#hehehe this has been in my head forever and I finally got around to it !!!!
lewkwoodnco · 6 months
Can I make you a request about Anthony Lockwood based on the song “So American” by Olivia Rodrigo🥺😭
so american! - Lockwood x Reader
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when he laughs at all my jokes and he says I’m so american oh god it’s just not fair of him to make me feel this much I’d go anywhere he goes when he says I’m so american oh god I’m gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up i might just be in la la la la la la la la la love
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a/n: this fic has been rattling around in my head for a couple of weeks now and I was soooo double minded abt writing it so THANK YOU for the ask!!!!!! might not have written it otherwise heheh also I’m sooo proud of how my gifs turned out it was so fun to colour them all guts themed 😍😍 I hope you enjoy!! <333 also im having issues w the keep reading button AGAIN so sorry :(((
warnings/tropes: lockwood and reader are already in an established relationship, fluffy fluff, veeerrry small sprinkling of angst but happy ending! domestic sweetness
word count: 3.3k!
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Lockwood ducked into the car's passenger seat, grinning at the sight of her comically desperate expression. George and Lucy were fussing in the backseat, mainly because of Lucy’s seatbelt, or lack thereof, and they didn't seem to notice his arrival.
“Just wear the fucking seatbelt.”
"I'll be fine, George."
"She got her license at 16. 16! They just let anyone drive all willy-nilly up and down the roads in America."
Lucy gave him a look. He finally gave up and tugged at his own seatbelt sceptically, muttering darkly under his breath.
Lockwood & Co. was much more than a psychical investigation agency. Outside of their working hours, each member liked to work on some kind of passion project. After not having driven for over a year since she got her driving license in the States, she had decided to apply for one in London. Luckily, her employer had gallantly offered to provide her with the lessons she badly needed, having been the first of the three to earn his license. Well, employer and boyfriend. 
Her mother could hardly believe the news and, frankly, so could she. In a lot of ways, having an English boyfriend was vastly different from having an American one. First, there was a slight communication barrier, given how terrible she was with accents. Then there were the differing preferences - Lockwood seemed forever ready for a cuppa at any time of day, whereas the only kind of tea she really enjoyed was iced tea. Still, these differences left gaps for lingering gazes and silences that stretched on a little too much, and somewhere in between she slipped her hand into his, and the rest was history. 
Lockwood turned away to buckle his seatbelt.
"Okay, your seatbelt on?"
"Ready to go?"
"Hang on," came George's peeved voice from behind them, "you're not going to brief her first?" The two of them stared at each other blankly. 
"Uh, Y/N, do you remember how to drive?"
"Sure." It was one of those things you never forget, like riding a bicycle. Sure, it had been a while, but how hard could it truly be?
"Brilliant. Now-"
George pulled himself forward between the two front seats, straining against his seatbelt. “We don’t drive on the right side here. We drive on the left side of the road. Left. Left.”
She glanced at her rearview mirror which outlined the line of cars behind them parked on the left side of the street.
“No. You don’t say.”
Lockwood coughed, poorly concealing his laugh as he craned his neck towards the backseat windows. "Right, all clear. I think we can move of-"
"Parking brake."
"Er, right, what George said. Disable the parking brake first."
“I’ve never driven with a parking brake before.”
“So you push in this metal bit, like so,” said Lockwood, gently manoeuvring her fingers into the right grip, “and then pull it up a little, and then bring it all the way down.”
She tugged at it in frustration. “I -it’s not working.”
“Lockwood, did you tell her to step on the “
“Step-on-the-brake-while-doing-that-yes I was just about to say, George. I think I know how to teach someone how to drive. Unless you’d like to take over?”
"Oh, please. You couldn't pay me to sit in the front seat with that maniac driving."
She got her parking brake down, checked her mirrors, and they were off. For a minute there it was quite enjoyable, trundling through the mostly empty backstreets of London. Lockwood even tried to prop his feet on the dashboard before getting badly told off by George. He was forever propping his feet up at the slightest chance - at the Archives, at home, and now here. Maybe it was all part of some innate desire to be a wheelbarrow.
And so, things were going perfectly rosy, until she faced her first real challenge - oncoming traffic. As soon as the car heading towards them came into plain enough view, the four of them went into hysterics. The road was just narrow enough to make overtaking a little too tricky for her abilities at the moment.
“What do I do? WHY isn’t he slowing down?”
“Don’t panic, it’s alright. Stop a little to the side.”
She cursed, fumbling for the brake pedal her foot had carelessly slipped off of. Lockwood was nervously watching the car get closer and closer to them.
“Now would be a good time to stop, Y/N. Brake! BRAKE!”
They shot ahead sharply, swerving right sharply, narrowly missing the car passing them. Lucy swore loudly and George gripped the car grab handle above him as he started scolding no one in particular. 
Lockwood gripped the steering wheel over her hands, frantically trying to steer them to safety. With some difficulty, she shifted her foot back to the right pedal and slammed the brakes. There was a bit of a scuffle in the backseat, including George going off on Lucy in a very ‘I-told-you-so’ tone.
At the front of the car, Lockwood and she were still frozen, reeling from the past very exciting 30 seconds. Her eyes settled to where his hands were still resting on hers, tightly pinning her fingers to the steering wheel.
“Your hands are so warm.”
He peeled them off almost instantly, and she was sorry she brought it up in the first place. “Yeah, well, they’re panicking, just like the rest of me. What the bloody hell was that? I thought you said you knew how to drive!”
“I do know how to drive.” She bit back a smile at the sight of her 180 cm tall boyfriend trying to catch his breath with his hand dramatically splayed across his chest, muttering something about Americans handing out licenses to just about anyone.
The drive back to the rental car agency was much less eventful. After returning the car, they trudged back up the road to Portland Row. As they hung their coats up, she met his thoughtful gaze.
“Nothing.” He drew in a breath and hesitated. “You look nice.”
“Is this some convoluted way of patting yourself on the back for your fashion choices?”
“So you agree? You think you look nice?”
She groaned. She should have known no good was going to come from showing Lockwood Mean Girls. Still, it was hard to stay mad for long at a face like that. "You’re such a nuisance. A…delightful one, arguably, but still a nuisance.”
"You find me delightful?"
"That's your takeaway?”
"Next thing I know you’ll be saying you fancy me.”
“I’m literally wearing your shirt right now.”
“Luce!” He turned and started down the hallway. “Y/N says I’m delightful!”
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As usual, the four of them reconvened in the kitchen a little after lunch for a tea break. Well, the four of them minus Lockwood, who had been bullied into fixing a plumbing issue in the basement. They sipped their tea and chewed their biscuits in silence. She wished she could bring down a little for Lockwood.
“Maybe I should go see if he needs some help.”
“No!” George nearly upset his tea, which made Lucy choke on her biscuit. “ Don’t go down there. You’ll distract him, he won’t get shit done, and that’ll be one more week without hot water for me.”
So she sat back down sulkily, brooding over her tea, until another topic of conversation struck her.
“Speaking of Lockwood -“
“- no one’s mentioned Lockwood-“
“-did you guys see the socks he was wearing today?”
Lucy and George didn’t even try to muffle their groans.
“They were very nice socks! They had the most precious pattern of baby ducks against a darling blue backgr-“
She stopped short as Lucy reached across the table to grip her hand.
“Y/N, I say this with love, but if I have to hear one more word about Lockwood, or his stupid bloody socks, I am going to ram a fork into my eye.”
She blinked, confused, and scoffed. “Gosh, you guys are so overdramatic. I don’t talk about him that much.”
George and Lucy exchanged a look.
“Okay, so maybe I like my boyfriend and I enjoy talking about him. Is that really so bad?”
Lockwood rescued all of them from the siege of George’s response by walking in right then, holding a wrench and looking a little worse for wear, but appeared very pleased with himself.
Lucy frowned at the clock above the stove. “Isn’t that client meeting at Tooting today?”
Lockwood’s smile slipped right off as he glanced at his watch and rushed out of the kitchen, muttering furiously. His simple black leather watch which complemented his wrist so perfectly-
“Y/N! Time to leave!”
Maybe George and Lucy had a point.
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Once their client meeting had finished, she and Lockwood stood on the pavement outside the house, looking for cabs to flag down. It was a balmy evening, and a cloudless sky meant they could enjoy the warmth of the setting sun beating down on them. She squinted down the road while Lockwood pulled something out from his coat pocket.
“For a job well done this morning and at the meeting…” he revealed two pieces of tightly wrapped square candies sitting on his palm. “A little treat.”
She stared at the candy for a moment, thinking hard.
“Caramel! I just remembered.”
“That’s what we call it in the States. A caramel.”
“It’s made of caramel, sure-“
“Plural is caramels.”
He made a strangled sound from the back of his throat. “Changing an uncountable noun into a countable one? That’s just lazy.”
“Fine. What do you call it?”
“Toffee.” The vowels rolled off his tongue like silk in that English accent that had made it difficult to fully concentrate from day one. Standing next to him, watching him gently and methodically unfolding the golden wrapper, shining and glinting like a beacon of light…maybe this was all she needed to be happy.
He pulled a face at her exaggerated American drawl, and she leaned her head on his shoulder as he pried apart the stuck halves of the toffee. She watched him visibly relax as the first tangy notes hit his tongue, her own half close to melting in her palm under the brunt of the setting sun. He met her gaze and gave a faint smile, almost reflexively covering her hand with his own.
“God, you’re so American. So, which is it? Toffee or caramel?”
She bites into what's left of the soft treat she's scraped off her palm. It's warm and comforting and she instantly feels a little more happy. Maybe it's the candy, or maybe it's the boy whose side is pressed into hers. Love, she decides. It's love.
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“How many cups of tea have you had today?”
As idyllic as the weekend had been, they were back to their usual busy routine which meant that their evening tea break was the first time they’d see each other since breakfast. She had just walked into the kitchen where Lockwood was seated at the kitchen table, pouring over a mess of papers with a cup of tea to the side. One of the first things she had learnt about Lockwood was his near-debilitating addiction to tea. Now, he silently took a sip from his mug and she gave an exaggerated sigh, settling into the opposite end of the table.
“You really drink too much caffeine.”
He quirked his lips into a lopsided half-smile -/ he peered at the papers she had spilled onto the table. “What’s all…” he gestured to her papers with his mug, “…that?”
“The Rotwell agents give me hell for my American accent when they’re on duty at DEPRAC.” She held up her list of words dolefully. “‘Least I can do is pronounce things right.”
He slid into the chair next to her, taking a look at the list. “Which one are you at?”
“Pri-vacy. Pri...vacy. Nope, can't do it.”
“Of course it sounds weird when you say it like that. Try using it in a sentence.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine. If I have to say ‘pri-vacy’ one more time, I’m running you through with my rapier."
Lockwood choked on his tea.
"...or, you know...'pry-vacy' sounds perfectly fine."
She gave him a brief smile. “Anyway, I’ve got to do a Satchell��s run now. Lucy says we’re out of flares. Don’t wait up for me.”
It took her a decent amount of time to collect all the supplies they were out of stock on, yet when she returned Lockwood was still sitting in that same chair, staring at the same papers with worn-out eyes, distractedly tugging at his hair. He barely looked up when she walked in, mystified.
“You’re still up?”
He rubbed his face firmly. “I can’t…I can’t figure this out.” She took a closer look at the papers. There were reports dating back two centuries on the house of one of their upcoming cases.
“The investigation is tomorrow and I have no idea what or where the Source could be.”
“Well…maybe George’s figured it out.”
“If he did, he’d be home by now.” He hunched over the papers once again, his head swaying dangerously close to the table, and she was instantly reminded of how exhausted Lockwood had looked that morning. As if he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. She started stacking some papers together.
“It’s getting late. We should head to bed.”
“But I’m not done yet.”
“You can continue in the morning, but right now, you need to rest.”
His features hardened like he was ready to start a fight, but it lasted all of half a second before they caved to exhaustion. He looked like a drenched cat left out in the rain, with his hair messed up and in disarray.
“George is still at the Archives. What kind of a boss would I be to go to bed now? What kind of a…friend?”
Lockwood leaned back in his chair, briefly pressing a hand to his eyes and then his forehead, his forearm trembling ever so slightly. In the dim light of the kitchen, he seemed more skeleton than Man with his malnourished pallor and the scar on his lip being carefully outlined by a shadow. She ran a hand through his hair, down his neck, all the way to his shoulder.
“Hey. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re human, too.”
He gave a deep sigh. “Fine. I’ll come in a while.”
He gave a jerky nod. The tea in his mug had gone stone cold by then, and so she brewed him a fresh cup. He looked up, confused, as she placed it next to his papers.
“What about the caffeine?”
She bit the inside of her cheek and combed down the hair sticking up all haywire, as if she hadn’t heard him. “What about it?”
He smiled faintly and gave the hand on his shoulder a light squeeze, and returned to his work with his eyes humming with a little more energy.
Later that night, she dreamt that he was falling, and she was losing her mind trying to save him.
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She should have known nothing was going to right in the job from the very beginning. None of them had been able to find much information on the house, and they were running late, so tempers were running very high. Even during the case itself, they were forced to split up and fumble through improvised plans. That was until she had stumbled onto Lockwood frozen at the basement door, looking down into the darkness in a strange way. 
Go back, he had said. I don’t know what any of us can expect in this place. So I’ll come with you, she had replied. Or let’s wait for George or Lucy. I can’t. Why not? It’s different. I don’t have the time to explain it. Different how?
You’re more important.
The look on his face was more foreign than the house itself.
Now they were home, back at Portland Row. Lucy and George had sensed something was off and retired to their rooms. Lockwood headed towards the kitchen, and she followed him. He hadn’t spoken a word since her face had blanched at the sight of him poised at the basement’s entrance. She tugged at the ends of her hair. She could feel an argument brewing and she didn’t like it one bit.
“Are you okay?”
Lockwood continued rummaging through the refrigerator for his routine drink of orange juice, taking his time to reply. “Don’t I look okay?”
“Yes. No.” He was terribly confusing. “Why did you say you weren’t important?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You said you were less important.”
He finally twisted the cap off the carton with his trembling fingers. The case had shaken all of them up, but for some reason, he was trying to hide it.
“Well…it’s not not true.”
“No it isn’t.”
“I’m a figurehead, Y/N. I represent the agency, that’s my name on the plaque out there, but that’s about it. You, Lucy, George…you’re the soul of the agency.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“If…heaven forbid, something were to happen to one of us…”
Oh, he was so aggravating. She massaged her temples. She was going to punch him soon if she wasn’t careful.
“…the lot of you’d be better off without me than anyone else, and-“
"Oh god, shut up already!"
Lockwood abandoned the carton and straightened, and they glared at each other from opposite ends of the kitchen. “Or what? You'll shoot me?"
His expression softened only marginally when he saw how close she was to tears. She shook her head.
"If you pull another stunt like this...I might just have to marry you.”
“I’d have to marry you so that you can look down at your bloody hand and remember that there are people out there who would be nothing without you.”
“Shame on you, Anthony J. Lockwood. Do you think George wouldn’t care about losing his best friend? Or Lucy? Or me? Hm?”
The tears had started to trickle down her face, and he walked towards her with a sympathetic expression, any and all rage long forgotten, and offered her his handkerchief. She could barely manage a weak glare before caving and accepting it, wiping away at her face. As soon as she was done, she wrapped her arms around him, and he enveloped her in a warm hug that smelled faintly of vanilla.
“That was a…a terrible thing to say, Anthony.”
“I know. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“Well, you’re doing a pretty shitty job then. I’m worried about you every day.”
She felt rather than saw his smile, though he could perfectly picture it in her mind - uneven and tipped to the right, but perfectly sincere.
"Also, I'm pretty sure that shooting remark counts as xenophobia."
"Yes, I'm hugging you very xenophobically now."
She buried her face into his chest and scrunched her nose hard. It was moments like these that only cemented her faith that she was never going to find somebody who made her feel the way Lockwood did. Seeing him standing outside the basement, she didn’t even need to think about what to do next. It had become incredibly instinctual - her readiness to take his hand and hurtle into the latest oblivion, blind as a bat. It didn’t get more simple than this: she just wanted to be wherever he was. 
It was him and her, and her and him - Portland Row’s cripplingly disaster couple, Mr A.J. Lockwood and Miss Americana.
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TAGLIST: @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @snoopyluver20 @ell0ra-br3kk3r @avdiobliss @mitskiswift99 @ahead-fullofdreams @neewtmas @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Hehehe I finished that rewritten section really fast
Content warnings: soft, safe g/t vore, parties are unaware it’s safe, character thinking he’d killed the other, character having bad thoughts about themselves, character attempting to throw up, mention of the prison but not what happened in it
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Dream perked up at the mention of the potions, and busied himself by going and collecting a good amount of them while George moved to the living room to try and relax until he couldn’t push it off any longer.
Sure enough, the other returned quickly with a piece of string, a totem of undying, and several potions. A good amount of them were splash potions of healing and regen, and then two regular potions, one of night vision and the other of shrinking. Setting the bottles carefully on the table, he handed the totem over to the brunette before sitting down on the sofa beside him. He pulled out his communicator, sending off a quick message before shutting it off and pulling a book out. “Who did you just message?” “Told Sapnap we couldn’t hang out today. He hadn’t made plans to, but you know how he is.” Not even a moment had passed before George got a message, opening his communicator only to read from Quackity, ‘don’t have too much fun with Dream ;)’ Groaning, he quickly replied ‘we’re not doing anything, we’re investigating something important. Fuck off’
“Should have waited until he got here to say anything. Now Quackity is gonna lord this over my head forever.” “You think yours is bad? Sapnap’s been blowing my messages up, I can tell.” The brunette snorted at the reply, tilting his head to get a peek at the cover of the book. “It’s just some basic stuff. Like a tutorial book, I guess would be a good word for it. Figured it would pass the time.” “Can I read it?” “I guess. Here.” Dream moved the book and himself so the two were sitting leg to leg, setting the book down between the two of them. “Better read fast, though.”
They got through the entire book before Dream finally became impatient enough to ask. “How long has it been since-“ “It’s been about forty five minutes. I guess if we’re gonna do it now would be the time.” George began uncorking the potions, drinking the night vision first before his face scrunched up at the scent of the other. He powered through, forcing himself to drink it as Dream got the other things ready. When George had finally shrunken to the five inches he usually became, the blonde already had the string ready to tie a knot around the other’s waist. He tied it as securely as he could, watching the other’s face for any sign that he made it too tight. The brunette wouldn’t lie, seeing the amount of concern the other was putting into making sure this went okay put a warm feeling in his chest, and he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face.
At the same time, he couldn’t help the curiosity building inside him either. He’d always been stored by Sapnap, and Quackity had yet to have a chance to store him. Would being stored by someone without those instincts really be so different? He genuinely didn’t know what to expect, and it made the fluttery feeling in his stomach grow, but not out of fear. The knot was secure, the totem was in his inventory, and his communicator was in his pocket, waiting for him to start the call when he finally made it down. There was no way he could get gravely injured with all the precautions they put in place, and all that was left to do was see how this went.
“Ready?” Dream asked softly, and George didn’t hesitate before giving him a nod.
Getting eaten by three different people all the time gave Dream an advantage he hadn’t thought about before; He knew the best way to get George ready to be swallowed without causing him discomfort. He didn’t even get anywhere near the other’s teeth when he’d been gently placed into his mouth, and the movements around him were nothing short of calculated but gentle. It did not take long at all for him to be nudged back, and his nerves began to grow again. Even with the precautions they had in place, something could always go wrong. Gripping the totem of undying tightly in his hand, he used the other to pat at the tongue below him.
That was the sign Dream had been looking for, as he was then pushed the rest of the way back and tugged down with a soft swallow. Almost instantly, his friend gave a choked sound, and he froze up completely. “Dream!?” “String.” The larger rasped out, swallowing again and again to send him further down enough that his airway could clear and hopefully help the scratchy feeling the string left behind.
His hands were shaking badly due to the painful sensation, and honestly he should have expected an outcome like this. When the string was jerked out of his weak grasp to his next swallow, his mind froze in shock. He jammed his fingers into his mouth, trying to grasp the end of it before it was gone, but he was helpless to stop it as he swallowed a final time, the last of the string disappearing from his mouth.
Well… at least his throat didn’t hurt so bad now. The second his airways were clear, he was hyperventilating, scrambling to his feet to rush to the bathroom. He needed to let George out, he needed to let him out now they didn’t know if this was safe he couldn’t let anything happen to his best friend-
His throat hurt still, and he was shaking with adrenaline and fear, heart racing as he tried to make himself throw up. He would have thought feeling so sick at the thought of hurting his friend would make it a little easier for him to succeed at that goal, but all he was doing was dry heaving. Tears dripped down his face as he kept trying, unable to bear the thought of something happening.
It only occurred to him that it was a potion side effect when his abdomen was completely sore along with his throat and he still hadn’t thrown up George or the berry, only the saliva from his mouth. Collapsing against the vanity, he started full-on sobbing, arms wrapped around his stomach. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry George, it was a stupid idea you were right-“ his communicator began to ring, and he almost ignored it, he almost threw it against the wall. He didn’t want to talk to anyone after this, not after he was the reason George was going to die. Maybe Sam would lock him up in the prison, it’d be what he deserved-
He only faltered when he saw just who was calling. He answered immediately, shakily holding the com up to his ear. “Stop! Stop crying, you’re literally disorienting me, for Prime’s sake-“ “George?” His voice was raspy and weak, as if in disbelief. “I’m fine, I’ve been trying to tell you I’m fine but you couldn’t hear me! You need to calm down, Dream.” “Are you-“ “The berry’s whole. The potion shuts your system down completely, I’m safe. Just breathe, okay?” Now that the organ he was in wasn’t jumping around as often as before, he could feel his own fear beginning to subside.
~ ~ ~
When he’d been dropped into his stomach he couldn’t figure out for the life of him why Dream was freaking out, his heart beating rapidly enough to raise concern in him. It wasn’t until he felt something fall into the organ with him that he realize what had happened, finding the end of the string and holding it up to the communicator so he could identity it. “…Shit.” He whipped around, directing the light towards the other side of the stomach, searching for the berry and finding it whole with a sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t in danger. Of course, he couldn’t even begin to relax at that point, as the other began trying to empty his stomach, the walls clenching and relaxing around him and throwing him around as they attempted and failed to bring him back up. “..Dream? What are you-“ the next attempt threw his balance off, and he landed in an ungraceful heap on the floor, groaning as he tried to sit up again. His fingers were wrapped tightly around his communicator, knuckles white as he tried to keep his bearings as his friend continued to try and throw him up. He needed to get the other’s attention, he needed to calm him down. “Dream! Dream, it’s okay. You gotta calm down.” He tried rubbing at the stomach walls, something he did with Sapnap knowing it made him relax, but he got no kind of positive response, only hearing his friend give up, and begin to sob, shaking the organ worse than before. With a sigh, he pulled his hand away.
“Dream? Dream! I’m okay, I’m safe!” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry George-“ he can’t hear me, he realized. Quickly pulling up his contact on the com he wasted no time dialing him.
~ ~ ~
Eventually, the blonde had managed to get his breaths back to the semi-calm it had been before, wiping the last of his tears away as his shoulders slumped against the vanity. “Are.. are you sure you’re okay?” “Yea. Berry’s completely fine.” “George, how am I supposed to bring you up? The potion makes it impossible to throw up.” “I.. dunno. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” The brunette tried once more to rub at the walls surrounding him, trying to ease them of their tenseness. Thankfully, it worked this time, Dream relaxing more around him. “Should I swallow another string-“ “I said we’d cross that bridge when we got to it. You’re just stressing yourself out. Go lay down.” “George-“ “Go lay down or I’m calling Sapnap.” A frustrated sigh answered him, but at least the admin listened, if the movement around him meant anything.
Once everything settled down again, he felt something press against him.
“..Guess I could tell Skeppy and Bad what the potion does.” “Make sure your voice is better first. You know how much Bad worries.” “My voice is as good as it’s gonna get.” As George scoffed at the response, his call was ended, and before he could complain about that as well, Dream spoke up, his voice echoing around him. “If something happens, tap three times. One for yes, two for no otherwise. Sound good?” He tapped the wall once before continuing to rub at it, now trying to distract instead of comfort the larger. A content sigh sounded above him, and he relaxed as he felt something- Dream’s hand, what else could it have been- rub against him from outside. Not that it was hard to relax, of course. Dream wasn’t as warm as Sapnap, not by a long shot, but the darkness and the warmth was comfortingly familiar, along with the larger’s heart beating and breathing now that it had settled. Even his voice, which had become mostly background noise as he spoke to their demon friend, was a comforting rumble to relax to. As his eyes closed, he wondered if maybe he should have let Dream know he was falling asleep.
He found he didn’t really care. He’d deal with it when he woke up.
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
I finally found the right thing to click! Give me a gold star. Here's the info for a 'ship' with an Easy Company guy:
I'm 5'4", curly brown hair, green eyes, 36C. Sarcasm is my second language. I play the piano and sing. My background is in journalism. I can be hot headed. When I'm irate, I swear like a sailor.
Cooking is something I enjoy, especially Italian food. I'm a typical passionate Scorpio. My sense of humor ranges from goofy to acerbic. Family is very important to me. I'm an only child who wanted brothers and sisters.
I just ventured into writing fiction and largely based my OC on myself. A journalism prof said, "Write about what you know." I know myself, and my OC was created.
Kind of a lightweight with alcohol. Bailey's Irish Cream is my favorite alcoholic beverage. Unlike my OC, I'm extremely nearsighted and wear contact lenses. Everything is a blur without my lenses. I once thought I was attempting to pat my cat after I took my lenses out. When my hand touched the leather of my black purse that was on the floor, I realized my mistake.
I'm also feisty and sometimes stubborn.
ahhh sorry this took so long, this has been in my drafts forever !!
But thank you for your request (I also saw your other message about the platonic ship, dw I wouldnt ship you with you know who hehehe) and I was gonna ship you Joe Liebgott but I found somebody more fitting- feel free to request for a specific guy at any time though! <3
I ship you with… Bill Guarnere!
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There’s so many similarities between the two of you that I couldn’t deny. First we can start with the fact you’re so feisty.
bill needs a hot headed girl, he finds your attitude so, so sexy, there’s a real sexual tension between the two of you from the minute you first meet. He likes the fact you swear so much- would probs encourage you to use it in the bedroom.
but no seriously, you two would hit it off straight away, Bill is confident and very self aware, he knows he gotta swipe you up before Liebgott or Tab - or any of those other rats in his mind interfere.
I think even if the two of you had been sleeping together a couple of times- he would still have the respect to just limit his loyalties to you and only you. Finds it silly when other girls try to hit on him- and this is when he starts to piece together his feelings.
kinda panics and won’t admit that he’s falling for you lmao; has some kind of weird raven Simone dream and freaks tf out.
unlike him, you do get drunk, he handles his drinks a little better so surprisingly can he the responsible one when you want to let loose.
somebody tries to mess with you whilst you’re blindly drunk, he doesn’t tolerate it, nooooo way.
he’s walking you home, tucking you into bed and I feel like you’re the one to admit your feelings first.
he has to go back to his own bed, questioning himself if it was real or not?! The next day he’d deffo come up to you and spill out all these feelings and oh my god you’re so shocked and happy- but also so hungover pls keep a bucket on hand.
You threw up cos you’re so hungover and Bill thinks it’s because of him????
the more the war goes on and the more serious it gets I feel like Bill would start to open up about his family, as do you. He really respects the fact you talk of your family so highly.
tells you not to worry about having no siblings as he’s got a whole bunch of them to share with you.
Accidentally admits things by slipping it into conversation, like ‘oh white is such your colour, ur gonna look so sexy in a wedding dress’. Or ‘don’t worry our kid ain’t never gonna be without siblings cos we’re at it that much’.
laughs around you, feels like he can be super genuine- sometimes if you’re busy working he can kinda follow you around like a lost puppy.
laughs at you for being so nearsighted. If you didn’t have your contact lenses he’d be on the floor laughing before he could help you with anything.
Directing jokes at each other but nothing too mean.
deffo more of a serious lover, especially in bed, so if you’re feeling goofy is balanced hun out perfectly. You can make him crack up so easily depending on what mood you’re in.
your love would be so intense, you’d laugh so much, but I feel like you’d definitely butt heads. The arguments could last quite a while and get heated, but he’d deffo get turned on by the fact you’re angry and then get annoyed at himself for getting distracted in an argument Lmao.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ship you platonically with… Skip and Muck!
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As soon as you said you wanted brothers and sisters growing up I immediately thought of how lovable these two would be as your best friends.
Your dynamic definitely would be close to siblings, especially cos you spend so much time around you.
they’d try to wind you up to make you swear just so they could laugh lmao immature.
but they’d truly be impressed with your sarcasm and sense of humour, they find you hilarious and you’d be like an iconic trio.
I don’t know when the friendship would become more of a gradual thing, it would develop throughout the war, maybe around D-day plus 7 when the war is becoming more frightening and the adrenaline from fighting and dropping into Europe fades.
the seriousness would sneak into the conversations, they’d ask you if you were ok, silently checking up on you by looking for where you were, and put you off going into dangerous situations.
Would try to ask you what Bill is like in bed and how big his pee pee is.
you don’t crack.
You all annoy bill, probably try to play pranks on him and you all think it’s the funniest thing in the world.
bill doesn’t agree.
Maybe you three would take things too far sometimes because you’re so good at having fun and distracting each other from the realities of war? In the end you’re all harmless and your friendship really is based around the most positive vibes.
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noctuaas · 4 years
synopsis; strawberry wine and seventeen. the hot july moon saw everything.
pairing; oikawa tooru x reader
content; mention of sex, slight angst, pro athlete!oikawa, pining, happy ending
word count; 1.4k
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Despite the number of years that passed, this place always remained the same. The creek was steady in its course, the hum of summer insects still present, and that boulder by the maple tree was just how you left it. Granted, it was covered in a layer of fallen canopy that collected over the past year or so, but once you brushed away the leaves, you swore it was just like the day he first brought you here.
“C’mon, just keep walking. I’m not gonna let you trip,” Oikawa encouraged you forward, though your steps were small and hesitant because he had his hands covering both your eyes. You couldn’t help it; he had you walking blindly.
It was only a few more steps before he left your face barren, and by the time you blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the light, he was standing in front of you with his arms held out.
“Tada!” he grinned, and below him was a cheesy red-and-white checkered picnic blanket and a wicker basket with canvas cloth peeking out; the bottle of strawberry wine he somehow snuck out here was just the cherry on top.
“Oikawa,” you trailed off. You really wanted to resist the smile creeping onto your face, but you couldn’t help it. He was certainly a charmer.
When you seated yourself next to him, Oikawa was already laying out little sandwiches he made and pouring the wine into little plastic glasses. It was a beautiful rosy color, and condensation quickly built around the edges of the cup. You distantly wondered how he kept the bottle cool all this time.
“So do you always bring the girls you wanna fuck here?” you grinned slyly. It sounded pessimistic and perhaps a bit vulgar, but you weren’t dumb. This spot was perfect to woo a girl; it was secluded and romantic, and it felt special, like it might be straight out of a storybook.
Oikawa nearly choked on his drink when you said that. Okay, he got where you might get that idea, but he hadn’t expected you to say something so blunt. It actually made him chuckle, though it came across a little nervous as he scratched the back of his neck.
“No. Actually, this has always been my little secret. Iwa-chan doesn't even know about it,” Oikawa said, leaning back on his hands.
You only cocked your head, hoping for him to expand. The more he drank, the more he told you.
“I think I first came here when I was maybe eight. Iwa-chan and I were playing hide and seek in the woods, and I found this little hidden path that led down here! He was taking so long to find me, I got scared that he just left me.”
“I wouldn’t put it past Iwaizumi,” you laughed and took another sip.
“I wouldn’t either, that’s why I gave up on the game and went to go find him. We were both crying by the time we found each other because we thought we were going to be in trouble for losing the other one.”
You admired how little wine it took to get him to open up. The charismatic, cunning, almost snide at times version of Oikawa you always saw never sat quite right with you. Not to say he wasn’t all of those things, but you felt there had to be something more to him. Before now, he never really talked much about his childhood. Before now, you had never seen him laugh so carefree. Before now, you couldn’t remember the last time he looked like he was having fun.
Maybe nowadays, the creek was turning more into a river. You couldn’t see the bottom as well as you recalled, but the flow of water didn’t seem to have receded any lower from the bank. Other than that, there was no discernable difference in any of the scenery. Good. That meant no one else had found this place.
It had once been Oikawa’s secret hideaway, and then it had turned into both yours and his, but now it only belonged to you. Oikawa hadn’t been in Japan for years, besides holidays. Last you heard, he was off in Argentina, making a living in the professional volleyball league. You always knew he was going to go far.
“You’ll be able to do anything you want,” you told Oikawa. Coming down to the creek was becoming a habit for you two. Today was particularly hot. It wasn’t that the sun beat down terribly, but the air was soggy and heavy; a summer rainstorm passed through a few days ago, but it decided it wanted to hang around a bit longer. After dipping in the creek, you both laid in your swimsuits on that picnic blanket he always brought.
“You think?” Oikawa asked, staring up at the sky with his hands resting behind his head.
“I know,” you smiled and turned over, laying your head on his chest. He peered down at you and returned the smile.
