#i want to draw more though and plan to for art fight
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baksokon · 9 months
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THANK YOU SMM THIS MEANS ALOT TO ME, it makes me happy to see someone liking my artstyle this much :'D
also your tags on my art!!! rlly made me smile!!! ty!!!
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
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Finished designs for the FPK Dragon AU! Very happy with how they turned out, I'm definitely going to draw more art for this side AU in the future
Some short info and close-ups below
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General AU stuff:
I don't have many story or world details yet, but in general it would be quite simplified and changed in a lot of ways
The vessels are not a thing, though The Radiance does exist and the infection would still happen in some shape or form (I haven't thought of the details yet). Holly's purpose would still be to put a stop to it, but the whole aspect of emotionless void beings is not included
Humans don't exist in this world, so the one above is simply to get an idea of their scale. The dragons in that world are sapient and live in communities, a lot of them can use magic and similar powerful abilities
More info to be added as I brainstorm it, and I might design more characters for the AU in the future
Character specific stuff:
Vyrm - a lot of his backstory is very similar to the main AU, his kind is considered extinct (the reason would most likely be different), though he never changed his form to be smaller, which means his large wyrm form does not exist here. His relationship with WL was also basically the same, as was his journey of discovering his love for Grimm. And just like in the main AU, he ended up losing his status as a leader and hibernating. Unsure whether he would also lose all his powers, since I want to keep his workshop hobby and I like the idea of him having powers that he learned specifically for that purpose (not to mention, doing any kind of precise engineering would be difficult with his dragon anatomy). So we'll have to see.
Grimm - once again a very similar backstory to his main AU counterpart. He is one of the most powerful dragons to exist, and The Radiance is still his sister in this AU. He was banished from his homeland and stripped of many of his powers, losing his status as a higher dragon as a result. I'm still brainstorming how NKG comes into the AU, as of now my idea is that it would be closer to a god-like beast form than a being in another realm, but it may still change. And I'm still thinking how to reconceptualize the ritual to fit this version. Even though he's much weaker than in his prime, he's still more powerful than an average dragon, especially in the NKG form (if that is the direction I take with him).
Lewk, Asta and Milo - basically the same as in the main AU. Lewk and Asta can fly just fine, Milo however is incapable of it (and will likely remain that way even as he gets older, with his wings being too small and weak for flight).
Hornet - in most aspect she's the same, though her half-spider origin would be changed to something else; Herrah is not a spider in this AU, though she would still be quite beastly and unique in her appearance. She has two pairs of wings, which are a trait inherited from her mother's side. She knows silk magic, which she learned as a young dragon.
Zote - he's the most unique here body plan wise, I based his design on pterosaurs. I loved the mental image of him being this annoying, bird-like dragon. In basically all aspects he's the same as his main AU counterpart, though being a dragon I imagine he would have a more impressive lifespan than an average bug in the main AU. He's a herbivore dragon, his mouth resembles a beak, and he has no powers, only a nasty attitude.
Holly - as mentioned before, they are not a vessel in this AU, nor a void being. Instead, they're a hybrid of Vyrm and WL, who is a powerful higher dragon, and were trained to stop The Radiance and put an end to the infection from the day they hatched. Though they did end up learning void magic to aid them in the fight, I think that would be a nice way to preserve at least some of that aspect and it would explain the color of their body in this version. They have a mouth, though they are still mute, likely as a result to battle damage. Like in the main AU, they lost one of their eyes and a limb, and I'm considering designing a prosthetic wing for them at some point to mirror their counterpart.
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theveryworstthing · 2 years
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A quick obituary, if y'all don't mind.
In 2018 my cat Lace died. it was sudden and mysterious and she went to one of her favorite spots to do it alone. She was buried just before a big hurricane at the beginning of summer. a little bit later me and my mom took a road trip to Georgia to see family, and I was inspired by the life and death i saw on the side of the roads to draw the 24/7 Haunted Roadside Diner comics.
In 2022 my cat Coup died. it was a long fight through 7 months of cancer that ended with me holding him at the vet as he took one last big jump after months of losing the ability to do so. he was cremated just before a big hurricane at the end of summer. a little bit later me and my mom took a road trip to Georgia to see family, and I was inspired by the life and death i saw on the side of the roads to draw more 24/7 Haunted Roadside Diner comics after not thinking about them for years.
They were total brats to each other most of the time and they could never agree on anything, but they were my friends for almost half of my life and they called truces to sit on my bed together and comfort me during the Bad Health Times or the Bad Emotions Times. I didn't realize that I was repeating history a little bit until I was almost finished redrawing these first 5 pages, but I think it's funny that even though they tried to go out as they lived, as fussy little opposites, that I started really healing from both of their deaths creatively in the same way.  So here's to the prettiest girl in the world and the baby boy. I probably could have gotten weird enough emotionally to write about roadkill ghost stories on my own, but y'all made it way easier to get there.
I redrew the first 5 pages to fit in better with any future 24/7 HRD comics I want to do (and generally flex my improved art/writing skills), so I’ll be posting one of those a day for the next few days. I've got 5 more pages and some illustrations planned for spooky season (October/November) along with some Downtrodden stuff so y'know. Nature is healing.
Hopefully I'll have more to post soon. the future is lookin' lonelier without my small grey guy, but it'll still have bright spots I bet. I hope.  
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batneko · 6 months
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okay, time to actually type up my thoughts on this AU! With some new art to make it worth it.
for context, here's part one and part two.
so the basics are, Bowser is continually trying to conquer the city and being fought off by the bros, who do have superpowers (I thought about drawing lightning around Luigi's fist but I don't know how to make that look good in lineart) and costumes and "hero names," but don't hide their faces so they don't exactly have secret identities. It's more like being an actor with a stage name. Since they're fairly average-looking dudes they don't get recognized all the time, especially when they're apart, but Mario definitely does more often than Luigi.
But even when they're not recognized by the starbucks barista, people expect a lot of them. Not just stopping Bowser, but stopping everyday problems, rescuing cats from trees or standing in for a broken TV antenna. Eventually the pressure gets to Mario and he decides to fake his death and make a run for it. He's not really thinking clearly at the time and he regrets it almost immediately, but he can't bring himself to go back and face everyone's disappointment. He needs to figure himself out first.
He does at least contact Luigi as soon as he's out of the city to reassure him he's not dead. He doesn't tell him where he's going though, and Luigi can't contact him back, he has to wait for Mario to call, so Luigi does genuinely miss him and can fake grief when he needs to without too much prompting.
Bowser, meanwhile, was genuinely not expecting to "kill" his greatest rival. He never really wanted Mario dead, he just wanted the city! But he's not going to let this opportunity pass him by- Or so he thinks, until he's beaten into a pulp by the other hero that he usually forgot about.
Okay, fine, Bowser can still work with this. Heal up, regroup, give it another try- Aaaand this time he's ganged up on by three heroes he's never even seen before. What the heck is happening?
Turns out that without Mario's charismatic leader act keeping everyone reassured (and complacent), a bunch of people are stepping into the gap. Luigi, Peach, Daisy, probably more than one Toad or Yoshi... Bowser can't plan for this! They all have different powers, different strategies, different types of banter. He's overwhelmed.
