#i just need to let off some steam and calm down before i start beating people to death with hammers
the worlds most annoying type of person is the kind that posts a take, but phrases it as lecturing ironic joke. you know they at least on some level unironically believe it but if you go "man thats a stupid take" theyll just go "no its real and true forevur". i am a gorilla and they are the stupid person at the zoo beating their chest on the other side of the glass to challenge me so they can make fun of me for getting mad and im actually a saint for just blocking and moving on
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nochepsicodelica · 23 days
I think it would be so hard for Toji to deny you of anything when you're upset to the point of crying. You always act so passive about things that bother you, for him, because he rarely falls apart on you, so who are you to dump your emotions on him like that?
You come home from a really bad day at work that never allowed your headache to cease. Everybody was turning things in late, nobody was working to beat their deadlines—extended deadlines— and you were the one who took the hits for it all, as the leader of your group. You were one more mentioned member of your team away from snapping at your boss. Thankfully, you were allowed to go home after that talk.
Toji got home before you, so he had some time to wind down from his own stressful day, but the minute you walked in, he knew there was something wrong. You barely acknowledged him, a small smile being all you offered him, before you dragged yourself to your shared bedroom. No 'hi, baby' followed by you literally tossing yourself onto him, or even a 'wow, you're home before me?'
That didn't slide with him like you may have thought it would.
He got up after waiting two minutes for you to come back out. You never did, so he went after you, immediately spotting you face down on the bed. Your body was trembling, your shoulders jumping with your sobs. It was a strange sight, but it didn't make him feel any less concerned for you. He strode over to your side, resting a palm on your back. Your body was rigid with tension, your shoulders unable to drop because of it. He's sure you'll complain about the pain once you've calmed down a little more.
It was hard to get you to talk, but eventually you spilled every detail of what made you feel this way. Toji couldn't relate to your patience. If he were disciplined for other people's actions despite doing his job of trying to catch them up and reminding them to do things, he would be livid. You aren't like that, though. Things happen at work. Things that lure out frustration, anger, and overall feelings of wanting to implode and instead of leaving it there at work, where it belongs, you bring it home. You've clearly reached your breaking point.
"Want me to kill them?" He asks, feeling you shake your head against his chest in response. "Might just do it behind your back if you come home like this again, ma. Dead serious," he says, noting that you still haven't fully relaxed in his hold. "No reason you should ever be this stressed over people not doing their jobs. Fucking idiots, acting like children because they know it all weighs down on you."
You wanted to cry again at the way he tightened his hold on you while he defended you. You sucked it up and moved off of his chest, and when he looked down to see what you were doing, you kissed him. Your hand went beneath his shirt and felt up his warm, sculpted abdomen.
Clothes were removed and you now sat on his lap, his cock deep inside you. He knew you needed this despite how you were so distraught when he came into the room. He couldn't turn you down when you asked if he could be as close to you as he could. He knew you needed to release some steam, but he didn't expect it to be so calm. You laid your head on his shoulder, your arms draped around his neck while he held you close, his hands resting on your back.
Toji cooed at you, when you started sniffling, again. Slowly but surely, you were releasing all those bottled up emotions, your tears landing on the bare skin of his shoulder.
"Shh... it's alright. You don't have to think about anything, right now." He presses a kiss to your shoulder and then one to the side of your neck, before moving his hips a little, luring some quiet sighs from you. "Yeah, let me take care of you, mama. Just gotta breathe for me. That's all you gotta do, 'kay?"
You nod against his shoulder and allow him to bring both of you, soft, intimate, and unhurried pleasure. Your moans were light and airy, your whimpers soft and muffled by his skin.
Toji's orgasm rolled in before yours. His generous amount of release coated your walls, heavy and ragged breaths grazing your skin. In his head, he blames it on being able to become a safe space for you and his ability to provide protection. Your emotions were unconfined and you confided in him to soothe you. The mixture of physical intimacy and his comforting words was enough to calm you down. Your shoulders weren't tense anymore, and you were able to melt into his embrace.
Your orgasm had your body quivering against his. The sound of your rapid breathing was all you could release into his neck, your nails dragging across his shoulders through the intensity. He smiled softly, satisfied when you let out the smallest squeak.
"That's it, baby. Good girl. Just relax." He strokes your back, stilling his hips once the zenith of your pleasure passes.
Once the adrenaline dies down a little, you go back to rest your head on his shoulder, retightening your arms around him. Toji keeps stroking your back, his other hand resting on the back of your head.
"You're not going to work tomorrow. You have... let's see... food poisoning and you can't move without feeling like you're gonna blow chunks." He can feel your laughter against him, your shoulders jumping as a positive gesture compared to how he found you, luring a smile onto his face. "I'm not taking no for an answer either. We're both out tomorrow, 'cause I can't leave you here to die. Alright?"
"Okay," you mumble.
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Wayne’s Hot Cocoa
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Summary : Nightmares were the worst, the Munsons made them better.
Word Count : 1.5k
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Warnings : not proofread, 1am writing, mainly uncle wayne x reader fluff, angsty, fluffy, happy ending, talks of bad homelife, reader lives with the munsons, bad parents, fem pronouns and phrases used, no use of Y/N
A/N : you are loved 🫶🏻
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Nights with Eddie made it easier, that was true. However, the warm hugs from the curly haired boy weren’t always enough to keep the monsters away. The monsters that came in your sleep, those that you knew weren’t real but made your skin crawl, your heart beat faster and you to become damp with sweat.
They weren’t real, but the feeling they created was.
Jumping away slightly, your eyes flicked around the dark room in panic. The soft snores of Eddie giving you a sense of comfort, along with pulling you back to reality.
Under the rays of the street lamps you could see his long lashes kissing his cheeks, hiding where a beauty mark lay under his eye. His curls were in his face slightly, coming on of the hair tie sat at the back of his neck.
His mouth was slightly open, lips plush in a small pout. His face was soft, beautiful, calm with sleep. You were thankful it wasn’t him having these dreams and it was you.
Eddie knew about them, knew they were a hell of a lot better, but also knew that they snuck up on you every now and again. He knew your past, your struggles, your fears and helped as much as he could. You both needed rest, both needed sleep, he couldn’t care for you all the time - as much as he’d love that.
Your throat was dry and scratchy, and Eddie had drank the last of the water in your glass hours before. Slowly moving his arm from your waist, you got up off the bed as quietly as possible.
You didn’t really need to, once Eddie was asleep he was dead to the world, normally kicking you off the bed in the process. Taking the glass from the side table, you went on your way.
Soft footsteps as you padded through the small trailer, not knowing the time. The sky whispering that it was still late, stars glimmering in the distance.
The tap was loud, but wasn’t everything louder when you were trying to be quiet. Taking slow sips, you tried to steady your heart, make your hands stop shaking. It wasn’t real - not anymore anyway.
“Honey?” The deep voice made you jump, not realising that the older Munson man was now stood next to you. “Holy cow I’m sorry,” he said, a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright, did I wake you?” you asked, praying you hadn’t. Wayne was a hard worker, he needed all the rest he could get. He smiled, “No, I’ve not long come home. Just eaten some dinner.”
There was an empty plate and cutlery in the sink, you hadn’t even noticed them. “What are you doing up? That boy being a bed hog?” Letting out a slight chuckle, you shook your head.
The man sighed, “Bad dream?” You couldn’t even reply, couldn’t meet his eyes. Just a simple nod. “I’ll make us some cocoa, go sit down. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Oh no Wayne you don’t-“
“Don’t argue. I want to.”
Seeing the uncertainty on your face, he squeezed your shoulder once more, saying in his kind tone, “I promise.” Whispering a soft ‘okay’ you went to the sofa.
It smelt of smoke, most soft things in the trailer did. When you started staying more often Wayne told Eddie they’d have to smoke outside.
You didn’t mind of course, you felt guilty taking a place in Wayne’s home. He was a kind man, and he loved you, or so Eddie told you.
He never batted an eye when you’d show up late at night, in an array of states. Wayne was there. Just like Eddie. The Munsons were your lifeline, your family.
You sat with your legs crisscross on the couch, picking at the loose threads at the bottom of your pyjamas. Planet of the Apes was playing on the TV, old and crackly, it was something to focus on.
A steaming mug was placed in front of you, deep blue with ‘Nevada’ written in a funky font, from Wayne’s trucking days. The hot chocolate was topped with cream and marshmallows causing a soft smile to dance on your lips.
“Knew it’d cheer you up,” Wayne said, taking a sip from his own identical drink, but it was in his prized possession - his Garfield mug.
“Thank you.” Taking the warm drink into your hands, it’s helped them to stop shaking. The heat warming your cold fingers.
“Was it the same one?”
“Yes. It wasn’t as bad, but it’s just been a while,” you took a breath, “I just want it to go away.” Wayne hummed, placing his mug on the coffee table in front of you, “In time it will.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, taking a sip of your own drink, the cream making a mess of your nose. “It’s been what? 2 months since the last one?”
“About that.”
“Honey it was happening every day. I’d call that progress. I know you want it to stop and it will, it just takes time.”
Nodding your head, you met the man’s dark eyes, “I know. You and Eddie have helped so much-“
“You don’t need to thank us. We love having you here.”
“I just feel like I’m in the way. I feel like I should just go back.”
“No,” Wayne said, it was a simple statement, “I’d never let you go back there.”
“What happened to you was wrong. You didn’t deserve any of it, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to see the signs. But now you’re here and safe, I will not let you get hurt by those people again.”
“But why?”
“Because your family and family doesn’t do that.” You eyes became glassy. The mug went to the table. You were his family. You never really had a proper one of those.
Similarly to Eddie, you’d lost a parent, your dad. Your mom fell into bad habits, fulled by her various partners. Any negative emotion was taken out on you.
“Don’t cry Kid,” Wayne said softly, brushing away a tear. His hands were tough and worn like the hard worker he was, but they were soft and gentle like a parent should be.
“Thank you. I know you told me not to say it, but thank you for being my family. I- I love you Wayne.” His face dropped slightly, his own dark eyes filling with tears, “Oh Honey come here.”
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to his chest. The smell of his aftershave and cigarettes was a common comfort. A smell you loved.
His stubble brushed your head as his kissed you lightly, “I love you too kid.” You stayed like that for a while, arms wrapped around one another. “You can stay here forever.”
The movie continued to play and you got comfy, both taking drinks of your cocoa. A beautiful silence settled between you. A silence of a father and a daughter, a loving quiet. The enjoyment of one’s company without many words.
That was until a door creaked and heavy steps came towards the pair of you. Looking up you met a pair of sleepy eyes and crazy hair. “Where’d you go?” Eddie asked, his voice rough with sleep, as he plopped himself next to you.
“Just came for a drink,” you spoke, placing the still warm mug in his hand. He hummed, drinking a bit, “Wayne’s famous cocoa.”
You nodded, placing your head on Eddies shoulder, your own hand finding Wayne’s.
“Everything okay?” Eddie asked.
“Just one of those nights.” His eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Sweetheart-“
“Don’t worry Son, she’s okay.”
“Thank you Wayne,” he nodded to his uncle.
“I am okay. I promise, me and Wayne spoke. Think I’m gonna be staying here for a while, if that’s okay with you?” Eddies face broke into a grin, “Of course it’s okay. I love you being here.”
The love you felt was unconditional, it was something that you knew would never leave you. It was beautiful and pure. The kind of love you never expected to find. It was the love you needed. The love you deserved.
Your eyes became heavy, listening to Eddies heart you drifted off.
“Thank you for looking after her,” Eddie spoke. “Of course. Think she needed a parent tonight.”
“You are the best parent you know, we’re lucky to have you.”
“Don’t get all soft on me, now take your girl to bed. She needs some rest.”
Eddie nodded, shifting you gently, arms coming to rest behind your back and under your knees. The journey was a short one, Wayne followed behind him the whole way.
Placed on the bed carefully, you didn’t stir, body clearly exhausted. Eddie brushed the hair away from your face, smiling at you softly, at the peace you were feeling.
Moving round to his side of the bed, Wayne pulled the cover up over you, speaking softly, “Goodnight Honey, night Son.”
“Night Wayne.” The older man pulled the door too, allowing some beams of light to sneak through. It gave you comfort on bad nights, to know you were safe, you weren’t lost in the darkness.
Eddie pulled your back into his chest, holding you close. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he placed a soft kiss behind your ear, “I love you.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
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A/N : all the love for uncle wayne!!!
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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casual pt. 5
paige x azzi
we end where we started
love yall
Between their intense schedule of games and the impending doom of finals, the UConn women’s college basketball team was stressed. So, Nika proposed that they all go out to blow off some steam the same place they always do. The team went out to Ted’s. 
While the team took shots, Azzi’s absence was palpable. The team knew that she went to Montana for Thanksgiving, but they decided it would be best if they avoided the topic with either of the girls. So, when Azzi left the bar shortly after arriving they figured whatever happened in Montana was not a step forward in their relationship.
Azzi stood outside, the cold wind blowing against Paige’s her jacket. “It’s fine, no I swear its fine,” Azzi says into her phone. “What happened?” She says as muffled crying can be heard from the other line. 
Azzi was the only person in Lauren’s life, besides her elementary school friends, who knew about her boyfriend. Now, Azzi was the only person who knew about her breakup. She held it together long enough to ask her mom to borrow her phone before she absolutely collapsed on the other line as Lauren detailed the highs and lows of her three weeks with Brady. Azzi listened intently on the other line, providing the support and advice that Lauren needed. Azzi didn’t even mind the cold or the fact that the rest of her team was having fun without her. She didn’t have the heart to hang up on Lauren until her tears subsided and she became her giggly self again. 
Azzi reminds Lauren of her promise to beat that punk at horse the next time she’s in Montana, which prompts Lauren to giggle a little too loudly for being up past her bedtime. Amy comes in and asks Lauren to give her back her phone and go to bed for the night. Azzi almost hangs up, but Amy begins to speak, “Azzi, thank you for taking care of my girls. Have a good night, sweetie.” Azzi’s heart warms at Amy’s gratitude. She returns the well wishes before hanging up to walk back into the bar. 
Whatever warm fuzzies that invaded Azzi’s heart are eradicated as soon as she steps through the door. She sees Paige. She’s talking to another girl. She’d seen her before, with Paige. She saw Paige’s hand reach for the girls arm. She stares, hard. Her feet stick to the floor while she decides whether to walk towards the door or Paige. Azzi can’t hold her tongue this time. She can’t run away until she calms down.
She’s a woman on a mission as she walks through the crowds to get to Paige. “How… How could you???” Azzi nearly screams as tears well up in her eyes. The people around Paige begin to turn around to see what’s happening around them. Azzi knows she knows she’s causing a scene. “How in any world can you just flirt with another girl after I went all the way to Montana with you because you can’t deal with being alone with your mom? And- and- the only reason I left was because your sister called me. She didn’t even call YOU. You didn’t even know about her boyfriend or her break up, I had to play sister when you couldn’t! And you had the audacity to say we’re just casual?? It didn’t feel casual when I fucked you in the bathroom at Thanksgiving dinner. Your MOM was at the table. You wonder why I’m bitter. I hate that I let this drag on so long. Now I hate myself. Fuck you Paige, go to Hell,” Azzi spits out. Maybe it was the few drinks she had earlier in the night or maybe it was the blind rage that she felt when she saw Paige touch that girl, but Azzi couldn’t care less that she just exposed explicit details about their sex life to their teammates and strangers. 
Paige reached for Azzi as Azzi jolted her body away from her. “Don’t touch me Paige. Go fuck one of your girls until you feel better, I’m done,” Azzi spats as she turns towards the door. “No, Azzi, please,” Paige says desperately as she follows Azzi into the cold wind outside. “Get the fuck away from me Paige,” she says as she makes her way down the side walk. Paige finally catches up with her as she grabs her arm. “Azzi please just listen to me,” Paige says breathlessly, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what you could possibly say that I want to hear,” Azzi says as she rolls her eyes. 
“I was telling her we were done. That girl… I was telling her that I can’t see her anymore… That I had a girlfriend,” Paige explains. “A girlfriend?” Azzi asks, “so that’s what you’re calling me now. Seems like just a couple weeks ago you were telling some guys that we’re just casual, nothing more than a hook up,” Azzi scoffs. “You know we were never casual, Az,” Paige replies. “Then why did you say it?” Azzi snaps, “why did you act like I’m just some girl you fuck on your couch like all the rest of them.” “I didn’t know if you were ready… I knew you were seeing some other people and I didn’t want to be too overbearing. I didn’t want to define our relationship for you. So I figured I just wouldn’t define it at all,” Paige admits. “I love you, Azzi and I’m ready. I’ve been ready, please, just say the word,” Paige looks at her, absolutely helpless. “I love you too, P,” Azzi says as she pulls Paige into a kiss. 
