#i just find it quite funny who fans look at and decide ‘oh hes That Guy’
newttxt · 1 year
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very random assortment of ppl, posted on a very random day
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vax-merstappen · 8 months
secret keeper (op81)
summary: trying to keep your and oscar's relationship hidden from the public was not easy, especially when the one person you trusted not to say anything may have told the whole grid what was going on.
this definitely got more funny than cute lol but this was probably my favorite fic to write! hope you enjoy!
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You were walking through the paddock to meet up with the man who everyone knew as your best friend, Oscar Piastri. You had known each other for years, meeting when your brother had raced against him in a karting series. Though your brother had quit after only a few years of karting, you had grown close to Oscar and continued to hang out with him. When he got to Formula 1, you came to the races that you were able to in order to support your friend.
At least that's what the world thought. You and Oscar had been dating for 2 years before he started racing with McLaren. As a couple you mutually decided to keep your relationship as private as possible. Fans could get nasty and with Oscar's dream of making it to the pinnacle of motorsport, you knew that every single thing you did together would be analyzed if you were to go public. You liked your privacy and Oscar did too, so naturally it made sense to just be friends publicly.
Of course your families and close friends knew that you were dating. You had also informed the members of the team that needed to know, just so they could understand why you were always in the paddock. Outside of that, there were very few people that knew the situation.
So it was shocking to say the least when you passed by Pierre on the way to the McLaren hospitality one morning and he gave you a nod of recognition. "Ah, you're Oscar's friend!" he exclaimed, making air quotes as he said the word friend. He shook your hand and smiled.
"What is that supposed to mean?" you asked, wondering if he somehow knew you were dating Oscar.
Pierre looked embarrassed for a second. "Oh, um, I just meant that you guys seem too close to be just friends? You must be best friends to show up at all these races, he must see you like a sister?"
You cringed inwardly at being seen as Oscar's sister, but were ultimately relieved that Pierre did not know about your relationship. You wished Pierre luck on the race and continued towards the McLaren hospitality. Right before you could step inside, you saw Logan walking towards you.
He smiled before gesturing at you to follow him into the alley between the hospitality buildings. "You better treat him right," Logan said.
"Treat who right?" you asked, again scared that Logan knew about you dating Oscar.
"Oscar," he said and your heart skipped a beat. "If you're going to date him, you better do it right. If you break his heart, Alex and I will break you."
Your stomach dropped. "I, I how did you know?" you stammered.
"Oh, uh, lucky guess?" Logan shrugged awkwardly. "But, uh, don't mess with my boy." He walked away.
First Pierre acting weird and now Logan. Something was up and you needed to find Oscar to figure it out. You beelined into the hospitality to find where he could possibly be hiding. Checking all the rooms, you found that he was nowhere in sight. After asking around, you discovered that Oscar was scheduled to speak with the media at the press conference. You needed to find him before he got on that stage.
You walked as fast as you could without running towards where he was supposed to be. However, you looked to your right and saw yet another driver approaching you. Fernando Alonso himself rushed to your side.
"Hey congrats on the new boyfriend!" he said jokingly, before noticing the panicked expression on your face. "Is something wrong?" he asked.
"I need to find Oscar," you said. "Somehow all of you know about us and I don't know why and I'm scared."
Fernando looked you in the eyes. "Hey, it's alright, let's go find him together. He should be at the media stage right?"
You nodded and were relieved as Fernando began to lead you towards your boyfriend. "But seriously, how did you know?" you asked.
"Well I heard it from Carlos, but I don't know how he found out," he revealed. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine, Nando, just help me find Oscar."
You finally got to the stage and saw your boyfriend already being interviewed. Fernando gave you one last reassurance that everything would be okay before leaving you to go do his own press duties. You looked to the seat next to you and saw yet another driver.
"I think you make a great couple," George said, smiling at you. The his face dropped. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to talk about it. Shit."
"It's okay," you sighed. "I know that you know now. I just want to know how this happened."
"Well," George said, looking around before dropping into a whisper. "A certain driver may have slipped and said something about it to Alex who texted Logan, Charles, and I who may have said something to Lewis who actually kept his mouth shut but apparently Charles told Carlos, who told Checo and Nando, and Pierre, who told Esteban and Yuki. That same driver also told Daniel who let Max, Lance, and Nico in and then Nico told Kevin and Valtteri and then Valtteri told Zhou."
"How do you know all that?" you asked, amazed that George kept track of all of the gossip.
"The skill of gossiping comes with the job," he said. "But you didn't hear all this from me."
You nodded. There was nothing left to do now besides wait for your boyfriend to finish the conference. While he talked, you recalled a conversation you and Oscar had during the past week.
"I can't believe you bring your friend to so many races," Lando had remarked. "I almost thought you guys were dating at first."
You and Oscar had shared a look. You nodded to him to confirm it was okay to tell the truth.
"Well we are dating," Oscar said and Lando looked up from his phone, shocked.
"Oh my god! I was right!" he shouted.
You and Oscar immediately shushed him. "We're keeping it a secret for now," you explained. "Don't want the press digging into our relationship."
Lando nodded. "My lips are sealed."
Little did you know, he had immediately gone to talk to Alex and let it slip that you and Oscar were actually dating. And a few hours after that, he had mentioned it in conversation with Daniel.
You had a realization. The only person who you had mutually agreed to tell on the grid was Oscar's own teammate, Lando Norris. And while you had trusted him, he was sort of famous for being a PR problem.
You looked up to see Oscar leaving the press conference. Your boyfriend smiled and walked over to you when he saw you in the crowd.
"Oscar, the whole grid knows we are dating."
Oscar looked panicked. "I'm so sorry, babe. I don't know how this could have happened, let me go figure it out..."
"I know what happened," you interrupted.
"We're going to need to have a conversation with a certain teammate of yours."
Oscar rolled his eyes. "Of course it was him."
You two made your way to the McLaren garage and Oscar's face got angry when he saw Lando nonchalantly talking with one of the mechanics. Oscar was generally a quiet guy, but could be intimidating when necessary. You smiled as you prepared to watch the confrontation.
"LANDO MOTHERFUCKING NORRIS!" Oscar shouted. "Get your ass over here right now!"
Lando looked panicked and you could almost audibly hear him say "oh shit" before scurrying out of the garage. Your boyfriend looked back at you with an amused smile.
"Last time we trust him to keep our secrets."
You laughed before pulling Oscar into a hug. Even though Lando had leaked your relationship to the grid, you knew things wouldn't be so bad as long as you still had Oscar by your side.
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ericshoney · 1 month
Zoned out ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Due to your ADHD your prone to zoning out, especially if you find something boring. Nick, Matt and Chris often try to keep you zoned in and entertained.
Warnings: possible swearing, platonic nicknames, ADHD!Reader, fluff
You had been invited out for the day by Nick, Matt and Chris. The trio were already on their way to your place to pick you up. When you were with the guys, you always smiled and laughed, having a great time and if you were ever on camera with them for a video or stream, many fans compared you to Chris. That was due to your ADHD and many of the fans saying Chris possibly had it as well.
Chris often boosted your most "ADHD moments" by being as chaotic as you were, loud and childish. You knew this wasn't the case with everyone who had ADHD, but this was how you worked and the guys loved you for you.
Nick and Matt were basically your parents, making sure you had everything you needed and never got too distracted, especially if you were out, due to that once time you nearly walked out in front of a car because you saw a cute dog.
You then got a text from Nick saying they were outside. You walked out your house and saw the car parked up. You locked the door and rushed over, jumping in the back alongside Nick.
"Morning!" You cheered happily.
The guys greeted you as Matt began driving. You had first decided to go get food, as it was two in the afternoon. As Matt drove, you started showing Nick some funny videos you found.
After driving through LA traffic, you soon arrived where you wanted to be. You all got out of the car and headed inside, getting a booth. You sat next to Chris, across from Matt and Nick.
"How's work, kid?" Matt asked you.
"Shit." You answered bluntly, making the three males laugh.
"Then quit." Nick said with a shrug.
You opened your mouth to reply when the waiter came to order you some drinks. You ordered a Pepsi, making Chris smile.
"Taught you well." He said.
You laughed and once the waiter left, you continued what you wanted to say, or you would, if you hadn't forgotten.
"I forgot." You said.
"Don't worry petal." Matt replied.
"I said about quitting your job. You could get another job." Nick suggested.
You shrugged and listened to the guys talk about their next video. The drinks then came and you grabbed a straw, sipping your cold Pepsi.
"What about that new fortnite update?" Chris called.
You then zoned out. It wasn't like you hated fortnite, you played it occasionally, but just weren't that into it. It was sometimes hard to keep up with all the updates and skins and everything else Chris rambled on about.
"We should get Y/n to join as well! What do you say kid!" Chris exclaimed.
All three guys looked at you and saw you were miles away as you chewed on your straw. Matt gently tapped your hand that was resting on the table, bringing you back down to Earth.
"Back with us, sweetheart." Nick said with a chuckle.
"Sorry." You mumbled, sinking in your seat.
"Don't be sorry, darling. It's fine. Chris rambles on too much anyways." Matt said, as the youngest male stuck his tongue out.
You laughed and looked at Chris, who didn't look upset one bit. You gave him a sheepish smile.
"Can you repeat that please?" You asked.
"I suggested playing fortnite for a video and you joining, what do you say?" He asked.
"Oh uh sure. But It will have to be a tag team thing cause I'll get bored." You answered.
"No problem kid, you and me vs Nick and Matt." He replied.
"Okay. Now can we talk about something that isn't fortnite?" You asked, making them laugh.
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @sturniolo-fann @riowritesitall
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3vergr3en · 4 months
hi! I love your work! I noticed you've been a fan of eujoo lately... me too :,) if you have time or are interested, how do you think the andteam members would act when they have a crush? thank you!
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❥ How &Team would react to having a crush on you
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(🥐) PAIRING . OT9 x fem!reader
(🥞) A/N . ANON. I LOVE YOUUU. and thank you so much for requesting this !! and yesss, byun euijoo has all I've been thinking about (he's so cute that I'm getting pissed off.)
(🍮) ADDITIONAL INFO . everything below is just cutesy filth.
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Koga Yudai - K
hes actually quite shy surprisingly.
you'd expect him to be all like, "I like you!!" when he first realized that he thought more of you than just a friend.
but he's actually quite sheepish when it comes to you.
one glance from you has his heart pounding in his chest.
or one 'hi, yudai!' has his knees buckling.
he tries to make himself look and act perfect when being around you, deathly afraid of any mishaps happening bc all he wants is for you to think that he's cool :(
but he's so busy trying to perfect himself, that he fails to do the part where you had to be yourself.
"Yudai. You didn't need to do all of that if you wanted to impress me. You could've just asked me out." You smile fondly, combing back his curtain bands with your hand.
"I messed up my chance, didn't I?"
"Not yet."
Murata Fuma - Fuma
honestly not surprised when realizing.
he loves having you around with him and the guys,
or when you ask him to come over to help with some appliances.
He doesn't mind fixing them bc not only does he get to see you more, but he also doesn't want your place collapsing on you <3
you're independent, funny, and super sweet to anyone around you.
who wouldn't like you?
When he decided to go tell you,
he's SUPER straightforward.
"Y/n, the reason why I asked you to come see me today was because.. I found myself having feelings for you than I would for just a friend."
He knows what he wants, and he acts on it. he hates beating around the bush. (which is so attractive btw)
If he can have you as his now, why would he want to wait any longer?
"Oh! I.. wasn't expecting you to be so straightforward about it. Usually guys would just--"
"Well, I'm not like them." He chuckles, "I'm a man who knows how to treat a woman right."
Don't gotta say anymore, you're already planning a date with him.
(and possibly your guys's future together)
Wang Yixiang - Nicholas
he first realized he had a crush on you when the smallest things you'd usually do for him, start to have more of an effect on him.
like asking him if he had eaten yet, or grabbing an extra umbrella for him when it was going to rain.
YOU thought you were delusional-- no, HE'S delusional.
'she thought about me. omg, she wants me so bad, its embarrassing for her.'
NO. it's embarrassing for YOU, yixiang.
but he doesn't tell you right away, although his ways of showing that are teasing you even more than usual.
"no one wants to see you chowing down that, like calm down, no ones gonna take it from you." He snickers, finding joy in you glaring daggers at him.
"and no one wants to see that ugly face of yours, but hey, unfortunately, we all can't have what we want."
God. He's gonna marry you one day.
One day.
Byun Euijoo - Ej
SOOO shy whenever you walk into the room.
"Hi juju!" You greet happily, a bright smile over taking your face.
"Oh-! Uhm, hi.." He responds, a faint smile appearing on his lips.
he's terrified that if the guys stopped talking, everyone, especially you, would hear his heartbeat drumming in his chest.
he truly finds you the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on, and unfortunately, Nicholas has to hear all about his fanboy behavior.
"Euijoo, buddy." The older clears his throat as his hand grasps euijoo's shoulder, "If you won't tell her, I will."
"You wouldn't.." Euijoo trails off, a hint of betrayal was clear in his tone.
But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that nicholas may not be joking.
"wait-- no, I-I'll tell her, okay?"
and surprisingly, he did.
you found it adorable btw when he confessed his feelings.
he was fumbling over his words and unintentionally avoided direct eye contact the whole time.
he was just so nervous :((
"juju, you're so cute. you know that, right?"
"ah.. really? thank you then 😊"
Nakakita Yuma - Yuma
honestly, i feel like he would be in denial at first.
just more of a, 'what if she doesn't like me back? I don't want to ruin our friendship' type of denial.
So, he tries to suppress them.
How did that turn out?
He barely lasted a couple hours before going out to your place for dinner.
and you greeted him with open arms and a warm smile.
It took him some time to process that newfound feeling.
With the help of responsible fuma and surprisingly taki (I know. but I think that boy has some good advice), he was convinced to tell you how he truly felt.
"You know, make sure you're clear, okay? Don't be vague or ambiguous." Fuma hums, patting the boy's shoulder.
"But like, also be mysterious too! Girls dig that." Taki chimes in.
(okay, perhaps I take that back.)
Asakura Jo - Jo
shy boi #2
he would want to spend more time with you, actually.
I mean yes, he is afraid to confess because he fears rejection.
but like, he cares about you too much to be distant.
so he just accepted it and opted to spend his last few times with you as a friend until you eventually let him off.
but it kept going for longer and longer.
he questioned why. maybe you were just oblivious to his obvious crush on you?
Nope. You weren't oblivious.
You knew right from the get-go that Jo might've felt a different way.
His more frequent visits, asking questions about hypothetically dating a guy who so happens to perfectly fit the description of him.
He's so cute.
Shigeta Harua - Harua
shy boi #3
but he's the most composed out of all the members (besides fuma)
He hides it so well because he makes it look like nothing changed about him.
but even if he doesn't show, he feels it ALL internally.
and poor you, you don't even notice at all.
"Harua! Want to go to this restaurant that just opened recently?"
"Oh,, as in, like a uh.."
"Like in what?" You question, attention focused on your phone that holds the restaurant's website in.
"Ah, nothing. Let's go!" He smiles, watching you slip on your shoes.
I'll tell her one day.
Takayma Riki - Taki
hes quite literally like a clingly puppy around you.
"Y/n! Where do you want to go today?" He'd question, eyes wide in anticipation.
"Oh, I was actually planning to stay home and just watch some TV-"
"I'll come accompany you!"
"Thanks.. Taki." You giggle, admiring his devotion to you.
"Should we get matching pj's for our sleepover?" Taki suggests.
"Oh, since when did I say you were sleeping over?"
But when you see that pout, you feel some heart strings being pulled.
"Okay, okay. Fine. Yes, you can stay the night-- but NO matching pajamas.. yet."
Hirota Maus Riki - Maki
just like K, he tries to play it cool.
But he doesn't go all out like the other.
He's actually hidden it pretty well, just like Harua.
You guys already established a friendship that deals with a lot of skinship.
You guys pretty much act like a couple, just without the title.
It's no surprise that either one of you starts to form a crush.
It's so normal, it just felt right.
But to his surprise, you were the one to confess first--
completely taking him off guard.
"Wait- no! I was going to tell you first!"
"Well, you took too long."
"I was literally going to tell you 10 seconds ago."
"Yeah right."
"Want to go get some Ice cream?" Maki suggests, raising an eyebrow.
"Um, duh."
(all of the boys coo how cute you guys are <33)
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maple-the-awesome · 9 months
Body Swap || Part 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairings: Wild, Four, Sky, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
This dungeon had been going great - so great, in fact, that you were actually sad to reach the end of it. Sure, the puzzles were a pain in the butt and the miniboss was an embarrassing waste of time, but what had made it all worth it was the fact that you had gone through every trial right by Link’s side. 
In a group of ten travelers, a date day with just the two of you is rare - extremely and unjustly rare - therefore you had both jumped at the chance of completing this dungeon alone together. Everything was going swimmingly, too, right down to the main boss battle. A tiny, itty bitty yet still very evil wizard is nothing compared to your combined force, so you expected it to be a piece of cake that would end in a wonderful memory to look back on later. Instead, it ended in a very different, less appreciated way.
One more hit was all it should've taken to defeat the little guy, however right as Link raised his bow for the final arrow, the wizard began swinging its wand around in a last ditch effort for success. Fearing for your partner's safety, you had rushed over with your shield, hoping to use it to block whatever spell the wizard planned, but in an unexpected twist, said spell turned into a cloud of smoke instead of a ball of energy like you expected.
As the boss made his escape, the fumes of his final spell poisoned the air and entered your lungs with an uncomfortable burn. Link and you both fell to your knees in coughing fits, suddenly feeling dizzy and woozy much to your concern...
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Aside from the initial wave of nausea you felt, that wizard's spell seemed like nothing more than a harmless distraction for escape, at least that's what you would've went on thinking if not for the sight that greeted you once the smoke officially cleared.
"Oh jeez! ...Uhhh, are you alright?" Although a shock indeed, you remain calm with your first priority being to check on Wild who's still fanning away the fumes from his face.
"Yeah, I'm alrig -" He freezes almost as soon as the words are said, his eyes immediately shooting open to look down at his body - or rather your body that he's suddenly found himself in, "WHAT THE -?! HOW AM I - I'M YOU?!"
