#im exhausted now. time to ice and elevate my arm
pinacoladamatata · 1 year
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tavstarion sketches + how it started vs how it's going?
first time trying to draw after surgery and i can barely go 10 mins without having to take breaks bc my wrist, elbow and shoulder dont want to move >:(
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seth-whumps · 4 months
so. yknow how we whumped morri with hypothermia
i raise you. jj with heat exhaustion/heat stroke.
you have complete creative freedom with the context but i’m so excited to read it because i LOVE whumpee jj and id love to see him with the symptoms of heat exhaustion along with a very and perhaps exasperated worried morri of course
full confession: i misread your earlier ask and didn't realize you were asking to give JJ hypothermia. HOWEVER this means for the actual event, they're getting switched--Morri gets heatstroke, and JJ falls through the ice. it all works out in the end :)
this one was unusually hard to write, and i'm not sure about it. but it was a good stretch on getting used to more of Morrigan and JJ's dynamic in a shorter clip, so here you go :>
That's the issue. JJ used to be miraculous in intense temperatures.
Maybe it's because he's always next to Morrigan now, who isn't bothered by anything. Or maybe it's how the sweat sends flashes of waking up to his mind, how it's cold in contrast to the intense heat of the summer. Either way, JJ knows something isn't right.
It doesn't change anything. He hates parties. Any exhaustion is perfectly disguised by his obvious hatred of the taste of the alcohol in his glass.
"JJ, you've been spotted," Morrigan says under their breath with a completely contrasting expression, a friendly smile. They link arms with him. "You're alright?"
"Fine." Fine enough. He's been lightheaded for the past thirty minutes, and standing in the open sun since two o'clock. He's fine. "Spotted?"
Morrigan glances coyly over to the fences, where a handful of young teens are whispering with each other and staring bullets at him. "They showed up a few minutes ago."
"Why do I even need to be here?" he sighs. "I'm not head honcho anymore. Can't we just leave?"
"No." Morrigan taps their shoulder as if they're cleaning a crumb from his suit. Which is way too warm for this climate. "You're here to show face, introduce yourself to Appleton, and make it easier to befriend him later."
Their hands are cool. He takes a shuddery breath. "Okay. Alright. Find me a glass of champagne. I'm gonna go talk to the crime boss, shake hands, and then I'm out."
"…Hey." Their eyebrows raise. Something in their eyes flashes, but they say nothing, instead reaching up and grabbing his tie.
"Woah, hey, not the time--"
"I'm just loosening your collar. Relax." Morrigan's hands are deft, pulling the knot down and undoing the top two buttons of the collared shirt. "You're roasting. Five more minutes."
"Copy." The air against his chest is a blessing.
Five minutes.
He plasters his most charming smile on his face, and moves through the crowd, away from Morrigan. Their eyes linger on his back. He can feel them burning holes through the blazer.
"Excuse me," he says, dancing away from the woman who's shoe he definitely just stepped on. It's fine. Nothing's wrong.
"Ah, hello, Dr. Appleton." JJ brushes down the blazer, trying to aim for casual and probably ending up closer to clumsy. He's sweating. Hopefully unnoticeable. "My name is James King, I'm a representative of Elevate, I believe my superior emailed you of my arrival?"
The look of confusion that crosses Appleton's skeletal face is priceless. There's no superior. James King doesn't exist. But this is a formal gathering, barbecue or not, so he takes the extended hand and shakes it. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you…?"
JJ tugs his tie down a bit more. "I'm here to greet you and offer a business opportunity in the future. Here's the card--"
His shaking fingers somehow manage to take out the business card from his pocket, and flick on the tracking. He hands it over. Appleton takes it, and tucks it behind his suit without looking.
"Feel free to reach out further if you're interested. We're here to help."
JJ is supposed to shake his hand again. He's supposed to say goodbyes, clap a hand on the shoulder of one of the other schmoozers, he's supposed to laugh.
But instead, he turns on his heel and beelines for Morrigan. Because there's spots in his vision now, they're in public, and it would be a very bad look if he faints in front of the four teenage boys who've recognized him as the ages old Journey, a long since disappeared legend.
"Here." Morrigan links their arms, again, leading him swiftly to the edge of the party. "Lean on me."
He wouldn't be able to stay up straight anyway. His vision is going. He breathes, a harsh, heavy thing, and Morrigan's cool hands press into his back and elbow, taking his weight.
"I didn't grab you the champagne. Once we make it through to the foyer, there's water. It'll be better inside." Morri walks quickly forward, leaving cheery grins to every young visitor, and snotty glances at the higher-ups who barely look past their own noses. No one questions them. Morrigan masters each second of attention and deflects it in the perfectly trained way they do.
It's mesmerizing. That might, however, be the heat exhaustion talking.
He's on a bench, behind a divider. Morrigan presses a bottle into his hands, and he drinks. The air conditioner turns the sweat on his back freezing, and he shivers uncontrollably.
"Look at me. Eyes, please."
Morrigan studies them. Their left eye glitches yellow. It's not uncomfortable, but the intensity of their stare is overwhelming.
"Not heatstroke. Barely." They begin pulling off his suit jacket, ignoring his protests. "100.2 degrees. Keep drinking. You're not out of danger yet."
"Morri, we're in the middle of a champagne gathering. Button ups aren't black tie."
"I don't care." Their voice is monotone. No acting needed. "You need your shoes and socks. So blazer comes off. And unbutton it more."
He takes a sip from his drink. The creeping nausea was wiped away from the AC, but the dizziness stuck around. He fumbles with the buttons, barely popping the next one open. "Wait. What was that about my shoes?"
"Your pulse is weak, but you should be alright. Car is started. We're out of here once the temp is under seventy."
"Hey. Morrigan." JJ grabs their shoulder. His grip is weak, even now that he's out of the sun, but it's enough to get their attention. They pause, meeting his gaze. "I'm fine. Relax."
"You…" They sigh, completely compulsory. "Heatstroke kills, Journey."
JJ rolls his eyes at the title. "My name is King, here."
"King of nearly getting yourself killed."
"I'm not dead, am I?"
"Not before I kill you myself. Now get up and let me help you. We're going to the car."
morri is overprotective. i love that for them :>
sorry it took so long bug :( i hope it was an entertaining read nonetheless!!!
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 18: Girl’s Night (Heroes/Villains)
Teleporting back into her room in Gotham, Marinette flops onto her bed. Passing Kaalki sugar cubes and Tikki a cookie, she suppresses the urge to scream into her pillow. She was sick and tired of Hawkmoth. Sick and tired of being the one who has to fix everything. She just wanted one week with no Hawkmoth, no akuma attacks. But no. Of course not. Of course he just had to send out a stupid akuma every single day. Because why not. How’re people supposed to know he’s still being the main villain of Paris if he takes a freaking day off? Once she finds out who he is, she’s going to punch him in his stupid face. A knock on her door pulls her from her plotting ways to get back at Hawkmoth. 
“Come in.” She sighs, sitting up and forcing a tired smile on her face. 
“Marinette, your father wanted-” Selina starts, pausing as she looks her over. “Come on kitten, we’re having a girls day.” She says. Marinette raises an eyebrow. Sure she’d met Selina before, but they hadn’t really hung out yet. 
“What?” She asks. 
“You look exhausted and angry, sweetheart. Spending too much time with these boys isn’t going to help. So you’re gonna grab anything you need for an overnight trip and we’re going to go watch movies and eat junk food til we’re sick.” Selina instructs. Marinette grins, jumping up and shoving stuff into her backpack. She puts Kaalki’s glasses into her purse and lets her and Tikki fly in before she turns to Selina. 
“Ready!” She says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. It’d been ages since she’d had a girls day with anyone. She was so ready to just take a break and be silly. 
“Well come on then. Harley and Ivy are going to adore you.” Selina says, slinging her arm around Marinette’s shoulders. Somehow, they manage to not see anyone on the way to Selina’s car. Which is weird, but it is a weekday so everyone probably had something to do besides sit around the manor. Pulling away from the manor, Selina flips on the radio, the new Jagged Stone song blasting full volume.
“Nice taste in music.” Marinette says with a wide grin. Selina smirks. 
“I have to like the man at least a little, his designer is one of my kids after all.” She says. Marinette smiles, a warm feeling flooding through her. Selina didn’t have to accept her with open arms, she didn’t have to treat her like she was her own daughter. But she did, and Marinette was so thankful for that. Thankful that even so far away from her Maman, she still had a Mom there for her. The two nod along to the music, scream singing the chorus together as the car pulls to a stop in front of an apartment building. Marinette glances at the building, suddenly nervous. Would Harley and Ivy like her? Or would they just tolerate her for Selina. 
“Don’t make yourself nervous, sweetheart. Harley and Ivy are two of the sweetest people I know. They’re gonna love you.” Selina says reassuringly, reaching over and squeezing Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette lets out a breath before nodding. 
“Okay, let’s go.” She says, grabbing her bag and jumping out of the car. She follows closely behind Selina, not wanting to give anyone the chance to get between them. You could never be too careful in Gotham. They walk into the building and go straight into the elevator, Selina pushing the button and leaning up against the wall while they wait. Marinette bounces on the balls of her feet, excitement and nerves bundling together. The second the elevator stops, Marinette’s out, following Selina down the hall. She pulls out a key, winking at Marinette before turning and unlocking the door. 
“Honey, I’m home!” She calls, and Marinette’s jaw drops. The apartment was quite literally covered in plants and vines. They were beautiful. She grins as one of the vines near her leans towards her, a small flower blooming at the end of it. 
“And who did you bring with you?” A tall woman with red hair asks, walking into the room. The designer inside of Marinette instantly has a million questions about the woman’s outfit. It seemed to be made entirely of plants, but she could also tell that they were still alive. She had no idea how the woman had managed that, but she guessed that it was something that couldn’t be replicated for someone else. 
“I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you!” She says with a wide smile. The woman, who Marinette assumes is Ivy, grins back. 
“Nice to meet you, Flower. I see you’ve already made a friend.” She says, gesturing to the vine which was now wrapped around Marinette’s wrist. Marinette giggles. 
“Well, I was hoping they liked me and that’s what this was. I have a garden back in Paris, and I’d hate to find out plants actually hate me.” She says. Ivy shakes her head. 
“No worries there. They adore you, it’s a little odd if I’m honest.” Ivy says, dodging Selina who tries to flick her. 
“Did I hear Selina?” Another voice asks, a short blonde woman walking into the room. Her hair was short and choppy, the small pigtails at the top of her head dyed pink. Marinette grinned at the woman’s outfit- a Gotham Amusement Pier t-shirt, Batman pajama pants, and hot pink fuzzy socks. She wondered if her dad knows that Harley Quinn has Batman pj pants….probably not. 
“Yes, with a guest.” Selina says, plopping onto the couch and gesturing over to Marinette, who was still standing by her new vine friend. 
“Hi! I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.” She says, smiling and waving with her free hand. Ivy whispers something and the vine squeezes a bit before letting go, letting her move away from the door. 
“Well aren’t ya just the cutest!” Harley squeals, running forward and giving her a big hug. “Didjya finally join your boytoy’s adopting habits?” Harley adds, still clutching onto Marinette. Selina snorts. 
“No, he beat me to her. But she’s definitely mine, too.” She says, making Marinette’s face turn red. Harley coos at her, ruffling her hair before stepping back. 
“So what brings ya here? Get annoyed with Bats already?” Harley asks. Marinette blinks in shock. Harley knows? She thinks about it for a minute, and realizes it just makes sense. They’d been fighting long enough and then he started his relationship with Selina, who was one of Harley’s best friends. It just made sense that Harley (who was extremely smart) would put two and two together. 
“No, just thought that Mari could use a girl’s day. She’s been stuck with just the boys for over a week.” Selina explains. Harley gasps. 
“The horror!” She says, making Marinette giggle. “Come on pumpkin, I’ve got the comfiest jammies ever. Oooo, and we can paint our nails! Ivy, find the movies, Selina, you’re on snacks. This is gonna be so much fun!” Harley orders, grabbing Marinette’s hand and tugging her along to one of the bedrooms, Selina’s laugh echoing throughout the apartment. 
“I did bring pjs, ma’am.” Marinette says, once Harley stops tugging her and starts searching through a drawer. 
“Bet that can’t be comfier than the ones I’ve got for ya! And call me Harley kiddo, or Auntie Harley if ya wanna.” She says, looking up from the drawer to smile widely. She looks back and cheers in victory, pulling out a pair of bright red pajama pants. Marinette snorts when she notices the logo all over the pants. 
“Really?” She asks, giggling. Harley smirks. 
“We’ll have to take a picture of us and send it to your old man. Really get ‘im riled up.” She says. Marinette nods excitedly, taking the Robin pants from Harley. This was gonna be awesome. 
Bruce sighs, looking at the news report from Paris from earlier. The damned butterflies were hard to track. He was used to figuring out problems quickly, and this one was taking too long for comfort. It wouldn’t bother him as much if it was anywhere else, but it was directly impacting his daughter. She was being hurt daily, and she’d even died and now she was plagued with nightmares. All because of a man with some magic jewelry. God, he hated magic. A knock on the study door stirs him from his thoughts. 
“Come in.” He says.
“Hey B, have you seen Mari? I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Little D.” Dick asks, leaning against the door frame, Damian standing next to him with his arms crossed.
“Not since breakfast. There was another akuma attack earlier, but it wasn’t a bad one. She wasn’t injured.” He says, remembering the completely strange battle from earlier. It was some man with pigeons, and apparently this was the 34th time the man had been akumatized over pigeons. 
“Did you not check her room after the battle?” Damian asks, eyebrow quirked. Bruce sighs. 
“It was the pigeon one again. I assumed that she’d want to take a nap, if anything. She still hasn’t been sleeping well. Tim said she’s awake every morning when he comes up for coffee, whether it’s three or five, she’s up.” Bruce explains, frowning at the thought of his youngest daughter’s sleep habits. He certainly didn’t need another sleep deprived coffee addict like Tim. It wasn’t healthy. 
“Well I already checked her room. She wasn’t there.” Dick says, and Bruce frowns, pulling out his phone to send a text to Tim and call Jason. One of them had to have seen her. She never left the house without telling one of the family, unless it was for a battle. 
“What.” Jason says gruffly, Bruce is just grateful he answered. Up until a couple of months ago, Jason would have rather thrown his phone in the river than answer one of Bruce’s calls. 
“Have you seen Marinette?” He asks, getting straight to the point.
“No? Why? What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and Bruce hears shuffling as Jason rushes around wherever it is he is. 
“Nothing. I’ll call you back.” He says, hanging up. He glances down at his texts and notices Tim hasn’t seen her either. He frowns, but doesn’t panic yet. Pulling out his computer, he pulls up the tracker that was on each of his children’s phones. He scans the map, frowning when he sees that her phone is still in the manor. In her room. He stands and swiftly moves past his sons to get to his daughter’s room. He knocks, waiting for an answer. None. 
“Marinette?” He calls, knocking again. “I’m opening the door.” He warns, pushing it open. He frowns at the empty room, nothing appearing out of place. 
“Do you think she had to pop back to Paris for something?” Dick asks, coming up behind him. Bruce shakes his head. 
“No, she would have told us. Suit up, she has to be somewhere in-” He stops as his phone chimes. He looks at it and feels all of the tension leave his shoulders. 
Took our youngest daughter for a girl’s day, back tomorrow XO. Of course Selina had her. 
