#j interacts with finn!
ask-jasper-cameron · 4 months
"Hey- Jasper?"
He tapped Jasper's shoulder, and when he turned around to look at Finn, he noticed him holding Ditch's hat tightly. He seemed a little shaken, and dirty (almost like he was tackled to the ground).
"D'you have any idea what I should do with this?" He gestures to the hat, brows furrowing "I don't exactly want to sell it, just in case it lands back in his hands.. but I don't know what else to really do with it. I don't mind keeping it as like.. a trophy?? A keepsake?? But if you have any smarter ideas on what to do with this, then I'm all ears.
- @ask-finn-hollis
"Well, well, well-! Got yer grubby hands on that dumb thief's hat, huh?"
[He chuckles, yoinking the hat from Finn and looking at it like it's some kind of valuable trash.]
"Well, if you wanna keep it to yourself... You better decorate it, so it won't look as... trashy and bland as it is now."
[He puts the hat on top of his head, his floating double ahoge peeking out of it just a tad.]
"By the way, what happened to you? Did shortstack jugglenutter attacked ya or something?"
[Who the hell is shortstack jugglenutter, you ask? That's one of the many nicknames Jasper has for Ditch, of course!]
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starlightsreigns · 10 days
serial lover | j. uso
chap. one: new flame
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summary: jordyn will tell you she's a levelheaded person, but that's a lie. she caught at crossroads, and she doesn’t want to choose.
warnings: 18+, smut. mdni
word count: 3.4K
author's note: welcome to serial lover: the series! haven't stopped thinking about this storyline for MONTHS. truly was the best couple of weeks in my entire life. so, this was birthed from missing seeing these two interact on tv. sorry for the lowercase, it's my bad habit. also can't decide if I should post part two to this... let me know.
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baby try a new thing, let’s spark a new flame
Jordyn wasn’t an insatiable person and neither was she jealous. let’s just make that clear. she was cool, levelheaded, and had the biggest crush on the strongest woman she knows: rhea ripley. it was a given. the crush that she had on rhea had made her a jealous, petty, and slightly unhinged person. she couldn’t help it. Jordyn knew that the relationship with dominik wasn’t a real one, but one played for the cameras. but, it didn’t make it easier seeing the pair always hanging out with each other - yes, they’re friends, again she wasn’t as level-headed as she used to be. it wasn’t just dominik, everyone hung onto every word that came out of The Eradicator's mouth, not that she didn’t completely understand. 
celebration for night one of WrestleMania was in full swing at a private club downtown. the place was filled to the brim with superstars, both the WWE kind and the Hollywood kind. replays of the matches filled TV screens and she found herself entranced by the one playing the ending of Rhea’s match against Becky. She watched as Rhea hoisted Becky’s legs up for the pin that solidified her continued reign as champion. she groaned internally as she turned, forcing herself to think pure, innocent thoughts. 
why was she here? she had her own match that she needed to be focused on. yet, when her eyes fell on rhea near the bar, it all clicked. of course, she’d be wherever the australian woman was, even if that meant a lack of sleep leading into wrestlemania sunday. 
“jordyn, come take shots with us!” naomi waved her over. 
rhea’s eyes fell on Jordyn, flickering on as she watched her walks towards naomi, jade, and bianca. she straightened out her shoulders, taking peeks at Jordyn while pretending to be listening to the conversation that was happening between the rest of her faction. Damian noticed it first and bumped shoulders with Finn who only snorted. 
“i should go buy Jordyn a drink,” finn started, watching rhea closely for her reaction. “see if she’s interested in getting to know this irishman a lil better.”
“fuck off, balor.” rhea shot him a looking before glancing at Jordyn again. “i’m gonna go talk to her.” she muttered to no one in particular. 
dominik applauded, “good luck!” 
as the foursome downed a shot, bianca was standing in front of Jordyn smiled, and pulled her closer. without saying a word she wiped some of Jordyn’s smudged lipstick of and fixed her hair discreetly as she watched in confusion. 
“rhea is walking towards us, acting normal you fool.” she smiled through the words. 
Jordyn almost went rigged before relaxing her shoulders. she set the shot glass down and pretended to be engrossed in the fake conversation that jade had thankfully started. rhea though had feigned in confidence for a moment, pausing at the bar behind them. she took a deep breath before finally making it to them. 
“do you mind if i steal Jordyn from you?” she asked no one in particular. 
few places were crowded with people, but rhea had scooped out a spot in the farthest corner for them to sit. Jordyn sat near the wall, crossing her long leg as rhea situated herself. their thighs were slightly pressed together, but neither one of them dared to move. 
“how are you?” rhea asked. 
Jordyn smiled, “you’re asking me how i am after you just opened wrestlemania? are you kidding?” she playfully punched rhea’s arm. “i’m whatever, how are you ms.champ?” 
rhea’s cheek reddened. she shrugged her shoulder in contemplation, “it’s unbelievable.” 
“i think you were fucking awesome, i would’ve bet money on you if it wouldn’t cost me my job.” 
the women laughed for a moment before falling into a comfortable silence. some nerves sat in both of their stomachs. Jordyn looked over to where her friends were standing. jade, who was the newest to the group and newest to finding out about Jordyn’s crush, widened her eyes in a do something kind of way. 
“how’s the celebration, you know, with your crew?” Jordyn motioned to where the rest of the judgement day sat trying to pretend like they were watching them. “priest hasn’t looked away, am i keeping you from something?” 
“nothing at all,” rhea respond without looking away from Jordyn. “they’re just.. you know.” 
Jordyn nodded slowly, “are you okay? you seem quieter than usual.”
it took everything rhea to find a response. she finally glanced around the room. she took in the fact that the other three women were also watching them before glancing at her stablemates. she turned her attention back to Jordyn who was studying her. 
“your girls are staring too,” she responded finally. 
a laugh passed Jordyn’s glossed lips, “yeah, they’re my cheerleaders.” 
“cheerleaders?” rhea questioned, slightly moving in closer to Jordyn, closing more space that they didn’t even have. “in what way?” 
Jordyn uncrossed her leg to turn slightly towards rhea. she searched her eyes trying to figure out if this was her opportunity to just tell the woman what she was feeling. fuck it, she was going to throw caution to the wind and get it all out in the open. they were being watched by their friends and when she caught a glimpse of dominik walking up the girls, it confirmed that maybe rhea felt the same way. 
“you know, when they see me talking to someone i find very attractive, they always want to see me win.” Jordyn spoke softly, her eyes flickering to rhea’s lips before meeting her eyes. “they know i like you, so they’re on the sideline waiting to see if i have enough balls to finally tell you.” 
rhea didn’t say anything for a moment, but her eyes seemed to twinkle in the darkness of the bar. she leaned in closer to Jordyn and glanced at her lips. 
“so, if i kissed you right now, do you think our friends would get the message that we both had the balls to tell each other how we feel?” rhea’s voice was lower, darker. “will you let me kiss you?” 
“rhea,” Jordyn breathed out. “you’d be the one playing with fire.” she murmured as she allowed her hand to touch the warm skin on rhea’s torso.
finally, and after an agonizing minute, rhea leaned into kiss Jordyn. it was slow and deliberate. Jordyn sighed into the kiss and cupped her face, deepening it before they pulled away. their chest heaved as they caught their breath. 
“can i call you later?” 
“i’ll be waiting,” Jordyn answer, standing first to leave. 
she could hear the clapping coming for the judgement day boys as she walked past. her face felt hot but she stopped and gave them a bow before returning to her friends who were quick to envelop her in a group hug, playfully smacking her ass. naomi handed her a shot that they had ordered. 
“to this bitch finally having the balls!” 
they clinked their glasses and bottomed up. she stole a glance at Rhea who had made it back to her friends. they met eyes, both smiling. 