“Very observant, Wild,” You roll your eyes before looking around the room to find no sign of that wizard. Whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate might depend on your ability to reverse this little problem he’s now left you both with, “...Guess that little guy was such a sore loser he decided to play dirty then retreat. What a coward.”
Standing up, you start examining yourself for possible injuries - ones that weren't already a part of Wild's collection, that is. Thankfully you see nothing aside from a small cut above your hip from a hit he had taken earlier; an easy fix with the help of a red potion. If only the same could be said about your incredibly tangled hair that you pull a leafed branch out of with a cringe, "When was the last time you've taken a bath?"
"Personal hygiene is very important. It keeps you from harboring full-on ecosystems in your hair."
"...You sound just like the Captain…" Wild mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the ground. Once up, he wobbles and holds his arms out for balance as if he’s never stood on two legs before.
"Oh, the Captain! He’s going to have the time of his life with this one - all the boys will, I'm sure,” In Wild's opinion, your teasing smirk doesn’t quite carry the same effect as it would if on your assigned face. Instead, it looks a bit...silly to see you speaking as himself and judging on your sniffled laughter, he, too, must look equally as funny glaring back at you as you. 
"Ugh. I can already hear Twilight blaming us for not being careful enough," He groans, subconsciously runs his hand over his arm which is smooth like silk rather than being rough with scars. Huh. He had forgotten how that felt...
"Yep, we're in for a heap of nagging and annoying jokes when we get back, but I say we at least have some fun with it while we can. Wanna see how long it takes anyone to notice?" You nudge his side as you pass by towards the exit of the boss chamber, your suggestion finally lifting his spirits.
"I don’t know. It could take them all night if we keep our mouths shut about it."
"No way. They'll notice as soon as I do something stupid and you don't, which should take approximately an hour at most…I mean, assuming that you’re not asked to make dinner tonight.”
“Oh, well in that case, they’ll definitely notice then. You’re a terrible cook.”
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You moan while rubbing your burning eyes. Even with them closed, you can still see remnants of the same flashy colors that had followed after that wizard’s stupid spell; like a firework show inside your eyelids that's so realistic you can actively smell the gunpowder.
"Don't panic," You hear someone say. You assume it must be Four since he's the only other person here, although his voice sounds different, almost like…
"Don't...? Why would I panic - AHH!" Once finally being able to see straight, you expected to find Four kneeling in front of you, but instead you just see yourself. It's as if you're looking directly into a mirror until you glance down at your hands. That's when you let out a shout, doing the exact opposite of what Four asked by instantly panicking upon realizing they aren't actually your hands, but his. Your clothes, your hair, your BODY; IT’S ALL HIM!
"I’M YOU!”
"I can see that."
"...H-How are you not freaking out?" You blink at him - er, you? Whoever! You blink at who should be Four but is actually you as he simply shrugs in response to your question as if this is just another Tuesday for him!
"This isn’t really the ‘craziest’ thing that's happened to me. Maybe in the top three, but..."
You stare at him for a long minute, wanting to be angry that he's behaving so calmly right now, although he does have somewhat of a reputation for being one of the more relaxed Link's, not to mention the pair of you have seen some pretty crazy stuff during your adventures, both separate and together.
Running a hand through your hair, you take deep breathes and try your best not to be so freaked out especially once remembering this isn't technically your hair you're touching which makes you instantly stop the action, "...What do we do to fix this?"
"I...don't know."
"You 'don't know'? What, are we supposed to just live like this forever?!"
"No, of course not!" He crosses his arms uncomfortably and sighs, "We'll find a way to reverse the spell and get back to our normal bodies. We're in Legend’s world, but I think he mentioned that his Zelda knows some magic, so if we can get to the Castle, she might be able to help us."
You groan, running your hand over your face in irritation. You were having such a good day until this point! Why can't the universe allow you just one normal evening with your boyfriend, huh? Is that too much to ask for?
Four offers you a hand and helps you up. Once on your feet, you realize yet another detail about your current situation that makes you uncomfortable, "Woah. I'm not used to looking at myself from another perspective like this…or being so low to the ground.”
Four rolls his eyes at your comment before taking your hand and dragging you after him outside of the dungeon.
"Oh, come on! Doesn't it weird you out, too? Looking at yourself from my point of view while I’m in your body?"
"Of course, it’s weird,” He sighs again, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I'm just considering myself lucky I'm only looking at one of me."
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"Sky? You alright?" You crawl blindly out of the smoke cloud, coughing along the way while keeping your eyes squeezed shut to prevent anything from getting in them. Although you receive no verbal reply, you can at least relax upon hearing Sky's wheezing close by. 
You’re about to repeat your question, yet your voice dies within your throat. Once opening your eyes, you see yourself kneeled on the ground where you fan smoke away from your nose with a face scrunched up in irritation – except that’s not really you. It can’t be! You’re right here, so how is it that you’re suddenly able to look at yourself through a third person perspective? …Then you look down, slowly but surely putting the pieces together in your head.
Just as predicted, the 'other you' looks up in response, even giving a small hum before their eyes go wide with the same shock you undoubtedly mirror.
“(Y/n)? Is that you? You’re –“
“- You…And you’re me,” It doesn’t matter how many times you close your eyes and reopen them. Each time, you’re greeted by the same sight. Thanks to that stupid wizard, you’ve switched bodies with Sky which definitely wasn’t on your agenda for today…or any other, for that matter. Worst part? Neither of you know a thing about magic to reserve this, “…Shit…”
“M-Maybe someone else knows how to fix this?” Sky suggests hopefully, although judging on his waivered smile, even he must realize it’s a long shot. Not many Links are accustomed to magic either, and believe it or not, no one’s been in this situation yet not that they’ve ever cared to share, anyway.
“Here’s to hoping…Come on, we should at least get out of this place before that wizard comes back and switches our heads,” Sky gulps, but nods.
Standing to your feet, you brush yourself off and prepare to make your exit from this dark boss’s chamber, however you pause in place when you notice Sky following you at much slower pace, his posture rather stiff as he holds his arms slightly away from himself, “…Why are you walking like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like…” You copy his stance then give him a pointed look that makes him bow his head in embarrassment.
“I-I don’t want to touch something I’m not supposed to!”
"Awww, that’s sweet, but dude, you can relax. They're only feminine arms. They won't kill you," You roll your eyes, but can't help smiling at how careful and sweet he's trying to be. If there’s one thing to be grateful for in this situation, it’s that you got switched around with a gentleman instead of a pervert, "Just don't touch my breasts or anything and we’ll be good.”
Poor Sky whimpers uncomfortably after your comment…Yeah, hopefully this situation can be solved without leaving any lasting trauma behind...
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"Mmm...Hey, are you alright?"
Hyrule's voice sound so distance despite him being so close by. You wish you could see him, but every time you try to open your eyes, you're only met with blurred colors and sparkles, "...I-I think so..."
Hyrule sighs and is about to say something else, but his relief is instead punctuated with a gasp once he looks down at his hands. He whispers your name, however his voice goes unnoticed the first time. He has to shout it a bit louder for you to actually hear him. Finally, you're able to open your eyes and see a bit more clearly - at least that's what you thought before looking over to his voice and just seeing yourself.
"What kinda spell was that? My eyes aren't working right," You start vigorously rubbing them again only for Hyrule to reach out and grab your wrists to stop you.
"They're working. At least, I-I'm pretty sure they're working. You, uh, see yourself instead of me, right?"
"And I see myself instead of you."
Hyrule bows his head, removing his hands from wrists to stare down at them with a wobbled frown, "I don't think it's a trick of our ours. I think that spell switched our bodies."
"...Oh...Oooh!" After his words sink in, you glance down at yourself and pick at your tunic, confirming that it feels as real as it looks.
“Alright. This might seem bad, but look on the bright side: neither of us are hurt so the others can scold us too much, right? Let’s just get back to camp and –" Hyrule’s cut off when you suddenly squeal. Startled, his head snaps back up at you, fearing that perhaps you had gotten hurt somehow, yet to his surprise, you have a bright smile on your face as you tangle your fingers in your hair – or rather his hair.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just – I’ve always wondered if your hair is as soft as it looks and it definitely is!” You giggle, unable to help yourself from testing your theory personally. Hyrule's hair has always appeared to be the fluffiest out of all the Links and you've been dying to ask him if you can touch it, perhaps even braid it. Now that you technically in his body now, might as well, right? It's at least some benefit to this weird situation, “What do you use to wash it?”
"I, uh...water, I guess?"
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Judd smut in Y/n's car? 😈
Tags: fem! Reader, porn without plot, well I mean they talk like a little before they fuck, driving under the influence?, okay literally don’t do that pls idk why they did it in this fic, being low key inappropriate in front of kids, more weed smoking 🫶, judd has a HUGE HORSE COCK, he also degrades Y/n quite a bit, also like semi public sex??, it’s literally in a car, and once again very unprotected sex, PLEASE WRAP IT!!
Summary: they fuck in Y/n’s car after Judd got his taken away lmfao
Author’s note: SORRY this took me so long to write for some reason,, I hate school so much oml 😡 I was originally going to finish and post this yesterday but like then I got a bunch of unsolicited dick pics and I got scared and didn’t feel like writing smut anymore 🧍🏻🏃🏻‍♀️ anyways,, I’m back today and I’m fine, just traumatized. I love being a woman fr 💩
Judd smut in Y/n’s car
Word count; 3,9K
(smut under the cut)
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Judd took a long drag of his cigarette, exhaling most of it through his nose but having the decency to turn his head slightly and exhaling the rest through the barely opened window. 
He flicked the burned tip out the window as well; cinder falling down and gathering in the cracks of where the window sat in the door. 
“You drive like a fucking grandma— drive faster,” He instructed.
You didn’t turn your head from the road. “I’m actually driving exactly what the speed limit allows. Fuck off. “ You grumbled.
The two of you were on the way back from one of Judd’s deals, which you were almost late to because Judd decided to leave 10 minutes behind schedule, forgetting you had to drive and refused to go too far over the speed limit. The deal itself had been pretty uninteresting; you sat in the car and watched as Judd handed the guy a plastic back and he handed your boyfriend the money. 
He got his car hijacked (parentsjacked) two weeks ago, because he got caught lighting an old building on fire. You were there too, actually, too drunk and stoned to care in the moment; but because Judd could be a pretty good boyfriend at times he covered up for you. 
“Yeah. Whatever. I need at least one of us to have a car.” He said, when you asked him about it. 
Immediately after, you had been prompted to Judd’s personal Uber. Not to mention he had to hide most of his,, not legal substances in the trunk of your car, hence why you were now even more adamant on following traffic rules as to not get pulled over by the cops. 
(Or found out by your mom, who already wasn’t a very big fan of your boyfriend) 
His raccoons had also made themselves at home in your backseat, at the moment the two of you were alone in the car but often there would be a couple of them napping in the back. 
Judd grumbled something in response that you didn’t quite hear, but you retorted; “Shut the fuck up. Why can’t you just act like a passenger princess, or something,” 
He opened and closed his mouth, cigarette hanging on his lips. “What the fuck did you just call me?” 
You smiled a little. “That’s what you are, babe. You’re my passenger princess,” 
Blinking slowly, he put the cigarette out in the ashtray he had placed between the front seats and stared at you blankly. “What the hell are you talking about? You think I look like a princess?” He was baffled. 
You suppressed a chuckle, and turned your head quickly to gauge his reaction. “I forgot you’re too edgy to use tiktok,” You murmured. When you opened it on your phone, he would sometimes stand behind you and glare at the screen over your shoulder, but that was all the exposure he’d had to the app. 
Judd frowned. “Why don’t you pull over and I’ll show you who the real fucking princess is.” It was half a threat, but none that you took too seriously. 
“Oh, yeah? You’d have to pay extra for that, Uber drivers don’t normally fuck their costumers.” You answered coyly, but he didn’t find your quip nearly as funny as you did. You turned back to the road, making sure you weren’t about to run into any middle schoolers as you neared Bridgeton Middle School. Judd didn’t say anything– but you felt his large hand slither up your leg, enclosing around your thigh and squeezing the fat there softly. 
He looked out the window to his side, refusing to grant you attention while he continued to massage your thigh; and glaring as you pulled into the parking lot. Judd had convinced you to skip school that day, so you could drive him to his stupid deal and you could smoke and get McDonald’s after. The first part of his plan went without a hitch, until you got incredibly high-horny and you ended up fucking in the bathroom at McDonald’s as well. Unfortunately, you had to leave sooner than intended; in a daze and desperate to sober up before you went and picked Jessi up from school. Coincidentally Nick as well, since, you know, Judd's parents took his car. 
You parked and turned to Judd, crawling half over to his seat and forcing him to look at you. His glare lessened as he stared at your grinning face so close to his; leaning in. You kissed him softly once, then twice, then three times, giggling and pulling away whenever he chased you. He growled and the hand on your thigh went to your waist, he pulled you in and was just about to kiss you properly, forcefully and roughly when a series of knocks came to your window. 
It was Jessi and Nick. You averted your head and let Judd kiss your cheek instead, gently pushing him back as you sat back down in your seat. You motioned for the two to come in.
Jessi opened the door, and allowed Nick to crawl inside first. “It smells like weed and junkfood in here.” She commented, a slight question in her statement as she crawled in, too, and closed the door behind her. 
You turned your body halfway in your seat, coming to face her. “Sure.” You ignored her comment. “Had a good day at school?” 
Both her and Nick nodded reluctantly. “Yeah. Can you help me with some maths-stuff later?” She asked and you wrinkled your nose; Maths was not something you were particularly good at, but you nodded and agreed to help her anyways.
Judd’s hand returned to your thigh and you glanced at him– he was staring blankly at the kids, but he met your eyes with raised eyebrows, indicating he wanted something from you. You hummed. “Hey, Jessi, how about hanging out at Nick’s house for a while?” You looked to Nick, who flushed slightly and nodded in agreement. 
Jessi’s mouth tightened as she looked at Nick, and then you. She new that when you asked her that, you really meant; “Hey, Jessi, it would be more convenient for me to drive straight to Judd’s house so we can fuck.”
“C’mon Jessi, we can watch a movie or something,” Nick added hopefully. You smiled, a bit tightly as you looked at Jessi and she reluctantly uncrossed her arms and agreed. “Okay, fine. But can we do that stupid biology assignment together then, instead?” 
Nick agreed happily, and the two quickly got a rather animated conversation started. You drove out of the parking lot, Judd’s hand increasing in height on your thigh till he was toying with the hem of your skirt. You flushed, gently pushing his hand down a couple times so Jessi and Nick wouldn’t see, but it ultimately was a losing battle. 
The two’s conversation turned to background noise as you drove towards your destination, as fast as you could; now way faster than the speed limit allowed. Judd’s incessant caress of your thigh made your heart beat so much faster and your finger’s grip the steering wheel so much tighter— you could feel him staring hungrily at you the whole time too, seizing you up with that small twitch of his lips that meant he was going to fuck you till your legs were jelly. 
‘Step on that goddamn speeder, sugar! Look how he’s eyeing you.. like a big, hungry wolf,’ Connie’s claws locked around the back of your seat, and she moaned when his nails slightly scratched at your fishnets; lifting them and making them slap against your thigh. 
You gasped, and sent him a glare that bordered on a sultry pout. “I can’t,” you muttered to Connie. “I’ll actually run someone over if I go any faster,” 
Your monstress shook the seat harder. ‘They won’t mind giving up their life for some sweet, sweet lovemaking baby~’  She purred and you glanced at her briefly, with a scandalised expression. 
“I really don’t think you should be saying stuff like that,” You retorted, focused on evening out your breathing from the slow teasing of Judd’s warm hand. Then he leaned in, squeezing your thigh in a death grip and placed a long, slow kiss under your jaw 
“You changed your mind about fucking your Uber costumer yet?” He drawled, deep voice dragging a whispering growl all the way up your spine.
You shivered. “I think I have,” you breathed back and felt him smile triumphantly against your neck. 
He cackled darkly. “Good. You better drop the fucking attitude,” Then, he snapped your fishnets again, watching as thin, red lines appeared on your thigh.
Connie moaned loudly again, fanning her hands in front of her face before dramatically laying down on the floor of the car, between the front and back seats. 
“Ew. Can you two not?” That time it was Nick speaking, arms crossed over his chest.
Jessi nodded in agreement; her gaze was locked on where Judd was touching your thigh, burning into you. Your boyfriend in question slowly retreated his hand, half turning in his seat to glare dissatisfied at your two passengers. 
Nick shifted uncomfortably and whatever insult he had died on his tongue. “What? Are you fucking jealous or something?” He sneered.
The younger shrugged and looked away. “No.” 
Judd grunted, gravely and deeply. “It’s not my fault you can’t get your little prick wet,” He wiggled his pinky finger for emphasis. 
You failed to hold back a giggle and gently slapped his arm. “Don’t tell thirteen-year-olds to have sex, you ass,” You scolded, halfheartedly through and smiled as you came to a stop in front of the birch house. 
“Okay, get out you two!” You called over your shoulder. “We’ll be right in— I’m just gonna park.” You bluffed, and didn’t miss the way Jessi rolled her eyes at you as she slammed the car door behind her.
Connie rose from the floor to sit in the middle seat in the back. ‘Yeah, park Judd’s dick right in your pussy!’ She drawled, making obscene gestures with her hands. 
Judd was quick to point you to a nearby parking spot, concealed a bit by a willow tree with low-hanging branches. As soon as you were parked, you unbuckled your seatbelt and Judd was reaching for you.
He pulled you to him by your waist— settling you down over his lap, straddling him. You whimpered as you felt him against you, already straining in his pants. He grabbed greedy handfuls of your ass with one hand, having the other settle on the back of your neck and pulling your hair. He held your head in an iron grip, making sure you wouldn’t avoid his kiss this time around.
Then, he kissed you. Roughly, deeply, tongue invading your mouth almost instantly. You mewled as he bit your lower lip, arms wrapped around his neck and fingers gently pulling on the short hairs at the back of his head. 
You were already moving your hips, without thinking about it and he wasted no time in aiding you; thrusting upwards while holding your hips down and helping you rock back and forth. 
