#i’d feel kinda bad if i didn’t (TT)
flokali · 3 months
Hey Mo, how long will it take for you to write a request? Just curious because I want to donate for a piece for my sister's birthday but its pretty soon (about 5 weeks)
Hi! Since it’s for Gaza and I’m actually on vacation after tomorrow so it’d probably gonna take a short amount of time!
It would also depend slightly on the word count, anything between 1-5k shouldn’t take longer than two weeks or so, maybe three at most?
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luvuwite · 11 months
i was wondering, if it isn’t personal, can you share a bit of experience about being gender apathetic?
i’ve been interested in that label ever since i learned about it but i can’t find a whole lot of information about it besides the same simple explanations but not rlly anything else. since none of my questions could really be answered by reading about it. to put it short, i at least want to test that label out for myself but idk if it’s actually me since there’s a lot that i don’t know, like personal experiences and stuff. i even tried looking for tests online but they don’t exist T-T
one of the things i’ve personally been wondering the most is, is it valid to identify as gender apathetic if idm people viewing me as any gender, but i still view myself as a specific gender and have preferred pronouns? like i said i’ve tried to research abt this but i can’t find much TT
if you do answer this, i feel like pretty much anything would at least be a bit helpful (?)
thank u for taking the time to read this if you did!
(srry if there are any typos or anything, i’m in a bit of a distracted state of mind lmao)
OH NO NOT AT ALL :D i would love to (try) and explain it!
for me, i grew up pretty standard and satisfied with my gender identity which is a privilege not many people can get, i didn’t mind my gender and i didn’t mind being viewed as the other gender as well
this mostly came out as a realization i wasss a little different? is the best way i can say it? was when my family members would give me a major side eye in some of the gender neutral or masculine stuff i would wear (since yk i’m a GIRL) have it be as simple as a baggy sweater to me wanting to wear a tuxedo
i kinda grew up not understanding what the big deal was about gender identity, NOT IN A BAD WAY but in a way of why it was so serious to my family members that i’d wear “girly clothes” or wear something more “girly” when i generally just liked all clothing!!
eventually somewhere in 2020 i was with some old friends and suddenly a screenshot came up of the definition for “gender apathetic”, and i read it and i was suddenly really like. shocked of how much it literally resembled me HAHA i looked more into it and found out oh cool! i’m gender apathetic! and honestly it was as simple as that and i’ve been using the term since
that’s kinda the past of how my gender identity went, to how it is now, i’m honestly just really chill with people using any pronouns with me because i really don’t care much of my gender identity and i love the fact that i can still be seen as one pronoun than the other to some people! like i know i’m a girl, and i know the main majority of people refer to me as a girl, and that’s super chill ! but sometimes when someone calls me a guy i’m like oh that’s super cool too! and etcetc
my girlfriend sometimes refers to me as her boyfriend, and that makes my heart go WOOHOM WAHHHH but it wouldn’t mean any less to me if she referred to me as her partner/girlfriend either!
hopefully this helps :) let me know if i can help with anything else or can elaborate more!
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jentlemahae · 1 year
For me, the MV was incredibly short. Like INSANELY short to where I went “That’s it?”
Flower was pretty “meh” for me, but All Eyes On Me? That shit fucking slaps. That should’ve been the title track.
I will say that the song really had a different sound to it that I was pleasantly surprised.
However, there were two things that stuck out to me that I didn’t like, or that I think they should’ve avoided with Jisoo.
First one is that her song has an empty chorus. This isn’t bad in itself per se, but it’s just that during an empty chorus, the audience focuses more on the choreography. And her dancing kinda felt stiff during the empty chorus.
The second is the MV itself. Like you said, it’s not very thought-out but it also looks cheap. If I had to make an MV for Jisoo, I’d try to make one with a semblance of a plot, like where she’s the main actress. Instead, they added so many “K-pop in the streets” moments for no reason. On top of that, the teasers made it seem like the video would be set in a traditional Korean background, which would’ve fit Jisoo’s beauty so well and the rhythm of the song and her sining style would’ve reflected that type of atmosphere. Instead, they picked a Western setting with luxurious makeup and clothes. I understand that maybe it’s part of the sponsorships, but come on, I can’t believe that the MV with the self-proclaimed “expensive budget yet” could come out with this.
Also, she’s an actress. There were many times in the MV where looked awkward a few times, especially where she was throwing her hands in the air in all directions. And her facial expressions were very monotone. So, whoever gave her direction for how she should act should be fired.
oh that’s funny bcs i honestly did not like aeom very much 😭 it’s fine, it’s just kind generic for me ? and a very poor choice for the bside imo bcs bsides in a 2-tracks ep should showcase all of the artist’s skills that didnt come off on the tt, and in this case it would have been her unique darker vocals :| and rnb ballad would’ve been a better choice if u ask me 🤷🏻‍♀️ agree on the empty chorus bit tho - i think empty choruses are good if it’s for a main dancer or someone with very strong dance skills, jisoo is far better at singing than performing so i don’t think that chorus style was the right fit for her
also agree on the mv - like we were saying earlier, not having an actual storyline to let her show her acting skills was such a waste. also agree on ur comments :] i think filming the mv in paris was great but imo they should have included lots of traditional korean details in it - it would have been a union of paris and sk, which are jisoo’s strongest markets atm. imo the mv just didn’t feel too much like her, like it felt like something someone else could have done idk
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 9
Marinette blinks at the house in front of her in shock. She didn’t know what she had expected when Dick had mentioned a trapeze at his house. She definitely hadn’t expected the house to look like...this.
“Your house is freaking huge.” Marinette says.
“Not my house. It’s the guy who adopted us. Me and Dickie bird.” Jason says, slinging an arm over Adrien’s shoulders to reach over and ruffle her hair. 
“Are you sure that it’s okay we’re here?” She asks, frowning. 
“Sure! Besides, B’s probably still at work.” Dick says, grinning as the door opens. 
“Master Dick, Master Jason. I see you’ve brought guests.” An older man says, quirking an eyebrow. Marinette smiles awkwardly. 
“Hi. I’m Marinette, and this is Adrien.” She says, extending her hand. The man nods, shaking her hand. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss. I am the family’s butler and caretaker, Alfred Pennyworth.” He says. Marinette smiles. 
“Nice to meet you as well, Monsieur Pennyworth.” She says. 
“I’m gonna go try and show Mari here some trapeze moves.” Dick explains with a wide grin. 
“Very well. Should I plan for two more at dinner?” Mr. Pennyworth asks. 
“Oh, no, I don’t-” Marinette starts to argue, but Dick cuts her off. 
“Yes please!” He says before hurrying down the hallway. “Come on slowpokes!” He adds with a grin. Marinette looks at Jason pleadingly. 
“You’re the one who said you were gonna adopt Dick as your brother. This is all on you, Pixie Pop.” He says with a smirk, continuing to walk after Dick. Marinette groans, but follows, glaring at Adrien who snorts at her pain. 
“You’re a little bitch.” She mumbles under her breath, glaring at him. He rolls his eyes. 
“You know you love me.” He says. Marinette speeds up her walk, careful to keep Dick in sights at all times. This place was huge. She bumps into Adrien, nudging him with her shoulder as they walk down the hall. 
“Okay, okay, are you guys ready for this?” Dick asks, stopping in front of closed double doors. Marinette nods and Dick grins before pushing open the doors. Her jaw drops as she looks into the gym. It had everything you could possibly want or need. Including a bunch of gymnastics equipment, aerial silks and a trapeze. It was amazing. 
“Wow.” She says, eyes wide as she looks around. This was even cooler than she’d imagined. 
“Man, this would’ve been helpful a year ago.” Adrien mumbles, and Marinette snorts, knowing he’s thinking back to their rooftop training sessions with Jason. And all the times they got scraped up from the rough roofs. She glances over at Jason, noticing the thoughtful look on his face. Probably thinking the same thing, she thinks before turning back to Dick. 
“So, how do we start?” She asks, bouncing back and forth between the balls of her feet. This was going to be so freaking cool!
This is so worth a trip to Gotham! Marientte thinks to herself as she flies through the air. Dick was surprised at how quickly she caught on for her first time (she pointedly ignored the snorts from Adrien and Jason who both knew this was not her first time flying through the air). Once they get back to the platform, Dick’s phone starts to ring and he smiles apologetically. 
“I’ve really gotta take this.” He says, darting down the ladder and rushing out of the gym to answer his phone. Marinette shrugs and follows him down the latter, punching Jason’s arm as she walks by him to grab a drink of water. 
“Ow, what the hell was that for?” He asks, rubbing his arm and glaring at the girl. 
“I saw you two idiots laughing at me.” She replies, shrugging. 
“Why do you still punch so hard?” Jason asks, and she can tell he’s starting to be concerned for her. She recognizes the look on his face. 
“Pent up aggression from fighting an emotional terrorist for a good chunk of my adolescence.” She deapans. He raises an eyebrow and she huffs. “Okay, I took up boxing.” 
“So have you both kept up with training?” He asks, visibly concerned. Marinette shares a look with Adrien, trying to decide if she should be honest or not. But...it’s Jason. So she has to be. 
“Yeah….” She draws out the word before sighing, pushing her bangs back from her face. “In our defense, it’s hard to go back to being a civilian after being a hero for several years. It’s just- especially with Guardian shit, right? Like, that’s a lifetime commitment. If I give it up, I give up my memories. I can’t do that, Jay. I’d forget you and Adrien and I can’t do that. So I don’t-” She pauses and lets herself take a breath. “I don’t have a choice.” Jason’s face drops into a scowl, but she knows it’s not directed at her. As much as she admired Master Fu, he was not the best mentor. And he left her without a choice when it came to hero work. Something she knew that Jason couldn’t forgive him for. Even if she tried to.
“Come on, we’re gonna spar.” Jason instructs, not giving her a chance to object. She sighs, but follows him over to the mats, immediately getting into position. 
“I fight better than I did a year ago.” She warns, and Jason grins. 
“That’s what I’m counting on Pixie Pop.” He says, immediately lunging towards her. Marinette jumps back, staying light on her feet as she gets used to sparring with Jason again. He wasn’t slow by any means, but he was much bigger than her, which meant he couldn’t jump around as lightly as she did. She’d have to use his weight against him. She leaps to the side and then brings a swift kick up, using her foot to kick his thigh, hard. He stumbles slightly, grinning widely before throwing a swing. Deciding to use his momentum, she grabs onto his arm and lets the swing of his arm lift her up so that she can wrap her arms around his neck in a chokehold as she clings to his back. 
“Oh come on Jay, don’t tell me you’ve already lost!” Adrien teases from the side. Marinette feels Jason tense and can tell he’s about to throw himself down, which would definitely end the fight for her. Instead of letting him get that far, she moves her hands to grip onto his shoulders and vault herself over him, rolling out of the leap and jumping back up, grinning from ear to ear. 
“You’ve learned some new tricks.” Jason praises, squaring his stance once again. 
“Enough to beat you, old man.” She teases, snorting at the faux hurt on Jason’s face. 
“You wound me, Pix.” He says, clutching his heart and shutting his eyes as if in pain. Marinette decides to use his momentary theatrics to her advantage and delivers a swift kick to the back of his left leg, throwing all of her weight into the kick. Jason yelps in surprise, and falls to the ground. 
“Jump rope!” She calls out to Adrien, knowing she saw one earlier. And also knowing that there was no way she could keep Jason pinned without assistance. She holds her hand up, catching the rope that Adrien tosses to her, using it to quickly tie his ankles and wrists together. She steps back and admires her handy work, snorting at the shocked look on Jason’s face. Slow claps coming from the doorway make her snap to attention, turning and glancing at the intruder. Her eyes widen at the boy, who appeared to be around their age. With dark spiky hair and brilliant green eyes- No. Bad Mari, stop falling for green eyes. Ugh. She blinks, shoving the thoughts from her mind. 
“Er- hi.” She says awkwardly, glancing over at Adrien who simply shrugs. 
“Who is it?” Jason asks, since he’s currently not facing the door. Marinette glances down at him and smirks. 
“Oh, you mean you can’t see, Jay? Why ever would that be?” She teases. He huffs. 
“I don’t know, some crazy Pixie chick tied me up with a freaking jump rope like an angry kindergartner.” He gripes back. She crosses her arms. 
“You do realize that ‘angry kindergartner’ is the only one who can untie you, right?” She asks, choosing to ignore the stranger in the doorway for now. 
“Not true. Someone else came in, and Adrien can also untie a couple knots.” Jason argues. Marinette glances at Adrien who shakes his head, despite the fact that Jason can’t see. 
“Yeah, sorry Jay. I’m not going against Mari. She’s kinda scary.” Adrien says, making Jason whine. 
“Who the fuck is at the door then?” He asks, obviously starting to lose his patience. 
“Tt. As if I would help you, Todd.” The boy says and Marinette feels herself melt slightly at his voice. It was so- NO. BAD MARI. STOP. NO. 
“His name’s Jason.” Adrien pipes up, and Marinette turns to him, frowning. Because, yes, his name is Jason. So then what-
“His last name is Todd.” The boy says, and Adrien’s face turns red. He rubs the back of his neck- his go to ‘I’m feeling awkward right now’ pose. 
“Oops.” He says with a lopsided smile. Marinette rolls her eyes playfully at him before turning back and looking right in the boy’s eyes. 
“Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng. That dork over there is Adrien.” She introduces with a short wave. 
“Pleasure. I’m Damian Wayne.” The boy, Damian, introduces. Marinette smiles at him, feeling herself start to get lost in his eyes again. It wouldn’t hurt to look for just a minute, besides, he wasn’t looking away either. And his eyes were such a pretty color-
“Could someone please fucking untie me.” Jason groans. Marinette blushes furiously, dropping down and swiftly untying Jason. 
“Sorry Jay.” She apologizes, wincing at the annoyed look on his face as he stands up. He simply grunts and ruffles her hair, making her protest. 
“S’okay Pix. Besides, now you can take me down without using Adrien as a distraction. Big improvement.” He compliments and her annoyed face quickly morphs into a wide smile. 
“Alfred sent me to let you know dinner is ready.” Damian says, an annoyed expression on his face. Marinette immediately blushes again and glances at Jason who simply raises an eyebrow. She groans and falls back in line with Adrien who had a knowing smirk on his face. 
