#i got a couple questions wrong on 2 and 3 and was immediately just
actual-lea · 7 days
Congrats on winning MH trivia! I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that you would walk away with that one.
THANK YOU but also shoutout to Mia for winning the season 2 trivia!!
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miley1442111 · 3 months
the problem with arguing
a/n: Hi, this is my first story, any constructive criticism is welcomed. This had not been properly edited nor read through because icba lmao :) also I wrote it for a fem!reader but I don't think there's much mention other than Jack calling reader 'mom' so... yeah :)
pairings: aaron hotchner x reader, platonic BAUteam x reader, motherly(If that's a word?)reader x teen!jack hotchner
summary: aaron and you are in a fight, but what happens when a meeting with a witness goes south?
warnings: criminal minds levels of violence, angst, fluff, couple fighting, reader in distress, reader getting injured, mentions of knives, mentions of being stabbed, mentions of being tied up, mentions of hospitals, mentions of killing, mentions of general injury, mentions of guns/shooting, minimal use of y/n.
1.6k + words.
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“We’re here, we’ll update you if anything comes of it,” Morgan promises Hotch over the phone as we walk to the front porch of one of our witnesses. Something about his story is messed up and we were the unlucky ones who had to go talk to him. It’s a pretty house I guess, a little expensive for what a 26 year old man could afford, and what he would want to buy. It’s all fifties style, the entire estate is. Big-enough bungalows with pastel walls and inviting doors with a small porch, just enough for the entry-way and a chair. I knock on the door, exhausted from the past 72 hours. Aaron and I got in a fight before we got to Ohio, it was unnecessary, but we fought all the same. He was mad at me for giving Jack advice that led to a fight between them. I just wanted to kiss and make up 3 days ago but he won’t budge. Maybe it’s because he knows I’m right and doesn’t want to confront it or maybe it’s because I took it too far and overstepped. Jack calls me ‘mom’, I live with him, and Jack came to me for support, he wanted guidance and I gave him it. He was mad at his dad because he missed meeting his girlfriend. His girlfriend, Ava, was a lovely girl, I had been the one there when Jack brought her over for dinner, I was the one trying to suss out if they actually liked each other, and I was the one Jack sat down with for 2 hours after and told everything about her to. All because Aaron was too busy with paperwork in his study. Jack was hurt, which is difficult to do because he’s such an understanding 16 year-old boy. It was also hard because I saw both sides. I’ll be the first to admit that what Aaron did was wrong, but our job is hard and demanding, especially his since he’s the leader of our team… But Jack just wanted 2 hours of his time, not even, just a dinner. A dinner to meet his girlfriend, and Aaron still couldn’t make it. 
I knock again as I huff. 
“Everything alright?” Morgan asks, the regular playful glint in his eye. 
“Tired, mad, over this job. You?” I sigh. 
“Sounds about right,” He chuckles. “How’s Jack doing?” 
A smile spreads across my face. “He has a girlfriend,” Morgan’s face lights up in a smile. 
“My man,” He smirks and I chuckle. “You two met her yet?” 
My face drops again. “I have, Aaron… couldn’t make it to the dinner though. She’s lovely, perfect for Jack. It's so funny, it’s just opposites attract. Jack is so sporty and outspoken and she’s one of the quieter, more into her studies kind of person.” 
The door swings open and we’re met with David, our witness. 
“You two know what time it is?” He yawns. 
“Oh trust us, we know,” Morgan sighs. “Can we ask you a few more questions?” 
“It’s 10pm at night? Can’t this wait ‘till the morning?”
“It’ll only take a few minutes,” I reassure. 
He looks between us for a moment, then sighs. “Quickly.”
We walk inside and are immediately hit with an awful smell. I know that smell. That’s when I see it, a body.
And that’s when it all goes black. 
I wake up in a new room, tied to a chair. I don’t see Derrick anywhere. I don’t see David anywhere. I’m all alone in this grey room. I don’t see a door but I notice a camera, and a screen in front of me. I see Penelope on the screen, then a sign above it with “Don’t make noise” scribbled. I look to my left and see a plastic window, I see Morgan through it, tied up too. He sees me. 
“Y/n? Y/n?! Where are you?” Penelope squeals. I shake my head and she picks up her phone and tries calling mine, it rings and I feel something go into my side. I scream out in pain as I see the blood start trickling out of me. Penelope drops her phone, then picks it up, dialling someone else’s number. 
I get switched to a joint call with Penelope, and the rest of the team, excluding Aaron. 
“Y/n?” Spencer asks and I nod, sobbing in pain. Spencer runs off-screen, leaving Jj and Emily to stare in horror at me.
Spencer comes back with Aaron and we make eye-contact through the screen, and he starts breaking. He’s shouting orders at the policemen in the precinct, he’s shouting orders at the team, and he’s trying not to cry. I know that. I also know I’m the only one who knows that. He hides it pretty well but not from me, not after all of our years together. His eyes squint, his eyebrows furrow more than usual, he starts biting at the skin around his nails. 
“We’re coming to find you. We will find you,” he promises me. I nod slowly as the pain in my side becomes unbearable as the knife is pulled out. 
“Is Morgan with you?” Emily asks and I nod as I bite my lip until it bleeds to stop myself from making too much noise. 
“Is he in the room with you?” Spencer asks. 
I shake my head no. After what feels like an eternity of yes or no questions, they think they’ve located us.I hear banging on the door and then it opens. Spencer is standing there with an entire Swat team behind him. I shake my head to tell them to not make noise but they talk anyway and another knife is put into my leg, I don’t have the strength to stay quiet this time and another finds its way into my arm. I pass out.��
I wake up in a hospital bed, an IV in my arm, Aaron on one side and Jack on the other. Aaron’s asleep in a chair on my left, I grimace, knowing his back will hurt. 
“Mom?!” Jack exclaims as he sees me open my eyes. “Mom!” His eyes fill with tears as he gets up and wraps his arms around me on the bed. 
“Jack,” I sigh in relief. 
“You’re okay! You’re awake!” He smiles brightly, happy that I’m alive. 
Aaron wakes up from the commotion and rushes to my side. “Honey?” He takes my hand and squeezes. “You’re okay.”
I smile at both of them. 
“I’ll go get the doctor,” Jack smiles and he rushes off to find a doctor. 
“Honey I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-” He starts but I cut him off. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too,” he sighs, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Don’t go all soft now Aaron,” I joke. 
“You make me soft,” He smiles and presses a soft kiss to my cheek. 
Jack comes back in with a doctor. She tells me that I lost a lot of blood and that I will be out of the field for a few months, with 2 weeks of mandatory bedrest, then 4 weeks of physical therapy. 
The next day, the team come in to visit. 
“Hey,” Spencer smiles, walking in first. I’ve always been close to Spencer, he’s always felt like a little brother to me. 
“Hey,” I smile and wince when I hug him, but I know it’s worth it. The rest of the team filter in, smiles on their faces.“So what happened after I went out?”
“Well, they got me, no injuries apart from a concussion,” Morgan says. 
“We got the guy-” Emily starts.
“Aaron got the guy,” Spencer interrupts. “He saw him and just shot him-”
“And then he beat the crap out of him,” Jj says. “It was pretty intense.”
I nod along as they tell me the story, and then we just talk about whatever until Aaron comes in and says visiting hours are over. Spencer leaves me a few more books to read and Jj brings Jack to Ava’s house for the night. Aaron walks in with my dinner on a tray. 
“Hungry?” He smiles. 
“You shot someone for me?” I ask as he places my tray down.
I roll my eyes and smile at him. “Is he alive?”
My face drops. “Oh.” 
“It was the combined bleeding and head trauma that killed him.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I did.” 
I look at my food. “I understand you wanted to protect me-”
“I did that because he doesn’t get to live after doing this to you. Honey, you and Jack are the most important people in my life and I would do anything if it meant that you were safe and sound. Do you want to know how it felt to have what could’ve been my last words to you be ‘stop bothering me’? I was an asshole to you over the Jack situation because I knew you were right. I knew it wasn’t fair to not go to dinner when I was in the house. I knew it was important and it just felt too real. It felt like he was growing up and I just couldn’t take it because I missed so much of his childhood! So I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry that I said everything I said and did what I did, but I am not sorry about hurting that fucking monster,” He takes a deep breath. “Now eat up, it’ll go cold.”
“I love you Aaron, it’s ok. It wasn’t your fault, being a parents is hard.” 
His eyes fill with tears and he looks at me like an injured puppy. 
“Come here,” I smile and move over, allowing room for him to sit with me. He climbs into bed beside me and wraps his arms around me, being careful of my wounds. 
“I love you,” he whispers as I slowly eat my food. 
“I love you too.”
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Angst
I needed something that would break my heart and shred it to pieces so I came up with this.
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“Yes, chérie.” He had fallen asleep face down on the couch as soon as he came home. The meeting with the team was supposed to take 2-3 hours but it ended up taking half a day so he had to rush home because he had another interview next morning. You felt so bad waking him up but your period had came early and you ran out of heating pad and tampons.
“Can you head to the store—“
“Can’t it wait?” You could clearly see he was annoyed and your words became a murmur. “I just came back not even for 30 minutes.”
“I know, but…”
“I’ll get whatever you need tomorrow, chérie. Let me sleep. Please.”
So you let him be.
You couldn’t sleep that night. Your period cramp was getting worse and you desperately needed a heating pad, a painkiller, and anything that would help to soothe the pain. Your head was throbbing, you felt nauseous, laying down felt wrong, standing up made it worse. You tried to wake up your boyfriend but again, before you could say anything, he had left the room and locked himself in the guest room so you won’t be able to disturb his sleep. And you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You changed into an oversized sweatshirts and short yoga pants then walked out of the apartment. You couldn’t drive and it was better to have to walk for 25 minutes than to crash into someone else’s car.
You had always loved an evening stroll around the city but you would always feel anxious if your boyfriend wasn’t with you. Which was why you couldn’t go by yourself in the first place.
The walk was a pleasant one. Much to your surprise. You saw a group of people who had just finished their night shifts, a number of tourists taking pictures, and just full of humans being humans. You had reached the store in no time and got yourself some pain-relievers and a new heating pad.
“Thank you! You are Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” The old man asked as he put the items into a plastic bag.
“Ah, yes.” You were surprised as you didn’t really get this kind of question a lot.
“I knew it. I have seen you guys together a few times. Such a beautiful couple.” He handed you the plastic bag.
“Ah, thank you. I’ll get going first. Have a pleasant night, sir.” You took the items from his hand and started making your way back, trailing the steps you took all the way home.
“Move away!”
Things would have ended in a perfect way if it wasn’t for a random man who came from the upper side of the road. He didn’t get to hit on the break before crashing on you. You saw him coming your way but before you could moved away, he and his bike had already fallen on top of you. The pedal from the bicycle was still gliding as it crashed on you, causing the sharp bit to cut the skin on your knee. The hit sent you to fall on your back and you were trying to stop the fall but the crash was too hard that you could feel a huge pressure on your wrist as it landed on the pavement. The bicycle handle then hit on your forehead as it fell so now you had a bruise on your forehead and a cut on the side of your lips from the sudden punch from the man as he tried to stop himself from falling on his face.
“I’m so so sorry. I’m really sorry, miss.” The guy started scrambling to stand up and offered a hand to pull you up to a stance.
“Ow..” You immediately retracted your right hand when you felt the jolt of pain as he pulled on it.
“Oh, no I think you might have sprained your wrist. Give me your other hand. I’m so sorry my brake wasn’t working I really thought I could turn away before crashing on you.” He pulled you on your left hand which made you stand on both of your feet now. “You are bleeding. There’s a clinic nearby, I’ll take you there.”
Charles were woken up when his throat was dry and he was parched. It was when he turned his body to the side was when he recalled that he had left you because you woke him up a while ago. Guilt started to fill up his heart as he stood up and left the guest room. He was expecting to see you on the bed but he was greeted with an empty one.
“Shit…” He whispered and ran to get his phone to call you. Much to his dismay, the call went straight to your voicemail. “Fuck! Where are you, Y/N.”
“Oh, my. What happened to you, pretty girl.” The old man from the store earlier was surprised when you walked back into the store now looking like you were beaten up for the past 20 minutes.
“I’m so sorry for bugging you, sir. Can I borrow your phone? I need to call my boyfriend.” You had walked back into the store with the man who crashed into you, Lucas was the name as he went to buy a drinking water for you and waited outside as you made your call.
“Hello?” You heard your boyfriend’s voice through the phone. It was a relief he would picked up a call from a random number.
“Charles..” You tried to speak without crying but failed as your eyes started tearing up even before you could explain to him.
“Y/N? Where are you?” You could hear him getting restless.
“I am at the store down the street. Can you come and get me?”
“Stay. I’ll be there in 5.”
Charles was staggered when he saw you full of cuts and bruises. Your sweatshirts had some bloodstain on it and you were still sobbing.
When he took you home, he didn’t say anything but you knew he was mad because he kept on biting the inside of his cheeks and he only did that when he was furious.
“What was that for, Y/N?” He slammed the door as you walked in.
“I was just trying to…” You sniffed softly and wiped your wet cheeks with your sleeves, unable to look at him in the eyes.
“You were trying to what? Playing games with me? Or is this some kind of revenge because I didn’t want to go to the store to get your what? Chocolate? You couldn’t even fucking wait until tomorrow?” You took a step back when he kept on raising his voice, your hand that was holding the plastic bag was shaking within every sob.
“I’m sorry…” You sniffled again, eyes still looking on the floor.
“Or was it your plan though? To embarrass me like that in front of everyone? To show everyone how bad of a boyfriend I am?” He stepped closer and for the first time, you were scared of him.
“What happened to your phone?”
“It ran out of battery..” You mumbled.
“Great. Now you are telling me it was a coincidence? That you just fucking left the house with a dead phone? It wasn’t because you tried to make it harder for me to find you? He threw his car key away to which you flinched.
“I can’t believe you would go that far just because you couldn’t get what you want. You are fucking spoil.” Charles was dazed by his own words. He didn’t know what had gotten into him but he was so tired and he expected you to understand him instead of pulling a show at 3AM. But he didn’t thought he would blow up to this extend. He regretted saying every words he had thrown to you but when he thought back about those looks he got from the strangers when he went to pick you up, he was demented with anger again thinking that you were secretly smiling at how successful your plan were to get back at him.
You looked up to him in shock at his words, your tears are now flowing non stop you didn’t even bother to wipe them off. “I…” Charles cut you off before you could say anything.
“Just go and change your clothes, Y/N. We are done here. Go!” He yelled out and you scurried to the bathroom to wash your face, leaving the plastic bag on the dining table.
When you stepped out of the bathroom, you saw Charles on the bed. He had his arm covering his eyes. He wasn’t asleep yet because you could still see how tense he was so you tried to take your change of clothes in silent before quickly head out of the room.
Charles thought you would have climbed on the side of the bed to sleep. But he didn’t think you would leave the room. First thing that came to his mind was the guest room. He thought you were so upset with him that you chose to sleep in the guest room. He couldn‘t understand why you were upset now. Obviously he was the one who should be mad. He wasn’t the one who went to that extend to play revenge. You started it first.
But he didn’t hear the door close. You could never sleep with the door open. Charles only heard the soft sound of a coffee mug hitting the other glasses. It was so soft and slow, as if you were trying to hide the sound from him.
It was hard to do things with one hand. The doctor had to wrap your wrist with a bandage because the sprain was really bad. You couldn’t even use your right hand. Even taking yourself a glass of water was a difficult task but you needed to take the pain-reliever pill or you won’t be able to sleep. Your head was still hurting. Every part of your body was in pain but it wasn‘t as much as the pain of your heart. You were still crying, sobbing, but you tried to hide every sniffle in case Charles would yell at you again.
Charles saw the way you were struggling to take out the pill, some sort of medicine with one hand and he could feel his heart clenching in pain. Why would you go this far just because he couldn’t go to the store. Why would you even hurt yourself just to make him feel bad. He was upset that you could do this to yourself just to wreak vengeance on him. He watched you struggled to drink from the mug and still chose to wash it off as you cleaned the table and even put his car key away, the key that he thrown away in anger earlier. He saw you struggled to walk, trying not to put much weight on the leg with the cut and hurried back to the room before you could see him.
Charles walked back out when he heard you finally closed the door to the guest room and went back to the kitchen to check on the medicine that he saw you took earlier. Soon as he saw what was inside the plastic bag, he felt like there was a tons of rock being thrown on him at one time. It was a pain-reliever for a period cramp and an opened box of a heating pad. You didn’t go to the store just to play revenge on him, it wasn’t for a game. You went to get these things. He knew you always had a bad cramp and a migraine on your period but it wasn’t supposed to come until another 2 weeks. He had it saved in his calendar every month. You had asked him to go to the store earlier to get you these things because you couldn’t sleep, and it wasn’t for chocolate. He couldn’t believe what just happened. He had just yelled at his girlfriend who was in pain. He didn’t give you any space to explain anything. Now he knew why you weren’t saying anything else and just accepted everything that he said. You just wanted him to stop yelling so you could sleep the pain away. He would prefer you to shout at him back, curse at him, hit him, punch him, whatever it was. Perhaps that way it wouldn’t hurt him this much when he knew the truth.
He was a fucking asshole.
He had messed things up very bad and there was no way he could fix this up but he needed to. He couldn’t lose you.
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qwimchii · 8 months
𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴 (pt 5) — 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺
playlist pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6
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𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯!𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 — 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘸𝘤 — 3.3k
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴/𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 — 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘸𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘯𝘯𝘯, 𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘢, 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦?, 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘳, 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨
note: i had no idea that i posted this almost an entire WEEK AGO?? istg it was only 2 days ago 😭 sorry for the wait lovlies, here's some unhinged content for you ❤️
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the next few weeks passed in a dizzying flurry. work became busy and you got caught up between group work and your personal life—an old friend from college visited town, your mom and dad’s memorial service passed in a flash, and you worked at the halloween costumes, carving a few little pumpkins every now and then as decor for the church stands. the halloween festival was just hours away, and there was another group meeting scheduled just before it.
you dreaded it.
Simon and you had not spoken once outside of the meetings. just polite remarks and a yawning chasm that cleaved the space between you. to say it was awkward was an understatement.
you thought back two weeks prior when you were isolated in the church basement.
you didn’t mean it?
yeah. none of it.
the memory was a splintering reminder that Simon didn’t want you. at least, not in the way you wanted him. retracing the footsteps of your mind over and over, you tried to figure out where you had gone wrong.
maybe from the beginning, you thought bitterly, failing to forget your rude, blunt behavior towards him. you guessed you deserved his treatment, though you didn’t expect him to make fun of you the way that he did.
have you never dated before? do you even know how to kiss someone?
just the thought of it made you wince as you entered the meeting room, later than usual. a dozen faces stared back at you, and Kate stopped mid-talk, eyes narrowed with something only you could decipher as worry. you just mumbled a quick apology, settling in your seat in the circle across from Simon, avoiding his eyes.
Sarah nudged you with her foot in greeting as Kate continued whatever talk she was going on about. out of habit, you half-tuned her out as Maya pat your knee softly.
from what you absorbed out of the random bursts of Kate’s words, the group met early to set up the stalls in front of the church. there’d be a costume rack, photo booth, pumpkin carving booth, face painting, and a couple tables for the bake sale—which wasn’t really a bake sale, but free baked goods because it was sinful to sell on church property, or something like that.
the church did the same events every year so none of it surprised you till Kate was saying, “now get dressed into your own costumes.”
that was definitely new, you realized with a stiffness, looking around the group moving toward the exit of the meeting room with bags of, what you assumed, to be costumes.
when you didn’t budge, Sarah and Maya standing and grabbing their own things, they both paused, giving you curious looks.
Maya called your name in question and you just stayed stock still in your chair, feeling like life was being drained from your blood.
“oh my gosh,” Sarah said, a slow, impish smile spreading over your lips. Kate’s head immediately snapped up from her desk, looking pale and panicked.
“what? what is it?”
Maya pointed at you. “you didn’t bring a costume.”
your voice was high strung and tight. “i didn’t know we needed one.”
Sarah laughed out, long and airy, before gliding out the meeting room, absolutely beside herself.
Kate sounded peeved. “did you not look at the email chain?”
email, you thought, a stale taste in your mouth, who the fuck uses email these days?
Maya offered you a look of sympathy. “maybe run home really quick?”
Kate stood at her desk, just shaking her head. “don’t worry. i planned for this.”
she shooed Maya away and tugged over a plastic box from her desk, popping open the lid. inside it were an array of outfits.
she gestured to it. “pick one.”
sighing, you crouched down and pulled out the first costume that caught your eye—a greenish, white airy dress. turning it around, you realized floppy wings were already sown into the back of it. 
snatching up your purse, you tucked the dress under your arm, about to make a beeline for the bathroom when Kate clutched your elbow, pulling back to her.
with a muffled noise of surprise, your brow furrowed at the pinched look of concern over her face. 
“halloween is your favorite holiday,” she chewed out, “why aren’t you acting like it is?”
“what?” you spluttered. technically, halloween was in two days. the festival happened just prior. 
you could’ve been a smart ass about it, but instead you bit back the retort, because you knew what she meant. usually, you’d be ecstatic the whole month before halloween. but these days, only a circling, endless pit of dread followed you to sleep, and was still there when you woke every morning.
“what’s wrong, hon’?” she pressed and you just shook your head with a laugh, lying through clenched teeth.
you knew she didn’t believe you for a second because her grip only tightened on your elbow. “is there something going on between you and Simon?”
your gaze widened for a split-second, before you blinked it away, eyes darting away from hers. “of course not.”
she just scoffed. “like hell there’s not.”
you rolled your eyes. “not in the lord’s house, Kate—”
“listen to me,” she said, jerking you closer to her, and you muffled a yelp. “if there’s not something wrong with you, then there’s definitely something wrong with Simon. he was doing better. now he’s… acting strange.”
you cocked a brow at her. “he’s always a bit strange.”
she eyed you in return. “not as strange as how you’ve been acting.”
“ouch. that hurts,” you deadpanned, shaking free from her grip. she relented with a low grumble.
rubbing at her temple, she sighed as you turned from before, stopping you when she said, “just smooth out whatever’s going on between you. he’s going back for work soon.”
your blood ran cold. “what?”
“he won’t be on leave for another couple of months, so i suggest you talk to him today,” she said, moving to her desk. 
you stared after her, wanting to ask more, but bit down on your tongue when a couple girls, chattering between each other, returned from the bathroom.
in their stead, you trudged down the hallway and into the old bathroom with a flickering, artificial lighting burning down overhead. in a stall, you stripped yourself and shimmied into the dress, the cheap fabric grating against your skin, but you wouldn’t complain since this situation had arisen due to your own fault.
moving past a couple other girls by the sinks, exchanging a couple words with them, a genuine smile twisting your lips, but then you looked at yourself in the mirror and almost cringed. the dress was a lot more revealing than you would have ever chosen for yourself in public—hugging at your body in the way your baggy outfits did not.
Iris stepped out of one of the stalls, whistling lowly. “lookin’ good, girlie.”
with a blush, you mumbled a thanks, digging around your purse for your makeup bag that you, thankfully, had shoved into your purse on a whim before work that morning. opening it, you began to apply a thing base, then soft shimmers around your eyes, attempting to look as fairy-like as you could.
“who are you trying to look good for?” Iris asked beside you, squinting into the mirror to brush mascara over her lashes. 
with a bitter feeling, you noticed its brand. dior.
you choked a strained laugh, waving her off. “just the endless line of ladies.”
“right,” she sang, and you flinched when she put down the tube of makeup with a loud clunk against the porcelain sink. “‘cause you and i both know that you’re lesbian.”
you paused at that, brushing away the last bits of powder on your face. through the mirror, the girls behind you, Iris’s friends in the group, had fallen silent. 
you glanced at her through your peripheral. “what do you mean by that?”
she turned to you, lips screwed in a thin line, hand on her hip.