Paige quietly opens the door to her room, and pulls Azzi around to the other side of the door. She presses Azzi up against the door as she drunkenly leaves a trail of sloppy kisses before pulling Azzi onto her bed. Azzi crashes against the mattress as Paige kisses her neck. She removes her hand from Paige’s hair as she digs below her back pulling something out from underneath her. “Is this a bra, P?” she breaks away from the kiss. “Didn’t have the decency to take another girl’s bra out of your bed before you laid me in it?” Azzi scoffs, only half joking. “S’your’s,” Paige drunkenly replies. “Oh shit, its my good bra! I’ve been looking for this” Azzi replies upon further inspecting the item, “you sleep with my bra ,P, God you’re corny.”
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pleasingforharry · 1 year
I know it was headcannon but you should definitely explore y/n’s anxiety (panic attacks) more and how Harry learns to help her through them and how it makes him feel to have caused her to have one, idk I just have them too so it really made me feel seen
Of course! Let's do it.
college!harry x quiet!yn
Her hands leaked with sweat, so she rolled them down the fabric of her jeans. Her body was beaming hot, but also shivering from some unbeknownst cold. Her teeth bled into her lips. But after the wince of pain from her strength, she let them go with a puffed breath.
Y/N hated this. She hated when this happened. And as much as she wanted to curl into a ball in her boyfriend's arms, she couldn't. She shouldn't. She wouldn't. Especially because she didn't want him to know. Especially because she was embarrassed when it happened. Especially because she didn't want to be a disturbance. Especially because she didn't want to annoy him, to bother him, to anger him.
Especially because he was the reason she was feeling this way.
"Okay, I'm done with this. I'm leaving," Harry growled, storming for the door of Y/N's dorm. "I can't do this, right now."
"Fine then, fucking leave. Go!" Y/N barked back, but feeling the opposite up in her head. Wait no, don't leave. Stay!
"What do you think I'm doing?" Harry snapped at her over his shoulder. His steps were long, making their argument short.
"Being a stubborn asshole, is what you're doing." Y/N couldn't control the words that trickled out her mouth.
She was a whole different person when she was upset. And she'd pay for the consequences later.
"Me?" Harry scoffed, spinning around to face his girlfriend. "You're the one who's being stubborn."
"Don't fucking put this on me! This whole argument started because of you," Y/N shot back, her finger sharply pointing at him.
Harry wanted to explode. He needed to let his anger out, but not around Y/N. As much as he wanted her to see how upset she was making him, the best way for them to cool off is for them to have their space. To let everything out, but separately.
"Yeah, right. It's always me, huh?" He cocked his head to the side. "I didn't do shit. Don't—“
"Harry, are you for real? You literally—“
"I what? I was voicing my opinion? Yeah, that's exactly what the fuck I was doing!" Harry stopped her. "You're the one who made this bigger than it had to be."
"Me? Oh, classic. Blame me," Y/N laughed, falling back down on her couch. She was steaming out of her ears.
Harry fisted his hands and turned away again. "Yeah, I'm out. Fuck this, we're done."
We're done.
Y/N didn't have time to ask him to elaborate before he was out the door and slamming it behind him. The girl was alone, her eyes widened and her body fell numb. Everything was blurring.
We're done? What does he mean by that?
Y/N shot up from her spot and planned to run after him, but something inside her froze. Her legs suddenly gave out, causing her hands to meet the floor. The beating of her heart sprinted from the sound of the gunshot starting the race.
"Wha—“ she gasped as her breath got caught in her throat. Her arms felt weak and began to shake as they tried to keep her up.
Y/N knew what was happening, and it was not what she needed right now. This wasn't the first time she experienced a panic attack, and it definitely wasn't going to be the last.
We're done.
Y/N fell back on her butt to sit down. That's when her body started to heave and the sweating/shivering began. Her hands quivered as they ran through her hair. She wanted to cover her mouth to silence her heavy breathing, not wanting to disturb anyone in the halls.
"Fuck, Y/N, calm... calm," she whispered to herself, shutting her eyes tightly. She gripped the couch beside her and squeezed the cushion. Her mouth and nose worked together to pace her breathing, but it was no use. She couldn't calm down.
Fuck. She needed the one person she couldn't call for help.
Y/N fluttered her eyes open and searched her room. "Plants," she sighed. "There’s… uh a desk chair. Plants, desk—uh… desk chair. Fuck." Her head was dizzy, and she couldn't focus on identifying another object. It was a method to help her push through her panic attack.
She tried again. "Plants, desk chair, uh... picture." It was a framed picture hanging on the wall of her and Harry at one of his soccer games. The team won and even though it was a simple game, as soon as the referee blew the whistle to finalize the score, Harry ran to his girlfriend on the team's bench.
He hauled her into his arms and hugged her. It was short and sweet because he knew eyes would be on them from Harry being a popular player on campus. And as much as he wanted them to see him love on his girlfriend, her tinted pink cheeks told him to wait until they were alone.
Y/N stared at the picture, trying to focus on remembering the feeling in the moment. But it didn't exactly help as she realized what happened minutes earlier between her and her boyfriend.
The girl fell back against the couch and let her eyes fall closed. Nothing was helping, so she simply accepted the panic. The rushed heart, the irregular temperature surging though her body, her chapped lips letting out stinging breaths.
Everything hurt.
"Baby, look at me. Open your eyes." Y/N thought her mind was trying to imagine her boyfriend with her, hoping it would help her panic attack. "Y/N, baby. Come on, let me see you." She felt feathery touches on her cheek and her thigh.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as her lids flicked up. She somehow gasped through her panicked breathing as she was met with a worried Harry. He was bent by her side, eyes wildly examining her.
He smiled when she looked at him. "Hey, there you go. Okay, can you sit up for me? Can you do that, baby?" Y/N stared blankly, letting out rasping breaths, but followed instructions.
Harry helped her sit up before he swiftly slithered behind her, him now leaning back against the couch. He tucked Y/N's shaking body against him and sighed.
"Alright, I got you. I always got you, babygirl," He found her ear to whisper in. Y/N's hand couldn't decide where to land as she was scared to touch him. And Harry noticed with a sad frown. "It's okay, you're okay." He slowly met his palms with hers before lacing their fingers together. Their intertwined hands wrapped around Y/N's front, holding her tightly.
"I'm—I can't... I'm trying... I can't—“ Y/N heaved out.
"Just breath, Y/N. Match me, okay?" Harry told her before slowing his breathing to a calming pace. Y/N nodding rapidly and attempted to copy him. "Good girl, baby."
Harry felt horrible, listening to his girlfriend struggle like that. But he's glad his Y/N instincts told him to turn back around and find her. He didn't expect to see her in that state, but all he knew was that he was going to get her out.
"Better," he whispered. "You're doing good, I'm so proud of you." Y/N was finally able to sigh, but not her racing heart. "Do you think you can do me a favor?"
"Wh-what?" Y/N hiccuped.
"Think you help me choose what we're gonna eat for lunch? I'm getting hungry? What should we have?"
Y/N bit her lip again as she thought about it. Harry rocked them slowly, giving her time to focus on his task.
"Um... P-pizza?" She said as a question. Harry hummed, at both her answer and slower breathing. "No pepperoni."
"Yeah, we don't like that, huh?" Harry chuckled against her ear, and she shook her head. "But I don't know. Will that fill us up? What else could we have?"
Y/N didn't realize she had relaxed her tense muscles and calmly fell into her boyfriend's chest.
"We.. we-we liked the pasta at uh... that place next to the pet shop," Y/N said.
"Yeah, I forgot what I got. Do you remember?"
"Mhm," she nodded. "You got angel hair Alfredo. But then it was actually spicy, and your tongue was on fire." Y/N laughed softly. Harry smiled so wide and let it press against the back of her head.
"Good girl, that's right. We had to switch our plates and I had yours, right? You loved mine."
Y/N realized how hard she was squeezing Harry's hand, so she let them go. But Harry immediately grabbed them and laced them together.
"I just want to hold you, baby. Is that okay? Is this too much?" He asked her.
"Good, I love holding you. You make me so happy, Y/N," Harry whispered to her. "But you know what will make me happier?"
Y/N wiggled in her spot. "What?"
"Your smile."
She blinked, growing shy. Harry chuckled and assisted her to turn to her side. He finally saw her face, softly guiding her chin to face him.
Y/N looked at her boyfriend, only him noticing that she was back. Her body was calm and warm, and safe in his arms.
She sniffled quietly. "What did you mean when you said we're done? Like done done?"
Harry's eyes widened, before shutting as he cursed.
"No, baby. Not at all," he kissed her cheek. "Never, you can't get rid of me. Sorry."
Y/N chuckled, rolling her lips inward.
"I meant, we're done arguing. I hate when we do and I left so we could get some space to cool down, you know?" Harry explained while plucking her lip free. Y/N sighed at his words with a nod.
"Oh okay."
"And I'm sorry for putting you through that. It's my fault," his voice turned soft. "I never want my baby to feel that way. You're too special to me." Y/N smiled, it growing wider.
Harry leaned forward to grasp her lips with his. Their kiss was soft and slow, exactly how he wanted her breathing to be. And she was back. And safe.
"I love you, baby. So so, fucking much," Harry said against their lips. He lifted his girlfriend up so she could turn to face him completely and straddle him. "I'm sorry. Next time, we cool off together. Okay?"
Y/N nodded and kissed him. "Okay. And I love you too."
Harry smiled drunk-like. Dimples. "I can't believe I get to hear you say that to me." Y/N laughed quietly, before wrapping her arms around him and hiding in his neck.
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murdrdocs · 6 months
somnophilia; cockwarming; remnants of dark!steve w/ STEVE MURPHY
his sole of his shoes press into the floorboard, creating a creak that makes steve still. he stares down at his mess, cursing himself when he notices that his foot has landed just in the one place he has known to avoid. but for some reason it slipped his mind tonight. maybe he’s too focused and too determined to get to you.
you stir awake just a bit, rolling to your back, limbs twisted in the thin sheet. the comforter has been cast to the side, hanging off of steve’s side of the bed. he doesn’t even bother going that way, instead heading straight to your side while he throws his jacket off.
he continues discarding clothing until he’s left to his bare essentials— the pair of denim jeans that fit him well in all the right places and his creased white tee.
you blink a few times before setting your eyes on him. “hey,” you smile up at him lazily, your skin glowing from the warm streetlights outside. your wearing a thin tee shirt and tiny shorts, nothing unlike the usual sleep attire you’ve adopted since moving to colombia. but there’s just something about tonight that makes him want you more.
maybe it’s the adrenaline still pumping through his veins and the splatter of blood on the toe of his boot acting as a reminder. both cause all of the blood in him to push down to the vital parts of his body. the parts that ache for you the most.
he leans down over you, pressing his knee into the bed beside you as he kisses your forehead. “hey.”
the tranquility exists for a second and steve starts to migrate towards your lips. until you stop him with a hand on his chest.
“outside clothes.”
he groans but can’t help but smile against your lips. “was gonna take ‘em off anyway.”
you hum unconvinced, already starting to roll back around while steve takes the remainder of his clothes off. and when he’s left in his boxers, he slips into bed next to you, tucking a hand around your waist and trying to calm his beating heart and racing thoughts.
you’ve already started to doze off again, he can tell by your breaths, but steve is far behind you. and he tries other tactics, he really does. but he can only count so many sheep before he has to put them to rest.
the first push of his hips into yours is in an attempt to adjust his position. then the second push of his hips into yours is curiosity. by the third time, he has a plan, one he begins to enact by kissing your neck and fondling your tit under your shirt.
you groan against him, feebly pushing his hand away as you tell him, “not now, steve. ‘m tired.”
“i know, i know, honey.” he kisses right under your ear. “you can just lemme do the work, okay? i just gotta let off some steam. i’ll make it quick. promise.”
and he does make it quick. he takes you from behind, one hand curled around the side of your knee and holding your leg up. that way he has your cunt open and ready for him, making it easier for him to slip in and out of you with determination.
you’re stirring in and out of consciousness the entire time. every so often you let out the prettiest little noise—a groan or whine or moan—which lets steve know that even though he’s doing this for his own pleasure, you’re getting off, too.
he tries to circle your clit for you, but as soon as his hand leaves your leg, you go limp, letting it close and making it hard for steve to fuck you. he tsks, trying to exercise patience as he tries again, to no avail.
“help me out here, honey,” he asks. you hum, breathe in heavily through your nose, but then does what he says. “there you go,” he coos when you start to circle your own clit.
he’s close, he’s nearly there, but steve won’t do it without you. “c’mon, honey. give me a little more. need you to get there, okay? don’t wanna do it without you.”
you make a sound as if you understand, but steve thinks you could be in between a dream and reality at this point. he uses his other hand to push his thumb into your mouth, pressing down onto your tongue a little far back to trigger your gag reflex. when he gets the reaction he wanted, you a little more awake than you were before, he grins from behind you.
“there she is.”
his thrusts become a little more pointed, a little more angled. he’s reaching for a spot that takes a few attempts to find, but when he does it makes it all worth it. you mewl, your back arching and your reaction that most conscious one of the night.
“yeah? yeah, you close?” he’s right in your ear as he asks it. you nod and your hand gains a burst of energy as you speed up just enough to have you clenching around steve and letting go.
he follows closely behind you and for the first time in a few hours, steve has enough serenity to pull him into sleep.
he doesn’t bother pulling out of you.
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Joe Velasco: Part 3 
Part 1 Part 2
All you had wanted all day was to go home and now that you were you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You stood staring blankly at the entryway wall. You don’t know how long you stood there completely lost in the blank recesses of your mind. A warm firm hand on your shoulder made you jump and stagger a few steps back as fear strangled you, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. It hurt you to look up into Joe’s pained green eyes and see his jaw clenched tightly shut. His hand lingered in the air for a long pause before dropping down to his side. “Sorry,”  
“Don’t apologize, it's a normal response to something like this. It might help-” His voice was calm and soothing, but you had to look away from his gaze.  
“I don’t want to talk about it.” It seemed like your brain timed out after that. Your body is on autopilot. When the switch was flipped back on you were on the couch and almost two hours had passed. You only remember bits and pieces of what happened. Joe leading you to sit down on the couch and giving you painkillers to take. They didn’t sit well on your empty stomach. Joe had tried to force some food into you unsuccessfully. The plate was still untouched. You looked out the window, where there was still sunlight shining. It felt like you had been awake for days, but it was barely six. You eased yourself up. You winced finding your body sore and stiff. You could hear Joe's muffled voice on the phone in the kitchen as you hobbled down the hall and into the bathroom.  
You turned the shower on. You wanted to wash this awful day off you. You saw the flash of your reflection in the mirror. You weren’t sure you wanted to see what you looked like. The look on Joe’s face when he first saw you told you that. You would save that fight for another time. You flip the water on letting it warm up. You unroll and push the sweatpants off your hips letting them drop to the floor. You go to take off the shirt but trying to lift your right arm causes pain to jolt through you, forcing your hands on the sink to hold yourself up. 
You hear a light tap on the half-open door and look up in the mirror to see Joe’s reflection in the doorway. You're unsure if he knocked to try to respect your need for privacy or to alert you to his presence. Either way, the gesture is appreciated. Your eyes lock not on him but on your face. You grimace at the ugly shade of blue and black and opened cuts. You don’t know why you bring your hand up and press on the bruise. It hurts and you abruptly pull your hand back. “Baby,” Joe walked up behind you, every move slow and deliberate, as he touched your shoulders. He is trying so hard for you. You know that, even with your unfocused mind.   
“I can’t get my shirt off.” Frustrated tears gather in your eyes. “I just want to wash... everything off. But my ribs...they really hurt.” Tears roll silently down your cheeks. Joe’s gentle grip turned you into a loving embrace. Soft comforts whispered into your ear as he stroked your hair. Steam from the running shower starts to fog the mirror and makes the room thick with moisture. “Help, please.” You mumble against his neck.  
Joe helps you ease off the shirt with little movement of your right arm. When the sweatshirt hits the floor, you try not to feel uncomfortable as he scans your body. You are normally used to his analytic detective gaze, but it feels different when his sights are set on you. His eyes scanned every inch of your body, not in lust, but in search of every mark and cut on your delicate skin. You shift awkwardly under the weight of his stare. There is nowhere to hide from the evidence of what happened. 
You step into the shower. The hot water gives a momentary sting to your fresh injuries. Joe steps in behind you, and you lean back against his warmth as his arms wrap around you just letting the water soak the both of you. You let go and let Joe take care of you. He washes your body gently. He starts with your shoulders slowly and methodically and works his way down to your feet. You pressed thankful soft kisses to his collarbone wrapping your arms around him.  
Leaning on him. 
