#in which she is friends with kadokura from when their kids
majimemegoro · 1 year
post that 1.5 people will understand oh well
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Van Owen:
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and bonus Kimi:
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chibivesicle · 2 years
End of GK thoughts
I feel like I’m going back to the mindset I first had when I was reading GK and writing meta and going more with my gut. 
So, what did I think of the end of GK?
It was disappointing to say the least. 
Okay, I said it - moving on to other things . . . or you can read more reasons why it was disappointing to me.
What got me to lose interest as a reader (besides all sorts of IRL stuff) was that the last story arc was sloppy.  It had a vibe of it being far to rushed with too many loose threads and plot points that never got resolved. First off - the endings for the characters.
1.) Sugimoto and Asirpa return to Hokkaido - this was the one ending that I absolutely did not want to have happen.  This is further emphasized that indeed, Umeko never needed Sugimoto’s help which makes his entire premise - just dumb.  She took care of herself buddy and you ran away from things, just like you ran away from your burnt down house.  The MC’s entire rationale for the entire story was - utterly pointless.  To think that @goldenkamuyhunting and I wrote lots of metas about how Sugimoto was making a huge assumption that he needed to do this and never spoke to her in the flashback. . . .
2.) Many character deaths fell short or felt meaningless (and not in the futility of life sort of way).  Ushiyama, Hijikata, Ogata, Sofia . . . they all just sort of pathetically happened with very OOC moments for everyone except for Hijikata but it was still - meh. 
3.) Shiraishi using the gold he got to live out Boutarou’s dream - which seems OOC for him as well seeing that he was good friends Kiro and understood what he was fighting for.  To instead side with a Japanese convict’s more selfish dream was just weird.  Dude, Shiraishi was the one who really took the time to mourn Kiro’s death and thought of him in his youth on the river in a canoe . . . he was your friend man and you had a better understanding of his rationale than Sugimoto ever did. 4.) Tanigaki returns to his home in Akita with Inkarmat and they have lots of kids.  What about his debt to Huci?  We never saw that resolved, instead he lives happily ever after with a family that is even more marginalized due to the Matagi-Ainu combo?
5.) What happened to the tiger curse?  Not only with Tanigaki but Koito and Tsukishima.  Instead, Koito goes on to get that leadership position he wanted with Tsukishima in the 7th until is will be dissolved due to the end of WWII. 6.) Anyone who had a strong political/social justice opinion died - specifically non-Japanese charas.  I’m looking at Kiro - the native who died fighting the system while Asirpa and Ariko take on the more integrated native way to survive.  I’m sure they had a great time dealing with discrimination, poverty and all that stuff.  Watch the Indie film Ainu Mosir to see what that looks like in present day Hokkaido. I’m also looking at Sofia who never got full potential as a character.  Or even Wilk - who I’d still nominate as the worst father of the year for many years.  He may have been misguided with his plans e.g. people don’t behave like he does but he was still working for something for the native peoples.  I continue to waffle back and forth if this is a case of a Japanese creator not wanting to capture them well and thus doesn’t try or that he’s using the excuse of not being of those groups so he can’t depict them. 7.) The ending was all about Japanese people fighting over the future of Hokkaido with no input from those who live there.  And that was what made this really disappointing for me.  Asirpa lost most of her agency, deferring to follow whatever Sugimoto did.  Ariko was absent having been heavily wounded previous in the plot.  Kirawus was just there with Kadokura in the background. 8.) No one cared about Vasily - honestly, really - he was useless to the overall plot.  Again, a foreigner who’s continued existence was just not doing much of anything.  It would have been better if he died when Ogata shot him at the Japanese-Russian border. Now that I got that off my chest, I can drop my second point in no particular order.
The last story arc was meandering, unfocused, and wasted potential.  What I mean by this is that before the final arc, the manga had much tighter pacing and control.  The plot moved forward in such a way that things tied in neatly and kept the readers guessing what would be important to remember and what might be foreshadowing.  It really lost me at a time when it was hard to put in the effort.  I’m not sure what Noda and his editor were thinking - or not thinking, but it showed.  I know we can get tired of things and it makes it hard to focus on them or give them the love they deserve.  If Noda were having creative burnout - something that could totally have been worse due to the pandemic - than he should have gone on hiatus and restructure things.  The elements of the story that I really enjoyed were lost in the last arc - the sociopolitical element and the nuanced approach to characters who became very disposable at the end. 
As story like this needed to breathe at the end and it never got a chance to come up for air.  It just got smothered in a murder/kill fest of violence souring things for me.  I had entertained the thought of writing about how bummed out I was at Ogata’s ending, but I’ve realized it isn’t even worth it.  Noda, if you wanted Ogata to die, you should have stuck to your original plan on the ice floe.  Thanks.