ꕀ  ꕀ  ꕀ
the night felt long, but in the best way. after several more shots, some that she took with other superstars, Jordyn knew she was drunk. her six inch heels no longer felt like needles in the soles of her feet, she felt like she could party until the sun rose. yet, as everyone started to head out, she hitched a ride back to the hotel with the twins and naomi. Jordyn rested her head in Jey’s lap, trying to keep her eyes open. Jey was kind enough to rub her arm through his own drunken state. 
“you still breathin’ ma?” jey leaned down to whisper in her ear. 
The couple in the front seat were in their own conversation leaving Jordyn and jey in their own world. she shifted around onto her back to look up at him as she nodded. he let out a little cackle at the goofy smile on her face. 
“what’s so funny, uce?” Jordyn gripped his arm that came around her stomach to support her. “you look drunk as shit.” she teased. 
Jey brought his face down closer to hers, “not as drunk as you jo, you look like them white girls outside the club.” 
“take that shit back,” she protested softly, swatting his arm. “you’re just jealous cause i can get down.” 
“nah, i’m jealous cause i ain’t taking you home with me.” he whispered with his tone turning serious. “gotta celebrate the winning twin, right?” 
Jordyn was lost for words. she stared into his eyes while she nodded, “right.” the word caught her in her throat but coming out in the tiniest of whispers. “and you want me to be the prize you won tonight?” 
“we all want different prizes, Uce still gets to be with his woman tonight.” he joked, leaning back into the seat to stare at the roof of the car. 
his comment laid thick between them. and in that moment, she completely forgot about the woman she had made out with earlier in the night. coincidentally, jey wasn’t there when it happened and she battled internally with the situation. she wasn’t in a relationship and rhea never said she wanted a relationship. it was an internal battle, and her drunken mind wanted the one thing she could have right then and there. 
Jordyn slowly moved her hand up to rest against the hem of his shirt. jey’s focus slowly fell onto her hand before her. a smirk played on his lips as she lifted the shirt to allow her cold hands to run over his warm skin. 
“i wanna celebrate jey uso.” she whispered softly, sitting up slowly so the two in the front seat wouldn’t catch on. “how do you celebrate?” 
her hands lowered from his stomach to the waistband of his joggers. she watched as Jey took a deep breath, glancing to see if his brother had noticed. he turned his face towards Jordyn, their nose barely touching. the tension was thick as her hand slowly made its way down to his growing erection. jey had seemingly held his breath when her cold hands wrapped around him, and moved at an agonizingly slow pace. 
“i got something for you,” jey muttered into her ear, inhaling when her finger slightly grazed his sensitive tip. “jo,” and it came out almost as if he was begging. 
“don’t worry about me,” Jordyn shifted closer to him, her lip close to his ear. “im gonna celebrate you, uce, maybe i'll even beg.” 
when the car turned into the parking lot, Jordyn withdrew her hand and rested her head on his shoulder, pretending to be fast asleep. she could hear naomi complain about how tired she was then jimmy making a joke about her not getting any sleep. 
“don’t worry, i’ll get her to her room, y’all go do y’all stuff.” jey ushered them off before look down at Jordyn. “c’mon, they’re gone.” 
Jordyn couldn’t contain the soft, drunk laughter that tumbled from her lips and she stumbled out of the car behind jey. he held onto her hand as they walked into the hotel. the tension from earlier returning with a vengeance. their hands gripped one another’s as they made it to the elevator, every now and then they’d sneak a glance at each and Jordyn couldn’t help but bite her lip. his simple merch shirt, gold necklace, and black joggers shouldn’t be as sexy as it was. 
when the elevator door opened, the pair rushed in. jey barely had the chance to press the floor number before Jordyn pulled him into her. her back pressed into the wall as he gripped her waist. their lips met in a hungry kiss that felt desperate. they barely pulled apart when the door opened. from there, Jordyn allowed jey to lead her to his hotel room. 
they separated when they walked into the room. Jordyn threw herself back onto the mattress, sighing in content while jey raided the bar. as the true star he was, he was in one of the fancier suites and she took a moment, even through the drunken state, to appreciate it. 
“here mama,” jey stood in front of her laid out body, situating himself between her slightly parted legs.
Jordyn sat up slowly, staring up at him through her eyelashes. she wrapped her arms around his stomach, opening her mouth and titling her head up for him to pour the dark liquor from the bottle. jey grinned as he started a light pour down her throat. He stopped when her mouth was nearly full, allowing her to swallow. it tasted like nothing but water and instantly made her go limp with a laugh. she knew she was too drunk to be drinking, and it was only going to push her closer to a blackout. 
“what’s so funny?” jey asked as he tilted the bottle back to drink. when he sat the bottle down and turned his attention back to her, she was flipped onto her stomach with her legs crossed in the air. “fuck,” 
“what?” Jordyn glanced back at him with a knowing smirk. “come lay down.” 
her descent to the ground was a little wobbly, but Jordyn watched as jey laid in the spot she once occupied. his eyes were fixated on her, never straying even when she did a meaningless spin. after a moment, she stood between his legs, running her hand up and down his thighs. 
“say you want me,” she murmured while climbing up to straddle his lap. Jordyn raked her fingers through his hair making his eyes slowly close. “say it, jey.” 
“i want you, jo.” 
Jordyn finally connected her lips to his. the kiss was hungrier than before, grinding her ass on him. She was hornier past the point of comphrension as she whined into the kiss. Jey’s eyes opened at the sound, biting down on her bottom lip causing her to whine louder. 
“Jey, i want you,” She whined as their lips pulled apart. 
That was the only thing he needed to hear. He flipped her onto the mattress, slipping his shirt over his head then helped take off her dress, tossing it over the edge of the bed. Jordyn stared up at him with hunger in her eyes. When Jey got off the bed to drop his joggers to the ground, her legs slightly pressed together in anticipation. Restless, Jordyn leaned up to pull him back on top of her, wanting to feel the warmth of skin again. 
“You real impatient, ma, do somethin’ for me,” He murmured with his lips on her neck. “Sit on my face, baby.” 
The air got caught in Jordyn’s throat at the request. She bit her lip as he massaged her ass, continuing his attack on her neck. She moaned softly, only yelping when he had slapped down on her ass cheek. Jey tapped her thigh as he lay on the bed, motioning her to take a seat. Jordyn wasn’t usually worried or self-conscious, but even through her drunkenness, she felt her heart beating out of her chest. She crawled up his body cautiously, feeling his chest under her hands. 
When she straddled his face, Jordyn licked her lips unable to move, “this is what you want?” 
Jey hooked his arms under her leg with a nod, pulling her down so she would meet his tongue. Jordyn threw her head back as he instantly started to tease and suck on her clit, wasting no time. Her juices collected on her tongue as he licked up her slit. The moans fell from her like a river as she gripped his long black hair that had fallen from the ponytail long ago. Jordyn couldn’t help it as she grinded her hips against his face, chasing the high that was so close. 
“Fuck you, jey.” Jordyn moaned, grazing the tip of her finger on his cheek. 
The feeling of his tongue on her folds started to make her legs tremble, unable to hold herself up Jordyn gripped the headboard to keep steady, making his grip on her legs tighter to his face as she squirmed. Her moans intensified, not caring who the neighbors were and if they could hear them. Jey alternated between sucking on sensitive bud and fucking her hole with his tongue. 
“Holy shit, Jey, please,” Jordyn plead. 
Her orgasm rushed over, allowing the most delicious moan that Jey’s ever heard fall from her lips. Jordyn fell limp with her breast pressed against face as she moved her heat from his face in attempt to take a breath. Jey chuckled while she was too tired to protest. He wrapped his arm around her waist and took a nipple into her mouth. 
“How you feelin’ mama?” He asked. 
Jordyn, after finally catching her breath, “fuck me,” she rolled onto her stomach on the bed, turning to look at him. “Please?” 
