#ignore shock correcting to shakes
this took so long omg
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miabebe · 2 months
Camp Seventeen: Prologue
Seventeen as Greek Demigods Series
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Pairing - Reader x ot13 (Yes, you read that right, I am insane and you are allowed to scream at me)
Word count - 2.7k
Genre - Greek Demigod AU! We’ve mainly got crack cause all of them are idiots, and obviously smut because they are thirteen lonely, horny men afterall (aka reverse harem) also throwing in some fluff and angst as well because I gotta let emotions run high for plot sake :)
A/n - Hello hello, this is a new seventeen series I am starting and boy oh boy is it gonna be a wild ride! A special thanks to @okiedokrie @whipped-for-kpop-fics @ourdawnishotterthanourday @multi-kpop-fanfics for all their amazing help and bearing with me through the discussions for this, I’m so grateful to you guys :)
I will have a taglist for this so please comment/ send an ask to be added!
“Over here!”
Wincing, you looked up from the disgusting heap of mud your foot had neatly landed in, ignoring the way your little piglet was ecstatically rolling in the same filth.
The man before you looked equally disturbed as he walked over, pulling out a bottle of water apparently from up his ass because you didn’t remember him holding it a second ago.
Sighing a thank you, you took it, emptying it onto your boots before grabbing your gremlin of a pet from its happy place, resulting in a series of loud, incessant whining.
In all that noise, you heard your shoe savior take your name with a voice that was as pretty as him.
“I’m Jisoo.” He put out his hand. “You can call me Joshua.”
You nodded, unable to shake his hand thanks to the problem trashing in your arms earning Joshua’s amusement.
“And who is this?”
“Natalie.” You muttered as he raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Natalie Porkman.”
Joshua burst out laughing, looking away as he covered up a snort, shoulders shaking. You smiled, truly taking in his beautiful features for the first time. Cute.
“This way.” He pointed at absolutely nothing yet you followed this complete stranger, survival skills be damned. “We’ve got a half mile trek ahead of us but it gets a little confusing from here so I thought I’d come pick you up.”
Cute and kind.
You filed it away under ‘to-learn-more-about-when-I-fiigure-out-what-the-fuck-is-going-on-in-my-life.’
The two of you walked side by side, footfall softly echoing in the lush green forest around. Though silence was all you had been craving after the last few days you’ve had, that did not seem like an option since one, Natalie hadn’t stopped whimpering in fifteen minutes and two, Joshua kept glancing at you like you were some sort of ancient artifact.
Not the good kinds.
“What is it?” You said finally, starting a conversation you didn’t want to have. “Never seen a mess of a human before?”
“Never such an old one.” Well, at least you got ancient right. Joshua quickly corrected himself. “I mean I’ve never heard of a demigod surviving undetected in the mortal world for this long.”
Oh but you got ‘human’ wrong. You forgot. Normalcy was never your defining factor but at least now you knew exactly what kind of freak you were.
“I wouldn’t call it surviving, more like ‘barely made it’.”
“But you made it.”
“At the cost of what?” You sighed. “Everything is much more complicated now.”
“Don’t worry.” He stopped at a large boulder at the base of an abnormally large tree in the middle of seemingly nowhere. “We’ll all help you.”
He nodded, looking at you over his shoulder. “All.”
Your eyes followed his hand as he placed it in the middle of the rock, and after all that you’ve learnt in the last few days, you’re not sure why you were so shocked when it rolled away at his touch. You expected it to lead you to a dark, suspicious cave but a bright light poured out, making you momentarily lose both your vision and your pet who jumped out of your arms and ran into the illuminance, squealing in delight.
“Welcome to Camp Seventeen.”
Joshua grinned, pointing at the scene before him and your jaw dropped in awe.
It was a large opening in the middle of a forest that looked very different from the one you were just trudging through. There were hills on one side, a large lake shimmering far away, fire torches lit everywhere, little cottages scattered here and there, strange symbols topping them all off. Looking at everything curiously, you walked down the cobbled path, only just noticing the two men who were standing at the end of it, both incredibly beautiful. The blonde one was playing with Natalie and the redhead was staring at you with his arms crossed, expression smug.
“Would you look at that, the prodigal babygirl is here at last.”
You frowned, taking an almost immediate dislike despite his pretty, pretty face.
“Jeonghan, play nice.” Joshua muttered, walking over to him.
“Don't patronise me Aphrodite's son, she was supposed to be here at 4-”
“It’s 4:10.”
“-yesterday.” He turned back to you. “You’re a day and 10 minutes late.”
“Well you’re not the one who’s relocating your whole life.” You spat back at him. “I had things to take care of - my dorms, my bills-”
“So much that you missed the meeting with your lawyer.”
“I did ask to reschedule. It’s not my fault he’s an unsympathetic prick.”
“Careful sweetheart.” Jeonghan cocked his head at you. “I’m unforgiving too.”
You stared at him for a whole maddening minute, realizing why his voice seemed so familiar. You had heard him on the phone over the last few days.
“You’re my lawyer.”
“And the best in the city.” Joshua interjected, sensing the rising tension. “Children of Athena tend to be big brained.”
“And hot headed apparently.”
“Natalie says ‘not more than you’.”
All three of you turned to the only other presence there, the man who was carrying your pig, silent as a statue all this while.
“Jun, son of demeter.” Joshua introduced, pulling him ahead. “He’s a natural with anything, well... natural? Mostly plants but he also happens to talk to animals.”
“Domestic ones.” Jun mumbled. “Hansol is better with the wild.”
You greeted him awkwardly, half smiling to be polite and half frowning at the way Natalie was looking up at him with literal heart eyes.
“How did you come across a fledgling?”
“A what now?”
Jun picked your pig up by the arms like a little baby. “She says she’s 10 years old, yet is the size of a toddler. Have you never wondered why your pig never grew?”
“I uh….assumed it was just the kind of breed that didn’t?”
“What an intellectual.” Jeonghan looked at you with faux amazement making you roll your eyes.
Jun, however, still hadn’t met your eye. “Fledglings are creatures of Olympus. Time moves differently there so they don’t really grow like the others in the human world. In that sense, technically, she’s still only a few months old-”
“So you’re telling me this thing, which has lived with me for 10 odd years, is….magical?”
Jun shook his head as Joshua spoke up, clarifying.
“Not magical, that’s a whole different branch of powers and abilities. Your pig is just….not a part of the human world.”
“You betrayer.” You narrowed your eyes at what you thought was your loyal companion. “We were friends. How could I not know?”
Natalie whined sadly in response earning a smile from Jun and of course, yet another snarky comment from Jeonghan. “I don’t speak pig and even I know she said you’re not very bright.”
“Understanding your native language is not particularly intelligent, you swine.” You glared at him, receiving a smirk in response.
“Ten minutes in camp and you’ve already made Jun’s ears red and picked a fight with Han.” You turned to see three men walk up to you, the one in the middle with an amused look and a powerful aura. “You’re gonna fit in quite well Newbie.”
“Seungcheol, son of Zeus and leader of the camp.” Joshua whispered as everyone bowed to him. You imitated them quickly.
“This is Seokmin, Son of Poseidon and Minghao, Son of Ares.” Seungcheol added, pulling out his armor as one of them shot you a cheery smile and the other continued to look at you cynically. “They are our training specialists. Seokmin should help you with your overall fitness and Minghao will train you for combat.”
“C-combat?” You stuttered looking around. “You mean like war?”
“The world of demigods is new to you, don’t try to understand everything in one day.” The Son of Ares sheathed his twin blades behind his back. “Take a few days to adjust to the camp first. You can start training next week.”
You nodded, a little thankful that despite his cold exterior, he seemed to be surprisingly sympathetic of your situation.
“He’s right.” Seokmin chimed. “You should settle here first, not to forget, deal with that lawsuit before you focus on everything else.”
You turned to Jeonghan expecting yet another snarky remark but he looked worried, lost in thought.
When you turned back to Seokmin though, you bit back a scream, your face inches away from a man who appeared soundlessly and seemingly from thin air.
He gave you a cheeky grin with a tilt of the head, “I’m Chan aka Dino, Son of Hermes, Camp cutie, camp hottie and camp leader- ow!”
He rubbed the back of his head vigorously when a small rock hit him with a dull thud. You looked over his shoulder to see Seungcheol aim another one with just a flick of the wrist.
This one Dino skillfully dodged, stepping away from you as Joshua laughed, “Chan is the camp messenger. He’s in charge of all sorts of delivery and transportation.”
“You were the one who picked up my things.” The realisation hit you at last as Dino nodded, pointing at a pile of your stacked bags and trunks beside the entrance.
“Guilty as charged.”
“You were supposed to arrive over an hour ago.” Seokmin narrowed his eyes at the younger man.
“I got held up with some uh distractions.” Chan laughed nervously, scratching the back of his ear. “I didn’t know where to keep her things though, considering you know, she doesn’t have a place yet.”
Seungcheol turned to you to clear your confusion. “Everyone on camp has their own residence but you came on too short a notice so we’re yet to build one of you. We could have housed you in the guest cabin except it was recently damaged in a fight,” He glared at all the boys around him. “So that would not be feasible. Until your own place is not ready you can stay at mine - it is the biggest so you should be comfortable.”
You pursed your lips unsure about his offer. Did you think you would be unsafe in his presence? No absolutely not, the opposite in fact.
You wondered how long you could hold yourself back before unsuspectingly jumping this man and his huge biceps and beefy thighs and manly voice-
“She’s thirsty.”
Taken aback you looked around, searching for the owner of the voice who unnecessarily accurately voiced your thoughts. Instead, you heard the snap of a twig and a low growling sound from the area the forest got more dense. You narrowed your eyes, trying to peer through the overgrown wilderness only to meet a pair of menacing red orbs.
Your adrenaline response barely had the time to kick in before ten, no fifteen, wild hounds ran out of their hiding place towards you, making you scream and hide behind Joshua.
The boys laughed as the dogs circled around you and you gripped onto Joshua’s shoulders terrified.
“Stand back lads.” A silver haired man walked over with a golden haired one beside him, both with a bow and quiver strung over their shoulders. The dogs immediately ran over, aligning themselves in an obedient, straight line behind them.
“Hansol, Son of Artemis and Jihoon, Son of Apollo.” Joshua looked at you over his shoulder. “They are in charge of daytime border patrol. There are all sorts of wild animals out here, hence the hounds, for protection.” As you shuddered, Joshua looked around curiously. “The Son of Hades, is in charge of nighttime patrol. He should be somewhere around here…”
Your eyes widened as the water canteen hanging on Jihoon’s belt flew towards you on its own, making you almost claw Joshua’s arm.
“Wonwoo don’t scare her.” Joshua chastised laughing as you literally see a tall, lean man materialize out of thin air, the canteen in his hand and a smirk on his face. “How long have you been here?”
“The whole time.” He mumbled, handing you the water. “Jihoon said you were thirsty.”
“Not for water.” The blonde man whispered in a way only you could hear, looking entertained at how flushed you were. Did he actually read your mind?
Coming out of Joshua’s shadow, you grabbed the canteen before anyone else noticed, thanking Wonwoo with a hard smile. Tilting your head back you drank up, not noticing how all 10 eyes were intently fixed on you and your throat moving with each gulp. They all took a gulp of their own.
As you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, slowly looking around and noticing everyone’s gaze, the ground below began to shake, fazing no one but you.
Jeonghan pulled you out of the way of what seemed like a large mechanical bull charging towards you with an equally large man perched on top of it. A smaller man arrived right behind, riding a….. A leopard???
“You said you would win.” The muscled man slid off the mechanical creature, patting it. “My baby is faster.”
“I said a cheetah would win. My baby is a tiger.”
“It's a leopard.” You corrected, earning everyone's snickers and the not so threatening stare of its owner.
“It’s a big cat with an identity crisis.” Taking your hand in his, placing a soft kiss at the back of it, the muscle man gave you a fanged smile. “I’m Mingyu, Son of Hephaestus.”
The other man raised his hand. “Soonyoung, Son of Dionysis and that-” He turned to yet another one who was running over, looking frazzled.
“Seungkwan, Son of Hera, owner of a peacock that has yet again disappeared.” He bent over, grabbing his waist, panting and out of breath. “I don’t get why she keeps running away.”
“Maybe because you keep calling him a she.” Minghao nonchalantly glanced at his neatly filed nails.
“I can’t-” Seungkwan ran his fingers through his head, annoyed. “It’s confusing okay, who the fuck named him Patricia then?”
Behind you Jeonghan giggled.
“You coagulation of human evil,” Seungkwan threw his shoe, missing the target. “Now she- He won’t respond to any other name!”
The boys roared with laughter as Seungkwan unsuccessfully chased Jeonghan around, hands flailing everywhere.
Seungcheol walked over to you amidst all the mess, shooting you an understanding smile. “Your life has just undergone a major change, I get that it is intimidating but don’t worry. All thirteen of us are here to help you get through this.”
You nodded slowly, looking around at the boys, doing a quick, confirmatory headcount. “So there’s only thirteen of you?”
And why were all of them so gorgeous??
“Yeah, only.” Seungcheol chuckled, “Trust me thirteen is more than enough, I’ve got to run a very tight ship here.”
“I just assumed there would be seventeen people since, you know, Camp Seventeen.”
“The Oracle apparently told Woozi to name us Camp Seventeen.” He shrugged. “Not sure why.”
You hummed, as all of them gradually stopped behaving like toddlers and turned their attention to you.
“Wait,” The realization slowly dawned upon you. Actually, it hit you like a brick. “You’re all men.”
Seungcheol nodded carefully, like he didn’t know where you were going with this.
“Am I….Am I the only girl in the camp?”
Soft mutters went around as Seungcheol cleared his throat. “Yes and I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but unfortunately, it was not a choice.”
“It’s not common for a girl to be assigned to an all boys camp,” Joshua stepped up. “But I believe since Jeonghan and Wonwoo are working on the lawsuit that landed you here, the authorities of Olympus must have thought it is better for you to be here.”
“But it’s not permanent.” Seungcheol added. “You can choose to change camps after Quest Season if you wish-”
“What is Quest season?”
Jeonghan let out a loud sigh. “You’ve been here for what, ten minutes? Don't overwork your brain. The world of demigods is complex, you’ll learn everything with time.”
“He’s right.” Seokmin leaned against the tree near him. “Why don’t we first move your things to Seungcheol’s cabin? We’ll let you get settled, then Joshua can show you around camp, walk you through the rules and assign a duty-”
“Except.” Soonyoung looked at you from bottom to top, like he was assessing you. “What kind of duty?”
“Exactly.” Mingyu threw his arm around his friend, his expression matching. “Daughter of Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home, what would you be good for in this camp?”
Minghao hummed, walking up to you, bending to meet your eyelevel. “Well, what can a woman be good for in a camp of thirteen men?”
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A/n - next will be a detailed post about each member, their background and powers so it's less confusing for those who aren't so familiar with Greek mythology and the series will start after that so stay tuned!
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Be With Me
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Robb Stark x F!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ When Robb over hears of your potential marriage, he cannot stand the idea of loosing you to some random lord.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ Inspired by “Be with Me” by Ramin Djawadi. It was heavily inspired by the cave scene with Jon and Yigrette. P.S… IM BACK!!
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 1.4k
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Female reader, sexual content, swearing, injuries, mentions of death, oral (male receiving), discussion of marriage…
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(I’m saying it again! This was heavily inspired by the cave scene that involved Jon and Yigrette!!)
You walk out of the medic tent with a limp, It’s more than obvious that you were injured, and you feel the stares from other soldiers as your eyes are narrowed.
Robb caught up to you, grabbing your shoulder to make you turn around, “What was that?” Robb immediately said, “You thought it best to throw yourself into a fight?”
“A sword was coming from behind, you were too bothered to even notice.” You shake his hand off your shoulder and continue walking.
Robb grumbles a couple of words before speeding up to catch you, “I saved your life.” He piped up.
“No, I did.�� You corrected him, you kept your eyes forward as you walked to your tent, “If I didn’t throw myself into the battle… You know I’d die for you.”
It makes Robb scoff rather loudly, ignoring your last words, “Let’s say you saved me. What about the other time or the other one?” Robb lifts an eyebrow, “You still owe me two more.”
“I owe you quite a lot, my lord.” You tell him, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check the horses.”
He grabs your cloak tightly and pulls you back, nearly making you fall to the ground. You look up at him confused and angry.