The Karafuto arc had me hooked to read each new chapter.  I loved it and how much it made me think about the historical and political context of things as a reader on something I knew very little of.  The last arc could not follow that up.  At. All. What this means is that if GK ended in a more cohesive manner - I’d rate it one of the best manga series that I’ve read.  However, it didn’t.  So, I’ll have to bump it down to a better than average manga that was good until the last arc.  Was this a terrible manga?  No, I still see it as better than most with themes and ideas that really started to make you think.  The problem is that it stopped doing that in the last arc and it shows.  Do I hate Noda?  Of course not.  He still put lots of effort into making the manga good for a long time.  I just expected him to do more and it didn’t work out that way.  Would I recommend this - sure, but I would do so with the caveat that the last arc falls in quality.
And I’m going to leave things here.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
Did you start making chapter theories in ch. 179? I would have liked to see your take in the psychology of certain convicts, like Sekiya, Gansoku and Henmi
I began a little earlier at around chap 162, but at the time I didn’t really make a rambling post for each chapter.
I’ve also a re-reading series, but I ended up interrupting it at chap 18 (even if I actually wrote it till chap 38) for various reasons.
If you feel like listening to me ramble about those three I don’t mind doing it, just keep in mind it’s not a real psychological analysis. Those take a professional and much more information about their lives than I have at hand and I’m not even sure if Noda wanted to make them THAT psychologically accurate.
So take this more as a character analysis than a real psychological take of them.
For a moment let me group together Henmi and Sekiya as, like most of the characters of Golden Kamuy, they’ve in common they lived a traumatic event that influenced the rest of their lives and became their Freudian excuse.
Mind you, the trope is called Freudian excuse but in Noda’s case often it’s more a Freudian explanation, a ‘why they ended up like this’ a showing that they weren’t just random bad men born evil but once they were just ordinary guys like you and me and then something happened and they reacted to it in the entirely wrong way, turning them in complete monsters. A For Want of a Nail effect, if you want, something happens, and this event has a ripple effect, resulting in massive change in the character changes radically.
So, with this in mind, let’s go dig into those two.
Henmi is the first convict we meet whose life was totally screwed over by a traumatic event.
The previous convicts are:
- Gotou who, according to Shiraishi, murdered his wife and child while drunk, even though I would be more prone, analyzing his interaction with Sugimoto during which he’s friendly and harmless when drunk and attempts to murder him when he’s sober, to assume he was actually not drunk when he did it and merely said he was hoping this would result in a less
- Prisoner n 1, of whom we know nothing about except that he viewed himself as a small fish
- Tsuyama, whom we know is a murderer but not why
- Shiraishi, who’s not a murderer
- Hijikata, who’s actually a political prisoner
- Ushiyama, who killed out of self defence
- Nihei, who just couldn’t let go whose who attacked him but had to take revenge on them.
And then comes in Henmi, who actually has a backstory that explains why he became a monster.
Henmi himself doesn’t consider it an excuse, just his starting point, albeit it’s possible that, had Shiraishi never asked, he would have never wondered why he took that turn.
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Henmi saw a board killing his little brother, apparently eating it alive.
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We’ve no info on why this incident took place, but this seems to point out Henmi didn’t deliberately cause this.
So really, this is what turned him from an ordinary kid to a monster, so it’s not something he had caused.
Henmi watched this from his hiding spot, meaning he either arrived on the scene, was scared and hid or that both siblings were there but only Henmi managed to reach a hiding place and from there he couldn’t move to help his brother.
Henmi describes his brother’s death vividly. It was horrific, his brother was helpless and it wasn’t even the boar’s fault as the animal couldn’t understand him. Henmi thinks his brother was in a lot of pain and fear, in despair and hopelessness.
But then he says something that clearly leaves into us an impression. He says that each time he thinks at his brother ‘he really, really want to kill somebody, anybody’, and he seems to have an erection as he says so.
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Due to this it’s easy to think that Noda is trying to depict him as someone committing ‘lust murders’, murders done by someone who searches for erotic satisfaction by killing someone… by is it really so simple?
Not quite because it’s not murdering someone what turns Henmi on, it’s the idea that this someone will murder him.
Henmi is not identifying with the boar, he’s identifying with his brother.
I’ll go and assume the idea here is that part of the problem here is that when Henmi saw his brother being killed, his body reacted in an inappropriate manner.
When one is scared the body produces dopamine. Some individuals may get more of a kick from this dopamine response than others do as, and according to some studies dopamine can trigger penile erection (though they’re still debating over this but whatever, Golden Kamuy isn’t meant to be a medicine text).
Anyway, in between the trauma to seeing his brother being killed in such a horrific way and his body’s reaction somehow Henmi came up with the idea he wanted to die like him.
We see Henmi doesn’t get an erection when he kills the Yakuza,
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just when he thinks to how Sugimoto could kill him. We see Henmi thinks Shiraishi is masturbating to the thought of getting killed, not to the thought of killing someone.
Possibly part of all this is also due to guilt, he just stood there, watching as light died in his brother’s eyes (it’s interesting how he carve the kanji for ‘eye’ in his victims, as if to mark them with his sin) and let his younger brother be killed and even got off by it and that also explains his wish to die. In a way in this he’s similar to Sekiya, who thought he should have been the one who died, and not his little girl.
