in this fight alone. When he told his godslayer he could die as many times as he wanted he was joking. He never thought he would actually have to revive him this much consecutively against anyone besides YHVH. Dagda was a god, but even he had his limits. A limit he was dangerously close to hitting. Even his reserves weren’t infinite.
Nanashi hardly had a second to think before he was continuously violently torn apart by the man his more naive self once idolized. He had time to feel though. Absolute horror and terror. He had honestly thought he was up to Flynn’s level by now after all he’s killed many gods, demons, and angels at this point. Confident he could beat him if Krishna happened to seduce him to his cause like Dadga to him. Defeating his former friends and beating down Vishnu-Flynn only further bolstered his confidence that he was truly unbeatable. However, he now realized how completely wrong he was. He had never been anywhere near Flynn’s level. He was beating down Vishnu-Flynn because that fop with a flute was in control, not the true Flynn. He had his power no...not even all of that he swore when he sensed his magic power earlier it had nearly doubled. Though, that may be because how enraged Flynn currently was. His intense rage may be boosting his magic to ridiculous heights. Finally, his skill...was absolutely monstrous. He thought Isabeau and Gaston were pretty good, but this man was on a completely different dimension of skill from the both of them. He wasn’t exactly educated in such things, honestly he relied more on magic than anything, but he understood that he was kicking his ass worse than anything has in his whole life with freaking swords alone. He shuttered from deep within his soul with unparalleled fear. He wasn’t sure he could get out of this especially since he didn’t look like he was tiring. Tiring was an easy thing for someone like him to exploit. He was basically a zombie so he never got exhausted and Dadga healed his wounds upon death. Stamina and his immortality was his overwhelming advantage against everyone he faced. However, now he was honestly cursing it. This is what he imagined hell was like continuously dying infinitely and instantly with absolutely nothing he could do to get out of it. For an immortal like him this is exactly what hell was like. This was one of the best arguments against having immortality, endless suffering.
A deeper part of him...Akira shuttered in horror at the sight...no the very idea of Flynn’s rampage. What had he done to Ryou? He wasn’t like this. Ryou was always a kind, gentle soul. He was skilled, yes, but not to this...to such an inhuman degree. He remembered how Ryou would feel bad about even killing demons. He was a complete wreck after killing Kiyoharu and Kenji to stop their insane plans. He most certainly wasn’t ever the type to anger. He was more often than not a mediator between the more hot-headed members of the Counter-Demon Force. For such a kind, loving soul to be reduced to this blind bloodlusted demonic rage...It broke Akira’s heart to see his dear friend like this. Any sense of mercy and kindness was gone from the eyes of his incarnation replaced with anger and bloodlust. He still remembered the day he lost him. The day he sacrificed himself not unlike his current incarnation did to save Asahi. He knew then that he was truly his old friend reborn. But now that was all gone...Because of his own actions he turned Ryou into this monster before him. He unsealed Krishna who stole him away and merged with him. He made him completely snap by killing that girl Isabeau. He felt the worst chill down his spine when he heard Vishnu-Flynn start to chuckle. He was enjoying this?! The pure hearted self sacrificing idiot Ryou was enjoying this?!
“What the fuck have I done?”, Akira thought in complete horror from deep within Nanashi.
“Ryou! Ryou! Stop, please! Snap out of this! This isn’t you!”, Akira begged his voice cracking as he did so, knowing full well he couldn’t hear his begging.
No no someone had to stop him before he completely lost his humanity.
