#incorrect GO 370
mimisempai · 1 day
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There's no denying it...
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 1 : here
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 2 : here
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#370 Egg Project
Yuuka: Now for the final part of this Sex Ed Block, Now that you know HOW babies are made...*Glances at You with Smirk*
Yuu: We think it very useful if you learn about the responsibility it takes to care for another being life~
Leona: Mmhh...Where the fuck is this going?*Feels a sense of...deja vu*
Yuuka: You guys are gonna pair off and be parents to one egg!~*Holding an egg*...For three weeks~
Rook*Raises his hand up*Ooh!Ohh oh!~I call dibs on Vil~
Vil*sighs at his request*...
Crewel: HA! not so fast~I think we should really try to maximize the learning potential here~Malleus and Leona, Team up!
Mal*Frowns at Crewel, Also doesnt want Leona to be his partner...he wanted Yuu to be his partner*...Well that is completely unnecessary
Trey: Is this just more comic relief for you sir*Looking deadpan at crewel who is not even hiding his chocked cackling*
Crewel: H-hehehhe-*Takes a breath and looks at Trey calmly*No,not at all...PFFT-
Leona: You better not be a shitty parent,
Cater*Scooting closer to Vil*Well since your "Man" is taken, Wanna team up?
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Part of 4 :
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super-paper · 2 years
Your Handy-Dandy Guide to TomurAFO, part 2! (warning: spoilers up to ch. 370+)
Making a part 2 bc I've seen too many folks treating Tomura and AFO like they're equally culpable for TomurAFO's actions-- or even more bafflingly, blaming Tomura for actions that the narrative is very, very, very explicitly attributing to AFO.
Anyway-- I’ll start by saying that trying to navigate the current state of TomurAFO while thinking that Tomura has any form of *actual* control in their dynamic is being…. really, really generous. And also incorrect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
None of TomurAFO’s cognizant actions are currently being driven by Tomura. It’s easier to think of TomurAFO in terms of being like a soup of some sort— the stock/broth is all AFO, but when you stir it up the right way, you get different little pieces of vegetables floating to the surface (i.e. Tomura/Tenko). But it doesn’t stop being a soup just because you stirred the pot a little!
At any rate, Horikoshi has spent almost 100 chapters now giving us dedicated tells to help us make distinctions between AFO and Tomura. The boundary between the two is muddier than ever, yes— but these tells exist because Hori wants you to try and make a distinction between the two. He wants you to attribute certain statements/actions to either AFO or Tomura.
As an artist and a writer, Hori has put a lot of love into depicting all those little distinctions— which makes it all the more frustrating to see people ignoring all of it because they don’t feel it matters, or because they don’t like or care about Tomura’s character. So out of respect for the love Hori has poured into his depiction of Tomura, I’ll break things down brick by brick.
Starting with the basics: body language!
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Hm. Don’t Like That.
To preface: Evidence that Tomura was groomed to mimic AFO’s mannerisms while in “villain mode” was present all the way back in act 1, and should make for some nice retroactive horror for anyone who decides to reread. AFO really wanted Tomura to fit like a tailor-made glove! (And it’s also a decidedly uncute parallel of Izuku’s attempts at mimicking All Might’s gestures/mannerisms/moves). 
Tomura’s tendency towards mimicking AFO’s mannerisms both intentionally and unconsciously can make it difficult to tell which persona is at the forefront, but thankfully Hori gives us a lot of other distinctions and context clues to bounce off of. Like their personal pronouns, speech patterns, and even expressions.
Looking at Tomura's natural, mostly AFO-free habits/mannerisms:
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Tomura au naturel.  
Tomura’s natural body language is a lot more “relaxed” and decidedly un-theatrical-- We see him casually lounging, stretching before fights, kicking at things he thinks are gross (racists, overhaul), and basically acting like a bored teen on all fronts. He tends to slump and slouch over himself while keeping his hands close to his body instead of using them as a means of “communicating” with grand, ~sweeping~ gestures like AFO does (and there’s something to be said about the different ways AFO and Tomura view their hands and how that has an effect of their respective mannerisms-- AFO views his hands as an extension of his power and uses large/wide/bold gestures to communicate that. Tomura views his hands as  inherently destructive and tends to keep them folded close to himself while visibly going out of his way to handle everything he *wants* to touch as gently and carefully as he possibly can-- unless you've unwisely decided to throw hands with him, in which case, he'll get you in a five-fingered grasp without the slightest hesitation).
Now, for AFO's body language:
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So we all agree that AFO was a theater kid, right.
*touches his chest when he lies about his intentions, touches his chest when he lies about his emotions, touches his chest when he lies about his plans, touches his chest when he's trying to surpress the unruly ghost of his metaphorically ten year old hostage--* Interesting character tic you've got there, AFO.
Well, the less said about this guy, the better. I will point out one thing that interests me in particular about their contrasting body language, though:
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That is, I find the difference in how Hori depicts "open palms" between the two (plus a bonus one shot Tenko!) to be an interesting point of discussion on the massive difference between AFO and Tomura's inner natures.
Holding one’s palms out in this particular fashion is usually meant to be interpreted as a “pleading” or “begging” gesture. It’s a gesture that's meant to convey a feeling of complete honesty and a desire for mercy/acceptance. To quote: "Palm displays signal to others that you want to both offer an idea or accept an idea. This is the cue used when people want to show that they sincerely believe that they are correct and wish to plead with others to accept their opinion. The palm-up cue is used to appease and we present it when we’re putting ourselves at risk. In evolutionary terms, the palm display is an important gesture signifying honesty because it is a way to make evident to others that no threat or weapon is present (such as a spear, sword or bow and arrow). Palms up while gesturing is also highly effective in building rapport."
Basically: Tomura's body language reveals his true desires, while AFO's body language obfuscates his true desires. Tomura claims he no longer cares about being understood, while his body language instead communicates that he is -s t a r v i n g- for even a shred of acceptance or understanding from the heroes. AFO's open palms feign acceptance and honesty while communicating a silent threat-- he exposes his palms when he wants to draw attention to his power and the tell-tale "identifiers" of his quirk.
Expressions and speech:
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I could completely derail this post with pictures of Tomura's various expressions, but it would ultimately amount to me just saying "See?? Him face," over and over again. So we'll take a look at AFO instead.
As you can see, Hori's absurd attention to detail also extends to how he depicts AFO's expressions/shit-eating grins lol. The dimples and the squinty, bargain-bin attempt at bedroom eyes alone are a dead giveaway that AFO is the one driving the TomurAFO train. As is his tendency to get embarrassingly long winded-- whereas base!Tomura really only gets chatty when he's spiraling or, again, subconsciously mimicking AFO. Outside of his very public mental breakdowns and various LARPing sessions as AFO's villain king OC, Tomura leans more towards being a sparse talker who expects people to instantly catch his meaning or understand his plans without him having to over explain himself. Some choice examples below:
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Twice and Toga call him out for his failure to properly communicate his intentions during the Shie Hassaikai arc, which prompts Tomura to take a step back and explain himself in a way they'll understand. This grievance re: Tomura's poor communication skills is later repeated by Spinner, and Tomura again repeats his process of taking a step back to explain himself (albeit not to Spinner directly, but Spinner definitely interprets it as a response to his earlier grievances).
A Look at Their Respective Fighting Styles:
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“AFO stop fucking eating people” challenge status: failed
Another thing I love that distinguishes these two: Their fighting styles! At a glance, Tomura may seem more animalistic/instinctual when he fights-- but AFO’s way of fighting is actually far more barbaric once you scratch away his surface grace. None of his attacks are designed to kill instantly, nor does he instantly go for the kill-- instead, he opts to rip, stab, and skewer people while tearing them to pieces by the mouthful.