You were already quite sensitive from your earlier rough fuck in the McDonald’s bathroom, your clit swelled and started twitching almost instantly. The rough drag of denim on your panties was almost too much, but the sloshing of warmth in your lower belly kept you going— rutting yourself harder against him. 
He moved from your lips, you let out a soft, whiny sigh. “You wanted it that bad, huh? You’re already so fuck-drunk,” He commented, that wicked smile pulling at his lips. He squeezed your asscheek hard. “Up.” He instructed, and shakily, you lifted yourself up to stand on your knees instead of sitting on him. 
You held his shoulders for support, definitely not expecting him to bring both his hands under your skirt and roughly ripping your fishnets apart right under your pussy. He let them rip all the way down your thighs and you looked at him wide-eyed. 
“I’ll get you new ones, baby.” He grinned, a bit coyly as he pushed your panties aside. His cold fingers gently brushed your folds and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about your ruined tights. Your breathing hitched and you desperately bucked your hips, trying to get him to touch you further. 
His other hand returned to your hip, to hold it in place and keep you from rutting yourself against his fingers. He gave a warning growl, brows drawing together as he concentrated on the task at hand. He teased your folds apart with his pointer, feeling how warm and wet you already were. You were pulsing, almost, starting to clench before his fingers even entered. 
“Judd—“ You moaned. “Do— do something.” You pleaded with him. 
Connie was going crazy behind you as well, both her and Maury were sitting in the backseat contributing to an animated conversation. Your monstress shook Maury by the shoulders, yelling at him to get Judd to do anything. 
‘C’mon! Fist her already!’ Maury roared, kicking the seat you and Judd were sitting on. 
Your boyfriend inhaled sharply, pressing his thumb to your swollen bud— forcing a breathy, drawn out whine out of you. He retaliated by pressing down harder, slowly moving his thumb in a circle that had you desperately bucking into his hand. 
He could feel your warmth leaking, wetness gathering and threatening to fall before he finally, finally gave in and shoved a finger into you. He looked at you, drinking in your expression as he burrowed one, long finger into your cunt.
Connie cheered and you cried out Judd’s name. He made a ‘come hither’ motion, slightly scratching deep within your walls right where you needed him. He chuckled, darkly as you clenched around his finger. 
“Want one more?” He asked— pressing down on your clit deliberately right as you were about to answer. 
You nodded your head, burying your face in his shoulder. “Mhm! Judd— please!” You wiggled your hips in emphasis. 
“Good girl.” He praised you, adding a second finger as promised. He pumped them for a little while, relishing in the moans you tried to conceal in his neck and grunting at the occasional bites you left. 
Then, he suddenly stopped moving, but not withdrawing his fingers. You whined pathetically in protest. “Relax, slut.” He said. “Fuck yourself on my fingers,” 
You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately you were bouncing up and down on his hand; trying to bring them as far into your pussy as possible. You clawed at Judd’s shirt, pulling the neckline down so you could properly bite him and conceal most of your whiny moans. 
He groaned, ripping his head back and allowing you more access to ravage his neck. You could feel yourself dripping, warm liquid gathering in Judd’s palm and running down his forearm. He pressed your clit harder, feeling your cunt clench tightly around his fingers— his cock ached at the thought of feeling your little pussy around him again. 
The car filled with loud squelching sounds, every time you rose and fell back on his fingers. Your pace fastened in time with Judd’s assault on your clit and you cried out; “Please—please, more! Judd, please!” 
“Yeah?” He drawled and you lifted your head from his neck slightly to nod your head. Then, he curled his fingers and touched a spot that had you seeing stars. You cried out, loudly, as his fingers began thrusting into you violently. Along with your combined forces, you moving your hips frantically and him rolling your clit with his thumb and scissoring his long fingers inside your pussy, you reached the edge quickly.
Judd sneered. “You gonna cum?” He knew the answer already, could feel it in the way your little pussy throbbed and clenched around his fingers. 
Your thighs burned from your rapid movement, shaking as liquid flames consumed your belly. “S’good, s’good— yes,” you breathed, clawing at Judd’s chest. 
He bend his fingers inside you again, breathing into your ear in his nice, deep voice. “Come on my fingers, pretty girl. C’mon.” 
Again, you definitely did not need to be told twice. The coil in your tummy snapped, and you fell apart with a loud cry of your boyfriends name. He continued finger fucking you through your orgasm, until you were even puffier and so sensitive that you were shying away from his hands. 
He grinned gleefully. “Good fucking girl,” he praised you, rubbing your clit in slow circles again, before finally pulling out and allowing you to rest on his knees. 
You sat, feeling your own wetness drip underneath you as you tried to catch your breath— Judd however, wasted no time, unbuckling his pants and pulling his fat cock out. 
You swallowed at the sight, how fucking hard he was and your pussy clenched again— as if it wasn’t already sore and abused. Subconsciously, you rutted your hips a bit forward, grinding on his knee as you watched him stroke himself. He hissed, hand tightly fisting the base of his cock and making its way to his leaking head; you timed your movements with his stroking. 
“C’mere.” He grunted, hands leaving his swollen cock in favour of grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him. 
On instinct, you reached forwards and grabbed his dick, standing on your knees again so you could sink down on him. You only managed to get the head in, before one of his large hands wrapped around your wrists; stopping you. 
“You take what I give you, slut. Pull shit like that again and I’ll have you on your knees instead, got it?” He growled, his other hand restraining your hip in a death grip that was sure to leave marks on your after— long, purple finger prints.
Though the thought of sucking him off wasn’t terrible, your pussy ached so pathetically and you knew the only thing that would satisfy you was Judd’s cock rearranging your guts. So you whined, but nodded and let him guide you back. 
He leaned the seat back a little, Maury yelped and moved away from his place behind you to make space as Judd leaned back. He lifted his hips up, emphasising what he wanted from you. 
You reached out a shaky hand, closing it around his base and moving up and down just like he had before. He groaned, teeth clenching as you smeared his pre-cum from top to bottom, massaging him to the best of your ability. Still, you couldn’t ignore the harsh clenching of your hole as he kept you empty. You slowly started grinding against his thigh again, hoping he’d let you. 
“Judd..” You sniffled, eyes close to filling with tears. “I need your cock inside me, please.” 
You could almost feel Judd’s dick hardened in your grip, and he growled and sat up a little straighter. “Jeez. You whine like a bitch in heat,” He commented, rather smugly.
He beckoned you with his fingers again, and you raised yourself right over his cock but waited to sit down. Judd hummed in approval, guiding his cock with one hand and you with the other, till the head was making its way inside you. 
You sighed, relieved, trying to relax your throbbing pussy so Judd could fit. He groaned. “You’re so.. fucking tight, relax.” He said, as he forced his way further inside you.
When he finally bottomed out, you moaned, loudly. He didn’t move right away, so again you took matters into your own hands and started softly rocking your hips. 
He grabbed your hand, placing it over your belly to feel the bulge his cock had created inside you. “Feel that, baby? You’re so full, aren’t you?” 
You barely registered the question, burying your face in his neck again to hide the way your whole expression screwed up in pleasure. “Mhm.. s’big, s’full.” You slurred.
Then, Judd started moving, bouncing you in his lap like a cocksleeve while you wailed into his shoulder. The stretch was almost unbearable, you felt him bruising your cervix each time he moved— the fit was so snug you could feel every ridge and vain on him. 
He lost himself in the feeling of your warm, soft pussy, having tuned Maury out a long time ago he fucked you mercilessly, entirely focused on reaching his own end. He lifted his hips off the seat to pound into you from below— you could feel him in your belly, your clit scraping over his lower stomach every time he moved. 
It was too much— you were already close to reaching your end, clenching so tightly around Judd that he cursed and could barely move. 
“Feel good, you little slut?” He grunted, blunt nails digging into your sides. 
You nodded desperately. “Good.” He said. “Then cum for me again, you’re so close, right? I can feel your little pussy clenching around my dick so tightly, god, you’re such a fucking whore.” 
You kinda wanted to say something back, but with his rough thrusts and the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head and crossed; you couldn’t really deny him. 
The air in the car felt electric as you came for a second time, bursting and feeling a flush of warm liquid spill from you and cover Judd’s cock. He groaned as you creamed, warm little hole sucking him in and fighting to keep him there. His breathing went erratic, and he bounced you harder, faster, to chase his own orgasm.
“Fuck! Shit, you’re so tight,” He growled through clenched teeth, fucking you so hard the car shook and he was sure to leave bruises. Your legs had gone numb by the time he took your hand again, placing it back on your belly right in time with his release.
His cock throbbed and he came. Hard. Thick ropes of warm cum filled you, stuffing you so full you could feel your belly swell even further under yours and Judd’s combined hands.
He leaned in and bit down on your neck, keeping his own noises as quiet as possible but making sure to leave your neck swollen and blue. You moaned softly as he bit you, not having the energy to shy away from the borderline painful overstimulation. 
When he came down, you collapsed into his chest— breathing heavily. You sat like that for a while, the car’s windows had been fogged up and the only thing you could hear were your combined breathing. 
‘Atta girl!’ Connie slithered around you, patting you on the head. You just mumbled incoherently in response, still too sex drunk to function. 
Maury did the same, ruffling Judd’s hair as he leaned his head back against the seat and praising him— all of which Judd ignored. 
“You’ll have to carry me back.” You muttered, after a long while.
Judd chuckled hoarsely, moving you a bit to pull out of you and tug himself back in his jeans. “Fuck no.” 
You slapped his chest, gently, and pulled yourself up to look at him directly. “I can’t feel my legs.” 
“Then I did a good fucking job.” He snarked, leaning in and kissing your temple. 
Well. It wasn’t like the two of you needed to be somewhere, relaxing in your car for a bit actually did seem like a pretty good option— and so that’s what you did.
God,, why am I horny for a fucking cartoon character wth 💀✋
Tags: @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn (lemme know if you want to be tagged!)
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starryficsfinishwen · 2 months
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𑁍ࠬܓ [activation day special] ᴡᴀʀᴍ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ — lee x reader
ㅤㅤyour whispers, sunlight;
ㅤㅤcold hands feeling for mine
syn. ; lee finds comfort in your arms after a long war.
a.n. - I'm sorry I'm super late TvT its defo my fault bUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR COMING HOME TO ME I HOPE U GET A NEW FRAME SO I CAN SIMP MORE!! also I'm really sorry for the slow and bad updates, I was busy for the past few months due to busy sched (eyy thanks uni) and my poor baby lappy unfortunately had her fan broken down so pray she gets her swift recovery soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻 qna: will chrome get his own activation day special? a: HECK YA qna: when? A: yeah imnida
pairing - lee x f!commandant
words - 3,573
content warnings - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. NSFW content: cunnilingus, handjob soft sex eeeyyy. mostly soft lee cuz he deserves it after *TOOOT* HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE
divider/s by @/saradika-graphics
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Warmth. An unfamiliar word, an evading emotion; one that Lee was devoid of for the remainder of his human years.
It was something hard to find. If ever he had it, he would unconditionally give it to his younger brother, in order to make him safe and happy. Even in the darkest days of his human life, until he breathed his last, it was a feeling that avoided him. Would he ever find it? Who knows.
Maybe someone does. Maybe it would be manifested into someone he was long familiar with, apart from Murray, someone who makes his mechanical heart shake. Someone who was then standing by the doorway, whose figure he had long memorized in his M.I.N.D.
You, his precious commandant of the Gray Raven, stood there, bright eyes brimming with curiosity, shaking a familiar brown bag in hand.
“Lee, what is this?” You sighed, with a little laugh, “Can I have an explanation?”
“Good evening to you, Commandant. I am nearly done with my work.”
Sauntering to your desk, which Lee resided in, you eyed him carefully. “Right. Can I ask why you are here, then?”
He held your eye contact for a few seconds, before looking down at the papers, “I am merely just helping with your paperworks. You seemed to have some problems with it earlier.”
“So you decided to distract me with, this,” Shaking the bag, you continued, “... whatever you planned, it’s working quite well.”
It made Lee chuckle. “I’m glad you think so.”
You mirrored his laugh, before pulling out the little trinket in the bag. It was a little blue robot, L-33, one that seemed familiar—a mixed, mini version of Lee and Punchy—that seemed like a toy.
You tapped its head. “Good morning, Commandant.” Echoed an automated Lee's calm voice, “Here are your mission details for today.”
He smiled. “Oh, you found out its features.”
“Of course I did,” you puffed out your chest with pride, “I spent the whole two hours examining him. Watch this.”
Cerulean eyes intently watched as you expertly pushed around a few buttons, promptly triggering the secret sequence. The amusement on his face dropped.
“You…figured it out.”
“Commandant,” the robot cooed, its next few words that were dreadful for Lee to hear, “there’s something I’d–.”
When you blinked, L-33 had shut off, Lee pushing the off button. “–you heard enough.”
A small laugh escaped your lips, “we’ve been teammates for a long while now, Lee,” you teased with a wink, “You think I wouldn’t know your tricks? I also figured out that you purposely gave me L-33 to distract me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You distracted me so you could do my tasks. On your birthday. Traitor.”
The situation was funny. Activation dates—promptly called that way, not really birthdays—were just like any other day. For Lee, there’s nothing special about it.
“The Science Council may have said it’s considered a small break for Constructs. I took it, didn’t I?”
“And you gave that one to me. This is treachery! You were supposed to use that day to spend it with your loved ones!”
Lee pointed at the robot in your hand. “You can spend the day with L-33. Did you read my letter well? I modified its AI to fit your needs. He can answer well.”
“That’s true, Commandant,” chimed L-33, who somehow woke up halfway through, “Please, hang out with me.”
Lee knew you well. From the way your eyes would sparkle when you’re hit with a good idea, or how your eyebrows would knit together when you’re focused on your battle plan, to the shade of pink in your cheeks when you’re flustered by sweet words. The confusion in your face then was something Lee was also familiar with, and he knew how to counter that.
“You’ve rarely gotten any quality rest, Commandant.” Lee spoke, “please use today as a reward.”
Warmth, again, was something Lee had avoided, and if he had it, he was willing to give it to you.
But alas, like the rock that hindered the gears in your head, you were unshakeable.
Putting L-33 on your desk, you stomped your way to the nearest chair, sitting down. Bright eyes still not breaking eye contact to look at cerulean ones.
“Since you won’t heed my request,” Emphasising the word, you grinned, “I may as well just stay here, then. I am not in the mood to argue.”
Lee’s patience strummed a chord. Attempting to change your mind, you quickly raised your hand, shrugging, “Ah, didn’t I say I didn’t want to argue?’
Closing his mouth, Lee decided to just drop it.
It took a few minutes—the scratch of pen against paper, the flickering desk light, the soft hum in your lips, and his little childhood melody—before you shuffled to sit closer to the desk.
Knowing you, Lee decided to dismissed his thought, resuming to what he was doing earlier. It didn't take long. Your humming grew louder, almost ghosting in his ear. Lee sighed, leaning back to welcome you, slithering your leg across his lap, sweetly smiling at him.
“Lee~,” you purred, hands clasped on his broad shoulders, “thank you for the seat.”
Rolling his eyes, he smiled at you. “Whatever makes you happy.”
You were perfectly slotted in his lap, content in how tiny you were that he could still do his work with you. The smell of vanilla permeated his senses, your breathing music to his ear, even and comforting to Lee. He might have had to lie about it, but you were perfect, you were enough—like the piece in a jigsaw puzzle.
“...But I’m not.”
Lee stopped writing, opting to look back at you. “Really?”
Your lips were in a small pout, lipgloss shining in the lights, “Really. I mean, how could I? Imagine taking a break outside; walking around Babylonia, walking around the streets, but you’re here instead.”
“Commandant,” He shook his head, “We talked about this.”
The hands on his shoulders curled, nails rarely scraping his jacket. Seeing your face turn into a sad frown as you bite your lip, a hint of guilt knocks on Lee’s chest.
“...you gave me a gift even though it's your birthday,” Softly, in the cold light, you muttered, “shouldn’t it be the other way around?”
Lee prides in his stone heart. But oh, it was hard to say no when it comes to you. “Well, in a way, it’s still our duty as Constructs to bring our Commandant joy and happiness.”
You sighed, “But I don’t see you that way.”
Lee looked at you in confusion. “I’m sorry?”
“I don’t.” You smiled, “Lee, you may be a construct, but you are different to me.”
Your hands, dragging through his shoulders to his jaw, cupped his cheeks. Lee was a construct—blue blood, robotic joints and bodies, built for destruction. But you, human as you were—simple, frail, fragile—and yet, your warmth was far too contagious. He nuzzled your hand, afraid that he’d lose your heat.
“...[Y/N],” Lee rarely called you by your name, but when he does, his voice breaks, turning to kiss your palm, “[Y/N], you are too kind.”
You leaned closer to him, lips leaving butterfly kisses across his cheeks, “I am treating you the way you should be, Lee.”
Like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle, you were a perfect fit for Lee. Kisses on his cheeks, down to his jaw, to the shell of his ear. You breathed into him, ghosting his ear, that made Lee shiver in your touch. His hands found respite in your hips, kneading the area to aid in your movements.
“...by seducing me though?”
You giggled. “Is it working?”
“Mm, a bit.” He sighed in your shoulder, resting there, “But I still have to finish this.”
“No, don’t.” A small whine escaped your lips as you subtly grinded yourself on his lap, “Can’t you see your birthday gift needs your immediate attention?”
A sly little fox, that you were. You had, unknowingly, slipped closer to him, that your warm core was directly on his semi-hard bulge. As you shifted in your seat, Lee groaned at the friction.
“You will miss a lot of these paperworks if I—ugh—can’t finish this…” Lee’s grip on your hips tightened. “What should I do with you…?”
“Do me,” you purred in his ear, “Do me, your gift, Lee.”
Ah, he’d have to use his gift thoroughly.
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Warmth was the feeling, the light at the crack that separated your thighs. One that Lee could drown in as he diligently licks at your cunt.
With a harsh tug of his hair and the sultry whine that slipped past your lips, Lee could die in between your thighs and he’d regret nothing. In the dim light of your room, Lee was nestled nicely down there as you were spread in your bed. Small, kitten lips at your throbbing clit, before lapping at your folds. You forgot how long you’ve been at his mercy, yet the dampness that pooled on your bed could say otherwise.