“She’s with the Sirens. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Bruce says, suppressing a smile at the annoyed look on his youngest’s face. She was safe, and that’s what matters. Even if he was certain he’d have to listen to Damian complain for the entirety of patrol. 
“Make all the boy moose go WAAAAAAAAA!” Harley says with the movie, laughing loudly. Marinette chuckles, passing Tikki a cookie in her purse before sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. 
“I still like the first one more.” Selina says, taking a sip of her wine. Harley sticks her tongue out at her before turning her attention back to the movie. 
“Do you think Mia is secretly a superhero?” Marinette asks, frowning in thought. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” Ivy asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Even Harley pauses the movie to turn and stare at her. 
“Stan Lee.” Marinette says with a shrug. 
“Is that s’posed to mean something to me, kid? Cause I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” Harley says, obviously confused. Marinette huffs. 
“Stan Lee makes a cameo in this movie. And Stan Lee is the creator of Marvel, right? He’s made a cameo in like, every single Marvel movie. So is Mia secretly a superhero? Is that why he’s in the movie?” Marinette rambles, almost flinging ice cream at Selina as she gestures crazily. 
“Sweetie, how much sleep have you had in the past three days?” Selina asks after a few moments of silence. 
“Not important. Is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, also a superhero? Does she secretly work for SHIELD? Or is she more like Iron Man, like a freelance superhero? Was she a hero in San Francisco too? Or did she take over a hero's mantle when she moved to Genovia? Cause she was really clumsy in the first movie and also super awkward, but now she’s less clumsy and she seems to be more put together, but are heroes really put together? I don’t think so. I think sometimes heroes pretend that they’re put together to make everyone else feel better when in all reality they’re seconds away from a breakdown themselves. Is Stan Lee coming to recruit her for SHIELD? Is that why he’s in Genovia? Does SHIELD have any jurisdiction there? Is there a Genovian branch of SHIELD?” Marinette rambles, suddenly stuck on the topic. Seriously, why is Stan Lee in Princess Diaries 2 if Mia isn’t a hero? Why would he-
“Kitten, take a breath.” Selina says, her hands on Marinette’s shoulders helping her to ground herself. Marinette takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She blinks a few times, instantly feeling bad. 
“I’m so sorry.” She says, frowning. 
“What for?” Harley asks, looking confused. 
“For ruining girl’s night.” She says quietly. Selina pulls her into a tight hug and Marinette sinks into it. 
“Sweetheart, you didn’t ruin anything. I don’t know everything that’s going on. But what I do know, is that you rambling out a conspiracy theory about the movie we’re watching is not ruining girl’s night. Trust me. One time, we invited your brother Dick, and he ate all of the cookies by himself.” Selina says, Marinette snorts. Of course he did. “Now that’s a way to ruin girl’s night.” She adds, squeezing her once more before leaning back.
“Let's watch something that we can just get lost in and not have to think at all.” Ivy suggests, looking through the stack of dvd’s. Marinette glances over, eyes instantly catching one of her favorite movies. 
“Legally Blonde?” She suggests, Harley squeals. 
“That’s it, you’re officially ours. Brucie can fight me.” She says, putting in the dvd. Marinette laughs, laying her head on Selina’s shoulder, grabbing a handful of popcorn. She could get used to nights like these.
Next Chapter
Bonus chapter: Harley Vs Bruce
Drawing of Harley and Mari’s pajamas
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honeypirate · 4 years
Just an Extra
Bakugou x yn
((I forced myself to finish this no matter how it turned out so I’m sorry if it’s rushed. I needed to finish something again.))
“I can’t believe Aizawa stopped the race like that”
Bakugou aggressively kicked a rock on the walk back to your homes. You just left the school pool after some training before the summer camp. “They’re not only our completion tho, they’re our friends” you say and place a hand on his shoulder to try and ease some of his tension. “I won’t let them get ahead of me! Isn’t that what being the best is?!” His whole body is tensed and his fists clenched. You softly wrap your arms around his body from the back, laying your cheek between his shoulders and your arms tight around his stomach. “Suki..” you whisper “you will be the number one hero, I know you will, but please take care of yourself. You don’t have to fight alone. You don’t have to be alone” you can feel his body relax a little and he sets his hands softly against yours on his stomach as he sighs “y/n. ..” his voice was soft and kind, something you hardly ever heard from him.
Before he can continue you hear footsteps running up behind you and you drop your arms from him and step away quickly. He glares at you “Don’t be an idiot. I know I’m not alone. there’s only one number one hero and that’s going to be me” he shouts just as Kirishima appears next to you “woah Bakugou no need to be such a dick to her” you just smile curtly and continue to walk home.
Kirishima talked the entire walk back, you all live on the same route so you walk together home, you hardly said a thing. Your home was first and so you just waved and ran inside.
It always happened like that. You’d be kind to him and he’d almost be nice back but then he’d shout in your face.
“You were amazing Bakugou!” Squeeze his hand. He whips his hand from your grasp and shouts “I’m always amazing! Idiot!”
“Katsuki are you okay?” You’d be worried and he’d waiver and almost let you hug him, before shoving you away “I’m fine, extra.”
Once when you were walking home with him, you almost went to touch his arm, almost went to say something nice to him. You knew he had a bad day. But you were tired of being yelled at by him. That’s when you learned to keep your mouth shut. To not touch him. You got to your house and you left without a word or glance. You realized then, you wouldn’t be around him anymore since he obviously didn’t like you.
You’ve been acting weird to him for a while, he’s noticed. But he’s not gonna say anything. You’ll come around again. You followed him like a lost puppy. It was so annoying. But he knew. You’d be back.
As the days went by it got easier to be around him when you had to be and you realized how nice it was to not get yelled at every day.
Whenever Kirishima wanted him around you’d be civil. But if it wasn’t for Kiri you probably wouldn’t be Katsuki’s friend anymore.
The times you could hang out alone with Kiri became some of your favorite moments. Like when you sparred with him after a workout and distracted him by kissing his cheek when he tried to put you in a hold. All of your good moments with him were easily ruined when Bakugou would come around with his anger and rudeness.
After your training you walked into the dorms to be met with a glaring look by Bakugou, mad because you were late back and he had plans with Kiri. You rolled your eyes “maybe he likes me more than you because at least I’m nice to him” you say before looking at Kirishima and completely ignoring Bakugou. “Text me?” You ask with a smile and he nods, ruffling your hair. You blush before walking away from them to go shower, still ignoring Bakugou.
This is what your relationship with Bakugou was like now. While your friendship with Kirishima progressed and was amazing. The one with Bakugou disappeared, a year later it’s basically nonexistent since you shared everything with Kirishima and he was respectful to not force you around his other friend.
“What’s her deal?” Bakugou asks when you’re gone. Kirishima rolls his eyes “you’re an idiot Bakugou. If you want to know why she doesn’t like being around you, then go ask her” Bakugou doesn’t know why he didn’t think of that before as he storms off after you, catching you in the stairwell. You always took the stairs because you were on the second floor and it didn’t seem necessary to use an elevator.
He grabs your wrist to stop you “what’s your problem?” He yells at you and you don’t even flinch as you smack him in the face with your other hand. “I don’t have problems with assholes unless they assault me. Don’t. touch. Me. Bakugou” you say and rip your hand from his grasp and begin to walk up the stairs again and he gets annoyed. He pushes past you and blocks your way. “What the fuck happened?” His voice is quieter now even though he’s still fuming, his cheek turning red from your slap.
You were exhausted, to be honest, you felt exasperated and like you don’t care anymore, you just want to go to your room. “Katsuki Bakugou” you chuckle “It should be obvious, shouldn’t it? I didn’t think that the future number one hero would be this dense.” You mocked him and he growled.
You didn’t want to have this conversation now. You were too worked up. But you knew he wouldn’t let it go. “I saw only good in you. I thought you were someone i could trust. And I tried so hard. But you took that and crumbled it beneath your feet on your way to the top. So if you wanna treat me like garbage, take me for granted, yell at me, belittle me, I’m not going to be in your life anymore. You don’t deserve me wasting my energy on you when you only see me as an extra. But Kirishima,” you point in his direction “that guy is so kind and so caring. I don’t know how he does it. He makes me feel like he actually wants to be my friend. I hug him and he hugs me back. He makes me laugh. I don’t have to second guess anything I do with him. I can trust him. I can’t trust you. So. This is me being your extra.” you push past him and run the few steps up to the door and leave him behind in the stairwell.
A short while later you got a text from Kirishima
Kiri- “what did you say to Bakugou?”
You-“I was honest”
Kiri-“he’s acting strange”
You-“Kiri can we talk about it later? Also, will you come to my room later before curfew?”
Kiri-“sure. Why?”
You-“I need a hug”
After that you threw your phone on your bed and went to the showers.
As much as you thought you got over it, you didn’t. You still admired Bakugou. But it’s hard when the person who you admire treats you terrible. It was time to be done with it. You showered, you cried in the shower, then you picked yourself back up and headed to your room.
After studying and watching some tiktoks you get another text from Kirishima
Kiri- “have you eaten dinner?”
Kiri-“say less”
After a few minutes there’s a knock at your door and you open it, expecting to find Kirishima, but instead it’s a shy looking Bakugou with a sack of your favorite snacks, some take out, and some ice cream. You invite him in and he sets the bags down on your desk. “What’s going on?” You ask quietly and he clears his throat “I’m sorry” your heart flutters “what was that? I didn’t hear you” you step closer to him and put your hand to your ear. He quickly but softly snatches your hand and you gasp in shock at his facial expression. An expression you never saw him wear, guilt.
“Listen y/n. I’m sorry. I treated you like you weren’t important to me. But I’ve missed you so much” his voice is quiet, cracking at the end. What was happening? You were so shocked and speechless as he continues . “Every time you leave my stomach feels like there is a brick in it. I miss you. I know I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve your friendship. I don’t deserve anything from you. I was stupid. I am stupid. Please give me another chance” you’re staring at his face as he looks sheepishly at his hand that’s still holding yours. “It’s been a year” you whisper and he nods “I know” his voice is soft “why now? Is kirishima making you do this?” You’re not angry anymore. You can see how he’s changed because he’d never dream of apologizing to anyone before. “No he’s not making me do shit” he says gruffly and then sighs and looks into your eyes as he continues “I know I really messed up but I’d hate myself if I never tried to fix what I ruined” he’s being honest, you realize, and can’t help but throw your arms around him and hug him, laying your head on his chest as you hold him tight. After a few moments of shock he returns your hug, holding you tight to his chest and he lays his cheek against the top of your head.
“Im not letting you off easy so don’t think that” you say trying to sound stern and you hear a low chuckle from his chest “I know we’ve both changed this last year y/n. I’m just happy you’ll let me have a chance to get to know you again” he says and runs his fingers through your hair.
“The ice cream!” You yell and then pull back and grab it from the bag “do you want some?” You turn to him and hold it up with a smile and he blushes at how cute you looked. “Come on now, eat some dinner first. I got you your favorite from that place we used to like” you gasp and hurry, putting the ice cream in your small bedroom fridge before grabbing his hand and the food bags, pulling him to your bed with you. If he wanted to get to know you again you’ll start right now. He knew he’d not get another chance after this so he’ll make sure not to mess it up this time. You shove a huge bite in your mouth and moan as you chew. It was so good and you haven’t eaten it in so long.
You look up into his eyes as he sits at the edge of your bed “Way I’m don’t -ting” you say through another big bite and he chuckles softly. You swallow before trying to speak again “when I’m done eating” you poke your utensil at him “we’re going to eat that ice cream and talk about everything, what happened, how you hurt me, why you did it. All of it. That’s how we’re going to get over this. That’s how we’re going to move forward.” He nods “Okay” he has a small smile his lips and you nod once “good. You want some?” You offer him a bite and he nods “so bad. I was so nervous to talk to you I haven’t eaten anything” he takes the bite you offer him and you shake your head. A little amused at him. “you dummy. You need to eat. You work harder than everyone” you say and then take a few more big bites before handing the container to him “finish what you want from it, you know I never finish a full plate” he chuckles. “True” he says and nods, taking it from you “thank you y/n” he says, he knows the conversation ahead will be hard, but he feels relieved that you’ll let him in again.
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ephyla · 4 years
Midsummer Relaxation
Midsummer was approaching and the people of New Berk have been scrambling all over, preparing for the celebration. The sun barely sets anymore, and everyone was absolutely exhausted. Hiccup was supposed to overview the entire preparation of the feast but all he desired was a break. Thank the Gods for marrying such a wonderful woman.
Midsummer was approaching and the people of New Berk have been scrambling all over the village for days, preparing for the celebration. The sun barely set anymore, and everyone was absolutely exhausted, prone to often make mistakes that drove the Chief of New Berk wild. Hiccup was supposed to overview the entire preparation of the feast, but also had to settle petty quarrels between sleep-deprived Vikings; avoiding sharp flying objects on the occasion. It was the perfect recipe for chaos and he was worried that they will not be ready on time. If one thing went according to plan, three more things would set them back again. Food went missing, tables were broken, celebrative outfits were set on fire. All he wanted to do relax, he felt like he’s been awake for seven days straight and his mind isn’t cooperating anymore, just begging to shut down for a whole month. By now, he was just acting like a wandering draugr. He really wondered how his father managed to handle this without breaking a sweat and dearly wished he was by his side, guiding him. 
His wife was by his side the entire time, shouldering half of the responsibilities. Even she, despite being quite tired as well (he swore he saw her take a power nap on top of a ladder last time), handled it better than himself. She seemed to be fuelled by a spark of positive energy. He remembered a few years back when the twins explained the change in their friends’ attitude towards the Midnight Sun, since then, Astrid found a dark place to sleep so she doesn’t get any more of those embarrassing memories again. What kind of Hofferson would ever call a Jorgenson handsome? Of course, the sun still had its effects on her, but her overzealous demeanour toned down to a bearable extent. While it did seem a bit overwhelming sometimes, it kept Hiccup’s spirits up. It was their first Midsummer as a wedded couple and he really didn’t want to mess this up. 
Today, however, she had suddenly requested to immediately go home after being done with only half of her duties done. For someone who prides herself on being so effective and getting the work done, it was very unusual of her to abandon her responsibilities. This worried Hiccup, so he didn’t object and watched her dash towards their house. He didn’t know how much time passed, the sun remained in its usual elevated position, but he felt like tonight will be a four blocks of ice kind of night. He felt like there was absolutely no progress made today despite getting up in the early hours. He couldn’t even track the time since the sun was barely moving. Some muttonhead decided it was a smart idea to open Sven’s sheeps’ pen and let the uncoordinated Vikings chase them like toddlers who could barely walk yet. If he could get his hands on that person, he swore he was going to get an earful that even his late father, Stoick, would be impressed by. He hoped that Astrid got enough rest so she can go back to being her feisty, short-tempered self. He would greatly benefit from that. The Berkians, despite being completely out of control, would never cross with a hot-blooded, axe-wielding Valkyrie and would sober up at the speed of light. 
Speaking of his beloved blonde wife, he saw her approach him with a smile on her face. Even though he was absolutely exhausted, he smiled back, her presence bringing him a sense of comfort. He extended his hand to her and she took it, bringing her closer to him, enlacing her waist, and pressing small kisses on her neck. She giggled in a very un-Astridlike way. 
“Well, I’m not one to object to this kind of greeting, but we’re in the middle of town and people are looking.” Astrid said as she observed around her. Gobber was covering a kid’s eyes. Some villagers had a dumbfounded expression on their faces, rarely seeing Hiccup initiating such an intimate gesture; apart from the occasional lip or forehead kiss. Others just cheered or ignored them. Hiccup let out a small whine and rested his head on her shoulder, keeping his arms wrapped around her form. 
