#i watched dub first (sorry) so i was surprised when i went back to see sub and he wasnt crying in it
brofightiscancelled · 7 months
i have someeeee opinions on differences in in the s2 dub vs the original but i do like this one
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novashelby · 2 months
Just Breathe-A Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader Smut MDNI. 18+
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Pairing: Jonathan CraneXFem!Reader-Patient
Prompt: I used number 65
Warnings: Mentions of depression and anxiety, medication, use of drugs, dub-con. Fingering (f receiving). Age gap? Reader is unknown adult age, but Jonathan is older.
Summary: Dr. Crane's patient has been having a hard time climaxing after taking a SSRI. So, he gives her an experimental drug to help her climax.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: This is a request by @futurefamousdeadmusician. They had given me the prompt, but allowed me the creative freedom. I hope you enjoy it. :) Please comment and reblog. Likes are kind, but I'd really appreciate if you can at least reblog. Rebloging allows an author's work to circulate.
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She wasn’t his usual type of patient; small and meek. A simple diagnosis of general anxiety. Nothing a little pill couldn’t fix. The previous appointment he pulled out his pad and wrote down a low dose prescription of sertraline. Something he often started patients on. And so, when she came in the next appointment with a very typical problem, he was not surprised. Dr. Crane took off his dark rimmed glasses and leaned back, one leg crossed over the other. He listened intently and with genuine interest, watching her fiddle with the fraying hems of her sleeves. Many assumed he was all arrogance and no compassion. That was hardly the truth. Dr. Crane cared quite deeply about his patients. Perhaps just in a different way. 
“Are you nervous?” he asked, eying her picking at loose threads. Her fingernails scraped and pulled, causing balls of lint to flutter on the ground. His eyes watched as they drifted in the air. “You seem on edge.” It wasn’t anything new in her case; on edge and small. Though, the twitching in her wrist was new. She swallowed, stopping the shaking in her knee. Looking up at him, she took a deep sigh. 
“Mike and I had our first intimate date,” she said with a crooked, unsure smile. 
Curious, he arched his brows. “And how did that go? Michael…the boy from your university course, correct?” He wrote it down in his notebook for future reference. 
Shrugged, she winced a bit and shyly responded, “it didn’t…it didn’t go anywhere.” Her cheeks turned a shameful rosy red and she averted her attention off the side. It was not an unusual side effect. In fact, it was almost expected with SSRIs at this point. Dr. Crane noted in his file; the patient is struggling with intimacy-possible side effects from medication. “He was getting frustrated with me. I couldn’t…couldn’t…finish?” she questioned, looking back up at him. Poor girl looked so ashamed and embarrassed, her cute bottom lip pouting out. 
“I see,” he said, thumb playing with the pen in his hand. Click. Click. Click. “Well, it is a normal response to the medication. Lower libido and difficulty reaching climax. Have you tried to talk to Michael about this?” 
She shook her head. “Hasn’t answered any of my texts.”
Dr. Craned sighed and offered a consolidating smile. “I’m sorry.”
“Dr. Crane, am I just going to be like this everyday for the rest of my life?” she asked after a random moment of silence. It took him by surprise when she stood, taking a deep inhale and holding it before letting it out with a stream of words. “I just…I feel so fucking useless!” His eyes followed as she passed about the small, dimly lit office. “Like I can’t function. For one fucking day.” Pausing, she turned on her heels and faced him, eyes peering down. “Like, it isn’t possible, right? No one can possibly be like this forever, right?” Dr. Crane put aside his notes and stood. Perhaps it was a little unprofessional, but he gently put his hands over her arms, thumbs running circles. It took her a second to come in focus, but when she did, she looked into his eyes and asked, “Dr. Crane, I want to feel human-”
“You feel nothing, but human,” he responded, gently. “Being human is feeling anxious, scared, happy, nervous. Don't worry.” His hand went up to her cheek. “We can adjust your medication and change the dosage. I can…hmm.” He stopped mid thought when it hit him. “There is something I could try. Would you mind grabbing your belongings? We will actually head to the examination room-no, no, nothing at all to be afraid of.” The girl shivered in his arms, hesitating at the threshold of the door. He flicked off the lights and had to rest his hand on her lower back to shimmy her out. “We will go downstairs. Ah!” He walked over to the check in desk. “Linda, I will need you to cancel my appointments, and why don’t you take the rest of the day?”
Linda, the aging receptionist, took a moment to realize she was getting a free afternoon. In glee, she said, “oh, of course, Dr. Crane. Thank you!” 
He nodded. “Just remember to cancel those appointments and reschedule for Friday. I’ll switch around my shift at Arkham.” His eyes drifted back to the nervous girl, still fiddling with her sweater sleeves. “Just this way,” he whispered, smiling down at her. “Be Careful going down the steps. They’re a bit steep.” And he was right. She felt one wrong step and she would tumble down. Gripping the wooden railing, she climbed down sideways. Unlike Dr. Crane, who knew each step as if he had them mapped out in his brain. 
When they both reached downstairs, he flicked on a light. When her eyes adjusted, she was surprised to see a rather modern examination room; marble floor, medical bed, and metal cabinets. “Do you often bring patients down here, Dr. Crane?” Her eyes scanned the room when she saw four straps on the bed. She hated to admit it, but her brain instantly went to serial killer. He chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, as he was walking to a cabinet, unlocking it with a set of keys. “Those aren’t for you. Sit on the gurney please. I have to get you a waiver.” His fingers skimmed over the packets before pulling out a single piece of paper. “Ah! Here we are! No need to fear, it is only precautionary and customary.” Handing her the pen, he prompted her to sign it. Her fingers lingered over the pen, hesitantly taking it to sign.
“What are we going to do?” she asked, brows knitted.
He smiled, and cupped her cheek. “I will explain it to you in a moment, but I’d like you to sign it first. Just in case.” She nodded and skimmed over the words, not registering anything before shoving it back to him. Dr. Crane had never given her a reason not to trust him. “Good girl.” Good girl? A lump formed in the back of her throat as those words did something to her. His whole demeanor changed. The way he spoke was smooth and less professional and clinical. And this ascertain possessiveness clung to the words good girl. When she embarrassingly looked away, his hand was back at her cheek, pushing her to look at him. He was closing the gap between them. “Have I ever given you a reason not to be safe with me? Have I not always done what was right for you? Hm? You will be trying a new drug.” 
“A new drug?” she asked, wincing. “Shouldn’t I withdraw from the other one? Has it been tested? Approved by the FDA?” Ignoring her questions, he simply chuckled and pinched her chin before turning his back going to another file cabinet. Out he pulled a syringe and a vial filled with a purple liquid. 
“It’s a new erectile dysfunction treatment for men,” he explained, turning his head up to draw a syringe. “But it hasn’t been tested on a woman yet, and perhaps I am a bit curious. It won’t hurt you. I’m just curious if it will work.” He turned back to her, the syringe now filled with the purple liquid. She hated shots, but started to roll up her sleeve. “I’ll give you a lesser dose,” he lied, smirking to himself. It was a higher dose mixed with many other components that were known to mess with a woman’s senses.”
“I hate shots,” she explained, showing him her bare arm. 
Dr. Crane chuckled, and said, “actually, it doesn't go in your arm. Rest. Lie on your back.” When she went to open her mouth, he explained, “it goes in your upper thigh. I’ll need to take off your pants. Is that alright?” She contemplated for a second, eyes looking back to the restraints. Have I ever given you a reason not to be safe with me? She started to slide off the gurney, mumbling about how her session was over and how she needed to get home. Dr. Crane’s cool, collected exterior tensed, and the hands that were once gently touching her, were rougher. “Ah, ah, ah. You know the expression that a doctor knows best.” He grabbed her upper arms and pushed her back down.
“Dr. Crane,” she said, mustering up the courage to sound a bit more curt and direct. “I’d like to go home, please.” He wouldn’t budge, eyes peering down at her. The syringe was right there wedged between his index and middle finger.
He slowly smirked, noticing how she kept looking at the restraints. He could read her easily. Knowing what was traveling through her mind, he whispered seductively in her ear. “I will use those if I have to, but if you are a good girl, I won’t. So, please, rest.” He eased her back down on the gurney and guided her to lay flat down. “I’m a doctor,” was his explanation for playing with the button on her pants. “This is nothing short of clinical for me.” Though it was true in a sense, it was still all erotic to him. Having a young woman so helplessly at his mercy in the name of his experiments, He was sure that she wouldn’t last his fear toxin, but luckily for her, he enjoyed a dabble in other areas. Including that of an arousal drug used for men. It wasn’t his, however, but a colleagues….He was simply using it as a side project in benefit of having his name on another paper. Her legs squeezed shut, preventing the ease of pulling them down, Jonathan laughed. “Come now,” he tisked, sliding a hand between her thigh and pulling them apart with ease. 
“It’s just a little uncomfortable,” she said, looking up at him with these pathetic doe-like eyes. Oh, how he had to fake sympathy; lip pouting and head tilted. Awww, I know. It is all so scary. Tell me exactly what you are fearful of? Swallowing, her eyes glanced over at the brown leather straps. “You’ll kill me.”
“How silly,” he said. “What use would I have of you then? Dead? Ah, you young women and your obsession with the grotesque and morbid. Would you believe I am actually helping you?” His cool fingers hooked around the waistband of her jeans and pulled down to her knees. Grabbing an alcohol wipe, he cleaned a small patch near the pelvic area instead of the thigh, where he originally said. When the needle came in closer, she winced, trying to push away slightly. Jonathan pulled away, frowning. His other hand reached out and caressed her cheek. In the softest voice, he cooed, “I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.” When the word baby laced within his sentence, she felt an ache in her stomach. It was mixed with sickness and…and that odd sensation that young girls get when they notice their first crush. Almost like a cramp and tingle. Baby? Her eyes glossed as she eased for him. “Good girl. Now, it won’t even hurt…ah! See?! So distracted, you hardly felt the tiny prick, sweetheart.” He was right, she hardly felt the prick. 
“What will happen now?” she asked, watching the ceiling. 
“You may feel a bit warm,” he explained, tossing the syringe and gloves away in a red bin for hazards. Instead of allowing her to leave, he took a seat on the stool, and watched her. “For men, they start to feel a bit of a tingle. An uncontrollable urge, if you will. Of course,” he paused, grinning at her. “An erection and if the sex is of standards, a very satiable climax. However! This is the first time it’s been tested on a female, but I expect the results to be on par-”
“W-what?” she asked, embarrassed. “Dr. Crane. I will do that here?”
Brows arched, he asked, “had you not read the waiver form thoroughly? I’m a bit disappointed, sweetheart. However, yes, you will go through the full trial here.” 
She tried to sit up, but got a bit dizzy and laid back down. “B-but in front of you?”
“It’s all clinical,” he explained. “But, because you hadn’t read the waiver, I want to reinforce that you should allow your body to feel exactly what it wants to feel. That you should relax into the urges and intrusive thoughts. Suppressing it will only make you worse. How are you feeling?” She hummed, wiggling her hands and feets. 
“Just a bit warm is all,” she explained, turning to glance at him, finding it funny that he wasn’t writing anything down. He wasn’t observing her as she imagined a doctor conducting an experiment. Instead, he was simply staring. When she went to sit up, that is when an overwhelming cold sweat hit her, knocking the breath from her lungs. “Shit,” she cursed under breath, closing her eyes. She wasn’t only warm, but hot. Almost like a dripping fever. 
“It’s only sixty-five in here,” he pointed out, amused. “It’s alright…how does your mouth feel?”
“Dry,” she croaked out, feeling her tongue turn to sandpaper. Sweat was forming at her temples and her heart was racing in a way she never felt. 
“Would you like some water?” he asked, sliding from the stool and walking to the sink. He filled a plastic cup with some water and turned to her, dipping his fingers in the cup. “Open your mouth…ahhh, good girl.” He dipped his fingers in her mouth, and there was something in her that turned absolutely feral. Intrigued, he observed how she reached up and hungrily sucked at his fingers, tongue swirling. She refused to let them go, whining when he pulled them away. “Your eyes are quite hazy,” he teased, pressing his fingers against her neck to feel her rising pulse. Her inhibitions were going down, he noted, and watched as whatever she was feeling turned into a survival need. She was hungry for something and she couldn’t comprehend. Sitting up a bit, mouth wide open and tongue out like a bitch in heat. She followed his hand before sucking in his fingers. Bobbing her head, she moaned as if she was pleasuring his cock. “The need for oral stimulation,” he commented before asking, “how hot are you out of ten?” Funny enough, she put up her fingers instead of releasing him. Eight. “Hmm, I see…there you go, sweety. You can take them deeper if you wish….” And she did, pushing them down her throat, choking and drooling over them. His trousers started to tightened as she was falling right where he wanted her. “Now, I must ask. If you are hot, why are you wearing your sweater? Hm? And jeans? That seems a bit stupid, doesn’t it?” She nodded, pausing her sucking. He pulled his hand away and she let out a long whine. “Then what should you do, hm?” Without much prompting, she took off her sweater and tossed it to the ground and kicked off her jeans along with her shoes. Slowly, he grinned, eyes meeting with her black bra. It wasn’t anything special. Very simple, but the way it was definitely a cup too small and her breasts were pooling out made him push her down. 
“I need,” she gasped out, not believing her own words. But she didn’t stress too much because anytime she fought the thoughts, her head banged. She looked up at him with desperate hooded eyes and her hands grabbed for his hands. “I need…I need….”
“Need what?” he asked, amused. “Hmm, I need you to be very specific.” 
A long belly deep whine left her drying lips. “Dr. Crane, stop. I need, I need it…something. Anything.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, his hand resting on her thigh and inching up. “And how do you feel down here, hm?” He hadn’t expected her to let out a growl and grab for his belt. “Hey!” he scolded, grabbing her hand.  “I’m your doctor,” he teased, hand resting against her panty covered cunt. “Wet…pooling. Ah, you must feel so needy and tingly down here, don’t you?” Desperately, she nodded, pouting, hands still attempting to grab for his belt. “Hey, hey…come on. I’m a professional. I would never. Back down. Ah! Good girl.” He walked over to the cabinet and got a clean glove before walking back over. “Let’s test the severity of this. If I wasn’t aware of your situation, I may have just assumed you were rabid.” He went to pull off her panties, but she beat him to it, kicking them off and propping her legs up. “What a diligent patient,” he commented, pulling up the stool. “Yes,” he nodded, looking over her wet folds. “Your labia appears to be puffy.” When he gave her outer lips a quick pinch, her hips jolted up. “Did you know,” he said, dragging out his words. “That the clitoris is much more than this little nub.” It spread her dripping pussy open with his ring and index finger while his middle rubbed gentle circles over her clit. 
Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she felt this teasing sensation just barely pressing down on her throbbing, aching clit. “O-ohhh,” she moaned out, clenching her vagina walls, desperate for something to fill her. To ease the tension he was making worse, she subconsciously grinded her hips against his finger. “Please-”
“How nice of you to remember your manners,” he teased, pressing harder, rubbing in taunting circles with a constant pace. His eyes watched how her vagina clenched. She was needy for something and he wanted nothing more, but to fill her. He imagined for a moment how he’d take her; bent over, hips slamming into her ass. His hands would be squeezing her beautiful breasts while his mouth would be kissing her ear, whispering all the sinful things. She was white knuckled at the paper thin sheet covering the hospital bed. “Relax,” he told her. “You're trying too hard for release…let it come natural.” She released the sheet and went to her breasts, rubbing and pinching her swelling nipples. 
“Doctor!” she gasped out, hips buckling as she was teetering on the edge of a climax. “It’s been so long, please.” He pulled away his hand and slapped her thigh, pulling her out of her high. She cried, slapping her hands against her face. “Why!?” She was almost angry at him, her eyes glaring his way. But it was all too funny to him. She was still sweating and trying to catch her breath. 
“Tell me exactly what you want,” he said. “Doctor needs to take his notes.”
She swallowed, lip pouting. “To cum. I want to cum. It’s been too long and…and I just-please!” 
“I see,” he said, nonchalantly. “And if you could cum in any way, what way would you like to cum? Sorry, it is all clinical.”
She went to grab for his belt again, but he pulled away reminding her to use her big girl words. “Your…your cock. I want it. I want to ride it-”
“No,” he reminded, leaning into her face with a crooked smile. “I’m your doctor. Don’t you remember? I worked too hard for my license to lose it over fucking a desperate little girl like yourself.” She frowned, feeling an overwhelming sensation of depression. “Shh, it’s okay. Perhaps I don’t always have to be your doctor, but in this room, right now, I am…But! We can continue our finger examination.” He moved from the stool and sat on the examination bed. “Come here.” He barely got the words out before she climbed on him. With two fingers, he eased into her and pumped gently while his thumb rubbed her clit. She was resting over his legs, wiggling and grinding down on his hand. “Go on, it’s your job now.”
“Thank you, doctor,” she moaned out, closing her eyes. He warned her to start easy and allow the pleasure to build. It’d be more pleasurable and satisfying that way, was his rationale. And to his surprise, she did. Little whimpers filled the room as she slowly raised her hips to roll them over his fingers. With one hand, she braced herself on his shoulder and the other played with her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. He smiled, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip.
“Are these sensitive?” he asked, pinching it with his other hand.
“Y-yes, doctor,” she cried out, fucking his fingers a bit harder, bouncing while the sensation built up.  “F-fuck,” she cried out, his thumb doing the devil’s work…or perhaps, an angles work? He pressed hard, rubbing circles and flicking it. His hand matched the speed she went. “S-hit, shit,” she whined, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her face in the crook. “D-doctor!” Something sinister built in her core. Something so beautiful that she hadn’t felt in such a long time….And she was not going to lose it. She grinded harder to the point there was just a little pain that sent her over the edge. 
“Good girl,” he cooed. “You’re so wet. Are you normally a squirter? I can feel my pants soaking….” She could only answer in an array of moans and grunts. Nothing comprehensible. “You’re going to cum for me, pretty girl. Good girl.” When she went over the edge, she cried out in a silent scream, eyes rolling back. Bucking her hips, she let loose a stream of squirt. Not only soaking his pants, but his shirt. He wanted it all. Her orgasm was washing over her, but he was convinced she had just a little bit more in her. He released her clit, but continued to rub against her gspot. 
“Oh fuck!” She started to kiss against his jaw line. Between them, she let out words that hardly made any sense. A mix of admiration and desperation for the doctor. “T-too much…too much!” He was pushing her past her climax, and it consumed her, overwhelming all her senses. 
“Let a little more out,” he told her. “I know you-ah! Good job!” As he was about to finish his sentence when she lifted her hips and squirted a pool below her. Taking away his hand, he brought it up between their faces. With a pleased smirk, he sucked off the juices, and said, “it’s all clinical.”
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stvolanis · 8 months
hii i have a req :farleigh coming into your room one night and blindfolding you and duct-taping your mouth shut pretending to be a home intruder. You know it's him so you pretend to put up a fight but you've been baiting him for months now so your so wet and needy it’s giving away that you love this.
Love this idea Anon!💋💕 your brain is absolutely magnificent!!
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Intruder Alert!
PAIRINGS: Farleigh Start! X Fem! Reader
WARNINGS: Farleighs a weirdo, foul language, mutual pinning just on the low, not rlly angst but reader has doubts about Farleigh wanting her?, Venetia being Venetia, reader acts innocent
NSFW WARNINGS: sub/dom undertones, bondage (F!receiving), slapping, spitting, dub-con, power play, slight size kink, forced breeding, vouyerism, mentions of fingering, perv!Farleigh, possessive! Farleigh (if you squint). if I missed anything I’m sorry!!💕
˚ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ˚
Farleigh Start felt as though you had it out for him the moment you stepped your high heeled foot through the large doors of the Saltburn mansion.
Your scent lingered in the air behind you, wherever you went. It’s was in all the rooms you perched yourself in. The green room, the blue room, etc. Farleighs nostrils flared, deeply inhaling the scent of vanilla and cherrywood with a hint of musk discreetly as he sat across from you at the dining table, dinner being served before you.
For months, you’d been prancing around in little to nothing; driving him absolutely batshit insane. Wearing those flimsy little tank tops that stuck to you like second skin, no bra underneath. Your hard nipples displayed for everyone to see, much to his dismay. They spilled at out at the top when you’d lean across the dining table to grab the mashed potatoes and Farleigh had to hold back a groan.
You wore the shortest mini skirts he’d ever laid his eyes upon. God forbid you strolled outside together as a family when it was windy. Everyone would have a show put on for them of your white cotton panties, a pink little bow adorned on the front. It made Farleighs cock painfully harden even with just a glimpse.
You were so naive, so trusting and innocent; or so he thought. Farleigh thought you were oblivious to the effect you had on him, so when he walked past your room one night to the sound of your soft moans slipping from the cracks of the door, he was happily surprised.
The door was cracked; almost as if you wanted someone to find you like this. Almost like you wanted him to find you like this.
So obviously, Farleigh took this as an invitation to watch.
Your fingers danced underneath the same cotton panties he’d seen previously, pushing in and out of your needy cunt. The sound of your slick so loud and prominent, a clear sign of your arousal. The curly haired man fisted his cock like a 13 year old discovering porn for the first time, embarrassingly cumming fast.
And for months, this went on. Months of him purposely passing by your room, hoping to hear the sound of your voice on the brink of an orgasm. For months, he spat into his large hand, jerking himself off while he watched you hump stuffed animals, pillows, and the way you played with your puffy pussy.
And for months, you knew.
The first time Farleigh watched you come undone, finding his own release, he didn’t clean up after himself. You opened the door shortly after your orgasm to go pee, only to step in warm cum on the floor. Felix was asleep, as was Oliver. You knew the only person usually up at this hour was Farleigh, just as you hoped, he had taken the bait.
For months, you put on a show for him. Sometimes even wearing lingerie of his favorite color. You discreetly watched him through the crack of your door, and picked up on what made him cum faster, or what made him cum more. Pink, you learned, was his favorite color on you. You knew he liked watching you fuck yourself onto your pink vibrating dildo. And he loved watching you hump your satin pillow.
Farleigh couldn’t ever look you in the eyes during breakfast, or when you lounged out by the lake in nothing but a thin layer of sunscreen and your baby pink bikini, top barely hiding anything. He didn’t look you in the eyes while playing tennis, even when going against you. He didn’t look you in the eyes during dinner, especially not even when you asked him to pass you something.
Farleigh was, dare i say it, ashamed.
He was ashamed by the way you made him feel, ashamed of what he did early every night outside of your door. You were just—so easy, so nice, and pretty. The sweetest girl in town, for miles to come. He wanted you, badly. But he assumed you wanted anyone else but him.
You tried to subtly flirt with him, make moves, but Farleigh just thought that you were trying to be nice, or make him feel more included about whatever it was you were doing. Venetia was the first to connect the dots.
As a promiscuous woman herself, she knew what you were doing, and honestly applauded you for it; though she grew aggravated at the two of you for never physically acting on it with each other.
