#kaladin my disaster son
bumblingbeees · 1 year
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So I’m reading the Stormlight Archive, just about halfway through Words of Radiance. WOW ITS THE BEST THING!! Very much enjoying the series! One thing that is a absolute hilarious to me though is the about of slamming into things that Kaladin has done this book😂
Anyway just for fun here’s
1. Kaladin’s first attempt to run on walls as I remember it lol
2. When Kal gets angry and goes to attack Adolin during the shardblade practice for Renarin. He shakes it off no worries
3. Kaladin’s fear of horses is very amusing to me. Also I feel like the dynamic between Adolin and Kal is so perfect.
Adolin: ha I bet you cant!
Kaladin: *immediately does it in spite*
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peachdoxie · 4 years
Theory: Taln didn’t randomly break and give into the torture. Something or someone triggered it.
It doesn’t make much sense to me that Taln would just randomly break the Oathpact at the time of the books. He was the only Herald to never break the Oathpact during the 99 Desolations, and it wasn’t until after 4500 years of torture on Braize that Taln finally gave in. Why now, of all times?
I think that someone on Braize got to Taln and told him something that made him either lose faith in the Oathpact, realize the Oathpact wasn’t going to stop the True Desolation, or think returning to warn Roshar of the Desolation was more important than upholding the Oathpact. However, I’m not sure who that would be, though I have some options:
Odium, of course
Cultivation, who is playing the long game
Another Shard meddling in the Rosharan system. Autonomy, maybe, or perhaps whatever Trell is
The Sons of Honor, since they wanted to spawn a Desolation so that the disaster would prompt the nations of Roshar to unite as one, though I don’t know how they would have gotten to Braize in the first place
Taravangian since he has the Diagram, but again, I don’t know how one of his agents would get to Braize
Hoid, though I doubt it
Ishar, Herald of Luck, and the one who founded the Oathpact (who also happens to be insane)
Some other worldhopper we may or may not have met
The one thing I’ve having trouble working through is the sequence of events in relation to Taln’s return. Supposedly, when one Herald breaks the Oathpact, they all return, and with them the Voidspren. But do these things happen simultaneously (or close enough) or do they happen over a period of time? I ask this because Taln’s return was several years after Gavilar and the Sons of Honor captured something Odium-related in a sphere, and his return was also several years after the spren began to bond with humans once more.
So there’s some cause and effect problems here. Did whatever the Sons of Honor did and/or the return of the spren anticipate Taln’s return, or did the opposite take place (with the events reversed, somehow). We know that Fortune (seeing the future) is a thing, so it’s possible that was involved. I highly doubt that Taln broke the Oathpact but only returned fiveish years later. We know that the time between Desolations can be shorter than that (the last gap was just two years), and I can’t imagine that it would take that long for a Herald to return.
The other thing I think of is a quote from the Diagram:
“Obviously they [the Sons of Honor] are fools The Desolation needs no usher It can and will sit where it wishes and the signs are obvious that the spren anticipate it doing so soon The Ancient of Stones must finally begin to crack It is a wonder that upon his will rested the prosperity and peace of a world for over four millennia”
“[Taln] must finally begin to crack.” I have two thoughts on this. First, the word “begin” implies that Taln’s betrayal of the Oathpact was a process instead of a single event. I think of Kaladin nearly betraying his oaths in Words of Radiance: how Syl slowly lost her cognitive ability, how Kaladin slowly lost the ability to draw in Stormlight. Is this what happened with Taln? Could starting to break the Oathpact somehow let the Sons of Honor capture that thing or let the spren know to return?
The second thing about this sentence that is peculiar is that it’s possibly phrased as an imperative command, that Taln has to break the Oathpact. This falls in line with Fortune, as though someone knows that the only way for a certain thing to happen is for Taln to deliberately break the Oathpact.
(This has been sitting in my drafts folder for months for some reason and I am only now posting it. Who knows what we will learn about the Heralds tomorrow?)
(Brandon knows.)
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reassambled-dragoon · 5 years
Tag game: 10 favorite characters from 10 settings and tag 10 people
Tagged by @sandwyrm YEE
okay so uh here gooooo
1) Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archive. God I just--I should be terrified how much he resonates with me, but I’m resigned to my fate.
2) Han Solo from Star Wars. People think he’s a slick ladies’ man and savvy, but he’s a disaster nerd who just wants to make some cash and chill in his ship, okay?
3) Sylvanas Windrunner (before she went off the deep deep end) from Warcraft. “I’ll see you in Hell, you son of a bitch.” Enough. Said.
4) Data from Star Trek TNG.
5) Teal’C, Stargate SG1. ...I like my stoics, okay?
6) Animal from the Muppets. COME AT ME, HE’S THE BEST
7) Matrim Cauthon from Wheel of Time. He’s like Han Solo except actually good at the gambling bit.
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 8)
Hello, fronds, apologies for the brief hiatus, but I had to pause the reading/liveblogging because I was busy finishing my novel. YEP, I FINISHED WRITING MY BOOK, WHOOO! And then it was December, and there was Christmas, and traveling, and retail job at Christmas, and Star Wars, and what little time I had to myself I spent chilling because I was exhausted, but ANYWAY, I’M BACK, FRONDS, LET’S GET ON WITH THIS.
Part 8 encompasses pages 557-666 (previous parts) 
whooooops where did I leave off, OKAY INTERLUDES
Why...why are we doing anything near Aimia? Listen: Axies the Collector is cool, but two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat was waaayyy too far over the horror line for me. I do not want more of this.
So...there’s a third storm? But this one is stationary and around Aimia?
Whoa, that sure is a side effect of Soulcasting... #yikes
Or is it not soulcasting? Is it something Radiant?
Oh fuck. Fine. This is fine. You know, the previous Stormlight books didn’t have this much body horror in them.
Ahh, shit, wasn’t there an Oathgate on Akinah? I don’t want a direct line to  two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
“the creatures that accompanied the spren” So...like......their Cognitive shadows? the versions of them still in the Cognitive Realm even as bits of them manifest visibly in the physical? Or...something else?
I’m sorry, did they just...die?
What the
What even is Aimia, really?
Mmmkay, actually, I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know the secret of Aimia, I am not interested in being EATEN by two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
Genuis!Taravangian is an asshole. I’m not surprised, I’m just. Stating a fact.
!!!! Are his secretary and the Dustbringer a thing? Are they together? Get it, girls!
I still don’t trust the Dustbringer.
