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honibumii · 2 months ago
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Chat is it gay to use your ridiculously tall ass to help your ridiculously short rival
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haytaogluyunus · 1 year ago
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Erzurum Belediye Başkanlarından, Komitacı ittihatçı, eski asker (Yarbay)
1883 yılında Erzurum'da doğdu. 1900 tarihinde girdiği harp okulundan 1902'de Piyade Teğmen'i olarak mezun oldu ve 4. Ordu emrine atandı. 27 Şubat 1909 tarihinde Jandarma sınıfına nakledilerek Muş ili Jandarma bölük komutanlığına atandı. Yurdalan, 13 Nisan 1912 tarihinde Yüzbaşı rütbesine yükseltilerek Trabzon Jandarma alayı Hatina bölük komutanlığına 8 Agustos 1913 tarihinde de Erzurum Jandarma alayı merkez bölük komutanlığına atanmıştır.
1.Cihan savaşında Erzurum savunmasında Kargapazarı muharebesinde ve Erzurum'un düşman eline geçmesi sonucu Tercan Hebek dağı muhaberesindeki hizmet ve fedakarlığına karşı 25 Mayıs 1916 tarihinde Binbaşı rütbesine yükseltilmiş, ayrıca savaşta müttefikimiz olan Avusturya Macaristan İmparatorluğu tarafından da Askeri liyakat sahibi ile askeri harp nişanı verilmek suretiyle mükafatlandırılmıştır.
21 Aralık 1916 tarihinde 3.Ordu komutanlığınca Trabzon Jandarma alayı komutanlığına vekaleten atanmıştır. Bu görevi süresince Postoncu Rumlara karşı ciddi bir mücadele veren Yurdalan, Ferit Paşa hükümetince re'''en emekli edilmiştir. Bunun üzerine 1919 tarihinde Erzurum'a gelerek Süleyman Necati ve Hüseyin Avni beyler ile Erzurum Müdafa-i Hukuk Cemiyetini kurmuştur.
Erzurum kongresine Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve Rauf Orbay'ın üye olarak girmelerini sağlamak için Cevat Dursunoğlu ile beraber Erzurum üyeliğinden istifa etmiştir. Sonradan kongreye Tortum üyesi olarak katılmıştır. Erzurum Kongresinden sonra silahlı kuvvetlerde görev almış 29.Piyade Alay komutanı olarak Kars ilinin düşmandan kurtarılmasında gösterdiği başarıdan dolayı 1920 tarihinde Yarbay rütbesine yükseltilmiştir ve istiklal madalyası ile ödüllendirilmiştir.
1935 yılından 1945 yılına kadar değişik hizmetlerde bulunan Yurdalan, 1945 yılından 1950 yılına kadarda Erzurum belediye başkanlığı görevinde bulunmuştur.
13 aralık 1962 yılında İstanbul deniz hastanesinde vefat eden Yurdalanın kabri vasiyetnamesindeki isteği üzerine bilahare Erzurum şehir mezarlığına nakledilmiştir.
Mezar taşında yazılı olan “İnkılapçının maddi varlığı içinde yaptığı toprak olmalıdır” Cümlesi yaşamının açık ve seçik aynasıdır.
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woobyun · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by @psycheos thank youuu 💕💕
And I'm tagging @orreur @sshinhye @wonseoks @emobfchangkyun 💜💜
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treasureswordsgirl55 · 3 years ago
Can you make a story where the reader and Steven take a break from work and spend their day doing generic, cute couple things? Like getting ice cream, swimming, doing karaoke ect together? Thank you :)))!
Hello @0wormtime0 ! I'm sorry but I was studying for my exams so it was difficult for me write these days but... I'm here with one of your requests. I love all of them so, I choose ice cream in this time.
Thanks for your request and I hope you like the fic!! 💖💖💖
Ps: The karaoke fic is coming...
First Date: Ice Cream 🍨
Pairing: Steven Grant x Fem!Reader.
- Do you want to wait for me outside? I'll take this to the office and I'll be right back to pick you up.
I stare at the museum doors for a minute before turning to Steven and giving him a smile with a shake of my head. I see him effortlessly holding a box full of beetle dolls and indicate the Egyptian hall.
- Better leave that Khepris mountain safe and come find me in your favorite area. I'll be looking around a bit - Steven can't help smiling when he hears me speak Egyptology in his language and I walk towards the different sectors that are in the room. The different busts that reflect the faces of the gods of the Ennead look at me with an expression worthy of a regiment and I slowly read their descriptions of each one of them.