“I missed you.” He whimpered.
“I wasn’t gone for that long, babe.” She replied as she stroked his hair. Her poor husband has the bad habit of overworking himself, and the fact that no one can distinguish between day and night definitely didn’t help. “Come home with me, I have something to show you.” 
“I’m sorry Milady, I still have work to do, we’re behind schedule and Midsummer is in a week.” His reply a bit muffled in her shoulder.
“Go and have yer fun, lad. You’ve worked more than anyone here and deserve some respite. And besides, how can ye refuse yer wife’s invitation?” The young couple turned their heads to look at Gobber approaching them.  “Ah, I remember when Stoick was acting just like ye, never knowing when to stop. It took Valka threatening not to share their marital bed anymore, snapped ‘im right out of it, and practically dragged ‘im home. The next morning they kept yawning all over the place, creating a chain of never-ending yawns. Now that I think about it, that’s probably how ye were concei-“
“-OKAY! That’s enough Gobber. I got your point.” Hiccup exclaimed in horror. While he was used to hanging around people that did not have a filter, Gobber was probably the one he feared the most. Since his best friend’s demise, the blacksmith has been recounting stories of him. Some were great to listen to, remembering the bravery and leadership of Stoick the Vast; but some were just better to keep to oneself. With the approach of the Midnight Sun’s peak, Gobber has gotten worse and Hiccup would’ve much preferred wearing the earbuds he made once during his encounter with the Death Song, just to save himself of the embarrassing images his mentor so crassly described to him. 
Astrid looked at Gobber with a mixture of disgust and amusement, before deciding to grab her stunned husband’s arm and pulling him towards their house, away from the growing crowd of curious Vikings. She hoped her parents didn’t witness this whole ordeal. 
“Astrid, I don’t think I have the energy to do what Gobber obnoxiously suggested, maybe-“ Hiccup said as he was being pulled by his wife.
“-Hush you. That’s not what I had in mind when I came to get you.” She cut him off, continuing to pull him towards their house. She let go of his arm once they crossed their threshold’s doorframe and closed the door, locked it just in case those nosy Vikings decided to rudely barge in. 
After being exposed to the sunlight for so long, Hiccup’s eyes had to adjust to the darkness of the room, illuminated by a couple of candles. He could smell a pleasant fragrant scent in the room and spotted their bathtub in front of the lit fireplace; the rugs been removed. Astrid led him to the bathtub and sat him down on the chair that was deliberately placed right next to it. She saw his questioning gaze.
“Gobber was right about you working harder than anyone here in this village. You deserve to relax a bit, take some time off.”
“You know I can’t afford to relax, now. Not when Midsommer is so close. Those sleep-deprived Vikings aren’t going to lead themselves, they can barely listen to me when I’m there. I’ll rest once we’re done.” He said, preparing to stand up again. Astrid pushed him down.
“I’ve asked your mom to take your place for a bit. She’s surprisingly unaffected by the sun’s constant presence. And she agreed that you needed a day off. Everyone could see how tired you are.” Astrid started unbuttoning his (GUARD STUFF). “And I want to take care of my husband. Will you let me?” Hiccup gulped, his words not coming out. He simply nodded. It’s been a while since she saw him being bashful around her. She gratefully smiled at him and pecked him on the lips. 
She proceeded to fully undress him, and took off his prosthetic, placing it within reach of the chair. Gone were the days Hiccup felt ashamed of showing his scar. Astrid made sure to show him how much he meant to her, leg or no leg. When he was coming home after a rough day of chiefing, she would give him his ice blocks and tell him to take care of his migraines while she took care of his leg, massaging it. She would sometimes bring it to her lips and kiss it, showing her appreciation to him. He would always beam at her every time she did this. She frowned when she saw the current redness of his stump, also spotting a blister forming. 
“Let me help you get in the tub. Just relax. I’ll massage your leg when I come back, I’m going to get some food from the Great Hall.” She said as she rose from her kneeling position. Her cooking did improve over time thanks to Hiccup and Gobber, but she wanted his day off to be perfect, which wasn’t the case for her cooking yet. She tried to make a nice intricate meal for the two of them, which is why she left so early. However, her attempts were all in vain as the food always ended up burning. In the end, she had to admit defeat. 
Hiccup grabbed her wrist. “Join me?” 
Astrid contemplated his words for a few seconds before nodding. She can grab dinner later. She wrapped her husband’s arm around her shoulder and helped him get into the tub. The water wasn’t too warm since they were in the hottest month of Berk, but it wasn’t cold to the point he would start shivering after being submerged for a couple of minutes. 
Hiccup looked over at his wife undress. He had seen her in this state countless times, even before they were married; but it always felt like the first time. He was the only Viking that she allowed to see her like this, with her guard down. Her body wasn’t unscathed. It was filled with scars and burns, proving that this woman was a warrior that has been through so many battles and came out victorious every time. She wouldn’t hesitate to swing an axe to a skull if someone ever looked at her funny. So, this woman allowing him to witness her in her most vulnerable state was an absolute honour to him, that he would never take for granted. Her scars were a part of her and accentuated her beauty and he made sure to always remind her of it. 
“Allow me.” He said as he extended a hand towards her. She knew what he wanted and turned her back to him. He rose, sat on the edge of the tub and pulled the leather band that kept her braid in place off. He slowly undid his wife’s braid, letting her gold strands cascade down to her lower back. He then gathered her hair in his hand and swept it over her shoulder, exposing her freckled neck and scarred back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a loving kiss on the largest scar she had. A scar trailed from her right shoulder to the left side of her hip. She was proud of that scar as it was a reminder of her saving his life from an assassination attempt. During the yearly Thing meeting between multiple tribes, when the dragons and some Viking tribes were still cohabiting together, a spy has been placed within them, trying to poison the Dragon-loving Chiefs. Astrid and Heather caught on pretty quickly and managed to expose the spy in front of all the Chiefs. Being surrounded, no one expected the spy to suddenly lunge himself at Hiccup with his sword. Astrid, being the closest to him and desperate to keep him unharmed, had used her back as a shield. The wound hurt like Hel but it was worth it. She was so scared to have failed him as his then-General, she didn’t care that she put her life on the line to save his. A Chief protects his own, but it’s also the General’s job to protect the people AND the Chief. Hiccup wouldn’t let her leave his sight for weeks after that, eternally grateful and forever scared he was going to lose her that day.
“You’re absolutely beautiful.” He told her. His eyes were filled with wonder to this Valkyrie in front of him. She smiled gratefully at him and climbed in the bathtub, sitting opposite of him. 
She took his stump in her hands and started to delicately massage it, coaxing a few moans of relief out of him. Her nimble fingers were definitely a gift from the Gods. She managed to soothe the knots in his leg with great accuracy. All day, he had to focus on the utter chaos happening in the village that he didn’t have the time to focus on himself and his discomfort, ignoring the pains coming from his leg begging him to take the weight off of it. She carefully avoided the small blister forming near the bottom of the stump. 
“Mmmh, this feels so good.” Hiccup sighed with pleasure as he closed his eye, focussing on the sensation.
“You’ve been standing for too long, babe. I know the Midsummer celebration is stressing you out, but you’ve got to start listening to your body when it tells you to rest.” He opened his eyes, looking at her hands doing their wonders underwater. 
“I know, I know. But it’s a bit hard to do that when we keep progressing backward each day. I swear to Odin, every time I look away, someone messes up something, I just can’t do it.” Astrid’s hand rose to swipe Hiccup’s bangs back, revealing his beautiful green eyes. Since the start of the preparations a few weeks ago, he didn’t have the time to let her cut his hair.
“You can’t do it on your own. Remember, you have me. You have your mom, Gobber, Eret and the gang. We’re all here to help you. You just have to accept the help instead of shouldering most of the responsibilities. We’re willing to take some of the load off you.” She said as she grazed her thumb over his dark eye bags. “I can assure you that not only the work will get done much faster, but you’ll be more productive with a rested body and a peaceful mind.” She kissed his forehead. Hiccup wrapped his arms around her, making her sit in his lap. He savoured the rare peaceful moment he had with his beloved wife. She had the gift of shutting all the voices tormenting his mind and the gentle touch to relax his body in the blink of an eye. She was everything to him. He could be the best version of himself when she’s with him and never took her for granted; not since the betrothal gift incident.
“Just don’t forget you’re still human, there’s so much your body can handle before it shuts down.” She added. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I might have been pushing myself pretty hard.” Hiccup replied, raising his head to look at her. There was a warmness to her that he never thought she would ever have; especially directed towards him. He remembered her words of encouragement back on the clifftops, as he was losing hope. I am the person I am today because of you. Over the years, he saw how she started to warm up to him and the rest of the people. She had been trained for years to be this fearless, unemotional warrior. Back then, the fear of losing the people you love was at its peak, so she was quick to learn how to shut her feelings down and just train from dawn till dusk. Today, she was a softer and warmer person; which didn’t mean she was weaker by any means. But with the end of the Dragon War, she has found herself a partner that saw her as an equal. They both found themselves a new purpose in life and didn’t have to fear the threat of a dragon raid any longer, which allowed them to find happiness along the way. They were happy here.
Astrid got off his lap and reached for the soap that was earlier placed at a reachable distance. She looked back at him. “Soak.” And so, he plunged his head underwater before coming back up with his bangs fully covering his eyes. She stifled a laugh as did he. “I haven’t planned to cut your hair today, so I’ll do that next laugardagr, you think you can survive until then?” She started washing his hair with the soap in her hands.
“You made a whole schedule just to help me relax? A schedule? Did I mistakenly marry Fishlegs?” This earned him a pinch on his nipple. “OW! You know they’re sensitive. I did not deserve that!” She laughed as she brought her hands back to massage his scalp. The nipple pinching forgotten, his eyes rolled back into his skull, fully appreciating the head massage. “Ooh yeah, that feels nice.” Astrid brought his bangs back down to cover his eyes and gathered the excess foam and piled it upon his head in the form two horns. She exploded in laughter at the ridiculous sight.  “Wha- Astriiid!“
“You look like Snotlout’s pet yak! Oh Gods- I can’t!” She wheezed. 
Hiccup was not impressed and got rid of the foam and swiped his bangs back, exposing his frown. His small smile betrayed him though. It was rare to see Astrid lose composure and in a burst of full-blown laughter. It made him break his frown and laugh with her. 
“You, young lady, are in reeeally big trouble. Do you have any idea who I am?” 
“Yakkity’s long lost brother?” She joked.
“Okay, that’s it, come here you!” He grabbed her by the waist and started poking her sides, knowing very well she was ticklish there. “I shall not tolerate this type of disrespect on my island.”
She tried to grab his arm, but this time he was prepared and pinned her arms by wrapping an arm around her and continuing tormenting her with the other. How she wished they were fifteen years old again. “N-No- St-Stop!” 
“Then say, ‘My husband is the strongest and most handsome Viking in all of Midgard’. Say it.” 
“Hahaha, N-not on yo-your life!” Having minimal movement of her arms, Astrid tried to reach downwards instead of fighting the death grip he had around her. She pinched the inside of his thigh, so very close to his precious jewels, making him jump. “Astrid! No!” He stopped tickling her but kept his arm around her. 
“I will pinch higher if you don’t let me go, babe.” She tried to catch her breath from all the tickling.
“You’re awful, absolutely awful.” He whined as he let her go. 
“You’re lucky this is your relaxation time.” She said, a small glint in her eyes. 
“Oh yeah, what kind of torment would you inflict on your poor one-legged husband?” He challenged.
“Something that would require you to use your cane for the next day or so.” She fired back; a small, dangerous smile etched on her face. Hiccup’s eyes widened and he gulped. “But we’re both tired and I did promise to take care of my sweet husband, haven’t I? So, behave.” She flicked his exposed forehead. 
“Ow. How did I get myself into this mess?” He rubbed the sore spot.
“You kidnapped me and threw me on top of a tree.” She replied with a straight face.
“Fair enough.”
“Okay, you’ve had soap in your hair for long enough, rinse.” She ordered. He dived in again, washing off the soap.  
“Can I wash your hair?” He asked.
“But it’s your time off.” 
“Yeah, but it’s yours too. You worked just as hard. You deserve to be taken care of too.” He replied.
“You worked harder.” He rolled his eyes.
“Astrid, this isn’t a competition. I want to take care of my wife. Will you let me?” He grabbed her hand and slowly spun her around in the narrow tub and made her sit between his legs. 
“You’re always looking for an excuse to touch my hair.” She jokingly said. There was an element of truth though. He loved touching her hair, combing his fingers through her long strands. Since they have gotten married, he insisted on combing and braiding her hair in the morning. There was just something intimate and therapeutic about touching her hair. She was protective over it, never letting anyone but him touch it. The first time she let down her hair for him was during the incident that left her temporarily blind. She was not able to see how much soot covered her precious hair, so she entrusted it in his care. He remembers his heart beating so fast that he thought it was going to burst from his chest. He felt honoured, and has been craving to touch her beautiful golden locks ever since. 
Astrid on the other hand, hated when people touched her hair. It was her pride and joy (after Stormfly and her axe). As a child, every time her mom would braid her hair, she would always pull too hard, leaving her sore. The twins were more chaotic when they were kids. They would get away with anything because kids will be kids. As a prank, they decided it would be funny to set her hair on fire, forcing her to cut it above her shoulders. That day, she saw red and very nearly beat them to death. They were all severely punished for it, but no one has ever attempted to touch her hair ever again. He remembered that day very well, it was probably the first time he saw her cry. That’s when he learned how attached she was to her hair. The way she preened on it every night since they became a couple on the Edge reminded him so much of Stormfly. Her dragon always made sure there was not a single hair out of place after a flight. It amused him how she trusted a dragon more than Vikings to manage her hair. Stormfly had the gentle touch that Astrid craved someone to have. She always wanted her rider to look the best. 
“Well?” Astrid asked as she looked back. Hiccup’s thoughts were cut off. 
“Oh...Uh yeah, my bad.” He started to massage her scalp as she did him. 
“Okay, I’m done. You can rinse.” He said after working on her hair for the past couple of minutes.
She dipped her head underwater and got rid of the soap before emerging again. 
“Thanks.” She turned her head and smiled at him. 
“I should be thanking you; this whole ‘bath’ idea was yours. It felt nice.” He kissed her exposed shoulder as he embraced her.
“Well, don’t thank me yet. We’re not done.” She patted his hand.
“Not done?”
“What, did you really think that was it? Come on, let’s get out before our skin shrivels up like a prune.” She got out of his arms, turned around, and grabbed him. She helped him up and guided him to the chair, passed him a towel, and proceeded to dry themselves before taking his prosthetic and putting it back on his stump. She started to put her clothes on, so Hiccup followed suit until she stopped him.
“Nuh-uh, just wear a towel, I highly doubt you want your clothes to be stained with oil.”
“A massage, Hiccup. I’m going to give you a massage. Gods, even a blind man would know how tense you are just by standing near you.” She answered.
“Why are you getting dressed then? Don’t I get to give you one?” 
“Next laugardagr, after I trim that overgrown mop of hair of yours. Gods have mercy on my shears.” 
“S-Shears?! And by the way, my hair isn’t that bad!” Hiccup dramatically exclaimed. Astrid rolled her eyes. “I’ve never seen a man with that much hair on their head, I swear if we shave everything off, we’ll have enough to make a scarf. No need for sheep anymore.” 