He cups your jaw with one hand and places the other on your forehead pushing your hair back. He gives you a lingering kiss on your lips before tilting your head back. You lean back closing your eyes as the water wets your hair. Joe massages shampoo into your scalp and pulls it through your hair. You hum in contentment your hands trailing over his back absently tracing the corded muscles as he rinses the suds. You feel exhaustion settle in your body as he repeats the actions with the conditioner. The warm water had soothed your aching body and your boyfriend’s strong body had brought you a sense of security you had been lacking all day. 
Joe flipped the water off and wrapped you in a towel before leading you into the bedroom. He dug in one of his drawers as you headed to the closet. “A button-up will probably be best for-” He cut off midsentence when he saw you holding his navy long-sleeved henley. “Or that.” You loved that shirt. You had staked a claim on it early on in your relationship, long before you had defined your relationship. It had to be the softest, warmest shirt you had ever worn. You had a lot of good memories in that shirt. You swore if you and Joe ever broke up for whatever you would take it. You would rather burn it than give another woman the chance to wear it. 
Joe helped you ease into it, pulling the cotton down to your knees. He toweled your hair gently not wanting you to get cold from sleeping with it wet. He tucks you into your side of the bed- the right side and furthest away from the door. He pulls the curtains shut to stop the sunlight from penetrating the room. He crawls into bed naked with you, pulling you back against his chest.  
It doesn’t take long for you to drift asleep, but Joe stays awake. He holds you taking comfort in the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. He lay with you the entire time you slept. Joe had been trying to stay calm for you but the rage at the situation and anger at himself for not being there to prevent it churned in his stomach. 
Joe isn’t surprised but he is heartbroken when you start thrashing in your sleep. A nightmare plaguing you. 
Sorry for the long wait. I was having some writer's block with this story. There are going to be 2-maybe 3 parts left after this one. Love ya guys xoxo 
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pixels-art-stuff · 6 months
What to do when you keep having bad art days?
Regarding a comment on this post
First of all, it's normal to have a few bad art days every few weeks, but I don't want to give you a "just deal with it" answer, so here are some things you can consider or do that might help. @stardestroyer81
First a few questions you can ask yourself:
Have you had a lot of stress lately? Art is a way to relax, but if you have a lot of stress, you might just not be in a mindset to calm down and relax, so your art turns out bad, because you are in a bad mindset while doing it. (I will propose solutions a bit later)
Do you take enough breaks while creating?
Are you getting back into art after a long break?
If so, do you expect yourself to be instantly as good as before the break, without warming up first?
Are you actively trying to learn something new?
Are you unsatisfied with your art style?
Are you using all the tools at your disposal?
Depending on your answers there are a few things you can do.
You can let off some steam, do some sports, play a video game, go outside for a walk, change the scenery and get new, less stressful input. Than get back to your art and do some warm up sketches. Set a timer for 1-2 Minutes for each drawing. They will turn out shitty, but they are just to loosen up your wrist. Start drawing after doing 10 really quick warm up sketches.
Breaks are super important. Make sure to stretch, drink enough water, eat enough and get enough sleep. I know it's standard advice, but it really makes a difference. You are not a robot. You can't concentrate without fuel and you can't concentrate for infinite amounts of time. I know, I will ruin my art, when I don't take a break every 90 Minutes, because that's when I start making mistakes.
After a long art break (what's long depends on the person, but for me going a week without making art makes me rusty) do some warm up sketches as well, preferably in the area you are most interested in. Learning how to do Portraits? Draw the head from different angles and try to get the features roughly right. Draw individual parts of the face seperately, to study them and than try to put them, where they belong on the skull. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! If it doesn't look right, try again, preferably with photo reference.
Lower your expectations. You are no old master. You are still learning. Don't compare yourself with other people, but compare yourself with yourself. That's why it's good to keep old artworks and look back on them every once in a while. I have come a long way since middle school and those old portrait studies I did back than are a great reminder of how much I've grown.
If you are actively trying to learn something new, don't beat yourself up if you don't get it right the 30th try. I needed to practice drawing the face for a whole year, before it didn't came out wonky anymore and I still screw up every now and then. Just search for some good drawing instruction videos and practice a bunch with pictures you find on the internet or take yourself. You will get good with a little bit of time and patience.
Do master studies. Your masters being the people you get inspired by AND whose art style you are trying to emulate. If you would like to draw like loish, try to break down how loish does art and copy that process. If you would like to paint like picasso, look at his art and try to break people down into forms. Learn a bit about the history of different art genres and see what you would like to include in your own art. If you are young and just starting out, you will not have a defined style yet. I certainly don't. But you can learn from everything and everyone and you will develop your own style and voice over time.
Use everything you can to help you learn and produce art.
There are no rules in art.
If you are working from photo reference, but can't get it right for the life of you? TRACE IT! You are allowed to trace something, if it helps achieving the end goal. If you are trying to learn how to do it without tracing, do it anyways, but in a specific way. What I usually do is:
Draw the thing I want to draw without tracing, trying to break it down into parts, trying to get the proportions right.
Put the image I try to recreate/use as reference under it with lower opacity, to see my sketch (you can do that with a window and a printed out image, if you are working traditionally)
Use another layer over my sketch and use a different colour to correct my sketch by tracing over the parts I got wrong.
Put the corrected sketch as reference to the side and try to draw the thing again, using the reference image and the corrected sketch as reference. (It's easier the second time, because you can see the parts you got wrong on the first try and can try to avoid making the same mistakes.)
Take your own reference pictures of things. Try to recreate a pose you want to draw. You will understand the pose better if you feel the movement of your own body and the position of your own muscles while striking the pose.
Use guidelines and reference pictures and probs and tools.
There are no rules in art.
And if nothing of what I've written is helping at all, maybe you just need to take a break. Some days off of doing art. That's okay as well. Refuel your creative energy by gaining different experiences. Go outside with some friends and have some fun. A change of scenery can make a lot of things better. (that said, look around your room. Is it a mess? Mine certainly is. And a cluttered space can also lead to a cluttered mind and influence your art badly.)
I hope any of this helps. This got longer than expected and I could keep going, so if you have any questions or need some recommendations for learning materials, feel free to reach out. I'm happy to help, when I can. :)
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caffinedragon · 8 months
You took care of me, Now it's my turn.
A draft snippet that allows a peek into Razzikel(Tav) and Halsin's 150 + year friendship.
TLDR: Two bro's cuddling and talking over warm beverages at the Act 1 party.
“A warm beverage, bear?” Razzikel asked as he offered up the steaming mug of freshly brewed tea he had procured from Gale’s supplies.
Halsin, having been deep in thought by the way he stared off into the distance, jumped like a startled rabbit, “Sweet Silvanus!”
“Sorry,” Razzikel chuckled, his deep growl rough voice trying to hide his mirth and failing, “Didn’t mean to startle you. Tried to keep in line of sight but You were pretty lost in thought.”
“That’s all right.” He sighed as he rubbed his face to calm down, “I always seem to forget how quiet you are, despite sharing my size.”
“I wouldnt be a good ranger if I wasn't.”
“That’s true.” It was then he noticed the mug he held out, “What’s that?”
“A honey sweetened lavender based herbal tea. Well, at least this one. My mug has coffee. Gale has quite the collection of cozy beverages and he is kind enough to share. Figured the warm drinks would help calm the nerves after the week we had.”
Halsin’s expression was warm and soft as he took it from his hand,“Thank you wolf. You…didn't have to do that.”
“I know. I wanted to.” He smiled as he rested his forearm on Halsin’s closest shoulder. “Besides, this way people will stop asking you if you want a drink.” He poked his cheek teasingly.
“You noticed, huh?”
“It never fails.” He sighed, irritation in  his voice. “At parties like this, people often see someone without a drink in hand and feel the need to remedy the situation.”
“Very true. And they tend to be insistent even when you tell them you don't drink.”
“It’s just one drink.” Razzikel mimicked, “It will be fine. Live a little! Have some fun! Don’t be a stick in the mud!” He groaned.  “It’s why I always used to bring an old wine skin full of grape juice or coffee and pretend to sneak it into my mug.”
“Clever.” He then leaned in almost conspiratorially, sneaking an arm around Razzikel’s waist to rest on the small of h9s back without getting closer. “But what if someone asks to have some?”
Razzikel smiled knowing what Halsin was trying to do but was to shy to ask for directly in front of strangers.
“I let them.” He shrugged as he repeated the gesture, pulling Halsin flush against his side before resting his arm fully across his shoulders. “Most think it is hilarious or want to copy it. Only a handful tried to offer to fill it with actual alcohol.”
His heart skipped a beat or two when he saw a bit of red tint on his face as he settled against him.
“And what do you do if they keep insisting after you refuse?” He asked as he folded his thicker body into his.
“Ask them why they are so determined to get me drunk and then use ‘The Stare’.”
Halsin blinked twice clearly trying to remember what he was talking about. “The…Stare…?” 
Razzikel knew it hit him the second his eyes widened, followed by him erupting in loud belly laughter that could be heard across camp.
“The Stare!” He wheezed out between laughs. “Oak father preserve me, I nearly forgot about that, hahaha!”
“It’s pretty effective, especially since I am a drow.” Razzikel snickered.
“I mean-” Halsin started between giggles, “Fair. On both points. But,” More giggling. “Now all I can see is-”  Snort. “All i can see is you standing there with that stare of yours just-” Halsin crossed his arms, stood up to his full height, made his face still as stone with one eyebrow raised and pretended to be looking down at someone.
He only holds it for about three seconds before he cracks into another laughing fit that Razzikel joined him in.
“Ah, sweet merciful Silvanus.”Halsin sighed as he wiped tears from his eyes, “I needed that.”
“Happy to help.”
The two men fell quiet as they scanned the party, the habits of leadership and their own protective natures coming over them as natural as instinct.
As Razzikel looked out over the camp, the hand draped over Halsin’s shoulder subconsciously reached up and began to drag its fingers through Halsin’s hair.
He hadn’t realized what he had done until he felt Halsin tense startled. He slowed his affections in case he needed to pull away  but after a few moments, He saw out of his peripheral vision Halsin allowing himself to melt against his touch with a sigh, his head easily finding a comfortable place between his neck and shoulder.
Without a moment's hesitation, Razzikel gently kissed the top of his head before resting his cheek against the same spot, reveling in the familiar warm and comfortable hold he missed.
“Thank you.” Halsin whispered as he began to relax.
“For what?” He asked while taking another sip of his coffee like it was the most normal thing in all of Toril to have an archdruid cuddled under your arm.
“Rescuing me.” He sighed in relief. “I was fully prepared to die fighting my way out of there had you not come. I am glad you did.”
Razzikel could feel his heart clench in his chest at the memory of the druids in the grove who had seemingly given up on him.
In an effort to not think about what would have happened to him, He tightened his hold and kissed his head again to distract himself.
“I meant it when I said that all you had to do was call and I would come running.” Razzikel affirmed. “It is in the lythari nature to be there when our pack mates need us. I am no exception.
“I’m not Lythari.”
“Neither was my mom. She sought out to tame a Dire Wolf to spite her family only to find my dad. ‘Get loved, loser. Get absolutly fucking cherished.’, is essentially the family motto.” He heard him chuckle as he finished, “Who am I to argue with the family tradition?”
Halsin let out a stuttery breath like he was on the verge of tears, “I don’t deserve you.”
Razzikel turned to kiss his forehead a third time, “Not your call.”
The broken relief in his short laugh was accompanied by him snuggling into his side more as he whispered, “I missed you…so much.”
“I missed you too.”
The soft sttutery rumble that began echoing form Halin’s chest as  his eyes closed was a sound Razzikel knew well. It was the sound a bear made when they felt safe and happy.
He deserved that, and a lot more besides.
Razzikel let himself begin to drift as he absentmindedly continued to sip his coffee and stare off into the middle distance, a comfortable and welcome silence settling between them.
When he turned his gaze down to Halsin, he was in a similar zoned out state, the firelight playing on his caramel colored skin and dancing in his hazel eyes.
With each breath his scent filled his nose, easing his nerves. The warmth of Halsin’s body continued to remind him he was safe and sound, slowly easing the ache in his chest.
When Halsin took a glance up at him, he gently ran a stone gray thumb along his jaw and temple, earning a contented sound that mixed in with his purring.
He could feel tears begin to gather in his eyes as the reality of his success fully sank in.
“Are you all right, wolf?”Halsin asked, concern lacing his voice.
“I’m all right. Finally having you in my arms again allowed my mind to realize I had suceeded. Just a bit overwhelmed by it, is all.”
Halsin shifted to press his forehead against his, a gesture Razzikel returned.
Neither man spoke, they didn't need to as they remained like that until his tears began to dry.
Once they did, they snuggled back into thier previous position staring contemtedly out into the middle distance.
They stayed like that until their mugs were empty, where Razzikel took them and placed them on the large rock behind them.
A few moments later he heard the stuttery purring stop, followed by Halsin’s eyes drooping in a familiar guilty sadness.
“You should get back to the party.” Halsin sighed but didn't move, breaking him out of his cozy no thoughts, head empty state.
“What?” He blinked, his mind taking a second to process what Halsin just said. “Why?”
“There are still a lot of grateful people eager to spend time with you. I shouldn't keep you all to myself, as enjoyable as that may be.”
“Go ahead. I did my obligatory rounds. I am perfectly cozy and content right here.”
“Are you sure there isn’t someone else’s attention you would rather have tonight?”
He noticed the way his eyes flicked over to Astarion.
He understood why. Cain, his late husband, was very similar to the pretty boy vampire spawn but only in the levels of pretty and sass.
What had drawn him to Cain had been the same things that had drawn him to Halsin.
A patient and wise mind, a kind and gentle heart, and a ferocious protective streak that rivaled his own.
And he told Halsin as much.
This earned him a deep blush of embarrassment across his face that washed away the guilt and sadness from his eyes.
He half expected him to turn into a mouse like when they were younger but he didn't.
“Not too mention, when i asked him ‘What do you mean by fun?’, because the man is a menace at times, his response was, ‘Sex darling. But not with you. Eugh, could you imagine?’”
When Halsin saw the chuckle he was trying to hide he started to laugh.
“Like, the feeling is mutual, and when I alluded to that, he was surprised.”
“Yeah. It was like he expected me to be disappointed and angry and when I wasn't he didn't know what to do. Which, considering his horrifically abusive relationship with his sire, is about what I expected.”
“Not used to someone being okay with rejection.”
“Or being around someone without having to sleep with them.”
This time when Halsin’s eyes flicked over to Astarion, his eyes had a sadness that was mixed with understanding.
“I’m glad he is under your care then.”
“What about the others, do they have similar stories?”
“They do. Each one is or has been used and/or abused by authority figures in their lives.”
“And yet they clearly trust you to lead them. Not that I am surprised.”
“What do you mean?”
“Providing for and protecting those under your care has always come naturally to you. It’s like an instinct. People feel.safe around you because you always know what needs to be done and if you don't, you have no problems finding someone who does. That security in the self allows others to feel the same. It is why I often joked about you replacing me. You would have been far better at it.”
“I mean, your not wrong, but…i would go mad inside of a year being cooped up in a grove like that.”
“That’s true. And speaking of…” Halsin sighed as he straightened himself up from his shoulder and stretched. “I have something to tell you.”
“I have stepped down from being Archdruid.”
Razzikel’s eyes widened in pleasant surprise, “No shit? They finally let you go?”
“Yes.” He sighed relieved, “Apparently getting captured and imprisoned by goblins and having your second try to let shadow druids take over was finally enough to convince them I was a bad fit.”
“Congratulations! Bet that is one hells of a weight off your shoulders.”
“Oh it is. Still coming down from it.”
“I bet. So who is replacing you? Rath? Nettie?”
Razzikel tipped his head to the side.
“She is a druid being sent down from the high forest. No one in the grove knows her, and since she is from the outside she will have nothing to do with the schism in the grove.”
Razzikel smiled as it clicked, “And since she is new to the grove she won't have any biases that can be exploited and will be able to provide a purely objective point of view. Good fucking call.”
“I thought so.”
“So, what's next for you then? Coming with us to moonrise i assume?”
He chuckled, “It seems you know me well.”
“I would hope so. We have been pack mates for over 150 years.”
“It's been that long?”
“We met in our mid 100’s and were both in our 300’s now.”
“Oak father preserve me. That means its been over a century since…
Razzikel saw the train of thought and moved to intercept by placing his hands on Halsin’s shoulders.
“Don’t dwell on it. We can help now. It’s all that matters.”
He sighed, shaking the thoughts from his head, “Your right. And better, you will be at my side. We finally get too have that adventure together you always wanted.”
“I would rather it be under better circumstances but i will take what i can get.”
Razzikel then looked back out over the party again. 
Noticing that most of the attendees were well within there mugs he turned back to Halsin with a mischievous grin.
“So…since it is clearly that time where the others are too drunk to care where the “hero” of the night ran off too… you think your up for a run?”