And it’s interesting Henmi has to think at it, before explaining this is what turned him into what he is, because this hints he tried to forget what he saw, that he buried it inside himself, for him it wasn’t ‘oh, okay, so this is how my brother die so let’s start killing people’, Henmi didn’t try to understand his impulses, he just followed them.
But, long story short, Henmi’s wish to die a beautiful death, like his little brother, lead him to become completely twisted.
Maybe the boar attacked them because they attempted to attack him, that’s why Henmi began to attack people, attempting to murder them in hope they would instead murder him, attempting to recreate what happened with his brother. Maybe if this experience had never happened to him Henmi would have just been an ordinary well-mannered and very sociable guy who helps friends (when Shiraishi sees Sister Miyazawa and follows her Henmi stops the guard from chasing him).
This however wasn’t meant to be.
Henmi flips, develops an obsession on his own death, whom he wants to be terrible like the one of his brother and maybe the second tragedy of his own story is by misfortune he had to kill over a hundred people before he met someone who could give him ‘his beautiful death’, hundred kills he likely felt insensible about because, when you start thinking being killed is the most exciting experience ever, you probably don’t even connect you’re doing something bad, which is also why we can label Henmi as a monster, because he’s absolutely remorseless toward his victims.
Henmi is dangerous, a serial killer that can only be stopped by death… but it would be interesting if we could peek to an universe in which he was never exposed to the trauma of losing his brother and see if in it he could have become an ordinary guy instead.
Oh well, we’ll never know.
Sekiya now as he’s similar to Henmi, yet very different.
While it’s likely that Henmi’s traumatic event or turning point took place when he was young, Sekiya’s traumatic event takes place when he’s a man and, in the volume version, Noda pays special care to it.
We know Sekiya used to be a livestock veterinarian who went around to different ranches in Hokkaido and looked after their horses and things like that.
The traumatic event that ruined his life is well known to the fandom and easy to understand and sympathize with.
Sekiya himself tells it to Kadokura, in a way that mimics a confession.
It was a Sunday morning and he was walking home with his daughter, who was still a toddler, she being right at his side, plodding around.
The images shows us a Christian church and this, combined with how it was a Sunday morning, tell us that Sekiya was probably walking home from Sunday mass.
We see him smile as he watch his daughter, light in his eyes.
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Sekiya probably used to be a normal person, likely nothing over the top but what you would easily label good, and probably he felt that since he also has done his religious duty and gone to mass, God should smile down on him and protect him and his family.
(It’s possible he’s indulging a little in the capital vice of pride here… and considering his future actions in the future too)
We never hear Sekiya talking about a wife so it’s possible she died and he had to overcome that loss. Assuming a wife existed and died, he clearly overcome losing her and, evidently, being with his daughter, just watching her walk next to him, gives him joy.
Then something exploded behind him and he lost consciousness. When he wakes up he can only see that his daughter head and feet had been blown apart…. Which should be a pretty horrific thing to watch, especially for a father, but it takes him a while to realize this was due to a lighting having struck her, his eyes losing their light as he realizes this.
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Abruptly Sekiya had lost his daughter, in a way that he didn’t even understand at first, a horrible way. She was a beloved child, a reason of joy for him and it could be she was the last member of his family alive.
Now there’s a really common characteristic in humans from various cultures.
Many of them tend to think that the lightning is ‘the weapon of God/a God’.
Wikipedia even have a full page in which they list the various thunder gods from all around the world and the bible too implied God can toss thunders and lightnings.
So Sekiya, man of faith, who believed to be a good person likely blessed or at least protected by his God, is facing such a terrible tragedy just after he left the church in which he probably received the Eucharist, a tragedy that took place by a mean that’s considered by many ‘a weapon of God’, a tragedy that should cause him agonizing pain because losing a child so young should be terrible.
Now… sadly the best thing Sekiya could have done at this point was just to mourn his own child and learn to cope with the pain of her loss, possibly without losing his faith but using it as a crutch in his darkest hour.
Sekiya though, doesn’t find in himself the strength to chose the best option for himself.
Sekiya can’t accept his own disgrace and the way it happened, mourn and move on.
We see Sekiya back in the church, wondering why this happened to his daughter and not him.
Actually he asks himself (or God) why his daughter was chosen and not him.
どうして娘が選ばれたのか… どうして俺じゃなかったのか
‘Dōshite musume ga eraba reta no ka... Dōshite ore janakatta no ka’
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His next step, he explains to Kadokura, is to ask himself the following thing:
“Is ‘luck’ the will of God… or does the fact that a man like me was left alive prove that there is no such thing as God?”
‘“Un” to wa kami no ishina no ka… kami no yōna ningen o ikinokora seru to iu koto wa kami nado sonzai shinai node wanai ka?’
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It’s this thought that likely pushed Sekiya to test people’s luck over and over, ending up on murdering quite a bunch of people.
