#he went KYAAAAAAA~!!!
akinachiri · 2 years
im going thru the stories n i just got reminded of the time sena was cheering so hard for yuu-kun then started coughing and spitting up blood
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aeoki · 2 years
School Festival ☆ Tamayori’s Haunted Dollhouse - Chapter 12
Location: Hallway (In Front of Haunted House) Characters: Hinata, Shinobu & Yuuta
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Shinobu: (Heheh. I’m finally at the ninja house ~de gozaru…☆)
(It’s been on my mind the entire time I was out patrolling, but I couldn’t simply abandon my job to visit it~)
(All I could do was leave with a heavy heart ~de gozaru.)
(But the hero show ended in a huge success… And Taichou-dono said he and Shinkai-dono will take care of the stall so the first-years can have a break.)
(Taichou-dono is the same when it comes to “RYUUSEITAI” work but I’m grateful that he gives us proper breaks~♪)
(Tetora-kun went to see Kiryuu-dono and Midori-kun said he’d rest in the garden terrace.)
(I actually would have liked the two of them to come with me to the ninja house, but it couldn’t have been helped ~de gozaru.)
Hinata: Welcome, come swing by~☆
Yuuta: No one knows what’ll happen inside this house! What kinda thing can you experience, you ask? Well, you’ll just have to go in yourself to find out~♪
Hinata: Come, come. Come for a visit! Everyone is welcome~♪
We’ll be really happy if you get a good surprise~♪ So make sure to scream a lot like this!
Hinata & Yuuta: Kyaaaaaa…♪
Shinobu: (Kyaaaaaaa…!)
(T-That was dangerous! I ended up screaming without realising ~de gozaru!)
(The two walking in front of me… They’re the twin unit “2wink”, right?)
(One of them is my classmate but I can’t tell them apart at all, so I have no idea.)
(It’s not as though we know each other that well; we hardly know each other, if anything… so I don’t think it would be a problem if I ignore them.)
(No, it’d feel terrible to ignore a classmate, right? I shouldn’t let my shyness take over and go say hi to them ~de gozaru!)
(But, but talking to people I don’t really know is scary~! I want to run away immediately right now!)
Yuuta: Hmm…? Is that Sengoku-kun?
Hinata: Yuuta-kun, what’s wrong? Did you spot a friend or something~?
Yuuta: I suppose he’d be my classmate. Sengoku-kun, what’re you doing here?
Shinobu: …………
(Eek, they’ve started calling out to me! W-W-What do I do~!?)
Yuuta: Oh? He’s frozen. Heey, Sengoku-kun~?
Hinata: Hm…? Isn’t that the Transfer Student coming from over there? Ahaha, we’re seeing familiar faces one after the other ♪
Hinata: Heey, Transfer Student-san! Over here!
Yuuta: Are you enjoying the “School Festival” too?
Hinata: Yeah! We’re having a blast~♪ It’s a lotta fun dressing up as ghosts and scaring the visitors. I could get used to this~!
Shinobu: Oh, Transfer Student-dono~♪
Yuuta: Oh~ So you know the Transfer Student, Sengoku-kun!
Shinobu: Hyaa!? Y-Yeah ~de gozaru…!
Yuuta: (Looking at Sengoku-kun makes it feel like I’m watching a wild animal…)
Hinata: By the way, were you wanting to go inside, Transfer Student?
What!? Really? Yaay ☆ We hope you have a good time!
One visitor coming through!
Shinobu: Ah!
Yuuta: Hm? What’s wrong, Sengoku-kun?
Shinobu: U-Um! I-I’d also… uhh…
Yuuta: Did you also want to go inside? Then, why don’t you go with the Transfer Student? It’s the perfect timing, right?
Hinata: Sounds good ♪ You’re super welcome to!
Shinobu: Umm. Transfer Student-dono, may I go with you…?
Really!? Yaaay ♪ Thank you, thank you so much ~de gozaru! I knew it, you’re really like my goddess ♪
Alright! Let’s head inside the ninja house! Transfer Student-dono, come on ~de gozaru!
Hinata: Two visitors coming in…☆
Yuuta: Have a good time! Sengoku-kun will have a chance to talk with the Transfer Student one-on-one now~
He might run away if it was just us two with him, so I’m a little envious.
Hinata: The Transfer Student isn’t someone timid, after all~ Well, that goes the same for us, though! So we should be able to be friends with Sengoku-kun someday too ♪
Yuuta: That’s some positive thinking… It’s a shame he ran from us, but I’m in the same class as him so we’ll have plenty of opportunities to talk.
I hope we can slowly become friends~ I have a feeling Sengoku-kun might end up being my best friend at school ♪
Hinata: Like me and Sora-kun? I hope so! I’m rooting for you~!
Yuuta: Oh, right. This is about something else but Sengoku-kun called this the “ninja house”, didn’t he?
Hinata: Oh, yeah, he did. Did he make a mistake?
Yuuta: Well, we can’t do anything now since he’s already inside. It’s a haunted house, not a ninja house, so I hope he can still have a good time in there.