Aslo “the most likely to accept their cause” Why? Is the “cause” like...destroying the world? I don’t remember if we know the Diagram’s endgoals.
...There’s a danger line for the “too smart” end of the sliding scale? Smart.
Also his name is Vargo? Vargo Taravangian? hehehehehe
I think I hate him.
Dumb question: if Taravangian wants to take over Alethkar--presumably so he can take over the world--then aren’t he and Dalinar working toward the same goal? They both want a unified Roshar. So why kill Dalinar instead of working with him? The logical solution is to work with him, since he’s more charismatic and has a higher chance of actually succeeding, and then kill him off after he’s succeeded in laying the groundwork, and take over from there?
Not that I’m encouraging this, I’m just saying: Taravangian needs to sort out his priorities.
“kill those children” seriously, fuck this asshole, what a douchecanoe.
Also Renarin the wild card HECK YES.
The farming question can be easily answered: Progression.
Not all the Radiants’ powers were battle powers.
“the part of the world that mattered” OH FUCK YOU. That’s not how it works. It’s not about deserve. It’s about having the ability to help, which gives you the responsibility to help. If you can, then you should. No exceptions. No “matters”. Everyone matters. Everything matters. Everyone deserves to be saved.
Except maybe Kylo Ren, but that’s a different story.
Buddy. Odium already made a deal. He wants out of it now. Also he’s not a spren or a god, so why should your pathetic rules hold him?
Oh. Duh. Somehow I didn’t connect Listeners and gemhearts? But of course they do. How else would they bind spren? They infuse their hearts.
Oooohhhhh snap, they done got possessed.
Aw, Venli...things not going your way anymore?
Idk, I should feel bad for her, but I don’t? She brought this on herself. And on her friends. And on her sister, who is still dead. This is her fault.
“The listener gods were not completely sane.” I mean, idk what you expected.
Though, neither are our gods, so I guess we can’t talk.
Seriously, what did Alethkar do to them?
Oh. Wait. Where was Jezrien from? King of the Heralds, right? Prooobably his idea to make the OAthpact? His fault they were bound? That’s probably what Alethkar did to them...
Oooh, the new epigraphs are from the library at Urithiru! Heck ye, Radiant archives!
Though Taln and the Stonewards need to take a chill pill on the self-sacrificing front, apparently.
(Eks would be a Stoneward, pass it on)
Wait, no, hold on--the whole of part three with no Moash pov? But I’m WORRIED about MY BOY.
I’m unnecessarily suspicious of literally every guard that’s not Bridge Four. But particularly of this Rial guy. What is he, Bridge Thirteen? I don’t trust him. At all. He’s too...glib? with Dalinar to be a proper bridgeman. Around other bridgemen, fine, but with Dalinar? I don’t trust it.
I’m with Navani. “The greasy man is...unfitting.”
ooohh, Dalinar...... he “reminds him of friends from the old days.” Tho, bud, how many of those died, betrayed you, or left to become ardents?
Dalinar should know by now to just...not trust people implicitly. Always question.
I really, genuinely can’t imagine how awkward Kaladin and Shallan’s excursion to Theylan City was. Didn’t they fly? Shallan was probably all SCIENCE!! about it and Kaladin was definitely grumpy “let me fly in peace” boy. Nerds.
Sorry, hold on--you’re counting on Kaladin “Impulsive” Stormblessed and Adolin “Disaster Bi” Kholin to make sure Elhokar doesn’t do anything stupid? That’s like asking two kittens to babysit the new puppy.
“I can’t afford to lose you.” AAaaahhh
omg, no, don’t give Kaladin land. What will he do with it? Turn it into the Land of Misfit Bridgecrews?
Five times...so what’s it been, 50 days? Not even? That’s so little time!!
“Or is someone else receiving [the prayers] instead?” ...Isn’t that just the most chilling thought.
There has to be an explanation beyond “The Heralds are nuts” for Shalash to be erasing herself from visual records.
I’m sorry, rockbuds blossom? and have fragrance? Stop and smell the rockbuds?
“I am a diplomat.” Yeah, and I’m a rockbud.
How is Taravangian such a good actor? Or is he really this emotional on days when he’s not a raging asshole of a genius?
Aw yis, non-hereditary monarchy! I love!
“Does it involve punching someone?” It’s Dalinar, so, what do you think?
“Stone-sinew, Herald of Soldiers.” But...Taln’s focus is bone? Ishar is sinew?
I suppose “Stone-bone, Herald of Soldiers” would be a little too ridiculous-sounding...
brb, changing my url to “stone-bone-herald-of-soldiers”
“It was as if Odium had a grudge against this one in particular.” SAD ABOUT TALN FOREVER: THE MEGAN STORY
I s2g Dalinar is the most Extra son of a bitch in all of Roshar.
HOw do I prove I’m not trying to take over your country? I know! I’ll let you stab me through the chest! This is the BEST IDEA.
oooooooo Tension, maybe?
Also his special power--resonance? right?--is listening and that’s delightful. Or...I’m guessing that’s what it is.
Heck ye, Renarin!
“Strength and passion, the Vorin way.” In other words...Honor and Odium....hmm
So it’s Kaladin, Elhokar, Shallan, Adolin, Skar, Drehey, and...who? Some other bridgemen? It’s gonna be a fun roadtrip, tbh.
Buddy, Shallan ignoring her problems IS a problem! Don’t support this impulse! Don’t encourage this!
omg of COURSE Adolin hates flying. Nerd.
“No wisecracks about missing boots?” No, because that wasn’t funny.
“First assess the area for danger, get the lay of the land. Then gawk.” I LOVE MY SON SO MUCH, WHAT A TRAVEL NERD, BUT ALSO #SAME BRO
...we knew that Elhokar had a kid, but every time I’m reminded of it, I get really weirded out. He’s not old enough to be a dad.
PLease meet up with Moash. Please. I’m dying. My crops are failing. My skin is dry. Help me.
the advantage of living through Bridge Four is that you can sleep well anywhere? Well, I mean. I GUESS That’s an advantage. Sort of.
OH of COURSE it’s an Unmade. We do have eight more of those to encounter and deal with.
Whose is this though? Kaladin’s? Or are Elhokar or Adolin finally going to manifest?
(This is assuming that my theory about there being one Unmade for each order of Radiants to defeat is sound.)
Elhokar is trying so hard to be good.
Also Shallan is mean to Kaladin again, news at nine. *rolls eyes*
So, it’s going to be Kaladin’s Unmade then.
Elhokar, you know that the more you tell yourself you’re going to fail, the more likely you will? Stop it. Have confidence.