A wide grin spread across Halsin’s face that made him look 50 years younger.
“With you? Of course.”
“Good. Let me report to the only other sober members here real quick and we will be off.”
Razzikel quickly ran to the cuddle pile in front of his tent that consisted of Koto his timber wolf companion, Poto his dire raven familiar and Scratch. Poto and Scratch were sleeping off all the treats they jad gotren from the party goers while Koto remained broght eyed and alert despite having scratch snuggled up to jis side and Poto dozing on his back.
Once he got over to him, Koto’s golden eyes locked with his, head tilting to the side.
What is it brother?
“Halsin and I are going for a much meeded run. Do you mind keeping an eye on things while we're gone?”
Not at all. Go have fun. I will keep watch.
“Thank you.” He then kissed his forehead which earned him an affectionate lick.
Bring back a rabbit or two for me, yeah?
“Will do.”
He then bounded back to Halsin.
“All right. All set.”
“Perfect. I have the perfect place in mind for us to go to. Let’s go before the alcohol makes your fans a bit too bold.”
Grinning like like young boys the two made it to the edge of the light without notice.
While Halsin stood watch, Razzikel stripped off his clothing and tucked it up into the branches of a tree, smirking at him when he caught him looking.
With a deep breath he closed his eyes and let the wolf instincts fill his veins.
The cracking amd stretching of bone started quickly after, dropping him on all fours as his body twisted and morphed into hos secondary form.
Once the transformation was complete, where once stood a 6ft plus Drow, now stood a Pitch black dire wolf the same size as a horse.
Halsin stared at him in awe, “Sweet Silvanus…I keep forgetting how magnificent that form of yours is.”
Razzikel licked his face affecionately before poking his chest with his snout.
“Right. Right.” He chuckled, “I am getting distracted.”
With that, Halsin took a step to his side and wildshaped into his large cave bear form.
Razzikel rubbed his face against Halsin’s before taking one last look back at the camp.
Once sure everyrhing was fine, both Wolf and Bear dissapeared into the woods, not to be found until the smell of Gale’s cooking was carried to them on the morning wind.
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yacinthemorning · 8 months
Tailored to Your Liking
Chapter 5
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Summary: Tumble Town attracts all sorts of misfits looking for a fresh start on the frontier, but everyone still needs clothes. Be it extra limbs or high temperatures, Jimmy caters to every hybrid's needs.
Ships: Jimmy/Tango (slow burn romantic), Grian/Mumbo/Scar (romantic), Joel/Lizzie (romantic)
Warnings: Implied traumatic events, awkward flirting
Typically, Jimmy had learned over the past years, carrots could be harvested a few weeks before the sweet potatoes. This year, however, would not give him a break. Late planting, no sun, and then too much sun, gophers, and finally just plain bad luck with growth. He glared down at the pathetic yellow vegetable, hardly two inches in length compared to its towering leaves.
It would be his luck, after he’d bragged about his carrot cake to his house guest, for this to happen. Of course, he could always buy carrots from Martyn, but that wasn’t the point. Jimmy sighed, rolling back onto his behind to stare up at the sky. Did he leave them be and hope they grew a bit more into a usable size? Harvest them anyways? They couldn’t all be so small. There was no harm in leaving roots in the ground, though, if not for the gophers.
The back door swung open, letting out a puff of smoke. Said puff of smoke coughed and shook, until a face blinked out at Jimmy. “Oh, there you are!” Tango chirped.
“What did you do? I hope you didn’t get any of that in my workshop.” Jimmy clambered back up onto his feet, picking up the watering can on his way. Tango shook most of his soot off like a dog before Jimmy was able to slap the dipped kerchief onto his cheek. The blazeborn yelped, hair flickering from the shock and turning the liquid into steam. Jimmy didn’t stop until at least his face was cleared. “Look at you, it’s like you never left the mines.” He huffed.
“A minor incident may have occurred while doing some repairs.” His muffled voice explained while he tried to bat Jimmy away. “But it’s fine, I swear!” He managed to wrestle the cloth away to finish his own cleaning.
Jimmy laughed, “If you plan on working with heavy machinery you should go to a forge.”
“I wasn’t! I was just trying to reshape a part in something hot. See, Scott at the parlour gave me this ice-cream maker that wouldn’t crank, and while I was repairing it I noticed this one piece-”
“Where on earth- Tango did you use my stove for your metal work?”
Tango hunched over with a guilty grin. Jimmy groaned, rushing inside to make sure there was no major damage. His stove was open, a pair of iron tongs left half inside, with a rapidly cooling hunk of metal sitting on a brick on his stovetop. Most of the soot seemed to have wound up on Tango, both to Jimmy’s relief and annoyance. He spun around, hands on hips, and glared. “Are you daft?”
“Look, see, it’s not that bad-”
“You could have burnt the house down!”
“I took the necessary precautions! I just needed to reshape a small piece.”
“Then why didn’t you simply- you know?” He flicked his wrist and Tango’s sparking hair.
Tango’s face twisted, grabbing the hem of his shirt and fanning it. “Because the whole- you know?”
It was certainly rude, but Jimmy supposed the man knew more about his own flames than an avian. With a conceding wave, Jimmy groaned and began walking towards the cleaning closet. “See here, just…” He grumbled to himself as he tried to pull the mop out, only to find it caught on something out of sight. Just his luck. “If you’re going to be doing metalwork and the like then at least build a shed or something for it in the yard.” What all did such a task need? He didn’t know and he didn’t especially care at the moment. Maybe when he calmed down he’d happily listen to an explanation, but right now he was trying to keep his heart from beating out of his chest.
So busy attempting to untangle the mop, Jimmy failed to notice the silence behind him. Not until he’d turned to his companion in search of absent assistance and was instead met with wide, red eyes. Something like wonder swam in them, along with far too many other emotions that made Jimmy tense up in his confusion. “You would let me build that?”
An ‘ of course? ’ nearly fell from his lips without thought, before he absorbed Tango’s words. Before it occurred to him the implications of his own. 
Many things in Jimmy’s home had changed in the past two months. A sewing machine and new lights were gifts. Redstone tools and work boots filled spaces that had been empty before and could be emptied at any point. The extra seating in his shop and the new bed in a guest room which was formerly storage were accommodations for a second presence, but they were without character.
But a work shed…
Feathers raised on end. He turned away, focusing back on the mop, though he suddenly felt the energy to clean abandon him. “Or at least go to Impulse’s if you intend to blow up an oven.” He said instead of any of the thoughts darting around his mind. He was not his brother, he was most certainly not his brother. “I’d rather keep my house.”
Tango gaped like a fish, ready to say something, but ultimately snapped shut. He walked up, giving a small nod for Jimmy to step out of the way, and bent down into the closet. Within a few seconds the mop was in his hands and the door was closed. “I’ll clean up.”
Jimmy took a deep breath. “Okay.” A tightness encased his chest. There wasn’t time to think about it. He needed to finish gardening, then he needed to put the last touches on Lizzie’s dress before she picked it up tomorrow. Then-
“Hey, Jim?” Tango called just as the avian reached the back door. “I need to go pick some redstone up from Joe for a job.” His tail twitched, “Do you need anything?”
“Just… Pick up my order from him. And ask him when the next train shipment will be in.” Jimmy said, nearly too quiet, pulling his wings in close to his back. “It should have your nether fabrics.”
Woven straw thudded hard against the wood bar counter from the weight of the raw redstone and metal plates within. Tango’s forehead followed, groan escaping as he wrapped his arm around his face. Cold seeped into his skin from the wood for a brief moment before his own high body temperature heated it faster than it could cool him.
Heavy steps approached, and a glass was placed down next to his elbow. “Rough day already? It’s only noon.”
Tango lifted his head just enough to pout at Impulse, who smiled back. He grabbed the glass given, to discover it was only seltzer. Of course his friend would be responsible when he least wanted it. His face twisted. “I think I upset Jimmy.”
“Oh no, what did you do to the poor fellow this time?” There was more amusement than anything in his voice.
“I might have used his oven as an impromptu forge.”
“It wasn’t that bad!” He knew he couldn’t defend his poor choices. “I just wanted to get the job done as quickly as possible.”
Impulse’s expression softened before he turned back to cleaning a plate, tail sweeping up in sympathy. The saloon was practically empty at this hour, all the miners back to work and most everyone else busy for another few hours. Skizz was off collecting from the brewery and Zed had run off after some bird he’d seen, leaving the two men alone. Thank the heavens, because Tango wasn’t sure he could deal with their energy at the moment. Once Impulse set the plate aside, he asked, “How much do you have saved up now?”
“Not enough.” Was the only real answer. “Less than I made at the mine in a month, and it’s not exactly reliable. I need to find a real job.”
Impulse hummed, glancing down at his bar. “You know if I could only afford it, I’d hire you.”
“I know you would, buddy.” He sighed, leaning back. “And no one wants another redstoner with Mumbo in town, not when they barely need one. The options out here are somehow both limitless and incredibly limited.”
“You could become a rancher.”
“And compete with Beef?” Tango threw his hand in the air, raised his eyebrow. “The man feeds this and every town within several days travel twice over. Best I could do is beg him to be one of his cowboys, and that ain’t exactly better than the mines pay-wise.”
“Then what about a bandit?” Impulse joked.
“Right, yeah. Because I’d be great with a gun, and I don’t personally know bounty hunters who could hog tie me before I ever sniffed a single copper.”
The two men had a good chuckle simply imagining it before the bar fell silent again. Tango fiddled with the seltzer, taking a small sip now again, mulling over his situation in his head over and over. “Maybe I should just go and beg Fwhip for my job back.”
The last clean plate was placed away, and Impulse turned his full attention onto his friend. “Even if he agreed, then you’d just be back in their barracks, wouldn’t you?” He tilted his head with a knowing smile. “You might as well move back east and get yourself an engineering job at a factory.”
Tango turned away, hiding his warming face behind his palm. “Shut it. It’s not like I can live with Jimmy forever, anyways.”
“You might, if you stopped fooling around and properly courted the fellow.”
“But that’s part of the problem!” He hissed, pushing out of the chair to throw his hands out further. “I can’t just court someone I’m leeching from. Jimmy’s real kind, but he ain’t stupid enough to accept a beggar relying on his money and home, who almost blew up his kitchen. Even a blind man can see how bad that looks.”
Impulse shook his head and dipped into a cupboard. “Well, it’s better than being a gambler or an alcoholic.”
“Setting the bar real high for me, there.” Tango slumped against the bar, glaring at his friend’s back. “One step above rock bottom. Real catch I am.”
“Downright irresistible.” A small bag was placed on the counter in front of the blazeborn. Though full, it gave way easily, and Tango suspected he knew its contents before Impulse explained. “Before you go, would you mind asking Jimmy to alter these before the dinner party? Skizz and I ordered them by catalogue but there wasn’t an option for tail or wing accommodations.”
A common story, Tango had come to learn. Catalogues often had several options for measurements and colours, but couldn’t be bothered to offer even the slightest alterations to the actual patterns. Not when they were paying some poor homebody copper on the diamond to make several a day. Normally most folks would do such small alterations themselves on work clothes. Impulse was never one too good with a needle and thread, however, and for such nice clothing it was best to leave it to Jimmy. Tango collected both the bag and grocery basket, downed the last of his seltzer, and dropped a copper before heading out. “I’ll see what he can do.”
“Don’t worry so much about Jimmy.” Said Impulse as he left. “You know he doesn’t see it that way. Take his advice and focus on getting things together. I’m sure there’s a place for you in town, whatever you want to do.”
If only life were that kind.
Jimmy had made an irreparable mess of everything.
That was the conclusion he’d come to after all these hours alone. He’d made a fool of himself making a fool of Tango and chased him off for good. Shown his true colours. Chosen his house over his housemate. All but told him to pack his bags and get out over nothing, he’d be surprised if he bothered to return. Which, in all fairness, it seemed he wouldn’t be, given how long it’d been since he left. It didn’t take three hours to shop, did it? 
Well, perhaps on occasion it did, but it wasn’t as though Tango had a long list when he left. A list that, at Jimmy’s request, included the task of checking to see how much longer Tango would be in his hair. No, he had certainly made an utter mess of it all.
It was evening when Tango returned, around when Jimmy was thinking of closing up and returning to his living room to wallow in his idiocy. “I’m back.” Tango declared, distracted with balancing his acquisitions. Jimmy placed down the pattern he was cutting to rush over and help just in time before a case perched precariously fell to its doom. A true heroic moment, given the amazingly tiny gears it was filled with, spotted when they had everything placed down on the table and Tango checked it hadn’t broken open. 
Jimmy didn’t bother peeking at the rest, collecting the few vegetables bought and bringing them to his cleaned kitchen. By the time he returned Tango was already sorting his redstone into the small workspace Jimmy had afforded him. His face had screwed up in concentration. A tension hung in the air for too long, Jimmy’s feathers raised on end as he waited for Tango’s usual chatter. It didn’t appear it would come. “You’re a bit later than I expected, honestly.” Stuttered Jimmy.
Tango wiped his redstone-stained hands on his pants. “I ran into Cleo on my way home. There was something jammed in her printing press. Turned out to be a frog she accidentally gazed at.” There was no need for proof, but Tango produced the small stone frog with a grin. It was, admittedly, very cute. Jimmy let his shoulders ease some, which Tango took unfortunate notice of. “What? Did… Did I miss supper?” 
“No! No, I haven’t even started yet, honestly.” Jimmy assured, reminded once again of his carrot-predicament. “It, um, we’ll actually not be having cake today either. An issue came up with… ingredients.”
He got an odd look, but eventually Tango shrugged it off. “So, what’s wrong, then?” Tension now built in the blazeborn as well, his tail jerking in agitation.
Well, there was nothing else he could do now. Jimmy had been building up the nerves ever since he checked the kitchen and found it spotless. More honestly, it had been mulling in the back of his mind since he last saw Tango. Thoughts that had distracted him while doing careful work and forced him on his feet to pace out the stress. Grian always said he had a habit of shoving his foot in his mouth, but Jimmy never felt so painfully aware of it until now.
He took a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize for shouting at you this morning. I was just… No, I shouldn’t have. There’s no excuse for you to be treated that way.”
Tango’s eyes widened in shock. “Wh- No! What are you talking about, I completely deserved it?”
But Jimmy shook his head, wringing his hands nervously. Oh, he couldn’t keep still. “You absolutely did not. I panicked and didn’t listen to you. I…” He swallowed. I don’t want you to leave. How could he say that? Or any of the other thoughts that had built themselves into mountains in his mind through the day, only to crumble into nonsense now that Tango was here in front of him again? He closed his mouth before he could humiliate himself.
“I’m the one who should apologize.” Tango said weakly. He put down the frog and approached. “You’ve done so much for me, and all I’ve done is dick around, distract you, and make a mess of your house.”
“I like your mess.” The words tumbled out of Jimmy’s mouth before he could stop them. Every pin feather on his head raised, the skin under turning bright red. The universe truly despised him today.
Tango seemed unsure how to react, a nervous laugh replacing whatever he intended to say. He took his time pulling himself back together, a period in which Jimmy only marginally managed to recover himself, and walked back to the table. “I, um, got your order. And Impulse asked me to bring these suits for you to modify before the party.” He rambled, messing with the edge of the cloth.
Jimmy could work with that. He took a deep breath and let his mind shift back into work mode. “Let me see.” The clothes were laid out, both looking over what needed to be done. “Well, alterations for tails is the most common I’ve had to do, after wings.” He mused aloud, tugging at the fabric. “But if it’s for formal-wear we should make it as presentable as possible.”
Tango’s tail curled around himself, bending awkwardly to try looking at his own work pants. “You just leave a gap in the top of the seam, don’t you?”
“For your tail, perhaps.” Jimmy reached out and tugged between two fingers at the tufted end when it waved past. An affronted squeak escaped the blazeborn, his tail yanking itself away from the light grip. “It’s so thin, you don’t have to worry about your undergarments sticking out, or an embarrassment while removing them. You could have a tail sleeve if you wanted to be especially unfashionable.” He chuckled at the mental image. “Impulse’s tail is considerably thicker and less flexible, however. And those scales of his love to catch on delicate fabrics like this. It’d be best to give him a button clasp.”
“Having to make such completely different adjustments even for the exact same limb…” Tango groaned. “You’re a saint.”
“It seems like much more work when you’re unfamiliar with it.” He waved him off, reaching for the needle he’d had Mumbo modify for undoing stitches. It was so far and above using a random needle or razor. Invaluable in this day and age of mail order and mass production, but Mumbo had insisted it was a silly little gift and turned his attention to his more ridiculous inventions, in Jimmy’s humble opinion. Perhaps some other folks could stand to be a bit more reverent about Jimmy’s work like Tango, actually, or at least offer some respect. “Much of tailoring is the same task in different shapes and combinations.”