“Shut up.” She mutters, elbowing the boy. He snorts, shaking his head at her. Jason starts to walk out, trading insults with Damian as the group makes their way to the dining room. 
“Whatever you say, Bug.” He says, throwing an arm over her shoulder. She narrows her eyes at him. 
“Say anything, and I’ll beat you with your own arm.” She whispers. He holds up his hands in surrender and she sighs in relief. Hopefully they’d make it through this dinner without Adrien embarrassing the hell out of her. Following Jason and Damian into what had to be the dining room, she’s surprised to see a guy a couple years older than them, and a much taller man who had to be Jason’s dad. 
“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” He says, extending a hand. “I’m Bruce Wayne.” He says with a wide (but false, Marinette notes, watching how it doesn’t reach his eyes) smile. Marinette’s eyes widen and she glances at Jason who just rolls his eyes. 
“Mari, Adrien, this is my….father.” He says the word as if it’s bitter. Marinette makes a note to ask about that later. They’d already sent one asshole father to prison, she had no problems sending another. 
“Nice to meet you.” Marinette says, shaking his hand, her smile not reaching her eyes either. She wouldn’t give him a real smile, not until she’d talked to Jason about it. He had helped them so much, it only made sense to help him too. Dinner should be interesting.
Tag list (open) @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z @daminette-56 
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So I saw TFS today and since you share my passion for rinharu I gotta gush a little. I just feel like Rin dropping free is kinda all about Haru. He kept thinking about Ikuya asking him how Haru winning made him feel, so I took his final decision to mean that Haru winning was enough even if they weren't competing together, and if he could win in fly they would be together at the same level. Like being with Haru matters more than being his rival. Poor baby just wants to be by his side... TT
Yeah, I got the shark baby too, I get what's happened here from both sides. And it's not like we didn't know that if he had to pick in between it would always be Haru, its been like this since s1. His priority always was "with", not "against". The part I do not get is why they talk as if one of them talk in spanish instead of japanese lmao.
I get that he's angry that Haru didn't get that he did it for their future together, I'd be too. Considering how hard it was for him, I'd be upset too. But what I don't get is why he interpreted Haru's words like that. About the always leaving part. Like I mean I get that he doesn't quite see what was going on in Haru's head with his war flashbacks to his first heartbreak when he was tiny, but like... it's like he always hears some certain part, but not the whole thing.
A lot of my fav couples used this "saying the most atrocious painful things to make him leave" thing, but it always hurts me a lot that during that they're in so much pain bc of those words that they don't even pause to realise that it doesn't make sense. Like why would he suddenly go there and say stuff like that and what it means. I personally adore this type of angst with a happy ending, bc it gives you that emotional bomb, but I'm always like it hurts me that they think so badly about themselves and have such bad self-esteem, that he really went like "yeah, I'm the worst thing that ever happened to him, he's right", not even hearing what he really said. I'm just, I wanna strangle them both.
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P.S. also please, gush a lot, I'm only gonna be happy xD
P.P.S. I also feel like they're both genuinely tired already, it's like they dedicated their whole life to the dream of being together and wanting it so badly and now they're both scared of losing it and it's just.. it's exhausting and a bit horrifying as it is. But combined with the whole relationship crisis of "omg he doesn't want me, even tho the thought of being next to him is what gave me an inspiration to move forward" is just too much for rational thinking rn probably. But I still do not get how like the whole fandom from all sides got it and he didn't lol. Bc he's thinking "but I can't leave him" as in alone in freestyle race with Albert from what ppl told me, right? And that just.. I do not understand why, thats not what Haru said. Its not.
You know I adore him and I'd never doubt his love for Haru ever, bc it's insane (lol), and I give him all the points for loving Haru so much, that he's willing to go there not even caring that right now in his opinion Haru thinks of him "so badly". But it doesn't change the fact that its insanely stupid of him.
But then again typical idiotism coming from those who love each other a lot, but don't think much of themselves.
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batsandbugs · 4 years
Bats Bugs and Boomerangs Chapter 1
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A/N: Hey everyone, coming at you with another series! This is actually for a late secret santa gift exchange! My recipient was @m3owww​! Her fandoms were Maribat and Avatar the Last Airbender, so I thought: Why not both? She already had a Maribat characters in the show type fic, so I created a fic where they watched the show. It slowly spiraled out of control though, so this is Chapter 1. I’ll eventually have the batfam (and Marinette) react to the whole series, so comment here and on ao3 what you want to see. So Phi, this is kinda like the gift that will keep on giving? Maybe? I hope you like it anyway. Enjoy! 
Our story begins on a frosty winter evening, outside Gotham at Wayne Manor. Marinette sat in the library working on an assignment for her History of Fashion class. She was alone, because Damian, Dick, Tim, and Bruce were out on patrol, with Barbara on comms. Tikki, unless eating or involved with a transformation, spent her time sleeping due to the freezing weather. While the other Kwami either resided in the box or roamed the grounds, and generally stayed out of the human's way.
Marinette gazed out the window, snow falling softly through the air, covering the ground and the tree branches. A crackling fire warmed the room. She shifted, and a painful ache shot through her leg. Marinette glared at the offending appendage, which was the reason she wasn’t out with the team tonight.
Her Miraculous could cure any injury sustained on the battlefield, it didn’t help her one bit when it came to her own natural clumsiness. She hadn’t paid attention as she’d walked out of class one evening. The dim lighting hid a black ice patch and she slipped and fell. Thankfully, her ankle was only sprained and not broken, but she would be out of commission for at least two weeks. Probably more if Alfred got his way.
Speaking of the elderly butler, he strode into the room carrying a tray of tea and cookies.
“Good evening Miss. Marinette. Need another refreshment?”
She sighed at the cold coffee dregs in her mug. “That would be nice, thank you, Alfred.”
He hummed, grabbing a teacup, and pouring her a serving. “How does your leg feel today? I notice you were leaning heavily on Master Damian after supper.” He handed the cup to her and the warmth was a welcome sensation for her chilled hands.
“Yeah, he’s been nice helping me around.” Nice was a misnomer, more like extremely overprotective. He point-blank refused for her to stay at her own apartment, mostly due to its location on the fourth floor with no elevator access. He all but forced her to watch him pack her essentials to bring to the manor while she recovered. Since then, his attentiveness in ensuring she had what she needed within reach and helping her to class had grown. It was a tad smothering considering his usual aloofness, but she enjoyed his actions for the affection it implied.
“It’s throbbing and hot and feels worse than it did three days ago.” She took a tiny sip of the tea and relaxed into its spiced aroma. Alfred made the best tea.  
He nodded. “It will feel uncomfortable for a while until it starts to mend. Just continue to rest and remain off it and you will be back to carousing around the city like the rest of them in no time.” He poured his own tea and seated himself in the plush armchair across from her spot on the couch.
“Oh, Alfred you say that as if you would not be right there along with us if age allowed,” said Marinette with a grin. The stories Dusu could recount about the elderly miraculous holder were nothing short of entertaining, and she knew damn well Alfred had the same need for action as the rest of the Waynes and their assorted allies.  
“I’d do nothing of the sort,” he said primly, taking a sip of his tea to hide the tiny smirk on his face. Marinette couldn’t help but laugh.
The rest of the evening was spent in pleasant silence. Despite the pain in her leg Marinette pushed through it and finished her assignment, while Alfred read until it neared time when patrol ended. He bustled up the remains of the tea and promise her a fresh cup when he finished seeing everyone arrive safely.
Later, although she could not say how long, she was buried deep in a book and didn’t notice when Damian entered the room until he sat next to her on the couch.
“Good evening angel.” His hair flopped in his eyes, loose and damp from the shower. In his hands, he held a tray with two cups of steaming tea.
“Thanks.” She took the proffered cup of tea with a smile. “How was patrol?”
“Boring,” he sighed. “You certainly are not missing anything.” If he wouldn’t have taken offense to it, Marinette would have described the look on his face as a pout.
“What about the drug seller Tim tracked to the lower docks?”
Damian shrugged. “Gone silent after we busted the last shipment. Seventeen years in and maybe the criminals finally figured out committing crimes in the same city as a relentless vigilante team is a bad idea,” he said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Marinette couldn’t stop herself from giggling. It was a common joke among the family that Gotham’s criminals never learned.
“I think it means we’re doing our job right,” said Tim walking in with a steaming mug. Marinette opened her mouth, but he cut her off. “Don’t worry, it’s decaf.”
“Like Pennyworth would let him drink anything else this time of night,” scoffed Damian, while taking a sip of his tea.
“I’m perfectly capable of monitoring my own caffeine intake, thanks,” Tim said in offense, seating himself across from the couch in the reading chair previously abandoned by Alfred.
“No, you’re not,” called a voice from the hallway. Dick walked in with a large mug of what was undoubtedly hot chocolate. “The last time he didn’t check your drink after patrol, you used coffee instead of water to brew another pot, and then added four whole bottles of five-hour energy. You didn’t sleep for three days.”
“I also solved five crimes, figured out where the Penguin was hiding, and streamlined the dropbox submission system for Wayne Industries. Life requires tradeoffs.”
“No that’s just you, ignoring basic human necessities. Anyway, besides Tim’s caffeine addiction, what are we talking about?” asked Dick.
“The reason for the lack of crime,” offered Marinette.
Dick shrugged, “Happens every year because of the weather. Even criminals get cold. They’ll return to their usual transgressions once the weather warms.” He took a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Tt. Weak,” muttered Damian.
Tim rolled his eyes. “Not everyone receives extreme weather training under threat of dismemberment, demon brat. We should take the opportunity to enjoy the break.”
“Tim, your version of a “break” involves paperwork,” chided Dick.
“It’s not my fault the rest of you people don’t have lives. I’m a remarkably busy person. And what is this, the-criticize-Tim-hour?”
“Oh, only an hour?” smirked Damian. “I thought it was a continuous event, one could choose to participate in whenever the mood struck. I will have to file all my complaints immediately.”
Tim pouted. “Marinette,” he whined. “Can’t you control him?”
She shrugged, “What do you expect me to do? I’m his girlfriend, not his minder. Besides, they criticize because they care.” She laughed when all three boys snarled their noses at the prospect of feelings.
“Marinette, angel, please; never say that again. I criticize because I am right, and they should know it. Not because of any high-minded ideals such as genuine affection.”
“Okay, okay, enough,” said Dick. “If we have a bit of a break, we should do something! Together, as a family. I think Cass and Steph come back in two days.”
“Grayson, just because your girlfriend is off-world visiting family and you have nothing to do does not mean it holds true for the rest of us.”
“Exactly!” exclaimed Tim, “Except not quite, because I don’t have a girlfriend, but I just said I’m busy. R&D is rolling out a new prototype next week, and I have two board meetings scheduled and-”
“Not to mention,” Marinette cut Tim off. He could talk about his schedule forever because he just had that many events. “I can’t move around, what would we even do? Play games?”
Tim rolled his eyes. “The list of games officially banned in our family includes, but is not limited to; Monopoly, Uno, Checkers, Risk, Risk: Legacy, Twister, Jenga, Clue, Guess Who, Poker, Chess, and Go Fish.”
“Oh…” muttered Marinette.
“And that doesn’t even include videogames.”
“After the Wii Bowling incident of 2013, the media room wall was never the same,” Dick said, shaking his head in despair.
“I actually apologized for that, okay?” exclaimed Damian. “Why do you always have to bring it up?”
Marinette fully intended to ask about the incident later. “Okay, so games are out.”
“Ooh,” Dick’s eyes lit up, “How about we call a Family T.V. Event?”
Tim groaned, “The last time we did that we blew up the shed, and got the police called.”
“Well, we won’t watch a crime show.” Dick turned to Marinette. “Jason picked; we watched Breaking Bad.”
“I can see how that would spiral out of control.”
“The time before that, we set fire to the media room and started a familial feud,” Damian pointed out. “Game of Thrones,” he added when Marinette looked to him for clarification.
“Even worse.”
“Okay, fine, so we don’t have the best track record picking shows. But I swear I have a good one this time.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
Tim snorted. “What? Like the kid’s show?”
Damian rolled his eyes. “Really Grayson, a cartoon? I know you are developmentally stuck at five, but not all of us are.”
“I’ve never watched it, but I’ve heard good things about it,” said Marinette. She knew there was a French translation of the show, but she preferred to watch media in its original language. Before moving to America, before dating Damian, her English had not been strong enough to confidently watch a show and understand all of it.
“Perfect!” exclaimed Dick. “I know you three and Cass haven’t seen it, and neither has Bruce or Alfred. I would bet Jason’s seen some of it, but I’ll have to check. Barbara and I have, but that’s fine, she loves the show. We’ll have to see about Steph too, but I’m sure she’ll enjoy it regardless. There are awesome characters, battles, suspense, comedy, and it’s not likely going to inspire us to blow up the shed or tear each other to pieces!”
“I have in no way agreed to this Grayson. Drake back me up.”
Tim paused for a moment, stuck between his need to disagree with Damian and the need to get out of Dick’s crazy plan. Unfortunately for Damian, the former won out. “Actually, you know what, a show could be fun. The episodes are what, thirty minutes? Shorter than Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.”
Damian groaned while Dick responded happily, ignoring his brother’s distress, “Around twenty minutes actually. We could have the whole show finished in about a week or so.”
Damian turned to her, eyes wide and hopeful. “Marinette, please tell me you are on my side?”
She patted her boyfriend’s arm, “Sorry, mon amour, I’m stuck either way. Might as well watch a show.”
Damian flopped against the couch with a pout. “Betrayed. I have been grievously betrayed by my own brothers and girlfriend. What is this world coming to?”
“Woo!” exclaimed Dick, a wide grin splitting his face. “This is going to be great.”
“This is going to be awful,” moaned Damian.
It took a bit of convincing on the part of Dick to get Bruce and Alfred to agree to the venture. Marinette, after learning the full details of the last two Family T.V. Events, was wholly unsurprised. She also did not know the full extent of what Dick did to get Jason to agree (apparently, he and Bruce were fighting, again, so this was expected.) although it probably involved a bribe. But by the week’s end, the entire family was together, all under strict orders (and puppy-dog eyes from Dick) to be on their best behavior.
Which, without a doubt, not a single one of them knew what that entailed.
