#i finished this right before watching tonights episode um. oops.
bandanadee · 1 year
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yay neverafter! wooo neverafter!
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cyhyr · 3 years
Whumpmas in July: Warmth
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: E
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka
WC: ~3940
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Notes: frottage, therapy, safewords, cockwarming, oral sex, past abuse, love confessions
A/N: So, y'all know about my wonderful problem with terrible interpretations of prompts... Oops? Anyway, we'll return to our regularly scheduled whump-fest in the next fic. I think.
Follows "Look At Me"
For @whumpmasinjuly prompt list
Read on The Archive
They’re on a mission together when the idea comes to him. And he knows Kakashi isn’t going to approve, nor will he be interested in trying it; but a man can dream and it’s just the two of them on the road for five days and Iruka can admit that there’s probably something messed up with his head that he wants this but he can’t help it.
He remembers often, giving Kakashi that blowjob, and how it made him feel. He enjoyed having Kakashi in his mouth for the time he managed it, before he went and fucked it up by giving Kakashi his hair. They lay near each other at night in the forest and huddle together and oftentimes Iruka feels the outline of Kakashi’s dick against his ass and it’s… it’s a lot.
In a good way.
Fuck, but he wants Kakashi.
He just… doesn’t know how to go about having him without also triggering himself. It wasn’t until he started seeing a therapist, his first session two weeks ago, that he realized how much Mizuki ruined sex for him. He already knew he was damaged goods, but he hadn’t realized how much.
But this idea he’s got…
They’re two days from Konoha, huddled together in a shallow cave while a storm rages just outside. They could have kept going—a little rain and wind never hurt anyone—but Kakashi seemed to jump on the chance to settle down for the night early, and led them here. Iruka set up intricate traps and barrier seals around the mouth of the cave, assuring both himself and Kakashi that only the truly desperate will get into their hiding spot, let alone know they’re here. They dry out hair and clothes (Kakashi’s control with katon is brilliant, like the rest of him) and are simply enjoying sitting next to each other in front of a small fire.
Their vests and pouches remain within easy reach—they are still on a mission.
Iruka leans against Kakashi’s shoulder, contently dozing in and out. Kakashi has an Icha Icha book open in his palm, but hasn’t turned the page in over fifteen minutes. Their silence is odd in that it’s comfortable, but only if Iruka doesn’t think about how long they’ve each been quiet.
Kakashi breaks. “Iruka?”
“You… you would tell me… if I was doing something wrong. Right?”
Iruka’s eyes snap open and his happy doze fades fast. He lifts his head and shifts to face Kakashi. “Yes, of course, but what is this about? What’s—?” He stops and glances away, “Have I done something wrong?”
Kakashi hums. “You’ve just been a little distant for most of this mission. Since we passed through that hamlet on our first evening. I just—I don’t—”
“Kakashi, no,” Iruka reaches out for his hands, but at the last inch stops. He knows what this is about now; of course Kakashi picked up on his odd mood, his being-lost-in-thought. “Can I hold your hands?”
Kakashi nods, his blush barely noticeable in the firelight.
“Kakashi,” Iruka starts again with his partner’s hands in his own, “I’m sorry for seeming distant. I had an idea and it’s been plaguing me, but I wanted to wait until we got home to talk about it. I also—um—kind of want to discuss it with my therapist first.”
Kakashi brings their hands up to his masked lips and kisses Iruka’s fingers. “You will tell me, though?”
Iruka nods. “I want to, very much so. But I also need to. To talk it out with Rikona-sensei.”
Kakashi accepts the answer and tugs Iruka closer, which he does willingly. Iruka takes initiative and leans into the space behind Kakashi’s ear and mutters, “Can I...?”
Hands pull him to straddle Kakashi’s lap while a groaned “Yes” rumbles against his chest. Iruka slips Kakashi’s mask down just enough to get to that sensitive spot and nips at it. Kakashi, at the same time, gently gropes and kneads his ass.
“I. Want. Uhh, there—Iruka, more. Still can’t believe you’re able to hide this ass in—ohh, fuck—standard uniform pants. Oh gods. Iruka.”
Iruka smiles against Kakashi’s neck as he reveals bare skin. He won’t pull down the mask entirely—that’s a limit Kakashi set and, gods, Kakashi’s so good at remembering his triggers that Iruka can do him the favor of remembering one limit. Kakashi is hard, and Iruka grinds down on his erection to get him to swear and squirm some more.
So long as Iruka stays on top, stays in control, these kinds of encounters don’t bother him. Mizuki never treated him like this, not exactly. The differences are enough.
He rolls his hips against Kakashi, a little faster, holding onto Kakashi’s shoulders for balance. “Kakashi,” he moans breathily, “wanna see you come.”
Kakashi pants. One hand leaves his ass and pulls down his mask, and then they’re kissing, mouths devouring each other and teeth clicking together. Iruka feels his own stirrings of arousal, finally, and groans deeper in his chest.
“Close,” Kakashi warns, breaking the kiss after a few minutes.
“Good. Why’s your hand not back on my ass?”
“I don’t. I mean.”
Iruka smirks and takes Kakashi’s hand, bringing it up to his face. Iruka normally likes Kakashi’s gloves. The texture, the smell, the implication of power… but tonight, he’s glad the gloves are off, over with their vests and pouches.
He slips Kakashi’s first finger into his mouth and hums.
“Oh, shit.”
He continues to hold Kakashi’s finger against his tongue until he’s finished and slumped forward, and then lets it slide free with a pop.
��Gods, Iruka,” Kakashi murmurs, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him as close as possible. “That was. Wow.”
Iruka giggles and replaces Kakashi’s mask, and then cards his fingers through silver hair. “Very articulate.”
Kakashi hums. He’s still glowing, and won’t want to be coherent for a few minutes.
“Can I return the favor?” he mutters against Iruka’s neck. Even during the afterglow, Kakashi thinks of him; it’s sweet.
Iruka says, “No thanks. I started to get there, but just wasn’t… y’know.”
Kakashi sighs. “Still wanna kill him.”
“I know. I appreciate the sentiment.”
He whines. “It’s not fair that I get all the orgasms in this relationship.”
Iruka laughs outright. “Even though I’m okay with giving them to you? And also not asking for reciprocation?”
Kakashi nuzzles him. “Wanna see you come, too,” he murmurs.
“It’s good that you feel ready to take steps to move forward. But what steps are you prepared to take to prevent an episode?”
“Well, I thought a lot about it on the way home. Mizuki would always come to my place, so I thought first maybe a change in scenery will help—I’m gonna ask if we can do this at Kakashi’s place.”
“That’s a start. But many of your triggers are auditory.”
“And Kakashi’s never said anything to tip me into an episode since our, uh, second disaster. I trust him.”
“Trust is important. What else?”
“I’m also going to heavily condition my hair, and brush it out. So in case Kakashi snags it accidentally it won’t pull. I’m… I’m also going to request that he wash up beforehand. He and Mizuki smell… too similar, right now. I don’t want to risk it.”
“What about position?”
“That’s something I will need to discuss with Kakashi. I can’t—I can’t be on my knees for this, that’s just asking for an episode.”
“I agree. May I also suggest the two of you discuss hand signals for safe-words? You won’t be able to talk, after all.”
“Yes. I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you have put so much thought into this.”
“I just need to prove to us I can move past this.”
“Hmm. Well, we’ve gone over time by ten minutes, but I think it’s worth it. I truly hope this works out for you, Iruka-sensei.”
Iruka is scrubbing the cabinet faces in his kitchen, waiting for Kakashi to get back from another mission. They’d gotten back, and the next day his partner had been sent out again—he had been angry at first, at the Counsel for requiring so much from Kakashi, and at himself for not understanding immediately that Kakashi requested the mission to give Iruka a little bit more time and space to work out that “odd” thought.
He’s worked it out. He talked it out with Rikona-sensei. He’s as prepared as he can be.
That’s why he’s cleaning.
Iruka can admit that he’s terrified this will go wrong. Against all of his thoughtful preparation, he could still dissociate. The more he goes under, the more likely it becomes that he just won’t resurface. Or he could resurface, but with new triggers—new ones relating to Kakashi instead of Mizuki.
Worst of all, Kakashi could just outright deny him and not even try. Iruka’s not sure how that situation would go, but it probably won’t be good.
At least. At least Kakashi’s due back today. He shouldn’t have to—
“Hello dear,” comes a voice from his kitchen window.
Iruka doesn’t hide the smile Kakashi’s voice drags out of him. He looks up from his spot on the floor and watches as his partner slinks through the window and over the sink and counter to join him on the floor.
“Sandals,” Iruka says. Kakashi takes his off and leaves to go put them in the genkan, and is back at his side quickly.
“You’re cleaning,” Kakashi comments. “Rough day with the ankle-biters?”
Iruka laughs. “No, nothing like that. I quite like this class, actually.”