“Just fuck him already. If you know he wants you, then why not just get it over with. I’m tired of you guys walking on eggshells around each other.” She dragged out as she painted her nails a blueish hue, her hair prettily braided. You sighed. “Not that easy, Vee. M’too scared. What if he doesn’t want me after we have sex anymore?” You worried.
Venetia rolled her green eyes with a smack of her glossy lips. “Farleighs a lover boy at heart, I’ve known him for fucking ever. If anything, he’ll be the clingiest little shit you’ve ever met once you’ve banged.” She said with a playful slap to your ass as you got up from your bed.
You giggled. “Think I can pull it off tonight?” You asked with a raised brow as you clicked the TV on. Venetia nodded her head with a smug look. “Oh, definitely.” She chuckled out when you gave her a little twirl, jokingly showing off your body. “He won’t even know what to do with all that.” She sighed out, dramatically falling back onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling.
You took your place next to her in the empty spot, your head rested on a pillow. “What if this goes south?” You ask, glancing over at her. She pondered for a moment before she exhaled deeply. “Well, you’d have to leave Saltburn, Obviously, for starters.” She began. you playfully slapped her arm with an eyes roll.
She smiled. “It won’t, trust me.” She said with a reassuring nod. And you did. You trusted her.
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Tonight was the night. You’d decided as you wore the skimpiest outfit yet. The one you had stashed away at the back of your closet, for special use.
A baby white tube top with lace on the hem of it, tacky rhinestones written out to spell “dolly” in almost a cursive. You paired it with the shortest skirt you owned, a jean mini skirt that was flared out at the bottom. You didn’t wear panties, but you did throw on some white fishnets; something you knew Farleigh enjoyed, as he stared at you more when you wore them.
The finishing touches was a bedazzled choker snug against your neck and a Pearl necklace with your initial on it, and your favorite platformed sandals. Your toes had white tips, freshly done to match your manicured nails.
You sighed softly as you looked at yourself in the mirror, gliding your hands down the sides of your body before adjusting anything that needed to be adjusted. Your hair was down, styled to your liking. God, you hoped this went as you wanted.
As you exited your room, roaming the long narrow halls, down the stairs till you finally found your way to the dining room. The whole family was there, minus the deceased family friend Pamela, and the seat next to Farleigh was conventionally empty thanks to Venetia who usually sat by him.
You could visibly see him tense as you took your seat swiftly next to him, sending a small smile. You acted like you didn’t see the way his eyes raked over your figure from head to toe. He adjusted himself in his seat with a cough, and Venetia shot you a knowing look from across the table as she brought her wine glass up to her lips with a smile.
Your hand discreetly found it’s way to Farleighs thigh, looking over at him with a smile. “How are you these days, Farleigh?” You asked, batting your eyelashes up at him. He clicked his tongue, almost portraying annoyance, but you knew better. “I’m..” he started, his eyes trained on your hand that squeezed his. “Fine. I’m fine.” He spat out after a moment, gulping.
Your hand trailed to his crotch, giving it a squeeze with a tender smile. “Yeah?” You asked again. He sucked in a harsh breath. “Yeah..” he repeated mindlessly, focused on the way your gentle hand stroked along his hardened cock through his jeans. His brows furrowed together in displeasure when your hand left where he needed you most.
He clicked his tongue, his hand finding it’s way to your cunt, brows raised at his discovery. “No panties, hm? Dirty girl.” He whispered, just loud enough for only you to hear. His finger dipped into your pussy, teasingly almost. His thumb circled your needy bud and your thighs squeezed together, which you soon regretted as his hand left from between your legs.
“Farleigh..” you whimpered. He rolled his eyes dismissively. “Be good.” Was all he said as a response.
The night carried on, with laughter from jokes shared around the large table. Conversations kept your mind from trailing back to the need for Farleigh fingers in you, but a constant reminder was his heavy hand on your thigh, squeezing every once and a while to let you know he was listening to every word you spoke, even if it wasn’t directed towards him.
You blushed under his gaze. The confidence you had suddenly disappearing as you became shy all of the sudden as you sat next to him. Fantasies of him bending you over the table, having his way with you, clouded your mind. He’d do it so easily, too.
How easy it would be for him to overpower you, taking what he wanted without remorse. You needed him just as badly as he needed you, and that’s exactly why you had to dismiss yourself from the chattery table early. You needed to take your mind elsewhere, away from the suffocation of Farleighs stalking presence.
When you made your way back to your room, you made sure to leave your door cracked every so slightly, enough for a lingering invitation to the man you craved the most.
But, as soon as your head hit your silk pillow, you were fast asleep. Consumed with comforting darkness and your mind finally blank—that was till you felt a hand cover your eyes. You gasped in shock as it was soon replaced with some kind of cloth secured tightly around your head.
You were flipped onto your stomach as your arms began to flail around, desperately trying to defend yourself against your intruder. “Please—stop!” You whimpered out. You felt rope tie your wrists together, bound together, no freeing movement as you tried to wiggle them out, but to no avail.
“I’ll do anything—just—please! Don’t hurt me!” You nearly sobbed out. A deep chuckle was heard, almost familiar, and then it clicked. You continued your cries as his hand trailed down to your sickeningly wet cunt. Farleigh clicked his tongue. “Filthy little girl, getting off on this. Y’so fuckin’ wet, pretty baby.” He cooed, almost mockingly as two slim, yet long fingers prodded into your entrance before easily sliding in.
“Oh fuck!” You whined as his fingers curled into your g-spot. His thumb rubbed your clit soothingly, and his mouth found its way to your now exposed breast. His tongue swirled at your nipple, before biting down hard enough to leave a distinctive mark. You let out a yelp as he sucked your sensitive bud into his mouth, releasing with a loud pop.
He jiggled your boobs together, shoving his face between them as his fingers began slamming into you. “Oh- oh my god!” You moaned out through tears. His thumb circled your clit painfully faster, almost agonizing as he easily brought you to the brink of an orgasm.
And you were right there, so fucking close. Like the tips of your fingers were touching the clouds, almost entering a paradises; and then it was snatched away from you within a second. You shined in protest, sniffling. His hand had left from between your legs for the second time tonight, and your frustration grew.
Farleigh folded you into a mating press, your knees pressed against your shoulders and his heavy wet against you, but what caught your attention the most, was the heaviness of what hung between his thighs. Hot and heavy against your wet cunt, gliding through your folds gracefully.
He pushed his fat tip into you first, then slowly bottomed out till you could feel the curly mound of hair sat above his cock. It scratched against you just slightly, but you didn’t mind. You took him so good, so pretty under him. Your hair was a mess, and your makeup smeared from tears and sweat. Your legs spread, almost like a present for him to take and unravel himself as he saw fit, and that’s just what he was going to do.
His hand snaked up to your throat, finding it’s place securely before asserting his dominance by squeezing roughly. Forcing you to really realize the situation you were currently in. Really, he could do anything he wanted to you. He could use you for hours, if he wanted, as a punishment for the months of torture he endured as you flaunted yourself to him.
“Look at you, such a mess. And to think, I thought you were a good girl.” He chuckled as his lips skimmed over yours, biting down on your lip hard enough to draw the faintest amount of blood, yet still prominent enough that he could taste the tang of it on his slick tongue. He was enamored with you and the way you felt wrapped around him.
He pounded into you like a wild animal, free of its cage. He fucked you like he’s never fucked anyone before, and this is his first time; but you know it isn’t. His pace was so erratic as he burrowed his hips into you, his jackhammering cock pounding and prodding at your sore cervix, surely to be bruised painfully in the morning.
The way he had you angle hit deep in you, and you longed to see him above you. You wondered how he looked right now. You could only imagine his hair matted to his forehead with sweat. His lean body pressed against yours, his stomach glistening in the lighting. If you could see him, you’d know hes exactly how you imagined—but a little more needy.
Needier than his voice made him seem, deep and dominant, heavy with authority. His voice made it seem like he wasn’t as effected as you were, but that was so far from the truth. His jaw was slack, head falling back as he let out breathless groans and moans above you. At one point, he bit down on his lip, trying to hush himself from the small whimpers that threatened to spill at the tightness of your snug cunt.
“Please, M’so close!” You whimpered out, your hands balling into fists. You wished you could feel him, hold him against you—claw at his back or the bed sheets—tangle your hands in his curly locks, but you couldn’t. And you knew that this was your punishment. “Beg for it, slut. Be a good little bitch and beg for it. Say sorry for being a whore while you’re at it.” He huffed out with a groan and almost a laugh.
Your breathing became heavy as his hips slammed into yours harder than before, knocking out the air in your lungs. “Please, Farleigh! N—Need to cum, p..please! M’sorry, m’so sorry, won’t d—o it again!” You all but yelled out. “Lemme cum, pretty please. I’ll be a good girl.” You said, yelping when his hand came down, slapping your clit.
“Awh, you wanna cum? This is the only way you’re allowed to.” He said, his tone heavy and dark. You gasped when his hand came down again on your clit, over and over again. The pressure of it mixed with the stinging pain had you spiraling, and a few more slaps to your sensitive, engorged bundle of nerves had your orgasm tumbling over uncontrollably.
Your body shook and spasmed as you orgasm wracked through you. Your nipples poked at his chest, creating friction from the sensitivity and tears pricked your eyes, but were hidden beneath the fabric that covered your eyes. “Farleigh!” You moaned his name out like it was a prayer, and he reveled in it.
“M gonna cum too, baby.” He moaned out. Your hazy mind was recovering just enough to realize what was going on. “Pull out, Farleigh.” You ushered him. He shook his head, as if you could see. “Gonna stuff this cunt, so everyone knows you’re mine when you’re knocked up.” He groaned, his head burrowing in your neck, sucking at the skin.
“F—Farleigh, Wait!” You begged, feeling his cock pulse inside of you, almost tearing you in half from the sheer size of it. The overstimulation was too much, and you couldn’t find yourself to fight back on him releasing inside you anymore as you felt another orgasm shake through you for a second time.
Farleigh came the same time as you, sure enough painting your pink, gummy walls white with a loud moan, the loudest you’ve ever heard him this far. When he pulled out, he sickeningly watched his cum ooze out of you, mesmerized by the way you pulsed and clenched around nothing, whining at the loss of his cock stuffing you full.
“Took my cock so well.” He praised as he took off the fabric covering your eyes, untying the ropes around your wrist. The tightness of them had left a mark, and you suspected that it would bruise in the morning too, but exhaustion consumed you and all you cared about was falling asleep next to Farleigh, which you did happily.
The comfort of his arms wrapped around you, and the kisses he laid all over your body as he cleaned you up made you hum out a soft sigh. He cleaned your cunt, and wiped off any access sweat your body had created with a warm rag gently.
You were content like this, almost domestic as he laid alongside you, legs tangling together. His body had grown cold, and it was a welcoming contrast to your skin as his cold feet met your hot ones. Soon enough, you were asleep.
The last thoughts that plagued your mind were what was to come after what happened tonight. Your only hope being that he would still want you, but the way he held you against him, almost like he was afraid of losing you, made you feel a lot better.
˚ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ˚
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cherienymphe · 2 years
When The Party’s Over XI (Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, forbidden relationship, violence, public sex, jealousy, underage drinking, drug use, manipulation, corruption, forced pregnancy, innocent reader, Heyward!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @silkholland​​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: Manipulated into a secret relationship with Rafe Cameron, you’re finding it much easier said than done to do the right thing and walk away…especially when he refuses to let you.
“You want to hear something funny?”
That should’ve been your first clue that you were about to hear something that was indeed, not funny. Your dad had a familiar look on his face as he stood in the kitchen, but funnily enough, it was a look you’d only ever seen directed at Pope. You paused in your chewing, nervously watching him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I ran into Ward Cameron today…”
If at all possible, you felt your stomach drop straight to the floor. You were sure your feelings were reflected on your face, and in all this time you went along with Rafe’s lie, you never thought of what you would do if your dad and Ward ran into each other…and started talking. You struggled to swallow, licking your lips.
“I mentioned all of this so called ‘tutoring’ that you’ve been doing for his daughter, and you know what? He had no idea what I was talking about.”
You pressed your lips together, guilt and shame eating away at you as he just stared at you in disappointment. That was worse than him yelling, and the silence in the kitchen was loud.
“So, now, I have a question for you,” he mused. “Just what have you been doing and where have you been these past few months? Hmm?”
It’s not like you could very well tell him you’d been sneaking around with and sleeping with Rafe Cameron. That just wasn’t going to happen, and so you decided for a half-truth instead.
“With Cam and Bunny,” you sighed.
“Those two little rich girls you went to school with?” he looked so confused. “…and just what have you been doing with them that you had to lie about it?”
“Nothing! We just hang out sometimes. In the pool, eating, watching movies that kind of stuff,” you explained. “…and because Cam is dating Kelce, sometimes Topper and Rafe are there. Rafe drives me home, sometimes.”
You watched the older man heave a tired sigh, rubbing his forehead as he moved to sit down across from you. He fixed you with a look, and you continued.
“I like hanging out with them,” you told him. “…and I hate being the only one who has to leave early because of a curfew. Especially when I’m tired, and I’d rather just sleep over at my friend’s house or something.”
He was quiet, contemplating, and so you just decided to do the right thing.
“I’m sorry,” you eventually said. “I know I shouldn’t have lied, but it seemed like the only way you’d let me stay out so late or stay over at a friend’s. Pope doesn’t have a curfew, at all.”
“Pope earned that.”
You grew silent at that, withering under his disappointed stare.
“…and he earned it by following our rules and not lying to us.”
“I know,” you whispered.
“You know you’re grounded, right?”
You expected it, but it still sucked to hear.
“For two weeks.”
That really sucked to hear.
“You could’ve just been honest, you know. We could’ve talked, come to some kind of understanding, but instead you decided to be sneaky…”
“I know.”
He stood, the chair scraping, and you swallowed.
“…and the fact that you got the Cameron boy to lie for you.”
He was shaking his head when you looked up.
“Two weeks…and after that, we’re going to reevaluate some things, but you can expect to give us some kind of itinerary for what you’re doing and where you’ll be every day.”
You watched him go, and you let your head fall when he was gone. You shouldn’t have been surprised that that lie came back to bite you in the ass, and as if he sensed your new lack of freedom, your phone went off, unsurprised to see Rafe’s name. Appetite gone, you got rid of your dish, making your way to your room and bringing your phone to your ear.
“Whatever you have planned, you’ll have to forget about it,” was how you greeted him. “I’m grounded.”
“Grounded?” Rafe replied. “Why?”
“My dad ran into your dad…”
You let your words stew in the air for a moment, and Rafe’s soft sigh told you that he understood exactly what had happened. He didn’t respond right away, and for a second, you feared he just wouldn’t. Since the other night, Rafe had been acting weird, quieter, less easy to read. That very next morning, when you’d kissed him, you’d noticed it then, and you had pulled away, curiously eyeing him.
“You okay?” you had softly asked, and Rafe had just looked at you for a moment before throwing you a crooked smile.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
You hadn’t had much of an answer to that, not wanting to remind him of your little fight the night before. Sure, you’d called him back as soon as you got inside your room, but like clockwork, apologies had been falling from his lips, telling you he was going to do better. You’d both seemingly put it behind you, but that didn’t necessarily mean it was. Still, Rafe hadn’t talked on it anymore, and you let it go.
It didn’t change the fact that something was off though. You could just tell.
“For how long?” he finally asked.
“Two weeks.”
While technically, yes, you were an adult, it was less than six months ago when you needed permission just to leave the classroom. Your parents would lose their minds if you decided you just weren’t going to listen to them anymore and considering that decision would no doubt have to come with a new roof too, you decided to just suck it up.
“Well, I guess I’ll be sneaking into your room a lot more often in the next fourteen days.”
You both chuckled at that, and you sat down.
“I guess so,” you said. “I should’ve known it would catch up to me, and now…they’re going to be even stricter than they were before.”
“Shame, really,” Rafe murmured. “I was thinking about taking you out on my boat.”
You perked up at that.
In all the time you’d been dating Rafe, he hadn’t taken you on it. It wasn’t like you had this burning desire to go on it, but with mentions of it, you’d definitely entertained the thought. Rafe had even brought it up once before, but considering the secrecy of your relationship, you were sure at least a few people would see you climbing aboard and sailing off with him.
“Not if we go out at night,” he’d replied. “…and come back at night.”
It had appealed to you, and Rafe had mentioned going when the weather was perfect. It had only been in passing, but your chest bloomed with the prospect of actually going, now.
“Really?” you said, laying down. “Now, you decide is the perfect time when I’m grounded?”
“They’ll expect you to be in your room most of your sentence, anyway, right?” he teased, and you rolled your eyes.
God knows it was risky, but truthfully, getting grounded for an extra two weeks or so would be worth spending a night or two on Rafe’s boat with him. Especially when every night of those two weeks would consist of Rafe sneaking into your room.
“I’ll have to think about it,” you teased, and Rafe softly laughed.
You both knew your answer, but he played along, finally hanging up after promising to come over tomorrow night.
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Being grounded meant that if you needed to leave the house, then Pope was going with you. It meant going out and coming straight back, and as annoying as it was, it was better than not leaving the house, at all. On this particular day, Sarah and JJ tagged along too, waiting in the vehicle while you quickly browsed the aisles.
The last person you expected to run into was Topper, and without Pope breathing down your neck, you sent the blond a friendly smile.
His response was even, cold even, and you frowned in confusion as he brushed past you. Funnily enough, you would say you were friends, something you never thought you’d think about Topper Thornton. So, his reception was mind-boggling, and you turned to stare after him. You started to say something, but Topper was pretty determined in getting as far away from you as possible.
You frowned at his back as he walked away, and forcing yourself not to linger on what that was about, you decided to finish getting what you needed. Pope was just as irritated about having to drive you around, rushing you as soon as you were back in sight.
“We saw Topper come out of there not long before you did,” Sarah commented as soon as you buckled up. “You didn’t run into him, did you?”
You hadn’t quite had the opportunity to tell Sarah that she was completely wrong about you and Topper, and now certainly wasn’t the time. Besides, you didn’t know if you could call what had happened ‘running into him’, so you sort of lied and told her no. You could feel her eyes on you as you looked out of the window, too deep in thought about what that could’ve been about.
It was only when Pope dropped you off back at home did it finally occur to you.
“Hey,” you softly started hours later when Rafe had snuck in through your window. “Did you…did you say anything to Topper?”
He was propped up on his elbow, gazing at you as you played with his shirt. As the question left your lips, you looked up at him, meeting his blue gaze.
“I told him about us,” you continued. “…and I told him it was alright to bring it up with you, and I just assumed he had.”
Despite the fact that Rafe hadn’t brought it up, and neither did you, there seemed to be something unspoken in the air that he knew you’d talked with Topper. Your boyfriend shifted, and you intently watched him.
“Nothing crazy,” he told you, and you frowned. “Just cleared the air, made sure he understands how I feel about you.”
You let out a light chuckle, but it wasn’t exactly humorous.
“…but now he won’t even look at me. He barely talked to me when I ran into him at the store.”
Rafe shrugged, fingers dipping under your shirt, and your eyes slightly narrowed.
“You did…didn’t you?”
Rafe sighed, letting out a bitter chuckle, and you sat up, forcing him to too.
“Since when do you care about Topper?” he harshly questioned, and you shook your head.
“Since he’s damn near terrified of even talking to me, now,” you scoffed. “He’s kind of my friend too, you know, or at least, he was.”
“Really,” Rafe dryly commented, resting his arms on his knees as he stared you down. “Since when?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe since your friends started hanging out with my friends. Or maybe since Cam and Kelce started dating. Or better yet, maybe when we started dating and I was forced to be around him half as much as I’m around you.”
Rafe nodded, looking away.
“You seem really invested in someone you know through me.”
You didn’t even know how to react to that, pressing our lips together and shaking your head.
“That’s not even the point,” you harshly whispered. “He was practically tripping over himself just to get away from me, and you think that’s okay?”
Rafe didn’t respond, and you continued.
“Random guys at parties are one thing, but Topper is your best friend. I thought that these trust issues were with the so-called creepy guys, but now I’m starting to see there’s a common denominator, here, and it’s me,” you defeatedly told him. “Clearly, the lack of trust is with me.”
Rafe finally heaved a sigh, moving to face you and reaching for you.
“That’s not true…”
“It has to be!”
You snapped your mouth shut, listening to make sure you hadn’t woken anyone up before continuing, quieter this time.
“I don’t even need to know what you said to him to know that it was probably really shitty and messed up,” you hissed. “This can’t be our whole relationship. It can’t, Rafe.”
You stood, and so did he. You watched him run his hands down his face, slowly approaching you and reaching for you again. You were too annoyed to move, unintentionally letting him, and Rafe pulled you closer.
“I just told him what you mean to me,” Rafe gently told you. “Maybe Topper just doesn’t think it’s right to be so friendly with you, now.”
You eyed him.
“Be serious, please.”
“I don’t have to tell you what we talked about, that’s between me and Top, but if you think I went around threatening my best friend or something, you’re wrong,” he said, continuing when you sighed. “I’m serious. He knows you’re my girlfriend, now, and that’s just probably all he sees you as.”
You didn’t really believe Rafe, but you didn’t have much choice, at the moment. You weren’t stupid. You knew he said something to Topper that went beyond just how he felt about you, and this was one of those moments where you found yourself reevaluating your relationship. Since the night of that party, you’d known something was off, and you felt stupid for not immediately guessing Rafe’s jealousy.
Of course, it was Rafe’s jealousy.
The energy to be mad, to care, didn’t even stay with you for long. You were grounded, and the highlight of this prison sentence was sneaking around with Rafe, and you didn’t want to spend your now limited time together fighting. You moved by him without saying another word, feeling his eyes on you as you laid back down.
He was lying. You knew he was lying, and for some reason, that made you want to cry. Rafe said he loved you. He’d looked you in the eyes and told you that he loved you, but the lack of trust said otherwise. Was Rafe really that insecure? Or did he just think that low of you? You heard him call your name, but you pretended not to hear, closing your eyes.
You knew that this needed to be nipped in the bud for good, but you were too disappointed to go there, now. Rafe had told you he was going to be better about his jealousy, and maybe he had meant it at the time, but his intentions then didn’t really matter all that much, now. Night ruined, you just wanted to go to sleep, uncaring about what Rafe chose to do.
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You were quiet as you looked out over the water, the ocean breeze ruffling Rafe’s shirt against your thighs. You were finally on his boat, experiencing what should’ve been a romantic break for you both, but it was soured by the cloud hanging over your heads. It had taken more money that you wanted to give and more begging than you’d anticipated to convince Pope to cover for you, under the impression you just wanted to spend a night or two at Bunny’s.
He'd have a stroke if he knew the truth.
The morning after you’d gone to bed angry and disappointed, Rafe had been there, waking you up with a plethora of “I’m sorry”s as he peppered kisses along your face. You hadn’t been in the most forgiving mood, but when Rafe wanted to be sweet, he was the sweetest, and against your will, he’d worn you down. You still wanted to know just what he said to Topper, but you’d forced yourself to let it go.