Hinata: He’ll be fine. Mostly everyone that went inside came out saying, “It was fun~♪” at the end.
Let’s continue to do our best and attract more people. “UNDEAD’s” cafe is probably the most popular thing right now so we’ve gotta catch up to them.
Yuuta: Yeah. We’ve got three units and they’ve only got one, so it’ll be frustrating to lose to them.
Hinata & Yuuta: Come right on in! We’ve got a super fun haunted house that’s awaiting your arrival~☆
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amenomiko · 3 years
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Thank you for the request @cottonfluffballofdoom !!! So sorry for the late reply in the request... *sigh* burnt outs is so........ suffocating 😩. Anyways, enjoy ❤❤❤❤❤!!!
Nobunaga - Spoon
Since they are of the same height.....
"Goodnight Nobunaga."
"Goodnight, fireball."
He is about to turn to spoon her, but due to being a lover of his same size-- (well, almost.)
Nobunaga were spooned by her instead.
Yes, it was warm, and good.. And a nice feeling but..
Nobunaga's face (almost every night) before he fell asleep / after he woke up : ಠ_ಠ
Hail tall MC to get such reaction from our arrogant lord.
Hideyoshi - Easy to Spot in the Crowd
Cue MC with jar of konpeito in her arms and Hideyoshi running out from the kitchen and into the town.
"But but but he say it is a magical candy that will help me shrink >A<!!!"
"And you believe that?? Get back here ヽ(`д´;)/!!!"
"Heh! I'm faster, Hideyoshi!"
"Yet I can always spot you in this crowd, MC!"
"Shitttt OAO!!!"
"LANGUAGE ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨!!!"
Masamune - Cockroach
MC is still adorable to him, despite being *cough* taller *cough* than him.
Because she will always show her cute side every now and then especially when she is afraid, surprised, and mesmerized with something.
Her reaction is still like a woman, though sometimes people will mistook her as a man for being tall.
Except for one thing...
Now Masamune is trying his best to balance his legs as MC's whole body is covering his one and only eye, due to being taller and almost engulfing his whole being when she hugged him.
....Like those circus show- ehem.
Mitsuhide - Bump onto the Things on Ceiling
"( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) Another injury I see?"
She looked away with a pout while rubbing her swollen forehead. "I- It's not my fault, okay? I admit I didn't see those hanging lanterns."
"My my, it is also because of-"
"Your teasings? Yes! Even if you wanted to kiss me, j-just read the room already!"
"Alright, alright, come here. My apologies."
"As if I would believe that! Hmf- *Turns around and bump her forehead onto the door frame* Ah-"
"My my ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) so adorable."
....He can't get enough from this kind of amusement tho. ...This snake.
Ieyasu - Hard to Kiss
">3< Mmmmffff....! Mmmmmmfffff!!!!"
"Mmmmmmffffnnnffff >3<!!!! *crack* AGH MY NECK QAQ!!!"
He groans. That's another crack he have heard this week. Another crack, another medical attention.
"I just want to kiss you Q3Q..."
"You don't have to bend down, MC. You can just always sit, and let me kiss you."
"....OH OAO✨✨✨✨✨!!!"
Even though she sounded like Mitsunari, he will always forgive her though. So much of loving his tall lover.
Mitsunari - He is the GF instead
They were walking in the town, when suddenly they were separated as Mitsunari were distracted with the display of books in one of the shops.
Suddenly there were boys who surrounds him out of no where,
Shouting and accusing him with "So you are Mitsunari?? The one who swoon everyone's heart? Pei! With this girly face, YOU? I CAN ALWAYS BREAK YOUR BONE, YOU GIRLY CARROT!"
Mitsunari: *Gasp* (´・д・`) nooo Carrot is bad!
MC: *Appears casually* Yes, anything wrong with my angelic lover?
The boys: Uhhhh ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ... RUN!!! HE GOT A STRONG BOYFRIEND \QAQ/!!!
Yup. That's it.
Kenshin - Mistaken her as Shingen's duplicate
"(눈‸눈) Since when did you duplicate yourself, Shingen? You are a womanizer through and through, and to think that you even have a split version of you, and a woman at that? You are so low."
Shingen: If words can turn into an arrow, I would've die already ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^).
Kenshin: Then die (눈‸눈).
But after they become lovers, Kenshin was very satisfied with the moments in the room *coughcough*
Why? He find it satisfied whenever he get to rest and sleep on her chest after the exhaustion-- UHUKHUK
Shingen - Romantic Moment Fail
Hugging is not a problem.
Nor kissing.
Nor ooh la la session.
As they are of the same height.
"Oh, it's raining, Shingen. Good thing I brought an umbrella with me (❁´◡`❁)!"
If you think they will have romantic moments under the umbrella because of their same height, you are wrong.
They are tall to the point they have the same wet spot that the umbrella couldn't cover from the rain.
Yukimura - Convenient Chest
Nearly mistaken her as his lord's long lost sister at first. And find it difficult for him to sooth her from crying, or from feeling afraid, etc.