“Adolin made you want to laugh with him.” Yeah, he doesn’t punch down.
Also, the Kadolin is REAL, and I’m living.
Kaladin really is too good for this world.
I’m sorry, the fancy lighteyes’ gated villas have guards to keep the refugees off their perfectly manicured lawns? Fuck that. Fuck them.
“I needed someone I’d trust with my life, or more. So I brought us to my tailor.” THIS CHILD IS A DISASTER AND I LOVE HIM
Oh snap! we’ve made it halfway through the book!
“Even his voice was adorable.” HONESTLY, people who don’t ship Shadolin: how? It’s so pure and good and supportive and wonderful!
How did Aesudan know the parshmen were voidbringers? And why did she order them killed only to desert the city?
I suppose fabrials do trap and use spren, right? So it makes sense that the yellowgold...voidspren? would be offended by that sort of...I guess, spren enslavement? Sort of? But why are they so concentrated here? Which Unmade is it and what does it do other than corrupt other spren? and influence people.
How To Corrupt Spren and Influence People, a new bestseller by Odium, found in stores near you!
“I am the only one here who has confronted one of the Unmade directly.” Yeah, you, the Kholin bros, and most of Bridge Four who protected you while you did your thing. But sure.
Kaladin, when will you stop seeing your brands as part of yourself and let yourself heal?
Aw, I’m proud of her, admitted Veil is--oh. “They are both equally fake.” Hon, no... please. Talk to someone about this.
Aharietiam, or as I like to call it, “that other stupidly long and impossible-to-pronunce “A”-word.”
Sorry, but the fact that Shallan takes pleasure in pissing Kaladin off-- “he glared at you in the most satisfying of ways” --is really....gross. Uncomfortable. I’m not here for it.
Like, yeah, teasing is fine, but like... if it strays over from teasing into Actively Pushing Someone’s Buttons Just to Make Them Angry, then it’s BAD, okay? It’s really bad. I can say from experience: it’s very bad.
Well, I mean, that explains why no one’s come back from the palace.
“As a connoisseur of things that have killed me...” honestly. what are we up to now? Poison bread. Shipwreck and drowning. Run through with a sword. Dear god, child, you need to be more careful.
Kaladin making bad puns and smiling is giving me life though. Petition for more.
So, the Skybreakers and the Windrunners did not get along? Justice vs. Honor, I suppose...not unexpected. Especially is one is corrupted.
Isn’t Ishar...Bondsmiths? Herald of Luck? Are you sure?
“He is now as mad as the rest. More, perhaps.” Yeah, I got that vibe from Edgedancer.
Shit. Of course he set himself up as a god-king.
(He and the Lord-Ruler should make t-shirts.)
Dangit, Ishar founded the Oathpact, so bang goes that theory about Jezrien and Alethkar and the listeners.
“The Stormfather hated to be misquoted.” Pppfffft.
HECK YE, Bridge Four got a sword!!
Also omg Navani invented alarm clocks. Bless her.
She packed him lunch! BLESS THESE ADORABLE NERDS. God, they are ridiculous.
Dalinar hitching a ride to Azir with Jasnah and her just going, “Byyyeeeeee” and leaving him alone is HILARIOUS to me.
I wonder if the color of the gemstones in the epigraphs correspond to the radiant orders. Like, if the Windruners recorded in sapphire, and the Lightweavers recorded in garnet, etc.
Okay, I went back and checked, and that seems legit. I’m going to guess that’s been #confirmed by people who finished this book earlier than me, but listen.
“covered by a magnificent bronze dome” Lift voice: “boobies” Me: snrk
OMG, he brought them an essay, that’s magnificent. Especially because they all had to write essays to apply to be king. Or.. Prime? WHATEVER THAT’S HILARIOUS AND I LOVE AZIR SO MUCH
hello, I love Jasnah, this is news to no one, but girl wrote an essay in rhythmic meter and *melts*
...the Azish parshmen negotiating for pay is...very Azish of them. And the Alethi parshmen gathering for war is very Alethi. And the Theylan parshmen sailing off into the sunset is very Theylan of them.
HA, Dalinar just said the same thing in the next paragraph, go me.
“The crazy spren who lives in the forest.” 1. I love Lift a lot. 2. uuhhh...we know the Heralds are crazy, and I assumed Odium was crazy, but Cultivation, too?? Is ANYONE here sane anymore?
oh wow they agreed.
didn’t...see that coming. Not with so much book left.
Every time I’m reminded that Adolin is only, like, 24yo, I have to tell myself that I was about that old when WoR came out and he’s not actually a child.
Anyway, 12yo Adolin is a gift. “Neat!” this kiddo aahhh
“It was gratifying to see how much one could accomplish in both politics and trade by liberally murdering the other fellow’s soldiers.” PUNK!DALINAR NEEDS TO LOOK AT HIS LIFE AND HIS CHOICES AND RECONSIDER HIS WORD CHOICE AT THE VERY LEAST
hugs are un-Alethi. this is why they have so many issues. they are emotionally constipated from lack of hugs.
“The other son” fuck you, punk!Dalinar
also “she’d never be a great scribe” yeah, that’s ‘cause she’s left-handed, you Vorin jerks
haaaa, he has a point. That even if he and Gavilar know that he wouldn’t ever betray Gavilar for the throne, Gavilar’s advisors aren’t stupid and will find reasons for Dalinar to be...elsewhere.
“Storms, I don’t deserve her, do I?” NO YOU FREAKING DON’T
tbh, I’m not even sure present-day Dalinar deserves her. Like, he’s better now, but he’s still... a soldier. He’s still a strategist. And Evi deserves a soft, gentle person who loves her.
Evi deserves the world, tbh, and I’m Upset because she’s going to die and I’m going to be Sad.
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preservationandruin · 7 years
Lhan, Eshonai, and Taravangian in these Interludes! 
Queen Aesudan gets called out, Eshonai thinks, I speculate on the Diagram and the overall themes of the Stormlight Archives, and Taravangian plots. Also, someone to keep an eye on as a future possible Radiant. 
So Lhan’s interlude deals with the ardents assigned to Queen Aesudan, who...doesn’t come off very well in this, really. Pai, a new ardent assigned--who requested being assigned to the queen multiple times--is getting instructed in, basically, how to be a Syncophant. Basically, the queen thinks that if she bribes the Ardents, the almighty will like her. 
Even though she’s wasting the kingdom’s money and collecting food that only rots. 