“First, I’m a yak, now I’m a sheep? Is that how you see me, Astrid? Nothing more than livestock? How you wound me.” He brought a hand up to his heart. Astrid let out a cackle.
“You are such a drama queen. Come on, get up your highness, there’s fresh meat to be tenderized before I chop it off and feed it to the village.” She helped him up and headed towards their bedroom.
“Please Astrid, can you be any more creepy?” It was his turn to roll his eyes. 
They finally reached their room. The shutters were sealed shut, preventing most of the light to penetrate the room. Candles were illuminated, giving off the same soothing atmosphere as downstairs, cutting them off from the agitated outside world. The bed was covered by a large towel, probably to avoid the oil soak into their sheets. Astrid made her husband lie down on his stomach, removed his prosthetic again, and sat on his butt. She started tracing his back muscles with feathery fingers which made him shivers. While Hiccup was still a lean man, he definitely wasn’t the same fifteen-year-old, shy boy that she found herself falling in love with. He quickly gained muscle mass thanks to dragon-riding and her extensive sword fighting lessons. Just like all the other riders, he started to lose some after the dragons’ departure a year ago. He remained, in her eyes, the most beautiful man ever.
 She caressed his back and leaned forward, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades, making him sigh lovingly. He was clearly enjoying her pampering and she wasn’t about to stop any time soon. She reached for the small vial that was ready to be used from their bedside table and poured the contents in her hands and rubbed them together to heat it up a bit. Astrid proceeded to rub his shoulders first, trying to undo that visible tension. She added her bodyweight as she tried to loosen those knots that caused his painful backaches. 
“Mmh, yeah that’s the spot.” Hiccup moaned as she rubbed a specific sore area.  She continued her ministrations for a bit and slowly moved onto his lower once she was satisfied with how loose and relaxed his shoulders became. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked while kneading his legs.
“Like a newborn yak.” He replied, his voice muffled by the pillows. She sniggered, happy that he’s enjoying this so much.
Hiccup can’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed. He truly thought he was going to melt into a puddle under her magic hands. He knew he didn’t know when to stop working. His muscles could be aching and his bones could be breaking, but he never stops until someone does or until he collapses. He had big shoes to fill and couldn’t bear to let his village down. Not when his father did a tremendous job at leading. Once Stoick finally admitted to his blindness, he saw so much growth and potential in his son, and Hiccup did his best to uphold what his father saw in him. While Stoick had to lead alone for years, Hiccup couldn’t be any more grateful to have an amazing partner by his side, supporting him. He knew he wouldn’t remain sane had he lost her like his father lost his wife. He was no idiot. He saw how he struggled when his soulmate was believed to be dead and couldn’t possibly see a future without Astrid. She was everything to him and more. The entire village knew that.  They weren’t being led by the Chief and the Chief’s wife. They were Chief and Chieftess. Equals. One couldn’t function without the other. Some would say that they’re too dependent on each other and would lead the tribe to their downfall. But the Berkians knew better. Together, they were stronger than anyone.
“Turn around.” She ordered. And he complied. She sat back on his lap and leaned down to kiss him. He quickly wrapped his arm around her and savoured their kiss. They should do this more often. He missed having some quality time with just her. 
Just as his hands started traveling a bit lower, a large grumbling sound resonated across the room. They separated and looked at each other. The couple started laughing. 
“Well, someone is hungry. When was the last time you ate?” Astrid asked.
“Honestly, I can’t remember.” He sheepishly replied. She sighed. “Go sit in front of the hearth and let your hair dry. I’ll go grab some food from the Great Hall, I’ll be back soon.” She passed him his prosthetic and headed downstairs, leaving their household on the quest for food.
He doesn’t know how long he had been staring at the flames when she came back, a basket in hand. She approached him and sat on the floor beside him, handing him the food. 
“Thank you, Milady.” He smiled at her.
“Sorry about not having any meals prepared at home.” She timidly said, looking down at her bowl of stew. “I tried to cook something from my mom’s recipes but my cooking skills are still pretty subpar. No matter how hard I tried, it just wasn’t perfect.”
He recognized those words. It just wasn’t perfect. That’s why it took them so long to become a couple, to begin with. He knew he was romantic when it comes to being in a relationship. Even before he set his eyes on anyone, he already thought of perfect scenarios with his soulmate. All the gestures and gifts; anything to quench this loneliness he felt as a young boy. He wanted his partner to feel loved. That’s why the medallion incident hit him hard. Since when did he start neglecting Astrid, causing her to feel that exact same loneliness he once felt? He never thought she was a romantic, being a hardcore shieldmaiden most of her life. But he learned that she also longed for love, she was just better at hiding it. At that time, he was still self-conscious. He has never heard her telling him that she loved him, but hearing her share her insecurities, he realized that she has. So many times, through a variation of loving gestures that she reserved for him and only him. He felt guilty for being so blind, which is why he made up for it. She deserved the best. She deserved perfect.
“Hey.” He scooted closer to her, their shoulders bumping. “This seems pretty perfect to me.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “You have no idea how eternally grateful I am to have you. This whole thing you’ve prepared for me is just perfect. I love it. I love you. So much. Whether you managed to cook an intricate meal or just brought food back from the Great Hall wouldn’t have changed anything. You did this for me, and it made me so happy. And I get to spend some time with you. I couldn’t ask for more, Astrid. Thank you.”  He tenderly kissed her lips. 
“I’m glad.” She paused. “And relieved.” She confessed, a smile on her lips.
They happily ate in silence, occasionally striking a conversation or just randomly stole a kiss from each other; just enjoying each other’s presence. 
Their empty bowls were cast aside as they cuddled in front of the fire; savouring this rare moment of peace and quiet. Hiccup ran his fingers through her now dry hair.
“Will you let me braid your hair?” She looked at him for a few seconds before nodding and turning her back to him. He delicately combed through her silky golden tresses with his fingers, undoing the small knots and separated her hair into three parts. He expertly twisted the locks in a loose braid. Usually, Astrid wouldn’t braid her hair when going to bed as it provided a thin layer of heat for her neck. Winter in New Berk was just as merciless as Old Berk, but right now, they were approaching the hottest days of the year. While the air was still cool when evening came, she didn’t need that much coverage as the fire heated the room to a perfect temperature. 
Astrid passed the leather band that was hanging on her wrist to her husband as he finished tending her hair. He attached it and swept her hair over her shoulder. Placing a light peck on the nape. She shivered at the contact and fell back, trusting Hiccup to catch her, which he did. He pressed his lips on her now accessible forehead. She laid in his arms for a while, just relishing the feeling of having his arms around her and the small, tickling kisses all across her face. 
“Is this what you’ve been up to the whole time when you said you wanted to go home?” He asked.
“The failed cooking took most of my time.” She lamented.
“Did you have time to rest?” Astrid looked away. She knew she needed extra time to do the cooking, but she didn’t expect to fail that hard. In the end, it took much more time than she expected. Not that she felt like she needed a break, her husband needed it more than she did. But she was hoping to have more quality time with him. Unfortunately, after the fourth try, she decided to throw the towel. 
“I’ll rest when you do.” Just as she said that the blonde Viking let out a yawn. 
“Well, someone is getting tired.” Hiccup teased. 
“I’ve been tired since our beloved Goddess Sol decided to show off all her glory even more so than usual.” Hiccup fought back a yawn that didn’t go unnoticed by his wife. “Seems like I’m not the only one that’s tired. Come on babe, let’s get you to bed.” She freed herself from his embrace and got up, lending a hand to help her husband up too. They headed upstairs, leaving the dirty dishes for tomorrow. 
Once in their bedroom again, they undressed and put on their thin nightwear, hoping to finally get a comfortable night of sleep. They got in bed and Hiccup spooned her, letting her get comfortable in his arms. They sighed in content.
“Astrid?” He hesitantly called out, hoping she didn’t already fall asleep. 
“Thank you.”
“You know you don’t need to thank me”
“I know, but you always seem to know what I need before I even do. So, I want to thank you. I really appreciate it. I love you, Milady.” He kissed the back of her head.
She squeezed his hand that was resting around her waist. “I love you too.” She sleepily answered.
He tightened his arms around her as he let sleep consume him.
Gods, how he loved that woman.
So this one-shot was written while I was writing another Hiccstrid story. I just needed a break since I was having a writer's block and I desperately needed some heartwarming fluff because the other one is heavy, at least for me it is. This one-shot could possibly have a potential smut scene one day, I just have no idea how to write those yet.
The other story will be posted soon, depending on how inspired I am. It's either going to be a long one-shot or a short chaptered fiction. To this day, I have written around 11K words, and it could possibly reach 20K. All I'm going to reveal for now is that Astrid is going to have a bad time. Hopefully you guys will be interested.
Also, would anyone be interested in a separate one-shot on how Astrid got that scar? I don't know why, I love Astrid so much that I need to read/write Astrid!Whump fics.
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savedbystyle · 4 years
the man (t.s.)
pairing: tony stark x reader
summary: You’re furious of the double standards between you and Tony Stark
warnings: some curse words, nothing much its just frustration no angst, secret dating
a/n: hi again! i really hope this does well because lately the interaction with my posts have been going down since ‘i forgot that you existed’ but this is my first tony fic! i really hope you guys like it and PLEASE comment if u like it and want to be tagged:) i also dont really touch on her actual job but just mention that shes a ceo so please keep in mind this is more about double standards not her job! 
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(gif credit to creator!)
i would be complex i would be cool they'd say I played the field before i found someone to commit to
“Y/n!” “Y/n, look here!” “Is it true you broke up with Justin Hammer?” You blocked your face as bursts of light showered your figure. You tried avoiding the paparazzi as you made your way to your car. “Is it true you dumped Hammer for Tony Stark?” “Why are you always moving on so fast from your ex boyfriends?” 
You successfully made your way into the car and your driver quickly started driving to your penthouse in New York. You were rubbing your head when you decided to call your childhood best friend James Rhodes. “Rhode pick up” you muttered to yourself. 
“Hey y/n” “Rhodey I just came out of Per Se and the paps bombarded me, they know about Hammer” “Y/n, darling, it’s fine it was bound to get out at some point. I think you should go home and get some rest Marla (your publicist) will deal with it” “Yeah you’re right” “When am I not?” You laughed at his sassy remark “Bye James, love you” “Night y/n/n, love you” You ended the call and rubbed your temple, annoyed at the circumstances. 
and that would be okay for me to do every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you
You scrolled through instagram whilst sitting on your couch, waiting for Marla to get to your house. You stumbled on a video of Tony Stark. You watched it and were confused “Im a genius, playboy, billionaire, and philanthropist. I can get anyone I want and get whomever I want” 
You were angry, not at Tony but the fact that the paparazzi demeaned you for moving on too fast when in reality you only ever had two public boyfriends with a year gap in between them. But when Tony Stark does it, it’s powerful and seen as a sign of winning? 
You were waken from your thoughts by the knock on your door signaling that Marla was here. You opened the door to your friend who looked exhausted. “I’ve been up all night containing this mess the paps started. Everyone knows that you and Hammer broke up, and he even had something to say. Y/n, this is bad” 
You took her phone and watched the video on the screen of your ex boyfriend “Me and y/n broke up earlier this month, it disgusts me that she moved on so fast, I mean come on! That’s not her character. That’s mine and Tony’s! Y/n, stay in your lane darling” 
You were shocked at the false allegation and the fact that your ex attacked you for ‘moving on too fast’. “I need to speak up or do something about this Marla! What is this double standards for us, because i’m a women i’m not able to get as many deals as Stark and everything I do is scrutinized! I need you to schedule a press conference” “Alright y/n but if things go bad then,” “I know Y/l/n Tech will crash and burn but thats a risk i’ll take Marla. This is ridiculous” 
i'd be a fearless leader i'd be an alpha type when everyone believes ya what's that like?
“James, if I was a man i’d be a fearless leader and the alpha type. I have always been attacked and multiple times been taken down because i don’t know what it feels like when everyone believes you, whats that like James? Really? I don’t know simply for the fact that i’m a women” “You’re holding the press conference right? You tell them this exactly Y/n, don’t hold back. It hurts me too that you don’t get enough credit for being the CEO of one of the most influential tech company in the world” 
You sighed taking a bite of your hagen daz ice cream anticipating the conference tomorrow where you decided you were finally going to give the public a piece of your mind “I better sleep Rhodes, i’ll catch up with you later” “Bye y/n/n” You hung up the phone, with a pit in your stomach. 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You saw the mass amount of press waiting for you inside the room and adjusted your suit before walking on the stage. “Wait y/n” Marla stopped you and showed you a video of Tony Stark commenting on you, “What do you think about Y/n’s recent allegations?” “Well I think none of you pricks should be inserting yourself into her business. So what if she’s dating someone? Why can’t she? Me and Hammer can but not her? Go do something better with your lives, please” You watched as the video ended, appreciating your competitor commenting on you. You felt a little better knowing you had the Tony Stark on your side. 
“I’m here today to address the several rumors going around. First and for most, I am in fact not in a relationship with anyone but that shouldn’t matter in the first place. Please explain to me why I can’t be in a relationship or go on dates with someone after i’ve been broken up with? Second, I’m so sick of running as fast as I can simply to keep up with men because I get less opportunities and jobs because i’m a woman, and I truly wonder if i’d get there quicker if I was a man. We all know that if I was a man, then i’d be the man.
they'd say I hustled put in the work they wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve
I run one of the most influential and highest grossing tech companies in the world and I that is what I want to be focussed on! Not the double standard and constant prying into my private life which will forever be private unless both parties come together and agree to talk about it. I hustled and put in the work, and I don’t need any more men shaking their heads and questioning how much of this power I deserve because I know I deserve it. So please, treat us as equals to men and have the same respect that you give men to women” 
You finished with a big sigh, and looked up and asked the press who were in shock “There will be no questions, I said what I needed to say” You walked off the stage feeling the power surging around you as you hugged Marla “That was brilliant Y/n, i’m so proud of you!” “Thanks Marl, I actually need to go somewhere before I go back home so you can go” Marla smiled and nodded before heading out as you walked towards your car, “Go to Stark Towers. There’s someone I need to meet” 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You got off the elevator and walked in the direction of Tony’s r&d lab. “Hi Tony” You said smiling at the man in front of you before setting down your bag and keys, going to sit next to the man. “Hi y/n/n, I was watching it live. You were amazing out there” You got out of the embrace and looked lovingly into your lovers eyes “Thank you for what you said Tones, it gave me what I needed. I love you so much” Tony smiled at you pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you, “Always darling, cause if you were a man then you’d be the man” 
I hope you guys enjoyed this! I wrote this in an hour with the prompt in my mind for a couple days. I really hope it resonated with some of you, because all of you are bad b!tches!!! For all my females out there, this one is for us! We are just as powerful as men and right now we don’t need anyone telling us were not. 
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mothercetrion · 5 years
Summary:  A walk in the woods and a mild injury leads to a newfound closeness.
Characters: Erron Black, Kotal Kahn 
Word Count: 2012
Request: “How about some Kotalblack where, while out in the wilderness, Erron gets a leg injury. Nothing major, just enough to make walking difficult. Basically, I just want a fic where Koyal sweetly carries Erron around the entire time.” - anonymous
this is for you anon!! im sorry its many months late. i feel bad but it’s here!!! enjoy :) warning for really mild injury [crossposted to AO3]
“Thank you for offering to walk with me this evening, Erron.”