Flynn was beyond being enraged that word hardly encapsulated the fire he felt from within his soul. Even before all of this he had lost so many people close to him, his parents and Issachar. He still remembered the deep horror he felt when he realized...he killed his own mother without even realizing it. Once that guy apologized about not being able to help his parents his mind went completely blank. He killed every demon in his way without an ounce of mercy as he desperately searched for them. He didn’t know that one of the camazotzs was his mother. He didn’t know any of the demons in the forest were his fellow villagers at that point. When he found out he completely broke down. It was difficult to hide from the others he had to put on his own iron mask so they didn’t see him completely break down. He realized it when he finally found his father. He was still human, a bit mangled and in serious need of medical attention, but he was alive. But, then his hopes were completely dashed…
It was after their first encounter with the black samurai, Lilith. Extreme relief entered his eyes when he saw one of the medics had his father. His fellows were off to themselves right now. He practically ran over to him when he saw him hope that his mother may be alive too bubbled up inside him. He didn’t expect his father. His strong, loving father to look absolutely terrified when he saw him. He was extremely confused when his father jumped back squirming away from the doctor when he saw him. That’s when he knew something was horribly wrong. He looked over his uniform checking for blood which may have spooked him. He gasped when he realized he had quite a lot on him. How did he not notice? He was just so focused he completely blotted out everything else.
“W-wait dad I can explain-“, He stuttered.
“S-stay away from me! Y-you turned into a-a m-monster like your mother did didn’t y-you?! Y-you here to finish me off!”, his father accused completely hysterical.
“M-my mother?! Mom...she….”, He muttered before he completely froze.
He pulled out a wooden sword guard shaped not unlike a flower from his pocket. It was badly worn, cracked, and had blood spattered on it. He recognized it as the one from the toy sword his mother made from him which he used to use to spar with Issachar. His mother may have disliked his friend, but she acknowledged that Flynn as a kid needed a friend to play with. Despite her distaste she made that toy sword full of love hoping he’d have lots of fun with it. He found it after he killed a demon which at the time confused him. He remembered the demon rushing up to him, but it wasn’t attacking strangely. He was too out of it though...when he fought he entered this state where he completely lost control over himself...He was just fighting blindly not thinking of anything else. He had no idea how it happened...it just did. He remembers coldly cutting down the demon that approached him without remorse. Thinking about it now he felt deeply sickened and revulsed by himself. Especially after realizing only now he was covered in blood. This feeling only worsened when he put two and two together.
That demon was his mother. He killed his mother.
He felt extremely lightheaded and nauseous now. His breathing became extremely heavy. His eyes widened at the realization.
“Ah! Ah!”, he gasped in complete horror.
He felt like he was about to have a panic attack as he clutched chest. He shook uncontrollably, hardly able to form coherent words as he imagined his mother’s warm smile. The doctor looked alarmed hearing the incoherent distressed noises he was making. For the first time he felt his soul wail. He completely collapsed on the ground. His father was right, he was a monster. He killed his own mother!
Flashback end
His father was deemed to be under demonic possession and had an exorcism performed on him which killed him. He wasn’t possessed, he was driven insane by seeing the woman he loved turn into a demon and thought the same thing happened to his son when he came over to him covered in blood! He killed Issachar too; he begged him to do so, but he didn’t want to lead his best friend to only suffer more. Then, Jonathan and Walter he knew they were dead from his illusionary Walter’s words. He still wishes he could have done something like awaken them from inside the beings that stole their bodies. However, he couldn’t they died as Lucifer and Merkabah twisted embodiments of their ideals. Isabeau...He didn’t kill her directly, but it was his fault she died. If he had woken up sooner rather than letting himself fall prey to Krishna’s illusion he could have saved her. No he should have never let himself be captured by the Divine Powers! He should have found another way to save Asahi and escape...Everything that has happened over these past few days, everyone who died because of the Divine Powers and Nanashi, they were all on his hands. H-he felt like he was close to snapping a morbid chuckle was coming from his lips as he tore Nanashi apart. Surely he didn’t deserve this even with the horrible things he’s done. He was just a kid, for all he knew that being that made him like this manipulated him into doing all this.