He suddenly snatches your sword out of your scabbard, “I’ll take your sword as payment.” He then scurries away, you can hear him laughing.
“W-What?” You stand shocked for a moment before realizing what is happening, “Robb! Come back here, dammit!” You shout, chasing after him, “Robb fucking Stark! Give me my sword!”
You run after him, tumbling on a few rocks but don’t fall… Somehow. As much as you’re a fighter, Robb was a runner.
He ran so easily and didn’t take a second to look back and stop to give you some kind of better start.
“If you want it back, you’ll have to steal it back!” He runs from the camp and into a random cave. A random cave to you. You didn’t know the North like he did.
The cave is heated by a natural hot spring, which forms a waterfall and a pool. The rocks glistening from the humidity from the water and the light shining through.
Robb sets his sword against the rocks and begins to undo his armor. He starts with his gloves, crumbling them up and tossing them besides the sword.
Your peer your head into the cave, you rush into the cave when hear him, “Seven fucking hells, Robb-!” You loudly shout, but stop in your tracks.
“I heard from my mother that you were supposed to marry some random Lord.” He spoke with a hint of venom in his voice, he pulls off his brown leather boots, “Which means you’re a maiden.”
You choke on your words as you feel your face become warm at his bluntness.
He unties and unbuttons his armor, setting it down carefully, “I always wanted to beat the lord dead, just imagining you in his grasp made me feel so angry.”
Robb turns his back to your as his arms cross and grab the hem of his dirty shirt, he’s swift and impatient, tearing free from the constraints of fighting and riding.
His hands come to the strings of his breeches, “I wanted to be the one to marry you… To kiss you…” Until his breeches drop to the ground. He steps out of them, “To love you…”
Robb turns back to you, he is completely bare in front of you. You could see light bruises and scrapes on his body but little scars. They were faded but still there, it added to his muscular body. He was so beautiful… So perfect… So flawless…
Your eyes flicker around the cave and your eyes only set sights on him once. They move to the ground and you hear his soft steps against the wet stone.
He slowly closes the space in between you both until his face his near yours.
You feel Robb’s breath, one of his hands comes to your cheeks and cups it. But when he leans into you for a kiss, you pull back.
You swallow thickly and turn your head, “We shouldn’t, Robb.” You mumble under your breath, “We can’t be doing this.”
“Then look me in the eyes and say it. Tell me that you don’t want to go any further.” He says, and he slowly turns his head to eventually look at him, “Go on, tell me.”
You knew what was waiting for you back at home, you knew that the second you stepped foot back into your home, your life would be over, even more if your parents found out.
“Do you want to marry that lord?” Robb whispers in your ear, “Do you want a marry a man with selfish desires?” You could hear the pain in his voice, “Because my heart would not stand the idea of it… My heart is yours, it has been from the start, ever since your mother met mine, ever since you watched me train that day. Do you feel as I do?”
“I do.” You shakily answer him. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him close and then you feel his lips on yours.
As your eyes shut and kiss him, you can feel yourself crying. You don’t know but he sees it, he does his best to keep you distracted and focused on him.
But you seem to have other ideas…
Once you manage to calm down and enjoy the kiss for a few more minutes, taking a couple of seconds to catch your breath before returning… Your hands move down his body and you slowly begin to kneel, planting kisses down his chest.
Robb chuckles, “Come back up, I wanna-” A sudden moan leaves his mouth when he feels your mouth wrap around his hard cock.
He throws his head back and allows himself to moan loudly. He was confined in the cave, just with you and no one else to see or hear. He closes his eyes and his hand comes to your head to move faster.
“F-Fuck!” His voice cracks as he curses, “H-How are you so-” He grunts and hisses, watching you close as you get him off.
Moments later, Robb is lying on the warm stone ground with you by his side… His fingers graze over your skin as he listens to the water pouring, feeling the warmth coming from the hot spring beside them.
Robb looks down at you with a grin, “How did you know to do that?” He questions you with an eyebrow raised.
You shrug, “I didn't learn it from anyone, I just wanted to. You looked like you enjoyed it.” You drag your nails over his chest.
“Surely there must’ve been a man you practice with.” Robb sits up, he’s genuinely curious but still playful, “Was it Theon? Or Jon?”
You swat at his leg and he snickers in response, “I swear, Robb. There wasn’t any other man.”
“So you are a maiden or were.” Robb stands and grabs your hand to help you up, “Join me, would you?” You didn’t need to say anything, he could see the answer in your eyes.
He leads you into the hot spring, feeling the warm water make contact with your skin. You wrap your arms around his waist and lay your head on his chest.
“They may be looking for us.” You tell him, unsure what to do now as you are held in his arms.
“I know.” Robb huffs as he rubs your back, “But let’s stay for a little longer…. I don’t wish to leave.” He holds you even tighter and places a kiss on the top of your head, “I do not wish to lose you once this is all over.”
“I… I’m sure I can convince my parents somehow. My mother could easily be swayed, but my father-”
“I’ll deal with him.” Robb interrupts you, “I’ll talk to my mother about it. There’s no way I cannot lose you to that man.”
Robb then moves to cup your face, swiping his thumb over his cheek, “Let’s not leave for a little longer.” He pulls you into another kiss, adjusting you comfortably on his lap.
You shudder and shiver, feeling his cock enter once more, “Don’t let me go.” You say to him, your hands hold grab his shoulders, keeping yourself up.
Once he was sheathed inside of you, Robb finally answers, “There’s no way I’ll let you go. Even if they try to pry my dead body off you, I’ll never let you go.”
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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rafeysbafey · 10 months
hey! i love your fics and was wondering if you could do a fic based on mitskis song ‘my love mine all mine’ ( mostly the part “nothing i do belongs to me”)
I was thinking maybe reader thinks rafe is using her for s-x and maybe she thinks that rafe doesn’t love her and becomes distant?
if you can’t it’s totally okay! 🩷🎅🏻
LOWKEY dont know how to feel abt this fic i feel like i went off track im so sorry in advance
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you sat in silence with the comforter pulled up to your chest as your eyes trailed after rafe, watching as he left to start a shower.
no aftercare, no checking to see if you were okay.
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
you and rafe were never dating, is what you had to constantly remind yourself.
but even with the whole ‘friends with benefits’ deal, he would still treat you like his girlfriend.
“coffee for you, m’lady,” he bowed, sticking out his hand to give you an iced latte.
you took it with a funny look, teasing him as you spoke, “is it poisoned?”
he gasped at your response, faking offense with sad eyes.
or when the two of you would lay in comfortable silence after sex, your body fitting perfectly next to his as he drew shapes across your skin.
“you hungry?” he asked, paying attention to how your stomach growled softly.
“only if you are.”
“ill take that as a yes,” he chuckled before grabbing his phone and typing in your favorite take-out restaurant.
but here you were, sitting in his bed by yourself as you listened to the water hit the tiled floor.
i love mine, mine, mine
deciding you weren’t going to wait for him, you slide out the bed and grabbed your clothes that were carelessly thrown across the room.
you didn’t hear much from him the day you left, but when it was close to midnight the next night, your phone pinged.
want 2 come ovr
you decided to ignore his text, not caring to respond as you tossed your phone to the side and continued to watch your show on Netflix.
the weekend went by with you ignoring rafe, leaving the boy confused as he left voicemails asking what was wrong.
it was cheesy, but you guys really didn’t spend even a day apart, always hanging out or sleeping over at each others houses.
you were getting ready for school when you heard a car honk outside, your brows furrowing together before realizing who it was.
rafe always picked you up for school, you just forgot to tell him not to today.
sighing, you answered the front door but froze when you came face to face with the boy, an iced latte in his hand and a frown covering his features.
“you’ve been ignoring me,” he automatically said, hurt laced in his voice as you stood there in silence.
“can we not do this right now?” you asked, voice quiet as if someone else were listening to the conversation.
“i just want to know why my girl hasn’t been responding to my texts or calls.”
your body flinched ever so slightly at the words ‘my girl,’ catching you off guard as you looked at him in shock.
“im not ‘your girl,’ rafe,” you stated, although the quiver in your voice seemed to give it away.
“you’re always my girl-”
“then why have you been treating me so different lately?”
nothing in the world belongs to me
it was his turn to freeze in place, mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out.
“I just-” he cut himself off before running his free hand through his hair, “i just got scared, okay?”
“scared of what?”
“falling in love with you!”
your eyes widened at his confession, rafe’s mouth immediately snapping shut at the realization.
“I shouldn’t have said that- i shouldn’t have said anything.”
“rafe,” you mumbled, eyes searching in his for any sign of regret or bluff.
“you shouldn’t be afraid, i think- no i know,” you corrected, “i know im falling for you.”
his shoulders fell in relief at your response, eyes lighting up as a small blush painted his face.
“really? you’re not just saying that, right?”
you let out a small laugh before shaking your head, “im not.”
“well, will you take this iced latte and make me the happiest man on earth, and be my girlfriend?” he stuck out the cup as he got on one knee.
“rafe you’re making this weird!” you laughed, grabbing both his shoulders and yanking him up.
“but yes, i would love an iced latte.”
“and?” he asked, brow raising as he pretended to get impatient.
“oh, yes i will be your girlfriend.”
but my love mine, all mine, all mine
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The Interview
Inspired by this post by @xoxoladyaz. Read on Ao3.
Eddie wakes up to one single missed call from Gareth on his private phone.
No one calls his private phone.
He dials back instantly.
"Hey Eddie," Gareth greets. He sounds tired.
"What's up? What's happened?" Eddie asks, a thousand and one scenarios running through his mind. Gareth is in Indianapolis, and Eddie's thoughts are filled with only his uncle back in Hawkins.
"Nothing's happened that we can't deal with, or rather, that I've already been dealing with. But, uhh, there's an interview you should watch. Let me send you a link-" there's a pause as Gareth does just that "-and just call me back after you've watched it. I know we usually ignore the shit people say about us but this- it's different."
"Okayyyy," Eddie says slowly. "I'll watch it."
They hang up without goodbye because Eddie's just going to call him back after the video. Opening his messages he sees the link, and then Gareth sent a follow up text you need to watch from 12:32 onward.
The video is nearly two weeks old already, and YouTube shows him a face he knows. Robin Buckley looks older but it's definitely her. Her hair isn't styled much differently than she had it in high school, just above her shoulders and a little wild. She's wearing a three piece suit in emerald green, slightly oversized on purpose by the look of it. She's sitting in a chair, cradling a grammy with one arm, as the interviewer sits across from her.
Eddie taps the screen and drags the progress bar closer to the 12-minute mark and listens. He hears the tail end of Robin's response to some question about her album before the interviewer asks what must be the question Gareth wants him to listen to.
'So, I think everyone is dying to know if you and Eddie Munson are friends. You're both from Hawkins, Indiana. Isn't that correct?' the interviewer asks.
Robin's smile slips a bit, 'I- uhh, this is going to be unprofessional of me but I made a promise to someone regarding if I was ever asked about Eddie Munson. So, can I have one minute to make a phone call before I answer your question?'
'Oh. By all means, make your call.'
Eddie watches as Robin is brought her phone by someone who is probably her personal assistant. She wastes no time in unlocking it and finding whoever in her contacts list.
'No time for formalities. I've been asked about Munson. Can I tell the truth?' Robin's mic isn't strong enough to pick up whatever answer she gets on the phone but she shakes her head to whatever answer she's been given. 'I told you, I love you more than this career and I've already got the grammy. I'll handle the fallout. It's not about me. It's about you.' What follows is a few seconds of silence before Robin nods and says goodbye, ending the call and passing the phone back to the PA.
The interviewer's eyebrows are up to her hairline in shock. 'That sounds ominous. You think it's career ending?'
Robin grins and it's almost feral. 'Corroded Coffin's fans have always been ruthless, and perhaps a bit heartless, so what I have to say will certainly set them on the attack. To answer your original question, yes, Eddie Munson and I are from Hawkins. We even shared band class in high school, but that's the end of what connects us. We are not friends, but we once were.'
'Can you elaborate on that?'
'Our friendship ended ten years ago when he ruined my best friend's life for fame and fortune, and Steve's never really known a day of peace since.'
Eyes wide, the interviewer leans closer, 'Steve? As in, Hey Steve, Steve?'
Robin nods, 'Just the one.'
'Are you prepared to talk about how one song ruined your friend's life?'
'That was the purpose of the phone call. Yes, I think people should know the truth. Munson vented his bullshit breakup rage into a song and fucked off out of town. A week after its release, his fans doxxed Steve. He wasn't out to his parents, you see, and Corroded Coffin's fans, Eddie Munson's fans, outed him. They sent hate mail to his house by the ton, it seemed. The fallout from that- the aftermath-' Robin cuts off as her eyes water and she swipes at them, smearing some mascara across her cheek. 'I'm sorry. I almost lost my best friend, the platonic love of my life, that day.
'It's public knowledge, what happened, you can look it up online if you know what to look for. But it is also so incredibly personal. I want to be the one to say this because it's important. What you do in life, it has consequences, and sometimes those consequences are for other people. Whether you think it will, or not. I'd rather people hear it from a human voice, from someone who loves Steve, and not the journalist view. No offense,' Robin shoots the interviewer a sweet smile.
'None taken, please continue.'
'Steve was hospitalized, I won't give the details,' Robin says, in a watery voice as she's clearly trying to not cry at the memory. 'When Steve was finally released from the hospital, there was no one but me to pick him up. And he's going through this while nursing a broken heart. He and Munson had only been broken up for maybe a month before Hey Steve came out.
'In less than two months, Steve had lost his parents, his home, all his belongings, and the man he thought he'd marry one day. And to top it off, that man gets to become rich and famous off a venomous, hate-filled song about their breakup. It talks about Steve like he's coward for not willing to be out, yet, and how... what's the line, about conformity?'
'Conformity holds your leash, baby, so run to the end of your chain and bark,' someone off camera shouts.
'Yes, that, thanks. Accusing Steve of picking 'conformity' over his love. Steve wasn't picking conformity, he was picking safety! And the worst part? The hate mail has never stopped. Steve lived with me and my family for a few months after getting out of the hospital before the hate mail got too much, and someone showed up at my childhood home, looking for him, threatening him. They had a gun. It was traumatic. I was still in my senior year of high school-' Robin cuts off, taking deep breaths.
The interviewer reaches across to place a comforting hand on Robin's, 'I can't even imagine what that must have been like.'
Once Robin has composed herself, she says, 'sorry, this is a lot. I've had ten years to come to terms with it, and I've waited seven for someone to ask me about Munson. I didn't think it would be this hard.
'And it's not- I can't blame Munson, or Corroded Coffin, for everything that happened. He doesn't control his fans. But he's never said anything about the treatment his fans give Steve. And if they're like this towards Steve, are they like this towards all his other ex's? Does Munson not care, or, almost worse, does he not even know?' she stops again, getting a faraway look for a moment before looking at the interviewer again. 'I had to help Steve move again. Just last month. They're still finding him. Sending him hate. Doxxing him.' Now she looks at the camera directly, "Eddie Munson. Call off your fans. Stop playing Hey Steve at concerts. Isn't a decade of hurt enough?'
There isn't a lot that makes Eddie feel anything these days, he'll admit. A decade of fame has made him a bit cynical and callus. However, Robin had said something that made his insides squirm. He swipes across the screen, rewinding the video to hear Robin say Steve had lost his parents, his home, all his belongings, and the man he thought he'd marry one day. Swipe. -ents, his home, all his belongings, and the man he thought he'd marry one day. Swipe. The man he thought he'd marry one day. Swipe. Marry one day.
He pauses the video. That can't be right. That has to be a lie Robin is adding. To garner more sympathy or make Eddie, and therefore Corroded Coffin, look worse. Steve and he had been young and naive when they'd dated. There was no way they'd have ended up married, even if Eddie had stuck around Hawkins longer. Gay marriage wasn't even legal when they broke up in 2013.
Eddie unpauses, skips forward to the end and listens to Robin speak directly to him. Stop playing Hey Steve? The song that rocketed Corroded Coffin into the limelight? No way. And call off his fans? Like they're dogs he's supposed to control or something. The video ends and the YouTube algorithm shows him a number of react videos. Eddie clicks on one and falls down the rabbit hole.
At first the algorithm shows him responses in his favor. Videos made by his fans defending him, or strategically picking apart what Robin had said. Eddie wants to agree with them, he doesn't think he's done anything wrong other than live his life, but then.
