#i swear i dont ship it that much teehee
juneaupaws · 2 days
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Spirits and Such Consultation Office
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peachpeachtea · 5 years
Region base leaders/apprentices
I briefly mentioned the leaders and their kiddos on the last post so we’re gonna get into them now here we goooo (excuse the old art on my part i dont have time to make new refs--also all artists/contributors will be tagged accordingly) 
Lark Base--Base Leader, Cadi--Apprentice, Marna  Cadi: She’s the youngest of the 6 base leaders stationed in Asnia (At 20), and the most temperamental. She values hard work and independence, and despises it when people try to coddle or underestimate her abilities. While she runs a tight ship, she tends to be brash, LOUD, and impatient overall,--she’s self assured and very much carries her pride for everyone to see. Her partner is a Dubwool, Clementine, and in her spare time, Cadi has a herd of Wooloo that she takes care off and is v e ry protective over--she often spends nights taking care of them and making sure no trespassers startle the sheepies (and if she catches anyone they get whacked with her staff at BEST--her neighbors aren’t unaccustomed to hearing loud, Galarian swearing in the middle of the night). On that note: she has a really bad sailor mouth. 
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Marna: Similar to how Cadi is the youngest of the leaders, Marna is the youngest of the current apprentices in the region. She has a curious nature, and is a bit of an energetic busy bee, who rarely has time or patience to sit down/relax--she’s constantly working on something or another, whether it’s helping Cadi do paperwork (see: doing it for her because Cadi is incapable of filing decent paperwork and Marna cannot stand disorganization), or working in her normal duties. Her work ethic is, in a word, unreal, and that’s one of the reasons why Cadi values her so much as an apprentice and friend. Marna tends to be a bit picky and stuffy, but she thrives in her work and loves helping people. She’s the one to ask the most questions/the one to have the most answers. She’s also loves birds!! Swablu, Cirrus, is a testament to that. She loves him and he can usually be seen perched on her head sleeping. 
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-------- Cypress Base--Base Leader, Hades--Apprentice, Lethe  Hades: The leader of the north mountain base, Hades is a confident transman who leads with a rather cool head. In his past he was a very feared individual known as "Hel, ruler of hell" due to his grip on the gang life of the region. He's done things he's not proud of and would likely never talk about. A skilled climber and dedicated to his job and training of his partner Drednaw Cerberus-- he's just a supportive dad figure. Has known Russell for many years, and as mentioned, is a sort of father figure to Lethe. 
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(Hades and his art belongs to @edwardsbraid btw!)  Lethe: The least energetic of the apprentices, Lethe is a troubled but soft hearted boy who didn’t intend to become a Ranger at all--he was living by himself with no income for years, on account of having no parents to speak of (abandonment issues ahoy)--his recommendation to the academy was a complete accident, but the school had free boarding and it gave him a purpose, so he took the opportunity while he had it. While he loves what he does, and has made two good friends out of this, he’s struggling to come to terms with his issues and struggles to keep up with his peers.  He tends to be a trouble magnet, so the plot hammer will not be kind to him umu. He’s a bit indecisive, timid and an easy crier, but he genuinely loves pokemon/people and wants to be of use to everyone somehow. He’s not much of a logistical thinker but he’s definitely not a push over physically, which comes in handy--he has no partner pokemon for plot reasons that i will reveal later. 
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---------- Red Oak Base (Base is still in development so this portion is likely to be updated in the future)--Base Leader, Bridget--Apprentice, Alex
Bridget: Bridget- A senior base leader with a strong sense of morality and an attitude to back it, she has no trouble rearing in even the most stubborn of rangers. Only the most confident and worthy are able to perform an apprenticeship under her and are expected to take over all Union duties alongside the Base Leader role. In times of peace and outside of work, she enjoys quiet days in her cottage with her trusted Luxray (Queenie) and looking after her Granddaughter Fraise. Her base is integral to communications between the south and north sides of Asnia Rangers, because geographically it’s in the exact center of the region (and her area has the best weather of the two sides). This is typically where all the leaders and apprentices meet up for important meetings and such. 
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  Alex: Bridget’s apprentice and a stubborn lad--he and Bridget are often bickering with each other. He’s a dumb little hothead who likes to challenge people and bicker with his mentor. He and her fight like siblings and poke fun at each other’s age (he calls her Granny). Will do things just because someone says he can’t (IE try to lift a log twice his size just because someone said he couldn’t), eagerly and affectionately combative. Possibly has a crush on one of the other apprentices but umu thats a topic for later. 
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(Both Alex and Bridget belong to @humanblt​!)