The arguing started with seating placement, then about who controlled the remote, then over the distribution of snacks, drinks, blankets, and pillows. At one point Jason pulled a knife, which prompted Damian to pull his knife, suddenly Cass had two shurikens visible (where she even kept them while wearing a tank top and shorts, no one could say), and then everyone was yelling with sharp pointy objects in hand.
Once the argument was firmly under control, Alfred collected the weapons and placed them in a wicker basket, along with all the mobile devices, until the episodes for the night were finished. The only one allowed to have a phone was Barbara who was in charge of checking police scanners for any major trouble while the family took the evening off.
Marinette seated herself curled up against Damian on the edge of the couch. She set her foot propped up on an ottoman so it wouldn’t get jostled, and she could continue to ice it throughout the evening. Damian secured their own bowl of popcorn, so they didn’t have to share it with the others.
“Alright, here’s how we’re breaking this down,” announced Dick, who won the battle for the remote, and therefore the episode schedule. “The episodes are short, at least, much shorter than the last show we watched.” He directed a pointed look at Jason.
“I make no apologies.”
“We’ll watch half a season a day, ten episodes apiece. The closed captions will be on but try to keep the chatter to a minimum.” Marinette held back a laugh. Damian explained no one kept quiet during these nights. Watching the show wasn’t the point of these events; if that were the case then they would just watch it all on their own time. The point was the time spent together. This is why even Bruce, emotionally constipated and single-minded in his pursuits as he was, put away the suit for a few days to watch T.V. with the rest of his collected family. Talking was expected.  
“We will, if you will,” called Stephanie.  
“I take offense to that.”
“Aw just sit Dickie, let’s watch the show,” exclaimed Jason.
“Yes, Grayson you already wrapped us into this pointless venture; we might as well get it over with,” Damian grumbled. Marinette found his hand in the folds of their shared blanket and laced her fingers with his. He squeezed her hand, and, when he was sure no one else was looking gave her a small smile. Marinette smiled back, he pretended to be such a grouch, but deep down he was a giant softy at heart.
Dick frowned, saying “Fine, fine, you don’t have to be spoilsports about it.” And pointed the remote at the T.V. starting the first episode.
It didn’t take ten seconds before the commentary began.
“Four elements?” exclaimed Tim.  “Are you serious? I could name at least a dozen off the top of my head. How are there only four nations? 0/10 completely unrealistic. Political infighting alone-”
“Ah, shut up, replacement.”
“Ruthless fire nation?” said Stephanie. “Methinks a little propaganda might be occurring here.”
“A hundred years!? What, has no one competent been born the entire time?”
Marinette shrugged. “The disadvantages of finite magic systems, Dami. It's learned indifference.”
“Honey, after a hundred years that’s not hoping, that’s naivety,” said Stephanie in response to Katara’s impassioned speech.
“She’s right!” exclaimed Dick.
“We know that, but she doesn’t.”
The show moved on to Katara and Sokka in a boat. Sokka held a spear above the water.
“Is he hunting that fish?” growled Damian.
“Ah yeah, I forgot you may hate the entirety of Sokka’s character,” said Dick with a grimace. “Whoops.”
“She’s not very good at the water moving, is she?” asked Marinette
“Waterbending,” Dick and Barbara said in unison.
Sokka chided Katara about her weird water magic. “Oh, he’s not going to be a dick for the whole show, is he?” asked Steph.
“He gets better.”
“They grew up here right?” asked Damian, as Katara and Sokka become caught in a rapid. “How did they not anticipate an event like this.”
“I knew I should have left you at home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up!”
“HEY!” shouted all the women in the room.
They watched as Katara’s fury built and broke the iceberg behind her.
“Good. Use anger, anger is alright,” Cass commented for the first time.
“Okay, you’ve gone from weird, to freakish.”
“This punk is just asking for a beating isn’t he,” growled Jason.
The beam of energy shot into the air after Katara and Sokka broke open the ice. “That’s not going to cause any trouble,” said Tim, rolling his eyes. “Nope, not suspicious or completely conspicuous at all.”
The scene switches to a metal ship.
“Finally! Uncle, do you realize what this means?”
“Oh, look, the bad guys,” deadpanned Tim. “I was right.”
Jason grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth “What happened to his fucked-up fa-”
The scene switched back to Katara and Sokka. The figure is revealed to be a hyperactive little kid.
Damian frowned“Oh, I won’t like him either, will I Grayson?”
Dick tilted his head, “Eh.”
Then Appa is introduced.
“Father, could we-”
“No, Damian.”
They watched the children depart, and the scene moved back to the Fire Nation ship.
“Even if you're right, and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all tried and failed.”
“Well considering the Airbender child has been in an iceberg, it’s not surprising they failed.”
“Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's hundred years in hiding are over.”
“Is it just me or does this angry, emo prince remind anyone of demon spawn?”
“Todd, shut your mouth before I remove your tongue.”  
Marinette leaned in close, “Maybe just a little like you.” Damian looked at her with a betrayed pout.
The scene switched and they watched Aang lie to Katara about the Avatar.
“The air child is guilty. Will cause problems later.”
“Narrative Cass, it’s narrative.”
Damian scoffed. “Miscommunication is plot convenience, and it’s a sloppy one at that.”
They watched Aang’s dream of how he ended up in the iceberg, him waking up to Katara and his introduction to the village.
“Well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct until my granddaughter and grandson found you.”
“He went into the ice and woke up to find the world different. Anyone getting serious Captain America vibes here?” said Jason, tone-deaf to the clear horror on Aang's face.
“Jason, he just found out his people potentially went extinct!” chided Marinette. 
“It's not for stabbing! It's for air bending.”
“Please tell me the main character is not a pacifist,” begged Damian.
“Well, he is a monk,” said Barbara with a sorry look.
“I sense he's filled with much wisdom,” Katara says as Aang sticks his tongue to his staff and it freezes.
“I switch back and forth between liking this girl and not. One second she’s got gumption, and the next she’s all starry-eyed and naïve,” grumbled Steph.
“I wonder who that reminds me of,” Damian whispered into Marinette’s ear. She felt her cheeks heat up.
"I'm not naive," she shot back. 
He raised a hand with two fingers close but not touching, "You're a little naive." Marinette huffed, but silently admitted to her boyfriend's point. She had a tendency to believe the best in people; she saw it as a strength and appreciated it in this Katara character, but it was so far from how Damian viewed the world, it honestly confused his siblings when they first started dating. 
Damian confided in her that he found it inspiring. She had been through so much, understood the cruelties of others, and still could see the good in people. 
The scene switched to the Fire Nation ship again, and Iroh explained the concept of firebending to an irate Prince Zuko.
“Finally, a display of actual competence,” exclaimed Damian.
“Enough! I've been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set! I'm more than ready!”
“My tutors would have skewered me if I dared to act in such a manner,” he commented again, softer than the first time. More so that only Marinette could hear. Damian’s family was more than aware of his childhood and what it entailed; Marinette slowly learned with comments like this. She squeezed his hand again and received a small smile.
The scene shifted back to the village where Sokka’s failed “warrior lesson” occurred, and then-
“We don't have time for fun and games with the War going on!”
“What war? What are you talking about?”
“Where have you been, frozen in ice for a hundred years?” joked Dick.
They watched Aang offer to take Katara to the North Pole to find a water bending master. The two children go and play with the penguin creatures, but the tone shifted when an old Fire Nation ship appeared on the screen.
“Bad ship” muttered Cass.
“If you want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear.”
“There are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to start,” said Tim.
They watch Aang and Katara enter the Fire Nation Ship and wander talking about the war.
“Aang, how long were you in that iceberg?”
“I don't know. A few days, maybe?”
“I think it was more like a hundred years!”
“Are you kidding me?” yelled Jason. “How are they just figuring this out now?”
On-screen Aang stepped on the line of wire, tripping the traps.
“Tt. Amateurs.”
"See, she told him it would be a bad idea!"
A flare rises through the air.
“That’s not going to cause any-”
“Oh, shut up Tim.”
The Fire Prince once again appeared on the screen.
“The last Airbender!”
“I was right,” he mumbled.
The screen faded to the credits, and Dick turned to the group.
“So? What do you think?”
“Nobody has any sense.”
“Are any of the characters actually likable?”
He frowned. “Okay, okay, so the first episode isn’t the best. I swear it gets better. Back me up here Barb.”
Barbara nodded. “He’s right, it takes a few episodes to build the characters up and we see some genuine action. But by mid-season, I swear you’ll be hooked. And then we’ll get to season two and the best characters will arrive.”
“Hey,” Dick exclaimed, pointing a finger at her. “No spoilers.”
“I thought it was fun,” Marinette offered. “It’s very clearly a kid’s show, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” She wasn’t going to say each and every person in the room had childhood traumas, and a show full of lighthearted fun was probably just what they needed. She could think it, but she wouldn’t say it.   
“Thank you, Marinette,” said Dick with a smile.
“I rather enjoyed the elderly tea drinker,” intoned Alfred. “He’s more than he appears to be.”
“Uncle Iroh? Yeah, he’s the best!” commented Barbara. "But everyone is great." 
“Alright, episode one finished, nine more to go.”
“Let’s hope it���s more enjoyable than the last,” uttered Damian, a chorus of agreement followed his statement, but when the show started up everyone grew quiet again.
Marinette was sure whatever happened next, it was bound to be interesting.
Tag List (Although it is on ao3 too) 
@m3owww​ @your-resident-chimken-nuggie​  @loveswifi​ @fusser90​@animegirlweeb​​ @ihavehomeworkbutistillhere​​
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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seafleece · 4 years
now, i don’t know how this is gonna shake out, but i’m just thinking about comparisons between false flags in ttrpgs. 
this isn’t the first one, and it could be avoided bc matt kinda likes the plot armor at this point and most consequences seem to end up as “there’s a guy to fight”, but regardless, i’m just gonna give a little hypothetical: they get away from trent, and trent, seeing the obvious usage of dunamancy, decides to ring up ol’ dwendal and say ‘hey, the dynasty is stealing from us. i have proof.’ he has a vested interest in doing exactly this. at this point, the m9 has just aided in a false flag operation, unwittingly.
off the top of my head, i can think of two other false flag situations in a ttrpg show, both from friends at the table. in both of them, the cast is aware it’s what they’re doing, and it has serious plot consequences. dwindling conflict is reunited. soldiers and civilians die. player characters are even exiled from a community when one is discovered, and they don’t come back from it. those rifts between the affected groups don’t heal. there’s nothing the party can do to take back that mistake.
there have been similar calls in cr2, with the dynasty. if i had a little more faith in themes right now, i wouldn’t even be surprised if the assembly themselves collapsed that tower in zadash to make the dynasty look bad for the horrible crime of (checks notes) wanting their sacred artifacts back.
the real difference between these two groups of situations is that m9 largely outgrew their interest in the dynasty-empire relationship after the hiatus, and their treatment and sort of. disinterest and failure to consider optics. here is impossible to separate from the cast that critical is a show run by liberals. f@tt-- here i’ll direct specifically to partizan-- is directly interested in portraying the most corrupt aspects of war, and their cast decidedly does not take a liberal perspective.
when cr2 is over, i’d like to write a full comparative retrospective on portrayals of empire and war, but for now i’ll just say that how this plays out (and has already) really comes down to how cast politics affects the portrayal of fictional politics (see waffling on whether the assembly needs to go or whether trent is a “bad apple” and failure to condemn an empire for, y’know, being an empire), as well as whether cast sees themselves as storytellers or responsible for the themes that play out in their own show, which they often don’t or at least don’t seem to. the interesting conclusion to “using another country’s magic against a powerful wizard, one who would happily see war fought against that country for his own gain” just isn’t “and then they magic missiled each other to death”. there are empire assassins hunting essek. trent almost certainly knows about it. using dunamancy to attack empire guards watching over trent’s things means something with this context, inherently. and if it didn’t to cast, then it should.
impulsively blundering into consequence this potentially serious isn’t inherently uninteresting. it just becomes that way when it feels like it doesn’t mean anything, or when what it means is a big 3-hour fight with a guy that resolves (successfully ignores) the underlying issues.
i’m gonna make another little comparison for a second. in critical role, there’s trent ikithon. in partizan, there’s spymaster crysanth kesh. the party in both seasons has a vested interest in seeing this person killed, because they’re responsible for a lot of death and suffering, both on a personal and political level during a time of war, acting in their own interest at the expense of almost everything around them except their own power. when talking about killing trent or the people closest to him, cast treats this like a solution to a singular problem. when talking about killing crysanth or the people she’s closest to (including her daughter, who’s a player character the cast doesn’t shy away from despising or antagonizing or portraying as selfish and manipulative), the gm says outright that while she holds power, her death will not fix the war. the rules for beam saber, the game, are also explicit about this: the party is small. they cannot end a war, nor erase its sins. the difference is that the cast of critical role thinks of trent ikithon as a cause. the cast of partizan says that crysanth kesh is a symptom.
difference in tone is fine-- this isn’t saying that the cast needs to overthink everything they do and have a 0% war crime rate, or that this game needs to be about the horrors of war. it’s just saying (in a lot of words) that actions have consequences, and that whether they realize it or not, their actions shape a story. this is a really killer opportunity for matt to say no, i’m not compromising on a theme that’s been in this game since day one.
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pl-panda · 4 years
The vines that bind us - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 || Previous || Next
She was now back in Gotham and it was time to start acting like it. 
The break came sooner than expected. Mari might have actually missed it if not for the text from Chloe that they are on their way. Mr. Drake locked the doors to his office from the inside to made sure nobody interrupted him unless Batman started skateboarding in the lobby (his words). She really didn’t know what to think about the young CEO. So far their interactions were limited to the brief moment of panic before meeting Luthor, followed by this brief moment when he locked the doors.
When she arrived in the cafeteria, Chloe was already waiting for her with Ethel. They took over a table in the corner and already littered it with various documents and folders.
“Um… Hi?” Mari greeted them.
“Oh, Mari-bear!” Chloe grabbed the girl by the wrist and dragged her to the table. When she was seated, several papers were put in front of her.
“So! Ethel and I read through the contract and we have good and bad news? Which first?”
“Let’s get the bad out of the way.” Mari nodded.
“You’re stuck in that job for half a year.”
“Don’t worry.” Ethel palaced her. “It’s not as bad as it looks. The whole deal was that you could be hired at any point of your internship for a period of six months, after which there would be a revision of your contract to either terminate it or make it more permanent.” 