Jey groaned at the sight of her, watching as Jordyn arched her back. He ran his palms over her ass, smacking roughly as she gripped the sheets. 
“Don’t worry baby, ima take care of you.” her murmured as he gripped the back of her neck and pushed her cheek into the bed. 
“You takin’ too long.” Jordyn huffed then gasped when she felt his finger in her slick entrance, teasing her mercilessly. “Jey…”
Watching Jordyn squirm around made him chuckle, but finally gave into the one thing that she wanted. His tip teased her entrance, slowly pushing into her as she moaned into the mattress, squeezing her eyes shut in pleasure. Jordyn forced her eyes open to watch as Jey focused on his deep strokes that felt like they were hitting her in the stomach. 
The sound of the bed shaking mixed with the moans from Jordyn and Jey’s grunts. Her mouth felt dry and she didn’t know how much she could take before she exploded. And when she tried to crawl away for a breather, Jey tightened his grip and slammed into her. 
“Don’t go runnin’ from me now, baby, you was beggin’ for this.” Jey kissed her hip. “Say my name, Jordyn.” 
Jordyn choked out his name, feeling the lack of air in her lungs. Jey reached around to wrap a hand around her throat and bring her up against him. He kissed on her neck as Jordyn tried to breath through all the strokes. She could feel the climax in the pit of her stomach and didn’t know how to vocalize it. 
“Please, please, please.” Jordyn begged, resting her hand over his around her neck. 
“You wanna cum?” He questioned in her ear. Jordyn nodded fervently with her mouth dropped open as soft cries fell from them. “Cum for me, all over this dick.” 
It was too much to hold any longer. Jordyn came so hard she was pretty sure she died and went to Heaven and Jey could see it painted by the dumb look on her face. Yet, that didn’t stop the pounding and the sweet nothings that he whispered in her ear and she begged hom to continue. Gosh, she felt like the biggest and luckiest slut in the world. One tear and another fell down her cheek - truly the best fuck she’s had in a while. 
As Jey’s pumps turned sloppy, Jordyn found her voice again, “come in me, please.” She wasn’t sure where those words came from, but she meant it as she squeezed around him. 
“Fuck, Jordyn.” Jey bit her shoulder as he twitched inside her and moaned as he filled her deep. “So sexy.” He muttered as she sunk back into the bed. 
Their labored breaths is all they had as they laid beside each other. Jordyn turned her head to look at Jey and when they made eye contact they couldn’t help the laughs they shared. Jey pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her stomach then resting his chin in the crook of her neck. 
“Did we just do that?” Jordyn murmured, staring up at the ceiling. 
Jey hummed, “I been waitin’ years to do that.” 
“Was it everything you imagined?” she turned slightly to meet his eyes. 
“Fuck yeah,”
They didn’t say anything else until they fell asleep, completely and utterly shocked on how one night changed their entire relationship.
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:) welp, this my homecoming gift after being gone for so long
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inbarfink · 1 year
Okay, so the thing I was thinking about lately is that, like, the reason why Fionna and Cake have been rather callous about Simon's whole Situation so far is because they don't really know him yet. They've met him in at the lowest point in his life and their most meaningful interactions range from Simon screaming in their faces -
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To Simon trying to refuse to go along with the plans to save their entire world.
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And without the full context the audience has for Why He Is Like That, they just think of him as a Weird Old Pathetic Jerk and they haven't seriously engaged with him more than that so far.
And then suddenly I realized, when Adventure Time started, that was also basically the same thing with Ice King, Finn and Jake. 'Weird Old Pathetic Jerk' is how F&J saw Ice King back then.
So I wonder if we're trying to set the character dynamics between Simon and F&C as a deliberate mirror to that.
Like, in the start of Adventure Time, Finn and Jake saw Ice King as nothing but a Mean and Pathetic Old Man. And the shift in their relationship happened gradually, but the most important shift in their relationship happened after Finn and Jake learned about Simon Petrikov.
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Leading them to a deeper understanding of Why Ice King is Like That and thus grew more sympathetic of him.
So maybe that's what Fionna and Cake the Show is setting up about Fionna and Cake the characters? I mean, stuff is already looking up for their dynamic with Simon since they officially Started the Team Up:
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And they already know about Ice King
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but maybe seeing a bit more of what he was like and what a miserable existence that was for Simon would help them understand where he's coming from a little better? Leading to a breakthrough in their character dynamic as a result of that?
We can't be sure just yet, of course, but we already have that shot in the trailer, of BMO playing one of Ice King's old tapes, a lot like "Holly Jolly Secrets"...
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Better Of Two Evils
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Summary: After Damian’s flirty nature comes to life, you’re left to deal with its aftermath with no other than the Demon King and his Human vessel.
Pairings: Bálor x F!Reader x Finn
Warnings: +18, smut, slight heresy, mentions of worship, p in v, oral (f receiving), curse words, slight dom x sub.
A/N: This is my birthday gift for the amazing @theworldofotps , she wanted a sequel to Salome so I hope you like it, babe. I wish you nothing but the best in your new journey and I hope it’s filled with all good things one can have in life! I love you so much, thank you for being my friend, and for being one of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet in my life. You truly deserve the world and I hope you have an amazing day love ya.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @mjfass , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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Of Damian’s flirty nature, you were already aware of, not only because of Finn’s endless warnings but also because you’ve witnessed the Puerto Rican man’s charm over women a handful of times now.
Damian flirts with everyone, literally everyone. No matter the age, gender, or ethnicity, he always found a way to captivate whomever he interacted with. And it was no different with you.
“Wow, mami” Damian whistled when you entered through the club’s back door. “You’re gonna give a man a heart attack”.
Your outfit was less than impressive, since it was a low night at the club you decided for a more casual look: a navy blue velvet tracksuit, along with a pair of black All Stars summed up your outfit for the night.
“Always a charmer, huh?” You chuckled, unaware that Finn was approaching you from behind.
“What can I say?” Damian smirked “A beautiful woman has the power to bring out the best in me”
“And your best is to be an ultimate flirt?” You narrowed your eyes playfully
“When it comes to you, yeah” the amused wide grin on Damian’s face was more than enough to make you giggle.
“You’re a menace, sir”
“Sir?” His eyes widened in surprise, not wasting the opportunity to tease you further. “Mami, if you’re gonna start calling me that then we just might have to go upstairs right now” Damian winked at you with a smirk plastered on his lips. “I’ll even rent the VIP room, just for you”.
Now you have to laugh. A little more than you should’ve, but who could blame you? The guy had great timing and impeccable humor.
“Wow, how could I say no to that” Your nonchalant tone left no room for doubt that you took his teasing in an amicable way, similar to two siblings poking fun at each other, you had no intentions of taking this to a more intimate level, and neither did Damian. It was all lighthearted. Everyone knew that, everyone could see that, except them. To them, this suddenly became a pissing contest, a dispute, a challenge. One they never lost and didn’t intend to lose.
“The shipping of new furniture arrived this morning, Priest”. The doubled voice resonated from your lover’s body, the tenor contrasting with the bass as both voices complimented each other with each word. “Go unpack it…now”.
“Isn’t that Dominik’s j-“
“I said NOW!” The bass voice screamed, settling its dominance. Finn’s eyes began to shift colors. One remained blue as the other turned a fierce shade of orange-red.
“Ok, Boss” Damian set his hands up as a sign of submission. “Chill out”.
Before Damian could even blink, Finn stood in front of him. His face got so close to Damian’s that they almost seemed the same height.
“If you ever dare to tell me to ‘chill out’ again, those will be your last words in this pitiful earth before you become hellhound’s breakfast!” The demon left no room for debate. Bálor learned how to tolerate humans after being in Finn’s body for over 40 years, that didn’t mean he liked them or that he wouldn’t kill one for fun. The only human Bálor seemed to truly like was you, but that could easily change if his pride is on the line.