Then a video of a guy wearing merch sold during their tour last year plays. He's on the right side of the video while a screen recording is on the left. It takes him less than five minutes to get Steve's past addresses found. And Eddie is... well, he's a little horrified at how long the list is. At the short amount of time Steve's spent in any one place is.
The guy in the video reads out the state, city, and how long Steve lived at each address. The longest one is when Steve made the jump from Florida to Maine, where he lived for 19 months according to the video, and that was years ago.
And then the guy, he fucking starts to speculate about where Steve might have moved to next.
"We can't know for sure, but it looks like he headed back west? You can see from the last 3 addresses he's been just jumping state lines to the next place. I'm guessing Oklahoma, Kansas or Nebraska next. If Steve thinks he can try and ruin Corroded Coffin through Robin Buckley, then it's up to us to prove him wrong," the guy is saying, and Eddie thinks maybe this guy is just exaggerating but the comment section is already filled with other people saying vile shit about what they should send to Steve or what they'd like to do to him physically and-
Eddie clicks off the video, to the next recommended. The more he watches, the angrier they seem to get. He goes to the search bar and looks for new react videos.
He finds that everyone has an opinion. He watches videos where his own fans express their disappointment in him. They talk about how Corroded Coffin runs an antibully campaign and then allows their fans to bully an ex and for not calling out the ones doxxing people, wanting to know which was the reason - does Eddie not know, or does he not care? Eddie didn't know. Truly. But he can't help but wonder if he didn't know because he didn't care.
He'd written all his feelings into a song, and now that he's older, he can see that a lot of what he was feeling is an exaggeration and dramatization of what really happened. But the point is, he'd written out his feelings and moved on.
The man he thought he'd marry one day.
His stomach twists uncomfortably as Robin's voice rings in his mind.
He continues his spiral down YouTube until Gareth calling him again breaks through and he answers.
"How is this the first time I'm hearing about Robin's interview?" Eddie demands.
"You've got a damn good PR team, that's how. I guess you fell down the rabbit hole, then?"
"How'd you-"
"Is been almost 4 hours since we talked. Doesn't take that long to watch a 30 minute video."
"Oh. Alright. So, why did you want me to watch the video? Am I supposed to respond to Robin?"
"No. People don't actually want to hear from you. They want to hear from Steve. And that's why you needed to watch. 'Cause Robin's announced that Steve's finally ready to make a statement. Robin's going to post it on her Twitter. Tonight. So, we've got to be ready. If anything Robin said turns out to be true, we might have a problem on our hands. A slander lawsuit being just the beginning."
"What a way to sum it up," Gareth chuckles into the phone before his tone becomes serious, "hey, how are you doing, though? With it all?"
He thinks about it, and how he really feels, before answering. "It's been years since I've thought about Steve, y'know? I... I've had that luxury. I didn't know.... Did you?"
"No. Hell no! I'd of said something. I mean, shit man, we run an antibully campaign 'cause high school was shit to us. If I'd known at all we'd have been telling them to fuck off. Harassment's just what they call bullying adults."
Eddie swallows. "Guess we just have to wait and see what Stevie has to say."
"I'd come sit on the couch with you and refresh twitter frantically but, well, Indy's a bit of a ways off. I'll call after Robin's posted, then?"
"Yeah, man. Let's see the damage," Eddie sighed. "Talk to ya later."
Eddie digs out his laptop and pulls up Robin's twitter page. He adds an auto-refresher extension and sets it to refresh every minute before opening his phone and pulling up YouTube again.
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
Hey I saw you're still taking requests... what about a batman x reader where the justice league meets his wife (the reader) by accident? And maybe they're shocked because he's so secretive and she's really sweet and just the total opposite of him. Feel free to ignore if this doesn't sound interesting to you. I love your writing 💗
Hey! I love this prompt, thanks for sending it in :) I made the reader gender neutral, I hope that's okay!
Bruce Wayne x spouse!gn!reader. No warnings, just Bruce being a little shit (and a sweet hubby).
You press your palm to the reader at the entrance of the Cave and jog down the stairs, talking all the way.
"Honey, Alfred and I are going to..."
Six superhero faces stare back at you. Bruce is in the cowl, expression hard to parse. Your brows rise.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know B had company. I'll leave you to it," you say, beginning to back up the stairs.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," says Green Lantern. You can't tell through the mask lenses, but you think he might be zeroed in on the ring on your left hand. "Uh, Spooky? Something you wanna tell us?"
You freeze on the steps. Bruce looks at you, then crosses the Cave in a few long strides. He stops next to you.
Sorry, you mouth at him. He shakes his head and reaches out to squeeze your hand.
"Hold the fucking phone," Green Arrow begins. "You're his—"
"Partner," Wonder Woman says instantly. She sounds pensive. "I have never seen you look at anyone like that, Bruce."
Bruce doesn't say anything, not that you expect him to. You feel him tense.
He'd been content to keep his family as private as possible, and you hadn't minded being kept separate. You know it's out of extreme protectiveness and the fact that you're the only one of the Wayne family who doesn't put a suit on and fight crime.
There's a moment of silence as the League studies you, then Bruce. You smile slowly and wave.
"Hi, Justice League. Nice to meet you all."
"Hello," says the Martian Manhunter, who's probably known about you since you entered Wayne Manor.
"You got married without telling us?" Superman sounds hurt.
Bruce heaves a sigh.
"We got married during the League's infancy. Please spare me the theatrics. Of course I didn't tell you."
"We revealed our identities two years ago!" Superman argues. "You didn't want to mention you have a spouse?"
Superman nods at you then. "Uh, of course, it's still very nice to meet you."
You smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Superman."
"Clark," he corrects hastily. Then he turns to Bruce again, upset flaring. "Bruce—"
"You're upset over nothing," Bruce says. "We weren't close when I got married, and I never found it a pertinent detail."
You roll your eyes.
"B," you say, nudging his shoulder. "C'mon. Try to be a little gentler about this, hm?"
Bruce looks at you. You smile at him and squeeze his wrist encouragingly. He eventually turns back to the League.
"Very well, you're right. Clark, that was harsh of me. My apologies."
The League startles.
"Whoa. Rewind. Hold up. Did Spooky just apologize?" Green Lantern asks. "Did I just get zeta'd?"
Bruce sighs. You stifle a laugh and kiss his bicep. His hand slips to your back.
"Aw, you guys are cute," Flash says jovially. "Congrats, B! Even if it's been almost six years."
Bruce nods. "Thank you, Allen."
"It is incredible how the better half can transform the other," says Wonder Woman, and you preen a little at the compliment.
Clark looks flabbergasted. It takes him a second to speak again.
"Um. That's... okay, Bruce. I forgive you. I suppose you did it out of protection, right?"
"I'm just a boring ol' civilian," you say, nodding. "No powers or years of Krav Maga training here. B worries."
"You're not boring," Bruce says fiercely, quiet enough for only you to hear... and Clark, who has superhearing, and who softens at the statement.
"This is so weird," Green Lantern says, and Bruce glares at him.
"I mean, it's sweet!" he hastily adds. "Uh, you guys are very sweet together, like Bar said. I just feel like I've been mind controlled or something."
"If it was mind control, you wouldn't still be talking," Bruce says flatly.
"Okay, alright, point taken. Shutting up. It's very nice to meet you, though," Green Lantern says to you.
"You as well," you say warmly. "All of you. I want to thank you for looking out for him all these years and bringing him home safe."
Wonder Woman smiles at you. "It is a great honor to fight alongside him. And we are happy he has someone to come home to."
"Seconded," Clark says. "You deserve someone special, B. And I can tell they're just that."
Your face feels warm under all the praise. Bruce is quiet for a long moment. When he speaks again, there's a slight tremor in his voice.
"Thank you. I—they are the best thing to ever happen to me."
You have to kiss Bruce for that, cowl be damned. He meets you gently, and you keep it short but full of love. Flash aww's.
"Well," you say, laughing bashfully. "I suppose I'll let you all get back to work. Nice to meet you. Goodbye. Bruce, I'm going out with Alfred."
Bruce nods. "Call me when you get home."
"'Course, sweetheart. I always do."
You head up the stairs. Flash starts to speak.
"Y'know, I told you all when I got married," he says. "You guys were the first people I told! We didn't even know Clark's identity then. I think you could've loosened the reins, Bruce."
"Yeah, no. You telling a bunch of superhero co-workers is infinitely stranger than Bruce never telling us, Bar."
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mylight-png · 9 months
I refuse to be told to "move on" from October 7th. I simply refuse.
You know the thing about trauma? You don't really get the choice to move on. You may be living in the future, but at least a part of your mind is trapped in that horrible moment. Sometimes that part of you can never escape.
Right now, as I'm writing this, I am sitting at my desk in my room. But right now, as I am writing this a part, huge part, of me is still in that airport. That part of me is still staring at my phone, trying to catch its breath but failing. That part of me is still watching in shock as the death count rises, the videos of Hamas's atrocities are broadcasted everywhere I see, the celebration of my people being massacred is burning my eyes. My ears are hearing the wailing sirens from when I was last in Israel. My hands are still feeling the shaking of the walls as the Iron Dome intercepts attempts upon the lives of my family and me. My heart is hurting for each life lost and each family left broken.
My body is here, in January 10th. My mind is not. My mind, and the mind of nearly every Jew is still stuck in October 7th.
Do not think we chose this. If I could choose indifference, if I could choose apathy, if I could choose ignorance, I wouldn't feel so constantly triggered and in pain.
But nobody gets to choose trauma.
This wasn't a unique trauma, a first-time event. Pogroms are nothing new to us, genocides and attempts at such against us aren't anything new, hateful libel and lies are near-constants.
That's part of what made October 7th so much worse.
I grew up hearing about how my great-grandfather lost his entire family to the Holocaust, how my ancestors survived pogroms, how my parents faced systemic antisemitism in the USSR.
We all grew up hearing our parents and grandparents tell us about antisemitism.
And do not think we were ignorant of it. I was well aware that the world is not even close to shedding its deeply ingrained antisemitism.
I was aware of it when I wrote a speech about discussion of modern antisemitism and being told it was "well-written but controversial". I was aware of it when my teacher said I was responding "emotionally, not academically" to an author claiming antisemitism and the Holocaust weren't "that bad".
I was aware of it when a synagogue near me got shot up, a synagogue I've been to. I was aware of it because I had no other choice.
But it had always felt like it was "winding down" from what my parents had told me. Yes what my teacher did was bad but at least he didn't explicitly single me out for being a Jew and intentionally fail me. Yes the feedback for my speech was hurtful but it wasn't like I was being violently censored. Yes the shooting was awful but it wasn't a full-blown pogrom.
I'm not saying my logic was correct. Far from it. But that's how it felt before October 7th.
When October 7th happened I saw that nothing was "winding down" as I had previously thought. People were still just as keen to gleefully cheer on the killing of Jews as they had been. The world is just as slow to act when Jews are being forcibly held and tortured and killed. Blood libel and ideas of the "doctor's plot" are alive and well.
Oct 7th triggered old trauma, Oct 7th was traumatic in its own right, and for most of us, Oct 7th proved that antisemitism isn't going anywhere. It isn't winding down or getting better.
And that kind of pain? That kind of trauma? That sticks with you.
You wouldn't tell any other person to get over their trauma. So what makes it ok to say it to traumatized Jews as we are still processing the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust?
That behavior is horrible and inexcusable.
Trauma is trauma, you don't get to decide who does or doesn't have the right to be traumatized. You don't get to decide how people discuss their trauma.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
loud and clear — gojo satoru x gn!reader
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a/n: @xhamper I hope this is up to your liking! I couldn’t find the request in the inbox 🥲
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as a high school student in jujutsu tech, you have learned to take any chance to sleep.
however, said sleep of tonight is, unfortunately, disturbed by something.
trying to ignore the noise, you turn groggily in your sleep. the ruckus doesn’t pipe down; you toss and turn. finally, done with everything, you slowly open your eyes, “what the…”
you concentrate and you hear a song playing. albeit a bit muffled, it’s still pretty loud.
perhaps your neighbors are having a party again? but they just had one yesterday; in addition, the sound is pretty close to you unlike before.
when you finally get up, you head towards the window and you’re met with something you would’ve never expected.
you see nanami, geto and haibara dancing: nanami is frowning and his dancing is as stiff as the tree beside him, geto is smiling but he also just looks defeated and helpless, and haibara is having fun and making the most out of it.
it’s a sight to behold and you want to scurry and get a camera, but the rest of the scene catches your attention.
you also see dj shoko, who looks like she is about to commit a murder, frowning and holding the speakers behind the boys as they do their ‘part’.
lastly, there is gojo, your crush, holding a mic and obnoxiously singing golden hour, “it’s yoUR GOLDEN HOOOOOOUR!”
he is really into it, knees on the ground, clutching his chest, and everything, “YOU SLOW DOWN TIMEEEEEEEEEE—!”
so it’s no surprise when your very kind neighbor throws a bag of cashews at him.
and it is also no surprise when he yells back, but you don’t expect his response, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH CONFESSING MY LOVE, YOU CRANKY OLD LADY?!”
geto tries to hold him back, “satoru, let’s not create a bigger scene than this, yaga will have our heads—“
satoru shakes him off and looks at you, determined and with a very annoying smirk on his face. he walks to his bag and gets out a megaphone.
he holds it up and once again surprises you, “I!LOVE!YOU!Y/N!”
he is panting, by the time he finishes his rant. you know he is waiting for a response, but in your shocked state you cant get anything out except, “what?”
you nod hurriedly and run down the stairs. the moment you open the door, shoko pulls your arm and pushes you on satoru, who holds you up easily and whispers a small ‘hey’ with a smile.
geto pats shoko’s back and takes over, “so y/n, satoru likes you as you may have guessed by now.”
satoru, glaring at him, corrects him, “love! not like, thank you very much!”
you intertwine your fingers and it flusters him, but you don’t notice—geto does, however, and satoru is one second away from mixing colors.
nanami walks up to you guys, “and y/n obviously likes you back.”
finally haibara runs, smiling and excited, “now kiss!”
you laugh, “as if we would do that in front of you guys—“
the words die in your throat as satoru connects your lips gently. his hand is settled on your cheek and his other is pulling you closer by the waist.
shoko’s gagging, nanami’s groaning, haibrara’s clapping, and geto’s nodding proudly.
with all of that, you can only focus on the guy in front of you who pulls away with a cheeky smile, “that was nice, no?”
you mutter weakly, “s-shut up.”
he laughs and leans into your ear, “do you want to dance to the song?”
another bag of cashews is thrown on your—now—boyfriend’s head, “ YOU CAN DANCE TO THE SONG IN YOUR MOM’S—“
a kind neighbor indeed.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will send the kind neighbor after yo ass
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nevvdrinksteaa · 6 months
history // charlie walker
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pairing: charlie walker x reader
original prompt: you’re paired with charlie walker for a school project, it gets dirty
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, porn WITH plot, afab!reader, slight angst (charlie thinks you hate him for like 5 whole minutes) pet names, oral (male and female), dom!reader, sub!charlie, begging, making out, fingering, whatever the fuck it’s called when you grind against sheets to make yourself c*m, overuse of the nickname ‘char’, never written for dom!reader before (bare w me), no specific reference to body type !! please let me know if i forgot anything!
word count: 3.1k
this is NOT proof read so if there are any mistakes ignore them! i believe that anyone of any shape or size and anyone of color can enjoy this. i don’t believe there is any description of physical appearance (please please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t want to make assumptions about anything!!)
please send in more stuff for me to write because i’m in the mood to zoom 🫡
1:40 PM
you sat in history, your last period class, shaking your pencil hearing it tap, tap, tap with every move. eyes trained on the clock wishing the last twenty minutes would fly by quicker, eager to get your weekend started.
“for this project, you are all going to be in partners”
everyone shot up from their bored positions at their desks, starting conversations with friends deciding who’s working with who. you look over at your best friend, grinning.
“settle down, your partners were pre-chosen. i think we need some variety in the groups we see”
the class started to groan as the teacher stated that the partner lists were posted on the board, stating specifics on the projects and that it will be due on monday. everyone started to get up from their seats to check the list on the corkboard at the front of the room. you started to write down ideas, assuming your partner would find you.
of course it’s due monday, there goes my weekend. what’s the point of your parents going out of town if-
“uhm hey, i think we’re partners”
you look up, noticing charlie walker standing at the front of your desk, looking at the floor in front of him.
