#i have probably overused this in various wips lol
geode-crystal · 2 days
Fantasy whump I never see enough: the moment the shield breaks.
A magical shield cracking like glass under a powerful attack, shattering into thousands of shards.
Metal being cut or burned straight through.
The one thing that was supposed to protect you just not being enough.
Bonus points if the character was trying to shield someone else. And maybe they get hurt instead.
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thaleiathorne · 1 year
I probably should make an “about me” for my tumblr. (I hate DNI lists but i might make one bc even my proshitter ass has things I cannot stand.) I am going to try to post my wips/ here to encourage me to stop using elon musk’s bird app.
Title: marvel of the arcane
This is another annette character study with the focus on her wind magic spells. It was originally written for my wind/lighting prompt but then quickly turned into something very different lol. I am trying to practice on how to describe how the magic of the universe is practiced. And while i know everyone has fun writing sword fights i am way more interested in how the deadly magic is in the universe. I want to take tid bits from skills as well, and create more lore about the why certain spells can be cast by certain people. (Ex Annette cannot cast dark magic; but someone like Hubert cannot cast Wind spells. And like how certain types of magic are stronger/weaker against other types)
“She learns Sagittae next.
She spends most of her time studying the etymology of the spell. Where the rune comes from, the different applications, the various different formulas, and the primary accounts from the first spellcasters who developed the Sagittae in the first place. The word Sagittae comes from an ancient language which means Arrows. The notes from the textbook caution that enchantment can have significant repercussions from overuse, and that it is a spell very difficult to control.
Of course, Annette ignores these warnings when casually trying to mimic the gesture of rune in the confines of her dorm room.
Suddenly, a burst of light blinds Annette as she accidentally casts the spell for the first time. A rush of arrows encased by powerful winds detonates from her fingers, the blowback harshly shoving her into the wooden frame of her bed. The impact shatters all the windows in a moment, the ink pots erupting, study reference pages flying, the wood from her desk sharply snapping in half. It is the most powerful spell she has ever attempted to cast, and it easily destroyed her bedroom like it was nothing.
Annette is heaving deep breaths as she takes in the aftermath of the destruction. She peers at her arms, covered in small cuts, her bedroom thoroughly wrecked and all because of a spell she foolishly accidentally cast.
Mercedes eventually bursts into her bedroom with a worried cry and attempts to gather the injured mage in her warm embrace. All Annette can do is shake, as she tries to imagine what the kind of damage that spell could do to a person. With discipline, with training, and better accuracy the raw power of a blast like that would be lethal in close range. She has seen what magic does to the human body, how it breaks armor, how it can wipe out entire battalions, how it can melt skin.
She hopes she will never have to use that against anyone who does not deserve it.
She is wrong, of course, because who deserves such a gruesome death?”
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ilgattopatata · 7 years
Tagged by @aftgonice YO! ty!!
Rules: Answer the questions for your work. You can use different fics, and even WIPs. Don’t hesitate to link your stuff for the curious ones :) And tag writer friends to play along!
 1/ Which scene/paragraph/sentence are you the most proud of?
LMAO It’s hard for me to say that there’s something I’m proud of but. This is from a /almost) finished thing that I’m gonna publish in a couple of days for Sheith month
Shiro’s lips were chapped and dry and they tasted like the desert. His hands burned on Keith’s cheeks. There had been a lot of things Shiro had not expected. He hadn’t expected to escape from the Galra. He hadn’t expected to become a paladin. He had not expected to fall for Keith, so hard that he had become his reason to push through everything, just to spend another day by his side.
And now Keith was there, and he loved him, and after a long, long time Shiro finally felt in the right place and, even just for a moment, free from his demons.
2/ For which work/piece of work do you get comments telling how marvelous it is, while you’re not that enthralled by that piece yourself?
Eeeeeh, I haven’t published a lot of stuff and there’s nothing that’s actually popular, soooo… I can’t really answer this question XD
3/ Which character highjacked the story they’re in?
Keith (from Voltron) in a one-shot I wrote a while back… I was trying to make it at least a bit Klancey, but Keith wouldn’t stop being devastated for Shiro’s disappearance lol
4/ Which sentence/kind of sentence do you overuse?
Is there something that I don’t overuse? I think my writing is pretty repetitive. I probably use way too many adverbs, smirks and cheeky smiles, hands resting on various body parts and the likes… The usual cheesy stuff, because I’m too boring to actually come up with something original
5/ Which work of yours would you be dying to get fanart for?
Definitely Lovely Ghost. If I had the skills to do it, I would personally draw a few scenes, but I can already barely write, so…
6/ Which work would you rather forget?
AAHAHAHH OH BOY a lot of stuff. But those are fanfics I wrote on an Italian site, so no one will find them. Honestly, I cringe when I think about my old writing
7/ Do you have a project you never got the nerves/guts to write?
Well, there’s a Yuri on Ice - Monster AU I talked about a while back, that is still sitting in my drafts, and I’m always like “one day… one day I’ll come for you”
8/ For which fandom have you written the most? (can be original fic, say if you count in terms of words, chapters or fics)
If I take into consideration the stuff I wrote for PJO, it’s probably a tie between that fandom and Yuri on Ice, but I honestly don’t want to check… I just want to forget those fics…
Buuuut I don’t know who to tag, so if anyone wants to do this, feel free!!
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