Due to the differences of their height, it took Yukimura to find a method to let her rest her head on his chest (which is to kneel down when she sit on the floor).
But when it is his turn...
He wouldn't admit it but he likes it whenever MC hug him to her chest. Or during the time they were sleeping.
Her chest is soft.. Like a pillow. Or sometimes she can be a bed for him. Heh 😏.
Sasuke - Mistaken for a Tree
At first when he met her, he mistook her for a tree ESPECIALLY when his glasses went missing.
He almost, ALMOST throw a shuriken at her at that time too.
There's also one time when...
"Oh no Sasuke!! I'm too tall to hide myself! What if the ronin found us??"
"Disguise, MC! Just stand in between of the trees and I'm sure you will be fine!"
She did.
And she's safe.
Still, she's not happy.
Sasuke: See? It worked (´・д・`)👌✨
MC: ಥ‿ಥ.....Thanks?
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deus-ex-mona · 3 years
Nonfantasy: magic 8
Hi, this is Chapter 8 of the Nonfantasy novel!
Please take this chapter with a handful of salt, and a circus full of clownery!
Previous part (magic 7)
Next part (epilogue)
Once the live had ended, and all the tidying and packing up had been done, the bags were loaded onto the truck in the parking lot. It was 10pm when all the work was completed.
When Hiyori went to see the truck off, she heard some lively voices by the staff entrance and stopped in place.
(Hmm…? Are they not heading home yet?)
As if the excitement of the live had yet to diminish, several fans had gathered, taking pictures with the phones they held in their hands. 
Then, the door of the staff entrance opened.
“Kyaaaaaaa!!” the fans squealed loudly, crowding together. 
Yujiro and Aizo, who had finished changing out of their stage costumes, had just arrived. The fans closed in on the two of them, pushing past the staff members who were accompanying them. 
Aizo and Yujiro were stuck in the crowd of their fans, quickly finding themselves unable to move.
“Through there!” the security guards tried to clear a path for the two of them, but the fans, who were engrossed in taking pictures, did not seem to hear their words.
“Sorry, please let us through!” Aizo yelled, his face scrunched up bitterly. Yujiro was pushed, colliding into Aizo’s back.
“Hiyori, stay here!” a female staff member said, leaving Hiyori behind as she rushed to help the two of them. It was also the responsibility of the staff to guard the two of them.
“But I!”
Even though Hiyori had only worked with them for a short period of time, she was still a staff member as of that moment. She clenched her fists and stepped towards them.
(This is just like the egg sales and the bread shop at lunch!!)
“Ei!” Hiyori jumped into the crowd.
She was pushed around from her right and left, and nearly fell down. She crouched down and weaved her way through the crowd of fans. When she finally spotted them and stood up, she was shoved as if she was a mere annoyance.
“Wa, wa, wha-!!” Hiyori stammered as she toppled over and stumbled forwards. She bumped into Yujiro’s shoulder. When Yujiro’s eyes met hers, he was surprised for a moment and said something.
Hiyori grabbed Yujiro’s arm tightly. She could not afford to wonder about whether classmates of hers were amidst the crowd, and about whether they would question the fact that she was wearing a staff t-shirt.
“This way!!” she yelled, pulling Yujiro with all her might.
“Kyaa!” a cry sounded out from her surroundings.
She forced her way through the crowd of fans and started to run, gripping Yujiro’s arm tightly as she went.
“Eh, wai… What?!”
“Who was that?!”
“A staff member?!”
“Eh, but she’s really fast?!”
“Yujiro was kidnapped!!!”
The fans flew into a frenzy, their phones still in their hands.
“Sorry, excuse me… Sorry,” Aizo passed through the dazed girls and started to run. “Dammit.”
“Ah, Aizo ran away too!!”
The surprised fans yelled as they attempted to give chase. The staff hurriedly formed a human barrier to block the fans in.
Hiyori looked up at the night sky as she ran, breathing steadily. Owing to the fact that it was a clear night, she was able to see the stars more clearly than usual.
She had always liked running. The tense feeling she experienced as she stood at the starting line, and the feeling of accomplishment when she was running with all her might. She didn’t dislike how tough and difficult the challenge of running towards the goal was.
She was always exhausted whenever she reached the goal, though she was always motivated to start running towards the next goal. She wanted to try seeing how far she could run, and she wanted to take that first step again.
She left her hometown for Tokyo for the sake of continuing to run as part of the Track and Field team. 
Enrolling in Sakuragaoka High School, joining the Track and Field Club, practising every day, and achieving results at tournaments. 
Occasionally hanging out with her friends, and eating crepes with them. 
Her High school life would last for three years. She wondered if she would fall in love with someone during that period of time.
Such was the normal school life she had initially envisioned—.
“He… Hey, wait… Suzu...mi!”
Hiyori snapped back to reality at the sound of the weak voice calling out to her. 
When she finally stopped running and turned around, she saw Yujiro panting heavily into his shoulder, bracing one of his hands on his knee. Sweat was trickling down his forehead.
“Wha~, I’m sorry, Someya!” Hiyori panicked, quickly releasing Yujiro’s arm. She had completely forgotten that she had been holding on to Yujiro’s arm, being too engrossed in running with all her strength.