Temporarily, anyway.
Now, though, alone on his boat, it was glaring more than ever that your less than perfect relationship probably deserved a more serious label than that. It wasn’t just less than perfect. It was troubled because Rafe was troubled, and you were starting to worry that until he wasn’t, your relationship wouldn’t be either.
You felt like your mood was noticeable. Even as excited as you’d been when Rafe snuck you out, and as enthusiastic as you’d been when he’d decided to christen the bedroom below deck, you were pretty sure your dampened spirit was obvious. You looked over your shoulder as Rafe came back up, nursing a drink, and you thought to yourself that it was better than coke.
“It’s so much prettier up here,” you told him, reaching for him.
He made his way closer, and you didn’t miss the way he swayed slightly. You frowned a bit at that, but brushed it off, looking back out towards the ocean. The sun was setting, and it made for a perfect view, and you leaned back as Rafe wrapped an arm around you. You were a decent ways off the coast with no chance of any familiar boats passing by, and you heard Rafe take another sip before dipping his head down.
“I fucked up.”
He murmured the words into your skin, and you closed your eyes.
“I…I may have told Topper some not so nice things.”
You sighed, both proud and disappointed as he admitted the truth. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he breathed, and you really didn’t know what to say.
“You don’t get it,” he choked out.
You were moving away before he was even done, and he reached for you. When you looked at him, his blue eyes were glassy, and he opened and closed his mouth, struggling to voice his thoughts.
“You never saw the way he looked at you before he knew about us,” he confessed, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “He liked to look…a lot, and if he and Bunny hadn’t…”
Rafe trailed off, waving his hand as he allowed your mind to fill in the blanks that his apparently already had. You didn’t even know what to say to that, frowning at him and shaking your head.
“He’s your best friend, Rafe.”
“I know…”
“…and he didn’t know! Now, he’s terrified of even breathing in my direction,” you scoffed. “Is that how you plan to navigate the rest of this relationship?”
“I messed up, okay?”
He sniffed, and you turned away, moving to stand near the steps, away from him. You could feel his eyes on you, and when you looked up, Rafe’s gaze was pleading.
“He’s your best friend,” you reminded him. “You shouldn’t treat him like some horny creep off the street.”
Rafe didn’t say anything to that.
“He knows about us, now, and he knows what I mean to you, so don’t you think you should apologize?”
Rafe simply stared at you as you said that, and you watched him down the rest of his drink. He didn’t speak for a while, and for a moment, you were convinced that he was going to agree.
“Why are you so concerned with Topper?”
“…because he’s your friend, and I think what you did was pretty shitty,” you said like it was obvious.
Rafe nodded at that, pulling his lip between his teeth as he did.
“Look, I saw that he was kind of into you, and I just made it clear I wasn’t going to sit back and watch that, anymore, okay?” you watched him move to pour another drink. “…but maybe you actually liked that.”
He said that last part more to himself, but you heard him all the same. Your face pinched into a frown, and you stared at him.
“Excuse me?”
He took another sip, and you shook your head, walking towards him.
“Ok, clearly, you’ve had more than enough.”
You chuckled, trying to make light of the suddenly tense atmosphere, but Rafe pulled his hand away as you reached for his drink. The look he gave you was cold, and his blue eyes looked between yours.
“I mean, you tell me you want to walk home…but you take a ride from Topper with no problem.”
You froze at that, stomach sinking in disbelief, and you just…stared at him. You felt like you’d just been slapped, unable to believe that Rafe was bringing up something you didn’t even realize was an issue. You’d thought the jealousy was like every other time, merely hating the thought of any guy talking to you, but all of this stemmed from an innocent ride home? This was what had been festering for days?
You let out a light laugh, but Rafe didn’t return it, his expression didn’t even shift.
“Rafe…you can’t be serious.”
“I went back to the party for you,” he spat, shocking you. “I gave you some time to cool off, and when I went back to get you, you were gone.”
He downed the rest of his drink, slamming the glass down, and you jumped at the sound of breaking glass.
“…because you were too busy getting a ride home with Topper.”
You genuinely couldn’t believe this was happening.
“You didn’t hesitate to tell me you weren’t going anywhere with me,” Rafe angrily slurred. “…but you hopped into his car with no hesitation.”
“…and you want me to feel bad about that?” you asked, in disbelief.
“Did you fuck him?”
The question stumped you so much that your jaw actually dropped, and your frown deepened as Rafe stepped closer, any humor left officially gone from the conversation.
“Are you crazy?” you breathed.
“Did you fuck him?” he slowly repeated, and you moved away from him.
“What kind of question is that-?”
“One you still haven’t answered!”
“…because I thought the answer would be obvious,” you spat. “No!”
You watched Rafe run his hands through his hair, drunkenly mumbling to himself, and you couldn’t swallow down your disgust. The already tense conversation had taken a sharp turn, and you couldn’t decide who was worse; your boyfriend when he was high or your boyfriend when he was drunk.
“I mean, I guess no one would blame you if you did, right?”
You felt tears kiss your eyes, and you turned away.
“Topper’s nice and polite, and he has his shit together,” his voice was closer, now. “…you don’t have to worry about bad coping mechanisms with him.”
When Rafe grabbed your arm, you shook him off, moving away, but he followed.
“…and hey…he thinks you’re kind of hot, right?”
You froze as Rafe threw Topper’s words from months ago back at you. You sighed, eyes falling closed, unsurprised that he’d heard that. You remembered his mood later that day, and you suddenly felt so stupid, realizing that Rafe’s jealousy had been rearing it’s ugly head for months.
“You’re drunk, and I’m not entertaining this,” you told him.
Every time you moved away, Rafe followed, and his hand was on your wrist when you found yourself near the steps.
“You really expect me not to say anything to him when we both know he would’ve fucked you if you gave him the chance?” Rafe nastily said, his face inches from yours.
You pulled your arm from his wrist, forcing yourself to take a step down. Even when high, you’d never witnessed Rafe this…bad before, and your heart raced in your chest as he looked down his nose at you.
“He didn’t mean anything by that, Rafe, and even he did, he didn’t know we were together then,” you said. “The fact that you think I would even do that is-.”
“You couldn’t wait to be rid of me-.”
“We’d just gotten into a fight, Rafe! I was angry-.”
You cut yourself off when Rafe stepped closer, the action making you nervous, and you slipped, falling at the bottom of the steps, hanging onto the boat. You attempted to stand, but Rafe had followed, standing right before you and preventing you from straightening.
“…and you actually think he offered you a ride out of the goodness of his heart…”
Rafe chuckled at the thought, but it was bitter, mean, and you blinked back tears. He leaned over, and the last thing you expected was for Rafe to fist his hand into your hair, making you cry out and reach for his arm. He was kneeling before you on the higher steps, and you pushed against him.
“I’ll say whatever I want to whoever I want if I feel like they’re trying to take what’s mine,” he sneered. “What’s rightfully mine.”
His hold tightened, and you dug your nails into his hand. This didn’t feel real, and part of you still wasn’t convinced this wasn’t some sick nightmare.
“You are what’s mine in case you’re confused,” he whispered.
“Rafe, let go…”
“Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?”
You struggled to swallow, tears finally spilling over as you stared into his eyes.
“Rafe…you’re scaring me,” you choked out.
The blond paused, lips parting as he gazed at you.
“I’m scaring you,” he repeated, brows pulling together. “What about me?”
You sniffed.
“Huh? You don’t think it scared me when you let my best friend take you home, but you couldn’t get away from me fast enough? You don’t think that was scary to me?”
“Rafe,” you tearfully pleaded.
“I’m scaring you,” he repeated, murmuring the words to himself.
Your boyfriend sniffed, nodding to himself as his face grew stony.
You didn’t understand what happened at first, only realizing that water was suddenly in your mouth and your nose. Your hand was still on the boat, pressing down and sliding along the surface as you tried to straighten yourself. Your knees were on the last steps, and when you realized that a hand was still in your hair, gripping the back of your head, your heart threatened to leap out of your chest.
When you gasped again, instead of sucking in water this time, it was air. A horrible choking sound left your throat as you coughed, water spilling out of your mouth and nose. You furiously blinked, trying to make sense of what had just happened, and your hand joined your other one on Rafe’s wrist, trying to get him to let go when he pushed your head down again.
You could feel one of his hands twisted into the back of his shirt you were wearing, preventing you from going into the water completely. Your feet kicked as best as they could while kneeling, and when you realized that you couldn’t get Rafe to let go, your hand pushed against the boat again, trying to push back. He pushed your head down further, holding it down longer than last time, and at some point, your chest started to burn.
Even with your head underwater, you knew you were crying. It was the perfect moment to have an out of body experience, to feel as if you were outside of your body looking in, but instead, you felt everything. You felt the tight grip of Rafe’s hand in your hair. You felt the force behind his hand as he held you down. You could feel your heart racing and the panic in your chest as your hand continuously slid along the boat.
When Rafe finally pulled you up, he completely let you go, and you fell back on the steps, struggling to breathe. You spit up water onto them, and from the corner of your eye, you saw him stand. Your chest was burning, eyes too, and when you looked at him, you only saw his back as he walked away. He didn’t spare you a second glance as you sat on the steps, drunkenly cursing to himself about you, no doubt.
Your breaths were coming out in choppy wheezes, and you could feel your tears wetting your face, replacing whatever ocean water that was starting to dry. You could hear Rafe getting another drink, and you turned your head away, unable to stop shaking but too scared to move.
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You’d been staring at the wall for hours when you heard Rafe coming below deck. You didn’t move, fingers tightening in the sheets as you heard him stop at the entrance. The taste of ocean water was still in your throat, the smell clinging to your hair and skin and shirt. When you heard Rafe softly call your name, you closed your eyes.
He sounded more sober, now, but you didn’t care.
When you closed your eyes, you could still feel his harsh grip in your hair as he held you down. You could see the sneer on his face as he accused you of having sex with Topper. You could see the glint in his blue eyes as he turned into someone you’d never seen before. Only, that wasn’t completely true, was it?
You thought about when he’d grabbed you at Midsummers and that night at the party when you literally woke up with sore wrists. You’d seen this Rafe before, but those times were small unimportant things you’d forced yourself to look past, to make excuses for. But this? Your lips trembled, and you resisted the urge to be sick.
You didn’t move when he sat down at your feet, and you felt…numb when he touched you.
“Hey,” he softly said. “Y/N.”
He knew you were awake, and the rawness of your throat reminded you that maybe ignoring him wasn’t the best idea. With a deep breath, you slowly sat up, eyes focused on the sheets. You could feel his gaze on you, and you bit your lip.
“Please, look at me, beautiful. Please,” he begged.
When you did, you didn’t miss the way Rafe frowned, like he was struggling to keep his gaze on you. Yes, he was certainly sobered up, now, and you took in the way his pink lips trembled. He swiped his tongue between them, moving closer, and your heart started to race in your chest.
It wasn’t lost on you that you were alone in the middle of the ocean with him.
“I’m sorry,” he softly breathed, moving to sit right by you, now. “I’m so… I’m so sorry.”
You didn’t respond, keeping your eyes on him like some rabid animal.
“The whole thing with Topper, I…”
He clenched his jaw, repeatedly running his hand through his dirty blond locks.
“I kept thinking about it, and the more I did, the more I just kept drinking, and I just got…so angry,” he explained, and you emptily nodded. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
He reached for your face, and you turned your head, nodding and sniffling.
“It’s-it’s fine.”
It wasn’t.
It was so far from fine it wasn’t even funny. Every time you thought back on it, you wanted to cry, and you struggled to swallow. Your voice was so raw, and sometime during the aftermath, you’d realized that you’d been screaming while your head was underwater. The look Rafe gave you told you that he knew you were lying, and he reached for your face again.
“Rafe, I told you, it’s fine,” you choked out, trying to push him away.
“I’m sorry,” he softly repeated, leaning in, and you pulled away.
“Rafe, I’m tired, okay? I’m really tired, and it’s fine, and…and we can just go to bed,” you struggled to say.
His hands slid to your arms, and his brows were drawn together as he studied you.
“I told you I was sorry-.”
“…and I believe you. I told you it’s fine, Rafe.”
You could tell that your refusal to let him kiss you was bothering him, and again, it hit you that you were alone with him out here. Rafe had made it clear that you would never know what he was capable of, and you felt your stomach churn at the thought of placating him…too afraid to not to, right now.
When his lips brushed against yours, you shuddered, and you squeezed your eyes shut. You couldn’t stop shaking, and when Rafe laid you down, you kept your eyes on the ceiling. He kept telling you how sorry he was, but it didn’t mean anything to you. The minute you got back on land, Rafe would be lucky if he ever saw you again.
In this moment, you wished you hadn’t snuck out, thinking that maybe the universe was trying to look out for you by having your parents ground you. You wondered if this was some horrible lesson you had to learn, and as Rafe pushed himself into you, sighing at the feel of you squeezing him, you were grateful that it was too dark for him to see your tears.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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linos-luna · 2 years
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Eternally (pt. 1) ❣️🔪
Yandere!Vampire!Jin x Fem!Reader
(Pt. 1) — (Pt. 2) — (Pt. 3)
Warnings: vampire AU, 18+, mention of blood, fear kink, pain kink, hypnosis, dub con ?, light smut, yandere, horror?
Synopsis: you found yourself enchanted by a handsome vampire named Jin. He was a vain and cruel man but he found that there was someone he loved more than himself, you… He wanted you to himself…
F/n = friend name
At first, he was only after your blood. He had asked you out one day and took you on a date. It was only supposed to be one date, then he’d dispose of you. But he couldn’t do it yet so he took you on more dates.
Needless to say, you fell for him pretty fast. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he was. His light skin was clear and youthful; his hair dark and fluffy. His pump lips were always rosey and he had a urethral glaze.
It’s been about 2 months since you started dating the beautiful man. And he came over for a movie date. It must be official, to you he was your boyfriend.
Jin watched as you peacefully slept with your head on his shoulder. You were watching a movie together when at some point you got bored of it and fell asleep.
He was careful to move and pick you up, taking you to your bedroom. After laying you down he was intrigued. You were so peaceful but also so vulnerable. You’d never see it coming. He traced his fingers across your neck and continued to stare. Wasn’t this the goal? The point of being here was to take your blood and leave you. Actually, he was supposed to do it 2 months ago.
You woke up suddenly, a bit startled by the fact you weren’t in the living room.
“Oh… did I fall asleep again…?” You frown as you looked around. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Jin said while taking your hand. His hand was cold, well… it was always cold.
You gave him a quick kiss on the lips and this stunned him for a moment.
“You’re funny.” You giggled and hugged him.
Something Jin thought was odd was how oblivious and naive you were. How you never noticed that he doesn’t eat around you or how he preferred to go out at night. In a way, he could use that to his advantage. But he also found it… adorable. Like he feels the need to keep you around.
Jin laid you back down and got on top of you, moving your hair from your face and admiring you. It was weird. This was the perfect opportunity; you’re pinned down and at his mercy and yet, he doesn’t do it. Instead he smiles and kisses your cheek.
“Oppa…? Are we boyfriend-girlfriend now?” You ask with a pout.
Jin thought for a moment before answering. He realized that he does have feelings for you. He loves the control he can have over you and how you won’t question him. He can use and manipulate you as he pleases. But also, he has a soft spot. He’s fallen in love and now he wants to shield you from the world; in fact, he wants no one to even look at you. You belong to him now.
“… yes”
“You want me to move in?”
“Yes.” Jin said with a nod.
It’s barely been 3 months and he’s now asking you to move in with him. Seems crazy.
“Baby…” he grabbed you by the hips and spoke sturnly. “You’re my girlfriend and I want you to live here…. No, you’re going to live here.”
You thought about it for a moment, why was he so serious about it?
“But Jin-…”
“You’re going to live here.” He said it again while holding you tightly.
“I’m… going to live here.” You repeated, surprised at what you’re saying.
“Sweetheart, you’re going to move in by the end of the week.”
“I’m… going to move in by the end of the week..?”you repeated in an almost trancelike state.
He was happy to hear this and twirled your hair in his fingers. You didn’t move, only standing there, staring at him blankly, under his control. Just as he liked….
Jin was quick to move you in and get you settled but your friends were starting to worry as you went out less and less. Jin wouldn’t let you talk to anyone without his approval or let you go out without knowing your exact location and who your going with.
Another problem was that he was hungry. Jin was hoping to take your blood after the first date but has been holding off ever since. He was getting hungry and he needed to eat.
After 2 months, Jin has effectively chased away most of your friends and family and yet… you never questioned why.
“Oppa? My friend, f/n, hasn’t answered me for a while…” you asked nervously. “Do you think she’s mad at me…?”
“Probably.” Jin replied while in front of the mirror in the shared bedroom. He was fixing his hair and practically admiring himself.
You had been planning to go out today but your friend wasn’t answering, actually she hasn’t replied back in few days. You had gotten in a little argument with her the other day but it was nothing serious… at least that’s what you thought.
“Doesn’t sound like a good friend now does she…” your boyfriend turned to look at you. “A real friend would have messaged you, even if mad. I told you she’s not good for you.”
A tear rolled down your cheek and Jin hugged you, something he rarely did. It was actually an awkward hug; if you saw his face, he looked disinterested. In fact, he knew the real reason she wasn’t contacting you… he couldn’t help smiling at the memory of her.
“Hey it’s okay… I’m here for you.” He said while rubbing your back.
“Maybe I should try calling her again…” you said, looking for her number on your phone.
“No.” Jin said as he suddenly snatched away your phone.
“But Jin—”
“No!” Jin interrupted and raised his hand as if to strike you.
Your boyfriend sighed and lowered his hand when noticing how scared you looked, although he did find it incising.
“Sorry baby… didn’t mean to scare you.” He rubbed your cheek and looked down at you with a frown.
“How about we have a little date, hm? I’ll take you out around town.” He said with a light smile. “We can go shopping. Get you all pretty for me tonight.”
“Oh okay!” You nodded. It’ll get your mind off your friend and that’s exactly what you need. “I’ll get ready!”
“I’ll get you ready…”
“Okay…?” You were taken aback by his demeanor.
“We’ll leave at 6:30.”
You looked at the time on your phone, it wasn’t even 3pm. Why does he want to leave at sunset? Maybe it’s a romance thing.
Jin had you in a black floral dress that went below your knees, along with some sheer tights and boots. He also had you wearing a light purple cardigan. It was a cute outfit but it was definitely on the more conservative side.
While at the shopping center, Jin tightly held your hand as you walked around. He glared at anyone that walked by, his eyes practically glowing.
But he was also thinking about something else… feeding. He was hungry again especially when looking around at the people walking around you.
Jin picked out clothes for you and had you try them on, whether you liked them or not he picked out what to buy. At some point he stepped out to use the restroom. While gone he managed to lure someone to a back area and take their blood, killing them in the process.
After hiding the body, he came back to you, wiping his mouth. He licked his fangs and watched you intensely as you looked at yourself in the mirror. He was breathing heavily as if to control himself. You turned around when seeing his reflection.
“Oh you’re back! Are you okay?”
He snapped out of it for a moment and nodded. “Let’s pay. I want to go to another store…”
“Ok.” You nodded and got dressed back into your clothes.
After paying you found yourselves in a store with lingerie.
“Baby, I really like this one… you’d look stunning…” Jin said while holding some black panties and bra.
“It’s a little… revealing, don’t you think?” You said while looking at it. The set was cute but not exactly your style. “I don’t really like it.”
“Yes. But I want you to wear it.” Jin said bluntly, looking down at you and holding your chin to look at him. “You want to please me right?”
You slowly nodded, even though you didn’t like it.
He got close to you and sighed. “When we get home, you’re going to put this on and please me”
You blinked and paused for a moment. Your mind was blank, almost as if your thoughts are being blocked. God, have his eyes always glowed like that?
“I said… you’re going to please me right?” He repeated.
“yes Jin…” you said, once again in a trance and nodded.
Jin always got you to do whatever he wanted without doing this to you. But the second you question him, he’s not afraid to hypnotize you although it’s very rare.
He let go and you blinked, regaining control of yourself.
“When are we going home, Jinnie?” You asked sweetly as if nothing just happened. “I wanna try on all these cute clothes for you!”
“We’ll go right now baby.”
After paying for the items, he was quick to take you home. Once there you went right to the shared room and started undressing, almost mindlessly.
“Oppa! Im ready!” You called for him cheerfully.
Jin came in and he was right, you looked stunning. He went up to you and held onto your hips, then he grabbed your love handles.
“I told you you’d look stunning.”
You blushed and laughed nervously as he continued to feel around your waist.
“Now lay down.”
“Oh right now?” You asked, already subconsciously doing so.
“Yes right now!” Jin said, a bit frustrated as he pinned you down. “Don’t talk back to me, slut!”
“O-oppa?” You were freaked out by his sudden outburst.
Suddenly he slapped you. You were stunned and would’ve held your cheek if he wasn’t pinning you down.
“Shut up!” He interrupted and slapped you again.
A tear rolled down your cheek and you didn’t say anything.
“Now you’re going to do exactly what I say…” Jin said sternly.
You were shaking and nodded, not wanting to upset him.
“Y-yes oppa…” you replied.
“Yes what?!” He said angrily while holding onto your throat.
“Yes oppa! I-I’ll do exactly what you say!” You cried out.
Jin laughed while squeezing your throat. He loved you like this. He could hypnotize you to do whatever he wanted but he had a fear kink. He wanted you to be scared.
Your boyfriend let go when you started losing consciousness; He wanted you awake for this.
He started making out with you while pinning your wrists on each side of your head, adding tongue and biting at your lip.
It was getting painful and you moaned. Both drool and blood was dripping down your chin and Jin was licking it right up. You thought it was weird but it must be a kinky sex thing right?
While groping your breasts, Jin went down to your neck, kissing and nipping at it.
“Are you scared, baby?” Jin said, chuckling while biting down on your neck.
You screamed and struggled against him.
“Oh baby you taste so good…” he groan, sucking at the place he bit. “You don’t understand how hungry Ive been…”
The pain was so intense and the blood you were losing caused you to get dizzy and disoriented.
When noticing this, Jin let go and started licking at the area, catching any blood that would drip out.
“Hey baby. No sleeping!” Jin said with a smirk. His mouth and chin area was covered in your blood. He took his fingers and wiped it from his chin then licking it off.
You were crying and shaking your head.
“Oh don’t worry sweetheart… you won’t even remember this tomorrow…” he said with a demented smile. This was the biggest smile you’ve ever seen from him. And it was terrifying…
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greenaway-torres · 1 year
Summary: I lost the request (I’m so sorry😭😭) but someone requested something with f!reader who is skilled fighter and is cold and robotic to everyone else but Hook. Sorry this took me so long. I decided to do this in headcanon style.