“how long have you been fucking Simon for?”
jaw dropping, and you turned to look at her, taking in the intensity of her hot glare and the angry twitch of her features. 
you should’ve denied it, but remembering the way she clung to Simon after the night of the party, all bashful and talkative with him, your own anger simmered to the surface.
“none of your business,” you said in a cool voice, turning back to the mirror to finish with a light blush over your nose and cheeks.
she scoffed. “you’re a bitch.”
your brows twitched together, and you reached up to rub at the spot, willing it away. “okay.”
she stepped towards you, jerking her hand up so it almost knocked against your face, the tip of her acrylic pressed to your cheek.
“you always complain about how much you hate men, but as soon as you go near one, you’re start fucking them.”
you completely ignored her. “i don’t know what you’re talking about. why do you care about my personal business?”
she laughed, long and mirthless. “because you’re airing it out at every meeting, whore.”
you screwed your eyes shut, an icy feeling churning inside you. this was exactly what you were afraid of when new members joined the group. your simmering anger rose to a boil, and you swallowed the heat down, trying to lock it down in your stomach.
“don’t you have a husband? maybe you should pay more attention to that cheating bastard than a random guy you met at a support group.”
“excuse me?” she seethed, and you couldn’t help but give her your most shit-eating smirk.
“what? too boring being a housewife, doing nothing all day long? fucking men for money—”
the noise she let out was carnal, raking a hand through your hair and jerking on it hard, so your head pulled back with a painful snap. the girls behind you screamed, and a blur of a person rushed forward to clutch tightly at Iris’s neck and push her off you.
“you bitch-ass, motherfucking whore—” 
your jaw dropped at the sight of Maya slamming her against the tile wall, clawing at each other like two rapid cats before Sarah stumbled through the scene from a bathroom stall, screaming bloody murder.
one of Iris’s friends came up and fixed the state of your dress and hair, apologizing profusely for her friend, and you didn’t know whether to be angry at the girl, or thank her, as Iris’s friends scurried out of the bathroom quickly. you felt like you were in a daze, watching Iris drag Sarah by her hair before Sarah reached up and ripped through Iris’s hair so they were locked between each other, hands tangled in each other’s hair.
Maya was clutching at the wall, gulping down mouthfuls of air before she limped over and stomped on Iris’s open-toed sandals with a ferocity. she screamed, crumpling to the floor, releasing Sarah from the bind as she fell to her knees.
the three women stilled for a moment, panting with effort. 
“what in the actual fuck…” you trailed off, unsure what to say after the scathing events of the fight.
Sarah’s hands were on her hips, knees looking wobbled as she rasped between gasps, “we couldn’t let this whore bad-mouth you like that.”
she jerked a thumb over at Iris who had braced herself against the floor, leaning over her palms with heavy, gasping breaths.
Maya stumbled over to you, wobbly on her heels, and you enveloped her in a hug, trying to smooth out her hair to the best of your ability.
“you guys…” you started, choking up when tears brimmed at the edge of your eyes. Maya only hugged you tighter and Sarah limped over, cooing softly as she joined the hug, squeezing you tight.
“don’t ruin your makeup,” Maya sniffled against your shoulder, your dress absorbing her tears.
you quickly wiped at your face with a nod, clutching at Maya and your other hand holding Sarah’s cheek.
when Iris stood, leaning against the bathroom sink, the hug broke apart.
she glared at you, clawing the hair from her face. “are you done?”
sending Sarah and Maya a quick glance, you gave them a curt nod, and they obliged, stomping out of the bathroom. Sarah turned to flip Iris off on her way out, the latter girl just rolling her eyes at the sight.
when there was silence once more, you turned to the girl, taking in how disheveled and… normal she looked for once.
“your hair—” you said, pointing to your own head, and she whipped around to look in the mirror. hastily, she scrambled around for her brush but you just sighed and picked up your own on the sink, stilling her with a light grip on her shoulder. you brushed through her brunette curls with a soft hand as she glared at you through the mirror.
“let’s talk,” you offered, putting down the brush when you were done. “and let’s be civilized about it.”
she hmphed, not looking at you. “what is there to even talk about?”
you shrugged. “clearly, something is bothering you.”
“yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes. “your relationship with Simon.”
you bit back your own retort to remind her that she was married. “we’re just friends.”
her brow quirked at that, looking unconvinced. “really?”
“for now,” you said with a nod, and her shoulders deflated.
“i knew there was something going on,” she said, sounding morose, eyes flickering with a distant haziness.
“you could’ve just asked me,” you sighed out, and her eyes snapped to yours again, flashing with irritation now.
“i did.”
how long have you been fucking Simon for?
at the memory of it, you flinched. “maybe more politely next time.”
she just huffed, brushing out the wrinkles of her witchy dress. “you won’t tell Kate about this?”
you scowled at her before, slowly, your lips twitched into a devilish smirk. her eyes darted nervously through the mirror, inching away from you.
“i won’t, because we played fair and square today.”
“what do you mean?” she chewed out, voice icy.
“you got to talk shit, and my girls fucked you up,” you said with a nasty grin, wholly enjoying when she shivered.
stepping away from you, she cleared her throat. “right.”
it was like she remembered where she was and who she was again, gathering her things and shoving them into her stupidly expensive bag with a poised expression. you watched in amazement at the calm, collected veneer that overtook her in a second, turning on her heel to strut out of the bathroom with an elegance before jumping with a shriek at the entrance.
you quickly trailed after her, rounding up your things in one, sweeping armful and shoving them into your own purse, your eyes moving up the way her spin shook to the sight over her shoulder.
a foot away, a man stood in front of the women’s restroom, a white, plastic skull outer layer over a black balaclava. at the sight of him, you muffled a squeak, bristling with shock.
but then your eyes trailed down to the rest of his attire—a sweatshirt, jeans, boots, and… gloves. skull ones, in fact.
“Simon,” you deadpanned, glaring at him from over Iris’s shoulder, “what the hell are you doing?”
“this is Simon?” Iris shrieked, shuffling backwards, knocking into you.
“i heard screaming,” he said, voice gruff and slightly muffled under the mask. “is everything alright?”
you rolled your eyes. he was a bit late for that.
“everything’s fine,” you confirmed, gently pushing Iris out the doorway. she squeezed past Simon, not giving him or you a second glance as she rushed down the hallway and into the meeting room.
the hulking man stared after her, before turning his head to blink down at you. even under that stupid mask, his big brown eyes were still the same.
“what happened?” he asked and you just shook your head.
“you really don’t want to know.”
he let out a low noise of disapproval and you waved him away, edging forward so he stepped further back into the hallway.
“there is one problem though,” you said, cocking your brow at him.
he stepped forward again, reaching a hand out to you, but you just shook your head again with a huff. “that mask.”
suddenly, his eyes pinched, and he reached up to trace the divets of the outer skull layer.
“what’s wrong with my mask?”
the genuine hurt in his voice had you smothering a smile. “nothing. just not for children. you can’t wear that at a church halloween event.”
he was silent for a long moment, eyes narrowed like he was weighing the pros and cons of what you had just said, before sighing out.
“fine,” he grumbled, unclasping the front of it and pulling off the baclava, leaving his hair slicked up in a strange, messy clump.
biting back a laugh at the sight, you made your way back down the hallway. Simon’s careful footsteps were just behind you as you stepped back into the meeting room.
the girls were loitering around for a bit, gathering up needed materials to set up the booths. Sarah and Maya chattered with the better half of them who were blissfully unaware of what had just gone down in the bathroom. Iris eyed you from her posse carefully, watching you move near Kate with a tenseness, but you just passed her, instead moving to the box of adult costumes. you rummaged around in it, struggling and failing to find any size that may potentially fit the massive man.
groping around at the very bottom, your hand closed around something small and prickly, and you pulled it from the box with a snort, eying it in your hand.
turning around, you shoved it against Simon’s chest, and he didn’t even flinch, just taking the thing from your hand slowly.
“no,” he said immediately.
“it’s the only thing we have,” you said, sighing out, gesturing to the box behind you. Kate looked up from her desk curiously now, eyes flitting between you and Simon, then seeing the thing in his hands and choking down a laugh.
he glared at her from his peripheral, his scowl deep when he tugged it over his head.
a smile tugged at your lips, and you pressed them together, failing to hold back a little giggle at the sight of the tinsel cat ear headband on his head.
“adorable,” you cackled, slapping two hands over your mouth, trying to muffle your laughter beneath your palms but you couldn’t cease the shake of your shoulders.
his scowl only deepened, shoving his hands into his pockets with a grumpy look.
Kate hummed approvingly by your side, failing to keep her voice even. “looks great, lieutenant.”
he shot both of you a glare before slinking away and taking a seat nearby, but not before he was flanked by some of the girls fussing over his costume. they insisted on painting a nose and whiskers on him in loud, sharp demands and he didn’t even try to hide their irritation with them. but nonetheless, he relented, and Sarah pulled out her liquid eyeliner.
you watched the whole scene with shaking trembles of silent laughter, crumpling into a seat near you, and he kept glaring at you from his peripheral. once your laughter subsided, you leaned back into your chair, the sight of the girls pester him, full of laughter, and the smallest smile stretching Simon’s face had your chest feeling full of gooey content. he lazily looked over to you, a small black nose and whiskers across his cheeks, dark eyes sparkling as his warm gaze ran over you.
cute, you mouthed, pointing at your own cheeks and he just scoffed, turning his gaze from you, but his smile only widened.
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yeah this part's kinda crazy (and maybe borderline cringe?) but iris had it coming for her so idkkkk—
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taglist: @kenma-izhu @actuallyhiswife @froggielottiee @neenieweenie @delaynew @ilovehyperfixating @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @tomorrowseverything @moonlqths @ivybeeloved @babygirl-riley @keiva1000 @arminarlertssword @crowbird @jasonloveclub @karurururu @embers-of-alluring @newsies-pape-girl @suhmie @amberpanda99 @mystseee @cosmoscoffee
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@magneto-was-fucking-right @riverbutghost @palomaxaxaxa @hobiespick @madsnic1119 @dark-rosy-amaranthine @vheenuz @inlovewithsimonrileyy @cliosunshine @youcantseem3 @tayaisback @cinnamondonutcat @crissteetee67 @alexisv15 @lucaaahhh @moyazami
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sosa2imagines · 7 months
I had my dance and now I'm where I belong. Part 2
----------------------------------------------------- Warnings- Angst, cheating and little bit of fluff ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 -----------------------------------------------------
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After you left the tower, you checked into a hotel and once you enter the room you called Nat who along with Wanda and Sam were waiting for your call. When you were done with the call loneliness crept in slowly you started to freak out and the emotions you were hiding since the confrontation till now all came out, you dropped to the floor and cried your heart out. After a week you got the news the happy couple made it official how one cheater got another cheater you told your reflection in the mirror smiling for a bit then crying again. It was true what you told yourself Bucky does not know that Sharon had cheated on Steve and that's the reason he broke up with her and you had promised him not to tell anyone. All of your dreams crushed and thrown out the widow because he couldn’t keep it in his pants. Every single day was painful the hurt was too much years of love gone just like that.
One month later. "Hello?" "Friday where is everyone?" "Captain Rogers welcome back Mr. Barnes is in his room and the others are in the common room" "Thank you Friday" Steve was nervous he knew everyone would bombard him with questions on his decision to leave and come back again but at the moment it all can wait he needed to see his love his best friend you first he wanted to tell you everything even the dance he had. So he rushed to Bucky's room knowing you would be there but god he was so wrong he wished he had knocked on the door but he didn't and because of that he was dumbfounded by the view "Bucky? Sharon? what's going what the hell why are you guys Sharon for god sake put your shirt on" Sharon roll her eyes. "Where is Y/n?, Bucky tell me dammit" Bucky was scared of what Steve's reaction would be so he went with the little white lie "We broke up I'm with Sharon now" "What? Broke up? why? you guys were so good, why did you guys break up? And Sharon no Buck you are hiding something" "Steve you have no rights to interfere in our lives they broke up deal with it" Sharon was quick to answer. "I'm not talking to you so shut up!" Steve yelled. "Don't yell Steve, she is right you left us ok you don't know what happened so accept this." Steve was shocked by Bucky's behavior he had never seen Bucky standing up for you like he was for Sharon he immediately knew something was wrong he left the couple behind and went to search others. "Where is Y/n?" "Steve?" Sam rushed to hug his friend, Nat was teary eyes seeing her bestfriend back. "Steve you are back" she hugged him as much as Steve was happy to see them and grateful for them welcoming him back he couldn't stop thinking about you. "Nat please I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude" Nat shook her head finishing his sentence for him "Y/n left for some alone time Steve, she was suffocating here" "Yeah man everyday she was dying here" "What happened after I left?" Sam and Nat told him everything Bucky did and how Tony does not fully know the truth that you hid for Steve's hard work of making him trust Bucky. Steve's heart broke even in pain you didn't think ill of Bucky. "Where is she?" "I'll give you the hotel address and don't worry we let her leave only on the condition she calls us everyday" "Thank you Nat if she calls don't tell her I'm coming to her" Nat nod at him and Steve left for you.
Your head was a mess, your emotions were all over the place you spent the nights crying asking yourself why. You did call the team daily not wanting to go back soon, you locked yourself in your hotel room trying to wrap your head around the entire situation. The love you had just went down the drain like nothing. You had your doubts but we're blinded by his love and now paying the price it's been almost a month you barely ate and slept cold showers did not felt cold. You were lost in your own world when someone knocked on the door and thank god you opened the door you were shocked eyes glossy as soon as you whispered "Steve" he was quick to hold you in his arms as you cried and fisted his shirt, when Steve saw the state you were in his heart broke. He couldn’t help but feel guilty after all he was the one to introduce you two only for you to suffer. "Why did he do this to me Steve why?" Steve kept rubbing your back to comfort you "Everything hurts Steve please make it stop take my heart out I can't take it no more Steve please help me stop this pain" Steve's heart broke completely he blamed himself if he had not left you would have not been in this situation but that does not mean he didn't learn from his mistake seeing you beg him to stop your pain Steve silently promise to protect you and heal your heart he swear he will not let anyone hurt you not even his best friend Bucky on that day Steve decided you are his and when the time is right you will know about his love but for now you needed your best friend and that's what he was going to be. After crying for hours in Steve's arms he finally managed to put you to sleep Steve's own eyes were teary he was angry at Bucky, angry at himself he was facing back and forth until his eyes fell on your personal diary he knew it was wrong but he had to know so respectfully he skipped all the parts and just saw the last few pages he was fuming in rage how dare Bucky pack your bags and tell you to leave the audacity to lie to him, he put the diary back in its place and texted Nat to come over. As soon as Nat came Steve told her to look after you and he will be back quickly. Steve for the first time broke traffic rules drove like a madman he literally ran up to were Bucky was and as soon as he saw him Steve's mind flashed your image the hurt and pain you were in the words in your diary he was fuming in rage "You bloody liar" with that Steve punched Bucky hard on the face, Bucky was shocked Steve punched him again and again calling him liar and a cheat Sharon didn't dare interfere Sam had to hold the captain back only after Sam talked about you Steve stopped but not before warning Bucky for the last time " You stay away from her and mark my words Bucky you will regret this" All Bucky could say was sorry and how he is happy with Sharon, Steve chuckled at his stupidity "one cheater got another cheater no wonder you two make quite the couple" with that Steve left a very confused Bucky alone with Sharon in the tower.
As for Steve Rogers he had his dance and now he is where he belongs that is with you and the first step towards your happiness was to shift you from the hotel to his apartment in Brooklyn time to take you home.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------(to be continued, also thank you all you guys are awesome lots of love to you all, initially it was supposed to be a one shot but it turned out into a series the next part might be last depends on how the story goes take care and feedback is appreciated 😊❤️) ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
----------------------------------------------------- TAGLIST- @vicmc624 @sapphirebarnes @cjand10 -----------------------------------------------------
165 notes · View notes
swarvey · 10 days
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> You interrogate Harvey at dinner; Harvey plays a little too dumb.
a/n: or, harvey tries not to have a panic attack in front of you at the stardrop </3 someone get him a paper bag to breathe into pls
+ i think i'll mainly update this fic throughout the week so i can have a break on weekends ! enjoy <33
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7
chapter four: right where you left me -> "help, i'm still at the restaurant."
The Stardrop was pretty much empty when Harvey walked in, picking a table in the corner with two chairs. He wasn’t expecting to see you for another half hour, but being timely never hurt, did it? Besides, he wanted some time to think about the words his friends had left him with after leaving his apartment.
“Remember to stay calm,” Elliott had told him. “Be your natural self, doctor, and I assure you she will be falling for you before you even notice.”
“I would make sure she’s single first,” Shane had countered. “No point in doing all this crap if she’s not lookin’.” 
Surprisingly, they both had good points. Harvey was glad he had them to rely on — he had no idea what he would do if he solely had to rely on his own thoughts. Honestly, he doubted he would be getting dinner with you if he had.
“Waiting for someone?” Gus asked, walking over to his table to set down the two glasses of water he’d requested. 
“Yes, the new farmer,” Harvey replied, scooting one of the glasses in front of your chair. “She’ll be here shortly.”
“Ah, right! I used to babysit her from time to time, you know, when her grandfather was too busy. I’m glad to hear the two of you are still good friends.”
Harvey wanted to cringe at the bartender’s last phrase, but covered it with a slightly pained smile.
“We both thought this would be a good place to sit down and talk for a little,” he explained, checking the time again. “It’s been quite a while since we’ve had time for each other.”
“Well, I suppose that’s how it gets as we get older,” Gus sighed. “Anyway, don’t mind me, I’ll stay in the back and take inventory so the two of you can have some privacy. How about I get a pizza goin’ in the kitchen for the two of you? On me.”
“Gus, please, you don’t have to—”
“Please, the kid used to call me her second Gramps. It feels wrong not feeding the two of you,” he expressed, waving his hand in the air as he headed back toward the bar. “Just give me a little time, I’ll get it right out for you!”
Harvey huffed a laugh at the older man’s antics, realizing how long he’d been in Pelican Town. He vaguely remembered seeing Gus as a child, though he was hiding behind his parent’s legs most of the time they spoke to him. 
After waiting a few minutes, the door to the saloon creaked open as you walked in, smiling as your eyes met his. He shyly waved, swallowing his fear and quickly taking a sip of water.
“Here I thought I was early,” you joked, sitting across from him. “When did you get here?”
“Not too long ago,” he lied. “I didn’t have much else going on today, so I finished up a couple of things back at home and got here whenever I could.”
“Right.” He blinked at the tone of your voice. Did you not believe him? “Thanks again for helping me out this morning, by the way. I’m pretty much all done setting up the house for the spring.”
“Don’t mention it, I’m here for anything you need.” 
Harvey was puzzled. He’d only seen you a few hours prior, yet your demeanor felt completely different. Immediately, he started playing back every interaction you two had, scouring for the moment he made a mistake. He was sure he had avoided any sort of awkward scenario, though. 
“Alright,” you sighed, hands falling onto your lap, “I have to confess. I stopped by your place earlier.”
“Oh, you did?” Harvey questioned, surprised. “I must not have heard.”
“No, it’s not your fault, I never ended up knocking.” You chewed your lip for a moment before saying, “I, um, heard you talking with your friends, I think.”
His heart stopped.
Harvey swore he blacked out for a split second at the thought of you hearing everything he’d said to Shane and Elliott, a cold shiver running down his spine. It’s over, he thought. My efforts have ended before I even gave myself a chance to start.
“Y-You did?” he said, blinking rapidly as he tried to come up with the right words. “Are you . . . upset?”
You laughed shortly, shaking your head. “No, Harvey, why would I be? It’s not my place to feel that way.”
“Oh. I see.” Confusion replaced his panic at your rather calm stature, watching as you ran a finger down the condensation of your glass. 
“I mean, I can’t really blame you for not telling me, can I?” you reasoned. “We’ve barely talked over the past couple of years, so we never got the chance to talk about girls or guys or anything like that. So,” you prop up your arms with your elbows and rest your chin on your hands, “tell me about her. I want to know what this girl is like to have you so lovestruck.”
For a second, he thought you were playing a joke on him — some sick, twisted joke to get him to say all the things about you he’d grown to love. When your expression didn’t change, though, he realized you must not have heard the girl he’d been talking about was you.
“Well,” he started, trying to recover himself, “she’s awfully smart, and always finding new ways to surprise me. She’s kind, and remembers every little detail about me. Sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself.” He continued to list his favorite traits about you he’d gathered throughout the years. They slipped off his tongue easily; he thought about them often, after all.
You hummed, nodding. Harvey had to use all his willpower not to laugh and reveal you were assessing if you would be a good partner to him.
“What does she do for a living?” you asked, and he scrambled to think of a quick answer.
“She’s a nurse,” he decided on, thinking it would make the most sense. “We’ve been friends for quite a bit.”
“A nurse, huh?” You sat up, smiling at him. “You know what? I approve.” 
“Really?” He couldn’t believe it. Truly, he couldn’t. He had just gained your endorsement to date yourself. He laughed, pushing up his glasses. “I’m glad. I guess we never got the chance to talk about these kinds of things, did we?”
“I guess not.”
“Here we are, folks!” Gus made his way to their table with a steaming pizza in his hands, triumphantly placing it in front of the two. He looked at you and grinned, ruffling your hair. “How ya been, kiddo? It’s been too long.”
“It’s nice to see you, too, Gus,” you responded warmly. “Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing a lot more of me from now on.”
“That’s great to hear. I’ll leave you two to it, then.” He walked away, sneaking a wink to Harvey that he pretended not to see.
“Anyways,” you continued, picking up a slice and blowing on it, “you probably would have hated hearing about my boy situations in college.”
Harvey quickly swallowed the piece of pizza in his mouth before hesitantly replying, “So you did meet someone in the city. How about now?”
You shrugged. “Well, nothing now, but there were a couple guys I dated in college that didn’t last super long. There was also one at Joja who wasn’t half bad, but things just didn’t end up working out.”
“Uh-huh.” He didn’t realize until then how ugly of a feeling jealousy was. To ignore the feeling, he opted to focus on the fact that you were, in fact, single. Now, he just had to figure out how to clear up the misunderstanding he’d created. He wanted to slap himself at the mess he’d made, but nothing had gone as planned. 
You cleared your throat, snapping him back to the conversation. “I’m glad to hear you have someone in sight, Harvs. You know, I always thought you would be too shy to express your feelings like that,” you confessed. “She must really be something special to grab your attention.”
“She is.” Harvey tried to read your expression as you ate, noticing your scrunched brow and pursed lips. Were you jealous, too? “Though I’m not sure she feels the same way as me.”
You huffed, finishing the last slice and wiping your hands on your napkin. “Then she’s an idiot,” you declared. “Honestly, Harvey, you may be a dork sometimes, but you’ve got your charm.”
“You think so?” His heart skipped a beat.
You paused, and he stifled a smile as he watched you become flustered. “It’s good she’s a nurse,” you said, looking away. “You two can nerd out about that stuff together. Maybe you can get her into planes, too.”
“Maybe,” he agreed, overjoyed that you remembered his secret hobby. “That would be perfect.” 
After a moment, he realized you were silent, looking to be deep in thought as you stared at the table. 
“How about a drink?” he suggested, standing up to grab Gus.
“Actually, I think I’m alright,” you replied quickly, avoiding his eyes as you started to gather your things. “It’s been a long day, I think I might go turn in.”
“Of course! I can walk you back—”
“It’s fine.” 
He stared at you, unable to conceal his look of confusion and hurt as you put on your jacket. After noticing his stare, you smiled reassuringly at him, reaching over to lightly grab his arm.