A month ago, you would have probably been met with a self-assured ‘Of course I can, darling!’, but that was a month ago. He wasn’t so scared to be human around you anymore. He could be flawed with you, and there was nothing wrong with that.
You two ended up having sex right there on that blanket. A bit of a blunt way to put it, but you didn’t know how else to call it. It wasn’t quite making love, but it was far from just fucking. The amount of times you were tempted to cry out ‘I love you, Tooru,’ should probably have been embarrassing, but at least you never actually did it.
You sat in the same place you two had always laid that blanket down. It no longer was marked by splotchy grass, a derivative of you and Oikawa both bearing your weight down on it too often for it to properly grow, but you still knew exactly where it was. You were careful to not plop down onto a bed of stickers, but you found that the ground was remarkably soft.
You don’t know how long you were there, picking dandelions and attempting to weave them together, but when a voice spoke up from behind you, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“You come down here because you were missing me?”
It didn’t feel real, to hear his voice, but when you turned to look back, there was no mistaking that Oikawa was really here. He was leaning on a tree right where the hidden path opened up, that cocky, but oh so charming grin of his bright as ever.
Yes, you thought, but you would never say that aloud right now. You couldn’t stop staring. Was this a crazy fever dream? No, you knew very well you weren’t sick. He was here, standing maybe ten feet away.
Oikawa had barely changed. His hair was a little shorter, a little lighter from the South American sun, but other than that, he was the same boy you fell for that summer.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you shot back softly. You couldn’t help but smile a little. It was nice to see him again.
Oikawa didn’t answer for a while. His gaze dropped, locking on fingers that started to fiddle. A few slow steps toward you, then he was lowering himself next to you.
“I actually think about you a lot,” he mumbled. He still didn’t dare look at you, gazing straight ahead. You stared at him in shock.
“Pretty sad, huh? Pro athlete, could have about anything I want, and I’m still in love with a summer fling from high school,” he finished.
Did he just imply what you thought he did? You swallowed thickly.
“You were in love with me?” you asked, voice barely more than a whisper. Oikawa chuckled and finally looked at you.
“More than I’d care to admit, darling.”
Of course he would still call you darling, and of course it would still make your heart flutter. And now your cheeks were getting warm. It was your turn to look away, tucking your head to fix your eyes on the dandelions amassed on your lap.
Part of you wished he had said something back then, but another part understood why he didn’t. You two were going your separate ways after that summer. But, you couldn’t help but wonder what might have been if either of you had confessed.
“Would you want to go get lunch and catch up?” Oikawa broke you from your thoughts. When you looked at him again, he had a foreign expression on his face; he was smiling, sure, but he looked nervous. He was being human.
“That would be amazing, Oikawa,” you replied.
Oikawa stood and held his hand out to you. You gladly took it, letting him pull you up before leading the way.
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yandere-chocolate · 2 years
Yandere Collector x human Reader ~(Platonic)~
(There is absolutely 0 demand for this character as a yan & in general, but we’re still here.)
(Sorry for any grammar mistakes/misspellings)
(Btw, the Collectors age wasn’t entirely revealed yet, so they’re a teenager in this. Doesn’t make a difference, but thought you’d wanna know.)
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(Scenerio: You are a human in the Boiling Isles. The Collector has been reduced back to their shadow form after the “Day Of Unity”)
TW: yandere content, implied abandonment, kidnapping
You were walking alone in the forest. You were lost & trying to find shelter, but it was too dark & the sounds of the creatures in the dark pulsed adrenaline through your veins. You had to get out of here. Out of “the Boiling Isle”.
You have no idea how you got here, you swear that you just woke up here, but that didn’t matter right now. Surviving did.
As you found some warm shelter you fell asleep there. You didn’t even notice the two glowing eyes on you.
“Hehe…a human! A human!” The Collector laughed excitedly, “a new friend! Oh, I won’t be alone anymore!” The large, glowing shadow ran across the room, spinning themselves in circles & loops. “After heartbreak, betrayal, & abandonment once again, finally I have found a brand new friend!” The Collector spun into a shadowy version of you, laughing. The shadow began making poems & rhymes, praising you for simply…existing.
When you woke up the next day, you almost screamed when you saw a glowing, moving shadow. Somehow…it was still dark. This can’t be normal….
“Hello, new friend!~” the shadow giggled, dancing around you. “What is your name?” You didn’t want to tell the strange being your name. “Don’t be afraid!” They said, “I’ve learned my lesson! Killing people makes you lonely…” he finished, hanging their head low. “W-What do you mean…?” You asked, the shadow perked up.
“Belos promised me a land with nine bright hues! Of fun & games, where no one would lose! But alas, I was deceived! betrayed, abused & left out to bleed. Beings still live here, though they had embark, for Belos & I have turned this land completely dark.” Throughout the poem, the shadow was dramatically throwing themselves everywhere, making extreme gestures & using their inhuman body to show scenes of what had happened, with “left out to bleed” & “of fun & games where no one would lose!” being just some examples.
“Now…” they started, “why don’t you tell me your name? We can’t be best friends if I don’t even know your name!” You backed away, a little nervous. “C’mooonnn!” he whined, “I showed you my trauma through rhymes & acting, the very least you could do is tell me your name!” It seemed as though the shadow was annoyed. “O-Okay…I’m (y/n)…” you muttered out & the shadow spun around in delight, “(y/n)! A human name! A real, human name! Hehehe! Oh, I haven’t had a human friend in so long!” They continued giggling, but smiled & held out their hand once they settled down. “I’m The Collector!” He said cheerfully. You tried shaking his hand, but you just ended up touching the wall. “Hehe! You’re going to so fun to play with! What games do you like?! Hopscotch? Tag? Red Rover?! Hehehe! Human games are so fun!” The Collector laughed, twitching a little. “I won’t be alone anymore! I WON’T BE ALONE ANYMORE!” Suddenly, you felt physical hands grab you, “BECAUSE OF YOU MY FRIEND! We can play forever, & ever, & ever, & ever—it’ll be SO much FUN!” You tried to loosen his grip, but they wouldn’t budge. “Why are you….are you trying to get away…?” The Collector asked, seemingly hurt. “You…you do want to be my friend, right? I promise I’m fun! I promise to keep you happy!” The Collector’s grip tightened, feeling a swirl of extreme emotions, namely desperation. “I’ll protect you! We can play whatever games you want—talk about whatever you want! I can get you a home—a-a real one! A big one!—just-just…j-just…” The Collector was shivering, “breathing” heavily, eyes wide & on the verge of tears, “JUST DON’T LEAVE ME!! PLEASE!!” The Collector finally let go of you, backing away on the wall, hiding their head in their hands. “I-I can’t handle being alone! not anymore! NOT ANYMORE!” Vibrant stars swirled around the room, along with blue hues. “YOU’RE NOT LEAVING ME! I…I woN’T LET YOU!” The Collector screamed & you felt yourself pulled into the shadows.
…As you slowly woke up, you saw that you were in some black water, surrounded by glass-like cubes. “Ugh…” you groaned.
“Hello, friend!” You heard a familiar, cheery voice. This time, they appeared to be a more human-like entity, with just their half-yellow-half-blue skin being the only visible non-human trait. That, & their white hair.
“Who…are you?” You asked, rubbing your head. “I’m The Collector, silly! Hehe! Humans are so weird!” You froze. “WHY AM I HERE?!” You asked, upset. “Oh! Well, you can’t leave me here! Hehe! Oh, you’re cute when you’re mad, (y/n)!” The Collector then booped you, smiling.
“So…what game do you wanna play first?” Stars appeared in his eyes as he said this.
Well, there’s no going back now.
But you’re getting out.
You refuse to stay with this insane kid forever.
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 | 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
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Akaashi will forever be the one that made my heart skipped a beat in that one scene that he first made his debut in the anime.
Been some time since I've written Akaashi, so I thought I might just write about him for a change.
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x fem reader! (she/her)
Genre (s): romance, fluff
Warning (s): none!
Akaashi Keiji
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Married life with Akaashi is fun, heartwarming and new.
You two have lived together before getting married but, life as a married couple is different.
Knowing him for eight years, there are still things that he does surprise you.
Like he has this weird obsession of using only this specific brand of laundry detergent or the way he eats.
Every day, you will leave work promptly on time and head to the nearby grocery store in your neighbourhood, get the freshest vegetable.
Then you would cook dinner.
By the time you finished cooking dinner, Akaashi would be back from work.
He then would greet you with a kiss on the lips and help set up the dining table.
You two would talk about how your day went and plan how to spend your weekends together.
Occasionally, you two would call his old teammates to catch up and even gather for a small reunion at your house.
Recently, there has been a change in your routine.
After a year of marriage, you are pregnant.
Your line of work allows you to work from both home and office, so you alternate your days.
But, recently, there has been a big project, and you are the one overseeing this whole project, so you have to be in the office for the past few weeks.
You are now about five months pregnant, and since your offices are nearby each other, you two would have lunch together.
And Akaashi started to leave his workplace as early as you, so he could go pick you up and go home together.
You and Akaashi also moved to a new place, which is slightly further from your workplace, but it was all that you two needed.
Today, you two were going to decorate the nursery, and you were pretty excited.
Akaashi wipes sweat off his forehead as he finally gets all the boxes into the room. You two had already painted this room in the colour of yellow, like a pastel yellow because it is just a cute colour.
"I can't believe this is actually happening. We are having a baby, and I'm heavily pregnant!" Akaashi wraps his arms around you from behind, gently caressing your bump.
"Me too. I can't believe that we are having a baby. Are you going to paint a few more pieces for our baby girl while I set up the cot?" You shook your head.
He tilts his head in confusion.
"I want to watch you fix up the cot. You know, watching your muscles flex really turns me on." Akaashi gapes at your words.
Those damn hormones.
"Babe! You got to wait till night, it's too early, and we have work to do!" He laughs when you pout at his words.
"Okay...I will go to the living room to paint...Mean hubby."
You stuck out your tongue at him and went to the living room.
After fixing up the cot and arranging the furniture according to your room plan, he came out to the living room to check on you.
You finished one piece, and the rest were half-painted canvases and taking a nap on the sofa. He kissed your forehead and got a pillow to get you to nap more comfortably.
He was glad that he married you, and meeting you was the best decision in his life.
And he has to thank Bokuto for introducing you to him.
"Hmm? You're done? Come on, nap with me." You remove the pillow and lay your head on the lap, and then hugging the pillow in your arms.
"Fine. Let's take a nap, and then we have to make dinner. Rest well." He pats your head and tries to fall asleep on the sofa.
"Babe, your thighs are so comfy. Can you-" Before you can say any naughty stuff, he shuts you up with a kiss.
"Now, sleep."
And you did, with a smile on your face.
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Hehehe, I'm feeling so warm and fuzzy after writing this headcanon! Hope you guys enjoyed this!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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harryskalechips · 3 years
one and done Part 3
A/N Hey guys so sorry for a late update but here we are!!!! The last part of the series! I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoyed as well! Let me know what you guys think please and also also also thank you for reading!🥰🥰🥰
Side note: I’ll come back and edit my brain hurts
Harry is engaged and having a baby but Y/N is just his best friend’s little sister.
Today’s warning: We are anticipating some heavy smut in this last part. Please prepare for a spitting, spanking, choking, and hair pulling kink, Male receives oral, unprotected sex and just shit like that y’know? I think there is begging in here too LOL OMG they almost had sex outside again but that’s just so inappropriate but yeah... I think that’s all. Oh yes, Y/N rides and just loves being a horny mess hehehe
Word Count: 11k // Masterlist // one and done PLAYLIST /  Part 1 / Part 2
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 If there was one thing Y/N was excited about… it was her last summer of high school. As she reflected on her junior year, she was happy Harry and her were finally in a place where she could just reach out to him and be comfortable. Although they didn’t have labels, it was the last thing on their minds as they spent most of their free time together away from Ryan and any other nosy classmate of theirs. Harry also spoke about long roadtrips. Despite him staying home for college, he was excited to drive his girl to different campuses and check out new destination sites around the many different cities. 
They were optimistic they would stay together in the summer yet here they are spending it apart. 
Y/N was in her bedroom sitting on the floor wearing Harry’s sweater as she was staring at the pile of scattered clothes on the floor. It was July 6th and even after a month of grieving for her broken heart, she managed to still wear her ex’s sweater… only because it was the sole object that made her feel like what they had was real. 
They were so on and off throughout the year and the one time they managed to stick together, it was all washed away. Too many signs telling them they were not meant to be. 
But that’s the truth. Y/N thinks to herself as she wipes away a new coming tear falling down her face. Harry and her are not the cliché plot of dating your brother’s best friend. Their relationship was based on lust and ended with unrequited feelings. They are not soulmates. Y/N rests her head against the back of her bed. No matter how much you try to fight it, if you are not meant to be… that’s it. 
“Are you okay?” Ryan stops by her doorway with a plate of late dinner. He was also blatantly oblivious to the fact his little sister was wearing a sweater of his best friend’s. 
“Yeah, why do you ask?” She stares at him with an unamused expression on her face. Her room was a mess, her head was in places where it shouldn’t be and her heart just felt broken. 
“You’ve been in a pissed off mood since last month.” he genuinely states as he walks into his little sister’s room. Maybe before he wouldn’t bother to ask Y/N how she was but the truth is, he is leaving soon and he’s a bit worried with the way Y/N has been taking care of herself. 
“Is it that obvious?” Y/N sarcastically laughs as she throws some clothes away for Ryan to sit on her bed. He places his plate on her desk and takes her offer as he looks around the floor. 
“You haven’t left the house nor have I seen Ness around.”
“I haven’t really been speaking to her.”
“Oh so you guys fought?”
“No, we didn’t. I just haven’t really been feeling social.”
“Y/N, you know you can talk to me right?”
“I know.” Y/N bites the inside of her cheek knowing full well that she’s lying. 
“Will you be coming to the party tomorrow night?” Oh, that’s right. It’s Harry and Carla’s engagement party. 
“That’s why I’m cleaning out my closet.” Ryan laughs a bit as he stands up and pats her head. 
“You don’t have to impress anyone. You’re not the one getting married.” Y/N feels her throat tighten a bit as she watches him leave her room with his plate. She lets out a sigh before rubbing her face in frustration. If she had the choice, she wouldn’t go but that would also show Harry that she cares more than he thinks. It’s been a month and she had to prove that she was over him and over the deal. 
After a couple hours of sulking on her bedroom floor, she finally stands up and takes off his sweater. In the corner of her room is a cardboard box of clothes that were to be packed away and stored in the attic. Without hesitation, she throws the piece of clothing and carries on with her night. 
“Y/N, you look beautiful sweetheart.” Her mom waits for her at the bottom of the stairs. The sun was just about to set and it was also time for their family to drive to Carla’s home for the party everyone has been anticipating. 
“Thank you.” Y/N musters a smile as she glances at herself in the mirror one more time before heading out to the car. Her mom was honestly surprised her daughter was all dressed up for the party tonight, there was something off about her but today, it felt like she had a piece of her daughter back again. Saying nothing out loud, she locks the front door and walks with the young girl towards the vehicle.
 Truth be told last night before Y/N fell asleep, she knew today would be her biggest performance. All she knew is that she couldn’t wait for this day to end so she can go back and hide in her room. 
“Hey mate.” Harry smirks as he offers a hug to Ryan. The party had just begun and Harry waited outside the house to wait for his best man to arrive. He was shitting his pants at the moment and the only thing that would make him feel a bit more comfortable at his own party is if Ryan was by his side -like the usual. 
“I can’t believe you’re getting married, Haz.” Ryan tries to hide his disappointment in front of his family. Y/N and her parents stood behind him waiting for the duo to greet each other first. “I thought we would enjoy our bachelor era a bit you know… longer.” Harry tries to laugh as he makes eye contact with the pretty girl. Once the two pull away, he awkwardly laughs and greets Ryan’s parents. 
“Carla is it for me man.” Harry tucks his hands inside the pockets of his trousers. “We’ve been together since grade school, I guess it’s time I tie her down to me forever.” Y/N’s mom laughs and pats his shoulder. The five began to walk to the backyard as she spoke up.
“Forget Ryan, I think you two make a lovely couple and are honest soulmates.” Harry glances at her and flashes a small smile. He thought having Ryan here would make him feel more comfortable but there was only one thought that was processing in his head as they walked the stoned pathway. 
This engagement made him feel ten thousand times much worse knowing his in-law family wouldn’t be Ryan’s because the truth is there wouldn’t be anything much better than to have Y/N and Ryan’s parents as his too. 
“Hi.” Carla approaches them with a warm smile on her face. The nude slim dress was impressive on her, especially as it made the diamond on her finger stand out more. She casually wraps her arm around Harry's waist as she takes a sip of the mango smoothie in her other hand. Although the smile on her face seemed genuine, Y/N wanted nothing more than to punch the girl’s face. If Harry was a jealous asshole, Y/N was much worse. Keep it together Y/N, please you don’t care. You don’t care. 
That was the whole idea for the night anyway. Y/N has barely spoken a word since her father parked the car on the side of the road. She was even the last one to exit the vehicle because in all honesty, she didn’t want to unbuckle her seatbelt. Now, She stands beside her dad once again, shying away from the hosts of the party. Although her mom made her feel beautiful today, there was nothing more than to stand in front of the prettiest girl who has constantly been chosen over her. 
“Thank you guys for coming. I’m so happy to meet you all.” Carla smiles as she turns her attention on Harry. She was happy and excited about their future. This whole night felt like a fever dream. Once more she looks at Ryan’s family and speaks up. “There’s a table for your family and dinner will be served out soon. I hope you guys enjoy” She rests her head on her fiancé but notices Y/N staring at her heels. “Are you okay Y/N? You seem a bit off.” And that statement was coming from a concerned person who was genuinely curious if the acquainted junior she got to know this year was alright. Y/N gulps as she makes eye contact with Carla. She was also very careful not to look at Harry. 
“Ignore her. She’s been like that for a couple of weeks.” Ryan laughs as he turns around and glances at his sister. “This is your night but I still am wondering why you guys are getting married next month.”
Carla awkwardly smiles and waits for Harry to respond first yet she notices his eyes stay focused on his best friend’s little sister. “We just thought we should get the wedding out of the way before university starts.” Carla squeezes his palm for him to reply to. 
“Don’t worry Ryan. I’m sure we’ll do everything we planned to do.” Harry smirks as he turns his back around to the music that just started to play. “Let’s walk you guys to your table, I believe the party is just about to actually begin.”
Throughout the night, Y/N did nothing more than fake a smile and applaud as speakers came to the mic and talked about Carla and Harry’s relationship. Blah blah blah. It was the same old thing really, and if she had the choice deep inside, she would wish she was the one sitting beside Harry talking about other things. 
Dessert was finally available and due to the lack of activities and entertainment this party has brought to her, she waited until the line died down before she could carry her plate towards the table. She internally sighed as some of the choices were gone, leaving her to pick up a red velvet cupcake and two french macaroons on the side. Once she arrived back to her seat, her family that stayed back continued to talk about the two lovebirds. Her father and Ryan seemed to be having an amusing conversation as her mother made a new friend from the table beside them. Compliments after compliments was the only topic tonight, she really needed to take a walk around the unfamiliar neighbourhood after this. 
“Guys, I’m just going inside to use the bathroom.” Her mom nods and acknowledges Y/N’s statement before turning her back once more to talk to another attendee of the party. Grabbing her purse, she excuses herself from the table and shyly walks around the party and towards the sliding door. Once she’s inside the home however, she ignores all the signs that gesture her towards the bathroom and instead makes her way to the front door. Carla’s home was pretty but not enough for her to stay.
“That’s not the washroom.” Harry speaks out as he walks down the staircase re-adjusting the sleeves of his polo. She realized the navy blue blazer he was wearing earlier today was now resting on the ottoman by the end of the railing. 
“I was actually going to go on a walk.” She fixes her gaze on the painting in front of her instead of the boy casually making his way down. 
“It’s a bit late, d-don’t you think.” He scratches his nose and picks up the article of clothing on the chair. He couldn’t help but stutter as his eyes followed the pink dress on the pretty girl. 
“The neighbourhood seems really nice and I’m sure none of the rich families here are going to kidnap me and lock me in their basement.”
“Here.” She notices him walk towards her offering his blazer. “I would invite myself to walk with you but uh I think people would notice.” He rubs his palm against his neck and looks back at the door where the party is. 
“It’s okay.” She shakes her head as she rejects his considerate offer. She continues to unlock the door before looking back at him. “I’ll be back soon. Ryan and my parents think I’m in the washroom.  So if they ask, just say you don’t know. Congratulations, by the way.” She gives him a sad smile and walks out the door. He’s left speechless as he finally realizes this might be the last time things will be normal between them. “Fuck it.” He murmurs to himself as he rests the blazer behind his back and walks out the front door as well.  
“Why are you following me?’ Y/N turns around carefully as she crosses her arms over her chest to keep herself warm. She was also trying very hard not to fall. Harry’s been distracting her all night, she didn’t realize she was wearing heels despite her goal to go on a night walk. 
“Because I can’t let you walk around this neighbourhood by yourself!” Harry raises his voice as he tries to catch up with her. “God, I told you, you would need this.” He thoughtlessly puts the blazers over her shoulders as they walk down the slope. 
“I promise you, I am not your responsibility anymore. You don’t have to be concerned about my whereabouts.” Y/N murmurs as she accepts the fabric and hugs it around her frame. Harry couldn’t help but look away from her as he heard that statement. Before everything went crumbling down, he used to pick her up and know every update from her. He used to watch out for her and just be there for her but even now, it was no longer okay. 
“Who’s going to watch over you when I’m gone.” His voice is a bit more quieter now as they exit Carla’s neighbourhood. 
“I don’t know. I always expected you were going to stay.” She glances at him before walking ahead of him. 
“I know you’re mad and I’m sorry I had to put you through a lot.” He pulls her wrist to make her stop walking. 
“How can I not be mad, Harry?” She closes her eyes, trying to not let the new formed tears in her eyes show. “You constantly choose Carla and the moment you finally break up with her. I get you and then you what… ghost me, break up with me? I don’t hear from you for 2 months only to find out you’re engaged! Fuck you.” She quickly wipes away a tear from her face. “God, I- You cheated on me! Didn’t you?”
“Y/N.” His heart beat drops as her voice raises. Never in his life has he seen Y/N this upset. 
“No. It makes sense. Carla is barely even showing yet. It’s been three months and you…” She steps away from him and looks around. “I don’t know -you didn’t even have the audacity to tell me you don’t like me anymore.”
“I didn’t know how to react when you told me that.” 
“Well you did.. You ignored my calls and continued to see Ryan.” She shrugs her shoulders and sarcastically laughs. “It’s fine. Now that I think about it, maybe I said it in the heat of the moment.”
“I know I messed up.” He bites his lip and runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t know why I reacted like that. Carla has always been so familiar to me… and with you, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before.”
“Like what?” The monotone question rolls off the tip of her tongue.
“The fear I guess. I’m scared of losing Ryan, your family and um, you.” He clears his throat. “It’s just there’s so much on the line when it comes to you and me. Maybe if I tried harder, we wouldn’t be here right now but we are.” 
“Well if it makes you feel better,” She takes a pause and stares directly at him. “I didn’t really mean what I said that day. You freaked out on something that was a typical post orgasm statement.” She lies. 
“Why are you lying?” He shakes his head in disappointment. “Why are you trying to hurt me? You think this hasn’t been difficult enough.”
“No, I’m not lying. It’s true.” She attempts to walk again but his hand grabs her immediately letting her know, their conversation is not over. 
“So you’re saying you don’t love me.”
“No, I don’t love you.”
“Harry, I don’t even owe you an explanation!” and sometimes when you force yourself to lie too much, you begin to cry. “Fuck.” He immediately hugs her as she cries on his shoulder. “I don’t think we should do this.”
“I could never leave you alone, you know that right?” He whispers in her ear as he wraps his arms tighter around her frame. 
“You have to. We can’t do this.” Y/N repeats herself as she tries to pull away. His scent is just so fucking intoxicating. It was his scent that made her drastically attached to him and now she knew like from the start, it was time to go. 
“If my wishes came true, it would’ve been you.” He tries to keep her in his embrace. He was rambling at this point but he had no idea what his goal was. Is he trying to persuade her to stay or to let her go? 
“You made your choices, Harry. All you have to do is lie in it.” She pulls away and wipes away her tears. “We’re just these high schoolers that found a loophole in our deal. Carla though, she has always been the one for you.” 
“You’re right though. I- I guess I always choose her in the end.”
“Make her happy H.” She gives a sad smile and shrugs her shoulders. Despite wanting to punch her face, Y/N knew the look in her eyes as she watched Harry. Carla was always madly in love with him and forever will be. 
Harry and Y/N were just a glitch in the system. 
“I hope I see you again. Maybe Christmas huh?” He looks down at his shoes as the girl gives him back his blazer. 
“Maybe Christmas.” And without a word, Y/N walks back to the house leaving Harry to walk around the neighbourhood himself. 
Harry and Carla had just gotten married and on the night of their reception, they announced their pregnancy. Y/N was there. She witnessed the smile on Ryan’s face, on her parents’ face and on Harry’s. Everyone was happy except for her.  
The night left her to play with the food on her plate as it was her only source of entertainment. Broccoli grouped with the carrots suddenly being grouped with the steak. How about we make a snowman? To be honest, moping a bit too much at the event left her clueless to the fact the groom has been watching her all night. 
It wasn’t a choice for him. Of course, he looked at other guests and spoke to Carla throughout the night but for some reason as he mindlessly ate his food and restated his vows to his wife, Y/N was the only thing his eyes could focus on. He’s been looking for her face in every room for a year and to be exact, nothing about his feelings has changed -Except tonight was the last day, he would ever feel like this again. 
There were only three rules Harry gave himself tonight.
Rule 1: Don’t try and make conversation with Y/N.
Rule 2: Don’t beat the guy who offers her a dance.
Last but not least, Rule 3: Don’t tell her you love her.
And it was a success because he watched her walk out with an unfamiliar guy and come back with a flushed neck and red cheeks. He knew she totally got fucked in the washroom and all he did was take a sip of his glass as the fist on his lap began to form once again. 
It’s been a week since and her whole house is a mess. She has been currently helping her brother move his things to the moving truck they rented. Her little grieving process was cut short due to the fact, things around her started to change so quickly. Ryan was on his way out of here. Harry and Carla were probably on an island, trying to make another sub baby and Ness started to come by more often. 
The thing about her best friend is that Nessa understands space but she won’t let Y/N peacefully sulk for more than a month. To successfully distract her, the duo have been taking road trips around the cities and visiting different campuses together. Although it was an old plan of her and Harry’s, Y/N couldn’t help but feel delighted to have Ness back once again. 
She cleaned out her room and removed all her old soccer trophies because for some odd reason, they reminded her of Harry. She even went to the measures of blocking his number and deleting pictures from their past dates off her phone. 
She knew she wasn’t ready to let him go but he was now married, living in a new city with his own family. There was no other choice but to forget this shit happened. 
Senior year was just about to begin for Y/N and if there was one thing she needed, it was a fresh start. No love interests, no heartbreaks. Just fun experiences before she leaves this hell hole.
After all, if you never bleed, you’re never going to grow.
3 years later…
“You’re going to be fucking late.” Ness throws a pillow at her best friend as she enters the room. “You have that plane to catch.” 
“Fuck, what time is it.” Y/N murmurs as she could feel some drool on her pillow case.
“Fuck!” She sits up immediately and grabs her phone.  Her flight is leaving in an hour and God knows the traffic in Seattle. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner!” 
“Because your lazy ass wouldn’t wake up.” Ness walks out of the room and drinks her coffee. She was totally unfazed about her best friend panicking. “Relax.” Y/N gives her a death glare in return  as she brushes her teeth in the kitchen. The two were very used to each other since they’ve not only been best friends for a long time but also roommates after moving to a new city. 
“My brother’s wedding is in two days and I’m not even there yet.” 
“Tell Ryan to choke for not inviting me, by the way.” Ness scrolls though the news feed on her phone as she casually bites into her bagel. 
“Okay, I think I have everything.” Y/N walks out of her room in tights and an oversized sweater. “I really have to go.”
“You’re going to see him again, you know that right?” Ness really didn’t want to be the one to bring him up again but shit, Y/N looked like a dead zombie. 
“It’s fine.” Y/N shrugs her shoulders. She couldn’t care less if she sees Harry again. “The last time I saw him, Carla and him were acting like total love birds at my mom and dad’s thanksgiving party.”
“That was like two years ago.” Ness tries to contain her laugh as she remembers their new pet names. Honey bunny and sweet treat. Oh to be in the honeymoon phase once again. 
“Don’t think I forgot what you used to call Tom.” Y/N laughs as she rolls her luggage to the door.
“Shut up.” Nessa’s eyes widen as she throws a crumb at her. “That’s why I broke up with him.”
“Yeah, yeah. You better answer my call okay?” 
“Yes babe, I know. I love you, take care!” 
And after the long haul of successfully boarding the plane, Y/N had five hours before she could finally see Ryan and his soon to be bride in Boston.
 She was definitely nervous. The last wedding she attended was Harry’s and she knew full well how she badly coped with that. Not to mention how she calculated her schedule so she could “accidently” miss Ryan’s engagement party. Truth is, she doesn’t care about Harry but if there was any way she could try and dodge another awkward encounter...that’s what living in another city is for. 
He also wasn’t really an ex but just a person in her life who managed to make her happy and sad at the same time. James had no idea who he was since she believed it was best to make that portion of her adolescence a secret. Just buried along with the other dreams she used to have. 
After watching two movies and playing a random phone game, the plane finally landed. Y/N managed to brush her teeth and make herself look a bit more presentable after a heated run out of her apartment. Once she was at the pick up centre to grab her luggage, her heart beat began to increase signaling that she failed to neutralize her anxiety. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as she walked past the crowd of people. There was a constant voice in her head screaming at her to tell Ryan her flight just got cancelled. Unfortunately, Ryan was on time as she could picture his figure right outside the window of the airport.
 “Hey.” Ryan smiles as he gives his little sister a hug. He saw her a couple months ago but time still makes everything different. He’s happy his sister is finally here.
“Hi.” Y/N tucks a piece of hair behind her ear as the wind blows by them. “I see you got a nice haircut.” 
“I did.” Ryan laughs as he carries his sister’s suitcase into his trunk. 
“I can’t believe you’re getting married Ry! I swear to god, it was only yesterday you were complaining to Harry about his wedding.” Y/N squints her eyes due to the sun shining directly at her. She uses her hand to cover the side of her face as she lets out a joke,“Are you sure about her?”
“Meghan? Absolutely.” Ryan shuts the door as they stand there. “ I didn’t know what Haz was talking about when he told me he wanted to marry Carla but shit, when I met Meghan… I-”
“You’re whipped more than ever.” She smiles as she notices her brother’s cheeks flush. She tried to change the topic immediately after her brother said his name. “I knew Cassidy wasn’t the one.”
“Sure you did.” Ryan rolls his eyes as they sit in his car. “How about you? Any new updates?” 
“No not really.” Y/N shrugs her shoulders as she puts on her seatbelt. “James and I have been together for a year now which is crazy-”
“I wish the guy could have come to the wedding, didn’t know how serious you guys were.” 
“Honestly, if he didn’t have that internship at the hospital, I would’ve tried and persuaded him some more.”
“It’s okay.” Ryan laughs as he shakes his head. “Meghan found you a date already and I’m sure you’re going to be okay with it.” Y/N eyes widen. 
“I was going to go stag.” She looks out the window in disbelief. It wasn’t her fault, her boyfriend was trying to get into medical school.
“Don’t worry sis. It’s a platonic date -that’s all it is going to be.” Ryan reassures her as he drives out of the parking lot.
“Let me tell James. Just in case, he might get jealous.” She pulls out her phone. “Who is this guy anyway?” 
“I’m not telling you but who knows, James might fly over here just so you don’t go with a random guy.” Ryan smirks as he exits the highway. 
“Who is he?”
“It’s a surprise.” Ryan tries to hide his laugh. 
“Does he know you’re setting me up with him.”
“Please.” Her brother scoffs. “The guy is always too nice, he offered first.”
“Well, shit then.” 
“You’ll get to know him before the wedding I promise. At least, you have company other than mom and dad.” 
“So you’re going to let a random guy just sit at our table?” 
“You have no idea.” And truth be told, Y/N wasn’t worried about the date Ryan and Meghan set up for her. Maybe it was one of Meghan’s family members who thought she was still single. It didn’t matter though because this event was for her brother and that’s all that was important. 
“Oh my god!” Ryan and Y/N’s mother stood outside the house waiting at the driveway for them to arrive. 
“Hi mom!” Y/N gives her a warm hug. “I missed you, where’s dad?”
“He’s inside with-”
“Y/N.” Y/N’s dad steps through the doorframe and meets Y/N at the steps for a hug as well. She knew her father couldn’t walk that much due to his recent hip surgery. What she didn't expect however, was for Harry to be following right behind him. “I missed you darling.”
 “Hi dad I missed you more, I didn’t know Harry was here.” Y/N backs away and turns her back to look at Ryan. He didn’t seem surprised at all as he carried her luggage towards them.
“Hey.” Harry offers a small wave, seeming too quiet. He kept his hands behind his back as he observed the girl in front of him. It’s been two years and a lot has changed. Y/N thought he would still have his long hair yet it is very evident, he had a haircut as well. He also seemed much more muscular as well as the new addition of tattoos on his arm. While she stared at him, she didn’t realize Harry was noticing all the different features she had too. Her hair was longer and darker and she carried a different aura than before. She didn't look like the girl whose bedroom he used to sneak into. 