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You two first met in a ring of some sorts. Once a month, a fighting tournament was hosted for people to place bets against the contenders. On one fateful day, Hook came to the games (after being dragged by Smee and a few other crew members). You made it to the last round, going against a man who was twice your size in every sense of the word
Even though he had watched you fight all of your other opponents flawlessly, he was still worried about you. It was just because this man looked like he could squish you under his heel, that’s all (he lied to himself)
As the fight went on, some people in the crowd wondered why it took so long. The champion should have beaten you by now. Bets were placed on it. But Hook watched you. You had a devious smile on your face. Compared to the other times you fought, you were more lax, like you enjoyed the challenge of fighting. You were toying with him
Of course you won, being named the new champion of the ring and dubbed “The Firebird” for the red silk scarf that was tied on the end of your sword
He later came up to congratulate you and offered to buy you a drink. That drink turned into a walk and a walk turned into a few month long stay. Soon, Hook confessed his feelings for you during a night walk and asked you to come to his ship with him
Now you were part of his crew. Some knew who you were, having seen you fight in the ring a few times. Others were skeptical and questioned their captain’s decision. One tried to intimidate you, saying that Hook must have been out of his mind to have a woman on the ship at all. A little “discussion” left the man in the infirmary and the rest of the crew not doubting you again
You warmed up to them eventually, but you were still waiting for another one to try you again. They had this sort of expectation about you, and it wasn’t even you. They wanted to see the Firebird; the woman who fought off multiple men alone with just one sword. The reigning champion of the ring. And that’s what you gave them. They figured the short remarks, stone expressions, and cold shoulder was part of that
But Hook treated you like a person. A queen. He didn’t care about your sword. That wasn’t why he wanted you in his ship. He invited you because he loved and cared for you and didn’t want to leave without you. He wanted you, not the Firebird.
He was gentle and caring with you, treating you with more respect and kindness than anyone else. And you gave him the same. In private moments, you kissed his hand as you helped him with plans for Pan. He would send you off to bed, telling you to get some rest. But before you left, you kissed him goodnight
One night, a crew member caught you two near the back of the ship. He went off and told the rest of the crew how lovey dove you two looked. When you went below deck to get some sleep, they teased you for it. You drew your blade and pinned the member against the wall. “Anyone else have trouble with me and shook?” The crew went scampered off, trying to find something else to occupy their time
Hook did talk to you about it, saying that they meant it as a joke. No harm done. You listened to him, promising that you wouldn’t draw a blade on one of them. Perhaps, though, a solid punch
You didn’t have anymore problems with them though. You eventually learned to take the comments in stride. The first time you laughed at one, everyone was surprised. Even Hook
A few times, when you all were in a tough situation in a bar, they fought alongside you. They didn’t expect you to handle their mess. They took care of you and treated you like one of them. They became your family, and you did everything you could to protect them
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soulmate-game · 1 year
Chapter 6
(Yes, Marinette and Damian disconnected Audio only before they went to her hotel, so no Tikki reveal sorry!)
Prev First Next
Back at the Batcave, Robin was the first to change, sit through debrief, and go to sleep. Nobody questioned him, knowing full well his motives. The other vigilantes however, despite being back in their civvies, were not so quick to end the night.
“You all heard that, right?” Jason asked. Oracle, also known as Barbara Gordon, rolled her eyes. She backed up in her wheelchair and turned to face everyone else.
“What, the part where Marinette made you coo when she essentially defended you and said she still thought of you as a good person?”
Jason rolled his eyes. “I mean yeah, that part was pretty nice. But I’m talking about everything she said about Paris,” the man clarified, leaning back in a chair so that the front two legs lifted off the ground. “She was geared and ready to continue listing examples of Akumas. I doubt she even listed half of the ones that were centered around or targeting her. And having to go through all of her classmates becoming villains, even temporarily?” He shook his head. “That kinda shit doesn’t leave anybody unaffected.”
“Especially what she said about the mermaid monster Akuma,” Tim agreed, pulling up a story on the computer. “I’ve pulled up the reports from both the Ladyblog and the AkumaWatch app. They seem to agree on everything, so I think this was back when the Ladyblog was still reliable,” he pulled up a video taken by the girl who ran the Ladyblog, Alya Cesaire. Marinette’s former best friend and current classmate. The commentary was all in French, but Tim had went ahead and added quick English subtitles for everyone. The wonders of having a supercomputer. The video was taken from a high roof, and showed the water flowing so high that it completely covered most buildings. It would have definitely caused enough pressure to break open windows and fill those buildings on the inside too.
“Woah! It looks like they can transform!” The voice of the reporter said in French, pointing to the distance where two blues of red and black hopped onto a building. The girl zoomed in, her phone’s camera just barely able to show an out-of-focus Ladybug and Chat Noir with different patterns to their uniforms and fins. The cat-themed hero managed to pull an entire car, and as they soon sound out, temporary supervillain Syren, out of the water all on his own. “Aqua suits! That’s so cool!”
It was obvious, however, that the girl’s voice shook a bit. She kept the camera purposely pointed as high up as she could while still catching the heroes and the destruction of the possessed item on screen. There were blurred images all across the surface of the water, which the heroes knew to be censored bodies.
“Only a couple thousand out of two million Parisians survived, that’s what Marinette said,” Barbara breathed, eyes wide. “Seeing it like this really makes it all real,” she clenched her jaw. They all continued watching as what was simply dubbed as Ladybug’s Miracle swept through the city in a shockwave o ladybugs, and the water disappeared. They watched as Alya aimed the camera down and caught very alive people popping up in the streets or on top of cars, wherever they had been right before getting carried away by the vicious waves.
Every hero in the Cave saw people of all ages down there, shimmering back to life. From month-old babies to old men and women.
It was both wonderful and horrifying.
After the video ended, the entire cave was silent for a long moment. Jason was the one that spoke up, to no one's surprise.
“What the fuck?” He growled, no longer leaning back in his chair. Both of his fists were clenched. “This has been on the internet for almost three years! How did we not see this before? How did we never know?” He asked, to which nobody had an answer. But the Bat himself had a hand on his chin as he studied the freeze-frame that the video ended on. Chat Noir and Ladybug fist-bumping.
“Maybe,” Bruce said slowly, as if tasting the words. “It’s time one of us visits the Paris branch of Wayne Enterprises. Ladybug and Chat Noir have been protecting the city for almost four years, it’s likely they know something about why the news hasn’t spread,” he mused. “Meanwhile, I will look into the League records. I never heard about a supposed prank call from France, meaning another piece of the puzzle is there.”
“There’s a problem with that though,” Tim pointed out. “Paris is essentially being held emotionally hostage. Anyone we send will have to be extremely capable of pushing down their negative emotions or transforming them into something positive. The last thing Paris’s heroes need is a supervillain with years of combat experience. Besides that, HawkMoth can telepathically communicate with his Akumatized villains. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that he can read their minds.”
“So not only would Paris’s heroes have to fight someone much more experienced than them, but our identities would be exposed,” Dick completed the thought, arms crossed. “That rules out Jason or Damian for sure. Which of us would be the most capable of avoiding strong negative emotions?”
When the First Robin looked up, it was to a raised eyebrow from his adoptive father and three fingers pointing straight at him from his brothers and Barbara.
“We can set up a flight for you for the day after tomorrow,” Bruce said with a grin that seemed way too smug for Dick, who was still gaping at everyone in betrayal. “Ask for the time off, okay? I can smooth things over if you need me to.”
“Oh, come on!” Dick threw his hands up. “I can be broody and mean!”
He was thoroughly ignored as everyone left to sleep for the night.
“Guys! You know what, fine, Paris is a gorgeous city. It’ll be like a vacation! Oh my god I just proved them right.”
That night in the Mindspace was… well, Marinette’s insomnia reared its head and she entered it around three AM to find a very unamused Robin waiting for her.
“Honestly?” He asked, gesturing to the Tv screen. “You couldn’t have put some of the work off for tomorrow?”
Suddenly Marinette was very glad she didn’t talk to Tikki while working on her dress. The little Kwami had passed right out after the stressful day they both had.
“I have trouble sleeping sometimes,” she admitted shyly, shifting from foot to foot. “Sewing helps me relax. I want to be a fashion designer,” she explained, letting a soft smile overtake her lips. “I’m actually making my own dress for the Wayne charity gala at the end of the month.”
Robin’s eyebrows shot up over his domino mask. Once again, he was in his normal pajamas besides the mask that he donned after entering the mindspace. “Really? That’s pretty ambitious,” he told her, eyes going back to the screen. Then again, the snippets that he saw on the screen looked incredibly well done. Marinette’s face twisted up a bit in apprehension.
“Maybe a little,” she conceded. “But I’ve designed for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. Even Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois have asked for me to collaborate with them for a few pieces. Jagged and Clara commission me pretty often nowadays, and Jagged is a lot like an uncle to me now. I also design for local newscasters and other minor celebrities around town, and my best friend’s band Kitty Section,” She rambled, getting more passionate as she went. Robin actually found himself pretty impressed. The elder Agreste and Bourgeois both were notoriously hard to please names in the fashion industry, so to gain not just one but both of their attention and respect was a huge accomplishment.
“Perhaps I was incorrect then,” Robin amended. “With a portfolio like that, designing for the Gala is just the next small step up. I will look forward to seeing what you create,” he said honestly. His soulmate blinked, obviously caught off guard, before blushing furiously.
“Oh, uh, um, th-thank you!” She blinked again, the blush fading as she focused on the second meaning behind his words rather than just the flattery. “Wait, you’ll be at the gala?”
Robin had to hold back a smile. “It is a month away. I suspect by then you will have earned my identity. Soulmates tend to move faster than unbonded couples.”
Marinette gaped again. “Well. Uh. Thank you? I think. Wanna spar?”
It was Robin’s turn to be caught off guard. “Excuse me?”
“Do you want to spar?” She repeated, speaking at a normal pace instead of a tongue-twisting one. “Part of the reason it took so long to fall asleep is the adrenaline. It didn’t, uh, completely fade yet. And I’m still a little angry, but not enough to be dangerous in a spar.”
“I know,” Robin soothed, his calm tone a direct contrast to Marinette’s flustered rambling. “I felt the vibration when you were angry, both at GothCorp and on the roof when you punched the wall. You calmed down considerably fast, but the initial anger you felt at the woman lasted quite a while. It was very odd,” he tilted his head. “It left me very on edge. I cannot say I enjoyed it very much, but it was quite effective in getting the message across.”
Marinette laughed, nodding. Her own buzz of warning from Robin earlier had been very brief and low, barely a blip on her radar but enough to be felt. He had most likely just been upset for a moment. Marinette, on the other hand, had been burning up with her own fury.
“So, spar?” She asked again, smiling widely. “Maman says a good spar is one of the best ways to get to know a person,” she coaxed, leaning forward a bit. “Please?”
Robin snorted, standing up and stretching his arms. “You did not need to plead, I was about to accept either way. I could perhaps benefit from a new sparring partner.”
Marinette whooped, going to her half of the room. To her slight surprise, a new pink punching bag hung off to the side along with a few high bars for gymnastics. Taking a second, she turned to see that Robin’s own half of the mental world also had a few new additions. Weights, probably just for the familiarity of it, a few training dummies, and a punching bag of his own.
Neat! The girl thought excitedly, the last vestiges of anger draining away to be replaced by wonder. Soulbonds are so cool!
Shaking her head, she walked around to her sewing station and thought for a second. Her pajamas weren’t exactly a good outfit for a spar.
“Uh, how do we change clothes in here?” She asked, turning her head to look back at her soulmate. He, unsurprisingly, had already figured it out. The teen was now in exercise shorts and a perfectly fitting black tank top.
Marinette’s brain momentarily fizzled out.
Those arms! No, the legs! No, oh Kwami, I can see his abs. Shirts that tight should be illegal! Ohhh He has broad shoulders. Am I dead? I think I’m dead.
“Marinette? Are you listening?” The girl jumped, her object of torment suddenly standing with his arms crossed a few feet away.
“Huh? Oh yeah, totally. Just, uh, zoned out for a second.”
“Yeah,” he said with a raised eyebrow that just screamed disbelief. “I was saying that you simply imagine yourself in the outfit you wish to wear. This world is molded by our minds, after all.”
“Right. Easy. Got it,” Marinette nodded a little too fast, closing her eyes and imagining her usual exercise clothes. Black basketball shorts trimmed in red and a red tank top shone into existence, replacing her pink-and-white polka-dotted pajamas. Her hair, which was down from her taking out her pigtails before bed, was up in a messy bun on the back of her neck er head. Once down, she opened her eyes and gasped in joy. She turned to look at herself in the full length mirror next to her sewing station.
Behind her, she had unknowingly left her soulmate in a situation he was wholly unaccustomed to.
Perhaps I should have expected this, he thought sluggishly, feeling really caught off guard. His mind flashed to the memory of her punch splintering odd a few shards of solid brick. But her arms didn’t look that toned in her blouse earlier. Then again, she was wearing long sleeves, he had to stubbornly keep his eyes respectfully above the hips. He knew if he didn’t, his gaze would linger far too long on her muscular thighs. Turn away. You are being indecent he scolded himself, deciding to retreat to the sparring mat first.
After a second to recover from having caught Robin staring at her in the mirror— well, we ARE soulmates. It would be awkward if the attraction wasn’t mutual— Marinette joined him. Seeing as their bodies were not actually physical at the moment, they could skip stretching. Any hits they took would hurt momentarily to simulate the real world, but no actual damage would be taken.
“Ready?” She asked first, receiving a predatory grin in response.
“Are you?”
They both stood at the ready, their legs braced shoulder width apart and their arms tended but at the ready. To his shock, Marinette moved first.
The petite girl lunged, a very familiar high kick brushing uncomfortably close to Robin’s nose as he side-stepped the strike and attempted to grab her ankle. Marinette pulled her leg back too quickly, though, easily going right back into a defensive stance. Robin took the moment to get in close, aiming rapid punches at Marinette’s chest and torso. The girl proved to be just as flexible as she was strong, however, twisting around the wider strikes and batting away the ones she couldn’t avoid with her open palm. Each blocked punch sent a sharp sting through her hand, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she could not let even a single of his hits land.
The second Marinette saw an opening, she grabbed Robin’s bicep and heaved him over her hip. Instead of hitting the mat hard though, the seasoned vigilante tucked into a roll and popped right back up, leaping straight back at his soulmate. One of her punches glanced off his shoulder, forcing him to quickly recover his footing before he stumbled.
There’s that strength she showed earlier he noted. If that had been a direct hit, she might have dislocated my shoulder.
Robin leapt over Marinette’s head, slamming one knee up towards her back. The smaller teen was able to avoid a direct kit, but Robin’s knee still managed to clip right under her left rib cage. Instantly, she felt herself gasp for air. Mon dieu, that’s ridiculous! She thought, quickly hand-springing back to gain some distance as she caught her breath. My body gets a little sturdier outside the suit the longer I use the Ladybug Miraculous, but if he had hit me straight on I would have been down!
Both teen heroes were already slightly out of breath, staring at each other from opposite sides of the mat. They didn’t notice right away, but they each had the same breathless smile overtaking their face. They jumped back in towards each other at the same time.
Their spar was a flurry of punches and high-kicks, flips and ankle-swipes. They landed hits and got hit. Marinette got hit less often than Robin, purely due to her acrobatics and flexibility, but Robin’s tolerance for punishment was leagues (ha, bad joke) higher than Marinette’s. Even though he took more hits, he was in better shape than she was. Therefore, even though each of their strikes carried roughly the same force, it was clear Marinette was the one slowly losing ground. Marinette didn’t have her indestructible suit or enhanced abilities to help her out, at least not beyond what prolonged use of the Ladybug enhanced, but she was holding her own very well despite it.
It was almost twenty minutes —the mindspace making normal stamina levels irrelevant— before Marinette finally managed to grapple Robin and send them both tumbling onto the mat. They wrestled for a long moment, finding their physical strengths almost matched, before Robin finally managed to wrap his arm around Marinette’s throat and pin her legs with his own.
They were both gasping for breath by that point and, even though she lost, Marinette found herself laughing in glee. Robin’s grip loosened briefly before he completely let go, unwinding himself from her and standing up. He didn’t laugh like she did, but he was grinning widely and let out a few soft chuckles. He extended his hand down to his still-giggling soulmate, who grabbed on and allowed him to help her up.
“That was great!” She gushed. “I mean, sure, it stinks that I lost. But I’ll get you next time!”
“I fear you might not be wrong,” Robin admitted with another soft chuckle. “Not all of that was martial arts,” he said, clearly questioning her fighting style casually. Marinette rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
“Ah, yeah. I took gymnastics as a kid. And my friend Kagami has been trying to teach me how to fence, but I just end up using those movements in melee instead. I’m okay with a foil, but I’m nowhere near the best. Kagami says I’m a natural, but I think she’s just sparing my feelings. And, uh, the whole parkour thing I mentioned.”
“Right. Parkour,” Robin agreed with a nod that Marinette knew meant he didn’t believe her but wouldn’t push. For now.
Marinette’s lips slowly widened into a devilish grin. “Hey, do you play Ultimate Mecha Strike Five?” She asked slyly, and Robin narrowed his eyes through his mask.
“Why do I feel like agreeing would be a mistake?”
“That’s a yes!” Marinette cackled and dragged Robin over to his couch. “Come on, let’s play!”
Seeing as both of the were asleep and their other senses inaccessible through the Tv, it allowed them to load the game. Surprisingly enough, Robin actually put up a decent fight.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette still won. Five times in a row.
“Alright,” Robin put his controller down, glancing over at an all too smug Marinette, crossing his arms. “Let's recap; I’ve discovered the situation in Paris is bleaker than I thought, you are surprisingly strong for your frame, you are much better of a fighter than you let on, and you have a vengeful streak.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette cooed, her hand over her chest as she fluttered her eyelashes with false innocence. Robin just deadpanned at her. “I am completely innocent! An angel! I would never stoop to petty revenge over losing a spar!”
“Uh huh,” Robin said blandly. “Let’s revisit this argument when you decide to be more truthful, ‘Angel’.”
“Anytime, birdboy.”
Thankfully, the next few days weren’t as hectic as the first twenty-four hours. Robin did have school and vigilante business to see to, so he and Marinette only met in their Mindspace for the rest of the week. Which wasn’t bad, even on nights when one or the other stayed up so late that they only had three or four hours in the mental world. Somehow, despite their brains remaining constantly active, the magic is the soulbond always left them more refreshed when they awoke than they would normally feel after that amount of sleep. And Marinette had her own things to do with her class, which included a brief (and very therapeutic) two-day visit to Metropolis since it wasn’t far away, to broaden the sights they could see. When they got back, they had one full rest day where they and a buddy could visit anywhere they wanted, provided they stayed within three blocks of the hotel and called to check in with Bustier every two hours.
The class, used to recovering from terrifying circumstances, had almost completely recovered (as much as could be expected, anyway) from their GothCorp nightmare by the time they returned from Metropolis. Lila had quietly thanked Marinette the day after the attempted robbery, but followed the thanks with a threat to never make her look weak again.
So, suffice to say, the liar was back to her usual tricks after the brief reprieve of the Metropolis visit as well. Milder than usual, sure, but still back to normal.
Meanwhile, Richard Grayson had seemingly spontaneously asked for vacation time in order to help his adoptive father out with company business in Paris. He landed in the City of Lights the same day that the Parisians got back into Gotham. He quickly realized that this trip would take more than just a few days. In fact it wasn’t until Friday, exactly one week after Damian had met his Soulmate, that Dick found the ability to track down the Parisian heroes.
Akuma alert sirens rang all around the city, confirming for the experienced hero that the natives had gotten accustomed to the constant havoc. Those who had been around since the beginning of the Akuma terror ran towards shelters with practiced speed.
It was the perfect distraction for Dick to change into Nightwing and take to the rooftops. Upon reaching the Eiffel Tower, the blue clad hero saw a bizarre scene. A male dressed in an aqua colored, snake-themed uniform and a petite female in a red, black, and gold uniform with a spiral down one leg were facing off against…
A… Giant… Cat lady...
Not even a giant half-cat person. She was a legitimate fifteen-foot tall old lady in classic Cat Lady attire. Knitted cat-embroidered shawl, cat-eared knitted beanie, a crochet needle that she was using to hypnotize cats and change their size and species. Her skin was bright orange with shiny silver tiger stripes, and her face had giant black glasses in the shape of a domino mask.
It was really, really weird. She had two twenty-foot panthers and a lion that was half the size of the Eiffel Tower growling at the two heroes who, surprisingly, didn’t look very affected at all by the fever dream they were facing. Smaller house cats were all slinking out of the nearby streets to ominously surround the two heroes, their eyes all glowing bright gold.
“You know, Chat would be making so many puns right now,” The red hero, Ryujo if Dick remembered correctly, mused as the two analyzed their options.
“He would also be making a lot of ‘family shouldn’t fight’ jokes,” the surprisingly zen male replied, flipping up and out of the way onto a nearby roof. “This should be easy, but I will provide backup if you need it.”
“Don’t worry Viperion, I got this,” Ryuko brushed off. “Water dragon!”
The hero turned into water before Nightwing’s eyes, swirling around the square. The water scared off the smaller cats, and the lion recoiled slightly, but it and the panthers lunged anyway, trying to catch the stream of water. The floating river easily avoided every strike, winding around the old lady’s crochet needle when they weren’t looking and snapping it in half.
A purple butterfly, exactly like those Dick had seen in the videos he and the others watched as research and exactly how Marinette had described them, fluttered out of the broken object. A quick flash of yellow darted onto the scene, a bee-themed woman carrying an ornate pot with Chinese engravings on it flew over and trapped the butterfly in the pot.
“There!” She said triumphantly, smiling wide. The crazy cat woman faded away, shrinking down into a cute little, completely normal, old lady with her gray hair in a high bun.
“Oh dear,” she brought a hand to her cheek. “Where am I? What happened?”
Nightwing watched as the heroes comforted the victim, watching as Queen Bee and Viperion left in one direction and Ryuko, whose choker had started beeping, left in another.
He followed the two paired up heroes.
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djnicklesanddimes · 1 year
Since tumblr is going to be a jerk and not let me post my cosplay, I'll go ahead and write down my review for the movie.
I'm writing this a couple days out, so sorry (and correct me, i love discussing this movie :3)if something's not correct. I was also writing this in-between breaks at work lol.
There will be spoilers, so you know the deal. I will tag it as such but you have been warned. :3
I'm also putting a read more divider cause it is looooong lol.
My fiancée and I went to go see the dub. He hasn't seen the series since s1 and I made him watch the recap but I felt the recap didn't explain everything to really get a full understanding of the importance of this movie and the characters, but I do appreciate having it. (I think I'll use it in the future for explaining to those I talk to that haven't seen the series, cause have you ever had to explain the series to someone that has never watched it before? Lol)
So we'll start with The Dub
I was favor of the dub in the beginning. I don't mind either sub or dub, but dub is easier for me sometimes when I'm drawing or doing a craft and don't have my eyes always on the screen. I was happy to see that all the original cast came back for this, as I know through their dvd commentaries that they have a real passion for the series. The start of the movie felt a little awkward to me, almost like the VAs were trying to find their way back into their voices. Frederica's voice I think was a little off, a little quieter and softer than I would have imagined hers to be. I know a few people don't like Kate Oxley's voice for Akane but I think she did an excellent job at Akane's break down in the end. It felt very raw and believable.