“Ain’t anythin’ big, Kotal. Just like the extra time with ya… I know you’re busy a lot.”
Kotal gently squeezed at Erron’s hand as they stepped over a fallen tree. “I am. That is why I am extra glad that you are here.”
Beneath Erron’s bandana, he was smiling.
The two of them had decided to embark on Kotal’s weekly walk in the Outworld jungle together one evening. It was the first time that both Kotal and Erron were free; endless new alliances between Outworld and other realms led to Kotal being a very busy man. He had little time to spend with his love.
Fortunately, their schedules had cleared up, and both of them were more than glad to walk together.
“Have you kept busy?” Kotal asked as they walked through a clearing.
“Here and there, making errands. Spending more time in Earthrealm than I would like to.” Erron sighed deeply. “Lots of Special Forces stuff. Lots of Cage and Cage Jr.”
Kotal chuckled to himself. “Those two are often a handful. A good amount of jokes between them.”
“Too many. They’re why I like it here more.” Erron looked up to Kotal. “Well, that, and… you’re here.”
Kotal smiled. He was glad that Erron was becoming more open with his compliments. It had taken a while of going out for Erron to drop his worries of it ending as quickly as it had started. It had been eons since Erron had been in a steady relationship (if he had ever been in one at all); he wasn’t used to the stability. Kotal was more than happy to hear him be more open.
They continued to walk for a while longer before stopping in a vast clearing of grass and trees. Kotal sat on the ground next to a tree and patted the ground next to him, and Erron sat down next to him, leaning back against the tree with a content sigh.
It was nice for them to be able to just take a break. Their lives had been so hectic for so long. They hadn’t even really a chance to breathe in days. It was nice to them to just sit in serenity, with one another and no one else to bother them. It was nice.
Erron leaned his head to rest on the side of Kotal’s arm. He wasn’t tall enough to reach his shoulder. “I’m glad that things are easing up.”
“As am I.” Kotal reached over a hand and placed it on Erron’s knee. “Perhaps you can finally spend more than a day in Outworld… We can just be with one another, like right now. Nothing sounds as blissful.”
Erron tugged at his bandana and pulled it off, and a small smile was on his face. “I would really like that… I really would.”
Kotal leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. Erron lifted his head to kiss along his jaw, then the two met halfway and kissed properly. They pulled away quickly and smiled at one another, then they both leaned against the tree and rested their eyes. They had no intention of sleeping, but… it was so peaceful among those trees. Closing your eyes was the greatest way to take it in.
After a while, Erron moved to stand up with a grunt. “Hope you don’t mind… Need to use the restroom real quick,” he said quietly.
Kotal nodded with a smile. “Of course not, my sun. I understand.”
Erron walked off behind some bushes a good distance away from Kotal. Kotal continued to enjoy the peacefulness of the area around him while Erron was occupied. He adored nature, if he were to be honest. If he were stressed or needed some time to himself, he could step into nature for a while and just… take it all in. Breathe in the scent of the grass and the leaves, listen to the chirp of Outworldian birds, and perhaps even swim in a creek or lake or pond if he were to travel deep enough. He always took time to dedicate himself, his mind and his body, to the natural world around him.
His dedication was interrupted when he heard the snapping of several branches, followed by a very loud, “Fuck!”
Kotal immediately rose to his feet and hurried over to where Erron was located, being careful so he didn’t disturb him if he was still using the restroom. Much to his surprise, he saw Erron laying on the ground, his left foot stuck in a deep hole. He looked vastly uncomfortable and in pain… and pissed.
“These fuckin’ animals in these woods, diggin’ damn holes,” he grumbled. He looked up at Kotal. “I’m fine, honey. Just… Just fell down.”
“Do you need help getting up?” Kotal asked, squatting down so Erron did not have to strain his neck to see him. “You appear to be in pain.”
“My ankle’s hurtin’ but I doubt it’s anything bad.” Erron lifted his torso up so he was sitting on the ground, and he went to pull his leg from the hole but grunted in pain. He pushed past it and pulled it completely out of the hole, gritting his teeth and crying out. “Fuck… That hurt.”
“Let me assist you.” Kotal rose to his feet and grabbed at Erron’s arms, pulling him to his feet and helping him stand. Putting even a little weight on his foot caused Erron to wince, and Kotal immediately lifted him up by his elbows. “You are wounded. Sit down for a moment.”
He ushered Erron back over to the tree and helped him sit down, and he knelt in front of him and gently grabbed as his left foot. He went to remove Erron’s boot and stopped when the gunslinger winced. “I apologize… I must remove it to make sure that it is not broken,” he said quietly, offering Erron an encouraging smile. “I hate that it is distressing you.”
“It’s fine… No need to make a big fuss. It’s probably just sprained,” Erron replied hurriedly. “Just pull it off. I’ll be fine.”
Without much more of a warning, Kotal pulled the boot completely off of his foot and tossed it to the side. Erron could not help but cry out loudly, and he covered his mouth with his hand to hide his anguish. Kotal quietly apologized and removed his sock, investigating his ankle with furrowed brows. It was already beginning to swell, but it wasn’t severely disfigured.
“You were right. I believe it is sprained,” Kotal said quietly, “but it is a bad sprain nonetheless. It must be immobilized for a few days. Therefore… you cannot make the walk back home.”
Erron shook his head as Kotal worked to put his sock and shoe back on. “I’m making the walk. It just needs… It needs to be worked out. A little weight won’t kill it.”
Kotal looked up at him with a faint smile. “You are not a little man, my sun,” he teased.
Erron rolled his eyes and grabbed onto Kotal’s arm, pulling himself onto his good foot. “I promise, honey, I’ll be okay walking. You can hold my hand in case I fall, if that makes you feel any better.”
That’s exactly what Kotal did. Gripping tightly onto his hand, Kotal led Erron through the woods, allowing him to walk slowly as to not injure his ankle any further. Every step for Erron was painful, as evidenced by him tightening his hold on Kotal’s hand every time his foot touched the ground, in addition to his occasional whimper.
After nearly ten minutes of struggling, Kotal finally stepped in front of Erron and held out a hand to him, stopping him in place. “My sun, please stop. I cannot stand to see you hurt yourself further.”
Erron looked up at Kotal with furrowed brows. “I’m fine, Kotal. We’re gonna go home, and I’ll elevate it and ice it and everything. Swear on it.”
“I know you will,” Kotal said, “but you have been struggling to walk since we began our trek home. I know you are in pain.”
Before Erron could protest, Kotal leaned down and lifted Erron into his arms by his legs, settling him in his arms bridal style so he was comfortable. Erron immediately began pushing against his chest, trying to fight his way down. “Kotal, put me down. I can walk on my—”
“You are not allowed to walk until you rest your ankle,” Kotal said seriously. “Until then, I will carry you. Do not fight this.”
Erron let his head fall back as he groaned. But he didn’t complain further as Kotal began to carry him through the woods, walking gently as to not hurt his ankle. Erron eventually rested his head against his shoulder, taking in the scenery around them as they went on their way.
After a while, Erron closed his eyes and yawned heavily. Kotal looked at him and chuckled. “Are you tired?”
“You’re so warm,” Erron admitted, keeping his eyes closed, “and I ain’t having to walk… I ain’t gonna fall asleep though.”
“You’ve been very busy lately. I know you are exhausted, no matter what you say.” Kotal looked back to the pathway with a smile. “If you sleep, that is fine. I will take care of you upon our return.”
“I might catch a wink or two… if you insist.”
It didn’t take long for Kotal to look down and see Erron dozed off against his arm. For once, he did not look intense or on edge or anything. He looked… peaceful. Serene. Relaxed. More handsome than ever. 
Kotal walked even more slowly to be sure that Erron got his proper rest. He cared very deeply about the man he loved; every ounce of him wanted him to be safe and happy. Never in his life did he love a man so strongly. He wondered how he became so lucky as to have someone like him in his life.
Soon enough, Kotal had carried Erron completely through the woods and back to their living quarters. Upon entering their shared room, Kotal placed Erron down on their bed as gently as he could manage. He kneeled next to the bed and began removing his boot a second time, working carefully as to not disturb his ankle. 
But Erron was awakened just as his sock slipped off of his foot. He grimaced slightly and looked over at Kotal, and he smiled softly. “Hey,” he greeted.
“Hello.” Kotal turned his ankle and took note of its increased swelling. “I apologize for waking you. How do you feel?”
“Sore,” Erron replied truthfully. “Maybe, just maybe, I should’ve listened to you.”
Kotal let out a deep chuckle. “If only.” He gently rolled his ankle over and inspected it fully. “I still believe it is a bad sprain. I worry that my aid will not be enough to allow it to properly heal. You may need a medic.”
Erron shook his head hurriedly. “Not necessary. A few days of rest and ice will do me fine.”
Kotal lifted a brow in concern. “If you are sure, then I will not push it. But you must rest it. Promise me.”
Erron reached forward a hand towards Kotal. “Shake on it. You have my word.”
Kotal grabbed his hand and shook it gently. “Good. If you break your promise, I will not be pleased,” Kotal warned. Anyone could hear the joke in his voice.
Erron raised his hands. “Oh no, I’ll be in trouble if I break my promise? Scary,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Kotal laughed loudly then. He climbed to his feet and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing Erron’s hand. “I am glad that you are well, my sun. I must admit that I was worried.”
“No need to be.” Erron waved his free hand. “I’ve hurt myself worse. I, um… I appreciate it though. It means a lot.”
Kotal smiled at him. “Anytime, Erron.”
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astraywriter · 5 years
Just A Nightmare
relationship: Steve x Reader
warnings: none
a/n: hey i am magically writing again after disappearing for what feels like forever (i think its been 4 years? all my info stuff said i was 16 when i started this blog and im 20 now so wow) idk i just felt like writing again and didn’t realize how much comfort it brought me so for a bit this is just gonna be little one-shots i’ve wrote on my “hiatus”. it was time to share them. xo.
You were awoken by a coldness. An unfamiliar coldness. Your blankets were pulled up to your neck but the natural body heat from your husband Steve was missing. With your eyes still shut, you reached out to grab his arm and somehow cuddle your way back into him only to find that no one was next to you, even his spot was cold. You slowly opened your eyes to the dark bedroom around you. Moonlight was drifting into the room lighting up the empty spot next to you in the king-sized bed. 
You sat up and rubbed your eyes as you let out a quick yawn. Swinging your legs off the bed, you put on your slippers and picked up a hoodie beside the bed. You threw it on over your nightgown. One whiff of the familiar scent of it and judging by how it hung loose on you, you knew it was your husband’s.
You lazily shuffled your way out of the bedroom in pursuit to find Steve. It certainly wasn’t uncommon for him to awake in the middle of the night. Sometimes he just couldn’t sleep and you’d find him intensely watching TV in the common area. Other times he’d wake up for a glass of water and a snack. You’d find him secretly indulging in some ice cream and when he felt your presence behind him, he’d silently hand you a spoon as a sign to join him.
However, tonight seemed different. You started your hunt in the common room but frowned slightly when it was completely dark. There was no sign any had been there all night. Your next stop took you to the kitchen where, once again, it was silent and everything sat untouched in the darkness.
Your last guess was the gym. While it was way too early for him to start his morning routine, you knew you could never count it out.
The elevator dinged when it approached the training floor. The door opened to the faintly lit, gloomy hallway. You found it very creepy, almost uneasy, to be down here in the middle of the night.
You continued your way down the hall, peeking into each room as you went. He wasn’t in the weightlifting room nor was he in the sparring room. Halfway down the hall, you finally heard something other than your slippers hitting the floor. It was faint but clearly the sound of muffled punching. 
You sped up your walking pace and found where the noise was coming from. In one of the old training rooms was Steve. His back was to you as he stood there, breathing heavily, and throwing punch after punch at the hanging punching back. You felt more concern than anything when your sight fell upon him.
Trying your best to stay quiet, you shuffled into the room. Steve immediately halted his actions when your slipped made a scuffing noise with the gym floor. 
"Hun?" You called out. It echoed through the room. You watched as Steve’s shoulders relaxed. He was still breathing heavily and kept his back towards you. 
You tip-toed your way closer to him. You weren’t completely next to him but a good distance, just in case he needed space for some reason.
"What are you doing up, darling?" Steve mumbled before turning to face you. He was red in the face and obviously very sweaty. He didn’t seem too pleased to see you which made you frown in confusion.
"Um," You coughed. What an odd question for him to be asking you. It should’ve been the other way around. "I got cold and you weren't next to me."
Steve let out a sigh at your usual response and started to step closer to you. There was something off in his eyes but you couldn’t tell what. He didn’t seem like himself, he seemed almost scared maybe even worried. You suddenly felt small as he approached.
"What’s, um, what’s wrong?" You mumbled once he was in arms reach. 
Steve looked down at his hands, doing his best to avoid anymore eye contact. He still didn't seem right. He let his shoulders slump, his hair was a ruffled mess, and he even wore a slight frown. Like he was shaken up about something.
"Honey?" You whispered gently and reached out to grab his hand which he accepted. 
Steve gulped. "Just a-a nightmare."
You turned your head in confusion.
"Um, doesn’t seem like it was just a nightmare," You mumbled as you traced a pattern with your thumb on the outside of his hand as it gripped yours. 
He let out a cough. "It was a lot. I-I just needed to get up, get my mind off it,"
"Do you want to talk about it?" You hoped this was the right question to go with. You weren’t 100% sure what to do. If Steve ever had nightmares, he never showed like he was now. If all those times he "just couldn’t sleep" were really the result of nightmares, he didn’t ever let you know. Never had he even tossed and turned rapidly in his sleep as one could during a vivid nightmare — or you just hadn’t been woken by it. Your heart sunk as you realized maybe you had been blind. 
"Darling…" He let his voice trail off as he sniffled, holding back faint tears. 
"Maybe talking will help?" You nearly begged.
His hand let go of yours. He gently placed it on the side your face with hesitation, as if you weren't real. Your body stiffened, as you were really caught off guard. You frowned in even more confusion.
"It was you," He mumbled. 
"Huh? What was me?" You grabbed his hand away from your face. Steve took a deep breath, pulling his hand out of your grasp. 
"You were hurt… Then you were gone… Then I couldn’t find-," His voice cracked as the tears welled up in his eyes.
"Shh," You hushed him and grabbed his face, bringing him in for a soft but passionate kiss. You were here, you had to show him, everything was okay.
When the kiss broke, Steve wrapped his arms around your waist taking you in like you might vanish any second. His head rested in the crook of your neck as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"You could’ve woke me if it was this bad," You whispered to him. Steve shook his head. 
"It’s not for you to worry about,"
You chuckled. "I love you. I’m always going to worry. I care about you, soldier."
Steve pulled away and you saw a slight smirk start to form through his exhausted,  saddened look. 
"I love you too, sweetheart," 
You quickly gave him a peck on the lips. "Come on, we need to get back to sleep," You went to turn back towards the exit when suddenly two strong arms picked you up bridal style. You let out a squeal while Steve chuckled softly.