--------- Willow Base--Leader, Russell, Apprentice-- Hestia  Russell:  A former violent tempered and loud mouthed delinquent, used to be Hades literal partner in crime and has been his close friend for many years--eventually, after some personal events that i’ll get into later, Russell got tired of his crime sprees. He has since turned over a new leaf and is a quiet, amicable young man who wouldn't hurt a fly--he’s determined to get as far away from his past as possible, to the point where he dropped his real name and decided to go by Russell. He refuses to hurt people if the need isn't dire, and has been labeled as a weenie for his pacifistic behavior/even temper. While soft hearted, he can be stern, and isn’t afraid to be tough when needed. Dearly loves his town and his new life as a peacekeeper. Terrified of ghosts/creepy places (ironic because he works in the spooky part of Asnia--the local ghost types like to pick on him). Usually seen helping old ladies across the street and chopping fire wood--very sensitive about his age and scarred face, and cries when someone points out a gray hair. Has a Corviknight, Cobalt, who is usually perched at the top of the base. In charge of keeping people out of the deeper part of the woods behind his town. Has a long term crush on Carys and clams up when she's around.
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(art done as a collaborative by me and  roseheart-exe)  Hestia: Hestia is a cryptic but very sweet and dedicated girl from regions unknown. She often gives off the vibes that she knows more than she lets on, and often speak in riddles or vague non sequiturs. Locals tend to be unnerved by her general disposition, comparing her to a “ghost, at best”. She hates fire, is creeped out by dolls of any sort, and is easy to startle, despite her best efforts to appear calm and collected. Hestia tries to be kind and amiable, and loves her few friends very deeply, but she’s incredibly stubborn and refuses help when she needs it. Her upbringing made her a firm believer in self reliance. She dislikes people who pry or ask too many questions, and worries over others constantly. She looks up to Russell as a mentor and is especially close to him. Her Pokemon is a Lampent, Chandelle (Chandy). She’s never seen without her hat or her lantern, which glows very dimly--she’s very possessive of them and avoids questions regarding either. Incredibly difficult to make her cry: some people are convinced she can’t. Very sensitive, feelings hurt easily--May or may not be pining after one of her base colleagues, who we will get to in another post. Tends to go “Teehee” when dodging questions or lying. Cadi’s current greatest enemy, because Hestia wanders at night and has accidentally startled her sheep on multiple occasions. 
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------- Seabream Base--Leader, Ripley--Apprentice, Melanie  Ripley: Ripley: A beachside base leader!! Very beautiful, but also very terrifying to many. She broke a man’s arm once, and while the context has been lost to time, the reputation she got from it remains strong. Isn’t afraid to flex her reputation when it suits her. Has a mermaid-esque beauty that has earned her a fan club. Her base members are her family, and she is a fierce mama bear when it comes to protecting them. Has a Sharpedo, Shin. Became close with Hestia after a few plot related happenings. 
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(Ripley and her art belong to @nimikyu​!)  Melanie: A bright and upbeat former lounge singer working under Ripley, loves nothing more than making people smile and smiling in return. Incredibly patient and impossible to piss off, and loves writing letters to her friend in Pinnate base and sending her little gifts. Tends to be a bit oblivious when not working, often described as having her head in the clouds. Takes her job more seriously than she lets on, and works incredibly hard to meet her Leader’s standards--she admires Ripley more than anyone--Melanie also is incredibly popular because of her former status as a singer so she gets way more attention that she bargained form--but she’s an entertainer at heart and tourists love her, which is why she’s in charge of them/in charge of making sure they don’t wander places they shouldn’t. Has a Wingull, Rio, who sometimes delivers her letters. Makes necklaces as a hobby. 
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------- Pinnate Base--Leader, Carys--Apprentice, Rudy  Carys: Cadi’s older sister--A mild mannered, surprisingly strong young woman from Galar. Much calmer and levelheaded than her baby sister, although, sometimes she's too calm, and can come off as overly-relaxed and airheaded. An incredible swimmer, she also works part time as a life guard in her spare time. Cheerful and smiley, eager to help, spends alot of time with the local kids/local elders. (Not to say that she doesnt have a temper, because if you set her off you'll be subjected to Cadi 2.0). Tries to offer help to her sister often, only to be vehemently refused over and over. Can beat all the sailors in her town at arm wrestling, wears sunscreen on her face to encourage others to do the same. Runs a very tight ship and values teamwork and bonding. Has a Swampert, Johanna, who helps keep an eye on the weather/preform water rescues. Vocally skeptic about the supernatural, as an important side note. 
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(Fantastic art done by @bastart13​ !! check their art out its gorgeous)
Rudy (bio will be updated periodically)!: A bit of a no nonsense, kind of moody boy--He has alot of respect for Carys in particular because he tends to be blunt and she's the only one who isn’t phased by it and doesnt let it affect her opinion of him. He reminds her alot of Cadi, so she's used to it and knows how to handle the teenage angst. Has a Sandyghast, Gobi! Sometimes Gobi loses their shovel and has a little flag instead. 