Overall I was very pleased with the plot of the movie. After getting context for everything in the movie after reading spoilers from Japanese only showings with no subtitles, I felt that the movie went way deeper than my first impressions. It was a nice surprise to have what feels like a less all over plot that we have gotten in recent years. My fiancée throughly enjoyed it even though he didn't know most of the backstory and I had to fill him in on a few things. His comment for Shindo after the wedding was "nooooo, he kills himself?" Which I replied "yep". There was foreshadowing for both Saiga's and Shindo's deaths but I felt that it was done right. Not too obvious, but enough that it wasn't overdone and you could pick up on it. One piece of context that was filled in for me that I found interesting is that Shindo was an upperclassmen to Saiga, and Saiga warns I think Akane? About Shindo and how he uses people and in sometimes dangerous ways, and that Saiga wonders if one day he'll end up getting hurt from it. And then guess what happens!! I know Saiga warns Akane about Shindo because of his shady methods to get what he wants, and I can't remember when in the timeline, but she asks Mika to do a background check on him.
As for Shindo's foreshadowing, he has a conversation with Akane and invites her to Kei's and Mai's wedding, where he gives that weird speech lol. Sadly I can't remember too many details but I know the way he has his last talk with Akane made me pick up that his suicide was soon, a product of sibyl supplying him with a gun and making him accept responsibility for all he tried to do. You couldn't wait until maybe a day or two after the wedding?? Lol.
I liked that Saiga and Kogami got to talk again. One of the only remnants of shinkane in this film (yeah there wasn't a lot sadly :() comes from Saiga telling Kogami that he shoukd apologize to Akane (which leads to that awkward phone call where it seems like he kinda? tries and fails as they made him a stoic and manly pride type of personality. I don't really like how cold he is at the start of the film either but I almost see a little bit of it as maybe he's been away and around so much violence for so long that this is the only, in his weird Kogami way for him to act. I do think it's no excuse tho for erasing any trace of the shinkane we have, as that relationship is special to many of us and not always for romantic reasons.) I did have a laugh at later when Saiga asks him if he did apologize to which he replies "I don't know what you are talking about". Come on Kogami! You know he can tell you are lying!
I did like that our bad guys had a more religious and cult like approach this time. I feel that's a topic that hadn't been touched in the series yet and finally the movie's title Providence made sense. These guys are dangerous enough to pose a threat, and our heroes get hurt several times. Plus they were a special group for SAD that went rouge, which is so interesting to me. Tonami is the leader of this group and aims to get the Stonskaya documents that can predict wars before they happen or can escalate them to one's favor. He also either helped develop or came across an ai (can't remember details) that he found could pose as a God and he controls his soldiers with a chip(?) in their heads that he can turn on and off at will. Kei's brother Akira is part of this group but is revealed later that he was a double agent( I was surprised at that!) And that he burned his face so he would not be recognized. Shindo sadly kills him later as he fights control for his body from Tonami.
(Trying to finish up here, god this review is long, thank to those that are still with me lol)
I'm gonna try to jump ahead to the end. The scene of Akane's unspeakable deed (lol) was very well done. You have Sibyl forcing her to take Shindo's position, which I got the impression that she didn't want it. And yet it was another Sibyl covering up something bad, sweeping it under the rug and trying to silence Akane more. Akane's whole thing through this movie is that there still needs to be laws, cause Sibyl will and has failed to protect people. So she realizes that she has to do the unthinkable and show that Sibyl is not as invincible as people are pushing for it. Her letter to Kogami was a great scene, with him realizing at the last minute what she was going to do and that he couldn't do anything to stop it as he was locked up. My fiancée was so surprised and it was great to hear his reaction, as he hadn't seen s3 and didn't have the context clues that we all have had lol.
Overall, I thought it was a very good film and great tie in to some pieces missing. I'm still not sure why Sugo and Gino joined SAD tho? That part might have gotten lost on me.
Sadly there wasn't much. I could say that was my only disappointment, along with Kogami's character towards Akane. As other's have said, it seems that he realizes too late. Like maybe he was trying to keep his distance so he can continue to think that she's the same pure inspector he's always known. I love Saiga's quote to him that "she's not God or Budda" so hopefully moving forward there will be something (despite what the writers say!!) as he greats her so warmly at the end of s3. As he swears to get her out and then he's not the one who does it! He might have some competition lol.
I also want to point out that I loved the soundtrack! I was happy to see Ling Tosite Sigure and Egoist back, cause I feel like it's not fully Psycho Pass without them. But! I was listening to the Providence soundtrack before I saw the movie and it's soooo beautiful, so give it a listen if you have always loved the soundtrack like me. :3
So those are some of my thoughts. I will gladly discuss them with anyone if they want. Also to correct anything I got wrong lol.
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wickedmoonlite · 1 year
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
Reminder: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, etc.), I will not be doing deep dives. I'm planning on taking this just below surface value as these are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I'm watching. Thank you.
Episode 6 Random Thoughts
FOREST EPISODE FOREST EPISODE FOREST EPISODE. Literally my favorite episode of the series. I like shows and movies where the relationship is the plot. So having an episode almost entirely dedicated to the blossoming relationship between Kinn and Porsche with little outside involvement is v good. Also, I really wish we could see the gentle, caring, silly, soft, carefree side of K more after this episode. We see glimpses later but nothing like this, when KP are well and truly alone together.
The super aggressive rock, paper, scissors is sending me.
And the fact that Kinn keeps bringing them back to the same spot and then Porsche does exactly the same thing before they just happen upon a little creek by sliding into it (though if it was really that close, how did they not see it 😬)
The betrayal after P spits on K lol
How far do they walk every day and back to get to the truck and creek though??
Kinn... Regular rocks do not start fires. Flint does though. Also lighters 👉👉
Porsche is such a shit.
Pete trying his darndest to stay hidden like Vegas definitely doesn't see him sitting in the car... The windows aren't even tinted dude (which I know is for filming purposes but come on).
The fucking smirk on Vegas's face when Pete finds the condoms then yells though.
K is trying so hard to catch a fish. Then P just pulls out some fruit like "lol I found this, keep trying for the fish tho."
The childlike wonder in K's expression and manner while P catches his fish and then he catches his own is so cute.
Apo looks so cold in the waterfall scene (I haven't watched the BTS for this episode but apparently he almost became hypothermic, the dedication ugh).
Porsche wants more kisses, Kinn. For the love of all that is holy, kiss your man.
I love that they get to know each other by sharing their dreams. It's such a nice little reflective moment where they get to know each other more and I appreciate it muchly.
The fact that Porsche really does "remember" the car crash just shows how suggestable our brains are as children. There are memories I have to this day where I'm not sure if it actually happened or was just a dream or something and my brain turned it into a memory.
They really should have tried to get a running start for that jump. Also, that was a pretty good distance they fell. Very surprised nothing was broken after that.
I really can't blame K for not wanting to go back, honestly. He must have so much on his shoulders as the heir (I mean, obviously).
"One strike, okay?" With... a pocket knife?? Yeah that's definitely gonna go through bone with one strike, P.
I like that K encourages P to leave... Because he knows it's best for P.
I LOVE how Apo acts this scene (honestly the whole sequence including after the bad guys show up) after Kinn tells him to get out of there... You can really see the man go, "Shit. I have to do this first." And then turns around and gives such a good feeling kiss. Ugh. K clenching his shirt because for him, it's the last time he'd see P and he doesn't want to let him go. Then the focus on the cuffs they'd just been wearing for who knows how many days as a symbol of them together and the journey they just went on and the falling in love. It's all so good.
P really said "you're not getting my man, fuck you." And then K gets shot 🙃
Then the look of, oh my god I really almost got away from here but now I'm trapped again, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
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Another long one. So sorry, but not too sorry. I appreciate all of you who read these rambling text posts very much ❤
Rest day tomorrow, which I kind of need because adulting and work. I shall see you all on the 8th for episode 7. Thanks for reading, y'all.
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drawnaghht · 1 year
just for the record, for Samurai Rabbit fans who do like the show, objectively, the show is pretty good. What's the objective measure here? for me it's usually just much I can enjoy it while watching, but there's always more to it than that. i was a bit bored with the show the first 2 eps, but then it surprised me with a few elements in ep 3. I slowly understood what it was actually going for with the slowness. I kept watching and found things I liked about it. Got all sorts of theories and connections and story ideas. I started re-reading Usagi Yojimbo and went looking for more crew interviews. Saw how much the cast and crew seemed to like it and I'm convinced that it was a good show to work on. Rewatched it in other dubs to get some other perspective for my theories. But that's just one way I enjoy shows.
Of course, there's no real objectivity when it comes to tastes, so I say, if you like it, like it unabashedly. You never know when a show just ends or you'll look back and might feel sad you didn't really let yourself enjoy it, just because others don't. I've watched much trashier shows before this one, (comparably, Samurai Rabbit isn't even trashy at all), and those have gotten much less hate, for being much much more annoying/bad/low quality as a whole x3 You don't have to feel bad about folks hating on the show online. They just have a different taste than you. But if you like it, that's really the only metric you need to judge it.
(this is specifically a thought bc a younger fan wrote to me that they felt sad that the show got so much hate in reviews/online posts etc)
if the show was truly as bad as some folks say, it probably would not have been made. there are just so many factors at play in making a show, i personally just try to go by my gut feeling at this point abt shows and if they're going to be fun to watch or not.
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and lol i don't have the energy to put this into a longer well-articulated post but still wondering i guess why there are so many posts with "oh this show ain't so good, i hate it" etc etc
sorry for sounding harsh or whatever but literally, watch more animation!!!! there are shows worse than this one and if you'd been alive when those aired you would have watched them and remembered them fondly, only to realize one day you were just watching them out of boredom bc there was nothing else animated on
even shows which we lambast as critical darlings within fandoms had their ups and downs during airing
how well a show is received always depends on how much the network loves it, but also a lot of pure luck
or you'd find a good show and see that the network abruptly ended it, not even with a solution or real ending, but just something open bc the creators were hoping the show could come back. or the show would come back, but completely changed, something so unwatchable you wish you could unwatch it
at least, that was my experience watching cartoons as a 20-something or younger, coming back to cartoon-watching because I had time after highschool
maybe the show just came out too late/early, and would have found a different audience if it came out at a different time. I think about how ROTTMNT was received and how now reviewers are coming back to it, with tails between their legs like "UmU this show was not so bad... after all!!!" shut it!!!! i guess compared to how rise was treated by old TMNT fans and critics alike, this one has gone fairly under the radar or remained almost unremarked upon. Well, old UY did complain about it, and youtube reviewers too, so it's sorta the same thing. kids' cartoons will always have adult critics because everyone thinks they know how to run a cartoon/know what a good cartoon is xD
find other things to do!!!! make your own cartoons and see how easy it is. western cartoon/tv is just how it is and it's not bad to expect more of it, but also, it feels weird to go along with hating or reviewbombing etc just because that's become something "in" now. there's worse media than an animated adaptation turned into a kids cartoon, made during the pandemic.
lowkey some of you just seem kind of spoiled with how many good series there are, and you're just putting the bar so high for even shows you like, NOTHING is good for you unless it's extremely perfect or catering to each and every of your expectations xD
yea ok, it's a children's cartoon - whatever! western children's cartoons can run such a wide gamut of quality vs enjoyability, there's so many shows now you can enjoy instead.
if it's good for you, great! if it's not, ok! don't go posting it in the tags as some universal opinion lol xD
again, there are much worse cartoons out there in the past and in other parts of the world. one little animation mistake or even several per episode aren't going to break my enjoyment of the episode or show as a whole xD
the slowness i mentioned experiencing for example, is also subjective. A reviewer on Commonsensemedia, wrote that they found the show too fast-paced, but that their young daugther liked it, and how the messaging came off as good to both them and their child. It's a matter of perspective.
like yeah, it's a bit goofy and dorky at times, I personally do not get some of the jokes (more on that in a proper review) and maybe as an animator, i'm a bit annoyed at some of the things done with the 3D animation specifically. But that's personal! and those are so few things. on the flipside, I was still able to enjoy the rest of the show, because to me it felt like a lot of care and thought was put into it as a whole. Like, many of the visdev team actually asked to be on the show. It can't be that bad if long time professionals around the western animation industry want to work on it.
A show that's truly bad, would not even bother fleshing out some sort of villain or antagonists at all, and mabye would have scrapped Kagehito as a character entirely, when hearing that it was sort of impossible to animate him as intended. But there's a lot of stuff in this show like that. Compromises from the crew, so they could still make the show and focus on aspects of production and story that were more necessary. So for example also, lobbying for more appearances of Miyamoto Usagi, even though Netflix was not on-board with that themselves, the producers and showrunners were.They were pushing for more of him and his backstory in this show.
so eah, idk, this ended up long anyway, but just, if you like it already, it's ok xD you don't have to justify yourself to other fans or people. and honestly, if you dislike it, same thing. you don't have to justify it. you can just dislike things without reason.
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mateidontevenknow · 2 years
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Ship: Damon x Klaus x OC (Fem)
Therapist friend
A hand turned the door knob on the wooden door. Charlotte's door. Damon peeked inside to find the short woman curled up on her blue sofa. Her shoulder length blonde hair bouncing around her face.
"Damon, welcome. What can I do you for?"
"I just needed a moment of peace and quiet, away from everyone, but I'm sorry if I'm intruding on something. I can leave..."
"Nonsense. You know I enjoy your company. So get over here," She gestured for him to come sit with her, "and get comfortable. I'm not doing anything else today."
She held out her hands for a hug. Damon obliged flopping down onto the young woman and wrapping his arms around her. His head rested on her chest.
"I'm watching a romantic comedy called, You've got Mail. You seen it?"
"No, I don't think so."
"You wanna watch it?"
"Not usually into chick flicks but today calls for one so sure."
The film started, but Charlotte didn't really watch it. She mostly stared down at the gorgeous man in her lap. With extra curly hair that framed his face perfectly, eyes you could drown in, full lips and some muscle, he could make any girl swoon. His sense of humor was adorable and Charlotte thought it funny when she was dubbed, 'Damon’s freshly found female friend'."
Her hand moved up to his hair, tangling her fingers in the soft fluff. Her other hand held him tight as he lay on top of her. His head rested on her chest, his face turned away to look at the TV.
After the film, the conversation started up again.
"You wanna talk about what happened today?"
"Yeah. It'll probably feel good to just get it all out."
"Yeah and I have ice cream for afterwards."
"It started a week ago with a roadtrip. Elena," Charlotte cringed at the mention of her name, " and I went to go see Jeremy. And while we stayed at a motel she tried to kiss me..."
"Wait while dating Stef?"
"Yes and I pushed her back, saying it wasn't right but she didn't care. She would've crushed my little brother's heart at the thought of spending one night with me. That's awful. And to be perfectly honest she's turning more into Katherine by the day. I don't think I'd be able to tell them apart anymore."
"I'm sorry. I get why that makes you upset. Especially since she is so close with Stef."
"Yeah, I'm scared she's going to hurt him like Katherine hurt me. I just can't with stupid dobbelgangers anymore. And I feel like such an idiot, wasting my emotions on someone like her. I'm sorry I'm rambling."
Charlotte used her vampiric strength to hoist Damon up further onto her, allowing him to bury his face in her neck.
"Emotions are never wasted. They're not always fun and they don't always seem useful, but they are never wasted or without meaning."
"To me it seems like they're never fun. Well except with one person..."
"Oh the secret boyfriend I'm not allowed to know about, huh? It's fine, I don't need to know who he is to be able to tell he makes you happy. I'm glad you found someone."
"Thank you, but I think you deserve to know."
"Oh and who is this mystery man?"
"Klaus Mikealson. And I'm gonna tell him you called him mystery man."
"Alright, I'm not really surprised."
"Wow. Your reaction was a lot more tame than Elena’s. She gave me a whole speech about how he tried to kill her."
"She always talks about herself first, doesn't she?"
"Yeah, well safe to say she wasn't impressed."
"Wait, you told her? Does Stef know?"
"No, actually she walked in on us making out. It's her fault, she didn't knock. And no I haven't told Stef yet, I think I'll wait on that."
"Yeah, probably a good idea."
The ring tone of Damon's phone cut through the air. Damon picked up without looking at the caller ID.
Elena’s voice shattered the golden silence.
"Damon, I know you're mad about the kiss, but quite frankly you need to get over-"
Charlotte snatched the phone and ended the call. Damon sighed, digging his head further into the woman's neck.
"Charlie, can I stay here tonight? Just to get away. I know I'm annoying but I'd really appreciate it."
"Why do you do that?" Her tone was sharp.
"Do what?"
"Why do you hate yourself so loudly? That's the third time you've said something negative about yourself, today alone. Seriously you could use some positive inner dialogue. But yes you can stay. You can even phone Klaus if you want to. Tell him to come over?"
"Really, how do you know him?"
"Believe it or not, he's been here many times. In exactly the same position as you. Talking to me about some mystery boyfriend he had. So you spilled his secret as well. Something you two have in common."
Damon laughed.
"Yes, 'cause you're the most cuddly person in Mystic Falls. And for that reason, I'm staying right here. Can you put on some music?"
"Ok sure. If you hand me my phone, I can call Klaus and put on some music."
Klaus walked into the familiar apartment to find his boyfriend curled up on top of his friend. Damon snoring away while Charlie stared into space. He smiled.
"He stole my spot."
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outsideratheart · 2 years
Never Stopped (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: So I started this on 20th April and I kept coming back to it every now and then but I was determined to finish it before the Euros so here it is and it could be one of my favourite fics i have written so far, also could be my longest at 6.7k words but i’m not sure. Anyways, I hope you guys like it!
Dubai is beautiful. You were skeptical when you were first told about your pre world cup training being held in a different time zone, to you it didn’t make sense but this is exactly what the team needed. It was a chance to get away from the pressure that mounted back in England and it gave the team the perfect opportunity to bond. A lot of the players saw each other frequently with most of them playing in the WSL but it was different for you and Lucy as you both played in France with Lyon. 
You remember when you made the decision to leave Arsenal, you would go so far as to say it was the hardest one you have every made. You left the team that raised you, the people that you called family but most importantly it would mean you living over 580 miles away from your girlfriend. 
Leah was your everything. You remember when she first joined the Arsenal senior team, it didn’t take long for you to fall for her and god did you fall hard, you put the cheesy rom coms to shame. Despite her being your girlfriend she was also your best friend but she wasn’t your only best friend. It was you, Leah and Jordan, you were dubbed the three amigos by your team mate Alex Scott.
The distance was thing that killed your relationship in the end. You thought it was worth it, you were willing to fight for your happiness but Leah couldn’t do it and it broke your heart, but what hurt more was that a couple of months later you found out she began seeing Jordan. It went from being the three of you to being the two and them, then you, all the way in France. 
You are in the recovery room with Lucy scrolling aimlessly through twitter.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Lucy look up from her phone then back down then back at you. This sequence repeating itself a few more times but you lose your patience.
“What is it Lucy?” You ask your best friend.
The way she looked at you, you could tell that she was debating saying something.
“I’m just going to say it” Lucy pauses causing you to let out a small chuckle.
“Well you are doing a rubbish job at it” you say thinking of the irony.
“Leah and Jordan broke up” your body tenses at her words though it wasn’t a surprise, it was what Beth first said to you when you got to the hotel.
“Doesn’t change anything” you say bluntly before turning your attention back to your phone.
“Liar” Lucy whispers to herself but you hear her and deep down you know she isn’t completely wrong.
Considering your history, you and Leah still get along. It was difficult to talk about her when you broke up, let alone be in the same room together. After time you realised that you cannot spend your life avoiding Leah Williamson, truth is you didn’t want to. You and Leah both agreed that you wouldn’t let your past affect your future, that your lives would be a lot better with each other in it. Over time it got back to how it was before you started dating, you didn’t hate her anymore, you didn’t hate Jordan, you liked that your two best friends found happiness in each other even though it could hurt at times.
After a few weeks, the camp in Dubai ends and the team is the strongest it has ever been. The way you played on the pitch filled you with confidence going into the World Cup. 
The flight from Dubai to France is 7 hours and no mater how hard you try you could not go to sleep so you settle with watching a film instead. You look up when you see Kiera grabbing her things making it known that she is moving seats which you found strange. 
“I’m sorry” she mouthed before moving to her new seat thus adding to your confusion.
Things soon became clear when the person she switched with sits in her seat. That someone is Leah Williamson.
You can see her staring at you out of the corner of your eye. You ignore her hoping that she will go away. Although you two are good you still avoid been alone with her, even though technical you aren’t alone with her now but everyone was doing their own thing which mean’t it was like it was just the two of you.
You pause the film, taking you headphones off and turning to face the blonde.
“You look good, I mean I couldn’t keep my eyes of you when we were in Dubai, whether in was on the pitch or when we were at the beach” the flirtatiousness in her voice is clear but it didn’t have the effect on you Leah has hoped it would, instead it has the opposite.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head as you do so. 
“You don’t get to say shit like that anymore” you whisper through gritted teeth. 
Once upon a time you would have loved to hear Leah say that but things are different now.
“Why not?” Leah asks innocently “I’m not with Jordan anymore” you laugh her at blatancy.
“I know, the whole team knows. I don’t see why you think that would change anything” 
“I just though that now that I’m single we could, you know” Leah stumbles on her words.
You shake your head in annoyance “Stop talking Leah” you tell her before putting your headphones back on and resuming your film.
20 minutes later you see Kiera sitting back down. She grabs your shoulder but you shake her off not wanting to talk to her, she knew how you felt about Leah and you were mad that she would ambush you like that.
After what feels likes forever, the plane finally lands in France. As you board the coach you sit at the front which isn’t like you so the team knows that this means to leave you alone.
You get to the hotel and the team finds out who they will be sharing with for the duration of the World Cup. Phil calls your name then Lucy’s, you turn to her giving her a fist bump. You know that this tournament is going to be difficult and you were hoping to share with Lucy as she is who you always shared with in Lyon, the two of you had a routine.
“Just give me a heads up and I will leave the room for a few hours, you know, so you and Kiera can have so alone time” you tease her.
“She thinks your mad at her” Lucy replies referring to her girlfriend.
“I am but I’ll get over it. Did you know she was going to ambush me on the plane?” You ask.
“I did and for what it’s worth I told her it was a bad idea” Lucy says as she wraps her arm around you shoulder “I take it things didn’t go well?” She asks.
The two of you head to your room where you tell her what Leah said to you. It was frustrating because whilst part of you knew you still loved Leah you don’t know if you will ever get over the betrayal. At the the of the day she broke your heart and then starting dating your best friend. 