A deep part of Flynn...Ryou didn’t want to believe Akira would do something so horrible. Surely not? It had to be a mistake. Akira would never do something so heartless…right? But...Kiyoharu and Kenji did. They were his best friends since childhood he knew them so well yet they changed into something unrecognizable from their former selves. Then, they committed horrible atrocities for what they believed in before he struck them down himself. He personally saw through Flynn’s eyes the horrible words he would have created if he sided with them. Even that deep part of him didn’t seem sure of anything anymore. Nothing seemed to work. He remembers more than Flynn does. He remembers his past lives where he followed four different paths. He despised most of them except the third path, the neutral path which for some odd reason was going very differently in this cycle. He chose that third path again, but it seems like everything has only gotten worse for some reason. If Flynn didn’t wake up sooner then everything...everything he had fought for, sacrificed himself for would be gone. He knew more than Flynn, he could see Krishna’s memories; he knew the depravity of Dadga’s selfish plan. It was...Childish. He understood defeating YHVH, but that’s where it ended. Destroying the entire world, the world people had out there heart and soul into bettering and protecting just because you wanted the world to be ‘your’ ideal it was...beyond selfish. That plan spat on all the hard work and sacrifices humanity has made to better their world. Krishna wasn’t a saint either; he was nearly just as bad with his forced salvation plan. At least he had some love for humanity...even if it was twisted. But, Dadga’s plan was undoubtedly worse. This foolish god seriously believed that all a person needed was themselves. That’s completely wrong for a god of knowledge he sure didn’t know much. Humans were social creatures by nature; they needed each other to survive. No one is perfect and his world would be undoubtedly polluted by his own biases and cruel beliefs. Besides how was Ryou supposed to honestly believe that someone willing to sacrifice their allies and even the whole universe was going to be a more benevolent ruler than YHVH? He already was like YHVH, manipulating and sacrificing people for his own ends. They were exactly the same...It would be the same cruel world YHVH created just with a new face in control. It completely tore him up that Akira was actually a part of this depraved plan. He wanted to cling onto the idea he was manipulated and controlled but...He remembers destroying Tokyo he sacrificed himself for with his own hands alongside the angels. He remembers filling the world with demons and ruling over the hell on Earth he created. He remembers unmaking the world in a moment of weakness. He made these same horrible mistakes and he did those same horrible atrocities as the others. He had become the same if not worse than them.
Ryou still wanted to forgive, but he could hardly forgive even himself anymore. He felt bad for his current self; he was just as distressed and confused as he was, except he didn’t fully understand why. Despite his past lives memories being locked up he still had feelings and echoes of those lives within himself. From his law cycle he had obtained the ability to completely shut everything else out and focus on a singular goal no matter how depraved. His magic power had carried over and growled continuously stronger with every cycle. His inhuman level of sword skill was also for that life mostly from strangely after his death. After his death he became an angel for a confusing amount of time not even he was sure how long. Something that still deeply revulsed him. He remembers having a divine sword then YHVH gave him. Honestly, he didn’t remember the name, but honestly he just wanted to forget any of that happened. He became YHVH’s sword, cutting down anything that opposed him, even fellow messiahs for other worlds. He understood it was a long time, but he wasn’t sure how long than his ‘forgiving’ god shoved him back into the cycle he decided on as his punishment for saving Tokyo from his wrath as soon as he was done with him. Unbelievable...If there’s one being he truly hated it was YHVH. From his chaos cycle he gained the ability to completely give into his instincts and battle using instinct alone. Along with that rage he didn’t remember having. That alone has caused many troubles for the current Flynn especially what’s...currently transpiring. It even affected him. Making him go completely berserk at times if he felt really angry or got too into a battle. Without that cycle he would have never...Not even in his law cycle enjoyed hurting others. The king of Tokyo enjoyed a lot of things he disagreed with because he didn’t care. His heart had been turned rotten by Lucifer and he stopped caring about anyone, but himself. Honestly, his nihilism cycle didn’t contribute much, but his revulsion with his previous cycles unknowingly affected Flynn’s decision in that cycle to unmake the world. From his neutral cycle he combined his law cycle’s skill with his chaos cycle’s instinct to create a deadly combination in battle. He didn’t have as much time to refine his combat as his law cycle, but he still did improve it in the lifetime he had along with his magic like his other cycles. That first time he chose neutral was the happiest one that he hoped would stick; however, that hope was dashed when after a long and fulfilled life he woke back up at Lake Mikado again. However , that life influenced this Flynn to choose neutral again. He guessed he was still trapped because YHVH wasn’t done with him yet. He suspects YHVH wasn’t happy with him having an enjoyable cycle even if it wasn’t perfect. So, this time things changed he was prevented from removing the firmament and he was captured by the Divine Powers. Now, Akira was trying to destroy the world he once defended like he did. He could practically imagine YHVH laughing in his face while they killed each other.