“Hi Harry.” Y/N didn’t know how to start a conversation with him. 
“I guess you met your date.” Ryan walks ahead of them and laughs as he continues to bring in the bags. 
“Harry's my date?” Y/N asks in shock as she follows him behind. Her mom slaps her arm as Harry and their dad follow. 
“Don’t act offended, You’ve known Harry since you were a kid.” 
“Aren’t you married though.” Y/N turns her back and looks at Harry before facing the front again as she suddenly became distracted by the house’s decorations. 
“I actually got divorced.” Harry bites his tongue right after. 
“See, now look what you did. You embarrassed the young boy.” Y/N’s mom rubs his back as she murmurs to him. “I’m sorry, Haz.” 
“Oh, it’s okay.” He shakes his head, trying to act as if the topic didn’t make him feel uncomfortable.  
“I’m sorry too.” Y/N finally looks at him once more. “I had no idea.”
“It’s been a year. That’s what happens when you marry too young.” He laughed it off but everyone ignored that statement as they all knew there was a deeper cut in his heart.
When Carla was around 5 months, she had a miscarriage and although, they claimed they would try again… there was no new announcement after that. 
“Y/N, this is your room.” Ryan tries to change the topic as he scratches his head. 
“Thank you.” She steps inside for a bit of privacy after a long flight. Ryan and Harry along with her parents went back to the living room to go and continue their movie.  
Today is Ryan’s wedding and the house was giving her many little flashbacks of Harry’s. The family was in this foreign home and was still running around getting ready. Her mother was screaming at her dad as he decided last minute to steam his suit. Ryan and Meghan were gone which left Harry and Y/N the only victims to her mother’s loudness. The two kept quiet as her mother ran around the house doing her hair and calling relatives for updates. Y/N managed to be ready on time so it let her sit on the couch looking at the photos in which mehgan has framed around the room. 
“Your dad said I should drive you to the venue now. I think they’re definitely running late.” Harry speaks up after two days of ignoring her. The truth is last night when he went to the kitchen he saw Y/N sitting down on one of the counters and maybe if it was three years ago, he would’ve spoken to her but something about now told him to go back to his bedroom. He used to feel comfortable around her but now he’s walking around her as if he was on eggshells. He was so fucking nervous. 
“Okay.” She agrees with him. Harry was the best man and she didn’t want him to be late because of her parents. Y/N puts her phone in the purse resting on her shoulder as she follows him out of the house. She would’ve been a bit more calm if she didn’t end her call with James midway through their fight. 
“Um A-Are you okay?” He opens the door for her as he tries not to check her out. It was definitely difficult however as the way her long hair was styled and the pretty dress she wore. Luckily for Y/N, while Harry was doing some errands at home, she managed to “observe” him in his suit.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She lets out a small smile as she realizes Harry was still driving his car back from high school. You know the vehicle they had sex i- 
“Alright.” The man breaks her out of the thought as he starts the car. “I promise tonight isn’t going to be weird around us.” 
“Who said it was?”
“I don’t know I guess I just assumed.” He bites his cheek as he glances at her. That’s when the déjà vu hits and he feels like he’s eighteen years old again. She keeps her eyes on the road yet she had no idea that Harry was picturing her seventeen year old self sitting in the seat beside him. One of his favourite memories to be exact. 
 “So you’re kidnapping me to go camping in the woods.” Y/N smiles as she watches the unfamiliar road in front of them. Harry takes his shades off and passes it to the girl as he notices the sun is shining much more brighter than before. 
“Hey, you got permission from your parents.” He smirks at her as he keeps his hand on the gear stick.
“They think I’m sleeping over at Nessa’s.” Y/N laughs as she puts on the shades and looks at him. His cheeks turn red as he catches the sight of the pretty girl wearing everything of his. 
“Is little Y/N scared of the dark?” His hand smoothly travels to her thigh. 
“I am not.” Y/N chokes on her breath. It was bad enough Harry looked so hot whilst he was driving. 
“I think you are.” He notices her breathing becoming a bit more short. “You and me in a tent alone in the dark.” His hand goes a bit more south, gipping her inner thigh. 
“I have a surprise for you.” She blurts out. She was also seconds close to making Harry pull over to the side of the road. 
“And what is that?”
“I’ve been wearing a plug and I’m ready.” The speed of the car increases a bit as he mindlessly presses his foot to the sound of her voice. He looks at her one more time before taking over the car in front of them. 
“Fuck then. My baby once again proves that she isn’t as innocent as I thought.”
End of flashback*
The venue was beautiful. Ryan and Meghan chose this beautiful garden that had tulips growing everywhere. The white gazebo was obviously where the wedding would take place as the reception was only a stoned pathway ahead. Since Harry was the best man and Y/N was his date, she managed to follow him around the place as he spoke to the event planner and the maid of honour. She had a whole tour of the location as Harry spoke about the party’s process to her. Not only that, but he was an amazing date -he kept his hand on her back and introduced her to people she didn’t know. 
Currently, she was sitting on the bench watching Harry talk to some familiar faces. They seemed like a few boys Ryan and he would hang out with back in high school. She was mindlessly watching him laugh and smile throughout the conversation until she didn’t realize he was already staring at her. After excusing himself, he walked back towards her. 
“I’m sorry, If I’m boring yeh.” Harry rubs his neck as he sits down beside her. The wedding was about to start in a couple of hours. 
“No, you’re not.” Y/N laughs as she keeps her eyes on the lake behind him. She suddenly remembers their camping trip. She shakes her head at the thought and shrugs her shoulders. “How are you feeling?”
“About the wedding?” He pulls down the sleeves of his dark grey suit. She nods her head and waits for him to continue. “I’m happy Ryan is marrying Meghan. It’s funny how he thought he would stay single for long.”
“I remember him telling you that when you were engaged.” She bites the inside of her cheek. She definitely just put her foot in her mouth again. She was definitely known for that but Harry didn’t seem fazed at all about her statement. 
“I mean don’t get me wrong, Weddings are a bit difficult to attend at the moment just because I know mine didn’t end well but um…” He clears his throat and faces himself more towards her. “I also got married knowing I wasn’t really in love with the girl.”  Y/N finally looks at him as she watches the familiar green eyes say the truth. 
“I know.” She nods her head again. “Things are different now and I hope you do find the girl that you are 100% about.”
“Yeah.” He looks at the patch of flowers in front of them. He would tell her what he thinks but he knows she’s dating someone. 
“Let’s go check out your brother.” Harry stands up and offers his hand out. “I’m sure he’s wondering where we are.”
And so the event continued. Y/N’s parents arrived and so did the other guests. The beautiful girl in her wedding dress walked down the aisle and Harry couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl sitting in the crowd. 
It was simple for him, he knows he’s not over her but he wouldn’t tell her that.
Would he tell her that he started coming home more after Carla’s miscarriage in hope of seeing her? No.
He definitely can’t tell her that he was hurt. He would come over to their house only to find out she wasn’t home or when he found out she was moving to Seattle for college. 
After the past two years, Ryan briefly mentions her and James and he felt like he no longer had a chance. At least with her. 
So standing beside Ryan as his best man felt like a total shot in the heart because Harry knew he wasted his time and lost the girl as well. 
Y/N catches his eyes watching her and just for a moment, she wished things were different too. 
When the reception started, Harry and Y/N along with her parents sat at one of the tables close to the bride and groom
 The hosts were right however, as Harry fit perfectly with the family. Throughout dinner, he made jokes and started conversing with her parents more than she thought. Although he gave her some attention, he didn’t fail to compliment her mother as well. 
The two sat together eating dessert as he leaned over to whisper something in her ear. “I’ll let you have a bite out of my brownie if I can steal a bite from your cake.” Harry smirks as he takes a sip of his glass of tequila. He wasn’t trying to get drunk but a little strong (strong) alcohol should cause no harm. Y/N casually steals the glass from his hand and takes a sip as well. 
The two were finally much more comfortable with each other after spending the day side by side. Harry laughs as he takes his fork and steals a bite of her cake. The red velvet flavour melting in his mouth as he watches the girl swallow the rest of his drink. 
“Sorry, I’m a bit quenched.” Y/N laughs as she puts the glass down and stabs her fork back into her cake. His fork immediately swats hers away. 
“I’m not done with my bite.” He teases her as he pulls the small plate towards him. Y/N mouth drops.
“You guys fight like children.” Her dad speaks up and smiles at the scene in front of them. 
“He asked to steal a bite but he stole the whole plate.” She laughs as she watches him shove numerous tiny bites in his mouth. Y/N mom laughs as she smiles at the cheeky boy.
“I said you can have some of my brownie but you proceed to finish my drink.”
“You seem a little drunk anyway.” She lies as she leans forward to take the brownie from his plate.
“Want some shots.” Harry blurts out as he finishes the dessert. “You finished my drink so I’m heading back to the bar… you still might be a bit quenched.”
“Okay.” She laughs as the two excuse themselves from the table.
“Do you remember the scrunchie on my wrist and you called me out on it.” Harry slowly dances with Y/N as the night continues on. The event was almost over but all the attendees were on the dance floor dancing to Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. As a proper stellar date, Harry didn’t hesitate to ask the girl for a dance as he knew last time he missed out.
“I know you stole it.” Y/N laughs as she unconsciously rests her head on his shoulder. The truth is when in doubt, Y/N always drinks a bit more than usual. It seems whenever Harry is around, she can’t help but be drunk. 
“Oh really?” He pulls away and laughs. “I was going to tell you an old story but you already know.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she looks at the people surrounding them. Nobody was shocked to see how close they were dancing. Everyone was in their own little bubble and maybe if Y/N and Harry didn’t break the ice or drink a bit, they would definitely not be as bold as they are right now. 
“No! You have to tell me now.” Her eyes widen as she readjusts her hands on her shoulders. Harry smirked at her anticipation as he willingly rests his hands back on her waist. 
“It was the first night we made the deal.” He whispers quietly hoping no one would hear them. “It was on your vanity and I took it after you sleepily threw my clothes at me.” They both laugh at the old memory. 
“I saw you wearing it during the game.” 
“So did you always watch me back then? Probably just wanted to get into my pants.” Y/N cheeks flush as she hides her face away from him. 
“You’re acting as if I never caught you staring right back at me.” 
“True.” he twirls her around. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you after that deal you offered.” Y/N immediately pulls away after he hears the statement roll of his tongue.
“Harry, I know tonight has probably been the most normal conversation we had with each other but… We can’t go back there.” She walks off the dance floor, making him follow her without hesitation. Instead of going back to their table however, she makes a b line to the unlighted pathway of the garden.
“Hey, don’t go. I’m sorry I ruined the moment.” He unbuttons the top of his vest seeing his blazer was still on his chair. “I spoke about fight club-”
“You remember that?” Y/N slows down her speed and turns around. “It’s been three years and you still remember it?” 
“Why don’t you?” Harry turns his back around to notice the bushes covering them from the rest of the party. 
“Of course I do but you got married and moved away. I just thought that would slip your mind.”
“Well it didn’t.” He musters up a small smile and shrugs his shoulders. “Look, can we go back to the party and pretend I didn’t mess this up.” 
“It’s not about you messing up H. It’s the fact that I still get flashbacks of you and I -and seeing you here again is making me feel like the past three years didn’t happen.”
“I didn’t see you during Christmas.” He blurts out as he watches her sigh. “Any holiday except thanksgiving to be exact.”
“Well, I moved to Seattle and couldn’t book a flight home every time of the year.”
“Carla is dating someone new.” Y/N nods her head. “And I’m still not able to get you out of my head.” 
“You might just ghost me next time around.” She lets out a sarcastic laugh as she tries her best not to trip over herself as she walks a bit further into the pathway. 
“I told you I regret doing that.” He continues to follow her. “It’s been three years and you’re still mad about it.”
“I’m not mad. I’m just saying whenever it’s you and I, you tend to ghost me and run back to Carla.”
“If it makes you feel better, I could give a fuck less what Ryan thinks of us. It’s why I asked him if I could be your date.”
“I have a boyfriend Harry! An actual boyfriend who waits for me after work everyday. A boyfriend who actually replies to my calls-”
“He hasn’t even met Ryan or your parents!” 
“Look Y/N, all I’m saying is I don’t care about this fucking guy!” Harry sternly walks towards her until he backs her up to a wall of vines. 
“Then why are you trying to talk about our old memories and shit like that.”
“Because,” He pauses as he thoughtlessly rests his hands on either side of her head. “I fucking care about you. The moment Carla had a miscarriage and she needed me the most, I needed you! I didn’t realize I let you go the moment I went back to her.” 
“So it’s true, you didn’t love me.” He pulls away but Y/N brings her hands up to his face to keep his eyes on her. 
“Of course, I did.” Y/N cries as she shakes her head in disbelief. “Why would you think that would be true? You called me out on it before.”
“I came back every couple of months hoping to see you at home with your parents. You were always gone.” 
“Did you actually?”
“Fuck.” He pulls away and runs his hand through his short hair. He swore he would never tell her this. Is this how desperate he is now.  “Yeah, of course I did. I knew you would leave for college but I wish I knew from you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not even your fault.” He laughs as he hugs her. “I want you back.” His arms wrap around her much more tightly than before. “Please.”
“Do you love him?”
“Harry, don’t ask that?”
“No, I want to know.”
“Well I don’t know because after what you did-”
“Then you still love me.” He looks up at her in hope she would say yes. Just admit it, please.
“Okay and if I do -what do I do now? I like James and although it hasn’t been long I’m sure something will change.”
“Can’t you see?” He directs her back to the wall of vines. “You were always mine the same way, I was always yours.”
“The loophole of our deal.” She mumbles out loud as her hands mindlessly hold onto his forearms. 
“The deal has always meant more to me than it should’ve.”  He whispers as the sound of music and distant chatter is the only thing they can hear.
And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And I remember everything
From when we were the children playing in this fairground
Wish I was there with you now
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
“Just kiss me already.” Y/N watches him as she lets out one more breath. Without hesitation he kisses her as the grip on her waist tightens. Y/N’s hands immediately play with the curls that reach the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” His soft lips rub on her left cheeks as he rubs himself on her. His hands begin to wonder in disbelief that she’s in his arms again. Her scent clouding his thoughts that they haven’t even noticed they’re still at a party.
“I want you.” Her hips raise itself on him as she rests her back on the cement behind her. “Harry, please.”
“We’re going home.” He bites his lip as his eyes darken. Without even thinking of what others would say, he mindlessly holds her hand as they walk out of the secluded space. The two didn’t bother telling anyone they were leaving the party as he basically dragged the poor girl to his car. 
“Do you even know how to get inside Ryan’s house.” She giggles as she keeps herself close to his arm. He takes his blazer and rests it on her shoulders back like a few years ago.  
“I have my ways.” He smirks as he helps her inside the vehicle. 
This whole event felt like déjà vu. The wedding, the car ride, the quick secret escape from a party just to have sex. If there was one thing Y/N and Harry were good at, it’s probably how good they were at keeping themselves as a secret. 
“I’ve missed you more than I thought.” Y/N bites her lip as she rests her head on the seat, watching Harry drive.
Him in his suit too focused on driving them home made her want to fuck his brains out. Truly. 
Harry’s cheeks flush as he takes her hand into his. “I’m no longer that frat boy you used to know. I’m much nicer.” 
“Oh really, in what ways?” she smirks as she eyes the growing bulge in his pants.
“I promise you won’t be able to leave my room tonight that’s for sure.”
“Then I’m happy.”
Moist air, dark night, and bodies clinging to each other as Harry struggled to open the front door. As the groom’s best friend, of course he had keys to his house. Y/N couldn’t help but keep her hands on his slim torso as there was something about just holding them that was driving her crazy. 
“Fuck, your parents are going to wonder where we are.” 
“I don’t fucking care.” Y/N licks the side of his neck before running inside. She’s trying to laugh quietly as she attempts to take off her heels. Harry being the responsible one, he texts Y/N’s dad they went home. Afterwards, he stops by Y/N’s room to lock it before he follows the girl into his room. 
Once he locks the door, he realizes Y/N managed to take all her clothes off as she laid on his bed. “For fuck’s sake.” He mumbles to himself as he forgot how horny and crazy Y/N can be. He rubs the slight stubble on his chin as he watches the girl bite her lip and roll in his sheets. “You’re such a little devil aren’t you?”
“Like I said I missed you.” She fakes her confidence as Harry crawls up to meet her on the mattress. His finger takes the lip out between her teeth as his lips move forward to kiss her once again. His goal was to lay her down and kiss her naked body but it seemed like Y/N had other plans in mind. Her arms push him away as she kneels on the mattress. Keeping her eyes on him, she unbuttons the rest of his vest before spreading her palms over where his heart beat. Harry is speechless but the moment she began to unbuckle his belt he had to say something.
“Oh I see.” He smiles as his hand holds Y/N’s chin to his face. “I thought my girl really did miss me but it seems like she missed my dick a bit more huh? You want it?” He grips her face a bit harder as her hands maintain on his waistline. She nods shyly as she tries to continue her action. 
“Fine, do what you want but I’m not done with you yet.” His voice softens as his hand immediately brushes the soft hair away from her face. His green eyes watch her drool over him as she unzips his pants. His hands on the flip side continued to remove the white long sleeve off his body. “Take it in your mouth. I know you’re dying too baby.” Y/N cheeks turn red as her tongue peaks out to kiss his hard cock. The funny thing is, she couldn’t keep her eyes off him despite being a horny mess. Sex was never the same if it wasn’t with harry and that was a fact because the moment she put him in her mouth, he pushed himself harder until he could feel the back of her throat. 
The constant humming and gagging sounds wasn’t enough for him because the moment he pulled himself out of her little wet hole. He pulls her hair harder to keep her eyes on him. Without even hesitating, he spits in her mouth and puts his dick back in. From the way Y/N’s eyes rolled back, he knew full well that this was his girl and some things don’t change...especially the way she reacts to him. 
“Are you going to let me fuck your mouth baby?” He moans quietly as he softly strokes her scalp. “How many times are you going to make me cum huh?” Y/N chokes a bit as he thrusts himself at a faster rate. “Always so pretty aren’t you dove?” He pulls himself out and slaps her tit. “What do you want me to do?” He whispers as kisses her lips once more. His mouth thoughtlessly kisses down the side of her neck as his hands press and grope on her tits. 
“I want you everywhere.” His eyes watch her dilated ones as he slowly pushes her down the mattress. 
“Hm, I don’t think you want to as much I thought?” He teases her as one of his fingers pops into his mouth and later into hers.
“You want me to beg?” Her tongue swirls around his digit as she lays helplessly on his pillows. “Never.”
“Never?” Harry laughs as his wet fingers pretended to walk down her body to her heated centre. “When did my baby become such a brat?” The devious smirk plays on his face as his tongue licks the side of his mouth. 
“I’ve always been a brat.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me to fuck you is that what you’re saying?” His hands immediately stop teasing her as he begins to jerk himself off -slowly but surely. 
“I do.” She tries to sit up but his hand pushes her back down immediately. “Harry, please?”
“Is that you begging me?” He laughs as his thumb wipes a bead of precum on his dick. “I would rate that three out of ten, Extra point because good girls say please.” 
“Baby...” Y/N moans out as she tries to reach for him but Harry’s hands immediately grabs them and places them above her head.
“Just beg a bit better and maybe you wouldn’t have to work so hard, love. You said it before so show me you want me.”
“Daddy please fuck me.”
“Like music to my ears.” He spreads her legs open and pushes himself inside her. “Fuck.” It’s always the condom that gets to him. 
“No, stay.” She whines as she holds onto his wait. “Please, I’m on birth control and James and I don’t really-”
“What?” His eyes widen as he bites the inside of his cheek. “What did you say?”
“He’s an intern at this hospital so he’s just always been busy.” She whispers in embarrassment. Don’t get her wrong, she has sex just not as much as she thought she should.
“Fucking hell.” He mumbles as he thrusts himself a bit harder into her. “No one has taken care of you in a while huh?” He bends down and kisses her again. The soft wet licks stay longer as he hears the beat of her heart. It was beating fast just like his. 
“Mhm. Please Harry just fuck me.” She cries out as she takes his fingers back into her mouth.  His thrusts become harder and harder as he watches her face cry in pleasure. “Oh daddy, fuck.” 
“So fucking good. You’re such an angel oh shit.” His palm immediately chokes her. He couldn’t help but watch how her tits move up and down due to the force he’s putting into her. 
“Let me ride you.” Her hips thrust up and meet him. Her mouth opens wide at the feeling. 
“You sure about? Sure you can still take me?” His hand gives her a little slap to the cheek. 
“Of course I can.” Y/N smirks. Harry immediately pulls himself off her as he lays down on the mattress himself. “You think I’m going to let you fuck me all night long. I’ve been wanting to fuck your brains out.”
“Y/N,” He smirks as he watches her straddle him. “You think you can fuck my brains out? You seem pretty fucking confident, baby.” He flicks her nipple which makes her press herself deeper onto his dick. 
“I can.” She closes her eyes as Harry watches the moonlight shine on her face. 
“Yeah, then show me.” He slaps the side of her thigh more harder than before. “Fuck me. Just use me then.”
“Just promise I’ll be a good girl, daddy.” her hands slide down to his waist.
“Promise.” He bites his lip and watches their wet desperate centres meet. 
And in that moment, there was nothing but lust in their eyes as they fucked back and forth. Y/N moaning as Harry continued slapping her ass. He couldn’t help but thrust his hips as well due the fact there was nothing better than feeling Y/N’s desperate pussy clenching for more. 
“Go on all fours.” He cries out after a few more rounds. Y/N wasn’t lying since she definitely fucked his brain out. There was nothing on their minds other than jumping each other’s bones over and over again. 
 Once she’s in position, he slaps her ass once again before putting himself back in. 
“Oh god, shit baby.” Y/N bites the end of his pillowcase as she keeps her hands on the headboard. “You’re so big, I can’t anymore fuck.”
“I know you have one more in you, come on baby.” He pulls her hair and slaps her ass once more. 
“Fuck!” She moans out as she feels his wet spit travel down her pussy.  Harry immediately thrusts harder as the sweat on his neck begins to bother him. His thrusts were becoming sloppy but he needed Y/N to cum one more time.
“God, fuck me.” Harry moans out as Y/N finally cums one more time around him. Without even thinking, he releases himself inside of her and pulls her hair harder one more time. She immediately falls down as she can’t feel a thing. Harry felt her clench around him despite his need to pull himself off her. 
“Baby, you have to let go.” He kisses the back of her shoulder and grips the side of her waist.
“Please don’t go.” She cries out and wipes her tears on the pillowcase. Harry slowly pulls himself off and lays on the bed beside her. He puts himself back in and wipes her tears away.  His arm pulls her closer to him as he whispers one more thing into her ear.
“I love you.” 
“Glad to see you two are awake.” Y/N’s mom waits in the kitchen as she makes pancakes on the stove. “Ryan and Meghan left last night right after the reception.” She suspiciously keeps her eyes on the two as they walk together to the breakfast table. “Harry, thank you for leaving the door unlocked. We came home around one last night.” Oh shit did they hear us? Y/N looks at Harry who seems bothered as he takes a sip of the coffee in his mug. 
“I didn’t hear you two.” She brings the plate to the table. “If you’re wondering Y/N.”
“Mom, it’s not what-” Her cheeks flush in an embarrassment. 
“Oh please, don’t bother lying. I already lied, Harry was the one who opened the door for us.” She laughs and rolls her eyes. “And Harry, don’t bother giving me an excuse. It makes sense.” She sits down with the two of them. “You always kept visiting us back home and the way your eyes watched her when she came here after her flight gave it all away.”
“Not to mention, you answering the door shirtless and Y/N not responding when we knocked on her door last night.” Y/N’s dad appears with a newspaper in hand. 
“Does Ryan know?” Harry looks at Y/N and puts a pancake on her plate. Does her parents even know she’s wearing his clothes?
“Ryan saw you two leave together.” Y/N’s mom laughs. “Don’t worry, it was him and Meghan’s idea to also try and pair you guys together.”
“Wait so he’s okay with it.” Y/N speaks up after murmuring a thank you to Harry. 
“Of course he is, Y/N. You guys are no longer teenagers right? So make your own choices for Christ’s sake.” Her mom states in disbelief. 
“Did you know I’ve been seeing her back in high school?”
“Harry.” Y/N’s dad’s tone changed. Sounded a bit like disappointment. 
“Oh god, there is more to the story?” Y/N’s mom rolls her eyes. “Alright, eat up everyone, you two have to tell us everything.”
“So this is it.” Y/N smiles as she sits in his car. The two were currently at the airport. “I had no idea, you relocated to Boston. It makes sense why you had so many things in your room back at Ryan’s house.”
“Yeah, I transferred last year. I’m hoping to finish here, graduate and then see what else I can do.” 
“What do you think this means for us?” She puts her shades on as she pulls on the sleeves of her light sweater that she was wearing over her collared shirt. 
“It means that this is when I ask you if you would please be my girlfriend.” Y/N’s cheeks flush and she hides her face in her hands. 
“Are you for real?” She laughs. 
“Yes.” He smirks as he keeps his hands on the steering wheel. 
“I will be your girlfriend, Harry.” 
“Good. You’re breaking up with James right.” Y/N rolls her eyes and nods. 
“I’m ending it with him, the moment I land back in the city.”
“Make some space, I might move there.” He lightly jokes but there was some truth in it. Meghan and Ryan were married, there was no need for him to take up some space in their house. 
“Sure, you’ll love Seattle and Ness is there too.” 
“I like that. Will you introduce me to your ex?” Y/N laughs as she opens her door. 
“No.” but right before she can get out, his hand pulls her back in for a kiss. Once their lips touch, he looks at her once again.
“I love you.” He genuinely states as he watches her eyes melt in happiness. 
“I love you too.” She smiles and kisses him once more. “Bye, Harry.” She hugs him across the platform and kisses his cheek too. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more. Call me later tonight when you land yeh?” 
“Okay.” She pouts. She had to catch a flight and be away from him for at least one more year. 
“I love you okay, baby.” He kisses her forehead. “Bye.”
“Bye.” And with that, Y/N steps out of the car and watches him drive away. She has a plane to catch and he has some sheets to clean but that doesn't change the fact, they are finally together.
And everyone knows it. 
Taglist:  @f-flourishing , @nataliedahlia , @florenceskies , @much-love-tay , @goldenxstyles7 , @sixwyrxstuff , @y0uresogolden , @gucciantidote , @kikisparadise18 , @muffpuff23 , @stylessugarhigh , @f-vasquezp , @alwaysclassyeagle
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
please hear me out , student council president bully!armin x hot goth girl!reader?
Thank you for your request! This prompt made me really thirsty hehehe, but I hope you didn’t have to wait too long. I’ve been getting quite a few goth girl requests, so to all the goth girls who have found my blog, WELCOME!
Warnings: bullying, harassment, mentions of depressive topics, noncon, and then some sexy stuff bc i know yall are horn - ee. Also, sorry this isn’t proofread :(
Fem!Reader, FemBodied!Reader
Minors DNI!
How many times have you been in this position? Submissive under Armin Arlert’s malicious smirk and feeling measly under the bouts of laughter and mockery from your insolent classmates who encourage his harsh words?
How many times have you found yourself running to your dorm after class, crying, loathing the fact that you were different, feeling insufficient because you have never been graciously accepted by others, becoming disgusted with yourself as a failure as your insecurities painfully spill past your eyelids.
How many times have you found yourself hopeless? Hopeless because no matter how many times you go to teachers and counselors for help, they dismiss you with a cackle. “Armin Arlert? The student council president? He is such a gentleman - so responsible and well-mannered. He would never do those things.” Hopeless because of course no one would ever believe the girl who is quiet, strange, and unconventionally a freak who wears nothing but black clothes with edgy designs, chains, and tall boots that match the intimidating aura of your black nails and many piercings. Hopeless because even though you hate the humiliation, hate the demeaning of your very existence, hate Armin Arlert, you can’t deny that you have pathetically fallen like a beggar for his degradation.
Too many times have you found yourself crumbling under the merciless grip of Armin, being thrown around like a puppet to appease his twisted fantasies and inflated ego, his handsome face creepily contorting with a grin each time his cruel insults are aimed at your weak self. Though, soon enough, the school year will end as you are pushed into the warmth of summer, and then you will make your escape from his abominable cage - your escape from the monster that hides behind the intelligent man with the expensive blazers and sweater vests, seemingly gentle smile, and clean face - the monster that hides behind the beautiful, horrible student council president, Armin Arlert.
On the precipice of escape, the last day of classes before your final exams - that were supposed to be easy and meant for reviewing material - became total hell as you were summoned to the student council office for some ‘unprecedented reason’ or at least that’s what your professor told you.
The walk to the office was a petrifying one. Never before have your boots felt heavy and your knees weak with your heart pounding out of your ears, scared that out of the eight people in the student council you would be faced with the one-and-only Armin Arlert and his mischief.
As soon as you entered the office, you were met with the pain of a shockingly cold, hard floor. Your left thumb nail and pinky broken, your black fishnet stockings torn, and your black eyeliner trailing down your face in waves due to the impact. Armin was waiting behind the door and barbarically pushed you onto the floor right as you entered the room. Upon his sinister eyes, you were so pitifully sprawled in front of him in a confused, fearful haze - such a wonderful sight to see your dark makeup smeared, cheeks red, bruises forming on your knees where your fishnets tore, and the chain bracelet you wore on your frail wrist broken and lying on the floor.
Upon your confusion and fright, Armin quickly steps over your feeble figure as a way of keeping you in place, like a predator fatally cornering his prey. He crouches down on top of you, getting close to your face, his minty breath hitting you in warm swells as his clean-scented cologne invades your nose. In the worse possible position, lying so vulnerable under the man who has tormented you at school all year, you hate to admit how irresistible he actually is - his mesmerizing blue eyes pulling you in like the tides, his beautifully groomed hair contrasting with his menacing smile, his muscles tightening up in his dark blue blazer. How disgusted you are with yourself that just for a second you were willing to take all of his degradation if it meant you got to lay your eyes upon his being.
Armin, feasting upon your beautiful figure, was tearing you apart in his mind. Unbeknownst to you, your dark clothes complimented your skin beautifully, the gruesome designs on your shirts appealingly contrasting with the rare sight of your soft, kind smile, and the black makeup you always wore was never with a fault as it was done perfectly, your black nails leaving Armin with vulgar thoughts about how they would look leaving scratch marks on his back as he roughly fucks you into subspace, what your black and blood-red skirts paired with fishnet stockings would look like while he sneakily tears into you in a public place. How his hand would look around your neck in place of your black chokers. All Armin needed was some hot goth bitch who he could selfishly abuse and degrade while looking cute in her chain necklaces and fitted black tops, and all year had he fantasized about this moment - taking in the sight of your pity allowing the stress from council responsibilities - like speeches and useless complaints from students - to simply just disappear.
“Finally have you all to myself, huh?” he groans, hurriedly taking off his blazer, and unbuttoning his dress shirt, disheveling his collar in the process. Looking around at the empty desks and chairs, you noticed that you two were in fact the only ones in the office and that Armin had slyly locked the door after pushing you to the floor. Your head was burning, and your heart suddenly picked up its pace as you saw Armin begin to unbuckle his belt and fiddle with his zipper.
“W-what are you doing?” you worriedly exclaimed as you moved your messy hair out of your face and scrambled to hold down your skirt.
Armin paused, his grin eerily wide and the glint in his eyes made of pure malice. “Something I should have done a long time ago.”
He, on top of your timid body, shoved his girthy cock into your mouth, his red tip teasingly poking at the back of your throat as tears assault your eye makeup and your face reddens with embarrassment. Armin pulls your hair and forces your wet mouth off of his aching cock, admiring the sight of your wide eyes and blotches of black lipstick painting his thick shaft. He rubs your cheek with his thumb. “Such a pretty goth bitch,” he coos, nearly laughing at the fact his weak, long-time victim was finally exposed below him.
You were stunned, completely numb, so shocked because the man who was always so vile to you was losing himself every time your reluctant tongue slipped past his sensitive tip. So shocked that you couldn’t do anything but comply when he told you to take him deeper.
Armin, with such eagerness, forced your sloppy mouth off of him - after gagging you for what seemed like forever - and sat down on the floor, leaning against the locked door, and firmly grabbing your wrist as a beckon to straddle his lap. Sitting upon his muscular thighs, you begin to realize just how ruined you are, wanting with every inch of your heart to run away from the person who has caused you so much distress yet feeling such a heavy desperation in your throbbing cunt as you gaze upon Armin’s gorgeous figure, his collared shirt slightly unbuttoned and wrinkled, warm red blush thrashed upon his face in contrast with cool blue eyes.
In the midst of it all, you can’t recall how quickly he jerked you onto his lap, rudely pulled your panties to the side, and forcefully thrusted his cock into your messy cunt. Though taking you by an uncomfortable surprise, you hate - hate - to admit how good it felt riding the student council president, Armin Arlert’s, cock, hate to admit how the mixture of abusive slander and your bully’s member inside you made your body shiver with euphoria.