I didn't dare tell Steven that I wanted our date here, but I figured he might be uncomfortable with his grumpy boss hanging around us. It was the only day of his that he could leave early and he didn't want her to be there anymore. Our glances and mini talks about Egypt and the various decorations placed on the wall of the gift table led us to converse more confidently and in a hint of it from Steven, he asked me out.
I smile when I remember the moment in which he told me half stuttering but I didn't hesitate for a second to accept it.
He walked slowly between the models of the Pyramids of Giza until he came to a statue that has no name, but appears to be a woman with the head of a frog.
- This is Hebek. She takes care of births and kids. It is said that she was some kind of midwife in ancient Egypt - I startle when I hear Steven behind me and I barely turn around, he is with his bag on his shoulder and his blue jacket in hand. Now he's just wearing a white t-shirt that looks great on him - Forgive me if I scared you.
- You just surprised me.
- Did you know her?
- No, honestly. I only know the most superficial of Egypt.
We both laugh as Steven steps aside to let me pass and we walk together out of the museum past a security man who looks at us like he's seen a ghost.
- Hey darling. If I bore you with things like the ones in here, come find me - I see out of the corner of my eye that Steven shrinks at his words but he doesn't hesitate to give his co-worker a reproachful look - Steven is not a man to you.
I slam on my brakes as I turn around and get close enough for him to hear me.
- If there is something that I am clear about, it is that you are not a man for me, I do not like men who watch videos on the internet while in room 3 someone is trying to carry a Venus de Milo in the pocket of a backpack. Keep that in mind next time before assuming my tastes - I smile at Steven who looks at me as if he were seeing Osiris himself and just blushes.
- Goodbye.
My God, help me not to kiss him before the first date is over, he's too adorable for my lovesick heart.
- Where do you want to go? - He asks me as soon as we leave the museum as we walk towards the surroundings of the museum and we see that more people begin to appear in our path as we approach the center - Do you want to go for a drink? Walk in the park? Or the Square?
- How about going for some ice cream and going to the square for a while?
He just nods and as soon as we enter the first ice cream shop we find, we make our orders that Steven pays like a good gentleman before I can even protest and we leave quickly towards the square, to shelter from the sun that seeks to melt our ice creams.
We talk a little about everything, from our jobs, the complaints of each of them, his hatred for Donna that makes me laugh out loud when I hears his various recurring dreams of making her disappear, we change our tastes for reading that we both share, his passion for Egypt and ancient history and my passion for astronomy, among other things, but our main talk focuses on the dessert that we both eat in silence for a few moments.
- You're one of the basics, Steven - I look at his strawberry and cream ice cream while he looks strangely at my ice cream with heaven's cream, vanilla and American cream - You have to leave your comfort zone for a moment. You should be one of those who try new things.
- I have stepped out of my comfort zone with you. I have to admit that - he takes a bite of his ice cream and savors it while he thinks of what to say next - You're the... The first woman I've dared to ask on a date. And the first one I ever take on a date, so that's too much for my life.
- I'm flattered by it - I look at the ice cream for a few seconds and extend it in his direction- Do you want some? I assure you that you will love it.
- I don't think a taste called heaven is something appetizing.
- Oh my God. Just try it and you'll see that you'll thank me - He lets out a small sigh and as soon as he gets closer, I hear a sound that distracts me and I turn around, but the curse that comes out of Steven's mouth brings me back to reality - Oh. I am so sorry.
I put my hand to my mouth trying to hide my laughter as soon as I see that Steven's face is both on his lips and on his nose, light blue brushstrokes due to the ice cream that I inadvertently pushed against him.
- Forgive me, I did not see when you approached.
I laugh as I walk over, taking his hand to hold the ice cream and reaching for a napkin to wipe the ice cream off his face, but I stop when I see that he's laughing as he shakes his head and tries to look at his nose. which makes it look even funnier.
He is a lovable man who just needs confidence to show himself as he is. And I love him.
- What happen? Do I have anything other than ice cream?
- No, you just look adorable - He blushes again as I wipe his face with the napkin and barely reach his lips, I leave my fingers on them more than it should be legal, but I can't contain my impulses to be too far from him - I really like it when you're like that, like liberated.
- I like being like that with you. I feel good with you.
I bite my lip as he pulls me away and puts my napkin down on the side of the seat we're sitting on, but when I turn back to my ice cream, I find his brown eyes staring at me like he's trying to figure something out. As if he could read my soul if he wanted to.
- You're... You're gorgeous - I feel my cheeks heat up before his words and I get a little closer, until our lips almost touch, but the sound of something thick hitting the ground separates us watching how the ice cream melts at our feet.
We crack up again as I pout at my ice cream on the floor and Steven hands me his with a smile.