Impulse had always had similar issues with clothing as Tango- that is, the acidity in the oils from his scales loved to eat through most fibres, so his selection was limited. Wool was the best common option, of which the jacket was at least made of. Better than attempting to find Void-sourced leathers. Trousers, and the base of the tail especially, were vulnerable to deterioration and staining due to direct contact without the protection of undergarments. Jimmy contemplated if he should line it, or if it would ruin the quality. He was no high-end suit maker who confidently placed his stitching on display to the world, and he likely lacked matching material. At least he was not tasked with making hats for the drake.
He moved on to Skizz’s suit. It would be much easier despite requiring entirely new openings. Though he was not an avian, his flightless wings were feathered like theirs, only requiring minor adjustments to accommodate their motions. There was little he could do to get around the awkward way they would distort the outfit’s silhouette when in motion, the current popular fashions were not made with winged folk in mind.
“It seems crazy, with how many there are.” Tango mused, and only then did Jimmy realize he’d been narrating his thoughts while he worked. A habit he’d grown over the last several weeks.
“Yes, well, numbers aren’t especially meaningful when it comes to setting trends. It’s not the common man on the plates they display in advertisements and magazines. It’s required to look presentable, even if their form cannot fit.”
Tango’s tail twitched, his head tilting to the side. “You know, sometimes you talk like you aren’t much of a fan of your work.”
“I love my work.” Jimmy quickly defended, placing the suit back down. “It’s simply frustrating attempting to modify clothes like this to accommodate everyone it was not made for, rather than creating clothes made for them. Most people aren’t brave enough to wear something that might stand out, and I can’t blame them. You would think living all the way out here might help with that, but ‘polite society’ finds its way everywhere it seems.”
Truthfully, he had only occasionally had such thoughts until recently. Most often while working on preparing the patterns for when Tango’s fabrics got in, which had leaked into his time working on Lizzie’s gown, then retroactively in quiet moments when contemplating the work he’d done for Bigb and Ren. Tango had said so himself, Nether clothing had been draped. Why didn’t he make something similar?
Perhaps he’d taken it a bit to heart recently.
Which reminded him…
“You collected my order from Joe?” He asked. Tango perked up and ran over to the cabinet. He brought over a set of vibrant wool fabrics, placing them down spread out across the desk. Jimmy’s wings fluttered behind him.
A rich violet was lifted up by Tango. “I’m surprised you could afford these. I thought this type of thing was expensive?”
“Normally, yes.” Jimmy admitted, sorting through the shades. “These are new, though, made with a special dye. They call this one mauveine.”
Surprisingly, Tango’s eyes shone with recognition and excitement. “Oh, that was in the newspapers and magazines a few years ago. They created it accidentally from aniline. The first of its kind, they’ve started trying to make all sorts of dyes synthetically from aniline now.”
“Yes.” Jimmy replied, a bit dumbfounded. “Well, it’s becoming quite popular, and more than a few people in town are fond of these bright colours. I bought a few I could find to try.”
“They’re the way of the future.”
“That’s what Mumbo says.” He rubbed his thumb into the fabric, eyeing it with suspicion. “I’m not so sure, though. I’ve heard they fade quickly, and how safe could it be? One made recently left burns.”
The blazeborn only shrugged. “I mean, if they’re selling them even all the way out here, these ones have to be safe.”
“Or it’s the only place left where they can scam customers out of their money, like Scar.” Jimmy snorted. “You would be surprised at some of the ridiculous things I’ve seen people purchase simply because it had a lovely advert in the paper, or heard about from their second cousin in the city who insisted it was the big new thing.”
“What can I say, aren’t new inventions exciting? The mistakes are the fun part, anyways.” Came the response, followed by a cackle when Jimmy’s face twisted. “These seem to be fine, though. Your hands are as pretty as ever.”
“I change my mind. Why are you still in my house.”
Tango’s laughter only roared louder until Jimmy could no longer keep the smile off his lips and joined him. When the pair calmed down once more he pushed the mauve fabric to the side. “This isn’t quite the shade I want, though. I’ll save it for Lizzie.”
“This one’s nice.” Tango picked up another, redder shade. Next to him it certainly was, matching the fiery golds of his hair and red eyes. That was all Jimmy needed to make up his mind.
“It is.” He said, taking it from his companion. “I think I’ll use it.”
“For what?”
Tango made a whine, but Jimmy held strong, only putting his finger to his lips before walking the fabrics back to the cabinet.
“How about we go make supper? Since my oven is now usable again.”
Hands flung into the air with a groan. “You mess up one time! I swear!”
“Yes, yes.” He cooed, shooing Tango off to the kitchen. “Let’s go, my little genius, you can use your blacksmithing skills on the potatoes.”
17 notes · View notes
The Shape of You Pt. 4
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Michael Myers X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Murderous thoughts, mentions of assault (Ian’s a jerk guys), suggestive themes, mentions of blood, and lots of fluff
Word Count: 8.4k
Part 1: here  Part 2: here  Part 3: here Part 5: here Part 6: here
Taglist: @the-marshals-wife @msghostface @cavern-creature @101killer   @izumima
(A/N:) Hello readers and followers of this series! I am back...finally! Thank you all so much for your patience as my busy season is over (still really busy but not as bad)! So I’m hoping that I can start writing more often and keep this series going as I still have no idea when it’s going to end cause I still have plenty of ideas and am just having fun with the whole thing! This is also the longest chapter to date and I am really pleased with the way it turned out! So once again thank you for waiting and without further ado part 4! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The hot water gushed from the shower head and you stepped into the water trying to calm your hammering heart. You hadn’t expected such a reaction from Michael. You could understand why he wasn’t so fond of closed doors, but you didn’t think about it being a problem in your own home. Privacy was something you hadn’t thought much about since you moved out of your childhood home and lived alone. It was going to take some time to get used to having a roomie, especially one like Michael who had yet to realize how much the world had changed while he was surrounded by white walls and iron shackles. You shivered despite the hot water at the thought of what could possibly happened to Michael behind those sterile walls.
 You shook your head spraying water droplets everywhere, vowing that you would help Michael forget all the horrible things that had happened to him in those many years he was locked away. You wanted to let him live as normal a life as possible as he stayed with you. Maybe you could buy a private fence so he could go outside? Maybe some blackout curtains too? Though you were sure those may raise suspicion from your too curious neighbors. You snorted at the idea of Michael wearing a fake mustache too, but that option was out of the question. A routine would come from the madness eventually, you decided. But you knew you couldn’t spend too long in the bathroom before Michael would come looking for you, and him seeing you naked once already this evening was enough. You squeezed shampoo onto your hand and scrubbed at your hair, while going back to trying to think of ideas that would help you both more than hinder one another. It’s possible Michael could come up with something too you thought while letting all cares go down the drain along with the suds.
Meanwhile Michael paced the living room restlessly as he waited for you to finish. It was taking everything in him to abide by your wishes and leave you some privacy, unlike what he had just pulled mere moments before. He was having a hard time understanding how anyone could take a shower longer than just a few minutes, back at the Sanitarium they didn’t give the patients long to cleanse themselves at all. It was a rush in and a rush out and clothing was on in moments afterwards soaking up the remaining water. Relaxing showers was something that he was not familiar with but when the water finally shut off and steam billowed out with your exit, his heart begin to beat faster seeing you more relaxed and wearing comfy pajamas. Your hair was still wet plastered against your flushed cheeks and a cozy aurora seemed to surround you, Michael had never seen anyone so beautiful until this moment.
  “Sorry it took me so long,” you grinned sheepishly. “Guess I was just needing a moment to relax in a hot shower.”
Michael looked away, a reddish tint in his cheeks while you sighed guessing his talkative streak was now over. You brushed his hand when you walked by still toweling your dripping hair before sitting on the couch in a huff.
“Well if you’re not gonna talk to me you might as well sit and watch some TV with me before I go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday and then I’ll have the weekend off to stay here with you.”
Michael, still stubbornly biting his tongue, strode across the room calmly before taking a seat right next to you. You had your arm resting up on the armrest and chin placed in your palm while you changed channels rapidly trying to decide what to watch. You didn’t see Michael staring at you, enamored by just you alone. Your still wet skin glistening in the dim living room lamp light, your soft hair still sticking to your cheek and neck, and your legs curled up against your body like you were trying to keep warm. You finally decided on a channel still ignoring Michael stubbornly. Was it childish? Absolutely! Did you care? Not particularly. You sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden intrusion in your face. One second you’re watching a late night comedy and the next a Michael had his face stuck right into yours.
“Are you mad?” He asked like a child that needs consoling from his mother.
You breathed out relaxing your stiff posture, “No just irritated I guess. I really liked talking with you. I shouldn’t act so childish cause you don’t know. We’re still learning about one another and it’s not fair of me to shut you out.”
He raised an eyebrow his sightless eye unwavering while his one good one searched deep within you.
“Figuratively and literally.” You giggled. He moved closer shushing your giggles and nervous chatter. You could have sworn he was going to kiss you when he moved a lock of hair before brushing his nose against yours. You squeaked hiding your face with your pajama sleeves trying to hide the affect he had on you. Michael could tell that you were embarrassed, as he did it again before moving your legs to sit on the floor and nestling his head in your lap to where he could watch TV comfortably. You let Michael do whatever while still hiding yourself from him, you could tell he was moving you around some but until weight hit your lap did you finally look. You could have started laughing again seeing such a big man barely fitting on the couch with his long legs over the side and his brown curls upon your pants. He paid no mind in what you were doing just enjoying himself in a way that was foreign to him. It couldn’t be more perfect though you were sitting quite stiff until he yawned. If Michael could be this at ease you were going to do your best to feel the same. You relaxed your shoulders first trying to focus on the story line of the show before you knew it you were threading your fingers through his hair and tracing the scar across his eye and cheek. Now it was Michael’s turn to stiffen up as he looked up in bewilderment.
“Sorry,” you apologized quickly removing your hand from his person.
“Again,” Michael replied grasping your hand and putting it back upon his scalp. As you petted and scratched at his wonderfully soft hair he practically purred like a kitten, clearly content in you pampering him in this way. You smiled, happy that he was enjoying himself though you were embarrassed by your sudden rash behavior. Well as rash as someone who was petting the hair of a man she barely knew in her own home. Michael seemed to be enjoying it so you couldn’t bring yourself to stop no matter how red your cheeks were.
Michael watched the TV with a content air. Sure they had televisions in the Sanitarium where the patients could play cards, watch said TV, color, and anything else that could occupy a sick mind. But Michael was mostly kept in isolation from others as punishment. As a man that intrigued doctors from all over the country all he could do was stay in his room and tolerate whatever test or needle they wanted to subject him to. Now here he was sitting on a couch in a nice home, nestled in the lap of an attractive woman stroking his dark curly hair, watching TV. He loved every second that he was getting to enjoy, but a part deep inside told him not to get comfortable. He was never meant for this type of life and everything would come to a horrific fiery end. The voice told him that he wasn’t worth anything and that he would bring ruin upon you like he had brought upon his family and the little town of Haddonfield. The monster inside lay dormant, satisfied from his last outing but it waited patiently to feast once more. Would he kill you in a fit of rage? Would it demand you to become a sacrifice upon the altar that he created to lay waste to the pit he once called home? He looked up watching you laugh at a one-liner on the show and he knew right then he could never do to you what he had done to others. You were different. You saw a man before you, wounded and alone. Where no one even took the time to attempt to get to know him and here you were opening everything up to him despite the danger he imposed. If his doctors knew they would probably want to study you. The protective side of the beast flared up thinking of them doing all the things that they did to him and doing them to you. His nails dug into the scarred palms of his hands breaking the skin a little making a few blood droplets well up. He looked again vowing to protect you from anything, if he had to go down at any point and time he would not take you with him. You would remain unscathed, his little world of perfection unmarred for all eternity until he could return or if death came for him. 
But for now he would silence the doubt and cherish any moment he could with you. Living life to the fullest and seeing what any chance of a life he could live with you, even if it was just a night in watching TV. It was the best night he could ever remember. It was like that all the times before this moment, when he found some form of satisfaction in the screams and the sprays of blood this outweighed them all. He could barely remember such scenes of gory bliss at every caress of your gentle hand. Without thought you moved from his hair down to his cheek, tracing the strong lines of his jaw, down towards his muscular neck. Michael moaned at the touch realizing just what a hold you had upon him. You jolted backwards ripping your hand from him once more causing him to pout cutely.
“Sorry,” you apologized again. He was really beginning to hate that word and he was about to make you promise to stop saying it and do whatever you wanted. He was tired of you walking on eggshells around him. Everyone else did that and he was not prepared to deal with that from you as well. He scoffed sitting up and leaving the comfort of your warm lap. He blocked the TV once more with his head leaving just enough space where you wouldn’t freak out but he stared intensely. He inched closer his knee touching your thigh all thoughts of the show now abandoning ship at the sight of you. He grasped your hand tracing the smaller digits with his large finger, your soft skin a stark contrast against his rough calloused skin. He brought it to his cheek showing you that he was more than okay with whatever you wanted to do with him. The bristle of his unshaven face tickled your hand but you loved the scratch of the coarse hair against you. He moved down wards to where you had touched his neck earlier letting the warmth linger there on his skin. He had scars there too where he had fought just to keep going, but he would gladly gain more scars if it meant that they were in protection of you. He let you linger there letting you get comfortable with the motions before bringing your hand back up, this time more towards his mouth. The warm air that puffed past his plush lips brushed against your fingers causing you to shiver. Michael grinned mischievously at your reaction bringing your pointer to his mouth and kissing it smoothly. Your breath caught causing you to hiccup at his sudden boldness.
 He kissed every digit leaving not one jealous of the other before kissing your palm. It was all so sudden and you didn’t know how to react to this difference in character. So you just sat there in shock letting Michael explore his newfound courage while you drowned in the waves of pleasure. No man had ever made you feel this way, no man had ever taken this much interest in you. Always hunting for a score it seemed like whenever they showed any little signs of interest. Ian’s only lot in life was to bed every woman in the office. So far a few have only turned a nose towards his advances and you refused to be another notch on his bedpost. But Michael, he was different as you were beginning to realize more and more. Though a breed of his own, Michael seemed to know where your boundaries lie and took care not to cross them. Michael looked up from his ministrations from your hand to look upon you with an impassioned look in his chocolate brown eye. He gauged your reactions, penetrating deep within the core of your being. This is what tenderness felt like. This was what caring meant to him. He never experienced such things until you opened up, you allowed him inside and now that he was here he was drunk. Not only on this simple little life that you lead and let him taste but drunk upon you and the person you showed him to be. You weren’t the average run of the mill girl he had seen on his Halloween excursions, no you were different. There was a little fear in your body of him, but that was a natural reaction to a stranger you barely know. It takes years just to scratch the surface of a human but Michael liked to think that he knew more about you than you did of him. Mostly because he had a hard time opening up but he could tell just how good of a person you are and that you were more than willing to search him, get to know him, and maybe even possibly love him in time.
“Michael,” you swallowed the thick lump in your throat. “Michael please.”
You didn’t know what you wanted from him but it terrified you the way you were feeling at his tender mouth nibbling at your wrist. Michael could tell you were getting uncomfortable with his movements and though he rather not stop he couldn’t push you. He didn’t believe that he could deal with you shutting him out and leaving him on his own. So with one final soft timid kiss he laid your hand back down on your thigh before brushing a rough knuckle against your cheek. You sucked in a breath as the couch moved with him getting up, the heaviness lifted off of both you and the furniture as you saw his retreating broad back go down the hallway.
Michael shut the door to the bathroom completely, needing the solitude just this once before sliding down to sit on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. He pressed the heels of his hands into his temples trying to calm his raging heartbeat and the rolling feeling in his stomach. He needed more of you, wanted more of you and he had to calm himself down before he crossed a line that he could never take back. It was so much easier when he didn’t care for anyone, he took from them but he couldn’t take from you. He couldn’t bear to see the same look of his victims cross your face or your precious blood splattered. Deep inside he could tell that the hunger he was feeling now is completely different from the one several times before. This was unexplored territory for him and it was going to take him some getting used to without acting upon it as he learned a little self control.
You sat there frozen on the couch once Michael disappeared and you waited with bated breath to see what could possibly happen next. When Michael didn’t reappear several minutes later you uncrossed your legs and rose from the couch. Your curiosity was quickly becoming overwhelming as you hoped that you hadn’t crossed a line making him stop. You felt silly for getting so flustered, Michael had never had anyone care about him or what could happen to him so of course some form of attraction would bloom in a place that had once been a desert so barren not even a cactus would grow. Your heart fluttered the closer you came to the bathroom, but as per usual Michael was quiet behind the doors. Part of you wanted to just open the door and check on him but another part was embarrassed by the way you handled everything and wanted to hide.