Iruka sets aside his sponge and sighs, standing up. “Right. Let me put this away, and then. Then we can talk.”
He leaves the room, taking as long as he dares knowing Kakashi is standing, arms crossed, in his kitchen. He dumps dirty water down the shower drain, sets the sponge in the bathroom sink to dry, and puts the bucket away in the bottom of the linen closet.
One more bracing breath, and then he leaves the bathroom.
“Okay.” He comes back into the kitchen; Kakashi hasn’t moved. “Would you like to sit?”
Kakashi holds a hand up. “First, please?” Iruka nods and gestures for him to speak. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“No.” Iruka’s proud of how even his tone is. “You may want to consider it, after this, but I don’t… it’s not what I want.”
Kakashi takes the chair beside Iruka’s usual one, and pulls down his mask. “I highly doubt whatever you have to say is going to change my feelings for you.”
Iruka sits. Smiles. “That’s sweet, but hold your judgement until you’ve heard me out.”
Kakashi leans forward and reaches out for his hands. Iruka gives them to him, letting Kakashi entwine their fingers together on the tabletop.
“I have something I want to try,” Iruka starts. “And I’ve given it a lot of thought, how to go about it without worrying about triggering an episode.”
Kakashi sits up a little straighter. “What do you want?”
Iruka’s face heats up, and he looks away for a moment to collect himself. “I… okay, so. I—before I fucked up that last time, when I was blowing you—”
“We agreed that it was both of our faults,” Kakashi glowers. “If you want to take any of the blame, I get an equal amount for being the instigating party.”
“Right. Sorry—”
Iruka closes his eyes and bites his lip. Deep breath. “Thank you, Kakashi, for reminding me.”
Kakashi brings his hand up to kiss his fingers. “You’re welcome. I’d like to hear more, but not if you’re going to be self-deprecating.”
“I. Yes. Okay. I can… I’ll try.”
Kakashi replaces their hands on the table and waits.
“So, the blowjob. When I was. Before I dissociated.” Iruka flushes hard. “I really enjoyed that.”
“As did I. But you also said that your performing oral sex is off limits, because of your trauma. Has that changed?” Kakashi is trying not to look excited, but Iruka can see the spark in his eye.
“Not exactly. I’d like to try something, um. Blowjob-adjacent?”
Kakashi waits.
“I’d like you to consider. Letting me… um.” Oh just thinking about it is getting his heart racing; his breathing speeds up.
“Iruka, are you with me?”
“Yes,” he answers immediately. “I’m not—slipping. It’s. Fuck,” he takes one hand back from Kakashi and presses his palm to his forehead. He decides to spit it all out as fast as he can. “I want your cock in my mouth again, but I want to just. Hold it. Does that make—”
Kakashi’s chair screeches as he pushes back from the table. He comes around the corner of the table and kneels in front of Iruka, looking up at him reverently. “You would do that for me?” he whispers.
Iruka puts his free hand against Kakashi’s cheek. “You’re the one who’d be doing me a favor,” he smirks. “I want this, Kakashi.”
Iruka shakes his head. “I mean, yes, but not-not here. And I have some preparation steps for both of us, to help prevent the chance of an episode.”
Two hours later, it’s late and dark, and Iruka stands outside of Kakashi’s apartment door. The jōnin barracks are sparse, as most shinobi who attain this rank either are part of a clan, make enough to purchase their own quarters, or find better housing with spouses or roommates. As it is, Kakashi is the only one living on his floor, and has been able to secure the apartments above and below him to stay empty as well.
Iruka knocks. He doesn’t have to wait long for Kakashi to open the door.
“Hello dear.”
Iruka smiles and leans in to accept Kakashi’s kiss to his forehead. He’s led inside, and once the door shuts, he reaches up and starts untying his hair.
Hands gently take his elbows and Kakashi crowds him from behind. “Leave it up for now?”
Iruka tightens the tie again, then turns around in the circle of Kakashi’s arms. “Have you thought about it?” he asks.
Kakashi hums. “Can I kiss you? I won’t get to for a while.”
Iruka leans in and tugs gently at his mask with one finger. “Gotta take this off first,” he says.
“Go ahead.”
Oh. Iruka cups Kakashi’s jaw with both hands and slowly eases the fabric down over his nose and mouth. His face bared to the room, Iruka traces his lips with a fingertip. “Can I—?”
“Please, Iruka.”
Lips meet and moans rumble in both of their throats. Iruka keeps his hands on Kakashi’s face, revelling in the bare skin he was allowed to—Oh his chest aches in such a wonderful way.
Kakashi runs one hand up his spine while the other stays around his waist. Iruka smirks into the kiss as Kakashi traces his hand back down, past his waist, his hips, and finally settling on the curve of his ass.
“Someday,” Iruka murmurs into his mouth, and groans at Kakashi’s harsh kneading.
“Best ass in Konoha,” Kakashi whispers. “In the world.”
Iruka laughs outright, tipping his head back. The laugh turns into another moan as Kakashi kisses his neck and jaw. He lets Kakashi lead as they start walking over to the bed.
Then they fall gently, slowly, onto the mattress. Iruka keeps his eyes open; there’s a different visual stimulus here, Kakashi’s studio being so different from his own bedroom. He’s urged to lay beside Kakashi, still in his comforting embrace.
They kiss forever, until Iruka feels comfortable exploring Kakashi’s body with his own hands, until he closes his eyes and rests his head back against the pillow and lets Kakashi kiss him all over, tapping and tugging at various pieces of clothing to ask if he can remove them.
They’re both down to their underwear when Iruka starts to feel the faint prickling of panic at the edge of his awareness. He pulls Kakashi back up to him and kisses him deeply, slipping his tongue into Kakashi’s mouth and feeling the scar across his eye.
“How are you feeling, dear?” Kakashi asks.
“Hmm. Almost wanna just keep making out with you all night,” Iruka says.
“We can do that,” Kakashi offers. “If you want to wait on—”
“Oh no. I’m getting that monster back on my tongue tonight.” Iruka kisses along Kakashi’s jaw, hunting for his weak spot. He probably can’t reach it from this position. Judging from the rumbling moan in his chest, Kakashi doesn’t mind his trying. Or his words.
“Shit, alright. Sit up a moment.”
Iruka collects himself up onto his knees and waits while Kakashi repositions himself to sit against the headboard, his legs apart. He crooks a finger in Iruka’s direction and yes he’s helpless but to settle between Kakashi’s legs and lean in to kiss him again. Iruka drags his mouth across Kakashi’s chest, licks at his stomach, and finally lays himself down and breathes in Kakashi—bitter, dark; he wonders briefly if Kakashi had followed his request to wash up before this, so the faint scent that reminded him once of Mizuki would be covered by soap smell.
Kakashi’s musk doesn’t flash a threat of Mizuki now.
He lays his head on Kakashi’s thigh and waits. Kakashi pets Iruka’s hair with one hand—very gently—and fondles himself with the other. Watching Kakashi go from semi-hard to fully erect in front of him is maddening; he feels his own dick respond, and the heat in his core starts to build. He licks his lips and shifts closer just a bit.
Kakashi stops him with a hand on his shoulder. “Wait, just. Just a little bit more.”
Iruka whines.
Kakashi stops. “Iruka?”
“I’m fine. I’m great. Please, please keep touching yourself,” he whimpers. “Gods, keep touching yourself.”
Kakashi pulls his cock out, finally, and strokes himself. Iruka’s lips part involuntarily, beginning to pant. He shifts his hips against the sheets, but keeps his arms still around Kakashi’s hips and his head steady on his thigh. His mouth dries out quickly with his panting.
“Please, Kakashi, please. I-I want you so bad please—”
“What do you do if I check in with you and you’re okay?”
Iruka taps his hip once.
“And if you ever need to stop?”
He taps twice. “Or I can just pull away.”
“Right. And if you find yourself slipping?”
Kakashi chuckles. “Alright, alright.” He holds his cock at the base and guides Iruka forward with his other hand at the back of his head. He doesn’t push, doesn’t hold him, doesn’t grab him; and Iruka goes for it happily, sliding his lips around the head and moaning along with Kakashi at the first touch of tongue to cock.
He sucks on the head for a moment, breathing deeply and focusing himself. When he feels ready, he slides down, bit by bit, hearing Kakashi’s harsh panting echoing in the room.
“Little more, that’s it. Fuck, beautiful—c’mon, c’mon, just—oh, gods.”
Kakashi’s cock hits the back of his throat. Iruka pulls back, just a second, breathes, and on his exhale sinks down the rest of the way.
“Shit-shit-shit, fuck, Iruka, so g—ah, shit, your mouth yes.”
He lays his head back on Kakashi’s thigh and lets his partner run his mouth above him. He’s got cock comfortably settled down his throat and yeah, they’ll have to change the sheets because Iruka’s already drooling around his mouthful something terrible—something wonderful—and by the time he’s ready to come back there’ll likely be a small puddle.