I’ve gotta say, I’m a bit more suspicious of Pai this time around. Whatever she did, she came to work for the queen specifically to create unrest--whether it was just because she was disgusted or because she had some larger agenda, we don’t know, I don’t think. Pai does seem very devout, to be honest. 
And she basically wrote a massive callout of Queen Aesudan, the government, and of the entire organization of Alethkar. Including comparing Aesudan to each of the ten fools in exquisite detail. She was executed, but the riots started immediately afterward. 
Now her old self screams always, even when she doesn’t try to attune to peace. Venli says that they know that the Alethi will come--I really wonder if she was in contact with Amaram. It could just be the Parshendi dullform spies. But some part of me wants it to be Amaram, just so I can hate him more. 
Venli also knows way more than she should. She knows that the storm will blow the wrong way, and when Eshonai asks how, she gives the bullshit answer of “the songs”--which Eshonai knows don’t say anything about that--and then something inside Eshonai tells her to move on. 
You know, for all that people have been talking about who Odium’s Champion might be--maybe it’s Venli. It definitely seems like she’s more possessed by him than anyone else, and she shouldn’t know that. I don’t think that it’s just that she’s taken the form before--I think it’s something more than that. 
Anyway, Taravangian. 
We get his testing--that is technically self-imposed--and that he’s getting old, which disturbs him. Also, we get that he thinks that the fate of the entire world depends on his genius level. 
I retain my opinion on the Diagram: If it is what Taravangian asked for from the Nightwalker, which I suspect it was, then it is a way to save Roshar. Perhaps even the most efficient or certain way to save Roshar. But it is not the most moral way, and so the entire thing--the fate of the world--comes down to the same decision that has been echoed over and over again: is it worth it to do something morally wrong if it gives you the chance of being more successful? 
Is it worth it to sacrifice untrained boys if they provide a distraction? To kill a group of guards if you can use the Blade better than the person their leader would have given it to? To sacrifice slaves if they distract the enemy army? To kill Elhokar even if it means Dalinar gets to rule competently? To turn Parshendi into Voidbringers if it brings back the Heralds? To murder Radiants if it staves off the next Desolation? To murder good people all across Roshar to save the world?
Is a man’s life priceless, or is it worth two emerald broams, just a bargaining chip to be exchanged for better goods? 
Taravangian mourns it, he hates it--but he chooses the expedient route. Hundreds of human lives are nothing next to saving the world. Amaram takes the same view. Sadeas takes the same view. Kaladin, Dalinar, most of our protagonists--they take the other choice, to save the life and also try to avoid the disaster. You go back to save Dalinar and live through it. You save Elhokar and try to get him to rule better. You let the bodyguard give the shards to someone who is a worse fighter and trust. 
You do the Honorable thing, even if it might hurt you, because it’s the right thing to do. 
Anyway, it makes sense as well--because Taravangian’s compassion and intelligence are inverted, his plan is incredibly brilliant, but devoid of any compassion or morality. 
Also, the Thrill was apparent here--not even in Alethkar. Taravangian mentions what causes it--Nergaoul. An ancient, evil spren--a voidspren? Possibly. And then another name--Moelach. Apparently a similar thing, Moelach causes the death rattles. 
Interesting. Are these odiumspren, or merely different spren? Also, how did a Death Rattle appear on Scadrial if Moelach is a Rosharan creature? 
Also, Szeth says that Kholin has a Surgebinder--and Taravangian assumes it’s Jasnah. NOPE. Taravangian also notices, at this moment, that Szeth is broken--and in a turn of events that might be fortunate for all Roshar, he’s not at his smartest. 
Taravangian lies, saying that another Honorblade that allowed Regrowth was stolen, and that must be how Kaladin did it. He also didn’t know the gender of the surgebinder until Szeth said “he.” 
Interesting. Kaladin is an unknown factor in the diagram. They knew Shallan was a possibility--although they had been startled that she was alive, and thought Helaran might have trained her. Weird. 
So yeah, Taravangian asked for the capacity to stop what was coming, the capacity to save humankind. So he got it--but again, there is no guarantee that his way is the only way, for all that he thinks it is. 
And Radiants seem very good at taking a third option in the “kill someone who doesn’t deserve it or have something bad happen” tradeoff. 
I still think Veden--the king of Jah Keved--’s bastard son Redin is going to be important. He seemed to be a moral man in the bit with Shallan, and he kills his father in order that his father dies of his own accord, not slowly. 
Taravangian inspected this Redin, curious. This was the king’s ruthless executioner that he had read about? This concerned, helpless-looking man? 
One could say he almost looked broken. I have my eye on Redin. He specifically has been mentioned a lot--for his half-and-half eyes, his bastard heritage, his use as an executioner for his father. He can’t have had an easy life. I think he might Break and become a Radiant. He’s definitely one of my main suspects. 
Anyway, we learn that Taravangian learned about the oncoming problems from Gavilar--who told him about visions he was receiving, on the same night that he died. And Gavilar told him to unite them. And so that’s what Taravangian is trying. 
Taravangian, my dude, leave it to Dalinar. 
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RULES. repost; do not reblog! tag 10! good luck!
TAGGED BY: tagged by @luck-crowned who requested Velkyn and/or Kaladin, and my dumb ass went for both XD
TAGGING: I haven’t got anyone to tag yet RIP
(( 1. Velkyn ))
FULL NAME: Velkyn Kilana
NICKNAME/S: ‘Vel’ (previously only used by his foster father, but then the nickname was adopted and used by the leader of the Assassin’s Guild, causing the rest of the guild to quickly follow suit. Now it can be used by just about anyone who decides that those extra three letters are just too much.)
AGE: 45 (In human years, but looks closer to mid-20s physically. Pretty young, by elven standards.)
BIRTHDAY: Sometime in Winter (Earth month equivalent: Mid-January)
NATIONALITY: Underdark (in D&D verse), Rivaini (in Dragon Age verse)
LANGUAGE/S: Common, Undercommon, Thieves’ Cant, Elvish (In both D&D and DA verses)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual AF, buddy pal, and a total disaster.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Same as above, but with like twice as big of a disaster on the horizon. He doesn’t know how to express his emotions in any healthy fashion and would most likely struggle forever with just admitting he cared about someone.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Currently single in all verses
CLASS: Basically lower than dirt in most circles. Pretty high up in the assassin’s guild though, so there’s that.
HOMETOWN / AREA: The city inside Mount Wryoz in the Underdark.