“...How far do you intend to run?” Yujiro looked at Hiyori with a pained gaze.
Looking around, she realised that they were in the middle of a residential complex, with houses, condominiums, and apartments lining their surroundings. There was no one else passing by, and she could hear the faint sound of a dog barking in the background.
“Where… are we~?!”
They were on a riverside road that she did not recognise at all. She had been running in a daze, and did not remember the route she had taken to get to their current location at all.
“That’s right, we can call someone… Wait, I left my phone in the break room~! Someya, do you have yours?!” Hiyori looked at Yujiro in a panic.
“I don’t have it. It’s with my stuff.”
“Eh~?! Then… We’re lost?!”
Without a phone with them, they were unable to contact Manager Uchida to pick them up. Additionally, Hiyori’s wallet was inside her bag. It was probably the case with Yujiro, who was travelling light, as well.
“This is my fault… I’m sorry… Someya!”
The only thing that had been on her mind at that moment was the thought of removing Yujiro from within the crowd.
“Just what were you trying to do?” was what Yujiro seemed to be conveying with his amazed expression.
Nothing could be done no matter what she said. 
As she squeezed her eyes shut, she heard a voice. “Pfft.”
“ ………Pfft…...fufufu……” 
When Hiyori fearfully opened her eyes, she saw Yujiro with his hand covering his mouth. “Someya…?”
“Pfft...Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!” Yujiro laughed as hard as he could, unable to suppress his laughter any longer. His laughter echoed around the quiet residential area.
Hiyori stared at Yujiro’s face in surprise, having never seen him laugh like that before.
(Could it be… that he’s just like those stoic people… who laugh when intoxicated?)
“Th-this isn’t the time and place to laugh!”
“How funny…… This was unexpected of you, Suzumi,” Yujiro said softly, wiping the tears that leaked out of the corners of his eyes. He clutched his stomach with one arm, as if he had laughed so hard that it hurt.
(What a surprise…)
It had been the first time that Hiyori had seen such a thing. She had no idea how to respond. 
When Hiyori opened her mouth to speak, they heard a yell and turned back. “Oi!”
“Just how far did you guys plan to go?!”
“Ah, Shibasaki!”
“Don’t ‘Ah’ me. You run way too fast. I lost track of you guys along the way!”
“Well, thanks to you… I was able to escape. Wait, don’t run so quickly!”
Hiyori lowered her head in response to the verbal barbs thrown her way.
A familiar car honked as it stopped by the three of them. Manager Uchida came out of the driver’s seat.
“Geez… Do you know how hard it was to find you guys?”
“I-I’m sorry!”
“Well, but... Hiyoko did well today. Well done,” Manager Uchida smiled, patting Hiyori on the shoulder.
“I-I’m Hiyori…”
No matter how much Hiyori tried to correct it, Manager Uchida always called her “Hiyoko”.
“Come on, get in the car, you guys. We’re going home!”
“Where’s all our stuff?” Aizo asked, opening the back door of the car.
“I had all of it brought back to the office. Yujiro. You should have your phone with you at all times. What if you run into trouble again?!”
“Yeees,” Yujiro replied in his usual slightly annoyed tone.
With her hand on the door to the driver’s seat, Manager Uchida looked at Hiyori. “What’s wrong, Hiyoko? Aren’t you coming?”
When Hiyori got back to the office, she would have to help with the clean up. She might not have the time to talk to the two of them, or to Manager Uchida.
“Um!” Hiyori clenched her fists tightly.
Manager Uchida, Aizo, and Yujiro looked at Hiyori, who was not getting in the car.
When the three of them looked at her, Hiyori found her voice quieting in her diminished confidence. She may be disappointed by them again. They may respond with “No way!”, just like they did at the beginning.
She wanted to do it. She wanted to try it. It was the first “dream” she had aside from Track and Field.
“What is it?” Yujiro prompted.
“I…” Hiyori opened her mouth courageously. “I may not know what my worth is yet, but… I want to help the two of them!”
She strongly felt that way after seeing them do their best, and after watching their live.
Hiyori looked at the two of them seriously. “I want to do my best in order to make you think that I’m at least a little reliable to you!”
She wanted to see what running by their sides would be like. She wanted to see how far they would be able to go. She wanted to see the dream that they were chasing, the scenery that they saw—. She wanted to see it together.
“That’s why… please allow me to… continue working at this part-time job,” Hiyori bowed her head. “Please!”
For a moment, all three of them remained silent.
(I knew it… It’s a no-go, huh…)
Hiyori squeezed her eyes shut.
It was a contract job that terminated after the live was over.
Since the live was already over, she—.
“Why not let her do it?”
Hiyori raised her head in shock at Yujiro’s words.
“It’d be troublesome if someone else were to do it.”
“Well… She does have physical strength. She also runs rather quickly,” Aizo drawled, folding his arms behind his head.
“There will be another live soon anyway.”
“The next live… What if she dressed up like you, Yujiro, and dashed out to attract the attention of the waiting girls… all while we quickly rush into the car?”