“Bálor, he was just-“
“Silence!” He growled at you, voice bubbling with hatred, “If you dare to speak one word to defend him, little girl, you’ll know a side of me that you’ll wish you’d never met!” His fiery gaze fixed on you as he pointed to Finn’s room. “Go and wait for us there, and don’t make me repeat myself!”.
Reluctantly, you walked up the stairs, mouthing “I’m sorry” to Damian as you reached the top.
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If there was a god, you were praying to him now, silently begging him not to let Bálor hurt Damian just because of a lighthearted teasing.
“He doesn’t listen to anyone’s prayers, why would he listen to yours?” Bálor’s voice rumbled in your ear, quickly making you turn around to face him at the foot of the bed.
“Do you think you’re that special, pet?”
Oh, he was mad.
At first, when you met him, Bálor called you “pet”, it was a deprecating term at the time, filled with disdain. But after a while, you became “little girl” when he was in a good mood, “my pet” when he was annoyed with you, and “pet” when he was mad at you.
“Are you God's precious little thing? That’s why you think He’ll hear you, huh?” When only silence answered him, Bálor growled loudly “Answer me!”
“No-“ Your voice was cut off by the sudden pressure of Finn’s hand amplified by Bálor’s strength around your neck.
“Good. Because HE won’t hear you! You belong to a demon and a human, the only god you should ever pray for is ME! I’m the only one who’ll hear you, and when you do pray, make sure to keep your eyes down on the earth where I am, because I’m not up in the sky, pet. Your help won’t come from up there, so stop searching in the clouds!” His hand abruptly left your neck, causing you to give two steps back due to the lack of force around your throat.
Your brows furrowed at his statement, trying to understand the reason for that order.
“You were praying, weren’t you? Humans usually do that on their knees, no?! So go on, pet, kneel at your god’s feet and pray”.
“Bálor, please, let me-“
Bálor pushed you down on the floor, making your knees hit the black hardwood floor with a thump. A small cry escaped your lips, your watery eyes looked up to stare at him, who had now taken full control of Finn’s body. His thick veins were black, red irises, canines sharp as razors, hair jet black, and nails tainted black at the edge.
You hoped to every sacred being that your next move wouldn’t anger him even more, but you remember when Finn once told you “Bálor is like an ice cube, cover him with some warmth and you’ll watch him melt”.
“Can I please touch you?” You asked with a meek voice, but he didn’t answer. You took this as a silent green light and pressed your palms against his torso.
“I didn’t mean to enrage you, my lord, I’m deeply sorry”. The correct word to use would be ‘upset’ instead of ‘enrage’, but Bálor didn’t deal with feelings and vulnerability well so you knew how to choose your words wisely by now.
“But trust me when I say that there was no ill intention on my part nor from Damian” You felt his abs harden at the mention of the name, the color of Bálor’s eyes began to dance like the most aggressive fire and your hands soon began to travel up and down his stomach, using touch to soothe his raw emotions.
“You’re the only one for me. You and Finn are the only men I’ll ever want, the only men I’ll ever need. I don’t want anyone else” Your hands began to travel down his abs, reaching his v-line that you traced with your nails. “Only you can satisfy me, only you can drive me insane with just a look”.
Your hands now stopped at his black jeans, one hand began massaging his crotch as the other caressed his lower belly - the most sensitive part of Bálor. “Only you can make me ache for you for days on end, only you know how to make me cum in mere seconds, only you can make me so hungry for your touch that I feel like I’m about to lose my mind if I don’t have you”.
“I don’t like when you respond to the flirtation of other men, pet”
“Damian flirts even with the walls, sir. He flirted with you, countless times” You tried to reason, feeling his cock begin to harden underneath the black jeans.
Bálor let out a small huff as you continued “Am I lying though? You know he did, with both you and Finn. And I always laughed at it because I knew there was no ill intention behind it. In the same way, there was none between him and me. You know that” You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss on his clothed erection, “You’re the only one for me, my king”.
“On the bed” Bálor lowly hummed, cupping his hard cock with his palm.
You felt someone pushing you onto the bed from behind, panic covered your features until you saw who it was.
“You’re gonna join us?” Your soft smile pressed against the bare skin of his abs. His hands gathered your hair, softly pulling your head down to rest on the mattress.
His hand pulled the zipper of your jacket down, humming in approval at the sight of your bare breast.
“Came prepared I see” Finn grinned, head leaning down to close his warm mouth around your nipple.
“My good little pet” Bálor spoke from your right, the bed dipped as he knelt on the mattress. His hand pressed your cheeks together, causing your lips to open in a partial pout. “Let’s see how much you can handle it” He chuckled, grabbing you by the hair to quickly turn you around to lay on your stomach.
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Your vision was blurred, your voice hoarse from so much screaming and cursing. Two became one, same body, same face, different details. One was sweet and sensual, the other was rough and raw. They were the perfect match, both drove you crazy in their way. The sun and the moon, night and day, dark and light, good and evil, residing within the same man, one born in hell, the other, heaven sent. Either way, you loved the duality, loved the experience, and most importantly, loved them.
“Shit, shit, shit” You whispered in a hurry as Bálor rapidly moved behind you, his cock slipped in and out with such ease that made you wonder how long you could take this.
In the meantime, Finn watched you, his hand lazily stroking his cock beside you in bed, admiring every little frown, every gasp, every moan, every plea. Your eyes instantly closed when Bálor hit your sweet spot, but they instantly reopened at the prickling feeling on your cheek.
“I didn’t say you could stop looking at him!” Bálor stated, landing another burning slap against your cheek, “Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes, my pet”.
Finn smirked, leaning forward, placing his flattened tongue against the burning skin of your cheek. He gave a few kitten licks until the skin lost its vibrant reddish color, “You taste so good”, he licked again, only changing the route of his tongue.
Finn danced the tip of his tongue across your skin, traveling down your belly, stopping right above your mound. Bálor grinned at the sight, pulling your leg to rest on his shoulder.
“Oh my fucking god” You moaned loudly, feeling the tip of Finn’s tongue circling your clit as Bálor’s cock grew harder inside you. “I’m gonna die, I can’t take it”.
“Of course you can, love” Finn’s muffled voice echoed between your legs.
“Not only you can but you will, my precious pet” Bálor snarled in your ear “Because we won’t be done with you until the sun rises”.
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babis-little-corner · 9 months
🐾⸝⸝ Welcome!・・🩵
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⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
🐾 ・┆Hello and welcome to my sideblog, you can call me Finn! I use they/them pronouns! this sideblog is my little agere blog where i will most likely repost things and make health/regression rambles 🩵 ・┆(when big) I like books, my husband, my best friend, streaming games, cooking, baking, making stuff and researching things that i like! 🦴 ・┆(when big) I dislike Bugs, bugsbugsbugs. Being confronted(confrontation), purposely being misgendered, having my boundaries disrespected, bubby or jay being purposely misgendered, uh-.... I think thats it lol
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⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
🐾 ・┆My big age is 20 years old! I am a flip, little lean and regress to about 4 or younger. 🩵 ・┆I have a Husband/Carer! This is his tag > @fdtw1, who also helps run the main blog> @babi-and-bubby-nursery! I do not have a "babysitter", but i do hang out with my best friend person @sleeplessjunkie who plays games with me and stays with me while FD is not home/will be occupied/at work. They're basically like a sitter, except were the same person /lh /j We have a lot of fun together and they're the only person that we both can trust that we don't need to worry about obsessing/getting angry that i am taken bc they're also taken! I love them to death *HUGS* 🦴 ・┆I am a very Quiet little bc i like to chew things as a stim. There is a ton of trauma surrounding my regression and it was very hard to regress. Now, with the help of my husband(CG) There is hope! I can only regress for small periods of time, and it needs to be assisted but its a great start and i hope that when we live together it'll boost my regression more! 📭 ・┆(When little) I like blues clues, coloring and playing small games (minecraft, animal crossing etc) either with jay or bub, Being an eepster, listening to silly or cutesy music, coloring, chewing on things, and doing worksheets with bubby! 🖍️ ・┆(When little) I dislike bugs, being told no chew (or paci), being alone without jay or bub, having to go out alone, more bugs, having to nap without bubby, being yelled at, and bugs :3
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🐾 ・┆If you meet any of the below criteria, please do not interact, or follow this sideblog!