So Bowser gets the idea that he needs just one hero to fight. Maybe with a sidekick, but still. That way he can time his cool speeches and minimize the amount he gets punched in the face. He already killed one of them, maybe if he works his way through the others one at a time he'll finally win. Eventually. Someday.
He gets the super crown disguise watch (I still haven't decided if there's a real guy whose appearance and name he is copying) and finds his first hero. Mario's sidekick. Should be the easiest one to fight, right? Bowser just needs to convince him that it's better for everyone if the city only has one hero at a time. It's about continuity. It'll reassure them. Give them a symbol.
Unfortunately for Bowser (and fortunately for us) Luigi is way too nice a guy to chase off some random bear person just for recognizing him and having Opinions about all this hero stuff. Luigi talks to him, addresses his concerns, answers his questions, and the guy is actually surprisingly willing to listen. Most people who try to tell him how to do his job don't care about facts and logic!
Next thing Bowser knows, he's been invited for coffee next week. That's... fine, right? This is progress! It's not a date, it's just getting close to his target! And it's definitely not a problem that Luigi is really cute and sweet and patient and has big blue eyes and a nice smile and the warmth of his handshake lingered for the rest of the afternoon...
Everything is totally fine! 👍
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schrodinger-swriter · 7 months
if u havent already can u write hcs for Lucifer w a artist s/o? it’s totally ok if u cant but like imagine him opening up random cabinets to grab something only to see a doodle of him on a sticky note!
or finding drawings and painting of him on your table that you were planning to give him 🫶
Lucifer x Artist!Reader
Once more I hope you guys don't mind me bouncing around in the requests, usually I would answer them in the order they've been sent in but I've just been feeling... off as of late.. I think I might write down everything then close down the inbox until I'm caught up and at least had a day to rest. The mental illness is getting rather up in arms lately..
Moving on! I hope you enjoy, Anon!
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You two trade ideas, as creatives. He does seem like he would be into painting as a medium alongside making his ducks. Though, art is more so your thing in comparison to him. He simply doesn't have enough time or energy to put pen to paper; too absorbed in getting the quicker satisfaction that comes from his duck crafts.
He keeps every single doodle you've left around the house, it may seem like a small gesture but the fact that you care enough to leave him notes to remind him how much you love him and reminding him to take care of himself means a lot to him... One day he wants to return the favor, but he just doesn't know how yet exactly.
He gets you the very best materials that he can get, which... is very likely anything that can be thought of. Water colors, oils, acrylics, anything and he'll get it for you. Borrowing from the Writer!Reader post he makes hand crafted things for you every now and then. Handmade sketchbooks and colored pencils, as well as making new paints with you. Finding ways to make the pigments together is nice! It allows you both to spend time together and experiment.
As for the drawings you make to surprise him.. he has to fight himself not to gush to you about how much he loves them. He wants you to still be able to surprise him, so as hard as it is he's going to at least attempt to be quiet about it... for now...
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 months
I know I already said this prior to you, but I adore your Stunticon designs so much and feel an absolute rush of joy when I see you post art of any of them. I yearn for more information on your AU versions of them, and what happens to them all when they get to earth.
Where does Dead End go when he helps Breakdown, where do Motormaster, Drag Strip and Wildrider go after the split up in the team and how do they all handle it? They're all connected through the gestalt bond, which makes a gestalt closer than any other cybertronians, and how do they handle Motormaster hurting Breakdown, and then losing two of their own?
Does Motormaster ever regret what he did to Breakdown?
Thank you again! Hearing your interest in my AU really does make me so happy!! 🥺💕 So feel free to ask away! I've been pretty busy recently so I haven't had any time to work on the au sadly. But let's answer some questions now! With some drawings!! >:3
Also long post warning! !
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"Where does Dead End go when he helps Breakdown?"
In short, undecided atm! But this is what happened if he was planning to leave with Breakdown:
Dead End and Breakdown agreed on a meeting spot a bit outside the Stunticons base. But when Breakdown doesn't show up for a long while, Dead End figured he got cold feet and began heading back to base only to get a coms transmission from MotorMaster telling him to meet up with Dragstrip and Wild Rider who are currently in pursuit of Breakdown!
Dead End would be wayyyy behind the others and only end up catching a glimpse of Breakdown and Knockout being apprehended by the Autobots, the other Stunticons long gone.
Dead End wasn't really sure what he would do now. It seemed like the others didn't know he wanted out like Breakdown. But what if they did? Does he risk it and go back? What was he going to do if the plan had gone smoothly even?
Well... he hadn't really got that far. He just knew he was tired, and Breakdown suggested an out. But joining another group of hot-headed 'Cons? Really?? He needed something different... maybe just... roaming around earth would be fun? It definitely has to be calmer than anything he's experienced the past few Megacycles.
For Dead End, since I wasn't sure if I would have him leave with Breakdown or not, I hadn't chose a story for him yet, though i did have a few ideas in mind.
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"Where do MotorMaster, Dragstrip and Wild Rider go after the split up in the team and how do they handle it?"
They probably wouldn't go far, maybe just relocate their base. The remaining team would stick together for the most part. They're still the Stunticons, just... less.
MotorMaster would become hell-bent on getting the two back one way or another... or maybe even making them pay for such treachery to their team.
"How do they handle MotorMaster hurting Breakdown, and then losing two of their own?"
They were used to MM's intimidation techniques to get them back in line, but nothing like this. Sure he'd give 'em a good toss, smack or yelling at, but this, this was something else.
For Dragstrip he'd think to himself "What did Breakdown think would happen if he told MM him off and ditched the team? What a fool" as a kind of way to make sense of the situation. He'd definitely stand a bit further from MM than before.
As for Wild Rider, he loved a good fight. Heck he didn't mind killing a few bots! But never each other. He got an uneasy feeling from the whole thing.
For Dead End, they always remember him voicing his annoyance and tiredness with everything, but they never actually thought he'd do anything about it.
"Does MotorMaster ever regret what he did to Breakdown?"
Sadly not. He probably only regrets not being able to see Breakdown's desire to leave sooner. Not that he'd know what he'd do then.
And I think that was it? Thanks again for the questions and curiosity towards my au!! :3
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puddingandp1 · 3 months
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since art fight will inevitably be down for a bit when it first starts, i'm just gonna post wigglez' ref for those who wanna attack me with her! my name on there is the same as here
will also repost the character rules under the cut, so plz read them if you're attacking me:
specific to wigglez:
* if shipping, only with caine plz!! (yknow, the digital circus caine, that guy). otherwise, see the perms for all characters! * also pls do not lewd her, thank you! * drawing her abstracted is totally fine (i do plan on redesigning it though since it's a bit dated and not canon accurate, according to what goose has said lol)
heck yeah:
certain shipping (please read the character's own bio for more info on the acceptable ships lol)
suggestive content (just not explicit and with any of my minor/feral characters)
interactions with your own ocs
different outfits to the oc's own - go wild with your outfit designs if you want!
changing aspects of the designs because you feel it'd fit your art style better (as long as it doesn't go too far)
any art style is totally fine with me lol, as with skill level
though vaporwave/80s aesthetic is preferred, any aesthetic is fine by me!
explicit nsfw (NOT because i am against NSFW, but it IS against the rules)
basically changing the oc's whole design
suggestive content of my young or feral characters
humanisations and genderbending (just don't care for them lol sorry)
any hateful/gross themes
gore art (unless it's very light, or is something like candy gore)
shipping (unless it's specified you can ship with a certain character in the bio)
please don't attack me just to expect any art back as i cannot guarantee that i will attack back at you lol sorry
political themes
additional notes: * please do not use my art or my characters for your own gain (basically donut steel) * let me know if you do or do not want my attacks being posted on social media! if you wanna post yours than @ me in the post
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kakiastro · 1 month
Saturn Aries-Training your dragon
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Saturn- the planet of structure and discipline, how to be responsible and respectful to others. How you portray yourself to others is important to Saturn. Being practical and taking your time is treasured.