“Good idea.”
The two of them looked at Hiyori, sporting matching grins.
“Eh?! You’re making me your decoy?!”
“I think we’ll be even more busy from now on… But are you willing to do it?” Yujiro asked, looking at Hiyori.
“Yup, I’ll do it!” Hiyori nodded enthusiastically, following a beat of hesitation in responding. “I’m motivated!”
When she was hired for the part-time job and arrived at the office for the first time, she did not know a single thing. 
However, things had changed. She really wanted to do it. 
The two of them worked, studied, and attended lessons every day. They made full use of all their time to do all the things they wanted to do.
(I, too, want to do everything I want to do!)
Hiyori knew that juggling school, Track and Field, and her part-time job was bound to be a difficult ordeal. She honestly did not know if she would be able to do it.
But, surely, “now” was just a moment.
She wanted to live more, and more greedily like the two of them did.
“...But, even though we said all that.”
“We’re not the ones in charge of the hiring process.”
Aizo and Yujiro glanced at Manager Uchida.
“If you guys say it’s okay, I can’t refuse, can I? Plus, it was written in the job advertisement, wasn’t it? The part about contract renewals,” Manager Uchida grinned as she took out a contract from the inner pocket of her suit. “I was planning on talking about it after we got back to the office, though.”
“Tha… Thank you very much! I will do my best!” Hiyori bowed deeply as she received the contract. Tears of happiness welled up at the corners of her eyes.
It was just a little—.
It was just a little, but she seemed to have received the approval of the two of them.
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Kino (Story 10)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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Place: Scarlet mansion — Kino’s bedroom
Yui: Nn…
(This is… Kino-kun’s room, isn’t it? I should’ve been in Reiji-san’s room though)
(I mean, if I’m not mistaken, Kino-kun sucked my blood and I ended up fainting at the end)
Kino: ...You finally woke up. The sleeping beauty really is a sleepyhead after all.
Yui: Did you end up carrying me here, Kino-kun… ?
Kino: If I would’ve left you as you were, I obviously would’ve been scolded. So it couldn’t be helped.
Yui: Oh, I see… thank you.
Kino: ...There’s no need for you to thank me. Or did you already forget what happened to you yesterday?
Yui: No, I remember everything...
(I seriously thought he’d end up killing me yesterday. In the end, I once again tried to stand up for myself against my own will)
(But, somehow I wasn’t scared of that. After all I felt as if I finally got to understand Kino-kun’s true intentions…)
Kino: What’s with those eyes?
Yui: Oh, err… I… I should probably go back to my own room now.
(I also have to go and find out about Shu-san’s situation…)
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*Yui tries to stand up*
Yui: Ngh, Ah...
(I have no strength to stand up…)
Kino: You also seem a little anemic, don’t you?
Well, it’s not unreasonable since I did end up sucking a lot of blood.
Yui: ...Can you tell me what happened to Shu and Reiji-san then?
Kino: It seems that the two of them have made up. I also think that Yuma’s suspicions have been completely resolved.
Yui: Oh, I see...
(That’s good…)
Kino: Even though their memories have been falsificated by someone, they absurdly came to reconciliation. 
Yui: That’s because Shu and Reiji-san are real brothers no matter what their memories got changed into.
Kino: You’re talking about brothers again...
...Ahha, I lost interest.
Yui: Eh?
Kino: I thought that if I could see those guys fight each other, my life wouldn’t be too bad here, but it all went wrong in the end.
There’s no point in staying in this place anymore now… I’ll go home.
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Yui: Eh… do you really know how to get home from this place… !?
Kino: Don’t get your hopes high up. You should know better than anyone how complicated this could be.
Yui: (He’s right… )
Kino: But I don’t plan on overstaying in a place like this anymore.
I thought this would turn into a way more miserable situation, but it just ended up showing off their bond among brothers.
What’s even with this mansion? Well, I’m sick of it anyway.
*Kino leaves*
Yui: Ah… wait, Kino-kun! ...Ugh...
(It can’t, my feet are too unsteady… I can’t chase after him)
*door closes*
Yui: (And he left…)
Place: Outside — Forest
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Kino: (I’ve once again been disappointed by my own expectations. It’s unimaginable that they actually ended their fight)
(The plan I had for Reiji-san was supposed to work out just smoothly)
(But it all ended up in a huge failure because of that woman)
(In any case, it was about time I get myself out of here as a way to refresh myself)
(She was in serious joy when I said that those Sakamaki guys are gonna be safe now though)
...That still sticks in my throat.
(Just why are you so concerned about them? Ah, because they’re precious to you, no? Are those guys considered as gentlemen to this woman then?)
(If so, I guess that’s why they’re so bound together. Those Sakamaki guys and this woman)
...For real, this is no fun.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Kino’s bedroom
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Yui: (Kino-kun really left me alone like that. And until now he hasn’t come back either…)
(Should I try telling Reiji-san about this matter?)