“Please stop this Akira! We shouldn’t be fighting each other! Please forgive him Flynn! I know you’re hurting I can feel your pain! Please!”, Ryou begged, sobbing uncontrollably.
A less forgiving part of him couldn’t help but take pleasure in tearing Nanashi to shreds. He is the one who killed Isabeau, the last of his original prentice group. His heart hurt more than he expected when she was killed. He was the one who released Krishna and put him into this whole mess. He...He!
“Kill him! Kill him! Make him regret ruining things for us!”, that angered voice in his mind said which reminded him of the illusionary Walter.
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yilingradishfairy · 4 years
Little Match-Seller
Link to AO3 (1502 words)
Written for Day 22 of the Untamed Fall Fest 2020 - Warmth. Thanks again @fytheuntamed for hosting these; they’re so much fun! 
Summary: A-Yuan lights matches from a box he’s certain Wei-gege must have tampered with. He is visited by three warm visions and a ghost that has come to take him to his family.
(or, the Little Match Seller AU. What it says on the tin.)
A/N: I’ve been wanting to rewrite more fairy tales! This fic is based on the Little Match Girl story, committed to paper by Danish author Han Christian Andersen in the mid-19th century. And mid-19th century Denmark has like nothing in common with *hand-wave* xianxia-time Ancient China. So I’ve sort of mashed the two universes together to create one where canon events are happening and flying cultivators are a thing, but matches are also a thing. And match-sellers. And Christmas. Hey, if you can’t have everything you want in life, write fanfiction!
A-Yuan gasped, almost dropping the match he had just lit. The flame flickered, and he immediately moved to shield it from the bitter night wind. Tiny though it was, it instantly filled his little alcove with warmth, providing more heat than any match he’d ever used before. He was so distracted by the sudden relief from the cold that it took him a second to notice the stove that had appeared with it. 
It was a giant brick stove, and so much like the one he faintly remembered his mother using. It was so bright and so warm, and it felt just like home! A-Yuan tentatively stretched one bare foot towards it. He had lost his little slipper much earlier in the day. Usually, whenever he went out selling, he would go with Ning-ge. The last time his shoe had fallen apart, Ning-ge simply carried him around for the rest of the day. But they were all gone now. They left yesterday: Qing-jie, Ning-ge, Uncle Four, Granny. They had told him to stay behind and hide like a good boy, and he did. He hid all night, wrapped up in the cover of a hollow tree. Then, in the morning, he set out with their wares like Ning-ge always did. 
There was only so much that the adults would let him help with, so he was determined to sell the entire matchbox today. But, cold as it was, nobody seemed to want his matches. The people of Yiling rushed around with nervous, fearful looks on their faces. A-Yuan shuffled stubbornly through the muddy snow, hoping that when it got colder, people would finally take notice. Unfortunately, the only person who noticed him was the little girl who stole his left shoe, the one that hadn’t fallen apart. Still, he trudged onward, until the cold wind grew so unbearable, A-Yuan was forced to take shelter in the corner between houses. And that was where he lit the match. 
He was leaning closer to the stove, working up the courage to reach out and touch it, when the match suddenly went out. In its absence, the cold felt even harsher than before. A-Yuan missed the bright flame immediately. And the stove that had so mysteriously appeared. He wondered if Wei-gege had messed with it. Qing-jie kept telling him not to play with the matches, but Wei-gege doesn’t always listen. But he always makes funny things happen, so maybe he had done something to the matches. 
