#jaw gore
everyothermouse · 9 months
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Cringetober day 14: candy gore :D
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weirdweeb83 · 11 months
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Day 2 of gore
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breaking the angel
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mon-chert · 10 months
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the initiation
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noughticalcrossings · 2 months
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Sergeant Solomon Tozer
Well you finally sound frightened, Solomon
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ghouljams · 11 months
can we hear from konig and fetch? I love her powers and how konig actually READS the manual first unlike ghost boy smh
mwah much love
Of course! I love them, they're so silly(I say as I'm about to write Blacksite prison shit)
You perch, nice and pretty on the edge of the table, watching the man in front of you sweat. König is looking over a tray of surgical instruments. He rubs his chin through his hood, picks up a corkscrew and sets it down. You swing your feet while you wait, at least the man you're interrogating is smart enough to keep his mouth shut. It's no fun if they get started begging too early.
"Schöne, where are the curved scissors? The snippy ones, not the wiggly ones," König asks you. You summon a pair of pruning shears and hold them out to him. The metal blades are just starting to rust from the poorly cleaned off blood. König looks at them and you can see his eyes crinkle at the edges as he smiles under his hood. "Thank you, those will do nicely."
His gloved hand takes the shears gently from your outstretched palm. The subject of your stalled interrogation thrashes against the ropes binding him to the chair. "What the fuck did she just do?" He asks, eyes wide on you. You flash him a smile with all your teeth, let's your horns burn into visibility, just to hear his panicked heartbeat.
"Go on and show off," König hums, watching you, "it might make this faster." You push yourself off the edge of the table and lean close to your victim.
"Don't worry," you tell him, pressing your fingers over his heart, "this won't hurt, but you'll remember it the rest of your life."
You push your fingers in, feeling the skin and cloth give way to your insistent push, ribs bend out of your path, and you feel the rapid inhalation in the man's lungs as your fingers brush past the organ. You wrap your hand around his heart and extract it, careful not to sever anything important when you rip the still beating organ from his chest. The heart drips blood onto the man's lap as you hold it in front of him, it squeezes and pumps, continuing its thankless work even outside the body. It picks up pace, anxiety and fear spiking it into a rapid race of desperation as the man stares down his own life.
"You should really take better care of this thing," You turn the heart over in your hand, examining the stress markers on it.
"That's my-"
"I think I'm going to start with the fingers," König tells you, cutting the man off.
"What?" The man transfers his panicked stare to König as he grabs his hand, holding the shears open around his pointer finger.
"Keep monitoring his vitals, I want to see how many I can get off before he starts talking." König holds his hand still with an iron grip as the man thrashes and struggles to free himself. The blades of the sheers hardly touch the man's skin before he's begging.
König dots his pencil against a small notebook, large hands dwarfing the writing instrument, his gloves resting on the blood stained table between you. Your victims heart is still beating in your hand, though the body is slumped in the chair. As far as you can tell the intel supplied is good, and though it's a bit of a stretch to say you can "fetch" the truth out of people, you pride yourself on being able to get the information you need.
"Good work Colonel," you purr. He looks at you with heat in his eyes, you know he likes when you call him that. Now isn't the time or place and you both know it, but teasing him now means more fun later.
"Have your snack Schatz," König says, going back to his notes. He flips a page back and forth with his fingers as you tip your head back and drop the heart into your waiting mouth. You're careful to bite through the muscle, sharp teeth slicing clean through your victims last lifeline. You swallow both halves to keep the blood from squinting everywhere as the corpse in the chair spasms with its last dredges of life.
König shuts his notebook and goes to bang on the metal door three times. You're quick to jump in his shadows as the latch clicks and the gears start turning to let you both out.
"I don't know man, it's just weird that's all," one of the cleanup crew grumbles. You cling to König's back, his hand reaches back to brush up your thigh, dragging against unseen flesh.
"Just do your job," the other advises, "Don't think too much about it, I mean, you've heard the rumors right?" You smile, press your lips to König's hood over his ear.
"They're talking about you," you whisper. Their eyes follow him as he walks past, their footsteps avoid his shadow.
"They're talking about you, Miene Liebe," König mumbles, turning his head to make sure its only you the hears him, "they're always talking about you."
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see-arcane · 2 months
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In which the ladies take their kisses at their will after Dracula has been and gone, and now insist Mr. Harker take his own.
Kiss the Bride, Jonathan...
Just a grisly little nightmare that may or may not be a premonition of the future.
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weedlovingweed · 1 year
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i can see you and the ache you’re hiding, i’m here you know i’ll always remind you.
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somewhatidealname · 2 months
Where does the food springtrap eat go????? We can see him eat people and stuff but he can't eat????
remnants are a supernatural thing i don't know where their energy goes, but the gore of the victims get lodged in springtrap's machinery and i have to fucking hose him down every single time he kills someone
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strawberrylind · 2 months
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speculative notes on cams biology ^_^
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crimescrimson · 26 days
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The Works of Stefano Valentini in The Evil Within 2 (2017)
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nelbii · 1 year
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just gals being pals
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atomicannihilator · 4 months
this scene is INSANE and i barely see people talk about it
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kittyoverlord · 9 months
This is Aabria's first time doing battle maps and she went hard!
Screenshots below the cut for those squeamish.
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And the reactions...
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melanodis · 9 months
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my composure dies every time i see your eyes
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wifihunters · 1 year
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are you normal or do you make extensive demon designs of all your ocs:
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