(But if everyone would chase after him all of the sudden, Kino-kun won’t come back either)
(It would be pointless to try to reason with Kino-kun since he’s so adamant anyway)
In the end I’m still the only one who knows about the current situation...
...Alright, let’s go. I have to find Kino-kun.
Place: Outside — Forest
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Yui: (Haa… my body still feels all heavy… looks as if I really have anemia after all…)
(But that’s probably because Kino-kun’s blood-sucking yesterday was different than all the other days)
(And yet, why am I trying to chase after Kino-kun… ?)
(If I’d leave him alone, there would be no conflicts in the mansion, and all those terrible things wouldn’t happen anymore either)
Even if Kino-kun isn’t here, why is he still running through my mind? For me to think of him now among all things...
(But still, I should be honest with my feelings since I do want to chase after him)
(My reason, huh… I should think about that later. I have to focus on finding Kino-kun first)
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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Yui: Ah... I think I got through the forest before I even knew it already...
I was so lost in thoughts I didn’t notice...
… Eh…?
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At first I forgot to take a breath after the sight that was beyond the forest.
It looked as if the cliff had completely cut off the ground.
As I looked around the cliff, it seemed as if there was no end to it. The opposite shore was all blurred and I couldn’t see it at all either.
Because I was amazed at the unrealistic sight, I didn’t notice something.
— The ground was becoming loose.
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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Yui: ….. !?
(Is the cliff collapsing… !?)
*Yui falls*
Yui: Kyaaaaaaa!!
(It’s useless! I’ll fall down! No, please… I don’t want to die!)
(Help me… Kino-kun!!)
Kino: Haa… what are you doing?
Yui: (...Eh… ?)
Kino: Alright, I’ll pull you up now.
Yui: Ahh…
*Yui falls to the ground*
Yui: Haa… Haa…
(My god... my hands are shivering and my heart is pounding)
(If he wouldn’t have grabbed me by my arm, I’d be—)
Kino: Of course you’d get all shaky if you approach a cliff and lose your footing afterwards. Do you actually want to die or something?
Keep in mind that you were just saved because I happened to be nearby.
I’d be in huge trouble if Eve would die to begin with. This way I couldn’t get any powers.
Hey, are you even listening?
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Yui: I got saved… you saved me...
I-I’m so grateful… I… I thought I was going to die...
Kino: Hey, you… are you crying right now?
Yui: That’s because… I was so scared...
(Whether my blood was sucked, or a knife was being pointed at me… I never felt like this…)
(It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this close to death…)
Kino: If you would’ve slipped off that cliff, it would’ve been an instant game over. So don’t try that again, alright?
Yui: I-I’m so sorry...
Kino: Don’t tell me you feel more nervous now out of all those times I’ve threatened you?
Yui: I-I don’t know… I really don’t know, but—
Thank you so much for rescuing me...
Kino: ...I’m just not happy to be thanked while seeing you have that terrible face.
Haa… I really hate seeing a woman being as depressed as you are right now. Stop crying already.
Yui: A-Ah… I’m sorry...
(But even though I want to stop, my tears won’t stop flowing down…)
(The darkness that I saw under the cliff simply doesn’t disappear out of my head…)
Kino: Haa… can’t help it then.
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The blood sucking, being threatened, and all the painful feelings I had to experience...
I thought I had been in a really miserable situation all this time, but compared to what happened just now, thinking back to this feels as if my life was going soft on me.
Having to experience a simpler situation and then a way more life threatening situation such as this, I was completely unable to stop my trembling legs and crying eyes.
After some time had passed, I was finally able to regain my composure again.
As I suddenly raised my face, Kino-kun, who was playing with my smartphone, was sitting right next to me.
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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*Kino taps on his smartphone*
Yui: Kino-kun…
Kino: Hm? Ah, so you did stop crying after all. Took you long enough.
Yui: Have you perhaps been waiting for me there all this time… ?
Kino: It would be annoying if you were to fall off there again, so I just thought I should keep an eye on you.
Yui: I guess that makes sense...
I’m sorry for causing so much trouble for you. I’m alright now though...
Kino: Well, gotta admit that this one was a little refreshing because I saw your crying face.
It also seems that you realized your powerlessness.
Humans are really fragile in mind and body, aren’t they?
Yui: T-That’s not it… !
Kino: Not it, huh? Heh, that doesn’t deny the fact that your legs are still shaking though, right?
Yui: Err...
(I can’t seem to stand up yet, so I can’t even argue…)
Kino: So, what are you going to do if you can’t even walk? Will you wait for your death here?
Oh, or are you waiting to be attacked by other vampires while they’re scouting around?
I wonder if you’d prefer that one because you’d become an easy target then.
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Yui: (Nn, I’d be in trouble if that happened… !)
(... If I don’t want this to happen, I’ve got no other choice)
Then, I’d like to stay with you, Kino-kun...
Kino: Hmm? It’s kind of irritating that you’re suddenly cheeky enough to ask to be by my side even though you keep disobeying me.
Yui: (Uhh… at least I ended up saying what’s on my mind)
Kino: If you really want to be with me that much… prove it to me.
Yui: Prove it… ?