Also, the fact that AFO is depicted as gleefully eating others while Tomura is depicted as vomiting and constantly nauseous while he kills and destroys the world around him sure is an..... interesting touch. never gonna beat those Cronus allegations.
This also reinforces their respective bodily imagery and motifs-- with Tomura obviously being tied to "hands" (both as a tool for violence and as a representation of his desire to be saved/held), while AFO is tied to "mouths" and the continuous consumption/cannibalization of others. It's not a coincidence that TomurAFO begins sprouting mouths in all the wrong places as his fight with the UA fortress group intensifies and AFO gains more and more control over Tomura's soul-- nor is it a coincidence that the "mouths" are the ones responsible for some of the most gruesome damage to the heroes.
AFO, Tomura, & their influence over TomurAFO's form:
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When the pot of TomurAFO soup finally gets stirred enough (i.e. when the heroes start tap dancing on Tomura/Tenko's trauma buttons), we see a drastic shift in influence-- that is, Tomura begins to exhibit more influence over the form his body takes, and that influence almost completely eclipses AFO. He sheds the countless mouths entirely, grows appendages that resemble his family, and adopts a purely defensive form made up entirely of hands/fingers (I'll also take this chance to point out how transparent it is that Tomura adopts a falsely muscular form that almost resembles a child's idea of prime!All Might, and proceeds to use several explicit SMAAASHes against the heroes. "You can play as All Might, Ten-chan," indeed :') ). There's a lot to unpack with this scene + the subsequent scenes, so I'll..... save it for another post. *shrug*
Are we acknowledging vestiges as representations of a person's soul by this point? Meh.
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*muffled 'In the arms of an angel' playing in the background*
Hori goes out of his way to depict the differences between AFO and Tomura’s “inner selves,” too-- with AFO’s inner self being depicted as a giant cannibalistic monster, while Tomura’s inner self looks like he needs to be rescued from a puppy mill. As always, Hori is giving subtlety the middle finger in his depiction of "who is the abuser" and "who is being abused."
Anyhoo, I'll post a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of some of the more "ambiguous" TomurAFO scenes at a later date, with a special focus on the scenes leading up to the death of you-know-who.
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bunny-lou · 2 years
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I posted 565 times in 2022
195 posts created (35%)
370 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 188 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 86 posts
#the black phone - 77 posts
#finney blake - 62 posts
#anonymous - 56 posts
#the grabber - 55 posts
#incorrect descendants quotes - 48 posts
#robin arellano - 44 posts
#carlos de vil - 41 posts
#jaylos - 33 posts
#jay descendants - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#incorrect the black phone quotes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Robin and Finney are dating, which is cool. Robin is Finney’s romantic boyfriend, so he gets to hold Finney’s hand and listen to him talk about space and go on dates and stuff. This means Robin is Gwen’s platonic boyfriend, so he has gets to hold Gwen’s bag and listen to her talk about her friends and have her be the third wheel on dates and stuff.
Or, a bunch of head canons with Gwen both ruining and supporting Robin/Finney
Finney patching Robin up after a fight and Robin making comments about how he has the cutest nurse, but Finney is still mad at him for fighting.
Robin arguing that Finney can’t be mad at him, Robin got in the fight for defending Gwen against some kids who said she was weird
Finney pointing out that if Robin was defending Gwen, she is going to be more pissed than he is. Gwen likes to fight her own battles, she doesn’t let other people be her voice.
Robin realizing, oh shit, he’s right, and asking Finney to lie and say Robin got in the fight defending Finney because yeah Gwen is younger and shorter and smaller, but Robin is not prepared to be on her bad side
Robin’s uncle lets him take his truck to the drive ins on weekends, which is dark and secluded and if they see a scary movie, Finney will practically be in his lap the whole time
he arrives at the Blake house to pick up his boyfriend and is shocked and confused for Gwen to climb in the truck beside Finney
Finney is just like ‘Gwen wants to see this movie too, so I invited her’
Robin is a good boyfriend and he does actually like Gwen, so of course he has no problem with it, even if his plans are ruined.
Part way through the movie, Robin slips her some money and tells her to go get some snacks
And Gwen is smart and says ‘why? so you can be alone with my brother and make out?’
And Robin, completely serious, saying ‘yes, so make sure you take your time because you don’t want to see this’
Finney is just a flustered mess
Yeah, Robin is Finney’s boyfriend, but the match to his BFF bracelet belongs to Gwen
Gwen starts dating a boy and swooning over him, so Finney gives his best big brother talk of ‘if you hurt her, I will be very disappointed in you and I will make you feel bad’
And Robin’s like ‘good job, babe, you really scared that dude’
But when Finney’s back is turned, Robin is grabbing the guys shirt and promising to break his teeth if he ever hurts Gwen.
Way more invested in Gwen’s stories about the girls in her class and her bitch teacher and how dumb boys are than Finney is. Finney listens because he loves his sister and wants her to have a safe place to talk, but Robin listens because he loves girl talk and there’s no way Susie actually made out with Bobby while she was dating Jack, omg, what happened after that???
Gwen making up total lies to get out of the house when Robin comes over because she’s a good wingwoman and lets them have alone time
Braid twins as Finney makes dinner for all of them.
Teaching Gwen one on one how to do a round house kick so she can use her fists and rocks and feet
(does the same thing with Finn, but it takes way longer because Robin keeps flirting with him)
Also teaches Gwen how to swear in Spanish after she gets detention for the 12000th time for calling her teacher a fuckwad
Gwen helps Robin plan out dates. She points out the restaurants Finney wants to try and the new rocket launcher he’s been eyeing and the new rom com he hasn’t seen yet and if they go to the park at night, Finney will be able to point out the constellations as they hold hands under the stars
Robin is Gwen’s platonic boyfriend, the end.
Might turn this into a fluffy fic after I’m done with my angsty fic
515 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Just saw Barbarian (2022) and while it was amazing, I would also watch and enjoy a film of Tess and Keith just spending a weekend slowly falling in love during this renting mixup because they were so cute and had such good chemistry.
703 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Finney: "I made this friendship bracelet for you."
Robin: "I don't really wear jewelry."
Finney: "Oh, okay... You don't have to wear it."
Robin: "No, I'm gonna wear it forever. Back off."
789 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Robin: “When I was younger, I had a crush on a boy in my class and I didn’t know how to deal with it so I wrote him a letter that just said ‘get out of my school’.”
Finney: “That was you?!”
808 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bruce: “What’s the happiest place on earth?”
Finney: “The science lab.”
Robin: “The gym.”
Bruce: “Apparently neither of you have ever been in Vance’s arms.”
Finney: “Of course we’ve never been in Vance’s arms, he’s terrifying!”
Robin: “I brushed against him accidentally once and he pulled out a switchblade.”
843 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nutella531 · 2 years
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I posted 315 times in 2022
295 posts created (94%)
20 posts reblogged (6%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 298 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#incorrect star wars quotes - 285 posts
#incorrect quotes - 284 posts
#star wars - 270 posts
#clone wars - 267 posts
#incorrect clone wars quotes - 258 posts
#the clone wars - 252 posts
#tcw - 248 posts
#501st - 228 posts
#disaster lineage - 188 posts
#anakin skywalker - 179 posts
Longest Tag: 65 characters
#t h e   w r i s t   s  t r a p  o n   t h e   l i g h t s a b e r
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rex: I don't know what it is about shortbread cookies, but it just makes old people go wild
Cody, as Obi-Wan eats shortbread cookies: I couldn't agree more
323 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Ventress: if there were a physical manifestation of a migraine walking around, it would be him
Maul, voice dripping with contempt: Kenobi.