Choose your ending: 1 2
159 notes · View notes
yuta-senpai · 3 years
Deceit Chapter 1 | Hendery
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- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: Mentions of infidelity, lying, degradation, mirror sex, restrained hands, choking, unprotected sex, and mentions of divorce
- Word Count: 2.6K
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You sat on the couch waiting for your husband Hendery to get back from work.  He was late as always, and tonight you had dinner plans for the 10th anniversary of your marriage which it seems like he forgot about.  You understood that being the CEO of an entertainment company required a lot of time and work, but this was not his first time missing plans and not even telling you he would be late.
He was officially 4 hours late and you had missed your dinner reservation, you were tempted to change and just go to sleep, but you wanted him to see what he missed out on.  You were pulled away from your thoughts when you heard the front door open and a soft giggle.  You stood up from the sofa and walked over to the door.
Hendery was standing there with his arm around his secretary, his eyes wide, then a big smile spread across his face, “Hehehe hi princess.  You look good.  Why you so dressed up, just want me to eat you up?”
You were wearing a tight pink dress, a white lace bra, and thong set underneath.  Pink was his favorite color, you weren’t crazy about it but would wear it for him.
His secretary bowed and apologized, “I’m sorry he went out for a meeting and got way too drunk on Soju.” You arched your eyebrow, “So he had a business meeting?  Would have been nice for him to tell me that.” She seemed annoyed, her eyebrow twitching, “I’m sorry it was last minute, did you two have plans for tonight?”
You nodded then sighed and walked over, taking his arm and helping walk him to the living room to sit on the couch.
“Thanks for bringing him home, I’ll deal with him.” She bowed again then left quickly.  You had always known he was fucking her behind your back, she was trying to win him over and she had won.  You understood why, Hendery was attractive, young, and rich.  He was only 32 years old.  You two met when he was 20, dated for 2 years, then got married and have been together ever since. 
Hendery underestimated your intelligence, thought that you wouldn't notice him coming home later than normal, him smelling like perfume, the lipstick marks on the collar of his shirts, and his sudden loss of desire to sleep with you.  He seemed to forget you were a college-educated woman with a full-time job, not just some naive housewife who would just take it.
You stood over Hendery who was slouched back on the sofa smiling really big. 
“You are just too pretty my princess, so perfect.  I love you so much, and want to love you forever.” He opened his arms to pull you down into his lap.  You shook your head ‘no’ and sat down on the table behind you.
He pouted, “Why do you not wanna sit on me?” Tears welled in your eyes, he really had no clue what today was, he had no clue why you had dressed up, he was too busy fucking his secretary, but you weren’t going to cry in front of him so you pushed the tears away.  You used to love him but he hurt you too much.
“Do you not remember what today is Hendery?” He thought for a moment, “Hmmm Saturday?” You rolled your eyes, “Yes but do you have an idea of what the date is?” He thought again and his face fell, “May 4th” You nodded and he seemed to sober up, “I’m so sorry princess, work has just been crazy and I forgot.” He leaned forward and grabbed your hands but you pulled away, “Sorry isn’t going to work anymore Hendery.  This keeps happening, you should just go to your secretary, you spend more time with her anyway, I don’t even know why we are married anymore.” He looked at you with sadness in his eyes, his breathing quickened.  “Y/N I can’t lose you, because I need you.  You are the air I breathe, the blood in my veins, and just my everything.” You noticed he just ignored the secretary comment which pissed you off and the way he seemed completely sober now as if he was faking being drunk, “You are a fucking liar.  You are only afraid of losing me, because I am always here for you, always putting up with your shit.  You don’t care that it’s me only that somebody is here for you.”
He took your face in his hands, his eyes watering, but no tears falling quite yet. 
“Please Y/N, don’t leave me.” Tears slid from your eyes as you finally broke down, he leaned in and kissed the tears away.  He hovered over your lips and eyed you as if asking for permission to kiss you.  
You knew he didn’t deserve it, and it would only hurt you more, but figured having sex with him one last time wouldn’t hurt.
You closed your eyes and he took that as a ‘yes, connecting his lips with yours.  He pulled you onto his lap, holding you close to him. He kissed down your neck pausing every couple moments to speak, “I - will - make sure - you know- just - how much - I - love you.”  
He slid your dress up your thighs and over your ass.  “Look at those pretty panties, I love them, you really know how to drive me crazy, but would rather see that pretty pussy of yours” He laid you down on the couch, and slid your underwear off, throwing them to the side.  
“I’m gonna make tonight all about you princess.  Make sure you feel good.”
He held onto your right leg, then kissed down from your ankle all the way to your inner thigh he lingered on your inner thigh, sucking and leaving a couple of hickeys.
He then kissed all the way down hovering over your core, he stared into your eyes then kissed your clit.  
A soft sigh left your lips, and you let both of your legs rest on his shoulders.  He focused on your clit, alternating between lightly sucking and licking.  You moaned and clamped your thighs around his head.  He chuckled which vibrated against your core making you shudder, “Don’t suffocate me down here princess, although at least I’d be dying because of your pussy.” You rolled your eyes and he smiled at you, then went back to work on your clit.  He was more aggressive this time, trying to work your orgasm out of you.  He backed away and licked his middle and ring finger on his right hand then slid his fingers into you.  You dug your fingers into his hair and moaned.  His fingers curled up inside you rubbing against the most sensitive spot and his tongue ran perfectly across your clit, electrifying your bundle of nerves.  You pulled on his hair and moaned, “Ahh right there Hendery.”
He let his tongue lap at that certain spot and made sure his fingers curled against the spot.  Your toes curled and your eyes rolled back into your head.  Your thighs clamped around his head as you came.  He stayed working on those spots, working you through your orgasm. 
Even if Hendery was basically shit at the husband thing he always knew how to make your orgasm.  Once you came down from your high you released your grip on his hair and opened your thighs.  Hendery looked up and smiled at you, his face covered in your juices.  He wiped his face with the back of his hand.  You smiled back making him crawl up your body and kiss you.  He hovered over you, then backed away, standing up.  He leaned down and picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style.  You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You thought he was carrying you to the bedroom but he turned down another hall.  You knew where he was going, he hadn't brought you here in months.  He pushed the door open and flipped the first switch. The room filled with a dim red glow. 
You looked around the room and sighed.  Hendery when you two were dating was all up for experimenting and loved the kinky side of sex, just like you.  So when you two got married and moved here he put together this room as a sort of a sexual retreat.
He sat you down on the floor.  Then walked over and flipped a light on so that there was a brighter glow from the floor by the mirrors. 
He walked over to you slowly, he untied his tie as he walked over.  He looked at you closely, eyeing your body like an animal ready to pounce. 
"On your knees now princess.  Face the mirror."
You got onto your knees and looked at him in the mirror.  He crouched down behind you and lifted your dress over your head leaving you just in your white lace bra.
He kissed your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist looking at you in the mirror.  You watched him closely, the way he touched you was just as loving as ever.  You had no doubt Hendery still loved you very much but he didn’t love you enough not to cheat.  He wanted to be married to you and have your love but he wanted to get the sex from somebody else.
He kissed along your neck leaving a few hickeys, then he unhooked your bra letting it fall.  He bit his lip, “Fuck, you are so sexy, princess.” He eyed the new large tattoo adorning your underbust and raised his eyebrow, “When did you get that?” You sighed, “Several months ago.  You would have known if you ever wanted to see your own wife naked.  I tried to ask you about your opinion but you ignored me.  Then when I decided to just get it, you never even gave me the chance to show you with all of those last nights at the office.” He looked sad, you think deep inside he knew he had lost you, that this was a goodbye.  He lost all of those wishes of having children, growing old together, and the broken promise of ‘till death do we part. 
You laid on Hendery’s chest listening to the beating of his heart.  His hand slowly stroked your head. 
“I love you so much Y/N” “I love you too Hendery.  Forever and always.” You looked at him and he smiled, “Forever and always.” He kissed you and pulled you over to straddle him.  “I can’t wait to grow old with you, raise children together, and just be with you forever.  I don’t know how I will function in life without you, you are the only thing I will ever need.” *End of flashback*
It hurt you, you remember how just a few years ago things were so different.  You wanted to hope it would work, but nothing could repair this broken love.
He gripped your hands, “Can I tie your hands?” You nodded and he took his tie and wrapped it around your hands restricting you.
He helped push you forward, your face pressed against the floor and your ass in the air.  You watched in the mirror as he undid his belt and slid his slacks and underwear just far enough down to pull his dick free.
“Aren’t you going to get undressed?”
“Why?  I said tonight is about you.” You sighed, “But you know I like your body and I haven’t seen it in months.” “I don’t want to, now don’t ask again or I will be rough.” It felt degrading and not in a good way.  He didn’t even go to the effort to take his clothes off for you, and it made you feel like just a hole for him to fuck, not his wife.
He lined himself up with your core and sunk into you.  A deep moan left his lips and you whimpered.
The angle making his thrusts feel more intense since he didn’t give you a chance to adjust to his size.
You closed your eyes and bit your lip, “Eyes open princess, watch me fucking you, remember who your husband is and who this pussy belongs to.  Let me hear those moans.”
You opened your eyes to see Hendery’s jaw held tight in pleasure, his eyes dark, his hair perfectly framing his face,  his right hand pushing against your hands tied behind your back, and his left hand against your hip.  
It did annoy you that he claimed you as his but was out cheating, but you knew one of his kinks was claiming you and you used to love that but not anymore.
“Look at how beautiful you are full of my cock, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” Your face flushed, he moved his hand from your back to your hair, pulling you up against him.  Your back pressed against his chest and your breasts bounced with each thrust.  His hand wrapped around your throat.  He pushed on your carotid artery, closer to your ear, restricting the blood flow to your head making you feel light-headed.
Strangled moans escaped your lips.  Watching him fuck himself up into you was hot, his brow set in determination. 
His left hand moved down to your core, his fingers rubbing against your clit.  Your body jerked and he chuckled lowly in your ear, “Too much for you princess.  Can you not handle my cock?” You whimpered, “Ahh yes, of course, I can.  I don’t think you can handle this pussy and that’s why you cheat.” He snarled and started thrusting up into you harder, his grip on your throat tightening.  You had made him angry, and this further proved he was cheating, if he wasn’t he would have tried to reassure you he wasn’t.
Your hands pressed against his abs through his shirt as they were still tied up.
He bit down on your neck sending a wave of pleasure through your body.  You tightened around his member as you came, he grunted and had to slow his thrusts to not finish yet. 
He released his grip on your throat and slowly pulled out from you.  He held you against him so you could catch your breath.
“You did amazing princess.”  He kissed your cheek
He untied your wrists and just held you in his lap for a moment.
“Princess, I want you to ride me.” “Okay” You got off his lap and he helped you up, leading you over to the bed.  He laid down and pulled you down on top of him. 
You hovered over his dick then gripped it and guided it into you.  You both moaned and he gripped your hips. 
Leaning forward you braced yourself on his chest.  Watching him now made you wonder where things went wrong, what made you two grow apart.  You could still feel the love, like there was no doubt in your heart that Hendery loved you and always would but somewhere along the way he lost whatever had drawn you to each other.  
You held his shirt and went to unbutton it wanting to see his chest and abs one last time.  He gripped your hands, “I said no.” You raised your eyebrow then quickly grabbed the neck of his button-up, ripping the buttons off as you pulled his shirt open.  His chest and neck were littered with hickeys, not from you, and very fresh.
You froze and he held onto your wrists.
“I-” He tried to pull you down to hug you but you fought back.  You got off him and rolled down beside him. 
“Hendery I want a divorce”
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: ok. hi. here we are again. i go on a 1948392 year hiatus and then become inspired to write something from the most RANDOM thing. but this was too good to pass up. so essentially i saw a headcannon by @incorrect-ft-ez-quotes and then @bbygirljuvi added onto it:) look at my most recent reblog for reference if u want hehehe. yeah ok maybe i did add some bs healing abilities to juvia’s powers... sue me! ok here we gooooo i hope u cuties enjoy!!!
“Popsicle,” Natsu sighed. “What the hell are you doin’ back here?” He held his door in one hand as he stared at a recently familiar face.
“What, a guy can’t stop by and visit his best friend?” Gray nervously chuckled.
Happy and Natsu weren’t buying it, exchanging suspicious looks as Gray impatiently stood at the door frame.
“Best friend?” Natsu rose an eyebrow.
“And for the 4th day in a row?” Happy jabbed, hovering beside Natsu’s head
“Would ya’ just let me in?” Gray spat out, clearly looking jittery.
“Fine.” Natsu groaned, stepping aside so Gray could step in.
“But we’re gonna’ start charging rent!” Happy exclaimed.
“Whatever, I don’t care, just as long as I can hang out here for a little while.” Gray hustled in, plopping himself onto Natsu’s worn down couch.
“Ok, you can stay here on one condition, tell me what it is you’re freaking out about. And gimme’ the real reason you’ve been comin’ here.” Natsu folded his arms.
“Aye!” Happy mimicked Natsu, crossing his little paws.
Gray let out a groan, bowing his head between his legs before whipping his head back up. “It’s Juvia, ok!?”
“Juvia?” Happy asked.
“But, you haven’t tried avoiding her in forever. You guys have been all buddy-buddy lately.” Natsu was trying to piece this all together in his head.
Gray blushed, averting his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“So what’s the deal?” Natsu was doing his best to get straight to the point, as nuance was not his strong suit.
“W-well... we... kind of... sort of...” Gray scratched at the back of his head, searching for the gall to say it. “We got drunk the other night at the guild, and then I went to walk her home since she was pretty wasted, and...one thing lead to another and... we almost kissed.”
Natsu was as confused as ever. “So?”
“Well, don’t ya’ like her?”
“W-well-!” Gray stammered, and gave out a defeated sigh, bowing his head again. “Yeah.” He mumbled to the point that Natsu or Happy could barely hear him.
“So then why don’t you wanna’ smooch her?” Happy was almost as dense as Natsu.
“Gah! You guys don’t get it!” Gray sprung up. “Forget it. I’m gonna’ find a new hiding spot. Preferably, one that asks less questions.”
Just as Gray made his way to Natsu’s front door, there was a sudden knock. Gray froze in his tracks as a chill went up his spine. He had a knack for this sort of thing, knowing when Juvia’s around, and that chill only ever meant one thing.
Gray needed an escape route, but his head wasn’t on straight. He frantically scoured the little house, looking from wall to wall, but there was only one door, and Gray was just feet away from it.
“Natsu, whatever you do, don’t-“
“Be there in a sec’!” Natsu shouted at the door.
“You idiot!” Gray whisper yelled.
Natsu opened the door to none other than Juvia. She was known for her expressive nature. The look on her face could tell you anything you want to know, without her having to say a word.
“Hi, Natsu-san.” Juvia said both frantically and nervously. “Juvia was just wondering if Gray-sama was here.” She held her hands together promptly, hoping that he would be there.
“Actually Gray-“ Natsu was cut off at the sound of shattering glass. He instinctively spun around to a disastrous scene, displaying a broken window, shards of glass everywhere, and no Gray to be found. “Just left.” Natsu finished the thought differently than he originally intended.
Juvia heard the shattering too, and she had her answer. Her Gray-dar never failed her. Using her Gray-dar she quickly scurried to the back of the house, crossing her fingers that Gray hadn’t gotten away yet. The first thing she heard was a hiss of pain, and as she turned the corner, there sat her Gray in the ground, holding his bloody knee.
“Son of a bitch!” Gray yelled in pain, applying more pressure to his cut knee. Sure, he was used to getting beaten to a pulp in a fight, but he wasn’t exactly expecting a busted up knee right about now.
“Gray-sama!” Juvia’s eyes widened at the blood, and she hurried to his side.
Gray finally realized her presence. He stopped writhing in pain for a moment, and tried to appear as casual as usual. “Oh...” He forced a laugh. “Hey Juvia. what are you doin’ here?”
“Juvia should be asking you the same thing.” She knelt by Gray’s side. “But first, let Juvia help.”
“I’m fine.”
“Let Juvia see it, Gray-sama.”
He sighed, giving in and releasing his hold. Juvia quickly took her hands and placed them on Gray’s knee. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly her hands became water, but it wasn’t normal water. It was soothing, and it was making the stinging in Gray’s knee go away.
“Juvia has been working on some healing techniques. It’s nothing like Wendy, but I can heal some minor, surface-level things.” She explained, using her water hands to massage the area.
“Now that Juvia has finally caught you, why have you been avoiding me?” She finally looked at Gray who blushed at the sudden eye contact.
“I haven’t.” Gray tried to sound as natural as possible.
All Juvia had to do was give him a look that practically screamed “oh, please.” before he cracked. “Ok, fine. I’ve been avoiding you.”
“Juvia knows!” She exclaimed.
“I just don’t want things to be awkward between us!” He explained.
“But you don’t think avoiding me for days would make it awkward?” Juvia finally finished his knee and reverted her hands back to normal.
Gray groaned. “You’re right.” He ran his hand through his hair, trying to hide his face.
“Is this about... the other night?” Juvia finally asked.
“Do ya’ really have to even ask?” Gray avoided eye contact.
“But Juvia thought the night went well! I had a lot of fun!”
“So did I! Until...” He cut himself off.
“Until we almost kissed?” Juvia finished it for him.
“I see.” Juvia paused. “Are Juvia’s lips chapped?”
“Huh?” He finally peaked up at her.
“Or did Juvia have something in her teeth maybe?” She was going into panic mode.
“No that’s not-“
Juvia cut him off with as gasp, and her hands slapped against her mouth. “Or does Juvia’s breath stink?! Is that it?!”
“Would you knock it off!” Gray finally stopped her. “It doesn’t have to do with any of that stuff.
“Oh.” Juvia sunk. “So Gray-sama just does not want to kiss Juvia then.”
“No!” He instantly cut off that thought, even though he was embarrassed by how eager he sounded. “Not that either.” He grumbled.
“We were drunk. Yes, we were having fun and all, but, I dunno’.” Gray grumbled, looking for the right words. “We haven’t had our first kiss yet. So when we do, I want it to be... kinda’... special. I guess. In a way.” Gray finished with some filler words to try and take the heat away from his face, but it was no use.
“S-s-special?! Gray-sama wants our kiss to be special?!” Juvia lit up, almost freezing in time waiting for someone to pinch her, because she figured this had to be a dream. However, she still was a bit lost, so she put a pause on her momentary fantasy. “Wait, so then why have you been avoiding me?”
“Because I didn’t know how to tell you all that. I was trying to buy some time until I could figure out what to say.” Gray released a deep exhale. “But I guess I’ve said it all now.”
“You sure have.” Juvia said giddily right before she launched herself at Gray, tightly clutching Gray’s shoulders in her arms as her cheek was pressed up firmly against his.
“Gah!” Gray shouted in surprise, trying to keep his balance as Juvia leeched onto him. They were still sitting, but she almost knocked him flat on his back.
“But you know what, Gray-sama?” Juvia broke her clutch, making sure she was looking right at Gray.
“What?” He looked down at her curiously.
“Juvia thinks every moment with Gray-sama is special. So to Juvia, any time is perfect for a first kiss.” She smiled so sweetly is made Gray’s heart just about burst.
“Yeah?” Gray felt the corner of his mouth tug up.
“Yep.” She nodded in assurance.
“If you say so.”
And without a second thought, Gray closed the gap between them, planting a sweet and soft kiss on Juvia’s lips. As they parted, they leaned in and pressed their foreheads against each other, both wearing matching grins.
“That looked pretty special from in here!” Happy interjected from inside the house, followed by Natsu’s laughter.
Gray and Juvia jumped, startled by the sudden noise. “Happy, shut it!” Gray turned his head, looking through what used to be a window, and seeing Natsu and Happy standing in their living room.
“Maybe we wouldn’t be able to hear you two slobbering on each other if there was a window here!” Natsu yelled, referring to the gaping hole in the middle of his wall.
“We were not slobbering, you moron!” Gray blushed furiously, finally standing up and facing Natsu.
“That’s what it looked like to me!” Natsu teased back, wearing a devious smile.
“Aye!” Happy seconded.
“Mind your business, flame-for-brains!”
“Next time you need to hide out for a week, you ain’t comin’ here!” Natsu shouted.
“Fine by me.” Gray scoffed.
He then looked back at Juvia as she appeared a little on edge, wondering if she was going to have to break up a fight between Gray and Natsu.
He grinned once again, at the girl he couldn’t wait to spend more special time with, making more memories, and growing even closer
He reached for Juvia’s hand and squeezed it. “I was gettin’ tired of running away anyway.”
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elizabeethan · 3 years
An Overboard addition
Emma gets Killian an anniversary gift, kind of
This is purely gratuitous fluff for @the-darkdragonfly because she deserves it
Rated T
~1500 words
Read on Ao3
Read the Rest
Read my Other Stuff
There are few things that can make Killian Jones feel as alive as the sea does. The whipping wind that tousles his hair, the crashing waves that spray him with ocean mist and rock his boat from side to side, forcing him to counterbalance himself so as to not topple over. Very few things in this world make Killian feel as free as the sea does.
Among the few things that bring him to life are his boat. It’s something he spent years working towards, his title of captain a badge that he wears proudly each day. It’s a reminder that tragedy and hardship could not defeat him.
And then there’s the thrill that comes with catching monstrous Bluefin Tuna. It's a battle he’s won countless times, but he’s lost countless times as well, and each time he pulls one onto his deck, the pride that swells in his chest is almost painful.
Although there is a short list of things that bring him to life, nothing can compare to the way he feels when he’s with-- when he even thinks about-- his wife.
“There’s a special surprise waiting for you when you get home,” she tells him in a low, sultry voice when she calls him that day. It’s a strong reminder that it’s their first wedding anniversary, and the tone of her delivery sends impure thoughts through his mind and makes his cock do impure things while he’s at work.
“What is it?” he asks uselessly, knowing she won’t cooperate.
With the very giggle he expected, she answers, “I can’t tell you that.”
“Will I like the surprise?” he asks, voice matching hers.
“I think so.”
His wife is fire. She’s heat and passion and infallibility all rolled into one flawless, beautiful package. He maintains easily that he’s the luckiest man alive, the luckiest man to ever live again, because he has been given the privilege of marrying Emma Swan. There is nothing that will ever make him feel the way it feels to be with her-- not his boat, not catching a monster tuna, not the sea.
He’s almost tempted to call it a day, turn towards the docks and leave his mates high and dry and without much of a paycheck, but he knows he can’t do that. All he can do is think back to nearly a week ago, just before he’d left for this trip, when she reminded him very cleverly and very salaciously that their special day was up-and-coming by making him come in her mouth and smirking in satisfaction when she succeeded.
All he can do is consider what color his special surprise could be, how it will look contrasting against her creamy skin, how it will feel in his fingers when he peels it off of her.
She’s not at the docks like she usually likes to be when he arrives home. She uses it as an excuse to visit with her father, and she also likes to tell Killian that her presence when his catch is weighed and appraised for quality is good luck. But today, she isn’t here.
He takes his check and helps his mates clean the boat, but they can tell that his mind is elsewhere. Will practically chastises him, claiming that he’s too horny for his own good and insisting that he go home to his fit bird of a wife, earning himself a slap upside his head.
The house is mysteriously quiet when he gets home, creeping through the front door and excitedly looking around every corner as he walks through. It becomes obvious that she isn’t inside when he gets to the kitchen in the back of the small cottage they share, and when he looks out the swinging porch door, he sees her.
She’s fully clothed, but she still looks beautifully irresistible, so he steps outside with a growing smirk. He isn’t sure what she could be doing in the backyard at nearly dusk, and he becomes even more confused when he watches her squat down on her knees and hold her arms out, excitedly cooing and cheering at something around the corner that he can’t see yet.
“Come on, baby!” she calls happily, grin bright and beaming in the setting sun. “Come on!”
“Emma?” he asks through his confusion, making her look up and greet him with stunning beauty. “What are you…?”
It becomes clear so quickly, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place suddenly when he hears the jingle. A small, clumsy creature flops its way across the yard that they share, nearly tripping over its too-large feet. She calls for it once more, shrieking and laughing when it bounds into her arms, knocking her onto her back.
A smile grows across Killian’s face almost instantly. He couldn’t even hope to fight it, Emma’s joy far too evident and far too impossible not to match.
“Happy anniversary,” she greets.
“Aye, happy anniversary, my love… What is this?” he asks, squatting beside her and delivering her a smile that she matches effortlessly.
“This is your surprise,” she explains.
“You got us… a dog?”
“A puppy! Isn’t she precious?” she asks, rubbing the pup’s belly and giggling as she rolls onto her back. “Her name is Ripple.”
He scrunches up his eyebrows in confusion, moving to sit all the way in order to save his old knees. “Ripple?”
“Don’t give me that look,” she chastises. “I think it suits her. One little doggy can impact our lives in many ways; like the ripple effect.”
“Aye,” he agrees, because he’ll agree with everything she says if only to see the look on her face when he does. “And how did Ripple find her way into our yard?”
The small, and admittedly adorable, puppy gives him a look that tugs at his heartstrings. Truthfully, if there was one breed of dog he could see Emma adopting, it would be a Rottweiler. Their Ripple is only a baby, small and soft, but he can tell that she’ll grow to be as fierce as Emma one day. Her big brown eyes stare into his and he knows with certainty that he’s made a companion.
“I adopted her, as a special surprise for you,” she tells him with a smirk, likely knowing that her explanation doesn’t exactly work in her favor. It’s not as if he ever had a desire to adopt a dog. Emma, on the other hand, has been wanting one for months. “She was wandering the streets, so I picked her up. I looked and looked for her owner, but she didn’t have a collar or a microchip, and no one came forward. I filled out some paperwork with the vet, and now she’s ours!”
He can’t help but to fall beside her, lying at her side and planting a brief yet deep kiss to her temple. Ripple wriggles between them, her bark small and high pitched but likely to become much more threatening in the next few weeks. “You’ve a very pure soul, Swan.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, making him bark out a laugh that’s met with one of Ripple’s. “She needs a home,” she says more seriously, rolling on her side to face him in the soft grass, her hand wandering from the neck of his t-shirt down to his waist.
“She does,” he agrees. He leans forward, awkwardly at this angle, to finally catch her lips with his. He can’t deny her of this. She grew up needing a home, and the least he can do now is support her in giving a home to another lost soul in need.
“So, can we keep her?”
“That’s funny,” he laughs, and she screws up her brows and cocks her head to the side. “It’s as if you’re under the impression that I could ever say no to you.”
He watches the smile grow across her face, reaching her eyes so easily as they catch the glimmering light of the fading sun. “Really?”
“Aye, of course, my love. Although, I will admit, this isn’t exactly the surprise I had in mind based on your phone call.”
Her giggle is contagious, and he thinks it must be in response both to what he had said, and the fact that Ripple has decided to clumsily sprint across the yard to chase her long tail. She pushes against his chest to stand-- he feels almost envious at her youthful ability to lift herself from the ground so easily-- and takes his hand in hers, hoisting him up as well. “I’ve been working on crate training her,” she explains once they’re standing side by side. She calls for the pup and she comes running, earning praise from her new, and apparently talented-at-behavioral-training, mother.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm.” She guides them both inside, pulling his hand and holding her other one out to Ripple, offering a treat once they walk through the door. “And I plan on doing some crate training now, while I show you what other surprises I have for you under this dress. It’s good for her to practice.”
Their new companion is very well behaved, they’ve discovered. She listens to commands, snuggles with her parents at every opportunity afforded to her, and acts as a very talented deckhand on Killian’s ship, announcing the presence of a tuna on their line each time they hook up.
If one thing is for certain, it’s that Killian Jones’ wife knows exactly how to make him happy.
There’s a dog in Wicked Tuna named Ripple, and I’m addicted to The Ripple Effect, so Emma and Killian got a dog named Ripple. Hehehe
@courtorderedcake​​​ @kmomof4​​​ @stahlop​​​ @klynn-stormz​​​ @laschatzi​​​ @emelizabeth88​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​ @kday426​​​ @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story​​​ @captain-emmajones​​​ @gingerpolyglot​​​​ @ebcaver​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @teamhook​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​​ @jrob64​​​​ @onceratheart18​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​ @swampmedusa​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​ @dancingnancyy​​​​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything​​​​ @shireness-says​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​ @ouatpost @daxx04​​​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​​​ @donteattheappleshook​​​​ @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay​​​​ @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere​​​​ @alexa-fangirl-forever​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​​​ @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings​​​​ @rapunzelsghosts​​​​ @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice​​​​ @batana54​​​ @sailtoafarawayland​ @deckerstarblanche​ @zaharadessert​ @xarandomdreamx @pirateprincessofpizza
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fatui-gf · 4 years
hello dear! your works are my current obsession i love them all!! youre v good :)
ive been thinking about like, coming home after a long dag of working to diluc and making dinner together and taking a stroll outside the winery and just soft domestic fluff??? whag i wouldnt do for that man heheh!!
have a good rest of your day n keep up the good work!!!
Hiiii!! Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot to me and helps me keep motivated!! I’ve actually already planned to write some fluff for Diluc, he’s one of my favs, haha. Anyways, I hope you like this fluffy scenario! I took an artistic liberty and made the reader and Diluc married, I think it fits the domestic, sweet vibe and I hope you won’t mind :D
Diluc x reader - Can we kiss forever? (sfw fluff, the reader is gn as per usual)
word count: 1680
It was a tough day for the adventurer’s guild today. Loads of work and not that many people to take care of everything. If you said you weren’t tired then you’d be lying.
It wasn’t completely exhausting but you still couldn’t keep your mind off Diluc, especially during the end of the commissions you were supposed to do. Your mind would crawl back to him, the memories and how much you wanted to see him again, remembering the good morning kiss he had placed on your cheek. You touched your face, caressing the spot that had kissed earlier, lost in thought.
Are you done with your work today? - a familiar voice approached as you paused in your actions.
It was the fellow adventurer from the guild. You averted your eyes, a little flustered that they had seen you daydream just now.
Yeah, I was about to head home right now - you said, giving them a friendly smile.
Alright then, see you again tomorrow! - they exclaimed happily as you turned your own way.
Phew, they didn’t question what you were so intensely thinking about. You smiled to yourself as your mind drifted to your husband again.
You headed to the general goods store to get a few ingredients for dinner. You remembered your agreement with your husband that today the both of you were going to cook together.
After the shopping was done, you headed to the Dawn Winery where Diluc was waiting for you. He had already cleaned the kitchen and prepared what he could. You’ve placed the paper bag with ingredients on the counter as you spread your arms, inviting Diluc for a welcome hug which he gladly accepted. You stayed like that for a little longer, him enjoying the closeness he always missed.
It was beautiful to finally see the man feeling appreciated. He still needed a lot of reassurance, though. After what he has been through, he can’t let anyone he loves so much leave his side anymore. You were like treasure to him, someone whom he would always protect and take care of. He was devoted. Actually, really devoted and committed to the relationship. Most people wouldn’t necessarily describe him as a romantic person and truth be told, his stoic demeanor might suggest that. However, he tried his best to make you smile and happy, usually in the most subtle ways. You could notice he never forgot to greet you with a kiss in the morning or how he would gently hold your hand when you were nearby. It was the little things for him, mostly in the comfort of our own home, away from the sight of others. He didn’t need to show everyone you were his nor did he need the approval of strangers. All that mattered to him was the truth of your feelings.
Cooking the dinner today was entirely his idea, he thought it would be a great bonding experience and quite honestly, he loved your cooking, mostly because it was made by you. The love and effort that was put into a dish mattered more than the rich flavour or a skillful technique used to make it. It was special because it was made with care and hope that he will like it.
After pulling away from the long embrace, Diluc shot you a smile. It wasn’t that rare to see him smile, it was a part of the mask he would put on for the public but seeing him smile so happily and most importantly, truthfully was the best you could see.
He grabbed your hand and led you closer to the counters. You pulled out all the necessary stuff. You were going to make a “once upon a time in Mondstadt” (Diluc’s special dish). He watched you with eyes oh so full of love as you did tasks as mundane as preparing the meat for the meal.
He approached you from behind, putting his strong hands on yours as if he was leading you with them. You could feel the warmth gleaming from his bare hands, he was comfortable enough around you to take off his gloves, besides, he loved to feel your skin on his. It was so simple, yet so intimate.
You weren’t doing anything special but you felt like a royalty, so lucky to have him and so lucky to enjoy the time together. “This… is what love is about, right?” you thought to yourself.
You spent such a great time cooking the dish together, your laughter and sounds of endless conversations filled the mansion’s walls. When the meal was done, you’ve brought it to the table which was set by Diluc earlier. The white tablecloth was dotted with red rose petals and a few candles waited to be lit. Cliche but still cute, you could tell he’s put a lot of care and thought into it. You sat down and enjoyed the meal together. Diluc would sometimes reach his hand to meet yours, feeling your touch, you being close to him, appreciating your looks. You were perfect in his eyes and he was so glad he could have a more romantic dinner with you. It’s always good to romanticize simple tasks and make them something more special. He appreciated your every move, even if it was clumsy, he still adored it.
It was so good, I think we might have to do this more often - you laughed as you were putting the dirty dishes away to the kitchen.
Everything for you - he said, putting his large hands on your cheeks and gently caressing them before he placed a small peck on your forehead.
You shot a quick glance to the window and noticed that the sun was about to get. Your eyes widened and got brighter.
Diluc! Let’s go see the sunset together!