Kino: Don’t just tell me to take you along with me. You gotta be to my liking, y’know?
1) Sincerely ask (white)♡♡♡
2) I’m a bit worried (black)
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— Sincerely ask ♡
Yui: Please, I want to be with you, Kino-kun.
So please, take me along with you...
Kino: That’s not quite it yet. Didn’t I tell you to ask me to my liking?
Yui: Err, umm…
— I’m a bit worried
Yui: (I mean, I don’t want to be left behind all by myself, neither do I want to be subservient though)
(I’ve already had a lot of trouble until now, so I definitely have to be careful…)
Kino: Alright, your time has expired. If I can’t hear what you say, I might as well push you off the cliff.
Yui: I’m sorry, I’ll answer you! Just wait a quick second!
end Choices
Kino: Look, kiss the back of my hand. Do it as a sign of loyalty. And then swear the following:
“I want to only be beside you, Kino-sama. I’ll never go against you anymore, and I’ll do exactly as I’m told.”
Yui: (The conditions keep increasing…)
(But I guess I’ll have to do it. If something might happen in my current state, it would surely end up in a critical life situation for me…)
*Yui comes closer*
Yui: A-Ah, um… so I can have your hand real quick, right?
(Ah… after all this man has really big hands. The back of his hand is also quite bony though)
Kino: What are you staring at? Look, like this you’ll end up depending on me soon.
Yui: Oof… a-alright.
*Yui kisses Kino’s hand*
Yui: Nn...
I want to only be beside you, Kino-sama. With that… I’ll never go against you anymore, and I’ll do exactly as I’m told.
Kino: Fufu… Hahaha! Ah, that feels good. After all it’s way nicer to have you obediently tell me that directly.
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Yui: (He looks so surprisingly happy…)
Kino: Seems as if you finally completely fell into it, right? I don’t dislike how obedient you’ve become.
And because of that, I shall reward you by taking you to a special place.
*Kino picks Yui up*
Yui: Eh... what… are you doing!?
Kino: As you can see, I’m carrying my princess.
You’re weak on your knees and can’t walk, so I might as well have to do this.
Because you obediently took my hand and all that, I’ll repay you.
But if you try to struggle... you know what might happen, right?
Yui: (And yet again… he says something to threaten me)
(But it will stay obedient)
(That’s because Kino-kun’s smile now seemed real… almost as if he’s genuinely happy—)
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kurosawa-sun · 4 years
Time for my ep. 8 review!!
Wow holy where do I even start. Adachi panicking over having to act normally in the office now that he & Kurosawa are officially dating is just peak office romance. And I really hope we can see the office finding out that their two boys are dating EACH OTHER (although Fujisaki would’ve already known hehe).
Also that scene of last night, when Adachi was a flustering mess and Kurosawa giggled at doing that to Adachi is EVIL (god I fucking love Kurosawa). I just love how Kurosawa now gets to openly express his desire for Adachi, I am going to die in the next few episodes seeing them flirt more openly with each other. I just love how Kurosawa and Adachi’s attraction to each other is palpable. I’ve seen sex scenes with less sexual chemistry than Adachi and Kurosawa, and the couple have only done so much as hold hands so far!!!
also Kurosawa being all giddy and high on love to the point that he was skipping in the office. I love seeing two 30 year old men get flustered, gay panic, giddy, lovestruck and be joyously in love. It’s just precious and such a special thing to see.
And then sweet precious Adachi, having that pile of clothes on the bed from figuring out his first date outfit (I’ve done that when I know I’m going to see my crush later). Also hearing him say KUROSAWA KITAAAA after the doorbell rang was ugh my heart. Adachi realizing what jealous!Kurosawa was seeing and going out there to explain that this is was not what Kurosawa was thinking was peak comedy (obligatory hamster comparison). I loved it when Adachi was introducing Tsuge and Kurosawa to each other, and Kurosawa was considerate in introducing himself as his coworker when Adachi didn’t know what to refer to him as. Also Kurosawa finding out that Adachi had talked about him with his friend, he must’ve been over the moon honestly.
I really loved seeing the friendship dynamic between Tsuge and Adachi this episode. Just two anxious introverts who get each other, it was beautiful.
And now finally the part I’ve been wanting to talk about since bearing witness to it...
But seriously I died at that scene, and Adachi’s reaction to his boyfriend’s cheesy ass poem for him is priceless. Has Adachi realized how corny his boyfriend is yet? Well he should be. BECAUSE THAT SHIT IS CORNY AND HATE HOW MUCH I’M LIKE KUROSAWA IN LOVE/WITH A CRUSH. I seriously need a support group for people who write poetry about their crushes.
Anyway on to Tsuge and Minato,
I’m starting to like their side story, especially since they’re both artistic people who refused to go down the safe career path in order to pursue what they love. And I did like Tsuge’s speech to Minato. Although I’ve been extremely lucky that my family fully supports whatever the hell I’m doing and all of my friends are very supportive of me, I still get down about society as a whole not quite valuing the kind of work I would want to do in my life. I like Tsuge and Minato bonding over pursuing creative careers together, one of my friends (who also happened to be a crush) gave me a very thoughtful pep talk once when I was feeling very off about my writing work and it was very meaningful to me.