A-Yuan debated whether he should light another match. On the one hand, Qing-jie would be upset that he was wasting matches. But then again, she might be upset that he’s still out in the village selling when he should have finished and gone home by now. They should have finished and come home by now, he thought resentfully. They shouldn’t have left me behind. With that thought, he lit the second match. 
Wei-gege definitely messed with these matches, A-Yuan thought. This tiny flame was just too warm and too bright. And, in addition to the unnatural warmth, the match brought another vision. From the light of the match, A-Yuan watched a large feast blossom before him. Not only could he see it, but he could smell it, too. He couldn’t remember ever seeing that much food at one time. It reminded him of the day he had met Rich-gege. He had taken him and Wei-gege to a fancy restaurant and let them order whatever they wanted. When Wei-gege had taken A-Yuan back home, they discovered a feast there, too. They had let him eat as much as he wanted that night. But this feast made that one look like table scraps. His stomach rumbled, and he reached out towards the bowl of soup (maybe it would be as good as the one Ning-ge had brought home once), when the match suddenly sputtered out. 
The darkness swarmed back in, leeching away the warmth of the match like it had never been there. A-Yuan didn’t think twice about lighting a third match. 
Warmth bloomed again, and this time, a giant Christmas tree flickered into being. It was so tall, A-Yuan thought it must be as high as a mountain. The colorful ornaments adorning the tree sparkled merrily, and A-Yuan let himself slide into familiar daydreams about his family. He couldn’t remember much about them, though he knew their faces from photographs. His favorite one was all of them laughing and hugging in front of a Christmas tree. He would stare at the photo and try to remember how their laughs sounded and how their hugs felt. He missed them so much. But he tried not to think about it, because whenever he would think about it, he would talk about it. And whenever he would talk about it, it seemed to make Wei-gege and Qing-jie and Ning-ge sad. But he couldn’t help missing them, whenever he passed those merrily lit shopkeepers’ windows. 
He had just reached out to touch one of the fancy colored pictures hanging off a branch when the match went out. But he could still see the Christmas lights. They rose higher and higher until they melted into the sky, joining the stars. Then, one of the stars zipped down, trailing a line of fire across the dark sky. That would be someone dying, he thought, remembering what Qing-jie had told him. When a star falls down from heaven, a soul goes up to replace it. He remembered her pointing out which ones his mom and dad and sister had become. He remembered all those nights watching shooting stars, wondering whose souls would be replacing them. He remembered searching the sky a week ago for the star that was about to fall. The one Wei-gege would replace. 
This star was different from others he had watched, though. This one kept falling and falling and falling, seeming to fall right towards him. Maybe this is the star I will replace, A-Yuan thought. Turning to the wall with new determination, he struck another match. 
The warmth bloomed immediately, though nothing seemed to accompany it. The star in the sky was still shooting towards him, except now it has fallen right on top of him and taken the form of … 
“Rich-gege!” A-Yuan cried. There he was, standing on his sword, floating impossibly in the air. He looked more magnificent than ever, scary but in an I’ll-protect-you way. A-Yuan’s lip trembled, and he tried really hard not to bawl again like he had the first time they met. 
“Oh, Rich-gege, please don’t go!” He wanted to lurch forward and cling to his leg, but he didn’t want to let go of the match. He couldn’t let this vision disappear. 
“A-Yuan?” Rich-gege knelt down in front of him in concern. A-Yuan realized that his body was shaking. “Tell me what is wrong,” he said, and A-Yuan sniffled. 
“The m-match … it’s gonna go out … it'll burn out soon,” he tried to explain, his words tripping and tumbling over each other. “And then you’re gonna leave me, just like the stove and the food and the tree!” And Wei-gege and Qing-jie and Ning-ge and … “You can’t leave, Rich-gege!” In a panic, he quickly struck all the matches against the wall, producing a loud skrrrrch! 