CURRENT HOME: He no longer has anywhere that he thinks of as home, spending his current life wandering and taking contracts where he can find them. At the moment though, he is attempting to bring down a cult and rescue his foster father, despite the rift he’s wedged between them.
PROFESSION: He is a skilled assassin, in both ability and mindset, showing no mercy towards his targets or enemies and making sure that the killing strike does it’s job without any room for doubt. There are times when it actually gives him a sense of enjoyment to have such control over life and death, since he has such little control of his own.
HAIR: A bright halo of soft white curls, worn long and tied back into a tail with bangs that commonly fall into his face. Though often matted with blood and gore, it can be washed and brushed to near perfection with the right amount of care.
EYES: Pale pink in color with a blood red burst in the center. Giving off a bright glow in the dark, his eyes are sharp and focused and burn like fire when turned towards the source of his anger. His eyes are large and expressive, almond shaped and angled, bordered by long pale eyelashes.
NOSE: Slender, with a sharp, slightly upturned tip, A large scar stretches horizontally across the bridge, from one cheek to the other. He has a habit of scrunching it when he thinks.
FACE: An oval-shaped face with delicated elven features. Or, at least, they would be delicate, if he didn’t make such vicious expressions. 
LIPS: Full, slightly marked by splits and bite marks, as he tends to chew at his bottom lip when he’s stressed. Often curled in a snarl or twisted in a deep frown. Perhaps his smile might be beautiful, but he doesn’t give a damn.
COMPLEXION: A deep dark brown, nearly true black, creating a striking contrast between his skin and his icy locks of hair. 
BLEMISHES: Scarred from head to toe, thanks to his years or struggling and painful lessons. Most notably, the scar across his nose, a slice taken out of his right ear, near it’s pointed tip, and a scar on his left shoulder from where he was stabbed just below his collarbone. That particular wound was recieved on his first assassination contract, but his recklessness doesnt seem to have lessened.
TATTOOS: No tattoos, but there is the brand of his guild on the heel of his left foot.
HEIGHT: 5′1″. He is...so small.
WEIGHT: 105 lbs. Just about anyone could lift him, so long as he wasn’t resisting.
BUILD: Slender, acrobatic, with wiry whipchord muscle throughout his body. His arms and shoulders are especially strong, despite his small frame. Though he is athletic, he isn’t especially bulky. He could even be seen as graceful at times, though it is a brutal, powerful grace. 
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Long and usually tied back in a tail with a blue chord. it is only down while he sleeps or occassionally weaved into a braid if he has the time.
USUAL EXPRESSION: More often than not, Vel’s expression is grim, only shifting when he’s feeling particularly sarcastic or when he’s hit by some intensely strong emotion. Lips set in a firm line, eyes narrowed and focused, brows furrowed, staring down a brick wall would be easier.
USUAL CLOTHING: Dark colors, loose fits, things that are easy to move in, easy to fight in and don’t draw too much attention. He wears a few pieces of leather armor alongside his clothing and his gauntlets are a constant piece of equipment. Wickedly spiked at the knuckles and often bloodstained, his gauntlets are his weapons of choice, lending his punches a deadly touch.
FEAR/S: Helplessness, weakness, the trust of others (and failing them), having his heart broken, getting close to people, heights
ASPIRATION/S: For the most part, Velkyn has always aspired to be strong. Unbreakable, even. He wants to carve a place for himself in the world than no one and nothing can touch. A place that no one can take from him. Though he’d never admit, he just wants somewhere or something to call home.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Dedicated, determined, strong-willed, protective (though he won’t admit it.), clever, justice-oriented.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: A liar, especially to himself and especially about feelings. Violent, quick-tempered, hostile, extreme aversion to unwarrented touching, sarcastic, cynical, emotionally unstable, merciless
ENNEAGRAM: Type 5 - The Investigator (With some tones of Type 8 in there but mostly Type 5)
ZODIAC: Capricorn
TAROT: 10 of Swords, The Tower (some pretty negative cards tbh)
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
SOUL TYPE/S: Hunter and Leader are nearly tied.
ANIMAL: Tested as a Badger, which was pretty accurate by the description, but I’ve always assosciated him with a wolf or an especially cranky house cat.
VICE/S: Wrath, above all else, he is wrath. He’s brimming with rage and pain and vengeance. His temper could burn a hole through any adversary. As for physical vices, he’s a bit of a gambler, but not really to excess.
FAITH: Atheistic. He never really developed an interest in any form of faith or religion. I anything matters the least to him, it’s that.
GHOSTS?: Yes. Very much so.
AFTERLIFE?: Not particularly. He finds the idea that people expect there to be a place for them to live after they’re done living a bit...entitled?
REINCARNATION?: He’s considered it, but it’s not really a strong belief of his.
ALIENS?: None of that concerns him much. He’s not in the habit of believing in anything intangible. It just doesn’t matter to him, since it doesn’t effect him.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: complete lawlessness and disregard for authority. Anarchy is best, as far he’s concerned. The only reason he’d pay attention to politics is if he was hired to kill a political figure.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: He has been dirt poor for the majority of his life until he started taking on contracts. Money is nice to have, but he knows how to survive without it. Budgeting is something his foster father taught him to do well, but, if left without money, he has other ways to get what he needs.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: Despite his cutthroat ruthlessness, he despises descrimination and opression, fully believing that no person should own another. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would use them. In his lower class position, he has faced things like abuse, distrust and the threat of slavery all his life. He isn’t able to just stand by and watch those things happen to others.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Very low in terms of academics. Has only a basic understanding of math and cannot read very well at all. His foster father only taught him as much as he could. His practical education has been quite extensive, however, as has his criminal education.
FATHER: (Biological) Evard’rian, a Drow blacksmith, cruel, domineering, controlling. (Adoptive) Kilan, a Drow assassin, intelligent, witty, a master of stern-but-affectionate parenting. Never thought he would have children, but couldn’t bring himself to leave Vel to die as a child.
MOTHER: Maevaria, a Drow midwife, killed in a murder-suicide by Velkyn’s biological father. volitile emotions, but extremely loyal and protective of her son. To the extent where she steps in between Velkyn and the killing blow delivered by his father.
EXTENDED FAMILY: To his knowledge, no blood relations that he’s ever met, though I suppose the whole of the Assassin’s Guild qualifies.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Currently none.
NAME MEANING/S: Unknown. ‘Vel’ is apparently a Hindu name, meaning the divine javelin spear associated with War God Karthikeya. “Kyn’ is a Vietnamese name, meaning ‘the golden one’.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: There really isn’t much. His gauntlets have a short but bloody history and he himself has quite the reputation in...certain circles.