 Unfortunately the cowardly part of you won out and you just left him there and went to go hide in your bedroom until you managed to calm down some. Maybe you wouldn’t feel so awkward in the morning? It was getting pretty late anyway so it wouldn’t seem like you just ran away to hide after everything that happened would it? You sighed giving up and closing your bedroom door where it was open just a crack. You didn’t even bother to turn on your lamp or the overhead light as you knew your bedroom well enough not to trip or stub a toe. Your body and mind seemed numb as you tried registering everything. Life had always been simple, you didn’t like problems or anything new and then all of a sudden you throw your life into chaos with one man and everything started to spiral. Jumping from the floor to face plant into the several pillows littered across the top of the bed you screamed to vent the frustration. You screamed and screamed in abandon just hoping and praying that Michael couldn’t hear your meltdown happening. It didn’t take long for you to exhaust yourself and fall asleep. Surely you could leave nows problems to a tomorrow you. A well rested tomorrow you anyway.
Michael grew tired of hiding out from you after he was able to muster up some semblance of calmness. He wasn’t sure if you had waited so long for him so it didn’t surprise him when he stepped out to see the majority of the lights turned off and your bedroom door almost completely shut. He could hear your soft snores and it made him sigh. He regretted leaving your side, he shouldn’t have left so you both could work through what just happened. But once again you both ran away from feelings you both weren’t familiar with. Should he go on and lay down to try and sleep? Yes. Was he going to listen to reason? No. If he was worried about waking you up it was far from his mind as he made his way down the hall. Your bedroom door barely made a sound as he opened it up to see you snuggled deep in your blankets. While it wasn’t the first time he watched you sleep he couldn’t help but feel it was a little different then the last time. You seemed so peaceful and at ease. Sure you didn’t know he was there but he never got tired of seeing you in any form. Your pink lips parted, breathing softly in and out as you dozed. The clock at your bedside keeping the time while illuminating your features in it’s low light. He knelt down at your bedside really taking you in, this moment he felt was one of the most important in his life. He tried getting as close as possible without dragging himself into your bed and laying on your mattress.
 He barely made a dent in the cushions surrounding you as he gently stroked the hair from your face. A strand caught on the edge of your lips that invited him in with the plush pink skin. He shook his head knowing that he had to wait for you both to be of sound mind in deciding to kiss together, but the temptation remained there, a siren song drawing him in, so he distracted himself with your hands. So much smaller and softer than his he couldn’t imagine something in the world as soft as you. What lives his took yours created, that’s why he was so fascinated with each digit, every crease, every line in your fingerprint. Every part of you was absolute perfection to him, though he couldn’t tell you that just yet in worry that he would move too fast. How did you hold a paint brush? How did your digits grip a pencil? These were the things he longed to learn about you. He wanted to see your creation process that brought such beauty into the world. Though your paintings still couldn’t compare to you in these quiet moments that he always longed for while you were away. He needed you with him and it felt like a part of himself went missing every time you left. Yes you couldn’t stay with him every waking moment but Michael couldn’t stop himself for wishing it anyway. He sighed softly still stroking the warm skin on the back of your hand. You didn’t even stir as he leaned closer to take in every detail from your face. Every beauty mark, every mole, scar, wrinkle. What you probably saw as flaws and hated them, he saw perfection and loved every little piece about you. A pure snow freshly fallen while his life was more like a war zone, pockmarked with terrors and horrible things he’s done.
 How he deserved to even know you let alone be this close and touch you, he couldn’t answer. Michael doubted the smartest doctors he had known couldn’t figure out why the universe deemed him worthy to be by your side. He savored every second until his eyes began to drift close. He fought tooth and nail to keep from going to sleep so he could enjoy every moment with you unsuspecting. But he could fight it no longer and lost the fight. Michael fell asleep on the floor by your bed unable to bring himself to go back to the couch. He slumbered blissfully just knowing that you were close by.
You awoke the next morning more clear headed and ready to deal with whatever happened between you and Michael last night. What you didn’t expect was said man to be passed out in your floor, no blanket, no pillow and yet he was resting peacefully. You giggled quietly just watching him snore away clearly still in a deep state of sleep. He must have been wanting to talk about what happened after he settled himself in the bathroom so that made you feel a little guilty. Sighing in defeat you shoved the covers off leaving the warmth to seep from your blankets before gently stepping to the floor to keep from waking Michael up. You did bring one of your blankets with you dragging it across the floor until you stood at the giant of a man’s feet. Easing yourself down you laid next to him the carpet of your bedroom floor biting into your soft cheek before you draped the blanket over both of you. Michael stirred a little, giving a little snort before settling back down into sleep. You laughed putting your hand on his muscular shoulder feeling all tension that normally stayed in his joints was nowhere to be found as he rested. Like he did to you last night you found yourself exploring some features of him that you found wonderful. You also focused on his hands like he did yours. While yours was small and delicate, Michael’s hands swallowed yours and had rough callouses over the palms and sides of his fingers. 
There was nothing delicate about Michael as he was a man who knew what he wanted to do and got it done. Murder not withstanding you were thinking of other things, especially when it came to you. Personal space did not seem to be his forte either, but you couldn’t say that you minded it. It was cute in your opinion as it reminded you of a puppy following you around. A big, quiet, could definitely kill you, man puppy. You snorted at the idea causing Michael to stir more until his brown eye cracked open and sidled towards you. You hushed up hurriedly completely guilty for laying down beside Michael without asking him. He rolled over on his side facing you, your faces a mere breath away from each other. You looked down at your feet, twiddling your fingers under the blanket you both were covered by. You couldn’t possibly bring yourself to look up at him, cause you weren’t a hundred percent sure what you both were to one another. Time was the only way you could really now. Was this okay though? Laying down beside him while he slept. Sure you both slept on the same bed in that ran down shack of a shed but that was a different situation entirely. Michael hated that you wouldn’t look up at him that he moved before thinking. His finger curled under your chin lifting your gaze to his. Though sightless you could have sworn that the icy blue of his unseeing eye was just as penetrative as the chocolaty brown of his remaining eye.
“Good morning,” you mumbled breaking the silence.
“Mor’nin,” he grumbled sliding closer to you. You couldn’t back away as he kept a grip on you and if you were honest with yourself you couldn’t bring yourself to move away from him. You could feel time slipping away that you needed to get ready for work but the moment was too good to interrupt now. Plus Michael just told you good morning so you had to bask in that little victory alone. You stayed right beside him stroking the tussled curls on his head until Michael fell back to sleep. You knew you had to get up and get ready as you were already going to be late now, so with a sigh you got up. Covering Michael up better with the blanket you took off your bed and gently placing a pillow under his head, you grabbed your work clothes before going to your bathroom.
Now freshly showered and ready to seize the day, you needed to call work first and let them know that you were on your way and that you going to be late. Your boss was understanding though he did make you promise not to let this happen again. It wasn’t like you to pull stunts like this, but it wasn’t normal to house an apparent serial killer either and yet here you are. Honestly you just knew Michael’s behavior had to be linked to his childhood (though you didn’t know much or anything about it) or how he was treated under the care of the state’s doctors. Checking on him once more to see him snoozing away you blew a little kiss towards him before racing out the door and getting into your car. The school traffic was horrible and you could find yourself getting antsy the closer you got to work. If it wasn’t Friday you probably would have taken the day off just to stay home and be with Michael. But you could survive one more day so you could have the weekend to get to know him a little more. You couldn’t lie to yourself that you wanted to explore more of the emotions and actions that had happened last night. The uncharted territory called out to you and you couldn’t deny that your womanly wants knew exactly what she wanted, though your more cautious side was screaming at you to chill out.
 Finally pulling into the parking lot that was, thankfully, clear of any of your coworkers. It felt like miracle so they couldn’t see your meltdown happening right in your car with your face plastered into the steering wheel while screaming your throat raw. Only when you had calmed down and prepared yourself did you finally leave the sanctuary of your car and into the chaos that was work. You couldn’t help but notice all the stares that everyone gave you as you passed by cubicles and offices. What they could possibly be thinking, you couldn’t be sure. Yes it had been your first time to be late, but it wasn’t like you’d be the last person in the world late to work. All you could do was ignore the looks and focus on getting your job done so you can go home and be with Michael. As soon as you were out of sight the sounds of pens scribbling and keys clacking started once again and you found yourself sighing in relief. At least everything would be professional until lunchtime, then you had the sinking feeling that any form of privacy was going to go out the window. You huffed but got busy working on the forms you couldn’t finish last shift. It didn’t take long until you forgotten all the glances and the things happening at home, your work taking priority over everything else. It wasn’t until you heard the resounding footfall of coworkers leaving for lunch did you realize how much time had passed. Your fingers ached from the tension you had worked with so you sat there for a few moments stretching your digits thinking back to Michael’s soft lips caressing them. You gripped your hand before jumping in your seat at the sound of Julie’s voice.
“Lunch time,” she sung making her way into your office like nothing weird had happened when you first arrived.
“Yeah sorry Julie,” you answered standing from your office chair and grabbing your purse.
  “Looks like somebody has been off wondering in la la land.” She snickered but kept up with your quick stride. Nobody paid attention to you now that Julie was at your side and food occupied their minds. “Looks like it was a doozy too with that pink color in your cheeks!”
Slapping a hand over your flushed cheek you looked away trying to hide the fact that she was correct. What you wouldn’t give to melt back into that time you were just thinking about. Michael’s tender mouth wondering where he pleased and quick little licks to sample the taste of your skin. You couldn’t help but get flustered at the thought of the attention he lavished on your hand. What could it possibly feel like if it had been your lips? Internally screaming you faced Julie trying to gain back some functional form of speech. Luckily the cafeteria was already bustling with people eating and chatting amongst themselves that you were able to grab a couple small things and slip out the back of the building to enjoy the sunshine. Julie refused to leave at this moment and remained hot on your heels out the door and took a seat beside you on the bench provided by the company. She unwrapped her sandwich taking a huge bite before staring at you knowingly while chewing delicately despite the big bite of food. You chewed carefully trying to think of something to talk about until your curiosity got too much to handle and you all but spilled the beans.
“Julie how do you know when a guy really likes you,” you cringed as soon as the words left your lips. And if you only had a camera you would have been rich selling the shocked expression on her face. If it wasn’t so serious and so close to revealing what’s been happening in your life you would have laughed.
“(Y/N)?! Are you dating someone?!” She practically announced to the whole town causing you to ‘shh’ her harshly. You were now completely and totally regretting even asking her the simple question. You knew you were going to have to be so careful not to reveal that you in fact have a man living in your home now and said man is Michael Myers. Were you doomed? More than likely, cause the odds were not looking good for you.
“No,” you screamed before shushing her to make sure nobody in the office could hear her. Which would shock you because space had probably heard her after the volume she had shrieked. “I’m just confused at the moment and I’m needing advice.”
“Please tell me it’s not Ian,” Julie gagged with a sour face.
“Heck no,” you shouted again and cringed at the volume of your voice. “No, and it will never be him.”
She sighed in relief, “Worried me there for a second.”
You snorted thinking she’d be super worried if she knew you were asking advice because of one Michael Myers, monster of Haddonfield, was the one you were asking for advice on.
“It’s just, I’ve never really had a relationship with a guy or know how you can tell if they like you in that way.”
“Whatever is opposite of Ian’s normal behavior is definitely a step forward,” she snorted taking another bite of sandwich.
You giggled playing with your food now as any thought of food just settled what little you had in your stomach like a rock. “He doesn’t count.”
“Seriously though,” she scooted to where she could face you more taking your hands. “I’ve figured out that all men are different and so are the ways they show emotions. So I can’t tell you the exact answer but this, and it’s going to sound so vague, but you will know. You have good instincts (Y/N) and you need to trust them. I don’t have to know this guys name either.”
You sighed in relief.
“But I know he’s got to be pretty special to catch your eye,” she squeezed your hands. “He just better be special enough for you.”
You had tears in your eyes at the amount of truth and caring Julie looked upon you. You couldn’t have asked for a better friend as you grabbed her into a hug sniffing to keep the tears from falling. Deep down you couldn’t help but laugh a little on the inside knowing how much she would freak if you did tell her said guy’s name. Not exactly a normal boyfriend if you thought about it.
“Thanks Julie.”
“Of course and if he breaks your heart I break his face.”
You laughed picking more at your food and taking a few bites before moving the conversation in a different direction.
After lunch was over the rest of the day went by uneventfully, you did get a little bit of a scolding from your boss before you were able to escape to your car. That was the worst of it as everyone had decided to get over whatever they were feeling towards you that morning. You didn’t really care anyway, your day was done, it’s Friday, and that meant you got to enjoy the comforts of home and see Michael all day for the next two days. You weren’t sure how he was going to feel about it but he always seemed to be so bored and lonely when you came home, so something was telling you that he was going to enjoy having you around. You whistled a tune while digging your keys out of your purse as you walked across the parking lot. You weren’t paying any attention to everyone around you as you tried to unlock your car when a hand slammed against the panel jolting you from your thoughts.
“You’re awful chipper for someone who was running real late this morning (Y/N).” Your heart sank hearing the voice that belonged to the one man who made you want to commit homicide. Maybe Michael’s way of thinking wasn’t the most horrible thing as there was people like Ian in the world. You tapped your rage down turning upon the man with a condescending smile.
“I had a long night last night and my alarm didn’t go off,” you grinned speaking every word through your teeth while your body trembled. Maybe today was the day to get fired. Also your statement wasn’t completely a lie, but you would gladly lie to Ian every second of every day if it got him off your back.
“That’s funny I didn’t peg you to be the type of woman to sleep around with some guy and let it make you late for work,” he sneered.
Yep today was definitely the day that you were going to lose your job because you were going to punch Ian in the throat.
“Jeez Ian why is it every time something different happens that isn’t in your control that your mind instantly jumps into the gutter?” You went back to unlocking your car before doing something you would regret. Bills had to be paid, you reminded yourself over and over. “Besides if you think that I’m that type of woman you need to go home and really look at yourself in a mirror.” You finally got the door open just for him to slam it shut.
“That’s rich. Who is it huh? Who could possibly be better than me?”
You scoffed ready to hurt him in anyway possible. “Well so far I have a really long list but I really don’t have time to stand here and list them all off to you. Have a good weekend.”
Once again opening your car door to get inside this time he grabbed your arm squeezing with enough pressure you just knew that you were going to have a bruise there.
“You’re not leaving until I say you can.”
That was the final straw. He already got under your skin beforehand but this assault was not going to continue, you were being nice at first but with him making physical contact was the bullet in the chamber.
“Ian I am only going to say this nicely once before I make good on my word,” you rounded on him murder blazing in your eyes causing him to back off but not let go. “If you do not let go of me I will kick you so hard between the legs you will never get to bring Ian spawn into this world, pepper spray you until my can is empty, call the cops and have you charged for assault, and for good measure I may just run over you and make the world a better place. Now. Let. Me. Go.”
This time he listened and you were able to get away. Though you didn’t call the cops this ordeal was far from over as you were going to talk to your boss about what happened. You just hoped that there had been witnesses as you were too preoccupied to check your surroundings. You were shaken up as you drove home, you just hoped that you could hide it from Michael.
You had calmed down a bit when you finally pulled into your driveway. It helped that the local radio station was on your side today and had played several of your favorite songs in a row during the drive, so you felt mentally prepared to face Michael, sort of. Slowly turning the key in the lock you spied him on the couch with the sketch book you had given him the first time you saw him drawing. He seemed to be concentrating hard on whatever he was working on until he felt your gaze upon him. Seeing that you finally were home he set everything down and rushed forward. You tensed a little at the embrace you found yourself in, Michael towering over you that he had to bend over to get a good angle to wrap his arms around your smaller figure. You relaxed enjoying the warmth and safety he provided as you tangled your fingers in his hair enjoying his touch until his large wondering hands found the forming bruises on your arm. You hissed at the tenderness of your muscles making Michael yank back away from you. The terror in his eyes thinking that he had hurt you broke your heart, as he couldn’t see the underlying cause of your pain under your shirt. “Sorry Michael,” you hugged him this time. “I guess I’m just a little sore from sitting at my desk all day. You’d think I would be used to it by now.” Michael nodded but you could tell that he didn’t seem quite convinced just yet. So you did what you could do and changed the subject hoping to take him off the scent.
“Let me get changed and I’ll start something for us to eat okay?”