The group games and knockout games go as well as you could have hoped for with England winning all four games. Phil organised a Team meal at a fancy French restaurant to celebrate getting through to the Quarter finals.
At the restaurant you are sitting next to Steph, you two have been the captain and vice captain for a few years so you have gotten pretty close.
“Leah is staring” Steph says looking behind you wear the defender is sitting.
“I don’t know what to do” you confided in your captain “I know she is single and you know how I feel about her but” 
Steph cuts you off.
“But you don’t want to get hurt” you go to speak but she cuts you off again.
“and you don’t want to hurt Jordan”
This what you loved about Steph, she knows you so well. 
You hated that Jordan wasn’t here with you. When she told you she wouldn’t be fit for the world cup your heart broke for her. She is one of the best players you have played with and it felt wrong that she didn’t make to France but she assured you that she would be cheering you on at home. You asked her if she would be coming to the games but she said it would hurt too much which you understood.
“It’s too much. I need to focus on the World Cup, that is why we are here. Leah doesn’t get to play with me, not now. You’ve heard what they are saying about me, the pressure the world cup is putting on me. I don’t have time to worry about my love life” you get up to head to the bar but Steph grabs your hand.
“Listen kid, I know you are under an immense amount fo pressure, more than any of us but that is because you are one of the best. As for your love life, don’t let football consume you, you deserve to be happy and before you say it, I know football makes you happy but like most things, it means nothing if you don’t have anyone to share it with”
Deep down you know Steph is right but hell would freeze over before you admit it so you do what you do best, deflect and make a joke.
“I have you and Stephen to share it with” you joke as you kiss her temple before heading to the bar.
Leah watches you and Steph from her table. She has been trying to get your attention all tournament but you didn’t bite, not once.
“I’m going to go talk to her” Leah tells her table which is made up of her, Georgia, Lucy, Kiera, Millie and Rachel.
“I don’t think that is a good idea” Millie says.
“Can’t you see you are making things worse” Lucy says. She has watched Leah’s failed attempts at flirting with and it is her you talk to when you are in your room. She knows how much Leah is hurting you, what she doesn’t know is how Leah isn’t getting the picture.
Leah ignores her team mates and follows you to the bar.
“This is going to end badly isn’t it?” Georgia asks and everyone hums in agreement.
You are at the bar talking to the bartender, it was nice talking French after been around your English only speaking team mates. The woman is pretty, her brown hair and Hazel eyes have your full attention, so much so that you don’t hear Leah approach you. You continue talking to the woman who you learn is called Helene, listening intently as she recommends a few places in Paris you must visit when you there.
Leah coughs seeking your attention.
“Helene, please excuse me” you tell her.
When you turn to face Leah she has an expression on her face that you can’t quite place.
“So you do know how to flirt” Leah says sarcastically.
“Of course, I do” 
“Because I have been flirting with you since we got to France and you haven’t responded at all” Leah says almost hurt by the lack of attention you have shown her thus far.
“You really don’t get it do you?” You snap which gains the attention of you team.
The growing tension between you and Leah has become evident to everyone, even the coaches. Phil even pulled you aside after training to talk you about it but when you told him that is was nothing to worry about he believed you and so he should, whatever is going on between you and Leah hasn’t affected your playing.
When you see everyone’s eyes on you, you decide to take the conversation somewhere a little more private which didn’t turn out as you hoped because you and Leah where soon in the streets of La Havre.
“You are playing games Leah, you may not think you are but you are. I loved you, you were my everything and then you were nothing. Now here you are flirting with me, saying the same things you did when we were together. It reminds me of what we had and then it reminds of getting my heart broken. It hurts me when you act like nothing happened between us” you feel your throat close as your emotion boil to the surface
“That’s not what I am trying to do”
“I know I told you I forgave you and I have but I can’t forget what happened, it took me years to get over you. I was miserable, ask Lucy she knows, she help put me back together” 
“Y/N I’m sorry, I’m” Leah begins to talk but you cut her off.
“Just give me space, please?” You ask as a few tears fall down your cheek.
For the first time Leah sees it, she sees the pain in your eyes, the pain she has caused.
You walk back in the restaurant and you wipe the tears from your face, something that doesn’t go unseen by your team mates.
Since then, much to your surprise, Leah leaves you alone only talking to you if it about football. 
Going into the Quarter final, all of you focus is on the the game and doing whatever it takes to get into the semi final.
England beat Norway 3-0, goals coming from you, Ellen and Lucy. The thing about football, as obvious as it may sound, in order for one team to win the other must lose. When the final whistles blows you and the girls celebrate but when to look around you see the Norwegians consoling each other and you can’t help but feel bad, especially when you see your Lyon team mate Ada Hegerberg.
You walk towards where she is standing with Caroline and Ingrid. As you approach, the other two players walk away, leaving you with Ada.
“You played great” You tell her and it wasn’t a lie. She was amazing like always and you know that she will be beating herself up inside.
“I don’t know what happened, nothing seemed to work for us” She told you and you could see the tears building in her eyes so pulled her into your arms hoping to bring her some comfort.
“You did everything you could” you say and you can feel her tears on your shirt.
Behind Ada you can see Leah staring at the two of you and you can tell she is jealous. You make eye contact with her and shake your head. Seeing that she has been caught, Leah turns her attention back to your team mates.
Ada pulls away “I’m going to miss you Y/N, Lyon won’t be the same without you” 
“I’ll miss you too. You’ll have to come to London, I’ll be your tour guide” you say causing her to laugh.
You let Ada go back to her team whilst you go to where Steph, Carly and Jill are talking to Phil.
“Is this why she is acting off with me? We used to flirt with each other all the time, is this the reason why she won’t anymore” Leah asks “She is dating Ada Hegerberg?” 
“You’re Jealous?” Ellen asks and Leah doesn’t answer which is an answer in itself.
Lucy scoffs in annoyance.
“She won’t flirt with you because you broke her heart and dated her best friend. She then had to watch the two of you together and act like she was ok with it because if she said something she would be the arsehole whilst you got off scott free and now just because you are single again you think you can flirt and play games with Y/N” 
When you get back to the hotel you receive a text from Leah asking to meet her in her room.
Leah lets you in and you rest against the tv unit whilst Leah sits on the bed.
“I’m sorry for flirting with you” Leah says, you raise your eyebrows in surprise but that doesn’t last long “I wouldn’t have done it if I knew you had a girlfriend, Ada seems nice by the way. Sucks to knock your girlfriend out of the World Cup though” you roll your eyes at her smugness. 
“I knew you were Jealous” you shake your head “Me and Ada aren’t dating, she is one of my best friends and I have just destroyed her dream of winning the World Cup so I wanted to make sure she was ok” you explain your actions.
“You can’t blame me for thinking it though. That hug wasn’t one which friends share” You shake your head in disbelief “I mean she is your type, blonde that is” 
“Something we have in common” you say taking a cheap shot.
“And there it is. You never did forgive me did you?” Leah asks as she tries to get you to admit it.
“Forgive you?” You are now shouting “You said I should join Lyon, that it was a good idea and then you broke up with me and starting dating Jordan”
“But you forgave Jordan” Leah buts in.
“Not completely but Jordan flew to France after she found out that I knew about the two of you, did you know that? She came to Lyon and explained that she loved you and you made her happy, she apologised that she hurt me in the process, something you never did” 
Leah stood up and walked towards you.
“Y/N I am so sorry I hurt you, I truly am. Breaking up with you is the worst thing I have ever done, you have to believe me. I love you”
“Leah I won’t let you hurt Jordan like you hurt me. I know you two aren’t together but from what I have heard, you haven’t been broken up that long and now you are here telling me you love me”
“Because I do”
“Don’t you care about hurting Jordan, that would do to her what you did me”
“But I love you” Leah repeats herself.
“I won’t lose Jordan because you suddenly realise that you love me”
“I didn’t suddenly realise it Y/N, I have always loved you”
“I don’t know if that is enough. Being with you isn’t worth me losing my friend” You try to explain.
The look on Leah’s face is enough to break you heart all over again. Leah is telling you exactly what you have wanted to hear for years yet you can’t act on them.
“You’re choosing her over me?” Leah asks in defeat.
“Doesn’t feel good does it?” You ask as you leave her room.
As you open the door you see Leah’s room mate Kiera and your room mate Lucy, you wonder how much they heard.
“Want to go get pissed?” Lucy asks knowing that you have an off day tomorrow. Her suggestion letting you know that she heard enough of your argument.
You and Lucy are several drinks in. The alcohol causing you to let your guard down which in turn brings all of your feelings to the surface. All of those feelings having something to do with a certain blonde defender. You know that you have to make things right with her even if it is only whilst you are in France. Everyone has picked up on the friction between the two of you and the last thing you wanted to do was make your team feel uncomfortable.
But I love you
Leah’s words play on a loop in your head. She loved you, after all this time. You should be happy but you weren’t, well not completely. 
“Care to share with the class?” Lucy says bringing you back to reality.
You don’t know where to start. How can you explain your feelings if you wasn’t sure how you were  feeling.
“Can I suggest something that might help?” You nod your head “take Jordan out of the equation”
“I have tried but I can’t. I can’t hurt her, she is my best friend” You refuse to be a hypocrite.
“Do you love her?” One of the things you loved about Lucy is that she didn’t beat around the bush.
“I do but” 
“No buts Y/N. A lot of things change in our life, you can move clubs, move to a different country but your feelings for her have stayed the same. That has got to count for something” Lucy profoundly says.
“When did you get so wise?” You joke.
“About 3 drinks ago” 
The two of you finish the drinks you have before settling the check. You both stumble back to the hotel, acting as sober as you can when you get the to floor the England team are staying on. Tomorrow might be your day off but the two of you would still get in trouble if a member of the coaching staff knew you have been drinking and stayed out past curfew.
The next morning the team decide to go to a small bistro not to far from the hotel for breakfast before separating into groups, some deciding to go shopping, others wanting to explore the French city.
You and Lucy keep your sunglasses on for the majority of the meal even though you are both in the shade. You cannot help but laugh when you see Lucy resting her head on Kiera’s shoulder as she turns her nose up at the food in front of her, clearly she was more hungover than you.
You are mid conversation when your phone goes off, looking down at the screen you see that it is Jordan. Choosing not to take the call you decline it and put your phone face down on the table.
About ten minutes later, it goes off again. Looking at the screen, you see that once again it is Jordan.
What you weren’t aware off is Leah is now sat next to you as she speaks to Carly.
“Why is she calling you? Jordan hates talking on the phone” Leah asks you.
“I don’t know if you have realised but I haven’t taken any of her calls so I wouldn’t know” you snap a little harshly but Leah is the last person you want to speak to right now.
In the end you answer the phone next time Jordan calls if for no other reason than to end the conversation you are having with Leah.
“Excuse me” you say as you leave to table to take the call.
“Hi Jordy, is everything ok?” You ask curiously.
“As good as it can be” the arsenal midfielder tells you.
You can’t help but feel sorry for the girl. It has been her dream to play in the world cup and to get it taken away from here must have been awful. You don’t know how you would’ve reacted if you were in her shoes.
“A little birdy tells me that things aren’t going too well with Leah” 
You sigh at her words. Of course this is why she called, it was obvious if you took the time to think  about it.
Jordan takes your silence as a sign to continue.
“I know you are holding back because of me” 
“That’s not it, well it is but that isn’t the only reason why” you struggle to explain the situation.
“She loves you Y/N. I know you won’t believe me but she never stopped. Things between us were never like how it was between the two of you. I couldn’t make her happy like you could”
“Jordan” you say practically begging her to stop talking.
“Listen to me Y/N. She hurt you but she didn’t do it alone. You found a way to forgive me, now you need to find a way to forgive her. Do that, admit how you really feel and you can have your happy ending”
You laugh at Jordan’s cheesiness.
“Jeez Jords, what kind of pain killers are you on. I will get my happy ending, what you are on about” 
“What can I say, I have had a lot of spare time lately, I am going through a rom com phase. Right know you are Leah are in the I still love you but I won’t tell you because I want to protect myself stage”
You know she is joking around but Jordan’s words hit deep. She is right but it doesn’t make it any easier. 
“I take your silence as proof that I am right” Jordan says full of herself.
“You always did know me well”
“I know you both well. That is why I can see what is happening even if the two of you won’t admit it.” 
You pause, once again struggling to find the words.
“Oh and Y/N” Jordan pauses “You won’t lose me if you give her a second chance”
You didn’t know you needed to her her say but you did. Things with Leah are difficult but at least now you know that you won’t lose Jordan if you chose to be with Leah.
You and Jordan talk for a few more minutes before she tells you she has to go to a physio appointment. You say your goodbyes before going back to the team.
When you get back to the table you mouth ‘thank you’ you Lucy who you know told Jordan about you hesitations.
The next few days you aren’t as harsh to Leah, going beyond just being civil. You don’t have the chance to have the talk with her as the team is busy prepping for the semi final.
Soon enough the day comes, it is time for the semi final. Everyone is in the locker room ready to head to the tunnel.
“Listen up girls” you say as you stand in the middle of the room “I know that some of you are nervous, you would be crazy not to be but we have earned our right to here. This entire tournament we have shown the world why England should be considered one of the best in the world. I am proud of every single of you” you take a breath as you find yourself getting a little choked up but when you look at Leah she nods her head, the smile on her face restoring your composure “As always, we play every minute like the first minute until the last minute”
The game doesn’t go as planned. When Christen press scores in the 10th minute you tell the team to keep their heads up. You manage to get a goal back long after but the tie doesn’t last long as Alex Morgan scores just before the end of the first half. 
There is a eerie energy in the locker room at half time. You cannot help but feel like the game is already over. The team is knackered with the US been extremely physical.
The second half is goalless but it still means that England lose.
When the final whistle blows you watch as the US celebrate reaching to the world cup final again. As you look around you see a mixture of reactions. Some players are on the ground, t-shirts over the eyes to cover their tears and others are consoling each other.
You stand there, unable to move. It is as if your feet are in cement. You are not sad, nor are you mad, you are numb as you stand there in shock. How could you have let this happen. It was your job to lead your team to the final and you failed.
You are so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t feel Phil bring you into a hug.
“You did us proud this tournament Y/N and you did you country proud. These moments happen in football but I know you, I know that you will use this as fuel for the next one” 
Although his words are meant to bring you solace, you cannot help but feel worse.
When you look around again you lock eyes with Leah. She starts to walk over you but you shake your head. You didn’t want to see her, you couldn’t look her in the eyes, not right now.
The coach ride back to the hotel is silent. The only sound to be heard is that of the radio which quietly plays some French music. When you get back to the hotel you tell the team to take the night to process the day and everyone will reconvene tomorrow afternoon.
The whole England squad is like a team but it also had its groups. In moments like this you know that sometimes people want their space, it is not necessarily best to be with the entire team. Everyone goes to their rooms but you stay in the hotel reception. You know that Lucy and Kiera will be in your room and so they should be, it is Lucy room just as much as ours and Lucy needed Kiera right now and vice versa.
You sit on one of the sofas, your arms rest on your knees as you bury your head in your heads. You body was starting to ache and your head began pounding, something that always happened when you bottle up your emotions.
You feel the seat beside you sink and arms wraps around your shoulder, pulling you closer into the owners chest.
When you look up you are face to face with the blue eyed blonde who always brought you comfort in your darkest moments.
“I let you down. I let everyone down” you tell her as you burst into tears.
Leah doesn’t reply. Instead she tightens her hold as you bury your head in the crook of her neck.
“I should’ve tried harder” you sniffle as you speak, trying to control yourself but ultimately failing.
“I don’t deserve to be the captain”
Leah pushes you away but keeps her hands on either side of your shoulders. 
“Look at me” you do as your told “I am so proud of you Y/N and you will always be my captain, whether we win or we lose”
Leah cuts you off.
“No buts. We can’t win them all but we can use what we did today to make sure that we are better in the future” 
“You sound like a captain” you let out a small chuckle as you wipe the tears from your eyes.
“You lead by example Y/N” she says, once again trying to reassure you.
Leah stands, holding out her hand for you to take which you do.
“Do you want to have a sleepover? I am pretty sure that my room mate will be spending the night with yours” Leah asks you.
You want nothing more than to take her up on her offer but you aren’t sure if it is the best idea. 
“Stop overthinking things. There are two beds but I won’t be opposed if you want to share, I really miss your cuddles”
“I miss giving them to you” you says without thinking.
Leah smiles at your admission. This is the first time that you have gave her an indication of how you are feeling.
The two of you go to Leah’s room, you ultimately deciding that it is best if the two of you sleep in separate beds which she understands.
The next morning you wake up before Leah. You watch as she sleeps, she looks so peaceful. The longer you stare the more memories of similar moments come back to you. Leah never has been a morning person but you didn’t mind as it gave you moments like this. Seeing someone you care so deeply for be so peaceful brings you a similar feeling. You don’t want to wake her so instead you leave her a note, thanking her for last night and letting her know that you would see her at breakfast.
The dynamic at breakfast is different. Everyone seems to be in a much better place than they was when they arrived back of the hotel. The majority of the team has come to terms with the loss, agreeing that it is part of the game and that we will come back stronger. You are happy to see your friends happy, well they are less sad.
3 days later you have the third place game which you win. The next day the team gathers in the hotel conference room to watch the final, everyone agreeing that it would sting to much to watch the game live, given that it could have been them if things had turned out differently.
You watch as the US win their second consecutive world cup. A couple of hours later you receive a DM on instagram from Megan Rapinoe asking if you and the girls would like to join them at their party. She insists that it isn’t just a party to celebrate the US win, it is a party to celebrate the woman of football and what this world cup meant for the future of the game.
After asking the team, the majority of which agree to go, you respond telling that you and the girls will be there.
“So are you going to tell her?” Lucy asks you.
You are sat in front of the mirror finishing your make up. You look in the mirror but back at Lucy. This is moment you have been dreading but also been yearning for. Ever since the semi final game you have been thinking about the your future, more specifically one that includes Leah. You are no longer focused on the past and the heartbreak that took place.
“I am” you swallow the air in nervousness.
Sensing your anxiousness, Lucy kneels down by your side.
“You and Leah are made for each other. It was when I saw your relationship that I knew I wanted the same thing with Kiera” you turn to face the defender upon hearing her confession, something that she has never told you “I know you are scared but you cannot live in fear Y/N. Love can be scary but you know that it can also be the most amazing thing in the world” 
You feel yourself relaxing more and more as Lucy calms you down.
“Now let’t go so that you can get your girl and I can see mine” she stands to her feet, as you do the same.
The two of you are the last ones to the hotel reception.
“I was going to give you shit for being late but damn skipper, you clean up well” Ellen tell you as Jill wolf whistles in agreement. 
You feel yourself blush at the compliment the forward gives you as it very rarely happened. Sure she complimented your playing style or your leadership but not this kind.
“She’s right, you look breathtaking” you jump a little when you feel Leah’s breath on your shoulder letting you know that she is very close to you. 
You turn to meet her gaze, the two of you only millimetres way.
“Nothing and nobody compares to you Leah, never have and never will” you look around to see that nobody is paying attention to either of you so you seize the opportunity.
You place a gentle kiss on Leah’s cheek. It doesn’t last long because it doesn’t have to. The feeling of your lips on her skin has Leah frozen in place.
“Nice to see I still an effect on you” you smirk confidently “shall we?” You say extending your arm out, encouraging her to lead the way to the exit of the hotel.
A couple of hours pass, before you have the chance to have a moment alone with Leah. The party is being held at a roof top bar looking over the city of Paris. You watch from a distance as Leah is on the dance floor with Georgia, Rose Lavelle, Lindsey Horan, Jill Roord as well as a few other players that you didn’t know that well.
When you eyes meet you tilt you head back slightly, hoping that she would understand that you wanted to talk to her, much to your satisfaction she did.
You are about to speak but Leah beats you to it.
“I spoke to Ada earlier” you eyes widen, last time Leah saw Ada things didn’t end well between the two of you.
Seeing you tense up, she places her hand on your bicep.
“No need to stress out Y/N, nothing happened. She actually told me something very interesting” 
“What?” You ask not having the foggiest at to what the Norwegian could have told her.
“She told me that you are leaving Lyon” you nod her head confirming that what Ada told her was true.
“It’s time I come home” you respond simply.
“To Arsenal?” Leah asks. The way her eyes light up, you know that you have made the right decision.
“Yes. I sign my contract when we get back, you’ll have me in London for 4 years” you look at Leah trying to get a read on her but to no avail. 
“That is if you want me?” You ask. Your question having double meaning.
“Are you still talking about football?” Clearly she picks up on your true meaning.
When words don’t come you just shake your head. The smile that appears on Leah’s face rids you of any doubts that you have.
“But what about Jordan. I know I reacted badly when we last talked about this but I don’t want you to lose your best friend because of me, not again” the guilt on Leah’s face is evident.
“I won’t” you say remembering the conversation you had with the midfielder.
You reach down for Leah’s hands. It is only when you fingers intertwine that you realise how sweaty your palms are so you pull away, rubbing you hand on your dress causing Leah to laugh. After doing you you once again take her hands in yours.
“After the game against Norway I was so mad at you. How could you have the audacity to be jealous of my friendship with Ada but then you told me you loved me”
“Love you, present tense” Leah corrects you.
“Still, when you told me that, my angry subsided but I was scared to get hurt again so I pushed you away even though I knew that I felt the same way”
There it was, you finally admitted it.
“You do?” Leah asks in disbelief.
“I never stopped. I tried so hard but I couldn’t and I think part of me didn’t want to”
You watch as a stray tear falls down Leah’s cheek. You cup her face, delicately wiping away her tear. In turn she leans into your hand, closing her eyes as she relishes your touch.
“Leah, I love you” you say those three little words, words that you didn’t you would ever tell her again but here you are in the city of love ready to give the woman that broke your heart another chance.
You feel you heart beat faster and faster as Leah leans forward, you face coming closer and closer  to hers with each second that passes. You close your eyes just as you feel her lips touch yours. The world around you no longer matters as the kiss deepens. You only pull away when the lack of oxygen becomes an issue. When you open your eyes you see the blue ones which you adored so much.
“I won’t loose you again” Leah says. it is more of a promise though you’re not sure whether it is one she is making to you or one she is making to herself.
“Good because I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon” you make it clear that you want her and only her.
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teamironmanforever · 4 years
Guillermo Rojas - Spanish Dubbing actor for Dean since season 12 until 15x18 (he contracted Covid and was unable to record 15x19 or 15x20 - he has yet to record those) 
INTERVIEWER: “Memo (nickname for Guillermo), I am not sure if you knew, but you broke the internet” 
MEMO: “Yes, a lot of people sought me out when this happened. I am so sorry I wasn’t able to answer at length all of your questions, but I was right in the middle of dealing with Covid. I couldn’t speak without feeling like I was drowning. Right now I am going to (voice) therapy. While it is not too dreary, there are 2 continued effects, so I couldn’t answer everyone who contacted me through various ways - through FB, instagram and an old youtube channel that I haven’t used in years - with respect to the situation that occurred between Dean and his friend (Cas). 