・Are anti-agere/agedre(or petre/petdre), an NSFW blog/"SFW" kink blogs like Dd!g/abd!/md!b and other variants. Are an 18+ only blog, Terf, etc. Anything that you would not show a child does not belong here ・Bigotted individuals or peoples that believe in Anti-LGBTQIA+, Pro-ana, Pro-SH, Anti-recovery, MIKs or MAPs, Extreme left/right views, Pro-life, Pro-war, transmed, Pro-mia, Anti-Neos/Xenos. ・Over the age of 27. While you could be a regression blog, and completely SFW, individuals over the age of 27 can become a trigger due to my PTSD. Minors are always welcome, although I most likely will not follow back ・Are a blank blog. This means no banner, profile pictures, posts or names. Blogs like those tend to become a problem for me and i don't wish to deal with it
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casinoownersigma · 7 months
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"Hello all,
I am known as Sigma, manager of the Sky Casino and one of the 5 members of the Decay of Angels (but please don't group me with people like Fyodor and Nikolai).
I value my customer's lives and the wellbeing of the casino. I hope to see you interacting around the blog."
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[OOC: Hi hi! I'm the main admin/account.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ . . .
@orphanweretiger (Nakajima Atsushi)
@rabidmafiadog (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke)
@myidealscannotdie (Kunikida Doppo)
@girls-and-samurai-swords (Kyouka Izumi)
@headchamberlain (Ivan Goncharov)
@bramthecalamity (Bram Stoker)
@oceanlifeenthusiast (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)
@thepastornathaniel (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
@themaskedpastor (Post-lobotomy Nathaniel)
@tom-n-huck (Mark Twain)
@real-tom-sawyer and @real-huck-finn (Tom and Huck)
@bungo-rp-advice (Guild-themed advice blog)
@jewel-kings-madness (Ace)
@myname-isntlolita (Elise)
@vitas3xualis (Ougai Mori)
@the-metamorphasis (Franz Kafka) (BSD OC)
@huntingdogjouno (Saigiku Jouno)
@doajouno (Decay Of Angels AU Jouno)
@tatsuhikoshibusawa (Tatsuhiko Shibusawa)
@actorshibusawa (Actor Shibusawa AU)
BSD Stormbringer
@the-flags-pianoman (Pianoman)
@the-flags-lippmann (Lippmann)
@the-flags-iceman (Iceman)
@the-flags-albatross (Albatross)
@the-flags-doc (Doc)
@iwaitforthestorm (Paul Verlaine)
@osiris-is-a-gambler (Daniel J D'Arby)
@the-lovers-are-linked (Steely Dan)
@catch-the-rainb0w (Blackmore)
Therapy with doctor Albert Krueger
@dralbertkrueger (Albert Krueger)
Ace Attorney
@firstclassattorney (Kristoph Gavin)
@mattengardedude (Matt Engarde)
@holy-mothers-servant (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi)
@i-really-lovemywife (Ron DeLite)
@loyaltomastersorin (Pierce Nichody)
@korkshinguji (Korekiyo Shinguji)
@lilultimateartist (Jataro Kemuri)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
@kusuke-saiki (Kusuke Saiki)
@captainofspace (CAPT. SPACEBOY)
Genshin Impact
@ventithefamousbard (Venti)
Phantom of the Opera (game version by MazM)
@nameless-detective (The Detective)
@poor-old-phantom (Erik/The Phantom)
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴅ/ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ/ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ . . .
You can call me Kiji or certain nicknames if we're closer.
Things like 'dear', 'darling' etc. are fine, but I would prefer we talk a little before those are used.
He/Him pronouns or they/them.
My other interests are also at @kijimha.
I'm usually not one to start interactions due to anxiety, so forgive me...
NSFW roleplays are not welcome! NSFW/Suggestive questions are welcome, if they're played as something comedic. To further elaborate, I will not do serious explicit rp, but roleplays/asks where something NSFW is mentioned or if a joke is NSFW, that's fine.
BSD covers many triggering topics, such as SH, suicide, abuse, etc. I'll most likely NOT tag posts where any of these topics are mentioned.
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ꜱɪɢᴍᴀ . . .
I personally headcanon him as a intersex.
He isn't quite sure what his preferences are yet, but he's asexual.
His blood sugar goes low often due to sleeping issues & overall health issues.
It's easy to fluster and/or confuse him with compliments and affection.
He has imposter syndrome. It means he believes his achievements aren't enough or they're not good, even though he's proven worthy of his position and achievements. People with imposter syndrome also have an internalized fear of being found out, believing they are a fraud.
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Thank you!]
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space-station-nursery · 11 months
🌧️⸝⸝ Welcomes to Finns Dream! ⸝⸝☔
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Name:┊・𓂃 My name is Finnegan, but you can all call me Finn! Please do not call me Finnegan unless we are Moots, friends, or my partner Age:┊・𓂃 I am 20! Please do not DM me unless you are over 16. This is for my safety and yours. I love to interact with people but i have dealt with minors becoming attached/attracted and it is very scary. Anyone can offer me asks tho! Pronouns and orientation:┊・𓂃 My pronouns are They/Them ONLY !!! If you do not respect my pronouns we will have issues. I am also NB, panromantic, and on the asexual scale!
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☂️ ⸝⸝︰{Agere information} ・ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
Role:┊・𓂃 Flip leaning little! Status:┊・𓂃 I have a Husband/Carer! This is his tag > @fdtw1 ┊・𓂃 I do not have a "babysitter", but i do hang out with my best friend person @sleeplessjunkie who plays games with me and stays with me while FD is not home/will be occupied/at work. Theyre basically like a sitter, except were the same person /lh /j Nicknames:┊・𓂃 Babi (pronounced baa-bee) babi bear, baby bear, pumpkin, cutie patootie, Babi butt, babitayto (pronounced babi-tato) tatotay, babs Little type:┊・𓂃 I am a very Quiet little i've realized. There is a ton of trauma surrounding my regression and it was very hard to regress. Now, with the help of my husband(CG) There is hope! I can only regress for small periods of time, and it needs to be assisted but its a great start and i hope that when we live together itll boost my regression more! Comfort items:┊・𓂃 My paci's (i have 2 !!) Kitty; a very old stuffed cat, any of my blankets, my games, my books, my bubby!
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⛈️ ⸝⸝︰{Personal information} ・ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
Timezone:┊・𓂃 CST\\Central standard time! Likes:┊・𓂃 I love to play and stream video games, I bake, cook, and am an avid reader! Books are a must for me (im saving for a library) I also love making things like discord servers and such! And my bubby, ofc! I also am learning to make paci's which also will become a hobby, and learning about mental health!!! Dislikes:┊・𓂃 Bugs, bugbugsbugs, bugs, being purposely misgendered, my friends being purposely misgendered, Confrontation (bubby handles this), being flirted with, false accusations, uh-.. OH and also bugs :} Triggers:┊・𓂃 Anything about bugs, Discussions of ||S.A|| as well as any media portraying or discussing it, seeing/hearing/talking about NSFW topics, confrontation/accusations, Generally being a jerk to me or my friends/bubby Boundaries:┊・𓂃 Please don't ask me to be your Little. My dms are open for anyone +16 or -26 (i had a bad past with older individuals on tumblr) Listen to me when i tell you no, i mean it. If you would like to be moots/friends, please at least interact with my posts, its incredibly uncomfortable to have random txts from people asking to be friends that just followed 3 minutes before. And thats all for now!