“L-Lee, ha—haah—wait–” You moaned out loud, “slow down, p-please!”
Pussydrunk, Lee moaned at the feeling, eating you away with no sense. You cried out from the overstimulation, desperately trying to push Lee away. But Lee’s hold in your hips were relentless.
“One more,” he groaned, “give me one more.”
His pants were aching from the tightness, but he was better off rutting his cock at the edge of your bed, focusing on your pleasure first and foremost.
Lapping at your juices, Lee realized why addiction was so potent—if they had seen the way your pussy clenched as he licked you clean, they’d be a devout addict. But he’s lucky, this sight was only his. You, your pretty little, soaking wet pussy was all his. No one else could make you cry out this loud, or the way your face contorted in pleasure—it was all Lee’s.
“C’mon, [Y/N], you can do it, do it for me,” Lee whispered between your soaking wet folds, “be a good girl, you can do it.”
A sharp shiver ran through your spine. Bubbling deep in your stomach, you cried as you felt two of his fingers slip deep in your pussy. “A-ah, Lee, w-wait—”
Sucking at your pearl, Lee’s fingers curled upward, hitting a spongy spot that made your pussy clench hard. With a loud cry of his name, you cum hard for the third time, sticky liquid coating his mechanical fingers. Lee fucks you through your orgasm, mesmerized in the way your eyes rolled back, crying as you arched your back.
“Good girl,” he cooed, “good girl, [Y/N].”
Amidst your orgasm, your pussy answered by squeezing the fingers that were still inside of you. As Lee pulled away, you noticed his chin shimmered with your slick in between the haze, which made your heart flutter. Watching through lust-blown eyes, his cerulean eyes were glowing brightly in the dark, and your only thought was—
“Hmm?” Lee chuckled, taking your hand to his lips, “Who is?”
“You,” you lolled, “It’s you…”
You opened your arms to welcome Lee, kissing in spite of his state. It’s hot, brightly burning with passion, humming as you mindlessly kissed Lee again and again, fueled in the heat of the moment. Yet you realized soon that his fingers found themselves grazing your overstimulated cunt, lightly rubbing it.
“A-ah, w-wait,” you whined, weakly pushing Lee away, “not yet…”
“Why?” Lee kissed the shell of your ear, “Is there something wrong?”
Your wandering hands finally found the thing you were looking for. The prominent bulge, sensitive enough that made him groan even as you grazed it with your hand.
“It’s not fair,” you pouted, “let me take care of you, too…”
“[Y/N], I’d much rather help you—”
“—Lee, please,” you pleaded, fluttering your eyelashes, “I want you to feel good, too…”
The fly was already down before he could nod, springing his long, thick cock. Lee breathed out a sigh of relief, but the itch was yet to be itched. Fortunately, your fingers were already running through his shaft, cock twitching from your teasing.
“See,” you sat properly, urging Lee to mirror you, “doesn’t it feel nice?”
You grabbed his shaft, enclosing your hand and jerking him lightly. Lee could hardly contain his moans, cheeks and ears blooming red from your ministration. You couldn't take your eyes off, too—your pretty boy, your Lee, feeling the same kind of pleasure that he had always given you.
“Does it feel good, Lee?” You asked, moving closer, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Good, ugh,” Lee managed to say, “You’re doing so—hah, really, g-good.”
You’ve seen him naked a lot of times, no surprise to see his long and hard cock, heavy in your hand that you had to use your other one to help. Watching the way Lee’s face contorted as you jerk him off almost makes your own pussy throb, another set of wetness pooling in your thighs. Thumbing his slit, precum sliding off, you wanted to dip your head down and suck him off.
“You really should let me do this, Lee,” you hummed, leaning closer that your lips were leaving kisses on his jaw, “You should see how pretty you are when I’m touching you like this, mm?”
“[Y/N],” a sensual moan of your name rolling off of his tongue, your pussy clenched around nothing in response, “God—hah, don’t stop…”
Gritting his teeth, grasping your sheets as you jerked him harder. Your heart was beating wildly, like how you were too entangled with Lee—too wild, too indecent.
But your movements were halted, Lee’s hands wrapped tight around yours.
“No,” Lee shook his head, ignoring his hot red dick throbbing, moving your hands away, “I can’t cum like this…I need to be inside of you to do that.”
For what it’s worth, Lee had always been wanting to bury himself deep in your cunt before the fun was over. Giggling at his answer, you pecked his lips. “Okay, okay.”
Thinking it wasn’t enough, Lee pulled you closer to kiss you better. Blind hands sought for the dip of your hips, leading you to his own. With twin moans, your pussy was pushed flush on the shaft of his aching cock. You even had the nerve to drag your soaking folds against the sensitive pulsating vein on his shaft.
“You’re teasing again,” Lee warned as he pulled away for a moment.
“I’m only letting you know how much I want you.”
With lips never leaving yours, you reached for his manhood, angling the tip to your awaiting hole. Lee helped in grounding you, gripping your hips hard as you shallowly fucked yourself on the tip.
“I can taste how much you want me, [Y/N],” his voice dripped in your ear, making you shiver, “Look how desperate you are for me.”
“I am,” you whined, feeling the bulbous tip finally slip past your tight ring of muscle, “I am fucking desperate for you, Lee.”
You sobbed as Lee’s cock was fully sheathed inside of you, already hitting your sensitive spot. Burying your face on the crook of his neck, Lee took the time to caress your shaking back.
“Even after we’ve done this a lot of times now—ngh—you’re still too tight for me.”
Your pussy fluttered around his shaft. “G-glad you think so.”
Attempting to rock your hips to move, Lee stopped you. You pulled back, noticing his gaze.
“As much as I want to move,” He whispered, “I’d like to take the time to admire my gift, please.”
You awkwardly laughed, “I thought you’ve done that before.”
“Mm, yeah, I have.” He inhaled, “but it’s different like this.”
Thoroughly content like this. Amid the dark room, moonlight found itself splattered on the floor, on your bed. Lee took your hand and held it back to his lips, gently kissing the back of your hand. Without looking away, his glowing cerulean eyes held too much emotion; there was lust, but they were love and adoration. Watching as he kissed every finger, from the pinkie, to the thumb, kissing one particular finger, lips lingering longer there. A display of emotion, one that Lee has long reserved only for you.
“Did you enjoy your gift, Lee?” You whispered, minding the wild flutter of your heart.
“How could I not?” He said, “You are the best gift I could ever receive.”
Despite everything, Lee is yours. All the pain, all the fear—the Tower, the red tide, the war raging outside of your door—and all you could do was rest your other hand to his chest, the metal cool as you feel the mirroring throb of his mechanical heart.
“Do you know why I love you, Lee?” You asked. He shook his head.
“I don’t.”
“I used to think that we wouldn’t be able to have the luxury for love.”
Looking away, you watched the sea of stars outside of your window. They were twinkling, shimmering; somewhere, constellations blanketed the universe, but they were hiding. You couldn’t care less, but the thought made you think so.
“We’re always sent to battle, and you were made to fight the virus. I didn’t think I’d be able to make a valuable connection, unless it was for the better of the majority.”
Flashes of your graduation from the F.O.S., to your first mission, Kowloong, the church, the Tower—it made you curl your fingers, grasping for Lee’s hand.
“But the Gray Raven…but you, it all changed.”
In the haze of memories, the only clear vision was Lee. Cupping his cheeks, thumb grazing the outline of his jaw, you laughed.
“It’s honestly funny. Gray Raven changed it for the better. But you made me believe that love…it exists, even in this damned world.”
Lee mirrored the smile on your face, as you traced his eyebrows, the shape of his eye, the bridge of his nose. Grazing his lower lip, you lightly left a kiss.
“I’m glad you exist, Lee.” You whispered, “Everything you went through was proof of your existence. I cannot imagine how painful it muat have been, but I want to use all the years of my life proving you that you are loved, that you are deserving of it.”
You’re already pressed flush against one another, but if you could, you’d collide closer to Lee.
“I love you, Lee.” You confessed, “I love you, I will live for you. If you stay on Earth, I’ll crawl out of heaven. Wherever you’ll go, I’ll follow. I never want to be apart from you. Just let me spend all the years with you, to shower you with all of my love.”
Lee took pride in his stoicism. But for you, oh, may that be damned.
Warmth was something he’d not have, but sometimes he covets. But you, you who deserves it all, somehow wants to share this warmth with him, out of all the people. You, who selfishly, gave a warmth unlike others. You, you, you—warm blood, flows freely within you, and you were his, as much as he was yours.
“That’s my line.” He laughed, leaning forward to kiss you, “I’ll love you for all the years, too, [Y/N].”
Every kiss with Lee felt like healing. Grasping at whatever to hold, at whatever skin, you never want to be apart from him. Lee started to move his hips, causing you to moan in between your fervent kisses.
Lee loves you. Lee makes love to you, precisely and deeply plunging his cock inside of you, hitting your sensitive spots. It doesn’t take long though, when your pussy spasmed as you cum through the pressure, crying out Lee’s name.
Lee followed shortly, groaning as he painted your walls, filling you full.
Labored breaths echo throughout the room, two lovers entwined, without the need to break away from each other.
“I love you, [Y/N].” Lee nuzzled in the crook of your neck, “I love you so much.”
“Mm, I think you made me lose the ability to walk at the moment…”
“Consider it a reward. Thank you for being my gift.”
It took a while to settle back into your bed, with Lee wanting to wash you up, but you insisted to stay until the numbing feeling in your legs disappeared. For now then, you were content with Lee on his back, and you sprawled on his chest.
The thump of his mechanical heart was a lullaby.
“Don’t doze off, [Y/N]. I still need to clean you up.”
“Lee,” you yawned in response, “Let’s get married.”
“That’s quite random,” you heard him laugh, “Why the sudden proposal?”
You gently brushed his empty ring finger, “Well, I don’t know what will happen next time. I’d rather have the proof that I’m already taken, and I’d rather have the rest of my life with you.”
“...Unless you like another?” You smugly added, looking up.
But Lee, with a chuckle, only pulled you up, kissing you.
“...We’ll get married, then. Whenever you want.”
“What if I want it tomorrow?”
He’d have to humor you for now, noticing the droop of your eyes. “Alright, sure.”
“I love you,” you dawdled, the last echoes of your consciousness drifting into the sea of dreams, “Lee, tomorrow, okay…?”
“...mm, don’t forget tomorrow, too…spend your birthday with me…”
“...Yes, I will.”
Lucky for you, a certain ring awaits near your table.
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God pls give me a Lee I love You
— starry needs a bf
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judysxnd · 8 months
I don't know if you just saw but Pedro Pascal went to Halloween horror nights. Would you be up for a one shot where the reader and Pedro are dating and go to Halloween horror nights together?
Halloween. You always loved halloween. But you never got to actually do something for it. You grew up in the countryside, with only two neighbours who didn't have kids, saw you never had the chance to do something. And, as you weren't a popular kid, you didn't have much friends, so you never went to any parties or anything else.
But now, as a grown woman, you can do whatever you want to. So as soon as you moved out, you went partying with your friends, disguised as whatever you could find. It could be as simple as a pirate or a famous celebrity. Oh boy how you enjoyed it so much. You were so glad to live in the city, not in the countryside. You were healing your inner child who never got to do everything you do now.
It never stopped once you started dating Pedro. Your previous boyfriends made fun of you for loving halloween so much, but Pedro was different. He actually joined you in your love for halloween. He wasn't the type to disguise for it as he was already doing this as a job, but he would go anywhere with you. And this year he had a surprise for you.
He took you to the Universal Studios for the Halloween Horror nights. He booked tickets knowing that it was your dream to do something like this. You loved halloween but you were too afraid to actually do something scary for it. He is always the one suggesting to watch a horror movie, while you don't want to because you're afraid. But this year you decided to try and overcome your fear, which resulted in you screaming throughout the entire movies (Pedro couldn't stop laughing). So yes you were excited to go there, but you were also quite nervous.
You decided to dress up for the event. You didn't have any original idea, so you went as a witch. You wanted to do something cute this year, but also easy to recognise. Pedro kept joking that you cursed him so that he would be in love with you. He joked but he did not dress up. But he was forgiven because he brought you to the place where you always dreamt to go to.
Once you were there, the excitement overtook the nervousness. The place looked magnificent. You were looking everywhere, amazed by everything in front of you, until a big ass clown stepped in front of you and scared you. You screamed like you've never screamed before and hid behind Pedro, who was laughing.
"Welcome to the horror nights!" the clown said as he walked past you, on his way to scare someone else.
"I've known better welcomes than this" you said as you watched him leave
"Not regretting it aren't you?" Pedro said, turning his head to try and look at you. You moved next to him, still holding his arm tight.
"No no absolutely not" you said, now looking around you, trying to find anyone who would try to scare you again.
As you kept walking, Pedro suggested to do a haunted house. You were excited to do it until you realised it was completely in the dark and that you couldn't see a thing. You were clinging on to Pedro's arm the entire time and screamed at anything that made a noise. You were having a good time, don't get me wrong, but you definitely didn't expect to be scared as much. You didn't even know how Pedro wasn't screaming too, but you felt him flinch a lot though.
"Oh my god! I can finally see" you said once you were out of the haunted house, relieved this was over. Pedro was laughing. "Why are you laughing?"
"You are so funny, the way you screamed at the fan because it made your hair move"
"You can laugh all you want but I felt you jump so you were as scared as me!" he stopped laughing, realising that you caught him red handed, which made you laugh.
"No that's not true, I was just.. reacting to you, screaming in my ears" he tried to defend himself
"That's still being afraid for me" you shrugged, as you started to walk. Pedro joined you, putting his arms on your shoulders.
"You're too cocky for someone who is scared of your own hair" you playfully hit him, walking, trying to find your next target. You had a new goal for the night: make him scream in fear. Oh this night was about to be the best halloween ever, as it was already!
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kimbappykidding · 8 months
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Part One Here
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You arranged your date for a few days later. You arrived at the restaurant and looked around for Seonghwa. You hadn't been here before but it looked really nice. The hostess asked if you were okay and you told him you were meeting someone here. "Ah yes I think he might've already arrived, is it the man in black?" he asked gesturing to the back where Seonghwa was sitting. You nodded "yes that's him thank you" and made your way over. You'd purposefully tried to look hot tonight. Part of you thought Seonghwa was being nice last time when he complimented you but this time you wanted to easily earn that praise. The way Seonghwa looked at you when he saw you told you you'd achieved that. Seonghwa’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "Wow" he said standing up and you smiled "this old thing?". Seonghwa laughed hugging you "you know you look hot and I love that" he said in your ear before pulling your chair out. "I've never been here before but it looks so nice” you said and Seonghwa nodded "it is, I'm friends with the owner because I've been here so often". You went to ask if he was serious when a waiter came over and greeted him by name and you realised it was true. "Can I get you any drinks?" the waiter asked. Seonghwa looked at you "what would you like? All their drinks are good but the wine or champagne is especially good" he told you. "I'm a fan of a good red wine" you said and Seonghwa nodded and quickly said the name of one to the waiter. The waiter left and Seonghwa turned his attention back to you and you blushed under his gaze. "So Y/n...is it true you used to cheat at football with Wooyoung?". That question released all the tension you had been feeling and you laughed. "I can't guess who told you that lie...no I'm just quite a good football player and Wooyoung could never beat me". "Beautiful and sporty" Seonghwa smiled "we'll have to play a game sometime". You nodded "anytime anywhere" and Seonghwa grinned "I'll hold you to that". The night carried on just as flirty and fun. You found out a lot more about Seonghwa and it was nice learning about the man behind all the hotness. You realised he was actually quite sweet and caring, especially to the boys. It was nice to hear him open up and he told you about his career and everything he wanted for the future...as well as asking you plenty of questions. A man being polite and courteous to women was so hot and you decided about 5 minutes in that if he invited you back to his again you'd go. Sure enough, when you'd finished your meals he did and you happily agreed.
This time when you got back to Seonghwa’s you were actually excited for him to see you because you’d dressed appropriately. So of course Seonghwa was taking his sweet time getting you out of your clothes. You tried to give him the message you wanted things to progress but he was determined to torture you. Even when you got his own shirt off him, he still made no move to do the same with you and just when you were getting really fed up he started laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked looking up at him and Seonghwa smiled up at you from the bottom of the bed “nothing just...is there something you want me to do? Something you’re being really obvious about?”. You sighed “well look at you and then look at me”. Seonghwa smiled and crawled forwards on his hands, leaning over you “Y/n is there something you want me to see?”. You tilted your head “there’s only one way to find out”. Finally Seonghwa undid your zip and finally as the fabric fell away from you he got it. “Oh wow” he gasped his eyes roaming over you “I see why you were so excited to show me”. You nodded “and to think you didn’t want your present” pouting slightly. In seconds Seonghwa was kissing you and do everything he could to remove that pout. “Trust me I do, so much” he said “do you forgive me?”. You sighed “I suppose so” and Seonghwa smiled “so can I play with my present?”. That made you smile again “what do you think I’ve been waiting for?” and Seonghwa got right to it!
So the two of you started dating except neither one of you ever phrased it that way. Seonghwa didn't think dating as an idol would work and you were having fun so saw no need in forcing him to label things. You were good at protecting yourself and not getting too attached so were happy just going with the flow. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that Seonghwa was the one to get insecure.
It was Yeosang's birthday and Yeosang (aka Wooyoung) threw a party. You were invited partly for Seonghwa but also because Wooyoung hadn't seen you in a while. You arrived with Seonghwa and everything was going well. The two of you had your usual flirty banter and Seonghwa was feeling good...until Wooyoung realised you hadn't met all the members properly. Wooyoung took you around the room introducing you to the people you hadn't met and one of those was Hongjoong. Hongjoong had heard a lot about you so was very pleased to finally meet you. He hugged you and was really friendly which you liked. Seonghwa saw the two of you getting along and smiled but 10 minutes later you will still chatting with Hongjoong. He frowned feeling a little bit forgotten but reminded himself the two of you weren't a couple so there was no need for you to be joined at the hip...but the way Hongjoong was making you laugh made him uncomfortable so he went and joined his member trying to forget about you. You found him about half an hour later but were with Hongjoong. He sat on the other side of you and the two of you carried on chatting all night. You had good chemistry and seemed to have a lot in common. You liked the same music and films, came from similar families and had complimenting personalities. Seonghwa began to worry if Hongjoong and you were a better match, you would no longer be interested in him...but then as the night was wrapping up you found him and took a seat next to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and Seonghwa released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding as he put an arm around your waist. Seonghwa thought that after the party that'd be it for whatever happened with you and Hongjoong. The two of you wouldn't see each other again but he had no idea you'd exchanged numbers. 