“I said it’s fine, Harvey, I’m just really tired, okay? Stop overthinking things,” you said, heading to the door. “Don’t miss me too much, alright? Remember, I’m right next door now.”
“Right,” he replied, waving slightly. “I’ll see you soon?”
“See you!” You left with one last smile, the sound of the door shutting seeming to ring in Harvey’s ears. As if your leaving was their cue, the townspeople began to file in, calling out for Gus and their usual orders. 
Harvey sat back down in his chair with a thud. Now alone in his corner, he slouched and took off his glasses to rub his eyes. How, how could everything have gone so wrong? Not only did he dig himself into a deeper hole, but you were now under the impression that he had feelings for another woman. 
He only slipped his glasses back on when he heard someone join him at his table, half expecting to see Elliott or Shane across from him. When his eyes focused, Harvey saw it was Gus sitting beside him, giving him a knowing look.
“Are you ready to talk about it now?”
You wanted to scream as soon as you left the Stardrop, but were somehow able to resist your urges. 
Not only did you feel awful about leaving Harvey at the saloon, but talking to him had only appeared to make your thoughts more jumbled. It all felt so sudden —in your mind, it was only yesterday he was the young boy you’d first met, sporting a face full of freckles and a pair of oversized glasses. Now, he was a grown man, talking about a woman who he seemed ready to marry. 
Letting out a long sigh, you decided to take a longer route home, heading up to the old park you used to play in. You sat on one of the swings, listening to it creak as you became lost in your own thoughts. Why do I care about who Harvey’s in love with? Did he notice how I got jealous? Why am I getting jealous in the first place?
You were so lost in your maze of questions you didn’t realize someone had taken the swing beside you, jumping as they waved a hand in front of your face.
“Hey,” she said shortly, leaning forward to look at your face, “you’re the new farmer, aren’t you?” The girl’s blonde hair flowed across her shoulders perfectly, her brow perked as she looked at you with piercing blue eyes. Her lipstick glistened in the evening light.
“Yeah, that’s me,” you answered, not knowing what to make of the younger girl.
“Cool.” She noticeably looked you up and down, squinting as she evaluated your clothing. “Huh. You don’t dress half bad. Congrats, I don’t think I need to toss your entire wardrobe.”
“Um, thanks?” 
“I’m Haley, by the way.” She looked away, beginning to swing carelessly. “You looked like you were thinking really hard about something just now.”
You sighed, gripping the swing tightly. “Yeah, it’s complicated.”
“Is it about a boy you like?”
You looked at Haley in surprise, though she simply got off the swing and began to walk away. She turned her head to meet your eyes for a moment, narrowing them.
“Just because I’m younger doesn’t mean I’m clueless, y’know,” she said sharply. Waving a hand back lazily, she continued her walk back toward town, a confident sway in her hips. “See you around.”
With that, you were left with the cool, spring breeze and the sound of the river running, wondering if the younger girl had better intuition than you did.
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austinshotbutlers · 1 year
The Wedding Date - Part Five
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner × Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister's wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is... you don't have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.3K
TW: Mentions of cheating, swear words, mentions of sex.
A/N: I’M BACK BABIES!!!! Thank you so much for waiting and being patient with me🫶🏻 So… here is party five. I’m planning on there being six parts, once part six is posted I’m going to make another social media edit to accompany the fic. Also considering writing a prologue/prequel and an epilogue… would you guys like that??
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“Today is the day.” You sighed into Aaron’s chest as you nuzzled closer into his warm embrace. It was early and you could already hear the chaos of the day echoing up the stairs to you room. The shrill voices of your mom and Sarah sent shivers through your body as memories of last night’s drama glazed through your head. Aaron wrapped his arms tighter around you and rubbed light, comforting circles on your arm with his thumb.
“We get through today and then we fly home tomorrow night.” Aaron murmured against the top of your head.
“Am I crazy if I say I’ve actually missed the BAU?” You asked and Aaron laughed lightly.
Suddenly, a loud knock echoed from your bedroom door, closely followed by your mom’s voice.
“I hope you two are up and getting ready. There’s breakfast set up in the kitchen!” She called cheerily followed by the sound of her feet descending down the stairs.
“I’ll get in the shower quickly and then should we go downstairs for breakfast?” Aaron suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled and tilted your head up so you could place a light peck on his jaw. Aaron smiled and swiftly climbed out of bed, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips before making his way to the bathroom.
You got out of bed yourself and pulled on one of Aaron’s jumpers before the buzz of your phone caught your attention. You quickly picked it up and glanced at the screen. 3 missed calls and 8 texts from Emily. How on earth did you miss them? As soon as you heard the running water coming from Aaron’s shower, you immediately called her. She answered almost instantly.
“Hello?” You said.
“Oh my god! Where have you been? It’s been 2 days and I’ve heard nothing from you!” Emily shouted exasperatedly down the phone.
“I know! I’m so sorry! The last few days have been… a lot to say the least.” You replied.
“What’s been going on? Have you and Hotch been having insane, crazy-hot, lust-filled sex for two days straight? Is that why you haven’t been replying to my texts or answering my calls?” Emily asked.
“Emily!” You hissed.
“That wasn’t a no… oh my god you slept together!” She exclaimed matter-of-factly. “Was it good? Wait, I don’t know if I want to know that… oh what the hell, what was it like?” The questions came flooding out of her life a waterfall.
“Ok! We had sex but that’s all I’m telling you!” You replied frustratedly.
“I knew it! I knew you two would do it! Please just describe it in three words.” Emily pleaded down the phone.
“Fine! Best. Sex. Ever.” You said and Emily squealed excitedly in response.
“So are you and Hotch officially a couple now or?…” Emily asked and it caused you to stop and think. With the trip coming to an end, were you two now a couple? Both of you had declared your love for one another so surely that counted as some sort of idea where your relationship status sat?
“We haven’t put any labels on it yet but we have been very open with our feelings.” You explained.
“Well, tell Hotch that if he doesn’t make it official with you by the time you’re back in DC, I’ll be having words with him.” She said. “I’m putting money on the two of you being married by next year.”
“Oh my god Emily!” You laughed. “Slow down! We haven’t even really discussed telling the team about this.”
You were then suddenly aware of the absent sound of running water, realising Aaron was no longer in the shower.
“Look Em, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow?” You said.
“Will you actually answer my calls this…” you hung up before Emily could finish her sentence just as Hotch stepped out the bathroom, his towel wrapped around his hips and water trickling down his chest. You took your lip between your teeth, taking in Aaron’s torso as though it was the first time seeing it.
“Enjoying yourself?” Aaron’s chuckle drew you from your thoughts.
“Sorry!” You blurted out, turning around and throwing your phone on the cabinet. “You’re just hard not to admire.”
“Same could be said about you.” He smiled boyishly. “You look beautiful.”
“Stop talking shit Hotchner!” You laughed, throwing a pillow at him which he managed to catch with one hand, the other keeping the towel wrapped firmly around his hips.
“You look cute in my jumper.” He laughed. “I’m actually finding it hard not to come over and rip it off you.”
“Aaron! As much as I would like us to, we do not have time for sex right now!” You scolded him lightheartedly and he chuckled. “Get dressed and we’ll go get some breakfast.
As soon as Aaron was dressed, you both headed downstairs and were met by what looked like the entire bridal party.
“Jesus Christ.” You mumbled to Aaron as the two of you looked at the several bridesmaids all fussing around Sarah as she sat on a chair having her hair done, occasionally taking a bite of fruit.
“Good! You’re both here. Help yourself to breakfast!” Your mom ushered you in and handed you plates. You scooped up some fruit and pastries. You looked around for somewhere to sit and decided to settle on a stool at the kitchen island next to Liv who was already in her bridesmaid dress and sipping on a large mimosa.
“A little early don’t you think?” You joked.
“Of course not! There’s a wedding to celebrate.” She said in an attempt to mimic your mom before pouring you your own glass of champagne. “Drink!”
You clinked you glass with hers and took a large sip just as Aaron came and sat next to you.
“Would you like a mimosa Aaron? Or would you like something stronger?” Liv asked him.
“No, I’m fine thank you Liv.” He smiled.
“I never got a chance to thank you last night for punching Luke.” She continued and you smiled into your champagne flute. “It truly brought me so much joy.”
Aaron laughed nervously. “While it did feel right, it probably wasn’t one of my smarter ideas.”
“Oh no trust me honey,” you smiled. “It was one of the smartest ideas you’ve ever had.” And Liv nodded her head in agreement.
Aaron opened his mouth to reply but a stern voice caught all three of your attention.
“Y/N.” Sarah said, her hair and makeup all finished now. “Can we please talk?”
You nodded and the two of you walked into the study down the hall.
“What did you want to talk about?” You asked as soon as Sarah shut the door behind her.
“I want to accept your apology for last night.” Sarah said and you had to stop yourself from laughing.
“Are you serious? I have nothing to apologise for. Luke got what was coming to him. He’s a fucking ass.” You reply trying to keep your frustrations at bay.
“You two have been over for nearly two years now. Just get over it and move on.” Sarah replied angrily. “Luke is actually trying to make an effort to be nice and civil with you and you’re just so rude to him.”
You laughed loudly at her preposterous suggestion. “Funnily enough, calling me a slut doesn’t exactly scream being nice and civil.”
“You’re going to ruin my wedding.” She replied, tears threatening to spill from Sarah’s eyes. “Just be a good maid of honour and behave yourself.
“Behave myself? What am I? A disobedient dog?” You were angry now. “Fine! I’ll play all happy for now but if one thing happens with Luke, I don’t care anymore, I’ll punch him again myself and hope this time his nose does actually break!” And with that, you threw the study door open and strode out down the hall, back to the kitchen.
As soon as you appeared back in the kitchen, Aaron knew something was wrong. He excused himself from where he was stuck in a conversation with Liv and some other bridesmaids and made his way over to you.
“Are you ok?” Aaron asked as he placed a hand on your hip.
“Let’s just go upstairs and get ready.” You said, the feeling of Aaron’s hand on your hip helping you relax ever so slightly.
“Ok, how do I look?” You asked Aaron, stepping out of the bathroom to show him your bridesmaid dress. It was a gorgeous lilac satin that hugged your figure perfectly. “Sarah may be psychotic but I commend her for her choice of dress.”
Aaron looked up from where he was sitting on the bed. He had been ready for a while now but had no complaints after he saw you. He was utterly speechless. He thought nothing could top the green dress you wore last night but god, was he wrong.
“Do I look ok? Your silence is worrying me.” You laughed nervously.
“You look…” Aaron stood up and walked over to you, completely in awe of your appearance. “You look incredible.” A kiss on your lips. “Ethereal.” A kiss on your jaw. “Fucking beautiful.” A kiss down your neck.
Heat rose to your cheeks at Aaron’s words and you giggled as he continued to kiss and nibble at your neck.
“I need you.” Aaron groaned against your skin. “This dress is… hypnotic. You have me completely under your spell.”
You moaned quietly as he nipped some skin at the base of your neck. “Aaron…”
“Y/N?…” He imitated.
“We… need to go.” You gasped as Aaron raked his hand over your ass and up your back.
“I know…” he mumbled before pulling away and looking at you, his dark, lust-filled eyes locking onto yours. You leaned up and kissed him once more before walking to fetch your heels. “Such a tease.” Aaron chuckled as he watched you go and straightened his tie.
You smirked to yourself, you had no idea the bridesmaid’s dress was going to have such an effect on him. You were going to have fun with him at the wedding.
When you walked downstairs, Aaron’s hand placed at the small of your back to keep you balanced, gasps erupted and you looked up to see your mom, dad and Liv.
“No sorry! You have to take that dress of right now.” Liv said with a pout. “Because you look way hotter than me in it!” She laughed and you jokingly rolled your eyes.
“Let me get a picture of you two!” Your mom said excitedly, reaching for her camera and snapping you and Liv stood together in the hallway.
“Is bridezilla ready yet?” You asked which made Liv laugh and your mom throw you an annoyed look.
“Your sister is just having some photos taken by the photographer in the garden. You two will be needed soon for the bridesmaid’s shots.” Your mom explained.
“Have you seen Sarah yet dad?” You asked.
“Yes I have. She looks beautiful. Can’t believe my youngest girl is getting married.” He chuckled and you laughed along falsely and reached for one of the many champagne flutes scattered around the house, knocking it back.
“Y/N! Liv! We need you for photos.” One of the other bridesmaids, Lucy, called.
You walked outside and that was when you saw Sarah in her wedding dress. It was gorgeous with the most beautiful train and veil.
“Quick guys! We need to leave very soon.” Sarah called.
“Where’s the maid of honour?” The photographer asked and you awkwardly raised your hand. “Perfect, can you stand on the right side of the bride please?” And you took your place.
Sarah smiled at you. “You look beautiful sissy.”
You smiled at the nickname the two of you used when you were younger. “Thank you. You look gorgeous. Thomas is going to cry when he sees you.”
“You really think?” She asked with tears in her own eyes and you nodded.
The photographer quickly snapped some pictures of just the two of you together before taking several shots of the whole bridal party and some of Sarah with your parents. As soon as all photographs had been taken, it was time to head to the wedding venue.
Chaos. An hour until Sarah was to walk down the aisle and the rings had been misplaced. Sarah was on the verge of tears while your mom comforted her and everyone frantically searched for where the rings could have disappeared to. You had looked everywhere with absolutely no luck.
“What if they were left at home?” You asked.
“No! I definitely had them packed up in one of the boxes ready to come here.” Sarah said frustratedly. “Can you go and check with Luke? He might know where they are.
“Can’t someone else?’ You asked which in turn resulted in harsh glares from Sarah and your mom. “Fine! I’ll go and find him.” You said exasperatedly, rolling your eyes.
You left the room, closing the door behind you and saw Aaron down the hall on the phone to someone. As soon as he saw you, he said bye to whoever he was talking to and came over to you.
“Sorry, that was Dave. Just filling me in on the case the team are taking. You ok?” He asked.
“No… the wedding rings have gone missing so as my role as maid of honour, I am being forced to find them.” You sighed. “I just want the ground to swallow me up because now I have to go and find Luke to ask him if he knows where they are.”
“I’ll come with you?” He offered.
“No, it’s fine. I think I’ll survive.” You smiled and leaned up to place a peck on his lips. “I will see you in a minute.” And you headed to the other side of the building to where Luke would be.
“Sorry Matthew,” you tapped Thomas’ dad on the shoulder. “Have you seen Luke? I need to speak with him.”
“He should be just down the hall.” He slurred and you could smell the whiskey on his breath. “Just as long as you don’t punch him again!” He joked and you awkwardly laughed.
You rushed down the hall and saw Luke standing outside, taking a drag on a cigarette.
“Luke!” You called and he turned to you, quickly throwing his cigarette on the floor and stepping on it.
“What?” He asked abruptly and you took in his appearance. A cut across his nose and a slightly bruised eye. “That asshole boyfriend with you?”
“Aaron is here but he doesn’t feel the need to accompany me everywhere.” You rolled your eyes. “The rings are missing. Sarah wants to know if you knew where they were?”
“Yeah. They’re here.” And he fished into his suit pocket, pulling out two silver bands.
You snatched them from his fingers, frustration brewing. “For god’s sake! We have been looking everywhere for them. Why did you think it was a good idea to have them in your pocket?”
“Jesus Christ, chill!” Luke said defensively. “I didn’t know what was happening with them.”
“Well then you should have left them alone! You’re not the one who had to deal with a crying Sarah.” You replied. “Lucy’s daughter is bringing them down the aisle. I thought being the best man, you would have known that.”
“Fucking hell, do you always have to be so uptight about everything? You wonder why I dumped you!” He exclaimed and you sighed turning around to walk away. “At least with your sister knows how to have a good time. She was better in bed anyway.” And almost instantly, he realised what he had said and fear filled his eyes.
Your steps faltered at his words. You couldn’t move. Did Luke really just admit to sleeping with your sister? You turned slowly back around to face him and saw the worry in his eyes. All body function froze as you struggled to find the words to say.
“You… you slept with my sister?” You finally managed to ask. “When?… Why?…”
“It was… it was a month before we broke up.” Luke mumbled. “God, I didn’t want you to find out like this… I thought Sarah was going to tell you.”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, tears began to cloud your vision as you took the information in.
“I mean, we knew it was wrong but we just couldn’t stay away from each other,” Luke continued. “And then after a month of sleeping together, I knew I had to end it with you. We carried on together well after you left but then she started dating Tom and she ended it.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Luke cheated on you with your sister… who the fuck does that?
“I… I have to go.” You muttered and quickly bolted down the hallway. So many thoughts flooded your head and you tried your best to stop the tears from spilling from your eyes. As you turned the corner you walked straight into someone who immediately grabbed you to keep you steady in your ridiculously high heels. You looked up and were met with the familiar face of Aaron. He immediately noticed the tears in your eyes and his eyes filled with concern. You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his neck, breathing in his cologne.
“Honey?… What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly. “Did something happen?”
“I’m trying so hard not to cry.” You croaked out. “It’s just… I don’t even know what to say.”
Aaron pulled away from your embrace and looked at your flushed face. “You’re worrying me Y/N,” he said with a frown. “What happened?”
You collected your thoughts and took a deep breath in before looking into Aaron’s eyes.
“Just hold me.” You muttered and Aaron pulled you close to his chest again, holding you in a tight hug and stroking your hair in an attempt to comfort you. You stayed like that for a few minutes and soon the shock of Luke’s revelation had worn off. Aaron pulled back and looked down at you, hoping you were going to tell him what had happened.
“What happened Y/N?” Aaron asked again.
You looked up at him and took a deep breath. “I found the rings, Luke did have them.”
“Ok… that’s good.” Aaron replied nonchalantly but was desperate to find out what head caused you to become so upset.
“I also found out that…” you took a deep breath. “Sarah and Luke had also been sleeping together… while we were still together.”
Aaron was left speechless. He thought he couldn’t despise Luke anymore but god he was wrong. He looked in your eyes and noticed that you were no longer upset but were now… actually, he had no idea how you were feeling.
“Y/N?” Aaron asked in an attempt to understand your emotions.
You looked up at Aaron and then back at the room Sarah was currently getting ready in before the built up anger of the weekend spilled out of you.
“Sarah had given my nothing but shit the whole time we’ve been here.” You began and Aaron took ahold of your hand to try and calm you down but he knew you had every right to be annoyed. “I have worked my ass off to try and appease her and get on with Luke and now it all makes sense. She didn’t want me to find out that she had been fucking him right under my nose!”
Before Aaron could even open his mouth to reply, you had pulled away from him and was walking towards where Sarah was. You threw the door open and Sarah immediately looked up with a hopeful smile.
“Did you find the rings?” She asked.
“Yeah I did.” You smiled falsely and began to walk into the room. “You know what I also found?”
Sarah shook her head while excitedly talking the wedding rings from your hand. “What?”
“I also found out that you and Luke were sleeping together behind my back.” And Sarah’s head quickly snapped up to look at you, panic completely filling her face.
“Y/N… it’s not what you th…” she paused as she realised there was no saving herself. “I’m sorry! I wanted to tell you, I really did! I just could never find the right time and then I started dating Tom and I thought it was best to just pretend it never happened.”
“Does Tom know?” You asked.
“I was going to tell him after the wedding.” Sarah mumbled.
“That’s a great idea.” You laughed. “Tell him you repeatedly fucked his best friend right after you married him.”
“Please Y/N… can we just leave this until after the wedding?” Sarah begged.
“You are unbelievable!” You exclaimed. “Tom deserves to know.”
“I deserve to know what?” Tom asked as Luke guided him into the room. His eyes were covered with a silk eye mask.
“Wait, what is happening?” You ask confused.
“Sorry baby, are you not ready yet for our first look?” Tom asked waving his arms in front of him in an attempt to grab Sarah’s arms.
“No I am ready, Y/N was just leaving.” Sarah huffed.
“Nope, I’m staying right here.” You said, taking a seat on the cushioned chair. Sarah glared at you while Luke attempted to leave the room. “Sarah actually has something to tell you Tom, don’t you sissy?” You condescendingly used the childhood nickname, the same nickname that had you wanting to be the perfect big sister and mid of honour mere hours ago,
“Oh my god… honey, are you pregnant?” Tom asked excitedly.
“No I…” Sarah’s breath hitched and for a split second, you regret making her do this. She lifted her hands up and gently removed the eye mask from his face and Tom’s face lit up when he saw Sarah in her wedding dress.
“Oh Sarah baby, you look gorgeous.” He beamed but his face dropped when he saw Sarah’s glum face. “Wh… what’s wrong?”
“I was sleeping with Luke.” Sarah said bluntly. “Just before we started dating but I ended it when we made it official.”
Tom froze, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.
“Please say something Tom. I’m sorry I never told you sooner.” Sarah said, tears filling her eyes.
“So… you were sleeping with Luke while he was dating your sister?” Tom asked. “How long has Y/N known?”
“Since 10 minutes ago.” You muttered and looked back at where Luke was standing at the doorway, a panicked look on his face.
“Tom I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before now,” Sarah repeated. “We can move on from this, be stronger as a couple.”
“Sarah I just need… a minute.” Tom sighed and quickly exited the room, Luke following him trying to offer apologies.
You turned to look at Sarah, her eyes filled with tears as she threw herself down on a chair.
“He’s not going to marry me.” She muttered. “Why did you force me to tell him?”
“Sarah… he had a right to know. Would you rather he found out from you or a drunken slip from Luke?” You asked.
“Just leave me alone! You really are the worst maid of honour and the worst sister.” Sarah shouted.
You stood up and quickly left Sarah to be by herself. Upon exiting the room, you saw Aaron and quickly walked up to him. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head into his chest.
“Ok so… I’m the worst sister ever apparently.” You spoke into his chest.
“No you’re not,” Aaron mumbled into your hair. “She’s just angry you found out this way, you had every right to react the way you did.”
“But what if Tom calls off the wedding?” You asked, pulling back to look at Aaron. “Then Sarah really will hate me for the rest of my life.”
“Don’t worry about it, let’s go get some air, you need it.” Aaron said, intertwining your fingers together and guiding you towards the door. Once outside, you took in a deep breath and was thankful for the fresh air – the stuffiness and tension inside was suffocating. After a few minutes off a comfortable silence between the two of you, Aaron placed his arm around your shoulders and leaned down to place a kiss at his temple.
“Everything is going to be ok you know?” He said.
“How can you be so sure?” You questioned with a sigh.
“Because I’m a profiler.” He said and your rolled your eyes. “And I can see Tom coming back.” You suddenly snapped your head in the direction Aaron was looking and sure enough, Tom was striding towards you and Aaron, a determined look on his face.
“Is Sarah still inside?” He asked once he reached you.
You nodded.
“Thanks…” Tom said and then walked towards the entrance.
“I told you everything was going to be ok … I’m an excellent profiler.” Aaron turned to you with a smile.
You tried your best to fight the smile and jokingly punched him lightly on the arm. “Don’t jinx it, we don’t know what he’s saying to Sarah yet!”
“Stop being such a pessimist!” Aaron scolded jokingly, trying to lift your mood. “Come on, lets go inside and see if we can find out whats going on.” And the two of you walked back inside, hand in hand, ready to face whatever was coming… together.
The Wedding Date Taglist 1/2: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex @xoxokiwi @rayofeffingsunshine @helmihotchner @pedrohoe04 @blackqueenie-18 @crocodilefeet2707 @mynotesapptbh @cryingraccoonn @victoriaholland @1d-obssesed @jemssafespace @red-red-rogue @fandomalert31 @valentinaromanoff @smad809 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @tim-thefrog @mojo366 @jazzymariexoxoc @dankfarrick29 @gffesegjoiegi @fuckthealarm @users09 @8crazy-freak8 @jazzerbelle14 @vsophb
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helpfandom · 3 months
If you have time,🥀2 and 🥀3 for 2012 Raph! (Referring to the yan prompts from lonelydweller)
"What's the matter, did I get the wrong person?" "They were bothering you weren't they? I got rid of the issue!"