It doesn’t seem that Kakashi will mind.
He finally collects himself to quiet down, still hard in his throat though. It’s nice. Kakashi pets his hair again, and this time also pulls the tie free from his hair. He’s careful, so damn careful, and then Iruka’s hair is loose around his face and he doesn’t care.
He doesn’t care because he’s got better things to focus on.
He’s in Kakashi’s bed, with Kakashi’s scent all around him, and Kakashi’s bittersweet cock on his tongue, and Kakashi’s words echoing around him, and he’s hard.
Oh, he’s hard.
If he shifts he’ll choke. He can’t take any relief for how turned on he is. That’s… that’s okay. He’s not doing this to get off. He’s doing it to prove he can.
And he is.
And he does.
Kakashi checks in with him every ten minutes. He stays present the whole time. It’s so. It’s perfect. The third time, Kakashi tells him it’s been half an hour, and Iruka hums and glances up at him questioningly.
“I’d. I’d really like to come, Iruka. But I also want to wait until you’re ready.”
He sighs through his nose and carefully pulls off of Kakashi’s cock. He sucks on the head for a minute, listening to Kakashi swear and pant some more as he swallows and lets his throat relax. When he pulls off the rest of the way, he noses at the hard, reddened length and says, voice wrecked, “Come, then. If you’d like.”
Kakashi wastes no time in grabbing his spit-slick dick and beginning to pump furiously. Iruka sits up on his knees to watch, pressing the heel of his own hand against his erection and breathing heavily to keep himself under control.
“You too, please,” Kakashi whimpers. “Can I see you? Can I—oh, can I blow you? I’ll be just as-as-fuck, Iruka, please, I want you too; wanna see you, too.”
“I know,” Iruka says. His shoulders are heaving with the force of keeping his breath steady. “But this was for you.”
“Oh, my Kakashi,” Iruka murmurs. “Just. Let go. Let me see you. Let me know I d-did good.”
“Fuck, Iruka.”
“Come, love.”
He does. Oh, he comes, hard and loud and wet, streaking up his chest and dripping over his hand and gods does Iruka have the urge to kiss him through his afterglow. He inches forward on his knees and reaches past Kakashi’s shoulder to the washcloth they’d prepared before, sitting on the windowsill. Iruka gently wipes it across Kakashi’s chest and groin, and then takes his hand and swipes it with the cloth, too. He tosses the washcloth across the room to the sink, and leans forward to press his forehead against Kakashi’s.
“Can I—?”
“Please kiss me,” Kakashi whimpers at the same time.
He does. Kakashi’s arms embrace him loosely and he holds Kakashi’s face in one hand and braces his other palm against his chest. His heart is racing, pounding.
“You called me—”
“I do.” Iruka murmurs, pulling away so he can look into Kakashi's eye. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, tied with Naruto.”
“For different—”
“You know what I mean.” Iruka chuckles. “Yes, for different reasons.”
“Does this mean I can get you off now?”
Iruka shakes his head. “I just wanna enjoy your glow with you. You’re so precious like this.”
“I like it,” Kakashi mutters. “Being yours.”
“I like having you,” Iruka cards his fingers through Kakashi’s hair. “I… I love you.”
Kakashi says, “I love you, too.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I’ve loved you for months, Iruka. I’m just. Scared.”
“Don’t be. You’ve got me.”
They breathe through the glow. They’ll have to change the sheet, and Iruka hasn't yet confirmed with Kakashi if it’s okay if he stays the night. But he’s happy, and he’s proven to himself that he’s on the mend, and Mizuki’s hold on him has loosened just that little bit more.
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j0elmill3r · 4 years
The Tonight Show
Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Chris Evans Masterlist
Warnings; Fluff, some swearing, mentions of drugs, mentions of mental illness, Jimmy Fallon and Jaeden Martell make appearances
Word count; 2.3k
A/N; I'm bored of corona so that doesn't exist here, you're also dating Jaeden Martell because he's baby and also this went on to also be a Jaeden x Reader too, oops.
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"And tonight's special guests are Chris Evans and his daughter, Y/N Evans," You stood behind the door and waited for it to lift. You smiled when it did and you heard people cheering and clapping. You walked over to the couch and sat down on it, while your dad sat on the single-seat nearest to the desk. "Hi guys, thank you for coming. Y/N, this is your first time on the show, how do you feel?" Jimmy asked you. You laughed nervously and put your hands on your lap.
"Kinda nervous, and kinda scared, to be completely honest," You said. Both your dad and Jimmy laughed.
"I had to drag her out of bed this morning, she wouldn't budge," Chris said, you turned to him and gave him a fake angry glare. "One of the many joys of having a teenage daughter,"
"Does it take a lot of effort?" Jimmy asked. Chris chuckled and nodded.
"Oh yeah, it's tough. Y/N could easily sleep through a nuclear war," Chris continued.
"I am here, you know," You reminded him. "And you aren't any better, dear father," You scolded him. Chris raised his eyebrows and nodded.
"Since you two are clearly eager to embarrass each other in some way, we're gonna play a little game. Chris, you've played this before with your brother, Scott," Jimmy said. Chris began to laugh, which made you nervous. "I don't really have a name for it, but this game is incredibly easy, Y/N," You nodded.
"By the way, he reacted I'm gonna guess that it was 'Know Your Bro' and that I'm going to be exposed," Chris nodded and turned to you. Jimmy handed you a phone and a pair of noise-cancelling headphones on. "This should be fun," You said loudly.
"Okay, Chris. When Y/N was younger, what was the most typical thing a kid would do you gave her into trouble for?" He asked. Chris thought for a moment before sighing.
"The first thing that comes to mind was when she about 4 or 5 and she got into the paint in her room, that I had purposely put on top of her wardrobe so she couldn't reach it," Chris said. Jimmy laughed and looked over at you. You looked around, seeing people's reactions. "And so I went to check on her because she was being suspiciously quiet and I go into her room and find her covered in yellow, green and red paint. It took me a good few days to get the red out of her hair," He explained.
"Alright, Y/N," Jimmy waved to get your attention and laughed at the clueless look on your face.
"I'm scared," You admitted. Chris laughed.
"Okay, we asked your dad what was the most typical thing you did that your dad gave you into trouble for?" He asked. You looked to your dad, who avoided your eyes because you had a way of using your eyes to get him to tell you things. "Don't look at each other,"
"Alright um...I'm gonna take a wild guess that it's the time I took the paints and covered myself in them?" You said. Everyone burst out laughing and nodded, making you laugh. "I haven't done many things wrong, I'm an absolute angel!" You laughed.
"That is a lie if I've ever heard one," Chris murmured. "Alright, my turn," You handed your dad the phone and the headphones and then turned to Jimmy.
"Okay, Y/N, what is the most embarrassing thing you've ever caught your dad doing?" Jimmy asked you. Thoughts ran through your head until you got the one.
"Well, there's been a lot. But I think the most embarrassing has to be the time I caught him singing Avril Lavigne while he was cleaning the kitchen. And this was like 3 weeks ago when I came downstairs to get me and my boyfriend something to drink, and he was just there singing about skater boys, it was something I don't wanna see again, and I think if Dodger could speak he would say the same," The crowd burst into laughter and you grinned. You nudged your dad, who was clearly having the vibe of his life to whatever was playing from the headphones, with your elbow, telling him to take the headphones off.
"Chris, we asked Y/N what the most embarrassing thing she has ever caught you doing, what do you think she said?" Jimmy asked your dad. Chris was thinking for a moment before he sighed.
"Is it when I woke you up with blaring spice girls from by bedroom unironically?" You burst out laughing, along with everyone else in the studio. Tears of laughter formed in your eyes as you shook your head while bent over in half. "Oh no!" Chris cried. You sat back up and looked over at him apologetically.
"Do you remember the time Jaeden was over and I came down for a drink, you didn't see me, but you had your AirPods in and you were singing Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne very loudly," You told him.
"And you didn't tell me?" He asked you. You laughed and shook your head. "That is the ultimate betrayal, Y/N, honestly,"
"In that case Chris, you'll be glad to hear you get to finish off this game by exposing your daughter!" Jimmy cheered. Your jaw dropped and you smiled, shaking your head.
"I'll get you back for this," You pointed to Jimmy jokingly and put the headphones on, pressing play on the phone.
"Last question, so Chris, what is something Y/N did but has never told you she did, but you know because she's not a very good liar?" Jimmy asked. Chris chuckled and then looked at you, seeing you were looking down at the pattern on your dress.
"The thing that comes to mind is when she snuck her boyfriend in the window and thinks I didn't see him climbing up to her window, and neither of them is able to talk very quietly, and this is coming from the king of sneaking girls into his room," Chris said. "I hope this is what she's thinking, otherwise this could end up like an episode of Dr. Phil," Your dad turned to you and slid the headphones off of your head.