- No. It's your ice cream, I can't take it. Now I'll get another.
- You don't want my basic tastes, for sure.
I shake my hands as I laugh again and I see between the small tears that come out of my eyes that he is looking at me with a kind of affection that makes my heart beat uncontrollably.
- I always want something from you, Steven.
We are both silent for a few seconds and I get close enough to kiss his cheek, feeling him relax at my touch.
- And that was because... the kiss?
- Because I wanted to do it - I admit as I reach for his hand with mine and leave it close enough not to invade his private space, but Steven clasps our hands without even hesitating, consciously or unconsciously - I've loved spending this afternoon with you, Steven.
- Same to me.
- I have a proposal for you: What do you think if the next date is at the museum? You could teach me everything you know about Egypt, although I don't think I'll last a single date, if you want, of course.
- How could I not want to spend time with you? I'd love to. It's a date, then.
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burgerboyz · 2 years ago
8. 7. 22 – Valerie Zavacká
M.:”Tvoje chovani, to je uplný pánevní dno!”
Zamknuli jsme zas gíbího doma a odlítli na návštěvu za slovákem – tím felixem. Tím co dádě trpí furt ty její kurevstva a ožralecký excesi. Emigroval sem sice teprv před půl rokem, ale už je cigi jak vyšinutej. Vyzná se v šunkách, který sou ze sviní narvanejch výhradně transgender žaludama a místo L furt říká J. S tím tady totiž vklidu vyžiješ, jestli ti neva smrad chcaní mladý paní v každé domácnosti a všude na ulici. Pláž vás tu bohužel nepotěší jestli se tešíte na pořádný mikroplasty, nepříjemný ostrý kameny, zkurveně studenou vodu a celkově nechutnej bordel. Aspoň je to tam ale pořádná párty a hrajou poslední hity jako například Tů-tů-tů Tu-dý-du-dy-dů. Víte ne? Napovím: Má v tom prsty kejný west a Kim to myslím není. Kafe si pak budete muset dát nejlíp od japonců a paeju si druhej den dokuchtěte doma s kfc kyblíkem a vajíčkem. Oni totiž neumí vařit, umí jen uzobávat. Jak hebek, ten šimpanz. A pokud se tu náhodou taky zjevíte, bežte si zatančit kovbojskou čaču pod most do parku, kterej byl dřív řeka plná splašků. Na jeho konci se pak můžete za těžký love potěšit rybím holokaustem završeným delfíní show. Avšak pozor, jejich trenéři k nim mají podezřele blízko. Pro kus sardelu jim prý po večerech dělaj prostituty. Dost, ale o nás, jak se měl ten rozmačkanej burger s křupavou slaninkou? Nebudu lhát, docela corida na talíři. Tak se tady totiž prej říká geňu.
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swazimade · 3 years ago
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What in the multiple hats is going on here? Human Resources AND Brand Development? Hebek! 😅 #kutricky #kuwow https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTDKaeH4_a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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honibumii · 2 months ago
Hebe scribbles on Sebeks arm while in class to annoy him btw. It works. Sebek never pulls away tho. If u even care.
He also starts stabbing him w the pen if he doesn't pay attention to him
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honibumii · 2 months ago
Im unintentionally giving sebek and hebe a hate-to-love pipeline relationship 😭😭😭😭
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burgerboyz · 3 years ago
9. 3. - laibachovo mikropelle
K.: “Mám negativní covid test, tak Vás můžu všechny opissinkovat.”
M.: “Na to pomůže už jen léčba šukem.”
Mamka umí líp anglicky protože poslouchá u2 a má takovýty brýle. Proto s ní jezdím do zahraničí na její pas.
Chudák holotka, sprcha se jim vysrala. V Brně už se nemůže prej topit tuhejma palivama, tak ale co s těma mrtvejma rusákama z ukrajiny, nemáme je kupovat? Dj pouští dost žilou devadesátkám, a ty tatu? Okamžitě vypněte plyn, nebo vás odpojíme od Swiftu, kurvy!!!
Budem muset bbz nalinkovat na nornik.net abychom měli konecne hodnotnou klientelu. Vony tam jsou ty holky napojený, padaj z koňa rovnou na péro, jak hebek. Zuby maj jak pervitinečky.
Asi zavoláme kányemu, jak ho známe, tak má dost klaustrofobii. Rovnou mu řeknem, ať není taková astma-pička. Flus minus je to stejně jedno.
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burgerboyz · 3 years ago
1.12. 21 - Ukončeno
M.: ”Chcáč mahál.”
K.: ”To sem se Tom Sellecknul jak ryba.”