“Who does that kind of thing?” The girl shouted a bit louder than necessary, but nobody paid them any mind. Alya and Lila were clearly visible at the other side of the cafeteria with a large crowd around them. 
“It’s practically never used. I mean now you have all the benefits of being Wayne Enterprises’ employee. Plus you will actually have a salary. And Sarah’s salary was nothing to scoff at.”
“But… What about school!? I know we were allowed to leave for two months, which by itself is crazy if you ask me…”
“Given that our headmaster is an idiot that bends under whoever throws money at him and our teacher should never be allowed to be in the same room as any child…” Chloe muttered in French. 
“Yeah. I get your point. But I can’t just leave school for six months!” 
“Puh-lease!” Chloe waved her hand dismissively. “We both know you could’ve graduated in the middle of last year if that Chienne and Connard allowed you. And you would have the perfect scores. Hey! I’m sure you can sit SATs in Gotham while you work here.” 
“And my commissions?” She looked at the blonde. “Marigold Désign et Création is only starting to get some popularity. I can’t just close the store! Oh no! What about my Flower Shop in Paris? The girl I hired was supposed to work there only for like… three months best! I can’t just suddenly… Oh no! You know Sang hates being away from me! And what if Bleue outgrows her pot? And don’t get me started on Rouge! He is…’
Mari suddenly felt two hands on her shoulders. “Goldie! You’re spiraling again.” Chloe stared in her eyes. “And your eyes are showing.” 
That finally calmed Mari. She usually tried to suppress her natural look in favor of how she used to appear. Her iridescent green eyes were kept blue and dark-blue hair muted to the point it seemed black. Plus her skin was not green unless she was using her powers. She was not sure where that skill came from and she was ninety percent certain her mother couldn’t just mute her green skin and fiery red hair. Still, she was glad that she did not have to look like an Akuma 24/7. 
“Thanks, Queeny. I’d probably have a breakdown if not for you.”
“You have a Flower Shop in Paris?” Ethel asked curiously.
“My… It used to be a bakery before I inherited it. Since I like plants more than bread, I turned it into my own greenhouse. I used to only have a small garden on the rooftop, but then I kinda… filled every room with plants.” Mari suddenly blushed.
“Whoa. You sure do love plants. Are you sure you’re not related to Poison Ivy?”
Chloe half-expected Mari to start trying to deny it or babble. 
“And what would make you think that?” The girl joked instead. “Just because my plants don’t wither at my touch, I am related to a villain?” It might have come harsher than she wanted, but her bright smile and pearly voice made it clear that she had no hard feelings. 
Ethel laughed. “True. I’m sorry about the commissions and the store. I really wish there was something WE could do, but our hands are tied.”
“How am I supposed to be a personal assistant? I have like zero experience or even theoretical knowledge!”
Ethel opened another folder and read something. “Well, you were class representative, ran your own small business, kept up with school work, met with clients, and babysat several kids. That’s pretty much what you have to do now. Just make sure that the baby is doing things on time and organize his time.”
“Ha ha ha.” Chloe deadpanned. “Why not ask Nathalie? She liked you well enough.”
“I can’t just call her and ask her to teach me!” Mari protested. “I mean she must be very busy!”
“We can go find the disaster boy. He can definitely convince her.”
“I can’t just use Adrien like that! And besides, we don’t need to look.” She pointed at where the Blond boy sat next to Lila. He was clearly very uncomfortable with his situation, but they both knew that he couldn’t go against his father’s orders. Apparently, ‘Lila was good for business’. 
“Then we can go now. Thank you, Ethel.” Chloe said as she grabbed Mari and started to drag her toward the group.
“Stop it! Queenie! You know…” 
“Hush! I will deal with the idiots if they try anything.” The blonde silenced all protests.
The two approached the group just as Lila was finishing a ridiculous tale about how she was on good terms with the bat-family. Alya was of course recording the whole thing and streaming live. When the class spotted girls approaching, Kim and Ivan quickly turned into bodyguards blocking them from joining. 
“What do you two want this time?” Sabrina asked with venom.
“Like I would lower myself to dealing with the common rabble. I came to speak with the only person here who doesn’t have a negative number of brain cells, so be kind enough to let us pass. Or just pry Adrien from Lila and we will leave you to your fantasy world.” Chloe stared down at her former follower (they were never really friends).
“Nobody asked you!” Rose shouted. 
“Sabrina did.” Mari pointed out. She was not sure why, but she felt much more confident in her dealing with the class now that they were in Gotham. Maybe it was because they were now on her own turf, maybe because there was no Akuma risk, or maybe she was just done. 
“Shut up you bully!” Alix shouted. “Adrien doesn’t want to go with you anywhere!”
Over half of the WE employees disperse, not wanting to be pulled into the drama. The ones that stayed were just looking between the two groups. 
“Actually,” Adrien started, surprising everyone, Lila included. Why was her boy talking? She didn’t order him to talk. “I’m curious about what they want. The break is almost over anyway so we should probably get going back to work.” He said diplomatically. 
“Whatever!” Alya put her phone down. 
When the class and the spectators dispersed, Adrien sighed in relief. “Kwami I hope Gerard gets here soon. He usually tries to at least limit the Liar somewhat. Then again, he won’t be coming to WE…”
“It’s a tall building. I’m sure that we could make it look like an accident.” Chloe grinned.
“We are not killing her!” Mari protested.
“Spoilsport.” The Blonde deadpanned. 
“Anyway, is that a social call or do we have some situation? Please tell me it’s not an Akuma.”
“Not that I know of.” Mari quickly checked her phone, but so far no messages. 
“Mari here got hired.” Chloe did not bother with subtlety.
“Congratulation!” The boy beamed. “I knew you would do great here. We should go to celebrate on Friday!”
“Except I have no idea how to be a personal assistant.” Mari moaned.
“Oh! That’s no problem. Let me just call Nathalie.” Before the girl could protest Adrien already had his phone out and dialed his Father’s PA. “Nathalie?” He asked when the face appeared on the screen.
“Adrien. I’m sorry but your father is not here. He left Paris and won’t be returning for some time. He will be supervising the acquisition of new resources in China.” She informed him.
“Oh. That’s no problem. I actually wanted to speak to you.” He smiled brightly.
“Huh?” She asked surprised.
“My friend Marinette found herself in a peculiar situation of being hired as a personal assistant. Would you mind giving her some pointers?”
“Sure. Please forward her my personal number so she can call me in an hour. I will be free by then.”
“Thank you, Nathalie. You’re the best.” He waved the woman goodbye and hanged up. “See? No problem at all.” 
“Um… Okay… Thank you so much!” She hugged him tightly. 
“Sure. That’s what friends are for. What about the Friday celebration?”
“Well, I can give you all a Marinette tour through Gotham…” Her smile grew a little mischievous “Or you can get Marigold style trip.” They all laughed before scrambling to do their respective works.
Mari got into the elevator and pressed the top-floor button. Slowly, the doors closed and it went up. When she arrived, she looked around to check if anyone was looking for her before walking to her desk. Out of nowhere, a blade pressed itself to her neck.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” A low voice asked from her right, slightly to her back. Immediately, she tensed.
“I work here if you must know. Now I apologize for the delay if you needed something, but I was trying to sort out a certain problem. Do you have an appointment with Mr. Drake?”
“Tt. I’m not in a mood for games.” 
She smiled slightly. Acting faster than would be expected, she grabbed the blade in a monkey grip and pushed it away. The attacker then tried to swing it at her, but she managed to side-step. Doing a quick lunge she managed to punch his hand and make the blade move to the side while walking into the guard. She delivered a strong punch to his face, followed by a low-kick to the back of his knee, forcing him on one knee. The daze caused him to loosen the grip he had on the sword. Mari kneeled on his legs, pinning him down and at the same time stole the sword and threw it away. Before he even had a chance to explain anything, she delivered another punch to his head, making the boy see stars before everything turned black. 
She gathered herself and walked to the sword. It was rather simple ninjato that she stored under her desk. There was a tablet with the WE logo on it that she promised herself to check later. The intercom had at least two dozen buttons. They were all labeled with some shortcuts she did not understand, so instead, she picked the security number from her WE employee handbook and called. 
“Um… Hello?”
“Hello. What’s the problem miss?”
“Yes. My name’s Marinette. I’m the new PA to Mr. Drake. When I returned from break some boy attacked me with a ninajto. I managed to knock him out, but I would appreciate if someone came here to…” She didn’t get to finish because a burst of loud laughter came from the other side. She stayed silent for a few moments, baffled at the reaction. Finally, she had enough. “Good to know the fact that someone almost chopped me with a Ninjato is funny to you, sir, but personally I do not find the situation laughable and I would appreciate if you showed at least some concern over the terrible breach of security that is firstly bringing the sword to the building and secondly trying to kill an employee!” She screamed loud enough to make her cup of (now cold) coffee shake. Only now she realized that her hands were trembling. 
“Um… of course, madame. I will be sending someone up right away… madame.” He hanged up. She still heard that he was on the verge of laughing.
Mari collapse into her chair and stared angrily at the boy on the floor. She was afraid to walk to him. She was definitely getting some plants here tomorrow. That would make her feel safer. Nervously, she started to design. She didn’t even notice that she was using the boy that attacked her as the base. 
After a few minutes, the doors of the elevator opened and two guys in suits walked in. As soon as they saw the unconscious boy they broke into a fit of laugher. Mari stared at them before recognizing one of them as Grayson, who was giving them the tour earlier. 
“Oh! My! God! She actually knocked Demon Spawn unconscious!” The other one said through tears. Mari decided she didn’t like him either. They were supposed to be helping her, not laughing more. 
“Excusez-Moi! I was attacked here! During the tour, I was led to believe this is a respected company,” she made a jab at Grayson, who only laughed more. “In respected companies employees are not attacked with a sword when they come back from the break. So can someone explain to me what the actual fuck?!” She swore. 
“This is gold. I’m calling B. Wait! I need a picture or he won’t believe me!” The not-Grayson kept rambling, completely ignoring Mari. Angry, she picked a pencil from her desk. Taking a few seconds to aim, she threw it. The impromptu projectile sailed through the air until it hit the elevator button, making the doors open. This finally got their attention, especially since the pencil passed not-Grayson by an inch from his ear.
“What the…?” He was interrupted when the girl stormed past him and entered the elevator. She was now holding the ninjato through a tissue. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To HR. Maybe they will help me.” She answered simply and sent them a glare. “It’s clear that you two dumbasses aren’t doing anything.”
Grayson held the button, stopping the doors from closing “Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be French?” Dick asked, confused by her strong Gothamite accent that showed itself.
“Aren’t you supposed to be helping?!” She shouted at him. 
“Ugh… My head…” A groan came from the floor.
“Aww… I didn’t get any pictures.” Not-Grayson grumbled.
“Tt. Shut up, Todd.”
“How is the view from down there Demon Spawn?”
“I don’t have time for games. There’s some intruder on this floor. She claimed to be Drake’s personal Assistant, but we all met Sarah.”
“Um… Baby D, did no one inform you about the french class coming for an internship starting today?”
There was suddenly a glimmer of realization in the boy’s eyes. “Oh…”
“Oh?” Mari screamed. “that’s all you have to say?!” 
Her would-be attacker jumped at the sound of her angry voice. When their eyes met, the two had a staring contest. It continued for a moment, neither wanting to leave it be. Dick and Jason observed with amazement how that little girl was able to rival Damian’s glare and not wither immediately as most would.
“While I enjoy seeing the two of you fight for dominance, can someone explain to me what exactly happened?” Todd finally broke the silence. Mari immediately turned her eyes at him. He briefly noted that her blue eyes had a green tint in them that he did not notice before. 
“What happened is like I said. I after I returned from break that imbécile attacked me with the sword. I had some self-defense classes, so I managed to disarm him.”
“Some? You had ‘some’ self-defense classes and you disarmed Demons Spawn?”
“Okay, I’ve been practicing since I was five. Happy? It doesn’t change the fact that he attacked me!”
“You’re the one that attacked me. I was merely ensuring you were no threat.” Damian tried to argue.
“By pressing a sword to my neck?” She asked/shouted. “Please! This is Gotham.”
“She has a point.” Dick decided to intervene. “Okay. We will make sure that Damian won’t bother you anymore… and maybe add some bonus to your next paycheck for the trouble he caused. Our father will definitely hear about this.”
“Your father…?”
“Bruce Wayne.” 
“Oh… Fine. But I’ll be keeping the ninjato for now.” She said in no-arguing tone. It was clear that Damian wanted to argue, but his brothers pushed him into the elevator while Mari walked to her desk. She put the sword under the desk and mentally added some hooks to her shopping list. If that rich idiot thought he would get away with attacking her with a sword, he was sorely mistaken. 
The tablet turned out to have a complete calendar with all planned meetings, a ready to-do list, and access to inter-department chatrooms. There were more apps that she decided to look up later. For now, she opened Mr. Drake’s schedule. He had quite a lot of office hours, but she also noticed that there was a press conference set on Friday, several meetings throughout the week, and a few other stuff. Definitely much cleaner than Adrien’s schedule that she already knew by heart.
As the hour was mostly up, she knocked on the office doors to see if her boss needed something done. He shouted a barely-audible ‘busy’ and she did not try to intrude. Probably some important stuff. She pulled her phone and called Nathalie’s number that Adrien sent her earlier. 
“Hello, Marinette.” The woman greeted her. 
The next several hours were spent on the crash course about everything that being Personal Assistant boiled down to. Ethel was right. Her work as Class Rep, babysitter, and the business owner gave her quite a few necessary skills. What nobody mentioned (because nobody knew) was that her obsessive Adrien stalking also came in very handy. Most of what she practiced with Nathalie was about dealing with people and applying her skills in the new job. By the time her work was ‘over’, she had a bit more confidence. Mari was still panicked over the amount of responsibility that befallen her and the additional work and reading that she would have to do after hours. It was a pure blessing that this day was empty. Nathalie also gave her an incredible amount of pointers about how to deal with situations when the Boss is absent most of the day. She could guess that Gabriel kept dumping more work on the poor woman as he locked himself away to design. The last thing before she entered the elevator was to pull out the drawers in her desk and hide the ninjato behind them. It fit perfectly and the drawers didn’t seem that out of place. She suspected the boy would try to take it back when she was gone.