370 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Rex: Commander Tano is the only one keeping Skywalker and Kenobi chained to reality
378 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Obi-Wan: but is there Anything we can do for you??
Satine, sitting impassively, calmly: write me a love letter.
Obi-Wan: *yeets out of chair*
Anakin: what kind of love letter??
Padmé: think 1600s poet
Anakin: like is it from your future husband??
Obi-Wan: a secret admirer?
Satine: from,, Jedi Master-
Padmé: uH
Obi-Wan: *screech*
Satine: uh, Mr.! Mr.!
Anakin: *drapes self across Obi-Wan’s lap, probably already writing a love letter for Padmé*
Obi-Wan, using Anakin as an armrest: this is gonna be the best letter you've ever received. Do you want it flowery,,or like,-?
Satine: surprise me! Surprise me!
384 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ahsoka: remember when Anakin was like,,too feeble to walk, and then like two seconds later,, he was roundhouse kicking the medic in the head??
Rex: Kix never forgot
869 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bitcofun · 2 years
The decentralized continuous exchange rallied after Binance revealed it would open trading for GMX. GMX went survive on Binance earlier today. GMX Jumps Amid Binance Hype One of crypto winter season's outperformers is gaining from the Binance listing impact. Per CoinGecko information, GMX has actually leapt to $5420 in Wednesday trading, up 34.2% on the day. It quickly topped $60, falling a hair except its $6210 all-time high taped at the start of the year. While the fast-growing decentralized exchange has actually revealed strength over the previous couple of months, today's rally can be credited to a brand-new listing on the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. In a Wednesday post, Binance exposed that it would note GMX/BTC, GMX/BUSD and GMX/USDT trading sets starting today. GMX rose within minutes of the statement going live, showing that Binance's listing options still have a huge impact on market characteristics. For a number of years now, exchanges like Binance and Coinbase have actually rocked markets whenever they note reasonably illiquid tokens for trading, frequently leading to parabolic upward relocations. Getting an exchange listing is usually viewed as favorable news for token tasks, however exchanges have actually periodically come under fire over presumed expert trading occurrences (as exchange staff members tend to understand about token listings ahead of the general public, they can in theory front-run the marketplace by purchasing possessions prior to they go live). In July, the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission charged a previous Coinbase worker and 2 of his partners for supposed expert trading; the Coinbase alum has actually pleaded innocent. GMX is a fast-growing decentralized trading place concentrating on continuous futures. Constructed on the Ethereum Layer 2 network Arbitrum and Avalanche, it provides DeFi traders as much as 30 x utilize on BTC, ETH, and other properties. According to the GMX site, it presently holds about $741 million in properties under management. GMX released towards the tail end of the current crypto bull run in late 2021, however as it's grown in appeal, the GMX token has actually exceeded most other crypto possessions. It took a whipping after the June liquidity crisis, bottoming at around $1153 Ever since, it's rose more than 370% while other possessions like BTC and ETH battle within a tight variety. Read Crypto Briefing's GMX item evaluation here Disclosure: At the time of composing, the author of this piece owned ETH and numerous other cryptocurrencies. The info on or accessed through this site is gotten from independent sources our company believe to be precise and trustworthy, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any info on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer customized financial investment recommendations or other monetary suggestions. The details on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the info on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or incorrect details. You need to never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the info on this site, and you must never ever translate or otherwise count on any of the details on this site as financial investment recommendations. We highly suggest that you seek advice from a certified financial investment consultant or other certified monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment guidance on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline settlement in any type for examining or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See
complete terms GMX Review: Is DeFi's Buzzy 30 x Leverage Exchange Easy to Use? GMX users can "long" or "brief" approximately 30 times the size of their security by obtaining funds from a big liquidity swimming pool. Decentralized Leverage GMX is a popular decentralized ... Justice Department, SEC File Charges Against Alleged Coinbase Insider ... News Jul. 21, 2022 A previous Coinbase worker and 2 co-conspirators are being charged by the Justice Department and the SEC in the "very first" crypto expert trading plan. Police declares the plan ... Why Is Bitcoin Surging Against the Odds? Bitcoin has actually published unexpected gains today. Stocks are likewise carrying out well for the 2nd day in a row. Paradoxical Markets Despite a distressing macro landscape, Bitcoin, stocks, and other equities ... Read More
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hadit93 · 3 years
Probationer Notes 3: The Motto.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Magical mottos are perhaps the most famous aspect of old-fashioned magical orders. The magician takes on a pseudonym which is aligned with their magical goals so that they can operate within the order under that name. Most people sign their letters or emails off to their superiors using their magical motto, their superiors also address them using this magical motto. Some people may think this to be superfluous and no longer a valuable practice. I humbly disagree. 
Using a magical motto within a magical context only allows for that motto to retain a sense of secrecy and importance. We can even go as far to say that it creates a sacred atmosphere around the name. It is a name you take on the beginning of each new step of your journey if you so wish, and so signifies a new birth of yourself. The person you are at the end of your probationer year is not the same person you were at the start. If no change at all has occurred within yourself, you have failed. 
Furthermore, I think the use of magical mottos between teacher and student is an important practice. For one thing, it allows for anonymity for both parties involved should the correspondence ever be found or glanced at. People may think this unimportant, but there are those of us in the modern magical community who prefer to remain anonymous, myself included. More importantly, the use of the magical motto allows for the correspondence or interactions to take on a more formal appearance. 
This formal appearance matters because the role of the teacher is not to be a friend to the student. Of course, sometimes friendships can blossom and these are okay to maintain on their own plane, but they cannot be allowed to interfere with the guru-chela interaction. Occasionally, the teacher must challenge the student, sometimes they have to tell them that perhaps they are not correct, sometimes they have to tell them they are lazy and idle and need to continue the work! 
Being addressed as your magical motto allows you to know it is your role in the order, your magical self being spoken to, not your ego outer self. Within the context of student-teacher no topic, no advice, no information should be considered taboo or off limits. When the teacher addresses the student as their motto it is not a friend they address, it is not an ordinary person they address, it is a plant within their garden which they hope flourishes into an ecosystem of their own one day.
Now that we have discussed the importance of magical mottos, how exactly should you choose one? I think it should be a matter of deep consideration. Traditionally, magical mottos are words or phrases usually in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew. Sometimes they are deity names you wish to emulate. Occasionally, they’re even in English! What, I think, is important, especially for a probationer, is that the motto reflects a goal- what they wish to become at the end of this journey. The probationer changes their motto on becoming a Neophyte because they will probably find their goal or their thoughts change during their probationer period. The very goal of the probationer is to ”Know Thyself” and whilst most beginners think they know themselves, the truth is most do not.
My probationer motto was most likely very incorrect, bad latin. I was 18 years old at the time and like most 18-year-olds believed I knew everything about anything. The goal which I wanted to emulate was ‘To Obtain Light’ which I considered to be the Holy Guardian Angel. Whilst this goal hasn’t changed the steps, my understanding, and thus my wording has. I styled this in (bad) latin as ‘Adipisci Lux’ and my reasoning for this phrasing was because I could sign off as Frater A.L. which points towards Liber AL vel Legis. I thought I was being very clever, aligning myself with the HGA and the central focus of the Thelemic current!