"Y/N, we asked your dad, what is one thing you have done and never told your dad about?" You froze and put your bottom lip out, laughing nervously again.
"Um...Can I pass questions or?" Your dad looked at you and you couldn't help but smile. "Okay um, I'm trying to think of something that won't get me into a lot of trouble," You said quietly.
"Are-are you implying there's more than one?" Jimmy fake fell from his seat and then got back up, his jaw practically on the floor.
"Maybe, but anyway," The audience laughed and Chris looked around, confusion clear on his face. "The only thing I can think of at this very moment is when I snuck Jaeden up into my room," You crossed your fingers hoping it was right, and you took the sigh of relief from your dad as a yes.
"Okay, alright. So, can we just talk about how amazing actors both of you are? Chris, your new Apple TV series is fantastic," Jimmy said. Chris smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Y/N would say so because she got a boyfriend outta it," He said.
"I thought that the game was over," You murmured. "But yeah, I watched it with one of my friends from school and the ending had me sobbing," You admitted.
"If we're talking about making people cry, can we talk about Y/N in 'One Of Us'? For anyone who has been living under a rock and not seen it, here is the trailer for Y/N's latest movie," They showed the trailer, making you blush, mainly because you hate seeing yourself on screen. "Now, Y/N, you said that on a press tour, getting into the mindset of your Elliot was one of the hardest things you ever had to do,"
"Yeah, I mean, it's a pretty hard-hitting movie for a lot of people, it deals with addiction and mental illnesses, and so it was a lot of sitting down and talking to people who had gone through similar things," You said. Jimmy nodded and Chris took your hand.
"Now, your character's dad, Dean, is played by Ewan Mcgregor, right?" You laughed and nodded. "Did you know Ewan before your roll?"
"Not personally, like most people I had seen him in Star Wars and when I got told that he was being cast I think I went into tears in the living room,"
"I can confirm that. I ran in from the kitchen because I thought she hurt herself but no, she was crying because she was gonna meet Obi-Wan Kenobi," Everyone laughed. "But, I mean yeah, I saw One Of Us when the whole family went and there's this one scene where Dean is trying to get Elliot off of drugs and he locks her in her room, she screams and cries for him to let her out because she's scared and doesn't want to be alone, it was that scene that got me," Chris explained. Jimmy nodded and hummed.
"Was that a hard scene to film, Y/N?" He asked you.
"Yeah, it really was. I think because it's a really big point in the movie and you learn a lot about the characters at that scene you really do have to...I don't know, like give it 110%,"
"Moving on from that, quickly, Chris I have to ask, how did it feel finding out that your fake son is dating your real daughter?" Jimmy inquired.
"Well, it a little more since they hid from me for about 6 months," You smiled and batted your eyelashes innocently. "But I was okay with it. Jaeden's a good kid, I worked with on Knives Out and I could trust him not to hurt my kid. But Y/N's being little miss angry because she hasn't seen him for a few weeks," Chris said that last part hoping you would pick up on what he was suggesting, but as per usual, you didn't.
"Well, Y/N, we'd hate to keep him waiting any longer. Ladies and gentlemen, Jaeden Martell!" Jaeden peaked his head out from behind the curtain and smiled at you, making your jaw drop. You had never run quicker in your life.
"Oh my God!" You squealed as you ran to him and put your arms around him. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him, looking up at him. Jaeden chuckled.
"And miss that incredible look on your face? I would never," He tilted his head down, getting his now blonde hair in yours and his eyes and pecking you on the nose.
"Hey! PDA, you two," Your dad pointed out.
"Big Evans, little Evans and Jaeden, it has been lovely to see you all, but that is all we have time for tonight!"
You sat in the back of the car going back to the hotel, Jaeden sat beside you. Your dad looked in the rearview mirror and chuckled.
"If I see anything more than holding hands back there," He murmured not so quietly. You looked to Jaeden, who looked at you as if he knew what you were about to ask your dad. You let out a sigh.
"Hey, dad?" He hummed. "When we get back to the hotel...can I stay in Jae's room?" You asked. You avoided looking at any mirrors.
"Alright," He said. Your eyes shot open in shock, you weren't expecting him to say yes. You didn't question it though, so, when your dad pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, you didn't waste any time in dragging your boyfriend out of the car. You grabbed your backpack from your dad's room and brought it to Jaedens, dumping out your laptop.
"That sounded kinda expensive," Jaeden said in concern.
"Let's hope it only sounded expensive because if it is I spent about 50 dollars on movies I can't even watch," You said. You had both changed into pyjamas, yours was one of Jaedens hoodies, of course.
"What did you buy? Because if you didn't get Birds Of Prey I'll be deeply upset," He said.
"You are such a fucking traitor," You said. You both sat with your feet at the headboard. "I cannot believe you. I hate you," Jaeden laughed as you tried to move away from him, but he put his arm around you and held you in place.
"You're cute when you're mad, Y/N," He told you. You faced him with an attempt at an angry face.
"Am not,"
"Are too,"
"Am too!" You argued. Jaeden smiled and flipped you around so he sat on top of you but didn't put his full weight on you.
"Do you wanna smile or am I going to have to tickle it outta you?" He asked you, getting in your face. You flashed him a fake smile, making him roll his eyes. "Fine, I did warn you," He said. He started tickling your sides, making you squirm under him and laugh uncontrollably.
"Jae! St-stop it!" You laughed.
"Do you hate me?" He asked you. You shook your head.
"I love you!" You blurted out. He stopped and looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"You-you do?" He asked. You were scared you had done something wrong, but you nodded because it was true. "I love you, so, so much, Y/N Evans," You smiled and sighed in relief.  "So...Did you get-"
"Don't ruin the moment,"
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talesfromthesnogbox · 4 years
Stuck Here With you
Rating: M (Rating for explicit conversations about sex) 
Words: 3,586
Summary: Richie and Eddie are stuck quarantining themselves together... what could possibly go wrong? OR based on this tweet: "@cjkasulke: APPARENTLY you have all just been *waiting* for this moment to confess your love to your roommates, so many of you live with people you have been silently in love with for y e a r s"
Notes: This is so stupid. Yes, I wrote a quarantine fic. Yes, this whole thing is a serious matter and I am an adult who's working from home and it all sucks, and there are people dying all over the world, and I do care, but I just thought people needed a little bit of a laugh, ya know? Anyways, this is wildly out of character and not good in general, but drop a comment if you like it, or if you think I'm a horrible person, whateves.
Richie woke from his catnap with a startled jump as he heard the front door slam shut.
“Jesus Eds, is it 6:30 already? Did I sleep all day?” He asked with a laugh.
“No asshole, it’s noon.” Eddie slammed his briefcase on the breakfast bar and worked his tie open. “This pandemic bullshit has gotten out of control.”
“Is that why you’re home right now…”
“Yes! Jared that fucking lunatic went off and brought some girl home last weekend and now he’s got a fever, so we were all sent home, and I’m stuck in isolation.”
Eddie was pissed, but Richie could see through his thinly veiled layer of anger; there was fear.
“Oh. Do you hang around Jared a lot at work?”
He sighed. “No, no I don’t, but it’s just a precaution until he can get tested properly.”
“That’s good then, right?”
It was good. After seven full days, Eddie finally emerged from his room with a cheery smile. “Jared’s in the clear, turns out he just picked up some STD, and I get to go back into work tomorrow.” He plopped down on the couch.
“That’s great Eds, but I hate to break it to you…” Richie pointed towards the TV where the headline read “California officially shut down”.
The first few days felt like any weekend would. They had extra groceries delivered, they binged some true crime documentary on Netflix, they had a group Skype session with the Losers, they did pretty much anything that took their minds off the current situation. But then the fifth day hit.
It was only 7am when Richie dragged himself out of bed for a coffee. Sure it was early, and he had nowhere to be, but time meant nothing anymore.
Usually Richie’s clamoring about the kitchen woke Eddie up. The first few nights that Eddie moved in after Derry were rough; turns out, Eddie was a pretty light sleeper, and Richie was loud. But today, there was no Eddie in sight.
He continued on his way, pouring himself a bowl of cereal when he saw it through the window to his backyard… and promptly spilled milk all over the counter.
On the bright side, Richie had found Eddie. The only downfall was he’d found him in a pair of tiny running shorts and a tank top doing squats on his deck.
“Fuck!” Richie swore, grabbing a tea towel to clean up the mess he’d made.
“Richie?” Eddie stopped his squats and ran into the house. “What the fuck happened dickwad?”
“N-nothing, nothing happened, it’s just early and I lost my grip.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“So um… what’s happening in the backyard there, Jillian Michaels?” Richie giggled.
“Fuck off. I usually go to the gym before work, but now that the gym’s closed, I had to improvise.”