Ateez were at a work event and Hongjoong seemed to be on his phone a lot. It had been a long shoot and everyone was tired so for some reason Hongjoong being on his phone bothered Seonghwa. "Who are you texting?" Seonghwa asked and Hongjoong glanced at him "Y/n". Seonghwa sat up "come again?". "Y/n" Hongjoong said more deliberately "you don't own her I'm allowed to text her. You're not even dating her". Those words immediately got Seonghwa's back up and he nodded "I know that I was just asking". Hongjoong paused "sorry that was abrupt of me...we've just been chatting since Yeosang's birthday about TV shows and stuff". Seonghwa nodded "no problem like you said I have no claim to her" and Hongjoong nodded. Thankfully the other guys entered the room easing the tension. Seonghwa noticed the friendship between the two of you and he disliked it. If you came over to his, you'd disappear to talk to Hongjoong and Hongjoong seemed to find you at any social event. He'd caught you texting his leader several times too and neither one of you seemed to think it was odd or realised Seonghwa was uncomfortable with it. Seonghwa wanted to say something about it but had no idea how to without sounding like an overprotective jerk! Even if you were dating he had no right to tell you who to be friends with but considering you were just casual it was almost laughable. Not long after Yeosang's birthday, Wooyoung was throwing another party for San's birthday and you were invited to that one too. Seonghwa was dreading it because he knew you'd both be there and he was right. Not 20 minutes into the party you were together. Seonghwa watched you chatting animatedly to Hongjoong with a frown. "Something got you mad hyung?" Wooyoung asked plopping down into the seat next to him. Seonghwa shook his head "nope". "Because you look sad". "I'm not sad I'm confused...they've known each other a month and they're best friends?". Wooyoung gasped "excuse me if anyone's her best friend it's me" but Seonghwa wasn't in the jokey mood. "They just have a lot in common" Wooyoung shrugged "that's probably why you like them so much...they're similar". Seonghwa rolled his eyes "I know Hongjoong and I can tell he likes her". "Are you sure?" Wooyoung asked "he just seems friendly to me". Seonghwa shook his head "he wants her". "But you want her too?" Wooyoung asked. "She's here with me isn't she?" Seonghwa asked and Wooyoung laughed "so? That doesn't answer my question. If you want her then go do something about it!" Wooyoung said and he walked away. Seonghwa listened to Wooyoung and decided he agreed with him...but in a different way than the boy intended. Seonghwa walked right up to you where you were chatting to Hongjoong and kissed you. He out his hands on your hip, twisted you towards him away from  away from Hongjoong and gave you an earth-shattering kiss. Really one of his best and when he pulled away you were all flushed. "Hi" you said and he smiled not moving back "Hi, want to dance?". You nodded and Seonghwa was pulling you away when you remembered Hongjoong. "Wait...do you want to join us?" you asked Hongjoong who smiled but shook his head "it's okay Y/n, you go have fun but thanks for asking me". Seonghwa kept this up whenever Hongjoong was around the rest of the night. When Hongjoong joined you at the table Seonghwa pulled you into his lap and was obvious with his caresses. If Hongjoong spoke to you he'd trail a hand up and down your leg distracting you. He didn't care how obvious he was being and soon all his members noticed. "What's up?" San asked when Wooyoung led you away to show you something and Seonghwa laughed "What do you mean?". "Well why are you all over Y/n so much? I thought you'd been together a while, why are so clingy now?". Hongjoong smiled, looking forward to Seonghwa’s explanation. "She's hot okay I just want to touch her" the boy shrugged. Hongjoong nodded "so it has nothing to do with me?". Seonghwa paused "what makes you think that?". "The fact you're very clearly trying to send me a message...you're marking your territory". Seonghwa pouted "well you wouldn't have noticed that if you weren't interested in her". Hongjoong shook his head "even if I was interested in her is this really how you'd handle it? By throwing yourself at her?". Seonghwa shrugged "and how else would I handle it?". "By asking Y/n to be official?" San suggested and Hongjooong nodded "see one guess, that's all San needed". Seonghwa paused because that idea actually hadn't occurred to him. "I...but we're idols" he said and Hongjoong nodded "I'm aware". "What I mean is how on earth do we date? What if I can't give her what she deserves?" and now both boys had sympathy. "It's hard" Hongjoong admitted "but it's worth it if you like the person". "And you'd be surprised how much you can make time" San said "how much do you see Y/n at the moment?". "It depends if I'm free a few times a week but if not maybe once on weekends". "So time-wise you're already doing it" San said. Hongjoong nodded "yeah, plus there are lots of things you can do if you can't physically be with her. We're pretty much always allowed our phones so you can text her throughout the day and video chat with her in our breaks. Call her when we finish even if it's just to say goodnight before she falls asleep". Seonghwa frowned "but Y/n's...I don't know if she'd be okay with that. She's a great girl and I just feel like she deserves more. A guy who will be there with her when she wakes up and cook dinner with her. Plus what if I ask her and she says no? Then we lose what we had". San nodded "yeah but at least you know. You like her Seonghwa so eventually, this is going to come up. If she says yes you get to call her your girlfriend and if she says no...well then you'll be sad but it will also go away quicker than if you'd have asked her a month from now". Hongjoong nodded "the longer you wait the worse it will be" and Seonghwa looked down solemnly. "Plus for what's it worth she seems really smitten with you" Hongjoong said and Seonghwa's head shot up "Really?". "Yes" Hongjoong said with a smile "she talks about you all the time and they way she looks at you is really sweet". Seonghwa blushed "what sort of things does she say about me?". Hongjoong shook his head "why don't you go tell Y/n how you feel and I can tell you both?". Fear shot through Seonghwa but he knew he was right so nodded his head and made his way over to you. You were sat with Wooyoung, Yeosang and Jongho eating cupcakes inside. Seonghwa lingered in the doorway watching you, trying to see if there was any hint of what you might say to him but of course, there wasn't. You looked up and spotted him. You smiled and waved him over "hey, don't tell San we ate his cupcakes before him". "I won't" he promised "Y/n could I borrow you for a second?". You nodded, hopping up and walked with him "what's up?". "I was thinking we could talk" he said and he led you outside. You nodded "I thought something might be up, you seemed a little off earlier". Seonghwa sighed "you mean when I was your stalker anytime Hongjoong was around?". You smiled "I was going to call you my shadow but yes".  Seonghwa nodded "I'm sorry, the honest answer is I'm jealous. I saw you having a good time with Hongjoong and I felt insecure". You frowned "aw Seonghwa I'm sorry" but he shook his head "it's not your fault. You can talk to as many guys as you want and it wasn't cool for me to act so childishly...but it did make me realise something. I really like you". You blushed and smiled "I like you too Seonghwa". Seonghwa smiled but felt like you didn't get what he was saying so his anxiety tightened as he tried again. "That makes me happy to hear and I know getting into this we never labelled anything. That worked and has worked but now I'm catching feelings and I don't think I can do that anymore". Your face dropped "oh okay...that's all right thanks for telling me" and Seonghwa realised you thought he was ending this. "No Y/n I don't want to stop seeing you I want the opposite! I want us to be official!" Seonghwa hurried to say and you paused "you do?". Seonghwa nodded "I know it won't be easy and I want to be honest about that so you can decide if you're willing to give a lot up for me. I work a lot and can't guarantee I'll be there in the evenings or on birthdays. I sometimes have to travel when we tour and can miss important events but I promise I will try and prioritise you the best I can. We'd have to keep our relationships quiet so that would mean no posting photos together, avoiding places where fans might be and stuff like that. I know I'm asking a lot so if it's too much that totally fine...assuming you even like me" Seonghwa said realising he hadn't even checked that first. He felt like such an idiot and was looking down in embarrassment when you gently touched his hand. "I'm in". Seonghwa looked at you "what?". "I said I'm in, I want to date you and that all seems fine". Seonghwa paused "but I...really? I know you'd be sacrificing a lot". "I see it as I'd be gaining you" you replied and Seonghwa stared at you "really? All the hours and stuff doesn't bother you?". You shook your head "Seonghwa so many people have demanding jobs so don't feel like you're a burden. There are times when I have to work late or miss birthdays. Obviously, my hours aren't as demanding on me as yours are but what I'm saying is every relationship has those moments. I'm not expecting you to be at my beck and call every single minute of the day. I'll happily take whatever time I can get with you. However small or large that is". Seonghwa let out a breath "really? You're serious" and you nodded "deadly" making a serious face before smiling "I want you" and kissed him. When the situation sunk in Seonghwa grinned. "I want you too" he said and kissed you again this time picking you up. Hongjoong and San had been watching and cheered figuring this was a pretty easy-to-read sign. Wooyoung and the others twigged and joined in cheering making the two of you blush. Seonghwa waved them away telling them to stop but the huge grin on his face diluted his message. You both gave up and just decided to let them cheer. You stayed together for a while before Seonghwa led you back to the table with his friends. "I believe you owe me and my girlfriend an adorable story" he said and Hongjoong smiled "it would be my pleasure".   For years to come Wooyoung, San and Hongjoong would all claim they were the reason the two of you got together and in a way they were all right. Neither you nor Seonghwa cared though, you were happy together and that was all that mattered.
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solbach-colbrock · 10 months
Up Top! - Seth Borden X Reader
SUMMARY - You and Seth have developed a… unique high five
WORDS - 1k
NOTES - This is actually something I used to do with a friend of mine. I thought it would be cute to write. Also Chase is in this one
Neither of you were sure how long you had been doing it, but by now it was practically automatic. Every time you and Seth got excited, you would… well, it wasn’t quite a high-five, but that was the closest approximation you could make. You got a few odd looks and laughs the first couple of times, but at this point you got looked at funny if Seth’s palm didn’t collide with your forehead when you two were hyped up about something.
At least part of it was due to your height difference. Being shorter than him, you had already become his designated armrest, so it was no real surprise when he started joking about your height by holding out his hand to high five you right at your face height and you just… smacked it with your forehead in spite. It was goofy, and the fans definitely loved it. 
You, Seth, and Chase were filming a video for Chase’s channel. It was a quiz challenge thing, all the questions coming from Twitter fans asking you about details of your past videos that you were likely to get wrong. The two losers of the challenge had to dye a strip of their hair whatever color the winner decided. Two of you were gonna end up matching, and as funny as the concept was, you’d rather not let either of them decide what colors your hair was. 
“I fucking knew it, too! My first fucking thought was, ‘oh it was definitely my green hoodie’, but then you started talking and I started doubting myself! Motherfucker,” you exclaimed, sinking into the backseat of the car. You put your head in your hands, annoyed by the laughter coming from the brothers in the front seats. 
“Haha! I messed with your mind!” Seth laughed.
Y: “Guys, this man in gaslighting me! I have it here.”
S: “Alright Chase, your turn.”
C: “Damn, alright. Hit me.”
S: “What was the name of the man who was rumored to have hung himself at the Shanley Hotel?”
C: “Ah, fuck. How am I supposed to remember that? We filmed that a couple months ago.”
Y: “Even I know the answer to this, and I haven’t even been there yet.”
S: “How the fuck do you know then?”
Y: “I watched the video! I was interested in the lore! It was new information!”
S: “Fuckin’ nerd, alright. What’re you a fan or something?”
Y: “Oh, I’m so sorry for supporting you and your career, Jesus.”
S: “Ok Chase you’ve had plenty of time to come up with an answer. What do you think his name was? Like, honestly, if I didn’t have the answer right in front of me, I don’t think I'd be able to answer this one.”
C: “Fuck, um… David or somethin’? I don’t know!”
S: “Final answer?”
C: “I guess? I really don’t know.”
The smirk on your face grew to a grin as he answered.
S: “Wrong, it was William.”
Y: “Get fucked! Oh, I knew you weren’t getting that one.”
S: “Now you two are tied.”
C: “One of us is gonna lose.”
Y: “Seth is already losing this one.”
S: “Yea, there’s no way I’m wining. I’ve only got two questions right.”
Y: “Should we do a tiebreaker? One question, and whoever gets the answer right first wins?”
C: “Oh, yea. We gotta find a question both of us could answer, though.”
S: “Alright, I’ll look. Give me a second.”
You and Chase relaxed for a moment, avoiding opening your phones in case you came across the same question that Seth could ask you. Chase turned around in his seat when he heard you chuckle to yourself.
“What’s funny?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just deciding what color would look best on you two.” He rolled his eyes at you, his competitive side coming out full force now that it was down to the wire.
“What makes you think you’re winnin’?” You folded your arms over your chest in defiance.
“I’ve watched the videos multiple times. I know what the fans have seen.”
S: “Okay, shut up. I’ve got the question. At the Hatfield Estate, what did the ghost of Arnold whisper in Josh’s ear?”
Y: “Oh, shit! Fuck, I know this!”
C: “God, what was it? I was standin’ right next to him when it happened, too. Damn it…”
S: “You guys get thirty more seconds before I need an answer, right or wrong. Whoever gets closest, I'll take it.”
C: “God, was it ‘come find me’? I remember it was a little kid sayin’ it.”
S: “That-“
Y: “No! It was ‘over here’ because after we started freaking out about it the REM pod started going off in the other room! Like it was trying to show us where it was!”
S: “Yea, that’s correct, actually. Chase, you lost.”
You were practically jumping in the back seat from excitement, cheering at Chase’s distraught state. Your hyper reaction was infectious, and Seth stuck his arm towards the back seat for a high five. You threw your head forward, your forehead making contact with his open palm.
S: “Let’s go! Good job.”
Y: “I fuckin’ knew it! Now I have to decide on a color.”
S: “Wait fuck I forgot I have to do that. What the hell am I celebrating for?”
The three of you wrapped up the video, opting to post pictures of you dying their hair as well as the final result on instagram later. 
“How many edits do you think we’re gonna get out of the high five this time?” Seth asked, knowing full well there would be some made within an hour of posting the video. There were always at least a couple when you two did that. The fans loved your silly little habit. They thought it was really cute and endearing, and frankly, so did you.
“Oh, plenty. It’s been at least two months since we did that on camera. They’re gonna eat that shit up.”
“Will you two just fuckin’ date already?”
“Shut up, bro!’
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fastandtheformula1 · 1 year
Ummmmm well, maybe this time will be angst. Y/n can't take any more of the hate that Ollie's fans give her. They always say that Y/n is jinxing Ollie bcs he has been getting bad race results lately. There was even someone who said it directly in front of her face when she came to watch Ollie's race at Monza and Ollie also accidentally heard it and maybe started to get a little angry and protective bcs Y/n doesn't deserve any kind of hatred at all.
Then she finally decided to ask Ollie to break up bcs she started to believe that she is bringing bad luck to Ollie and she doesn't want that to happen to him as she knows how passionate Ollie about racing. But of course that's impossible to happen.
Ollie had already fallen too deep for Y/n. Y/n was his childhood friend who knew almost everything about him, she's so lowkey which makes him love her even more, the one who cheered him since he went karting, the one who always understood him, who always believed in him no matter what. She was everything to Ollie and mean more than racing or championship.
Maybe you can make him a little desperate (Idk why but I'd like to see him crying😭dramatic ass) when Y/n asks him for a break up like he was probably once having a thought about how his life without racing but never imagined his life without Y/n. And maybe he's lil furious that Y/n believed in those nonsenses and even now thinking of leaving him. And the rest are yours, Queen🧚🏼‍♀️
Some proooompts:
— "I just don't love you anymore."
"What?" .... "Look me in the eyes and say you don't love me anymore."
— "You need to focus on racing, not me."
— "I need you more than a fucking championship! I will call Rene right now and tell him that I quit."
— "You don't understand, you are performing less because of m-"
"No. You are the one who don't understand. Don't you dare to say you are the cause of my bad performances."
Ollie Bearman- Choices
a/n: OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS PROMPT  ANON!!!!! I made ollie such a simp for y/n oh my lord… anyway this is somewhat of a continuation of this post… also i kinda got lazy at the end my bad 
pairing: oliver bearman x childhoodfriend!reader
summary: you and ollie have a talk about your relationship that leads your relationship downhill. 
warnings: cursing, tears, stressed y/n and stressed ollie 
word count: 1,781
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not my gif!
“Hey, can we talk?” You both knew you needed to have this conversation, but both of you avoided it like the plague. 
When you accidentally went public with Ollie, everyone liked you. They thought you were a little on the quiet side but still sweet, and thought you and Ollie were a good match. You appeared in some of Ollie’s streams, adding funny commentary here and there and just hanging out with him. For the past year or so though, you’ve been getting more hateful comments and people have been ruder towards you.
You were never one to back down and stop what you were doing because someone was hating on you. You weren’t raised that way. If you were passionate about something, you did it all the way, not letting anything stop you. This time though, it was getting harder to ignore the bad stuff. People were constantly finding things to nitpick you for, saying how you “loved” Ollie and how you were just in it for the exposure and benefits, which was absolutely not the case. Though you expected interviewers asking about your private life, you never thought it would be this intrusive. Ollie had noticed the more hateful comments were getting to you and even put out a statement, but nothing worked. He’d been too busy racing and traveling to alleviate some of the anxiety you were feeling, so you thought this to be the best option:
Ending your relationship. 
“Um, sure.” He said, hesitantly. The outcome of this conversation was not one he’d like. He couldn’t risk losing you. You were the one person that truly understood everything he did. He truly fell harder for you than you could ever possibly fathom, and even he himself couldn’t explain into words how special you were to him. 
“I think we need to take a break.” The words came out slow and shaky, fear crawling its way through your words. 
“W- what?”