Aries- the sign that’s ruled by Mars. Aries are the go getters, the ones who don’t mind taking the risk. They will rather epically fall than not try at all. They have a physical impulse that drives them. They don’t mind starting over if it feels right.
The planet that takes its time and the sign that’s a risk taker is a tricky relationship to be in. These natives struggle with wanting to go for but also waiting it out. They have the passion and desire of an Aries but they have to learn the patience of Saturn.
-these natives grew up having parents that taught them independence at an early age. “You got knocked down, now get up and fight!” Was a mantra that was taught to them at an early age. These natives had parents /guardians who were practiced tough love on them. Think training a warrior and how they had to grow up quickly. “All my life I had to fight” is a quote these natives are all to familiar with. They may be close to the Martian family members, those with Aries or Scorpio placements. Those family members understand that intense energy so it’s easier to be with them.
-they were taught about the harshness of the world at a young age and life isn’t fair. You have to fight and go after what you want. They developed the ambition trait early on in life
- many of these natives could’ve grown up in a home where there was fighting or lots of discussions and debates. This may have caused them to not want to deal with confrontation as they get older. They will start to learn starting age 27 on how to stand up for themselves without the use of pure anger that they grew up hearing.
- many of these natives could’ve of grew up in a military, law enforcement, firefighter/working with fire burn victims, criminal/gangster, entrepreneur, boxer/fighter, butcher, welding/mechanics, medical phlebotomist (blood draw) type of families. Look back on your life and see if you notice any Aries themes
- due to the high expectations on them placed on them by their families, they may struggle with self identity issues and trying to figure out who they are. They knew it when they were children but adults told them different. Their whole identity may have been what their families want them to be instead of trying to figure out who they really are. As they get older though, they’ll know exactly who they are and who they always should’ve been.
With Chiron currently in Aries and their returns approaching , they are rediscovering and doing lots of healing
- they could be named after someone who’s seen as a hero to there parents such as a grandparent or another relative, or a heroic public figure. They could also have a unique or different name compared to other family members. Their names could be “one of the new popular ones.”
-since Aries is the physical body and Saturn is discipline, they would do well in martial arts or yoga. Stretching their bones and or doing any movement can help.
-they may be prone to depression when it comes to their physical body and not liking it due to not exceeding their expectations. Write down 3 things you love about yourself. Then 3 more the next then 3 more the next. Practice them in the mirror everyday if you need too. When you start embracing all of you, including your flaws. your confidence will be unmatched.
- these natives will be the type of parents that will teach their kids to go after what they want but plan thoroughly because this is something they’re mastering themselves in this lifetime.
- they will have their kids be involved in all types of physical activities that they didn’t get to do growing up. They have to make sure they’re not living through their kids and not have too demanding expectations like they were put under. They have to let their kids discover who they are themselves and they are there to catch when they fall.
- Saturn Aries and Saturn Capricorn would understand each other because there’s a lot of similarities between the two.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post!
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ellethespaceunicorn · 11 months
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest, Chapter Three
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Chapter Three: The Wolf In My Living Room
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
Series Summary: You live in a small town called Claw Creek, surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Since you were a kid, an urban legend of the creature in the woods has been told. If the distant howls at night and mutilated livestock are anything to go by, you fear the stories to be true.
Chapter Summary: Your eventful day starts…RIGHT NOW! *draws mouse ears on the fourth wall* 
Warnings: slight dry humping, slight choking, making out, love bites (hickeys)
A/N: A special thank you to @peyton-warren for being my lovely beta and soundboard for this. 
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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You wake to the sounds of the forest coming to life. The leaves in the trees rustling in the morning wind, birdsong as they wake and communicate to each other, and the soft rumbling of snores over your shoulder. 
Puffs of air tickle your neck, and the firmness of the mattress under you seems misplaced. The heavy weight around your middle and the press of the warm body behind you is enough to have you remember where you slept last night.
If any of those things weren’t enough to wake you up, surely the unmistakable bulge of something poking at your backside would do it. You are quite flattered because it has been a long time since you’ve had a man in your bed. You also know that men get boners when the damn wind blows, so it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s there because of you.
Until the surrounding arms tighten and his hips push into yours just slightly. His nose sneaks into the space between your neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply.
You can’t help the desperate sigh that escapes you, and the answering groan from the man behind you only inspires you to push your hips back into him. Your name is a whisper on his lips as one of his hands moves to the front of your neck. His thumb on your pulsepoint has you keening, while his other hand slowly glides down your stomach toward where you want him most. But once his massive paw cups you...
“Wait!” The yelp left your throat before you permitted it to do so. Waiting was not at all what you wanted to do, but your brain had other plans. Fight or flight response on high alert.
Walter freezes with one hand on your neck and one hand over your clothed sex. His chest heaving as he seems to try and calm himself down. 
“I’m sorry, I just, it’s been a long time,” you blurt, surprised to be able to put forth words that actually make sense, “Feeling a little overwhelmed, is all.”
“I’m so sor–”
“Don’t be sorry, Walter. I want this. I just, I’m not ready.” Mentally, you are kicking yourself for not letting this man take you to Pound Town.
Walter removes his hands from your groin and your neck, the warmth leaving with them. “Just, please tell me I didn’t force myself on you. I couldn’t live with myself if I pushed you in any way.”
You turn to face him, one hand going to cup his jaw. “You didn’t push me, I promise. I...I want you. My body wants you, too. But, I know I’m not ready. For more. Yet.” The thought of your ex is heavy in your mind, the relationship you thought would last forever.
Walter nods, his eyes on you as he turns his head to kiss your palm. “What do you say we get some coffee?”
You nod, afraid to speak more and possibly ruin the moment. Your thumb ghosts over his bottom lip, your eyes still locked on each other as you both lean in. Once your lips meet, it’s as though nothing else matters. His top lip is between your lips, as your bottom lip is between his. Your hand roams from his jawline to tangle in his curls.
Before you know it, Walter is pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. His intensity only drives you to want him more. The taste of his tongue as it massages yours is almost enough to have you take back your words. You could keep kissing him for hours, days, weeks if he let you. But, then again, you always were a sucker for a good kisser. And Walter? He was something to write home about.
He slows down the kiss to let you breathe, and you pull back to get a firm grip on yourself and on reality. As much as you want this man to rearrange your guts, you would like to continue things on a slower progression. Thanks in part to your ex, who did everything with the speed of a cheetah.