“Ahh, I see, trying to pick up the new future Mrs. K with…” with thighs I want to wear as earmuffs and that tight ass? He was glad there was an entire counter between them to hide the fact that he was currently at half-mast.
Eddie gave him a strange look and shook his head. “Shut the fuck up. I’m a divorced 40-year-old living with his best friend, I don’t think I’m going to be picking someone up that easily at the gym. Besides, Santa Monica women aren’t really my type…”
“Oh? Well when this is all over, I know a few places we can go pick up chicks. West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, hell even Studio City. Name your type Eds, we’ll find her.”
“Aren’t you gay? How do you know so much about picking up women?”
“Closet case my boy.” Richie winked and took a bite of his cereal. “I’m as good of an actor as I am a comedian.”
“No wonder there were never any articles about how much of a playboy you were then.” Eddie said straight-faced, walking back out to finish his work out.
“Eds gets off a good one!”
After that eventful morning, Richie tried his hardest to stay in bed until after Eddie’s morning routine was done. One almost-embarrassing situation in his pants was enough to last a lifetime around his best friend of however-many years, he did not need it to escalate from there.
As the days passed on, the two of them found ways to entertain themselves. Eddie took to reading on the deck in the mild April weather, and Richie decided to pick up his guitar again for the first time in years.
He was a little rusty, but after a few hours of practice, it was like riding a bike, and before he knew it, he was back playing the tune he’d spent hours playing as a teenager.
Richie hummed along to the tune of “Eddie My Love” as his fingers formed the familiar chords with ease. He didn’t even realize Eddie walking in from the backyard, a stunned look on his face.
“Rich?” He jumped, startled at the sound of the other man.
“Hey Eds, sorry was I being loud?”
“N-no.” He shook his head. “I didn’t know you played.”
Richie chuckled. “Yeah, I picked it up in high school after Went agreed to teach me a bit. I was in a band in college, but we kinda sucked.”
Eddie scoffed. “You don’t suck, that tune is lovely. What is it?”
Richie’s face felt hot all the sudden. “Uhh, I can’t really remember the name, just something I used to play a bunch. It’s an oldie my mom really liked.”
“Can you teach me?”
His eyes widened. “Y-yeah, here, come sit.” He moved more away from the body and more towards the neck of his acoustic, allowing Eddie to sit nestled between his folded legs. “Okay, um so you hold it like this, and your fingers go here.” Richie curled Eddie’s fingers around the neck of the guitar, placing them in the correct spots on the frets. “So we start with a G chord.” His other arm snaked around Eddie’s shoulder to show him how to strum the chord.
Eddie shivered, completely engulfed by his best friend, noticing for the first time how much he loved his arms being wrapped around him like this.
“Then we move to an E minor.” Richie shifted Eddie’s fingers again and strummed. “Then A minor, and up to D.”
Eddie moved his fingers, pliant beneath Richie’s big hand. His heart beat fast, and he could feel Richie’s breath warm on his shoulder as he played.
For a moment, Eddie could convince himself that Richie felt the same way about him, but only for a moment. They were best friends, and just because Richie was gay, it didn’t mean he was interested in Eddie, no matter how hard he wished that he was. He would never have Richie, but he’d always have this moment.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re getting drunk.” Richie pulled out a rather large bottle of vodka and a few other spirits. “I’m mixing you up a quarantini.”
“A what now?”
“Quarantini, Eds. We’re getting shitfaced.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Rich, there’s no way in hell I’d—” he paused. Maybe this was the perfect way to come on to Richie. Lowered inhibitions were a great excuse to do something potentially stupid, and if it all went sour, he could blame it on the alcohol. “You know what, fuck it. Mix me a quarantini.”
“That’s the spirit!” He mixed the drinks and dragged Eddie over to the couch. “Alright, we’re indulging tonight. I want not a peep from you. I never got to do any of this gay shit before, and now is the perfect excuse to start a new series. We’re watching RuPaul’s Drag Race.”
Eddie nodded his head. “Drag racing, okay cool, I like cars.”
Richie burst out laughing. “No asshole, drag race… like drag queens.” He popped on a random season and hit play.
Four episodes and many quarantinis later, both Eddie and Richie were yelling at the TV.
“How could they send April home, she’s like the hottest one there!” Eddie put his hands up.
“Right? Look at how hot he is ugh I just wanna…” Eddie glanced over at Richie with a smirk. “Shut up.”
“No, no, I see it.” He pulled out his phone, April’s instagram profile already loaded. “The scruff is driving me mental.”
Richie chuckled. “Eds, that sounds kinda gay.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” Eddie said, face heating up. “Um, surprise?”
“Oh… shit dude, yeah, um, congratulations. Thanks for telling me.” Richie brought his friend into a tight hug, the alcohol running through his system making him feel a little light headed.
“Thanks for being cool about it.” Eddie mumbled, pulling away a bit, but still resting within Richie’s grasp.
“Hey man, I get it… I’m a closet case too.” He laughed.
The two were silent for a moment, content in each other’s grasp, until Eddie couldn’t handle the silence anymore. “Come on, next episode. I hope Laganja gets booted, I can’t stand her.”
Many episodes and quarantinis later, Eddie was fully shitfaced.
“Come on, bedtime for Eds.”
Eddie giggled. “Yeah Rich, take me to bed.” He waggled his eyebrows in a way that made Richie’s heart stutter.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough from you.” Richie deposited Eddie onto the bed, helping him with his shirt, when Eddie pulled him down hard.
“Oops, sorry Rich.” He giggled. “’s not my fault, you’re trying to get me out of my clothessss.”
“You’re wearing jeans, I can’t let you go to bed in jeans Eddie. What kind of asshole wears jeans in quarantine.” Richie giggles, undoing Eddie’s zip and pulling his jeans down his hairless legs. Fuck, his legs are amazing. “Eds, do you wax?” Richie giggled, rubbing a hand up his thigh.
“Pffftt, we’re in isolation shithead, I haven’t been to my wax girl in weeks.”
A jubilant laugh bubbled from Richie’s chest. “Shit, I’ve learned more about you tonight than I have in all the years I’ve known you. You really are a twunk.”
“A what now?”
Richie planted himself down on the bed beside Eddie. “Twunk, hunky twink.”
A look of realization dawned on Eddie. “Ohhhh, that makes a lot of sense. The dude at the checkout told me I was a twunk when I went to buy those underwear without the butt.”
Richie’s brain went blank. “Eddie, do you wear thongs?”
“No asshole, the other thing without the butt. Jock something, I can’t remember.”
“A jockstrap? Eddie are you trying to kill me right now?”
“Shut the fuck up asshole! They’re good for working out in. And they don’t give me lines in my nice suit pants.” Richie was speechless. “So if I’m a twunk, what are you?”
“I—I—I think it’s time for bed.”
“Oh.” Eddie said sounding dejected. “O-or we could just hang out?”
Richie was at an impasse. He knew they were walking a thin line right now, and he shouldn’t stay, but he wanted to see where this would take him, he didn’t want to leave Eddie’s side.
“I think I could hang out for a bit.”
Their “hanging out” didn’t last very long. Within ten minutes, the two men were out cold.
Richie woke up first the next morning and left the soundly sleeping Eddie to go make a pot of coffee. His head was pounding, and as much as he knew the bright sunlight was going to burn his eyes, the fresh air couldn’t hurt.
He’d never been more thankful for his manager who also happened to be a fantastic decorator. The outdoor couch may have seemed stupid to him when he first bought the place, but at times like this, it was a great choice. He could relax, and look out towards the ocean, and forget everything that happened the night before.
That is until Eddie decided to join him.
Richie’s breath left his lungs once he got a good look at his friend. It was like a blast from the past seeing him in a pair of tiny red running shorts, much like those he wore when he was a kid, but now… now they were so much more. Richie’s mouth watered when his eyes caught a good look at how Eddie’s ass filled out the shorts. A large tank top donned his torso, one that Richie had been gifted, and definitely not been too comfortable wearing himself judging by how low cut the arm holes were. He looked hot, not that he wasn’t always attracted to Eddie, but this felt like something had changed, a sexual awakening of sorts, and Richie would never look at his friend the same way.
“Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been so hungover.” Eddie complained as he sat beside Richie. “That stupid drink went down like water.”
“Yeah man I hear you, I feel like shit.”
“I had fun though, it’s been a long time since I’ve had that much fun.”
Richie looked over to him. “No regrets about spilling your guts then?”
Eddie winced. “Okay, maybe you didn’t have to hear about what kind of underwear I prefer.”
Richie burst out laughing. “No, I definitely appreciated that tidbit of information, Eds. I’m proud that my twunk theory was right.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward.” Richie mumbled to himself.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“N-nothing.” He said, darting inside. “Going to work on my new show, I’ll see you in a bit.”