I think part of Sekiya’s problem is that he was a man indulging in the capital vice of pride.
He sounds like he believed he believed he knew how things worked (God would punish the wicked and protect the ones who walk on the right path as hinted in chap 172) and viewed himself and especially his daughter as people who should be protected, blessed by God and just couldn’t accept to be proved wrong when his daughter died, demanded an explanation, deluded himself he could understand what no human had ever understood, God’s plans or that, if he can’t, this would mean God doesn’t exist.
Of course Sekiya’s view about who God would bless and who he would punish is extremely limited as it implies God should murder whoever would deviate by the right path and would protect from everything whoever would remain on it and it doesn’t take a genius to know IT DOESN’T WORK THIS WAY, bad things can happen to good people and terrible people instead might be blessed with good luck.
But part of the problem though is that Sekiya’s obsession with trying to understand why his own misfortune happened to him works as a copying mechanism that distract him from the agonizing pain of his loss.
What’s more it makes him feel as if he has the power to control things.
What Sekiya wanted to get in fact was exactly what he got, for God to protect someone righteous and punish him for not being righteous anymore.
He’s overjoyed when he’s proved right, Hijikata survives to an extremely risky bet and kills him.
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Although he says he has great interest in observing how fortune play out in people he’s never delighted when they die. He’s just businesslike, this is done, let’s move to the next.
Instead he’s delighted when he’s proved right even if this means he’ll die… but well, life had probably lost part of his meaning to him, circling about a sick game that couldn’t give him any satisfaction.
Nowadays may countries would have given psychological help to both Sekiya and Henmi after they suffered their trauma, so that they might not have ended up turning into monsters like they instead did.
However, in Golden Kamuy’s time, this possibility didn’t exist and if you couldn’t find by yourself the strength to overcome in the right way your traumas and problems well… no one would be capable to help you.
Most of the cast of GK would benefit from psychological help, Henmi and Sekiya are merely among the people who reacted to trauma in the worst way.
Now… Gansoku… well, the guy is hard to pin.
As far as we know he didn’t have a ‘traumatic moment TM’ that turned him into who he is.
When he explains himself, Gansoku says he expresses himself through violence the same way one would express himself through art but acknowledges this made others hate him as they didn’t understand him, which lead him to get jailed.
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Gansoku doesn’t view this as bad as prison was a place busting with violence in which he made friends who were happy if he punched the guards and where he would go on a rampage and could only be stopped by Ushiyama.
His explanation seems to pain the picture of a violent man who can’t control himself and beat people left and right.
However when we met Gansoku we discover he’s a guy who basically promoted the stenka fights by encouraging people to bet on them. He’s a man who doesn’t attack at random but in a fight, can play in a team, tries to understand Sugimoto and helps him with his problems, helps Tsukishima when he’s wounded and can’t walk, can travel with Svetlana and protect her and wouldn’t fight with Sofia because he believed she wouldn’t be up for it.
He just love fighting and make no difference if he’s the one beating others or he’s getting beaten up. As long as he’s fighting someone strong he’s happy.
In short he’s not an uncontrollable abuser but a guy who loves to fight and who goes all out when fighting, a guy who can control himself and even being nice.
I wonder if he ended up in jail for a reason similar to Ushiyama, because he overdo it in a fight or in an argument. He said he was hated so maybe it’s the other people who would start the fight but, due to his superior strength he would hurt them too bad when he would react and end up in jail.
It’s hard to say, he’s undoubtedly strange but, at the same time, as he seems someone who doesn’t attack at random, that’s why he remind me of Ushiyama. But well, we’ll see if he’ll get more development.
For now that’s all I can say.
Thank you for your ask!
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chibivesicle · 4 years
Golden Kamuy chapter 262 - an early version of a car chase . . .
I’m definitely slow with my meta for this chapter.  The end of the year exhaustion has caught up to me and I still have some things to do for work, but I’m waiting to discuss them with my supervisor so - yay, I guess?
The chapter 262 cover is a very horse-missing-brain-bits-buddies something in color.  Sadly a waste of a color chapter of you ask me, but I’m not Noda.
The chapter starts out with Hijikata’s group playing it safe, creating a way to hide Jack’s body and Kirawus is assisting a rough looking Kadokura.
Since Hijikata is no idiot, he quickly hops on a horse to pursue the beer car with Sugimoto, Shiraishi and Boutarou.
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Interestingly, Sugimoto is the one who demands to slow down to talk to him.  Could it be that Sugimoto has developed a soft spot in his heart for Hijikata?  Pfffttt.  Likely not, but he recognizes he’s a competent individual and to rescue Asirpa he’s a worthwhile ally.
This shows since the first thing Hijikata asks is where Asirpa is, which allows the rest of them to clarify that Tsurumi’s group is hiding as firemen.
This gives us a nice view from the back of the fire engine, and also a concerned look back from Tsukishima.  It really tells us a lot about how aware Tsukishima is, he did travel to Karafuto and back with Sugimoto and Shiraishi, so he’s got a good idea who these men think and act.