"You’re unbelievable," You tried to be serious but you laughed with each word as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You love me,"
"Of course I do,"
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
Waves of Pleasure - Part 8
Word Count: 2,222
Players: Tyler Seguin, Jamie Benn, Gavin Bayreuther, Dallas Stars, Flames (mentioned)
Warnings: cussing
Authors note: Okay first of all no smut? Who am I? lmao jk it was bound to happen! No worries though, it’ll be back for next part im like 99.99% sure at least lmao. I'm honestly really impressed with myself not gonna lie LOL! This is what I love about writing series like this, when something is going on in the story that it keeps me motivated to post regularly. I missed this feeling a lot actually. I had been so busy the last few months, being so exhausted I just honestly had 0 motivation for any series I have going. BUT HERE WE ARE DAY THREE and there’s a new part! I know I wont be able to keep the whole updating daily thing going for super long, that’s just what happens with my writing. However I am so happy you guys have been so supportive and loving of this series so far, and where I have been taking it. This was never really the plan, it just happened naturally as I wrote. The characters have a mind of their own I swear! Alright I'll stop rambling now so you can get on to good stuff lol <3 love you guys! thank you again so much and I hope you enjoy this part! Please give me some feedback so I know how you all like it <3 :)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3    Part 4     Part 5     Part 6    Part 7    Part 9
(Brooke POV)
I yawned as we entered the hotel in Calgary. The travel was early in the morning, to allow the boys enough time to rest a bit here before going for the pregame skate. Having games back to back I could imagine was a little exhausting for the boys, but I was for sure not use to being up this early. I didn't have much to complain about though, I was traveling with my two favorite people, so it really didn't matter what time it was.
The team was checked in to the hotel, key cards being passed out to all of the guys. I looked around, trying to keep an eye on Gavin. I was worried about the kid, he had seemed to not be very talkative with anyone lately, which just wasn't like him at all. I wanted to talk to him, but I knew I wasn't the teams mom and it wasn't really my place to say anything, or try to fix anything.
My attention was brought back to the room as Tyler wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in the direction of the elevator as we followed Jamie and part of the team in. There was a race going on between some of the younger guys to see which one of their elevators would make it up to our floor first. I laughed and just shook my head, wondering how they had so much energy already.
Once making it upstairs and into our room, I crawled into the bed immediately, curling up under the warm blanket. I smiled as I felt the bed dip around me, both boys pressing their lips to my cheeks as they wrapped their bodies around mine. I loved when they would both cuddle me like this, it always made me feel safe and at home.
Our nap didn't last too long before the boys were woken by their alarms, getting ready to head to the rink for a few hours. I however had plans to meet a friend that lived in town, which I was excited for.
We all parted ways in the lobby, the boys getting into the team bus, while I got into the uber that Tyler had ordered for me, making my way into downtown.
The day had gone by so fast, getting to see a bit of the city with my friend, before I headed to where the Flames played for the game. Tyler and Jamie both walked me up to the suite that they had gotten set up for me, spending a few minutes with me before they had to go down to get ready for the warmup.
The game had just started, and it was less than a minute in when Spezza made a goal. This game was already off to an amazing start. It was pretty back and forth for almost the rest of the first period, the boys were doing great, Gavin still looked like he wasn't fully in the game yet. I sighed, hoping that one of the boys would talk to him soon when intermission came up. The clock ticked by, less than 4 minutes left when unfortunately the Flames scored, tying the game.
We still had plenty of time left, and I had a really good feeling that we were going to win this one tonight. There was something about the energy on the ice that was different, it was exciting already, especially after the super early goal by Spezz.
(Jamie's POV)
"Alright we need to talk," I said pulling Gavin aside as soon as we got into the locker room, the first period over with, tied with the Flames currently.
"What's up?"
"You have not had your head in the game since we left Colorado. Is there something going on?"
Gavin shrugged, refusing to look at me.
"Dude you can talk to us you know. We are your team for a reason, we have to be a family and work together, or games are going to keep going like this."
Gavin sighed and looked around, pulling me farther away from everyone. "I'm terrified to say anything about this.."
"About what? What is going on?"
"I heard something our last night in Denver.. I came up from the bar kind of early after the game and-"
"You heard something?" I asked, leaning against the wall next to him.
"Yeah.. uhm.. coming from the room beside mine," he said, swallowing hard. I could tell he didn't want to have this conversation at all.
Then it clicked in my head. Fuck.
"Your room was right next to Tyler and I's," I sighed, covering my face.
"Yeah and Tyler was still in the bar.."
"Alright you're gonna need to talk to Tyler about this," I said.
Gavin nodded, looking down at the floor. I walked over and whispered to Tyler what Gavin had just told me and nodded towards where Gavin was standing in the corner.
(Tyler's POV)
I sighed and stood up. I had a feeling this would happen eventually.
"I'm so sorry dude," Jamie said, looking down at his skates.
"It's alright. It was bound at happen at some point. I'll fix it. Don't let this get in your head now and fuck with the game. We are still cool," I said as I made my way over to Gavin.
I could tell that Jamie was feeling really bad about this, but I didn't have time to deal with that right now, I needed to talk to Gavin about this before we had to go back out to finish the game.
"Hey Gav," I said as I made my way over to him.
"H-hey Tyler," he just about whispered, staring at the ground.
"Listen.. this isn't going to make any sense to you probably, but I just want you to know that everything is okay."
Gavin finally looked up, searching my face, probably wondering what I meant by that. "But.. do you even know what I heard? I didn't tell Jamie what it was, I just said I heard something."
I chuckled and nodded "Yeah I'm pretty sure I can guess what you heard," I said glancing over to Jamie. "I told them to be quiet," I said shaking my head, laughing.
"Wait. You know?!"
"Yeah Gavin.. That’s what I was trying to explain. It's not something that is easy to understand, but its an arrangement we have. The only way I can explain this would probably be more details than you want to know," I said.
Gavin just stared at me, I'm sure he was confused and not really sure how to react to what I just told him. Honestly I didn't expect anything else from him, how was he suppose to understand that I let my best friend and teammate fuck my girlfriend?
"So.. you.. he.." Gavin sighed, I could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to figure this out.
I laughed, closing my eyes and rubbing my hand down my face. "Okay, without being too graphic, yes Jamie and Brooke have sex, and I'm fine with it."
"Wow," Gavin said, glancing over at Jamie and then back to me. "Okay.." he nodded slowly.
I figured this was going to take him a little bit to get use to, I just was hoping that it wouldn't take so long that he would be unfocused during the rest of the game. I patted him on the shoulder, leaving my hand there for a second.
"You ok now?"
Gavin just nodded in response to me. I nodded back and started to walk away. "Oh and uh.. Please don't say anything to anyone else, not yet," I said, looking back to him.
"Oh.. yeah right. Sure man," Gavin said, following me back towards the rest of the team.
"Listen we will talk more later. Lets try and focus on the game now, yeah?"
"K," was all he said as he sat back on his side of the room.
I sat back down next to Jamie and groaned softly, leaning back against the wall. "Well hes kind of in shock I think, but he knows its okay now."
"That’s good," Jamie sighed in a bit of relief. "Still dude, I feel ba-"
"Jamie.. please don't. I've seen a difference in you since this started, a good one, and I don't want you to start feeling bad now because of a small slip up. I honestly couldn't give a shit if the guys knew, honestly it would make it a lot easier if they did. If the media found out however, that would not be good."
Jamie looked over at me, a bit confused. "You would be ok with them all knowing?"
"Yeah why not? We are a family here, we work together, we are all apart of each others lives and we celebrate when someone finds something that makes them happy. Jamie I don't know if you are just oblivious, or trying to hide it from me and yourself... but I know you are falling for Brooke. I can tell dude."
"What?" Jamie's eyes went wide "No no.. no dude its- its not like-"
"Jamie I know what its like to fall for her, I know what it looks like and what it feels like. It's okay. I wouldn't expect anything less. She is an amazing person who means the absolute world to me, I can't imagine that I would be the only one to feel that if someone else got to spend as much time with her as I do, like you do."
"Tyler I-" Jamie sighed, looking down at the ground again, his jaw clenching.
"Hey," I put my hand on his shoulder, waiting for him to look at me. "I didn't say it was a bad thing or that it made me upset. I expected it, and I'm fine with it. Just know I came first," I laughed and patted his back a few times.
Jamie chuckled and nodded "Oh I know you are first in her world, anyone who isn't stupid can see that. You two are inseparable."
I smiled and nodded. "Yeah we are."
That statement was very much true. Ever since Brooke and I had met we had been that way. That was why when this whole thing with Jamie had started, she was terrified that she was going to lose me. I had to spend all night telling her otherwise, and explaining to her that this was something that was my idea.
This whole thing started because I wanted Jamie to feel less alone, and because I trusted both him and Brooke more than anyone in my life, besides my family. They were the two closest people to me in my life and I wanted it to stay that way. It wasn't something easy to explain to others, why I was okay with this, or why I was into watching my girlfriend have sex with someone else. It was just how it was.
Looking at mine and Brooke's relationship being just the two of us was amazing, always had been. There wasn't anything missing, there wasn't something one of us lacked from the other, everything was great. It just happened that adding Jamie to that, was a positive in my mind. Seeing my best friend happy, was something that made this make sense to me.
Jamie hadn't had the best relationships in the past, and to see him finally happy, and be able to turn his mood around after a loss, or whatever else was going on in his life, was something that Brooke could help him do. It didn't in any way negatively affect Brooke and my relationship at all, it actually enhanced it. It brought her and I closer together, and I fell even more in love with her, which I didn't think was even possible.
Watching her be able to make someone almost as happy as she makes me, was something that was special. It had gone from a kink of mine, allowing her to sleep with someone else I trusted, to watching something more form between them. I had known from the very start that this was what was going to happen, and that’s why I had suggested it. I wanted Jamie to be able to feel the same kind of love that I did, knowing that it was genuine and real. Knowing that she would never hurt him, which I couldn't promise from other girls. And I wanted Brooke to also feel doubly loved, never allowing her to second guess or doubt how loved she really is by both of us. To always feel secure in knowing that there are two guys who are always here for her, and love her no matter what.
Our relationship, this situation, it wasn't 'normal.' I didn't expect most people to understand, but they didn't have to. I knew how I felt about it, and I knew how Brooke and Jamie felt about it. It worked for us and to me, that was all that mattered. I knew that when the time was right, they would express to each other how they felt, and I would be here to explain all of this to them, and help to move the relationship of us three forward to where its meant to be.
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Abort Mission (7)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and your boyfriend have powers, now he is dead and you are expecting a baby. Hydra is interested in the child so they send the Winter Soldier. What happens if Bucky unexpectedly falls for you…
This Part: Accidental confession are made and both you and Bucky get closer and closer...
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of violence, language, angst, fluff
A/N: The chapter is a bit short but I had it longer and it didn’t look good cause of small time jumps so I’ll post one or two little drabbles with the time jumps pretty soon(did that make sense?)
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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<<Previous Part
On your way out you luckily grabbed your jacket between the cramping inside of you otherwise you would have freeze to death outside. It still snowed as you ran out of the front door, almost slipping on ice in the process. Stopping yourself you took the moment and walked in the pace of other people around you to catch your breath and think for a second, slowly breathing in and out you told yourself catching some attention and weird glances from others but you didn’t care. Maybe you’re overreacting and that’s all just an illusion or another great thing about pregnancy to get crazy.
Walking and turning a few corners you finally reached your doctors office. Well it wasn’t even a doctor or an office really much. But he certainly was a doctor but got the license taken away as he specifically started working and helping mutants like you besides that he was an middle aged kinda clumsy and weird guy who has a strong german accent. You liked him. Bucky obviously didn’t.
Bucky POV
He didn’t move an inch since he watched you run out of the door and your fast footsteps down stairs echoing through the open door you left open.
For the moment he couldn't remember what is going on at all. Not you neither the baby or himself. Just this pure anger was left in him as he had this nightmare and woke up. He wished none of that really happened or that he has that under control but every little detail was saved from the fight, the panic that clearly showed in your face. It played on repeat like a living nightmare.
He sank to the ground, gripping his hair tightly between his hands not knowing how to handle the situation. Loud and painful thoughts just running through his mind.
Normal POV
“Oh don’t worry about it so much. It is almost nothing wrong with your baby...indeed it was a good thing it happened” he assured you.
“Almost nothing?” you replied and readjusted your shirt taking the tea he offered you.
Dr. Augustus Schultz was his name, at least that’s what he told you. He showed you the clip on the screen again from the ultrasound you just did.
“You see him squirming around like this?That means he’s moving around. He started kicking (Y/N)!” he said excited and started talking about a completely different topic, another thing you liked about him. He could be so random sometimes. It reminds you on a crazy scientist. As you processed his words you also noticed some words he hasn’t used before.
“Wait hold on- Did you..say he? It’s a boy?” you cut him off watching him with joy not even sure that you just heard that right.
“Did I say that? Well my...uh english is not really good” he stuttered but  you didn’t believe him.
“Yes you did. It’s fine doc is it really a boy?” you asked jumping from the stool in excitement.
“Sorry I just blurted it out. Sometimes people like to say I don’t have alle tassen im Schrank but yes it is a boy” he sighed out.
“I don’t know what you just said but thank you doc” you gave him tea you didn’t even try back and sprinted out of his office only hearing him yell after you not to run fast. You just felt the urge to tell it Bucky right now happy and excited on your way back.
In the elevator this time you decided to keep your mouth shut for now, doesn’t matter how excited you are in the moment. It was more important to make sure at first that he was alright and that he knew that he didn’t hurt you. You weren’t even mad at him. At the front door you knocked a couple of times, earlier on your way out you didn’t exactly grab anything else then the jacket.
“Hey Bucky it’s me. I am totally fine ok? Can you maybe open the door please?” you leaned against the doorway and sighed. Was he even in there you asked yourself. Knocking again and again you tried to make out a sound but there was nothing but silence.
“He left! Now shut up!” someone shouted from another hallway. You almost screamed as the voice echoed through the building.
“Where to?....Hello?” you shouted back but no response came. Rolling your eyes you looked back to the door. You could try to kick it in but the danger of hurting yourself or the little baby inside of you wasn’t worth it. With nothing much left of a choice you got outside again. You are already tired from the running around from before but maybe you would see Bucky outside somewhere which you also had a feeling that wouldn’t happen so fast. It worried you and the thought of him just leaving completely plagued your mind. Walking around in the familiar streets you learned to know after the time you lived here. There is nothing that you could do beside searching for him yourself. Police? Way to risky and would be a stupid move.
Asking random people? Hell no, not much spoke english anyway and not half of them are really nice.
Calling someone to open your door? Technically you didn’t even live there legally and beside that how do you wanna pay this guy. It freaked you out to not have an idea or a simple plan in stock. You also had Hydra in mind but they didn’t showed up for more than a month, there is still the possibility but you don’t want to waste time thinking about hydra. You back and feet started to ache like hellfire so you made your way back and brought one or two things in order to open your apartment door.
Bucky once opened a door with two paper clips but he didn’t exactly taught you how to so you had to use your powers. You didn’t like using them much while also being pregnant but you had to get behind that door so you took the water bottle you brought and splashed a bit against the door lock. Holding it with one hand you clenched your eyes shut and concentrated on freezing the lock to the moment it broke, letting you stumble into the room. No sight of Bucky or anything else. His journal still laid under the couch, the money and your gun was everywhere you left it. Also no sign of a fight so you placed a chair under the door knob and laid down on the couch just staring at the ceiling until your exhaustion finally took over. Still alone the next day you leaned of the kitchen table just watching the door like a hawk, tapping with your fingers against the counter you groaned and rubbed the bridge of the nose. That couldn’t go on like this so you grabbed a pen and paper to do something you should have done way before.
“Dear Abigail, George (and Hunter),
I am sorry that I didn’t message you before beside the one voicemail you hopefully heard. It hasn’t been easy but I promise we are fine.
I deeply hope you are too! It’s been a long road but I think we have reached the end and made ourselves a little home...at least for now.