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(This little man belongs to @liimonpriince​)!  And that’s the gist for all the major protags--supporting cast will come next, and then we’ll get to the bad guys :) 
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Ava: of course!! We'll start writing it after we finish the one we're doing now:)
Okay so it's the next summer and the first day on camp
Nerris: *runs off the bus* HI DAVID!
David: why hello Nerris! Glad to see you here again! Everyone is in the mess all!
Nerris: alrighty thanks! *runs into the mess hall*
Harrison: *is straight up vibin*
Harrison: Hello Nerris!!
Nerris: *runs up to him and hugs him* HIIIII
Harrison: Hey!! *hug yummy* How was your year?
Nerris: oh it was great! I went to Harry Potter world with my parents and got so many wands and capes!
Harrison: That’s awesome!! I didn’t, uh do much with my parents.
Nerris: well um- I missed you!!
Harrison: i missed you too!!
Nerris: *sits next to him* so, did ya do anything for Christmas? *v happy*
Harrison: uhh not really-
Nerris: well you're always welcome to come over my house whenever ya want! *swinging her legs*
David: wow Gwen, harrison and nerris are getting along this year! Isnt that great?
Gwen: yeah, sure. they’re into eachother, though
David: I know you're into trash tv but dont go around shipping our campers!
Gwen: David how stupid are you? Can you not s e e
David: what? They're having a friendly conversation!
Gwen: David come ON- look at them!
David: they arent holding hands or kissing!
Gwen: Okay, well, here’s a shock, you don’t always have to do that to be in love
David: l-love? They're just kids!
Gwen: Oh come ON did you not have crushes as a kid?
David: well- we dont talk about that Gwen! They're probably just really good friends- I guess friends stare at the other person like they're in love- oh my gosh they are! Or at least Harrison is
Gwen: What do you me we don’t talk about that- see you agree with me now!
David: I think Harrison has a thing for her but nerris doesbt have a thing for him- she always ends up fighting with him
Gwen: David you have never been with a girl, have you? That’s how girls hide their FEELINGS
David: no I havent but that's not important! So she hides her feelings by telling him he sucks?
Gwen: ugh you make it sound like you like guys- yes david that is what i am trying to ge through your head
David: oooo I'm gonna make this be their best summer yet *walks up to them* hello guys! So I'm giving out rent information and you and Harrison will be sharing a tent this year! *walks back to Gwen* bam!
Gwen: oh sweet jesus- okay, i’m out this is out of my control now. peace *goes to councilorlrorleoldleldosrs cabin casually*
Nerris: oh yay! Let's go set up our beds! *runs outside to the tents*
Harrison: *S p e e d s to nerris*
Nerris: okay which side do you want buddy!
Harrison: Uh, the left?
Nerris: okay! *throws all her D&D blankets on the bed* ah home sweet home
Harrison: *vibes onto his bed*
Nerris: this may seem like a stupid question, but are ya still doing magic camp this year?
Harrison: Yeah, I haven’t been able to bring my brother back yet *a wkward laugh :”)*
Nerris: *hugs him* I know I'll probably end up yelling at you about something later but you can always talk about it whenever you want if you need to. I'm here
Harrison: Awww!! Thank you Nerris!!
Nerris: oh uh- you're welcome!
Harrison: *h u g*
Nerris: oh- *hugs him back bc shes nerris*
Harrison: *:))))*
Nerris: so, show me your newest trick! Unless you're addicted to hugs *giggles*
Harrison: Oh!! Ok!! *boop capowie flowers magic pew pew* Flowers for you, my lady
Nerris: *red* that was amazing! *claps*
Harrison: I know, right!
Nerris: Imma go get a vase from Gwen for the flowers! *runs to the cabin with the flowers* hey gwen, do have a vase by any chance?
Gwen: uhhh, there might be some in the kitchen. why?
Nerris: *shows her the flowers* Harrison did a new magic trick and gave me flowers!
Gwen: oh wow! that’s nice.
Nerris: yeah! *gets a vase from the kitchen and runs back to their tent* bam, vase
Harrison: Wow okay!! Do you have any new things to show me?
Nerris: yesyesyes!! I got new D&D dice!! *takes out the bag and puts them in her hands* it's even better because me and my dad made them!
Harrison: Oh wow!!! That’s super cool!!
Nerris: I also got a new wand but it was "too big" according to my mom so I couldn't being it *:(*
Harrison: Oh no, you can have one of mine if you want!
Nerris: oh my god really?! Thankyouthankyouthankyou- *hug*
Harrison: *hug :D*
Nerris: it's getting late...do we sleep or be rebels!
Harrison: let’s be rebels!
Nerris: ooooo Harrison the bad boy! *pats a spot next to her on her bed* I brought my tablet teehee
Harrison: *l e a p s onto Nerris’s bed* how rebellious!!