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@yanderefangirl and @lonleydweller [since it's your plots] @nonsleeper106
1.2k words
Sitting at the couch in the Turtle's home that often felt like your home, you sighed. Leo was watching 'Space Heroes', and looked up at you, only to then, in his mind, shrug you off. Mikey was bothering Donnie before switching to arcade games and then back to bothering Donnie. Donnie was trying not to snap at Mikey, and attempting to work on science. Raph was beating up the dummy with his sai, and training.
Well, if anyone would be the best to listen to your frustrations, it would be Raph. Mikey would bother you with questions, Donnie is already irate from Mikey and would like not appreciate you talking to him, Leo is too busy watching 'Space Heroes' to pay attention, so naturally Raph is the best choice.
Tilting your head over the couch to look at Raph, you watch him train and beat out his feelings on the dummy. A couple minutes go by before he stops and looks at you with a questioning glance. "What'cha doing starin'?" You stare at him before blurting out the question you practiced in your head, "Mind if I talk to you in your room?" Raph grunts, shrugs and replies. "Fine." You get up from the couch and Leo's eyes flicker to you before deducing where you're going and immediately going back to Captain Ryan.
Raph slams open the door and holds it there for you. "Thank you." You say, sitting down on the foot of his bed. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" He says, laying his sai on his desk, taking the opportunity to close the notebook full of sketches on his desk. He puts the notebook away in a drawer. He grabs one of the six shuriken on his desk and throws it into the air, catching it when it falls. "Oh um, there's this guy bothering me-" Raph continues throwing the shuriken before throwing it into the wall behind you. The mark on the middle of the shuriken starring the mark of the foot clan. "Um, hold on." You take the shuriken and inspect the middle of it. "Raph, what the shell is this?" He shrugs.
"I took some from the foot bots we beat up, y'know, to get used to them. We don't have an endless supply of this stuff." You tilt your head in agreeance, and then cede your thought. "Sorry, I just got nervous. How much of these you got?" "'Bout three. 'Bot didn't have much on him." He sits on the bed, laying on it, taking the shuriken back in order to fidget with it. You shake your head, and then continue talking about your classmate that refused to do their part of the work, asking you to 'show them how to do it' which then led to you doing that section...
Letting you talk, Raph laid down near your lap, happy to listen to you vent. He continues his fidgeting with the shuriken, seeming proficient in it. When you finally finish, he turns to you with a smile, a soft one, but a smile nevertheless. "Don't worry, it'll be okay in the end." "Thanks Raph. For the reassuring words, and for listening to me." He waves the thought away. "s'no problem. I want you to come to me with your problems."
That thought brings a smile to your face, and you chuckle a bit. "I know, but I still feel silly." Leo knocks on the door before entering, "I just wanted to let you know that you usually leave around this time to go home." You check the time via T-Phone that Donnie gifted you in case of emergency [although you use it for more than just an emergency], and it displays 6:32. Typically you leave earlier, but you got caught up talking to Raph and forgot to check the time when you were ranting.
"Oh sh-oot. Thank you Leo!" You scramble to grab your stuff, you're definitely going to be home a little later than usually. "Bye guys!" You yell out into their home, recieved with an excited 'Bye!' from Mikey and a tired 'Bye' from Donnie. "Do you want me to come with you? It'll be scary by yourself." You chuckle, "No, I'm fine Raph. Thank you though." You give him a slight smile and rush out of the sewers. As you get out, your phone [non T-Phone] buzzes. It's your classmate. You read the text: "Hey, sorry I haven't been doing much, my mother died. Do you mind coming over and telling me what I need to do?" They send another text, "I think it'll take my mind off of it. Oh, and here's my adress." With a sigh, you text back, "Sure, sorry you're going through some stuff."
Your classmates promptly sends a heart emoji, and you begin your walk to his dwelling. Thankfully, he didn't live too far away from the sewer opening you crawled out of.
As you walk, you can feel something watching you, a feeling of eyes crawling upon you. Maybe the Kraang or the Foot? Shivering, you start walking faster. You can hear metal clanking like with Foot Bots or Kraang droids. You reach your destination quickly, and knock on the door.
He opens it rather promptly, as if waiting for you, and opens his mouth to ask you a question before a shuriken gets lodged into their skull.
He falls onto the floor, his brain and body dead.
Snapping out of your stupor, you look at the symbol. The symbol of the Foot Clan. They missed and killed him. Running back, almost tripping over the doorstep as you escape, fearing the sounds and steps behind you.
A thud behind you as somebody drops from the roof to the street. As you near the sewer grate you just got out of, you tripped making a corner turn, and the T-Phone falls from your pocket. Crawling, you make it to your T-Phone and hit the button to transmit the distress signal. You open the sewer grate in time for the creature to have rounded the corner.
Running down the sewer to the home you know, you run, breathes staggered and burning, tripping but crawling on all fours before you stand back up.
Heart beating in your eyes, you make it back safely, you make it home. The turtles are gone, having left due to the distress you emitted. You run into the closest room you thought of, Raph's, and sprint there.
You sit, knees tucked to your chest and back to the wall, attempting to control your breathing, you begin to look at all of the stuff inside of his room. 10 messy items, 9 leaves, 8 sai, 7 pencils, 6 rocks, 5 shuriken, 4- 5? There were six last time.
Legs shaking, you walk over to his desk. There was one missing. You fall back, legs not working anymore. 'There's no way Raphael would have done that, right?'
The very same ninja turtle you were thinking of walked into the room. "Hey, the signal went off, are you okay?" Barely, Shakily breathing, you ask, "Where's your other shuriken?" He reaches behind him and pulls out a shuriken, the shuriken. With blood on it.
Gasping for breath, you crawl back, hitting the wall in a panic, there's pain in your head, but that's not what you can focus on.
He notices the blood and hides it, but it's too late. He shrugs, "What's the matter, did I get the wrong person?"
He crouches down to your level, "They were bothering you, weren't they?" He smiles, "I got rid of the issue!"
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drewsbuzzcut · 10 months
GQ’s Couple’s Quiz
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: mentions having kids and I think that’s all… also! how ever many points reader or mat has is after each question they get correct
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“Don’t give me that look,” you point at Mat, trying to hold in your laughter, but failing so far. You can’t contain the wide smile that dares to break out on your face.
“I’m not doing anything. Just know, I’m taking your ass down,” Mat declares.
“Okay! Rolling in 3… 2… 1…” the director’s words gathers your and Mat’s attention, the both of you staring at the camera.
“I’m more competitive than you, so I got this in the bag,” you state, confidently.
“We’ll see about that.”
“Hi! I’m Y/n Barzal,” you greet.
“Hi! I’m Mat Barzal,” Mat greets as well.
“And this is GQ’s Couple’s Quiz,” you both say together.
“Are you ready? This one’s hard,” you try to make Mat second guess himself, but you also know his memory isn’t the best.
“Hit me.”
“Who are our kids' godparents, in order from oldest to youngest?”
You see Mat’s face shift to slight panic.
“Nolan’s godparents are Anthony Beauvillier and Devon Lee Carlson. Angels’ godparents are Beverly Blount and Ethan Bear. Sloane’s godparents are Sydney and Matt Martin,” he answers swiftly.
Mat: 1
“Second question: how old am I?” You know he knows this.
“You, my lovely wife, are 26 beautiful years old, almost 27,” he says, making you feel giddy.
“Okay, hotshot, stop trying to make me flustered.”
Mat: 2
“Do I prefer an intimate setting or a family setting?”
“If we’re talking about a family setting as in us with our kids, then a family setting. Our younger selves would most definitely love an intimate setting, but now that we have a 4 year old, a 1 year old, and a 9 month old, we really enjoy the family setting,” Mat answers flawlessly.
“Correct! I like the way you answered that, babe,” you compliment.
Mat: 3
“What was my first modeling gig?”
Mat rubs his chin, thinking long and hard before answering.
“You can’t be mad if I’m wrong,” he tells you.
“Why can’t I be mad?” You ask, but you’re just messing with him.
“Because I didn’t know you then.”
You gasp in fake surprise, mouth open and hand over your heart.
“You mean you didn’t stalk me on the internet when we were dating?”
“I’m not you,” Mat says, referring to something from the early bits of your relationship, something you’re glad you can laugh about now.
“Ouch that was a low blow,” you fake pout.
“Your first modeling gig was for a fashion show during Paris fashion week when you were 18.”
“Wrong. My first modeling gig was on a local magazine in my hometown when I was 17,” you correct him.
“Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. Sorry, babe.”
“What’s my favorite movie?”
“That’s easy. It’s The Conjuring. My girl loves her scary movies,” he says proudly.
“It’s true! Mat loves whenever I get to pick the movie on our movie nights. Only because I pretend to be scared and cuddle into him more than I already do,” you look over at Mat with heart eyes to see that he’s already looking back at you with heart eyes.
Mat: 4
“What’s the hardest thing for our family when you’re on roadies?”
“The short disconnect between me and the kids. It’s hard for me to be gone when our babies are still really young. It’s also hard because I’m not always there to help you. You’re a champ for stepping up for me, and there are no words to describe how grateful I am that you’re my life partner. My heart would search for yours in every lifetime,” you tear up at his sweet words, immediately getting out of your chair to hug him. He’s quick to pull you between his legs, arms wrapping around your waist while his head rests on your chest.
Mat: 5
“If I wasn’t a model, what would I be doing?”
“You’d be a writer. Although, I already tell you that you can still be a writer and a model,” Mat says.
“Maybe when I retire modeling, whenever that’ll be.”
Mat: 6
“This one might be hard for you: what was the first name on my ‘baby names’ list?”
“How on earth am I supposed to know that? Umm… was it… I know it’s an S name because we both love S names. It’s Sloane,” Mat guesses.
“Nope. It’s actually Selene. I loved Selene so much, but when we found out our first baby was a boy, I just dropped Selene. I also didn’t want to use it for Sloane. I felt like she needed a whole new name, and Sloane just fits baby girl so well.”
“That’s true. She is meant to be named Sloane,” Mat agrees.
“What’s my favorite sport?”
“Hockey!” He has a cocky smile on his face, but only because he knows he’s the only reason you watch hockey.
“Barzy! I know you know the REAL answer, so answer truthfully.”
“It’s baseball,” he mutters, feigning annoyance.
Mat: 7
“If I could be an animal for a day, what animal would I be?”
“A cat.”
Mat: 8
“What’s my ritual before a fashion show?”
“When you leave for the venue, you give us all kisses. At the venue you listen to the playlist I made you and refrain from talking to anyone for the first 30 minutes so you can center yourself. After those first 30 minutes you like to dance around to get all your nerves out.”
“I’m surprised you remember that,” you grin proudly at your man.
“Well I have been backstage with you for quite a few of those shows. I actually miss being able to see you go through that process. It’s an honor to see you in a vulnerable state outside of the intimacy of our relationship.”
“Baby, I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Mat: 9
“What was my wedding scent?”
“This is so easy because I love that perfume so much. It’s so intoxicating. I swear it’s an aphrodisiac because I just never wanted to be away from you. It’s Maison Margiela’s Replica perfume in the scent: Jazz Club. I especially love when you wear it on special occasions,” Mat answers in a way that can only be described as lovesick.
“It’s true. On our wedding day, we could not be pulled apart. Our lips or hands were always on each other. I’m actually thinking about making it my signature smell, but I’m hesitant because I want it to be for special occasions only,” you ramble, face flustered by bringing up how touchy you and Mat are.
“Special occasions only, babe.”
“What if I said I’m wearing it today?” You tease.
Mat’s head falls back, a moan desperately trying to fly out his mouth. Without a word, he’s out of his chair and throwing you over his shoulder. He walks off set with you while you laugh uncontrollably.
“Barzy! Baby, we have to go back,” you say and even though you’re both off camera, the mic still picks up your voices.
“I love you,” Mat says through a laugh, lips connecting with yours.
As you both walk back, you’re fixing your hair and lipstick before fixing Mat’s shirt.
When you move to walk in front of him, he tickles you from behind, sending you into a fit of giggles. You reach behind yourself to wrap your hands around the back of his neck, pressing your body into his to get him to stop. His hands don’t leave your body, though. They just rest on your stomach.
“Sorry about that,” Mat apologizes while you hide behind your hand, trying to mask your red cheeks and big smile.
Mat: 10
“It’s your turn. Are you ready to lose?” Mat asks, sending you a smirk that makes you want to kiss him.
“I’m loving the aggression, but yes bring it on,” you send a playful glare back at him.
“How old am I?”
“You’re 31 and about to be 32. Old man,” you say in a fake cough, but it just turns out to be a big laugh.
Mat smiles, nose scrunching and he reaches out to tickle your neck.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry,” you try not to yell.
Y/n: 1
“Do I want more babies?”
“Surprisingly, no. Mat wanted to try for Angel and Sloane, but I was hesitant because Nolan was still young. However, I couldn’t deny that I wanted more kids. This time, Mat’s the one who told me he didn’t want anymore kids while I’m actually okay with having another baby. That being said, we won’t be having anymore kids, it’s a mutual agreement and we have our reasons,” you explain.
“Babe, I love the way you speak,” your husband compliments you.
“I love you.”
Y/n: 2
“What food do I hate?”
“Wrong. Babe, we just had fish the other day on our date.”
“Wait! Then why did you say no to sushi? I just realized this. Oh my god. You denied me sushi!” You’re appalled because you seriously thought he hated seafood.
“Sorry, I just don’t like sushi.”
“Literally how? It has seafood!” You’re still in shock.
“What’s something I want to learn?”
“You want to learn how to cook. You hate how I’m the one cooking all the time. But guess what guys, I’ve been teaching Mat every time I’m in the kitchen,” you state.
“You’re a great teacher.”
Y/n: 3
“How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
“You’ll give yourself some space or take one of the babies to rock in the rocking chair until you’re ready to talk. However, if I don’t notice you’re upset, you’ll linger around with a pout. The same pout that all our kids have. Sometimes if you’re upset for a small reason, you’ll just kiss me until you snap out of it,” you go through his tells.
“Yeah, your kisses almost always work. They’re magic,” he gets up real quick to peck your lips.
Y/n: 4
“When was our first kiss?”
“When you came to my apartment with flowers and an apology. We just had our first fight, before we were an official couple, and you were hesitant about kissing me so I kissed you first.”
“I think about that day everyday. I can kiss you forever. I will kiss you forever,” he whispers.
“Okay, sap,” you tease.
Y/n: 5
“Where’s somewhere I want to go?”
“Tokyo! We both want to go, so maybe our next couple vacation!”
Y/n: 6
“What are my tattoos?”
You look at him with wide eyes because none of his or your fans know he has tattoos. You knew people were going to freak out.
“Ooo a GQ exclusive! Your tattoos are ‘Nolan,’ ‘Angel,’ and ‘Sloane.’ Our kids' names and they are located on the inside of your fingers. You also have my initial tattoo on your ring finger.” You say animatedly, you’ve been waiting for him to share his tattoos with the public, so you can talk about them freely.
“I need my family with me at all times,” Mat confirms.
Y/n: 7
“Who is my celebrity crush?” You want to wipe the smirk off his face.
You remember the time in your relationship when you got insanely jealous when you found out about his celebrity crush. Now, you think it’s actually funny.
“Your celebrity crush is Zoë Kravitz. Zoë, Mat’s free on sundays. Just kidding. He’s all mine,” you say in giggles.
“Baby, you’re my celebrity crush,” he plays around.
Y/n: 8
“What’s my go-to snack?”
“You love nutella a lot, so maybe your bagel with nutella?”
“I’ll give you the point because I do love nutella.”
“Thank you!”
Y/n: 9
“What’s the easiest way to make me mad?”
“When I ignore you,” you answer with a little smug smile.
“I hate it!”
“Sometimes I’ll do it so you’ll just kiss me. Or to see you pout because I can kiss your pout away.”
“We kiss a lot,” Mat points out.
“Yeah, well we’re married.”
Y/n: 10
“What’s my favorite color on you?”
“You love me in blue because it inflates your ego,” you roll your eyes. You think about all the times you’ve bought lingerie that was the same blue as the one on his hockey uniform. You immediately blush.
“You just look sexy in blue,” he states.
“Sure,” you say, unconvinced and your arms crossed over your chest.
Mat pulls the chair you’re seated on closer to him, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. You press a chaste kiss to his palm.
“Blue is your best color. I mean you’re even wearing it right now,” he says, pointing at the dark blue top you’re wearing.
“Ugh… kiss me,” he doesn’t keep you waiting.
Y/n: 11
“What makes me laugh?”
“Easy. Angel’s baby giggles make you laugh so much. Oh and you also laugh a lot when we watch jersey shore.”
“Nothing can beat Angel’s giggles. Cutest thing ever.”
Y/n: 12
You get out of your chair, dancing your way to Mat so you can sit on his lap.
“I won! I won! I won!” You sing.
“No, I don’t think so. I definitely have it in the bag,” Mat says, arms wrapped around your waist while your back leans against his chest.
“I’m educated in Y/n Barzal! That should be the name of a bachelor’s degree,” Mat jokes.
“Shushhh,” you quiet him with a finger to his lips. You smile at him, too happy and too in love to ever be bothered with him.
“Please tell us who won,” you requested.
“Y/n has 11/12 correct and Mat has 10/12 correct,” someone from the camera crew tells you.
“HA! I won,” you say in Mat’s face, grabbing his cheeks to kiss his lips repeatedly.
“Sorry if we kiss too much on camera. I just really love my husband,” you muse.
“Thank you so much for watching. I’m actually the winner, but we’ll let Y/n believe she won,” Mat teases you.
“It’s okay, hotshot, we all know I’m the best,” you say playfully.
“Thank you all for watching. We love you,” you add.
“Ready to go? I need more kisses,” Mat carries you out of the camera’s frame.
a/n: I had fun with this one, So I hope y’all enjoy!
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 7
And here we get to my little headcanon about Gareth. I saw a gif of Nancy talking to a kid with a camera at the game in season 4 and thought it was Gareth. But Gareth is shorter with darker curls. So meet Gethin, Gareth’s taller fraternal twin.
On the tagging, I HAVE REACHED MY HARD AND FAST LIMIT OF 50. I love the response this story has gotten. I do. I love you all. I love every reply, like, and reblog. It brings me so much joy, you don’t even know. But tagging is hard for my ADHD brain. I have gone up from 20 to 30 and finally 50 as my system improved but I think if I do any more than that I’ll go insane. So any future tagging requests will be ignored. Sorry.
The best way to keep update on these stories is follow me and set me on notifications. I rarely do a lot of reblogging these days (too busy churning out stories like whoa), so more often then not a post will be a story. I try to post at least once a day (some times twice if I’m trying to rush through the posting a bit like I did to make sure the Valentine fic got out in time without making people wait on Vamp!Eddie), just never at set time.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve was the last one to arrive.
But at least this time he wasn’t late. Just last. Fucking story of his life. Thankfully all four of them were waiting in the open garage. He could see Gareth’s drum kit in the corner, but none of the other guys brought their instruments.
“You found the place okay?” Jeff asked.
“Took a wrong turn somewhere, I guess,” Steve groused. “But I finally got back on track.”
“Come on in,” Gareth said. “My mom made homemade hot chocolate and sugar cookies.”
Steve lit up. “Sounds great.” He poured himself some hot chocolate and a couple of cookies, shoving one into his mouth immediately.
“So how we do this,” Jeff explained. “Everyone hands out their presents and then one person at a time opens all of theirs at once.”
“And since this is your first time,” Gareth said, “you’ll get to go first.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks guys.” He frowned suddenly realizing something. “Wait...how did you guys know what to get me?”
All four boys just grinned at him. “Well, that’s not creepy at all.”
“You’ll figure it out,” Eddie said, patting him on the shoulder.
Steve opened his gifts and since the point was to be outrageous, he laughed when he pulled out a pair of Speedo’s. “Do I even want to know which of you guys got this for me?”
Brian shook his head. “It’s better if you don’t know, man. Forbidden knowledge that.”
Steve nodded. The last thing was one of those auto-signature pictures of the 1984 Olympic gold medal swimming relay team. He looked up at Eddie, somehow knowing it was from him.
“Thanks, man. I love it.” At Gareth’s questioning look he explained. “I’m on the relay team at school. It was so fun watching this. They even had the Olympic trails right here in Indy.”
“Wow,” Jeff said. “That is cool.”
Eddie just cleared his throat and shove hair in front of his face to hide his embarrassment.
They went around the room, Gareth, Brian, Jeff and then finally Eddie.
Eddie got temporary tattoos.
“These ones are legal,” Brian teased.
A pack of guitar picks and a new DM screen. And then he got to Steve’s.
Steve squirmed in his seat, because he knew he had blown the limit. But when he saw it he knew he had to get it for the metalhead.
He opened it up to see a black leather wallet with a skull and a red lightning bolt behind it. It had a small metal ring for a chain to be clipped onto.
Eddie looked up at him with shiny eyes. “Steve...”
“I told you I was going to get you something nice for you and your uncle letting me come over and spend Christmas with you.”
“Steve wins,” Gareth said.
“Agreed,” Jeff and Brian said together.
Steve blushed. “I’m just glad everyone enjoyed their gifts.”
“You ready for some D&D?” Eddie asked trying to change the subject. Not just because he was uncomfortable, but because he had a feeling that Steve was too.
Steve nodded. “I got some pointers from Dustin and Lucas when I dropped them off. They also let me borrow some dice.”
“That’s some friends you got there, Steve-o,” Jeff said.
They led the way inside and Steve was sat between Eddie who was DMing and Gareth.
They had just gotten settled when another boy came out of the kitchen munching away on leftover ham. Steve had to blink. He looked over at Gareth and then back to the boy.
The Corroded Coffin boys grinned.
“Meet my fraternal twin, Gethin,” Gareth said, batting his eyelashes innocently.
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit, dude. I didn’t know you were a twin.”
Gethin rolled his eyes. “I’m the cooler old brother of the pair.”
“By two minutes,” Gareth said rolling his eyes.
Gethin’s eyes glittered with malice. “Still counts, nerd.”
“Go back to your camera, dweeb!”
Steve just shook his head.
“All right, let’s roll up these characters,” Eddie said rubbing his hands together and cackling gleefully.
It took a bit for Steve to get the hang of it, but he needed less and less help from Eddie or Gareth as the game went on.
They all died spectacularly.
“That was fun,” Steve said as they cleaned up.
“It’s not that bad with a campaign normally,” Brian said. “Unless specified to be a kill your darlings kind of game.”
“The point is to get your character to level twenty and beat the final boss, right?” Steve asked.
“That’s right,” Jeff said. “Sometimes we play with the club and sometimes it’s just us four having a blast. Our characters have been a party for about three years now.”
Steve let out a low whistle. “That is a long time.”
“We’ve got a paladin, that’s Jeff,” Eddie explained. “A wizard, that’s Gareth’s character. And Brian’s rogue.”
“And your druid, right?” Steve said snapping his fingers, remembering what Eddie said at the mall.
“That’s right, sweetheart.”
Steve grinned. “That’s so cool.”
“Hey, Steve,” Jeff asked. “Is okay if me and Brian get a ride home with you. Eddie lives on the other end of town and Gareth drove so...”
Steve shrugged. “Sure. Ready when you are.”
Jeff and Brian gave Eddie and Gareth hugs and then followed Steve out.
Once Steve had left Eddie turned to Gareth.
“So how did he do?”
Eddie wasn’t going to force his friends to like Steve. They didn’t have to. But he would like them to.
“He seems pretty chill,” Gareth said. “Gotta wonder if a couple of concussions changed his personality.”