If you want to message me back please send it back to this address and the name Elena Marston. Don’t want to risk something. Hope to hear from you soon. Miss you!
Sincerely (Initials)”
You brought the letter a bit far away to a post station. Hoping that it wasn’t to obvious. Back on your way home. You let the door unfreeze, for now that would be your only way otherwise you had to leave your apartment unlocked and that’s one of the last things you wanted.
Still empty you kinda hoped he would just magically appear and sit on the couch like nothing happened but that wasn’t the case. You did nothing through the rest of the day besides sleeping, reading and walking around cause a certain someone decided to kick into the most uncomfortable ways. Sometimes in the middle of the night you woke up to the sound of your doorknob turning a few times, you quickly got up from the couch and in the bathroom with your knife as you heard it again and again before the chair must have broke. The slow and almost inaudible footsteps came closer and closer and once he was in reach you swung around the corner with the knife aiming for his neck but you were stopped abruptly, the knife falling onto the ground.
Just hearing your name getting called out silently. Your eyes widened as you studied his face in the dark. Bucky was finally back and you didn’t hesitate before swinging your arms around his middle, hugging him tightly with your head against his chest.
“Where were you James? I was so worried” you mumbled finally feeling how he relaxed against you touch.
“I- I was looking for you. I am so sorry (Y/N) I don’t know how I could do this...” he whispered with croaky voice and tried to pull away but you didn’t wanted to let go for now, still not believing that he is back.”You didn’t hurt anyone. Alright? I am sorry I just run out but the baby started kicking” you parted now and you looked up smiling at him. You couldn’t see much in dark but he looked kinda surprised and maybe even happy.
“-anyway you must tired and I certainly am so let’s go catch some sleep” you said and lead him to the bed but he snatched his hand out of yours and stopped in front of the bed. You didn’t wanted to let him sleep on the couch anymore and you just needed to know that he was really here with you.
“I shouldn’t sleep on the bed….Maybe even not here at all (Y/N)” he cleared his throat.
“You didn’t hurt me. I had that under control and nothing happened” you assured him sitting down onto the opposite of the bed, he still stayed still.
“I still can. I won’t risk that” he turned around to leave but you won’t let him leave like that. Not. now or ever. Catching him on his way to the hallway you blocked his way.
“I don’t care” you said firmly and he furrowed his brows and shook his head.
“You don’t care?” he replied confused, looking almost angry.
“Yes I don’t care! ‘cause I know I have that under control. I know you aren’t sleeping even tho you need it. I know you have nightmares but I have too ok? and I- I won’t let you leave again so I gotta sit here and wait for you to return!” you pointed at him already tearing up, thanks to your hormonal swings.
“(Y/N)..I-” he tried to argue but that wasn’t helping
“James Buchanan Barnes you better lay down and sleep right now!!” you point your finger to the bed and he did as you told so you joined him shortly after. It was silence for a few minutes. You almost thought he fell asleep before he suddenly spoke up again.
“You’re gonna be a great mom y’know” he said and you smirked to tired to open your eyes. The baby started kicking again, seemed to be always in the night or early hours.
“Give me your hand Bucky” you said and hesitated to you grabbed his right hand yourself and laid it over you and against the spot you felt the kicks. You could his breath against your neck, it was new for the both of you and it wasn’t meant to be sexual or anything else at all but that was the most comfortable you have laid in a while.
“Are you still up?” you asked as you kinda waited for a response but he only let out a content hum against your neck.
“It’s a boy...the doc you don’t like told me accidently” you said, carefully laying your hand over his.
“I knew that we can’t trust this guy” you heard him say right before you fell asleep without having any nightmares.
>>Next Part
Feedback appreciated!
Tags: @thisismysecrethappyplace / @bitchsike1 / @escapetheshackles / @dashlilymark / @racheo91 / @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe / @buckybarnesappreciationsociety / @jackie-houston / @crazyinspiration / @slender--spirit / @dorkprincess / @spacemarkimoo / @shane-knight / @jessieray98 / @cutiepiemimi13 / @learisa / @thetimidsarcasticcat / @superflashallen / @readlaterbitch / @midnightdream83 / @chipilerendi / @mrsdeanwinchester19
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xoxo Sophie <3
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cyberlifeleds · 6 years
NTABD p. 4
Rk900 Nines x reader
Parts 1, 2, 3
Warnings: Angst. swearing
First thing that registered with you was the feeling of emptiness that sat within your gut. It always came after moments like last night. Though it was a familiar feeling it was still unwelcome all the same. The next thing that registered was that your head was killing you. Opening your eyes was a chore, so you kept them closed for now. Keeping out the strong light that filtered in through your bedroom window. Bedroom window? You were in your bed, but didn’t remember walking to it. Memories of the previous day filtered in, broken and unclear. Regret and embarrassment doubled the weight in your stomach.
Slowly, your eyes opened, exhaustion from the tears still lingered at the corners.. Your breathing was deep, silent. Your eyes moved across the side of the room you were facing, spotting a tall figure standing outside your door frame. He only went in to your room to put you to bed, leaving to stand guard outside the open door. What a mess. You had only known Nines for a short amount of time and already you had a breakdown. How weak.
You chided yourself, sniffling as your eyes drifted to your hands, bandaged with precision. They stung, but the pain was barely comparable to what you felt inside. Dark twisting coils that squeezed you. You didn’t want this.
Your voice was harsh and raspy from yelling and tears of the previous day’s emotional roller coaster, you spoke above a whisper “I know you’re aware I’m awake.” only silence from the stiff shouldered man. “Nines...” a tilt of his head in acknowledgement “Come in here. We.... we should talk”.
Your eyes avoided him completely, staring out in front of you as you lay unmoving on your side, the swathe of blankets around you. You could barely pick out the sounds of movement and closed your eyes tight. Not a word was spoken, a cold stoic aura emanated from the android who now stood by your bed. You drew in a deep breath, opening your eyes once more “I fell as if I should explain my self.” He made no attempts to stop you. You pressed on.
“I had just become Detective, my sister was my partner.” Memories flooded you even as you spoke “She and I were unstoppable, a force of nature not to be trifled with.” A dry emotionless chuckle fell off your lips. “We were uh... we were checking out a small building that was believed to be a place for manufacturing Red Ice, It would have been a great take down if everything went according to plan. But it didn’t ...” emotions, though dull rose to the surface, you didn’t let them show. You had cried yourself out last night “We barely got through the door, there was a trip wire. Which set off a trap that pulled the trigger on a rigged up gun. I didn’t think junkies were fucking smart enough to think of something like that. My sister.. she pushed me out of the way. I watched helpless from the ground as bullets...” the crack in your voice made you stop for a moment.
Nines observed an elevated heart beat and wondered if he should stop you, but you continued before he could open his mouth “Backup took ages it seemed. They found me on the floor with my sister in my lap. I was ... hysterical.” Your voice kept getting softer. “A-after the funeral I-well fuck I lost it. My brain , my emotions.. I had no control over them. I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn't eating. Finally Fowler put me on paid leave so that I could sort my shit out. I ended up in the hospital for who knows how long. When I got out I was a statue. A husk of my former self. I began to internalize everything. Every feeling and emotion I didn’t want to show because I convinced myself that it would be better than loosing control. Than being weak to my feelings.”
Your gaze snapped to his cold stare “I would talk to Hank every now and then. He would understand, not necessarily supporting my coping methods, but he was there when I would crack... I also owe you an apology. I cracked yesterday. Bad. Seeing you get shot like that brought back so many memories that it just flooded my mind.” you looked down at his feet as he stood next to the bed. “I am sorry you had to see that weakness.”
Silence, again, pilfered through the air. The more he didn’t speak the more you grew nervous. Finally he spoke “Your files say nothing about a partner” You turned ,laying on your back, sore with each movement. “That’s cause I had the files sealed. Even to androids. It was just... an unwelcome reminder.” You moved your arms from underneath the sheets, covering your eyes with them, the world blocked from your view “I wish I was like you... it be easier”
Involuntary actions came from Nines as he flinched. His brows furrowed in confusion at his own reaction. It was not like he did feel. The mere thought was impossible. No, not impossible. While it wouldn’t be a bad thing if he did deviate, it would just be against his coding. Anything against his coding was merely unacceptable. But then again he had wondered if... No. No wondering. No anything. He couldn’t... ^Software instability.  It hurt ^Software instability. He shouldn’t fee-
He was brought back to reality as he noticed movement through the red wall in front of him, now dissipating. You had slung yourself out of bed, shuffling towards the bathroom you stopped to stand by him, placing a hand on his arm. “I hope you can forgive me for yesterday.” Your eyes flitted from where your hand touched his arm to his face, unreadable. “And... I’m really glad you listened to me. i’m glad I’ve found someone else I can talk to.Thank you, really. and if you need to talk....” Your eyes met, and time stilled. Both looking at each other, a soft pull.
Eventually, emotionally drained you took a step back, continuing your path. “Where are you going?” You kept walking, not turning around to look at him. “To get ready for work. I have to go back. I have to fix the shit show I caused yesterday.” You moved off, shutting the door to the bathroom behind you.
He stared, a frown on his face. He disapproved of you going in today. He felt- thought it would be more beneficial for you to stay home and rest. You were a big part of his mission after all. He wanted what was best for you. He wanted?
Lines were drawn on what he should do, how he should act, but were those lines blurring? He disapproved of the questions in his head, shoving them down, just like you.
tag list: @mamamemequeen @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @imaginovator @acieoj
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jae-bummer · 7 years
Take It or Leave It
Request: hey!! can i request 8 and 17 for wonho? tysm, and i hope you have a nice day! (this is my first time requesting idk what i'm supposed to do ahduxk)
8) “Why am I so afraid to lose you when you aren’t even mine?” 17) Your bias hires you to be their significant other
Member: Monsta X’s Wonho x Y/N x (ft. Minhyuk)
Type: fluff
“I can’t do it,” you muttered, attempting to turn around for the dozenth time. “But I have to...” You argued with yourself, spinning back around on your heel and continuing down the original route you were once traveling. “But I can’t.” 
You paused again in the middle of the sidewalk and groaned, attracting several glances from businessmen passing nearby. You were in the midst of an existential crisis. 
At two in the afternoon. 
In the middle of Gangnam. 
For the world to see. 
“But you gotta,” you nodded, beginning forward motion again. 
You kept your portfolio tucked securely under your arm as you traversed the pavement, making your way to the tall building looming in the distance. When you had moved to Korea, it had never been your goal to work for an entertainment company, but when the opportunity had presented itself, who were you to say no? 
You continued to nod, whispering small affirmations to yourself as butterflies beat wildly in your stomach. “Position specifications,” you hummed, mentally reading over the job listing you had damn near memorized. “No age specifications. No specifications in physical appearance. May be male or female. Must have a firm grasp of languages and the ability to cook ramen.” 
The position being scouted for was an English tutor, so the firm grasp of language portion hadn’t stumped you, but just about everything else had. What did cooking ramen have to do with your proficiency of the English language? 
You pushed lightly on the door of the building leading to Starship Entertainment, leaving little hesitation in your motions as the structure’s shadow swallowed you whole. If you paused for even a fraction of a moment, you would have yourself talked out of the interview and nervously jogging back toward your apartment. 
Glancing around the lobby, you instantly met eyes with a small, blonde woman situated behind a large, dark-wood desk. She smiled at you cautiously as she shuffled a stack of papers and gave a quick nod in your direction as you began to approach. 
“Hello, I’m here for the job inter-”
“Yes, hello, hi, I’ve got it, don’t worry about it from here. Everything is a-okay. You didn’t see this person, nor do you know they exist - thank you,” an unfamiliar blonde boy squeaked as he grabbed you lightly by the shoulders and began to pivot you away from the receptionist’s desk. 
“Wait, I had to check in-” you whispered, glancing up at the strange man. 
“I told him not to advertise it as a Starship position,” he clucked, shaking his head. “This is a bad idea, such a bad idea.” 
“I’m sorry, but what exactly is a bad idea?” you hissed, becoming more annoyed by the moment. You felt as if you were being abducted. “And who are you?”
“Oh, I’m definitely not going to be the one to break this news to you,” he muttered, shaking his head. “And uh...I’m Changkyun, Im Changkyun, that’s C-H-A-”
“Ah! Minhyukkie!” a bright voice called from a corridor toward your right. “You intercepted the uh...interview?” 
“I wouldn’t exactly call it that,” the boy holding onto your shoulders grumbled. 
“Wait, I thought you said your name was-” you began, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at him. 
“You thought nothing. You saw nothing. I was never here,” the man you now knew to be Minhyuk hissed. “This is Hoseok’s train wreck.” 
“I’m assuming you’re Hoseok?” you asked, turning to the handsome boy who had just appeared in the lobby. 
“I am,” he grinned. “Care to take a seat?” 
“You’re just going to talk to her about this in public?” Minhyuk gasped. “Shouldn’t you like...I don’t know...at least take her for an ice cream before you spill the details about your immense lie-”
“Minhyuk,” Hoseok cringed. “I think I hear someone calling for you. From the elevator. Twelve floors up. You should probably attend to that.” 
“The less I see, the less I’m responsible for,” Minhyuk muttered. He sighed as he looked you up and down and shook his head. “Bless you.” 
“Uh, I feel as if there is something that wasn’t conveyed accurately on the job listing?” you whispered, cutting your eyes at Hoseok. He nodded nervously as he began to sidestep toward a set of plush couches in the corner of the lobby. You followed his slow movements, growing weary with the thought of even talking to him. 
He was lucky he was so good-looking. The thought almost caused a groan to escape from your lips as it crossed your mind. Were you really that easy to be coerced by a pretty face?
The answer was yes. 
But in your defense, you had never seen a face like Hoseok’s before. 
“So, you’re interested in the position,” he nodded, attempting to keep his face calm. You hadn’t known it at the time, but he had just as many butterflies in his stomach as you. “Now might be a good time to let you know...uh...well...
Starship isn’t looking for an English tutor for their artists.”
“Alright, thank you,” you hummed, gathering your things and beginning to stand. A hollow feeling hit low in your stomach. You knew it was too good to be true. “Have a wonderful da-”
“No,” Hoseok chuckled uneasily as he reached out to grab your wrist. He paused after your skin had touched and hissed slightly. “Not like the position has been filled...there was no position to begin with.” 
“Yup, alright, got it,” you nodded, taking your arm from his grasp.  This afternoon was growing stranger and stranger by the moment and you wanted nothing more than to flee from the situation. “I think we’re done here.”
“But we aren’t,” he groaned, shifting to better face you in your half standing, half crouching position. “There’s another position open...a...um...private position. That I’m hiring for.” 
“That you’re-” you trailed, furrowing your brows in confusion. “Assuming you’re an artist here, which obviously explains why your face looks the way it does-”
“I’m sorry, what?” he chuckled, a smile easily finding his lips. 
“Like you don’t know how good looking you are,” you muttered, plopping back down on the couch. “Of course you’re represented by Starship. If you’re a model or an idol, I don’t know how you can privately hire anyone.” 
���I need a date,” he sighed, crossing his arms. His words felt like a splash of cold water across your face as he spoke them. “Events, family functions. I’m going back home for Chuseok and my mother expects to meet my partner. The one I’ve been telling her so much about...” 
“And you thought...putting an ad on the internet...would accomplish that?” you whispered. You weren’t sure if you were angry or astonished. “An ad...that wasn’t even what the actual job was asking?” 