Rich-gege’s eyes widened. “A-Yuan!” He knocked the burning matches out of his hands and into the snow, where they began sputtering. 
“No! No!” A-Yuan scrambled to try to save Wei-gege’s matches, but Rich-gege gently pulled him away from the smoking pile of ash and snow. A-Yuan clung to him, pressing his face into Rich-gege’s white robes. “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t leave me,” he chanted. 
Rich-gege tightened his arms around him. “Shhh, don’t worry,” he whispered. “I won’t leave you.” 
Then the last of the matches burned out with a hiss. 
A-Yuan hiccupped a few times, then forced himself to pull away. He looked at the charred snow, and he knew his magic had run out. The last of Wei-gege’s matches were gone. 
But he still felt warm. Like, the cold couldn’t touch him anymore. 
“A-Yuan, you can’t stay here anymore,” Rich-gege whispered to him. But A-Yuan already knew that. “I’m to bring you to your family. They’re all waiting for you.” A-Yuan perked up. He hasn’t seen them in so long. Maybe this won’t be as bad as they make it sound. 
“Are you ready?” Rich-gege motioned up into the sky, towards the stars. 
A-Yuan took one last look around at the village, and he whispered a quiet goodbye to the world he had known. Then, turning back to Rich-gege, he nodded. “I’m ready.” He was proud that his voice didn’t shake at all. Rich-gege nodded back and carefully gathered him up in his arms. Stepping onto his sword, he flew them both into the sky. 
As they soared among the stars, A-Yuan looked around and wondered which one he would replace. He hoped his spot was right next to his family.
Don’t worry, this is a happy ending! LWJ really was there and saved A-Yuan and is taking him home. And he’ll let him have a Christmas tree all the time now if he wants. 
A-Yuan is a smart cookie, but he’s not familiar with magic, so he drew some dark and inaccurate conclusions at the end. Well, they were wrong conclusions in this story, if not canon. Originally, I wanted the story to follow canon events, but then LWJ told A-Yuan he was bringing him home to WWX. And I said, wait, no, you can’t do that, because he’s dead. And LWJ said no, actually, I’m going to save everybody and you can’t do anything about it. 
Aaaaand I can’t do anything about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, WWX is recovering from whatever was killing him last week and all of the Wen remnants (including WQ and WN) are saved, and they really are waiting for LWJ to bring the living A-Yuan home to them. 
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kaweeella · 3 years
Chapter 3- I Gave Up On Traditional Danganronpa Chaptering
Warnings for death and depictions of a dead body.
Izumi sits at the table. She isn’t keeping an exact count of how long it’s been, but she knows it’s been too long.
“So,” Banri says entering the room. “We got anyone missin’ us yet?”
“Save it.”
“Come on, Banny,” Kazunari enters as well, “It’ll be alright.”
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’ve got no horse in this race. Even if that bitch was telling the truth I’m fine. I don’t got a lot of reasons to get out.”
“I’m sure there’s someone who cares about you, Banri.”
“Doesn’t matter. Life was boring. Every day was on repeat. Shit gets boring.”
“... Banri I don’t think this is the answer to your problem.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot you can do to make things fun!”
“Why are you even telling me this? Do you two want me to kill someone?”
“No, Banri, but you’re clearly depressed so we’re trying to help you.”
“Damn, that’s a first.”
Before he can continue Banri gets up and leaves.
“You think he’ll be alright?” Izumi asks him.
“Okay.” She’ll talk to him later.
One by one everyone gets up. Omi makes breakfast, Hisoka sleeps at the table, Azuma and Homare drink tea and talk. Tenma huffs.
“What’s wrong, Tenma?”
“Didja lose something in the halls?” Kazunari asks.
“No. How much longer do we have to wait? I’m trapped in this place full of strangers, and those stupid winding hallways. Why wouldn’t I be upset?”
“We can’t think like that. If we do we might make irrational decisions.”
