#i hope andrew tate dies in jail fr
callingallcars · 2 years
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papirouge · 2 years
I hope tate stays in prison and rots. He moved to romania, made a mockery of how the police can be bribed there so he could get away with anything, bounced around, then got beaten up in moldova with his brother for trying to pick up local girls there (remember when he converted to islam? And only talked about how only women were going to hell Lmao all haram what he was doing but whatever), then left for Dubai to brag about laws there being so perfect (hot bed for sex trafficking by men there too) only to come back to Romania, harass a teenager because shes focused on the environment on twitter and get his ass handed to him by not only her but the LOCAL POLICE OF ROMANIA FOR SEX TRAFFICKING God is good and his timing is perfect lmaooo
God is sooo good tbh. It was such a good year for Black women too since several media figures who publicly disrespected us got into serious trouble this year:
Kevin Samuel, a Black incel guru, who made his entire branding on dunking on Black women got found dead after having sex with a prostitute. What a tragic end for a man who mocked Black women for being ugly, masculine and fated to end alone. But ultimately dude is the one who died wasted, alone, found by a prostitute in a hotel room. Tragic🤍
Nikita Dragun, a transwoman who is known to say transwomen look better than real women and argued women stole their style from transwomen, and once made a "Imagine being Black? I could never" tweet, got jailed in a MALE prison after assaulting police officers (thank God such a menace wasn't allowed in a women's prison)
Tory Lanez found guilty for shooting Megan Thee Stalion💅🏾 As a reminder, Megan has been clowned for years over this, with incels and brainwashed women saying she lied, never got shot, etc.
2022 has been avenging Black women left and right and I'm really grateful for that🤍
Back to Tate.
I'm absolutely APPEALED by the amount of conservatives and antis obsessively using Epstein and Ghislaine as some sort of gotcha to deflect from whatever is coming for Tate. A few days ago I already called out Conservatives lack of consistency when it came to call out evil doers depending on whether they were favoring them or not. That's why then went off against Kim for the whole Balenciaga scandal, while not peeping a word about Kanye who was as much linked to this company since he ran catwalk for them a few months prior to this fiasco.
By frantically being like "b-but what about Ghislaine/Prince Andrew!!!" they show that they don't care about sexual trafficking/pedo networks, otherwise, they wouldn't downplay the fact that one (alleged) offender responsible over the fact that others are roaming free. Yes, other criminals have to be prosecuted, but people aren't allowed to celebrate one being down?? Should we, like, prosecute Everyone offender in the same time so yall finally stop deflecting on anothers to downplay such achievement?? "bUt wHat abOut EpSTeIn LiSt???" Tate is THE list. Those idiots are so hyperfocused on Epstein they can't remotely handle the fact that several networks can coexist🤦🏾‍♀️
Tate being jailed doesn't mean no other offender isn't going to get busted anyway but these people looooove acting like people couldn't care about more than one predator. "people rejoicing at Tate have been reaaal silent about Ghislaine/Epstein" is such a retarded strawman that is easily disproven by the fact that there are countless of people (and yes, even Liberals/Leftists) actually who exposed this scandal and have bee asking for names....
And let's not forget how these idiots don't seems to understand that the Romania police did it's job by arresting an offender on its own soil. Why do they feel the need to talk about Ghislaine or prince Andrew when they're not Romanian citizens or on this country soil... If they have a problem with the UK or US police system not investigating their own share of offenders, they should address their grievances to their own police system and stop trying to deflect from the achievement of the Romanian police or bothering twitter users for not doing enough when this is the police job to bust criminals, not random netizens....
Look how they're defending Tate saying he "allegedly" sex trafficked people, when they've been arguing for years some people were straight up pedophiles just based off their name being on Epstein travel logs..... Sorry but the math ain't mathing : if you have the energy to argue someone is a pedophile bc they ordered pizza and travelled along Epstein, than you shouldn't be wishy washy to call Tate a sex trafficker with all the evidence that is around, especially when dude is pretty open about what he's doing (migrating to Romania itself is indeed super sus).
Tbh this hypocrisy is what's angering me more than Tate and his antics. Tate is an idiot but seeing other idiots acting like they were soooo much smarter than everyone in the room because they refuse to see the obvious is absolutely infuriating. They are so far up their own b*tthole they can't even manage to see the light of reason SMH
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