“you think or you checked the list and know?” you smirk at him, giggling to yourself.
“you got me there, i saw it on the list” he states, settling in the chair beside you.
he started rambling, talking about ideas he has for the project.
“okay charlie, here's the deal” you state bluntly, “my parents aren’t home for the weekend and i really want to get this project finished as soon as possible so i can have friends over on saturday”
he was taken back at your tone, shocked at the rude nature. he figured you didn’t like him, and wanted to get it over as soon as possible so you didn’t have to be seen with him. why else were you so angry when you had always been so sweet to everyone? weren’t you two friends?
“well we can do it after school and work on it today, i’m good at history so we should finish it really soon” he says quietly, trailing off towards the end.
“perfect” you say, grabbing your phone and handing it to the boy. “give me your number and i can text you my address”
the final bell rings and the class starts to gather their things. you sit up from your spot at the desk, collecting your books to leave. “i’ll shower when i get home and you can come over after, does three work?”
“sounds good.” he doesn’t look up from the desk as he’s still writing down notes.
“see you later, char” you say, giving him a smile he doesn’t notice.
walking back to your locker, you catch yourself thinking about him and how awkward he is, finding it indearing. you were excited to work on your project with him, you had a crush on him for a while and you hadn’t had any courage to say anything to him.
you grab your things and start the trek to your car, stopping your friend to tell her about your plans for today on your way out.
“the universe is giving you signs partnering you up with charlie, maybe it’s time to tell him about your crush.” she says, shoving her shoulder into yours as she walks.
“yeah right, he’s so infatuated with kirby i would just embarrass myself if i told him i liked him.” you state rolling your eyes. “he’d laugh in my face probably”
“he’s too sweet to do all that” your friend says stopping once you reach her car, “charlie walker is probably not the type of person to be rude about letting someone down, he’d probably say thank you and talk about a movie that’s about to come out”
she unlocks her car as you laugh at her joke, trying to ease the nerves in your stomach. you wave goodbye and turn to leave, hearing your friend shout out her window “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
you laugh as you walk to your car, sitting in the drivers seat and starting it before heading home.
maybe she’s right, i should just say something.
you wipe the steam off of the bathroom mirror after stepping out of the shower, skin red from the burning shower you took. you start to pat your damp skin dry before you heard a knock on your door. checking the time to see it was 2:45. fuck, he’s early.
you wrap yourself with the towel tightly before you start down the steps to answer the front door.
“hey” charlie starts, face starting to get beat red after noticing you in a towel. you notice him start to fidget with his hands.
“you’re early char” you say opening the door wider and waving him in. “you can wait in my room while i get dressed, it’s upstairs next to the bathroom”
you both start to walk up the steps and you point to the right when you get to the top. “it’s on the door on the left, get comfortable and i’ll be right there”
you hear charlie hum and grip the strap on his bag before he turns to your room. you step into the bathroom and finish getting dressed, drying your skin and putting on comfortable shorts and a crop top. you head back to your room and stand in the doorway, noticing charlie with his back to the door, looking at the pictures and vinyls hung on your walls.
“you’re not going to steal anything, are you?” you tease, sitting on the middle of your bed with your bag, pulling out your history books.
“of course not” charlie says, “just looking at all your stuff”
he takes a seat across from you, where he had preset his books and notes from class. you grab your phone and turn on some music, asking if the choice was okay and a hum of approval in response.
“so, where should we start?” you ask.
you guys worked on your project for about an hour before you heard your stomach growl. you drop your pencil and look up at charlie who was scribbling away. “are you hungry, char?” you ask
he hummed no at your question and you started to get anxious at his lack of response, he normally would talk your ear off about anything and everything. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“you’re just really quiet today, i wanted to make sure everything is alright with you.”
“i just want to finish this project so i’ll get out of your hair, i know that you don’t really want me around”
his response caught you very off guard. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, shaking your head back and forth softly. “what are you talking about?”
he shrugged his shoulders, not looking up from his lap.
“char, look at me” he looked up at you, trying hard to keep eye contact. “why would you think that?”
“you said earlier you wanted to get the project over with so you could make other plans this weekend.”
you noticed him look back towards his lap and you were confused on what he was talking about
“i figured since you don’t like me, you wanted to get rid of me quicker”
your eyes softened, realizing you didn’t phrase your comment from earlier properly. you immediately felt bad, you never wanted him to think that you didn’t like him. you liked charlie, quite a bit actually. he was very smart, charismatic, and oh so sweet; you couldn’t believe he thought you hated him.
you scooted closer to him, setting his hand on his knee. he looked up towards you with a nervous expression.
“i don’t hate you, i’m so sorry that i made you think i did. i was just upset earlier that we were given a weekend project the same week my parents were out of town” you gave his leg a little squeeze
“oh” he replied, holding eye contact with you. “now i feel stupid”
“don’t feel stupid, it was all my fault. i’ll hang out with you all weekend just to prove to you i like you.” you paused, wanting to say something more. you took your hand off his knee and put it in your lap, looking at the ground, you took in a deep breath.
“actually char,” you start to trail off, feeling the nerves all the way down to your toes. “i really like you”
“what?” you felt the bed move, charlie shifting in his seat
“i don’t expect you to feel the same, i know you have a crush on kirby, robbie told me a while ago, i just felt like i needed to tell you before i lost the courage to”
charlie didn’t say anything, he felt so dumbfounded by your sudden release. he didn’t know what to say, he liked you to, he just never knew how to express it. he liked how kind you were to everyone and how you always loved to listen about everything he has to say.
you got up from your seat quick, anxiety crashing at his silence. “i’m so sorry, just forget i said anything. i’m going to grab a water” you state, heading towards the door
“wait” you heard him get up from the bed and head towards you, “do you mean it?”
you make eye contact, “of course i mean it, i wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true char”
he stood directly in front of you, “i like you too”
neither of you said anything after that, all that could be heard was both of your breaths and the quiet sound of radiohead coming from your phone. he looked between your eyes and your lips.
“do you want to kiss me charlie?”
“yes” he says softly
you felt his lips on yours, pecking slightly. he was so nervous, you knew you had to lead
“do you want to make out with me?”
“please” he nodded quick, looking back to your lips.
you lean forward to kiss him, hands moving up to the back of his neck. you could feel his hands on your hips, barely making contact. you slightly pull away, catching your breath.
“please touch me char”
you felt him grab your waist, pulling you back to his lips. you rake your fingers through his hair, pulling at the root slightly. he whimpered at the feeling, gripping your sides harder.
you started to walk the both of you slowly toward the bed, not breaking away from the kiss. you settled into his lap, feeling his hands glued in place.
“you can touch me anywhere” you say breathless, pulling away
“i’ve never done this before” he admits shamefully
“we can do whatever you feel comfortable with.” you reply, playing with his hair.
you felt one of charlie’s hands leave your hip, slowly heading towards your chest. he let out a breath when he felt you weren’t wearing a bra. he was gentle with his touch, as though he was scared to break you. your hand found his and pressed harder, encouraging his movements.
he started to kneed his hands, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your nipple. you let out a soft moan, pushing your lips back to his. you started to grind your hips back and forth, earning a breathy sound from his mouth. he opened his eyes to look up at you and you took the opportunity to bite the bottom of his lip, moving immediately to his neck, rubbing his cock with your hands.
“is this okay baby?”
“fuck- yes please”
you start biting and kissing the skin below his ear, moving your hands to start unbuttoning his shirt. he shrugs it off his shoulders and you start to make your way down to kneel on the floor, kissing and sucking his skin on your way. you look up at him as you fumble with his zipper, batting your eyelashes at him. he sits up slowly to help pull his pants down, taking his underwear with him. he sets his hands on either side of his legs, slightly gripping the sheets with nerves.
you take his dick in your hands, shocked at the size, before spitting on it. you rub your hands up and down earning a moan from charlie.
“fuck- please i-” he trailed off when you kissed the head, tasting salt on your lips.
“please what baby?” still stroking his cock
“i need more, i want more please”
you lick a long strip from his balls to the tip before putting him in your mouth. slowing going up and down using your hands to help with what you can’t fit. you grab charlie’s hand, moving it from his side to the top of your head. he laces his fingers in your hair, slightly pushing and pulling with your movements.
“i think i’m going to cum”
you pull off, stroking him quick with your hands, “are you going to cum in my mouth char? be a good boy and cum in my mouth for me”
he nodded, eyes shut tight as his head leaned back. “say it charlie, tell me”
he opened his eyes, locked with yours. wiping a tear from your face, so fucking pretty.
“i’m gonna cum for you like a good boy fuck-”
you went right back to work, taking him deeper and blinking the tears from your eyes. you wanted to see charlie cum so bad, you felt your hands move down inside your shorts. rubbing your clit over your panties.
“fuck, i’m cumming, please let me cum. wanna be good for you”
you moaned around his dick and felt charlie grip your hair harder. his dick started to twitch and you felt your mouth get hot, cum filling your throat and mouth. you pulled off slowly, swallowing as you went, keeping your mouth open to pump the rest of his cum on your tounge.
charlie was a rambling, moaning mess. whispering how good it felt and how good you were. he saw you give his dick one last kiss and come back up to meet him face to face.
“thank you”
you gave him a quick kiss, giggling. “you don’t have to say thank you”
he wanted to say it a hundred times over, he couldn’t believe that he just got head for the first time. “can i…” he trailed off
“can you do what char?” you sounded so innocent, like you didn’t just finish choking and gagging on his dick.
“can i do you now?”
you got close to him, kissing up his neck. “you want to eat me out baby?”
“yes, please. please let me make you feel good”
you nodded and stood up from your seat next to him, pushing your notes to the bottom half of the bed. you slipped your top off and pushed your pants down your legs, getting comfortable by your pillows. “come here char”
charlie was quick to move above you, taking your lips to his, touching anywhere his hands could move.
“i might need some help” he sighs sheepishly.
“start by moving all the way down” you say as you give him a quick kiss for encouragement. “do whatever you think is right, i’ll tell you if i don’t like it”
he nodded and moved to your neck, kissing and licking, keeping his hands roaming. you felt him reach your nipples, his hot breath close before sticking his touch out to lick one. he saw your lips open to let out a quiet gasp of air and started to suck, earning a moan in response. he moved his hand, pinching and pulling at the left while he kept his mouth at the right, then switching.
“just like that pretty boy” you said as you move your hand to play with his hair.
he was blushing at the pet name, feeling his cock getting hard against your hip. he started to move down, kissing anywhere and everywhere he could, scared you’ll change your mind. he makes it past your stomach and to your thighs, gently pulling them apart.
he lets out a subtle groan, “so pretty” he mumbles. “can i touch you?” he says rubbing his hands up and down your thighs.
“of course” you sigh, anxiously waiting for his touch
he slowly brings his hands to your pussy, collecting your wetness on his fingers and spreading it around. he finds your clit and starts to rub in small, slow circles, watching you raise your hips slightly.
“right there baby” you say closing your eyes.
he brings his mouth to your pussy, licking a long strip from your hole to your clit. “you taste so good” he says lowly, almost to himself. he continues to play with your clit and eat you out. trying different rhythms and motions based on your movements and sounds.
“char, please put a finger in. i’m so close”
charlie is quick to push in and up, finding that sweet spot. you grab his hair, pulling at the root.
“fuck yes, right there”
he can’t help it, all the mumbling and moaning makes him start to grind into the bed, intoxicated by you. he can feel his cock, hard and throbbing against your silk green sheats.
he slowly slides in a second finger, curling them upwards, taking your clit between his lips and sucking softly.
“i’m gonna cum” you felt your body start to feel fuzzy, stomach pulling at the feeling. “fuck charlie, i’m cumming”
you felt yourself tighten against his fingers, grinding down on his tongue, which was eager to lap up your release. you heard him whimper, seeing his hips stutter against the bed.
he pulls his head up from your pussy, making sure to not look at you in the face. “i’m so sorry”
you look at him confused, leaning forward to see the wet spot on your sheets. you smirk at him, grabbing his hand and licking your juices off his fingers.
“don’t be sorry, this was amazing,” you lean forward to kiss him “and knowing you came from eating me out is kinda hot”
you giggle as you lean back, still catching your breath. charlie moves beside you softly rubbing your hand. “so what do we do now?”
you look up at him, “well” you start lacing your fingers with his “for now, we lay here until we fall asleep. then tomorrow morning we’ll wake up and shower and maybe finish where we left off”
charlie grins from ear to ear, “oh yeah?”
“i mean, if that’s alright with you” you mumble
“being with you is alright for me” he says, kissing your forehead.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
can i request maybe James or Sirius reacting to their girlfriend getting a new haircut if you don’t mind? she’s like all nervous because god she hopes they like it, and they’re just like eating it up they think it looks so adorable?
thank you<3
you are a PSYCHIC i literally cut bangs today. i think you need to go into the field of reading futures .
“Oh, wow.” You hear a voice breathe out behind you. Unmistakably James, unmistakably shocked, you turn your head away. “What’s this then?”
“S’nothing.” Your head shakes, bouncing the fresh healthy hair you chopped today. A smile fights itself away.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” His rugby bag drops to the floor, keys clattering along. “Let me see.” He walks up behind you, warm hands mold into your jaw line from behind, turning you gently, but firmly.
You breathe out, anxiety bubbling. “You like it?”
“Sweetheart,” he sighs with a deceiving shake of his head. Your shoulders deflate. “you are the most adorable thing I have ever seen.”
“Shut up.” You grin, all cheek.
“I’m serious, baby.” He smiles broadly. “Gimme a 360.“
His rough hands move down, turning you by the hips when you don’t immediately comply. He pauses to take in the back. When the hairdresser had asked if you wanted to pay an extra twenty pound to style, you’d accepted, but now, in front of James, you felt silly.
Your fingers tangle. “I know it’s a bit much.”
“A bit much?” He murmurs, distracted by your hair. “You look so eatable.”
You heat, turning in his hold to hug him tight, hiding your face in his dirty uniform. You regret the decision, but don’t make to move. “Stop.”
“I swear I’m going to eat you.”
“Stop,” You laugh this time. “I wouldn’t taste good.”
“What would you taste like?”
You ignore the insinuation. “Hairspray.”
“I know.” You gravel into his chest.
He pulls back, earlier than you’d like him to, and makes it up with a hard kiss to your lips. Your preen into the warm palms that engulf your jaw.
“I was worried.”
“Putting your hair in someone’s hands is very worrying.” He agrees with you.
“That you wouldn’t like it.” You correct.
“That I wouldn’t like it?” He appalls. Your hands come up over his own so they don’t move in the heat of his shock. Your head bobs. “Now that is just the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“I’m glad.”
“Seriously.” He chides. “I don’t think there’s a haircut on you that I could ever turn my nose up at.”
“What if I shave it?”
“I’d kiss my pretty ladies egg head.”
“Shut up.” You giggle, letting your hands fall, limping in his hold.
He takes another good look at you. “This blowout deserves dinner, go get dressed.”
“And I need to shower,” He trails off, grimacing at the state of himself. “be ready in 30?”
“James.” You try again.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I love you.”
He smiles, all the boyishness you love peeking through. “I love you too.” He bends down to give you a warm kiss. “I’m thinking pizza.”
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fountainpenguin · 19 days
Went down a very specific research pipeline last night, and now you get to share it with me:
Does Dev have hypoglycemia?
Low levels of blood sugar that - when they drop - can lead to irritability, confusion, headaches, exhaustion, shaking, rapid heartbeat, blurry vision, passing out, seizures, or even death. Blood sugar can drop about 2 to 4 hours after eating; snacks and additional small meals are very needed; sugary foods like hard or gummy candies can give a quick boost, as can juice or soda. I'm continuing my research after this post, so please forgive/inform me if I've mixed up details between different types of hypoglycemia- or just got something totally wrong.
FOP: A New Wish is set in modern times (i.e. not the far future). He's allowed to have drones in the classroom with him- They're acknowledged as his assistants and the teachers know about them.
Potentially, they may function under similar rules to service dogs- another sentient creature that would be allowed in class (ignoring that Dev is sometimes away from them, or that they went into the halls on their own in "28 Puddings Later").
We know Dev is self-reliant enough to get by without his au pairs. They help him, but they're not something he needs 24/7.
