#im in my hansens phase alright
hawktims · 1 year
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The reason why you and i even speak anymore, old man, is 'cause we're drift compatible. We're good at smashing things up, you and I. You know what? We don't even need to speak at all. I'll catch you in the drift, Dad. (x)
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a-dreamingflower · 4 years
Things I did in 6th Grade lol
Waved at random strangers I saw through the window
Doodled at the back of every. single. notebook. and book. that. i. owned.
Discovered i was bi pog (w help of my irl frens)
Countryhumana phase
gave oreos to every one of my classmates bc i can (whenever i had some ofc)
I either gave out my food or had my food stolen lol
"hey Jecris you can have this only sandwich that i was gonna eat for the entire day its alright."
"ADAM. what are you doing? THATS MY LUNCH YOU SON OF A- A DA M!"
... yeaaaaaaaaahhhh lmao
what is "ni-lilibre" in english, bc i do that often to my friends lol
Discovered Dear Evan Hansen through an animatic in my recommended page on YT
I basically had no filter bc I swore in almost every sentence I said (except when the teachers are around or Im with my family)
Was really good at math Then I became a 7th grader and was like "What in the everloving fuck is this shit"
and yea.. thats basically all i remember at the moment lol
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xo-danny · 6 years
Trans Evan Hansen thingy
Growing up, he never really liked girls stuff. Always going for blue instead of pink, shorts instead of skirts, masucline stuff, etc. He always thought he was just a tomboy and that was that. It didn't feel right for him. He always through there was something more there. But he didn't know what.
One day, Jared showed him an article about 'Trans Rights'. Evan read up on it and it all finally clicked... Everything clicked. Though, he was terrified to come out. He came out to Jared about a year later, having pushed it back cause of his anxiety. The whole time he stuttered and his face was flushed but he finally blurted out "I-I... I want to be a boy!"His hand clapped over his mouth the second those words came out.
Jared shrugged, not phased "So, you're trans?"
Evan nodded, feeling relieved. Jared smiled, "Alright, Evan... I'll help you with your trans stuff. Only cause the look on your face was priceless." He laughed. Evan? I mean, that was the male version of his current name so it made sense. But when he heard it addresed to him, he got these happy buttetfliss in his stomach.
That day, Evan came home all happy and smiling. His mother asked, upbeat tone "Whats got you so happy?" Everything came crashing down, he couldn't tell his mom! She'd hate him and leave just like his dad.
"Oh, just, um... Hanging out with Jared w-was fun." He shrugged, playing with the hem of his shirt.
His mom smiled "Thats my girl!" She said something else but Evan tuned it out. Girl, but he wasn't one. He wanted so bad to tell her that he wasn't a girl. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting his mom to leave him for being trans.
"Oh, s-sorry! I must've um dosed off." He smiled nerveosly. "I-Im gonna go in my room now..." Evan sped walked to his room.He let out a sigh of relief, sat on his bed and opened his laptop. A message from Jared.
"yo evan heres a link to this weird shirt that flattens your boobs might wanna get one" There was an amazon link at the bottom of the message for Chest Binders.
He beamed. Everything was coming together! Jared supported him and was helping him! Nothing could stop him now!
Till his mom walked in... He immeditly shut his laptop.
"Emily? What were you doing?" Heidi looked suspiciously at him. "N-Nothing! I was doing um... school work! Y-Yeah!" He said quickly. "Its the middle of June!" Heidi joked and grabbed his laptop, opening it.
Evan didn't have a password, anxious about having one. He thought if he had one his mom would get suspicions. She asked "Why are you looking at these? Emily, what is going on?" His old name again...
He just broke down, his chest felt tight and tears poured from his eyes. Evan rasped out "I-Im sorry Mom..." He hiccuped "I just... I-I don't like b-being a girl so I wanted to change it but now you're gonna leave like dad and-"
Evan let out a shuddered breath, wiping the tears from his eyes. "U-Um... sorry you had to f-find out this way." He said quietly.
Heidi shook her head "Its okay. I still love my son and am taking him to get a scoop at Alamode to celebrate!"
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