“What, so I shouldn’t be upset?”
“No, you have every right to be upset but-”
“Yeah. Okay.” He gets up and leaves.
After breakfast, Izumi finds Banri in the library. Her little book stack is still there, though one of the books is missing, she presumes Banri’s reading it. She can’t quite see the book in his hands.
“Hey, Banri, wanna talk or-”
“It’s just that you were-”
“I don’t want to hang out with you, leave me alone you old hag.” He says that as if it’s a line he’s tired of repeating.
Izumi tries to hide her anger. She fails, but she tries. “Alright. See you then.”
Izumi walks down the halls. She finds Kazunari and Yuki, but she doesn’t find Tenma. She’s concerned about him too so she wants to try and cheer him up.
“Well, I guess some things are better off left alone.” She mutters.
“Hey, Izumi.” She turns to see Itaru.
“Hello.” She smiles. “Would you like to hang out?”
They talk in the room she met Sakyo Banri and Tasuku in. She can get a better look now, it has a round couch and a pinball machine.
“Oh hell yeah.” Itaru says under his breath before going to the machine.
“So you like pinball?”
“Yeah. It’s fun.”
Izumi hums. “I was never really good at it. I just liked pushing the buttons.”
Izumi watches him play, the dinging of the machine and the clicking of the buttons the only sounds filling the room for a while.
“Good job.”
“Thanks.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“So what other games do you play?”
“Not that many. Just some card games and other older games.”
“What else do you enjoy doing?”
He laughs nervously. “Well, I like friendly competition with others and group bonding activities. What do you like?”
“I like cooking.”
“That’s a pretty useful hobby. What do you cook?”
“Curry. You wanna try some?”
Izumi excitedly grabs his arm and the head to the kitchen. Though they’re stopped in their tracks when they see Tenma on the floor.
“Oh, Tenma. I don’t think that’s…” Itaru puts his hand on her shoulder. He cautiously steps towards Tenma. “You don’t think…”
Itaru leans in to listen for breathing. He sits up and looks back to her, shaking his head. Before she’s aware she’s doing it she’s screaming, tears rolling down her face.
“Wh-what’s wrong?” Muku and Yuki run from where they were in the hall before pausing.
“Oh my god…”
Suddenly the speaker turns on, Izumi can hear Banri cussing them out from another room.
“A body has been discovered. Please meet in the hallway and I will continue the explanation.”
Izumi covers Muku’s and Yuki’s eyes. They hear the library door open and Banri comes down the hall. He pauses when he sees them.
“Oh fuck…”
Slowly everyone arrives, all staring down at the former child star.
“Now that you’ve all gathered, let me explain the rules. You will be given time to investigate and look for clues. When time is up, you will be taken to the trial.”
“Trial?” She hears someone whisper.
“Then you will discuss the evidence and find the blackened. If you can’t, then the blackened goes free and everyone will be punished. If you do, only the blackened will be punished.”
“Hey asshole, what do you mean by that?!”
They don’t elaborate. They’re just left to figure things out themselves.
“So we have to… look over his body?” Sakuya says in tears.
“No, the adults will investigate, you kids can go wait in the lounge.”
“Oh yeah that’s a great idea.” Banri says. “Keep people out of the loop.”
“What are you implying?”
“Information is our greatest weapon right now, so we should all be a part of the investigation. Unless there’s something you don’t want everyone knowing.”
“Izumi couldn’t have done it. She was with me.”
“Christ, again?” Yuki asks.
“We were playing pinball.”
“Fine then, you’re right. But this is a lot to subject kids to.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure it’s gonna get a hell of a lot worse.”
“So how do we go about this?” Omi asks.
“We should have at least two people watching the body to keep people from tampering.”
“I can do it.” Juza says.
“Yeah, I will too.” Omi says.
Izumi nods and moves towards the body before they all hear something. A little robot rolls down the hallway and stops by them. It has little tablets.
“These are the files. They have the autopsy on them. You might wanna look at them.”