Insert joke about the au pairs needing off-duty time like service dogs and sometimes they just go play. Union rules...
We know they have the capability to "alert on Dev" like service dogs... or at least, this one looked at Dev and beeped when scanning a paper, and even projected an exclamation point to catch his eye:
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The visual-verbal cue combo is definitely an intentional feature (And it's not like it greeted him by name- it just beeped and he knew what it was conveying).
We know that at the end of "Lost and Founder's Day," this au pair - despite being a machine - recognized Dev was sad (or at least low energy) and patted him on the head.
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Au Pair: I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth.
Earlier in this episode, we see the au pairs respond to people based on data they were being fed through sensors people were wearing on their wrists. Dev might have one here, though we know he was upset to find out his dad was using them to zap people and he's sad about his dad not loving him, so it's likely he's not wearing it.
This implies the au pairs don't have enough data about most people, but they DO have internal data about Dev. If not internal, they can read him well. We do know they're good at reading cues- They get embarrassed during the festival when they find out problems have been corrected before they got there and we didn't see the Dimmlets shock anyone to prompt the au pairs to acknowledge the situation changed. What does it say about the au pairs if they're implied to be Dale's creation and they see sad Dev and think "I should hug him."
The Off Puddin' brand of pudding is so desirable that the whole class became addicted; they had withdrawals when Hazel changed her "unlimited pudding" wish to be "pudding after we take our class picture" wish- Just like everyone else, Dev was one of the affected individuals and ate all the pudding he could get his hands on.
If the pudding is that delicious, it's interesting Dev kept some (even if this is a new batch from a different pudding day) and snacked on it in Fairy World... and didn't give into impulses to eat it some random day beforehand:
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I guess we can't prove it's the same brand, but it's presumably the same model from "28 Puddings Later." I think it's the only item we know he brought to Fairy World beyond clothes and one au pair that he stands on. He doesn't even use his tablet in this episode (which he's normally glued to outside of school).
We can confirm Peri didn't poof this up for him (or at least, it's very unlikely since that would've been weeks ago). Dev eats this pudding after Irep ditches him to hang out with his dad- Extremely doubtful Dev got Irep's attention for his snack. Or Dale's, for that matter (if his dad brought some).
Canonically, the principal gives Dev lots of pudding because his dad made a "generous donation" to the school. It's possible he does this often since we know Dev hoards pudding every pudding day...
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... which is interesting, because in "Stanky Danky," the news describes Dale as "billionaire non-philanthropist." Investing in his child's future for the sake of good education doesn't seem to be his M.O.... although he does send Dev to a private school, so maybe.
We know Dale hates losing money, and we know he's not the best dad to Dev... but we also know Dev has an official allergy card that names him in 3rd person-
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- which could imply he got this card when he was young. That's not guaranteed, but I looked at some IRL cards and some use first-person, so it's food for thought.
Possibly, his dad even took him to the doctor for official diagnosis. Lactose intolerance can be hereditary, so if Dale has it, he may have identified it immediately after Dev's first reaction. For all Dale’s faults, Dev IS still alive and not starving to death - and still lives with his dad - so it's not improbable Dale's aware of his son's food needs. On a darker note... given Dale's abusive childhood, I feel like lack of food is something he has trauma around. Also, if Dale is lactose intolerant, I'd be curious to know how Dev found out he was, as I'd assume Dale wouldn't keep dairy in the house if he can't eat it. The two logical options here are "Dale took him for an allergy test" or "Dev ate dairy outside the house and got sick, so he told his dad / the au pairs." Maybe he found out in preschool?
Dev's au pair bringing him a snack! Their boy needs to eat!
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Anyway, this was all leading up to these screenshots of Dev having no fun on the walk to Signal Hill that I found funny:
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No energy... need sugar... Exercise did a number on him... Hazel takes a breather by crouching for a second, but Dev just slams his face in the grass and I think that's great.
Despite Dev not liking to walk, he and Hazel stopped their treasure hunt before the final clue and walked back to the Dimmadome place for food, so that's neat to think about (especially in the context of him snacking before he left the house... How long were they out? Did he even finish his snack?)
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Dev's au pair was preemptively wearing a chef's hat when he and Hazel came back to the house, so I wonder if that's his routine lunch time on weekends. The au pairs are good caretakers who know their boy's schedule and needs...
Immediately after this scene, Dale asks what Dev and Hazel are up to "this fine afternoon," so it's probably after 1 pm. Noon at the earliest, but surely not an early lunch at 11 AM. Interesting consideration for the timing of Dev's snack... It makes sense if he was out with Hazel for 2 to 4 hours before he had to go home and eat, even though they were on the final riddle.
Come to think of it, one of the things we know about Dev's house is that there's a cereal bar and Peri brings him cereal... and the woozy Peri hallucinating about bringing Dev "his favorite cereal" (during the finale) seems to get to him one way or another.
Consider... Cosmo and Wanda poofed up hard candy when Peri came over because Dev needed sugar I DID wonder what they were up to considering sugar gets Fairies inebriated...
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tl;dr - I like to think the reason on paper that Dev gets his au pairs in school is for medical reasons. They track his blood sugar and keep him from, y'know... going into a seizure or passing out. I can't imagine Dale would like that happening to his son at home either (if for no other reason than because it would be a huge distraction he has to deal with).
If this is something Dev's been dealing with since he was little, that plays into the au pairs accompanying him through his early years... We know he's both lactose intolerant and extremely picky, not liking any of the cupcakes Peri poofed up despite this many attempts:
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- which I cannot imagine Dale had the patience to deal with long if he was Dev's primary caretaker in his earliest years.
I was gonna make a joke about Dale hiring someone to watch Dev - and let's be real; he probably did - but also... do you think this cocky guy would spend money when "It's a baby; how hard can it be? I also eat daily- This is just efficient use of my time!"
POV: Tired single dad who's not yet finalized his au pair design walks into grocery store with baby, buys cupcakes, leaves. Confuses every parent in the parking lot when he has a fussy Dev sitting on the back of the car and he's spoonfeeding him icing. They did not go home. Next stop will be the park, where Dale falls asleep on a bench while Dev eats bugs. Some parent sees Dev eating a chocolate bar and strikes up a conversation with Dale about what a big moment it was when they treated their child to chocolate and Dale's just like "I've been feeding him that his entire life." Dale pouring a soda in his toddler's sippy cup: Don't judge me.
At a certain point, when you're a billionaire single dad running multiple businesses and you're good at robotics, there comes a time when "It would make things easier if my young child (who's a very picky eater and can't have dairy) had a drone to follow him around, alert him when his blood sugar is about to drop, or assist if he passes out" makes a lot of sense. Especially if you have major trust issues from abuse and prefer relying on your own inventions.
It was a very relieving day for Dale when he finally had a reliable au pair to leave his son with, I'm sure. Didn't accidentally kill his son!! #Not as big a jerk as you could've been!
During my original liveblog for "Battle of the Dimmsonian," I was confused about Dev going from "I need to talk to Hazel" to trying to spook her and her friends by summoning ghosts. I'm definitely not excusing his bitter attitude in general as a hypoglycemia thing, but this is an episode that would make this headcanon funny:
Peri, internally: Listen here, you little brat- I've read your file. Now eat your freakin' cupcake. Icing is good for you. Dev: These are terrible >:( I'll go without. Peri: WHY? Dev later that day: If I tell Peri I need sugar, he'll be SUCH a pain about it. I opt to suffer...
Anyway, I think it's interesting and I'm going the "au pairs help Dev with a lot of things, but one of them is hypoglycemia" direction in my City Lights AU :)
If anyone's curious, I'm doing growth hormone deficiency that also lands him with a weak immune system- another thing the au pairs help him with. My full character profile for Dev will go into extra details about his life... Fun times.
Dale, planting his whiny and sick child on the floor by his desk and handing him a tablet, juice, and a bunch of hard candy: Big Boss has a work meeting. Don't go outside or you'll die. At this point, you're sunk costs and if I lose you, I'm gonna make it everyone's problem.
Bonus Theory:
Are Doug and Dale also lactose intolerant, and did Dale kill his dad's cows?
In Season 5 - "Mooooving Day" - Doug runs a business called Dimmadome Farms, which produces extreme amounts of milk from genetically modified cows. He uses this to keep the population of Dimmadome Acres totally happy and obedient.
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Doug seems convinced the milk makes people happy and that it's a good thing, but he doesn't personally drink it. It's kind of funny to think he went the route of milk because his family is full of lactose intolerant individuals who won't accidentally drink it.
Genetics - Lactose intolerance is inherited in the autosomal recessive pattern- This means either both of Dev's parents are lactose intolerant, or they personally aren't but carry the gene.
Additionally, Dev will only pass lactose intolerance to his kids if his partner also has the gene- either intolerant or a carrier.
There's a chance Dev developed it without genetics, but it looks like there's a lot more variety there than I can cover in a single post. From what I've read, it's "uncommon in babies and young children." He's 9 when "Peace of Pizza" takes place, which might strengthen the argument that it's genetic in his family.
One of the businesses Dale lists as under his possession in "Lost and Founder's Day" is Dimm-'N-Out Burgers. Presumably this is a parallel of In-'N-Out Burger, which use beef patties. Notably, this is a business made up for A New Wish- It's never been portrayed as under Doug's ownership.
If Dimmadome Farms already existed in Dale's youth, it makes sense Dale would use the cows from there- You have to do something with the ones who aren't producing milk, so why not make money?
Technically, Dimmadome Acres was wiped out by magic, but it's possible Dimmadome Farms itself was outside premises of the suburban neighborhood, so maybe there were other cows.
We know by A New Wish, Dale has established himself as a tech mogul, but he probably wasn't one straight after being rescued from 7 years of abuse, which is heavily implied to have started when he was 9 (give or take). Consider:
Doug: I'm making drinks from a labor force of enslaved individuals I've trapped underground :) His son, who recently escaped a life of being forced to make drinks for 7 years underground: This is incredibly insensitive, actually.
Hey, there's something SUPER sus about Dale's underground lemonade stand abuse starting at age 9 when his dad's milk factory is also underground in a big trapdoor and relies on trapped people for labor... Do you think Vicky found the cows when she was a kid and lured Dale down there, but he was lactose intolerant and couldn't drink mind control milk, so she moved him somewhere else... I'm connecting the dots...
It's worrisome that Doug's instinctual response to Timmy saying he didn't want to drink milk was "What a baby," and then he jumps and corrects himself to "Aw, shucks"... What conspiracy am I uncovering... Doug, let me in- I just wanna talk about the home your son grew up in.
I mean, the alt theory is that Doug built his underground dairy farm and trapped people to work in it BECAUSE Dale told him where he'd been for the last 7 years and he went "Oh, that's brilliant!" and that's also terrible??
Anyway, Doug's thing is that he's constantly jumping from one business to the next, never staying consistent (beyond the beloved Dimmadome stadium).
Knowing how he's always go-go-go, it's very probable he'd get his son involved in business young. Maybe Dale started with a burger joint until the robotics work paid off! A spiteful direction for Dimmadome Farms indeed...
Me, having a sudden realization and looking up from my notes theorizing both Dev and Dale have OCD and ADHD, then glancing at my second monitor where I have references from "Moooving Day" of Doug's meticulously arranged town of pink houses and people wearing matching outfits:
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... Ah.
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aurumacadicus · 7 months
"Miss Widow, I need you to be my partner in crime," Peter said, dropping from the ceiling. He waited for a beat, expecting a rolling of eyes or an exasperated sigh. When he received nothing but a raised eyebrow, he hesitantly asked, "Aren't you going to correct me, or..."
"It's good that you have some fear of me, Peter," Natasha told him simply. "Has the crime already occurred? If you want a body buried, ask Bruce."
"...Hmm," Peter hummed, deciding he wasn't going to unpack all that. "Mr. Hawkeye said that you're the resident matchmaker."
Natasha sat up straighter. "Oh?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
Peter thrust his phone at her. "I have video evidence of Captain America being totally gone on Mr. Stark."
"Explain," Natasha said, clipped, even as she opened up his phone.
Peter did not ask how she knew his nine-digit code. Instead, he dutifully recounted, "So Mr. Stark decided we should swap playlists, ostensibly so I could listen to 'good music' but I think he wanted to see what the kids are into. I get some of my songs from TikTok and I think one of them is a bit of an ear-worm for him."
Natasha thumbed open his gallery and went directly to his last video, taking only a moment to turn the volume up. In it, she saw Tony in the common kitchen, fixing himself up a cup of coffee. He was swaying slightly like he did when he was humming. Steve was sipping a protein shake at the table, as if he was not glancing at Tony every other shift back-and-forth.
"I, wish I could synthesize, the picture perfect guy," Tony suddenly mumbled out loud, in that way he did when he had no idea his brain-to-mouth filter had stopped working. "Six, feet tall, and super strong--"
Steve perked up, sitting straight from where he'd been leaning on table.
"--We'd always get along--"
Steve flopped back onto the wood surface and took a morose sip from his protein shake.
Natasha felt her mouth drop open in shock as she watched Tony, oblivious, go back to humming and turn to leave the room. Despite Steve's obvious disappointment, it didn't stop him from tipping in his seat to be able to see Tony's ass properly.
"I'm going to kill him," Natasha decided.
"That's not the crime I wanted to be partners for," Peter cut in.
Natasha lifted her gaze to him, scowling. "He will express his feelings for Tony or die."
"...Hmm, " Peter hummed again. If he remembered correctly, both Sam and Bucky had said that Natasha expressed her affection to the people she cared about with cheesy jokes and threats to their lives. Steve would be fine, probably. "He didn't even sing the best part," he sighed instead.
Natasha slanted another sharp look toward him. "Oh yeah?"
"'He'd pick me up at eight, and not a minute later, 'cause I don't like to wait,'" Peter recited. "'Kind, and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his mama right. That's right, that's what I like.' Which, like, Captain America would rather bleed out than cry, but he doesn't sound constipated when he tells other people it's okay. Also I wish he would be less punctual," he added mulishly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aunt May keeps raising her eyebrows at me when he shows up to pick me up for training and I'm not ready."
Natasha bit back the urge to howl in rage. Of course Tony would get a song basically about Steve stuck in his head and not notice. Of course he wouldn't notice Steve panting after him like a dog. They were both stupid. That's why she was there, though, she supposed. "I will do the actual crimes," she told Peter firmly. "And you will keep your mouth shut."
"There will be actual crime!?" Peter yelped.
Natasha ignored him, instead returning to his phone and scrolling for more blackmail on Steve. He was the weakest link in this chain of idiocy. "Keep that up, Mr. Man."
"Oh boy," Peter sighed, shoulders sagging. There was some regret in his tone.
Good. It would solidify that modicum of fear he should keep about her.
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shesoutofhere · 2 months
Meet Me in the Corner pt.3
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Peter Parker x Reader
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
Summary: Mar threatens Peter, Peter apologizes, kind of, and then Peter ambushes you with a blind date.
Please ignore typos or I'll cry <3.
Mar did in fact have an ‘I told you so’ moment. 
Lucky for you, she didn’t rub it in your face for too long. After hearing about your interaction with Charlotte, it’s safe to say Peter Parker is no longer enemy number one. 
Mar is now afraid to leave you alone, scared that you’ll be bullied again, and has insisted on the buddy system. 
You are now walking through the dining hall, with a yapping Mar behind you. 
“What am I going to do with you? I have to leave for work but you’ll still be here for revising.” Mar says with a pout. You can't help but roll your eyes at her. 
“Mar, I love you, so I say this with love and kindness, but I really need you to leave me alone.” 
Mar gasps in shock, “That is not love and kindness. That is hate and meanness, but I’ll let it slide because you're in a crummy mood.” 
You would deny that you’re in a crummy mood but you’d be lying. You and Peter decided over a very dry email thread that you’d meet up to work on revising the outline. You had told him that it was mostly your part that needed work and there was no point in meeting but he insisted until you agreed. 
You continue to bicker with Mar, when she suddenly yanks on your backpack, halting your walking. 
“Omg, do not be alarmed but there is an absolute cutie staring at us from the smoothie line.”
You turn your head to try and see who she's talking about but realize who it is soon enough. 
You both make eye contact and you dart your eyes anywhere else that isn't on him. 
Mar gives you a “subtle” shake. “He waved, oh my gosh he just jumped out of the line.”
You still refuse to look. “Mar can we go please?” 