Richie had to get out of there. Last night was a lot, sure, but something felt different today. Seeing Eddie in his boxer briefs felt almost safer than whatever the hell he was wearing today. It’s almost like… almost like he’d purposely dressed up for Richie, and it was killing him. He didn’t know how much more he could take before he combusted.
Unfortunately for Richie, this new look seemed to be Eddie’s new uniform. Richie could tell that now Eddie was out to him, he felt more comfortable being himself, but Richie hated every second of it.
He dreaded seeing Eddie in the morning, dreaded knowing what fresh hell lay beyond his bedroom door in the form of a 5’9 firey bundle of sex personified.
Nearly a month into their quarantine, it was finally warm enough for Richie to sit out by the pool. He donned the brightest swim trunks he could find and rubbed his pale skin down with sunscreen, soaking up some vitamin D.
He’d been out there for just under an hour when he heard (and felt) a splash from the pool where Eddie jumped in.
“Okay, I take back everything bad I ever said about you having a pool when the ocean is right there. The pool is definitely more relaxing than the beach.”
Richie giggled. “I told you, asshole.”
“Oh, and I totally figured out what you are now. If I’m a twunk, you’re an otter.”
“A what now?” Richie removed his sunglasses and moved to sit on the edge of the pool.
“An otter.” Eddie rested his elbows on Richie’s thighs as his calves framed his torso. “At least that’s what I think. It’s like a softer bear. You’re not quite as big and not enough hair to be a bear, and you’re still too thin to be a cub, so you’re an otter.”
“I understood exactly none of what you said except for ‘bear’. I met a bear on Grindr just before Derry that made me realize I like being the bigger body in bed.” Richie winked saucily.
“So you’re a top then Trashmouth?”
Richie’s brows rose into his hairline. “I—I—we are not talking about this right now, not when you’re this close to my dick.”
“Oh come on, you used to talk about your dick all the time.”
“Yeah, I was a closeted kid who’s balls hadn’t dropped yet, obviously I wanted to come off as heterosexual as I could.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, good point.”
The two sat in the same position for a few minutes, exchanging no words between them. It felt intimate, it felt like Eddie was flirting with him, but he’d never been good at picking up signs. Could Eddie want this too?
“I am though.” He said quietly, finally breaking the silence.
“You’re what?”
Richie’s heart thudded in his chest. “A top, I guess. I don’t mind bottoming, I like it, but I guess I just…”
Eddie grinned. “You like being in charge?”
“No, fuck no.” Richie laughed.
“Really? Huh, okay.” Eddie nodded, mostly to himself.
“Hey, what the fuck does that mean?”
“Nothing, nothing at all Tozier.” Eddie pushed off of Richie’s legs and floated on his back towards the inflatable lounger.
The week that followed was agonizing. All Eddie wore was those stupid shorts and a variation of t-shirt/tank-top/fucking crop top, and it was driving Richie mental. He felt like a teenager again, he’d never had so many hard-ons in one week in his life.
It was only a matter of time before Richie snapped.
Richie was descending the stairs from his room one fateful morning and groaned rather loudly when he saw what was waiting for him.
The shorts seemed shorter, tighter on his ass (damn all those squats he does) and his already short shirt seemed to rise up, showing the lovely dimples on his lower back as he reached for a bowl from a high shelf.
“Hey Rich, can you help me… what’s wrong?”
He huffed out a laugh. “What’s wrong? Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Wh—did I do something?”
Richie stared at Eddie in disbelief. “Did you… did you do someth—the shorts man, what’s with the shorts!”
“The shorts? I always wear the shorts.”
“I fucking know you always wear the shorts, that’s the problem!” Richie’s stomach rolled. He thought he was going to throw up, he’d never been this candid about his feelings in his life.
“You have a problem with the way I dress? Fuck you, dude.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward!”
Both men fell silent. The tension could be cut with a knife, it was so thick between them.
“Fuck man, I’m sorry I freaked out on you like that, I just don’t know if I can take this anymore. We’ve been cooped up for a month and I swear I’ve done more jacking off in the last month than I ever did as a teenager.” As good as it felt to spill his guts, he definitely thought he was going to pass out any second.
“I—I don’t…”
“The worst part is, it’s not even just that I’m horny. It’s you! Shit man, I’ve been dreaming of you since we were fucking teenagers. And now… now here you are looking like a goddamn… a goddamn what’s the word… a goddamn snack, telling me shit about the sexy underwear you buy, and asking me if I’m a top. Eddie, I don’t know if you’re flirting with me or not, but Jesus fucking Christ, it’s taking every single fiber of my willpower to not rip your clothes off right now.”
Eddie held back a smile. “Wait, I’m sorry, what? You couldn’t tell I was flirting with you? Are you fucking blind? Actually don’t answer that, I know you’re fucking blind.”
Richie was sure he was gonna get a nosebleed any second. “S-so you were flirting with me?”
Eddie laughed out loud. “Yes you idiot! Literally since the moment I got here, I have been flirting with you. You didn’t get the hint that I have feelings for you?”
“What the fuck, no man! Like you said, I’m fucking blind. I thought you were straight until a few weeks ago!”
Eddie moved to lean against the island, closer to Richie. “You dumbass, I tried so hard the night I came out to you, why do you think I told you about what fucking underwear I wear?”
“I don’t know man, I’m not good at this shit.”
Richie cast his eyes down. “S-so, so you really like me?”
Eddie reached for his hand and interlaced their fingers. He pulled Richie closer to him, so he was pinned between Richie and the island. “I love you, dickwad.”
Richie huffed out a laugh. “I love you too.” He blinked rapidly, looking up towards the light. “Oh god, why am I crying.”
“Get over here you big baby.” Eddie detangled his fingers from Richie’s and brought his hand up to the other man’s cheek, bringing him in for a kiss. It was sweet, it was chaste, it was everything Richie wanted from Eddie when they were younger.
But he wasn’t a teenager, and he wanted more.
He dove forward, tongue clashing with Eddie’s. It was hot, it was toe curling good. He snaked his other hand down Eddie’s side, curling around his hip and moving to squeeze his ass. Eddie groaned and ground himself into Richie’s thigh.
“Fuck.” Richie said pulling away. “Fuck, how are you so hot? We’re fucking forty man.”
“Me? Dude, look at you. Your arms… your chest…” Eddie snaked his hand under Richie’s shirt, scratching at the smattering of hair on his pecs.
“Jesus man, I’m not gonna last… fuck… bedroom?”
The two men finally emerged from Richie’s bedroom for dinner later on with kiss bruised lips and satisfaction plastered on their faces.
“Anything good on?” Eddie asked as Richie turned on the TV. “Rich?”
Richie laughed. “You better come see this.”
“QUARANTINE LIFTED” The headline read as news anchors happily recounted the fall in new cases, and the rise in recoveries.
“You’re fucking joking.”
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Not Happy
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Requested by anonymous:
“ahhh i loved spider-man homecoming!! could you do a peter parker oneshot where the reader is tony's daughter and she wanted to stay at the tower while they packed it all up because her room was still pretty well put together and peter goes to the tower every night to be with her. if you're comfortable with writing it, they're like hardcore making out but Happy and Tony come in and oh boy spider-man gotta skedaddle😂😂 thanks so much!! <3″
Warnings: Fluff, light language, Stark!reader
Notes: I know Stark!reader has been done so many times but the cannon is too good not to write sorry not sorry. Also this is pretty short but still cute hehe. 
You didn’t want to leave the Avengers tower and you most definitely did not want to move upstate. 
That was no secret to anyone, mainly because you complained about it at any window of opportunity - no matter how slim of an opportunity it was.
It was a secret however, as to why you didn’t want to move.
Ok, well no one knew it was a secret. Everyone especially your dad thought it was because you were moving away from the hustle and bustle of the city which you actually loved, and that was part of it so you weren’t technically lying to your dad.
But the real reason came in the form of none other than your dad’s protege, the spiderling himself.
Peter god damn Parker.
You had no idea how, but somehow the nerdy boy had crawled his way into your heart. You’d met him when you went with your dad to recruit him for your dad’s ‘war’ against Steve (and you were still furious about the fact that it had even happened) and the rest was history. However, your dad had made it pretty damn clear that one, you were not allowed to date and two, you were especially not allowed to date a certain friendly, neighbourhood spider-boy. 
Since then the pair of you had weaved a very detailed web of lies, pun definitely intended, in order to keep your relationship secret from literally everyone. Even Peter’s aunt didn’t know just in case she accidentally blurted it out to Tony while she was under his billionaire, playboy charm. 
Luckily, your dad had felt guilty enough about uprooting your entire life to let you stay in the tower for as long as possible. Your room was going to be the last one to be moved so you still had one full week until you would be forced to leave behind the boy you loved.
A ding from your phone made you break out of your thoughts and glance down at the illuminated screen beside you. Speak of the devil.