“I just, I- I don’t have feelings for you anymore.” You cringed to yourself. You were completely lying to his face. And he could see it. 
“Bullshit. Is this about what that article said the other day? I swear to God, I’ll find whoever wrote it and-”
“Ollie, stop.” Your voice was stern, scaring him a little bit. 
It was about the article, but you didn’t want to cause any drama or bad press around him, having the media calling him a hothead and other terrible names they could come up with. So you opted to tell him that you didn’t love him anymore. That you “lost feelings” when you felt the complete opposite. You wanted nothing less than waking up next to him and his unruly hair, softly waking him up as you combed through his curls.
Which was exactly how Ollie was feeling, too. He never understood how much your daily checkups and silent support really meant to him, you asking him if he was alright when he was at his darkest, and being there for him during the height of his career. You were always there, a constant in his ever changing life. 
“Don’t make this harder than it already is. Please. I just don’t love you anymore.” You fidgeted with your hands as you went to find your phone. You wanted this conversation to be cut and dry, but it wouldn’t turn out that way. He rushed in front of you and lifted your chin with his finger. You kept your gaze anywhere else but him. 
“Look me in the eyes and say that again.”
The room was quiet, so tense that you could hear both of your shallow breaths. His eyes never left yours as you contemplated your answer. 
“Ollie, your fans hate me. So does your team. It seems like you’re the only one that doesn’t.” You remembered one conversation where some woman came up to you and told it to your face.
“Hi. You’re Y/N, Ollie’s girlfriend, right?” Some lady asked when you were watching a few drivers qualify on the TV screens in Ollie’s garage. “I am, yeah.” “Let’s hope you leave before he starts qualifying.” She laughed lightly.  “Excuse me?” “You’ve seen his quali position versus his starting one when you’re here, right? Oliver’s place always goes down a few positions.” “Oh, well I don’t-”  “I think then I’m the problem, ma’am. My girlfriend’s not the one driving the car.” Ollie came up from behind you, putting his arm around you.  “Oh well. My apologies, then. Have a good one, Ollie.” The woman turned around and walked away. “The hell was that about?” “Dunno. She just came up to me and started talking.” “If someone else says something like that to you, tell me and I’ll-” “Ollie. Just focus on racing right now, okay?”
He threw his hands in the air. “Love, what are you-”
“Think about it. Ever since we got together, you’ve had bad race results. Your car’s been breaking down more often. For fuck’s sake, you almost died, Ollie! When we were just friends that never happened! And now,” You took a breath. “I’m just a distraction, okay? I-”
“How dare you fucking say that. You are not the cause of my bad performances, Y/N! I am!” 
Tears started to form in his eyes. How could you say that about yourself? How could you ever think that? Not for a second did he think you were a distraction. All you ever did for him was make sure he was at his best. Sure, he was getting bad results recently, but you certainly weren’t the cause of it. Hell, you were keeping him focused on not crashing if anything.
“You need to focus on your championship and I need to focus on school.” You shoved past him, grabbing your keys from the counter. 
“That’s what you’re worried about? A fucking championship, Y/N?!” 
“Ollie, that’s your dream! You’ve wanted that since you were a kid! Why are you letting me get in the way of it?” 
“I need you more than I want that stupid championship.”
Shaky breaths erupted from both of you. You knew he was right. He had told you that his priorities had changed. Then it hit you. Was that the reason he was performing so badly at races? Was he racing badly so he’d lose his contract and he’d finally be able to spend time with you? 
After a few minutes you decided to leave. There was no way in hell that you were going to be the reason he lost his contract. Walking towards the door, you mentally checked if you had everything to stay the night elsewhere. 
Ollie caught onto you, following after you. “No. No. Don’t leave. Please.” He grabbed onto your wrist, his eyes pleading you to stay. You’d never left after a fight, always wanting to work it out before you guys went to do something else. This time though, you felt like you had to.
“Just trust me, okay? I’ll be back.” Honestly, you weren’t sure if you were going to. You turned around, reaching for the doorknob, but Ollie was quick enough to slide in front of it.
“I will… I will call Rene right now and tell him that I quit, okay?” He pulled out his phone, hands shaking, and started to search for Rene’s number. “Just don’t…please stay.” Desperation was clear in his voice. As he found it, you scooted past him and slipped out the front door, speed-walking to your car. 
“Baby, no. Please. Where are you going?” You heard him shout as you got into your car. You had left and he was unsure, for the first time, that you might not come back.
4 missed calls from ollie 🐻 💗
2 voicemails from ollie🐻 💗
Hi Y/N. Look, I need to… Just, just please call me back please. I want to work this out, okay? I love you. 
Babe, please call me back. I’m getting worried. Just let me know you’re okay. Please. I love you. 
You shut off your phone and sighed, laying back down on the bed, groaning. 
“Still haven’t told him where you are?” Arthur’s voice made you jump, reminding you that you weren’t alone. 
You shook your head. “No.” Arthur laid down next to you on your -his- bed. You had crashed at his house for the night, telling him what happened through broken sobs and tears.
“I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but I think you should tell Ollie where you are. Or just text him. The guy’s been worried sick, Y/N. He can’t sleep, eat. Even Jak can’t get him out of bed,” Arthur said.
Fuck, you thought. 
You unlocked you and Ollie’s door for the first time in what felt like months. As you shut the door close, your eyes met Ollie’s brown ones. He was standing a few feet away from the door, his eyes wide open as he tried to figure out if you were actually standing in front of him. Tension in the room was off the charts. 
Arthur was right, he looked terrible. Nothing in the apartment had changed since you left, with the exception of a few blankets strewn around the floor. Ollie rushed towards you, dropping whatever he was holding, it clattering to the floor as his arms snaked around your waist tightly. He was afraid if he let go of you a second time, you wouldn’t come back for certain. You felt his entire body relax against yours, as yours did the same. He burrowed his head into your neck, softly placing kisses on your skin. 
“You came back.” His voice was deep and relieved. 
“I’m gonna move out, Ollie.”
“What? No, you- you can’t.”
You got out of his grasp and hurried towards your room, and started to pack your things through your blurred vision. 
“What’re you doing? Just stop.” He started to unpack the things you started to.
“This isn’t your decision to make, Ollie. Okay?!” 
The room went quiet, the silence so deafening you swore you were alone. You pinched the bridge of your nose; you knew he didn’t deserve this. He was the one you always saw yourself with in the end. What happened? 
Ollie walked over to you; he towered over you like he always did. “You’re really going then?” 
You nodded. “I’ll have Arthur pick up the rest of my stuff.” You scratched the back of your neck. You didn’t know what else to say. You saw a tear drip to the floor as he nodded. 
You picked up your stuff and led yourself out, Ollie following closely behind. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Ollie.”
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undercovergamer · 1 year
✨A Bookworm’s Vengance✨
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
banner giving off “graphic design is my passion” vibes /ref LMAOOO (I couldn’t find better images to combine and I don’t wanna use fan art, so-)
After spending enough time with Alhaitham for him to become comfortable with hugs, Itto decided that some playful mischief was in order. (Oh how the turns will table…)
Note: This is a silly scenario I made up with a friend. She loves Alhaitham and I love Itto, so we kinda just put them in the same room to see what would happen. Basically Itto is in Sumeru because lazy writing and he’s staying with Alhaitham and Kaveh until he returns to Inazuma, also because lazy writing. We don’t need logic in silly fics like this, right?
Word count: 2682
Ah, a quiet afternoon. A perfect time for some peaceful reading. That’s what the acting grand sage Alhaitham thought anyway. He was off the clock, just minding his own business, enjoying some much needed solitude. With his noise cancelling headphones switched on, there was nothing that could disturb his peace… or so he thought.
Entirely consumed by his reading, he was about to finish the last chapter. He was stood in front of a bookshelf in preparation to put the book away and choose a different one to read. After a few more minutes, he closed the book and placed it in the shelf. While trying to decide what to read, he felt a sudden shift in the room’s vibes. He didn’t think much of it until he suddenly got jumpscared by a pair of arms wrapping around him from behind.
Ambushed? In his own home? Who would even DARE to-… wait a minute. Looking down and switching his headphones off, he quickly recognized the culprit. The one and oni, Arataki Itto. Had the scribe not looked down and seen his arms, he would’ve instinctively fought him in self defense.
“Hahaha! I got you good, didn’t I?” The oni’s joyful laughter was hard not to recognize.
“Itto, what’s gotten into you?!” Alhaitham was quite annoyed.
“What?? Can’t I give my favorite scribe a hug?” Itto replied, hugging his grumpy friend close.
“You scared me.” Alhaitham sighed, having just calmed down from the sudden ambush.
“Haha, sorry bro. Just feeling silly. What are you doing?” Itto looked over the scribe’s shoulder in curiosity.
“I’m trying to read. You’re disturbing my peace and quiet.”
“Ugh, but reading is sooo boring! Don’t you wanna do something else? Let’s hang out!”
“No thanks. I’d prefer to just read in peace. Alone.” Alhaitham wanted Itto to leave, but he didn’t seem to have understood.
“Oh come on, you haven’t even picked a book yet! You can read later! I’m bored.” Itto rocked back and forth impatiently.
“That’s too bad. I’m sure you can find another way to entertain yourself. Now, please stop moving like that, I can’t read.”
“Read what? You don’t even have a book yet…” Itto huffed and stood still as commanded. Alhaitham was somehow already focused on finding something to read. But then that silly oni decided some playful mischief was in order.
“Itto, let me go. I’m trying to think.” Alhaitham said in his usual monotone voice.
“Suuuure, I’ll let go. Lemme just-” Itto tightened the hug, lifting Alhaitham into a strong bear-hug while laughing happily.
“Ack- put me down!” Alhaitham struggled to break free while trying maintain Itto’s balance. They’d both get hurt if he fell.
“Come on! Can’t you smile a bit? I can help you!” Itto grinned and put him down, but kept hugging him for the funny.
“What are you talking ab-?!” Haitham choked on his words, interrupted by a …sudden urge to laugh? What?
“Are you ticklish? C’mon! Smile! Hehe.” Itto had started tickling him while holding him in place with the mighty hug. To both of their surprise, Alhaitham had been caught so off-guard he couldn’t hold back his deep laughter for more than a few seconds. The moment he burst into laughter, Itto couldn’t help but laugh along with him with a bright smile.
“Aw, I didn’t know the acting grand sage was so ticklish! Hahaha! Tickle tickle tickle~!” Itto playfully teased him for the funny, tickling him silly.
“Ahahahahaha!! Itto wh- hahahahah!! W-What are you dohohoing?!” Alhaitham protested and tried to break free, but Itto’s cursed nails tickled so bad he couldn’t focus properly. Even though this oni was incredibly irritating right now, hurting him was out of the question. That’d be an unforgivable crime.
“What’s the issue? I’m just helping you loosen up! You’re always so tense.” Itto replied innocently, switching spots and playfully scribbling all over the scribe’s abs, which actually earned him a surprised squeak. “Hehehe, I heard that! Do it again!” Itto said playfully, tickling the man’s tum.
“Lehehehet gohohohoho! AhahahahAHAHAHAH!!” Alhaitham began bucking and squirming more, trying very hard to break free from Itto’s clutches. But no matter where he squirmed to, the oni would follow. That and he felt embarrassed that he had just made such a high pitched noise.
“Hehe, you need to smile more!” Itto started to playfully tickle and poke at his ribs and sides, making the scribe arch his back and laugh louder before bending forward, trying to protect himself with his arms.
“Sh-shut uhuhup! AhahahAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Unfortunately, Alhaitham was somehow unable to squirm away to safety, since Itto kept following his movements the whole time. Why the heck did it tickle so bad?!
“Aha! A weak spot! Hehehe. Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto was loving it! Seeing the usually grumpy scribe laughing out loud was certainly rare. The oni thought it was hilarious, but he stopped tickling after a few more seconds. After all, Alhaitham did say “stop.” Itto hugged him real tight again before letting go, giggling to himself.
“You good, bro? You alright?” Itto patted Alhaitham on the back while he caught his breath.
“I’m… I’m fine.” He replied, composing himself. He hadn’t been tickled in such a long time that he had completely forgotten he was ticklish. It was quite embarrassing.
“You know, you’ve got a pretty nice laugh! You should laugh more often, to be honest.” Itto said, poking Alhaitham in the side, making him jolt away. Itto giggled at his reaction but received a rather angry looking glare in response.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Alhaitham said angrily.
“W-What do you mean? I thought we were having fun, I was just playing!” Itto got kinda nervous, seeing how serious Alhaitham looked. “I-I didn’t know you’d get so upset..”
“Did you really think I’d to let you get away with disturbing my peace like that? Hm. Looks like I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Alhaitham cracked his knuckles and stepped closer. Itto took a few steps back in fear.
“W-Wait, wait! Chill! I-I was just playing! Uh-” Itto tried to think of how to calm the situation down, until he made eye contact with the scribe. He wasn’t nearly as angry as he thought.
“I’ll get you for that.” Alhaitham said with a mischievous smirk, rolling his shoulders in preparation.
“Uh, um, y-you’ll have to catch me first!” Itto exclaimed, quickly dashing out of the room. Alhaitham chuckled softly to himself before chasing after him. Perhaps this would be a more entertaining way to spend his time.
The chase just lead them to the living room, with Itto running around the furniture to keep distance between himself and the scribe, but also trying not to knock anything over.
“Haha! You can’t get me!” He taunted, playfully poking his tongue out.
“Tch, how childish. Just you wait, oni.” Alhaitham replied, unaware of his own smile.
The playful chase continued like this until Haitham managed to grab Itto’s arm, quickly pulling him closer. The two then wrestled until the oni had gotten himself pinned to the floor, laughing happily at their game. He never thought Alhaitham could be so playful!
“Predictable. You put up quite the fight, though. It’s a real shame you couldn’t win.” The scribe said, looking smug.. sort of.
“What?! I’m still winning! I just- uh… I-I’m not giving up yet!” Itto replied, stubborn as ever, giggling and struggling to escape.
“Tell you what, I’ll let you go if you surrender and apologize.” Alhaitham said with a stern glare.
“Pfft- What? No way man! Why do I have to apologize? I haven’t do anything wrong!” Itto protested with a cheeky smile, trying to push his opponent away.
“Really? Attitude in your position?” Alhaitham rolled his eyes… “Sounds like you need some convincing.” …before quickly poking Itto’s sides, making him jolt and snicker.
“W-Wait! Pfft-“ Itto covered his mouth in an attempt not to laugh.
“Apologize.” Alhaitham poked his ribs.
“Pff-! N-Never!”
“Suit yourself, oni.” Suddenly, his fingers quickly began spider-tickling Itto’s ribs and sides, immediately sending the oni into a fit of loud, boisterous laughter.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thahahat’s nohoho fahahahahair!!” Itto whined, laughing and squirming around.
“Oh, you wanna talk about fairness now, huh? The way I see it, this is fair game after you held me in place earlier. I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” Alhaitham replied calmly while trying to prevent Itto from grabbing his wrists.
“C’mohohohon!! Thihihis ihiHISN’T FAHAHAHAIR!! Aha-hahahaha!! Ahahat leheast y-you could s-stahahaHAHAHAND!!” Itto couldn’t do much to defend himself. Every time he managed to push those tickling hands away, they’d break free and come back in mere seconds. The scribe was relentless! He was trying to figure out which areas would grant the biggest reactions. This was a punishment, but it was almost obvious Itto was having lots of fun. Tickling him like this was very effective, but it could be worse, right?
“EEK!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto suddenly started laughing louder as Alhaitham began switching spots, tickling from his ribs to his tummy.
“Tickle tickle.” Alhaitham said with a slight smirk, now tickling all over Itto’s abs and tum to check his reactions. “AhahahahAHAHA!! WAHAHAHAIT!!”
“Oh? What was that?” He noticed how Itto’s laughter would rise in pitch every time a specific area was brushed over.
“N-Nohohothihihing!!” Itto tried to control himself, hoping the scribe wouldn’t notice.
“Hmm…” Based on the gathered information, Haitham made a guess and began tickling right below Itto’s ribcage.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA!! WahahAHAHAIT!! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEhere!!” Vibrating fingers into that area made the oni throw his head back and laugh uncontrollably, so the scribe decided to linger there for a while.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NahahahAHAHA!! IT TICKLES!!” Itto squealed, cackling and kicking uncontrollably, trying to block the sensations with his arms… which didn’t work.
“Hm. Who would’ve thought the almighty crimson oni would be so easily taken down by mere wiggling fingers?” Alhaitham bullied him calmly.
“NAHAHAHA-!! SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!!” Itto could hardly believe it. How dare he say such a thing? To the one and oni nontheless?
“But it’s clearly true, is it not?”
“Shuhuhut ihihit!! AHAHAHA!! Thihihis is nohoHOHOT FAHAHAHAHAIR!!” Itto protested, getting a little frustrated being unable to protect himself properly.
“That’s too bad. Do you want mercy?” Alhaitham asked, quickly tickling up and down Itto’s sides and waist before he could defend.
“EEK! Y-YehehEHEHEHES!! AAHAHAHAHAHA!! Stahahahahap!!” Itto squirmed and wiggled, trying very hard to protect his sides.
Alhaitham stopped tickling for a moment so Itto could breathe.
“Ready to apologize yet, tough guy?” he asked after letting Itto calm down.
“Ehehe..! N-Nuh uh..! Haha..!” He wasn’t going down that easily.
“You really shouldn’t be so stubborn in your position.” Alhaitham said with a glare.
“Haha! Ehehe… is that all you got?” Itto replied, with a smug grin.
Alhaitham rolled his eyes in response. “Seriously?”
“I’m not giving up! I never lose! Because I’m the one and ohOHONIHIHEHEHE!! Wahahahait!! NOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Suit yourself, then.” Alhaitham replied, tickling Itto in random areas to keep him on his toes, and to experiment so he’d surrender.
He couldn’t help but notice a specific reaction Itto would have every time his sides got tickled; he would press his arms against them like his life depended on it whenever Alhaitham tickled upwards, which was quite suspicious. So the scribe moved the tickling elsewhere to distract him and make him move his arms, which worked quite well. Itto managed to grab Alhaitham’s wrists and push them away, but he was too tired to retaliate.