As she was leaving the elevator to meet with her class, she spotted Chloe talking lively with Ethel. Madame Bustier came through the main entrance. Once the class gathered in one place, she gave some speech about how proud she was of them and thanked Lila for the opportunity. Mari used that time to check on the class. Some looked quite happy, others had sour moods. Adrian managed to sneak away from Lila and was hiding behind the girls.
Just as they turned to leave, the front doors burst open and several guys (and one woman) in green suits with purple question marks walked inside, followed by a man in a similar suit. He carried a cane with a question mark on top and a green bowler hat with a single question mark in the center. Mari resisted the urge to gag. The fashion disaster that was Riddler entered the house. Seriously! Who mixes deep green with neon purple? And not to even mention the Hawaiian shirt she could spot under his suit. Whoever dressed that guy deserved to be shot. And it had to be a custom job, because what store would dare to sell such monstrosity!? She also noted that people got on the ground so she did the same. Her senses tried to reach to nearest plants for some comfort, but all of them were fake. Why does no one keep real plants in this building? Then again, Mr. Drake had and they were almost dead.
“Well, hello Wayne Enterprises!” He greeted them. “Riddle me this: It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?”
“Name,” they heard a voice say from the back.
“Yes.” Riddler seethed. “And I really don’t like it when someone uses mine in their ridiculous stories. Now, which of you can tell me where I can find Lila Rossi?
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 135
1. The M9 eventually find a way to catch up with Lucien and Cree before they are able to go to the astral sea and at least start the combat (Bonus: Cree gets a wild magic effect that gives M9 some advantage or laughs).
Doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen. Well, I’m still personally REALLY happy that they all decided to explore a little bit much and ended up with combat lol. I love the heavy lore dump, reveals, map and the Aeorian nullifier/others combat, all part of the D&D fun.
2. Caleb and Beau somehow don’t get any extra eyes from their dreams (look, let me have some hope alright, last episode was kinda open-ended).
Noooo not on the clavicle and the palm... These stupid eyes are the reason why the empire siblings rolled bad rolls first thing in the morning, I’m telling you.
3. People on watch in the dome have some one-on-one conversations (Yasha and Fjord are doing the first watch, looking forward to it, also hoping for whoever on the second watch to talk).
Nope :( I’m a bit sad that they just kind of time skipped to the morning but it’s understandable.
4. If the empire siblings do get eyes can we at least have a morning eye check routine and Essek’s reaction to it? (Bonus: Essek examines the eye and offers help in some way)
I mean, we got part of a nice conversation about the eye so that counts as a reaction right. Essek is very wary about it, understandably. Don’t worry Essek, Fjord will take care of it if the eyes turn them evil. 
5. More wild magic effects from casting in Aeor! Jester, Essek, Caleb, Caduceus, Veth and Fjord I’m looking at y’all. (Bonus: the effects are harmless and fun ones, like Bjald)
OH NO CALEB not first thing in the morning... wow never mind it’s a nice nostalgic smell! Apple tart, how awesome. I mean a lot of people used higher level magic and didn’t roll yet (or maybe they did we just don’t know)? This particular effect was harmless and fun tho. 
6. They explore the Aeorian ruins even more along the way and discover cool relics/labs/history and lore (Bonus: clues related to the Eyes of Nine).
Ayyy genesis ward looks like a fun place, thanks to their high investigation rolls we found so much sweet lore. They also went into underground city ruins and basically wizard paradise lol. AND A BOOK ON THE SOMNOVEM! This is the first clue we have found so far. Also, Factorum Mollis project/Creator Hammer? Athodan’s rejuvenation/dunamancy? The plot thickens. THEY FOUND WHERE THEY NEED TO GO! B9!
7. Beau and Yasha have fun with some shameless PDA OR alternatively they get some super private time (bonus: cuddles in the dome).
I love their morning flirting. “That was amazing babe”, “Jump I’ll catch you!”, “Come here baby”, that’s some shameless PDA right there we love to see it. ALSO, Marisha said “we are doing PDA it’s a thing” and I feel so validated right now.
8. Jester and Fjord heal each other at least one time OR have a deep conversation (bonus: Jester complimenting Bjald).
They didn’t heal each other/converse BUT they had some nice moments! Fjord holds Jester’s ankles and waist at her request, how cute!
9. Continuing to hope for Essek’s fancy dunamantic spells OR magical items (I just love his style and flair okay).
OG Fortune’s Favour!! Thanks Essek. Identifying the keycard was also helpful. Essek giving Veth a pearl and telling her to aim it was so funny lol. LEVEL 4 LIGHTNING BOLT? What spell/item is that? Wow Essk is well-equipped.
10. They talk seriously OR laugh together about Bjald/smooth Fjord (Bonus: Veth disses Bjald just because) but Fjord eventually gets his hair back.
Wow straight out of the gate lol, Veth doesn’t wait (they are seriously expending spell slots for this). Also Veth cannot stop trying to grab his illusory hair. She also tells Devexian that Fjord is not a robot despite him not having hair I can’t even- Also, rejuvenation tube gave Bjald hair back and a long rest, great! 
11. Continuing to hope for Caleb to polymorph into anything really, or using polymorph on any party member (polymorph! Caleb interactions my beloved).
Sparrow! Caleb my beloved! “I’m adorable” indeed, he totally is adorable. Landing on Jester, Fjord and Charlie must have been fun.
12. More moments of Essek’s trust issue (OR changes in his opinion) with Charlie and more moments of Charlie being helpful to the party.
Charlie was a very competent translator! Also, Essek does continue to have a lot of trust issues. 
13. Jester and Charlie cute interactions OR Veth and Charlie interactions (Bonus: They reach the genesis ward to fix Charlie).
Charlie stopped listening when Jester asked him to, how cute! Veth also advocated for Charlie’s repair because she is already 100% attached - and they did fix Charlie I MEAN DEVEXIAN. Veth’s flirting with Devexian is... kinda cute? I guess?? Not sure how Devexian feels about it lol.
14. Cad attempting to speak with the dead on the remaining TT members (there is still Otis and Zoran right) and learning some useful information.
Well, speak with the dead was cast on the dead Aeorian warrior and some useful information was learned about the rejuvenation chamber I’d say. It was not cast on the TT members though. 
15. Caleb casting fire spell challenge! I miss his signature fire magic that we have not seen in a long time, actually (Bonus: Essek is impressed).
Well fire bolt is a fire spell and actually does decent damage for a fire bolt.
16. Cad has a particularly badass moment in or out of combat (bonus: divine intervention success).
HOLY THAT BANISHMENT WAS SO BADASS, also that canceled nat 20 on Yasha. Wow Cad continues to be cool in battles, he is such a MVP!!
17. Veth has a particularly badass moment in or out of combat (bonus: HDYWTDT).
I mean all Veth’s sneak attacks are badass in my book.
18. The wizards nerd out about/investigate Aeorian magic together OR have another conversation (look, I love how they talk to each other okay).
WOW both happened! Essek stayed behind with Caleb in the record room and had a conversation to keep him on track. Right after, Caleb also reminded Essek of the same thing. Once again, I love how they talk to each other. Their dynamic is so fascinating. They also nerd out about/found dunamis (and a literal beacon piece) together in that chamber! That would make sense, time magic = rejuvenation and all that.
19. I know this is highly unlikely but I still kinda want to see the tower again with Essek getting a full tour! I want to see his room decor.
Nope, as expected lol. I don’t think we will see the tower until they deal with Lucien? We will see though, you never know.
20. We find out what exactly Capeleb/Caleb saw when Jester was casting commune/scry (it’s totally something Artagan-related, but what though?).
Nope, but it’s fine. It’s probably not urgent, otherwise Caleb would mention it.
21. Yasha pushes another red button and Beau enabling her out of love.
Yasha went “do it” as Fjord went in the tube lol so she was more of an enabler.
22. You know the drill by now - everyone remains relatively happy and alive by the end of the episode except Lucien and Cree (they can perish), and the episode ends on a terrifying cliffhanger as always.
Wow that episode was PACKED with so much information, I can’t even digest it all. Anyways, the score this time is  14/22, which is not bad at all. 
Caleb shared half of his pearls with Essek! Also, wow that IS a beacon that they just found. The 3 magic users showboating each other at the end I can’t lmao I love them.
I just love all the noises of the Aeorian Nullifier, thank you Matt.
Jester, for that wand of smiles move, I love you even more (also she was the only one who actually tried to keep the party on task lol).
This episode will certainly need some re-watching to process all the information... but wow what an experience! Loving everything, as always. I cannot wait for next Thursday!
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berrymeter · 3 years
okay i hadn’t heard of the secret route but i watched a playthrough and wow scarring! just slowly and deliberately traumatizing noelle my favorite character and breaking the key plot elements of the game. and i never would have noticed because it requires such specific parameters! wild and horrible. and yeah the two knights chess allegory makes a+ sense! although it’s probably not a matter of good knight bad knight since player character AS EVIDENCED BY SECRET ROUTE can also suck and be bad.. i wonder what other knight’s motivations are and how they interact with pacifist and genocide routes. would that be them slashing the tires in the end then? i mean so much goes over my head because i barely remember chapter 1 and i care more about susie and noelle talking about their feelings than any plot related foreshadowing. and there’s a million easter eggs everywhere that i’ll never know i didn’t find. just how toby intended.
oh honestly i liked chapter 1’s soundtrack better it felt more memorable! but chapter 2’s was fuller i think. the car parts are just how traffic is in my city so 😌 and spamton in my route was just a creepy little computer man so imagine me seeing ppl talk abt his tortured backstory and motivations. like Please I Do Not Care LMAO as queen would say. i’d rather fucking rouxls kaard be the next sexyman at least he’s an idiot and has better legs!! -tt
RIGHT it's so specific!! it was found via datamining which makes sense bc how the fuck else would you find this snfkjsdhfj. literallyyy terrible -_-
and berdly dying... although i have a theory he might be stuck between existence & nonexistence (or like a coma) in a fucked up way bc the enemies were *frozen* and didn't necessarily die like what if they were unthawed? (i know it's thawed. but unthawed is dear to me) but also the fountain being sealed implies the characters that were frozen there stopped existing as characters since this specific dark world would've disappeared the way lancer's did. i'm also pretty sure in this world monsters still fade into dust upon dying bc when you go to the cemetery and talk to the priest he tells you they buried a hammer in his father's grave which implies they don't have anything else to bury? but anyway i don't like this :)
AND YEAH i was wondering what the implications were then if you do Abuse Simulator route. i don't think we know enough atm to really say though :( pains me bc iiii hate having questions left unanswered sndkjfdgh and it prob will take at least two years before we get the next chapters. ough. i wish i were u ansdkjfhd i'm just dying to know these things ahhh... although i also just want casual little happiness for my besties i don't play toby fox games solely for the Normal bits HJKSDHFK
NO YEAH THE TRAFFIC PARTS ARE... me when i have an appointment and not a single fucking car will let me pass <3 i hate it here ppl in the countryside were nicer. also that's fair ahdsjkdfh chapter 1 didn't really mark me though, i have a lot more tracks from chapter 2 on my playlist :pensive: (too lazy to add the actual emoji i'm on computer LMAO)
i actually kinda like spamton! the fact that his secret boss theme directly takes leitmotifs from power of neo & dummy! feels Important somehow. he also has mettaton neo's body at that point which hmmm but also WHERE IS THE METTS OF TONS GIVE HIM BACK TONBY. as for his backstory & stuff it's... idk it makes me really sad nskdjfndsh those games evoke a lot of compassion in me bc i'm a fool (i don't even hate the king of spades!! hello!!!) so here we are. i don't want rouxls to be the next sexyman though. he IS a silly guy but i don't want people to turn him into a character people don't want to see online like a lot of people feel about sans :( he's my funnyguy...
spamton being a sexyman fits bc sexyman isn't a qualification you want your favourite character to have UNLESS you're into sexymen DHQSJKFHSKJ i think he fits the bill perfectly. he also has a fucked up speech pattern that's honestly fun to me and the "now's your chance to be a big shot" will Not exit my brain which...? typical of a sexyman methinks. rouxls can just be a beloved idiot. also on the better legs i HOPE u mean spamton's normal not-mettaton legs Or Else..... /j
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astralhugs · 4 years
Hi! May i request the RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC that is too stressed bc of school/work so she starts crying? ♡
I’ve added bonuses bcs yall seemed to enjoy it and its also an apology for taking too long TT enjoy~~
requests : open
* omgomg he understands
* You’d both usually study together, take breakd together.
* It wasn’t too bad.
* Well...until final exams were coming up and Yoosung’s finished sooner before yours even started
* So you didn’t wanna bother him anymore.
* Third day of studying accounting and you passed out on the desk 🤩
* Yoosung was awake in the middle of the night, getting water when he saw you weren’t in bed.
* He checked on the desk to see you, asleep on the desk with some notes and reviews scattered around.
* He also saw some dried up tears probably from a few hours ago due to stress.
* He gently picks you up, checking the clock.
* 1.37 AM.
* The next morning, he woke up extra early to give you breakfast in bed.
* When you were about to leave, he would kiss you for good luck.
* Will help you when you have some problems during studying!
* Would even stop playing LOLOL just to help you study!!
Bonus (since most of yall loved these~) :
MC! Wahh! I can’t believe you made it this far! You did your best this school year, I believe in you okay? I can’t help you study all the time but I’m always cheering on for you~ All the best!! ♡
* he was a good student up until middle school
* so whenever you needed help with a problem uhh he feels bad but he can’t solve it either.
* Unless its like language or a reading comprehension then he’s good at those!!
* A few days before your presentation, about some character analysis that you were still reviewing and ZEN had just gotten a new role.
* Did I mention its a major character role?
* You didn’t want to distract him so...you decided to try studying on your own.
* It was until you got too stressed out about it and started crying.
* You weren’t able to memorize it and had to look at the slides all the time.
* Zen finished his practice when he came back to see you with teary eyes, in a dark room, your laptop with full brightness.
* Zen immediately turned on the lights, worried your eyes would get hurt.
* He saw your eyes were still puffy and immediately held you in his arms.
* “Babe, you could’ve asked me...I would’ve made time for you.” he softly whispered.
* He lets you cool down for a while and asks you with a soft voice to show him your presentation.
* He started to read through it and realized what was wrong with it.