Peter: Two minutes away! Had to stop and help a lost lady, but she gave me a churro. I’d give you some but... I already ate it :(”
You giggled and shook your head at your typical boyfriend before quickly replying him, telling him everything was fine, before hurrying towards your sealed window. 
Biting your lip with anticipation, you eagerly pushed the window open and looked out the floor to ceiling window as you admired the birds eye view of New York City. A loud thump from beside you made you jerk your head abruptly to see your boyfriend stuck to the outside of the glass, rubbing his head.
“Thought you’d opened the other window.” He confessed as you giggled and helped him get inside your room. 
“You alright Parker?” You asked, attempting to add a tone of concern into your voice but were unable to fight the smirk from playing on your lips. 
“No, I think it needs a kiss better.” He spoke, pouting his bottom lip out as he gestured to his left temple. Rolling your eyes playfully you obliged, moving up on your toes to place a kiss to his bruise.
As you moved however, Peter quickly turned his face to capture your lips in an elongated kiss. As you pulled away you noted his cheeky grin, clearly proud of himself. 
“Now I’m feeling better.” 
“You know what else will make you feel better?” You ask, quirking a brow at him as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Hmm, what?” He smirked as he snaked his arms around your waist to settle on your lower back.
“If we binge watch Stranger Things.” You grin before pulling away from him to grab your laptop as he let out a dramatic groan.
“But you’ve already seen it three times alright.” He complains as you plop onto your bed that overlooked the city, scooting over to make room for him as he followed after you.
You simply shrugged as you opened up your laptop to search netflix up. “What can I say, I’ve got a Jonathan Byers craving that needs to be quenched.”
“Oh great, good to know I get to spend my evening watching you swoon over some other guy.” Peter whined as you got up the first episode.
“Oh stop being a drama queen.” You huff jokingly before leaning over and placing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “You know you’re the only man for me, spiderling.” You coo which made a faint blush appear on Peter’s cheeks.
Clearly satisfied with your answer and reassurance, Peter settled into the abundance of pillows and wrapped an arm around your waist as the first episode began to play. 
“You’re sure your dad isn’t coming back tonight right?”
“A hundred percent sure, said he was going up state to deal with some avengers drama. We’re totally alone tonight, I promise.”
“Jonathan is such a wimp, if he’d just told Nancy how he felt then she wouldn’t have ended up with bloody Steve.” Peter complained as he watched Steve and Nancy lock in a passionate kiss onscreen. 
“Easier said than done Parker, if I remember correctly I was the one who had to make the first move.” You laughed, turning your attention from the screen to look at your boyfriend. 
“Hey! It’s a bit different, you’re *yn* Stark, that’s just a little bit intimidating.” He explained which made you roll your eyes in amusement.
“You’re also little innocent and awkward Peter Parker, I think you’d be the same with any girl.”
“Oh really? Innocent huh?” He echoed raising a brow at you. 
“You heard me Parker.” You challenged as you failed to hide your clear amusement at your boyfriend’s outrage. 
“Ok, we’ll see about that.” 
Before you could ask Peter what he meant, he’d placed his mouth on yours causing your eyes to widen in surprise. Before you could even process what was happening his lips disappeared from yours as he looked at you with a smug smirk.
“I think you’re going to have to do better than that Parker.” You grinned before pulling him back down to reconnect your lips. This time, your eyes fluttered closed as his lips moulded passionately with yours. You could hear Peter moving around as he fumbled to shut your laptop and shove it to one side as your kiss deepened. 
A small smile twitched up on your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands made their way to your ass. “Better?” He whispered breathlessly against your lips.
“Better.” You mumbled in agreement before he passionately kissed you again. 
As your make out session grew more intense, the more out of tune you became with the rest of your surroundings as your senses became totally consumed by Peter. 
Maybe it was the fact that you were a hundred percent convinced that your father wasn’t going to come home, or maybe it was because you assumed Peter would hear anything with his spider-senses, or maybe it was both. But whatever it was, you didn’t hear your dad talking, nor did you hear him walking down the hall to the door of your bedroom. 
Not until it was too late, that is.
“Surprise sweet- AH!” 
“Fuck!” You yelped in surprise as the loud voice shattered your focus. Both you and Peter reacted instantly, springing apart from each other as your heads jerked to the door to see none other than your father with his jaw hanging slack in complete shock and Happy standing behind him. 
Silence immediately filled the room, apart from you and Peter’s pants as you tried to desperately regain your breath and cool your flushed cheeks. 
“Dad I-” You began but were quickly cut off before you could finish your sentence. 
“Parker...” Your dad began before sucking in a deep breath as he glared daggers at your boyfriend. “Unless my daughter was choking and needed mouth to mouth... you have some serious explaining to do spiderling.”
You clamped your jaw shut and glanced at your boyfriend who was slowly turning a pale shade of purple. “I- uh- I just- um-” Peter stuttered profusely before gulping as large beads of sweat formed on his forehead. 
There were a few moments of tense silence as Peter and Tony eyed each other, neither one of them willing to make a move. Then it changed.
All you did was blink and Peter had sprung up from your bed, placed a hasty kiss on your cheek and literally leapt out of your still open window.
“Hey! No, no, no, get back here!” Tony shouted after a few seconds as it seemed to just register that Peter had made a run for it.
Before you could call out to your dad he had turned on his heels and sprinted out of your room, leaving you sitting dumfounded on your bed and Happy standing silently in the doorway.
Eventually you dragged your eyes from the window, flickering your gaze to Happy. Your brow furrowed in confusion, doing a double take, when you saw the last thing you ever expected to see in your entire life.
“Why are you smiling?” You asked in complete disbelief as you stared at him with your mouth agape. 
“That kid has sent me a text and rambling voice messages about his life everyday since I met him, and he especially loves to talk about some mysterious, smart girl who lives in a nice tower. Do you know any other smart girls who live in a huge tower?” 
“Bloody hell Peter.” You mumbled under your breath, rubbing your temples in frustration. If there was one thing Peter definitely didn’t have, it was subtlety.
“How long have you known?” 
“A couple of months.” Happy answered, a smirk still present on his usually stern face.
“But why are you smiling?” You repeated.
“What can I say? Kids grown on me.” He shrugged innocently.
“Besides-” Happy began, “I knew you’d eventually get caught, and that was going to be so much more entertaining.”
Before you could reply a loud shriek from outside made you jerk your head to the large window. Your jaw practically hit the floor when you saw Peter desperately swinging from building to building with your dad in his ironman suit, hot on his tail.
“And I was so right.”
As always positive feedback is appreciated!!!! Please give it back here xx
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flyingsassysaddles · 7 years
I was tagged by @must-be-ryan , thanks man!
1. Nicknames: Sassy’s my name, sassy’s my game
2. Gender: I honestly have no idea, but I’m guessing somewhere around female-ish to non-binary?? Demi-female I guess?????
3. Zodiac Sign: TAURUS AND PROUD
4. Height: 5′8″  (or 172.72), and I’m probably just going to get taller
5. Current Time: 6:42, North American Eastern Standard Time (EST)
6. Birthday: May 12th!
7. Favorite Bands: meh
8. Favorite Solo Artists: meh but solo
9. Song Stuck in My Head: I was thinking about this one when I GOT A FEELING OOOO OOOO THAT TONIGHT’S GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT popped back into my head, so thanks Tumblr, also When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again during tests (always)  
10. Last Movie I Watched: “Captain’s Corelli's Mandolin” which is some really sad shit if you can understand the mothers and fathers sobbing, “Το παιδι μου!” (my child) after finding out they died in WW2 ;-;
11. Last Show I Watched: “Medici: Masters of Florence” because my mom loves to watch it but we can’t get it on the TV so I have to use my computer to hook it up and by then I want to watch it too anyway so (on the plus side ALL the renaissance painters are like SUPER gay because HISTORY)  
12. When Did I Create My Blog: Hm, about two years ago! I only actually started using it like a couple months ago and before that I just used it to read awesome comics I originally found on youtube
13. What Do I Post?: TibMongol for sure, Mongolia stuff, Tibet stuff, my own writings once I finally piece them together, and occasionally a headcanon or two!    