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Now, we don’t know where Asirpa and Usami’s body are placed.  When I saw this panel I saw two possible places and have pointed them out with the purple arrows. The beer car pursues them and as Shiraishi encourages Boutarou, we finally get an update on his overall status.   He’s feeling tired and Shiraishi asks him if he’s okay.
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He’s bleeding a lot - he did get stabbed and shot at.  I’d like to point out he also regrew his cut off ear!  Perhaps, he’s part axolotl!  I think Noda was just tired when drew this or it got lost in the action.
I’m glad to see Shiraishi concerned about him, but we have hints these two men are friends.  Of course Boutarou proudly declares that he’s a man who is going to be a king and Shiraishi needs to witness this historic event. The 27th has been spotted and it is Koito who notices the car in pursuit of them.  Can we take a moment to appreciate how great this is for Koito?  Sure, he’s still working for Tsurumi, but he’s levelheaded and comes up with a quick solution.
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Tsukishima then tells Tsurumi he can go ahead and they will stay behind to block the pursers.  They do their best to try to stop the car, but Boutarou has other plans and drives through some random guy’s house to avoid the gunfire.
Due to Boutarou’s creative driving (he would not pass his driver’s test at all!) his gamble allows them to catch up to the fire engine.  This gives a clearer view of the two tied bags of mystery on the engine.
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Poor Shiraishi gets tossed all around and is half hanging out of the car and on Boutarou’s lap.   Tsurumi then gives the simple order of ‘Go!’  And with that order things become more complicated since the two men on horseback are also carrying more tied up bags!
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Shiraishi, Boutarou and Sugimoto then shout at each other what is going on and who to pursue.  Sugimoto of course things Asirpa must be on the engine, but Hijikata makes the decision for them - he goes after the men on horseback so by default they have to pursue the fire engine. . .
Sugimoto is trying to shoot the driver, and he tells Boutarou to pull up closer.  Wow, Sugimoto and shooting . . .
Once almost even with them, Tsurumi ducks down and swings back to make a single shot with his pistol, hitting Boutarou in the right side of his torso.  Shiraishi takes control of driving and asks him if he is okay again.
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Boutarou gets the comment of just ‘well, damn. . .’ as they drop back and we can see a figure on the back of the engine stand up.
Of course it is the very sexy, Kikuta.  He takes aim at Shiraishi with his double revolvers and Shiraishi has the look of complete terror.
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This then leads to one of the best pages of GK for some time, Boutarou, pushing Shiraishi out of the way leaving him at the mercy of Kikuta’s aim.  Three shots land in this panel hitting him in the chest.
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The action continues with more shots fired by Kikuta into Boutarou.  Shiraishi cries out in great concern after watching him be shot! Not all of the shots hit him as some instead hit the car.
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The car then slams into the engine and Kikuta holds on by ducking down.
With Boutarou seriously injured and Shiraishi concerned, the car crashes and it seems the threat has been dealt with.  Kikuta tells Tsurumi that the car can’t follow them any more and we get to see that the second cloth bag is now gone.  It was Kikuta curled up under a cloth so that he could emerge undetected.  We can still see the other bag shoved under the seat on the engine under Tsurumi.
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Of course, Sugimoto, somehow was able to grab onto the engine after the collision. Well damn, this was one hell of a chapter! First off, I want to yell, “Hang in there Boutarou!!!!”  It has not been a good day for him.  Since I’m a fan of Boutarou, I have to have a little faith that he’ll pull though.  I have several reasons to believe he’s still got a role to play.
1.) Boutarou is a good friend to Shiraishi.  He saved his life and he’s brought up the point that Sugimoto, may be his friend, but he doesn’t treat him like an equal.  Having another one of Shiraishi’s friends killed by the 27th just makes me feel sad. 
2.) Boutarou is like Sugimoto.  He’s an incredibly tough guy, who is physically able to handle a lot.  The more he’s around Sugimoto, the more uncomfortable he makes Sugimoto.  Both survived while their families died, and they are able to continue to survive by almost ‘willing’ themselves to keep going.  The only difference between them is one is a legal criminal while the other committed terrible acts as a member of the military and working for the government/law.
3.) Boutarou is working with Kikuta.  This is my crazy theory.  We know that Kikuta told Ariko he is a spy.  Therefore, they are working together on something . . . Ariko and Boutarou have spent a fair amount of time together and when Kikuta grabbed Asirpa and talked to her, Boutarou was hanging back.  This is a long shot, but I love to think about it . . . . come on Noda, give me the flashback I want to see with Kikuta, Ariko and Boutarou. . . .
The bullet proof vest was invented in 1893 and I recently watched the movie ‘The Sting’ so a good con is tickling my mind.  I want to see an excellent plot twist surrounding Boutarou . . . sure, Tsurumi shot him for sure, but if Kikuta was in a con with him to make it look like he got shot a lot - damn, I’d love that.  It would also be an excellent spy reference - I’m thinking of the James Bond movie ‘You only live twice’ which certainly has not aged well from a politically correct viewpoint, but is a great example of how to fake a death.
