#it is disturbing to think about
Gerudo Wind would grow very quickly
Fanfic prompt : I already made a wind is Gerudo post but now I have thought about it it must be horrible for the chain to deal with
Like riju is already Wild's size at 14
Wind is gonna steal his clothes soon enough
Then his next victim would be Warriors
And if he still wants to cuddle with someone he will take up the entire bed like an overgrown cat
Considering that four is bite sized in comparison to wind
The poor thing would be used like a teddy and probably suffocate under wind's arm strength alone
Not considering if wind rolls over onto him he would probably die from it
But also the stigma of having a Gerudo child that exists in the older timelines
Like time's or twilight’s
Because Time had a war against the Gerudo people in his
And Twilight's hyrule literally banished some of them to the twilight realm
Tension with other hylians who are still against them is a very real possibility
(Even if Wind would take it as a compliment that they see him as a great thief and a menace to society because he is hella talented at it thank you )
Time just keeps getting judged for “cheating“ on his wife and the face everyone makes when he tells them that wind is in fact not his daughter
And when he eventually points at the very tiny short hylian who is actually related to wind and he is is just co parenting
People awkwardly want to know HOW and why
(Four is just continuously making every single thing better because he is wind's predecessor)
But also if he waltzed into a Gerudo town to see the architecture of his predecessors
The sheer amount of fear and anxiety those people would feel when they see a clearly male Gerudo child
Like damn it they just had a whole bunch of problems because of the last king
They can’t recover if a new one comes in right now
It's not even been a decade yet
Still they let wind in because any male born from the Gerudo tribe is to be the next king
And the chain quickly learns to make Wind wear female Gerudo clothing when entering a Gerudo town (with red hair because the more wind looks like a normal Gerudo the better) because the mess of last time was not fun to explain to anyone
(Wind definitely would want Gerudo clothing because the flood erased all the cultures and traditions so something like that would be extremely important if he was to revive Hyrule on a new land)
The whole town
The leadership of the town
Everything was horrible
And chaotic
Riju was not having fun but wind would probably be the nicest king they could ever get (he is welcomed back if he stays like that)
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liquidstar · 10 months
Yes, Greece still exists, we didn't all die 2000 years ago. Yes, people speak Greek. You people are so fucking stupid for real. So many of you claim to love ancient shit but can't even acknowledge the actual living culture of the people whose mythology and classics you romanticize. You keep leaving annoying comments about how you just forget Greek people still exist, thinking you're being quirky because you love ancient stuff soooo much that you forgot about the people it came from. You think about it so little you don't even realize that an actual Greek person has to read this shit, making it clear how little you actually care about the culture beyond the romanticized (and westernized) mythology. Don't claim you love Greece, don't use our mythology anymore if you can't acknowledge that we're still around without making it about how little you think about us. It's mind boggling that you'd think a Greek person would read this and think you're anything but obnoxious. Explode.
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xx-sketchy-xx · 6 months
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this is how it went right?
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 3 months
There is something deeply fucked about goyische anti-Zionists expecting Jews to modify all our rituals and remove certain aspects of it (such as “Next Year in Jerusalem” or “Am Yisrael Chai”), simply because any reminder of our ties to Eretz Yisrael makes them uncomfortable. Sorry, but if we’re only welcome when we allow goyim full freedom to steal and gate-keep whatever parts of our culture they want, then that’s not acceptance, that’s cultural erasure and appropriation.
It’s almost, dare I say it, colonialist.
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sableeira · 1 year
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ode to a failed partnership
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kanejbr3kker · 4 months
okay we all talk about kaz pulling out oomen's eyeball but what about nina shoving a gun through the khergud's eye and pulling the trigger once it was lodged all the way inside his head?
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bia-bonne · 1 year
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When I saw Shinjiro with Fuuka on his shoulder I dropped EVERYTHING to draw them.
Maybe I'll re-do this doodle and make it better, drawing Fuuka is fun.