* He started to explain, little by little. Not wanting to stress you out again
* Rewards you with little kisses, be it on the lips or on the neck idk
* Its relaxing studying with him.
BONUS : Babe! <3 why are you stressed out? TT Oh! You’re studying? Take it easy~ I know exams can be important, especially during this time but please make sure to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat, okay? Love youuu mwah mwah mwah
*empty i’ll write hers soon once i know what to write for her*
BONUS : Oh dear...are you still up studying? MC, I’m working late tonight so I can’t help you but I hope you’ve eaten and have been taking care of yourself well! Please know I’ll support you even from the C&R Building to my place and always will!
* He’s smart.
* Like high IQ smart
* Its canon
* Anyways, he saw that you were struggling with your business classes.
* One day, you were finishing up your graphs when Elizabeth got on top of it and scratched it.
* Tearing the paper apart.
* You widened your eyes, you were too tired to scold Elizabeth so you just sat there and shut down for a while until Jumin came home.
* He saw Elizabeth in the front door looking bad and poiting her paws at you.
* Jumin saw you, sitting down, staring at a torn paper and immediately saw what happened.
* He placed Elizabeth on the couch and went up to you and hugged you from behind.
* From there, you started crying.
* “I-i worked so hard on it, I’m not blaming Elizabeth but-“
* “My love, don’t worry. I’ll help you, okay?” he said in his calming voice.
* Starts from scratch with him again.
* It was easy for him because 1. he’s the ceo in line 2. he has a high IQ 3. hes a business man? tf?
* Very relaxing to study with him, though its not often, he’d try to make time to teach you<3
* Won’t yell at you if you get it wrong.
* Rewards you like kisses and ruffling your hair everytime you get an answer correct.
Its you. I’ll be running late tonight, Assistant Kang needed a few more files finalized before showing them to my meeting tomorrow so I won’t be able to come home early tonight. If you’re studying, please be sure to drink and eat somethinf healthy. I’ve asked Mrs. Kim, our maid to watch Elizabeth to watch her to make sure your work won’t be destroyed so I hope that helped. I’ll see you soon, my love. Wait for me.
* Idk if it was mentioned but I remembered reading somewhere he had a high IQ
* Your compsci class was teaching you how to code with C++
* You struggled with ‘HELLO WORLD!’
* Well...Saeyoung and Saeran just reunited so...you obviously didn’t want to bother both of them.
* Saeyoung was peeking around to check if you were eating when he saw your laptop, opened with C++ on it.
* “MC! Where did you learn how to hack?” he asks cheerfully.
* You turned around, tears in your eyes, “Why can’t I do it?”
* Saeyoung was shocked, he saw the piles of papers and the textbook.
* He smiled, while holding your hand tightly, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to you.
* He scanned through your code and immediately saw the error.
* He fixed it for you and taught you the basics.
* Dropped some easy hacking materials for you to impress your peers.
* Would definitely have a study session together! All three (four if Vandy wants to join) once every two weeks.
* Saeran would read the textbooks his brother would give to him and try explaining it to you while Saeyoung does the computer stuff.
* Studying with the choi twins? I’d like that.
DUNNNNNNN! Is my precious MC sad??? :((((, O-oh no, I didn’t mean to make you more sad! Ahh I’m not making this easier for you huh? MC, I hate seeing you sad...even if its just from a screen. Studying may be a bit hard. I was there. But I will always support and love you. Even if we are from different universes so take care, okay? :>
* You were learning about flower languages and you knew Saeran was good at it...while you weren’t.
* So you decide to ask him for help.
* Well...that day, he was in a bad mood but wanted to calm down so he thought teaching and reviewing with you would calm him down a bit.
* Well it for sure didn’t buddy.
* You showed him the book and he scanned through them.
* “How do you not get this? Are you dumb? An airhead?”
* Ever since he stopped drinking the elixir, he never really said those words to you so...it was kinda painful for you to hear that.
* He saw the tears in your eyes and regretted what he said.
* He snapped out of it and immediately held you tight in his embrace, “I’m sorry I’m sorry....” he mumbled, stroking your back gently.
* Tries not to get mad when you get it wrong.
* Would secretly put candy under your book everytime you get a question correct.
* “Princess, is that a candy you placed under your book?” he secretly placed it there.
Ah. Don’t ever think of yourself as an airhead when you’re studying! You’ll feel better when you don’t do that! Whenever I scold you...scold me back! Don’t just accept it and cry- hhh, please take good care of yourself even when you’re studying. I um...I love you okaythisisembarassingbyeee
requests : open~
have a great week guys <3
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martinmynster · 3 years
i wasn't tagged but i always take an invitation to give my gratuitous opinion on things very personally thank you harrie 😊 here we go
1. your all time favorite bl and why 
i will never consider itsay or gsp bls no matter what ppl say so i'll go with DBK (the morksun storyline mostly) bc i loved how their relationship was originally built on hurt and distrust and they had to deconstruct all that, both characters had to work on themselves and seeing Mork grow more confident, stand his ground and set his own pace and boundaries was amazing. I also loved the setting and the overt commentaries "I should get to decide who i want to tell." 😚👌, the friendship/family dynamics. These characters are very dear to me.
2. that one bl that scarred you for life 
Ik ive watched other atrocities but Make It Right left such a strong impression on me. It's a wonder Ohm came out of it unscathed. TT would be the one if i watched it a few years earlier.
3. is there any bl that made you feel very single? 
Not single per say more melancholic..? missing a companionship. Having someone that knows and understands you to walk through life with.. History 2 : Crossing the Line and Word of Honor.
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be? 
Just one ? ahhh ok this one is still fresh and it's almost the only thing keeping me from placing that show on top of everything else so i'd change the end of WoH. That thing destroyed the whole point of the story. Idc for the additional 7min that's even worse if anything. You're gonna tell me they didn't set the world on fire after that lmao. ok.
5. that one bl you detest (don’t hold back) 
Waterboyyy almost gave me an ulcer it was not even funny. Especially since they first gave me lesbian ciize which was short of the Graal to me. I was seething.
6. your top five : 
- Life : Love on the Line
- History 2&3
- Word of Honor
- Cherry Magic
- Theory of Love
7. that trashy bl that you lowkey like 
uhhh............. En of Love : Love Mechanics ? 🙈 i mean it's no secret, War killed it and i recommend that thing to everyone for him. the power of a man.
8. your favorite korean bl (it’s important we know) 
is it? does the remake of Antique Bakery count ? if i really have to pick then To My Star. It had a lot of great potential and the catchiest ost.
9. season 2? which one? 
His ? i dont consider it bl but i would love to have an in-between of Nagisa and Shun navigating their budding feelings and university (lmaoooo doesn't this sound a bit familiar, i can't unsee it now) and nothing soothes me like the slow-paced silent quality of japanese cinema.
10. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for? 
Don't want to get my hopes up but i'm looking forward to Between Us, Bad Buddy and lowkey Not Me. Also anticipating Kinnporsche but in a morbid curiosity kinda way.
Every opinionated individual reading this is welcome to do it too and tag me in it! I'll love to read what you have to say <3
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kingreywrites · 3 years
Do you think Eugene was mad at Cass after she crushed him? Or more scared of her? Because I've taken some screenshots of Race to the spire, and he looks genuinely scared in these as he looks at Cass. Sure, Eugene is a tough and not easy to hurt guy, but I mean....
1. He did tell her he had a strict rule about dying in the same place twice, and while I know Cass didn't take it serious(she probably didn't even listen) and Eugene joked about his trauma again, I still think it'd kinda terrify him, he knows she is Gothel's daughter and yes, that makes mo difference, because she wasn't raised by her, but I bet he got flashbacks as Cass clenched her fist, since he remembers the other time a woman had tried killing him in that tower(well, Gothel succeeded)
2 C'mon, its his first real birthday and he almost dies on it? Wow Cass, nice birthday present!
3. Him being used against Rapunzel? Thats his worst nightmare, he hates it. He didn't know what would happen if Rapunzel agreed to whatever Cass wanted, he didn't know what she wanted. He didn't know what would happen to Rapunzel, just like back in the tower on Rapunzel's 18th birthday. And I don't think he really would've expected Cass to go that far
4. Imagine watching a person you see as your sister walking up to you, gripping your chin, being ready to squeeze you until you die, crushing your body just to get your partner to fight her like omg
Sorry for my rant I just think it's more deep than others do 😂
I can imagine Eugene actually being quite nervous about seeing Cass again after she did that to him, but I'm sure Cass apologized for it properly bc if not, I'll shift to Corona and 🧍🏻‍♀️🤛🏻
I love Cass but omg, not to mention that she drugged and kidnapped a child and tried to kill Rapunzel several times lmao she was really on drugs in S3 or smt 💀💀
I love using your ask box as a diary as you can probably tell
gdhhdjd it's okay please use it as a diary I love getting asks!
My answer is... gonna be pretty similar to what I was saying yesterday about his fight with the Brotherhood, which is that in universe, I honestly think he's fine. A little more wary, yes, maybe for a while, but not entirely traumatised by the event. I think the worst part for him was what you said in 3, which is being used as leverage against Rapunzel, because her getting hurt because of him scares him way more than him getting hurt at all, so he'd brush off what happened to him easily while still being mad over Rapunzel being in danger (but since Rapunzel didn't get hurt and even won that fight, I think it'd pass too. He's probably gonna try to make sure it can't happen again)
Now the thing is, as something that could happen between two real human beings, these events ARE traumatising, and definitely could make anyone scared. It is a terrible thing to go through, but like... Eugene getting thrown into a wall by Varian's automaton in SOTS is traumatising too, you know? Or him nearly getting killed by Edmund in Destinies Collide, or even him falling into a pit of snakes in Vigor The Visionary, etc etc etc. Like there are plenty of events in TTS which are fine by cartoon logic, and absolutely not fine in the real world, and this is one of them. It can definitely be interesting to delve into this more realistically, while being aware that all in all, in context, it is presented as bad but not traumatisingly bad
About Cass and apologies, I... wish they got enough time to make her interact with anyone else than Rapunzel in the finale. I'm not asking for her to go grovelling for forgiveness from door to door but just... one discussion, or at least one thing suggesting they had one. I wish more time was spent on the after of her villain arc, even with Rapunzel, because I think apologies should have gone both ways, and it could have been nice to have other conversations like with Cap or Adira! (Adira would have been great imo because their issues date back from s2, and I think it would have been cool to see Cass making amends with her, accepting that maybe they aren't friends (yet?) but they respect each other. Just, I think it could have shown that Cass is also in a better place mentally, and that she's ready to start her journey while not being hung up on the past)
Actually I'm okay with it not happening with Eugene btw! I think in the end he's more or less ready to refer to Rapunzel in this, and forgive her as long as Rapunzel does, because I think most of the anger he expresses is not really about Cass' actions and more about how she's hurting Rapunzel (see the very beginning of NTLP 😬). I do think they would need to rebuild trust between them but I don't think he'd be all that upset for himself, it's more like they spent one year apart, changed a lot as individuals, and they weren't BFF to begin with, so their relationship is far from being really solid at that point
SORRY I'M RAMBLING GHSJDJD i have a LOT of thoughts about the way one can approach trauma in cartoon characters, and what factors are important to keep in mind. While I'm here I'd also say be wary of very biased and dramatised formulations like "Cass drugged a minor" to say "Cass gave Varian truth serum", because it's obviously said in a way to make you think of Cass as this evil, nearly predatory woman when in the context of the episode it's truly... not a big deal, and not meant to be taken as such. It lasts like one minute? And I know when I first read Cass drugged a minor I was like "what when where???" because it's definitely reframing it to make it sound unforgivable gshjdkd
That's why I keep insisting on balancing cartoon logic/real world logic btw, because I know I have a lot of feelings about Eugene, but I also don't want to completely villainize other characters for his sake! It's all interesting to read about in fanworks, but sometimes it turns into character bashing and it's less fun to read 😅
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beyondflashpoint · 4 years
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Prologue 2: Homeward Bound :
“I don’t understand the detour, Todd. We could have made port directly in Gotham bay and gone directly to father. Your palaver with the addict in Steel city cost us days. Hours at best.”
Jason rolled his eyes. He could sense the kid’s unease even without glancing at him in the rearview. A slight vocalization from the passenger seat indicated that Cassie agreed with the kid.
“First, the ‘addict’ has a name. Roy is an old friend. Second, that pal-whatever got us this car, so we aren’t walking. Third, the League would be expecting us to make landfall in Gotham, and I feel like an extended ninja fight would waste more time than my plan and also draw a lot more unwanted attention. Relax Damian. We’ll have you playing catch with daddy-dearest soon enough.”
“Smart.” Cassie said from beside him, her voice low and gravely from underuse. He couldn’t be sure, but Jason thought she sounded surprised. At least she was talking now, even if it was only one or two words every few days. The constant charades made his head hurt.
Damian clicked his tongue in that annoying way he did and prepared to retort, but Jason nipped that in the bud.
“Bruce has a bunker in Blüdhaven where we can swipe some equipment and feel out the situation in Gotham. According to Roy, Lady Shiva has been spotted in G-town, and there haven’t been any killings that fit her m.o., so it’s safe to assume the League dispatched her to catch us. So caution is the word.”
Cassie shifted uncomfortably at her mother’s name. They had never been close, but they had left things especially messy, as in duel to the death, excommunication messy. Shiva would kill Cassie on sight, and Jason probably not long after. Returning Damian al’Ghul to the Demon’s side was priority one. If he had to guess, Shiva would have deployed with a full attachment, foot soldiers and four other heavy hitters. A full Demon’s Fist, as the League called it. That could be very bad for G-town. Jason was by no means eager to put on tights again, but Bruce’s uniforms offered much better protection than swiped tourist threads, and he needed all the extra time he could get to figure out exactly how this reunion was going to go.
‘Hi Bruce, I’m not dead anymore. Ras dunked me in the Lazarus Pit. Also, I kinda kidnapped your son from Talia because Ras was planning on having him kill you. Also, you have a son. In case you didn’t know. Also this is Lady Shiva’s daughter, but she’s cool. She kicks ass and has decided to leave the League. Also the League is after us.’
Bruce would have a stroke. Maybe he should lead with the son thing.
Jason merged as they approached the exit he wanted.
Come to think of it, there were probably a few of his old friends running the streets of his old stomping grounds. Probably most of them were dead or incarcerated, but one or two of them had to be out and about. He could use eyes on the streets, and slum kids saw things that even the big bad bat didn’t. He’d look into it.