“I don’t wanna keep you in the dark about something, so I’m just gonna say it. My ex is a huge reason why I wanna take things slow, Walter. He and I were briefly engaged and it didn’t end well when I broke it off. He’s not like, dangerous or anything. Just a bit of a dick sometimes is all.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and look up at Walter who is just smiling at you as if you didn’t just ruin his boner.
“Thank you for telling me. I hope you know that makes me want to be even more protective over you.” He pokes at your chin and you duck your head.
“I mean, I guess I should expect that from a wolf, huh?” You slide your hand from his curls, down his neck, and around to his chest. 
“Yeah, you really should,” he says, turning to stretch, and no doubt adjust himself, “Let’s get that coffee, and I’ll take you back to the park to pick up your car.”
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The coffee maker bubbles and brews. You sit on the kitchen counter while Walter stands between your legs. His hands stroke your thighs as he kisses and nips at your neck. You did try to keep a bit of distance between you, but the moment he stepped into your personal space, it was all over.
Once the coffee is done, Walter pours you both a cup. While you sip your coffee, you sit in companionable silence. You get the feeling that he doesn’t mind the quiet, he might even relish it. Even though you still have some questions, you decide to wait to ask them, choosing instead to enjoy the non-verbal flirting between you two.
You gather your things and Walter drives you to the park just outside the forest to pick up your car. Your phone is still dead in your coat pocket, but you have an idea. You get into your car and grab an old receipt from the console. Scribbling your phone number on the back of it, you hand it to him and tell him to call you later. 
He pockets the paper and promises to call that evening. With a kiss on the cheek, he tells you to get a move on getting home. You put the key into the ignition and turn it, the car springing to life. Waving to him one last time, you drive out of the parking lot and start to make your way home.
If you are honest with yourself, you miss him already.
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Pulling up to your house, you’re not surprised to see a distraught Olivia pacing on your lawn. Her car is in your driveway along with a truck that seems familiar. Once you park a bit behind Liv’s car, she throws her hands up and comes to greet you as you exit your vehicle.
“Oh, my God. Your phone has been going straight to voicemail since yesterday!!” she shouts, seconds before she wraps you up in a bear hug, “Look, I’m sorry, but I called him since he’s a fucking bloodhound. Don’t be mad at me, I was worried.”
“What? Who are you talk–” 
Just then, you see shoulders turn around and those eyes meet yours. Eyes that still held that fire for you, even after everything.
“Hey, Bug,” he mumbles, walking over to where you and Liv are still holding onto each other, “Olivia, here, called me when she couldn’t get a hold of ya.”
Bug. The name he used to call you when you were dating. You close your eyes and steady yourself before detaching yourself from Liv and stuffing your hands in your pockets. You weren’t really in the mood to deal with this right now, but you understand why she called...him.
“Well, here I am. I made it home safe and sound. So, thank you but I think I got it from here, James.” you advised, trying to be calm in the face of your ex-fiance.
“Ya know, you can still call me Sy just like everyone else, Bug.” he offers, smiling down at you while you chew on your cheek.
“Yeah, I know. I guess I’m not everyone else, James. I feel like I’ve made that clear more than enough times.” you seethed, if only your eyes could shoot lasers.
“Got it. You’re still pissed. Well, do me a favor, Bug. Keep yourself safe. Check in with your friend when you’re, uh,” he pokes at a bruise forming on your neck, “Going out to meet somebody.” He snorts, walking back to his truck.
Liv turns to you and smacks you on the arm, whispering harshly as she does, “All this was for some dick? Like, kudos! But damn, you coulda told me!!”
As he backs out of the driveway, he stops just short. “Maybe stay in tonight. Me and a buncha boys from town are gonna be heading out looking for this menace been taking down livestock and all. Probably just a wolf or something. But whatever it is, it ain’t safe out here.”
You hated that he still cared for your well-being and honestly, you didn’t need his judgment either. But you used to love this man. Shit, you were planning on marrying him and raising however many kids he wanted. A little piece of you feels shitty for wanting to bite his head off. You can tell he still cares at least. It’s just hard to skip over the bad times when you think about your ex.
“Look, thank you, James. I’ll worry about keeping myself safe. You do the same?” you reply, pushing away Liv’s hands from your neck.
“Will do, Bug. Alright now. See ya ‘round.” He backs out of the driveway fully, throws a hand up in a wave, and drives off.
You turn to Liv as she puts a hand on your shoulder. “You know you owe me the deets, right? Like, everything?”
“Yeah, I know. But, truth be told, it is barely anything yet. Can it wait until it’s something more substantial, at least?” you implore, knowing damn well you like Walter more than you’d be honest about at this moment.
“Okay, so you didn’t fuck him yet. Did you least taste it?” This woman has no chill.
“Liv! Oh, my God.” you blurt, hand going to your face.
“Alright, so you didn’t taste it. Must have been an intense makeout session though, huh? That’s why you look so tired, hun?” she rambles on as you start to walk past her to your front door.
“Bye, Liv! Good luck getting your car out.” you shout back, the key already unlocking the door.
You watch from the living room window as she makes various turns to get her car out from in front of yours. You love the girl, but she deserves that after the third degree. And after calling your ex-fiance when she couldn’t reach you. Like, what was she thinking? Probably thinking the worst, you’re sure. 
But, really? She called...Sy? If that didn’t open a can of worms later on, you will be surprised. 
But for now, you’ll just put it behind you in favor of a cup of cocoa and possibly a very long shower. That would be enough after your very eventful night in the woods. And you were looking forward to finally plugging your phone in and getting a call from a certain bearded wolf.
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Many hours later, you were doing some cleaning around the house, which consisted of walking around with a glass of wine in one hand and a duster in the other. Sure, you tidied up the living area, but you half-assed the rest of the first floor and you didn’t care. You were putting off taking a shower because you could still smell Walter on you.
Not like you were swooning over his smell or anything. Okay, maybe you liked the way his pheromones seem to act differently. It wasn’t just a woodsy, man smell. It was musky, strong, like fresh sweat all the time.
After three-quarters of the bottle is gone, you cork the wine and put it into the fridge to save for later. Turning off the lights and speaker system, you resigned yourself to finally scrubbing this day away.
To keep yourself sane, you plugged in your phone on the bedroom charger before going to the bathroom for that long shower you wanted. Settling in bed afterward, you moisturize your skin and dress in a comfy nightgown. You unhook your phone from the charger and scroll through the notifications. 
A couple of texts from Olivia, checking in on you. A few junk emails that you delete. One missed call from Sy, with a voicemail.
Well, fuck.
You didn’t want to open that voicemail just yet, not that you get the chance to. You hear a crashing coming from downstairs. Not today, bitches. I’ve had enough surprises. You move to your closet to grab your bat. Five seasons of company softball have led you to this point. Kicking a home intruder’s ass. Sliding your phone screen open, you quickly turn on the smart lights for the living room. As you come down the stairs, holding the bat aloft, you hear a groaning noise.
Turning to the sound, you find Walter clutching his abdomen and standing against the entryway to the kitchen. He’s still in the clothing from last night, his gray henley soaking through with blood. You drop the bat to look at the wound but there is no hole in the shirt. You direct him to lie across the dining room table after taking his shirt off while you go find your first aid kit.