BOOK: He doesn’t really have any. He’s never read a full book on his own and no one has ever read him one.
MOVIE: He’s the sort to like horror movies and psychological thrillers, though, outside those genre confines, his favorites would be things like V for Vendetta, Sin City, Seven, Blade Runner, etc.
DEITY: He got Hades on the test. Accurate
MONTH: No specific preference, just not anywhere from June through August, the weather is way too hot for him.
SEASON: Winter, as his body retains heat too easily. Summer heat is too much for him and he’s miserable all throughout it.
PLACE: He hasn’t really got one.
WEATHER: Storms. Rain, wind, thunder, lightning, all of it is thrilling for him and the feeling of rain on his skin is one of his favorites.
SOUND: His favorite sound is likely the wind throught the trees or the crackling of fire or the distant roll of thunder. Natural sounds that aren’t grating or too distracting.
SCENT/S: Even though he can’t read, he’s always liked the smell of ink on parchment. Also the smell of the ocean.
TASTE/S: He enjoys strong spices and salty foods. He likes some alcohols, particularly ale and rum. Tastes that hit hard and have a bit of kick to them are his preference. He doesn’t like most sweets but he does enjoy chocolate at times. He also enjoys the taste of rare meat.
FEEL/S: coarse fabrics as well as soft fabrics. cold glass or smooth-cut gems. The edge of a blade, good quality leather, gthe feeling of fingers or a brush through his hair. The feeling of raindrops on his skin.
ANIMAL/S: He likes most animals, particularly felines. He’s most definitely a cat-person, but horses are also some of his favorite creatures. Both animals are very intelligent and good company for him.
NUMBER: He doesn’t like numbers. Math is his least favorite thing.
COLOR: Dark colors, such as wine reds, black, deep blues, etc. as well as earthy colors like reddish-browns and greens and burnt oranges. He also likes seafoam green, though he is unsure why it appeals to him.
TALENTS: He’s excellent at hand-to-hand combat, and ‘interrogation’. He’s delightfully efficient at killing people, if that counts? And making poisons. And singing, strangely enough. He has a very good voice.
BAD AT: Reading, math, keeping in control of his emotions, using ranged weapons of any kind (very nearsighted and doesn’t have/know he needs glasses), FEELING THINGS????? ADMITING FEELING????, Expressing any tenderness at all.
TURN-ONS: Trust, competence, a certain degree of cynicism, understanding, the willingness to see him as a person and not a weapon, honesty, experience, a healthy disregard for the law.
TURN-OFFS: Being looked down upon, being treated like he’s less than someone else, blind idealism, ‘white-knight syndrome’, disrespect of his abilities/being percieved as weak, sugar coating things.
HOBBIES: Taking walks, exploring, occassional gambling, BEING COMPLETELY RECKLESS, DESTROYING THE ESTABLISHMENT, getting into street/bar fights, stargazing
TROPES: Professional Killer, Combat Parkour, Close-Range Combatant, Hair-Trigger Temper, Insult of Endearment, Anti-hero, Hitman With A Heart, Street Smart, Rebellious Spirit
AESTHETIC TAGS: ;Aesthetic ( VELKYN ) Real simple tbh 
I will be making a seperate post for Kaladin’s since this is hella long!
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starry-stormlight · 8 years
1. MBTI: ENTJ 2. Hogwarts house: I'm Hufflepuff on Pottermore, but Ravenclaw everywhere else 3. Book person or TV person: Books! 4. Favourite book series: The Stormlight Archive 5. Favourite TV series/ anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, but I love Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, too 6. Fantasy universe you would most like to live in: FMA it Stormlight Archive 7. Favourite character ever: Edward Elric, or Renarin Kholin 8. character you would like to personally slap in the face: Kaladin. Enough said 9. Character you would like to personally murder: Amaram 10. Character you would gladly intern under: Jasnah Kholin 11. Character you would totally have tea with: Alphonse Elric 12. Character that you feel really needs a hug: Renarin, Kaladin, and even Adolin 13. Character you love that you would probably hate irl: eh. Pinkie Pie 14. Character you would realistically be friends with irl: Winry Rockbell 15. First character you had a crush on (if any): Edward Elric was the first 16. Favourite ship: EdWin (Ed and Winry) or Shadolin (Shallan and Adolin) 17. Series (TV and book) that you feel ended terribly: First FMA show 18. Series (TV and book) that had so much potential but was actually a massive disaster: That one Matched series. The one with the boring plot and bad love triangle 19. Worst book/movie/tv show that you’ve ever read: The Avatar the Last Airbendee movie *shudders* 20. favourite book from your childhood: I Spy, Harrold and the Purple Crayon, and Magic Tree House 21. Favourite Tropes: I love the sassy freaking awesome characters 22.Three most hated tropes: love triangles, the one shy character, and the whole "'Ah! We have no more power! ...Wait! My friends give me all the power I need!!!!!!!' *Punches bad dude in the face and wins fight*" 23. Scariest thing you’ve ever watched/read:  Arachnophobia. I HATE spiders! *shudders* 24. Anything you’d like to recommend: FMAB, and The Stormlight Archive 25: Would you like any recommendations: Anime/manga and online comics I'm expected to tag 20- something people, but I can't. Oh well. @dandelionfluph @sevendemigodsanswerthecall @ared-jay @szeth-son-son-vallano-truthless
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ladyknightliveblogs · 8 years
Megan Reads Star Wars
Yes, you read that right.
I recently got my hands on a crappy, used, paperback copy of the Original Trilogy novelizations (fun facts: the A New Hope novelization (simply called Star Wars, no subtitle) was actually written by George Lucas himself, who apparently thought his screenplay was too precious to be adapted by anyone else, regardless of his inability to, you know, write) and since they are ancient, presumably crappy, movie novelizations of some of my very favorite things in the universe, you all get to come on the ride with me.
(Listen George fucking Lucas wrote the first one, it’s going to be a disaster, it’s going to be GOLD, I AM SO EXCITED.)
Going into this, please know a few things:
1. I love Star Wars more than I love air. More than I love Kaladin Stormblessed. More than I love bread. Star Wars has been a fundamental part of my life and my soul and the very dust particles that make up my being since I was six years old. I fully recognize that the person I am right now is not the same person I would be if Star Wars didn’t exist. It’s vital you know this because I’m going to make fun of it. A lot. Lucas wrote it, so I’m going to destroy it and it’s going to be delightful. Just know that I’m tearing it apart gleefully, lovingly. That I love it and that is why I must tease it. You only tease the ones you love, and I love Star Wars a lot more than a lot of the other things I tease.