She grabs your shoulders, not letting you move. “Um no way, he’s coming over here.” 
Before you know it, Peter is standing in front of the both of you with a sheepish smile. Still oblivious to who he is, Mar flutters her lashes in the most Mar manner. 
Peter’s got his eyes on you though. “Hey, didn’t think I’d see you till later.” 
You can feel Mar’s eyes burning a hole into your head so you speak up. “Mar, this is that guy from the Cal project.” you could’ve properly introduced him but you're too petty to care. 
Mar immediately loses all excitement. “Oh, that guy.” Peter scowls. Too bad.
You nod, “yeah, that guy.” Mar comes around from behind you and links her arm with yours, looking Peter right in the eye. “I’ve got to get to work, but if I get any sort of text message from her about you, I will be here so quick you won’t even see me coming.” 
All Peter can do is nod his head. 
She turns to look at you with a sweet smile, “Anywho, I will see you later. Please remember to shut the window if you get home before me.” you nod your head dramatically, tired of hearing about the damn window. “Yes yes, I’ll close it.” 
Mar gives you a once-over before finally saying bye and glaring at Peter while she walks away. 
Peter lightly shivers, “Okay, so I’m assuming she doesn't like me?”
You nod, “Assumption correct.” 
There’s an awkward pause.
“Would you believe me if I told you I was in line to get you an apology smoothie?”
You shoot him a look. “No, I wouldn't believe you.”
Peter sucks in a breath, “valid, I was though. But then I saw you and acted before thinking and I didn't even get to order.”
That’s kind of sweet but you are losing it with his back-and-forth behavior. Time to listen to Mar and put your foot down.
“Look, since we're both free can we just get the revision over with?”
Peter, a bit stunned by your bluntness, just nods. 
“Okay then.” you clap your hands, “ let's go somewhere quieter.” 
Peter trails behind you, as you look for somewhere to hunker down. You occasionally look behind to see if he’s still there. When you look, you see his eyes searching all over the place. You know better than to assume but you can’t help but think he’s making sure there's no one he knows.
You finally find a quiet corner table and decide that’ll do. You plop yourself down in one of the seats and Peter does the same. 
You set your backpack on the table and pull out the outline Cal handed back to you. You slide across the table over to Peter. 
The more Peter reads, the deeper his frown gets.
With one more look over he tosses it on the table. “What the hell is up with this dude?” you assume he means Cal. 
“What? Not a fan of Cal’s critiques?” you reply sarcastically. Peter scoffs and reads the paper again. “No, our outline may not have been perfect but it was damn near it.” 
You're kind of grateful that someone is finally understanding what you meant about Cal.
You try to lighten the mood. “What are you talking about, Cal barely left any responses on your part, you should be proud.” 
Peter deadpans. 
“Nothing to be excited about if he’s gonna be critiquing us like this.” He reads it over and over again, “man you weren't lying when you said he didn’t like you.” 
You want to laugh but you're quick to remember what his friends had said about you. 
You get defensive, “Yeah well if that’s going to be an issue then you're more than welcome to request someone else.” 
You're messing with your nails when you hear Peter sigh. “I fear there's some animosity between us.”
You cross your arms and lean back in your chair. “Oh really now?” 
Peter leans forward. “I owe you an apology. No smoothie but an actual apology.” 
“I’m listening.” 
Peter fidgets with his hands, “look, those guys can be-”
“Yeah, that.” he sighs again, clearly troubled. “I met them a while back and we’ve been hanging ever since. They’re not the best but they're my friends, I guess.” 
“That” you pause, “wasn't an apology.” 
Peter nods frantically “Agreed. Okay , I really am sorry for the way they were. I should've jumped in and said something. Also, I'm sorry I told them about you and Cal.”
You sit up in your chair. “It’s fine I guess. I just don’t get why you’d want to hang out with people like that but to each their own.” you should’ve left it as “its fine'' but you really dont get why Peter is friends with them. 
“Hey, they're my friends and that's that, I don’t think I should have to explain anymore than that, I'm apologizing and that's what matters right?”
Okayy, so friends is a touchy subject, noted. 
“Okay yeah, fine, whatever.” you don't feel any better than before he apologized. If anything, you feel worse.
Peter clears his throat. “Okay, that's settled then.”
There's a hesitation between the both of you. You both go to speak and both topple your sentences over one another. Peter just points at you to go first. 
“So” you say, dragging the O. “Cal wants the revision by Friday. You can mark this copy up and I’ll just add onto the doc.”
Peter scratches his chin, while staring at the paper. “What's there to add? I meant it when I said I thought it was near perfect.” 
You sigh, “I don’t know Peter. I usually just follow Cals red mark ups and call it day.”
Peter doesn’t agree. “Well I don't wanna do that. I like what we have.” 
You stare at him, eyes wide. “You mean like not to revise at all?” Peter nods. You let out a chuckle “you expect me to turn this back into Cal, exactly how we left it? He’s going to be mad, and i'll be the one having to deal with that.” 
Peter looks like he’s thinking. “How about” he pauses “how about I turn it in with you? we’ll tag team him.”
You give him a blank stare. “Peter”
“Are you serious?”
Peter lets out an exasperated yes. “I’ll head to your class after it ends and we can talk to him together.”
He seems serious. 
Fine by you. 
“Well, if that's all, I'm going to head out. I’ll email you my class info.”
You start to pack your things up and get ready to leave, when all of a sudden Peter jumps up. “Wait!” he’s got an arm reached out while the other goes to gather his things. 
Peter stumbles to put his things away and goes to stand with you “where, uh, where you headed?” 
“The library?” you say questionably 
Peter nods, “Cool, that's cool, I was actually headed there too.”
You eyed him suspiciously, “were you?” 
“Yeah, I was. Wanna go together?”
Peter’s sudden odd behavior is throwing you off. “ I guess.” 
“Sweet, let's go.” 
Peter takes off without you. You stare at the back of his head in confusion but follow anyway. 
You trail closely behind Peter. Every now and then you catch him turning to make sure you're still following. You come up with every scenario on why he’s acting the way that he is.
Did he see his friends in the dining hall?
Is he trying to hide from someone? 
Does he really just need to go to the library? Or
Does he actually want to hang out with you?  
You're too busy spiraling to realize that you've already made it to the library. You're about to go in when Peter stops and turns around. 
“Maybe we shouldn't go to the library.”
“What are you talking about?”
Peter shrugs, getting looks from other people trying to walk through. 
“I just feel like it’s not the place to be.”
You want to be annoyed by his behavior, but you're weirded out more than anything. “Okay? Then you go somewhere else?” 
You start opening the door but Peter yanks you to the side and pulls you both away from the entrance. “Okay, what the actual hell are you doing?” Peter is silent. “Don't want to be seen or something?” 
That gets Peter talking, “What? No it's just" he trails off.
“Just what?” 
Peter scrambles for an answer. “Don't you ever feel like studying somewhere else?” 
“No, I like the library, that's why I go.” 
You pull Peter in close, worried that something is actually wrong. 
“I dont know whats going on but you're freaking me out. I am so close to texting Mar an SOS message and trust me when I say she meant what she said earlier.” 
Peter frantically waves his arms around. “No, please don’t do that! She actually scares me!”
“Look, can you just trust me when I say the library is not the place to be?”
You look at him like he’s crazy, you think he might be. “Now why would I do that?”
Peter fidgets with his hands, “Because I have really good intuition. Now can you please go study somewhere else?” 
“I-” you genuinely have no words. 
“Um, what's going on here?”
When you look up you see Nolan, looking equally as confused.
Peter however looks relieved “Nolan! Hey man.” 
Nolan, who looks like he’s just spent an unimaginable number of hours in the library, responds. “Hey? Why are you guys huddling in a corner?” 
You think this is your way out. “Okayy, So I’m going to leave now.” You try to shuffle past Nolan but Peter stops you.
“Nolan, remember that coffee spot hidden away by the architectural building?” 
Nolan still looks just as confused “yeah?”
Peter claps “great! You should take her there. I'm trying to convince her that the library isn't the place to be, right now, at this moment.” there’s a pause. “You know, intuition” Peter stares Nolan down and after a minute his eyes widen “OH, Oh, yeah.” Nolan turns to you. “I bet you would really like this place, it seems to be up your alley.” 
Peter is pushing you away from the entrance, “Yes I totally agree.” 
Nolan is already walking down the lawn before you can even get an opinion in. 
You turn around with an annoyed look “Peter you better explain what is going on right now.” 
Peter shrinks in your stare. “Um, Nolan” He pauses, “Nolan has a crush.” he pauses again, “on you and he needed a little push to help him out.” 
You still are just as annoyed. All of this was a ploy to get you on a date with his friend? 
Considering your past couple of interactions with Peter, you wouldn't put it past him.
“Peter, I am not going on a blind date with your friend.” 
Peter exhales, “Oh come on now, Just give the poor guy a chance, I mean look at him.”
You do just that and when you spot him, you see him standing in place kicking rocks around, waiting for you. 
You close your eyes and sigh, curse your sympathetic heart. “Fine but this was so poorly executed Peter.” 
Peter gives a sympathetic smile, “Ouch, I tried okay.” 
All you offer is an eye roll. 
With one more push, Peter sends you off to catch up with Nolan. When you do, he immediately starts a conversation. You turn around to glance at Peter but all you see is him bolting past the library. 
You try not to think too much of it. Completely thrown off by Peters antics, you hope Nolan doesn’t exude the same behavior and pray the rest of your day will go on normally.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter and Nolan are being sketchy weirdos!
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Bound by fate(2)
a/n: Last chapter, thank you for those that have liked or reblogged my story. I really needed more Dom!Levi stories and this is how the story ended up turning out.
Leviathan x MC. Hints of Mammon x MC, Belphegor x MC and maybe Simeon x MC.
Cw: Smut, Dom!Levi, kinda Yandere!Levi(he talks about locking you up), Jealous!Levi, a bit of degradation(the words slut and whore are used), Claiming Marks, Scenting, Mates, some Non-con(Belphie scents and pins you down without consent), Levi having one dick(sorry) Fem!MC, Angel!MC, kinda ooc.
First Part
Two months had already passed, and Leviathan barely left his room, going out of his way to avoid you the few times he did. In response, you would leave food at his door when he missed a meal. It had become a frustrating routine, one that seemed to have no end in sight.
No matter how many times you knocked, he either ignored you or told you to go away, but not once did he open the door.
You sighed as you thought things over. You weren’t sure what else to do. Truthfully, you wished you could try to get him to open the door more often, but his brothers constantly wanted your attention, or you had to visit Purgatory Hall. You felt a warm sense of belonging when they sought your company, but it only added to your frustration that you hadn’t made any progress with Leviathan.
“Sweetie, what has you sighing like that?” Asmodeus asked, finally sitting on his bed where you were lying. He had whisked you away to spend time with him in his room after everyone had finished dinner, his charm hard to resist.
“Leviathan,” you replied with a pout. “He still hasn’t opened his door for me. I’m not sure what else to do.”
“He’s certainly stubborn,” Asmodeus said thoughtfully. “But dear, you only have to push his buttons. He’s the Avatar of Envy; you just need to make him jealous enough to pull you into his room.”
You grimaced. “I don’t see that going well.”
Asmodeus waved his hand dismissively, a playful smile on his lips. “Of course it won’t, but it’ll at least get him to talk to you.” He giggled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Well, there won’t be much talking involved, though.”
You flushed and averted your eyes, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
“You can ask any of the brothers, but if you want to make it authentic, just snuggle up to Mammon or Belphie.” He smirked, his gaze intense. “They’ve always had a crush on you.”
Your eyes widened in shock. You hadn’t expected that in the slightest, and now you didn’t know how you’d be able to hang out with them without feeling shy. The revelation left you reeling, a mix of surprise and uncertainty swirling within you.
“I don’t want to use them like that,” you mumbled, looking down at your hands.
“Well, darling, we can always find some other way,” Asmodeus said, his tone soothing as he gently stroked your head, fingers threading through your hair.
You nodded, relieved, but you didn’t notice the smile of mischief that Asmodeus had.
As you finally reached your room and laid on your bed, a sense of unease washed over you. Despite Asmodeus’s promise not to meddle, you couldn’t shake the bad feeling gnawing at you. The Avatar of Lust always enjoyed a good dose of drama and stirring people up. The last thing you wanted was to worsen things between you and Leviathan or to incite a fight among the brothers.
With a heavy sigh, you willed the troubling thoughts away and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep.
Your worries proved correct. Over the next few days, Asmodeus began accompanying you to Leviathan’s room to drop off his food. His behavior shifted—he became flirtier, more touchy-feely whenever you both stood in front of Leviathan’s door. The pajamas he gave you, just before going to Leviathan’s door, were even shorter and skimpier than usual, leaving little to the imagination.
You began to notice that the sound of video games would stop abruptly as you approached, replaced by an eerie silence. The other brothers, too, began acting differently. They were nicer to you, borderline flirtatious, whenever they passed by you and Asmodeus in front of Leviathan’s door. Even Lucifer, though more subtly, was in on it.
You shot Asmodeus a glare and whispered as low as possible, “I told you not to meddle.”
“I’m just helping you, darling,” he whispered back with a charming smile, his eyes glinting with mischief.
You huffed, pouting. While it touched you that he wanted to help, you wished it wasn’t through making Leviathan jealous. You’d heard stories about how, if pushed too far, Leviathan would summon Lotan and cause destruction. Additionally, you were concerned about his low self-esteem. The last thing you wanted was to damage it further and make him shut you out even more.
You were glad you had asked his brothers about him and gathered all the information you could. Knowing what to expect was better than being clueless.
Lost in your thoughts, you snapped back to reality when you saw Mammon approaching. Out of all the brothers, he was the most flustered when trying to flirt with you. It was pretty cute, if you were being honest.
Mammon abruptly stopped near you and Asmodeus, his face turning bright red as he took in the nightgown clinging to your curves. “A-ain’t that too short?!” he exclaimed, quickly looking away.
Asmodeus smirked and almost purred, “Is it too stimulating for you?”
Mammon spluttered, seeming at a loss for words. Then he cleared his throat and finally looked at you with startling confidence. “Ya shouldn’t be lookin’ that good in front of anyone else other than the Great Mammon!”
You almost gasped at his words; they were extremely out of character. He was usually flustered when trying to flirt with you, and you could hardly call it flirting in the first place.
Even Asmodeus blinked in surprise before giggling in amusement.
The door swung open, revealing Leviathan in his demon form, glaring at Mammon. “Mammon,” he gritted out, “if you don’t get away from my door, I will summon Lotan.”
Mammon paled and scurried away. Even he knew better than to antagonize his brother when he was in one of his moods.
“Asmo,” Leviathan growled, his glare not softening. Asmodeus only smiled, threw his hands up in defeat, and skipped away.
You stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do.
Leviathan stared at you, his eyes slowly raking up and down your form. The grip on his door tightened. “I know I told you not to wear that type of stuff outside your room,” he rumbled.
You frowned. “Levi, is that really important right now?”
“It’s not fair that everyone gets to see you like that,” he huffed, still upset but reverting to his human form.
“Maybe you would be able to see me like this more if you actually left your room and stopped avoiding me or let me inside,” you said, irritation clear on your face.
Leviathan blushed deeply and looked away, avoiding your gaze. “As if I would let a normie into my room.”
You raised an eyebrow, challenging his statement. “Well, this normie can actually learn if you would just let me.”
He finally looked at you again, his face turning an even deeper shade of red, a mix of surprise and disbelief in his eyes. “I-is this a trick? Y-you actually want to s-spend time with m-me, a worthless otaku?”
You winced at his words. You didn’t think you would ever get used to him putting himself down. It hurt you that he thought so lowly of himself, that he couldn’t see the value you saw in him.
“Levi, I’ve been coming to your door for the past two months just trying to talk to you,” you replied soothingly, your voice gentle and sincere. “I don’t think you’re worthless at all.”
Leviathan put his arm against his face, trying to hide his tears from you. “I-I just didn’t want you to be even more d-disappointed than you must be already.”
“I was never disappointed in the first place,” you reassured him, your tone firm but kind.
You took a step toward him, the sound of his sniffling pulling at your heartstrings. All you wanted to do was comfort him, to make him see how much he meant to you.
“D-don’t lie to me! I-I know how d-different I am than I u-used to be!” His voice cracked, filled with pain and self-doubt, as he tried to wipe the tears away with his sleeve.