Coming back from the kitchen, you get out a pair of gloves and start to clean what looks like a bullet wound. 
“So, obviously I have questions. Like, a ton. But we’ll start with ‘How did you know this was my house?’.” you ask, stitching up the wound.
“I just followed your scent,” he admits, hissing as you tightened a stitch, “And the car in the driveway kinda helped too.”
“Of course. Next question. What the fuck happened?” you press, finishing up the last stitch before cleaning it off and applying gauze.
“I was out in wolf form and a few hunters were out, too. I managed to draw them away from the cabin. I tried to make it back but one of ’em got me. Figured if I shift back to human form, I could drive out here to you. And, I probably shouldn’t have driven with a gaping wound like that, but I wasn’t able to think that clearly. I also might have parked on your lawn and I apologize for that. May I pass out on your couch?” he chatters, already rising from the table and narrowly missing the light hanging over it.
“Whoa there, Wolfie. Let me help you to the couch, at least,” you insist, letting him hang an arm over your shoulder.
Having him against your body again was a welcome consolation, if only for a moment. You deposit him on the sectional and he grips onto a throw pillow as soon as he lays down on his stomach. You pull a blanket off the back of the couch and cover him with it. His hand touches yours as you pull away.
“Just need a little rest, Pup. Be good as new.” he trails off, your hand slipping out of his.
Watching his sleeping face, he looks so peaceful. A curl is over one eye and you reach out to tame it, but it springs back right into place. You laugh to yourself as you walk to the dining table to clean away the trash. 
Once done, you look back over to where Walter is snoring softly. Turning out the lights, one by one, you leave on the light above the sectional. You walk upstairs to your bedroom. Climbing into bed, you think this is the perfect night to go to bed early for once.
But your brain goes back to this morning. Walter’s arms around you. His scent is fresh on you. If you could keep extra quiet, you’re sure you can crank one out without waking the beast downstairs.
To be continued...
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A/N: So, the chapter summary was a nod to Disney Channel. I am not a Disney Adult, I just love nostalgia.
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how did the player manage to get all of them??? what did player do to convince them? if they had to be convinced?? (i'm asking about the 'everyone is saved' au!)
I'm working on a few pieces of art regarding this, but they'll take some time, so until then...
The Player/Angel did half of the "rescues" by accident, the other half by sheer spite. Huggy was saved from falling down by a VERY shaky and terrified Angel who had to drag him somewhere else so they could take a look at him. After freeing a very shocked and terrified Poppy and seeing her getting kidnapped by Mommy Long Legs, the duo went on their way to rescue the doll. And, well...
Lets just say. Long Legs did NOT like having a grown adult look at her face and tell her she seems lonely. Huggy 100% looked at Angel not understanding half of what was going on but still nodded along. He also didn't help much with the games Long Legs was throwing at them, and the toys that were a part of it were SO confused by Huggy being there. Thankfully, though, Angel unkowingly saved their lives with their banter with Long Legs. Angel also sort of "rescued" them/befriended them after the games.
Long Legs... I plan on either drawing or writing more in-depth about how the Angel convinced her to stick around, but let's just say that they GRABBED her out of being crushed to death. Sadly she still lost an arm, but it's better than her life.
Angel came back with Long Legs, Huggy and at least 20 other toys and Poppy was just "??????? how????????", but she was just too thankful to see them alive and well to say anything else.
Angel stayed with the group for some time to take care of everyone's wounds, because Huggy unfortunately also got a bit more hurt during Long Leg's chase. They, uhm, had a sibling fight. That involved certain murder attempt. But, hey, at least they're okay now! Poppy also informed Angel of most details of her plan instead of making them enter the train to reveal that.
Angel, however, decided to head to Playcare alone with Poppy. It took some convincing, but too many toys were hurt for them to feel safe having around without fearing for their lives. Playcare felt lonely until Angel found Dogday and yanked him away from his cell before running for their lives.
For this AU, Dogday does not recover his legs. Angel takes him to Poppy and Kissy, and, together, they stitch him back together. Dogday then follows and helps Angel around, mostly by warning them of what they could find.
I could go on and ONNNNN about what saving Catnap was like but, again, I plan on going that more in-depth later on. So a quick tldr would be "Angel discovers who Theo was and what happened to him before becoming Catnap and decides to bring some comfort to this literal child". Angel knows something else happened to Catnap for him to go from following the Prototype around like a child trying to copy their parent to an apex predator who almost had to beg the Smiling Critters to hunt other toys so they wouldn't starve. Dogday plays a role on this as well because him and Catnap used to be friends (he tried to shield little Theo from all the bullying!), and he genuinely wants Catnap to become better, but he's too hurt to actually be the one who convinces him to switch sides.
Anyways. Angel didn't want for Catnap to be electrocuted again. They were dissociating and on the verge of tears when the Prototype's arm appeared. They didn't even know what happened until they were on top of Catnap and he smelt blood as the Prototype simply left them to be.
Catnap lost an ear and was so, so angry at Angel for throwing themself at him. He was hurt and horrified and he actually screamed at Angel before they calmed him down.
We can say that Catnap knew that dying wasn't the solution he wanted, but after spending so much time in that nightmare, it was the only option he knew. Thankfully Angel knows well how that feels like and gently treated his wounds, even when he tried to attack them, even when he ran away more than once so he wouldn't look at that human again. Angel was still there for him.
Anyways this is followed by Angel having to stop Mommy Long Legs and Catnap from trying to kill each other, and then Angel having to assign Dogday to look out for Long Legs so she wouldn't try to make Huggy or Kissy fight the cat.
Anyways, Angel also befriends the mini critters on this process because they were assigned as the Playcare's new apex predator. Angel asks Catnap to keep the little ones OUT of Dogday's sight so the dog wouldn't have a panic attack, then comes back two hours later to see the mini critters and the mini huggies befriending each other.
After that, it's the group against the Prototype.
After that, it's Angel trying to convince Prototype to try therapy. And then when it's all said and one, everyone goes outside and Angel calls the authorities after being handled the paperwork transferring the factory's ownership and money to them. It's a LOT of explaining to do, LOTS of documents to hide so no one else would try to replicate the experiments ever again, and some extra laws being made because what the actual fuck just happened here.
So, in a nutshell:
Angel has too much dad/mom energy for the traumatized kids to not get themselves attached to them.
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door430 · 10 months
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Finally, after hours of designing and drawing and coloring, here is a full lineup of my humanoid designs of the AVA/AVM stick figures! Below the cut is just me rambling about each design.
victim: For victim, I wanted their design to be very business-esque to reflect both their position at Rocket Corp and their apparent preference for manipulation over violence. I gave them two gold necklaces and a gold belt to highlight their current high status in Rocket Corp. I chose yellow accents because of their intelligence and lack of fighting skill, which is similar in some ways to Yellow.
Chosen: I wanted to go for something a little more casual for Chosen, as I feel like they would want to settle down into a more normal life after the fiasco with Dark. The baby blue of their sweater also emphasizes their calm attitude. I put them in leggings to make their legs appear thinner, because Chosen is just an awkward baby deer with skinny little legs that can barely hold up their body to me.