“Hahahaha..! W-What now, huh?” Itto said through his giggles.
“You’ve fallen right into my trap.”
Alhaitham freed his hands and quickly shoved them into Itto’s armpits, earning a loud shriek as his arms instantly shot to his sides, pressing hard to defend.
“Oh? That was surprisingly high pitched.” Alhaitham remarked, keeping his hands still. Maybe he should’ve switched his headphones on first…
“Sh-Shuhuhut it! Quiet! Pfft-” Itto tried to contain himself, which wasn’t easy with two hands right in his death spots. Squirming couldn’t do anything to save him!
“Feeling ready to apologize yet? Or should I tickle it out of you?” Alhaitham couldn’t help but smile, realizing how goofy the whole situation was. It was ridiculous, even.
“P-Plehehehease! A-Anywhere but thehehehehere!!” Itto couldn’t stand the anticipation, but he wasn’t about to admit that.
“Hm. Must be a pretty bad spot if it’s got you laughing and begging this much already.”
“Sh-Shut your m-m-*mpfft-* I-I d-dohon’t behehEHEG- GWAHAHAHA!!”
Alhaitham wiggled his hands to see what would happen, which immediately sent Itto into hysterical cackling, thrashing and wild kicking. His laughter even rose an octave. “Oops.” It certainly seemed as if Itto was incredibly ticklish there.
“AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHO!! EEK! STAHAHAHAP!!” He squeezed his eyes shut in hysteria.
“Last chance, Itto. Apologize, or else this’ll get much worse.” Alhaitham threatened.
“Apologize.” Alhaitham slowed down so Itto would have an easier time speaking through his laughter.
“EHEHEHE!! Ahaha!! I’m- pfft I’M SOHORREHEHEHEHE!! I’M SORRY!!” Itto squealed, wiggling and kicking his legs in desperation.
“For?” Alhaitham squeezed with his hands a few times to deal the final blow, making the oni arch his back and scream.
“HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Quite a rare sight indeed. He was very loud, though…
“For what?” Alhaitham finally stopped the ticklish torment so Itto could calm down and catch his breath. His face was flushed red from laughing so much, gasping for air through his giggles.
“Ahahahah…! Hehehe…! Phew…!”
Alhaitham waited a moment before asking “Well?”
“I-I’m sorry for- hehe.. for ambushing you…! A-And… huff… and tickling you..! Ehehehe…”
“Hmm. You’ve had enough. I suppose I can forgive you this time. Please wait here for a moment.” Alhaitham said, pulling his hands out and getting up to leave the room for a bit. Itto was still giggling and recovering on the floor, slowly sitting up and wiping away his tears of mirth. Alhaitham quickly came back with a glass of water.
“Here. Drink up. You must be exhausted after all that...” He said with a concerned expression, handing the glass to Itto.
“Aha.. thanks bro!” Itto replied with a smile before drinking the water. He finished it rather quickly, accidentally swallowing too hard, but he didn’t say anything about that. Alhaitham reached his hand out to Itto and helped him up, feeling a bit worried.
“Are you alright? Although you kind of deserved that, I… I didn’t go too far, did I?” Alhaitham said, concerned.
“Huh? … Oh! Uh, nah, don’t worry about it. I’m a-ok!” Itto replied, smiling brightly. He recovered surprisingly quickly.
“Really? How-… I-… How? Surely getting tickled like that would’ve caused distress...” Alhaitham couldn’t believe it. How was this man “a-ok” after all that laughter? Where’s the logic in that?
“Hahaha! Not for me, at least! Somehow..? Huh, you have a point actually. Guess I’m just built different!” Itto replied, shrugging. “I am a bit tired, though, haha…”
Alhaitham just looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“Besides, I trust you, y’know. I knew you’d let me live, hahahaha! Plus, we had fun, didn’t we? I saw you smiling! Haha!” Itto said, giving the scribe a nudge.
“Wait, you thought that was fun?!” Alhaitham was shocked.
“Ha! See? I knew you had fun too! Didn’t deny it, did ya? Heheh.”
Alhaitham put his hand in his face and shook his head, chuckling to himself. “You are truly ridiculous.” he said.
Itto laughed at that remark. “Who knew such a stern bookworm like you could be so silly, eh? Hahahaha!” he said, delivering a light punch to his bro’s arm.
Alhaitham rolled his eyes and went back to his office, but was stopped by another “ambush,” except it was expected this time. Itto quickly hugged him tight from behind again, but without tickling. Then he let go when asked to so Alhaitham could read in peace.
They did, in fact, have quite a lot of fun. Alhaitham even felt relaxed, but he’d never admit that. Itto ended up taking a nap to recharge, so in the end peace and quiet was truly achieved. Surely he’ll think twice before trying such mischief again, right? Oni time will tell, hehe…
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Hello, I have been following your work for a long time, and every time I read your fan fiction with a sinking heart. The way you convey emotions, feelings, character of the characters is just perfect! And I have read your "My Saddest Journey" more than five times.
I would like to ask, if it's not difficult for you, to write some Headcannons on this fan fiction.
I'm not insisting, sorry in advance for the trouble, I'm just a little in love ❤️
Hi murmiss. I would like to say, first, that I am sorry for denying your request in the beginning. "My Saddest Journey" is a very sensitive topic for me and when I'm asked about it I tend to get emotional. But! I decided to go ahead and provide you with some headcanons. I hope they satisfy you.
First: How do Frank, Ji-woon and Danny feel after everything that happened?
Well they all feel differently. Ji-woon is mostly in the fog and doesn't think much about it. Frank is pouty and very grudgemental towards the reader for a number of reasons, and he may stand to cause some unfortunate trouble in the future. As for Danny- oh, Danny. After seeing how bad the reader has it- and after having a private, sneaky conversation with them- he develops an attraction towards them, a desire to protect them and claim them as his own. But too bad! The reader doesn't like him. Can he fix that though? We'll see.
How does papa Evan feel?
After seeing just how bad the reader is effected, Evan asks Freddy to share what memories of theirs he witnessed, and he realizes a few things. (Plus Herman gave him a very lengthy lecture about how he would wrestle him if he was mean to the reader again). Evan will want to right his wrongs and get to know the reader better.
But do you know how difficult that will be? The reader does not trust him at all. In fact they're so scared to go around him that they more or less entice the Dredge to show up thus causing more bad memories and chaos. Evan is going to have to approach this reader as if they were an abused cat. (Gentle Evan is the best Evan). Once he can get them to talk and share their similarities, there will be fluff and comfort.
The reader opens up faster to the father figures than they do the love interests. This is meant to be practical and funny, but also an indicator of their trauma. Let's use Herman for example because he's head over heels for the reader, and he really is trying his hardest to charm them, but all he gets is polite, cold shoulders in response. And then there's Evan and all he has to do is pat their head and they instantly melt into his arms. Screw you Evan! Kidding, we love our papa bear.
The introduction of Wesker. This will happen much later on but it will be big. Not only will we get to see a completely different side of the reader, but so will Wesker who pretty much gets his arse beat during a trial with them. He's obviously interested after that and wants to learn more about them. The reader picks up on his naughty energy and politely tells him off, but Wesker relents until the reader more or less snaps and humiliates him. "Look, I don't find you attractive, ok? Now please leave me alone. You are making me uncomfortable."
Sucks to be you, Wesker. Can you see Herman smirking in the background? Oh yes you can. Don't worry though, he's not finished. Wesker always gets what he wants. Right?
Micheal being an overprotective, possessive goof. After learning just how sweet, modest and caring this reader is, he can't help but to stake his claim. "Go away. This is MY traumatized hooman. Get your own." Oh Michael... But Michael's kindness and gentility will help the reader relax and open up in many ways.
Ok, this headcanon is one I'm not quite sure if I'll use or not, but I thought it was funny so I'll go ahead and share. It's called the "lift" experiment. Basically the killers want to see if carrying the sad survivors will keep the Dredge away. For example, Michael holding the reader bridal style in his arms for an hour.
This idea is meant to be purely silly, but it could also help the reader open up to touch. Like a trust exercise. I was going to use the biggest boys for it, and some of them fight over who can carry the reader because the reader is modest, quiet and sweet and won't cause them trouble. Who will get to them first, you know? Lol, it's just a silly thought. You guys can tell me if it's worth writing.
Then we have Jeffrey and Caleb who will be the group that the reader is officially placed in next. And those two will be the ultimate father figures. Lots and lots and lots of fluff. Jeffrey also knows which other killers' like the reader romantically and purposely makes them jealous by openly cuddling the reader in public or giving them kisses on their forehead and stuff like that. Let's not forget how insanely protective these two killers are. Eeeek! I can't wait to write them, but it's honestly going to be a while and I'm very slow updating that story.
There's some headcanons. I hope you enjoyed. Again I apologize for being sensitive. I hope you're doing well and have an amazing day ❤️
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aughby · 22 days
The Balcony Chronicles
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It was nice being in a high-rise condominium with stunning views, a peaceful environment, and, as you realized later on, an interesting neighbor, Yuki Ishikawa. Yes, the Yuki Ishikawa we were talking about is the 28-year-old Japanese player who displayed a fierce look throughout his volleyball matches. On court, he is quite a serious player, but at home, he is a young kid trapped in a man’s body.
One night, you went to the balcony to watch the sunset, and you saw such an oddity. Having heard sounds of music coming from the adjacent unit, curiosity got the better of you, and you hanged half over the railing. And there was Yuki, dancing joyfully and very actively without paying attention to anyone around him. The guy was goofy and playful, which was quite a contrast from the smooth-moving athlete everyone had seen.
You stifled a laugh, and, unable to turn your head away, found yourself observing. Yuki was absolutely lost in his own world—he twirled and, at one point, made what I sincerely hoped was an attempt at break dancing. Just as you were about to take out your phone to record this great opportunity, he suddenly turned around and noticed you.
Within the blink of an eye, Yuki stood still. He was shocked and embarrassed. He quickly stood up as if nothing had happened to his body or to his breathing. He just gave a very rigid bow before going back into his place; you are left outside watching him with a breath torn between laughing and catching it.
As days passed, you began to see more of Yuki peculiarities, which you really never saw before. Sometimes it was possible to hear him singing, very loud and mostly tuneless, in his apartment. One time, it was a love ballad, thereby making him sing with the intensity of a pop star, all the way to the roof.
But the moment he laid his eyes on you up there on the balcony, he would immediately stop and then try to choke on his spit.
One evening you joked to make an attempt and open the conversation. “Great dancing skills, Yuki,” you said jokingly from my balcony, looking at him.
Yuki, who was about to water some plants, nearly let go of the watering can. “What on earth are you talking about? ”You replied quickly, attempting to do the ‘cool’ face.
“Oh really? ”You said with a laugh, “Are you sure you don't? "“Well, I might just have to share with your fans about some secret dance moves you do.”
Yuki’s face turned red. “You wouldn’t dare,” he growled, scowling at you while clearly recognizing embarrassment and amusement.
“Oh, but I would,” I said, “Unless... ”You paused and crossed your arms on the railing and rested your chin on your hands with an expression of wickedness on your face.
“Unless…? ”He scowled, rising from the chair.
“Unless you invite me to your next dance lesson, you know, a private show for the number one spectator. ”Yuki looked at you, and after a few seconds of silence, started to chuckle. It was somewhat unusual to find him in that state of mind: relaxed, happy, and free. “You’re impossible,” he said, laughing and then shaking his head. ”But sure. Whatever you want. Just don’t tell anyone, all right? ”
“No one will know it from me,” you reassured the other person.
From that day on, your evenings were spent sharing giggles, chatting, and competing in the quite stupid and juvenile dance battles. Although Yuki would initially look stern when he first saw you, he would soon scrunch up his face and make funny gestures, then ask you to play his crazy game.
You began to look forward to some moments where the normally stern Yuki would just sit back and enjoy himself. And in return, you never mentioned his outrageous behavior to anyone; you liked having this little secret that only you knew about.
There was once a night when you both decided to stay on the balconies, and while gazing at the night sky, Yuki turned to look at you with deep concentration. ‘Well, you know, despite all that, I’ve never let anybody get a glimpse of this part of me.’
“Why not? ”You asked me with that uncanny perplexed look on your face, which I found curious and amusing at the same time.
“I have always felt I needed to be in serous mode, but with you, I don’t know how it is, but it feels so relaxed.”
You smiled; you felt something warm in the middle of your chest. "Yeah, I enjoyed him too. Yes, he was so fun.”
Yuki grinned. “I am happy. But I'm telling you, if you disclose the information to anybody... ”
“No worry, Yuki, I won’t tell anyone about this, “you said, joking as you patted her on the back.
Your special kind of friendship ensued, and Yuki’s unusual personality was the sole way your friendship grew stronger day by day. In the world's view, he continued to be the indifferent, hardworking volleyball player. However, to you, he was much more than that; he was the man-child that loved novelty, the fun-loving man next door that one could wish for.
Yuki's POV
The latter days, or at least the period when you two met, something of you had slightly changed in Yuki’s eyes. During the day, you were quite cheerful and lively, always ready to laugh, even if it’s just to crack a joke. However, as evening came and you went to your balcony along with Yuki, you could feel some sadness in your tone, a certain weight in your eyes, which you tried to mask with a positive disposition.
It took one relatively calm night when Yuki started to realize what was actually happening. He always found himself coming out on the balcony to have a glimpse of you or how you are doing today, but that night, he saw you sitting on the corner of the balcony, bending your knees and pulling them to your chest, and gazing aimlessly at the horizon.
Yuki hesitated, unsure whether to say something. He didn’t want to intrude, but something about the way you were sitting—so still, unlike your usual self—made his chest tighten with concern.
“Hey,” he finally called out softly, not wanting to startle you. “Everything okay? ”
You didn’t respond right away. For a moment, Yuki thought you hadn’t heard him. But then you turned your head slowly, giving him a small, tired smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
But Yuki wasn’t convinced. He had seen that look before, in himself during his toughest times on the court, in teammates who were struggling but didn’t want to show it. It was the look of someone trying to keep it together when everything inside was falling apart.
“Are you sure? ”He pressed gently, leaning against the railing, trying to catch your gaze. “You don’t look fine.”
You let out a shaky breath and shrugged, your shoulders slumping in defeat. “I guess I’m not very good at hiding it anymore, huh? ”
Yuki’s heart clenched at the vulnerability in your voice. This wasn’t the cheerful, teasing person he had come to know. This was someone who was hurting, and he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.
“Do you want to talk about it?”He asked, his tone softer than usual, filled with a concern he didn’t often show.
For a moment, you were silent, as if weighing your options. Then you began to speak, haltingly at first, but then the words started to flow. You told him about how you had always been the “happy one,” the person everyone relied on to bring a smile to their face. But as night fell, when the world was quiet, you were left alone with your thoughts, and the weight of your own struggles would bear down on you. You spoke of the loneliness, the self-doubt, the fear that you weren’t good enough—that no one really saw the real you, the one hiding behind the cheerful facade.
Yuki listened quietly, his chest aching with every word you said. He had never seen this side of you before, and it broke his heart to know that you had been carrying this burden alone.
“I had no idea,” Yuki said softly when you finished, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this.”
You looked up at him, tears brimming in your eyes. “I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t want to be a burden.”
Yuki shook his head, his expression earnest. “You’re not a burden; you don’t have to go through this alone. I’m here for you, okay? Anytime you need someone to talk to, or even if you just need someone to sit with you, I’m here.”
For the first time that evening, a genuine smile touched your lips, though it was small and fragile. “Thank you, Yuki. That means a lot.”
From that night on, things changed between you and Yuki. He became more attuned to your moods and more present during your evening chats. He always made an effort to check on you, asking how you were doing. And in return, you began to open up more, sharing the parts of yourself that you had kept hidden for so long.
Yuki found himself becoming more protective of you, more determined to be there for you in the way you had been for him. He admired your strength and your resilience, but he also wanted you to know that it was okay to lean on someone else—to lean on him.
And as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the two of you grew closer. Yuki discovered that supporting you through your struggles made him feel more connected to you than ever. It wasn’t just about the fun, lighthearted moments anymore; it was about being there for each other through the highs and the lows.
One evening, as you both sat on your balconies, Yuki looked over at you and said, “You know, you’re not the only one with secrets.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? What else are you hiding, Mr. Serious Athletic? ”
Yuki chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. “Well, for one, I never told anyone how much I enjoy these silly dance sessions. Or how much I’ve come to appreciate our little balcony chats.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” you teased, though your smile was softer this time, more sincere.
“Deal,” Yuki agreed, holding out his pinky finger towards you.
You laughed, leaning over to hook your pinky with his, sealing the promise.
In that moment, Yuki realized just how much you had come to mean to him. You were more than just a neighbor, more than just a friend. You were someone he cared about deeply, someone he wanted to protect and support, no matter what.
And though he didn’t say it out loud, Yuki made a silent vow to himself that night: he would be there for you, always. No matter how tough things got, no matter how dark the nights became, you wouldn’t have to face it alone.
Because sometimes even the strongest people needed someone to lean on. And Yuki was determined to be that person for you.
Weeks had passed since that night when you opened up to Yuki about your struggles. Since then, your bond has grown stronger, deepening beyond the playful exchanges and shared secrets. The balcony had become your shared sanctuary—a place where walls came down and genuine connection flourished.
Yuki found himself looking forward to your evening chats more than ever. His days were often packed with rigorous training and high-stakes matches, but the thought of unwinding on the balcony with you kept him going. There was a warmth and comfort in your presence that he hadn't realized he craved.
One Friday evening, after a particularly grueling week, Yuki stepped out onto his balcony carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He glanced over at your side, a smile tugging at his lips as he saw you already there, bundled up in a cozy sweater, gazing up at the stars.
"Rough day?" you asked, noticing the tired lines etched on his face.
"You could say that," Yuki replied, offering one of the mugs over the railing. "Thought you could use this."
Your eyes lit up as you accepted the warm drink, your fingers brushing against his momentarily, sending a subtle spark through both of you.
"Look at you, being all thoughtful," you teased, taking a sip. The rich, sweet flavor warmed you from the inside out. "Mmm, this is perfect. Thanks, Yuki."