2. Spoilers don’t exist. I’m not tagging shit because this has been out since 1977 and has been a part of society’s collective consciousness for just as long. Even if you don’t know the details, you know what Star Wars is. So I’m not tagging spoilers because they don’t exist. I will tag “#Megan reads Star Wars” and probably some other things like “#my perfect son” and “#oh god Lucas why” (those last two are subject to change. if you’re blocking, block the first one.)
3. Did you guys know that I love Star Wars, so much? SO MUCH.
4. I haven’t decided if I’m doing bullet-point style liveblog (ie: the Way of Kings style) or more individual posts (ie: movie liveblog style) but to be honest, it will probably end up being a mix of both, because I will get too excited and need to post things immediately instead of waiting for a longer post to be full up. So brace for spam, I guess? Sorry.
5. I think that’s everything? Strap in, fronds, hyperspace is calling, and we’re not getting off until we hit Tatooine.
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mistralrunner · 7 years
Running Reads Oathbringer: Part III.II
So many awesome things going on as well as terribly concerning things I love this book so much.
Spoilers for pages 606-685 below.
Aaaaa there's a map!
A map
Sure The Stormlight Archive has had plenty of excellent maps but I think this is the first time they've had a detailed city map like this?
I'm so excited
I’m just going to stare at this map with joy for a while don’t mind me
Hmm what was Szeth's route through the palace during the prologue now that we have an actual map
Ooh they have a theater square
I feel like I should remember who Lanacin is given there's a monument
I'm intrigued by the Impossible Falls. Do they fall upward?
Well someone's being snarky about the gem time capsule
Huh the burdening the city with refugees strategy helps with sneaking in at least
Ah Unmade is a pretty good explanation for the wrongness
Wonder which one we'll get this time
Shallan's drawings are an Unmade detector?
So Shallan made Elhokar look somewhat reminiscent to his sister
Have we ever seen Jasnah and Elhokar interact cause they are siblings
How much do they interact?
Again Tarah is mentioned, when will we get this backstory
Well I suspected they'd spend time gathering intelligence. Can't waste that beautiful city map
Yes let Adolin and Kaladin be friends
Ah of course it would have been too easy to walk into the city
Yeah, there really isn’t a command structure it's this weird awkward place between a strike team and a DnD party
Heh Kaladin empathizing with the guard dealing with Elhokar
Ah Voidbringers of course we need yet another complication in getting through the door or rather a way to get in
Aaaa the conflict between staying incognito and wanting to protect
Battlefield tactics versus war tactics and Kaladin's knowledge vs Adolin's is kind of nice
This city is unsettling to say the least
Eerie spren parade and the spren are wrong
Pfft the person Adolin trusts with his life or more is his tailor that is perfect
Also is this why Sanderson said Adolin is going to wear something other than his uniform this book
Why did the Radiants abandon Urithiru? Was this before or part of the Recreance?
Shallan are you okay there. I mean I know you're not in general but punching oneself in the face doesn't feel like a healthy reaction
Oh she's trying to experiment with attracting spren
Elhokar I'm pretty sure it didn't take a dark spren for Aesudan to execute an ardent who insulted her
Shallan no not the scissors self harm isn't good even for scholarship
I wonder where the other Unmade were deposited
I'm guessing Purelake which has a plague, Horneater Peaks cause Song mentioned there was something wrong there, and maybe Shinovar just cause that'd be interesting. And maybe one’s chilling on Aimia.
Yeah I'd say something's wrong if you don't notice your own city is rioting
Oh Elhokar you sweet summer child your wife is a horrible person
Shallan don't you dare do something embarrassing to your party members.
The palace is going to be fun with all these people not returning classic
Like I'm amused at Shallan's dedication to science but also really concerned for her
The Cult of Moments? Oh lovely we have cultists too
Well that alarm spren explains the lack of communication and is more interesting than just Voidbringers magically block the signal.
Yikes though fabrials in general not working anymore
I'm really scared about anyone going into the palace
Pattern I agree Shallan telling her group about Veil is progress and frankly saves a lot of trouble since the illusions already would have hinted at it
I'm glad these records are candid. Also Aimia has hidden undersea caverns too I want to know more of that place as
What is it that makes fabrials different enough that they both have side effects in the case of soulcasters and attract these yellow spren. For the latter is it because of the spren captive since it seems the city's spren are wrong
Shallan's demonstrating increasing Identity concerns as her disguise is wearing a disguise 
I feel mildly offended at Shallan taking Lyn's appearance
Oh lovely the cult is guarding the palace of course they are
Oh no a love triangle complicated by multiple personalities whyyy
Hey that is a bad line of thinking too Adolin isn't bland and it isn't right to tease Kaladin like she does
Well two pairs of eyes who pay attention to different things is useful
Those soldiers also creepy
Yeah you definitely needed to set a plot arc like this after the world had been firmly introduced so this unusualness would be jarring and disturbing
Shallan you and Veil are the same person
So much for Kaladin joining you
...That escalated quickly
Taking a leaf from Jasnah's book I see
Oh lovely eerie mirror with shadow that probably is now aware of Shallan's presence
Ah Pattern I love you getting excited over discoveries of human nature at a time like this
Yeah that was rather traumatizing
Oh god the puns
Shallan your denial isn't great long term
Not surprised the Windrunners and Skybreakers were in opposition
Binder of Gods though that is a concerning title
Which Herald is Kelek again and why would he be associated with the storms sometimes
Ishar founded the orders? And is the Herald of luck and mysteries and priests and possibly more mad than the rest I am concerned
So Dalinar has a permanent mental compass because of his Stormfather/Origin sense? That’s cool.
"Stormfather!" Yes? "Oh. Uh, that was a curse." Ah, the downsides of being bonded to the Stormfather
Heh I suspected that god priest of Tukar a moment before Dalinar mentioned him
Oh Ishar is the Bondsmith Herald that's concerning.
That's why Taln called Shallan one of Ishar's Knights cause it didn’t feel like he was the Lightweaver Herald
And he founded the Oathpact
Oh dear Connection is powerful and dangerous although at least there's the tradeoff of little battle application
Binder of Gods is just such a concerning name
I wonder if we'll get the other two Bondsmiths
Three-one for each Shard? Or other powerful Honor spren?
Aaaa answers about Stormlight?