Where is Asirpa?  Seriously, someone is going to be disappointed when this all ends.  With Kikuta revealing that he was the second cloth bag on the fire engine, it still leaves the bag under Tsurumi to be Asirpa or she could be on either of the horses.  Hijikata is pursuing them, but he can only go after one at a time unless he’s able to shoot one of the men and catch the other. With the two horsemen, we also have the possibility of Ogata sniping them.  Or is he still tied up in his battle with Vasily?  We currently lack enough information to determine this.  TOO MANY VARIABLES NODA!  Damn you! Tsurumi is the type of person to keep Asirpa close to him, but at the same time he is next level when it comes to his planning and what he expects from others.  Plot wise, having Tsurumi successfully kidnap Asirpa makes a lot of sense to me at this point.  It would force everyone else to ‘regroup’ and have some frank conversations about what they want.  It would tie back nicely into the conversation about what they’d do with the gold from the boys’ night sleepover situation.
‘Cause I’m a ‘terrible person’ I really want to see the Sugimoto fight with Kikuta and Tsurumi end with him grabbing the bag somehow and to end up with Usami’s body instead.  I want Sugimoto to be disappointed and realize that Asirpa isn’t someone he has priority with.  He can care about her as a younger kid sister but she isn’t his and his alone. Honestly, despite the extreme excitement of this chapter, not a whole lot actually happened that allows for crazy in depth meta.  Well that is all for now and I’m waiting to see what happens next.  Hang in there Boutarou!  I sense you have much more to do in the plot.
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chibivesicle · 5 years
Golden Kamuy chapter 223; a current critique on the opioid crisis [?] and some of the boys have a sleepover.
This chapter of GK starts out with an update on the status of Nikaido as he runs through the hospital on the title page for “Nikaido cheers up” with a tagline of Nikaidash at the bottom.  Ienaga doesn’t look pleased with his dashing about while perhaps Ariska is excited or wants to punch him - I really can’t tell personally.
Let’s move onto the first full page.  Nikaido greets Koito and Tsukishima with a booming shout with huge action lines declaring good morning to both of them.  Tsukishima still appears deadpan as he holds a portable urinal in his right hand (ugh, not a job I’d like to help Koito out with).  Koito politely comments that he’s looking sharper and Nikaido screams it was the new medicine that Arisaka gave him.  And then repeats good morning again with a huge shout.
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Koito looks a little interested and he’s got some bags under his eyes, so clearly he’s not as keen on Nikaido as Inkarmat’s company.  Arisaka then shows up to show a vial of methampetamine and it was developed by a personal friend.  Nikaido then yells good morning to Ariska as he vibrates in the background.
Ariska then comments on Nikaido’s hyperactivity being the opposite of his depression as Tsukishima looks unimpressed and over everything.  Of course Arisaka is thinking of all of the money they will make with meth.  Ienaga then enters to check on Koito’s progress, which is improving well and then begins to hungrily lust over his youthful and beautiful skin.  As she’s about to take a bite out of Koito, Tsukishima puts a pistol to her head.  Nikaido is running around in the background.  Tsukishima is still deadpan.  I really am beginning to wonder if something in him broke when he had to threaten Koito in Karafuto.
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Ienaga argues that skinning her isn’t much use since everyone has a copy of her tattoo, but Tsukishima states he’ll make a wallet of her.  I guess to replace the wallet he may have lost in the fire in Edogai’s house . . .  as I recall, he forgot his wallet on his way to the public bath when Ogata went in and the 27th burnt down the house and he didn’t have time to grab it as he fled from Ogata in search of Edogai.
Ienaga states she’s valuable to Tsurumi and that is all that matters.  The page ends with Arisaka commenting on Nikaido running around like a cat after it takes a dump.  I have to admit that is a hilarious statement to use and shows that Noda is clearly a cat lover and observer of cats.  I don’t mean to mock Nikaido’s condition, yet that term is a unique way to describe something.
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My own cat loves to get the cat zooms after he goes to the litter box. Why he feels this need to be liberated after a poop is beyond me, but pretty spot on behavior.
The action then turns to Hijikata’s group as Ogata states that they should move to a new location as Ienaga was captured by Tsurumi.  It is interesting that Ogata refers Ienaga as both a geezer and he; is this a form of disrespect of Ienaga or is Ogata acting in the time period and just unsure of how to refer to her so he defaults to biological descriptions?  Saying geezer is pretty impolite so, I would think that Ogata isn’t keen on Ienaga as a person and therefore speaks rudely of her.
Nagakura saw Ienaga as a transient member of each faction and Kadokura thinks she won’t know the exact location since she was injured at that time.  Not thinking, Ushiyama assumes that Tsurumi would have killed him and taken the skin.
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Ogata flat out tells them that they are all underestimating Tsurumi.  He will pick up on their trail and find this location.  He smiles as he tells them it is hard to escape from a Shinigami with a Cheshire cat smile.  Oh how I’ve missed his cat smile.  He likely knows even if they’d disagree with his firm statement as the most junior man in the room, he’s right.  Hijikata even agrees with him as he puts down a book.