Five years changed things. Roy was a big indication of that. Before Jason’s temporary vacation from the mortal coil, Roy Harper had been a Titan, and Jason’s top guy in the team. Finding out that he’d dropped the mask game had been shocking enough, but the fact that he had been hooked on H AND working out rehab really opened his eyes. Roy had stayed in touch with Dick, as an unofficial sponsor, but he’d completely cut off Olly and the rest of the Star City crew. And now he was running a garage, just a few hours out of the Haven. Jason shuddered to think how the Batfam had changed. And now that he thought about it, five years may as well be fifty on the streets, especially in the Haven.
When Bruce had taken him in, the Red Hood gang had mostly run the Haven, and the less formal Hoodz had sprung up to replace the smaller crews and cliques that permeated Blüdhaven. Time served with the Hoodz could lead to an opportunity at the big leagues with the real Red Hood Gang. That had been Jason’s plan, which had put him in the alley where the batmobile had been parked, which had made him hungry enough for the cred that would come from boosting the tires from the Bat’s whip, which had led him to getting caught by the big bad bat, yadda-yadda, Robin, mother, Clown, crowbar.
But the Hoodz had already been on their way out even back then, with the Black Mask Gang snatching turf on the outskirts. Jason couldn’t begin to imagine who was running the Haven now.
They rode in silence until Jason finally parked in the alley. The sharpness and clarity of memory had to be a result of his dip in the pit. He’d only been to this bunker once, and it had been in the frantic haze of searching for his mother, the first stop on his way out of Gotham for the last time in his old life. Now it was his last stop on his way back to Gotham for the first time in his new life. Ka is a wheel, to quote Mr Stephen King.
He shook these thoughts off as he scanned the street, making sure their entry would go unnoticed, then opened the secret panel and typed the old code into the hidden keypad. The section of wall slid back, and opened to a flight of stairs and the blessed buzz of ac.
“Alright gang, to the bat-bunker.”
He started in without waiting for a reply. Lights buzzed to life as the trio descended the steps and were deposited into the armory. According to Roy, Dick had lived here until he’d gotten on his feet after splitting from Bruce. He still used it as a backup base/crash pad, and Jason could tell from the ratty couch and scattering of clothes. But Grayson was running with Titans 3.0 at the moment, looking into the evil tech dealer called H.I.V.E. so they would have the run of the place for now.
True to fashion, though Dick’s personal possessions were a mess, the armory itself was perfectly organized and orderly. Jason could barely suppress a scoff at the tube containing one of Barbara’s spare batsuits. Vintage black and yellow. He always suspected the two were hooking up. He and Dick didn’t agree on much, but both were of one mind when it came to red heads in tights. It was a shame Roy had let himself go recently. Before he could get too lost in that thought, he realized Damian and Cassandra were both staring at him expectantly.
“Right. We have a few hours of daylight left. I don’t want to move on Gotham till nightfall. Till then, I want you two taking inventory of the gear we have available to us. While you do that, I’ll grab us some food, and scope out the situation street side.”
“If I never have to eat any more of that greasy slop you call fast food, it will be too soon.” Damian said as he made close study of a wall of weapons Grayson had no doubt thought were cool as hell.
“Now you listen here, boy. Big Belly Burger is a staple of American fine dining, and I will not have you blaspheme against it like that in my presence. Besides, you and Cassie order and eat twice as much as I do every time we stop there.”
Cassandra grabbed his shoulder and shared a look that said her next words would be of the utmost importance.
“Milkshake. Strawberry.” She managed without any of the usual false starts.
“Actually, since we’re in the Haven, I thought I’d treat you two to the height of fine dining. Bibbo’s Diner is only a few blocks from here, and you haven’t lived until you’ve had his chicken and waffles.”
Alarm flashed in Cassandra’s eyes, but before it could settle, Jason reassured her.
“And Bibbo’s happens to be the home of the world famous Robin shake. Strawberry, chocolate and banana. It’ll be right up your alley Cassie. And their homemade peach cobbler is out of this world.”
She looked as if she was about to argue, then considered, and acquiesced, lulled into acceptance by the promise of a new sweet treat. The poor girl had been practically made to starve as part of her training. Combined with the laundry list of other abuses she’d faced, Jason had no problem shelling out the extra cash to keep her quickly developing sweet tooth satisfied. Besides, it wasn’t really his money.
It had been quite the adventure so far, and while Bruce would halve balked at Jason’s decision to loot scumbags they’d encountered along the six month journey from Nanda Parbat, Damian and Cassandra saw the necessity of it. Jason had found his people.
“Pull that suit on under your clothes Cass, it’s Kevlar microfiber woven over a layer of high density impact gel. Might not look like it, but it can stop a bullet. There might be an old Robin suit around here somewhere. You’ll know it if you see it. That might fit Damian. Gear up, stretch out, and be ready to move as soon as I get back. If something goes down while I’m gone, find the tallest building in town and wait for me on the roof.” As he talked, he scooped up a spare utility belt from the shelves and clipped it on his waist. A cursory search rewarded him with a tank top sporting the blue bird Dick used as a logo these days (because of corse Dick fucking Grayson bought his own merch), a flannel Jason could tie around his hips to hide the belt, a Gotham Knights cap, and a wad of cash Dick no doubt kept for emergencies.
This qualified, Jason rationalized as he stuffed the bills into a pouch on his belt. Satisfied with his civilian disguise, Jason returned his focus to the duo studying the tools laid out before them. Damian had slipped a samurai sword into his belt at some point and was now testing the weight of the stylized throwing stars (Wingdings?) laid out on the shelves. Cassandra was running through forms with a pair of batons, and was mildly startled by the arc of electricity that cracked between them when she happened upon the triggers. Shock turned to awe, turned to a pleased smirk. They’d be fine for a few hours. Probably.
He tried not to think too hard about the many ways they could kill, explode, or otherwise maim each other in his absence.
They’d be fine.
It took him an hour of scoping the usual hangs to get anything useful. The Row kids had relocated to an orphanage in G-town. The Brown girl and the kid that followed her like a lost puppy were m.i.a., Rome was in Blackgate, Garcia was dead, Diego dead, Carter dead, Crock m.i.a., Philippe jail, Jessie jail, dead, jail, jail, jail, dead, dead, Morales was working the youth center after a stint in Blackgate, which was good to hear. Finally he happened upon a decent lead, almost by accident.
One of his old crew from the Hoodz days was still out and about, and running a little cluster of the Hoodz.
Jason entered the ratty apartment Sasha shared with her father Nico though the fire escape. It was just as messy as he remembered. On the table beside the couch was a glass bowl, packed but untouched. It was tempting, but Jason hadn’t gotten high since his Robin days. The siren song of the crumpled pack of full flavored cigarettes, however, was irresistible. He plucked one free and lit it as he dropped into the tattered leather recliner across from the couch where Sasha snoozed. That first draw was harsh, and started him coughing. Five years had robbed him of his experienced smoker status.
Sasha groaned groggily, stirred by his hacking and sat up slowly, blindly groping for a cig herself.
“Told you to stop snatching my smokes if you can’t handle ‘em old man.” She chastised drowsily.
“Just out of practice Sash. Haven’t had one since the last time we talked.”
It took a moment for the strange voice to register, but when it did, her hand flew under her pillow. Before it came back out, Jason freed a birdarang (wingding?) and sent the glock flying.
“Shit, Sash, you pack now? I must’a missed a lot.”
Her eyes darted from her hand, which would be bruised for the next few days, and Jason, who chanced a longer drag from the stolen cigarette and pulled off his hat. This one went down smoothly.
“Jay-bird?” She stuttered as the pieces came together. Even without the shoot of white hair and the scars crisscrossing his face, five years was a lot of growing room.
“Nah. Nah, man. You died.” He leaned over the table, plucked another cig from the pack and offered it to her. She took it and let him light it.
“Didn’t take.”
“Dude, you definitely died. Me and the crew crashed the funeral, had to cause daddy Warbucks wouldn’t let no street rats in. News said you bought it in a skiing accident in the Alps or some shit.”
“I ain’t here for that Sash. I just want some info.”
She dropped the cigarette half smoked into an open beer can, opting to wake-and-bake instead. Jason couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t often you woke up to a ghost chilling in your living room. She took a few hits and offered him the pipe and lighter.
“Another time Sash. I got shit to do.”
“Right, and you need little Sasha to tell you what’s what. But little Sasha wants some info too, Jay-bird. Like where you been for five, and why you look like rough road.”
“I got blown up, and ninja’s in the Middle East brought me back to life and taught me ninja shit. My turn. Anyone strange running jobs in the Haven, or is it all Loco shit?”
“Hold up, ninjas? The fuck man?”
“Sash.” She hesitated, then took another hit from the bowl.
“Okay. Since you been gone, the Hoodz and the Black Masks called a truce to push out the Riddler gang. Falcone’s kid made a comeback, and is trying to take the whole Haven. Masks and Hoodz are gonna push him out too. His boys mostly run the Narrows. Then there’s this new guy my dad is running supplies for. Very strange. Outsider type. Fuckin spooky. He wears a pig mask and steals kids. The Masks are scared he’s gonna bring the Bat down on us. I’m not gonna lie, I kinda hope the Bat does come for him. I only seen him once and he freaked me out. Lucky you dropped in when you did. Dad’s talking about splitting soon. He don’t like Pig-face either.”
Jason listened intently. By the time she’d finished talking, he’d finished his cigarette. Paying attention was hard in that woozy high that came from the sudden influx of nicotine, but he’d gathered what he needed. The League wasn’t moving in Blüdhaven.
“You filled out good Jay-bird. I’d almost believe you were hanging with ninjas.”
Jarred from his thoughts, Jason stood, swiping another cigarette from the pack.
“I’d get out of town if I were you Sash. And out of gang-life.” He paused and scooped up the stylized ski-mask that marked members of the Hoodz. “I’d rather not have to crash your funeral.” She watched him make his way to the window, but said nothing.
With daylight to burn, Jason began his trek back to the bunker, taking a detour by Bibbo’s to acquire the promised delicacies.
He was not prepared for what his triumphant return to the bunker brought him.
Silence hung eerily over the now dark headquarters. The space had been tidied thoroughly, Dick’s discarded clothing organized, folded, and neatly stacked. Pinned to the chair in front of the large Bat Computer doppelgänger with a batarang (wingding?) was a note written in neat, curling scrawl which Jason instantly recognized as belonging to Damian.
In your absence I have determined that your course of action is actually strategically sound. After overcoming the computer’s laughable attempt at security, I have ascertained that there is a criminal element operating in this city which might draw,” the word father was struck through with two neat lines, “Batman, and potentially ruin any attempt at stealth. I believe we must handle the meeting between ourselves and Batman delicately, and on our own terms. Because of this I have determined the best course of action is to deal with this so-called ‘Professor Pyg’ with haste.
Should you return before we have settled matters, and wish to join us on this mission, you may find all the relevant information pertaining to Pyg (alias to one Lazlo Valentin) by pressing the large rectangular key which reads enter. I’m sure Cain and I would benefit from your expertises in these matters.”
Jason hadn’t believed it was possible to convey sarcasm through the written word. Until today.
“Ps. If you are determined to acquire sustenance before returning, I still do not like ketchup. Mushrooms are okay. Cain requests extra fries.
Pps. In keeping with the traditions laid out in your tales of the Batman’s adventures, Cain and I have decided to wear masks. If you do decide to join us, you might not recognize us, but we have agreed not to harm you.
Damian al’Ghul, Grandson of the Demon, Heir to the Demon’s Head.”
Jason crumpled the note. The Batgirl uniform was gone, as well as a reasonable chunk of the armory. He’d have to move quickly.
The decision to pursue and subdue Valentin had been mostly motivated by three things. The first he had laid out in his letter to Todd. The second he had shared with Cain, boredom. The third he would reveal to no one, on pain of death. In the years since he had regained his memory, Todd had recounted every story he knew pertaining to Batman. Those stories had motivated him to come to Gotham and meet his father, leaving behind his mother and grandfather, possibly abandoning his great destiny. Those stories had told him more about his father as a man than his mother or grandfather ever had. They painted Bruce Wayne as a titan among men, a pillar of strength and will, and a paragon of virtue and honor. In all honesty, Damian was intimidated by that man. But he was also inspired. The third reason he had decided to pursue and subdue Valentin was to feel connected with his father.
Locating “Pyg” was a simple enough matter. First he plotted out all of the kidnappings that matched Pyg’s M.O. it would seem that Batman had been keeping an eye on Pyg, because he was the chief suspect in the manufacture and distribution of a drug gangs were using to pacify prostitutes. But he’d overlooked the kidnappings. By mapping those, cross referencing places that stored or manufactured components for the drug, Damian was able to triangulate possible hideouts this Pyg could be using. Of the three possibilities, only one was currently unused, an so Damian had settled on the abandoned theme park, ignoring how horribly cliched it was.
Cain had followed Todd’s instructions and donned the Batgirl uniform, but had decided against layering civilian clothes over it. He couldn’t blame her, with the summer heat stifling as it was. Damian had opted for the League’s stealth uniform which he’d carried across half the world. Then the two had gone at the veritable armory like children in a candy shop. Few of Todd’s stories included Grayson, and those that did made him out to be asinine and annoying. But his selection of toys was impressive by all accounts. Smoke bombs, flash-bangs, teargas, plastic explosives, acetylene torches, inferred flashlights, air powered line launchers, and many of the oddly shaped throwing stars Todd had called “batarangs.” The belts which Damian had crisscrossed his chest like bandoliers were jam packed with more of these tools than Damian had imagined was possible, as well as a first-aid kit and handcuffs.
Once they were outfitted and armed, Damian led them to the car Todd had conned out of the addict. The drive to their location was in silence, both mentally preparing for whatever they might encounter along the way. They passed the location several times, marking potential hiding places, paths of retreat and places that could host an ambush.
Once Damian was satisfied he parked the car a block away and they took to the rooftops to preform reconnaissance from above. The park was dilapidated, derelict, and most likely overflowing with vermin. But for the most part it seemed structurally sound. After brief deliberation, the duo decided they were adequately prepared for whatever they may encounter, and thus began their assault.
There is an old proverb that Damian would often think back on when remembering this first act of vigilantism.