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☁️ ⸝⸝︰{Tags} ・ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
Finns Moodies\\moodies:┊・𓂃My tag for any moodboards i create (not moving) Finns Stimmies\\stimmies:┊・𓂃 My tag for any stimboards i create (moving) W.O.T:┊・𓂃 My tag for any outfit boards i create. Generally may be used in my little servers Bubby's happy homework:┊・𓂃 My tag for any activity sheets posted! Make sure to reblog the posts with your sheets so we can see it!! For Bubby:┊・𓂃 My written posts tag! Any tips, announcements, etc will be used under this tag Babi things:┊・𓂃 My "copyright" tag-... ish. Anything i create on here will be tagged with this Babi reblogs:┊・𓂃 My reblog tag Babi reports:┊・𓂃 My tag for posting people who are unsafe to interact with the community. Generally may have broken my DNI Babi answers:┊・𓂃 My answers tag! AgereSupport:┊・𓂃 My tag to boost my regression server! It is verification locked and loves new members DinoLovers:┊・𓂃 My husbands regression server! It is also verification locked but it much smaller than agere support (think 250 members smaller) RainyDayPacis:┊・𓂃 My shop tag! Any pacis for sale that may be posted, Business stuff, or customs will be posted under this tag!!
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💙 ⸝⸝︰{My stuff} ・ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦ ┊Schedule・𓂃
✩⸜⸜ Mood/Stimboards ✩⸜⸜ Text post (tips, links, etc) ✩⸜⸜ Wear or tear! (W.O.T) ✩⸜⸜ Worksheets ✩⸜⸜ Positive quotes/affirmations These have no specific Dates, they will be posted as I see fit! Each post will be sent at 12pm (dont know when that is? find my timezone above)
✨, (☀🐝), 🩷 Ask me a question or claim an emoji to show up here! <3
┊Creative stuff・𓂃
These are my DNI banners! These are NF2U//NFU and all created by @fdtw1 !!!! If you would like to commission a DNI banner, feel free to leave an Ask and bubby will see it!
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⛅ ⸝⸝︰{Links} ・
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Carrd:┊・𓂃 TBD
Pronouns page:┊・𓂃 https://en.pronouns.page/@FinnegansTravels
Instagram:┊・𓂃 https://www.instagram.com/rainydaypaci/
Twitch:┊・𓂃 https://www.twitch.tv/finneganstravels AgereSupport.Net Discord:┊・𓂃 https://discord.gg/35xMMYsUZQ Dino Lovers Discord:┊・𓂃 https://discord.gg/YrDVpf9uqn
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☀️ ⸝⸝︰{DNI} ・ ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
What is a DNI? These are "Do not interact" boundaries, this means that if your blog meets any of these criteria you may be blocked\banned\removed from a persons socials. Below are my DNI's so make sure to read them!
・Are anti-agere/agedre(or petre/petdre), an NSFW blog/"SFW" kink blogs like Dd!g/abd!/md!b and other variants. Are an 18+ only blog, Terf, etc. Anything that you would not show a child does not belong here ・Bigotted individuals or peoples that believe in Anti-LGBTQIA+, Pro-ana, Pro-SH, Anti-recovery, MIKs or MAPs, Extreme left/right views, Pro-life, Pro-war, transmed, Pro-mia, Anti-Neos/Xenos. ・Over the age of 27. While you could be a regression blog, and completely SFW, individuals over the age of 27 can become a trigger due to my PTSD. Minors are always welcome, although I most likely will not follow back ・Are a blank blog. This means no banner, profile pictures, posts or names. Blogs like those tend to become a problem for me and i dont wish to deal with it
Failure to read my banner at the bottom of my posts/My DNI when following my blog may be immediate removal for any reason. I am not afraid to block/report users
Note: Thank you for 100 followers!! This is my updated pinned post so you can all get to know me a little better! Cant wait to talk to you all soon !! ⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
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kittykittyanon · 11 months
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♡♡introooo!!! ---- (≧▽≦)//
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woah!! hii!! welcome to my blog!! whaaat!??!! (°ロ°) !
this was made cause i think aggressive anon and worm are really cool and i really liked the idea of making an anon blog, i think was the word?? (and i'm too nervous to just talk on my main),, so yay!! credits to them :DD
i'm really anxious and i'm scared of social interaction,, but with the shield of anon, i feel a little bit more confident now!! yippeee!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) !!!
pronouns are she/they,, and also BOO!! AGE REVEAL!! i'm 14 WOAHHH!!! GAHH!!!! Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
please please please tell me if anything i do or say upsets or hurts anyone,, it's kinda hard for me to tell tones and i don't wanna be mean or insensitive or anything,, so by all means,, call me out!!
uhhmm,, uhhh,,,, i like art and music and and aaaand turtles that are teenagers and mutants and who also, possibly, maybe live in the sewers (/j) feel free to talk to me about literally anythinggg!!╰(*´︶`*)╯
i think i'll just kinda,, sit here, i guess?? i'll use this to reblog stuffs and post random whatevers,, i will probably pop up somewhere and actually get the somewhat confidence to show my appreciation towards a couple people i've been following on my main that i was too nervous to talk to sooo yah!! im so sorry for making this so long, this took me a while to get the courage to post,, thank you for reading!!!
edit!! i changed my prns from she/her to she/they!! going to try it out for a little and see if it feels right (*´▽`*)!!
tags!!!;; #kittykitty interactions , #kittykitty reblogs , #kittykitty art , #kittykitty asks , #kittykitty rambles , #kittykitty yaps , #kittykitty treasures , #kittykitty hoards , #kittykitty writes
my amazing mooties' tags!!!!;; #rocky!! rocky!!! , #zeepie beepie!!! zeepie deepie!!!! , #big sib aggie!!! , #omg hi frankie!!! hiii!!!! , #woah!! chip is here!! hi chip!!!! // #chippy chip chipper chippzie!! , #the wormiest worm ever!!! , #finnie forevermore!!! finley!!! finn!!! , #woah!! its lykaios!! hii!! , #skrap-a-skrip!! ,, #the loveliest amor!!
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30 notes · View notes
boypussydilf · 1 year
Tell me youryour thoughts of details that don't effect anything please I'd love to hear more of your thoughts (No need to if you don't feel comfortable though!!!)
i am so brain full of thoughts to talk about all of the time, Until people ask, hey what are your thoughts, and my brain Evicts them with great prejudice. Let’s see what i can scrongune up. I meant scrounge, but okay. I’m inventing scronguning.
I think that Finn and Jake moved into the treehouse BEFORE their parents died. I base this exclusively off the fact that Joshua’s first holo-message for them in Dad’s Dungeon was in the attic of the treehouse. It’s entirely plausible that F&J were just taking some of their parents old stuff and went “sure bring this and shove it in the attic” and completely forgot about it. But I like to think that Joshua actually put it there while he was still alive, since like, going off how he looks in the scene at the end of the BMO Distant Lands special, Finn was really young when he & Jake started living in the treehouse, and I just prefer to imagine that Finn was not a literal toddler when his parents died because it makes me a little less sad. Jake probably moved out as soon as he was whatever-the-mutant-talking-dog-equivalent-of-18 is and just took Finn with him because they are Literal Honest-to-God Soulmates and could not be separated. Also what with the “being dogs” thing Margaret & Joshua were probably too old to have the energy to take care of a really young child by the time Jake and Jermaine were adults. Still, since Finn is 12 at the start of the show, and he and Jake are clearly not actively grieving by then, Finn still had to be pretty young when they died. Ten at most, I think.
That… feels like a sad note to end that on. Oh dog family, you are sweet and I love you, and I kind of wish we got to actually see some Dog Family Moments from when the kids were still kids (and not babies) and Joshua and Margaret were still alive.