I really wonder how Hijikata feels about having the team/faction with less clever people.  He gained Ogata for the time but if you stop and think about it, he really doesn’t have any intelligent planners on his team save for himself. . . .
There is then an excellent transition page where Ogata tries to shoot a mallard for dinner.  He’s now using his left hand on the trigger and right hand supporting the rifle and lining things up with his left eye.  He takes a shot and - misses the duck completely.
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His reply, clearly in his own internal conversation with himself is “ . . . .” as we see him work the bolt on the rifle as he has a slight twinge of a frown as he seems to think about his last shot.
Does this mean Ogata is no longer a sniper?  Honestly, I’d say he’s re calibrating.  There are enough historical examples of snipers losing vision in one eye and retraining to use the other so it isn’t like he’s 100% lost his skills.  He’s a tough and stubborn character, I predict he’ll find a way to snipe again.  Is he disappointed?  Obviously, he’s been using a rifle since he was a kid and he’s going to have to learn everything again, but he’s a smart guy.  I think he’ll be fine.  It is more interesting to see his struggle as he has to come to terms with the fact that he’s alive and he may need to think more deeply about how he fits in the quest for the gold.  Ogata has long relied on his sniping as his #1 skill.  He has more than that, but it was the skill that defined him.  This should drive his character development.
Just like Sugimoto’s #1 skill is being able to fight like a demon and ignore his injuries.  He’s just as bad as Ogata, neither of them can afford to be one trick ponies.  They will both have to come to terms with how they look at their own skills and abilities.
The group then takes Ogata’s advice and they stay at a temple showing where a few more of their group are; Kirawus, Toni, Ushiyama, Ariko and the wee babe Kantarou.
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Kantarou thinks they’ve found a good hideout with people moving through frequently.  Or it makes it harder to track those observing you as you can’t pay as much attention - I predict if they stay in the temple, Tsurumi easily slips a spy in their midst.
Kadokura then is chatting with Hijikata and Nagakura.  Despite being a sad old tanuki, he’s still in the jail employee loop and is able to explain that prisoners were sent from Kabuto prison to Abashiri to help with rebuilding.  Someone was able to find them in transit and facilitate the escape of prisoners and they are all associated with a pirate. Boutarou the pirate!  So a maximum security prisoner who is a pirate just broke his comrades out of jail.  He apparently is a very *ahem* accomplished pirate and was one of the 24 tattooed convicts. 
Hijikata then comments that he’s “making his move” so Boutarou must be interested in the gold for himself and his fellow pirates?  Hopefully, he’s a smarter convict who will make things interesting - I mean pirate, yeah.
The temple door then opens to reveal that Ogata has brought a gift home for dinner, a whooper swan which is about 5ft in size . . . soooo yeah Ogata is not a tall man.  Ah yes, the cat is proud of its kill.
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This is the exact opposite of when Ogata shot the woodcocks for Asirpa.  Those were small and hard to shoot, while this is a bird with a giant target on it.  I wonder if Ogata is now working on the concept of starting with a large target and working his way down to smaller ones?
Ushiyama is the first to remark that Ogata doesn’t have to hunt for supper all the time.  It is clear that Ogata feels the need to provide for a group - I don’t think it is a whole “I must kill all the animals.”  more like “I can practice and get a free supper.  Someone please notice and love me.”
Ariko then looks shocked at Ogata’s entrance with the swan.  The middle panel is one of complete shock as he says “Superior Private Ogata”.  Oh ho!  Ariko knows Ogata even though they did not serve together during the war.  This is very interesting!  This also likely means that Kikuta will become more important and will have an encounter with Ogata.  There needs to be something that happens between the sniper and the close range marksman. 
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Ariko’s reaction is such a Tanigaki reaction - he clearly does not like Ogata and he is immediately uncomfortable with him.  What is very interesting is how he touches him just like how he touched Tanigaki when they started their sniper battle.  Ariko is completely freaked out and sweating as Ogata asks him if he’s the same [betrayed Tsurumi].  The Cheshire grin as he asks if he betrayed Tsurumi’s group followed by a you never can tell.  Ogata likely knows that Ariko is similar to Tanigaki and looks even more nervous only able to reply he didn’ imagine Ogata betraying them.
So, Ariko doesn’t have a good grasp on the Ogata midset, well even Tsurumi doesn’t putting him in the same camp as the rest of the cast.  Clearly, whatever Ariko does know about Ogata implies that he was under the indication that Ogata was loyal to the group and would do his dirty work.
I really want to think that Ogata knows that Ariko has to be a mole for Tsurumi - he knows how Tsurumi thinks and I’m sure he’ll bail when the time is right.
Kirawus then is the transition to the discussion about eating the swans and adds you don’t even need to shoot one if you want to eat it when they are fattened up.  Maybe Ogata just pounced on it like a cat, but swans and geese are total assholes so I’d personally still shoot it to avoid being poked at by it.