You made your way out of the Dawn Winery, taking a short stroll nearby before you settled down to sit on the grass. It was a little damp but that didn’t matter to either of you. You kept looking at the sky with the biggest smile, your eyes looked so beautiful in this lightning, someone couldn’t take their eyes off you. Your joy was so amusing, how a person could get so excited by something that happens everyday. Diluc quietly placed his hand on top of yours which you gripped, giving him the little thumb rub to show affection. He then averted his gaze from you, directing it at the scenery before him. It really did look beautiful, how the sun basically painted the nearby trees and such with its colors.
He was so happy to share this moment with you, just the two of you. As soon as the sun set, he could feel a playful push on his shoulder and there he landed, fully on the grass. He couldn’t help but laugh at your joyful shenanigans and pulled you closer into a kiss. As you pulled away, you placed your hair behind your ear, looking at your husband laying there underneath you. He actually looked so happy, he got everything he missed. It wasn’t long before you found yourself on the grass, now the red-haired man being the one more in control. Both of you giggled as you messed around with each other, just enjoying the company. You grabbed a strand of his beautiful hair and he reached to you once again, smiling before you could feel his lips on yours.
Can we kiss forever? Can we stay like this… forever? - you could hear Diluc ask after he pulled away.
You’ve placed your arms around his neck, giving him a smirk.
I really want to spend the rest of my life by your side - you said.
Do you promise? - he asked, sticking out his pinky finger - Pinky promise?
Pinky promise!
You know you can never break these, do you?
I wouldn’t dare.
Diluc took your hand, helping you get up. While you were tidying your clothes, he asked if you would like to walk around a little more. You agreed and the both of you proceeded to take a stroll near the winery, holding hands all the time during the process.
I’m so tired - you said after entering the mansion and taking off your shoes.
I’ll make something warm for you to drink before you go to sleep, it would be a shame if you caught a cold - your husband said with care.
You sat yourself on the couch, wrapping your body in a blanket, waiting for the hot beverage to arrive along with your portable heater, aka Diluc.
He came back to you after a while, holding a cup with hot chocolate and a plate with homemade chocolate chip cookies he has made before. Who would’ve known Diluc was so good at not only cooking, but also baking? He handed you the cup and placed the plate on the table.
Would you be so kind to let me in? - he asked as you laughed at his polite tone.
You lifted up the blanket, letting the red-haired man snuggle underneath it and wrap his arms around you. The fireplace was also lit, the glimmering light and Diluc’s loving embrace made you feel instantly warmer.
You kept taking sips of the hot cocoa and tasting the cookies. This is what home tastes like. You could feel your cheeks lighting up whenever your husband would give you a peck, not sure if he was trying to get your attention or just shower you completely with love. Nevertheless, it was beautiful.
After a while, Diluc could feel you drifting away to the dream land in his embrace. He carefully lifted you up from the couch, carrying you to your shared bedroom. He made sure to carefully tuck you in without disrupting your sleep. After getting ready for bed, he lied down next to you, taking a look at your sleepy expression before gently kissing your nose. He reached out to turn off the light and pulled you close into his embrace once again.
Goodnight, love - he whispered even though you couldn’t hear it.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato [Track 2]
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Original title: 夜の湖
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note: If there’s one thing Rejet knows to do with these CDs, it’s keeping us on the edge of our seats! The final bit of this CD was actual one of the voice samples released prior to its release and I remember being extremely intrigued by it back then! Even while listening to the actual CD, it got me super curious and I couldn’t wait to listen to the next track to find out what is going on with the MC.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 2: The Lake at Night
The two of you are walking through the forest until you eventually reach the lake.
“...Is this the place you’ve been dyin’ to visit? It’s just a regular old lake, no? There’s seriously nothin’ special ‘bout it at all...It was stupid of me to even expect anythin’ from you in the first place.”
You explain.
“Haahー!? The sunrise...? ...Don’t tell me you want to stay here until dawn!?”
You nod.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me. Do you even know how much time’s left till sunrise!? ...See you.”
Ayato tries to leave but you quickly stop him, insisting you can chat till the sun rises.
“What? Don’t give me that nonsense! Why did we need to come all the way over here just to have a chat? We can just talk at home!”
You shake your head.
“Haah? There’s other people around then? ...Oh. In other words, you wanted an excuse to be all alone with me?”
You elaborate on your idea.
“A quiet time, huh...? I thought you liked things to be lively though. Well, I won’t deny those dudes are hella annoyin’. I turn my back for one second and they try to make a move on you. I’ll admit we can never truly feel at ease in that kinda environment.”
He plops down on the grass.
“...There we go. ...Oi, hurry up and lend me your lap already. You don’t expect me to get comfortable without a pillow, right?
You take a seat next to him as he rests his head in your lap.
*Rustle rustle*
You smile and admit enjoying these times together. 
“...It’s nice to sit back and relax at times, huh? Damn, you really sounded like a granny just now. I don’t understand. This is just dull, you might as well be dead. ...I mean, you humans have a limited lifespan, right? Then doesn’t this feel like a waste? Isn’t it normal to want to enjoy yourself, maybe have some good food or something? ...Well, I’m a Vampire and immortal so I don’t really care either way.”
You explain.
“Hmph. If you like this, then whatever. You’re so easy to please. (1) But don’t come complaining to me afterwards.”
You chuckle. 
“Don’t laugh, geez. ...Actually, you’ve been actin’ kinda off. Like you’re in bad shape...or lackin’ energy. Did you eat somethin’ which had gone bad or somethin’?”
You retaliate.
“I wonder. Hehehe...Well, seems like you still have the energy to talk back at least. ...By the way, you remember the promise we made, right? I told you I’d suck your blood if you failed to entertain me, didn’t I?”
You flinch.
“Look at that pathetic look on your face. Did you think I had forgotten?”
You try and bribe him with the lap pillow. 
“Hmph. You’ll stay like this a lil’ longer? All you’re doing is lending me your lap though? You haven’t been tellin’ me any interestin’ stories either. ...Are you perhaps teasin’ me on purpose?”
You quickly shake your head.
“In that case, it makes sense.”
You frantically flail with your arms while trying to explain yourself. 
“Hehe...Hehehe...No need to get so desperate trying to deny it. Your funny expression is only becomin’ even more hilarious. I’ll content myself with that for now and leave the real fun for later. Guess you should be grateful to your own face.”
You say thank you.
“...Aah? Why would you thank me for that? Lemme tell you, but I prefer suckin’ your blood after scarin’ the livin’ hell out of you. It’s just not the time for that yet, that’s all. Heh!”
The wind blows in the background.
“...For real though, what are you gonna do ‘bout this depressin’ mood? You should take some responsibility and talk to me. Anythin’ will do at this point. You wanted to enjoy some idle talk, right? Come on.”
You bring up the past.
“What? Our first meeting? You really think I remember all of that? ...Ahー But if I recall correctly...I was nappin’ in the living room while the thunder roared outside...Right! I was woken up because you made a huge fuss.”
You tell him you were truly shocked back then.
“Haha...You mistook me for a dead person, didn’t you? Goin’ on ‘bout callin’ an ambulance or some shit. Bit of an overreaction, don’t you think? Yours Truly doesn’t just die! 
Well, I doubt you knew we were Vampires at that point. I was hella thirsty back then, so when an energetic-looking prey walked right up to me, I obviously had to go straight for a bite. Yet, that damn Four-Eyes had the nerve to get in my way!”
You tell him you nearly forgot about that.
“Excuse me? Don’t be forgettin’ ‘bout that when you’re the one who brought up this topic!”
You admit to being surprised Ayato recalls so much.
“I remember plenty of other things as well! You better don’t underestimate my memory! ...Actually, why don’t I help you remember a few more embarrassing moments? No need to be modest. Whatcha so afraid of?”
You flinch.
“Hehe...Are you scared of me?”
You hesitate.
“What? If you’ve got somethin’ to say, then spit it out.”
You explain.
“What do you mean you’re no longer scared of me like you were at first? You flinched just now!”
You frown.
“Why can’t you put it into words well? Don’t tell me you’re makin’ fun of me?”
You shake your head.
“Then what is it?”
You try and put your feelings into words. 
“Haah!? I don’t understand what you mean with ‘because we understand each other now’. Geez. ...But well, there’s a few things I learnt through living together with you as well, I guess. Humans are weak. They die so easily. They’ve got a limited life span as well. ...That’s not all. They love to fuss ‘bout the details and they’re so infuriatingly slow and clumsy. They get upset over the most trivial things or cry over nothing. Also...Sometimes the strangest things make them happy. Furthermore, they’d go through the trouble of comin’ to these kinda places. Ahー What a drag.”
You thank Ayato for keeping up with you. 
“Che...Why are you thanking me now? I really don’t understand that sorta behavior of yours. Fuck.”
You ask if he would like to head back soon. 
“Aah...? What do you mean ‘soon’? Of course I want to head home already! ...But well, you still want to stay here a lil’ longer, right? ...Just the two of us.”
You nod.
“Oh? You’re bein’ surprisingly honest. Do you want to be with me that badly?”
You nod again.
“Heh. You just said you want to be together forever, huh? Fool. You really think I’d let you go? You can no longer leave me. ...Not ever.”
You suddenly frown.
“What? Got a problem with that?”
You quickly turn your head and try to make excuses. 
“No point in tryin’ to hide it. You’re an open book after all. ...Don’t tell me you actually believe you could get away from me?”
You shake your head.
“If that’s not it, then don’t look so damn anxious. ...Heh. Actually, I bet you were thinking that you can’t live forever?”
Your eyes widen in surprise before you ask him how he knows.
“Heh. I know everything that goes on in that head of yours. ...Don’t be worryin’ about those kind of stupid things. Did you drag me all the way out here to talk ‘bout that shit? ...You didn’t, right? Pretty sure I told you to entertain me.”
Ayato suddenly pins you down.
“I bet you’re rackin’ your brain over complicated shit again? Good job gettin’ yourself pinned down. ...Just so you know, there’s no point in tryin’ to cover it up. Even if you keep quiet, I can tell by lookin’ in your eyes. Che...! I should just be the only thing on your mind. Well, I’ll just force myself inside your head if I need to. ...I’ll make it so you can’t worry about anything unnecessary.”
“I’m not lettin’ you go any time soon...So brace yourself.”
“...Hah. Come on. Sit up already. Don’t you understand? I’m givin’ you special permission to sit down on my lap. Hurry up...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Say…Doin’ this doesn’t feel half bad, does it? …Just admit it.”
"Come on. Don’t close your eyes. Make sure to watch…how you’re bein’ turned into a mess.”
"Hehehe…Seems like you’re ‘bout to lose it from sheer excitement. Show me more of that expression.”
"Don’t you dare let the other guys see you like this.”
You whimper.
“Listen up. You’re fated to continue havin’ your blood sucked by me like this. Both now and in the future. Foreverーー”
You nod.
“Heh. Glad you understand.”
Ayato gets up and wipes some dirt off his pants.
“…Woah. The wind has picked up. …Oi, we should probably head home soon. I don’t want to get nagged at later.”
You remain unmoved.
“Come on. Get up already. Or has your back thrown out? …Guess you leave me no other choice.”
“Come on. Gimme your hand. …Hah? What’s wrong? Grab it already.”
You shake your head.
“Oi, there really is somethin’ off ‘bout you? Come on.”
Ayato grabs your hand.
“…Eh? Doesn’t your hand…feel colder than usual? What’s wrong, for real? …Can’t you hear me? Oi! …Idiot! Don’t close your eyes! Answer me! Chichinashi!!
Translation notes
(1) Ayato calls her 無欲 or ‘muyoku’, which is used to describe someone who is free from any ‘worldly desires’. 
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
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Witch!Izuku Midoriya X Fem!Reader
Summary: What was a witch, exactly? Someone who casts spells? Dabbled in medicine? Fought in battles? You didn’t know. That was, until you met one.
WARNINGS!: Soft!Dom!Izuku, Face-sitting, Fingering, Potion-play
Category: Smut
Word Count: 7.3k (more than half is like.. pure smut..)
A/N: The final day of the Izumonth Collab!
P.S. I really love Witch!Izuku, idk if you can tell,,, Also, I made the witch!collage above! ‘Tis just to suck you into the mood. And sorry this was.. a bit late.. heheh,,,
Just To Clarify:
You’re both consenting adults
Witches, though actually fairly rare, are seen as common beings
Witches aren’t human
Fantasy-ish au!
Tag List:
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​ @my-bnha-things​
Every castle has a witch.
It’s been that way for as long as you, or anyone else, could remember.
It was normal.
Mundane to some.
Just something you’d hear about time and time again.
They were workers, just like you. 
But yet, that never stopped your sense of wonder.
They never were in plain sight, not for a peasant such as yourself, anyway.
It always brought up so many questions whenever you’d stop to think about it. 
What did they look like?
Were they nice, or wicked?
How did their magic work?
What did they wear?
Depending on the kingdom, most witches were treated like royalty, especially those who worked in castles.
Of course, how could someone so powerful not have such a title?
It made you question if it was given out of fear, or respect.
It wasn’t until you met the witch of Thidel castle, the ever-so-generous Izuku Midoriya, that your questions were all willingly answered.
You truly weren’t anticipating meeting him during such a catastrophe of a day. Looking back, it was quite embarrassing.
You were the baker’s assistant, tasked with making the batter to elaborate sweets for the King’s ball that evening.
The flour was freshly ground from the mill, the vanilla was as pure as a white daisy, the sugar ever-so-sweet, eggs fetched that morning, everything was perfect.
In fact, everything was running all nice and smoothly, until the King decided to ask for triple the amount of baked goods he had originally requested.
Not only did that mean running to town and back in shoes already falling apart, but that also meant stirring and stirring and stirring until it felt as if your arms were on fire and about to melt off.
You were covered in ingredients and sweat, the other bakers and assistants were running around, spilling things on each other, and making large messes as they pulled their hair out to get everything done on time.
It was chaos.
And that’s when he showed up.
You forgot what he was originally there for, herbs, perhaps?
Batter smudged on your cheek, you were carrying a large sack of flour to the mixing station when the door opened.
You slipped comedically on an egg that had fallen on the floor, and of course, you had to slam into this sudden brick wall of a man.
White powder flew everywhere, and the clock stopped in your head as you watched in horror as the last bag of flour you had was just about to spill all over the dirty cobblestone.
That’s when you saw it for the first time.
He had simply flicked his wrist and all of the flour was back in its bag, and such a high ranking individual was on his knees, sputtering apologies to you.
To you, of all people.
A lowly peasant.
It felt unreal.
But that was how you met him.
He looked up and the first image he had of you forever imprinted in his head was wild (H/C) hair coated in sweat and flour, cheeks smudged with chocolate and dried batter, eyes wide with panic, and cheeks a burning red.
He never let you live it down, the bastard.
That night at the ball, you met him again. He had the gall to note how you cleaned up fast, all while sheepishly smiling at you like you were the only girl in the room.
You wanted to punch him at the time. Or die of embarrassment. He was still the witch after all, and never before had someone so high class spoken to you before. You were filled with so many emotions that night, you were sure you were going to throw up.
Instead, you smiled, offered him a pastry, and walked away.
He just had to follow you, though.
His reason being, “I was looking for some entertainment at such a boring event.”
It had made you laugh, as IF you were any entertainment. From then on, though, after having spent an entire night chatting the time away, he was as hooked on you as you were with him.
Nowadays, you got to frequent his studies often.
A privilege not many had, as apparently- witches were quite stubborn with letting people into their sanctuary and touching their things.
Perhaps it was a possessive trait of theirs, one that kept them from misplacing important potions, books, and ingredients, but nevertheless you were absolutely honored to be allowed somewhere so.. otherworldly.
The King and his youngest son were the only ones besides yourself allowed in.
But stepping inside would always be a slap to the face, no matter how many times you actually did enter.
It wasn’t exactly clear to you how he did it, or how the witch before him did it, but the small study tucked away on the east wing of the castle wasn’t a small study at all.
The old, heavy brown door was signed with words of a language unknown to you and others, the hinges creaking ever so slightly as you pulled it open, only to be met with a two-story home inside.
Your nose was always immediately hit with the earthy scent of rain and plants, no doubt from the plethora of the heavenly greens hanging about the place, glowing orbs of light hovering near the ones doomed to never touch true sunlight.
The place was cluttered yet neat, parchments piling up in one corner, yet another where they laid organized.
It was almost like a different world crafted by steady and loving hands.
Old maps were tacked to one of the walls, scribbled writing and red circles pointing out certain areas of the land beyond the one you knew.
Witches apparently had their own realm, or at least, “a pocket of Earth hidden away from humans by magic”, as Izuku had thoughtfully explained one night as a thunderstorm raged on outside.
Old books smelling of age are scattered about, the large bookshelf barely able to contain them all.
Candles lit by a green flame surround a large wooden table, herbs such as chamomile, ginger, ginseng, valerian, lavender, and saffron are neatly placed by a bowl, wrapped in bundles. Clearly, he was going to try and make some more anti-depressant mixture for the prince again.
He was more of a naturalist when it came to the sick, unless worse came to worse.
He was essentially a glorified doctor who was far more knowledgeable on plants rather than bone structure and types of sickness.
He was a sweetheart who helped all he could.
Hell, he was even taken to some battles as a last defense.
Despite looking so innocent, with his baby fat still hugging his cheeks and freckles splattered all about, the definition of youth, he was quite powerful.
Scarily so.
You had heard hushed whispers from fellow servants about how he had taken down armies alone multiple times before, coming back with nothing but burns and a broken bone or two.
He was terrifying to those who didnt take a mere second to glance at him.
But those who did were greeted with nothing but a warm smile and the fleeting wave of a busy man.
It was a mystery how you had managed to capture his undivided attention, enough so that he had made you his, the plain-looking bracelet made from leather string holding an emerald sealed with magic signifying that.
You were untouchable.
Once gutted with fear, you walked the polished grounds of the castle freely.
After all, not even a King would so much as dare to harm witches beloved, lest he wanted to be burned alive by immortal flames and sent to the ninth level of hell.
A level solely made by strong users of the past, the ones who carved the road for witchery, having bent time itself to do so.
Truly terrifying how powerful they could be, but yet it was so mystifying.
You’d be lying if you said you haven’t spent nights wide awake listening to him ramble about their history, about how they came to be and how they flourished.
They didn’t start off as human-like creatures, they started off as a ball of magical light in a land filled with nothing.
It was said that witches built the Earth from the ground up until greed overtook the lands and the humans overpopulated them.
And yet, they work harmoniously together.
Humans fearful of their power, and witches just naturally seeking to help people and continue their craft in harmony with all those who share the lands they grew from scratch.
 It truly was a peaceful existence they led, you couldn’t help but admire it.
Just like you always have.
Pulling the door shut, it locked behind you as you stepped over some paper with doodles, knowing better than to mess with his disorganized things without him in the room to see it.
Speaking of, you were asked here this evening, something about wanting to try out a new potion he had made.
He was always making new things, an inventor of sorts, but never one to have you as a test subject.
Of course, it piqued your curiosity and had you quickly cleaning up the mess you had made in the kitchen when the day was officially over just to get here as fast as you could.
The large window covered in vines holding a small couch beneath it glistened with the light of a crescent moon, casting the room lit with an array of colors in a cool glow.
Smoke from the candles blurred the light, only to collide with the wooden floor above them.
Humming, you grabbed an orb sitting on a side table,  holding it in the moonbeams so it would absorb its brightness. A candlestick of sorts made from magic. You weren’t going to risk going into complete darkness again.
He was obviously not in his work area, so he was probably upstairs.
And so, as quietly as you could, you crept up the old stairs, holding your breath and biting your lip whenever you came to a creaky step. You wanted to scare him, or at the very least surprise him
He was so easy to scare, and he always made the cutest of noises when you did it.
It was hard not to try everytime you were given the chance.
Once you made it to the top, fingers clasped tightly around the carved wooden railing, you looked around the darkened hallway, searching for the room he’s most likely to be in.
None of them had any lights on, which was eerily odd.
He never was much a fan of complete darkness.
It only raised questions as to if he wasn’t here yet, or if he was leaving you high and dry.
No, he would never do such a thing. Perhaps you’re early?
Chewing on your thumbnail, you stood dead at the top of the stairs, waiting for a sign that he was here.
“ARGGHH!” you shrieked, jumping away from the noise only to have your back slammed against the wall.
Horrified, you snapped your head to the direction of the noise, only to find a giddy Izuku covering his mouth with a leather-gloved hand, holding away his giggles.
Huffing, you placed a hand on your heart, ignoring the laughs that seeped out of him.
“Geeze, you scared me!” You chided, glaring up into his playful green eyes.
“Oh, like you weren’t trying to do the same to me just now.”
Laughing still, he bent down in front of you, offering you a hand to help you up.
Ever the gentleman.
Placing your palm into his own, he easily pulled you up to your feet, holding you against his muscular chest in a welcoming hug, to which you eagerly returned, arms wrapping around his slender waist.
Though you didn’t know the common body type of a witch, you had to admit, he was certainly buff. Not that you minded.
He could easily throw you over his broad shoulder, and you loved it.
Completely defenseless and vulnerable.
Oh, how sweet it was to trust fully in someone.
His foreign clothes were soaked in his familiar thick scent, the smell of the forest after it had just rained, dewdrops in the early morning sun, a hint of pine, and his own natural musk that always had your head spinning. He tends to travel the forests in the kingdom often, collecting natural herbs and stones he found interesting.
He had jars and jars of rocks and stones, sometimes cracking them open to reveal crystals tucked away inside. He’d always make little trinkets out of them, giving them to people he deemed as friends as a sign of gratitude. You only had one, made from the rarest crystal he had ever found, taaffeite. 
“So, why did you need me?” You mumbled against his chest, cheek rubbing against his familiar warmth.
“Firstly, I always need you.” The sap.
“Mhmm..” you hummed out, letting him pull away and grab your hand, taking the glowing orb and tossing it up and down as he led you down the corridor.
“Secondly,” he trailed off, leaving the orb to float in the air as he unlocked his bedroom door, pulling you inside.
“It’s a bit of a personal thing I can only trust you with testing.”
Smiling to yourself, you sat down on the edge of his large bed, running your fingers over the soft wool that made up his thick comforter.
Never one to use dead animal pelts.
“Is that so?” Your eyes naturally follow his being as he walks around the room, shuffling through different materials before snapping his fingers to light the stone fireplace off on the other side of the room, providing more light, as well as warmth, so he could see where he was going and not trip on the books scattered across the floor.
He didn’t like the windows in his bedroom open at night.
“Y-yes..” he stuttered, fumbling around with a few glass jars on his desk, muttering to himself as he examines the label on each one. Seemingly finding what he was looking for, he turned back to you, proudly showing that he had found it before making his way back to the bed.
“What is that for?” Curious, your fingers brushed against the cool glass containing the shimmering magenta liquid as he sat beside you on the bed, mattress dipping enough from his weight that your sides knocked together.
“A few weeks ago, Shōto had asked a familiar question, if I possessed the ability to make every potion out there. Of course I- I can’t exactly, but I’ve enough skill to make some rather.. exotic potions. He questioned if I ever tried something different than just potions to heal the sick or offer beauty, and I haven’t. I don’t know why, but realizing that upset me. As if my skill set was limited to just some average joe healer,”
“So for a while now, I’ve been branching out. Trying different types of potions and having him as the tester.”
“Is that why he’s been acting different these days?”
“Precisely. I’m just lucky I haven’t gotten in trouble for turning him into a frog yet..” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head as you took the glass from him to ogle it.
“So what is this then?”
“Um..” Embarrassment was creeping up his neck and resting on his cheeks as he averted his shy eyes, “I have a hunch of what it might do. But.. secret?”
You pout at him, “Shouldn’t I know what this is?”
“You’ll know soon! I promise it won’t harm you, darling.” Leaning down, he pecks a kiss on your cheek, large arm wrapping around your waist to pull you into a side hug.
Taking the glass from your hands, he pulled the cork out, glittery, pink mist floating out like smoke from a blown-out candle.
“So, what do you say? Will you try it?” It was almost as if he was giving you no option other than yes with those big puppy eyes of his staring into your soul.
Licking your lips, an action his eyes followed, you gulped the nervousness away.
What had you to fear? This was Izuku after all. Had he ever done you harm? Absolutely not.
You had no reason not to trust the man who held your heart.
Joy lit up his face, smiling so widely his eyes crinkled.
Huffing out a laugh, you took the bottle from him again, curiously sniffing its fragrance.
“Chocolate and.. maca?” The scent was certainly familiarly tasty, having worked with the foods before, being a baker. Judging how the liquid didn’t resemble them at all, it was off-putting. How had he managed to trap such a delicate smell inside?
“Mhm! That’s right! Apparently, when made, the potion takes on a heavenly smell. Most are usually bitter.”
“Ahh..” Trailing off you eyed it up one last time before finally bringing it to your lips, a shiver running down your spine at just how cold the glass still was, despite being in a warm room.
Tilting the glass up, the liquid glimmering in the light of the fire traveled down the shoot, pouring into your awaiting mouth, feeling as if you were swallowing a runny syrup.
It had the slightest hint of sugar and cinnamon to its flavor, but nothing else. How odd.
Gulping it all down just to get it over with, your eyes that unknowingly closed fluttered open as he pulled the glass away.
Feeling perfectly fine, you stared up at him with confusion, about to speak before his lips cut you off, tongue poking out to lick the renaming liquid from the corner of your mouth.
The clink of the bottle being set down echoed around the room before his gloved palm delicately cupped your cheek, tilting your head as to deepen the kiss.
His tongue eagerly explored the wet cavern of your mouth, as if he was drinking the little essence from his own creation left over.
Pulling away with a wet pop, his forehead rested against yours, mesmerizing green eyes staring softly into your own, waiting.
Waiting for what was what you didn’t know, perhaps for the potion to take effect.
You were eager to find out just what it was, but you had a semblance of a guess considering the position you found yourself in.
“How do you feel?” he whispered breathlessly against your parted lips.
Just as you were about to reply, your words got caught in your throat as your body began to heat up in a familiar way.
“I..” You pant, grip on his cotton shirt tightening as your gut suddenly twisted with a burning need for HIM.
Your (E/C) eyes glaze over with lust in front of his own, pupils dilating as your body began to shake, whimpers escaping your throat.
Thighs rubbing together to offer friction you didn’t know you desperately craved until now, you looked at him helplessly, so close to falling apart if it weren’t for his large hand on the small of your back holding you close to his steady figure.
“I-I feel hot.. Izuku..”
You whined, chewing at your lip as you wiggled beneath his excited stare.
Suddenly, his lips connected with yours once more, drawing a stuttered moan from your throat at the contact you unknowingly began to crave more and more as your lips connected again and again.
You clung to him like a koala, kissing him fervently like you would never be able to again, desperate to have his undivided attention.
Hands sliding to your hips, he pulled you onto his lap, legs hugging his own as hot breaths mingled together with the wet sound of kisses.
“Ah..!” You squeaked against him, your hips involuntarily grinding down onto his crotch, greedily searching for the pleasure your body desperately craved.
“M-mmm.. Izu.. I-” Your apology was cut off with a nip to your neck, “Don’t apologize,” he scolded. Grip still on your hips, he pulled you down rougher against his hardening dick, his hips thrusting up to meet your own, eliciting a sharp cry from your being as your head threw back at the sudden pressure where you craved it most.
He was quick to chase your lips, dragging you back into your heated makeout, swallowing every moan you let out as you both humped each other like horny dogs, the eagerness from him only adding to the pool of moisture leaking out of your body.
The button on his trousers was rubbing deliciously against your clothed clit, making your hips stutter every so often as you fought to maintain that hard surface.
Saliva began to drip down the side of your mouth from the intense kissing, but you hadn’t a care in the world.
No, your mind was too fogged to even think about it.
All you craved was him.
You yearned for him like he’d been gone a decade, and your body acted on it in a way you were typically shy about.
Biting your lip, he pulled away from the kiss, dragging a whine of protest from you before he hushes you by licking the outer shell of your ear, breath fanning across it only adding to the tingles of excitement shooting down your arched spine. “Hush,” he commanded, and as if you couldn’t disobey him, your words of protest died on your tongue, leaving only a parted mouth and heavy breaths.
Licking down the column of your neck, nose brushing against you, he searched for that familiar sweet spot on you, teeth grazing your flesh.
Still grinding on his hard cock covered by pants, a wet spot no doubt leaking past the underwear you wore beneath your hiked up skirt and onto him, you gasp once he found the place he was looking for.
Smirking, he nibble gently, holding you still as you began to wiggle once more.
Your head tilted to the side to give him more room as he sucked on your skin, teeth repeatedly nibbling at your sensitive flesh. Biting down harshly, you cried out with pain and pleasure, hips grinding down so hard onto him he groaned, the vibration making your heart jump in your throat.
“A-ahh… hnng.!” Moans poured salaciously past your thoroughly kissed lips, holding onto him for dear life as he controlled your being with every fiber of his own.
A button on your blouse popped open, and your foggy gaze traveled down just to see his fingers expertly undoing each one without looking, letting your bare breasts bounce out above your corset.
Not giving you a second to cover yourself out of embarrassment, his large hand cupped one of your tits, massaging it gently just to feel the soft flesh as your chin rested against his grounding shoulder, small moans now directly in his awaiting ear.
“You’re such a good girl, (Y/N).” He praised, eyes filled with nothing but love as he got to watch your unusually heated body search for the pleasure it craved.
You were usually so shy in bed, but with this potion pumping through your veins, he hoped it’d help give you the confidence boost you needed.
Though, that wasn’t the only thing it did.
He was filled with anticipation, if his throbbing member was anything to go by.
Thumb circling around your cute, perky nipple, he took the bud between his thumb and forefinger, pulling gently and rolling it between them, dragging high pitched whines from you.
You couldn’t help but pull away from him again, body constantly shifting from the delicious pleasure you were being given.
Fully pulling your blouse off, he left your chest completely bare, giving him the chance to dip his head down and latch onto the opposite nipple, lathering it in attention with his warm muscle, sucking softly and continuously rolling your other nipple with his hand.
It left you craving more, fingers threading through his messy green curls, pulling as to not lose yourself, only eliciting yet another deep groan that vibrated on your skin.
Feeling yourself slowly start to come undone, you desperately ground against him, pants becoming high pitched and moans being louder.
He could tell you were getting close, and from grinding alone no less, it made him feel so damn good to know he could get you to come purely from grinding.
But he didn’t want you to cum like this.
Certainly not.
And so, he fell back on his back dragging you with him as his lips found yours again.
Gripping at the hem of your skirt, he yanked it down, pulling it off your legs. Using a little handy magic, he effortlessly pulled your own shoes off, already working your underwear down your quivering thighs, eyes zeroed in on the drip of wetness attaching your core to them for a split second before they were across the other side of the room.
Corsets were always his worst nightmare.
He couldnt think too clearly to untie the knot in the back as your now bare crotch rubbed against his own, so without thinking, he ripped it off, the bare display of strength having you keening against him.
“Princess,” he whispered against your lips, dragging your hips upwards, “please, sit on my face.”
How vulgar of him to say, with a smile no less, but nonetheless it scent a throb of want to your stomach, and you found yourself, once again, unable to disobey him.
Your body burned red from embarrassment as you crawled up his own still fully clothed one, but you weren’t given the chance to dwell on it before he moved your hips directly over his face, tongue poking out to lap at your dripping folds.
“Gaah..!” You cried, fingers digging into the blanket beneath him as your hips once again helplessly sought the pleasure you craved, unafraid to press down against him.
Your juices tasted so sweet, he eagerly lapped at you like a dog deprived of water.
He had to hold you still against his face, drinking in the image of your breasts jiggling like jelly with every shuttered breath you took, head flung back and eyes shut tight as you focused purely on the way the flat of his tongue licked you up like a sugary treat.
He couldn’t help but occasionally press a kiss against your sobbing flesh, teasingly avoiding your clit begging for attention each time you moved against his mouth.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room, only sending his mind into a state of hunger, wanting to drag every noise out of you he could, along with the loud licking that caused your essence to drip down his chin.
His aching cock was straining against the flimsy button of his pants, desperate to be released and buried deep inside your soul-sucking pussy again.
Tongue dipping inside you and lips pressing against your sensitive, pink labia, he ate you out with earnest, squeezing your hips tightly with his fingers as he fought to control himself from shoving you to the blankets and fucking you raw without finishing his dessert first.
A choked sob tore from your throat with his lips finally encased your puffy clit, the tip of his tongue tracing around the bundle of nerves before flattening his tongue against it.
Your hips bucked involuntarily against his face, pressing him harder against you just so you could cry out his name like a sinful prayer.
His heart was full of love for you as he observed your reaction did everything blissful he did.
You were in heaven, walking on clouds as wet squelches from your own body surrounded your ears.
“Z-Zuku..!” You cried as he sucked on your clit like candy, enjoying the rough treatment. The tip of his tongue traced his name possessively over your button, marking you as his forevermore, silently vowing to never let another man do the same.
“I-I’m close..!” You cried, tears of pleasure falling down your flushed cheeks, dripping onto the thighs squeezing his head like warm earmuffs.
He hummed against you, dragging his tongue across the expanse of your womanhood before enclosing around your clit again, lathering it in the attention you needed to be pulled over the edge.
Your thighs clenched around his head, his hair tickling you, body stilling as you screamed out in pleasure, back arching and giving him a lovely view of your demise.