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
He thought he was ready for anything, but he was wrong.
Dick Grayson had apparently undergone a biker phase, which was good for Jason, because Roy’s car was gone. The modified superbike flew through the streets and cut between traffic like a dream. Jason had intended to return everything he’d stolen from Dick, but with every hairpin turn he grew more and more inclined to keep the bike. And maybe the jacket too. It matched the mask he’d swiped from Sash. And it was way too badass for Richard John Grayson.
He’d rushed out of the bunker with a stomach full of rage and fear, blended poorly so an acrid burn stung at the back of his throat. He imagined this was how Bruce must have felt every time he did something reckless. The dynamic dumbasses hadn’t even taken communicators with them.
He briefly wished he’d inventoried his belt before stepping out, but Dick had always been anal about his gear. So had he, now that he though about it. Bruce had drilled him on it relentlessly, having him empty and refill his belt over and over for hours until Jason knew exactly how much of what was in each pouch, and could find anything blindfolded or in the heat of battle. Thinking about it brought back the sharpened calm that came with patrols and missions. It was like the emotions were compressed and pushed back into a compartment on his brain’s utility belt. Not gone, just stored away. He twisted the throttle as far as it would go.
Once upon a time, he’d have cased the joint before getting close. Once upon a time, he’d have come from above, all stealth and shadows, and only dropped in once he had a clear vision of what was happening inside. Today he barreled through a hole in the fence at almost two hundred miles per hour with the engine screaming and fishtailed to a stop as close to the park’s rotting funhouse as he could without transforming himself into a pancake.
Kickstand dropped, and feet pounded against dry rotted wood. Jason had almost made it to the door before his ears registered the sounds of a struggle from within. He cursed his favorite curse as he filled his hand with smoke pellets and prepared to join the fray. With his free hand he pulled the line-launcher and took aim. He was topside in a heartbeat, and could practically hear the cape flutter that would have accompanied the motion in his Robin days. With practiced proficiency he located a skylight and paused to survey the scene from above.
Damian and Cass were surrounded. As if that wasn’t bad enough, their attackers were the aforementioned legion of League foot soldiers Jason had been eager to avoid. They seemed to be holding their own well enough for now, but outside their field of view Shiva was preparing to join the battle. Also moving in were the rest of the Demon’s Fist. Bronze Tiger, Cheshire, Ubu, and Mara al’Ghul. Things were well on their way to getting messy. Jason cursed again. Ubu was the meanest and the ugliest. Also the closest.
“Fuck it. Prison rules.”
He tossed the fistful I’d smoke pellets and dropped in as the cloud spread over the crowd.
Ubu was a hulking brute, and made a piss poor cushion, but he was a big enough target that Jason had no fear of missing. The sound the giant’s head made when Jason’s knee made contact with it was something like a watermelon falling off a truck at fifty, and was nostalgically comedic combined with the guttural grunt he released before flopping onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. But Jason couldn’t say if he laughed or not. All of his attention was on hurling wingdings (wingdings) into the smoke at the predicted positions of his foes. There were more than a few grunts, and a couple of clatters as weapons were dropped from struck hands. But not nearly enough, and the disorientation didn’t last long. This was League tactics, after all, and only slightly modified by Batman. Cass and Damian also got back to business, and everything was chaos once more.
Jason registered a shift in the cloud with barely enough time to dodge, and one of Shiva’s twin swords cut through the haze only millimeters from his chin. It was quickly followed by the other, this time arching towards his chest. Robin loosed a volley of wingdings in rapid succession, but the clash of metal on metal told him how effective that tactic was. Gripping one of the larger tools like a set of knuckle dusters, he advanced.
In his day the birdarangs had focused more on reducing weight than on durability, and it seemed that was still the case. Robin had only redirected a few glancing blows, and he could already feel the thing cracking. The smoke was fading quickly, and he could mostly see Shiva now. Which meant she could see him too. After blocking yet another strike which came way to close to opening his throat Robin stepped back and loosed one of the explosive discs that had been his favorites. Shiva was an expert, and had her swords prepared to swat it aside when it detonated, and the small explosion sent her blades flying.
Pressing the advantage Robin moved in. Hand-to-hand odds not in his favor either. Better than unarmed against swords. No cape to distract or disorient. Fight dirty.
Dodge high, block low. Opening when she kicks high, knock her off her feet.
It was alarming how quickly he fell back into his training. Batman had taught him a lot, and years of street fights had taught him more. Then there was his time playing amnesiac with the League. Jason winning.
Shiva was on her feet again before anything more than her shoulders touched the ground, and at some point she’d regained her swords, but Jason was ready, and before she realized what was happening, he clapped her ears. The pressure of the strike would have been disorienting on its own, but coupled with the detonation of the micro-flash-bangs cupped in Jason’s hands, Shiva crumpled like a rag doll.
The cloud had completely dissolved now, and Jason easily dodged the sai Cheshire flung at him. Of course this put him in excellent position to catch Bronze Tiger’s shin with his whole stomach. Breathless and airborne, he could do nothing about the pinwheel kick Cheshire dropped on his rib cage. The familiar crunch told him that two were cracked before the pain started up.
Jason landed hard, and Cheshire straddled his waist the second he had. Her other sai raised in both hands, prepared to fall into his throat.
Silence fell in place of the killing blow. Cheshire looks to her left and Jason followed suit.
The few League grunts that remained standing parted as Talia al’Ghul strode across the battle field to Damian, who still held his blade in a ready position with eyes glued to his cousin. She hadn’t lowered her weapons either. The two had been bitter rivals from the day they’d met.
“Mother.” Damian said with all the tenderness of a freezer burned pork chop.
Without another word she dropped to her knees and embraced him.
After a brief awkward silence, she turned his face towards hers.“What is the reason for this foolishness, son?”
Damian freed himself from her grip. “Is it foolish for a boy to seek his father?”
Talia clicked her tongue in the same fashion that Damian was so fond of, and rose to her feet.
“I would have taken you to meet him in time, Damian. When I decided you were ready.”
“Taken me to kill him. Todd told me everything.” Talia turned her gaze to Jason, who waved awkwardly.
“Let him up, Cheshire.” The masked assassin complied quickly, and even gave Jason a hand standing.
“So this was your doing Ibn al Xu’ffasch?”
‘Son of the Bat.’ The name they had given him at the dawn of his second life. Jason pulled off the mask which was apparently doing him no good, and shrugged.
“Tt” Talia turned her attention to Cassandra, who had frozen in place with her baton less than an inch from a grunt’s nose. There was a circle of (probably) unconscious goons at her feet.
“I’d suspected you’d finally had your fill of your mother’s poor treatment and taken the boys hostage.” She turned back to Jason. “When did you regain your memory?”
“Midway through my second year with you all.” Talia nodded as if she’d expected as much, then turned back to Damian.
“I assume that you are serious about meeting your father, yes? Even if I were to drag you back, you’d simply escape again, isn’t that right?”
“Yes mother.” Talia nodded again. Then produced a sealed envelope from within her jumpsuit.
“I expected as much you are at that age where you think you know everything. This letter will explain everything. Deliver it directly to your father, and no one else. Understand?” Damian took the envelope cautiously, as if expecting it to bite him. Once he had it in hand she knelt again, placing her hands on his shoulders tenderly. “I would never send you to kill your father. Nor you Ibn al Xu’ffasch. My father would do no such thing either.”
“But Todd said-“
“Do not misunderstand me, I do not claim Ibn al Xu’ffasch lied. There are those within the League that believe Ras al’Ghul has been too long the Demon’s Head. There are whispers of a coupe. I do not doubt such plans involve removing my beloved from play. I intended to see you in his care soon enough.” She turned to look over the assassins. “We return to Nanda Parbat. None shall further impede these three, by my word, or face my wrath. My will is the Demon’s will.”
The assassins snapped as one into a bow, and set about gathering the wounded. She moved through the crowd to stand in front of Jason and cupped his face, smiling gently.
“Father swore to make no move on Gotham for as long as my beloved draws breath. He made this oath before the whole of the League of Assassins, and forbade any of them to move on Gotham in his name, on pain of death. This was his penance for your death. His sole intent was to return the son he’d taken from my beloved.”
“Uh, okay?”
“I have enjoyed having you in my home Ibn al Xu’ffasch. You have been as a brother to my son, and a son to me. Look after him, Ibn, for he is too much like his father for his own good.”
“If he’s anything like Bruce, I won’t have to.” Talia chuckled, pat his shoulder, and turned to Cassandra, who seemed to materialize at Jason’s side.
“Cassandra, you are welcome to return with us. You have my word that you will have no trouble.” Cass shook her head.
“They die without me.” She said, patting Jason’s shoulder. His jaw dropped, he’d never heard Cass say so much at one time. Talia had never heard her speak period, but to her credit she only cocked an eyebrow.
“Quite.” She said then returned to Damian.
“When all is well once more, I will send for you, my son. Learn what you can from your father. He is a great man.” Damian nodded, and Talia only lingered for a moment before following the last of the assassins out of the building.
The trio stood in silence for a time, until Jason realized they were waiting for him to tell them what to do next.
“Well. That was fun. Who wants soggy chicken and waffles?” Damian narrowed his eyes, but Cass’s hand shot up. “What? So I picked up food. I wasn’t expecting you two to run off for some daring-do and stumble into an obvious trap.” Damian’s eyes narrowed further. “Okay, after we eat we’ll go straight to the Batcave, no detours, no shenanigans, scouts honor.”
Damian rolled his eyes and started for the exit. “I’ll drive.” He stated as Jason and Cass fell in behind him.
“My turn.” Cass retorted.
“Do you even know how?” Damian probed, eyeing her doubtfully.
“You’re mighty talkative today Cass.” Jason quipped. Cassandra replied by sticking her tongue out. He understood her good mood. Their six month misadventure was almost over. As they stepped out into the summer night Jason looked to the sky, and pulled the pair to a stop. From this side of Blüdhaven you could see it clearly enough. For the first time in five years Jason looked up at the Bat-Signal, and pointed it out to the others.
He couldn’t hold back the smile brought on by the wonder he saw in his companion’s faces.
Homeward bound.
Author’s Notes: this chapter is long, and maybe a bit rambling, but mostly because there’s room for two whole multichapter fics in here. Seriously, I was half tempted to start writing a Damian Cass and Jason cross country road trip full of shenanigans and hilarity. For those wondering, this takes place five years after prologue 1. It took me longer than I thought it would to edit, between baking cheesecake, doing some bag work, and feeling out crafting with worbla. That being said, the next prologue will take even longer (unfortunately(?)) because I want to make sure my events make sense and everything is lined up perfectly and ready for the series proper to begin immediately after.
Feel free to comment, complain, keysmash, or just like and reblog. I THRIVE on your reactions.
Till next time!
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queenofthegalaxxy · 4 years
MEME: Send me a ☆☆☆ and I will tell you… 
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How I rate your blog:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
How I rate your URL:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
How I rate your blog theme:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
How you play your muse:
Don’t know your muse | Not my cup of tea | meh | OK | good | wow | EXCELLENT | I would like to keep you forever.
(That latter thing there means as mutual/friend/interactionpartner right? At least it’s how I understand it - also ‘wow’ feels like an odd thing for rating kinda)
Thoughts/opinion on the mun:
We met all the way back when I just only started to try out RPing (on my Starfire)! I think you were just starting off too, and I’m just really glad we happened to do so at a similar point in time! Who knows if we’d have found one another similarly well otherwise!
And then we interacted. In various threads, with all the good stuff - and I enjoyed all of it. I’m pretty sure I said this somewhere before, but, I honestly doubt I’d still be going if you hadn’t been one of my partners from the beginning on out. It always feels like there are only very few TT RPers, or at least that are also mutuals with me, and you are no doubt the one that stayed with me the longest AND did the most stuff with me too. I’m so very thankful for all of it!
Eventually I made a Blackfire sideblog, too, and we interacted on there too (though I can’t remember if that happened pretty much right away or only later-on, but anyway). We didn’t do as much here as on Star, but I still had fun with what we did so far!
How much I ship our muses:
Are you out of your mind?! | NO | prefer not to | I need some convincing | MAYBE | let’s do our best for chemistry | what a good idea | YES | I’ve been hoping for this! | oh gods yes | LETS MAKE A NEW OTP | shipping hell!!
(I kinda never really much thought about them even meeting? Which makes it a little difficult to rate if I ship them or not? I mean I think all we did [so far] was - in a kinda AU where Terra stayed evil and succeeded in killing off most of the team, where I’m not sure if Blackfire is interested in staying longer than that one meeting would take what with Star gone and all? Sure, their little team-up was enjoyable and all, but idk if there really developed anything of a bond other than cooperating for the moment? - and the one that we had going where I think Blackfire intended to, like, sell Terra off? Which I actually can’t recall if it also was in a evil!Terra thing or not, but, same thing probably stands with that I don’t think there really developed anything so it’s difficult to say anything And idk I haven’t really thought through how a meeting in other circumstances, as in where they wouldn’t be wanting bad for the other, with them would go? I’m definitely open to developing something though, if you ever want to! Sorry that I can’t say something ‘better’ here!)
How attractive my muse finds yours:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
(Not meant in a bad way that the rating is so ‘low’, Terra looks alright and all but Blackfire doesn’t really see anything ‘special’ about it?)
Platonic attraction:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
(Assuming some kind of main-verse here, Blackfire wouldn’t really be interested in Terra given she is/was/kindamightonedayagainbe a hero or at the very least friends with the Titans. Bonus points for having faced and fought them and done so well with it, though, assuming Blackfire actually knows of all that)
Sexual attraction:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
(Uh god I can’t judge this sorry, I would say none at all but Blackfire always holds it possible to have ‘fun’ with people so who knows, not me)
A situation or starter sentence for our muses:
A scene I would want to write with you:
Meeting | Cooking | Kiss | Fight | Bed-share | Shopping | World domination | Solve crimes | Stranded | Distant friends | None of these but PM ME |
Or: I have always wanted to write…
(I italicized what I could see happen, not necessarily what we should do. As for what I always wanted to write, I’d probably default to my unused verses here again, which I’ll just skip for now, so I can’t really say more here either I guess)
If we would write, my mood is:
fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | hurt / comfort | action | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre |
(Don’t ask me to choose genres I never can -- I guess ‘any genre’ is a good option then though)
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