Your eyes softened with empathy, and you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly even as he stiffened in surprise at your touch.
“I truly don’t care about that,” you whispered, gently wiping away the tears streaming down his cheeks. “I just want to get to know the person you are now.”
You waited patiently, feeling his body slowly relax in your embrace. After a moment of hesitation, he tentatively wrapped his arms around you in return, nodding slightly against your shoulder.
“O-okay,” he murmured, his voice barely audible but filled with a tentative hope.
You sighed in relief, a wave of happiness washing over you. You had finally broken through the barrier he had put up, and now you had the chance to reconnect with him.
“Let’s go.” You smiled warmly at him, taking his hand and leading him back into his room.
As you stepped inside, you couldn’t help but reflect on the events that had led to this moment. It seemed Asmodeus’s plan had actually worked, albeit in an unexpected way. You were grateful for the support of his brothers, even if their methods were sometimes unconventional.
For the next few months, it became a routine to visit Leviathan’s room to spend time with him. He began coming out more often, even joining everyone for meals. These visits often extended into the night, as he enthusiastically introduced you to his world of anime and games.
The first thing he showed you was his favorite anime, “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl.” You binge-watched the entire series with him, and from there, he introduced TSL, then other anime and games.
Despite these shared experiences, he still considered you a “normie,” which you found amusing.
However, you noticed that Leviathan was careful not to touch you. Whenever physical contact occurred—either by accident or when you initiated it—he would stiffen up, blush, and quickly pull away. As someone naturally affectionate, this was disheartening, but you chose not to push him, respecting his boundaries.
Even though you didn’t press the issue, you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Leviathan had been your lover, and you had shared one passionate night just before the Great Celestial War. Contrary to what humans and demons believed, angels were allowed to be in relationships and to claim and mate with other angels.
You regretted not pushing to claim each other. You understood his reasoning; he hadn’t wanted you to suffer the pain of losing a mate in the uncertain times of war.
One day, as you sat in the common room reading a book, Leviathan entered, calling your name.
“MC!” he called out, sounding nervous but determined.
You looked up, startled. “Yes, Levi?”
“I-I know you might have better things to do than spend time with a yucky otaku like me, but m-maybe, w-would you like to come watch anime with me?” he asked, a bashful smile on his face, his cheeks turning pink.
You smiled warmly at him, touched by his initiative. “I would love to. Just give me ten minutes to finish this chapter, and I’ll join you.”
His blush deepened, and he gave a jerky nod before scurrying out of the common room.
You giggled as you continued reading, but soon felt someone sitting next to you and leaning their head against your shoulder. Startled, you turned to see Belphegor with a sleepy look on his face.
“Hey, Belphie,” you greeted, closing your book and setting it aside.
“MC, want to take a nap with me?” he asked, blinking slowly and yawning.
He looked so adorable that you almost wanted to coo at him, but you shook your head. “Not this time. I’m about to go hang out with Levi.”
He frowned. “Eh, alright. You’ve been spending a lot of time with him.”
You flushed and looked away. “Of course. That’s why I was so persistent in getting him to open up.”
Belphegor stared at you blankly before suddenly pinning you down, his face buried in your neck as he took a deep breath, seeming to search for something.
“Belphie? What are you doing?” you asked, frozen in shock.
“I can barely smell Levi on you. He hasn’t scented or claimed you yet,” he said, lifting his head with a smirk, his eyes smoldering.
“That doesn’t concern you,” you retorted with a frown.
He hummed, nuzzling your neck. “That means you’re free to claim. Just because you used to be lovers doesn’t mean you need to get back with him. He doesn’t even have the guts to make a move, much less claim you.”
You struggled against his grip on your wrist, frustration bubbling up as his unwelcome interference continued. “I’ve already told you that it doesn’t concern you,” you said sharply. “I’m not rushing Levi into anything.”
Belphegor scoffed and finally lifted his head, his eyes locking onto yours with a mix of disdain and amusement. “Do you honestly believe he remained devoted to you?” he asked, his voice dripping with mockery. “I’m sure Lucifer shared with you how unruly Leviathan became after his fall.”
He tilted his head, a sly, almost predatory smile curling his lips. “He took your purity, never claimed you, and then leaped from bed to bed after falling.”
Your grace stirred within you, an undercurrent of agitation flaring up, making your eyes glow faintly with the intensity of your emotions. “How do you even know about that?” you demanded, your voice tight with indignation.
Belphegor rolled his eyes with exaggerated exasperation. “About your purity? It was so obvious. The way you two looked at each other afterward, how suddenly shy and distant you both became—it was clear to everyone.”
Your face flushed with a deep, burning humiliation, and you hissed at him, “What he did after he fell doesn’t concern me. I refuse to judge him for his actions.”
“Such a paragon of forgiveness,” Belphegor said, baring his teeth in a mocking grin. “Staying true to your angelic principles.”
Defeated, you slumped, knowing there was no breaking free from his grip. “Why are you saying this?” you asked, your voice tinged with hurt. “You’re being unreasonably cruel.”
“Because I want you,” he said bluntly, his eyes flashing with an intense, frustrated desire. “I’m tired of watching you pine after Levi while he continues to act like an oblivious fool.”
You stiffened, your body tense with frustration and disbelief. “You know how I feel, and yet you’re saying this?”
Belphegor, undeterred, nuzzled your cheek with his nose, his touch both intimate and intrusive. “I’ll help you get over him,” he said softly, his breath warm against your skin. “I’ve wanted you since the Celestial Realm, but my brother got to you first.”
You remained silent.
“If Levi truly cared about you, he would have claimed you by now or at least marked you with his scent,” Belphegor continued, his hand sliding down from your wrist to caress your thigh. His touch was gentle but possessive. “I’m not afraid to be with you. I just want you to give me a chance.”
He leaned in closer, pressing his forehead against yours, the proximity making your breath catch. His lips hovered near yours, brushing lightly with each word. “Please, give me a chance.”
You looked into his earnest eyes, a side of him you hadn’t seen before since moving in with them. The vulnerability in his gaze was striking, and you found yourself conflicted. Belphegor’s forwardness was a sharp contrast to Leviathan’s aloofness, and it stirred a part of you that had longed for such assertiveness since Leviathan’s fall.
“Belphie, I—” Before you could finish your thought, Belphegor was abruptly wrenched away from you, leaving a cold shiver running down your spine.
Leviathan appeared in the doorway, transformed into his demon form, his eyes blazing with a fierce, wild intensity you had never witnessed. His presence was imposing, almost primal.
“Belphegor, how dare you try to take what’s mine,” Leviathan growled, his voice a low, menacing rumble as he advanced slowly toward Belphegor.
“Yours?” Belphegor retorted, his voice dripping with mockery. “She’s not yours. You haven’t claimed her; your scent isn’t even on her. She’s fair game.”
Leviathan’s expression darkened, his rage simmering beneath the surface. “You know our history and what she means to me,” he said, his tone dangerously calm.
“None of that matters now,” Belphegor shot back, his eyes narrowing defiantly. “You should have claimed her back in the Celestial Realm or at least when she arrived here. If you won’t do it, then I will.”
The tension reached a boiling point as Leviathan’s fist flew toward Belphegor, striking him with a forceful punch that sent him crashing to the floor. The sound of the impact echoed through the room.
You gasped in shock, your heart racing, and rushed forward, grasping Leviathan’s arm in a desperate attempt to restrain him. “Please stop,” you pleaded, your voice trembling with urgency. “Nothing happened. Let’s just go back to your room and talk.”
Leviathan’s body tensed, and with a sudden, jerky movement, he yanked you closer. He buried his face in your neck, inhaling deeply, his growl growing louder and more intense as he took in your scent.
“He’s scented you!” Leviathan roared, his voice laced with a murderous fury as he glared at his youngest brother. His anger was palpable, a dangerous edge to his words.
The situation was rapidly escalating, and you clung to Leviathan, hoping your presence would calm him. He looked down at you with a fierce, determined expression, his teeth gritted. In a swift, almost brutal motion, he picked you up. You squealed in surprise, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and your legs around his waist.
You heard the commotion in the background, brothers rushing to the common room to check on Belphegor. Others peeked out from their rooms, only to see you clinging to Leviathan as he carried you to his room. The last thing you heard was a giggle before he slammed the door shut, effortlessly getting you off him and dropping you onto a pile of sheets and pillows on the floor, which softened the fall.
You looked up at him with wide eyes as he knelt over you, his presence both imposing and magnetic. Before you could say a word, he tore your nightgown off with a swift motion, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
“Levi!” you gasped indignantly.
He ignored you, his face burying into your neck with almost aggressive fervor, nuzzling and inhaling deeply as if trying to erase his brother’s scent from you.
You squirmed and whimpered as he began sucking and licking your neck, leaving a trail of marks in his wake. Your hands rested on his shoulders, unsure whether to pull him closer or push him away from the overwhelming sensation.
“Be good and stay still,” he rumbled, his tail wrapping tightly around your waist, securing you in place. With one hand, he pinned your wrists above your head, his grip unyielding.
You whimpered but stilled. Though you weren’t opposed to what was happening, you knew you needed to talk before things went too far. Your mind fogged as his mouth trailed lower, marking the top of your breasts with the same intensity.
You barely noticed when he pulled down your bra enough for your breasts to spill over the cups. The coolness of the room made your nipples harden, and he wasted no time taking one into his mouth, sucking on the bud. He released your wrists and used his other hand to tweak your other nipple, his touch sending jolts of pleasure through you.
You whined, rubbing your thighs together as you felt your arousal grow. You could no longer ignore how wet your panties felt from his ministrations.
Leviathan finally lifted his head, his eyes dark with desire as he admired the marks he made from your neck to your breasts. He groaned at the sight of you—marked up, with rosy cheeks, teary eyes, bra tugged down, and tiny panties on, all while rubbing your thighs together.
He hadn’t even truly started, and you already looked absolutely wrecked.
“W-wait,” you stammered, placing your hands against his chest as he leaned down to kiss you, shaking your head.
He stilled, frowning. “Are you rejecting me?” His grip on your chin tightened as he leaned closer, his voice a low growl. “Because I don’t mind locking you up in here until you change your mind. You’re mine.”
Your breath hitched, and his words shouldn’t have turned you on as much as they did. “No, of course not. I just wanted to know what’s going to happen. You’ve been avoiding touching me this whole time, and now you’re not.”
He tilted his head, observing you like a predator ready to pounce. “I’m going to fuck and claim you. I was trying to ease you into things because of how long it’s been.” He gripped your thighs and spread your legs, his eyes darkening at the sight of the wet spot on your panties. “But I see I was mistaken in taking things slow. Too many pests want you, and I’d drown everyone before letting anyone else have you.”
“Belphegor should be glad he’s my brother because that’s the only reason I spared his life. There won’t be a second chance,” he continued, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra and tossing it aside once it came off.
“Once you claim me, Father and the Seraphim will know, and I’ll be banished,” you whispered, looking into his eyes.
“Yes, that’s the plan. From the beginning, you were supposed to be by my side,” he growled, still furious about how you were stopped from going with him. “But Simeon got in the way and stopped you.”
You winced, remembering the chaos after the Great Celestial War and your anger at Simeon until he explained his actions. “Simeon had my best intentions at heart. I was so much younger, and he was afraid I wouldn’t survive the fall.”
Leviathan scoffed. “He just wanted you for himself. He was always discreet, but his longing looks gave him away.”
You wanted to protest that it wasn’t like that with Simeon, but the words died in your mouth as Leviathan used his tail to rip your panties off. You gasped as the cool air hit your dripping core.
Now completely naked under Leviathan, you flushed and suddenly felt shy, especially after he licked his lips and his eyes dilated while spreading your legs wider.
“You know angels and demons claim each other differently,” you muttered, tugging on his shirt, wanting him to take it off. You didn’t want to be the only naked one.
He chuckled, tugging his shirt off and dropping it to the side. “Of course I’m aware, but you also know I can still make you my mate. Angels just aren’t allowed to do so; it’s instant banishment after judgment in the Celestial Realm.”
He cupped your cheek and pulled you into a smoldering kiss, deepening it by biting your bottom lip. You gasped, and his tongue invaded your mouth, coaxing yours to intertwine with his, making you whine.
You were lightheaded when he finally pulled away, a string of saliva the only thing connecting you.
His fingers trailed from your inner thigh to your soaking core, tracing a tantalizing path before he eased a finger into you. He pumped it slowly, his thumb simultaneously rubbing your clit in languid, torturous circles, sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
You mewled, your hips bucking involuntarily when he added another finger. He stretched you, his pace quickening slightly as he worked you open, his touch both gentle and demanding.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Leviathan groaned, his voice thick with desire as he kissed your neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses. His thumb circled your clit faster, his other hand finding its way to your breast. He pinched and pulled your nipple, the sensation sending jolts of pleasure straight to your core. The stimulation was overwhelming; you had only just started, yet you were already ready to cum.
“L-Levi!” you cried out, your nails raking down his back, leaving red marks in their wake. Your cunt fluttered around his fingers as he added a third, stretching you even further and making you gasp in surprise.
“That’s it, let go,” he muttered, his breath hot against your skin as he curled his fingers, hitting your sweet spot with precision. You arched your back, crying out as waves of pleasure crashed over you, your release gushing onto his fingers.
He withdrew his fingers from your cunt, eliciting a whimper from you, and brought them to his mouth, licking them clean with a satisfied moan. He was definitely going to devour you with his mouth and make you choke on his cock later, but for now, he needed to be inside you.
With a swift movement, he stripped off his pants, freeing his hard, leaking cock. He pumped it a few times, his eyes locked onto yours as you bit your bottom lip in anticipation. He was still so big and thick, the sight of him only making your desire burn hotter. The first time, he had been assertive but hesitant, yet now his confidence was evident, and it turned you on even more.
He flipped you onto your hands and knees, pulling your hips up and making you arch your back, presenting yourself to him. He rubbed his cock along your slit, coating himself in your slick before easing his way in. The stretch was intense, and you gasped, feeling so full as he filled you to the brim with a loud groan.
You had to remind yourself to breathe, gripping the sheets tightly as he started to move, his pace slow and measured to let you adjust to his size. Each thrust was deliberate, designed to drive you wild.
“Your cunt feels so good,” he panted, his voice strained as he fought to hold back from just pounding into you. He spread your cheeks, watching his cock slide in and out, mesmerized by the sight of your slick clinging to him, your cunt greedily trying to suck him in deeper. He cursed under his breath at the lewd sight.
He picked up the pace, setting a brutal rhythm as he relentlessly hit your g-spot. The sound of skin slapping skin echoed throughout the room, blending with your cries of pleasure and his guttural moans.
“S-so good,” you whined, bouncing your hips back to meet his thrusts, desperate for even more of him. Every nerve in your body seemed to be on fire, the pleasure coursing through you in waves, leaving you trembling and breathless.
Leviathan chuckled darkly. “What a dirty little angel. You like how I’m fucking you?” His voice was a low growl. He slammed into you with a hard, precise thrust, making you cry out in pleasure. “Just remember that I’m the only one who can make you feel like this. This cunt is mine.”
“Y-yes! Only yours!” Your voice was a high-pitched, desperate wail as your eyes rolled back in your head. He took a fistful of your hair and tugged hard, the pain mixing deliciously with the pleasure and making you clench tighter around his cock.
“Fuck, you’re such a slut. I was supposed to gently make love to you, but you really just wanted me to take you like the whore you are.” His words were laced with both amusement and possession as he moved your hair to the side, exposing the nape of your neck. He stared at the soft, vulnerable skin, knowing he was going to leave his mark there. His fangs extended as he increased the pace of his thrusts. His tail slithered around your body, the smooth, cool scales contrasting with your heated skin, and the tip of his tail circled around your clit, adding another layer of stimulation.
You let out a loud, lewd mewl, your body writhing under his touch as you slammed your eyes shut. You were teetering on the edge of orgasm, every muscle tense with anticipation. In a flash, your wings emerged, extending out as your halo shone brightly above your head, casting a soft, golden light.
Leviathan’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of your wings and halo, but he didn’t stop his relentless thrusting. The image in front of him was the epitome of sinful: pretty snowy white wings and a radiant halo out, all while you were being fucked dumb on his cock. He could already imagine how much more pretty it would be when those snowy white wings turned black and that shining gold halo transformed into horns.