“I wanted someone intelligent to apply,” he sighed. “I didn’t just want to put any old ad out there asking if someone wanted to date an idol.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, trying to understand the quick turn in which the situation had taken. Granted, the terms of work had vastly changed, but at the end of the day, you did still need a job. Were you desperate enough to further explore Hoseok’s offer? 
That was hard to determine. 
“Right,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “Because this is so much better.” 
“I know, you must look at me and think...why does a man, who is the pinnacle of beauty, need to hire someone to date him?” Hoseok continued. “I’ve wondered it myself.” 
You took a deep breath, pausing a moment before you could find an answer. “Actually I was thinking...why does one man need that many accessories, but I assumed it’d be rude to say out loud.”
Hoseok’s jaw dropped slightly before he closed his mouth and smirked. “Well...now that my feelings are sufficiently hurt, let’s take Minhyukkie’s advice and go for a walk.”
“How do you fit feelings between all of those muscles?” you grumbled, beginning to stand. 
“The same way you fit unnecessary sass between those curves,” he grinned. “And by the mere act of standing, I assume you aren’t necessarily ruling out this new development in the job interview.” 
And he was right. 
You hadn’t. 
And that was how you spent two hours, walking around Gangnam with a Korean pop idol, deciding on the terms in which you would begin dating him. 
You leaned against the counter, exhaustion flooding your limbs. Gripping onto the mug in your hands, you blinked heavily above the coffee you had been handed, and sighed in contentment. 
You had spent the better part of your Chuseok helping out Hoseok and his mother at the cafe she owned. Just because most families in Korea were taking an autumn break did not mean her establishment would. She knew patrons would be coming home for the holidays and would want to spend their time at her coffee shop, and she couldn’t be more correct. People flooded into her doors with the cold breeze and consumed incredible amounts of her delicious food and drink. 
You smiled as you met eyes with her. 
She was an incredible woman. It didn’t take long for you to figure that out. You understood why Hoseok had talked about her so much in your short time together. 
Oh, Hoseok. 
After your initial meeting, you had both decided in order to make the relationship as authentic as possible, you had to start spending time with one another. It was difficult to accommodate to his schedule, but you treated it as a job, which it was, technically. Initially, you didn’t understand why Hoseok was so determined to not let his mother down. You hadn’t considered it much of a big deal if he admitted to her that he had never had a significant other. Or that maybe he had and they had simply broken up before the holiday. 
But she wanted so badly for him to be happy. 
And she wanted so badly for him to be loved. 
He just didn’t have the heart to break hers. 
Which you totally understood now. 
You looked fondly to Hoseok’s face as he spoke quietly with his mother. The man who you had no initial patience with nor any trust had completely won you over. He was so kind and considerate. You never thought that someone as good looking and talented as him would have such a warm soul as well. It just wasn’t fair. 
He wasn’t allowed to be a good person AND good looking. 
Although you had met him under false pretenses, you quickly realized that Hoseok had never meant any ill will with his actions. He simply found himself in a difficult situation and came up with a pretty dumb idea of how to fix it. 
Then again...how dumb could it be...if it had actually worked? 
“You ready to head home?” Hoseok asked, standing from the table he had initially collapsed at. Breaking you from your thoughts, you nodded blankly, and yawned. 
“Very tired,” his mom smiled. She stood as well and reached forward, patting your hand lightly. “You did well.” 
You grinned up at her and sighed happily. “Thank you.” 
She nodded before wrapping her arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close. “Thank you for taking care of my Hoseok. He’s a good boy. He deserves someone like you.”
Your chest grew tight as she stepped away and nodded again. “I think we all do.” 
Any words you could possibly begin to speak immediately caught in your throat. All you could do was nod back, attempting to keep an expression of blatant shock from crossing your face. 
Hoseok’s mom gave him a short hug before disappearing into the back kitchen of the cafe. Intertwining his fingers between yours, he tugged you from the counter and toward the front door, taking you on the short walk back to his family’s home and to the plush pallet you two had been sleeping on. You were ready to rest your sore bones, but even more ready to put distance between yourself and the situation you were in. 
You remained silent for the majority of the walk home. Hoseok spoke quickly, lost in thought after thought as per usual. It wasn’t long before both of your tired frames found solace in the stacks of blankets you had been provided, laying only a few feet from one another on the hardwood floor. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Hoseok whispered shortly after he had turned the lights off. 
“Hm?” you hummed. 
“Thanks for...you know...being here,” he hummed. 
“No thanks needed,” you sighed, trying to keep a pang of emotion from flooding your chest. “You’ve been paying me after all.” 
“Yeah, but you could have walked away after I told you the truth,” he sighed. “But you didn’t. You’ve put up with my crazy these past few weeks and have at the very least learned to tolerate me...and I appreciate that.” 
“You aren’t that crazy,” you murmured. “You just love your family a lot.” 
“And luckily they love you,” he chuckled. “It’s went well.” 
“Hey...Hoseok?” you said quietly. This time it was your turn to ask questions. “What...what’s going to happen? I mean...when Chuseok’s over...are you going to tell your family we broke up?” 
“Oh,” he breathed. The silence between you was near tangible as you felt the energy shift. “I...um...I hadn’t really thought that far to be honest.” 
“You probably should,” you muttered. You tried to keep your emotions from entering your voice. You couldn’t let him know that you had grown so fond of him, so fond of his family. You would be at peace with continuing this...whatever it was. Even without pay. But you were too nervous to ever let that secret escape your lips. “Just tell them I dumped you and decided to join the circus or something.” 
“Hmph,” he croaked, shifting in his pile of blankets. “So...does that mean we stop hanging out?” 
“I assume so,” you hummed. You moved to face his dark frame, only lumps and shadows in the darkness. “Isn’t that how breaking up works?”
“Well,” he chuckled. “I never thought...why would I be...”
“Why would you be what?” you asked, a bit frightened of how he could possibly answer. You could never quite tell where Hoseok’s thought processes were heading, so conversations with him were always an adventure. 
“Why am I so afraid to lose you when you aren’t even mine?” he said softly. 
You bit your lip as he flopped back over in the darkness, turning his back toward you. “But I am yours...”
“Only because I’m paying you to be,” he muttered. “How can I expect you to be with me otherwise?” 
“Before I get angry,” you whispered. “I’m going to give you a chance to explain that statement.” 
“I’m weird, and a pain,” he sighed. “I’m high maintenance and have stupid schedules. No one wants to willingly date me. That’s how we got into this situation in the first place...” 
“Hmph...well,” you said quietly, wiggling in your covers toward him. “Maybe...just maybe, this trial period has me sold.” 
“What?” he grumbled, flipping again to face you. 
“Maybe I’d be willing to date you without my time having to be rented, Hoseok,” you grinned into the darkness. 
“I’m sorry, are you actually saying-”
“Gosh, are all of those muscles acting as a sound barrier? I like you, dork. Take it or leave it,” you chuckled. 
“I take it!” he gasped, reaching over and grabbing hold of your hand. “I take it!” 
“Good,” you muttered, tugging your blanket to your chin with your free hand. “You’re lucky I didn’t swoop in and try to charge a discounted rate.” 
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seth-whumps · 4 months
ok THIS IS MY LAST REQUEST OF THE NIGHT so please take your time if you can’t do it rn but i’ve genuinely LOVED seeing your prompt fills this is so so so fun and im so happy
okay this time it’s jj’s turn to be whumped because he has had it far too good for far too long (for 2 fics)
a scenario that immediately comes to mind is jj with a NASTY fever. i’m talking an utterly debilitating fever that he has to push past for some reason, and morri only notices/realizes when they find him asleep at his desk/wherever makes sense, looking absolutely exhausted and practically delirious because his body just… couldn’t keep up anymore
preferably fluffy if you’re in the mood, but it it takes angst to get to that fluffy ending it’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make
my deepest apologies bug it turned out more angst than fluff. however. you are totally right and JJ needed the worst fever known to man.
here you go!!!
The worst part about it all, is that he's alone.
Journey is a team player, usually. Especially before he was iced. JJ was a confident leader, a warm director, he knew people's strengths and how to protect them. He always had someone to fall back on. But the Cages were stretched thin, and they needed information, desperately.
Breaks aren't common when you're the Hero of the City. So Journey persists, and JJ shivers uncontrollably in his jacket.
He walks as quick as his legs will let him through the halls, pleading the forces that be to keep everyone else away from him--he wouldn't be any good at acting like he's meant to be here.
Morrigan would be better at this. Morrigan would be unbothered by the heat trapped between his jacket and skin, and how it does nothing to soothe the wracking shivers down his spine. Morrigan would be in and out, no problem, like they've done a thousand times before.
But Morrigan had a different mission. So JJ is alone.
Terribly, horribly, alone.
His breath hitches. God, he wishes he was at home right now. But he takes a left, scurried down a hall, and meets the first door.
He pulls up a stolen keycard from the guard he knocked out on the way in, and it buzzes. He pushes through into a connecting room, with plain white chairs like waiting rooms.
JJ moves onward and to the right, and pulls out a burner phone. The next door opens when he presses the fake code of an eye into its lense--something Morrigan cooked up on their own--and he swings it open, pulling the jacket tighter around him and shaking his head against the sudden onslaught of dizziness.
Glancing around, he finds the desk.
This is a science officer's desk. There's a diploma hung on the wall, signed with scribbly writing, and there's several papers and clipboards sprawled about the poorly lit and moderately cramped room. He stalks over, and begins snapping photos of as many pages as he can.
Morrigan would just be scanning them. They'd have the information downloaded.
God, he's fucking useless.
"Keep going," their voice whispers. "The only way out is through. You're almost through."
He wants to cry. His hands are shaking. He can't take a breath. Everything's too cold and too warm and he's dizzy and he just wants to go home, go to Morrigan, go to sleep.
He snaps the last photo.
"Okay. Out. There's a service elevator."
If it weren't for the fear pressing against his throat, JJ would be worried about hearing voices. But he can't help the wave of relief he gets and the thought of maybe, maybe not actually being alone.
Service elevator. Check. With raw and desperate strength, he pries it open and carefully grabs the cables, wrapping his legs and arms securely. The journey down is a long one. But he's never one to shy away from something difficult.
Even if he really, really wants to.
By the time he's sitting on top of the elevator car, there are tears in his eyes, his limbs are completely numb, and he nearly collapses when his legs give out. But somehow, he pulls the emergency door open. Somehow, he slides down into the car.
"Almost there," someone whispers, and he can't tell if it's him or Morrigan.
He presses the ground floor button. The rocketing of the car makes him want to vomit, but he grips the handles as tight as he can, and waits it out.
The doors open. JJ tries to put on a brave face.
Marching through, as quick as his wrecked limbs carry him, he keeps his head down and takes gulping breaths. Fresh air would be so nice right now. So would being at home. So would...
"Sir, are you alright?"
It's the lady at the front desk. She's standing, watching him approach with concern.
He nods shakily, not stopping. "Peachy."
"Wait, hey! You look really pale, you should sit down, I can call someone--"
"I, uh, live not far from here, I'm fine," he tries to reassure through the thick tongue in his mouth, "I'm going, I'll be out of your hair soon."
JJ picks up speed and throws open the doors to the big city. The fresh air is nice, pushes away some of the vertigo, but the horrible trembling that takes over his body is much, much worse.
"Left turn on 17th," Morrigan's voice urges. "You're out of the hard part. Now you need to get home."
The walk to his apartment is arduous. It's long. Chicago is not a small city, he knows this, but he'd give anything to be living in some bullshir farm in South Dakota again, where the market is three blocks away from his house, where his brothers could carry him, where home is.
When he finally stands in front of the door to his apartment, he doesn't know where he is.
A scramble for his keys, a few more steps, and the warmth of his living room finally catches the cold off guard. For a small, brilliant moment, he is finally warm.
The exhaustion hits him. His legs give out.
"Morrigan," he whispers. He clutches the side of his couch, eyes fluttering shut against the sudden spinning of the room. "What do I do now?"
Something inside him reminds him--he has to report back on the mission. He's not done. God, when can he be done?
JJ furrows his brows, grits his teeth, and forces himself up off the floor. His feet drag. He places both hands firmly on his desk, and collapses into his chair, pulling out the burner phone and locking it away in the drawer.
He grabs a pencil. His eyes blur. He begins to write.
Morrigan has blood on their cheek. It's not a big deal, certainly not theirs, but it's quiet obvious and hard to hide. They'd wipe it off, but JJ has a sink they can wash their face in.
They're closer to his apartment than their own underground room. And they have a key, anyway.
The door is unlocked.
Morrigan shifts their posture into something defensive, and gently pushes into the room. Their eyes dart quickly around, cataloging the untouched mess of clothes on the couch, the handful of dishes drying on the rack--
Oh, JJ.
"Hey. Jace. Wake up." They're by his side in less than a second, shaking his shoulder, hot to the touch.
He moans, and shifts, but doesn't wake, instead revealing the notepad on the desk. Written in messy handwriting, repeatedly, is, "I want to go home."
Oh, Jace. What did you do?
Morrigan throws open the bedroom door and shoves off a pile of clothes, pulling the covers back. They find a glass and fill it with water, and grab a bottle of Tylenol to set on the nightstand.
Returning to the living room, they hoist JJ up into their arms in a fireman's carry.
Jace is warm. Too warm. They can feel the muscles twitch in an attempt to reorient himself, help Morrigan carry him, but all it does is send a wave of trembling down his body.
Morrigan tucks him in. "Journey, report."
It's a cruel way to wake him. It works nonetheless. JJ's eyes snap open, and the dilated pupils blow wide. He glances around. "Sir."
"Tell me what happened."
"Mission successful. One witness post-seizure. Burner phone protected. No injuries, or property damage. One guard neutralized, no fatalities." His eyes are glazed over, and he mutters it with slurred words, like he's said these things half a million times.
Even five years asleep can't get rid of thorough training. Morrigan's chest hurts.
"JJ, you're home safe. You don't need to be Journey right now."
The sound is heartbreaking. It's partially a whimper, like he thinks it's too good to be true. Like it's a test.
Morrigan threads their fingers through his hair, as gently as they can manage through the sweat-soaked strands. "It's me, Jace. Come back, okay?"
JJ leans his face into their hand and whines. "Not here. You're not 'ere. Just imagining it."
"I'm right here. You need to take some medicine, okay?"
"'Kay, Morri." JJ starts to get up.
"Hey, no, I have it here--" Morrigan pushes his chest back into the pillows, and grabs the pill. "Here. Open?"
His jaw drops. He looks up at him, dumbstruck. "Morri?"
They hum, grabbing the water too. "Yes, JJ?"
"You're really here?"
"In the fabricated flesh."
There's a hitched breath. Morrigan glances over, and sees a tear fall down his cheek.
They nearly drop the glass, reaching over to take his face in their hands, looking them over. "Jace, what's wrong?"
"Don't feel well," he mutters. It's as honest as he's ever been. Which is deeply concerning.
"I'm here," they soothe. "I'll take care of you."
He grabs their hand, tightly. "'Kay."
"Now take your medicine, and then you can go to sleep."
"Won't leave?" he asks, looking up through already half lidded eyes. "Please?"
"I'm not going anywhere," Morrigan promises. "Not for the world."
i don't usually do POV switches but this one felt necessary. this was so fun to write. i love my guys!!! i love them so much!!!!
thank you for the asks bug!!! always feel free to send more, it's so much fun to trade guy rambling with you! :DDD i am sorry it wasn't as fluffy. but JJ seems to be very sad when he's sick. morri cuddles him later. i decree it so
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