Dark: The design of Dark's outfit is very much the stereotypical punk look. I also like the idea that Dark is shorter than everyone else but wears platform boots to appear taller. Their hair is a bit unkempt to give them a bit of a 'mad scientist' look, and the two curls on top look like devil horns as a reference to their evil nature.
Second: Since Second is the youngest of the sticks, I wanted to give them a somewhat childish look with the curly hair, striped shirt, shorts, and sneakers. They still have a collar though, as they seem to be the most sensible of the Color Gang. The green of the shoes is a reference to their powers in AVA 5 being green.
Red: Since Red loves animals and is the most childish, I wanted their outfit to be something plain and comfy that they could afford to get mud or fur on. Their hair is unkempt as a reference to their childish and impulsive nature.
Yellow: Yellow's design is pretty simple, as I just went for a nerdy/scholarly look. I debated over giving them glasses or goggles, but in the end I thought the glasses fit better with the rest of the design.
Green: I'm going to be entirely honest, Green's whole design is based on the 'Faces' short where they get an anime-style face. I thought a karate outfit would suit them, as karate is a very mobile martial art, and Green has a very mobile fighting style.
Blue: I designed Blue's outfit after a hippie fashion style because of their love for plants and friendship. If you look on their wrists and ankles, you'll see they have one friendship bracelet for each member of the Color Gang.
Purple: Purple's outfit is a mix of comfortable and easy to fight in. Their elytra are based on dragonfly wings because I thought it looked cool. I made their outfit similar to Mango's , as I feel like Mango's influence on them might also extend to their fashion.
Mango: I gave Mango a very royal look to match their crown and kingly manner. Their outfit is very flowy and probably not good for fighting in because of their tendency to make Purple do the hard work for them. Their cloak is blue to show their similarities to Purple's parent, and the lining is gold as a reference to their child, Gold. They have very little of their actual orange color in their design to show them slowly losing themself. The Galactic along the lining is a reference to their knowledge about Minecraft's more obscure mechanics and their use of 'magic' with the staff. Fun fact: it translates to 'no cost too great', because I like the way the phrase's meaning turns more sinister as Mango's plan goes on and they do worse and worse things in the name of avenging Gold.
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dyssonant-skyline · 7 months
2. What's your favorite and least favorite design in either show?
9. Since you mentioned drawing your redesigns, I have to ask - is there any way I could see Verity having a jolly ol' time on a swing? I was looking over your art again and the thought just struck me on impact out of nowhere.
13. Where does Lilith fit in Hellbound Hostel? Is there anything planned for her yet / concepts you're tossing around?
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9. I know this probably isn't what you were imagining but!!! I love conversations on swings and I wanted to draw Eden and Verity together.
2. Favorite and least favorite designs are hard to figure out, most designs I like have glaring details I don't and designs I dislike have potential somewhere in the design. I'll pick the ones from Hazbin that I like/dislike the most as they are, speaking roles only.
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Carmilla Carmine is my least favorite design. Her hair completely throws her design off balance imo. I hate the fact none of these characters have ears and I thought Carmilla’s earrings were dangling from her hair at one point. When her hair is down, her design is better I guess… but then there isn't anything that screams hell or sinner in her design. The hairstyle at least alludes to horns, without it she is just a grey human with red eyes and slightly big arms. I kind of wish she kept her extremely long fingers from the pilot, but that wouldn’t tie in well with her fighting style imo??? Eh.
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Breaking my own rules since they never speak but, but this design ruins every scene it is in. What an attention grabbing eyesore, it was impossible to watch the overlord meeting with her just sitting on the side orz
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Sir Pentious is probably my favorite design in the show, but the story behind his design just makes me sad. I don't like his tail and the eyes pasted all over it, slithering on your eyes?? ow. The hood acting like hair and flaring out is very enjoyable to watch. His palette is also more balanced than most characters. Prefer him without the hat though.
Breaking the rules again, my real favorites are background characters.
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13. In Hellbound Hostel, Hellborn are created through a ritual that only requires one participant. Eden is more like a creation to [Lucifer] than a daughter and she has no mother. Sort of an [Adam] parallel. I might shift Lilith's role/traits to one of the Sins, Idolatry.
The Sins are effectively Eden’s family as they are all fallen angels that rebelled with [Lucifer]. A lot of the early/pilot stuff with Lilith shows her as wanting rebellion from sinners and I think Idolatry would also stoke that flame. She is a champion of individualism and finding your own “gods” to worship. She believes that the free will that humans were granted makes them superior to The Creator.
As for the aspect of someone from hell residing in heaven as a potential villain? I have some ideas but most of the conflict I’m figuring out right now is episodic conflicts centering around the hotel, like a power outage and trying to get residents excited for a hellborn holiday.
Thank you for asking! :D
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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In the hallway after school on Tuesday, as I head to my locker to retrieve my gear bag, I spot Miss O’Reilly. She is locking up the art room, and gives me a big smile as I approach her. She’s always doing that, smiling at me, I mean, and it throws me off. It's usually not the expression teachers have when they see me coming.
I smile awkwardly in return and she turns her body towards me, takes a step, prompting me to halt beside her instead of barrelling past her like I would have, not enthused about facing the wrath of Doherty if I hit the rugby pitch even one minute late. 
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“Jude! I've been meaning to congratulate you.”
“Um, for what?”
She laughs as though I’m being dense deliberately, “I spoke to Eileen, the guidance counsellor last Friday and she told me about your offers.”
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“Oh, for college.”
“Yes! How wonderful. I’m just so pleased for you that everything worked out the way that you hoped it would, after all of the hard work you put in this last year it’s just fantastic to hear it. And tell me, did you get accepted to every college you applied for?”
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“Wow,” she takes a big pause, taking it in, “wow. You must be delighted. How does it feel?”
“I dunno, miss.”
“Hard to get your head around, I’m sure. Your parents must be proud too.”
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She’s determined to ignore our mismatched attitudes towards this news, taking a big, jubilant breath before launching into more affirmations, “well, what a confirmation of your talent and skill. I had a really good feeling about your work when you came to my class last year, and I’m just so pleased that you got the results you wanted. Have you decided which college to choose yet?”
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I shift my weight from one foot to the other, “yeah I’m choosing NCAD.”
“Oh!” I can tell she’s trying to maintain her upbeat attitude, but eyebrows slowly draw together in confusion, “I hadn’t realised you changed your plan. When we last spoke about it in March you told me you were looking forward to attending universities abroad.”
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I shrug, “Yeah, I, um, I changed my mind in the end. I’m going to stay in Dublin.”
“Hm, okay, I just… Jude, do you mind if I ask you why?”
“Yeah, you can ask,” I say, and am instantly horrified by the tremor in my voice. I fight it back with a hard swallow, “It’s just, like… um,” Oh God. What is happening to me? I’m conscious of the crowds of students milling through the hallway right behind me, and of the fact that I categorically cannot do this here. “Sorry…”
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“Oh, come in,” she says in a low voice, jangling the keys in the art room door with an urgency that feels entirely necessary, and when she lets me into the room ahead of her I stand dumbly in the middle of it as she fumbles with the blind over the glass doors, tingling jolts of anxiety running down my arms and through the tips of my fingers. 