Eddie nodded. This definitely wasn’t the Steve Harrington of last year. Or hell even of their experience with the guy as a whole.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I think maybe there were flashes before this.” He threw his arms in the air. “Because yeah, head injuries can cause personality changes, but I think at the fundamentals he’s still the same person he’s always been. Just now he can be himself instead of whatever Tommy H and Carol wanted him to be.”
“A funky little dork who is just trying his best?”
“Exactly,” Eddie said. “I just wonder what made him decide to give up all the popularity.”
Gareth nodded.
They hung out a few times with Steve and sometimes it was just Steve and Eddie.
Eddie could tell that there was something that was bothering him. Something that went deeper than feral dogs and beat downs by California transfer students.
But every time Eddie would get close, Steve would shut down. Once he got so upset he got up and left. Eddie was on the phone every day for three days trying to apologize. It took actually going to his house and threatening to beat the door down before he got through to Steve.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Eddie growled. “What if you had another concussion and no one was around to help you, dude. You could have died.”
Steve sighed. “Sorry. I can’t talk about it. Like literally, legally on pain of incarceration can’t talk about it.”
Eddie blinked. How the hell did a seventeen year old boy get mixed up in something that could get him arrested for talking about it?
“So write me a story or paint me a picture,” Eddie said. “Something, because it’s eating you alive. Is there someone you could talk to? An adult or something because fucking hell, Harrington you look like someone walked over your grave.”
Steve dug the meat of his palms into his eyes. “I know. There are a couple people I could talk to but they have so much to worry about.”
Eddie thought for a minute. “This is about Will and El isn’t it?”
Steve’s head whirled to face him, fear etched into every line of his face. “I don’t know what you mean...”
“A girl turns up out of no where and boy that was dead, suddenly isn’t?” Eddie said cocking his head. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure out the two are connected.”
Steve looked down at the floor. “Whatever you can imagine, just know it’s much, much worse.”
Eddie nodded. “So I’m guessing the adults are Mrs Byers and Chief Hopper?”
Steve nodded. “And the other people that know about it are all younger than me. So...”
“So tell me a story...” Eddie said. “Change the names, the details, but tell me a story. Or paint me a series of pictures. I’ve seen drawing pads all over your place, man. Just something, anything. Okay?”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, okay. I’ll try. Because you’re right. I need to release it somehow. Keeping it bottle up inside isn’t good.”
Eddie smiled. “There you go. Now go get dressed, we’re going to grab a bite to eat.”
Steve smiled softly. “Okay.”
After the first week of January Steve came up to him, eyes darting around him like he was nervous. So Eddie pulled him into the janitor’s closet.
“Hey, I need you take a deep breath for me,” Eddie said as Steve started to hyperventilate.
Steve struggled to obey.
“Hey, hey,” Eddie said, soothingly, rubbing his arms up and down. “Take a deep breath.” Steve managed that at least. “Good, now let it out slow.” The breath shuddered, but still it came out slow. “Now can you repeat that for me.”
“I’m in so much trouble, man,” Steve sobbed, sliding to the floor, his knees to his chest. “We have to do a comic in art class and so I thought I would do what you suggested. Make a comic out of the hell I went through. Only Miss Chen thinks that it’s too dark and wants to call my parents.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Shit!” He began pacing back and forth. “Do you think your parents will come?”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t know. But I’m terrified that if they see it...”
“They’ll lock you up and throw away the key?” Eddie suggested.
He nodded.
Eddie took a deep breath. “Okay. Do you still want it or do you want it destroyed?”
Steve opened his mouth to answer, but frowned. He closed his mouth and really thought about it. “I’d like you to see it,” he said quietly.
“All right,” Eddie said. “I won’t go into details, because you need plausible deniability. But the first page of your comic isn’t going to be there tomorrow. And hopefully with it gone, Miss Chen won’t call your parents. Okay?”
Steve nodded.
Eddie opened the door to leave when Steve called out.
“Hey, Eds?”
“Yeah, Stevie?” Eddie asked, turning back to him.
Eddie smiled softly and then made his way out of the closet, giving Steve time to collect himself before he faced the hell of high school once again.
Eddie couldn’t be involved in the art theft either. It would be expected. So he enlisted Gethin’s help.
“And you’ll give Janice my number?” Gethin asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
Eddie threw his arms in the air. “For the last time, yes! Besides, she probably already has it as you know, your TWIN is in the same club as she is?”
“What do you get out of this?” Gethin asked.
“I’m the one that suggested it in the first place,” Eddie admitted, putting his hands on his lower back. “So it’s my job to get him out of the trouble I put him in.”
Gethin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Steve’s going through some pretty heavy shit, huh?”
Eddie licked his lips. “Yeah, man. I thought he could get it out safely through his art, but even though Jeff and I have turned in far worse stuff...”
“Because it’s coming from Steve, obviously he’s acting out,” Gethin supplied.
“Pretty much the whole thing in a nutshell,” Eddie said.
Gethin nodded.
“So you’ll do it?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, I’ll do it,” he said.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag list: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Mochi request if that’s alright with you
So it’s starts off with the reader bursting into the house to tell his brothers (the haitani brothers) that he has a boyfriend which causes the brothers to immediately bombard the reader with questions and while the reader doesn’t say mochi he just says that his boyfriend is really sweet, funny and loves him as much as the reader loves him. And one day there’s a knock on the door and ran opens the door to see mochi and the conversation would go like this
Ran: oh hey mochi are you here cause you need help with something
Mochi: uhhh no I’m here for (name). this is the address he sent me to pick him up
Mochi: cause I’m taking him out on a date
In the distance they both hear rindou yell out “what?!”
Cue ran and rindou questioning the reader and mochi on everything how they met, how long they’ve been dating, have they kissed or done more than kissing and are even threatening mochi if he even done so much as have his arm around the reader waist
Not gonna lie this one was fun to write lol. Enjoy!
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It was a quiet and peaceful evening in the Haitani resident. Ran was doing his long before bed routine, and Rindou was scrolling through his music making another playlist. That was until the youngest Haitani brother, practically tore down the front door with a huge and bright smile on his face.
Both brothers jumped and quickly asked the youngest what was wrong. "I got a boyfriend!" The brother relaxed, continuing what they were doing. Ran chuckled. "Oh that's all? I thought something was wrong. But you only got a-" both older brother quickly realized what was said.
(Name) and boyfriend, rang through their head. Both quickly dropped what they were doing, before practically dragging the youngest to the kitchen. They sat him at the table and both had serious faces. "(Name), please do repeat what you said."
(Name) smiled and blushed. "Nii-chan's I finally got a boyfriend." The word boyfriend echoed in the olders heads. Their precious (Name) has a boyfriend?! Rindou immediately slammed his hands down. "Who is it?!" Ran quickly nodded. "Who has the guts to go against us!?"
(Name) smiled softly. "His name isn't important to you two. What is important is he treats me amazingly, he's so sweet and kind to me, and he loves me like I love him!" The brothers face turned to horror. (Name) bid the two Goodnight, then skipped to his rook for the night.
After that night the older Haitani's had a very important mission. "Find (Name)'s boyfriend, and beat the hit out of him." It was a well known rule in Roppongi, that (Name) was off the market. Nobody was allowed to date the youngest Haitani.
After weeks of no new information about (Name)'s boyfriend, the brothers had a couple theories.
1. (Name)'s boyfriend isn't in Roppongi
2. The boyfriend is really good at hiding
3. Their poor baby brother is being used and the boyfriend isn't taking the relationship seriously
4. They already interrogated the boyfriend and he lied to them
The brothers had looked all over Roppongi, and interrogated all eligible bachelor's around the appropriate age for (Name). So far they haven't gotten anything and the brothers were getting more and more frustrated. Are they gonna stop though? Hell no! This is about their precious brother after all!
While the brothers have searched all over for the male dating their brother, they never thought to follow (Name) when he left for his dates with the said male. So imagine their surprise when one afternoon, their fellow gang member Mochizuki knocking on their front door.
When Ran opened the door, he was confused and surprised. "Oh hey Mochi. Whatcha doing here? Need sonething?" Mochi shook his head. "I'm actually here for (Name). This is the address he sent me to get him from." Ran tensed. "Why?"
"Oh I'm here to take him on our date." Ran was speechless. They hear Rindou yell something from within the house along with stuff being knocked over. Then there was quick footsteps towards the door. Rindou finally made it to the door, hair everywhere and glasses barley on his face.
Ran and Rindou stared. "You're the boyfriend we've been trying to find?!" Mochi confused nodded hesitantly. "Yes?"
That lead to the older Haitani's towering over (Name) and Mochi. Ran started the interrogation off. "How'd you two even meet and when?" (Name) went on to explain how, he met Mochi last year after the larger male after a serious gang fight.
Mochi then added how (Name) gave him first aid, and even bought him a drink and snack after patching him up. Rindou continued. "How long have you guys been dating then?" Mochi explained how he asked (Name) out two weeks after that, but (Name) explained how he was nervous to date him because of the brothers.
So Mochi said when he mentioned them being friends, (Name) agreed to date him after a week of convincing. The bothers listened carefully, nodded every once and a while. Asking other questions so every so often. Before the most important question came up.
"How far have you two gone sexually? Mochi I swear to kami, if you've put your hands on him. You're. Dead." (Name) flushed and covered his face, while Mochi shifted uncomfortably. He cleared his throat and looked the brothers in the eye.
"We've held hands and kissed. Had a few makeout sessions but nothing beyond that. I wouldn't do anything (Name) isn't comfortable with." The brothers frowned. Not liking the thought of their baby brother doing such things. But glad they haven't gone that far.
(Name) gave his boyfriend a soft smile. "Aww Kanji! You're so sweet!" (Name) quickly wrapped himself around the larger male. Before being ripped away by his fuming older brothers. "No. Absolutely not. Not in front of us. Why him of all people?!" (Name) pouted, before getting a brilliant idea.
"Well I thought you guys would like him better, then the other guy that keeps hitting on me." The three older males freeze. Staring at the younger, waiting for him to finish. "Theirs another guy that keeps hitting me. He's like 6'4. Purple eyes. Hands tattooed and th front of his hair bleached."
The brothers released (Name) and immediately started heading to the door. Ran grabbing his baton on the way out. Mochi followed them. (Name) confused at their livid expressions follow. "Wait! Where are you guys going?"
Rindou opened his phone sending a message to Izana, before turning to (Name). "We're going to killing Hanma." (Name) didn't know who that was but quickly rushed after them. He didn't need his brothers and boyfriend in jail...again.
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pastellia63 · 4 months
2. What's your favorite and least favorite design in either show?
3. What character do you think has the most wasted potential? Why?
7. What's a ship you enjoy?
Okay so starting of:
2. My favorite design would actually have to be Loopty Goopty's
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I know that seems random, but i honestly really love the way he looks! He doesn't look plain-ish, but also not too clutered to the point he becomes a nightmare to animate like certain other characters (cough cough, Fizz and Beezlebub cough cough). Also always a sucker for classic cartoon villain inspired characters, and you can immediately tell that from his design unlike with other characters.
Now, onto the one i dislike the most... Well this one is actually hard, but i think i'll have to go with Asmodeus.
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Nothing really against him altought i do feel like his character could have been way more interesting but then again this Helluva male centric show Boss were talking about. Onto his actual design, he honestly is between having nothing and too much going on. Like i honestly feel like the way he looks is not fit when it comes to having him be the embodiment of lust, and his full demon form Is honestly pretty lacking too which is pretty disapointing as if HAVE seen that this show can in fact have good full demonic form designs. Case in point:
3. Ohhh boy, now that's a tough question. But i think i'm gonna have to go with Lucifer Morningstar himself. He could have been a genuinely interesting flawed character with him being the ruler of hell and the father of the main protagonist herself and all buuut instead we got Stolas 2.0. because it just won't be a Vivzie show if we don't villanize his wife instead. I mean, do i need to remind you that this is the same guy who manipulated Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of Eden just because he wanted to screw God over and making it so that all humans would suffer over it (and then proceeds to throw a fit about how they had a choice to do better despite him starting all of this)? The same one who couldn't haven't even been bothered to watch ONE broadcast for his daughter since she was on it and therefore didn't even protect or comfort her when it horribly went wrong but It's okay because he's really trying you guys 😞😔 please.
7. Alright, back to being positive! I LOVE Chaggie! They're the cutest and It's such a shame the show barely pays any mind to them despite being the main couple! Others i like are:BlitzFizz, CherriSnake (please don't come at me, i too don't really like how it was handled in the show but it's cute in concept), GoldenGoose (Mammon x Stella), Barbie Wire x Verosika Mayday, Wally Wackford x Verosika, and Carmila Carmine x Zestial!
Thanks alot for the ask, this was very fun to do!
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1-helluva-hazbin · 1 month
Always Something Underneath
Chapter 2 - A Taste of Peppermint
Lucifer x Fem!reader (prostitute character w/ accent)
Content warning: slow burn, talk of smoking, writing an accent, no proofread
Chapter Summary: You and Lucifer end up having a drink together when he shows up to the hotel and Charlie is out.
Word Count: 2748
Chapter 1 𖤐 Chapter 2 (You are Here) 𖤐 Chapter 3 (WIP)
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The hotel bar was quiet tonight. As you entered the usually bustling hotel after having finished the couple of scheduled clients at the brothel, only to be met with a calm serenity, it was unsettling. It made you question if you were in the wrong place. You made your way over to the bar taking a seat. It was just you perched on a barstool at one end of the bar, Husk behind it closer to you, and another already severely intoxicated resident, who had their head down on the bar, at the other end.
“Hey Husk, where the heck is everybawdy ta’night?” you ask motioning with a sweep of an arm towards the empty expanse of the lobby. “It’s kinda weird.”
Husk looked towards you, from what appeared to be him taking inventory behind the bar, and shrugged. “Don’t know. I heard Charlie say something about bonding. Everyone needs to stop asking me that fucking question though. I’m not here to monitor who comes and goes.”
You hum in response, amused at Husk’s dislike for being the one everyone goes too yet disappointed at hearing everyone was out. One of the downsides of working while residing here was that you did occasionally miss out on the evening activities that Charlie organized. Not that you were personally willing to quit to attend them. It still left you feeling a little dejected. A trade off to ensuring your own financial stability. “You want something to drink?” Husk asked, noting you hadn’t headed off.
“A dirty shirley would be swell. When ya gawtta second that is.” You hear him mumble something along the lines of ‘you got it’ though he said it so low you weren’t totally sure. You sigh, as you twist in your seat so you’re facing the lobby. The idleness inciting the itch of a nicotine craving. You were trying to cut back and you had one on the walk home. Plus you didn’t want to go outside. Charlie had made it clear there should be no smoking in the hotel after you had already pushed your luck in your room.
Your hands wrung the edge of your skirt for a moment, before you put one hand up on the bar with your fingers to immediately begging to drum. Husk’s ear twitched and he glanced over as he whipped up your drink. “Quit it with the fingers. That’s annoying as shit.” he growled out, “Why the fuck you doing that anyway? You’re not usually one of the annoying ones.”
You ‘tsked’ the reprimand, your hand retreating to your lap once more. “Sorry Husk. I’m tryin’ ta quit smokin’ an’ I’m feel’in kinda antsy.”
“No shit.” he drawled, eyes locked onto you. “You actually believe this whole redemption bullshit don’t you?”
You shrug and lean back against the bar. “Believe it? Naw. I dun think it can hurt to try though. Bein’ slightly less shitty ain’t the worst thing ta be down here an if it werks I’d get’ta golden ticket. Not’ta bad trade off if ya ask me. If it werks that is.”
He scoffed, shaking his head just audibly muttering, “Nothing worse than being gullible down here…” He walked over sliding the drink next to your elbow. “I’ve heard in passing that eating sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds can help. Not the cravings but, it keeps your hands busy or something.”
“Oooh yeah that could werk. That’s a good idea!” you spun around in your seat, acquiescing to his comment about gullibility. You hadn’t ever considered yourself gullible for trying this redemption thing out but, you could admit some might see it that way.
He grinned and went to make a further comment before the front doors burst open. The both of you turned to see Lucifer sauntering in loudly humming to himself, radiating excitement. “Ah! Husk! Where is Charlie!” he immediately called out from across the room ambling towards the bar.
He sighed as you pursed your lips holding back a giggle. “Out.” he growled, ears flat.
“They had’a group thing planned ta’night.” you add, hoping to ease some of Husk’s irritation while satisfying Lucifer. You leaned over towards the seat next to you and patted the cushion. “Join me for’a drink Luci babe! I’m sure we gotta ‘nuff time for one!”
“Oh! How, thoughtful!” he said, the genuine happiness sliding into a facade to mask his nervousness.
“I got’ta question for ya I’ve been meanin’ ta ask!”
He gritted his teeth and closed the distance between himself in the bar. “Do you now?”
“What do you want?” Husk asked, diverting the topic away from your question.
Lucifer blinked and let out a breathy laugh, “I’m not much of a drinker.”
“Here!” you push your drink towards Lucifer, “A dirty shirley don’t taste much like alcohol, especially the way Husk here makes ‘em but, just’ta be sure try mine. I haven’t drank out’ta it yet.”
“Oh well I wouldn’t want it going to waste if I don’t like it!” he exclaimed, pushing it back towards you.
“I’ll just drink it. No worries.” you shrug nonchalantly. His face twisted in disgust as you both stared at one another for a moment. “What?”
“You’d drink out of a glass someone else drank from?” he gasped out incredulously. 
You laugh out lightly, thinking him joking, his expression unwavering. “Oh, shit you’re serious. Lucifa, sweety, did you forget ‘bout my profession? The things I haf’ta do with this mouth?” Husk barked out a laugh, “You’d probably be one’a the cleanest beings I’ve ever swapped bloodily fluids with. Do I need ta paint a more vivid pic’ta for ya?”
Lucifer’s disgust settled deeper into his features as your spiel continued. By the end, he was beyond disturbed with any remanence of the arriving excitement vanquished. “No. Please don’t.”
“Perfect!” you push the drink towards him once more, “So you’ll try it an if ya don’ like it I’ll drink it. Husk can make ya somin’ else, like a mudslide.”
“I’m a bartender not a fucking mixologist. I’m not making a mudslide. We don’t have heavy cream anyways.” Husk huffed out.
You ‘tsk’ the cat again and counter, “A mudslide is hawdly a complex cawlktail, Husk.”
“I’m not fucking making it.” he bit back resolutely.
As the squabbling occurred, Lucifer tentatively took the dirty shirley, gingerly sipping it. He blinked at the flavors playing on his tongue, mostly sweet with only a slight hint of alcoholic bite. He took a slightly bigger sip and hummed an approval. “This isn’t half bad!”
You side eyed Husk, shelving the mudslide conversation momentarily, before turning back to Lucifer with a smile. “Well, I’m glad you like it. Drinkin’ can be enjoyable, ‘specially when it don’ tas’ like shit. Jus’ gotta find out what’cha like.”
“How does a mudslide compare to this?” Lucifer asked, his interest genuinely peaked.
“Don’t you fucking start.” Husk growled
Lucifer raised a brow at Husk as a shit eating grin spread across your face, “It depends on what’cha like or ya mood. A dirty shirley is more of a..light an bubbly refreshin’ drink. A mudslide tho’ is a heavia drink since it’s made with cream. Kinda like a thin’a chawcalate milk but with more of a cawffe flava. If ya get it made with a little chawcalate ‘round the rim or in tha cup tho,” you paused and let out a soft hum, “that’s the best.”
Husk was shooting daggers as you talked. Giving him your most saccharine smile you asked in cloying tone, “Can I get anotha shirley?” 
Husk rolled his eyes, grabbing another glass. “Stop. Bringing. Up. Mudslides.”
“I can’t promise that. I can promise I won’t bring it up or mention it ‘round Angel though. If I was a gambal’a I’d bet my next paycheck he’d lov’a good mudslide. ‘Specially, knowing how fawned of makin’ em you are.” Your eyebrows raised as you cocked your head, silently challenging him to strike up a better counteroffer; his continued bartending services in exchange for your silence.
Husk groaned, fatigued at the idea of Angel hounding him to make the drink if only to infuriate him. While they certainly were on good terms, Angel would never let a golden goose like this go; to torment someone in such a mundane yet grating way. Always the sort to love getting a reaction out of people. Husk relented, “You’re killing me.”
You let out a single victorious giggle glancing at Lucifer offhandedly, instantly shocked. He had nearly downed his first shirley as you two dickered. “You might nawt be the only one I kill. Holy hell Lucifa. Slow down. We gawt the whole damn night.”
Husk looked at the glass in the king’s hand and shook his head. He placed your replacement dirty shirley on the bar. Lucifer shrugged, nonchalantly dismissing your concern. “I can handle a single drink.”
The bartender and you glance at one another, both nodding in silent solidarity given Lucifer had admitted to not being a drinker. Husk returned to his inventory, not asking Lucifer if he wanted another, and you proceeded to distract the king from requesting a second. “How ‘bout my question now that I gotta drink?”
He nervously chuckled and placed his hand and cup down on the bar. “What’s the question?”
“I waz curious how your powas werked. Like, what all can ya do? You helped build the hotel obviously. You gawt that nifty portal trick. Somebawdy said somethin ‘bout you turnin’ inta animals?” you asked, scooting to the edge of your seat towards Lucifer.
“Oh!” he laughed out, most of the nerves dissipating. “That’s it? I was worried you were going to ask me something…more uh…” He saw you smirk, raising a brow before he quickly decided to omit the concerned topic continuing on, “...never mind. My powers! Curious about my powers. Well it is very mutli-facitied. Powers of creation and all. I can create just about anything I can imagine of course. I can turn into any animal ever created so that was true. Shape shifting in general is a cinch.”
Instantly, you were sitting next to an anteater, followed by a chameleon, a house cat, and lastly his signature animal a snake. The last shift was back into his normal self. “Then of course I have the ability of duplication. It’s sort of a branch of the creation.” he said suddenly in the seat behind you as well as in front. At that point, the two of them took turns naming off of the things they could do.
 “The portals like you said; to places real and imagined.”
“Hellfire, which isn’t something I use often.”
“Angelic blasts on the flip side of that.”
“There are also the powers of healing.” he said, the Lucifer behind you poofing out of existence. “I can’t revive those who are dead, though that doesn’t matter much down here since people just regenerate as part of the whole hell existence. If they’re still breathing though I could just patch ‘em right up!”
“Can you help an addict who’s trying to quit? Take their cravings away?” Husk piped up out of the blue, looking at Lucifer over his clipboard.
Lucifer blinked, pondering it but a moment. “If it’s a physical reaction I could help. It wouldn’t stop them from picking it back up out of habit though. Is Angel Dust trying to quit finally?”
“Fucking doubt it. Charlie and Vaggie have found basically all his spots but it only seems to slow him down. He still gets it at work. This one here though…” Husk said, motioning the clipboard towards you. 
Lucifer turned to look at you with a tilted head with a surprised look on his face. You laughed softly, the feeling of being caught in the limelight for something kinda good a little unsettling. “Aw shucks Husk, ya didn’t need ta bring it up. I just stawted so I’m only down a couple cigarellos. It’s nothin’ ta raise cain about.”
“Are you serious about it?” Lucifer asked. “Stopping?”
“Part of the program ain’t it?” you smile finally sipping from your drink. “Gotta find betta copin’ mechanisms an awll that when I’m stressed out. Plus it ain’t great for ya. Husk mentioned eatin’ pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds to help which I’m gonna’ try.”
“Well that’s…commendable.” he said, nodding slowly, his eyes locked onto you. “I can do it but, only if you’re serious about it. I don’t want to do this and then turn around to find out you’ve picked up the habit again. It’d be…”
“Disappointing?” you asked before he had the chance. His brows knitted, his expression suddenly saturnine as he gave a curt nod. Your smile shrinks and you sigh, “I gawt it. Not everybawdy can be Chawlie; willin’ ta help in every an’ any way with unlimited hope for awll these hell bound souls.”