I was rewatching Elements and Finn has a line where he says “This is Simon, the Ice King,” and it finally clicked for me what’s actually going through his head when he switches between saying Simon and saying Ice King. He’s approaching it the same way he approaches addressing every other royal he’s friends with! He calls PB Bonnie, but he also calls her Princess Bubblegum (and variations thereupon) all the time. He calls FP Phoebe sometimes, but he also calls her Flame Princess, even while they’re dating, because to Finn - and to everyone in Ooo - titles and names are interchangeable things. A princess’s title is commonly used as if it is their name. And Finn does the same thing with Ice King. He goes “oh, I’ve learned the Ice King’s name now,” and starts calling him Simon sometimes, but also calls him Ice King sometimes, because in the society Finn was raised in, that’s what people do. This, truly, is a detail that affects nothing, but it was something I had not consciously thought about before, and it’s neat to me.
“Simon, the Ice King”… Finn, can we get more of your thoughts on this? Man I wanna see what their interactions were like not long after Come Along With Me.
On a tangentially related topic, I am fascinated by the Ooo systems of… government? I’d say that seems the wrong word, but they’d probably say it’s right. They just use it a bit different. I think that Bonnie might have been the first person to call herself a “princess” (I think this is true? but I can never remember the episode Bonnibel Bubblegum super clearly), and then she kind of… presumably-accidentally shaped the recovering world by doing so. She called herself a princess, and began to build a kingdom, and as more magic beings and mutants started to fill the world they went “oh, kingdoms, this is what we’re doing,” and organized themselves that way, and in most cases it does not mean the same thing as our idea of kingdoms at all. Raggedy Princess just rules a junkyard. It seems like anyone can call themself a princess as long as they have, like, a plot of land distinctive to them… and yet it’s treated like a special title, and lots of princesses have crowns with, like, Significant On A Large Scale jewels (for the Enchiridion multiverse-opening spell and stuff) so maybe there are more qualifications we just don’t see because why would that be relevant…
“Princess” and “King” are also terms that just refer to rulers, they’ve lost their gendered connotations in most parts of the world. Phoebe refers to herself as having become the Flame King, and King of Ooo becomes Princess when he takes over the Candy Kingdom. The Flame Kingdom is ruled by a King, that’s just how it works, a Flame Princess will become a Flame King, and the Candy Kingdom is ruled by a Princess, that’s just how it works, it will never have a King or a Prince.
Most of the major kingdoms are ruled by princesses, by God there are so many princesses, so like… Are the kingdoms ruled by kings (Flame Kingdom, Goblin Kingdom, I guess technically the Ice Kingdom but I have questions about whether or not it is considered an actual government and whether or not Ice King is actually considered a ruler of jack shit…) seen as like, outliers? Is that considered unusual by people?
Also what’s the economy like in Ooo. Finn and Jake don’t need to spend any money to get by, they just walk into a random treehouse and apparently don’t need to spend money on food or anything else because they just accumulate treasure and have an entire episode dedicated to them deciding to spend all the gold they never spend on anything. Is this part of the Adventuring Hero’s Lifestyle, or are there lots of people in Ooo who just walk into whatever unoccupied space counts as a house to them and live off of… food from not entirely clear sources? In F&C we see Simon paying with like, just straight up a regular dollar bill. Does everyone pay like that in the Candy Kingdom or is that a special thing they allow him to do. I don’t know. We don’t see people paying for things that often, I think. Not sure how money works in Adventure Time. It’s mildly interesting.
Okay I’m tired now and losing my trains of thought goodbye. Thank you
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used-s0ck · 7 months
why did fern let leo attack him? im a bit shy to ask about ur oc but i just wanna let you know leo seems like a rlly awesome oc and id like to know more about him :]
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Hihi first of all ASK MY ANYTHING ABIUT LEO I feel goofy posting about lore without ppl askin so ask and I'll defintly answer.anyways the story board I posted was just a 'what if' idk if leo and fern would actually interact after he turned into the green knight cuz of lore between them. To put it in short before fern tried replacing finn, things WERE going well with fern cuz he did have a friend, which was leo but then he did something that donked up their friendship, which made leo leave which THEN lead to him to trying replace finn cuz he was basically like 'welp now I have no one'.. BUT the 'what if' verion would probably just involve leo helping F & J sneak into the gumbald place by distracting fern since he last saw him when was that when leo ran off so it's sorta awk then idk finn steps on a stick which then fern noticed whats going on, so leo just jumps on him to giving them time, and leo is still mad about what happened between them so hes just done acting
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Ok but to put in short they have history as in being friends so fern doesnt- or can't really HATE leo or anything since his main opp is finn so he just let's it slide cuz he wouldnt wanna hurt his 'only' friend 🤷‍♂️ bru I feel like I typed too much oopsie
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
What is Finn's relationship with Malleus and Crowley?!🥰💕 INTERESTING
Ohhh, this is a fun one! Thank you, Oya!
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See, Finn doesn't really find Malleus that intimidating at all. He's not an idiot, he's well aware Malleus is a prince that holds magical power far beyond his own, but when you're continually haunted by ghost babies and suffer from night terrors and you live in the Coral Sea and your father is a butcher with some questionable connections, it's difficult to be intimidated by much.
That aside, Finn respects Malleus and enjoys his company. He finds Malleus' general nature quite entertaining and his protective nature over him (and Yuu) quite amusing, endearing even. He would like to learn from Malleus, whether or be Malleus' culture or spells or other things. Malleus is the closest thing Finn has to a friend, though Finn would rather drop dead than admit to being fond of the idea.
Malleus, on the other hand, loves Finn. Finn does not fear him. Finn does not flinch when he comes near. In fact, Finn is remarkably unflinching. Finn is his friend, like Yuu, and is therefore very dear to him.
Malleus is protective, not to a possessive degree, but he is perfectly willing to strike anyone who brings Finn harm. (This causes a debacle when Finn is injured during Azul's overblot)
Malleus enjoys his time with Finn, and it makes him happy that Finn has such a keen interest in gargoyles. It was nice to have someone to talk about his interests with, someone who actually engages.
Malleus himself has started learning about abyssal magic from Finn. It was amazing, really, learning something no one else could teach him. Finn is an odd person, but Malleus finds that endearing. Finn's paintings fascinate him, and he's hoping to convince Finn to paint a gargoyle, even if the shark is insistent that it won't look good.
Finn is someone who he can either have pleasant conversations with or simply sit in silence with, and it's a nice combination.
Malleus can sense those ghosts constantly hovering around Finn, even if he can't see them. He isn't sure how to proceed when it comes to them, as the first time he asked about them went....poorly.
All in all, they're friends, even if Finn won't admit it, and they get along well. They're getting closer over time, though it's a slow process. They're a cute duo.
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Finn hates Crowley with a passion and finds him extremely suspicious. They don't interact much, and Finn avoids hum like the plague. He's so obnoxious and loud, and Azul has dirt on him, so that's an instant red flag.
Crowley is honestly creeped out by Finn, but he's a well-behaved student (mostly), and his paintings of the various school locations provide good advertising material. He can't help but wonder why Finn's stellar grades are steadily dropping, but it's none of his business, so nevermind that! He is curious about the souls that are attached to Finn, according to the Dark Mirror, and he thinks Sam knows something about it. He'll have to go interrogate the shopkeeper sometime...
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @cynthinesia @theleechyskrunkly @the-banana-0verlord @cyanide-latte @officialdaydreamer00 @oya-oya-okay
Okay I accidentally added a poll so:
(You're not allowed to say no/j)
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compneuropapers · 11 months
Interesting Papers for Week 46, 2023
Spatiotemporal bias of the human gaze toward hierarchical visual features during natural scene viewing. Akamatsu, K., Nishino, T., & Miyawaki, Y. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 8104.