You came on his tongue, the stimulation he gave you throughout your orgasm sending you higher and higher in that clouded head of yours.
When you finally came down and slumped forward, catching your breath, he licked up the mess you made, pulling away from your lower lips and running a tongue over his own to greedily savor your delectable taste.
Placing you off to the side, giving you a second to calm down,, he hurriedly shuffled out of his clothing, throwing his cloak, gloves, and various other things on his person to the floor, kicking his boots off that landed with a heavy thump, leaving his underwear on as he crawled over on top of you.
Dazed, you stared deliriously up at him, a bashful smile on your lips, watching as he wipes your juices away with the back of his wrist before licking it clean. He was so sinful and messy.
The warm fire crackling in the corner hugged at his soft skin, making his eyes blown wide with lost twinkle like starlight. He looked so in love as he stared at you as if you were the only person in the world.
Breathing heavily, you reached out for him, and he was happy to lean in so you could wrap your arms around his neck, toying with the shorter curls at his nape as he kissed you again, your taste still on his tongue as your tongues intertwined. You weakly fought against his intrusion, teasing, only for him to grab a handful of your ass, making you gasp and effectively losing the battle.
He flooded your being with everything he had, his scent, his love, his passion, adoration, everything.
His knowledge on your own sexual human anatomy astounded you, but always left you moaning against him, much to his utter pleasure.
His thumb circled your twitching clit, bringing your attention back to his actions and the way you clenched helplessly around thin air, waiting for him.
You hungrily eyed the bulge in his underwear, licking your lips at the spot of wetness where his dripping head was.
You wanted to feel him inside you again, to clench around the very thing that drove you insane other than his skillful touch.
“P-please..” You begged, detaching yourself from him, pleading for mercy under his sharp gaze as he soaked up your wrecked self.
He loved hearing you beg.
“Please what?” he drawled out, running his lips down the side of your face and neck, pressing kisses against your collarbone. Moving his thumb previously giving you what you desire to your thighs, he held them in his grasp just to feel your smooth, warm skin against his rough, scarred palms.
You whined, shimmying your hips to draw his attention to them. He ignored your advances, peering up at your face with a glare and crooked smile that shot sparks down your body, “Tell me.” 
As if on cue, and unable to disobey his words that squeezed your heart, you sputtered a response, barely able to maintain eye contact, “P-please touch me..! M-more.. I, I need more, please! I want..” your breath was stolen from your lungs as he began to grind his clothed crotch against your wet core, “I want you! I w-want you to fuck me, please..! I- I can’t take it anymore.. Please, Izuku..!” More tears fell from your eyes, falling onto the mattress below you, “Please fuck me..!”
Happy with your response,  but still not quite ready to give in, he pulled away, circling your clenching hole with his middle finger, watching as your head flew back with tears as you meekly thrust upwards.
As much as he wanted to pull himself out right now and fuck you until his bed broke from the sheer force, he couldn’t risk hurting you.
Even if the potion was designed to make you ready for everything sexual, willing to comply with his every demand, you still were his princess, his angel, and he was going to treat you like one.
He didn't want you to wake with the soreness of not being properly prepared, even if he could heal you a minute after. That minute of you crying from the pain that HE selfishly caused would always be stabbed into his heart, and he certainly didn't want that, nor you to experience it.
“Sorry, love..” he apologized, finally plunging his thick finger inside you after thoroughly coating it with your slick, moaning at how tight you were for him. 
“Fuck..” he whispered under his breath, keeping your thighs splayed wide open as he sat back on his haunches to watch you react to him.
Your back was arched, begging for more as you gripped the sheets below you, cheek pressed against the mattress as low moans trickled out your sinful mouth like water.
Face hot, a boyish smile fell on his face as he added another finger, observing how you hotly throw your head back as he pressed against the spongy spot inside your walls.
“Aaahh..! T-there! R-right there..!”
“I know, darling, shh, shhh.” He cooed at you, curling his fingers against your G-spot with each thrust in and out of your sopping pussy. His fingers made wet clicks inside of you as they rubbed against your walls, dragging more and more moans out of you as you ground down on his large digits.
His eyes couldn’t leave the view of you sucking him back in every time he pulled his fingers out, it left him imagining more and more scenarios in his head.
God, how he wanted to destroy you.
Have you screaming his name so loudly you broke the sound barrier he had set up ages ago, letting all of the castle and its snobby guards know he was fucking the love of his life and doing it damn well.
He bet they would be jealous.
Those thoughts of it made his adrenaline spike, adding a third finger to the squelching party mixing your insides up, leaving you at their utter disposal.
Arousal poured from you like a steady stream, gushing down and leaving a wet puddle under your ass.
You were so wet for him it was hard to bear, but you felt so, so good.
Your mind was so muddled with lust, you couldn’t think straight, all that entered your mind was ‘more, more, more.’ 
You were being greedy, but you couldn’t help it.
Deciding you were prepped enough, his fingers pulled fully out of you, putting on a small display of licking them clean as you watched with wide, doe eyes, stuttering out about how dirty that was.
“More dirty than you using my face as a seat, my lady?” He teased, tucking his face into the crook of your neck.
He chuckles at your flustered response.
Pulling his underwear down, his cock slaps against his toned stomach, fully erect and dripping with precum.
Throwing them off to the side, he noticed the way your eyes greedily looked at his body, confidence burning his veins as he sees the impatience in your eyes as you stare at his member.
He was tempted to say, ‘like what you see?’ but he himself was far too eager and impatient to wait any longer.
Grabbing himself, he ran his thickness between your lips, gathering your arousal on him before leading himself to your entrance.
“Ready?” He asked whilst kissing the skin below your ear.
You nodded, hips wiggling in anticipation.
“A-ahh! Fuck!” You cried out as he fully sheathed himself inside you with one thrust, bottoming out immediately.
He bit at your skin, concealing the deep moan that rumbled in his chest as you strangled his weeping dick at last.
You were so intoxicating, you sweet aroma wafting off you with every breath.
Grinding himself inside of you, he waited patiently for you to adjust, leaving hickeys all over your skin with each passing second.
Gulping down air, you thrust upwards, dragging him out of his blissed-out state just to moan heavenly deeply in your ear.
“Naughty girl..” he seethed, making you giggle, only to be shut up as he pulled out and slammed his hips back into your own, drawing out a garbled moan.
Skin slapped wetly against skin with each rough thrust he relentlessly delivered, drinking up your cries for more.
Leaning back to watch you with hungry, dark green eyes, pupils blown wide with lust. He pinned your arms to the bed above your head, a punishment for catching him off guard.
His cock was truly a godsend, thick and long, curved upwards just to slam repeatedly into your soft g-spot over and over.
You could only hold on for dear life as he fucked you good and hard just like you wanted, just like you craved.
“O-Ohh!!! Izu!! Izuku-! Ahh.! F-fuck..!” You moaned with each thrust inside your wet self, body being pushed back from the sheer intensity of which he fucked you with.
He knew your body so well by now, he knew each and every way to make you fall apart by his own doing.
He knew how to break you in the most sinful way possible, and he loved it.
Your face was lewdly contorted with pleasure, eyes looking back, eyebrows pinched together, (H/C) baby hairs plastered to your sweaty forehead, and mouth gaping wide open so he could hear every slur of words and every noise you emitted.
He wanted to hear everything you had to say, every reaction to the way he fucked you.
He could feel you growing tighter around his throbbing cock, juices coating his thighs with each heavy thrust inside of you.
He loved how much he could turn you on, even if right now it was all thanks to the potion that added pink hearts to your innocent (E/C) eyes.
The same potion that had you openly moaning unashamedly, whereas you previously would have held them in by biting your lip and hands.
He was so happy to hear how good he made you feel.
At long last.
“(Y/N)..” he panted heavily, peering deeply into your glossy eyes, movements becoming more and more sloppy as he lost himself to the pleasure, a burning pressure building up in his gut with each shallow and deep thrust.
Falling down on top of you, he held you close to him, letting your arms go so you could dig your nails into the flesh of his toned, freckled back flexing with each movement.
The bed banged loudly against the wall, he momentarily worried it would leave a dent- but he couldn’t think about that now. Not when you were crying out his name so sweetly.
“I’m here, I’m here..” he soothed as you clung to him.
Your hips began to move in circles, drugging him with intense ecstasy as he thrusts into you. You kept him wanting more and more. He was addicted to you. 
Pushing your legs back against the mattress, he reached so deep inside you, you swore you could feel his head kissing at your womb. 
You were so helpless to the waves of infinite pleasure he washed you over with that all you could do was take it.
“You’re doing so.. hah… so good, baby..” he praised breathlessly.
“Gnnn! Gaahhah..! Izuku!!”
“Let me hear it.. let me hear you, princess.” He smiled against your skin as you let out an onslaught of sultry moans, fueling his inner fire.
“I’m..! I- gwaahhh..! I’m so c-close..!”
“Me too, me too..” He fervently pressed kisses to your cheek, letting his other hand travel down to coat his thumb in your spare wetness, just to rub circles on your puffy clit, applying the right amount of pressure that always drove you insane.
Drool dribbled down the side of your mouth as your tongue flopped out, breasts bouncing with each and every thrust, constantly captivating him as he could feel their softness against his pecs.
Holding you flushed against him, he let magic crackle to life on his hand, green sparks lighting up the area around the two of you just barely. His hand began to vibrate, magic he learned was good for massaging muscles, but of course, it had.. other uses..
The vibration against your clit, added to the pounding of his cock expertly slamming against your G-spot, sent your head flying back, white vision going black as your pussy strangled his cock like a python.
“Haaahh.! Aah!” You cried his name out so loudly it burned your throat, leaving you to cum harshly on his dick, the strange sensation of liquid squirting from your body making your mind go numb as all you were left with was burning hot stars in your eyes.
The display alone was enough to drag him over the edge as well, slamming his cock into you once more before warm ropes of cum spurted into you, completely coating your walls and spewing out from the sheer amount as he let out a silent moan.
His thighs twitched and his stomach felt empty when he finally came down from his high, the same time as you.
Love filled his gaze as you both peered into each other’s eyes, enraptured by the souls sealed within.
Heavy breaths blew past your lips, desperate to calm down your racing heart.
“How was it..?” He questioned lightly, moving hair out of your face so he could get a better look.
“How was… what..?” Your mind was still clouded. You hadn’t any idea how he could still think straight.
Giggling, he rubbed his nose lovingly against your own. 
“The potion. Could you feel its effects..?”
Staring at him in bewilderment, it took a second to register his words. 
The potion.. what had it done again..?
You slapped a hand over your mouth, pulling away from him. “Oh gosh..!” 
You were so embarrassed! 
Gah, to be so loud!! You wanted to hide in a hole..!
“Don't be shy, my love,” He pleaded sweetly, placing a kiss on your sweaty forehead, “it’s just me.”
“That's the point!! I-it was embarrassing to- to be so.. lewd in f-front of you…”
“You say that, and yet I’m still deep inside you,”
“Izuku..!” You groaned, shoving his smiling face away with both hands, only for him to grab your hands and place gentle kisses on them.
“I.. I liked hearing you..” he flushed, bashfully looking away.
Though he could be quite the dominant man in bed, it was always endearing how he was still the shy witch you fell in love with at the end of the day.
“W-well I..” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, “Well I’ll be louder for now o-on then..!” Your declaration surprised him, shock resting on his features before he broke out in another smile, flopping on top of your sweaty body just to hug you to his own equally as sweaty body.
“I love you, (Y/N)..” he sighed blissfully, burying his nose in your hair as he cuddled you, the crackling of the blazing fire just now reaching his ears.
“I love you too, Izuku.”
Though he could be a handful at times, with his insistent drive to be better and push himself beyond his current limits, as well as running headfirst into danger and getting littered with scars, you still loved him.
You always would.
He was your kind witch, and you, his darling beloved.
And nothing would ever get between a witch and the one he called his.
“So, are you going to pull out? I feel a little messy.”
“In a minute..”
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
If it’s not too much to ask can we get just a sentence or even paragraph from the next chapter 🥰🥰
hehehe of course 🥰💛
“Can I call you back in a bit?” She asked, tossing her phone down onto the bed as she walked around her room to collect her pajamas for the night. “I just got out of the shower and I’m getting dressed.”
“Then why am I staring at the ceiling?” Matt asked, huffing. “You still owe me my makeup show and I have it on good authority that E is sleeping at my parents tonight.”
“No peep show,” she laughed, tugging on some loose shorts and an old Senators shirt before picking her phone back up and popping back into frame. “Did your parents tell you?”
“That shirt is hideous and no, E did,” he nodded, propped up against his headboard and looking as if he too was in bed for the night. His hair was fluffed out and dry and he was wearing a Flames shirt. “We facetimed sometime after they ate dinner, took forever to get him to hang up so he could get ready for whatever sleepover he and Brady are having. Not that he’s sleeping in the living room anyway.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, nodding her head. “I saw the picture too.”
“He’s clearly not taking it well, but how are you taking it?” He asked, leaning his head down into his pillow. “Are your nights lonely and cold?”
She rolled her eyes, getting under the covers of her blankets. “They’re fine, Matthew.”
“You’re supposed to say that you’re freezing cold and hate sleeping alone, get on the program Caroline.”
“Fine,” she laughed, looking at him. “My thick blankets are not enough and I shiver every night. Brrr.”
He just stared at the screen, clearly unamused. “I will hang up on you. It’s not nice to mock my pain. Would it kill you to at least act like you miss me? You do miss me...right?”
She held back her smile as best as she could, scooting down into her bed. “Yes, Matt. I do miss you.”
“I know, it’s kind of hard not to,” he replied, shrugging and smiling. “You and E both have the day off tomorrow, right? Got any plans?”
“He does, which is another reason why he’s staying with your parents. It’s a teacher planning day, so I still have to wake up at normal time, that way I won’t have to wake him up early.” She grabbed the remote, turning the tv on and keeping it on whatever channel was on. “And even then, I’ll probably leave around lunch like everyone else does. It’s almost finals time and I don’t have a final, I have the project, so it’s just making sure everything is set for that.”
“No wonder why you’re everyone’s favorite teacher. No final?” Matt scoffed, shaking his head. “I definitely would’ve had a crush on you if you were my teacher.”
“I’m this close to hanging up on you,” she laughed, shaking her head. “But really, I do need to get to sleep. I was just waiting to hear from Brady and see how Ethan was doing tonight.”
“Rude that you don’t want to talk to me, but okay,” he replied, trying to hide his yawn.
“Says the guy who just tried to hide the fact he was yawning. You’re not slick, you and Ethan both have the same ‘I’m tired, but I’m trying not to show it’ signs. Sneaky yawns, you both try to hide the fact you’re slowly lying down and you twitch your mouths from side to side to try and stop yourself from yawning.”
“God, Moms are always so observant it’s really annoying sometimes.” Matt rolled his eyes, laughing soon after. “But yeah, I’m exhausted. Getting back into the swing of things...has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.”
“Don’t stress about it, Matty. You’ll get back into it. You’ve lived this life for a long time, you were practically born for it.” She smiled, laying down and holding her phone above her head. “Just take it one day at a time.”
“Thanks my personal motivational speaker,” he yawned, closing his eyes and sighing. “I guess I’ll call it a night. Be on the lookout tomorrow for something from anything related to Calgary. Treliving said he sent something for you and Ethan today, so it should be there tomorrow.”
“He didn’t have to–”
“Yeah, but you’re my family, so technically you’re a part of his too– well, the organizations. I don’t know what’s in it, he wouldn’t tell me, he just demanded I give him your address. So send me a pic when you get it. Also, I know you guys are having a barbecue at my parents’ place Saturday, so don’t let Brady try and convince Ethan to root for the Blues or wear his jersey. Not allowed at all.”
“I think your parents are doing one of those Tkachuk vs Tkachuk jerseys, but I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for any schmoozing. And I’ll definitely send you a picture of the surprise.”
“Get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he replied, lying further down in his bed and holding his phone above his head. “Maybe then I’ll get my peepshow.”
“Maybe.” She smiled, shrugging. “Goodnight, Matty.”
“Goodnight Care,” he smiled, hanging the call up.
Caroline rolled over onto her side, plugging her phone and flipping it upside down, that way if she wanted to press snooze come tomorrow morning, she would have to flip it over and do it herself. Another thing, she wouldn’t get woken up by the constant lighting of her phone, just in case Matt decided to send her another stream of text messages and snapchat videos. She rolled back over and scooted her way towards the middle of the bed, lying on her left side and sighing heavily, reaching her arm over to her right and across the empty side of the bed, trying not to think about Ethan wouldn’t be joining her tonight and Matt wasn’t here either. And she was able to fall asleep by 11pm
But through her routine, she forgot to turn off her do not disturb button that she never turned off after her six period class ended. If she hadn’t been so worried about how to make sure Ethan was okay, even though he was in the hands of the Tkachuks, maybe she would’ve remembered to turn it off.
Maybe she would’ve seen those texts from Heather with a link to a TMZ article.
Heather Collins: Caroline, answer the phone.
Heather Collins: Blake just sent me this and you need to read it.
Heather Collins: Cari...it’s everywhere.
28 notes · View notes
ubemango · 5 years
one time, in your room (m)
note: I wrote this after receiving such an enthusiastic response to my virgin!jk drabbles. I really can’t thank you guys enough for expressing interest in this story, it really helped jumpstart lunyua lol 😭😭🥰🥰!!!!!!! I’m happy she’s back:) I would be absolutely nowhere without it heheh. My thank yous are also due to Violet and my crème de la crème for helping me write this back in March--I love you both very, very much!!!!!! Enjoy :D
DISCLAIMER. there’s one scene based off a tweet that I can’t find the link to lol... it’s about getting fingered till u cry. You’ll know when you get there 😭
PAIRING. jeongguk/reader GENRE. romance, college au RATED. M WORD COUNT. 17.3k WARNINGS. alcohol, oral (f receiving), cum shot, fingering, sexting, phone sex/masturbation, face sitting, riding, talks about Babies, jk loving oc A Lot SUMMARY. There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. (You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later.)
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                                          part 1: emergency tactics
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It started five months in.
Jimin probably didn’t mean anything by it. There’s talk and then there’s inebriation, and Jimin slurred roughly between the two like the drunkard he is. But Jeongguk was still hurt and you didn’t know what to do.
“He called me a pussy then told me to fuck one instead,” Jeongguk said under the strobe lights, the plastic ones you buy at the dollar store and you know it’s Hoseok who got them because he’s frugal, not cheap. The couch was itchy under your skirt. “Am I—is it really that bad? Like am I doing this wrong? Am I taking too long, or—”
“No, oh my god. Babe,” you said, and the cooler in your hand found the floor before you cupped his face. He was pouting. “Doing things—like that—it’s—it shouldn’t be something you stress over, okay? Don’t listen to other people. I like you. And Jimin is a whore.”
Jeongguk snorted. You could still see the doubt in his eyes, though. Shiny because he’s tipsy, but that downward droop still there. “You’re the best,” he said as sincere as he could sound.
And he’d left it at that. He got way more drunk though, definitely influenced by his post-teen-pre-adult angst but what’s a 21-year-old supposed to do with ample service of alcohol and an aching heart? You’d left him to it and cleaned the vomit on his shirt after. It was an okay party.
It stayed okay for a bit, too. Jeongguk isn’t an insecure person, but his bouts of uncertainty were getting more and more frequent. Especially when all his friends were naturally horny and really fucking stupid.
“So you’ve been dating for almost eight months and you—still haven’t defiled him,” Jimin says, now absolutely sober and still absolutely dumb.
You can feel Jeongguk’s ears heat up. “Dude.”
Jimin ignores him and turns to you. “Aren’t you like—bored?”
“When will you stop talking,” Jeongguk murmurs through a bite of his burrito bowl.
“I’m not,” you answer Jimin, flipping through another page of a study on birth control. A convoluted piece of shit, as Taehyung put so eloquently, but he left a couple minutes ago for a study group. “And stop bullying him.”
“I’m just shocked,” Jimin continues. “How does someone so hot end up with someone even hotter and like—not immediately participate in procreation. This is a crime!”
“Look.” Your textbook flips closed. “I don’t know what your obsession is with this guy’s dick over here, but it’s mine to worry about.”
“I think you upset her,” Jeongguk says.
“I know what it’s like to be pressured into sex,” you say. You feel Jimin lock up. “Look—sorry, that was baggage and I’m stressed.” Jimin nods. “But seriously? It’s—he’s—Jeongguk’s fine the way he is, alright?”
You taper off. It’s silent save for the milling of other students in the quad, but the air is thick. Sliced through with your anger but you’d rather have this conversation in private, without Jimin and his probing. Unnerving Jeongguk was like lighting the fuse in you, and maybe it was the instinct to preserve whatever purity Jimin keeps insisting on but you’ve never seen your boyfriend so upset about something. It kind of hurt to see him like this.
You get back to taking notes when Jimin talks again. “I’ll go,” he says. “Jeongguk I—”
“It’s fine.” Doesn’t sound like it though because he’s tight-lipped. 
Jimin salutes and sidles away. A bubble of unfinished conversations swells around you.
“Thanks for—that, I guess,” he says.
Your highlighter squeaks against the paper. “Jeongguk.”
“Do you want to have sex with me?”
Maybe that was a bad start because Jeongguk sputters. You think he squawks, too—and he’s definitely fidgeting, lots of cut-off noises in his throat as he tries to say anything coherent. You look at him and he finally takes a breath in. “I—”
“You’re worried.”
His face contorts in confusion. “About what?”
“I don’t know. But I can feel it.”
“Same wavelength,” he laughs. Empty but he knows you’re just trying to help.
“Look.” He doesn’t but that’s because you’ve turned back to your books. “We have sex when we have sex. And if someone tries to—bother you about it, you can tell them they can suck on my fat cock.”
You hear him chortle. “I’ll do that.”
The conversation ends. You study. You still feel Jeongguk fidgeting.
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Now there’s three weeks left till the term is over.  
“My—brain. It’s exploding. There’s too much going on.”
Jeongguk’s desk is a cramped space—the only place you can prop your textbook up against is his sweatshirt wrapped into a wrinkly ball. Graciously taken from his hamper because he still hasn’t done his laundry. The chair creaks when you spin to look at him: a dejected blob of comfy clothes surrounded by looseleaf paper and sticky notes. “Break time?”
He slumps against his pillows, arms out like a sad toddler. “Break time.”
This probably means you’ll cuddle for the next three hours but there’s little to complain about when Jeongguk purrs into your hair once you settle into his chest. There’s a warmth to him you can’t get anywhere else. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he huffs. “Just working too hard.”
“Okay,” you murmur. Jeongguk’s breath evens out the way it does when he wants to stop thinking. You can hear the hum of the fridge outside. 
“Want this to be over.”
You trace your nail over his collarbone. “I know.” 
“When’s your awards ceremony?”
“In two weeks,” you say.
“Same time as our final game.”
You lean your head up when he sighs, watching his eyes flutter in the afternoon shade of his curtains. A calmer period right after a hectic schedule of school, because you have Professor Kwon to thank for her excessive meetings about tutorials and assignments. It never occurred to you that you might’ve been imposing when you showed up to Jeongguk’s dorm with your homework, but he’d been studying too. Same wavelength, he’d say.
“Jimin been bothering you lately?”
“No, thank god. Don’t think I could take anymore prodding.”
This is the first time you’ve asked since that afternoon in the quad, though now Jimin’s been less annoying whenever you see him with Jeongguk. You know he’s just itching for your boyfriend to finally get his dick wet. 
And you can’t blame him—that was his intention when he finally got Jeongguk to ask you out. Friendship with Jeongguk was a weird stretch of time, especially when he’d spent the entirety of it silently pining for you: involuntarily single, but so preoccupied with the care and keeping of your GPA you’d been blind to any advance. Not that he tried anything, though. 
He’d been in his second year, still getting used to the enormity of campus grounds as a scholarship-bound athlete. And on top of all his schoolwork he had to balance the fragility of having a crush on an upperclassman well on her way to PhD candidacy. It was a good thing he was cute, though, and Jimin had no qualms about embarrassing Jeongguk any chance he got when you were around. The blush when Jimin had pushed him to your desserts table at one of the indoor Farmers’ Markets still burns in the furthest love-lit corner in your mind.
“You remember when you asked me out?”
“God.” A too-late night in the library that prompted the chivalrous part in Jeongguk because he’d brought you to the bus stop too close for campus police to escort you. You’d been good friends for a while already, the hurdle of skirting around each other knocked down when Jeongguk finally got the guts to insert himself in the your friend circle. In that wet shelter, a quivering lip. The sure that now has you seven-and-a-half months down the line with arguably the best thing that’s happened to you since you started your college career, but you won’t tell him that. “Why are you bringing that up?”
“I don’t know. Just—feels like forever ago.”
“Maybe the stars are aligning,” you say.
“Is that a good thing?”
“I don’t know, just. Sometimes when I lie down with you I feel like I have to—lay myself bare.”
“Then bare yourself.”
You pause. “I’d like to suck your dick.”
“I’m gonna—I’m gonna need you to elaborate,” Jeongguk says like he’s winded.
“Two weeks of me finishing assignments and you at hockey practice. You know. Take advantage of the time we have with each other.”
“Good point. But I have a counter offer.”
Jeongguk is always a giver. “Which is?”
“I eat you out instead.”
“You’re too good to me,” and this is the only response you can come up with without sounding too shocked. Or horny. Not that you’d ever shy away but Jeongguk had a way of burning you up from the inside. “You’re down for that?”
“Always,” he says, then rolls you over. All that muscle from his workouts barring you from even thinking about fighting him back so you let him push you till you’re comfortable. But this isn’t about you. Not at the moment, anyway. 
“Take your shirt off.” Jeongguk does this so quickly his face almost crashes into yours when he comes back down, gasping a laugh that he breathes into you when his mouth meets yours. A quick tangle of your legs around his waist has him lying over you with ease, caught in his cage of pressed-down elbows and intimacy. 
“Wanna—take care of you.” He trails his mouth down your neck, bed squeaking when his knees pad down. Lips tasting lower and now he lifts your shirt up to your chest, pressing wetness to your stomach and you’re quick to discard your clothing if only to see Jeongguk pause at the zipper of your jeans. “Can I—?”
You nod. 
His fingers don’t shake but he’s blinking fast, pulling on the waistline of the rough denim and shucking it past your feet, sighing when your panties come into view. A short-lived reverence when he leans down to mouth at your sex above the thin cotton and your legs spread wide for his arms to cling onto.
“Tell me—tell me what you like,” he says. A shy demand.
“Take my underwear off then I’ll tell you.”
There’s warmth lost when Jeongguk slides your panties down to one ankle but he’s over you in the second it takes for you to flick it off. No pause in his eagerness but now he lies in wait for your instructions. The way he pauses for you is so agonizingly hot you might combust.
“It’s—I like it when… I feel you lick at my…” God you sound fucked. But Jeongguk’s a wild card and takes it in stride, hands once again finding purchase around your thighs and you feel his hard tongue on you, a wet slide that has your stomach caving. It’s the natural twitch in your fingers that prompt you to keep a loose grip in his hair, other hand tight in the bed like your proxy anchor. “Oh. Yeah. Yeah…”
Jeongguk laves your core, pressing harder the higher he goes. Contingency he takes advantage of because you get louder. It’s the lick on your clit that has you sighing. “Oooh, you—use the… tip of your tongue. And lick right—there.”
He’s so pliant you feel like you’re throttling him. There’s a forward insistence of his head until you feel the flat of his tongue pressed fully against you, his neck rolling with every shift of your hips. In control of your pleasure and he makes it feel like this is what he was made to do. His fingers get tight. “You taste good,” he exhales right onto your sex and you nearly crush his head with your thighs.
“Oh my god.” Your breaths are lost. You might hide your face but that would mean losing sight of Jeongguk providing a service only he can spell out with his tongue. “Ah—”
There’s a little squeak further down the bed and you notice the small flutter of his groin caught in the warmth of him and the sheets. His lips close around your nub before you can say anything, slurping that has your gut wrangled, your fingers gripping his hair as you get lost in his love. Your eyes roll back. “Oh fuck, that—agh—”
He’s made you come before. And the familiar tone of your incoming bliss is something he can memorize—he probably already has judging by the train wreck of your throat and the sounds he pulls from you. A swindler of your orgasms but you’d gladly hand yourself over if it meant deceiving your pussy into its own demise.
“Fuck you’re—so sexy like this,” Jeongguk mumbles. You whine at his attention but now you’re running even hotter than ever.
You’re not even telling him what to do anymore but you know he knows it’s good, a message sent with every twitch of your sex into his mouth and now his fingers are splayed along your pelvis to keep you from bucking up. He doesn’t even need his fingers. It’s the hardened tongue, the little slashes on your clit as his head swings back and forth that have you squealing: “Yes, like that. Oh I’m cumming—fuck—!”
Jeongguk hums when you jerk your hips up, convulsions in all your sweetest parts and your throat is dry from all your moaning, the swell of your lungs so hard to keep up with but he always has you losing your breath. Spit collects in its warmth down your ass but it’s a lost thought when Jeongguk lathers you into your come-down, legs like jelly and he helps your knees together when you finally stop trembling. You don’t realize your eyes are closed until you feel his lips on your mouth, complaint of catching a break right behind your teeth when you kiss with what little strength remains in you. 
“That was. Really good,” you whisper. Jeongguk laughs. And he doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with his wet mouth and red cheeks. “Do you wanna cum?”
He looks like he’ll say no. A bitten lip instead of confirmation. “I—”
“Please, I want you to.” Like a switch turned on he lights up, head bobbing and now he’s shoving his jeans past his ass, underwear down too. “You wanna—come on my face?”
His eyes look like they’re leaking out of his face. A strangled noise escapes his throat. He probably thinks you’re on crack but it’s just in his nature for him to assume a dazed auto-pilot whenever you say shit so outlandish. “You—I—I-I—Can—?”
“You can cum—god you can cum anywhere. I’m yours. Remember?” Reaching behind, you feel for the clasp of your bra, flinging it off before you pull on Jeongguk by the dip of his back until his knees straddle your ribs. “Is this good?”
“Can—could you—spit… on it.” His voice dwindles like he’s caught between the threshold of dirty and pushing it. You don’t answer because your neck straining for the tip of his dick and down the rest of his shaft is all he needs for one. Jeongguk bucks into you. “Oh fuck—ngh—ah!”
If his grinding on the mattress was a ticking bomb, your tongue on his cock is the thirty seconds till detonation. And by the sounds of Jeongguk groaning into the mid-afternoon sun slipping through his curtains you know he’s almost there. “Lie down, lie down,” he instructs, hand replacing your mouth in a stroke so quick you’re scared he might get cum in your hair.
“Agh—fuck yeah I’m—”
A spurt of his cum stains your lip, then your cheek. You feel some on the tip of your nose too but Jeongguk points his dick down to your tits, spilling all his hot frustration on your even hotter skin and you might cum again from the visual of him looking so spent. “Wow.”
“Yeah, that—” Jeongguk swallows twice— “I… wow.”
His dick is getting soft. There’s sweat pooling where your body meets the sheets. “Wanna pass me tissues?”
“Oh fuck. Yeah, yeah—here, sorry.” Jeongguk makes soft passes with a wad of cotton over your chest, handing one to you for your face. “Do you—do you like it? When I… cum on you?”
“Yeah.” You think about making a weird comment about sipping on his juice but you’ll save it for later. You focus on not letting his spunk flake on your cheek. “It’s hot. Really.”
“Good,” he says. Flopping down after shooting the soiled tissue into the basket and now he seems exhausted. “Do you feel gross or is it just me.”
“Gross how?”
“Gross like I need a shower.”
You can’t deny him. “Wanna shower?”
“Yep,” he says with no hesitation, and he doesn’t let you say anything else when he grabs you by your wrists. Somehow, everything feels lighter.
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Sometimes Jeongguk invites you out to practice. It’s boring and you don’t know a single rule about gameplay, but the presence of him despite being a ways away on the ice is still a comfort on its own. 
The arena is frigidly cold, and while you aren’t without distraction (re: Assignments) it’s still one you can barely get yourself to really focus on. You rub your face in frustration. You hear the sound of the hockey puck passed around in harsh slaps.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
“Jimin,” you acknowledge. He drops down next to you. “Here to spy on hockey ass too, huh.”
“That and Hoseok promised to get me dinner later.” You raise your eyebrow. “Did one of his assignments.”
“Forgot you were a chemistry genius.” Clicking your tongue, you watch the big 97 of Jeongguk’s jersey as he glides around behind the glass. He waves when he sees you looking. You’d greet him back but your hands are too perfect where they are in the heat of your sweater pockets so you wave your head in what you hope looks like excitement. 
“Been holding up okay?” You turn. Jimin’s eyes are a blaze of concern. “The other week, in the quad. You were pretty stressed.”
“Final paper.”
“Working up to that,” you say.
“So you’re a scholar scholar.”
“Mm.” Your laptop screen blinks to black. “Something like that.” You hear Jimin snicker. He’s coiled up, stomach caved in a tiny laugh, eyes crinkled. Too amused. “What?”
“I’m just—” Jimin takes a breath in to stem his impending laughing fit— “so confused. Like, there’s Jeongguk who can eat eight cups of spicy ramen and literally bomb the bathroom with his shit—and then right next to him is Jane Goodall but with human babies.”
“He loves spicy ramen,” you comment.