He didn’t want to verbally agree but the silence was more than enough to confirm it. “If ya want ta and are willin’, I’d owe ya one. I am serious though, ‘bout quittin’. I wouldn’t be mad if ya don’t of course. I wasn’ tryin’ to fanangle when I asked ‘bout ya powas. You’re just fascinatin’ and I’ma neb.” The typical smile you adorned grew back as you continued speaking.
Lucifer watched you for a moment before he sighed and held out his hands to you, palms up. “Charlie wouldn want to try anything we can…put your hands on mine.”
You released your drink and wiped the condensation from the cup on your skirt. Gently you placed your palms against his. His hands were surprisingly about the same size as yours despite the hight difference and they were warmer than anyone else you had ever touched. Not to mention wonderfully soft. You suppressed a small hum and looked to him just as he closed his eyes. As the seconds passed, the nicotine craving started to subside. It was subtle at first but as it lessened into nothing it became very apparent. Almost alarmingly so.
“Better?” He asked, opening his eyes.
“It’s…” you hesitate, “kinda weird. I mean it’s gawn! Definitely betta in that sense. I don’t feel the cravin’ no more but… I guess… I gawt so use ta it bein’ there it’s weird nawt feelin’ it. ‘Specially awll of a sudden.”
“You’ll get used to it hopefully.” Lucifer said, not understanding the feeling but, trying to at least respect it.
You wrapped your hands around his and lightly squeezed, “Thank you. I own ya one.” You released his hands, not wanting to hold on too long despite the urge to.
“Don’t pick up the habit again and we’re even.” he replied, picking up what remained of his watered down drink to hold out the cup to you. You barked out a laugh and picked up your own cup, clinking the two together.
“Still owe ya, but if that makes ya feel betta that’s fine.” you sip from your drink and Lucifer finished off his just as Charlie and everyone who had gone out burst through the doors. 
“CHARLIE!” Lucifer exclaimed, rocketing off the seat. You laughed out at his antics, shaking your head at the king of hell. You watched for a moment Lucifer greet his daughter and part of the following scene of Alastor manifesting to antagonize the king.
You had no intention of wavering on your decision to quit smoking before but, the idea of letting him down after him helping you gripped our heart with a tight squeeze; the look on his face as he had hesitated to help you initially in fear of being let down. You couldn’t remember the last time someone looked at you like that. Like there was genuinely some hope. It certainly had to have been before you died. Down here, people didn’t expect anything from you to get disappointed by. 
You turned in your seat to find, next to your drink, two bags; one of pumpkin seeds and one of sunflowers. “What the…?” you jerked your head up to look at Husk who immediately pointed over towards Lucifer and Charlie as they walked off to talk about whatever had brought Lucifer bounding into the hotel in the first place with Alastor lurking behind.
“Sneaky devil…” you muttered, turning back to the gift. You emitted a giggle, grabbing one of the bags to look it over. That was…thoughtful. It made your heart swell and where your hands had touched his tingle. “Well…I really can’t let him down now.”
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isa-ghost · 2 months
q!phil and q!pac hcs peepoShy :3
YESSS I really need to watch more Pac, translator be damned. >:0
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Pac is, like many others, in the I Want Phil To Take Me On A Flight club. He thinks it's so fucking cool
He doesn't have the ability to clock Phil as well as Fit can. But Fit confides in him on a lot, esp to do with things he's worried about, so Pac actually knows some of Phil's "something is wrong" tells, even if they're the more obvious ones.
And then he promptly goes to Fit like "Phil needs an emotional support ass kicking 👍🏻"
Phil is the #2 Fitpac shipper (Ramon is #1). And Phil knows Fit intimately in many ways. He passes All his secrets onto Pac gladly. He's like "go get him m8. Give him Brazilian Boyfriend Brainrot"
You'd think there'd be a little jealousy or something because of the fact that Phil has been With Fit consistently prior to him and Pac dating, but nah. They love conspiring against him together and Fit knows they do. Also Phil backed off right away when they got serious, so Pac knows everything's chill
Phil can Tell there's more to Pac than meets the eye. This is Mike's best friend. Survivor of Cellbit cannibalism. Known for having a danger boner for fucked up dudes. Pac seems super nice and well-mannered at first glance but Phil can TELL he saves the true extent of how unhinged he can be for the people closest to him. He wants to see Pac go apeshit someday.
I really really want to see these two allied in a fight bc I genuinely don't know what they'd be like. Just the two of them, or at least paired up while whoever else they're teamed with is paired up elsewhere. But something tells me Pac has a side that would get along Very well with the Angel of Death,,,,
Pac is one of the people Phil considers closest to himself. There's nothing he won't do for him and anything he needs, Phil will bend over backwards to get it if that's what Pac wants.
Phil loves being a test monkey for Tazercraft fuckery. It's always so weird and fun. Occasionally he'll ask Pac if they have any new wild or silly shit for him to see.
Tbh I wouldn't put it past Pac (& perhaps Mike) to be extremely interested in hybrids and asking Phil a million questions about it
Phil can NOT talk shit abt the danger boner btw. Motherfucker's type is literally "death entity." A Goddess of Death and a grim reaper holding either of his hands. Bitch can't say ANYTHING. (I want these two to talk abt their types I think it would be extremely funny)
Pac knows very little about Phil getting possessed, but he DOES know something happened to him. Fit kept things extremely vague out of respect for Phil.
Phil may be the #2 Fitpac shipper, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't envy that they get to see each other often. But Phil is Phil, so instead of getting weird about it, he just commits to doing whatever he can to support them. At least there's one happy healthy mlm couple on the island.
Btw if Pac came to Phil about whatever the fuck is going on with Fit and his past, Phil's ready to kill a bitch with Pac immediately, and he'd let Pac do most of the actual ass kicking as he deserves. (oooo the ccs want to give me this soooo baadddd)
Controversial (/silly) take: Phil and Pac are both slutty, bubbly drunks.
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billpottsismygf · 13 days
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Well that was certainly dramatic! A lot of questions answered, but more questions created. It's hard to have a conclusive opinion on this episode because it's so definitively only half of the story, but I certainly had fun throughout. There were lots of really funny bits of dialogue and good character moments, and a lot of drama.
I'd seen a couple of people speculating about Sutekh but I hadn't looked into why and, although I have watched The Pyramids of Mars, I don't remember an awful lot of what goes on in it! From what I recall, he wasn't that impressive a villain so the huge majesty and fanfare he's presented with here is quite interesting. He was a guy with a silly mask on in the 70s and here he's a somewhat ugly CGI dog, but I'm open to seeing how they connect these two versions of the character.
So, we have several people, all women, running around at the moment who have something to do with the mystery. 1) There's Ruby's birth mother. Why can't they see her face? Why was she pointing? 2) Mrs Flood, who turns out to be pretty unpleasant if she's refusing Cherry a cup of tea. Unlike the two I'm about to mention, she seemed to know what was coming and obviously about the TARDIS (and the camera) from the christmas special. 3) Harriet Arbinger, who is a harbinger of Sutekh. 4) Susan Twist, who is... another harbinger of Sutekh? It seems like Kate's chrysalis theory was right with her, at least. Does she serve the same role as Harriet? Is the little boy who was Maestro's harbinger have anything to do with either of them or did he just serve the same role?
Sutekh is apparently the mother and father and other of the gods, which could mean a bunch of things. For one it implies variation of gender, or at least an existence outside of it, which is interesting with the he/him pronouns and yet all these women who seem wrapped up with the plot, as well as the ongoing theme of abandoned children. Carla also called him the Beast before he'd even fully manifested, which of course brought to mind The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, especially with the soldier who died saying he was in hell. Probably no connection, but who knows! He is also specifically name checked as being Set and Seth from Egyptian mythology. What does it all mean!
Also, how did Sutekh latch onto the TARDIS in the first place? Does the fact that the Doctor mallet whacked the TARDIS to double it in The Giggle have anything to do with the present situation? I didn't like that at the time because she's a living being and he just cloned her(?) or split her(?) or something, but now I'm thinking it would make sense if it connects to how she got infested with Sutekh in the first place.
Speaking of the TARDIS-Sutekh connection, I loved that the TARDIS anagram was so obvious the UNIT team laughed at the Doctor explaining it, which makes the "wrong anagram" reveal even better. RTD knew the fans would work out the TARDIS anagram immediately (which they did) and that it would be a red herring for us just as much as for UNIT! Though not that much of a red herring, since the TARDIS is involved. Is it perhaps a little silly to create your evil secret corporation under a name that might give away your evil secret plan? Yeah, but I like it at the moment.
I'm so glad Susan Triad isn't Susan Foreman (at least, it seems that way). It's another big old red herring. I've been desperate for Susan to return for so long - and I would still love her to, and maybe she even will in this arc - but I don't want her to return like this! Not as a villain and not as someone other than Carole Ann Ford. While we still have her, let her play Susan again! Please!
I am fascinated by this stuff about the Doctor having her before having children... It's been established in the past that the Doctor did have children and that he lost them all (eg. in The Doctor's Daughter), but here Fifteen seems to be implying that he hasn't yet. How does that all add up? I love the idea of having children out of order, and have always somewhat rebelled at the assumption that Time Lords have children in the same way as humans (ie. sexual reproduction between two parents of "opposite" sexes). Gimme Looms or something equally bizarre or nothing, so I'm definitely down for this; I just wonder how it actually makes sense for the Doctor.
I'm so happy to see Rose again! Obviously we knew she'd be in this, but she's a great character and I adored her dynamic with Ruby. Very cute! I loved the Doctor's line about them being two shades of red. I hope they'll develop the stuff of her not being given much to do, as I guess basically a nepotism hire, because I want her to get to do exciting things! On that note, it is odd if she's so kept out of things that she stays in the room after everyone who is not necessary is made to leave. I know she's necessary in that she's a UNIT employee who is important to us, the viewers, but it doesn't quite make sense with what is apparently her role in the organisation.
Saving perhaps the most interesting for last, the CCTV of the night Ruby was abandoned was 66 metres away. Otherwise known as 73 yards. My ears pricked up the moment they said that, though I needed to check afterwards that they were the same, and that surely can't be a coincidence. I don't know if I need anything more about 73 yards, despite my many questions at the end of it, but it could be very interesting if the events of that episode have something to do with the bigger picture.
Overall, fun and engaging episode in its own right, but I'll have to withhold final judgement until next week!
Misc things
Rose says it's been ages since she last saw the Doctor, so we're a while after the specials. Also there was mention of 2004 being 19 years ago so we're currently in 2023.
It's interesting we have two characters in this story (Susan and Rose) who are named after important companions, each the original companion of their run of Doctor Who.
I love that the Trickster got a mention. So many people seemed convinced the Trickster would be the big bad coming up, but at least he got a name check.
I loved Carla's energy in this one! True Donna vibes. She only had to hear of the existence of Rose's mum at UNIT and decided she was also going to be involved.
Susan Triad says she remembers worlds with orange skies, which certainly sounds like Gallifrey, so could there be a Susan connection after all? I noted down that her father was a postman and her mother a dinner lady, but so far have gleaned nothing from this.
I love Lenny Rush! I've seen him in lots of things at this point and he's so charismatic and funny, especially for a fifteen year old. I hope Morris will stay on for a while yet!
It seems strange that UNIT didn't know about Susan (Foreman), since I'm pretty sure we've seen in the past that they have files on all the Doctors, including One.
21 notes · View notes
webslingingslasher · 1 year
Build it better
Part 3 of Something in the orange
part 2
the long awaited final piece, i cannot thank everyone who rooted for this the entire time enough, you made me happier in the last months i've been in a long long time.
Warnings: Ned and Betty are the true heros in this story.
Summary: Peter is stupid, but he always wins.
You talked Peter into going out, you fought him tooth and nail for the bill, finally settling on “I won’t be your girlfriend if I can’t buy you dinner.” He immediately slid the check towards you. 
He walked with your hand laced in his down the street, it was slower now. Most action was done for the day, only a handful of couples or college kids were sharing the space, Peter walked slowly with you and enjoyed conversations about nothing. Like, who would win in a fight, a room full of feral kittens or a room full of preschool kids. You take cats, Peter questions how easy it is for you to count out kids. 
“Little kids are terrible with pets, they would be pulling them by the tails and swinging them around by their necks.” 
You counter react, “Sure, but it would only take one kid to get fucked up by a kitten and then the rest of them would be terrified.” 
Peter nods, “I choose cats.”  
The conversation dies down, both of you enjoying being together in silence. That was important to have with someone, don’t get it wrong, you and Peter spend endless amounts of time talking and laughing and theorizing, but there was never a need or push for it. You talked because you wanted to, not because the space would be full of awkward silence. 
You should be able to be silent with your person and still know what they’re thinking. 
Peter sniffed in the cold air, he was the runny nose when cold type and you were the frozen boogers type, a match made in heaven. 
He broke the silence first, he must have known what you wanted the whole day. He also knew you didn’t want to bring it up. 
“You wanna talk about it?” 
You look over at him, you know instantly what he’s talking about. 
You nod, “Yes, please.” 
He nods then looks around, “Can I take you somewhere?” 
“Of course.” 
“You’ll have to ride.” 
“I don’t mind a taxi, especially when I’m in it with you.” You winked. 
“I appreciate it baby, but I mean a swing ride.” 
Say what you will but swinging around the city with Peter isn’t all that fun for you. It’s all the thrill of a rollercoaster with none of the safety, you know Peter would never intentionally hurt you but accidents happen and he may be alright with a bad spill but you wouldn’t be. He’s taken you around before but it was always your idea that you then regretted so you stopped asking, it always seemed fun until you were in the air with just an arm wrapped around you. 
“I know, baby. It’ll be quick.” 
You pout and stomp a foot, a little toddler tantrum. 
“A taxi can’t take us there, otherwise we’d already be in one. I’ll make it fast, promise.” 
You frown.
“I’m not even in the suit, I can’t go far.” 
You groan, “Okay, fine. But I’m closing my eyes the whole time.” 
“That’s okay.” 
“And don’t talk to me, I want no distractions while you're swinging me around all willy nilly.” 
“Got it.” 
“And I want a tight hold, Peter. Bruise me if you have too, I’ll freak out if you’re too gentle.” 
He salutes, “Yes, ma’am.” 
You sigh, “No, but yes.” 
Peter steps forward and holds out his hands, you step forward and wrap your hands around his neck. 
“Leg up.” He taps on your thigh, you holster it to his hip where he grabs under your thighs to hold you against him, you look down as he holds you. 
“Wrap ‘em around me,” You cross your ankles behind his back. 
He pats your butt, “Good girl.” 
You assume the position and hunker your forehead to his shoulder and close your eyes tight, you hear a thwip and you start to leave the ground. 
A powerful shriek is ripped from you, “Arm, Peter! Arm, arm, Peter! Peter!” 
His right arm is wrapped around you tight, so tightly it’s nearly uncomfortable and pinchy. It feels extremely secure, you feel brave and peek one eye open to the city cutting by you. 
“Are you looking?” 
“Don’t talk to me, Peter! Hold tighter!” He squeezes you, you think a little air left your lungs. You welcome it. 
The second his feet touch the ground you latch on tighter, squinting one eye open to make sure it was a safe landing and not sudden death territory. You stayed wrapped around him for a second to catch your breath before dropping down. 
“Welcome back.” 
“Can I still get that ‘I Survived’ metal?” 
“Already have it on backorder.” 
You look around, you’re on a building. You’re not too sure where though, it had to be close but Peter could also go in the distance in just a few minutes. If you had to take a guess it was somewhere in the business district, tall skyscrapers full of the same office over and over. If you look closely at the buildings across from you, you could see a few offices light up, a couple of guys putting in extra work hours. You wonder if they’re trying to stay away from home because it’s too empty and cold, or maybe they were trying to escape their families. 
“Where are we?” 
He’s taken you to essentially, the middle of nowhere. 
There were things around but nothing of importance to either one of you. 
“Where I decided to end things.”  
You purse your lips, “Oh.” 
It must have been a place of importance to Peter. 
You follow him towards the back of the roof, a small overhang from the bigger building behind it. You catch the puddle of stained blood on the cement near Peter’s feet. You have an achy feeling it wasn’t his. 
Peter notices you looking at it, you realize he wanted you to see it. 
“I was sitting here,” He turns to point at the overhang, you can imagine his feet kicking and dangling as he watches over the city. 
“And this guy I’d been back and forth with for a minute comes right in, I mean out of the middle of nowhere. And we’re fighting, it’s normal.” 
You nod, choosing not to speak, it was his turn to talk, yours to listen. 
“And uh,” He pauses to think, he knows there is no easy way to drop this bomb. But he’s come to terms with it, he’s forgiven himself and he’s able to talk about it now. But only with you, only you can get the whole truth. 
Peter runs his hands through his hair, you watch as he shakes out his hand after. He’s getting annoyed at the length, you step in to fix it. Reminding him why he’s let it grow. 
“I gotta be honest here, honey. I was getting my ass kicked, I hadn’t been getting sleep, you were sick and I was helping you catch up on schoolwork and I wasn't thinking about him. I was busy with other things and I didn’t think he was that serious.” 
He notices you frown, he didn’t mean to make it sound like you took the fight out of him. 
“I don’t like how that sounds. It wasn’t you at all, I just had my mind on other things and when he showed up I was unprepared. I just wasn’t expecting anything like it that night.” 
“I know you don’t blame me.” You shook your head, where was this going? 
Peter nods, “Good, where was I?” 
“You were getting your ass kicked.” 
“Oh, right. Okay, so this guy is just wailing into me.” 
You shudder, you never loved hearing about him getting beat up. Doesn’t matter how strong Spider-Man is, that’s your Peter. 
He noticed the recoil but continued, “And I was losing, badly. Then,” He lets out a dry laugh.
“Then, he asks me, ‘I wonder if Y/N was here you’d be trying harder?’ and I uh, I totally fucking lost it, Y/N.” 
Your breath caught, you always knew that was a fear in Peter’s mind. He always tried to tread carefully with you and Spider-Man so these things wouldn’t happen, he did his best to keep you separated from his alter ego but he guesses he didn’t do it good enough.  
This was the first time someone knew who you were in a fight, this was the first time Peter ever lost his temper. 
“Is that why you were nervous when I came by to see you as Spidey?” 
He nods, if he’s honest he never wants to see you again when he’s in the suit. 
“I hurt him really, really badly. After that I just, panicked. I had never done that to someone and I know it wasn’t, but it was because of you. I didn’t do a good enough job at protecting you, and you got looped into something that you have no place being a part of, and then you became a risk. Losing you became a risk.” 
“So you broke up with me because even if I hated you, you would still have me in your life.” 
It wasn’t a question, the pieces clicked. 
“I did.” 
“How bad is bad?” 
You know in your heart Peter could never kill anyone, right? 
“He was throwing me a mean right hook and as soon as he said it I grabbed his fist, and threw him off me. Then I just started punching, I just kept going. It wasn’t even a fight anymore, he stopped fighting back. He couldn’t. And I was so fucking angry he talked about you, that he knew your name and what you are to me. And I kept, fucking, going. He started to gargle on his blood and it sounded so good to me, to know he wasn't able to say your name again.” 
You had no words, how could your Peter do something like that? But he wasn’t your Peter in that moment, he wasn’t the delicate touches and tender words. 
In that moment he wasn’t Spider-Man, he was Peter using Spider-Man. 
“And then he stopped moving. Stopped breathing, stopped choking on his blood. Just, stopped.” 
He stared at the blood stain, you hated you were right when you guessed it wasn’t his blood. 
“And uh,” 
His voice cracked, you try to remember when he stopped making eye contact with you. 
He was ashamed. He thought you were ashamed. 
“It felt good, it felt really good for a second.” He said the words shakily, sniffling and turning his head to the sky. You knew he was trying his hardest not to cry. 
“Then I panicked, all that anger was washed away in a second and I felt disgusted and upset and dirty. And I did a scan on him, he was alive. But barely.” 
You couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief, not even for you, but for Peter. You don’t think Peter could ever fully bounce back if he had killed him. 
“He’s okay now, right?” 
Peter thinks it’s cute how optimistic you are. 
“He’s in a coma, still is. But, they expect a recovery. It’s medically induced, his brain is swollen.” 
“But he’s okay, right?” 
Peter pinched his face, “He’s in a coma, baby.” 
“I know, but he’s safe. He’s breathing, he’s getting help. He’s in a medical setting, and he’s alive because of you. You may not think you showed mercy but him laying in a hospital bed is proof that you’re not a bad person, right?” 
He ignored the last part, “Okay, he’s okay then. He’s okay.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“It wasn’t just about keeping you safe.” 
You tilt your head, “The breakup?” 
“I also never wanted to do that to another person, and I felt like you had a little too much power over that part of my brain. I just felt like I needed a break from you to heal that part of me, and that’s probably selfish but I just couldn’t pretend everything was fine and love you like nothing happened when something did happen.” 
“Looking back I think the breakup was a good thing,” He shared a look with you. “Honestly! I realized a lot of that hurt and pain I had was because I put too much on you. I let you give me every bit of my self confidence and worth and when it ended I realized I had nothing to give myself.” 
“And when you broke up with me I found that. I found my beauty, and my worth and I grew my confidence and I realized why you loved me. Losing you made me love myself, and that’s a lesson I’ll be thanking you for my entire life.” 
“Do you mean to tell me you hated me for nothing and breaking up saved our relationship?” 
“I think so.” 
Peter hummed, he actually agrees with you. 
“Well, do you think I’m a monster?” 
“Oogly boogly, I’m terrified of you.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Serious, come on now.” 
“No. No, I don’t think you’re a monster. I think it may even be a little off putting by how okay I am with that. Not that I think you should do that again, especially with me involved. But, I dunno, Peter.” 
You sighed, “I know that hurt you, and it scared you and it freaked you out. I get it, and you show regret and remorse and you changed by yourself, with no one in on the secret you realized what you did was wrong and you vowed to yourself you would never do it again.” 
You stepped forward to grab his arms, “You’ve punished yourself enough for the both of us. You broke up with me to make sure you would never do anything like that again. That’s growth.” 
“I love you, Peter. And trust me, nothing’s ever gonna change that.” 
“You’re a freak for loving a menace.” 
You smacked Peter on the chest and pushed him away, “Way to ruin a cute moment!” 
“You already told me you loved me, it lost the punch.” 
“No I didn’t! I’ve been saving that one.” 
“When you saw me earlier, I said ‘love you, bye.’ Then you said ‘love you too.’” 
“God damn it, you should’ve pretended you never heard that.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
Then he jumped up and down with a squeal, he threw his arms around your middle and lifted you up spinning. “She loves me, she really, really loves me. Never a doubt in my mind, cause she loves me!” You laugh pushing at his hands to set you down, “If it makes it better that's exactly what went through my mind earlier.” 
You grin, “It makes it better.” 
“You make everything better,” He pressed a fat kiss to your cheek. 
“You know what this means?” 
“You can be my boyfriend again.” 
“Fuck yes!” It was rare to hear Peter curse. 
“Not yet though.” 
“I still have to ask!” 
“Ugh, well. Can you do it soon?” 
“You can do it right now, tiger.” 
He narrows his eyes, “No, I don’t think I will.” 
“Then you can’t complain.” 
“Like hell I can’t.” 
You needed the right way to ask, you were full of ideas but you chose to go big with it. 
Not public, you know that would freak him out. 
But exciting and sentimental for both of you. 
You had been having fun though, the past few days you’ve teased him relentlessly watching him squirm. 