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“What is it, sweetheart?” She says, and simply that, the word she uses and the way she uses it makes me want to crumple onto the linoleum floor in front of her. 
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“You’re alright, you’re just…” she purses her lips, searching for the word, “overwhelmed, I’d say. College and all of that kind of thing, it can get on top of you at this time of year. I know it’s a lot to think about.”
I manage a grunt of vague agreement. 
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Miss O’Reilly drags a folding chair from the side of the room, “C’mere, sit down there and we’ll have a quick chat about it.”
“Um, Mr. Doherty…” I say, and she understands, “Don’t mind him. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
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She settles into a seat across from me, and gives me an encouraging smile. As I search for the words I want to say I’m cognizant of how comforting this woman is, how unfazed she is by me and whatever it is that is happening to me in this room. She has a daughter, I know that, a daughter who goes to our school and for a moment I’m jealous of her, that fourteen year old girl who gets to have a mother like this one, that is soft and comforting in all the places where mine is sharp and disinterested in me and every feeling I have ever experienced. 
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I’m not convinced that I even know how to talk about things like this, afraid that I will try to and come across like the weirdest, most unhinged person on the planet. My thoughts and feelings will be so nonsensical that they will make everyone around me cringe with discomfort. “I’m trying to do the right things,” I attempt, “but somehow the right things feel very wrong to me.”
“When you say ‘the right things’, Jude, do you mean you want to choose the right college?”
I nod. 
“And why does NCAD seem like the right choice?”
“Because of my girlfriend.”
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“Yeah. I didn’t know you knew that to be honest.” I never thought that teachers noticed or cared about things that weren’t arbitrary uniform rules and homework assignments, but evidently I was wrong.
She smiles kindly, “So Michelle is going to NCAD?”
“Yeah if she gets the points in her leaving. She applied for all the same colleges as me but got none and now I feel sort of... like I have to stay for her.”
“Is that the right decision for you?”
“I dunno, miss.”
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She hums contemplatively, “I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this kind of thing, but it’s not always the best choice to base big life choices on your girlfriend when you’re only eighteen years old. Especially one as important as your university.”
“It’s never an easy choice to make. I really empathise with you here, because when you’re in love with a person, you-”
“I don’t even know if I love her.”
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There’s a pause, she looks surprised, and so am I. I'm stunned that I told her that, this thought that I've never dared to utter before.
And then everything comes spilling out of me. “Look, it’s just that I feel very trapped,” I say, “Sometimes I think there’s something abnormal about my brain, because I make decisions that even I don’t understand, like with Michelle... when I think about us being together and our relationship I can hardly remember anything good that’s happened between us for a long time, the last fun thing we did or the last time I felt happy. I can’t even remember what I was thinking when we got together. I feel like I’m on autopilot, or like things are just happening to me without me having a hand in it.
“Somehow I’ve just, like, ended up here and I’m making plans with her and promising her things that I haven’t even decided if I want yet. I thought that I wanted to move away, but maybe I don’t anymore. Maybe it’s wrong of me to do that, because what if I go away and then I realise that what I actually wanted was to be with Michelle?” 
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I breathe in, knowing that I have probably been talking too much, but now I am unwilling to stop, “My parents, they’re fighting a lot at home. Something happened a few months ago and it's just been a battlefield ever since. I know that if I go away I’ll leave my sister alone to deal with all of it. She’s only nine, and the constant tension upsets her so much, she goes into a spin about it and starts fantasising about all of these awful scenarios, and see, my parents don’t know how to deal with her, they don’t really like it when kids act like kids. Or at least they’re not that interested in them– in her. I keep imagining this future where I’m gone, I’ve left home and I’m hundreds of miles away and she’s all on her own with them, and there’s nobody to really look after her because I can’t get home so easily, and when I think like that, even the thought of going away, even wanting it a little bit makes me feel like the most selfish boy on earth…”
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Miss O’Reilly produces a tissue and holds it out to me. I stare at it for several seconds before I realise she is offering it because I have started to cry. My face is somehow wet with tears. “Oh,” I say, hoarsely and take it. 
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“Jude, you’re still a teenager.” She says gently, “You can’t possibly be responsible for the emotions of every other person around you. It’s too much.”
“When you’re young you have to make selfish decisions, ones meant for yourself and yourself only. Nobody else is going to make them for you. You have to really ask yourself what the right choice is for you, whether you’ll be able to be truly happy in your current circumstance where nothing may change or will you be better off on your own, doing something you love and experiencing real freedom in spite of how others may feel about it.” 
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I wipe my eyes and nod, staring down at my lap, still in a state of shame and disbelief that I have allowed myself to sob like this in front of my teacher, though if she is bothered she doesn’t show it. 
“When you imagine your ideal life,” she urges, “where none of these things are a factor, not the things you promised to Michelle, not what's going on at home, what does it look like?”
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“God,” I breathe, almost chuckling because the answer is so easy, “I’m gone. I’m not here. I’m just miles away and I’m making art and hanging out and doing what I like.” It sounds so simple when I say it out loud, yet for the longest time now I’ve felt like a criminal for wanting these things. 
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“And where do you see yourself?”
“Berlin,” I say, surprising myself. It’s not like I’ve put real time into thinking about this, visualised myself walking those streets, in fact I don’t even know what Berlin looks like, but it feels right to say it, as though there is some cosmic reason for me to go there. Perhaps only because it’s the furthest from home. 
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Miss O’Reilly nods, “NCAD is a fine college, Jude, but your talent is wasted in a place where you don’t want to be. You could do anything you want. You have incredible potential and I’d be very sad to see it wasted. Life passes you by very quickly, you know, and these kinds of opportunities don’t present themselves as often as you think. It may seem obvious, but you only have one life to live.”
“I can’t tell you what to do. I can’t make a decision for you, but all I want you to do is really think about this. Put a good amount of thought into what you really want when you remove everyone else from the equation, then, once you know, you can decide what's worth sacrificing. Do you think you can do that?”
“Yes, miss.”
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“Good, then that's your homework,” She smiles and reaches to squeeze my hand, which I am embarrassed about because my skin is clammy, but just like everything else about this moment that is humiliating to me, it doesn't appear to faze her.
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“Thank you,” I say, and she nods. “I hope you’re not in a hurry to get to your rugby practice.”
“No,” I sniff, and let out a thick laugh, “No miss, I think I’ll skip it today.”
“Good,” she says, “That’s a good start, see? Here you are, doing exactly as you wish.”
She smiles at me, once again, that bright, warm smile, and I give her one in return because maybe it's just me, my weird brain and the things it invents, but the feeling of hope that rises in me in that moment feels very real.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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f1nalboys · 3 months
OMG. I love the tod headcannons. Would you ever do ian sleepover headcannons?
HELLOOOO ANON sorry this has taken so long, i do apologize and i hope its fun to read!!!!