Once again Michael nodded but didn’t say anything. You could feel his gaze upon your back as you retreated to your bedroom to recollect yourself. In the meantime Michael had a feeling that something was wrong and he was afraid that he was the cause. He couldn’t recall him being rough with you at any point since living with you. Could he have done something without knowing? He couldn’t stand it and he couldn’t wait any longer to check on you, especially if he was the cause of your discomfort. He called your name in a hoarse voice giving you warning that he was about to come in and before you could protest he was through the door, what he saw made his heart shatter in his chest. You hadn’t fully undressed yet, still in your work skirt and tights all you managed to shed was your button up shirt that left you still clothed in your tank top you wore underneath, but the skin and cleavage he could see didn’t matter, his sole attention was on the dark marks on your upper bicep. You shrunk in on yourself trying to hide yourself from him but Michael wasn’t having any of it. He was across the room in seconds and looking at your arm, his hands strong but gentle as he took in the damage.
“Did I do this,” he asked. If you hadn’t been so worried about him finding it out you would have freaked out at how many words he had just strung together. But you were too busy freaking out about how he thought your bruises were his doing.
“No,” you shouted causing him to flinch. You cupped his cheek tears welling up thinking about how much guilt he had to be feeling over you. “No,” you said gentler this time before sighing knowing that you couldn’t keep it secret from him. “A guy at work did this to me.”
Michael’s demeanor flipped violently as he stood there calculating what you just said. Right before your eyes Michael Myers went from the man you were beginning to know to the Shape of Haddonfield. Now you could understand the side others had come to fear, but still deep down you couldn’t bring yourself to tremble before him. His fists were clenched in rage and the caring look he had had on his face seconds ago was far back in the background, replaced by a blank look of calculation. You could only guess on what matters of pain he was thinking of bringing upon your attacker and what you could think of made you shiver. Michael had completely transformed into the killer he was known to be. He longed to feel the handle of a kitchen knife in his hand just so he could plunge it into the heart of the man who hurt you.
“Who did this,” his voice had an unnatural ring to it and you shivered but you couldn’t let Ian’s stupidity ruin what you had with Michael.
“It’s okay Michael,” you soothed grabbing his wrist. You placed his hand on the marks, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your skin while still shaking with untamable rage. “He’s an idiot and not worth you getting taken away from me for. He’s just jealous another man got my attention before he did.” You laughed trying to ease the tension in the air. “He’s tried for years to get me to date him and sleep with him, that’s the type of man he is. He’s the lesser man here and I took care of it.”
Michael seemed to relax a bit but you still kept talking wanting to make sure he didn’t storm out the door announcing his presence to the people who would kill him in an instant.
“I’ll also talk to my boss about it and show him my bruises. I also think some of my coworkers saw what happened too and surely they’ll vouch for my story. But please Michael, please calm down. I can’t watch them take you away because of somebody else’s dumb decisions. So please stay here with me. Stay and enjoy our time together okay?”
Michael sighed all rage and fury leaving his body until he rested his forehead on your shoulder just taking in that you were okay. That despite the marks you were stronger than he thought. You couldn’t believe how he reacted over mere bruises, you’d hate to think what would happen if you had been really hurt. Maybe you should wait to tell him that your period cramps were much worse than this. You chuckled at the thought causing Michael to look up at you his lidded eyes searching yours.
“Instead of cooking why don’t I order a pizza and we can watch TV together,” you asked finally after letting him soothe any concerns away just by holding you. “It’s the weekend now. You have me all to yourself for two days straight. I won’t leave Michael I’ll stay right here and we can be together. How does that sound?”
The small smile that tugged his full lips made you smile back. Yeah Ian had almost ruined everything and you were wanting to keep it from Michael but you were glad that he found out and that he cared enough he was going to throw his future away just to protect you. You hoped there was more to his protectiveness than returning the favor for all that you’ve done for him so far. With Michael following you like a lost puppy around the house you called in the pizza before leaving to go freshen up and change into more comfortable clothing.
Now with the pizza and a movie on TV you laid on the couch with Michael resting with his head on your stomach and stretched out between your legs, you played with the full curls of his hair enjoying the silky locks slipping through your fingers. Michael also seemed to like the attention as he pressed closer willing your nails to scrape against his scalp. Without thought you leaned forward to kiss the top of his head, this time Michael didn’t stiffen but melted further, thoughts turning from the movie to you as you paid attention to the screen. He knew deep down he had to protect you from everything, that you needed him just as much as he needed you. He couldn’t let bad things happen to you like he had caused for others. You were the light in the darkness and brought everything that he could ever want in his life. To keep you safe even if it meant he would be taken away again and never to see you again, if he knew you were going to be alright and taken care of it’s something he could live with. His world would shatter without you but if it was for your benefit he would shatter it himself and walk away. 
He took one of your hands that kept petting him and kissed the back of it letting the taste of you settle on his tongue. That’s when Michael knew he was intoxicated with you and it was something that he was more than okay with. You hummed softly excited about what the weekend would hold as you and Michael watched TV together, things may get rough but you were prepared to stay by his side even if it meant sacrificing whatever necessary. After a full belly and finishing the movie you fell asleep on the couch with Michael still using you as his personal cushion. When he noticed your steady breathing stirring his hair did he realize that you had fallen asleep. Maneuvering carefully so to not wake you, Michael scooped you up from the couch to carry you into your bedroom. In the safety and warmth of his arms you nuzzled in deeper, cheek pressed against his collarbone your warm breath tickling his flushed skin. It wasn’t hard for him to make it to your room and once he laid you down gently and covered you with your blankets Michael turned to leave, thinking that you needed the space after all that had happened in your day. Sleepily you reached out and grasped his wrist.
“Please stay,” you asked groggily clearly not thinking beyond just the mere comfort of his presence. Michael stiffened but the temptation was too strong as he huffed, unable to say no.
“Okay,” he whispered.
You scooted over watching him with sleep bleary eyes as he laid back next to you on top of the blankets. Your scent attacked his senses and it made him a little nervous but when you forced him under the blankets and scooted to curl yourself into his side, like a sleepy kitten, he relaxed and held you. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep in his arms and once he knew that you were deep into slumber did Michael finally start to drift off. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to go back to sleeping on the couch after this, especially if he got to hold you through the night with no consequences. Whatever laid forth he was ready to take it as long as it meant he got to spend moments like this with you. And with that last thought Michael lost the battle to sleep and dreamed peaceful dreams with you by his side.
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tinytinyturttlesoup · 1 month
Spoiler: a snip bit of chapter two from two nardos
Casey stands, looking down at the boiling kettle. He hears the screaming high-pitched sound, can feel the heat from the steam bubbling and blowing past him. He can feel time passing, his lungs deflating, his heart beating. The noise of it all rolling over and through him.
He turns off the kettle. When was the last time Leo had let Casey touch him? It had to have been a few weeks ago. Casey touched Leo’s shoulder in an attempt to be friendly, to offer some kind of comfort, and Leo had just…he pushed him away. Swatting at his hand like it was nothing. They aren’t the same, Casey’s mind repeats over and over. None of them are the same. But Casey can’t help himself. It’s the glimpses. Leo’s laugh. Donnie and Mikey fussing over him. Raph’s stature and strength. April’s wit. And it’s Casey’s grief. He lost everyone he had ever known in one minute and then gained them all back the next. He thinks back to the key. The portal, big and buzzing with energy, the technodrome descending above him. The lack of gravity and the bright colorful sky as he looked at the key. Leo screaming in his ear to pull it, begging Casey to take the key and run. He froze. Until Sensei’s words compelled him to act. “Casey, it’s not about me.”   Then he shut his eyes, grabbed the key. and ran. Each step settled on the uneven rubble of a New York that was starting to look more and more like his own. A buzzing noise droning in the back of head, as the weight of everything fell on his shoulders. Finally, he had tumbled over to catch his breath, stopping to take big grasping gasps. He caught it again looking at Leo’s sword. He kneeled in the dirt and grime and grieved. Really grieved. He sobbed until his throat was raw, his chest aching. Whether it was from his lungs struggling to catch up with him, or the pain of accepting his loss, he couldn’t tell.
Casey shakes his head and the memory away. But the train of thought remains as he opens the cupboard and pulls out three mugs. It hadn’t been fair of Sensei to trust him with this. He was just a kid. It should have been Sensei. It Should have been the both of them. Casey opens the box of tea bags, a brand he has found to like in this new world. What was left for him after that? What did he have left? The world was saved but was also unrecognizable. He was a hero but with no home to return to. The life he had wanted with his family was gone. He had secured that none of them would ever exist. They wouldn’t need to exist; they shouldn’t have ever had to exist. He pours the water into the cups. The light fragrance of orange and chamomile prickles his nose and washes over his face, his buzzing mind calming down from the smell of warm tea. Casey looks at the steeping cups for a long moment.  If the timeline he was a part of shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place…
He brings the cup to his mouth, feeling the heat of ceramic burn away at his chapped lips. As he takes a tentative sip of hot tea, the warmth flows through him before settling in his core. Maybe he shouldn’t exist either. Casey is pulled from his thoughts as Mikey tiredly strides into the room. Casey offers him a small smile and a cup of tea. Mikey takes it gratefully. “You’re a lifesaver, Casey Jones.” “Anytime.” The two of them sip on their cups a moment or two before Mikey finally breaks the silence. “So, are you doing ok? It was pretty intense in there.” Casey huffs a pathetic attempt at a laugh. “Nothing I haven’t seen before. My Sensei had night terrors pretty often. I used to help Master Michelangelo calm him down. I guess it just makes sense that this version of him would have them too.” Mikey shifts his eyes over to Casey, a small worry obvious on his brow. “That must have been hard, to see him like that.” Casey grips the mug tighter. “It was, the first couple of times, but that was just the reality of it. I never blamed him for it.” “Of course not, but…That sounds scary. Seeing someone who was a mentor to you freak out.” Mikey knits the worry in his brow tighter. “Why did I show you that? If you had to make a guess.”
Casey thinks for a moment. “Probably, because, it was pretty hard to hide. I was always by his side. And if I wasn’t, then the screaming would wake me up. To be fair, it’s not like you wanted to show me. I don’t think either of you did, but I wanted to help.” “Oh.” The two of them sit in silence for a minute. “Casey,” “Yes?” “Did- did they ever get any better? Leo’s night terrors I mean, or-” Mikey holds tight to his mug. Casey sees something that looks like worry or guilt wash over Mikeys face. Casey can’t help but smile at the glimpse of something familiar. Mikey will always worry about his brothers, no matter the timeline. “They never got worse. But to be fair, it’s not like Leonardo has ever been very forthcoming when it comes to his mental health. And we never had a therapist with us in the trenches or anything. We all just sort of…coped. Did our best to make the situation bearable.” Casey watches as Mikey’s frown starts to deepen. “But you did have this power to make everyone feel better.” Mikeys face lightens at that. His expression becoming more bashful. “Oh. Well, that just comes with practice. I’m sure future me had plenty by the time-” “No. I mean, you had an actual power that helped people calm down.” “Oh. I did? Do?”  Casey nods at Mikey before smiling into his mug. A part of him has this weird little satisfaction in watching the turtles discover things about themselves from the future. “You used it on me when I was having hard times too.” “Oh.”  Mikey beams a little bit. “What did it feel like?” Casey thinks again. “Like- A heavy blanket. Warm and friendly. Or a hug on the inside.”
Mikey laughs, and after a while, Casey does too, before once again falling into silence. “Casey?” “Yeah?” Mikey puts his hand on Casey’s shoulder. The gesture feels warm, soothing and familiar. Always familiar. Mikey smiles at him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
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therewasatale · 2 years
My lord (Part 2)
Part 2 - belong to me
On Ao3.
Part 1
There was no mirror in the bathroom. There was no a mirror in the room in fact. Heisenberg didn't really care about his appearance, he didn’t even like seeing himself. Especially not when he wasn’t wearing his clothes.
Entering the shower, he stood there for long minutes, allowing the flowing hot water to warm up his body. He closed his eyes and nodded his head back, just letting his hair cling to his back. He will have to cut it shorter soon. But for now, he just let the water drops ran down on his body, sliding over his scars on the way.
The Cadou endowed him with an almost unimaginable power. So much, that there were moments, when he felt indestructible. Still like everything, the parasite had its own weakness. The one inside him had problems with regeneration. He was unable to withstand the same level of resistance as the Dimitrescu bitch. Although, he was still better than Moraue.
Of the many bad ones, at least he did not transform or evolve back to the intellectual level of a plankton.
His hand began to twitch. He started massaging it, just like you did. But of course, it didn’t feel nearly as good. Heisenberg couldn’t steer his mind away from the roughness of his own skin, despite trying in in vain to remember the silky touch of your fingers.
You were completely different from him. Patient, thoughtful, gentle, and attentive, yet you could be cheeky and stand Heisenberg’s barbs and quips. And thanks to your knowledge, you have become a great helper over the years. You didn’t fit into the factory, it was a dangerous and deadly place.
And yet, Lord Heisenberg found himself thinking of you. More and more and more. And even though you didn’t fit in this cold metal place, he did feel your place was beside him. He wanted you to stay by his side.
The knocking was barely audible. He turned off the water.
"Here's the tea you asked for!" You shouted through the door. You were not allowed to enter until he gave you permission.
"Just a second!"
He took clean clothes and then wiped his hair and exited the bath. The steam slowly swirled around his body and spread around the room until it became nothing. "Come in." He gestured with two fingers and the door opened itself in front of you.
"Thank you." You held in your hands a tray on which a pitcher and a metal mug rested. Hot steam was swirling from the latter.
"I made rosehip tea, it'll help relax a little bit." You placed the tray on the table next to your bed and then looked him up and down. "How is your hand?"
"Still tingling," he moved his fingers. "But not in a bad way."
"Come on," you gestured towards his bed and took a seat. "I bet your shoulders could use some work too."
Nervousness tightened Heisenberg's stomach into a stomach. He glanced down at himself. However, before he could tell you something you spoke up.
"You don't have to take off your shirt, don't worry." You nodded slowly.
He hesitated for a few moments, his heart began beating faster, just from the thought. He wanted to trust you from the depths of his soul, the faulty part of his logic tried to protest that you can betray him any time, you could stab him in the back without any notice.
He took a step towards you and then sat down on the bed, sighing slightly.
"Alright. Just a bit, since even I know I'm always hunching over."
"As you wish." You glanced towards his shoulders, and you too needed a few seconds to calm your heart. When you touched his skin, you felt the muscles tighten under your fingers and then relaxed as a result of your caress.
First you only touched him gently, you barely put any pressure into your movements increasing it little by little. His body shivered under your touch, and yet he only leaned closer to your hand. Your fingers wandered slowly around his neck, his skin was still hot from the bath. His muscles were still tight, but the hot water loosened them a little.
Maybe he closed his eyes or finally relaxed because his breathing slowed, and he let out a pleasant moan. You could feel several small scars on the back of his neck and nape, you caressed his skin it along the line of his white shirt, and then started massaging again. You could only speculate where or when he got this many wounds from.
Heisenberg swallowed softly as you touched one of his sensitive points, unable to stop the pleasant chill from running down his spine. He shouldn't have allowed you to get this close. He couldn't really tell himself when you became this important to him. Because you became important.
In the past he couldn’t care less if you got lost inside the factory for hours or if you couldn’t sleep due to the machine noises. It was downright entertaining that he could watch the struggles of a simple human like you, somehow it made him more satisfied with his own fate.
Finally, someone else has experienced what it is like to live and suffer in this damnable place. However, after each terrible day, you woke up with more strength and determination, and you learned. You wanted to improve. You wanted to become better, more useful. And that didn't just impress the lord.
His childishness was only a disguise of infinite loneliness, which he was only willing to admit to himself in his darkest days. Mother Miranda condemned him to a life he never wanted for himself.
In his darker days, when he couldn't pay attention to his work and his thoughts bubbled to the surface, he was overwhelmed with loneliness. In those day his anger subsided into faint embers. He had to fight alone against a creature much stronger than him.
He didn’t even know the limits of its abilities. And though he did his best, he gathered countless ideas, the knowledge that he could not share them with anyone and could not trust anyone to help with them ate him away from the inside.
Your fingers found their way into his hair, and you started to massage his scalp in gentle circles. At your touch a pleasant tingle ran through him as you tried to ease his pain. He opened his eyes and found himself completely leaning against you.
"I think exhaustion knocked you out for a second." You answered softly, gently stroking his forehead. You followed the line of his face, and chin with your fingers. "Have some rest."
He could faintly feel your finger on his lips. "I shouldn't trust you."
You ran your fingers down to his chin over and then up again, before slowly caressing it around his neck. You were able to feel his heartbeat under your fingers.
"You saved me. And that night you said you'd take me with you in exchange for my life." You hugged him closer with your arms. "Why would I want to betray you when my life is in your hands?" You asked as you buried your face into his hair.
The room was filled with the sound of your soft breaths.
Heisenberg would have sworn you could hear his heartbeat too; it was drumming so loud in his ear. By now the bath was far from the only reason his face was blushed. He almost forgot what he was thinking about. He let out a snort. "You god damn fool."
As he pulled away from you, you expected you to argue, that he became angry with you about something. Maybe it was a mistake to be this honest. You were about to speak, but he stifled the word.