Last night you told him, “If you say this one thing to me I’ll make you my boyfriend right now,” His head whipped to yours, “Anything, what?” You try to hide your laugh but fail, “I want to fuck you right now.” His nose scrunched, “Not worth it.” Which ended with a gasp and, “Peter!” 
You don’t want to admit it but you’ve been losing sleep over this a little bit. 
At first you were thinking of a scavenger hunt, maybe around the apartment that would end in asking him, but then it would feel a little out of place, the prize at the end was you. 
Then you thought about taking him out to dinner and asking and while it was a nice idea, knowing how you and Peter are and the history you had, it felt a little formal. 
After the third day you had to ask someone who had been through this before, him. He asked you to be his girlfriend in such a cute way too. You both passed notes back and forth all class and they were usually filled with doodles, interesting facts, confessions of want like, ‘I can’t wait to kiss you after class,’ or ‘I miss your warm touch,’ until one day, Sandra, who sat between you two had gotten the note from the opposite table where Peter sat. 
You opened the folded paper, biting your lip to hold in the smile. Peering up you looked towards Peter who had a similar grin who then nodded at the paper in your hands, you carefully unfolded it to see a message, ‘Check yes or no: Will you be my girlfriend?’ Except the no wasn’t an option, the options were ‘yes, of course I want unlimited access to you’, and ‘no, I am choosing to deny Peter any more kisses’. 
Looking up at him you narrowed your eyes, then held your hand in front of the note so he couldn’t try and make out your scribbles, then rolled your lips in your mouth as you passed it back through Sandra, you didn’t miss the subtle shake of his hands. He was nervous to ask you despite how much he knew he made you feel. 
Peter held his breath opening it, you had crossed out his no option, and checked his yes so many times he couldn't see the blank behind the box. Under his no you wrote out, ‘as if there were any other option,’ he scrunched the note up and held it to his chest before stuffing it in the bottom zipper of his backpack, he looked your way and mouthed ‘Thank you,’ you turned your head at him, confusion clouding you, ‘For what?’ 
Peter just shook his head like you didn’t understand, ‘For being mine.’ 
You’ll never forget that. 
Now you looked at Peter tinkering with the DVD player that had suddenly stopped working, cross legged in front of the TV his shirt bunched as he moved forward straining the fabric. 
His head turned around, “Help with what, baby?” 
“What’s going on?” 
You pout and feel tears pricking, it was so dumb but Peter made you feel so special when he asked and nothing felt right to you, nothing felt like it made sense, was it supposed to? It was just a question, one you already had the answer to. But he made you feel wanted and important and you wanted to deliver the same back. 
“I don’t know how to ask you, I’m failing.” You rub at your eye to stop the tears. 
“No you’re not, baby. It took me a minute to ask you too, I just went with my gut, do the same.” 
You pouted and despite fighting, tears fell, “No tears, c’mon now. No tears, it’s just a question.” 
“But, but,” You start to breathe harshly, Peter comes to sit next to you and tugs you to him. 
“Slow it down, we’ve got all night. Think about what you want to say, no tears, okay?” 
“I just,” You sniffle, “You made me feel so special and important and I want to do the same but nothing sounds or feels right and I can’t copy you.” 
Peter presses a kiss to your head, “I promise I’m simple back, I don’t want this to stress you out even more but I don’t care how you ask at all. I just want you to ask.” 
“It can be simple and you won’t be upset?” 
“Psh, you make me the happiest guy alive. I don’t need anything else.” 
“Okay, I’m sorry it’s taking so long.” 
He rubs his cheek on the top of your head, “We have nothing but time, I’m not going anywhere and I’m hoping you aren’t either.” 
“Never, never ever again.” You lean into his chest and let him hold you for a moment. 
“Good. Now, I’m going to leave you so I can fix this thing and then we can cuddle on the couch okay?” 
“I love you.” 
Peter looks a bit confused because, of course he loves you too but he wasn’t even leaving your sight. In fact if you stretched your foot out you could probably kick his back. 
He realizes it wasn’t about a declaration of love, it was you telling him you were trying, and please don’t give up. 
“I loved you first and I always will,” He winked, and even though he didn’t need help and it would actually be harder with two people he still asked, because he wants you to feel important to him. 
“Actually, baby, can you come over here? I need you to get a cord for me.” He pointed behind the TV, he didn’t need the cord, but pretended he did just to watch your eyes light up and skip to the wall. 
“This one, Petey?” 
“Yeah, thanks.” 
You handed him the power cord, nothing would work now. 
Peter pretended to move things around then handed it back, “Plug it back in for me?” 
With your back turned he actually did what was needed to fix it, “Turn it on for me, please?” 
A click, then the DVD menu came to life, a loud cheer and hands jumped around his back. 
“We did it, Petey! Go team us!” 
“Go us!” He tapped your bottom and pushed you to the couch, “where you want me, champ?” 
You needed outside help, you had a plan and needed someone to help pull it off and normally it would be Peter but that would be like asking him to wrap his own birthday present. 
So, you went to the man in the chair, his best friend in the whole world (you were an extremely close second), Ned. 
“I need your help asking Peter to be my boyfriend.” 
Betty squealed and bounced up and down on Ned’s bed, sometimes you wish you had a mini Betty Brant on your shoulder to be your own personal cheerleader. When you questioned yourself or felt unsure Betty was always there to double down on confidence. 
Ned rubbed his chin and nodded slowly, “I see, I see.” If he had a cat in his lap he would be playing ‘The Grandfather,’ before he could even get another word in, his blonde girlfriend piped in, her smile swallowed her face, you couldn’t help but match it. Her joy was contagious. 
“So what are we thinking? A carriage ride in central park? Oo! Maybe some roses and a bottle of champagne? No, no, I know! An aquarium date, he loves the aquarium!” 
You grinned and tilted your head as you thought over her options, yours was better. 
“I was actually thinking of a virus.” 
“Like the flu?” Betty was confused. 
“Or like Monkeypox?” Ned was also confused. 
“Babe! That’s insensitive, that’s like a thing right now.” 
“Would Ebola be better?” 
“No! That’s deadly!” 
“So is the flu!” 
“Oh my god, I cancel myself. Take me off the air, I don’t deserve it.” 
You cross your arms in the air calling for a break, “I meant a computer virus.” 
Ned seemed taken aback, like giving Peter the flu would actually be the better option. 
“A computer virus?” He shared a look with Betty, “Your great idea is giving him a computer virus?” 
You rolled your eyes and tugged your laptop from your backpack, “Not him, me.” 
Ned looked at Betty again. 
“Stop doing that!” 
He turned his head back to you, “Sorry! I just thought when you said you needed my help you needed me to get Peter out of the house or distract him with something, not infect your computer.” 
Betty nodded in agreement. 
“A fake virus!” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but how the hell will that make Peter be your boyfriend again?” 
You tapped your laptop against your forehead and breathed in deeply, “Well, Ned, if you would just let me explain!” 
He made a gesture of zipping his mouth and handing Betty the key, which she stuck in her pocket. 
“Okay, I have this idea. You put a fake virus on my computer, and I bring it to him and I’m all like, ‘Babe please help me I clicked on something I shouldn’t and now I’m hacked,’ and he’s gonna be like, ‘oh my god, I told you to stop clicking on the side ads’ and then when he tries to reverse it a pop up blocker appears and it says ‘Will you be my boyfriend?’” 
You blink at the couple and shake your shoulders, “Well?” 
“I think that is absolutely adorable! And so Peter, he’s gonna love it!” Betty beamed with confidence in the plan.
Ned looks to Betty, she pulls the imaginary key from her pocket and hands it back. Ned unzips his mouth, “Oh yeah, he would love that for sure. It’s gonna take me a minute though, if we’re trying to trick him it’s gotta be believable. If not, he's gonna have it figured out in a minute.” 
You pushed your computer at him, “What can we do?” 
Ned grabbed it and turned in his desk chair, he opened the screen and started to click around. 
“We can do nothing, I will do everything.” 
You pout, “I can help, Peter says I’m great at helping him.” 
Ned raises his brow, “Oh, is that what Peter said?” 
You gasp, “Why? Does he say I’m bad at helping?” 
Ned questions how he’s going to answer, “Uh, I mean, no?” 
You look at Betty and panic, “Am I bad at helping?” 
“No, not at all! You’re a great help, I’m glad I have you to support me when I need it!” 
Ah, that Betty Brant positivity. 
“Do you have any plans tonight, Y/N?” Ned shot over his shoulder, he was curious about his deadline, he also didn’t want to throw Peter under the bus. 
“Sleepover at Peter’s, nothing else, why?” 
“When do you need this done?” 
“Uh, when you can have it done, I guess. There really isn’t a time limit, just sometime this millennium.” 
Ned hissed through his teeth, “You drive a hard bargain.” 
You squint your eyes at him, he was being sarcastic and said you were a bad helper. You turn to Betty, she looks pleasant and waiting for your question. 
“Wanna get pizza? I’ll text MJ?” 
Betty hops up and wraps her scarf around her neck, she wraps her hands around Ned’s neck as he whines in protest and presses a fat kiss to his cheek, “Bye babe! Love you, I’ll bring you home a slice of hawaiian!” 
“And garlic knots!” His voice was muffled as you shut the door. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Get down, get down!” You whisper screamed at your friends, pulling a hand from MJ and Betty to get them to squat behind a concrete planter outside the pizza place. 
Betty freaks out immediately, ducking and covering her head with her hands, she starts whispering a prayer while MJ blinks at her hand in yours and shakes it out. She stands, sees Spider-Man looking at her from a building, then is pulled back down by your vice grip. 
“I said get down!” 
“Oh my god!” Betty cries.
“You’re safe Betty! Peter is across the street!” 
“Oh, okay!” She untucks herself, then circles back, “Wait, what?” 
“I told him I was in the district with my parents! He can’t see me here, he’s gonna know I lied!” 
Peter knows you lied, he doesn’t know why but he can literally see you behind the planter screaming at your friends. 
“I’m pretty sure he’s looking right at you,” MJ blinks at you then peers at Peter through a crack in the planters, he is. 
“Oh god, if he can see me, he can hear me.” You groan and look at Betty for help, she shrugs her shoulders. 
“Peter?” You whisper out, too scared to actually look at him. 
“You’re not him, you dolt. If he’s talking back you won’t hear him.” MJ was always the brain. 
“Oh shit. Uh, Peter, if you can hear me do something.” 
“It’s like you're trying to prove God exists.” Betty giggles. 
You hear the bell of a church across the street chime, double whammy. He hears and sees you. 
“Fuck, do I just get up? Pretend this didn’t happen?” You look at your friends for help then let out a scream when a hand touches your back. A guy your age is squatting behind you. 
“What are we hiding from?” He’s blonde and has a crooked front tooth, it fits him. 
“Who the fuck are you?” MJ was scared of no one. You commend her balls. 
“Jake, what’s up?” He reaches out a hand, MJ raises a lip at it and Betty and shakes it enthusiastically, “Betty Brant! That’s MJ and this is Y/N.” 
“Let’s maybe not tell strangers our name.” 
“Oh. Sorry, MJ.” 
“Y/N, you seem like the ringleader here, why are we hiding again?” 
You start to get nervous, it was obvious he was hitting on you and he was still touching you. 
“We’re hiding from my boyfriend, we’re playing a game and we can’t see each other.” 
Jake’s hand rises higher on your body, you notice MJ’s unwavering stare, ready to bite if you call for it. 
“Oh cool! Is it one of those race to win scavenger hunts?” 
“It’s uh, Betty is he still there?” Betty peaks her head around, “I don’t see him.” 
“Awesome!” You raise to stand, his hand floating down your back, brushing against your ass. 
“Hey!” You reach back and slap his hand, “The fuck? Did you just touch her ass?” MJ made sure to get the outside patio customers to look over. 
“It was an accident,” He raises his hands, Betty humphs at him. “That’s not very gentlemanly,” 
“Yeah, yeah. Where’s the ‘boyfriend’?” He used air quotes, you suddenly felt cornered. You don’t know where he went, probably got pissed you lied and swung away. 
“Right here,” Peter had appeared from nowhere, his collar buttoned all the way up, sleeves tucked into his thumbs, you knew the suit was underneath. 
“This guy?” Jake chuckled a little bit. 
“The last guy that said that was struggling to breathe,” You narrowed your eyes at the blonde and Peter rested a careful grip on your shoulder. 
“Okay! Let’s go.” Peter started to pull you down the street, you tucked under his arm closer and watched to the side to make sure MJ and Betty followed closely. 
Peter pulled all three of you into an alley, he looked at every face and gauged that everyone was okay. 
“Next time, we don’t worry about Peter seeing. We get away, okay?” 
MJ raised a hand, “I don’t care about you either way, I wasn’t the one that panicked.” 
Betty nods, “I’m sorry Y/N lied.” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry I lie- wait, what the fuck Betty!” 
She jumped, MJ muffled a laugh. 
“Oh what? You think he’s not gonna find out you lied to him, as you are literally getting caught in a lie?” 
Peter high fives Betty, “What she said.” 
“Why didn’t you just tell him?” 
You huffed, “Tell him what, Betty?” 
She tightened her scarf, “that you came over to, oh.” 
“Yeah, oh.” 
“Yeah, she couldn’t exactly tell him that, Bets.” MJ came to your defense. 
“Tell me what?” Peter looked between everyone. 
“Nothing!” All three of you rang out at once and refused to look at him, it screamed guilty. 
“Uh huh, right. I’m gonna go back to city watching, get home safe and you,” He pointed at you and made a come here motion, you looked at the ground and pouted, you felt like a scolded puppy. 
“Don’t worry about me, okay, just keep yourself safe. I’m glad you had your friends with you and I’m glad I was right there, but next time think for yourself, capisce?” 
You nod, “Capisce.” 
“Good, c’mere.” Peter leans in for a kiss, both of your friends make a puke sound. 
You pull away to leave with your friends and Peter pulls you back in, “Love you,” your face matched his grin, “liar.” You drop your grin and grumble, “Love you too.”
“Did it die?” You press the keys harder, they clack but the screen stays blank. 
“It has a virus.” Ned shrugs, you tap the keyboard sporadically, finally a small figure appears, it jumps up and down on the black screen then makes a laughing sound, ‘Files lost, loser!’ blinks at you. 
“It’s inoperable, Ned.” You whine at him and try to bypass it, it’s impossible. You begin to think he actually infected the technology. 
He rolls his eyes and bites into his pizza, “I told you it had to be hard, cause Peter would be able to crack it in a minute.” 
“Okay well, I need to actually use it in the meantime, any chance that can happen?” 
Ned holds his finger in the air working on chewing and swallowing his bite, he breaths in, lifts the pizza to his mouth, “No,” then takes another bite. 
You drop your mouth, “No?” 
“Nuh uh. Not until he cracks it.” 
Betty smiles and taps his shoulder, “So smart, Neddy!” 
“No, not ‘so smart, Neddy,’ I can’t do any school work, I need to write my history essay!” You groan and tuck your head into your hand. 
“Sorry,” Ned doesn’t seem sorry with his careless shrug. 
“Use Peter’s, or if you want I’m going into school early Monday so you can come with me.” Betty shines a smile at you and picks a piece of pineapple off Ned’s pizza, she dropped it in her mouth forgoing Ned’s open jaw, he was saving that piece for last, it had the perfect crust, ham and pineapple ratio. 
“It’s due Monday, Bets. I’m gonna have to ask Peter.” 
Ned swallows his last bite and begs for Betty’s water bottle, then smiles. 
“Good. That was the plan, wasn’t it?” 
“I mean, yeah. But also, like, now?” 
“No time like the present.” 
You huffed and stuffed the computer in your bag before zipping it, “Fine then, I’m going to Peter’s to use his.” 
“Or you can ask him to fix yours?” Betty suggested calmly. 
“I don’t even know how it looks! I’m not sure this is the best idea.” 
Ned raised his hand in the air, it was weird how easily it settled you. 
“He’s gonna crack in, then try and find the “corrupted file”,” He used air quotes, “Then a big pop up blocker is gonna take over the screen and it’s gonna say “Will you be my boyfriend?”” 
You stayed silent, it was adorable and you know Peter will love it. 
“And it won’t be instant, right?” 
“He’ll have to dig around for a minute or two, just enough to get him in the zone.” 
“You’re sure I can’t see it first?” 
Ned shakes his head slowly, “Sorry, if I go in now it will ruin it. It will take hours to reset it.” 
You nod, Betty notices you stalling. 
“You’re not nervous, right?” 
You shuffle your feet, “I dunno, maybe.” 
Ned guffaws, “What? Why the hell are you nervous?” 
You shug and look at Betty, “What if he says no?” 
Ned stands from his chair so quickly it spins, “Okay, look. I kept my mouth shut, I learned early that you never stand in between in a couple so I’ve been a good friend to both sides. And, Y/N, I say this with only love, but you are so so dumb. I mean, what kind of a question is that? ‘What if he says no?’ Do you understand what he’s been working towards this entire time? There is only one god damn reason he’s been doing everything he’s done these past months, you. You are the only thing that is keeping him going, he is living on the bare hope of you accepting his apology. I know Peter, if, and I mean if, it didn’t work out he would act fine to you but he would break inside, there would be nothing left to him. You’re all he has, Y/N.” 
Ned breathes in and out, “I have never seen love like you two, I have been trying to match up with Betty, to have what you have. And I get it now, I get how Peter can feel so helpless because I feel like that everytime I’m not around her.” 
Betty wraps her hands around his neck and snuggles into him, “Neddy, I love you so much! I don’t feel the same when you’re not around, it’s like I have a gaping hole in my chest.” 
You shudder, “Is this what it’s like when Peter and I are in the same room?” 
“Worse.” They both respond at the same time. 
You suck in a deep breath, “You’re right, Ned. I have nothing to worry about, he loves me and he’s gonna say yes.” 
Ned nods like you finally understood him, Betty smiles brightly, “You got this, Y/N!” 
You smile back at her, it’s impossible not to. 
“I love you guys, you know? If you ever repeat this I’ll deny it, but I felt lonely without you guys. After the break up, I mean.” 
“Hear that, Bets? She needs us.” 
“I did hear that, honey.” 
You raise a finger, “I did not say that.” 
Ned hums, “I think you did.” 
“I really didn’t.” 
“Close enough.” 
You sigh, “Yeah, yeah. I needed you for computer help, guy in the chair. Nothing more.” 
Betty gasps, “She admits it! She needs us!” 
A groan rips from you, “I’m going to my boyfriend's house.” 
“That’s right, girl! Manifest that shit!” 
You sling your bag over your shoulder, “I’ll see you later,” You head for the door and turn back one more to the couple, somehow cuddling closer. “Thanks again guys, I mean it.” 
Ned stage whispers to Betty, “She’s acting like she thanked us in the first place.” 
“Okay, that’s it. I’m only talking to MJ here on out.” 
Peter’s door never seemed scarier, despite Ned, you were nervous. 
And, fair to him, you didn’t really know why. It was in the bag, you were basically dating already, just without the label. It just felt real now, all the emotions of the three month split ran through you at once. The pain, the hate, the dispare, the confusion, the hurt, the loss. It sucked and you never wanted to go through it again, ever. Not with Peter, not with anyone. 
You shake out your shoulders and suddenly a knock pierces the hallway. You don’t remember knocking, then a hand on your shoulder. You jump away and yelp, you turn to see Peter wide eyed. 
“You good?” 
Your heart races, “What are you doing out here?” 
His eyebrows furrow, “I live here, remember? I’m going inside, what about you? You’ve just been staring at the door for three minutes.” 
“I uh, you know.” 
Yet again, Peter doesn’t know. He pretends he does. 
“Right, right. You’re here to spill the beans on your lies.” 
“What lie? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Peter marks a finger against his palm, he’s tallying up a score. 
“One more to the list.” 
He’s joking, he’s not mad. He’s not even curious, you don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. You assume it’s good, it means he trusts you, even if you bent the truth. 
You push his hand down, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lie.” 
Peter bounces the words in his head, “You just didn’t mean to get caught.” 
“Okay, maybe so. Doesn’t mean I’m not sorry.” 
The door opens in both your faces, May’s hair pushes back from the breeze, “Are you coming in or what?” 
You pull Peter by the fabric of his jacket through the door. 
“Are you fighting? No more fighting allowed in this house, you understand? I just restocked the strawberry ice cream.” 
You salute, “No arguing here, just light banter.” 
Peter giggles, “She’s lying, May. She’s been lying all day.” 
“Oh my god, shut up Peter! She’s gonna think you’re being serious.” 
Peter tilts his head, “Am I not?” 
“Okay, that’s it. Bedroom, now.” You start to stomp towards his room, May looks over at him and hisses through her teeth, “Looks like you’re in trouble.” 
“Why am I in trouble? She’s the liar.” He raised his voice at the end, making sure you heard him. 
You did. 
“Peter!” You yell out his name in warning, May wide eyes him. “Better get over there, it’s gonna get worse by the second.” 
Peter rolls his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Boyfriend duties, she lies and it’s my fault.” 
“Peter, I swear to god I’m gonna kick your ass.” 
Your voice comes out muffled, ripping off your shirt you changed into one of his; pajama pants slipping on next. 
At last Peter comes in and shuts the door behind him, he raises his eyebrows at your shirt. He hasn’t seen you in his clothes in awhile, you said that was relationship stuff. He can’t help but imagine that means you’re in a relationship. 
“What’s going on with you?” 
You sigh, “How do I know it won’t happen again?” 
Peter’s confused, “What won’t happen again?” 
“Breaking up with me. How do I know that you won’t freak and end it if someone finds out who I am, or maybe five years from now things get tough with Spidey and you have to call it?” 
He blinks, “I don’t… I don’t know. It’s a shit reason but, I just know I won’t. I can’t promise you more than that, and I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to trust me, you have to trust me when I say I will never do that to you again.” 
“Okay.” You whisper out the words looking at his shoes. 
“Okay?” He cups your face, you look at him and smile. 
“Okay.” You nod in his hand and lean up for a kiss, “I trust you to never break my heart again.” 
“That’s a lot of pressure on a guy, you know?” 
“Mmm, I think you can handle it.” 
“I sure can.” 
He leans closer and looks in your eyes, “Is that it? That’s what’s got you worked up?” 
You lean away and groan, Ned’s words rang in your head. ‘No time like the present.’ You figure, ‘what’s one more lie?’ especially if it’s for the greater good. 
“No. I did something bad, you’re gonna be mad.” 
Pause, Peter is never mad. At least at you, he’s never gotten loud or stormy. He’s gotten annoyed and pissed but not mad. 
“Uh oh.” 
“Like super pissed.” 
“Wait, how pissed?” 
“Mega. Bar bathroom in Hell's Kitchen pissed.” 
“Oh geez. Lay it on me.” 
You look at your backpack, “It may be better if I show you.” You pulled it up by the handle, “Oh god, please don’t show me a dead animal.” 
“Is that your first thought? Really?” 
You unzip and pull your computer out, he groans, “did you put our sex tape on pornhub?” 
You whip your head to him fast, “We have a sex tape?” 
He shrugs, “We could.” 
You reach out your computer and turn your head away, “I can’t bear to look at it.” Peter looks at you unsure and grabs it, he sits on his bed and you follow him, you bounce down and he presses down on the side to steady it, his voice warning, “Y/N.” 
Peter opens your laptop and waits for the screen to wake up, when it doesn't he taps the trackpad. It stays black, “Baby, I promise I’m not being funny, but did you forget to charge it?” 
“Oh no, keep pressing around.” 
He looks at you and taps, it takes a minute or two but the preloaded screen pops up. The figure jumps up and down, the threat of corrupted files and name calling had Peter drop his jaw. He blinks at the screen, looks at your sheepish face then back at the screen, once more at you, then the judgment. 
“God damn it, Y/N. What the fuck did you do?” 
“I uh, you know.” 