When I became a Neophyte my motto changed once more, I still use that motto in personal work today. So, I won’t share that one. I have not yet shedded that skin and become reborn into a new direction. My probationer motto is buried, dead under dirt. It's still growing within my soul, but no longer the central focus of the garden. When it comes to your own mottos try to make the grammar correct, think deeply about what you want to achieve and what you want to align yourself with, treat your new name with respect.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater 370. 
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wrightchatter · 3 years
Basic Programming
Back in the summer of last year, during our first lockdown I was busy putting the finishing touches to a program I’d been writing using the BASIC programming language. Are you of a certain age and remember trying to program in BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)?
I’ve found an app for iOS called cbmHandBasic.
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That’s the ‘what it looks like in the App Store’ image. This allows you to do a bit of BASIC programming.
But before you try out your own programming you wanna sample my terrible programming skills and play my interpretation of Hangman, don’t you?
Assuming you said yes to that question, here’s what you need to do:
🔸Install cbmHandBasic on your iPhone or iPad
🔸Copy the entire contents of my BASIC program which appears below onto your clipboard.
🔸Launch cbmHandBasic
🔸On a new line type Edit “hangman.bas” and hit the Return key
🔸A new screen should appear with something like 10 PRINT “Hello World”
🔸Just ignore this and tap the screen, so the cursor is on a new line
🔸 Tap the screen a second time and the options ‘Select | Select All | Paste’ should appear
🔸Tap on ‘Paste’ and the contents of the clipboard should appear
🔸Tap on ‘Save’ at the top of the screen and you will go back to the original screen
🔸Now on a new line type Load “hangman.bas” and hit the Return key
🔸Finally type Run, hit the Return key and the program should run
Don’t get too excited it’s far from perfect and there’s no graphics in the program. The word you have to try and guess is chosen at random from a selection of 52 words I’ve built into the program. There’s no check made as to what your previous word was so there is a possibility that you could get the same word twice in a row.
If you’re feeling really adventurous you could add more words, which if you know BASIC you’ll easily see where they should go within the program. The only restriction being that you can only use letters a-z, no numbers, punctuation or spaces. It doesn’t matter if you use upper or lower case as the program converts all into upper case.
If you do add more words it is most important to make sure the last DATA line reads: DATA “end”. An error will occur if this is not the last line.
If carrying out the above procedure to get the program any subsequent times you wish to play Hangman you just need to type Load “hangman.bas” and hit the Return key followed by Run and hitting the Return key.
Have fun! 😊
Here’s the program:
30 CLS
50 PRINT"HANGMAN by Jeff Wright"
110 INPUT "What is your name";NAME$
130 IF NAME$="" THEN LET NAME$="Anonymous"
150 IF LEFT$(NAME$,1)=>"a" AND LEFT$(NAME$,1)=<"z" THEN GOSUB 1000
190 PRINT"Hello ";NAME$;"!"
270 DIM W$(N)
290 FOR L=1 TO N
310 READ W$(L)
370 NEXT L
390 LET G=INT(RND(1)*N)+1
410 PRINT"Let Us Play HANGMAN"
420 PRINT"You have 10 Lives"
430 PRINT "Guess the word, it has ";LEN(W$(G));" letters"
450 LET SOFAR$=""
470 Q=LEN(W$(G)):PRINT"So far guessed: ";
490 FOR F=1 TO Q
530 NEXT F
560 LET LIVES=10
590 PRINT"Make a guess: >";
630 IF K$="" THEN GOTO 610
670 FOR F=1 TO LEN(W$(G))
690 IF K$=MID$(W$(G),F,1) THEN LET FOUND=1
730 NEXT F
750 IF FOUND=1 THEN PRINT "Well done ";NAME$;", you have guessed a correct letter!"
760 IF FOUND=0 THEN PRINT "Sorry ";NAME$;", incorrect letter, you have lost a life!"
770 PRINT"You have";LIVES;"lives remaining"
773 PRINT"So far guessed: ";SOFAR$
780 IF LIVES=0 THEN PRINT:PRINT"Sorry ";NAME$;" you have lost all your lives"
790 IF LIVES=0 THEN PRINT"The correct word was: ";W$(G)
800 IF W$(G)=SOFAR$ THEN PRINT:PRINT"Congratulations ";NAMES$;" word correctly guessed!"
860 PRINT:PRINT"Would you like to play again (Y/N)?";
880 IF K$="" THEN GOTO 870
890 IF K$="Y" THEN GOSUB 1800
892 IF K$="Y" THEN GOTO 390
900 CLS:PRINT"Thank you for playing HANGMAN by Jeff Wright"
910 PRINT"Goodbye"
920 END
1020 LET K=ASC(LEFT$(NAME$,1))
1030 LET NAME$=CHR$(K-32) + RIGHT$(NAME$,LEN(NAME$)-1)
1210 FOR M=1 TO LEN(W$(L))
1213 LET T$=""
1215 LET K=ASC(MID$(W$(L),M,1))
1220 IF K>96 AND K<123 THEN LET T$ = LEFT$(W$(L),M-1)
1230 IF K>96 AND K<123 THEN LET T$=T$+CHR$(K-32)
1240 IF K>96 AND K<123 THEN LET T$=T$+RIGHT$(W$(L),LEN(W$(L))-M)
1250 IF K>96 AND K<123 THEN LET W$(L)=T$
1260 NEXT M
1310 LET N=0
1320 READ T$
1330 IF T$<>"end" THEN LET N=N+1
1340 IF T$<>"end" THEN GO TO 1320
1510 LET K=ASC(K$)
1520 IF K>96 AND K<123 THEN LET K$=CHR$(K-32)
1530 IF K$<"A" OR K$>"Z" THEN LET K$=""
1610 ALERT 1
1640 ALERT 5
1810 CLS
1820 PRINT"HANGMAN by Jeff Wright"
2000 DATA "Responsibility","Originate","Supernova","Treadmill","Wasteland"
2010 DATA "Locomotive","Fundamental","Dragonfly","Nincompoop","Outrageous"
2020 DATA "Posture","Publication","Rocketry","Monetary","Sandpaper"
2030 DATA "respiratory","scaffolding","seasonal","solution","consequence"
2040 DATA "uncharacteristic","upholsterer","voluntary","wavelength","worrisome"
2050 DATA "zigzag","aversion","backstroke","cabbage","dictaphone"
2060 DATA "esplanade","flapjack","garrison","historical","impassioned"
2070 DATA "juggernaut","kindergarten","lowland","mechanism","newfangled"
2080 DATA "orphanage","packaging","quotient","reception","seasonable"
2090 DATA "townspeople","unification","venturesome","windscreen","xylophone"
2100 DATA "youthful","zodiac"
5000 DATA "end"
5010 REM Hangman
Jeff Wright, 10th April 2021
2 notes · View notes
killrate · 4 years
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The Book of Horath was originally written approximately between 360-370 years ago, though the exact date is unclear. It was the one thing he failed to specify. Though he spent his life researching black magic & magical theory, his last book written was what he had considered his life’s work.
Ignacius Horath was said to have completely gone off the grid, after the ethics of his studies were questioned by the Sorcerer Academies of Isvan. Being blacklisted from any formal arcane institution was the icing on the cake. Thus, there isn’t any record of anyone witnessing his studies come to fruition. It is said that he was sought out by other academics to do collaborative studies. He declined each opportunity.
Before his works were found & put into practice following the publishing of The Book of Horath, the idea that he may have successfully developed three magic types was a theory—right alongside the conspiracy that Ignacius had draconic blood, because how could a human be powerful enough?
Practitioners of the black arts proved Horath’s work had indeed paid off. 