There is an Ainu belief that if you eat a swan your hair will turn grey so Kirawus will not eat it, most of the guys decline.  Kadokura declines and is mocked by Kirawus since he already has grey hairs and Toni had not idea that he had gone grey.  Kantarou is concerned about his looks so he passes and even Ushiyama won’t do it. 
Nagakura and Hijikata enjoy the swan nabe as they describe it as tasty and dumb to pass on eating something worrying about death.  It will happen at some point in time so why not.  Ogata who is one of the youngest members of the group, then replies “hah” in agreement with both Nagakura and Hijikata as he enjoys his swan nabe.  Does this mean Ogata doesn’t care what he will look like?  That he won’t live long enough for it to matter?  Or is it his total lack of religious/superstitious belief?  Hell it could be all of these.  Ogata is not one to worry about stuff that doesn’t directly matter.
They all go to bed in one room making it an awkward slumber party as they discuss the swan nabe.  They sound like a bunch of gossiping schoolgirls and they try to decide if they should eat the nabe since they are clearly hungry.  Ogata blankly stares at the ceiling - it is clear he is judging all of them.  Look at his disengagement as he listens.
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They clearly decide to eat the nabe and the next morning Nagakura gives them a hard time, teasing them about it.  Ogata looks so over it as Kantarou and Kadokura look back at Ogata uncomfortably.  The best Kadokura can come up with is the cheesy line that, they figured going grey is better than going bald.
Ogata just stares at Nagakura while Kadokura and Kantarou look a bit nervous.
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It really seems like Ogata is sizing Nagakura up - everyone else then laughs (Ogata is not in the panel, but he’s clearly not laughing) and he’s back to silently watching and observing everyone.  The final page ends with Nagakura’s internal rage as he spits and his eyes are completely black.  Best not to enrage his inner fire . . .
This chapter has been quite useful and is staring to fill in more information as the factions shift.
1.) Koito is recovering well and Tsukishima has kept his dead on the inside and outside expression since Karafuto.  I wonder if Tsukishima has broke.   Helping Koito piss into a jar isn’t a fun job, but he’s at least keeping Ienaga at bay with no Kantarou to tie up.
2.) Nikaido is a one man military experiment.  Now he’s been given meth in addition to his prosthetic limbs.  It seems like no matter what will happen, his fate is a terrible one to have.  Perhaps with the death of his brother he really is a dead man walking and just doesn’t care anymore.
I wonder if this is a current critique on the opioid crisis in the industrialized world, or the fact that another way to control people is through big pharma?  Arisaka and Tsurumi already discussed morphine which Nikaido was previously addicted to and now they’ve switched him to meth.  I really honestly feel bad about his character - he really has become a means to an end.  I’m also not sure what is worse - his previous addiction to morphine or what will become his current addiction to meth. I’ve had friends that I’ve worked with use it or other friends have dealt with roommates using it.  It is a complicated situation - I can’t tell if this is just a quick toss in there concept or if it will become more fleshed out as the story develops.  A part of me would like to see this go further. 
A quick search reveals that meth addiction and use is a problem in present day Japan and the first epidemic started after WWII as it shifted from the military to civilian hands.  I wonder if some manga artists also have used meth or may have considered it based on their rough schedules.
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2014/08/23/lifestyle/dealing-addiction-japans-drug-problem/#.XfmVU-t7l0I https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/japan-place-with-strangest-drug-debate-in-world/ http://www.mhfmjournal.com/pdf/emerging-risks-of-new-types-of-drug-addiction-in-japan.pdf
I am not the type of person to even remotely try to examine this as a whole, but having Golden Kamuy introduce a sensitive topic is par for the course by this point.
3.) Ogata is re-calibrating and being quite blunt and forward with Hijikata’s group.  He really isn’t trying to change very much in his interactions.  He is critical of the lack of concern by several people and flat out tells them to take Tsurumi seriously and to not underestimate him.  It looks like Hijikata seems to believe him to some extent.  I will say he tries to ease over relations by bringing home dinner.  I wonder if he is disappointed as Asirpa, Kiro and Shiraishi were a lot more thankful of his skills than this group.
4.) Ariko is in a tight spot.  God, it is like Tanigaki all over again.  What does Ariko know about Ogata? He clearly knows him from Kikuta - is he also someone who dislikes him based on what he knew about his past working for Tsurumi?  Ogata has to know that Ariko is a double agent for Tsurumi.  The question is will he even bother to warn the others or he just doesn’t care.
5.) There is a pirate convict!  Oh ho!  I look forward to this - it seems the pirate wants to form his own faction looking for the gold and must have been waiting to see how the hunt for the skins has gone.  A new faction would be very interesting?  Will he team up with others or go it alone with his crew?
Overall, this was a very informative chapter.  I felt like it had a good balance of information and action.  The Hijikata slumber party scene was quite hilarious.  I predict we will see more Ogata, silently watching those guys.
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