Jestli jste to co jíte, tak sme dneska pěkná sračka. A hebek zelenina jak šumi.
Naštěstí v nokooko vaječňáku jsou asi fakt real vajíčka na tvrdo a rum captain beefheart.
Při té zkoušce sirén se asi fakt napiču vaří a kuchař si nezvlád snad ráno ani nahřát hero aby byl aspoň trochu k světu.
Nechci být nějak nedůvěřivej, ale tuhle restauraci už před třema rokama zakázali ve Francii. A u nás to v klidu všem doporučujou, jakože hrozně léčivý.
Nemám roušku, takže jsem dojezdil, ale káčko se de dožrat do mikrokarmy. Nebo prcat toho buzičkničemu, kdoví. Řek bych vám rád něco o plodnosti, ale to by mi muselo sát péro. Long kovid story short, žijete v tom filmu - termix. Káčko už má dárky i pro ernýho, by mě zajimalo jak mu to obleče přes mindžu. Tvl tak jsem to s těma skalpellama eMkovi vysvětloval asi zbytečně…
A btw. Já neříkal Vaječnej koňak, ale báječnej hoňák. Jsem teď sám doma, tak rozumíte, ne? Jo a ty holčičí spermie prej dýl vydrží, víte ne?
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burgerboyz · 3 years ago
25.11.2021 - Pro vás bistro lofas popás
M.: ”K vánocům chci Tamagucci.”
K.: ”Připravit ke squirtu, pozor, teď!”
Borec si furt prodlužuje šulina na svoboďáku. Dává vedle meka čvaňháro asi. Jak to bude studený, tak dojezdil. Odevdzá těch 80K za měsíc a pude do piči. Dyť už je to 2 minuty! On je pomalej protože už nejí ten cukr, jen obden.
Výborný, hranolky jsou gumový protože ona mu tam kouřila! Všichni už maj 4 děcka a já proklatej prstýnek pičo. Sundáme ho a dáme shilajit kůru. Budem po tom prej jak opice a králici. Chodí pešek okopulo!
Fakcínu furt jebem do huby. Podle jisté studie, to vegani vůbec ani nemůžou chytit. A proto to měl hebek už pětkrát! Ono totiž možná když bude další mutagen, tak neočkovaným to vleze do kulí a budou dobrý ale očkovaným to třeba kule ukousne. Takže kdo ví, nemáme na to metaanállízy. Jo a zapomněli jsme poznamenat, že nejsme teda vakcinologové ani kominíci. Každopádně náš kamoš je Adam Gaybrian a kdybyste chtěli, prodá Vám přes dickstagram svoje nápady kam vyhazovat prošlý kondomy, protože je jasný, že vůbec neprcáte.
Až eMko začne sypat se starou shilajit ve velkým, to se začnou dít věci. V sobotu na oběd k nim dovalí Stávek boura, budou se šlehat pr(a)ckama přes krk a tvářit se jak Japonci na rýžovým vínu. Já pak budu čekat venku, zasopleným kapesníkem budu utírat blitky z laviček a u toho budu trousit hrozný konspirace, jak ty kurvy očkovaný šíří ten virus všude, kde se jen podívaj. Ale víte jak, pokovídejte mi o tom…
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swazimade · 5 years ago
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Tooth fairy nearly got caught by the resident light sleeper. Hebek! 🙆🏾‍♀️ 5th tooth bites the dust. 21 to go. 🦷#teamninjachronicles #toothfairystokvel https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CdbjBnvN3lzkMr14ewurelQuIG6Wrua8tnqw0/?igshid=1qay39kwqmk8o
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swazimade · 5 years ago
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Date with my day one Ninja. He wasn’t too impressed with the show though. Gave me breakdown on our way to the car on how it wasn’t the same as TV. And how he doesn’t like how the Paw Patrol pups walk upright. So I asked, “Should they crawl?”. And he retorted, “Yes! Like dogs.” Hebek! 🙆🏾‍♀️😳 Wenu, lomuntfu, boMkandawire. I’ll be delivering him to you in a basket - Moses style. #teamninjachronicles #nickfestlive #moneychopped (at Ticketpro Dome) https://www.instagram.com/p/BznlNTtHShY40HV3X_px3P6LaUGVyViOqBDomA0/?igshid=8e22faoco9i8
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swazimade · 6 years ago
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After being away from this little bundle of love, all he was interested in upon seeing me is the pizza I promised him on my return. Hebek! 🍕❤️#teamninjachronicles https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCJ82LnTS3S6SSWkGPmAdHu9Kq_jxZHyNPblA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6es7i5oinoqx
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