They each grab a tablet and read through it.
The victim is Tenma Sumeragi. He’s 16 years old and 178 centimeters. Cause of death was blunt force trauma. He was killed in the hallway.
Izumi lowers the tablet and looks at him. Only 16… she looks around him. She finds a large book, looking at it, it’s 1001 nights. She looks around at everyone. She sees Azuma and she can’t quite read the look on his face.
“Azuma,” She walks over to him. “Is there something on your mind?”
“Yeah… I asked Tenma to grab something for me earlier. I think it might be my fault he…”
“Did you kill him?”
“Were you the one who bashed him over the head until he wasn’t breathing?”
“Then it’s not your fault. No one could have seen it coming.”
“But I-”
“Izoom’s right, Azu. It’s not your fault. All we can do now is figure out who’s fault it really is.”
He nods. “Okay then.”
“So now we know why he was over here.” She walks over to Banri. “Banri what book were you reading?”
“In the library. You were reading a book, what was it?”
“I don’t know, I was hardly paying attention. It was some collection of weird stories.”
Izumi nods and looks back at the book on the floor. It’s red and blue with a golden lining around the cover with a pretty design.
“Is that it?”
“Were you in the library from when I first saw you there to when the announcement was made?”
She thinks. “Okay. That’s all.” She walks over to the library. In it, she finds her book stack, only missing 1001 nights. She looks around. There are books piled on the floor. Percy Jackson, Pillage, Classic Fantasy Stories, and some others. The cover on Pillage is a blue gradient with a moon in the background and a dragon in the foreground. The cover on the classic fantasy stories is black and blue with gold, and has a moon, city, and what looks like a dragon flying over them. The fantasy book has silver on the pages, sticking them together a little. Opening it up she can guess that he didn’t read that far, as after some point she has to get them unstuck herself.
“What’re you looking at?” Itaru asks in the doorway.
“Banri was reading in here so I wanted to look at what he was reading.”
“Right. We should get other alibis.”
The two of them look around. “Yuki, Muku, what were you two doing?”
“I found this supply room and I was looking at what was in there.” Yuki says.
“I came over about 30 minutes ago and started looking with Rurikawa.”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“I saw you going by and I saw Kazunari looking around. Kazunari left before Muku showed up. Don’t know where he went.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“So you have any ideas?”
“No, we just need to collect more information.” She walks over to Juza and Omi. “What were you two doing?”
“Omi was baking…”
“And what were you doing?”
“He was helping.” Omi smiles.
“Alright, good to know. Thank you.”
They ask around a little longer. The kid and Hisoka were sleeping, Homare was writing, Kazunari was hanging out in Tsuzuru’s room, Azuma was in the dining room, it was mostly like that. A lot of people were just hanging out in their rooms.
“Hey Azuma,” She walks back over to him.  “What did you ask Tenma to get?”
“There’s a storage room and the other day I found some tea there, and I thought it’d help ease his nerves.”
She nods and looks in the storage room. There are some different types of tea. Green, oolong, matcha, black, hibiscus, white, herbal. She also sees fabrics, parchment, weights, other stuff she can’t quite get a look at.
“What tea do you think he liked?”
“I don’t know.” She wishes she could have gotten to know him better.
Walking back, she notices something blocking the door to the women's restroom. A cardboard roll. She can see the crime scene from inside.
“Do you think this is where the culprit was hiding?” Itaru asks.
“Well I didn’t put it there, so probably.”
“Time is up, everyone. Please head to the end of the hall.”
Everyone cautiously walks to the designated area. Muku and Sakuya hold Izumi’s hands. They stand there for a second, not sure what’s supposed to happen, when the wall seems to open. Inside is what appears to be an elevator. They hesitate for a moment.
“Go on, get in.”
After a second, Banri steps on, and everyone follows suit. She waits in the back, the boy joining them.
“Izumi?” He says.
“My name is Masumi Usui. I trust you.”
The four of them sit in the back, the elevator as it descends.
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