To say he had created three would be incorrect, however. He created two, but the third, he only further developed.
The three were derivative of the dark element.
However, these texts are not only handwritten in Isvanian─they are in old Isvanian ( think medieval english for comparison ). The blurbs written in the common tongue are riddles. So, quite a bit of translation has to take place even for a native Isvanian-speaker.
There are four known copies of The Book of Horath throughout the continent of Ishgar. Like many, it is outlawed, and can go for a very good price in the black market, if one sells it to the right person. Its worth can be debated if you argue the potential difficulty to understand it. Generally, it is seen as valuable for the sole purpose of its content and the fact that it is illegal to sell or provide free public access to. While someone may not necessarily be arrested for owning an outlawed book, fines can be hefty.
Virus, Blood Magic, and Phantom Pain Magic:
The black magic Virus was not his original idea. Truthfully the idea was stolen borrowed from one of his peers in the Academy. He took a concept and developed it. Due to its intricacy, this one took him the longest to make into a useable type of magic. It heavily deals with knowing the biology of a living thing in order to effectively infect an area.
This was what got him blacklisted in mage academia, however. The concern surrounding his study of Virus was that if Horath was moving away from creating a very literal form of it, and was leaning more towards diseasing entire organs ( as oppose to, say, cause them to be fevered instead )─then his ambition was alarming. Some would argue that they should have arrested him, but the truth is that they’d had no grounds to do that at the time.
Contrary to the way Mary chooses to utilize it, Virus was engineered to plague any part of the body, some taking longer to consume than others─some causing more pain than others. The spell sickens & decays whatever it targets, rotting it, then finally breaking it down to pieces─or to nothing, if the targeted area is small enough. 
The skin is the only exception, the only thing it doesn’t effectively work against.
For example, should the heart be targeted, eventually the blood will become infected with decaying matter.
A user can be as specific with their attacks as targeting specific cells.
The trickiest next thing about Virus to master is timing. Timing is everything. Virus is, depending on how you look at it, one of the most effective forms of torture & a slow death. Virus can be dispelled with no permanent side-effects, but if it is cast long enough, its effects can become irreversible─in particular if organ breakdown has already occurred. 
Because its role is so straight-forward, a user cannot make the spell any more or less painful to bear. This is fully dependent of the receiving person’s nerve endings. ( This is why Mary tends to aim for the intestines—it is unbearable ).
Again, it can target anything within the body. Though not illustrated in Horath’s works, technically one could argue that it COULD be used to also break down harmful growths in the body. Mary, the only KNOWN modern-day user, has not explored that avenue yet.
Blood magic had already existed from before. Horath took it a step further. The concept of using blood magic was already one mages tip-toed around because of its potential to be abused. Horath saw to it that it was.
Its original use was considered dirty at times. Blood mages had been known to use it to prevent themselves or others from bleeding out, as well as to cause a blood-rush on injured opponents. Even a generally small cut could become fatal at the hands of a blood mage. One would not expect to bleed out from a seemingly harmless wound.
Blood mages are also capable of solidifying their own blood, after making a cut on their skin. With it they could shape weapons to use offensively. This is the most common use for it, which is why this sort of magic is most suitable for someone of decent stature. A blood mage’s diet should also consist of enough iron-rich foods. These mages are very prone to getting anemia, which would hinder their ability to utilize their own magic.
Horath presented the idea of congealing an opponent’s blood & killing them promptly; and all that’s needed is an open wound for access. He proposed─why use your own blood to create weapons from it, when you could just steal it from another?
This would promote the use of another’s dying body as a power-source. A blood mage using their own body to mold weapons had limits, of course. You couldn’t run yourself so low to the point of collapse or accidental death.
But what if you slit another’s throat? Then you could mold an entire armoury with no cost other than magic-drainage. 
A gifted water mage may show capability over learning this type of magic, because of the plasma in the blood, facilitating manipulation of it: example─Juvia Lockser ( uses Blood Magic for Blood Transfusion )
On the topic of using blood magic for emergency transfusion, there is still the matter of needing to ensure blood-type compatibility.
This was perhaps the most tame of Horath’s works, as it does no physical damage to a user’s opponent. At least on a surface-level, and scientific studies can’t seem to settle on whether it is offensive on a sensory or energetic level.
On a surface-level, this may seem like a sensory type of magic, however, that would be only partially accurate.
Phantom pain magic manifests as a form of spirit attack. A user can mold various weapons ( appearing a bit sheer & iridescent ), or even send attacks with no particular shape. 
Its strike feels like the slice of a blade, but there is never a physical wound left behind. It is said to slice at a person’s soul. If a mage were to kill someone using phantom pain magic, then the cause of death would be shock. It is unclear what happens to a person’s actual soul, if they die this way. There was insufficient means by which to examine what happens to it, obviously.
That being said, phantom pain magic isn’t effective enough to kill someone without a soul, like say, a demon. But a demon, like all living things still possess an energy body, and thus they can still feel pain.
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londonforex1 · 4 years
7 Keys to Successful Financial Trading
Most small traders (i.e. the home-based independent speculators) find yourself losing money once they trade the financial markets. Statistics say that 95% of those traders lose over time – which is why the investment professionals ask them because the “dumb money”. 
We’ve all been there a while in our trading careers. Some initial successes which hook you then a run of losing trade after trade and not knowing why, or what you would like to try to to to interrupt the cycle…it doesn’t take long until your funds have expired and you are feeling stupid!
Imagine what life is like once you consistently find yourself on the winning side! We’ve been there for an honest few years now and it’s not by accident . 
To help ensure your chances of success, confirm these seven key recommendations are a part of your trading strategy.
Get more free articles like this helping you find out how to trade online.
1 - Know your market
Do your research. Decide what you're getting to trade and persist with it. Learn everything you'll about it in the maximum amount of detail as possible. albeit you're getting to be a purist technical trader, you continue to understand how the various macro-economic events impact your chosen market in order that you do not get caught out.
We are gold traders and are for several years. We don’t trade anything . We've previously traded the forex and equity markets, but our passion is gold. We all know an awful lot about the gold trading market, but there are always new things to find out . Our days are spent, alongside watching the marketplace for trading opportunities, ensuring we still learn more.
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2 - Plan each trade
Don’t make hasty (often costly) decisions without doing all of your research first. Have a routine where very first thing a day you are doing a top-down analysis of every charted timeframe for your chosen market and gauge where you think that things stand – what's the prevailing trend? What timescale is that the trend over? Where are key support and resistance points?
Successful Online Trading - Plan Each Trade
You have to plan where you're getting to buy or sell, where to put your stop loss and most significantly where to exit the trade. Then, once the trade is planned and executed, you want to show discipline – you made the trade for an honest reason with solid justification, so any changes need equally solid justification.
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3 - Keep losses small and maximise winners
This sound obvious, of course, but it’s often traders doing precisely the opposite of this that accelerates them along the trail to bankruptcy .
If it’s clear that the trade goes against you, get out quickly. In many cases a trade will go the incorrect way at some point – it’s not always possible to select the right entry point then you would like to permit room for the trade to breath because it confirms a bottom/ top or performs a natural retrace after an enormous move. But if it’s clear that market conditions have changed it’s best to chop your losses and advance to subsequent trade. Never widen your stop-loss position within the hope that things will rotate .
Conversely, when the trade is running the proper way don’t panic and take your profits at the primary sign of it stalling. Sometimes this is sensible when the market is clearly turning or if your initial pre-trade assessment wasn’t accurate then you're lucky to not have lost; but generally it’s knowing keep the trade open and just keep trailing your stop-loss position in behind the trade to remain within the game as long as possible.