His lips found yours as he pushed you down on the bed. Your face flared up again and your body trembled. Still, you couldn't concentrate on anything but kissing him back just fiercely as he did you. He was hungry, and wild, yet you could feel his immense loneliness too.
"You god damn right, I have your life." He pulled away for a second looking down into your eye. "So, you'll do as I say, and you'll help me destroy that lunatic bitch, and you'll even go to hell with me." His fingers gripped deep into the blanket next to your head. His gray eyes almost glowed, but you could only smile.
"Yes, my lord." You reached up and gently caressed his cheek, letting him pull you back into another kiss.
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wasteofbandagesxx · 1 year
Tumblr media
Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 5
"Jesus christ, Jouno!!! Your freaking psychotic!!" "He was making the room smell! Did you really expect me to deal with the smell Y/n!?" "Yes!!" The 2 hunting dog members were arguing. They were waiting for Tecchou to heal up. A nurse with a healing ability managed to heal Tecchou's broken back. "You guys are disgusting. I swear to god!" "Jouno stop it!! You sound like a bitch, actually, you are a bitch!!"
"Oh you mother f-" "Jouno...." both hunting dogs immediately shut up once they hear Fukuchi's voice. "Hello captain. what brings you here?" Jouno asked. Y/n rolled their eyes at Jouno'a sudden change of attitude. "I need you to gather information about the detective agency." Said Fukuchi. "Alright? But what about Tecchou?" Y/n asked. "He'll join you guys once he wakes up." "Ok..."
Jouno and Y/n just walked out, but a sudden noise was made when they exited the room. "PLUM BLOSSOMS IN THE SNOW!"
"Fukuchi!?" They ran back in the room to see their leader on the floor. His life flashed before his eyes as he almost got stabbed from an unconscious person. They also see a sword that was stuck in the wall. "Oh... sorry captain." Tecchou said, retracting his sword from the wall. "Well good morning sleeping beauty!" Y/n elbowed Jouno in the stomach once he said that. Tecchou was so obvious that he would respond back without being insulted or anything. "Good morning..." "How's your back?" Y/n asked. "It's alright I guess. And Jouno, I forgive you. You were only trying to help with my workout." Said Tecchou. An irk was on Jouno's head, his smile was twitching as well. Jouno was so fed up with his weird oblivious shit.
"Well, glad to hear that. We have a misson to do, so get your ass up." "Yes ma'am/sir."
After Tecchou got in his uniform they left the building and headed towards the coffee shop. "Sooo what are we doing?" "We are going to interrogate the old man at the Cafe."
"I swear I don't know where they are!" "Tsk tsk tsk, more lies I see." Jouno was interrogating the fuck out of the old man. Wasn't even giving the old man a break. Tecchou just sipped on his coffee and watched in silence, Y/n was doing the same. Y/n felt bad because they know damn well how far Jouno would go to break your mental state. "Jouno, don't you think that's enough?" "Quiet Tecchou." "Tecchou is right, we've been here for almost a while and the old man's gonna have a heart attack if you keep going at it." Jouno scoffed at the two. Jouno just kept going and going until he finally shuts up. Tecchou stabbed him in the foot. "Ow!!" Jouno yelped in pain, almost spilling his drink. "I am sorry for my partners behavior. I promise you that Lucy will be safe. I always keep my promises." Tecchou said.
Y/n felt they were gonna cry for how cute and caring Tecchou is. The old man finally calms down and tells them the location. "Your kidding right?" Y/n asked, the old man shook his head. He wasn't kidding at all, Jouno was so close to losing his shit. "Well, thank you for your time. We will be off now." Tecchou said, walking out of the Cafe with the other two following behind. "The Casino? Why would they be there?" "Probably to hide, Y/n. Now, before we continue our hunting I need to let out some steam..." Jouno said with a dark expression. It then got completely silent at the moment.
"Come here you mother fu-" "Jouno no!!" Jouno tackled Tecchou to the ground and started beating the shit out of him. "JOUNO WHAT THE FU-"
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darkened-tyrant91 · 26 days
Frozen Hate
This is more or less just a short story but in the story do expect these themes to come into the story at some point [Violence, Abuse, sexualizing, slight grooming, mental trauma] this story isn’t for those who think the world is sunshine and rainbows so if you got a problem with it then deal with it, it’s my fucking story
A young boy by the name of Lexio Arvestist would find himself one more awaking to his entire bed covered in water worried the young boy would attempt to pull his sheets off his bed in a rush to try and hide the accident from his mother knowing full well she would scold him for wetting the bed, but he didn’t wet the bed for it was impossible to make this large of a mess from a simple wetting, the young boy then rushed over to the window and would throw his sheets out the window into the bushes below before hearing his mom push the door open giving him a violent stare and speaking to him in her raspy voice
Mother: you need to get ready. You’ll be working at the shop again.
The young boy would shaking my nod his head before grabbing his clothes for the day and stepping outside to watch as a wagon nearly runs him over, making him fall down he would sniffle his fears away and approach towards his mothers shop shaking hands, and in the steaming beating sun walking towards the door before pushing it over to see the multitude of women in the shop which would ultimately make him uncomfortable before he would go towards the counter to hear one of the women speak to the young boy
Maddie: Hey little one~ you seem to be nervous~? Want me to help calm those nerves~?
The young boy would turn red and rush further into the shops back room and stay there until needed as time passes through the day his mother would come walking in and grab him by his hair making him squeal out in pain as she ripped him from his chair and dragged him out towards one of the shops cabinets
Mother: did you eat those treats you little shit!?
Roodie: I just had one!!! I was hungry I didn’t didn’t want to wait until I got home..
The mother would growl at her son before pushing him against the cabinet smashing his head against the glass making his bloody stained noise mark the cabinet once she released him she would then kick his side making him squeak in pain and tears but he didn’t dare to make a sound he just laid there in silence as people enter and left the store he remained on the floor holding his side letting the mixture of tears and pain never fall before forcing himself to his feet and scooting his way back towards the door of the shop and collapsing again he’d then crawl his way out the store and start to wander away from the store itself trying to run away like he had so many times, leaving beyond the villages streets through its alleyways only to be stopped by two grown men who would look down to the boy and just give a disgusting grin
Man: well ain’t we got a sweet one here he’ll make do nicely
The men would then grab onto the young boy and throw him into the brick wall beside them as they would force themselves onto the boy which would inevitably last for about a hour before leaving the small boy against the pavement balled up and crying his body shaking in pain, his stomach turning with disgust as this had happened too much before that he just laid there considering to let himself just lay in the pavement and let nature take its course but it never did the longer he laid there the more changes nothing happened before he would finally force himself to his feet and limp his way back home where his mother would be seen with another man in their living room which he would look away and just try to walk pass her only for her to speak up
Mother: why don’t you be a dear and get get mama a drink honey~
He would simply nod before walking towards a makeshift cooler made by a Demi-human salesman and pull out a bottle of mead and walking over before handing it to his mother which she would snatch from him which made him jolt back in fear as he would go towards his room just to lay in his bed until he fell asleep but he never fell into a slumber for instead he would just lay awake through most of the night only to later that night have his mother walk in and walk towards his bed which he would panic and sit up only to feel his mother force him back against the bed
Mother: ugh.. men are so fucking annoying they always tease me but never commit to anything
As he lays there he would soon feel his mother rubbing against his body which he would obviously attempt to resist only to have her smash him across the face making him cry out in pain before he would just lay there and allow these disgusting actions to be taken on his body which made him feel worse then he ever had laying in bed half naked shaking he would look towards his mother with tears and anger before he finally would snap and jump into his mother grabbing her by the throat and squeezing with as much force as his small body could watching his mother flail around his hand grew cold to the touch almost freezing over his own flesh in his anger and rage he would start to freeze over his mothers neck and squeeze tighter and tighter until he heard a loud crack with the sounds of flesh being torn which he would suddenly release her neck to see that the ice had froze over her neck and he was pushing spikes of ice straight into her neck which resulted in severing the neck of her neck and the spine once he realized his actions he would scream and collapse to the floor crying and covered in his moms blood he would finally take action and run, run as far and as fast as possible away from his mothers corpse afraid he would be punished for the death of his mother he would run into the woods far away from the village running for what seemed like hours only to soon come across another village which he would fall into the gates and just lay there crying covered in blood and snot trying to reason with himself that what he did was a accident and that he didn’t really want her dead this went on for the remainder of the time before finally he’d pass out from the exhaustion of so many tears eventually awaking in a bed to a women cleaning his body off, he would jolt up to cover his exposed body only for the women to smile and hold her hand up to him which causes him to flinch the women seeing this would stop and stare at the boy with a sad expression before suddenly embracing the boy he would stop moving, stop resisting, remaining completely still feeling her embrace him he would just sit there for what seemed like a eternity before she would release the boy and grab his face to see the tears streaming down his face for the first time in all his life he felt someone embrace him without a intention to harm or use him as they wanted the women would then smile and wipe his tears from his face before continuing to clean the young boy soon relaxed himself accepting this women’s kindness, as time passed he would now be devoted of blood and dirt now watching the women leave the room he would stand to his feet and step towards the window to see the village he had ran into a village that looked clean and had no random people wandering it but noble men, and knights which made the young boy smile brightly
Women: come.. you need new clothes
The young boy would nod and follow the women towards the closet to have her undress him and replace his nasty ruined clothes with a fresh pair of clothing that had the scent of a lilacs which made him have a sweet smile soon following the women out through the streets of this village trailing behind her slowly and quietly for them to approach a small building filled with many other children around his age as the women walked away to speak with one of the owners of the building he would get pulled away by two kids which would invite him to play their game of hide and seek
{4 Years Later}
As time had passed the young boy now at the age of 15 he would be cleaning his new home with the very same women who helped him all those years ago now enjoying something that he never had in years a loving mother and friends that he could trust
Roodie: I’ve finished all the work at the farm today ma’am
Hailey: that’s good to hear Roodie but if your going out to play please come back before it gets too dark out I don’t want you getting hurt
Roodie: of course ma’am!
The young boy would now make his leave out of the village with his friends to spend the entire rest of the day playing in the forest and chatting about what they’d do for their future lives one of his friends exclaiming to be a scholar, another saying she’d like to be a soldier for the Legion of Red, and one of his older friends explains how she wants to be a mercenary, and finally his last friend explaining how one day he’d love to be a great mage much like Roodie, Roodie however hadn’t decided what he wanted to do with his life, after all the magic he held in his body was abnormal a mixture of a almost limitless mana pool, and a hyper powered cryomancy he wasn’t sure how he could put this magic to use but that was the least of his concerns for now he had so much time to spend before becoming a adult so the group would spent their time playing games swimming in the rivers and running around but eventually that would all be cut short as soon they’d all had taken a rest from all the exhausting activities only for Roodie to wake up and see smoke in the distance rushing over he’d come to see his village being burned to the ground and falling apart from this disgusting looking aura that was emitting on certain points of the village he would ready himself before a massive black beast would smash the side of his skull sending him flying into a building in his blurred vision he’d see the black beast with a grossest buff humanoid body and bird like face with its brain exposed on the top of its head screeching out it would chase down the knights killing them with barely any effort as he would attempt to get to his feet he would collapse again his body losing all motor control from that violent blow from the bird beast only to see a man who was covered in cracks, almost looking like a walking corpse wearing a smiling mask, beside him stood a man who had charred flesh and burn scars covering his body as the cracked man spoke his voice sounded broken and like his vocal cords had died
Space: Blaze. Burn it all. Leave no survivors.
The burned man supposedly called blaze would smirk and with a raspy chuckle he would raise his hand and scorch the entirety of his village leaving not a single trace of anyone or anything left after the young boy would attempt to get to his feet and collapsed finally succumbing to his concussion before what seemed like hours he would awaken to the sight of everything that was his village destroyed all that remained was a single bracelet that was worn by Hailey who had played his adopted mother for the last 4 years and now he was once again alone he would force himself to his feet before taking this bracelet and walking into the darkness of the forest for what felt like days he would wander around Ashfield to suddenly collapse again from the lack of food before a women approached him in his weakened state and raised a hand out to the young boy as he went to take her hand he would collapse going unconscious on the spot
{A Year later}
The young boy would now be working among this army known as the empire he had no idea of their intentions or if they even cared about his life but that wouldn’t change anything for his real task to find the two men who caused his village to fall into despair and death for from now on that was his mission to bring those men to justice at any and all cost along with of course taking orders from his general a women by the name of Valdaye a Cryomancer just like him however she was perfect with her magic compared to him he had no idea how to perfect his magic like her’s he figured maybe one day he could ask her to train him properly but for now he had a job to take care of and until then that’s all that mattered to him.
The End
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's so much going on today there's definitely too few people here at the laundromat or too few people trying to get here. So they're saying they're calm before the storm and so forth. They're a bunch of young Ms greens they're very evil and mean and we have to beat them up right now. Other than that everything is going that we said one would go in the eastern hemisphere Stan is under brutal attack and his areas are being swarmed over by idiots they're firing rapidly they are pushing them back and pushing them out and it's going to be a long day and it's going to be a lot of them gone tons of things as a matter of fact it's going to be a very large pile of them that are going to buy the farm we don't have any confidence and them that they're going to do well.
-I also going on today we have three ships coming out of the mouth of the river the Mississippi at this time and they're 3 miles each and they are steaming out by the way fast for some reason not really sure why it look behind them there's nothing and in front of them might be crabs coming in and it will mess them up if they wait so they calculate they can get by We Believe the next shifts will have problems there's three more coming out the Missouri in about 5 minutes and they are going to go really fast 300 miles an hour and they're loaded so the crabs might stay clear yes the others will have to wait possibly and it's costly for them they sometimes have to burn fuel just sit there right now we see six ships behind on each River probably 15-20 minutes behind and they're looking on satellite and it's saying we don't think you're making and depends on the size now so they're thinking about breaking out the weaponry and it passed the wall now in a sense as it don't break it out until you pass the wall and you have to go past it aways and aim it down so they're thinking of doing it and DJ thanks him he says that's good advice and they're starting to prep the weapons and I think they're going to go for it beaming out there and hit a bunch that far off they made actually go backwards it's not the goal but it's not going to stop the major Entourage as a matter of fact you'll check more and DJ is okay and he's telling the other ships not to come down so they're putting on some steam they're up to 200 and they'll be at the mouth of the river in about 5 or 10 minutes and they're arming and they're thinking people and it's going to go pretty good they say they think that we have a few other issues
-everybody sticks to him and when he has an idea they say it's theirs we'll just cover and stuff and the people doing it know who it is but it's burned annoying there's too many people doing it and they're huge assholes about it and it's not needed so calling for that to end and end it you have to stop them here we're sending in troops and people just doesn't seem to let the whistle so we're going to do construction projects and this morning we submitted 500 in Port Charlotte and 300 in punta Gorda and the building inspectors were outraged and said we can't possibly review these and we told him to stay of emergency and the special rules regarding it and we had it writing and he said what are we supposed to do any Reddit and it says you're supposed to seek help and the federal government will reimburse the town so he called the town up and they said it's true so they're going to review the plans and they're going to hopefully approve it we are getting ready to go on several projects and they have already been pre-approved and they were in the planning department for like a year and we took them over so they're sitting there trying to figure out what to do and we hear them saying no and all this and can't do that and we're waiting for approval and we suddenly heard something on the radio they have 1600 people coming to town to help review these plans and we said oh that's not good and we do know that the number means so the max are intercepting people and only the ones they listed are allowed in and it is $1,600 inspectors because that's bigger than a Massachusetts militia and they start laughing it's like three times the size so it's going on now and yeah he was guessing but malicious that's really sounds a real small back then
-it's shaping up but Stan is getting beat up and out of his total areas of 70 I think we said in the eastern hemisphere about 60 are under siege and in a serious way about 40 emptying out and we're within the hour will be empty and we'll move in to take over there are several other things happening
-there are Viking bases in the Eastern hemisphere it also under attack strict attack and all of 30 of them and that's all of them. It is the morlock and they're seeking all the bases and they have overrun them quickly and it's their areas of operation. They're doing it all today and we think it is to cause motivation here it will fall flat as it always does and they'll be refugees from the tattered areas and they will take it out on the leadership as they normally do and we expect a lot of the leaders to die sometimes that's who's invading by the way it's hard to tell they all look the same in about 20 minutes we'll have more news but
-the bullocks are attacking the clones at the deep Roots ships they are attacking the empire at all of their bases in the Eastern hemisphere every single one of them is under strict attack it is not new but it is fierce and they brought heavy and is large a little bit larger than the last attack and it is going on right now and they're attacking the Sasha bases with gusto and they're attacking all of them it is terrible that's what they're doing it's terrible because they haven't made any progress that's real
More shortly
Thor Freya
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