He smiled softly, leaning against the railing as he took a sip from his own mug. The night was crisp, and the city lights below twinkled like fallen stars.
A comfortable silence settled between you, both of you simply enjoying the peaceful moment. After a while, Yuki spoke up, his voice quiet.
"You know, I don't think I've ever been this comfortable with anyone before."
You glanced over at him, surprised by the sincerity in his tone. "Really? Not even with your teammates?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "They're great, but it's different. With you, I feel like I can be myself—all parts of myself. The serious athlete, the goofy dancer, everything."
Your cheeks warmed, and it wasn't just from the hot chocolate. "Well, I like all versions of you. Makes life more interesting."
Yuki's gaze lingered on you, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the city lights. There was something different in the way he was looking at you tonight—something deeper.
"I feel the same about you," he said softly. "You're always so full of life and positivity. Even when things are tough, you find a way to smile through it."
You looked down at your mug, swirling the liquid inside to avoid his piercing gaze. "It's easier when you have someone to share it with."
Another silence fell, this one charged with unspoken emotions. Yuki felt his heart beat a little faster, a realization slowly dawning on him. These feelings—this warmth, this yearning—it was more than just friendship.
He cleared his throat, attempting to steady his nerves. "Hey, I was thinking... there's this new exhibit at the art museum downtown. Would you maybe want to check it out with me tomorrow? I mean, if you're free."
You looked up, surprised but pleased by the invitation. "Are you asking me out on a date, Yuki Ishikawa?"
He hesitated for a split second before responding, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, that depends. Would you say yes if I was?"
A smile spread across your face, your eyes dancing with mirth. "I suppose I might be persuaded."
Yuki grinned, feeling a surge of excitement and relief. "Then yes, I'm asking you out on a date."
"Then yes, I'd love to go," you replied, your smile matching his.
The next day, Yuki found himself more nervous than he had been before any championship game. He dressed carefully, opting for a casual yet stylish look, and even took extra time to make sure his hair was just right. When he met you in the lobby, his breath caught in his throat. You looked stunning, your eyes bright, and a hint of nervousness mirroring his own.
The museum was bustling with people, but to Yuki, it felt like it was just the two of you. You wandered through the exhibits, discussing the art pieces, sharing jokes, and learning more about each other with every step.
At one point, you both stopped in front of a large painting depicting a serene landscape. The soft hues and tranquil scene seemed to envelop you in a bubble of calm.
"This one's beautiful," you murmured, your eyes fixed on the canvas.
"Yeah," Yuki agreed, though his gaze had shifted to you. "It really is."
You turned to find him looking at you, his expression tender and open. The air between you grew thick with anticipation, and for a moment, the world around you faded away.
Before either of you could second-guess it, Yuki leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull away if you wanted. But you didn't. You tilted your head up, meeting him halfway as your lips brushed softly against each other.
The kiss was gentle, sweet, and filled with unspoken promises. When you pulled apart, both of you were smiling, cheeks flushed, and hearts pounding.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while," Yuki confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Me too," you admitted, your eyes shining with happiness.
The rest of the day was a blur of laughter, stolen glances, and subtle touches. By the time you returned to your building, it was clear that something had shifted between you two. The friendship and camaraderie were still there, but now they were intertwined with a blossoming romance that felt as natural as breathing.
As you stood outside your respective doors, Yuki hesitated before speaking. "So, does this mean you'll stop threatening to expose my secret dance moves?"
You laughed, the sound making his heart soar. "Hmm, I think I might still hold that over your head. Keeps things interesting."
He chuckled, stepping closer and taking your hand in his. "I can live with that, as long as I get to take you out again."
"I'd like that," you replied, squeezing his hand gently.
From that day on, your evenings on the balcony took on a new dimension. There were still the playful dance-offs and shared stories, but now there were also soft kisses under the stars, whispered confessions, and the comforting presence of knowing you had someone to share both your joys and your struggles with.
Yuki found that being with you brought a balance to his life that he hadn't known he needed. You grounded him, made him laugh, and reminded him to enjoy the little moments amidst the chaos of his career. And in turn, he was there for you, offering support and love through both the light and dark times.
One night, as you cuddled together on his balcony, wrapped in a warm blanket and watching the city lights twinkle below, Yuki pressed a kiss to your forehead and murmured, "You make me incredibly happy, you know that?"
You looked up at him with your eyes filled with affection. "And you make me feel like I'm not alone anymore."
He smiled, pulling you closer. "You're not. We're in this together."
As the night enveloped you both, the sounds of the city fading into the background, you realized that sometimes the most unexpected connections could lead to the most beautiful love stories. And all it took was a shared balcony, a few secret dance moves, and the courage to let each other in.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Thinking about the “Usopp loves Darkwing Duck and Sanji loves Card Captor Sakura” thing from ages ago and now I’m imagining them going trough the hardest challenge a weeabo and a western animation geek can go trough: moving in together.
All the merchandise, the prints, the commissions they gave years ago and the buttons from various cons, it’s an actual nightmare for both of them to somehow try and find space for everything. Sanji hates Funko Pops with a passion, Usopp loves them. Sanji has a giant body pillow of some random anime girl and Usopp feels inadequate. The biggest issue however arrives when they try and decide where Sanjis collection of ero figurines is supposed to go. Sorry not sorry but you KNOW he has some of them. It’s actually not as bad as Usopp expected at first but it’s still a challenge to find a place for them because Usopp does NOT want them in the bedroom like Sanji used to have in his bachelor pad
They don’t talk to each other for what feels like ages (Twi hours maximum) and they finally make up when the guilt gets too much. They both compromise on each selling a few of the things they aren’t as invested in, Sanji agrees to move a few of his more risqué figures to a space where he gets to see them but they can easily be hidden if visitors come over, some of the more decent ones like the pinup one of a lady in the bathtub actually are tame enough to be put in a more open spot even Usopp has to admit (plus her sitting on the bathroom shelf surrounded by both of their soaps and haircare products looks quite cute actually). Usopp keeps most of the Funkos on his work desk at Sanjis request. It’s the nerdiest home ever with some clashing aesthetics but they make it work trough the power of love and because both of them are creative people who can incorporate that into their home space.
… also Usopp has started a game where he will just randomly replace his boyfriends figurines and wait for his boyfriend to notice. Like elf on the shelf but more elaborate and with anime or cartoon figurines. Currently Sakura is being carried away by a bunch of Pikmins in the shoe closet. Sanji has noticed she’s gone but hasn’t said anything because that’s not how the game works. He’s supposed to find her and then yell “GODDAMNIT SAKURA!” Before carrying her back to her spot…. He’s already planning his move though and has decided he’s gonna try and put Grunkle Stan in a glass of water in the freezer with a single lone ice Pikmin guarding him.
This is the realest, most accurate thing in the whole world. They'd move in together but they'd be a mess. They have... Very different tastes when it comes to games/shows and they obviously can't decide what to do with the space they have.
But! They also have things in common. The thing is... They like the content in different ways.
Usopp has a huge Alphonse figure. Beautiful. Next to his Gurren Lagann figurines and so, so many robots. So many mechas. He has the three Gravity Falls diaries. All the Ducktales comics. Darkwing Duck was just the start because he's also a huge DC fan and has so much Batman merch. He's got this extremely awesome replica of Junpei's sword from P3. Everything is high quality and he's very, very careful with his merch. He has his own fanarts in a sketchbook and nobody is allowed to touch his games and his consoles. From Play Station to all types of Nintendos. He has so many damn Funko Pops of everything. Typical "For the last time, Sanji, I keep them inside the box because the box is also part of the merch what aren't you understanding-". Not to mention that he's a huge Lord of The Rings fan and he definitely plays D&D and he's also a botanist so you can only imagine how their house looks like-- So many plants-- Forest aesthetic. Except their front door that looks exactly like the Tardis because Usopp was dying to do that ever since he was a kid, and when he showed Sanji the show he fell in love with it and let him do it.
Sanji likes the same stuff but he has a very explicit Lust figure. Next to his adorable Nia and Yoko figurines and so so so so so many cute simple merch. Like keychains and stickers. I am 100% sure Sanji has Gravity Falls pajamas and Ducktales too that nobody but Usopp knows about. I think one of the only man figurines he has is a Starlord one and maybe Shazam merch, but he's more of a Superman type of guy. He saw Lois Lane and fell in love with her instantly. He has a Mitsuru figurine riding her bike and one of Chidori and Junpei he doesn't let anybody touch. That's precious to him. He asks Usopp to draw him stuff and that's why Usopp is always late to his commissions because his boyfriend suddenly wants to be drawn next to Senshi cooking. Sanji doesn't like Funkos but he does like Nendoroids and Usopp hates it because they're so fucking expensive and Sanji is always crying in the background ("But- But-" / "Sanji, we've talked about this-" / "But this little Miku is so cute!"). Sanji also plays videogames but he's more of an Animal Crossing/Cooking Mama/Stardew Valley type of guy. So many Dating Sims, too. Also the Sims, he loves that.
Their bookshelf is a mix between shoujos and so so many shonens but mostly cooking books and artbooks. So many DC comics too. I feel like both of them prefer DC tbh, Usopp is just Batman and Sanji likes Superman and instead of fighting about it they just admit they're really gay for each other. They do watch Marvel movies, though. Sanji really, really, really likes Spider-man and it's funny because he has arachnophobia and he cannot watch the damn movies without shaking when a spider shows up-- Usopp has Miles' jacket and Nikes I am so so sure. While Sanji probably has a Gwen poster in his room.
They argue a lot when it comes to how to use the space they have but!! Sometimes Sanji walks out of their room to make breakfast with Usopp's Batman t-shirt. And sometimes Usopp uses Sanji's Kero themed hair ties to tie his hair. And... They wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
They're also the type to watch/play anything together and go "Hey they're just like us fr" so now they have their house full of ship merch because those ships remind them of them,,, Those are the true romantic gestures.
Edit: Forgot to say Sanji has all of Taylor Swift's CDs and Vinyls and he's a very intense swiftie that makes Usopp wake up at ungodly hours to hear the new albums, while Usopp is like "I guess she's okay??? She's alright idk" because he literally only listens to movie/game soundtracks, indie shit and Cavetown. They both listen to Vocaloid though that is true. I was there. Project Sekai players that's what they are (Sanji does it for the cute girls but ends up staying because the characters are a bit too relatable and Usopp just really likes rhythm games)
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Fools – Seungmin
Seungmin x girlfriend Weeekly's Soojin, circa September 2022
Seungmin and Soojin challenged themselves by casually dropping hints about their relationship, but then the fans actually picked them up and sparked a rumor that was in fact true.
The idea first came on the last night of September, which they spent by having dinner together in a private room of a barbecue place. 
"How do you think our fans would react to us dating?" Seungmin wondered out loud. 
Soojin, who was previously lying down on the floor next to Seungmin, sat up and shot him an incredulous look. "Why the sudden thought?" 
Seungmin shrugged. "Don't know, it just crossed my mind. You know how weird that place can be sometimes." 
"That I do know," she chuckled. 
With no particular goal in mind, Seungmin continued his train of thoughts. "Stays are quite cool with us dating, I think. Remember when Minho hyung got caught going on a date with Iris noona earlier this year? I think most Stays supported him, even though he decided not to confirm yet." 
Soojin didn't offer any responses to that. In fact, she didn't seem to hear him at all; she had a distant look on her face and her fingers started playing with the hem of her hoodie, all signs of her being deep in thought. 
"Don't mull over it," Seungmin laughed, tugging at her sleeve. "It was just a passing thought." 
She didn't seem to hear that either, so Seungmin just let her be and waited until she snap out of her thoughts – which she did only seconds later. She straightened up and faced Seungmin entirely, both legs crossed underneath her. "Let's challenge ourselves." 
Seungmin regarded her with a wary look. "Why do I get a weird feeling about this challenge already?" 
"Come on, it's just for fun! We hardly ever have the chance to have fun these days." 
"And how am I supposed to believe that you were once shy?" 
She laughed, inching forward to brush his bangs off his face before resting both of her hands on his shoulders. "Are you gonna hear me out or no?" 
He let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. What do you have in mind?" 
She shook his shoulders a little. "Let's drop some hints for the fans, see if they can pick them up and figure it out." 
Seungmin frowned. "As in hints about us?" 
"Yeah! Nothing major, just subtle clues here and there. Just for the fun of it." 
"Fun," he echoed. It was such a weird idea of fun, to try to leak their own relationship. But then again, weird was their common denominator after all, the main reason why the two of them worked out really well, so he really shouldn't be surprised by how weird her idea of fun was. 
Unless... "Is it really just for fun, or is this your way of pitching the idea of us going public?" 
It took Soojin aback. Her fingers, who were still hanging out on both of his shoulders and were fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt, stilled immediately. "No," she said a second later. "I mean, I would like to go public, perhaps some time later, but not now. I'm happy with what we have right now. So yeah, it'll be just for fun." 
Seungmin felt some weight he didn't realize before was lifted off his heart; he wasn't sure why, but apparently he got nervous waiting for Soojin's response about going public. "Alright." 
Now it was her turn to get nervous. "Does it sound fun to you? We can just forget I said anything – " 
"No," he quickly said, because despite his initial doubt, the idea did start to sound fun to him; they had the same type of weird after all. "Yeah, let's do it. It feels like pulling a prank for Stays and Daileees." 
Soojin narrowed her eyes at him. "And you're not just saying this to make me feel good?" 
"Oh, I have better ways to make you feel good than pretending to enjoy things I don't find funny." 
"Yah!" She shoved him away by his shoulders, though not unkindly. Despite the rather violent gesture, her cheeks still turned faint red, which Seungmin found endearing. "Okay, so how do we do this?" 
Seungmin already had one thing in mind. "I think we can start by sending out similar Bubble messages around the same time. It's only obvious if someone subscribes to both your and my Bubble, which I think is a rather slim chance. What do you think?" 
And so it went. Similar messages turned into similar song recommendation, which turned into similar talking and typing style. It really was fun and definitely gave the two of them a lot of good laughs from the feeling of fooling the rest of the world – until one practice session in which he arrived last and his members were all shooting him identical wide-eyed looks. 
"Kim Seungmin, what did you do?" 
"Can't believe he's next to be rumored after Lee Minho!" 
"Yah, Kim Seungmin, you're such a fool." 
"What?" Seungmin looked around the room, confused. "What are you guys talking about?" 
Jeongin was kind enough to hand him his phone, though not without a heartfelt: "Hyung, you're an idiot." 
Seungmin received the phone and looked at the article displayed on the screen. 
Netizens ask if Stray Kids' Seungmin and Weeekly's Soojin are dating 
His first response was to laugh. "Wow, they actually picked it up." 
"What do you mean, picked it up?" Chris demanded. "Kim Seungmin, did you do this on purpose?" 
Under seven scrutinizing glares from his members, Seungmin explained how and why the whole thing started, and what were the things he and Soojin had done to tease fans with the news. As he went on, the seven similar glares started becoming more diverse: a shocked one from Chris and Jeongin, amused snickers from Minho and Changbin, and roaring laughter from the rest. 
"You brought this one by yourself, then," Felix said once his chuckles receded. 
"Unbelievable," Chris grumbled. "I already told you to be careful and you purposefully gave out hints? You're unbelievable." 
"The managers will call a meeting soon," Minho said – reciting his own experience, Seungmin realized. "Possibly right after this practice session, while we're all still together. You need to have a stance on what you want to do about this, because they'll ask and you actually have a say on that. The next step will depend on what you want to do." 
Before he could answer, his own phone ring, announcing a call from Soojin herself. Seungmin turned to Minho as the person in charge of their dance practices. "Can I – " 
The second eldest nodded before Seungmin could finish. "Go. We'll start without you." 
Seungmin went out of the room to the fortunately deserted hallway outside and took the call. "Hi there." 
"Am I interrupting practice?" 
"No," he told her. "Minho hyung gave me time to speak with you." 
"So you've seen the article?" 
"The members brought it to my attention, yeah." 
There was a second of silence, then Soojin let out a chuckle that sounded genuinely amused. "Can't believe they actually put the things together." 
Her casual demeanor flooded Seungmin with waves of relief. He was worried she would freak out and panic – which would be totally understandable – but she could still see the humor out of the situation, which was the reason why they did this in the first place anyway. She really did match his weird. "Right? It's impressive, really." 
Soojin hummed in agreement. "I'm meeting with my team to discuss this soon, though, and I want to know your thoughts first." 
"Yeah, Minho hyung mentioned it too." Seungmin sighed, the gravity of the situation starting to weigh on him. "What do you think?" 
"Yah, I asked you first!" 
"And I want to hear you first," he chuckled. 
Soojin tsk-ed at his remark, but then fell silent into her thinking mode. "I'm not sure, jagi," she finally said. "I mean, I don't want to deny the relationship allegation because that would also mean denying you, but still, I'm not sure if it's time to tell the world yet, you know? Don't get me wrong – I'd love to announce you to the world," she added hastily, to which Seungmin laughed. "It's just... I'm not sure how will it look for my group and my members. You may not relate to it because you're our seniors, but I feel we're still at a delicate stage on our carreer, and I don't know if it will be wise if I were to go public now, when we still have a lot to achieve." 
Seungmin was nodding along. "That's a good consideration." 
"You think so?" 
"Yeah, of course." It honestly made him fall for her even more, he thought, how much she put her group and her members first before her own desires. "We keep us to ourselves for now then, yeah? Neither confirm nor deny, just let it die on its own?" 
"Sounds good to me." Despite not being able to see her, Seungmin knew she was smiling. "Jagi-ya?" 
"Do you think our fans are that smart, or we're just being too easy with the hints?" 
Seungmin laughed. "Nah, they really are smart and eagle-eyed. We are fools for trying to tease them." 
"I didn't regret it, though. It really was fun." 
Maybe they were fools, he thought, but they were fools in love, fools with the same type of weird. And to be able to have those weird jokes that only the two of them could enjoy, Seungmin thought he wouldn't mind being a fool after all. "I didn't regret it, too." 
It was briefly mentioned that Minho got caught on a date with Iris and their relationship almost got exposed; I will cover the details later, so stick around?
previously on
Find more whispers around Seungmin & Soojin and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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