If you check out our trading history, you’ll notice that (as of 27th Jan 2013) our average winning trade is $37 (or 370 points) and our average losing trade is $19 (or 190 points) – this, including having more winners than losers, is why we are successful gold traders.
4 - Remove emotion
To be ready to make the key decisions which keep losses small and maximise winning trades, you would like to get rid of the emotion from your deciding . there's a bent to become too emotionally involved a trade once it's been placed, and to require the trade to succeed an excessive amount of .
Successful Online Trading - Be Cool as Ice
Therefore, novice traders tend to let losses run too long, by either widening stops or ignoring signals that the trade goes wrong, during a desperate attempt to not lose money. All that happens is once you do eventually lose, the loss may be a huge one. 
That means that when subsequent trade is opened there's even more pressure to succeed or it's going to be the last one…and so on.
Removing emotion from trading decisions may be a very hard discipline to master, but it gets easier as you become successful. Following a way over the long-term which has paid dividends gives you confidence - when short-term setbacks occur they not affect your judgment.
5 - Develop a money-management strategy
Money management is significant to sustained success – many traders risk far an excessive amount of of their available capital on each trade chasing the “big win” instead of a sustained, gradual and controlled growth through smaller more manageable trades.
Successful Online Trading - Manage Your Money
Our own money-management strategy might be seen by some as quite aggressive, but it works for us as we’re so confident in our trading strategy after numerous successful years. it's also geared in such how that we'll never lose quite we will stand on any single trade.
You need to seek out the proper level that suits your funds, risk appetite, style and frequency of trading.
6 - Don't overtrade
Whilst trading could, and will , be enjoyable you would like to take care that you’re not getting trapped within the excitement of “the gamble”. only too often we see people placing numerous trades every day on multiple markets – placing too many trades that haven’t been planned only for the excitement of being within the game.
We usually make just 2-4 carefully planned trades a month (and some months we sit it out completely if there isn’t a clear set-up) as overtrading means extra money is lost on commissions and spreads and therefore the likelihood of losing is higher as trades are more frequent.
7 - Never chase a loss
When you do suffer the inevitable losses never jump straight back in to the market in an effort to place things right – it rarely works and, if it does, it’s usually more luck than judgement.
Accept that losses are even as much a neighborhood of trading as winning. you would like to be ready to affect them without it clouding your judgement – we all know this is often sometimes hard, especially after a run of heavy losses. If you’ve followed the opposite tips during this article, you shouldn’t be getting too many big losses within the future anyway!
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My writer brain has an idea.
I have a little over 370 followers on this blog right now. I’ve decided that how ever many followers I have on December 31, 2018 at 11:59 CT is gonna be how many prompts/chapters/things I write in 2019. I’ve been letting my writing get away from me, and that is unacceptable. About 1 a day, two on a good day seems sort of reasonable. So if you wanna be here for that trash fire then follow #LysaDoesSomethingStupid or black list it if you’re not into that (though I don’t know why you wouldn’t be if you follow this blog... the writer thing is literally in my name, but you do you. Maybe you’re just here for my incorrect chats. I won’t judge).
For the record, this is the dumbest idea I have ever had. Like even dumber than that time I decided I was going to write a weeks worth of prompts right before NaNoWriMo and wrote myself out before NaNo even started. This is dumb. But I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna post 3xx things this year, and if I fail... then I accept public shaming from everyone who reads this post before January 1st.
So. This is happening. Wish me luck.
Is this how New Years Resolutions work? I just realized that’s basically what this is and it feels less dramatic now. Oh well. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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serialcomposer · 7 years
May be about to lose my home
Hello everyone; I hate to be making one of these again but I am about to get totally fucked.
I’m two weeks overdue a rent payment on my flat and I can’t get the money together myself. My rent is £740 and I currently have £230 in the bank. I’m going to try and borrow as much money as I can from my friends but I know that they can only give so much. I would really /really/ appreciate any help people can give to help me cover this.
I have a paypal here
I’ll put a full explanation of my situation under the cut. The short version is: government screwing me over and my flatmate moving out have left me unable to pay rent.
In December 2017 I signed up to start claiming benefits due to no longer having any family support and having had no employment for two years.
I was told I would be claiming Universal Credit which would pay all of my rent and provide me with a small amount for food and so on every month (I’m entitled to this because I am the only occupant of my flat legally (I had a subtenant living with me but that’s classed as living alone for UC).
The first problem came with my paperwork; namely my letting agency refusing to give me a copy of my actual lease with my name on it and instead giving me a copy of my old lease with two names on it. Nevertheless I sent this down with the rest of my evidence and waited six weeks to hear back.
After six weeks I still hadn’t received any money so I called up and was informed that they had lost my lease. And was then told that they found it.
I still didn’t receive any money so I had to call again and was told that they had lost it. And then that they found it. And then that there was a problem. So I sent another two copies down by post.
I was then contacted weeks later by the DWP to be told that my lease was incorrect and didn’t square up with the information on my claim form so I had to send down a copy of my actual lease or a letter stating the essential info.
By this time it was late february and I still had note received the rent portion of my payments (they had though; stared my personal payments which total £317 a month; not even half the money I need to cover my rent but managble just about since I still had my subtenant paying me £370 a month... until she informed me at that same time that she was no longer coming back to Edinburgh because she’s too ill. Fair enough I can’t blame her for that. But now I’m left with a £740 a month flat to pay for myself with no fucking help from the government.
So i missed my rent at the start of this month.
After much noise from me I finally got given the letter I need (which came through on the fifth of this month bc even though I asked for it near the end of february, the person who looks after my case for the letting agent was on leave and nobody else at the office could make up this simple letter for me) and I sent it off by courier on the 9th and thought that would be it.
On the twelfth I received a letter dated the 6th that “a decision had been made” regarding my housing by the DWP.
On the 13th I called up to ask about progress and was informed that they had received my letter but not actually done anything with it; and that the decision made on the fifth was to pay me £200 ish a month based on my old tenancy agreement... even though that was invalid and not right and not an accurate reflection of my living situation. So I made noise about this and they said they would refer my letter to the housing team and that it could take anywhere from a week to 28 days to be processed...
The DWP now owe me £2220 in backdated rent payments
I am desperate; miserable; have been having suicidal thoughts; and have had no motivation to do anything, not even the 35 hours a week government required jobhunting i have to do in order to keep getting my benefits.
this has been my life for the past three and a bit months
279 notes · View notes
goodoffer24games · 6 years
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds Automatic Activation
About This Game: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a battle royale shooter that pits a hundred players against each other in a struggle for survival. Collection supplies and outwits your challengers to become the last person standing. Playerunknown, aka Brendan Greene, is the head of the battle royale genre and the maker of the battle royale game modes in the ARMA series and H1Z1: King of the Kill. At PUBG Corp., Greene is working with a veteran team of developers to make PUBG into the world's debut battle royale experience.
Minimum System Requirements: ·        64-bit processor and OS ·         OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 ·         Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300 ·         Memory: 8 GB RAM ·        Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB ·         DirectX: Version 11 ·        Network: Broadband Internet connection ·         Storage: 30 GB available space
How Does the Cloud Activation Work? A key code is not so crucial or prominent for the cloud activation; we will send you a unique activation link. Click the link in the delivery mail and follow the guidance, your game will be mobilized naturally on your steam account in seconds.
Why are the Games Activated Automatically? Playerunknown'sBattlegrounds Automatic Activation assures that your key is legal and authentic and has been activated on your account harmlessly. With this functionality, our customers are capable of switch-on CD-Keys in just a fraction of seconds.