Goal-oriented representations in the human hippocampus during planning and navigation. Crivelli-Decker, J., Clarke, A., Park, S. A., Huffman, D. J., Boorman, E. D., & Ranganath, C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2946.
A Measure of the Complexity of Neural Representations based on Partial Information Decomposition. Ehrlich, D. A., Schneider, A. C., Priesemann, V., Wibral, M., & Makkeh, A. (2023). Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Retrieved from
Cortico-cortical feedback engages active dendrites in visual cortex. Fişek, M., Herrmann, D., Egea-Weiss, A., Cloves, M., Bauer, L., Lee, T.-Y., … Häusser, M. (2023). Nature, 617(7962), 769–776.
Perceptual History Biases Are Predicted by Early Visual-Evoked Activity. Fornaciai, M., Togoli, I., & Bueti, D. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3860–3875.
From Prediction to Action: Dissociable Roles of Ventral Tegmental Area and Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in Instrumental Reinforcement. Fraser, K. M., Pribut, H. J., Janak, P. H., & Keiflin, R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3895–3908.
How overconfidence bias influences suboptimality in perceptual decision making. Hainguerlot, M., Gajdos, T., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(4), 537–548.
A rapid theta network mechanism for flexible information encoding. Johnson, E. L., Lin, J. J., King-Stephens, D., Weber, P. B., Laxer, K. D., Saez, I., … Badre, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2872.
Neither Enhanced Nor Lost: The Unique Role of Attention in Children’s Neural Representations. Jung, Y., Forest, T. A., Walther, D. B., & Finn, A. S. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3849–3859.
Human-Like Modulation Sensitivity Emerging through Optimization to Natural Sound Recognition. Koumura, T., Terashima, H., & Furukawa, S. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3876–3894.
Silencing hippocampal CA2 reduces behavioral flexibility in spatial learning. Lehr, A. B., Hitti, F. L., Deibel, S. H., & Stöber, T. M. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(6), 759–768.
Functional specialization and interaction in the amygdala-hippocampus circuit during working memory processing. Li, J., Cao, D., Yu, S., Xiao, X., Imbach, L., Stieglitz, L., … Jiang, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2921.
Multi-scale goal distance representations in human hippocampus during virtual spatial navigation. Liu, J., Chen, D., Xiao, X., Zhang, H., Zhou, W., Liang, S., … Wang, L. (2023). Current Biology, 33(10), 2024-2033.e3.
Making memories last using the peripheral effect of direct current stimulation. Luckey, A. M., McLeod, L. S., Huang, Y., Mohan, A., & Vanneste, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e75586.
Multisensory learning binds neurons into a cross-modal memory engram. Okray, Z., Jacob, P. F., Stern, C., Desmond, K., Otto, N., Talbot, C. B., … Waddell, S. (2023). Nature, 617(7962), 777–784.
Neural dynamics underlying self-control in the primate subthalamic nucleus. Pasquereau, B., & Turner, R. S. (2023). eLife, 12, e83971.
Attention biases preferential choice by enhancing an option’s value. Pleskac, T. J., Yu, S., Grunevski, S., & Liu, T. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology. General, 152(4), 993–1010.
Impaired perception of temporal contiguity between action and effect is associated with disorders of agency in schizophrenia. Roth, M. J., Lindner, A., Hesse, K., Wildgruber, D., Wong, H. Y., & Buehner, M. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(21), e2214327120.
Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans. Tymula, A., Wang, X., Imaizumi, Y., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Matsumoto, M., & Yamada, H. (2023). Science Advances, 9(20).
Uncertainty aversion predicts the neural expansion of semantic representations. Vives, M.-L., de Bruin, D., van Baar, J. M., FeldmanHall, O., & Bhandari, A. (2023). Nature Human Behaviour, 7(5), 765–775.
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moominpopzz · 7 months
Name !! Moomin / Finney
↳ Friends can call us Min/Minnie! + Finn! :3
Collective use It/They/Fizz prns! That/Thats are also pretty silly but used a lot less!
↳ May not post ab it much ; linked is our pronouny page :3 [includes some alters + shit like that]
& Autistic + Tourettes <- Miss social cues a lot + I don’t know how to be normal in interactions at ALL.. I’m very uppity and hyper to respond to people
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↳ #Moomins gallery<3 <- Our own art
↳ #Moomins yapping<3 <- Yapping, Talking, Autism rambles, and evrything like that ^^
↳ #Moomins music<3 <- Playlists and Song correlations with characters :>
↳ #Moomins writing<3 <- You will never ever guess what’s here…/j
↳ #Moomins answers<3 <-Answers/Replies to inbox stuff!
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Special Interests!!;
↳ JRWI, Moomins, JJBA, Banana Fish, Tattoos!!
Current Fixations!!;
↳ Hoyoverse, JRWI!! , Slmccl!!, WuWa, Black Butler, The Black Phone, Horror in general, Madoka Magica, Star Wars,,?!!!
⭑ JRWI art may be slowing down !! Other hyperfixations are mainly taking over BUT the JRWI grind never truly stops🙌
⭑ I’m soooo normal and won’t tell you I’m biting you repeatedly if i get excited I pinkie promise with a kiss to the thumb
⭑ Not a single mutuals is safe from my teeth ^_^ I will bite you all ^_^ ! Nor my baps. Expect those paws in ur inbox. I shall attack
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twstinginthewind · 4 months
Lorne and Finn shenanigans is such a funny idea... Kronk Lorne...
Oh yeah, it's all coming together/j
I think Finn would either be neutral towards him or find him annoying af lmao. The potential of their interactions is interesting
Yeah, I have a feeling that Lorne's peculiarities and clinginess would probably get under Finn's skin. And even when Finn gets upset, Lorne isn't exactly a pro at reading the room, so he's probably going to not realize anything is wrong until Finn blows up.
The comedy potential is incredible :-3
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rjswriting · 5 months
MAGNANOTRON by RJ Saniscalchi and happy reader reviews.
Magnanotron, A Bond of Brothers Thriller APR 16 Posted by Literary Titan "Saniscalchi's narrative style echoes the essence of an action-packed film reminiscent of "G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra" or the "Mission Impossible" series. The use of cutting-edge technology and vivid action sequences gives the book a cinematic quality, making it feel like a leap from a Hollywood script. The characters are crafted with depth and dynamism, and their interactions, enriched by a history of shared experiences, add authenticity to their relationships."
Magnanotron 5-Stars, Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite"Author Robert J. Saniscalchi has crafted an exhilarating novel filled with suspense and adrenaline-pumping action in a truly gripping narrative flow that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The dynamic characters, particularly Colonel Jason Patrick and Tex Larson, are compelling and relatable, drawing readers into their world of danger and intrigue with some brilliant dialogue. I loved the natural narrative structure that tells the story through speech and action, doing away with chunky, unnecessary prose to get right to the point. The intricate plot twists and turns, filled with espionage, political intrigue, and high-tech warfare, kept me eagerly turning the pages as the action heated up. "
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suns4sunny · 5 months
(he/they/it + gay mlm and trans ftm!)
taken my by husband finn :33
blinkies probably..? also warning slurs mentioned but not said!
my interests: genshin, bsd, madoka magica, jjk,ptv,sk8 infinity, black butler, pjsk, stranger things, death note, stranger by the shore, omori, VENTI AND SCARAMOUCHE FROM GENSHIN IMPACT YIPPIE!!
interact PLEASE : people that like my intrests :3 spanish speakers, ZHONGVEN AND CHISCARA ENJOYERS !!
DO NOT INTERACT UNDRR ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!! : BASIC DNI, PROSHIPPERS, elliot../j, ZIONISTS, OVER THE AGE OF 18!! also id suggest not interacting with me if you aren't fond of kys jokes and of slurs..(the t and f slur!)
i have a lot of thoughts :3 i yap yippity yap and yap! i will do a shit ton of reblogging
my strawpage!
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