Power piercing united across all three Realms spiritual energy got it
"The Stormfather hated to be misquoted" and will correct Dalinar's recollection of explanations that's great
I mean training with an Honorblade is a way to practice skills but I'm concerned cause there might be other risks attached cause we might not know all that they do
So if you held different Honorblades would your eyes bleed different colors
The clock fabrial dings now that's great
Ooh Azir we might finally see Lift in person
Everyone wants to drink the Stormlight XP
But yeah mentality is key not staring at Stormlight and wanting to chug it
Oh hey conflict looks like Bondsmith time
Heh Adhesion-induced time out
Yay Jasnah I missed you
"Odd how natural it looked to see Jasnah with a sword"
Yes Lift and Jasnah two of my favorite ladies unlocking an Oathgate
Wow a lot of people got sick of Urithiru. What were the rules?
Heh I forgot the Azish Oathgate was in a shopping district
Incovenient Oathgate locations are fun
The Blackthorn enters your city with some magical pens and a bagged lunch
Ooh Spiritual Adhesion and languages
What did Lift do with the street urchin dialect then is it an Edgedancer or a being partially in the Cognitive Realm thing
Are there Physical Cognitive and Spiritual levels of all the Surges
Magical diplomacy powers activate
I feel like Dalinar’s thought processes feel different with Connection activated
I love the Azish where an essay is the weapon of choice
And a backup essay with valuable schematics
Applause to Navani and Fen
I swear if there's a third essay by Jasnah
I love them nerding out over Jasnah's writing it's delightful
and also just the fact that Jasnah is using her awesome scholarly prowess
Oh right the fact that there are things on the platforms makes movement tricky
Well Dalinar the Alethi do have slaves and deny some darkeyes the right of travel and treat darkeyes in general like garbage so this logic protest is pretty sweet
Ah yes the economic disaster
That’s cool that the Azish Parshmen immediately started acting super logical and petitioning. Shame they got dragged into the Voidbringer army cause successful negotiations and redress would have been cool
Where are the Worldsingers for understanding
I hope Lift shows up
The pen is mightier than the sword Dalinar
I do feel like this is yet another downside of Alethi not allowing half the population to read or engage in arts that would help with diplomacy. Of course war is going to seem more appealing.
Yes Lift stole Dalinar's lunch excellent
"And your order?"
"More food."
Did I mention how much I love Lift
Hey they’re Nightwatcher buddies
Although She leaves a trace that can be sensed? Or sensed by Lift at least
I'm proud of both Jasnah and Navani for their essays
It's happening we're going to have a council yessss
Oooh big tragic flashback time
Shame that it ruined the moment of telling Navani her essay saved the day
Aww little Adolin
It's nice to see the character growth with Dalinar, still bloodthirsty, but planning, strategizing, thinking, explaining
But where is Renarin
It is lame that giving one’s parent a hug in public isn’t Alethi
Dalinar why must you neglect Renarin cause he's "unfit for battle"
Evi. Deserves. Better.
Also Renarin.
Obligatory Hamilton reference there
Yeah the whole contest mentality of the Alethi is messed up
Evi you don't need the Old Magic you're a wonderful person
You go Evi
Even if she's not a game of wits person she thinks and is right
Wonder if Toh is still in Herdaz
Sunken forests? Those sound cool
Seriously Dalinar remember you have a second son
Thank you Evi for defending Renarin
Evi deserves better
Evi. Deserves. Better.
Okay that Fused does have an aesthetic with the absurdly sized tassels and polearm
Mishim I know that name ugh why am I forgetting
"I believe that Honor himself is changing" I am concerned
Elhokar can draw. Further evidence that the shadows once lurking around him were Cryptics
Wait Elhokar makes the awesome city map?
Aww Elhokar making a decent plan and getting praise and glory spren just for that small thing
Thank you Adolin for addressing the elephant in the room of the ardent’s Theses
Shallan's infiltrating yet another sketchy group great
Ugh they're not letting the poor and children get grain and it's just going to lighteyes
I don't know how to feel about Shallan/Veil going "Storming lighteyes" she is one of them and hasn't done any self reflection so it just feels like putting on a mask than anything actually genuine
Odium trying to replace all spren with his own?
But the chapter header doesn’t include that jester guy. Will I ever understand the pattern.
He's wearing Sadeas colors really
Ha it's the story Sigzil tried to tell
Storytime with Wit!
Two storytelling scenes in a book I feel blessed
Huh smoke storytelling somewhat like what he did in Warbreaker?
Always interesting when Wit noticeably starts. He did that once before because of Shallan. What is it about her.
Heh well at least one person can see through Lightweaving. Of course it's Wit.
Oh is Tsa using Mishim's tactic against her
Oh Tsa was the trickster all along nice
Wonder how much is true and what is also a metaphor
Seriously Kaladin why did you lose the flute
Ohhh he can sandbend. Sand master. Whatever. Cause that's Taldain sand
Ah now we have the proper Wit header
Full Wit on the header
Hey Shallan and Wit are finally getting a talk this could be good for Shallan
Wait Hoid's lingering for a chapter rather than just jumping in for a story or cryptic lines what
"The Sibling has withdrawn from men"?
Chouta is everywhere
It's okay Shallan don't feel embarrassed at getting pickpocketed by an ancient trickster
Of course Wit would give tips on disguises
Looking back at the chapter the Veil persona did flee although it was the moment she heard Wit's voice
Good job Wit
Dalinar: Are you a Radiant?
Wit: Nope
Shallan: Are you a Herald?
Wit: Nope
"I'm not stupid enough to get mixed up in religion again. The last seven times I tried it were all disasters. I believe there's at least one god still worshipping me by accident."
Do tell
That's the most we've ever gotten of Wit
I'm reeling
Just even that thin sliver
I mean it makes sense, he’s more engaged in this world and thus showing he is more than he seems and thus author has to make clear that he’s not a Radiant or Herald but still
Heh me too re: applauding Sadeas being offed. I just fear the consequences for people I care about
“Aim for the sun” is a fun variant on shoot for the moon
Are we getting a Wit character moment he's actually be disparaging about himself
So many good lines in this chapter
"Be wary of anyone who claims to be able to see the future, Shallan."
*looks to Renarin with concern*
Ooh what group does the cult remind Wit of
The Heart of the Revel. Quite a name
I like that take on hedonism not being actual enjoyment
Yay Wit is going to get Shallan in
Why is Wit here then cause pep talking Shallan seems rather important
Pattern: He feels like...mmm...one of us
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