Is the Cloud Activation safe? We will not save your personal information nor forward your personal data to a third party for promotional reasons. We actively confirm that you active the steam guard service to protect your account.
The full release notes on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds: The sixth patch for the Xbox One version of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (or ‘PUBG’) has begun to roll out to all players. This latest update secures a load of bugs that had been depressing players, like incorrect team tracking and odd camera angles, and also adds some developments such as the new ability to activate auto-run. Game Play: ·         An auto-run function has been added ·         Players can now throw armed weapons with Y button when inventory screen is active ·         Grenades can be recycled by tapping right on D-Pad ·       Players can now cancel casting actions while the inventory screen is on
Optimization: Continued optimizations and fix crashes Bug fixes: ·     
  Buildings around the Military Base have had their collision adjusted
Inventory character models have been back to their normal posture
Fixed a camera issue created by unintended aim down sights and free look interactions 
   “A” button will no longer refresh game results screen
·  Player changes to markers on the in-game map will now be properly applied to their teammate’s in-game map  
Wrapping up Words: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds was one of the biggest video games on PC in 2017 and are currently in Game Preview (open beta) on Xbox One consoles. If you are truly obsessed with giving it a go, you can download it here on our website i.e. www.goodoffer24.com.  
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misswriteress · 3 years
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I posted 153 times in 2021
110 posts created (72%)
43 posts reblogged (28%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 370 tags in 2021
#with a spark of magic - 71 posts
#writeblr - 71 posts
#incorrect quotes - 55 posts
#character: constanza - 32 posts
#character: oz - 30 posts
#character: molly - 24 posts
#chenford - 24 posts
#the rookie - 24 posts
#a03 fic - 23 posts
#character: james - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i swear the only reason i want to write a paranormal investigation series is because i watched this anime a really long time ago
My Top Posts in 2021
So I may or may not have jumped on the Chenford ship, I may or may not have equally fallen in love with Tamara's dynamics with Lucy and Bradford (may or may not have also been inspired by @farfarawaygirl's Dadford series) and I may or may not have decided to write my own series of which this is a sneak peek:
But when he laid eyes on the screen, he swallowed hard because it wasn’t either of Lucy’s parents, no, instead he was faced with the smirking face of Tamara and that was so much worse.
Tamara and Lucy had become close, it might not be official but there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Lucy was Tamara’s guardian, and he didn’t want to tell the kid that the one person who had given a damn about her was fighting for her life.
He knew someone had to, though, because no else would even think to call her and so he quickly hit the answer button and held the phone to his ear. “Look, kid—”
But whatever he was going to say died when he heard a tiny, shaky voice that could no way belong to snarky Tamara whisper, “Lucy?”
Tim sat up straighter, body tensing into a fight response. “Kid, Tamara, this is Tim, what’s going on?”
“Officer Bradford? Why are you answering Lucy’s phone?”Tamara sounded terrified and something warm and fierce formed in Tim’s chest.
“That’s not important now, what’s going on?”
27 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 03:23:37 GMT
So I'm one of many, many people currently caught in the heatwave which, as you can imagine, has made writing kind of difficult but I'm still trying so here's a little snippet from the next chapter of all the secrets buried:
“That’s the rich for you,” Tim raised his glass—water since he was the designated driver. “It’s all about power and money, they’re not like us normal people who choose to get married to someone we love.”
It might be Lucy’s imagination but she swore Tim’s gaze had slid over to her as he said the words someone we love and it made something flutter in her chest. “I don’t think I could ever get married if it wasn’t for love.”
“Yeah, neither could I.” Tim’s reply was a soft whisper and the conversations around them faded away until it was just them, staring at each other in the candlelight with stupid smiles on their faces.
27 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 02:50:13 GMT
Me: *already working on four fics and two series*
Also Me: *remembers that Melissa O'Neil had a career as a singer, with her own album and gets an idea for a Singer AU where Tim has to protect Lucy from a stalker*
Self-control? What is that?
29 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 19:37:36 GMT
So here is when Tim's conversation with Tamara continues from my last post, warning it does have a teenage girl being at a diner with a group of boys who aren't letting her leave (nothing happens though, just she's obviously kind of scared)
TW for teenage boys being assholes
“I…” Tamara seemed to hesitate and Tim could make out the sounds of silverware clinking and people talking.
“Tamara, where are you?” Tim strained to make out anything else. “Are you at someone’s house?”
“No, I’m at a diner, Minnie’s over on Citrus Avenue?”Tim knew the place, sometimes Lucy would drag him over there for lunch if they were both off-duty. “I’m here with a guy from my biology class, I guess it’s kind of a date?”
Ok, now Tim was definitely concerned because there was no good reason for Tamara to be calling him terrified while on a date, not if it was a good one. “What did he do? What’s his name?”
Tamara let out a huff. “Of course, you go all scary Officer All-Bark,” and Tim was officially going to be talking to Lucy about letting Tamara talk to Abigail. “His name is Troy, he’s a junior too and he’s on the basketball team.”
“And I’ve been helping him study and he’s actually been, you know, not a complete asshole and so when he asked me out, I thought, sure why not,” Her breathing’s getting heavier and Tim’s heart is sinking because he can already think of at least three possible scenarios for what’s going on. “Everything’s going well and then some of his buddies from the team show up, and I’m annoyed because he immediately goes over to them.”
“So much for him not being a complete asshole,” Tim can’t help but comment, scowling. “Did he ditch you?”
“No, uh, he actually asked them to join us which might actually be worse,” Tamara takes a deep breath and he realizes there’s the sound of a sink running in the background. “So, I go to the bathroom, but when I’m coming back, they’re kind of whispering to each other about a bet.”
Tim closes his eyes even though he knows Tamara can’t see him, because he can only imagine the utter humiliation she’s going through, realizing that the popular athlete only asked her out because of a bet.
When he gets his hands on this guy…
“So, I’m pissed of course, but I try to hide it and I tell him I have some homework I have to finish, so I have to go,” There’s a beat before she speaks again. “But he says that I can’t leave, not yet anyway.”
“Son of a…” Tim is quickly on his feet, startling a few nearby patients and staff but he doesn’t care. “Where are you?”
“In the bathroom, one of the waitresses distracted him but Tim…” His heart breaks at the tears in her voice. “I don’t like the way he and his friends were looking at me, please can Lucy come and get me?”
33 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 19:15:54 GMT
So I have recently gotten into The Rookie and by default Chenford, and I knew Melissa O'Neil was a good singer so I was looking for some of her songs and found this.
So. much. fanfic potential! Maybe Lucy has to go undercover as a singer and Tim of course goes with her, then she walks onto stage wearing this dress and starts singing. Or maybe the group is at a karoke night of some kind.
Me thinks Officer Bradford will be in trouble.