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WARNINGS: not proofread, weed mention, ians a perv on occassion, mostly fluff
ok number one i need a sleepover with this guy NOWWWWWW
ian refuses to call it a sleepover. you two are hanging out, chilling, that’s all. if he spends the night then thats just what happens, it totally wasn't his end goal
i truly believe ian sleeps better in anyone elses bed than he does his own not for any particular reason he just loves the feeling of being on vacation and being in a different bed counts to him fr
he comes over with nothing. like deadass the clothes on his back and maybe some weed IF UR LUCKY 
he also tends to show up ‘just for a bit’ and makes a big show about sighing at the time and being like man…. i wish i didn’t have to leave but its almost time for bed……..
like girl just ask to sleep over who cares
anyways he really hates Planned Sleepover Activities
no pillow fights, no truth or dare, no spin the bottle (this can and has been done before with him, he just has to be in the mood,) no bloody mary, etc
now, of course, if he really really really loves you, he’ll do all those things and more. he is going to COMPLAIN though. like, to the point where it’s almost unenjoyable. 
he does love a good spa day though…. you ask him to put on a fuzzy robe so you can put a face mask and cucumbers on him and he’s jumping for joy lowkey
and he lets you paint his nails and stuff and he doesnt care if its messy or bumpy or if you don’t put a top coat on it, he just loves that youre doing it for ihm
ANDDDD its the quietest he’ll be. youll look up at his face and hes staring down at you with such a sickeningly sweet love sick grin that its almost enough to make you barf and he won't say a single word until youre done
and even then he’ll just go “its great baby, thank you.” heheh
like 3 hours later he’ll go “you got a lot of nail polish on my skin, god damn.” and you’ll look over and hes very methodically picking it off of his skin lol
anyways. when hes over he just wants to chill genuinely 
ian is interested in getting chinese food or pizza, getting super fucking high, and having movies or music in the background while you guys talk
and he really only does one on one sleepovers, siblings or family excluded. if you invited another friend to sleepover at the same time hes gonna be in the corner like ugh…..sigh……eyeroll…..ugh…..what no im fine its whatever……sigh…..
ian is super handsy as is but when he gets tired hes worse
you’ll know hes ready for you two to go to sleep when hes suddenly attached to your back, arms around your waist and head in your shoulder
ian loves sleepovers that are simply for you two to get shit done
like ian has to rework an art piece? hes coming over and youre finally gonna clean your room.
he tries to sleep in his regular clothes all the time (he does it at home i fear to say) so if youre against that you HAVE to have some spare clothes for him. or let him sleep in his underwear but then he’s gonna get that dumb stupid sexy grin on his face and ask if youre trying to get him naked 
which like yes ian i am but not like that….yet
waking up with ian is great if you get up before him because hes all cuddly and sweet and murmuring in his sleep and you can just stare and admire him
if he gets up first hes waking you up but hes also fucking with you
he shakes you awake and is like BABE YOU OVERSLEPT FOR XYZ!!!!! and you jump out of bed and hes like haha got you just kidding
or he draws on your face or arms if youre a heavy sleeper and he can get away with it
AND he takes photos of you sleeping all the time on his shitty little flip phone and he never tells you about it
until like weeks later when youre hanging with him in the car eating food and he laughs and turns his phone around to show you a picture of you slumped over, mouth open, drooling.
but hes a menace
hes like well im up so i need you up to????
like god bless erin for dealing with him 
but you dont have to worry about it much, he normally sleeps in if hes able to but depending on when he went to bed, he could get up before you
and good luck trying to go back to sleep because hes hitting you with pillows and squashing you and talking until you just roll your eyes and sit up
and then hed smile and go omgggg good morning sleepyhead LIKE SHUT UP
overall, ian is a fun guy to have a sleepover with if you just want to chill, not if you want to do activities if that makes sense
but hes never going to ASK to spend the night (unless youre in the car with him about to get dropped off and hes kissing you and get handsy and THEN he’ll be like babe…. cant i just hang out :((( like sigh…. of course you can bae
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pink-bandana-writes · 2 years
Raphael x Reader
Summary: Raphael is fascinated by your new tattoo.
Note: I got a new tattoo today (yaaaay!) so have this lil thing. The boys are in their twenties in this, as is the reader, who is, obviously, of legal tattooing age.
Warnings: Talks of tattoos/the healing process/blood
Word Count: 0.6k
Reader is: of tattooing age
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You were sitting on the couch in the lair, Switch in your hands as you played Animal Crossing, sprucing up your island a bit. Needless to say, you were too distracted to notice the giant mutant turtle staring at you, his jaw agape as he stared at the fresh tattoo on your thigh, covered in shiny Saniderm to protect it.
When…when had that happened? Obviously recently, if the irritated red skin around it was any indication. Raph raised an eyebrow, staring at the tattoo. It was a cute little sea turtle, swimming up your leg. There were a few bubbles and flowers around it. As far as he knew, you didn’t have any other tattoos, or, if you did, he hadn’t noticed them.
“Raph?” You waved your hand, drawing his attention. “You good?”
“Yeah, I, uh…when’d ya get that?” He pointed at the tattoo with a large finger, eyes locking on it for another long moment before meeting your eyes again.
“This afternoon.” You replied, chuckling.
“Huh. Does it hurt?”
“A little.” You set your Switch down and turned your attention towards him as he walked closer. “Mikey designed it.”
“Mikey designed ya tattoo?” Raph asked, eyes widening. “Did Donnie do it? He did the rest of ours.” Raph informed you, hopping over the back of the couch to sit beside you.
“I didn’t know that. No, he didn’t. I went to a tattoo place on the surface. All women tattoo artists, very clean. All of the booths are decorated with pastel colors.”
“Sounds like the perfect place for ya.” He chuckled. “Is this ya first one?”
“It is.” You nodded. “I’ve been wanting it for a while, though.”
“It looks great on ya.” He grinned. “How bad did it hurt?”
“The linework didn’t hurt that bad but the colors did. Donnie went over aftercare with me. It’ll probably be bleeding the rest of today.”
“Donnie get ya any Aquaphor? I got some in my room if ya need it.”
“He did, but thank you.”
“If ya need any help changing ya bandage, let me know, alright? I’m real good at that.”
“I’d appreciate it. I’m planning on switching tomorrow, once the majority of the bleeding is done.” You looked over his tattoos curiously. “Did yours hurt?”
Raph looked down at his half-sleeve, offering his arm to you so you could get a closer look. It was hard to make it out, given the shade of his scales, but you could see a few turtles. Four of them, actually. Aww. There were some kanji as well, though you didn’t know what they meant.
“Yeah, pretty bad. Donnie had to make different needles to try to pierce the scales. Lots of, uh, trial and error.” He chuckled. “I think they look good, though. I want him to finish my sleeve at some point, but we’ve been busy.”
“I can imagine.”
“You think you’ll get more?”
“I was laying on that table brainstorming more.” You laughed. “I don’t know when, though. Probably a few months from now, once this one is all healed up.”
“That’s probably a good plan.”
Mikey gasped very loudly behind you. “Oh my god, angelcakes! You’re back! How did it turn out?”
“It looks awesome.” You assured him, motioning him closer so he could see. Mikey fawned over his art on your body and it was very wholesome, but Raph couldn’t fight the tiniest tinge of jealousy inside of him.
Maybe…maybe he’d design something for you to get tattooed next…
Taglist: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel
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