“Yeah but do we like his stank? Nope. And you really just compared pronatalism to liking ramen. You know you’re out of his league.”
Jeongguk, completely oblivious to Jimin’s really weird anecdote, brings a fist up in cheers when he shoots the puck into the net. “Well. At the very least he’s cute.”
Jimin heeds with a hum to watch the play on ice. Seeing the team skate around with their broad-shoulders and thick helmets is an odd kind of relaxation. A team of huge men cutting the ice with knives on their feet but the sound is a swish satisfying enough for those kinds of videos that put you to sleep. Rough and gentle, just like Jeongguk. “I’m glad Jeongguk met you,” Jimin starts again.
“Mm. I think he has you to thank.” You boot up your laptop once more in the hopes you get inspired to type, but now Jimin has you distracted even more. 
“He just… used to be so quiet. And I’m gonna brag here but he’s got good friends. But meeting you was a game-changer.”
“He was so passive.” You think to Jimin almost two years ago, pushing a slightly-smaller Jeongguk towards your table at the market. One look in your eye; pointing to the donut closest to him. Your finger touched his palm when you dropped the chocolate-glazed on it and he looked lost. “But now he’s just. Happy. All the time. It’s nice to see.”
There’s 97 again. Then Jeongguk turns and glides closer to the rail. He holds up ten fingers. Ten till over. You give a thumbs up. You feel yourself shivering but you’re not cold anymore. “Then I’m glad, too.”
“Good kid.” Jimin waves too, and Jeongguk skates off without looking at him. “Bitch! Anyway.” He leans back on his hands, feet perched on the row in front. “You guys… good now?”
And your screen fades to black again. “Oh god.”
“Sorry, fuck. Sometimes I think—no sometimes I don’t think. Sorry.”
“It’s fine, whatever.” You turn to Jimin looking very apologetic, keeping mum with his lips folded in. “It’s—he’s. A lot more eager, I have to say.”
“And are you okay with that?”
You hesitate. “I mean if we’re getting vulgar here—”
“Absolutely not, you are not telling me what he did with his dick.”
You raise your hands in surrender. You wouldn’t have told him anyway. It’s just nice to see a flustered Jimin, especially after what he’s subjected you and Jeongguk to. Good-natured but overtly so, and now you’re both blushing. “It’s been good.” 
Great. Now you’re thinking about Jeongguk and his cock again. Obviously it’s not unwelcome but riling you up is getting too easy.
“Then that’s good,” Jimin says. You hear the blow of the whistle. A congregation of fist bumps forms at the exit of the rink, and Jeongguk lets everyone pass him to get off. “Well I’m gonna go get ready for some free food. See you, yeah?”
He offers a high-five you hit hard. “Bye.”
“Oh. And good luck on your paper. You coming to the game by the way?” Jimin asks. He jumps off the bleachers, leaving you to stare at your honest attempt at getting work done. You close your laptop with a sad click. 
“I have an awards ceremony that day,” you explain. “I’ll try and catch it.”
“Don’t work too hard.” Just then, Jeongguk runs up behind Jimin not at all silently—his gym bag is ginormous—to catch him in a headlock. “Wha—”
“Why are you talking to my girlfriend,” Jeongguk interrogates. He’s probably wet with heat because Jimin scrunches his nose and shoves him off.
“You’re a pig, did you even shower.”
“Smell my armpits and you’ll get your answer.”
“Anyway,” Jimin groans. “I’m off.” He walks to the changing room in a swagger so calculated you’d yell at him for showing off his ass. But Jeongguk drags your attention away when he steps in front of the bleachers, leaning over until you greet him with a kiss.
“Hi,” Jeongguk says against your mouth.
You plug your nose for effect. “So you didn’t shower.”
“I rinsed! Don’t be mean.” He watches as you shove all your things into your bag, his hand poised for you to give it to him, and inside you falter at his generosity but you shoulder the strap and use his outstretched palm to help you up instead. “I wanted your bag, miss.”
“No, you already have a heavy one.”
“Let me carry it for you—” But you shut him up with a tiptoe and a peck to his open mouth. “Don’t distract me!”
You ignore him, grabbing his wrist and dragging him toward the exit. “Let’s go, I might miss my bus.”
Eight p.m. is a dead hour on campus grounds. You see only a handful of straggling students going back to res, even more going into the library building. The lamps guide your every step. Jeongguk’s fingers tangle in yours. “So you aren’t free at all the rest of the week right?”
“Yeah.” You try not to look at him because you know he’s pouting. “I didn’t get any work done thanks to your shouting.”
“That was Yoongi,” Jeongguk defends. “And sorry.”
You reach the bus shelter. “I’m kidding.” The neon sign overhead says your bus is due in three minutes. “I’m—I like going to your practice.”
“Yeah, I like seeing my star hockey player tear it up on the ice,” you joke. Jeongguk laughs into your lips when he bends down lock them with his own. 
“Was it sexy enough for you?”
“Oh yeah. Got my pussy rumbling.”
He balks. “You’re so annoying.”
Two minutes. “It’s starting again.”
“What is?” In the dark light of the evening moon rising, you are reminded of this bus shelter seven months ago. A tower of nerves over you. If you think hard enough, you can still hear the shaky question he’d let dangle from his tongue, the one that has you here with him now. But now Jeongguk is nervous for different reasons. “Oh, like when you disappear on me for like five years.”
You see the light of the bus coming. You wrap Jeongguk in your arms. “Yeah. I’m only free next week.”
“Take it easy,” he says. Only one person gets off at the stop. “Just text me. Don’t need a repeat of last time.”
Last time—a month into your relationship. When you texted him every four days because of your midterms and he’d gotten so worried he genuinely wept when you showed up to his doorstep. It was a good thing you’d brought food too; not that you were expecting a cry fest but he’d felt better once he was filled with fried noodles and your affection. You concede to his request with a nod.
He lets you leave with one last kiss to your forehead. “See you,” you say. The air is alive with what you have to leave behind for the time being.
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The week is rough. Professor Kwon asks you to submit marks sooner than you anticipate, so the need to get your paper done becomes a lot more urgent. One student hasn’t even handed in her assignment, which—fine. You don’t have any qualms about the zero you input. But the angry email with the threat to report you to an academic advisor the next day has you so on edge Namjoon agrees to grade half your assignments next time.
Jeongguk, somehow, eludes you too. Graduate school demands more tears than sweat and blood and while he tries his best to comfort you during your work-filled days, he’s been getting busier with hockey practice too. The added thought of starting to study for your exams is just another cake-topper. And it isn’t as if you’re going days without talking to Jeongguk, but it’s still a sting to the romantic part in you that misses him.
A week and a half before your big paper is due is a Tuesday. The girl who dissed you in your email doesn’t show up to tutorial. Everyone is dismissed for the evening. It’s good. 
Nothing beats the giddy jump in your step when you find a cubby in the library close enough to an outlet, though.
Then you get a text from Jeongguk.
[8:07 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m free the rest of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me love u bich u really deprived me of touch for an entire week  [8:07 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wya
He meets you at the library with sweaty bangs and indents on his cheek from his helmet. You briefly contemplate jumping him. The feeling is quelled with the reminder that the library doesn’t tolerate loud noises and Excessive Romantic Gestures, so you opt for:
“Sexy.” You’re up on your feet to give him a quick hug and he makes a disgruntled face before dropping a kiss to your mouth.
“You wet yet?”
You glare to hide the need to balk. You plop back down. “You ate pussy once, don’t think this gives you free points to get so cocky.”
He pauses. “Sorry?”
“Sit. And don’t—ask me that again.”
“Yes ma’am.” Jeongguk cowers into the seat next to you. “What’s my scholar up to tonight?”
“Researching about Western Europe and their refugee policies.”
He doesn’t look like he’s interested but he makes a contemplative noise. “Very… educated. But anyhow. I’ve been thinking.” Uh oh. “And I have something. It was a week-long thought process but I have it.”
Your pens roll along the wood of the desk. “Have what?”
“A plan.”
“For how I’m gonna fuck you. Eventually, I mean.”
“I leave you for a week and this happens,” you answer, but he’s not fazed. You feel yourself melting. Something you learned about Jeongguk during the preliminary stages of your relationship was that he liked getting things right. And if that meant practicing until he was ready—well. There’s a part in you that fears for the livelihood of your vagina. “Babe. That’s—you know we don’t need some sort of… five-steps-to-success thing.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” He pouts like you have it all wrong. Maybe you do, but it doesn’t sound so convincing to your—to be frank—non-virgin ears. “Good practice.” 
You knew he would say that. “You have something in your noggin already, boy?”
“Wanna elaborate?”
Jeongguk shrugs. “What do people normally establish before they start having sex?”
“Well I don’t have lice in my pubic hair if that’s what you wanna know,” you offer.
He scrunches his face. “Don’t—joke about that.”
“Sorry.” Jeongguk gives you an incredulous look because you both know you don’t mean it. “But you really wanna do this here?”
“Okay, lay it on me.”
You’re starting to think you won’t get any work done for the night. Like all the nights you spend with Jeongguk and you realize the pattern now, so you might as well indulge in him. “Yeah, go pull on all your pornographic roots.”
“Ha ha.”
“I’m not into getting tied up, first of all.” You flip a page in your textbook to feign nonchalance as Jeongguk wheezes.
“Stop that!” But he just takes a piece of paper and readies a fist to write. “You’re so crude.”
Now you really can’t focus. “Are you seriously going to write about my sexual preferences?”
“No, I’m writing a detailed observation about how to go about. You know.” He purses a lip in thought. “Navigating the ocean of your pussy and its desires.”
You didn’t think the library would be home to both of your sexual awakenings, but Jeongguk makes it hard to be shy when he’s this motivated. “Weird way of asking me if I’m into watersports.”
“Okay you have to take back asking me about my pornographic roots because it sounds like you’re the freakier one.”
“You like me being freaky?” 
He reddens. “Anyway!” (Silently, you revel in your power to tease.) “I was thinking. Since we can’t hang out too much the next week-ish, that we save all the good stuff for later.”
Good point. “Define good stuff.”
Jeongguk gets smaller. Eyes drilled into yours, he whispers, “Putting my penis inside you.”
“Okay now it’s getting weird.”
He drops his pencil in disbelief. “Only now? Tell me how any of this wasn’t weird in the first place.”
“You’re literally the one who took out a pencil to jot down my sexual preferences, don’t act like you’re innocent.” Now he has the decency to look sheepish. He doesn’t say anything. “Jeongguk. It’s fine to be nervous. But I don’t want you to feel like you need to do this.”
You might as well be talking to the wall but he nods anyway. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No! Just… you don’t owe anyone anything.” Something in you longs for him to understand that. You hate to make him nervous but Jeongguk is so adamant you almost want to wrap him in your arms from the sexually-inclined horde that came in the form of Park Jimin. “Remember that.”
He deflates with a sigh. “Then… can you come over tomorrow?” He’s squirming. “I’m done practice at seven.”
“If my advisor’s nice enough she’ll let me off at six,” you confirm.
Jeongguk takes a notebook out but makes no effort to open it. “And. I missed you. Just. Wanted to get that out there.”
There’s only so much texting can do, you get it. The pit of your stomach simmers with affection for the dumb boy sitting next to you, legs jumping the way they do when he’s nervous. “Love you.” And he smiles. Fuel for your listlessness. There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. Especially about the one who just propositioned you with absurdities. But now his pencil is out, and the moment is lost. 
You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later. For now, you settle in the quietude of his presence with yours.
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It’s a colder day today.
“Hi!” Taehyung opens the door, bouncing in his pyjamas from the rush of freezing air. “Come, come. Please don’t ask me how I’ve been, I’m so tired of school and that’ll be my answer and I don’t want to talk about it.”
You swallow your pleasantries down. He’s a stressed Neuroscience major. “Fair,” you greet instead, toeing your boots off.
“Coming from somewhere?”
“Tutorial evaluation,” you say. Taehyung lets out a low whistle, closes the door behind you. He knows your shoulders are stiff because of Professor Kwon’s watchful gaze. Sitting at the back, ramrod straight with that black clipboard, taking down notes on your performance as a first-time TA. 
She’d let you go after with a smile, though. Let you know you did fine. You’d practically glided to residence when she’d given you the go to leave for the day. 
“I have a question for you,” Taehyung says. He sits on the couch, watches as you take off your snow-soiled scarf and jacket. “Has Jeongguk been more… fidgety lately?”
So he’s noticed too. “Yeah, I’ve—seen it. Why?”
“I don’t know, he sort of just—” Taehyung scoots over when you plop down next to him— “he came out of the room yesterday squealing, then ran around the living room for a bit then just. Went back into his room.”
Oh. So that’s what he was off to do when said he needed to get something after you linked him to your favourite porn accounts on Twitter.
“Maybe it’s just. I don’t know, pre-game jitters,” you lie. Taehyung’s giving you the look. Like he’s not satisfied with your answer and the only way to sate him is if you let him do one thing. “You can ask.”
“Did you fuck him yet?”
No reservations. As expected, because he’s just as nosy as Jimin and the rest of their friends annoyingly concerned with Jeongguk’s hesitation in the bedroom. “Nope.”
“Okay but like—can you fuck him already? I’m gonna be rolling in my grave by the time his penis passes the two-inch border of your personal space.”
You can’t keep in your snort. “Oh my god.”
“Just. We really don’t mean to be so standoffish but he just likes you so much it’s insane. Like I’ll see his phone light up and he will too. He’ll literally—he just glows. It’s kind of creepy actually but like. Cute creepy.”
The rush of praise runs through you. You don’t like to brag, but you really did snag the campus boy crush. You were popular enough with academia, but after the first time Jeongguk posted a picture of you two at the Christmas market, though—the entire student body went ballistic. It was the nascence of a fairy tale; movie romance budding in the grey concrete of campus grounds. 
No one saw it coming. And knowing that the one everyone has their eye on has its eyes on you—it’s a good kind of blow.
“He’s my baby,” you say, and Taehyung coos. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.”
There’s a rattling of the door knob. The sight of a ragged Jeongguk stumbles in, gym bag dropped on the floor and he disappears down the hall with the call for a shower and a brief smile your way. “I’ll be five minutes, babe.”
That’s Taehyung’s cue. “Well—I’m off to study group. Take care of him, yeah?”
“You know it.” You offer a fist bump. Taehyung’s knuckles are bony on yours. 
The trek to Jeongguk’s room isn’t unfamiliar. You bounce back on his bed, willing yourself not to close your eyes because you know you’ll just crash. A headache prepares right behind your temple, as imminent as rumbling thunder. Something in you calls for Jeongguk to hurry the fuck up before you succumb to Stress and those horrible, horrible thoughts of due dates.
It doesn’t take that long. There’s the squeak of the shower handle turning off and the black of your closed eyes, the scurrying of an unseen body; the lifting of your shirt for a very heavy weight of a hockey player blowing raspberries into the skin of your stomach. Jeongguk chortles when you nearly break your back trying to dislodge him. “You’re—oh my god—hey stop!”
“Hi,” he says, laugh caught in his breath, “I’m clean.”
“I see that.” He’s in his pyjamas. You let him settle on your side. The lingering heat from his shower makes you clammy but you let him hold you tight. “How was practice?”
“It was nice.” This is code for: I wasn’t yelled at by Yoongi. “I’m excited for our game, I’m feelin’ good. Did you find out if you could make it?”
You were blessed by the gods, because not only were your days coinciding, they were also starting an hour within each other. You’d be at the podium with a flowery speech while Jeongguk tears the ice rink with his pretty skates. And if every award recipient’s was longer than a minute then you might miss the entire game. Two hours past Jeongguk most likely scoring the winning goal; an infinity lost to see your star in action. 
(And seeing Jeongguk play is really attractive.)
You settle with: “I’ll try my best.”
“Okay,” he says. The crown of his head digs into your neck. You feel his lips when he speaks. “How are you holding up?”
“Did you get your paper done?”
“So it’s done.”
“Let’s not talk about school,” you dismiss. He leaves the conversation to wither with a suction to your skin. Wet where he lines your neck with quick kisses and you soften into the sheets. “Is this your way of—executing your plan.”
“You know—your—guide to putting your penis inside me.”
He leans up on his elbow. Unimpressed because his eyebrows are scrunched. “Funny.”
“You love me.”
“And what about it?” His eyes shine the way they do before he tells you he loves you too. “It isn’t even a plan it’s just—a buildup. To when my penis goes inside you. Like a countdown but with orgasms instead.” You snicker. He drags a light hand down your front, settling his palm right over your pussy. “Let me touch you.”
You forget how to breathe for a second. “Yeah—I’m—yeah. Please.”
“Sit up.” Jeongguk plants himself near the wall, not unlike the position he was in when you sucked his dick for the first time. Instead of the afternoon heat, you’re caught under the dying evening rays of sunset: not as hot but still you feel the spark in your belly when Jeongguk lifts your bum to settle you between his legs. His nails play with the button of your pants. “I wanna try something.”
“Sure.” And he helps you wiggle off your clothes, bottom bare to his graces. Doesn’t say anything, just lets his mouth meet yours slowly, tasting the day off your tongue, your worries behind his teeth. 
“Anyone ever fingered you so hard you cried?”
“You wanna make me cry?”
“Don’t say it like that.” Jeongguk nips at your lip. “But yeah, I guess.”
You’re wet. This is a fact you come to realize when you feel him spread your legs, feet planting in the mattress in an attempt to ground yourself.  “Okay,” you agree.
His mouth’s busy with yours, lips unyielding like he could do this all day. It’s almost picturesque, the way he has you: head turned over to meet him in his love, arms wrapped around your own. Yours for him to savour and he always tastes good.
He doesn’t wait anymore. Your clit throbs with the passes of his fingers, head falling back to rest on Jeongguk’s shoulder when he dips in the pool of your heat and drags it back up. Groaning when he spins tight circles like you taught him and your hands find his thighs. “Feels—good,” you utter. Already you’re gone but Jeongguk feeds into your pleasure with no qualms for your embarrassment.
“Can I—put in a finger?” He asks shyly, but playing with your slick like he’s known how to make you putty in his hands this whole time.
“Yeah. Please.” You welcome the insistence in your sex with the buck of your hips. Jeongguk curls his middle finger up, the heel of his hand smooth on your clit and you sigh, “Ooh, fuck yeah.”
He kisses your cheek. “Another one?”
“I can take it,” you say, and he has another finger in you, hooking into your nerves. You might moan but Jeongguk turns your head and molds his mouth into yours, stealing your breath with his tongue. He curves in a little too hard and you squeal. “Oh my god, too—much.”
“Sorry.” He adjusts, fingers straight again. “M’gonna go faster, if that’s okay.” You nod, restless, and then he adds: “And you can’t look away from me.”
“Yes please—”
You couldn’t look away even if you tried, because the hand not fucking you into oblivion catches your cheeks, locking you to Jeongguk’s gaze. It’s a fucked out one too, and now you notice his hard dick pressed up against your back. 
It’s a storm of thrusting: wet and more wet and now he abruptly pulls out, smears your slick on your clit in a rub so fast you would squeal louder if it weren’t for his lips swallowing your sounds. 
You burn. Jeongguk enters you again and your cunt feels swollen. Fucking all the deepest and dirtiest parts of you and you take it, yielding to the draw on your tight walls. The squelch gets louder. So do you. 
“Oh yeah—” And you don’t cry but the feeling of him inside is so overwhelming and all that you need and it’s there— “Fuck, y-eah. Gonna cum soon—”
“Give it to me.” Punctuated with a twist in your sex so rough you would have twitched him off but his legs cage you. Jeongguk smiles. “Come on babe—”
“Nnn—ha J-Jeongguk—” You grab his wrist, the one knocking his fingers so good though he doesn’t stop under the tight hold— “B-Baby—”
“I want it, I want it,” he chants into your mouth, like he’s eager for a release conducive to your early death just so he can say he did that. Awful cocky but you can’t dwell on it. “Just cum for me.”
“Fuck—” He makes you look at him when you do, eyes wide to his imploring ones. He has it in his fingers, a climax that wrangles the most obscene noises from your throat. Your hips grind up uncontrollably, clit a pulsing pain but his thumb rubs it all the same. Jeongguk doesn’t stop till you whine, “God, please—I can’t."
“You’re crying.”
“Am not.” But you feel the sting of heat in your eyes. Jeongguk rubs his nose with yours, wrapped in his arms and affection.
“Was it good though?”
“Was it good, he says.” You kiss him with no bite. “Loved it. Best ever.”
Jeongguk lights up, corners of his mouth lifted into a sated grin. “Woo,” he says. You’re about to ask if he wants one rubbed out but he continues speaking. “So plan’s going well if you wanted to know.”
“Shut up. Shut up!” You make a point of getting up with as much force as possible, disturbing the coils the mattress as Jeongguk laughs. “You’re so gross.”
“You love me.”
Your panties are sticky against you. You turn to see him staring at you already. “I love you.”
The room glows in the last few minutes of red, coated darker and darker. But the look Jeongguk gives you—maybe astonishment, maybe longing—casts a glow that blazes within. Like all he wants is for you to be here and you do too. He breaks the silence with a smile. “You’re the best, you know that?”
You climb back over him, unable to resist anymore. “So I’ve been told.”
“I mean it though.” He shifts so you’re lying down again, head on his chest. Warm again. “Sorry if I’m—pushing the agenda. And I know I say Jimin’s not getting to me and it’s true but it—makes me want you. All the time.”
You settle for the truth with a kiss to his sternum. “I have no free time after today though.” 
“That’s okay,” Jeongguk whispers. “Just love me now and you can always love me later.”
“I can do that,” you say. 
He lets you dig into his side even further. “Are you sure you don’t wanna talk about school?”
“Mm.” You know it’ll help to air your dirty laundry. But knowing Jeongguk has his own shit to deal with is enough for you to hesitate. “Nothing I—haven’t said before. Just stressed.”
“About your last assignment?”
“You’re smart. And for whatever reason, really into baby-making in foreign countries.” Jeongguk groans when you pinch him. “But I know you. And you’ll do well. Also it’s official that you’ll do well because you’re dating someone really good at what they do, and I was just inside your body so technically my energy transferred to you.”
“Very solid process.” 
His breathes warmth into your skin. “Believe me. You’re gonna be fine.”
And it’s not the end of the world, not being able to see him for a bit. You both know this. You hug him tighter to you regardless, like making his skin stick to yours was an actuality. You know he feels it too when his arm locks just a tiny bit harder. An unspoken longing for the mold of your body.
You’ll get there.
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It’s been four days since you’ve seen Jeongguk, so Namjoon takes the responsibility of keeping you sane. He books a study room for three hours and meets you with a two cups of coffee and three extra pens just in case they run out while you mark your assignments together. He takes the stack of papers from you with a frown, and you work.
The paper is coming along well. You think you have a good five pages to go, but the amount of hounding Professor Kwon has done is scaring you into another late night-in. More and more marks are due, and Namjoon has his own work to deal with. You hate to burden him with your own but now you’re really feeling the Stress from school.
[6:01 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hey what are you doing [6:02 PM] You: i’m doing work :(( [6:02 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Poo poo [6:02 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m bored [6:03 PM] You: 💩💩 [6:03 PM] You: sorry bout it !!!!!!! [6:04 PM] You: wait how can u be bored ur @ practice ?? if ur just…. doin practice [6:05 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: On break [6:05 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: And I miss you [6:06 PM] You: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [6:06 PM] You: my heart
Namjoon’s eyebrows are scrunched. “I can’t tell what this student is saying.”
“Read it out loud.” 
“I will argue that the legalization of crack cocaine will act as a beneficial potential towards the bettering of society. With the advent of legal marijuana usage in Canada—yeah.”
“That’s… an abuse of thesaurus privileges,” you comment.
He hums. “They’re young, let them live.”
Again, Jeongguk texts you.
[6:09 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: When are you free [6:10 PM] You: tonight [6:10 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I’m not 😩😩 What about Wednesday? [6:11 PM] You: i’m only free rn baby :( might have to wait till after friday [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Damn [6:12 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I need to go now text me when you’re done k?????? Love you [6:13 PM] You: okay ! 💜
You hear Namjoon snapping at you. “You’re getting distracted.”
“Sorry.” Your pen twitches in your grip. This is your third cup of coffee. “Just—need a goddamn break.
You can sense Namjoon’s nerves grating too. “I get it.” He looks at his watch. “Well. We need to leave in five minutes.”
You graded almost all of your half of assignments. You let yourself breathe a sigh of accomplishment, clearing your work into your bag. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“Buy me lunch someday and we’ll call it even,” Namjoon says. He swipes the papers your way to collect. “And by the way—” he takes one last sip of his coffee— “I caught wind that one of the Commissioner-Generals is coming to the ceremony.”
You stare. “From which agency?” 
“No clue. But I just thought you should know.”
Of course he would. The one time you don’t clear your search history and now Namjoon is up your ass helping you find any potential global PhD programs. And it wasn’t unimaginable either, some higher-up coming to see the semester-end awards the department heads organized, and the student chair had a lot of say in it, current one being Kim Namjoon: a lobbyist, a smart guy, and Twitter-sort-of-famous for being really damn loud about inequality.
But they’re probably not recruiting me, you think. Best not to get your hopes up lest it go to a well-deserved head who apparently doesn’t get distracted by the potential of finally squeezing their boyfriend’s dick. 
Namjoon sighs. “Hey, isn’t the ceremony the same day as the game?”
“Yep,” you confirm. For a split second, an image of Jeongguk giggling pops up into your head.
“Do you think you’ll make it?”
You sling your bag over your shoulder, standing outside the door until Namjoon turns off all the lights. “I’m gonna try.”
The hallway to the main entrance of the Humanities wing is quiet. “Speaking of the game. Any intel about your current… predicament?”
“About Jeongguk?”
“About Jeongguk.”
“Fuck,” you murmur. And you thought he’d be kind enough to keep your secret, but Namjoon is to Jimin like a big is to a little except they’re both too posh to be in a frat. “Not really. And stay out of it.”
“I will,” he says. He opens the door, winter wind as brutal as ever. You think about Jeongguk walking you to the bus stop but he’s probably already back at his dorm. You shiver. “But if I catch you distracted on your phone again I might have to ask.”
You cower into embarrassment.“Sorry.” 
Namjoon waves you off. “Just get home safe, yeah?”
Getting home isn’t that bad; late enough for the absence of the rush hour crowd and you get to sit on the bus the rest of the ride. You all but book it to your place to escape the frost nipping at your cheeks and into the nest of your textbooks. Plans to demolish at least a tiny bit of your not-so-tiny pile of work come to a stand-still when you hear your phone vibrate.
[7:46 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hey did u finish yet [7:46 PM] You: fuck sorry forgot to text [7:46 PM] You: yeah i did, i just got home [7:47 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: That’s good [7:47 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Do you have a lot of work to do tonight?? [7:48 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Please say no [7:48 PM] You: ….. [7:48 PM] You: why [7:48 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: The plan [7:50 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Still building [7:50 PM] You: should i be scared [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But [7:51 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I know you wouldn’t like it if I didn’t ask, and I’m a good boy, so [7:52 PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can I send you a picture of my dick?
A boot hangs limply from your toes from when you were trying to tug it off. Dumbly, you’re gaping. Gaping at this transition from shy Jeongguk to… whatever the fuck this was. The pulsing of your sex betrays your shock.
It’s not like things were changing fast, either. That moment in his bed—after he fucked you with his fingers—was the last time you’d been together. A solid evening of knotted arms and Jeongguk’s breath down your neck. He’d only let you go because your complaints to do homework got too loud for him to sleep properly, and you left him in his room like that: heavy-eyed and full of low murmurs for you to come back.
“You’ll miss me, right?” He’d asked. It sounded so innocent. Looked like it too when he stood next to you as you slipped on your shoes. The answer was easy.
And it wasn’t like you weren’t affectionate. Sure, gaining the impulse to hug and squeeze him was one you had to work up to, but this came with new relationships, that novelty of being someone else’s: one that Jeongguk had no problems getting used to. Took you a little longer to warm up to his kisses in public but you’re here now. Here, slack-jawed at this distant intimacy. Feet mired in your shock, on the carpet of your front door.
You don’t remember feeling this desperate for Jeongguk before. 
[7:54 PM] You: i [7:54 PM] You: definitely wouldn’t be opposed
You lock your screen fast. Fling your shoes off, slap your jacket onto a hanger. You nearly bust your bedroom down in your hurry to get the fuck on the bed, like the rush of a late night with a stranger but Jeongguk is wholly familiar and isn’t even here to touch you. The ding of your phone is enough to keep you on your toes. You don’t swipe yet because already you’re sweating.
Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 1 Photo and 2 Messages
Should you take your clothes off? Or is he supposed to ask you to do that? Should you ask? What the fuck. This was too much.
You open it. It takes one second to download.
That’s his dick. Jeongguk’s dick, flash on, held up by the tips of his fingers at the base like he knows his angles. The tip is flushed with a wetness you’d lick right up if you were there just to feel the way he shivers under you.
[7:55PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Baby I’m so hard [7:55PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wanna kiss you all over
You squeal. 
This was your boyfriend, mister-campus-hotboy, the one literally everyone got hard over and now he’s sending you his own personal dick pics. Maybe you do need to thank the high heavens one day because
Fuck is going on.
No matter. 
[7:57PM] You: i want u to [7:57PM] You: want u on top of me [7:57PM] You: with ur lips on my neck [7:58PM] You: getting me wet. u always make me. wet
You can’t wait anymore. Your shirt is off, bra tossed, back bare on your sheets. You shimmy out of your pants just as Jeongguk texts back.
[7:58PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Fcurck baby [7:59PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can’t stop thinnking abt u [8:00PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: The way u sounded [8:00PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: When I was e ating u out [8:01PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: u tasted so good on m y tonguel fucckkkk [8:01PM] You: are u jacking off rn ??? [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Yess [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Touch urself [8:02PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Please?
Panties come off. It’s not a surprise when your finger is soaked in your arousal, teasing your clit and you sigh.
[8:02PM] You: fuck im so wet [8:03PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Yeah??? [8:03PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: What r u thinkgnin about [8:03PM] You: your mouth [8:04PM] You: on my tits [8:04PM] You: my cunt [8:04PM] You: u got me off sooo good [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Fuucckckk baby [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You’re so hot ho ly shit [8:05PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Want u so bad [8:06PM] You: how??? [8:06PM] You: u already treat me so good [8:06PM] You: maybe i’’ll take care of u now hm? ?? [8:07PM] You: mymouth on ur dick [8:07PM] You: taste so good [8:08PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Shit
Everything was jumping out of your head so quick your one hand couldn’t keep up. The two fingers on your pussy dipped again, jolts of sweetness straight through your nerves when you rub yourself faster. Focusing on his texts was as easy as trying to stave your orgasm off, which… really wasn’t going too well, pelvis meeting the palm of your hand in a desperate kick.
[8:08PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Take your clothes off [8:09PM] You: past that
It takes him a minute.
[8:10PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Could you send a pic [8:10PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Pleas e
Oh. Okay.
You lean up on your elbow, push your chest against your bicep in the hopes that your cleavage could somewhat be evocative enough in the weak light of your phone. (You notice you forgot to turn the lights on.) The picture cuts off right above your nipples, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t do that just for the possibility of a desperate plea. You lie back down.
[8:13PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: urruhguhgkehrdhfg [8:13PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Baby pleease I want more [8:14PM] You: of what ??? [8:14PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: FUck [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I want you [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: On top of me [8:15PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Grnding yuor pretty pussy on my dick [8:16PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You’re wet ik ur wet
Of course he would. He knows your body better than ever before, and you might tease him but the throbbing you’re attending to is too much of a distraction.
[8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Can you imagine that [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Teasig my cock into you [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I won’t putnit in yet [8:17PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Bc I want u squirming o n top of me [8:18PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Ik u don’t beg [8:19PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I would ask u anyway if u want me to sink u down on my cock
Oh my god. The soft sucking sound of your fingers inside your cunt isn’t enough to drag you out of this reverie. It just sinks you deeper into this bliss Jeongguk spells out for you so well. He has you like putty. Your knuckles curve you into a hopeless whimper.
[8:20PM] You: i want that [8:20PM] You: iwa nt that so bad pleas [8:21PM] You: let me feel your dick inside [8:21PM] You: u want that so bad baby [8:21PM] You: to feel me squeezing around u [8:21PM] You: im so tight and wwt [8:22PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Wanna hear u  [8:22PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Ft [8:22PM] You: just call
You don’t think you could handle seeing his dick now. Especially when the build in your pussy is this close to tipping you into a climax he probably wants to hear.
Your phone blares in the quiet. “Baby—”
“I’m so close,” Jeongguk says. He sounds like he’s panting. “Tell me you are too. Please—!” He cuts himself off with a gasp.
“Y-Yeah.” You burn in his desperation, curling into your cunt in the spot you know would have you keeling over. “Ngh—!”
“I wanna hear you. Wanna—hear you when I fuck you. So—good.”
“Oh fuck—”
“You want that too baby?”
You heave. “Yes!”
“Let me hear you cum. Please. I’m so fucking close—”
“Jeongguk!” You sputter, moaning loud, crying in the extremity. It zips through your core, has you reeling, legs shaking as you rub it out so hard you arch from your bed. You barely register Jeongguk’s own completion.
“Fuck I’m cumming—shit!” He groans, long, noisy on the line but the image of his cum onto his hands has your stomach clenching. Clobbered by his own doing and it’s almost endearing how fucked out he sounds. There’s a moment where you hear fumbling, a distant breath; shifts in the mattress probably. “Baby…”
Your phone lights up again. 