42 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 23:16:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
0 notes
orbemnews · 3 years
Biden at 100 days: Hottest stock market since JFK The S&P 500 is up 8.6% since the market close on January 20, the final day of the Trump presidency. That means President Joe Biden is on track for the strongest stock market performance during a new president’s first 100 days since John F. Kennedy in 1961, according to CFRA Research. The Biden rally squeaks past the 8.4% jump during the first 100 days of the Obama presidency and is well above the 5% increase in the months following former President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Friday will mark Biden’s 100th full day in office, not counting Inauguration Day. Presidents tend to get more credit — and more blame — than they deserve when it comes to the stock market’s performance. Still, the historic gains at the start of the Biden era add to a sense of optimism about America���s economic recovery from a once-in-a-century pandemic. “If the stock market is any indication, Wall Street appears to approve of President Biden’s attempts to corral the Covid-19 crisis and stimulate the economy,” Sam Stovall, CFRA’s chief investment strategist, told CNN Business. That approval is all the more striking because Trump, who viewed the Dow as a barometer of his success, warned repeatedly during the 2020 campaign that the market would implode if Americans failed to reelect him. Between last August and October alone, Trump sent six tweets saying markets would outright “crash” if Biden were elected. Those crashes have yet to occur. “I’m not sure presidents make very good market analysts, not just Trump,” said Randy Frederick, vice president of trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab. Uncle Sam to the rescue The US stock market recovered from the pandemic long before the election, boosted by unprecedented support from the Federal Reserve and Congress. Markets gathered momentum last fall as nightmare election chaos scenarios were avoided. Wall Street, like Main Street, cheered vaccine breakthrough announcements in November that helped fuel the Dow’s best month since January 1987. Stocks continued to rally in 2021 as the rapid rollout of vaccines that Biden presided over raised hopes for an economic boom. At the same time, Uncle Sam is still providing massive amounts of aid. Congress enacted Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan last month and could be poised to pass trillions more in spending later this year. And the Federal Reserve is keeping its foot on the pedal, with rock-bottom interest rates and tens of billions of dollars of monthly bond purchases. Best since FDR? The Biden rally looks even more historic if measured from the close of trading on January 19. By that measure, the S&P 500 is up more than 10% during Biden’s first 100 days in office. That would mark the strongest gain during the start of any presidential term (not just first term) since 1932 under FDR when the S&P 500 skyrocketed 104.4%, according to Frederick. “It’s pretty remarkable,” Frederick said of the historic gains. “FDR’s is a record that will never be beaten.” The strong start to the Biden era adds to the run of market success under Democratic presidents — despite concerns about higher taxes. “There is a belief out there, that is absolutely incorrect, that markets do better under Republicans,” Frederick said. “It’s completely wrong.” Since 1932, the S&P 500 is up 734% under Democrats, but just 370% during Republican tenures, according to Frederick. The overheating risk History suggests the stock market has a very good chance of finishing the year in the green. Since 1932, only during President Richard Nixon’s first year in the White House did the S&P 500 end the year in the red after rising during the first 100 days of a presidential term, Frederick said. But there are risks the market could cool off. The biggest concern is that inflation rears its ugly head after so many years of moderate price increases. Inflation hawks warn that the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, on top of the reopening of the economy, will cause prices to surge. Although the Fed has promised to look past temporary price spikes, a significant return of inflation would force the central bank to rapidly raise interest rates — removing one of the foundations of the market rally and perhaps derailing the economic recovery. Another worry is higher taxes. Markets briefly tumbled last week on concerns over sharply higher capital gains taxes to pay for Biden’s ambitious agenda. It’s too soon to know whether those tax rates will go up and by how much. The White House is also moving to unwind some of the Trump tax cuts that juiced the stock market in 2017 and 2018. Biden has called for raising the corporate tax rate from the current level of 21% to 28%. Frederick urged investors not to overreact to tax hike proposals and predicted they will likely get “watered down” along the way. And he suggested the market can live with modestly higher corporate taxes. “We probably have room for tax rates to go a little higher,” Frederick said. Source link Orbem News #Biden #Bidenat100days:HotteststockmarketsinceJFK-CNN #days #Hottest #investing #JFK #market #stock
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Biden at 100 days: Hottest stock market since JFK
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/biden-at-100-days-hottest-stock-market-since-jfk/
Biden at 100 days: Hottest stock market since JFK
The S&P 500 is up 8.6% since the market close on January 20, the final day of the Trump presidency. That means President Joe Biden is on track for the strongest stock market performance during a new president’s first 100 days since John F. Kennedy in 1961, according to CFRA Research.
The Biden rally squeaks past the 8.4% jump during the first 100 days of the Obama presidency and is well above the 5% increase in the months following former President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Friday will mark Biden’s 100th full day in office, not counting Inauguration Day.
Presidents tend to get more credit — and more blame — than they deserve when it comes to the stock market’s performance. Still, the historic gains at the start of the Biden era add to a sense of optimism about America’s economic recovery from a once-in-a-century pandemic.
“If the stock market is any indication, Wall Street appears to approve of President Biden’s attempts to corral the Covid-19 crisis and stimulate the economy,” Sam Stovall, CFRA’s chief investment strategist, told Appradab Business.
That approval is all the more striking because Trump, who viewed the Dow as a barometer of his success, warned repeatedly during the 2020 campaign that the market would implode if Americans failed to reelect him.
Between last August and October alone, Trump sent six tweets saying markets would outright “crash” if Biden were elected. Those crashes have yet to occur.
“I’m not sure presidents make very good market analysts, not just Trump,” said Randy Frederick, vice president of trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab.
Uncle Sam to the rescue
The US stock market recovered from the pandemic long before the election, boosted by unprecedented support from the Federal Reserve and Congress.
Markets gathered momentum last fall as nightmare election chaos scenarios were avoided. Wall Street, like Main Street, cheered vaccine breakthrough announcements in November that helped fuel the Dow’s best month since January 1987.
Stocks continued to rally in 2021 as the rapid rollout of vaccines that Biden presided over raised hopes for an economic boom.
At the same time, Uncle Sam is still providing massive amounts of aid.
Congress enacted Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan last month and could be poised to pass trillions more in spending later this year. And the Federal Reserve is keeping its foot on the pedal, with rock-bottom interest rates and tens of billions of dollars of monthly bond purchases.
Best since FDR?
The Biden rally looks even more historic if measured from the close of trading on January 19.
By that measure, the S&P 500 is up more than 10% during Biden’s first 100 days in office. That would mark the strongest gain during the start of any presidential term (not just first term) since 1932 under FDR when the S&P 500 skyrocketed 104.4%, according to Frederick.
“It’s pretty remarkable,” Frederick said of the historic gains. “FDR’s is a record that will never be beaten.”
The strong start to the Biden era adds to the run of market success under Democratic presidents — despite concerns about higher taxes.
“There is a belief out there, that is absolutely incorrect, that markets do better under Republicans,” Frederick said. “It’s completely wrong.”
Since 1932, the S&P 500 is up 734% under Democrats, but just 370% during Republican tenures, according to Frederick.
The overheating risk
History suggests the stock market has a very good chance of finishing the year in the green. Since 1932, only during President Richard Nixon’s first year in the White House did the S&P 500 end the year in the red after rising during the first 100 days of a presidential term, Frederick said.
But there are risks the market could cool off.
The biggest concern is that inflation rears its ugly head after so many years of moderate price increases. Inflation hawks warn that the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, on top of the reopening of the economy, will cause prices to surge.
Although the Fed has promised to look past temporary price spikes, a significant return of inflation would force the central bank to rapidly raise interest rates — removing one of the foundations of the market rally and perhaps derailing the economic recovery.
Another worry is higher taxes.
Markets briefly tumbled last week on concerns over sharply higher capital gains taxes to pay for Biden’s ambitious agenda. It’s too soon to know whether those tax rates will go up and by how much.
The White House is also moving to unwind some of the Trump tax cuts that juiced the stock market in 2017 and 2018. Biden has called for raising the corporate tax rate from the current level of 21% to 28%.
Frederick urged investors not to overreact to tax hike proposals and predicted they will likely get “watered down” along the way. And he suggested the market can live with modestly higher corporate taxes.
“We probably have room for tax rates to go a little higher,” Frederick said.
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