MEMO: “We try to follow (our lines) in what we see of the acting. Remember that dubbing is something where we must make a parallel alignment in our own language. Under the guidelines given to us by the client, we try to expand on all possibilities and all the alignments and - as actors - they permit us to give 100% of ourselves. So there isn’t a limit per se, so long as you don’t go off track (from what was requested from the client)” 
INTERVIEWER: “What were the guidelines for the line that broke the internet” 
MEMO: “It’s curious because neither the director nor us the actors knew much about the tendency that existed. Because we didn’t have much previous information that suggested that something like this would happen. To be honest when we recorded it, we were asking wait what’s happening? I mean we did it, but no one knew this was coming neither in the production studio nor amongst the actors.” 
INTERVIEWER “I need to ask for a clarification here. I mean we are talking about the love declaration Cas made to Dean after 12 years of intense eye-contact. But the big question is Dean’s answer. Because EVERYONE heard in your voice that clear “And I you, Cas”
MEMO “And I you, yes.” 
INTERVIEWER “Where does that “And I you” come from? Was it you? What happened there?” 
“The adaptation came entirely from my director (Adrian Fogarty). He adapted it and gave us our acting guidelines, and I performed accordingly - I gave what he asked of me. We all loved it. We never saw it coming so overtly.... If you remember across all seasons, we rarely see Dean get involved with any women. It just didn’t happen, unlike his brother. He just never got involved. It wasn’t his thing, especially because we have his brother to compare him to. We saw (Sam) in a relationship in the past 2 seasons with Eileen which was a very intense relationship, and very painful in the end. Dean never had to suffer through that. They tied Dean’s pain to the loss of his mother since he lost her more than once.” 
FB question: “So It wasn’t a rogue translator, it was a rogue director”
MEMO: “Look, Fogarty has some really intense abilities and one of them is to adapt the dialogue. When you see him translate a script, when he has the time to do it - even when he is not the one directing - and he leaves it in Spanish. The dialogue said, if I remember correctly, “me too” or something like that and then we switched it to “and I you” due to effects of lip movement, rhythm, etc... We don’t all have the ability that Fogarty has, that speed which he has, to think and translate immediately. We are a team and we work together, and pool our collective abilities, and of course Fogarty does his part. You need a Fogarty in every company.” 
(The interviewer mentioned that her cat hates Sam Winchester and loves dubbed Dean’s voice). 
INTERVIEWER “Do you know what Dean said in the original script before Fogarty got his hands on it?”
“Yes, of course. It made allusions to that. (Fogarty) made the right translation. It said and so do I or me too or something like that. It said it in the (original) script.” 
INTERVIEWER: “When you heard the english version while you recorded yours, did you hear Dean say I love you too?” 
MEMO: “No. If I would have, I would have taken the earphone out and gone what the fuck? *laughs*” 
INTERVIEWER: “What was your favorite episode to film?” 
MEMO: “With my short-term memory, I would say this last one (15x18), because it says so much. In one scene, it says it all. It was impressive, and so beautiful. I never saw it coming.” 
Interviewer “Well you have broken tumblr again.” 
MEMO: “Okay *Laughs*. Well, that’s good. Thank you very much.” 
MEMO: “I think it’s clear to everyone that the fact that he (fogarty?) broke the internet, with this information was a surprise for everyone. Absolutely everyone. Because we all say that if someone wants to be a “real man” we have to be like Dean. In fact it’s something very beautiful for me because it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with feelings. It was a play by the writers that was marvelous. You didn’t see it coming, but damn do you like it.” 
MEMO: “Nothing was left out of the translation... No I was not called to re-record the “and I you”. I have not been asked to remake the dubbing. My director perfectly understood the texture of the text.” 
INTERVIEWER “Do you know if Supernatural has a quality review for the dubbing through Warner Bros?” 
MEMO: “I would be lying to you if I said yes, but I have been working for WB (LatAM) for many years as both an actor and director. And there is some specific material where they do have “filters”, but with something like supernatural I doubt it. I would assume the one left in charge of all decisions was our director (Fogarty).” 
INTERVIEWER “Have you been interpreting Dean as in love with Castiel this entire time or was it a surprise for you?” 
MEMO: “No, never, it was a surprise. In fact, to be entirely honest, to my closest friends - of the same gender - I do use the phrase “te amo”. I don’t have any issues with that. So I actually thought it went that way - but then I found out it was romantic.” 
INTERVIEWER: “Guillermo, what is your opinion, of destiel now that you know the nature of their relationship.” 
“Well it was a revelation for everyone - including me. I love how they handled it because we didn’t see it coming. And I think, of our understanding of the character’s traits and psychology, we know that if someone knows how to repress their feelings, it’s Dean Winchester. *laughs*” 
INTERVIEWER: “What would you say to Cas if he came back from the empty?” 
MEMO: “He came back?! (he hasn’t seen 15x19 or x20)
INTERVIEWER: “No I am saying what would he say IF he did” 
MEMO: “Oh, okay. I was under the assumption that I said I loved him so long as he wasn’t planning on coming back! *laughs* Well if he returns I guess I would say “Hello, Cas”.  
INTERVIEWER: *Tells MEMO about the not for nothing cas but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” 
MEMO: OKAAAAY *laughs* That was too much. *laughs* 
INTERVIEWER: Would you be this fandom’s Godfather? 
MEMO: But of course *smiles* This was a big thing, from what I see. 
INTERVIEWER: “What message would you give to the fans who are descovering the spanish dub?” 
“first, thanks a lot of being part of the mexican dubbing. We do this job with all the heart and all the passion that we have. And I think I speak for all involved in this industry. We are glad to note that there are so many people from other countries that are watching these new projects in another language. So I have no words but thanks a lot.” 
INTERVIWER: “What would be your ideal ending for Dean Winchester” 
MEMO “I think, for all of them, they have sacrificed their lives and that of their loved ones for the safety and well being of everyone else. I think if anyone deserves to be well, happy, and calm, at least it’s those three (Sam, Cas, and Dean).” 
INTERVIEWER: “What about jack?” 
MEMO “Jack did attach himself to them, but I think he could find happiness in another nest.” *laughs* 
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donutloverxo · 3 years
His queen
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Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
Note - An anon asked for an au sequel to first night with no stucky but this can be read as a one shot. Thanks to lizzygal(link to ao3) for her advice on this! This is written for @sweetlyscared's 1k angst challenge! Congrats boo! I used the prompt 'Do you love her?' Although this is hardly angsty but it's as angsty as someone as soft as me can get🥺 Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Summary - Married life with Steve was amazing (although with a few bumps in the way) until you discovered a heartbreaking secret.
Warnings - explicit sexual content, painful sex, innocent naive insecure reader, dub con/noncon, soft dark Steve, jealous Steve, ooc villain Sharon, like a little breeding kink, some angst.
Pairing - soft dark king!Steve x reader
Word count - 5.3k
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Steve jolted when your palm hit him across his face, his hand circled around your wrist, ready to fight whatever it was that slapped him off, his grip loosening when he realised it was just you. You wiggled your hand away from his grip, mumbling incoherently before turning away from him, so that he could only see the silhouette of your nude back in the dim light.
Although he had been with a handful of women, he never had to share a bed with one. He didn’t think he’d ever have to, he was born in royalty, raised to be a king. While he liked having your soft warm body in his arms, he maybe could live without your hands slapping him, or both your legs over his thighs and hips.
It was customary for wives to have their own chambers after the honeymoon period was over. And with a heavy heart he had sent you to your own chambers, he made sure you were treated to the best luxuries possible.
But he found himself missing your presence soon enough. Your legs over his, you annoying him for attention whenever he was working, the way you hummed a song in your head, how you often clumsily bumped into things, your sweet beautiful voice, your scent, everything about you.
So he went to your room, told you that you were to live with him in his chambers from then on. You were hesitant at first, but didn’t say no to him.
You could never deny him anything. He loved that about you. How subservient you were despite being so fiery.
He was grateful to have made you move in, in times like these, when his cock was hard and achingly pressed against your thigh, he had you right where he wanted you.
He softly called out your name, he’d rather have you awake for this. He loved listening to the sweet sounds he could pull out of you. When you didn’t so much as stir he decided he would just have to wake you up another way.
Pushing your legs off his, spreading them apart to make room for him as he hovered over you, pressing soft kisses, rubbing his beard against your skin, he made his way down to his destination, he was parched for your nectar.
He kissed your petal, your cunt already oozing with need, your body would always want him even if you weren’t awake. He frowned when you didn’t move at all. He had been a bit too rough with you that night, exhausting you, making you pass out as soon as he was done, but he was growing more and more impatient.
Scraping his teeth over your clit, he bit it ever so lightly as you yelped awake.
“Oh!” you gasped when you looked down to find the king between your legs.
Swallowing a lump, because this was still so very strange to you. Your mother had told you how a man and woman make love before your wedding, but she never mentioned anything like this.
From your knowledge the king putting his mouth there wouldn’t result in you getting pregnant. But it did bring you great pleasure, to the point where it was maddening.
Sometimes it was the only thing on your mind.
It was as if you were addicted to it.
“My king...” you squirmed when you felt him push his fingers inside you, “I’m so tired... I have court tomorrow...” How he managed to do all his duties and still have you at least thrice everyday was beyond you.
“You don’t have to go. You’re the queen, the future mother of my children, you deserve a day off. Besides I do work you a bit too hard, don’t I?” he asked before plunging his tongue into your heat.
“Huh? No... I’m glad to be serving you...” And you had yet to give him any heirs.
It wasn’t long before you released all over his mouth, your cheeks heating up when you saw his beard coated with your slick as he wiped it off with the back of his hand.
“You can stay in bed all day tomorrow. That way you’ll be strong and ready by the time I’m back.” He told you before capturing your lips in a bruising kiss, as you tasted yourself on his mouth.
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Turns out a day off was everything that you had needed. You were born a princess, albeit of a kingdom standing on its last legs, you were the youngest of six sisters, your prospects weren’t all that great.
Your mother told you that you’d be lucky to get a rich lord, let alone a Duke or a prince. A King was out of the question. She taught you how to handle a household, she never could’ve prepared you for court or to be a queen. You always dreamt of marrying for love. Of running away after falling for a stable boy and living far away and being free.
But you married the King of the most prestigious kingdom in the whole world. While you had grown to love Steven, you didn’t love all the responsibilities that were thrusted upon you so suddenly, you didn’t like how you were always under scrutiny. Every move you made was watched and judged by others. You still couldn’t believe your life sometimes.
So it was nice to have a day to yourself. You had slept in till late in the morning, having your breakfast in bed before taking a leisurely bath and then decided to go for a walk in the garden just before the sunset before you’d have to go back up and have dinner with your husband before having to perform your wifely duties.
“Your grace,” you smiled upon hearing the familiar voice, turning around to see Lady Sharon approaching you.
You hadn’t seen her in over a month. She had been so kind to assist you and help you get acclimated to your duties, you’d always be grateful to her.
“I thought you were under the weather,” she frowned. It was the excuse you had given to skip court with your ladies that day. Which wasn’t a complete lie. You were a little sore between your legs. But a warm bath had fixed that.
“I’m feeling quite better,” you said, standing upright, a dignified smile on your face--formal and curt.
Always be formal and curt with everyone. Your instinct was to hug her when you saw her after her month long trip, like you would to any of your sisters or friends, but you must always act like a queen since you were one.
“How was your trip?” you asked her as she hooked her arm in yours so you could both resume walking.
“It went alright. Mama wants to marry me off to the Duke Stark, the trip was some sort of matchmaking ploy,” she snorted.
“What’s wrong with Stark? He seems so charming.” You remember meeting him at your coronation ceremony. Where he had got you beautiful pearls from an exotic country.
“He maybe charming, but at the end of the day - he’s manwhore.”
You gasped incredulously, your hand over your mouth as you looked around to make sure your maids didn’t hear you, “Lady Sharon,” you chastised her, “We can’t use that sort of language.”
“Forgive me, your grace,” she apologized, “I often forget how naive you are.”
“What? Naive?” you huffed. “Not using such filthy language hardly makes me naive.”
“Live a little, all royals are debauched in one way or another. I’m surprised to see just how much of a square you are.”
“Is... is being a square a bad thing?” You wanted to know. You never thought of yourself as a conformist, in fact your mother used to tell you you’ll die an old maid if you didn’t start acting more like a lady and less like a spoilt brat.
“Sometimes it is...” she pondered. “Well, for instance, being a square in bed might be boring for some men.”
“What?” you gasped again. Tightening your grip on her arm and walking at a faster pace to put some distance between you and your maids, “Give us a minute,” you told them.
“Lady Sharon,” you looked into her blue eyes, much like your husbands but a little darker, “Have you ever been with a man?”
“I have,” she shrugged. “Just the one. He was my true love.”
“Bu – but you aren’t married.” You frowned.
“So, how can you make love to anyone if you aren’t married...” Your mother had told you that making love only ever happened between a man and his wife.
“I... you do know what making love entails right? This is what I meant when I said you were too much of a square,” she chuckled.
“Don’t... don’t make fun of me...” you pouted.
“I’m sorry, your grace, it’s just,” she put a hand over her mouth as she cleared her throat, “Really funny. Two people, who aren’t married, can make love. Being married is good but not a requirement.”
“I suppose that makes sense, me and his majesty could do it even if we weren’t married...”
“Is he happy with you?” she wanted to know.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just, you don’t know much about physical relations, and there needs to be a certain level of knowledge and experience for it to be good at it.”
“Do you think he is unsatisfied with me?”
“I wouldn’t know,” she shrugged. “Does he seem unsatisfied?”
He was always asking for it. Which you preferred, because you’d die of embarrassment if you ever had to initiate it. You couldn’t go for too long without it either. He had went on a hunting trip for just a couple of days and you wanted to jump on him and keep him in your bed as soon as you saw him.
Why would he ask for it again and again if he was satisfied?
“I’m not sure... since you know so much about it would you give me some advice?”
“My, I would’ve thought you’d call me a harlot or a whore instead you’re asking for advice...” she smirked.
“Oh, I would never. That is what my mother would say, probably, but you’re my friend. Besides, I would want to make love to Steve even if we weren’t married, and if he was a stable boy.”
“A stable boy?” she quirked a blonde brow.
“Yes! And I would be me, a princess. It’s just a silly dream I used to have,” you shrugged. “What happened to your love? The one you lost?”
“He got married to someone else,” she stated. And although she was firm and sophisticated as always, you could hear his voice wavering and how much pain she was in.
“Oh my... I am so sorry, Sharon,” you said, engulfing her in a hug to comfort her, now that you do actually love someone, now that you know what loving someone deeply means, how overwhelming it can be, you couldn’t even imagine what losing that love would feel like. “You’ll find someone better.”
“There is no one better, your grace. But I’ll give you some advice,” she pulled away from you, putting some distance between you both, “You have to pay special attention to his balls. Many ladies tend to forget them.”
“Ball...? Like toys? I don’t believe he has any.”
“Your grace,” she rolled her eyes as she snickered, “He does have them. That is where your children will come from.”
“Um... what? Wouldn’t they come from...” you looked down, to the place between your legs. That’s where kids come from. That’s what you had been told.
“Well, yes, that is where they will pop out of. But the balls... the ones right behind his manhood, that’s where his seed comes from.”
“Oh...” you nodded as you realised what she was talking about. “So... what about the... balls?”
“Just pay special attention to them. He would like that. Suck on them, tug on them... but gently!” she chuckled as she realised she would have to talk down to you since you were so inexperienced.
“Oh... alright... anything else I can do?”
“Try to be more... active... instead of just sitting there and taking it you know?”
“Alright. I think I get the gist of it.”
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“You ready for me, petal?” Steven asked as he looked down at you, naked and vulnerable, so beautiful and all his. He nudged his cock against your intimate lips, prodding at your entrance as he awaited your answer. He knew he could be too much for you sometimes, he was trying to do better. So he could make you love him at least half of as much as he loves you.
“Mm-hm... but um...” you trailed off. Not exactly knowing how you would go about asking to suck his balls.
“I was just wondering if... I could... do that...” you fluttered your lashes, that usually got you whatever you wanted from him.
“And what is ‘that’?”
“You know... when you make me put my mouth on you...”
He didn’t usually make you use your mouth.
Most of the times Steven had a strict unofficial schedule he followed when it came to lovemaking. He wasn’t someone who liked or embraced change, he was always strategic, as a king and as your husband.
He’d kiss you till you were out of breath, then your neck, and then your breasts, he’d spend a long amount of time there, maybe because you liked that the most probably. And then he’d use his fingers to work you up, tasting you, eating you out and drinking your nectar.
That drove you mad, till you were on the brink of insanity.
You loved it as much as you hated it. You had never felt so out of control in your entire life. Not even when your parents told you they were going to marry you off to a kingdom far away, to a man you had never even met before.
Steven would complain that you thrashed and moved around too much, although he would encourage you to make all the noise that you wished. He pinned you down by your hips. Sometimes he’d make you make once, twice, thrice, it depended on how desperate he was to get his own release.
And then he’d have you on your back. Whispering the filthiest things to you as he fucked you, filled you up with his seed.
He’d hold you close to him, kissing your hair, kissing your cheeks and touching your ever so intimately. That was when you were the most clingy, you’d hold on so tightly to him. You were more vulnerable than usual. You would tell him about how, even though you love being the queen and his wife, it was so new and overwhelming, how you miss your family and your old life. How things had changed and so drastically. He’d always tell you that it would all be okay. That he would take care of you and never let anything bad ever happen to you.
Then he’d have you on your hands and knees. He told you he liked looking at your behind and spanking it.
After that you’d both fall asleep. Sometimes he’d wake up in the middle of the night and nudge you awake to love you some more. But he rarely ever made you suck him off.
“You wanna suck my cock?” he smirked as you meekly nodded. “Go right ahead then, petal. It’s all yours now, you don’t have to ask,” he told you as he sat up on his knees.
You looked at his cock. Hard and standing tall and proud up against his stomach. You now knew that being aroused made him hard and much much bigger. Maybe that’s why it’s often such a tasking job to take him--often leaving your cunt so sore.
Soft dark golden hair, much like that of his beard, and then you noticed them. His twin balls.
You took a deep breath as you took him in your mouth, suckling on his head, following your instincts and what he had taught you.
Your hand coming up and cupping his balls, massaging them gently in your hand. You stopped when you felt him go stiff.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth you looked up at him. “Did I do something wrong?” as you wiped your spittle and his preejaculate off your mouth.
“No,” he shook his head. It wasn’t often that he was stunned. Not ever really. But you, taking that kind of initiative, to touch him without him asking for you to, did shock him just a little.
He held onto the back of your head, bringing his balls just next to your mouth, against your soft lips, “Suck on them,” he told you.
You suckled at one, working the other one with your hand as he pulled at the roots of your head.
“Fuck! Stop!” he heaved, pulling you away, “I have to save it for your beautiful cunt, my queen,” he told you as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead before he pushed you back down on the mattress.
Swiftly entering you, you were still as tight as the night of your wedding, which meant he had to be patient while fucking you, and he tried. He really did. But he was not a patient man. Especially not when you had just put your mouth on him and worked your magic in mere seconds.
He put most of his weight on you as he slowly pushed in and out of you, your face scrunched up in pleasure as you dug your nails into his shoulders.
With your pussy hugging him so well, almost as if it was made for him, as if you were made by the gods just for him.
“What have you done to me?” he rasped, touching his damp forehead to yours. You had weaved some sort of magic on him, making him crazy for you. Now it was hard to tell where he ended and you began.
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You pressed a hand against your mouth to stop from giggling or making any sort of noise. Resting your back against the cool surface of the throne. You chose the back of the throne in the court as your place of hiding. Maybe it wasn’t the most strategic ploy but you were playing against a six year old.
Lila Barton had asked to play hide and seek with you. Only to receive a scolding from her nanny--to not bother the queen with such trivial matters.
It was as if you were reliving your childhood. You always felt you were made to grow up and be a lady too fast. With your mother and sisters telling you how important it was to act mature and be a lady, or you wouldn’t be able to marry well. Or marry at all.
So you jumped at the first opportunity to play with the kid. Making her count to twenty before looking for a place to hide. You had to go get your lessons for sewing so you didn’t have a lot of time, you hoped she would find you soon.
“But you’re not even considering it!”
You perked up when you heard the familiar voice, it was Lady Sharon! You had to thank her for all her advice, things had been going great with Steven ever since you listened to her. He had been opening up to you as well, although he was still as voracious in his love making. If anything... he wanted you even more now. Which you didn’t think could even be possible.
But some part of you absolutely loved it. And you knew you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You peaked out to see her, to maybe call her to join you on the floor, hiding behind the large throne. You frowned when you saw that she was holding onto Steven’s arm, looking up at him with a certain desperation in her eyes.
“There is nothing to consider. I’m a married man. It would be adultery – a crime,” he stated.
“Bu – but you promised, you told me you didn’t love her. You said you didn’t have any other choice. I’m not asking you to leave her for me, I know that’s not possible. I’m not a fucking idiot like her.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth again to keep your sobs in, tears streaming down your face as you watched your husband, and his lover, have a lovers quarrel.
You couldn’t hear any more of it. Couldn’t bear it breaking your heart anymore than it already had. You quickly got up, fleeing out of the room by the back entrance - which the servants often used.
“You watch your mouth when you speak of the queen,” he yanked his arm free of her, putting some distance between himself and her, “I didn’t make any promises like that. I told you I intended to be faithful to her even if I didn’t love her.”
He knew it was a mistake to ever get involved with Sharon. He never wanted to be a womanizer. But he had his needs. He didn’t think she would become so obsessed with him. He had broken off their short fling as soon as he became betrothed to you.
He felt responsible for all the rumours about him and her and her ruined reputation. So he had arranged for her to marry his good friend Stark but she had her mind set on him.
“I like the queen. She’s a good friend of mine. I don’t intend to replace her,” she explained. She had no interest in being a queen and having such tedious and boring responsibilities anyway—the power and the status that came along with it just wasn’t worth the hassle. She pitied you and how you just weren’t made for the job.
“But she can’t satisfy you, she can’t give you what you need-- What I can give you,” Being the Kings mistress would probably be better than being a Duchess and marrying some boring old man.
“Won’t you even think about it?”
“No I won’t. And you are to never speak of this again,” he warned her.
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“Your grace...” Lydia was completely confused. Standing there with your dress in her hands as you frantically stuffed your clothes in a chest.
She had never seen two people as in love as you and the king. When she first met you, it didn’t seem as if you and Steven would make a good couple. She assumed your marriage would be like any other she had seen. Cold and distant.
Steve had never been smitten with a woman, she always felt there maybe something wrong with him. But he had grown so fond of you in such a short time. Even going as far as asking you to live with him in his chambers. Having the king around often made her duties to you challenging. But she was happy for you.
“I don’t understand. What wrong? Why do you want to leave so suddenly.” Does the king approve of your sudden departure? If not would she get in trouble for it?