“I-I’m cummin’!” You cried out as you gushed on his cock, trembling with tears in your eyes.
“I’m gonna cum in that messy little cunt while I claim you,” he growled, his voice thick with possessiveness. “No one will ever question who you belong to.” He leaned over you, his hot breath fanning over the nape of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. With a powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, releasing his cum inside your velvety cunt accompanied by a loud moan. His mouth found the tender skin of your nape, and he bit down hard, drawing blood. You screamed, the mixture of pleasure and pain blurring together.
You felt an intense wave of emotion washing over you—his deep love and passion he was currently feeling. It flowed through you as you shakily exhaled. Finally, you were his, and he was yours.
He slowly withdrew from you, eliciting a soft whine from your lips at the sudden emptiness and sensitivity. Gently, he moved you onto your back and gathered you into his arms, cradling you against his chest.
He nuzzled into your hair, a deep rumble of contentment vibrating through his chest. A blush spread across his face as the reality of what had just happened hit him.
“I love you, Levi,” you whispered, your voice soft and sincere while intertwined your fingers with his.
“I-I love you too,” he stammered, burying his face in your hair to hide his face, making you giggle sweetly.
“Simeon should be on his way to take me to the Celestial Realm for my judgment,” you mentioned absentmindedly, your thoughts drifting to the inevitable. You knew your fate was sealed—you would become a demon, either through your Father’s banishment or slowly by Levi’s side. The Celestial Realm, with its rigidity when it came to rules, insisted on formal banishment for angels who mated outside their kind. It was simpler to comply than to risk them taking you by force.
Leviathan tightened his arms around you, his embrace desperate and firm. “I don’t want you to leave. You can just go through your change here,” he murmured.
“I know, I’d rather do that, but we both know how the Celestial Realm is. Either I go willingly or they’ll take me by force,” you replied, your voice soft and resigned. You tried to send soothing emotions through your bond, sensing his growing agitation. His growl at the thought of you being taken by force was low and menacing.
The two of you stayed cuddled together for a few more minutes, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other’s presence. Eventually, you gently urged him to get up so you could both clean yourselves. Despite the ache in your heart, you knew it was futile to linger.
As you were lost in thought, a knock on the door startled you. Lucifer’s commanding voice broke through the silence. “MC, Simeon is here for you.”
Turning to Leviathan, you gazed deeply into his eyes, your hands clasping his tightly. “Will you be there to catch me when I fall?” you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
“Always,” he vowed, before crashing his lips against yours in a fierce, hungry kiss. The intensity of it left you both breathless.
Panting, you reluctantly pulled away, resting your forehead against his. Even as you separated, your hands remained intertwined. Together, you walked to the front door, where Simeon waited. He smiled at you, but his eyes betrayed the sadness he felt.
“Are you ready, MC?” Simeon asked softly, his voice laced with concern.
You nodded, turning to Leviathan for one last fleeting kiss. “I’ll see you soon,” you whispered, squeezing his hand before letting go and stepping to Simeon’s side. The two of you walked out of the house, moving towards Barbatos, who stood waiting with a solemn expression.
“Are you happy?” Simeon whispered, his hand twitching as if to cup your cheek. He stopped himself, knowing that right didn’t belong to him—perhaps it never had.
“Extremely,” you replied, smiling brightly. Simeon could only smile back, though the sorrow in his eyes was unmistakable.
You didn’t regret anything.
Only a few days had passed, and now, judgment day had arrived. You could feel Leviathan’s agitation and panic even from afar. The only reason he hadn’t found a way to storm into the Celestial Realm was that he knew you were still alive.
You stood in front of your Father and the Seraphim with your head held high, your heart pounding as they read your so-called “sins.” The celestial court was silent, the weight of their gazes almost unbearable.
“Is there anything you wish to say?” Michael asked, his voice echoing through the grand hall. A look of soft fondness crossed his face so quickly that you almost missed it. He should have known this would happen when he sent you to the Devildom where Leviathan was. You would never understand why he did it, though.
“No,” you replied, your voice steady.
At your response, the floor beneath you started to shake. Cracks spidered out from where you stood, and the ground slowly crumbled away. You tried to keep your composure as the marble gave way under your feet, plunging you down.
And you fell.
You closed your eyes, feeling the wind whip past you, the burning pain starting as your halo melted into your scalp and your wings ignited, turning into fiery remnants of their former glory. Every fiber of your being was consumed by pain, yet you weren’t scared. You knew someone would be there to catch you.
Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a protective embrace. The fall slowed as Leviathan’s familiar presence enveloped you. He cushioned your descent, his body shielding you from the worst of the impact as you reached the ground.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” he whispered in your ear, his voice soothing amidst the chaos. You could feel his desperation and relief, his resolve to keep you safe no matter what.
As he rushed you to the House of Lamentation, his pace urgent but careful, you clung to him, feeling the beat of his heart against yours. Despite the agony and the fear, you knew you had made the right choice.
You didn’t regret falling in love, and you didn’t regret falling from grace. Every moment, every sacrifice, had led you to this point. You would do it all over again, just to be with him.
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narcissistshandler · 1 year
I don't know if you do request cause i'm just new to your acc but i love it already but back to the request, if you do take request can you do sae who's acting like a brat so the reader give him a punishment by not getting to come at all ;) i know it sounds weird idk.
If you don't do request feel free to ignore this! Also have a great day!
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦. gn!reader x sae itoshi
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲. bottom!sae, sex toys, orgasm denial
✧ 𝖠/𝖭. nothing weird anon, we love punishment around here (and I love sae). I don't know what's going on that every time I review this I see the same mistakes I already corrected, I'll go through it again as soon as I can but right now I'm on the bus and my cell phone is running out of battery
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Your boyfriend had many flaws, you knew it even before you entered into a relationship and among those the biggest one was his sassy mouth and your biggest flaw was your lack of patience about it.
Sae wasn't stupid, he was aware of what he said and how he said it and especially, he knew how to push your buttons. He seemed to be constantly testing you, pulling on the rope to see how much it would stretch before it broke. This time, it barely lasted a day.
You couldn't find a coherent part of your mind when that crack sounded, ticking through your mind like a bomb about to explode. Sae's eyes didn't even widen when you climbed on top of him on the bed and without a word began to undress him, on the contrary, there was a curve in his lips. Damn proud of his accomplishment.
Laughter rose in your chest, sounding through your labored breaths. On all fours on the bed, with the face in the pillow, hips shaking in the air and making the filthiest sounds, Sae's pride was nowhere to be found. It started to be shattered when you placed that ring at the base of his small cock and started taking your time with him, first relaxing his hole with your tongue, then stretching it around four of your fingers.
"You're just a slut who needs to get his ass full to shut up, hm?" you provoked, slipping a small, as thin as your finger pink vibrator into him. It shouldn't hurt at all, yet Sae let out a slurred whimper as his whole body shook as if he had been shocked.
The sound was like music to your ears.
Your hands came up to grip his lean hips, helping him keep them aloft as pleasure coursed through his body. The denial of another orgasm lasted for what felt like hours, leaving Sae sweaty and shaking and the relaxed hole barely tightening around what should have felt like dozens of toys under your gaze. It was only five, but you would get there occasionally.
"H-how many... How many more?" Sae strangled, the nearly ineligible words pressed against the pillow, his knuckles pale where they clenched the fabric.
You hummed in the back of your throat, taking your hands away from Sae as your attention returned to the toy box on the bed. You still had so many options...
"One more," you replied, this time choosing a round purple dildo.
"Just one more?" Sae sounded damn naive, all the previous brat attitude gone. But you knew him very well, you knew he only became a sweet little thing so you let him come as soon as possible.
"Yes," you agreed, a smile Sae couldn't see on your lips.
Sitting back on your heels you lubricated the dildo, although a huge amount of lube still came out of Sae. He hated it, which was exactly why you did your best to leave an increasing mess on him. The dildo pressed against the other toys, jostling them for space. Rae whimpered, you having to grip his hips with your free hand to keep him still.
"Stop moving," you ordered, pressing the dildo inward. Sae's well-stretched hole slowly widened under your attention, making room for the new intrusion.
As soon as the purple toy joined the other colorful dildos and vibrators Sae's feet sank into the mattress, pushing himself away from you until he fell onto the bed with heavy breathing and what should have been curses being hurled at you. Your own breathing was labored, your skin hot under the clothes while watching the pleasure tighten Sae's thighs as he rubbed against the sheets.
You wanted to break him, you wanted to break that smart mouth of his.
One of your hands pressed the six toys deeper into him, as if to help him reach that peak, appreciating the discordant vibrations at different speeds and strengths, the symphony of pleasure, torture and denial that suited your brat boyfriend perfectly. Sae moaned and hummed, rocking against the sheets and against your hand, sweat glistening on his skin.
Then he stopped, shuddering and making a sound like a wounded animal as the orgasm was once again cut short by the silicone squeezing tightly around the base of his cock.
You laughed, your free hand pulling on Sae's tight balls to help stave off that 'just a little more' taste even further, after all, it wouldn't do any good if he had a dry orgasm.
"You..." Sae murmured, his voice hoarse and broken. He turned his head, letting you see the tears on his cheeks and the anger in his eyes. "That hurts, you bastard," he spat, furious , that attitude returning as if a switch had been turned. "I..."
You cut him off with a slap on his ass that echoed throughout the room. Sae looked at you as if you had personally offended him, shocked, angry and deep down, excited. "Silence."
Feigning a disappointed sigh, which actually concealed sadistic amusement, your focus turned to the toy box. Sae followed your gaze.
"It was just one more. You... you promised."
The more Sae responded or cursed you the better, it meant you had even more reason to keep using his body until you get tired.
"I did no such thing," you said, choosing a silver bullet dildo. "And I recommend you keep your mouth shut if you want to come today."
Sae's brow furrowed, mouth opening and closing, seeming to consider whether or not it was worth teasing you further. In the end, he closed his mouth, and you really wanted to see how long the silence lasted this time. You forced the dildo into him and delighted in the convulsion of the red edge stretched to its limit, your hands rubbing his taut thighs.
You wanted even more, wanted to have him crying and begging beneath you, a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.
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breyito · 2 months
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Distraction: High School AU
Snippet No.2:
(this one goes before the last one, by a fair amount of time)
Edwin’s been driving Charles insane the whole day. While usually they would exchange mocking looks as Ms. Night lectures them, the older boy has refused to look at him more than necessary. Which, outside their History Class, is zero. 
So, Edwin has been basically ignoring him all morning and Charles’ is at his wit’s end. Yeah, they had tried something a bit different yesterday, but it wasn’t completely new, and if Edwin had any complaints, Charles’ would have usually heard about them by now already.
(No, bad Charles! Not thinking about the pretty bratty boy on his knees while you’re in class.) 
He has been ignoring pretty much everybody, actually. Not answering teachers’ questions and not correcting them either. He’s wearing the black turtleneck that makes him look so fucking posh and polished, even if privately he’s nothing but. 
Fuck, Charles wants to get him alone. Needs to get him alone. 
Finally, finally, the lunch bell rings. Charles, who didn’t even bother taking his things out of his backpack for this class, jumps and catches up to the other boy. 
Simon is already getting to Edwin, a question on his lips. Monty is not far behind him, a worried frown on his too-perfect face.
Vultures, the whole lot of them. Charles thinks viciously. 
“Sorry, mate, I need him for our project.” he says, grabbing Edwin by the wrist and ignoring the soft shocked “Hpmh!” he lets out as he barely manages to catch his bag before being dragged away.
“Charles!” the other boy protests, but quietly. The athlete knows that Edwin is never quiet when he really objects to something, so he ignores it and keeps on going. Besides, there’s no tugging, Ed just lets him guide them to wherever the younger boy wants to go. 
‘Wherever’ turns out to be a supply closet in the music wing, which is always empty at this time (and is where Edwin is supposed to go after lunch anyways, so he can’t complain too much.) 
Charles opens the door and, checking there is enough room, gets them both inside in record time. He gets both their bags and drops them in a corner, ignoring Edwin’s soft protest.
The first thing he does when they’re alone is hug Edwin very strongly. The older boy tenses for a second, before slowly hugging back.
“Shit, you drove me up the wall all morning, babe.” He says into Edwin’s ear.
“I didn’t even speak to you, Charles.” Edwin protests quietly.
“Exactly! You didn’t speak to me, or joked with me or looked at me.” Charles complains, whining. 
Edwin huffs a laugh into the other boy’s shoulders.
“You were doing it on purpose then, ignoring me?” Charles asks teasingly, separating them enough to look at those pretty jewel eyes.
“Of course not.” Edwin says, hoarse, looking down. 
“Are you sure?” the athlete questions, cupping the older boy’s face firmly. “Sure you didn’t want to drive me crazy enough to kidnap you away from your friends and snog you silly?” Charles’ tone loses its playfulness at the memory of Simon and Monty just waiting to get Edwin’s attention all to themselves.
But the older boy shakes his head and looks away. Charles refuses to not have his eyes on him anymore.
“Look at me, darling.” Those wide green eyes take half an eternity to find his own, but that’s okay. “There we go, pretty boy.” 
Anticipating the protest Edwin always has against the term, Charles drowns it between their tongues.
“Mmmh” says Charles against his mouth. “You taste like honey.”
Edwin protests are muffled by Charles’ lips until the older boy pushes him away to liberate his mouth.
“Of course I taste like honey!” he whispers-shouts. “I’ve been downing honey drops by the bag, Charles!” he protests, hoarse.
“Oh?” the athlete hums distractedly, mouthing the edge of Edwin’s chin, following the purple bruises with gusto. “Why?”
“Why-what do you mean why!?” Edwin sounds indignant, despite stretching his head back to leave room for Charles’ explorations. “I have a debate competition tomorrow! With the state you left my throat in-”he bites his lips to shut himself up, but it’s far too late already. Charles obviously heard him, since he’s frozen still for a moment or two. 
Suddenly, Edwin is smashed against the door (which, fortunately for all involved, happens to be of quality and not open from the impact) and kissed with such ferocity that any thoughts he might have had fled his head entirely. His hands anchor themselves in Charles’ hair, even though he really should grasp something else to maintain his balance.
“Yeah?” asks Charles when they break apart, both heaving. “That’s why you were so quiet all day,” he whispers hotly in Edwin's ear “marked you all up from the inside?”
“Charl-” the older boy starts, scandalised. He tries to avoid the athlete’s gaze, to no avail. 
“Fucked you silent for a whole day, huh?” Charles interrupts. “Did it hurt, babe?”
Edwin can do nothing but swallow and remain silent. That is a mistake, since Charles’ gaze homes into the movement of his throat, eyes hungry. Slowly, he lifts one hand from its place on Edwin’s waist and brings it up, until the tips of his fingers are caressing the long, marked stretch of skin. The older boy shivers and swallows again, the phantom sensation of that hand holding him by the neck so firmly replaying in his mind.
“Can you still feel me inside, luv?” Charles’ whispers, like in a trance. His thumb is now tracing the faint bruised corners of Edwin’s mouth. Charles’ looks feverish as he gently puts his thumb in Edwin’s mouth, barely outlining his lower lip from the inside, feeling the fragile moist skin there. The older boy swallows again, and this time he can taste salt and skin and Charles, and that is probably what makes him lose his senses and actually answer.
“...yes.” he says, also in a whisper. Edwin feels himself gain courage and pulls at the hair he has in his hands so that Charles’ eyes lock with his own instead of remaining on his mouth. “As troublesome as it is, I can even say that I miss it.” he finishes, before kissing the pad of Charles’ finger and then his palm, green eyes still firmly on Charles’.
“Fuck.” the athlete curses with all his body, shivering. The just kissed hand grabs Edwin’s face and they kiss again and again, and again.
When they split apart, the older boy smiles at him mischievously. In two seconds, he pushes him gently but firmly, making Charles take two steps back; grabs his backpack and opens the door to then leave and close it.
“Goodbye, Charles.” singsongs Edwin, from the other side, before hurrying away, aware that the lunch hour is almost over. 
“....fuck.” mumbles the athlete, forehead making a thud as it hits the wood.
(Listen, I swear by the life of me, I'm not this horny like, ever. Idk why these two have such a chokehold on me, I usually blush too much to write something this...sexually charged lmao.)
(yes, i added this on a reblog on the first post on accident. i won't delete it cause i'm not sure how. just forget it exists lol. anything i add to this au will be posted individually from now on)
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