Peter does know this time.
“I told you not to click on side ads! You’re worse than a ten year old with unsupervised internet access. I mean, seriously baby. I cannot believe I have to tell you this, but if an ad has a phone number attached or if doctors hate her, then for the love of god do not click it.” 
He kept going, “I told you I was going to install an adblocker but no, you swore you learned your lesson. And here we are, with a worse virus than before! I mean, this is gonna take all night! I may even have to get Ned in on it.” 
“No! Not Ned!” 
Peter looks at you with a side eye, “I mean it’s embarrassing. Like, I should know better, right?” 
“Yes. You should. But, here we are. Staring at the screen of death.” 
“Don’t say that, I have a history paper to write.” 
“The one I told you to start three days ago?” 
“Alright, get your cute butt to my desk and start writing on mine.” 
He side eyes you again, “I mean, I want to see you do this. Because next time, I mean not next time because I won’t ever do that again, but maybe I can figure it out myself.” 
“You really need to start that paper, sweetheart.” 
You huff, “Ned said you think I’m bad at helping. Is that true?” 
His eyes widened, “When did he say that?” 
“Well, I said you thought I was a great help and he went, ‘Oh, is that what Peter said?’” 
“Oh, is that what Ned said?” 
“You’re deflecting!” 
“Ned doesn’t know what he’s talking about, baby. You’re an excellent help, you helped me with the DVD player, remember? And you helped me with my web shooters that one time.” 
He’s talking about you handing him tools when he asked, maybe you really weren't a great help. 
You feel upset. 
“You know what, maybe Ned can help me instead. Apparently I’m no good to you.” You reach for the computer and he leans to the left so you can’t grab it. 
“C’mon, no hostility. You’re a great help, even if you don’t think you are. I need you for moral support.” 
Now you were really upset, he admitted you were of no actual use. 
“Okay, you know what? I’m gonna go to the library and do this, I don’t need your help like you don’t need mine.” 
“Stop.” His tone made you actually stop, it made you pause and think that he actually does think you’re a great helper. 
“No, cause Ned is right. You do think I suck at helping you.” 
“I said stop.” He shakes his head and starts to press at what you believe are random keys, he’s actually just breaking back into the computer. 
“I’m not entertaining this any further, Y/N.” He sighs when his attempts are futile, he starts again. 
“Okay, deflecter.” You mumble under your breath, you know he hears you. He hears everything. 
“Don’t make me shut you up,” He mumbles back while tapping, he huffs this time, he tries once more. Ned wasn’t lying when he said he made this difficult. 
“No really, It’s fine. I’m just literally never gonna help you with anything ever again because you only ask to make me feel better.” 
Peter deflects once more, “See what I’m pressing? I’m holding these at the same time and when I let up you hit this one. It should be an entire system override, no matter the virus you should be able to get back into your screen. That way you can see how affected it got.” 
It worked, “This one?” 
“Yeah, hold these two and stop when I tell you to.” 
Peter is glad you can switch your attention on a dime flip, “Stop! Now hit this one, and if you’re luckier than me you should be able to break in.” 
You press it, and it works. You are met with your homescreen, you cheer. 
“See? I needed your help, you got the magic touch. Without you I’d still be nowhere.” 
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Parker.” 
“Is that the saying?” 
You shrug, “Close enough.” 
Peter holds control and R for a while, a popup block hits the screen. He then selects system preferences and enters into the computer bio. All you see is binary code, repeating zeros and ones in no clear order, at least to you. Peter is scanning through each code, his eyes running over every number. 
“You can read binary code?” 
He nods and keeps searching. 
“That is so hot.” 
“Thanks, baby.” 
You chew your lip, “Last time you used a scanner.” 
“That was a regular bug, this one is too deep in the system. It wouldn’t register with a malware scan.” 
Peter's eyes race through the screen, it would be deemed impossible to most human eyes but similar to reading text, you can spot the typo. Peter could spot the binary typo, it was just a matter of identifying it. The hardest part is that he doesn’t know what he’s looking for until he finds it. 
“Aha! Get out of here!” 
You watch with a held breath as he selects it then deletes. It is immediately returned to the system, Peter draws his head back and looks at you. 
“Where did you say you got this from?” 
“Uh, I’m not sure.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned closer at the screen, he’s making sure that what he’s seeing is correct. It was an extremely powerful virus, not a simple bug or keyboard hack but an entire system overhaul. He would be lucky to actually remove it, he’s never had a virus come back after being deleted. 
“Baby, this is a pretty hardcore virus. You’re not just going to pick it up off a google ad. What were you on?” 
“Maybe I was watching porn or something?” 
He looks at you, “Those are mostly penis enhancer pills, got anything to tell me about?” 
You push his arm, “No! I don’t know, maybe it was when I was exploring the dark web.” 
He scoffs, “You don’t know how to get to the dark web.” 
Peter is telling the truth, you have no idea how to get there. 
“Yes I do!” 
“Oh really? How?” 
You sputter, “Well, I can’t tell you because I don’t want you to get on there.” 
“Baby, I cracked into there when I was ten. Don’t try me.” 
“And I got there the same way.” 
“Through Google?” 
You nod, “Yup! Just googled it, Petey. It’s not hard.” 
“Oh see, now I know you’re lying. You can’t get on it from google, you need to download a VPN and TOR, then hack in or get invited through a link.” 
“And you did that at ten?” You were slightly doubting him. 
He stares at you blankly, “I can read binary code, Y/N.” 
You purse your lips, “Okay, true.” 
“Seriously, how did you get this thing?” 
Peter once again attempted to delete, it swung right back in. It was getting harder, it wasn’t going back to the same spot. It moved all around, he had to keep fighting to search for it. 
“And don’t lie, you’ve done that enough today.” He was teasing but warning. 
“I really don’t know, honest. I gave it to Ned to borrow, when I got it back I tried to do my paper, and I saw that.” It was slightly true, you did let Ned borrow it. 
“Ned put this on here? Why was he borrowing your laptop?” 
Fuck, he’s got you there. 
“Well, I gave it to Betty, actually. Then I guess Ned used it, and when he gave it back, bam! Virus.” 
“Ah, while you were out with her and MJ?” 
“Yes! Exactly!” Peter just helped you with a lie he didn’t know he was part of. 
Peter let out some soft swears, he was getting pissed. 
“Fuck off,” he whispered at the screen, the visual character popping up laughing calmed no anger. 
“What are you doing now?” You tried to peer at the screen, you were half watching him and the screen. You weren’t sure when the message would come through, you didn’t want to miss his reaction. 
“Trying and failing with my girl watching, not a great feeling.” Peter sat up straighter again and searched over and over for the code. Little did he know Ned thought this over extremely carefully, he implemented it in the system for it to change patterns and virus’ after three attempts. 
Peter is racing his eyes over each line over and over, he knows it’s not gone, but it’s gone from his eyesight, and that is worrisome. He genuinely doesn’t know how you, or Ned got it. Peter’s actually never seen something like this, heard of it but it’s rare. This is a deep, deep hack. 
He wants the pressure off him, he can feel your eyes burning into his back and it’s starting to make him anxious. He’s failing at helping, he hates that. 
“So, liar, any reason why you were spitting them out today?” He tossed the words over his shoulder, you pulled your back from the wall the bed’s pressed against, you tug at his elbow and whine, “Don’t call me that!” 
“Why? The guilt is too hard to handle?” He breathes heavily out his nose from his own joke. 
You push your cheek into his shoulder, words coming out muffled because one half of your face was squished into Peter’s body; your entire weight was leaned on him. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not a liar.” 
“But you did today.” 
You nod against him, “I did today.” 
“Why’s that? You don’t have to hide your friends from me, I know you have ‘em.” 
You move your head to bite lightly at his bicep, he shakes you off, “menace.” He actually doesn’t mind it this time, it’s been a while since you did that. It used to annoy him at times but similar to your favorite nickname to use on him, he missed the things he used to think were a nuisance. He missed you doing those things. 
“I love you.” You kiss his arm and move back to leaning into him. 
“Looks like both of us are deflecting tonight,” He tsks and your cheek hardens when he flexes his bicep, he’s got his fist clenched in anger, he nearly slammed it down on the computer, he’s glad he restrained, you would probably never speak to him again if he broke it. 
“Break it and you die.” You warn him.
“Your heart, or the laptop?” He chides back. 
Your eyes narrow, “Yes.” 
He hits delete on the file for the fifth time, he holds his breath steady. It’s deleted, his air deflates from his lungs slowly, “Fuckin got it.” Peter cracks his knuckles and smiles proudly, you sit up quickly, Peter feels the cold air seep into the cotton of his shirt where you rested. Panic was smeared across your face, you were glad he couldn’t see your face. 
“Wait, what?” Your reaction had Peter throwing his head at yours, “Is that not what you wanted me to do?” You sound upset, you grab at the screen in his lap and shake it slightly, then slap your palm on the empty space next to the trackpad. “Woah!” Peter pulls it away from your hands, “What’s up with that?” You shake your head and try to pull at it again, “It shouldn’t of been that easy, it was supposed-” 
You were cut off. 
The screen flashed red, an angry face appeared on the screen, big bold black text followed.
“What the fuck?” You both spoke and stared at the screen. 
It kept flashing, you had no idea what was going on. You were starting to believe you were actually hacked. 
“Peter, I don’t…” You trailed off and watched the flashing red. He thinks of what to say, he can get this figured out, he’s sure of it. 
“I think I know why this is happening,” He nods his head, he’s sure of it.
“Wait, you do?” You were excited but let down, you wanted him to see the surprise, not guess it.
“I think I do,” He draws out the words and looks at you. 
“Why is it happening, Peter?” You whisper the words. 
“Because,” He pauses and lowers his voice, a secret between you both. “Because, you lied.” 
You groan and throw yourself flat on your back, “Okay, okay, I get it. You’re joking but you’re also serious. I just,” 
“No fighting, right? Cookies? Good time for cookies?” May pushed through the door, a steaming plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies was held in front of your face. She also pushed a glass of strawberry milk in your hand, and you accepted it with a smile. You couldn’t help yourself and took a gulp, you were nervous. You didn’t want to lie about the lie, it was getting harder to cover. 
May was a third party, you could tell May. 
You handed the glass to Peter to set it on his nightstand, thinking about the condoms in the drawer made you smile, it was so innocent and dirty in one picture. 
“May, can we talk? Please?” She tilts her head at Peter, he shrugs. He doesn’t know either. 
“Of course, darling! Peter, take the cookies.” She handed them to Peter, he sat the plate down and then grabbed one to munch on. You stand and speak clearly for Peter, “Don’t listen in, seriously. Don’t.” 
“Got it,” The words muffled, he gave you a thumbs up. 
You nod and walk out with May, you turn back quickly. Peter’s hands working on the screen, “And don’t touch that until I come back.” 
“It’s no biggie, I’m sure I’m close.” 
“No! Don’t touch it, I’m serious Peter!” 
He looked confused but promised he wouldn’t. 
May had you backed into the hallway, you were hoping Peter was staying true to his word and not listening in. “What’s that about?” 
“I lied to Peter today.” 
“So I’ve heard.” 
“It’s for a good reason, but I can’t tell him that.” 
“Why not?” 
“It will ruin it.” You shake your head. 
“Ruin what?” 
“The surprise,” you whisper but know it’s useless if he’s actually listening. 
“What surprise?” 
“I had Ned put a fake virus on my laptop, and I said I was going to the district with my parents but then he saw me at lunch with MJ and Betty, and I can’t tell him why I lied cause it will ruin it all, and I don’t want to lie about lying.” You breathe it out in one go, May still looks lost. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But, what will you ruin? I’m lost, dear. You said Ned put a fake virus on your computer?” 
You smile at her, she’s going to be more excited than Peter.
“I’m asking Peter to be my boyfriend tonight.” 
May’s scream was automatic, she hurried to put her hand over her mouth but Peter’s head popped out from the doorway anyways. “You okay?” 
“So okay! Oh my god, congratulations!” May wraps you in a tight hug and sways you back and forth, you giggle and squeeze her back. 
“Oh god, did you get a promotion?” Peter groans. 
“No, but you’re about to,” You wink at him and head back to his room, pushing him back in by a hand on his chest. 
“You swear you didn’t listen?” You look him over, he wouldn’t be able to contain the excitement if he did. 
He holds up three fingers, “Scouts honor.” 
“But, I did touch the computer.” 
“Don’t worry, I found it but I'll give you the honors of doing the final delete.” He grins and taps the seat next to him, you ready yourself and reach your arm over. 
You delete it.
A big pop up box appears. 
You hold your breath and blink at the screen, you wait for Peter to notice. 
“Huh?” Peter furrows his brow then closes out of it. 
He presses again, the same message. 
Peter humphs and closes it out again. 
It’s spelled out boldly, you know he sees it. 
He shakes his head and closes one more time. 
Your heart sinks, it didn’t work. You tried so hard to make it special, make it just right, something he would love, something he would understand immediately, and he’s not. He’s breezing right past it, something that’s literally in his face. You can’t help the tears that cloud your eyes, you watch as he closes it one, two, three more times. More and more frustrated with each time. 
You feel one tear fall, then two, then they start to stream. Peter doesn’t notice until you sniffle, he knows your cry sniffle. 
“Hey, no crying. It’ll be okay, I’ve almost got it figured out.” 
Peter reaches out a hand but you smack it away, “No, you don’t almost have it figured out.” 
“Baby, I promise I will. I’ve just never seen anything like it before, I mean, what kind of message is that?” 
You sob at his words, it was a total fail, you feel sick. 
“I’m just gonna take it back to Ned’s, he put it on there in the first place.” You were defeated and terribly sad, this is exactly why you didn’t want to do this. You rubbed your nose and reached for the tech, Peter raised his shoulder to block you. 
“What? No, you’re already here, just let me do it.” 
“You’re not doing it right!” You feel your chin wobble when the words tumble out, more tears running. 
“Baby, I’m trying, okay? I’ll get it back and it will be just like brand new. It’s just a dumb message, don’t freak.” 
Peter’s trying to be sweet and supportive, and it would work literally any other time. 
“It’s your message!” You almost shouted the words, your breathing became harsh. He thought it was dumb. 
“What do you mean it’s my-” He looked back at the screen and re read the words, he checked again. ‘WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND?’ He dropped his jaw, that's why you wanted to look over his shoulder so bad, and wanted him to wait before he kept digging. He assumes that’s why you lied, you were busy putting this together and he just shit all over it. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” Peter’s never sounded more delicate.
You shake your head, it makes you cry worse. 
“C’mere,” He reaches for your hand but you shake your head again, he can’t take it back. It felt entirely ruined. 
“Baby, look at me.” His words were gentle but demanding, you look at him and pout. 
“You ruined it.” 
He nods solemnly, “I did. I know I did.” 
“This is why I didn’t want to do this, it was a stupid idea.” You sniffed and wiped away your tears. 
“Hey,” His tone was offended, it wasn’t stupid at all. He was.
“It’s not stupid, I was stupid. It went over my head, I wasn’t even thinking about it like that.” 
“First you think I’m bad at helping and now you think the way I asked you out was stupid. Maybe we shouldn’t get back together.” You didn’t mean it at all, you were hurt. 
Peter knows you’re acting like this because you're hurt, he’s learned that much from the split. 
“Come on now, you don’t mean that. You’re just upset I didn’t catch on, now c’mere.” 
You slowly waddle to stand in between his knees. Peter pulls at your hands and makes you look at him, “You are an excellent helper, I’m sorry I made you think you aren’t. You never complain, even when I get cranky things aren’t going my way. You do whatever I need you to do and you do it happily, even when you just sit next to me, it makes me work better, because you’re watching me and I want to impress you. I need you as my little helper, I always will.” 
You nod and grab one hand in both of yours, you slowly turn it, playing with his fingers and tracing his watch. He’s made you shy, it’s a good thing. 
“Second, it wasn’t stupid. It’s a really smart, sweet way of asking me. I just wasn’t thinking of it like that, Ned played it off so good I really thought it was a wonky virus. That’s why I said it was stupid, not because I don’t like it. I love it, I really do. It’s a geeky way to ask me, and that’s why it’s perfect.” 
You mumbled back to him, you pressed the button on the side of his watch and watched it transform into a webshooter. You lightly pressed at the circular tab, a web hit his ceiling. He acted like it never happened, “You still ruined it.” 
Peter nods, he agrees to the fullest extent, “I did.” 
You press again, another web shoots out. 
“I tried really hard.” 
Peter smiles sadly, “I know you did, I’m sorry I didn’t react how I should’ve.” 
You press the button on the side, it retracts back to a watch. You press and watch it transform again, you do it one more. 
Peter grabs your hand when you try again, “Look at me?” 
You oblige. 
“I would really, really love to be your boyfriend, if you’ll still let me.” 
You shrug nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal. You untuck the corner of your bottom lip you were chewing on, “If you wanna.” He pulled you on his lap, pushing the computer off to his side. 
“Of course I wanna, I've only been begging for months.” He pushes you in to hold you tightly against him, you feel your chests move in unison, one breath in, one breath out. You keep yourself pressed to him for a minute, no words were needed. 
You huff into his shoulder and think about it, you push yourself away from him by your arms on his shoulders. 
You breathe in deep, “Will you be my boyfriend?” 
“What are the terms and conditions?” 
“Love me forever and ever, and never break up with me again. Cause if you do, you'll have to pay for my therapy.” 
Peter throws his head back in a laugh, “Deal.” 
“Yes, I would love to be yours, again. And forever and ever.” 
You both look at eachother with a smile, until he pulls you in closely. 
“I wanna ask you something,” You look impressed. 
“Me? Little old me?” You make a motion of flipping your hair back. 
“Can I kiss my girlfriend?” 
You nod quickly, and fuck what you’ve said before. No kiss has ever felt this good between you two, it was home. You finally felt at total peace, he was yours and you were his. It was the way it was supposed to be. 
Breathless you open your eyes, “You’ve been waiting on that one, huh?” 
He can’t help himself, he pulls back in, “You have no idea.” 
“Peter I swear to god if you’re not here in the next five minutes I’m sending out a bolo on Spider-Man.” Your words were threatening on the phone, Peter winces on the other line and dodges a fist. 
“Baby, I promise I’m on the way.” 
You hear grunting and silence, you start to steam. 
“Please tell me you’re not fighting someone right now.” 
Peter stays silent, you hear a whizzing sound. 
“If you tell me that you were late because you had to stop and fight crime I am gonna be so pissed.” 
“I’m not fighting anyone, I’m almost there.” 
“I’m not! I was fighting with someone but I’m not anymore, I’ll see you in like thirty seconds.” 
“They’re about to call you up, I’m not kidding.” 
You hear him swing faster, “I know, I know, did you leave the gown where I told you?” 
“What you should’ve done, is gone with me, like we planned, remember?” Your tone was clipped.
“I remember, did you leave it there?” 
“But no, you had to go on your own. I knew this would happen, but no, don’t listen to me. It’s fine, I only told you that you would do this, and what did you say?” You were barking orders from behind a tree, you had to resituate the cap on your head, it started to slant down. 
“I said I wouldn’t stop, but I’m about to be there. Did you leave it?” He was running out of breath, he can’t remember the last time he swung this fast. 
“And this wouldn’t be an issue if you let me around Spidey, but nope, lost that privilege. So now I can’t even make sure you’re on time, I just have to trust you and now you’re late.” 
A grunt on the line, he landed. 
“Baby, where did you put it? It’s not here.” Panic, he was going to be late. He didn’t know who would chew him out more, you or May. You, he could win back over with a date night and a few kisses, May would just shake her head every time he would try to explain it to her. 
Peter knows your right, he shouldn’t have stopped for that guy. It was supposed to be a quick in and out, he didn’t expect you to be on his ass but he should’ve. 
“Are you even dressed right? You have your slacks and button down on, right? Please tell me you brought shoes, I swear to god if I see those red boots under your gown I’ll scream.” 
“Yes! Yes! I’m dressed right, where the fuck did you put it, Y/N!” 
“No cause you wouldn’t be talking to me if you did, I know you’re talking through Karen!” 
He sighs, he sees you tucked it behind an exhaust pipe. 
“I’m talking to you through Karen so you can tell me where my gown is, but I found it.” He pulls it over his long sleeve and zips it up. He’s about to jump down when he pulls his mask off and drops it on the roof. 
“And another thing! If I’m doing you a favor and going out of my way to make sure you’re taken care of, the least you could do is show up on time! I mean I-” The buzz of the phone makes you notice he ended the call before you could give him the last piece of your mind. 
You stare at your phone, insulted he would hang up on you. You huff and shove it in your pocket, “fucking prick!” You mumble insults under your breath, “Hey, no need for hostility. I’m on time, see?” 
“Late to your own graduation, Parker! Who does that?” 
You spin to face Peter who shugs sheepishly, “I said I was sorry, I’m here and my name hasn’t been called yet. It’s all good, now where’s my cap?” 
You huff and pull it from under your arm, Peter leans down so you can secure it tightly. You fix the tassel in a straight line and smile at him, he looks down right adorable in his graduation blue. 
“You look cute, I need to see more of you in ambiguously shaped clothing.” He winked and you scoffed, “Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Mr. Parker.” 
“You said it gets me everywhere.” 
“Yeah, well, not today!” 
You both follow the line, due to alphabetical order you won’t be sitting next to each other. 
He pulls your arm and you step out of line, you flash an apology smile to the guy behind you. He nods his head, your spot is saved. 
“Hey, one more kiss? While we're both in high school?” 
“I guess so,” You sigh and lean up for one. 
“You know, you’re my highschool sweetheart.” 
“I guess that means you’re mine too, Parker.” 
“You made it the best four years, I mean it.” 
You squirm, “Don’t get all mushy, you’ll make me cry.” 
Peter’s name is announced as Valedictorian, he has to go to the stage. He presses one more kiss, “I’ll be the one cheering the loudest when your name is called, I love you.” 
“I love you too, handsome.” 
After the graduation you both took pictures, some with parents, alone, friends such as MJ, Betty and Ned, even flash made an appearance in a group photo. You then trekked into senior send off dinner, where the entire class got together for one last shared meal, never again would you see those faces in a cafeteria. 
Peter sat by you the whole night with a hand on your thigh, even though it was just hours after your high school career ended it gave you a sense for the future, Peter would always be by your side and he would always be the smartest in the room, you noted and loved the way he would be able to share a conversation with anyone he passes by, he’s perfected the craft of knowing a little of something about everything. 
You ended the night at Peter’s, May had baked a cake with a fat congrats roped across the top, she kissed both of your heads and wiped tears with a “I’m so damn proud of the both of you,” before she left for the night. 
Now, you had both unzipped from the gowns and you watched them lay puddled on the ground, there was no need to hang them anymore, their purpose fulfilled. You sat your diploma next to his on his desk, Peter undid the buttons on his sleeves and rolled them up carefully. You watched with heavy eyes. 
“I’ve been working on something,” He drawls, he tugs at his button down and you melt inside. 
“Lay back,” He points at his pillows, you make a confused face. 
“What for?” You listen and lay back, Peter comes to stand over you. 
“I’m gonna fuck you.” The words came thick from his throat, something tells you you won’t be hearing that often. 
“Oh my god, this is the best graduation gift I’ve ever gotten.” 
“Is it really?” He’s on the bed hovering over you, he’s looking at you like he’s about to fucking devour you. 
You nod, “Tell me one more time?” 
He leans in, he kisses you for a minute. He trails his marks down your neck and collarbone, he kisses back up into your ear and whispers, “I said, I’m gonna fuck you.” 
“I am so glad you dumped me, you have no idea.” 
He looks puzzled for a moment, “Me too. We’re gonna build it better this time around.” 
You nod and tuck your bottom teeth into your lip, “Yeah, we’re gonna build it better.”
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