14. Last Thing I Googled: “Calendar” because I forgot what day was last Monday
15. Other Blogs?: Nah, but SOON (dun dun duuuun)
16. Do You Get Asks?: meh but lonely even though I reblog like no ask memes oops
17. Why Did You Choose Your Url?: Er, this is a little embarrassing, but I was (and sorta still am) a huge My Little Pony fan, and when I was making my account, a new character called Sassy Saddles just made her first episode, and I was like “meh sure why not” and put a “flying” on there for good measure 
18. Last Thing I Ate: POTATOES
19. How Many Pillows?: One primary hugging pillow, two for its actual purpose, and like one just being tossed around all night idk
20. Favorite Color(s): For the longest time it was purple, but it turns out I really like green?? It’s a May color and is the color of leaves when the sun shines through, so I’m thinking of switching! Yellow is super pretty too because gold and shit
21. Favorite Tag To Use?:  Either #TibMongol because it means I FINALLY FOUND ONE or I WROTE ANOTHER TIBMONGOL FIC or THESE DORKS ARE ADORABLE LOVE THEM PLZ, or #Sassy’s Writing because it means I FINISHED THE FIC GUYS OH MY GOD FINALLY 
22. Lucky Number: Three. Why? School House Rocks, that’s why
23. Instruments?: Guitar! I know, I can actually play, it’s a miracle (bar chords are so annoying though T^T) 
24. What Am I Wearing?: An I-Heart-NY sweatshirt, jeans, the usual
25. Last Thing I Wrote?: A fic for the account that doesn’t exist yet (SUSPENSE) so no spoilers people
26. Dream Job: Um, a guess a neuroscientist, a chemical engineer, or a writer, you know, one of the three! :D
27. Dream Trip: A trip from Mongolia, to Tibet, to Nepal, to India, and then to Inner Mongolia!
28. Favorite Food: POTATO
29. Nationality: Greek-American!
30. Favorite Song Right Now: “The Grey” by Icon for Hire, Youth by Daughter, and Blood On My Name by The Brothers Bright currently!     
I tag: @d-joana-a-shippadora @spiritussalis @amechulover @huggiebird @aph-solukhumbu @ariuka-munkh @aristotle-s-lover@thatcraxygirl15 and anyone who wants to give it a shot!
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kpop-imagines-247 · 7 years
She’s MINE (I.M x reader requested)
Tumblr media
A/N: All words in this story are 100% work of fiction none of it is real. This was a request I hope that you enjoy it and that it was okay. I enjoyed writing it request are still open if you want to request something please don’t be shy. He is so adorkable I can’t lol okay the gif isn’t mine credit to the owner. I am sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.~Zero
Pairing: I.M x reader with mentions of Monsta x, Ikon, and Sechskies
Type: Fluff, and a tiny bit of jealous I.M
Word count:1605 um..Oops (give or take)
Reading time: 15 to 20 minutes it all depends
Today I was invited by the host of weekly idol and starship to join Monsta X on this week's episode. I am nervous but very excited, I remember what my brother told me about his group’s experience on weekly idol, I just hope that I don’t get hit by Hyeong-don because that just sounds painful.
*Time skip to actual filming*
I guess that Monsta x wasn’t the only group that was invited today, Ikon is also here as well, I guess that is cool I mean I did a collab with Bobby but that was a few years ago before I even got signed to Starship. I met Ikon through my older brother, Ikon was looking for a female backup vocalist for one of their albums, and he put them into contact with me, however, after the collab we didn’t really keep in contact because we were both too busy working on our own things.  
We are now ready to start filming Ikon was introduced first and they have been talking with the host for a while now. Ikon doesn’t know that we are here but Hyeong-don and Defconn are introducing us now.
“Jinhwan I hate to interrupt you but I was just informed that our other guests are here so now the real fun and games are about to start please welcome Monsta X.” After Monsta X did their introduction I get introduced to the show.
“Alright we have one more special guest, please introduce the wonderful, talented, rapper Y/N to the show.” I walk out into the camera’s view when my new song plays as I walk out. I first encountered Defconn and shook his hand then followed Hyeong-don’s hand I am instructed to set in one of the open seats. There is an open seat by Bobby and there is one next to my boyfriend that public doesn’t know about I.M. Me being how I am I take the seat next I.M, once I am seated I feel all eyes on me.
“Okay Y/N, we are going to be doing something a little different, what we are doing is we are going to let the other Idols here in the room ask you questions and you are going to answer then once this is over then we are going to more activities that I’m sure you brother told you about, Now does anyone have any questions?” Defconn asks.
As soon as he was finished talking Chanwoo raised his hand, “Yes, Chanwoo what is your question?” I asked looking at him.
“Um, I don’t want to seem rude so what year you born so I can greet you accordingly?”
“ I was born in 1997,” I reply slightly nodding.
Then next question is asked by Junhoe “Defconn said something about you having an older brother do we by any chance know him?”
“Yes you guys do, you are in the same company and my brother is Kang Sung-hoon of Sechskies,” I reply making eye contact with the slightly older male.
“Really?!!?” This seems to shock the other band.
“That must be where her good looks come from,” Yunhyeong states smiling at me. I feel Changkyun tense at this, slightly looking over I give him a reassuring smile.
Brushing off his comment I wait for the next question, to my dismay, it came from Yunhyeong
“Y/N did your dating ban get lifted and if so are there any lucky bachelors in mind that you can tell us about,” he asks giving me heart eyes. Slightly unconformable I shift and look at Changkyun in the corner of my eye and to say that he looked livid was an understatement.
“Um,  yes my dating ban did get lifted recently and there is this one rapper but I can’t tell who,” I say looking up at I.M slightly before looking at Yunhyeong to see if he got the message.
Questions went by smoothly and now it is the 2x dance challenge and because Hyungwon got hurt and can’t participate the host asked me to instead. Nodding I look at Hyungwon when I am about to ask for his jacket because the dance is for beautiful before I could even get the words out I get Changkyun gently placing his jacket in my arms with him sending me a wink he puts on Hyungwon’s jacket. I slip on his jacket and I am instantly engulfed in his all too familiar scent.
The song is about to start so I get into Hyungwon’s spot and let’s just say I am glad that I decided to wear pants instead of a skirt today, this shouldn't be too hard because I have watched and participated in the choreography with them before in the dance studio. By the end I think that Ikon was blown away, some even said that I could be apart of Monsta X, I took that as a huge compliment.
After Ikon’s turn of doing the 2x dance challenge, it was time for the random dance play. This time is going to be a little different they are going to play a song and we all are going to be seated and if we know the choreography then we are going to go up and dance to the song to the best of our abilities. 
Sitting down I wait for the first song to play through the speakers. When the first song comes on I realize that it is 아주 NICE by Seventeen when the chorus starts I look at the boys and run out starting to dance I soon realize I am not alone and that B.I is out here as well. When I just start to get into the song it changed pausing I hear Twice’s ‘Like Ohh ahh’ play instead, quickly getting into the position I see Jooheon run out here with me and we continue. B.I wasn’t ready for the change so he was asked to set back down. 
By the end of the challenge it was Changkyun, Wonho and I still up. “Okay we are going to do a tie breaker it is going to be a random song and the first one to get the moves right with the beat wins.”
“Loser’s buy dinner.” Wonho states
“Deal!!” Changkyun and I exclaim.
Changkyun, Wonho and I quickly bow to each other to show good sportsmanship. When we raise we stand side by side and wait for the song to start. When the song starts I am very surprised none of the less to hear “HERE WE COME IT”S SECHSKIES.” I laugh out loud at the dance I know all too well I start dancing and singing Chivalry (the 2016 re-album) looks like I am not buying dinner tonight.  When I look over I see I.M trying to keep up and Wonho looks so lost already.
Once it is over it is time for the host to determine the winner. “Okay so it looks like the only one who really knew the dance was Y/N so there for Kang Y/N is the winner!!”
With this new information, I get really excited. “Y/N I am so shocked, how did you know the song so well?”
“Oh, Um it is a thing that Sunghoon and I always did together, whenever there was a new song that the guys were working on they would invite me to their practices and teach me, that is actually how I learn to sing by Sunghoon working with me one on one whenever we had time. As for my rapping skills, I got those from Jaeduck, Jaejin, and Jiwon when I asked them to teach me how to rap.” I reply getting shy.
“Alright, there you have it, This was another successful episode of weekly idol with Ikon, Monsta X, and the lovely Y/N. Good bye everyone.” Once the camera got cut off we said our thanks to the host as I was about to walk off set I am stopped by none other than Yunhyeong I guess he still didn’t get the message.
“Hey, Y/n you did a really good job out there today, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me sometime?” He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
Slightly sighing I look around for anyone in Monsta X when all of a sudden I feel a heavy arm on my shoulder. “Sorry Yunhyeong but I guess you didn’t get the message earlier, she’s not into you, she already has a love interest and that happens to be me so with all due respect please go and find your own girl, it’s rude to ask out taken woman. “ I.M says with a smirk in his voice looking down at me he quickly adds “Come on princess I believe I owe you dinner for losing the dance battle.” With nothing else to say we turn around and walk off.
“Did you really have to say all that?” I ask hugging I.M side tighter
“Of course I did, that guy was staring at you like you were a piece of meat the whole time we were filming that is also why I gave you my jacket.” He states proudly.
Looking down I realize that I still have on his jacket. “ Do you want your jacket back babe?” I ask looking up at him.
“No, keep it to show everyone that you are mine, and plus you look better in my clothes anyway princess.”
“I love you Changkyun,” I say as I lean up and kiss his cheek.
“I love you too babe, so much you don’t even know.”
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