“He lied to me,” you sobbed. “I thought--” you let out a hiccup.
“Calm down,” she said as she rubbed your forearms. She wasn’t afraid to touch you in such friendly ways, you weren’t as stuck up as most royals.
You took a deep breath as you tried to explain to your handmaiden why you both had to leave as soon as possible. Before Steven gets back. You’ll move all your things to the room you were supposed to live in and just lock him out of your chambers.
“I would’ve been fine living on my own. Just being a wife and a queen. But he made me believe... that we could be more. That he loved me. It’s not true,” you shook your head. “He lied. He has another lover.”
“Oh,” she let out. She was disappointed on your behalf but not surprised. It would be strange if the king didn’t have any other lovers. “I’m sorry, your grace.”
“I’ll be fine,” you sniffled. “This'll be a good lesson for me. My mother always told me I have my head in the clouds and should live in reality. That’ll teach me to dream.”
It was almost funny for her to watch you babble nonsense, stable boys, princesses and backstabbing friends, take a break to cry your heart out and then resume packing and trying to order all the other servants.
“What’s going on here?”
Everyone stopped moving as soon as they heard the kings voice. He of course looked at the Lydia for an explanation.
“The queen wants us to...”
“I’m moving back to my old chambers,” you briskly walked to him, standing right in front of him, looking him in the eye. He was much taller than you, making you crane your neck to actually get a good look at him, but you still tried to look intimidating and confrontational.
“Why?” he frowned. “Put everything back just as it was,” he ordered everyone.
“No!” you stomped your foot, looking very much like an indignant child who had his toy taken away, than a queen, “Don’t! We’re moving!” But of course nobody would listen to you over Steven. Not just because he was their king, but also because he was much more intimidating than you.
“Stop it!” he reprimanded you. “Whatever troubles you may have, we can sort them out together, but you are not moving back. And that’s the end of that.”
“No! I’m leaving! I’d like to see you try to stop me!” You hmphed. Pushing past him and making way for the door. You didn’t need to take your things with you now, you could just send for them later.
You screamed bloody murder when you felt Stevens arm around your stomach, as he threw you over his shoulder in the blink of an eye, “HELP!!” You yelled at the guards and your maids, who didn’t want to get involved, quickly scurrying out of the room.
“Ring the bell if you need anything, your grace,” Lydia said on her way out to you before she closed the door. It didn’t seem as if the king intended to do any real harm to you so she wasn’t that worried about you.
You kept on hitting his back, thrashing around his hold to break free, “Put me down!”
He threw you on your marital bed, his fingers making quick work of ridding him of his clothes so he could show you how he was just never going to let you go.
“Why do you even care? If I leave or not? You can just call for your lover!”
“My lover?” he frowned as he tried to push your skirts up your legs, which was proving to be a difficult task. Maybe he should’ve asked the maids to undress you before making them leave.
“Do you love her?” you asked, looking up at him and stopping your futile resistance for a few moments, your lips wobbly as you felt your vision blue with tears. You were born a princess, living a relatively sheltered life, never knowing pain so unbearable. As if you would never recover from this, you would never be the same.
You would never believe in love again.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, petal,” he said, getting frustrated with all the buttons and ties on your dress and ripping your skirt apart. Which he regretted, just a little because you started crying again.
“No! I like this dress.”
“I’ll buy you another one. I’ll buy you a hundred more.” He said as he hovered over you, diving in to kiss your beautiful lips and make you stop saying such preposterous things.
You sniffled as you tried to push him away, making him gather your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head.
“Stop it,” he told you. “When will you understand that you belong to me now? If I say you have to live with me, here, then that’s what you’ll do.”
“I’m not your slave,” you retorted as you tried to wiggle your hands out of his grip.
“Stop listening to rumors! There are plenty going around. I do not have a lover.”
“No. I saw it with my own eyes. You and Lady Sharon. Just this afternoon.”
“What did you see?”
“I... she said she was your lover...?” You tried to think of what exactly had been said between them. But you couldn’t remember. You were blinded by your fury and your sorrow.
“We used to be lovers, before you and I ever met, but not anymore. I could never think of another, I could never love anyone else,” he said softly as he touched your cheek with his other hand, “You want to know why?”
“Why?” you pouted, feeling a little stupid now.
“Because you’ve ruined me, my queen. You’ve made me a lovesick fool. I could never love anyone else the way I love you. Do you want to know how much I love you?” he asked as you meekly nodded.
Pulling his cock out of breaches, he pushed your skirts up, exposing your thighs to him, he rubbed his cock along the slick of your pussy.
“Did fighting with me make you wet, my queen?” he asked, making you avert your gaze.
“I...” it was the way he had simply thrown you around, how he just wouldn’t let you leave, “Maybe...”
“Hm, don’t start picking fights with me for no reason though. My poor heart won’t be able to bear it,” he cooed as he kissed your cheeks, wet from your tears. “You look beautiful when you cry, love, but I only want you crying when I’m fucking you, you understand?”
He pushed inside you, you were tighter than usual, it was difficult to even properly enter you. The pain of it of course made you cry again. You sobbed into the crook of his neck as he shushed you.
“You feel my love, darling,” he asked as he was buried to the hilt inside you, “I’ll give you a child soon enough. Then you’ll have a living breathing proof of it,” he whispered in your ear as he started steadily moving, making sure that he won’t hurt you.
“I wish... I was your one and only... like you are mine,” you sniffled as you held on to him, soon it is wasn’t hurting as much, it was a little uncomfortable but you could bear through it.
“You are my one and only. You’re the only woman I have ever loved. Do you love me, petal?”
He looked down at you, wanting you to say it. He needed you to love him, for you to say it to him, he needed to know you weren’t here just because you were scared of him.
“I love you, Steve,” you sniffled, rubbing your runny nose with the back of your hand.
He smiled at you, his hand trailing down both your bodies as he twisted your pearl between his fingers.
“It’s okay... it’s okay...” He kept telling you as you screamed at the top of your lungs, your climax making your mind and your vision fuzzy.
“I’m going to fill you up, petal,” he told you as he finished inside you, staying inside you for a long while after he was done just to make sure you knew how he belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him.
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mhysa-leesi · 3 years
𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝑅𝒾𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐻𝑜𝑜𝒹
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Pairing: Dark Alpha!Bucky Barnes 𝒳 (femme) Omega!Reader 🐺. 
Summary: “To keep your small village protected from would-be attackers, presented Omegas must be sacrificed to the mysterious Alpha in the woods.” 
Word Count: 3,514
TW‼: Non-Con, Dub-Con, Smut, Hunting/Stalking, A/B/O Themes, Forced Bonding, Loss of Virginity, Strong Language, and Mentions of Blood and Human Sacrifice. 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI‼ 
AN: This story contains adult and dark themes, please do not proceed if you are under the age of 18 or if ANY of these warnings upset you! I am not responsible for your media consumption--you and only you are. 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
AN Cont.: If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual violence, please reach out for help. I do not condone ANY of the actions described in this story, this is merely a work of FICTION. 
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A cold wind blew in from the north, making the trees rustle like living things. It was growing colder with every passing day as winter began its arrival. Yule had transformed the fiery hues of autumn twilight to sparkled, frosted mornings and bitter winds. You went to the window. A fine glimmer of glossy frost formed intricate swirls on the glass, as sparkling snow softened the outside world into one flurry. 
You looked on as the pale, cold light of winter moonrise illuminated your village as the townsfolk worked under the stars to prepare for the Winter Solstice. You couldn’t help but frown as you watched them place green garland on the fringes of rooftops, and light candles that led into the dark forest, in the shape of carved wolves. This time last winter, you were home with your family; sitting fireside as you and your younger siblings drank sweetened milk and almond honeyed toast. Life had been colorful, full of vibrant greens, warm reds, and soft dusky blues. Now, it was nothing but a black and white night of frost that crawled along the dark outline of barren trees and twig branches. Snowflakes swirled down gently in the ghostly moonlight, and iced shadows crept along the December ground. 
“(Y/N)?” a small voice called out from behind. 
You turned as Gervaise came to stand next to you, peering out at the snowfall that drifted against the window. Gervaise had been your closest friend since childhood, she had been a plump girl in her youth, but now she was the most beautiful woman in your village. She had long legs that complemented her slender figure, golden hair that shone under sunlight, and azure eyes as blue and clear as the sky itself. 
She shivered against the winter-cold that seeped into your bones as she neared the frosted windowpane, “Aren’t you cold?” she asked. 
You scoffed, “Warmer than I would be out there.” 
Truth be told, you were burning from the inside out. A sheen sweat had started to form between your breasts and all of your folds and creases. Gervaise scooted closer and you unthinkingly flinched away, her heat was rolling off of her in waves and the strong scent of her made you lightheaded as tangs of jasmine, rose, and orange blossom overwhelmed your senses. 
You moved away as you looked into the room you were being kept in. Women close in age all slept soundly with soft snores, their heated scents interlacing with one another to form a jumbled mess of musk, amber, bergamot, and warm sugar. It was a synchronous heat amongst the presented Omegas in preparations for the village’s annual sacrificial solstice to the White Wolf. 
Gervaise nudged your shoulder teasingly, “It won’t be so bad tomorrow, (Y/N),” she tried. 
You rolled your eyes, “We’re being sacrificed, Gervaise! How can it not be so bad?”
Her small smile fell as the weighted truth of your words settled on her shoulders, “I’m sorry… I was just trying to make light of it all.” 
“I know,” you sighed, “You can’t make light of this, there’s too much darkness.” 
You awoke hours later to the soft murmurs of falling tears as mothers dressed their daughters in traditional white hoods. White, the color of purity, innocence. You scoffed--the virgin’s color. Your own mother came to your bedside, a hood in hand and an expectant look in her eyes. You rubbed your cold feet together and reluctantly dressed. 
“It’s not as bad as it seems, my love,” she spoke as she combed your hair. 
You looked at the other Omegas in the room, most of whom you’ve grown up with. Idony, Meliora, and Sabine. You teared. You and your siblings used to play with Sabine as children. Idony taught you to weave dolls out of straw and vines. And you and Meliora would harvest wild strawberries together in early summer after long hours at the lake. The thought of never seeing either of them after today was heart-wrenching. 
Your mother placed the hood over your head and tucked away stray hairs behind your ears as she took one last, tearful, look at you. She placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and took your hands in hers, pressing a small vial against your palms. 
“Put this on once you’re away from the others,” she whispered against your hair, “It’ll hide your scent for a short time, then make your way across the stream, you’ll be safe there until the ceremony is over.” 
Before you could ask more, the village mayor entered and ordered you and the other Omegas out into the square. The ceremony had officially begun. 
Gervaise squeezed your hand as the mayor lit the great Yule log, the candles sculpted as white wolves. You looked around; Idony was pale in the face, Meliora shed silent tears as she held her hands in prayer, and Sabine’s chest rose and fell in shallow, frightened breaths. You held the vial tight in your hand as you stood stoic; though your pounding heart told another story. 
The bells of the church began to toll as midnight quickly approached. The first toll the mayor led you all down the candlelit path that led into the mouth of the forest, the second toll you and the other Omegas were left alone as the full moon shone down on you from above, the third toll was followed by an echoed howl and the beats of your feet as you all ran through the thicket. 
You ran and ran until it was only you, the full moon, and the trees. You stopped to rest against a frosted tree, your lungs burned with biting ice as you panted; your breaths coming out as vapored clouds that wisped around your head. You quickly took the vial and rubbed the liquid over your scent glands. The synthetic scent of cracked pepper, spiced ginger, decayed pear, and rotting leaves all toiled together to mask your natural, sweet and warm odor. You took a moment to calm your beating heart and collect your thoughts before bolting through the treeline. You needed to find Gervaise before the perfume wore off. 
Bucky watched from the shadows as he tracked a pretty, golden-haired Omega. Her scent wasn’t unpleasant, but it didn’t ignite a fire deep within his groin, either. He followed the floral scent trail of this next best woman as she wandered aimlessly through the dense grove of pine. The woman’s face was rosy and tear-stained as the cold bit her cheeks and nose. It was pathetic, really. How she sniffled and hiccupped as she held herself against the winter winds or when she tripped and slipped over iced snowdrifts. Bucky was about to make his move when a sweet scent, carried on an icy breeze, caught his attention. The blood in his veins burst into flames as a deep desire awoke in him. Primal lust took over as he abandoned his former prey to hunt for the next. He bounded through the woods, ducking under long branches, and leaping across overgrown oak roots. It was the wildness of it that sent Bucky into a feral frenzy, in all of his years protecting this paltry village, he’d never scented anything as sweet and enthralling as this. Spun sugar, vanilla bean, patchouli, and white pumpkin with caramel glaze. His teeth ached as he took in the sweetness of your scent. 
When Bucky finally found you, you were breathless and flushed with heat. Your hand on your stomach as a wave of tightness in your belly coiled and coiled. He scented the air, then. Groaning as he caught wind of your musky-sweet tang. The front of his buckskin breeches tightened uncomfortably as his rut took hold of his body. He wanted you, so he’d have you. 
You whimpered as your cramps inflamed your insides. You were on fire, despite the bitter winter cold. You shed your wolf pelt that hung over your shoulders and loosened the front laces of your bodice, as you slumped against the nearest tree and focused on slowing your racing heart. The faster you calmed down, the faster you’d be able to find Gervaise and get across that damned stream to safety. 
Just as your heart began to slow, a heady scent brought on iced winds set it back into panicked motion. An amber woody fragrance, with nutmeg, vanilla, and sandalwood ensnared your forebrain. You were frozen, scared like a hunted doe as you took in the masculine scent that seemed to scream “Alpha”. 
Bucky watched as you looked around, trying to pinpoint his hiding spot. His heart skipped a beat in excitement as you took off into the thicket, leaving your pelt behind on the snowy ground. He chased you, then. Too focused on the hunt to worry about cornering you, too focused on you. He’d chase you down until you fainted from exhaustion if he had to. 
You were faster than he expected, more agile and hellbent on escaping him than you had appeared to be. He felt an odd sense of pride as he watched you nimbly dodge and duck under and over every branch and uprooted oak that came into your way. But Bucky had the advantage, this was his territory, not yours. He knew his hunting grounds, not you. So when you came to a skidded stop at a broken bridge, he wasn’t the least bit surprised. But what did surprise him was the little snarl that left you before you broke away from him once more. 
You ran and ran until your feet were numb with cold and your lungs frosted over with every breath you took. He was close, too close, and you were forced to abandon the plan on crossing the stream to safety. Gods--you didn’t even know where you were anymore. You could be going in circles and you’d be none the wiser, everything looked the same in this untouched part of the wood. You berated yourself for straying from the path, now you were lost, alone, and being hunted. You began to cry as you thought of your fate, you didn’t want to be sacrificed, you just wanted to go home back to your family. Back to your life. 
You were ready to give up, your feet were tired, legs weakened, and your chest burned from the cold. You fell to your knees and looked up to the full moon, exhaustion taking over your thoughts. You were desperate and didn’t have the energy to be surprised at yourself when you began to pray to the moon above. 
“Gods above… Please, please, let me live and I’ll devote myself to you. My heart, mind, soul, and body, please,” you prayed. 
Just as you were about to laugh at yourself for your foolishness, a flickering candlelight in the nearby distance caught your eye. You mindlessly followed the light that pierced through the dense darkness of night, like a moth to a flame. As you got closer, you saw the lantern-light belonged to a small cottage fringed with winterberries and garland. You were uplifted as you believed the gods had answered your prayer. Without a second thought, your feet began to move on their own through the snow as you raced toward the home. You knocked once, then twice, then thrice. When there was no answer, you apologized to whatever being had heard you pray, before turning the brass doorknob and welcoming yourself inside. 
The warmth of a crackling fire embraced you posthaste as you closed the door behind you. You made your way to the fireplace, rubbing your hands over the flame as you warmed yourself. The house was eerily silent as you looked around. You saw the carved candles from your village on the mantelpiece, vases of starry blue, pale pink, and white glory of the snow, and bright yellow winter jasmine were placed on the tabletops, and garland with holly flowers was wrapped around the railing of a small staircase that led upstairs. You made your way up the stairs as curiosity led you on. You called out for the owner of the home once again as you reached the top, but to no avail; the house was empty. 
You crept along the creaking floorboards into a small room, illuminated by a single lantern with frosted glass windows. You explored the room. There was a bed, with an oak headboard, and thick, grey, and brown wolf and bear pelts. You sat down on the edge of the bed with a soft bounce as you rested your tired feet. Ahead of you was a wooden chest with intricate images of Yule logs, goats, and boars. Something deep within your gut urges you to go to it, to open it, and look upon its secrets; but the feeling made you uneasy, it made you afraid of what you'd find. 
But you knew better than to ignore your gut, so you went to it, opened it, and looked upon its secrets. You nearly screamed as you pulled forth white hood, after white hood, after white hood. Your hands shook as you emptied the chest, white hoods covered the ground like the snow outside. There were more hoods than you could count, most of them much older than you. You sobbed as you slammed the chest shut, too focused on the white hoods before you to notice the slithering notes of amber, nutmeg, vanilla, and sandalwood that now threatened to constrict, and swallow you whole. 
Your body sensed him before your mind did, your hairs stood on end, and your core tightened with primal, animalistic want. You only recognized his imposing presence after it was too late. Your throat dried as you slowly turned around to face the Alpha from the woods. He stood in the doorway, shirtless and steaming, as his heat fought against the cold of winter. To say he was big, would be an understatement. He was wordless as he strode toward you with an urgency driven by desire. You shuffled away, sobbing as he quickly crawled atop of you, trapping you beneath him. You fought against him, slapping and scratching his chest and face as he buried his face in your neck. Deeply inhaling your sickly sweet scent. 
“I wonder if you taste as sweet as you smell, ‘Mega,” he said as he nipped the lobe of your ear. 
Your heart dropped as he ripped at your bodice like an animal, tossing the ruined fabric aside as he bared your breasts to the air. The Alpha brushed his lips against your neck, your jaw, and mouth as he tasted you. You had never been kissed before, the feeling of it all was foreign as you felt his tongue explore your mouth. You squirmed as he palmed your breast, his thumb flicking and pinching over your sensitive nipple. Bucky let out a low snarl of disapproval as you tried to wriggle away from him, and when you ignored his warning, he bit down on your nipple. You yelped and beat against his back, clawing and punching as you flailed and thrashed. In your struggle you managed to slip out from underneath his body. Then, it was a desperate fight of him dragging you by your ankles, and you kicking wildly and blindly. With luck you landed a strong kick to his face that bloodied his nose. You ran, then. Practically flying down the flight of stairs as you made a beeline for the front door--to your freedom. You felt the cold snow on your toes as one foot met the icy ground, but the other foot was caught. 
You fell on your face as Bucky dragged you back into his house. Blood stained his face and a dangerous fire was reflected in his blue eyes. He took you by your neck and forced you down onto the staircase, entrapping you under his weight. Your legs kicked out as he forced himself between your thighs, he snarled again, keeping a tight grip on the back of your neck. He ripped away the remaining pieces of your clothes, ridding you of the white garments, of your innocence, your purity.
He lifted your hips and placed a strong hand on your back, forcing you into an arch. You yipped as you felt a wet warmth lick up your sex. You tried to curl away, but his grip on you was strong and firm. A heat bloomed within your gut as Bucky dipped his tongue between your wet folds, fucking you with his hot tongue. Your brain hazed over as he stroked and rubbed your sweet spot of concentrated pleasure with his thumb. He was devouring you, and you felt your resolve melt away with every delicious flick and swipe of his tongue. You moaned and allowed yourself to arch into his mouth, desperately seeking more pleasure. You ground your cunt on his face and moaned at the feeling of him tightly gripping your hips as he gave you what you wanted--needed. 
You clawed at the stairs beneath you as your voice grew shrill, the coil in your belly was beginning to unravel with every lick. Bucky felt you stiffen as he brought you to the edge of your pleasure, he sank his tongue deep inside you until he finally felt you shudder hard against him. You cried out as you came on his tongue, pure white fire ignited in your veins, consuming your thoughts, and burning away any fight you had left. The aftershocks of your pleasure left you shaking and wanting. 
Without warning, Bucky buried his thick length in you with one hard stroke; mercilessly tearing through your untouched barrier. For a moment there was only a burning pain as he forced himself deeper. He pulled out a few inches, and then slammed back into you. Again and again. The Alpha above you howled with pleasure as he rutted into you hard and fast. You looked over your shoulder and moaned as you watched his narrow hips thrust against you. His eyes met yours and he bared his teeth as he indulged in his animalistic pleasure. With your mouth agape you felt another spark of pleasure ignite within you, you cried out for him, then, begging him to stoke the fire that threatened to burn, to consume you. 
Your scents bled together, creating the beginning knot of your bond; his sandalwood and vanilla notes, duetting your patchouli and caramel glaze in perfect harmony. You whined as he pulled out of you, leaving you empty and clenching. He flipped you onto your back, spreading your weak legs wide as he entered you once more. He reached places that had you blaspheming as you chanted his title like a prayer. 
Alpha, Alpha, Alpha… 
He added fuel to your evergrowing fire as he reached down to your bundle of nerves, rubbing firm circles as he fucked into your wet cunt. He kissed you again, your lips following his lead as he claimed your mouth with his tongue. You moaned as you tasted yourself on him. His lips trailed down your jaw, peppering wet kisses down your body until he reached the scent gland on your neck. He scented you, then. A low growl left his chest as the base of his cock swelled, your pussy constricting in turn. Your howling moans clashed in dissonance as he pushed you over the edge into white-hot pleasure. Bucky thrusted into you, harder, faster, as his pleasure grew and grew until it finally exploded. As his warmth flooded you another sensation sent your senses into hyperdrive--his teeth sinking into your neck. Your arms and legs instinctively wrapped around him as he bonded you, marking you as his. 
You murmured incoherently as your bodies locked together, you were so full of him that you could focus on nothing, but the feel of him locked inside you. Your head lolled to the side as your exhaustion set in, your bones felt heavy as sleep lulled you. You were vaguely aware of the man atop of you, too drunk on mated pleasure to fully acknowledge how his eyes began to once again devour your body. 
He kissed your wound, breathing you in as he did, “What’s your name, Omega?”
“(Y/N),” you rasped. 
As you sobered, the weight of your situation became clearer. All of those white hoods, all of those Omegas that never returned home… Your breathing picked up as panic sparked like lightning in your veins. You shoved on Bucky’s chest as you started to wiggle out from him, tugging on his knot. He snarled and snapped at you and you flinched as unshed tears glossed your eyes. 
“Don’t hurt me, please,” you whimpered, “Please, I–I don’t want to die.” 
“I’m not going to kill you, I’m going to keep you,” 
Keep you? You trembled, “What about all of the other Omegas? What happened to them?” 
He cupped your face and traced the bridge of your nose, then the cupid’s bow of your lips, “Them I killed,” he whispered with a ghost of a smile. 
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