Aa…Jeongguk❣️: 1 Photo
You don’t hesitate this time. 
His dick is wet, probably with his spit, but now his entire first is closed around it, dregs of his cum pooling in the suction of his palm against the pink skin. The urge to put your mouth on him is so over-whelming you groan in frustration.
“Want it in my mouth,” you say.
“You’ll make me hard again,” Jeongguk murmurs with a laugh.
It’s just past 8:30. “So. What got you so hard that had you begging for me over the phone?”
“Hm.” You move until you’re under the covers. A makeshift warmth because you don’t have Jeongguk to cuddle you for post-sex softness. “I don’t know. Just missed you. Again. Sorry if you had work to do.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yeah I’m not.” You think you hear him in the washroom. The vent is loud. “Made a mess.”
“Not my fault.”
“Uh, it kinda was. Hoping for more nipple next time.”
“Now you’re asking for too much,” you sigh. There’s a sleepy pull in your head, dragging you through the waves of feelings that currently bombard your heart. “I miss you too. Hope you’re not working too hard.”
“I have a bruise on my ass! Oh my god I forgot to tell you. But Hoseok checked me so hard for no fucking reason and—boom. Landed right on my booty.”
You coo. “Aw. Want me to kiss it better?”
“Yes please, it’s on my fatter butt-cheek I think.”
It dies down again. “So what stage are we at for your build-up?”
“Close to the finale.”
You can’t stop yourself from smiling. There’s only three days left till your prospective hells come to a head. Then it’s back to loving Jeongguk but closer to him this time, not through the cracked screen of your phone. “Can’t wait.”
“Me too,” Jeongguk says. “Guess—I should leave you to your work?”
As much as you want to say no, the pile of essays on your desk is calling for your ass to get moving. It sends a quick ripple of nervous tension down your spine but the sooner you get it done the sooner it is to texting Jeongguk again. You know he’s impatient too. “Yeah. Might stay up.”
“Not too late, okay? You’re almost there. And make that tea I bought you, it’s supposed to help with your headaches.”
You’ll cry. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Text me when you’re gonna sleep.”
You’re probably ovulating because a tear really does slip over your cheek. The stickiness between your thighs rubs your skin when you finally get up, avoiding the offensive stack of work in your periphery when the hints of a new headache start to come up. 
Jeongguk probably knew you were heading straight into another painful night of working. There’s a tin of loose leaf tea sitting patiently for you in your cupboard. And maybe taking on the teaching position wasn’t such a good idea, but then again, dates where everything loomed over you were inevitable. School’s a bitch. But you have an attractive boy waiting for you to finish, and that’s what prompts you to face the music. One more time.
Three more nights. 
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The first night is actually okay. You get a page and half done, and Namjoon checks in with a text in the evening to make sure you aren’t pulling your teeth out. Jeongguk has practice the whole day. 
During the second night, you forget to save one of the articles you cited, and you spend a frantic hour searching through all your sources to trace it back. It’s a painful process and you almost cry, but you text Jeongguk and he sends you a selfie of him sending you a thumbs up. Your phone lags trying to scroll through the gigantic box of of hearts he texts you. You find the article. It’s good.
Third night and you’re about ready to give up. Jeongguk and Namjoon are both out of commission because apparently the universe hates all of you and you’re all busy with your respective work. But you have a page to conquer, and the onus is on you to show up with nice skin tomorrow because the department likes to take pictures to post online. The tea Jeongguk got you steams as you type diligently.
“Oh god,” you whisper to yourself. You scroll through your paper, making sure all your citations are right. Page numbers there. No excessive use of the first-person, your professor’s name spelt correctly. Formatted correctly.
It’s done.
You bask in the harsh light of your desk lamp, weight lifted off your shoulders the instant you save your document to submit online.
The assignment page loads, and you hit the button.
The line of your phone rings twice.
“Hello?” Jeongguk groans. It’s three in the morning. “Babe? Are you okay?”
“I FINISHED I SUBMITTED IT IT’S IN!” You yell. A genuine rise in your throat that has Jeongguk whooping with as much energy as his sleep-ridden voice can allow on the other side of the line.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I wanna hop on your dick right now.”
Jeongguk just snickers. Your eyebrows raise, because for sure he would’ve been choking. But maybe it’s because he’s tired. “Don’t tempt me into a boner, it’s too early for this.”
“Fuck—sorry. You have your game. Okay I’ll hang up. I’m gonna—sleep. Try to. Okay I love you! Sorry bye!”
“Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You knock out the second your light is off and your head hits the pillow.
You asked Namjoon earlier in the day to call you awake because your ringtone is more annoying than your alarm. And even though the ceremony is later in the evening, you’re scared that you’ll sleep the entire day away. 
Jeongguk texts you before you’re up. A congratulatory message, and another saying that he’ll be at practice the whole day so he’ll try to text you at lunch. But the afternoon sun sees no text from him and you know it’s because he’s sweating his balls off on the hockey rink. Stubborn like you know he is but now you miss him again. 
One thing that sticks in your head the rest of the day: the thought of it being over. Because once you get your awards and hopefully get to see the end of the game, you get Jeongguk to yourself again. Two weeks of agonizing to get to this point all but crashes into your loins to spark a frighteningly hot fire, and now, once again, you’re left to fantasize about Jeongguk’s dick. You force yourself not to dwell on it too much, makeup a risk to your fidgeting and if the reason why you have an ugly picture up online is because you were longing for dick then—well. 
It’s Namjoon who greets you when you get to the conference hall downtown.
“You look good,” is all he says. 
You stick your tongue out at him. You had to redo your lipstick twice. “Shut up.”
He leads you to where he was sitting: the massive table stuck in the middle with the microphones sticking up along the perimeter. Maplewood and entirely unfitting for the green carpet, though Namjoon beats you before you can say anything mean. “If you look up front, that’s the Commissioner-General I was talking about.”
You look. She’s a petite woman, scarily thin, wearing a bright scarf. “Yoon Soomin,” you recognize.
“Namjoon!” You hit his shoulder, and he winces with a grin. “Why didn’t you tell me!”
“Because I knew you’d get stressed!”
Well he’s goddamn right you’re stressed now. Yoon Soomin, Commissioner-General of one of the programs you had your eyes on for the past year now. Applications are open next week. You’ve had yours done for a solid six months, and now the head of the program is right here. In the flesh. Watching you about to get your award.
The chatter of all the other students is drowned out when the program head gets up for the commencement speech. “Good evening everyone. My name is Bae Joohyun. Thank you—”
Namjoon kicks your shin. You silence your phone. It’s Jeongguk.
[7:39PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Hi babe hope u had a good day!!! Sorry I got distracted [7:40PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: But I know ur gna win like fifty awards so advanced congrats!!!!!!! Proud of ur big brain [7:40PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Love you [7:41PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I hope you make it later pls try ur hardest but if u can’t it’s okay but like I would really appreciate if you. Came [7:41PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: OJO [7:42PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Heh Taehyung said that looks like me 
There’s clapping. You don’t know why everyone’s clapping but you do it too.
[7:42PM] You: pls don’t break any limbs while i am here i won’t be fast enough [7:42PM] You: love u. play smart not hard. i’ll be there for ur final goal 🤪 [7:43PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: Anything for my scholar [7:43PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: You r so cute please come soon [7:44PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: I have to go now I LOVE You
“I will now invite the Student Chair Kim Namjoon forward to deliver a speech,” Professor Bae says.
No last text to Jeongguk because now you join the applause once more. Namjoon gets up with practiced ease, staggered steps of confidence because if anyone is going to get a PhD first, it’s him. And you know he applied for the program too.
It starts simple: “Thank you for coming today.” A celebratory gathering, gratitude for everyone’s hard work and commitment. A call for everyone to continue being ambassadors for the Humanities. Nothing you haven’t heard before. 
“I would also like to announce that the department has decided to award a special recipient tonight for their academic work and contribution to graduate research,” Namjoon continues. “The award will be presented by Yoon Soomin, Commissioner-General of the Anthropology for the Humanities Global Network. Please give your warmest applause to Doctor Yoon.”
Oh god. Your literal idol because she was just as interested in babies as you were and Jeongguk would for sure be goading you into a frenzy because of your shaking. But you clap as normally as normal clapping goes, and Doctor Yoon takes the mic.
“I’ll just head straight into it,” she says with a pretty smile. You catch Namjoon looking at you. He raises an amused eyebrow, and now you’re suspicious. “It is an honour to call upon ___, for their recent submission of pronatalist work based in Europe for the research study funded by the Global Network.” That’s—you. That’s you, and these are your legs moving on their own accord to the beat of the eager applause. You don’t look at Namjoon but you can hear him, because he’s clapping the loudest. “___ has been recognized before: for an outstanding submission in undergraduate research on cultural genocide, as well as active participation in the Anthropological department.”
Yoon Soomin extends a hand to you, as well as a pretty certificate gilded with bold letters in the form of your name. Again: all offered by Yoon Soomin. Again, you are shaking. 
“T—hank you,” you stammer, and her hand is soft in yours and you really just might cry but it’s probably because you’re exhausted. You’d slept for a solid ten hours but no amount of rest would have ever prepared you for her pretty voice congratulating you again. “I—It’s an honour.”
“Picture time,” Namjoon interrupts. He’s got his phone up. “Smile!”
“Congratulations again,” Doctor Yoon says. She grins like she knows something too, and the rest of the ceremony is static in your ears.
Like always, it’s repetition. A name called, award presented. Your name is exhausted three more times, and you’d cower under the attention but you worked too goddamn hard not get to this point. You think of Jeongguk, probably three to none even though it’s only been half an hour into the game. You and Namjoon are practically trembling when Professor Bae dismisses everyone.
Your jacket is on, purse about to swing over your shoulder when someone comes up to you.
“Hello.” Doctor Yoon again. “Oh—are you in a hurry?”
“Not at all,” you rush out. You can feel Namjoon vibrating too. “I—Thank you so much for presenting the award.”
“It was my pleasure. The overseas program application opens next week,” she advises, and you really might scream but you will yourself to stillness. “We don’t know where it’s based yet, but I hope that doesn’t discourage you from submitting your application.”
“Oh she’s been interested for years,” Namjoon offers. You elbow him. Doctor Yoon laughs. 
“I’m glad to hear that. Keep up the good work!”
You all but skirt around her with a quick thank you again! and make a mad dash out the building and to the underground train because Namjoon sucks and can’t drive on highways yet. “Good thing you didn’t wear heels because you’re so fucking slow.”
“Shut up,” you growl. The people on the sidewalk offer no space for you to slither through, and you grind you teeth with impatience. “And don’t give me shit when I beat you four to one.”
“Not everyone’s into babies like you are, genius.” You reach the closest subway entrance, a seedy staircase down into the dirty cement and your fare is paid with a drop of a coin; running for the departing train and you make it by the wisp of your hair. You sigh into an empty seat, Namjoon right next to you. “Time.”
It’s nearing 9:00. “Oh my god it’s almost done.”
“You’ll make it,” Namjoon says. The jostling ride is another twenty minutes, and you know it’s cutting it short but you promised Jeongguk. He’s so close. You’re out of breath. “So you’re free now, huh.”
“You worked hard.”
You scrunch your face in embarrassment. “Thanks Joonie.”
“I mean it,” he says. “No one deserves this more than you. Yeah? Cut yourself some slack.”
“I know—it’s just—I couldn’t be there for Jeongguk as much as I could have—” And it’s all coming out now. There’s only one other person on this cart other than Namjoon so you let yourself have the moment, the breakdown. The awfulness of preoccupation and missing your boyfriend and too much work. You don’t want to cry but the screech of the metal tracks makes it easier to hide. “‘M so fucking tired.”
Namjoon pats your back when you heave. “Two more stops. Then you can curse the gods all you want.”
Good incentive, because once the doors slide open on your stop you book it up the escalator as fast as your fatigue can allow. Luckily campus is right around the corner, cars taking up all the space on the road. Probably all here for the final match of the year, your university against the one a city over, and the cheers are so loud you hear it from the two sidewalks over. “Let’s go let’s go!”
And you and Namjoon run again, down to the set of doors of the arena nestled into the corner of your school. The doors are heavyset but you yank them like you’ll die if you aren’t inside within the next twenty seconds, and it’s only now that you feel the buzz of your phone from a text.
[8:58 PM] Jimin Bimin: I’m on the east side with taehyung, third from the bottom bleacher, mostly in the middle. hurry!!!!!!
Namjoon’s no doubt just following the beeline you make because even you can’t feel where your legs are taking you. All you know is the rush of school pride and the deafening yells of the crowd, lost bits of popcorn on the floor scrunching against your shoes as you search for Jimin. You see Taehyung first: warpaint on his face and he waves you over quickly, scooting over with a pull on Jimin to make room for Namjoon too.
“You made it!” Jimin screams and it still sounds like a squeak with the roar of the people everywhere.
But you ignore this, laser-beaming the rink for that familiar 97. You catch Jeongguk closely following the puck, stick clenched tightly in his fists, legs quick in their glide as the offence. You feel everyone’s bated breath, hands grabbing Jimin’s arm—the other team’s members flying past Jeongguk, the raise of the wood, a slap to the puck—
The red blares. The crowd goes wild. 
“HE WON!” Jimin screams and so do you, the wave of excitement passing over you like fairy dust and now everyone’s cheering. You have no idea what went on. But now all the boys off the rink jump over the barrier to grab Jeongguk in a hard throttle, arms tangled around each other, chant lost on your ears but they look so happy. 
Somehow, a body breaks away from the huddle, and now they’re skating in your direction. 
Jeongguk waves. You smile. A wave back, and now you have each other again.
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You wait outside the building, watching as the throngs disperse. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin already said their goodbyes, last felicitations from them both and a promise for lunch from you somehow gets squeezed from the conversation too. The brick is hard against your back.
[9:30PM] Aa…Jeongguk❣️: WHERE ARE YOU [9:30PM] You: i’m outside already!!
A door bursts open. There’s an inhale, then you turn your head. Jeongguk drops his bag the second you charge for him, arms ready for your attack as you jump and wrap your legs around his waist, arms caught on his neck. You think you hear someone gasp but it’s all lost on you now. “Oh my god I love you,” he breathes, and you cry. “Babe—”
“I watched you,” you sniffle, and you frown when he laughs. “Watched you win.”
“I’m glad.”
You kiss him. “Missed you.”
Jeongguk looks like he might cry too. “Mine again?”
“Yours again.” And you mean it. 
“I would—I would invite you over to the after-party but I’m sleepy,” he says in between presses of his mouth, “and I ran out of contact solution the other day so I can’t invite you over and also Taehyung’s probably sleeping right now.”
“Then you come over.” You melt into his tongue, his feet staggering in your grind and he bites your lip.
“Yeah, actually get some shut-eye.” He lets you off when you wriggle your ass against his hands, dragging him to the bus stop before he can put them back against your jeans or else you might really fuck him this time. “Because Taehyung snores too loud anyway.”
The ride to your apartment totals eight minutes because it’s late, and living on the edge of the suburbs means no one’s up this late anyhow. Jeongguk hadn’t even let you find a seat, balancing through red lights on his feet just to fly out the door when you’d reached your stop. You’ve already done too much running today but Jeongguk still rushes you up to your floor, and before you can get the key to your door he has you pressed up on it instead.
“Want you,” he says. Hard against your throat like he means it.
“God—let me—open my door and you have me,” you say through your teeth, gritted because the hallways echo and now Jeongguk has his thigh pressed up against you. “Babe let go—”
He does, but only with a lingering kiss promised by your burning attraction. You don’t fumble with the lock but you do stumble in from how quick you open the door, slamming shut in your haste and you hear his duffel bag meet the ground and now your back meets the hard metal again. “You have to stop shoving me into this thing oh my god.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Jeongguk whispers. He’s kissing you again. Lifts you up with no warning and you yelp into his curious mouth, dick grinding into the rough of your pants. “Fuck I—”
“Did—you want to—”
“No—wait yes, yes—I just—” He doesn’t let up. You can feel his cock straining against his sweats, flimsy layers you could just shove down but his hips are glued to your own. “I can’t—cum. Right now. Too much. Wind—wound up.”
Your tailbone is starting to dig into the door. “Then let me down and let’s just—sleep.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. One last kiss, nose meeting yours. “Still on my hockey grind.”
“Ew,” you snort. “Also don’t wear your pants to bed.”
“Oh.” He shoves his shoes off when you do. 
“I don’t like it when people wear their outside clothes on my sheets.”
“But it’d be nice to wake up to your dick on my ass,” you add. Jeongguk makes a strangled noise, then carries you to bed.
“I’ll brush my teeth tomorrow,” is the last thing you remember him saying. 
The morning rushes in too soon. Your curtains aren’t closed and Jeongguk hogs the blanket, sprawled on your side of the bed no less. You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to spoon but at least his cock is warm with something just as soft as your ass.
You settle in the calm. Jeongguk isn’t one to snore but his soft breaths are just as jarring, disbelief apparent when you realize this is the first time he’s ever slept-over at your place. As convenient as it is to live somewhere that only needed one bus ride, you’re on campus all the time; making sense meant taking up space in his res instead. But now the lump he occupies in your bed is something you think you could get used to.
(Even if he hogs the blanket.)
You’re still in your clothes from last night, but at least you had the decency to shuck off your jeans. And you’d gotten up well past Jeongguk-sleeping-hours to take off your makeup because it took you forever to pry his ridiculously strong arm off around you. You get up with a kiss to his mane of bedhead and a silent reminder to grab an extra toothbrush.
The next plan to execute on your list after washing the tired off: breakfast. And you know you don’t have eggs but you open the fridge like you’ll see the carton sitting there anyway.
You’re standing, coming to a blank for what feels like forever. You think briefly about ordering in, then remember the guilt of just grabbing groceries instead. The internal battle is cut short when you hear the creak of your bed, a long groan. Then, footsteps.
“You look sad,” Jeongguk croaks two seconds later.
You frown for effect. “I want eggs. And why are you up.”
“Come here, egghead.” Jeongguk is groggy. The sexy kind too, because his voice is a tenor that scratches the needier part in you, the one telling you to bury your face in his chest and you do just that. “I felt you move. Sorry I couldn’t wake you up with my dick against your butt.”
“S’ok. And go shower because you’re stinky.”
He lets you go. “Good morning,” he says for the first time. A domesticity you feel lightheaded from. “You should shower with me.”
“Unless you’re scared of detachable shower heads I think you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t be cocky,” he whines. “And you’re dirty too, you sweat a lot just like I do.”
That’s true. “But it’s not even a hair washing day.”
“Why are you resisting me, woman.” He brings two hands up, wiggling his fingers. “I’ll tickle you.”
“You will not—”
“I will tickle you and if you don’t shower with me I will cry.”
You huff. “Fine.” He leads you down the hall to the bathroom, satisfied in his quick win, back flexing when he takes his shirt off. “And I’m the cocky one.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says. You know he’s baiting but you don’t want to resist him anymore. “You need to turn the shower on because I don’t know how to.”
Getting naked is a different kind of intimate when you’re not in the bedroom. You know this because Jeongguk can’t even look your way when you’ve stripped, but you’re shivering like he’s staring.  You step into the tub before he can back out. He doesn’t come in till the water’s running.
You like it hot. Jeongguk—not so much by the looks of his hesitation, so you compromise with a slight shift of the knob and a switch in place so he’s under the pelt of water. He’s all hard muscle under your hands. “Hope you like cherry blossom.”
He doesn’t say anything. Grabbing the loofah you spurt your pink soap, lathering it on his chest first. Jeongguk just stares. “I really missed you,” he says.
You nod. Nodding fast to keep yourself from thinking too hard because then you might start getting soft. “Me too,” you croak out. “Want me to wash your hair?”
Jeongguk just brushes his lips against yours in answer. You’ve just reached over his shoulders to get the back of his neck but he forces you back into the tiles, back inundated with cold hardness and there’s no room for complaint when your tits press against Jeongguk’s skin like this. He groans a desperate sound into your pliant mouth. “I—I don’t wanna wait anymore.”
You pause. “For what?”
“I don’t—know—I—just having you here again. Makes me want to do everything.”
You are enveloped in mist and so much longing. “Let me finish then we’ll—go back.” You don’t know if you want to focus southward because one look at his dick and you’ll fall to your knees. “Turn around.”
He does. The glass of the divider fogs up in your intimacy. You give a half-hearted scrub along his skin, focusing on the grime you can’t see. Can’t think.
“Okay you know—I think we’re good,” you say, voice tight.
“Come here.” Jeongguk spins to find you again, a hard kiss into you and you feel his dick press up against your stomach. “Towels.”
“Turn off the shower.” You push open the door, shaking legs dripping onto the floor as you scramble to wrap yourself in warmth other than Jeongguk. He grabs the other one, quick passes over his skin before he drops it to the floor and nearly bowls you over to get you out into the bed room.
It’s bright. Jeongguk reads your mind. “Can I—shut the blinds?”
He goes to twist the plastic while you dry off the last remnants of water clinging to your skin, and before you know it Jeongguk has you lain flat across the tangled blankets, legs dangling from the side of the bed. “God I tried really hard to have a normal morning with you but I—just can’t anymore.” He kneels over you. “Please tell me you feel the same.”
You could go on about how quick the one-eighty was. From your thoughts about breakfast to this absolutely insatiable need for your boyfriend to insert whatever valid body part he could use into your pussy. But you and Jeongguk are never conventional, and going too fast is an illusion now. 
You have each other again, and no one’s counting the seconds anymore.
“Will you fuck me?” You ask.
“Yes,” he decides, and he unwraps the towel you’d clung onto before pressing downwards and caving into your lips. “I—have never wanted you so goddamn bad in my life, oh my god.”
“Good,” you choke on your breath because Jeongguk slips down your throat with his tongue and a pucker of his lips. “Ah—!”
A bloom of your slick runs through your cunt when he sucks hard on your skin, thumbs a shy presence on your breasts but they peak under the pressure. “You have the cutest tits,” he says. 
“Shut up.” You flare with embarrassment. “You can—be more rough.”
Jeongguk twists your nipples and you pant. “Like that?”
“Suck on them too. Make it—hurt.” His eyes flutter, determined in your command. Mouth a hot suction, laving you with his spit. His teeth graze in a bite and you moan. “Fuck—yeah. That’s so good…”
He stays like this: feeding into your sounds with sloppy grips of his tongue, suckling till your tits pop out his mouth and your hands find the nape of his neck in desperation. “Ugh—please—”
Jeongguk slurps on a nipple. “Get up there.”
You scramble up the bed, comfortably nestled in the centre and Jeongguk’s fingers go to spread your pussy,   cheeks heating in the sound of wet. He sighs.
“Do you want to cum now?”
You dip your head. “Please.”
He settles on his stomach, diving in to latch onto your clit, sucking that has your head thrown back further with every inch he covers with the jerk of his tongue. Honed in on the dangerous tip that could have you teetering over in a second and your hips pull back, but his hands take your bucking and locks you down to his attention. Too much so and now you wail. “Oh my g—od.”
Curses caught in the grit of your teeth because now he licks the stretch of your cunt like he’s thirsty. Jeongguk’s good at making you want more when you don’t know what means. “Gonna—use a finger.”
“Fuck, yeah. Yeah.” He curls in and up, a sweet crevice touched. Eyes rolling back as you puff. “Holy fu-uck yeah, finger it.”
“Wanna beg?” He suggests. Challenging.
“You’re asking me to?”
“I’m begging you to,” Jeongguk snickers.
“Then—” you settle up on your elbows, watching the minute thrusts into your cunt like a lazy cartoon— “please use another finger. And—make me cry this time.”
His eyes bulge in your confidence. Pulls out; now there’s two hard intrusions and it digs into a sweeter part inside, a touch that has you keening right into the pillow, drool smearing on the sheet. Clit sitting pretty on his wet tongue and you’d let him have it all day if he asked. Then Jeongguk thrusts in a drill so hard you vibrate. “O-O-Oh my fuuuuuuck—”
He curves into your loudness. “So fucking sexy,” he praises, rushing right through you and onto his fingers. “So wet—”
“Ugh—!” Your sobbing isn’t a tearful one but the scratch in your throat is smarting. Jeongguk swipes right over your nub. Leans up, fingers still a consistent presence and now his tongue is teasing yours, a muscle spasm more than anything and you can’t fucking breathe.
“Sit on my face,” he says.
“I might cum.” Oh. He looks at you, eyes a wonder of pleasured agony. Probably because he’d been grinding into the sheets like last time but now you’re even more gone.
“Okay,” you gulp, and Jeongguk rolls over. Knees above his shoulders, using his elbows to slide along the mattress till you’re settled comfortably over his eager mouth. “You okay?”
“Fuck yeah.” He pulls on your thighs until his neck doesn’t strain up anymore, a stretch you can ignore if only to feel the traction of his rough love on your sensitivity. “This is—so hot.”
“Are you—pulling on pornographic roots right now?”
He hums into a suction. “Yeah.”
“What else have you thought about?” You can’t see his entire face from your view, but his forehead is scrunched. Thinking hard for you.
“Nothing—crazy,” he says. He kisses your leaking cunt. “Always wanna make you feel good. But it’d be hot if I choked you, yeah.”
“Whatever you like,” Jeongguk decides. “I like whatever you like.”
“I would like it if you made me cry,” you contend.
He doesn’t say anything else. Jeongguk squeezes your ass, neck straining to get you dribbling on the tip of his tongue, pleasure pulled from the bottom of your stomach into moaning so loud you’re worried for the thinness of your walls. “Oh my god I’m close—don’t stop—”
Your pussy grinds right into it. His fingers are lax on your skin like he’s given up if it means you feed into your own demise. And you do: grating all your nerves from Jeongguk’s insistence into your sex and your hands tangle into his hair. “Oh fuck I’m—Jeongguk—!”
The feeling settles heavy in your pussy. Taken with a vehemence you’d praise forever and Jeongguk is nothing but passionate, a power translated through all his work and one he insists on when he paints your cunt like it’s his favourite thing to do. His hands tighten their grip on your ass, nearly falling over when his tongue slides like that—
“I’m cumming—oh my god I’m—fuck!”
Your eyes sting. It bursts—starting on Jeongguk’s tongue and spreading so fast you can’t tell up from down.  Moans wrenched from your chest and you can’t catch your breath, even when you push yourself off from Jeongguk because you can’t stop riding into it. “Ah—oh fuck.” You’re sniffling.
“Babe wait did I actually make you cry?”
“Yes you idiot, come here.” And Jeongguk crawls over you, kiss-ready, lips wet on yours. “Do you—is it—are you okay? Do you wanna try now?”
“Sure,” he says. “I just—might not last too long.”
“We take it slow,” you say. He nods. “Got condoms?”
Jeongguk looks sheepish but he nods again. “Please don’t ask me why I have them on me.”
“I’m asking why you have them on you.”
He groans. “Let me just—get them from my bag.” And he runs, hard penis and all, outside to the bag he’d left outside in your haste to the bed. He’s not even gone for two seconds before he has the string of foil in his hand. “Remember there was a party last night? Taehyung gave them to me just in case—you know. Something happened.”
“Good friend. Do you—have lube too?” 
Jeongguk pales. “No.”
“Come here,” you order instead, because you’re ridiculously wet anyhow. He gets closer, lying down when you push his chest down. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Just wanna kiss you.”
He lets you. You stay in this moment, a precursor to a new era if you were being dramatic about it. But having him so soft and yielding under you like this makes you want to enjoy it, bit by bit. “I love you,” he says.
You mold into him. “I love you too.” Reaching over for one of the foils, you tear it as Jeongguk stares with a still chest. The condom rolls easily. “Okay?”
Then you sit on top of him, your own breath caught in the butterflies jumbled in your stomach, a flit when his hands come to rest on your thighs. Nerves tangling with his and you feel the low tremors in his body. Your pussy glides along his dick lying pretty on his stomach. You tangle your hands with his. “Don’t be nervous,” you whisper.
Jeongguk gulps. “Just—kiss me again.”
You lean back down, his hands tightening yours when you meet him again. “Are you okay?”
His eyes are closed. “Yes—yes. You can put it in. Please.”
“Just—say the word and I’ll stop.”
He nods.
There’s a lump in your throat. You want it to be good for him. The griping all his friends did had done a great deal for your sex life, yeah. But the point of his comfort was crossed so many times you feared he’d back out by this time. And now he waits: waits for your go, on your own time, because the last thing he wanted to do was pressure you too. You know it in his attention, his quiet insistence on making you cum first. His patience for you to come back to him. Waiting so that you could get comfortable before he did, because he’s only ever comfortable when you are. 
You hold the base of his dick, tip straight below your core, positioned at the height of both your breaths.
You sink down.
It’s a scarcity, to feel this good from the get-go. A prodding that pinches a little stretches you right, Jeongguk’s length gloved in your heat, so much heat because he groans. “Oh my god.”
“Is that—okay?”
His hands find your hips when your knees drop down even further. Slow, slow, slow; so wet because he makes you feel it—until you bottom out. Jeongguk shivers. “Tell me—when I can move.”
You watch his eyebrows scrunch up, teeth gritting when you shift to ease the weight on your legs. “I’m good. I’m good, please move, fuck.”
You do. You pick up to an easy pace, not straining yourself but enough for the tip of his dick to hit a spot in your gut that has you cooing. Your hands find his chest. “Ooh—fuck yeah.”
“Is it good—for you?” Jeongguk pants, bucking his hips when he watches your tits bounce. 
“Yeah. Feels so good…” You trail off, getting used to the feel of something so much thicker than his fingers. A burn you can’t say you haven’t missed, teasing your insides and you squeeze.
“Baby—that—fuck—” He’s sweating. His forehead shines, hair caught on his skin. His chest is a flushed, wet where your palms meet him because you’re getting a little winded now. But the little grunts he lets out every time you bounce is enough to keep you going. 
“Do you think—you can cum like this?”
His grin is sheepish. “N-No.”
You opt for a closer grind then. “How do you want me?”
“Your back,” he says, hesitant. “Let me—fuck you from the edge of the bed.”
You can do that. You lift up till his dick lies wet on his belly, sheets a mess under your bum when you let Jeongguk get up to move you the way he wants. He stands, one knee on the mattress as he spreads your legs, pussy served like it’s his to take. Makes a grab for his dick; jostles around a bit on your clit to see your hole tighten, stomach clenched. 
He presses in slow just to see you shiver. In control of your pleasure again, and you sigh into the sheets. 
“Oh my god.” You grasp the blankets, elbows strong to watch what you now know is the visual of Jeongguk fucking you. A little stilted in his rhythm, but only because he’s getting used to the feel of your pussy like this. 
You don’t care for the semantics of proper fucking. As long as his hips meet your ass in the beat you can only call nasty. The squelch of your arousal is loud. “Fuck—baby…”
“Yeah—feels so good.” Buried deep in your walls and maybe you could learn the ridges of his dick like this: lain here for him to use, cunt fit only for his pleasure. A position you’d gladly take everyday from now on because fuck if this isn’t heavenly. 
You know he feels it too when his chest picks up in his panting, dick a piston now and you mewl. 
“Yeah—faster, baby—like that—!”
“Shit—” Smearing your walls with your own slick, made for him to dirty. A push so vigorous you would be sliding if it weren’t for Jeongguk’s tight hands on you, and all you can do is take it. “Babe I’m close—”
And he bends down, kissing you with a pant into your mouth because he’s getting spent, efforts all going into your pleasure. He still thrusts. “Cum. Cum when you can, fuck.”
“What about—”
You shut him up with another press of your lips. “I’m fine.”
He leaves it at that. Jeongguk leans up again, adjusting one more time till he’s got both knees on the bed, cock a heady presence inside your sex and he gives it hard now. You’re trying not to squeeze so hard around him but it’s getting difficult; seeing him so focused, his eyes wild, sweat dripping on his shoulders. Sweltering in your heat and love and novelties—defiling him but in the best way possible. “I love you,” he chokes. “Oh my god I might—”
“Give it to me,” you whisper.
He does. Your pussy is still in Jeongguk’s indulgence, his whines escalating until he groans out: “I’m cumming—”
Jeongguk slams into you, a final push for your core and he croons into your neck. Streams of his pleasure in the form of a long sigh, his pulses inside. And maybe you’re dumb but you’re laughing and crying again, arms wrapping around his neck, swaying him back and forth as he calms down. 
“How was that?” You ask.
He’s crying, too. You wipe his under-eye when he takes one more kiss. “Best ever,” he says. “I’ll make you cum.”
“You don’t need to—” But his thumb is already on your clit, still wet from his doing and you force your hips to stillness— “Jeongguk no—”
“I wanna feel you cum around my dick,” he says, and the plea is enough for you to tighten and cry even more. It hurts, a nudge of pain but it’s already beginning to spread into pleasure—
You cum into his kiss, walls clenching into an orgasm so sweet your toes tingle. A ripple of pleasure running through all of you and he moans like he feels it too. 
Out of breath. It’s hot under his skin.
“So. Who do we tell first?”
Jeongguk laughs. “Maybe we can decide over breakfast.”
And you feel something, better than orgasmic bliss, the pleasure of a tryst: the simplicity of being in love. Jeongguk makes you feel like you can do anything.
“Eggs?” You ask.
His tongue is sweet. “Eggs.”
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