Nerris: you've never stayed up, have you?
Harrison: uhhh, no not really
-after they'd been watching videos for awhile-
Nerris: *rests her head on Harrisons shoulder*
Harrison: *has his arm around Nerris 😳😳*
Nerris: *yawns* I'm tired Harrison...
Harrison: go to sleep!
Nerris: but arent you gonna sleep in your bed? I dont wanna fall asleep on you *sleepy giggles??*
Harrison: you can fall asleep on me if you want *teehee giggle*
Nerris: *sleep*
Harrison: *😳😳* goodnight then- *kisses nerris’s head and goes to sleep ahahahaha*
-3 am-
Nerris: *wakes up* huh... oh- *v red*
Harrison: *sleeps shyly*
Nerris: *cuddles Harrison bc crush*
Harrison: *AWAKENS* huh- oh god-
Nerris: *pretends to be sleeping*
Harrison: uh, *speeds over to his bed and sleeps there bc 😳*
Nerris: *sleep*
Time: it is day kachow
Harrison: *sleep tiem*
Nerris: ugh Harrison wake up I'm boredddddd
Harrison: *SLEEPING*
Nerris: *jumps on him* WAKE UPPPP
Nerris: oh goodmorning!
Harrison: Hi nerris-
Nerris: hi Harrison! *smiles at him*
Harrison: *:D*
Nerris: *pulls him up but now shes like sitting in his lap😳* so what do ya wanna do today?
Harrison: Uhh, we could see what the rest of the camp is doing? *😳😳*
Nerris: alrighty! *runs out of the tent* meet ya there!
Harrison: *😳😳😳* *speeds out*
-at lunch-
Nerris: *chilling with her food*
Harrison: *w a l k s over to nerris* Hi Nerris!
Nerris: oh hey Harrison!
Harrison: Could I uh, sit next to you?
Nerris: uh yeah I guess
Harrison: Thanks, *s i t* so, how are you?
Nerris: I'm good?
Harrison: cool cool cool *😳😳😳😳*
Nerris: why the hell are you so red? And sweaty? Sick people shouldnt be at camp and you look pretty sick to me *grossed out expression*
Harrison: Hey I’m not sick! You’re the sick one! *😳😳😡😡*
Nerris: Mhm, I dont think my face could even get as red as yours magic boy
Harrison: Oh really? I’ll make it go red with magic
Nerris: still wont be real. Your magic cant do anything against me, it's all silly old tricks *crosses her arms*
Harrison: Your “magic” is just rolling stupid dice and then yelling about it!
Nerris: *holding back tears and walks out of the hall*
Harrison: oh shoot- *regrets all his life choices*
Nerris: *sitting in the tent talking to herself while holding the dice* hes right, you're just stupid dice! You dont do anything! You're worthless! You dont make anything better! You suck nerris! I hate you!- *breaks down*
Harrison: *sp e eds to the tent* Nerris- nerris i’m so so so sorry i honestly didn’t mean it i was just confused and i feel bad and i’m so sorry-
Nerris: no it's fine. You're right. My "magic" isnt even magic, its stupid! They're just a game board a dice! *takes off her hat and cape* it's stupid.
Harrison: nerris- come on, please- it isn’t stupid! it’s really really cool!!
Nerris: that's not what you said a couple minutes ago, is it Harrison?! You called it stupid! If it's really really cool, why didnt you say that? And you werent confused, we've been fighting since the day we met, and you know that.
Harrison: Nerris come on, i really didn’t mean it. If we’re using that logic, then my magic is stupid too. *throws his h a t on the FLOOR* now we both feel stupid, how about that?
Nerris: i-..*hugs him sobbing*
Harrison: hey, uh, it’s okay, don’t cry- *hugs nerris sadly and shyly 👉👈*
Nerris: i- I'm s-sorry * still crying😳*
Harrison: I’m the one who should be sorry, I took it too far. It’s okay, don’t worry about it *pat pat*
Nerris: thank you Harrison *smiles at him and kisses him on the cheek*
Harrison: *😳😳😳😳😳* uhhh, yeah, no p-problem
Nerris: damn you blush easily *giggles*
Harrison: you make it easy to *😳😳*
Nerris: *😳* shut up
Harrison: ha, whos blushing easily now? *picks up nerris’s c a p and c a p e* i believe these belong to you, my lady?
Nerris: *picks up his hat and puts it on his head* there you go my good sir
Harrison: I’m sorry about what i said earlier, that was too much
Nerris: *holds his hands* it's okay Harrison
Harrison: *blushes shyly and cutely* yeah, i guess
Nerris: I'm serious. It's okay. And I'm sorry too, I swear I didnt mean anything. I have to make it up to you- I'll do anything *smiles at him*
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