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rithmeres · 8 months
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bait / hook / line / sinker
#the hunger games#finnick odair#thg#the hunger games fanart#this was a very very weird painting for me.#like i have painted decapitated heads and severed arms and shattered ribs and guts falling out and gallons of blood#and not once have i ever looked up from my work and been disgusted or disturbed by what i’ve painted#but the first day i was working on this one i looked at it and just felt so sick i had to get up and take a shower to get away from it#HE WAS 14 WTF WTF WTF WTF#that is a baby. that is a little kid. turned into a killer and paraded around like a novelty and used like a toy.#but on the whole i am very satisfied with this propaganda piece it's just as beautiful and unsettling as i wanted it to be#ugh my mind. nothing in the composition is overt but all the implications are there#not just the capitol's sexualization and brutalization of children but the fetishization of the districts' labor as well#as my good friend and mutual theworldiswhispering said.#'the hard labor you do is not safe from being romanticized by the people who benefit from it at your expense'#and i think about that every day#wherefore art thou#thg reread#why he so smooth.. just like a shark#[katniss voice] mfs took all my body hair cant have shit in the capitol#i just know tumblr's gonna crunch the quality of these images but i worked on a canvas 4 times larger than the usual size#so a lot of the detail gets lost when i post it. oh well. click for quality i guess#his expression changes when you're far away#far away he looks kind of vacant#close up he's smiling. like the photographer wanted a specific cocky emotion from him and it was there#but when you zoom out there's just a thousand yard stare#i did think about turning these into prints or actual posters but um. i don't think i should do that
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daily-sifloop · 3 months
do you think human loop would sometimes forget they need sleep to function and doze off so sif has to carry them to bed? maybe he would use it as an opportunity to cuddle while they sleep if they don't do it already...
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Day 24: can't sleep without you
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months
“History repeats itself”
Knowing that Lloyd will take Wu's place and seeing part two of dragons rising I noticed the
Misako and Garmadon and Wu dynamic
It literally gets repeated by Lloyd stepping up as a new teacher and making the same mistake with Arin like how Wu did with Morro
But Jay replaces Garmadon like the parallels are heavy
Both used to be good and where turned evil through some outside force
Both have attacked their lovers who love them
Both are on the side of the forbidden five
Both have turned against their brother(s)
Both know evil and have broken souls
The parallels are so disturbing to think about
Will Lloyd do the same mistakes as Wu (he already is not telling things to their students and already lost one)
Will he be forced to banish Jay
Will Nya at some point stop loving Jay like how Misako stopped loving her husband
Wu is acting like his dad in the way that the second he was gone things escalated quickly while one of his students is going evil
Like it is so scary to think about
A fanfic exploring how everyone realizes that the story is repeating itself
Like they would view Garmadon differently because now they know how it feels having an evil sibling who no matter how wicked they are you will always love
They would finally understand why Wu was so ready to forgive his brother no matter how many times he did evil deeds
Because now they are doing the same thing
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johannesviii · 2 months
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Cognitive dissonance
(mildly fucked up ballpoint pen doodle that I was a bit too scared to post anywhere, but a friend said they loved it, so I colored it)
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I can't rewrite this season but if it was up to me, I'd still have the Umbrellas sacrificing themselves to save the timeline and at the end we see the Umbrellas still alive, but they're all living different lives and perhaps with varied ages to show that its not their existence that caused the timeline to get fucked up, but the marigold that started everything.
The Umbrellas were always meant to exist and live, but it was the marigold that caused the timeline getting muddled and disrupted their existence. Without it, the Umbrellas (and every other kids that were created by the marigold) were able to be born and live their lifes normally like they were always meant to.
Would it still have a lot of plotholes? Yes. Would it make sense? Perhaps not but at least its better than what they implied with the ending which is very upsetting and dangerous the longer you think about it.
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sylveaugust · 2 months
I was just reading some posts about Edwin and Charles walking through each other by accident, and I thought of this monstrosity:
Charles and Edwin just freaking OVERLAPPING with each other like that thing that happens in Minecraft when you teleport to another person.
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cinnamon-flame · 5 months
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A rendering practice that got a little bit out of hand. I feel like Meow Wow would have the texture of a balloon filled with water and would wrinkle a bit when picked up - that was the feel I was aiming for at least
A bonus meow wow that I drew when I was trying to figure out what's going on with their anatomy:
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kingdomcarrots · 7 months
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Valentine’s Day in Yharnam ♥️✨
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dejwrldarchived · 7 months
and to all the white mutuals who blocked me & soft blocked me because of me being vocal about anti blackness in fandom spaces in the name of “clearing your dash of discourse” i hope your fics flop and your favorite character dies in whatever manga/anime you’re currently obsessing over.
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