And now back to Kurodachi.
Adachi finally was open about dating Kurosawa, and Kurosawa expressing that his heart was about to burst at that declaration was KYAAAAAAA
I really wanted to note the little acting details here from Machida when Kurosawa said that his heart was going to burst. His breathing was a little hitched and I could see his chest reflect that. Like goddamn Kurosawa was so overwhelmed by Adachi confirming who he is to him.
And then the hand holding. SUKI KAWAII SUKI SUKI DAISUKI. Jesus christ Kurosawa is both flirtatious and smooth, yet also a huge dorky lovesick idiot. I didn’t realise I could love him even more than I already do.
Overall, I’m still amazed at how the show keeps getting better. This is such a high quality piece of television and there’s still 4 episodes left. I am both dying from the one week wait, and also not at all ready to see the full relationship on display.
(btw I am just as shocked as you are seeing Minato get kissed at the end, I was completely blindsided by that and curious to see how that gets resolved).
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grayrevrs · 4 years
[HELIOS: Rising Heroes] - Leonard Wright Jr. Card Story “Pipsqueak the Hero”
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Translation under the cut.
Manager: Hey, Pipsqueak! Bring this and this to table 8!
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Junior: Y-yes! I'll bring it right away!
(The manager called me "Pipsqueak" again. Shit, just because he's the manager--)
Boy: Pipsqueak?
Junior: ...Hah?
Girl: Is your name Pipsqueak? Ahaha, that's so funny!
Junior: Wh...what the hell is with you kids? I'm not a pipsqueak!
Girl: Kyaaa! The pipsqueak got mad!
Boy: Uwaah, let's run! Kyahahaha!
Junior: Hey, wait! Don't run around the diner--
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Billy: HEY, HEY! Lightning Boy, you're supposed to deliver the order to the customers, right?
Junior: But it's because of those brats!
Billy: You shouldn't get upset with little kids. I'll take care of them, so hurry up and bring the food.
Junior: ...O-okay, fine.
Billy: Don't worry about them ~ ♪ They went back to their seats quietly, thanks to my magic and sweet candies ♡
Billy: Did you get the food to the customers before it got cold?
Junior: Hmph, of course... What happened to those brats?
Junior: Hah? You have to scold them harder or they won't understand.
Billy: Now, now. That's exactly what the mothers did after they returned to their seats.
Junior: Seriously... They were so rude to me, even though I'm a complete stranger.
Billy: Ah, "Pipsqueak~♡", right? Isn't it fine? It just means they feel familiar with you.
I think it's much better than being hated or feared~ Not only as a waiter, but also as a Hero ♪
Junior: Familiar, my ass... I've had to put up with being called that by the manager, so why do I have to put up with those kids--
Male Customer: Oi, Junior! Thanks for the food, I'll drop by again.
Female Customer: Me too. Thanks for serving me. Good luck, Junior.
Junior: !! Thank you...so much...
Billy: Wow, aren't you popular ♪ Are they maybe your fans?
Junior: ...I never said they were.
Billy: How nice ~ ♪ I'd be happy if they could also talk to me like that. I guess that's what you call being familiar--
Junior: Those people seem to be more of my dad's fans than mine.
Billy: Your dad... You're the son of "The Lightning", so they're happy to see you and want to support you.
Hmm, I get it, though. So that's why you don't look so happy.
Junior: It's not that I'm not happy about it... I just feel sensitive when people bring up my dad...
Billy: Hmm? If I were you, I'd use my dad's name and accomplishments as much as I could.
But I guess you want people's support without that. 
Junior: ......
--The next day--
Boy: Ah, it's Pipsqueak!
Girl: It is! Pipsqueak~!
Junior: !! It's you brats again!
Boy & Girl: Kyaaaaaaa ♪ 
Junior: (Shit, they're running around in the diner again...)
(Goggles just went out to clean the front. I have to do something about them today...)
Masked Man: Give us all your money!!!
Junior: ...?
Masked Man: You're the manager here, aren't you? Now be quiet and fill this bag with money!
Manager: I-I understand... I understand, so don't shoot.
Masked Man: All of you customers better keep your mouths shut! If you make any noise or do anything strange, I'll shoot you with this gun!
Junior: (A-are you forreal... This is a robbery without a doubt, isn't it?)
(...What should I do? He's alone, and if I use my ability I can take him down quickly.)
(Right now he's pointing the gun at the manager, I'll take him down the moment he walks away with the money--)
Boy: Wow, it's a pistol! A pistol~!
Junior: ?!
Girl: Uncle, you look weird. I can only see your eyes and your mouth.
Masked Man: Wh-what's with these kids? Don't come over here!
Manager: Oi, stop it! Don't point your gun at the children!
Masked Man: You bastard, I told you to be quiet!!!
Junior: (Shit...!)
Stop it, you fucker!
(Junior uses his ability)
Masked Man: Gaahh?!
Manager: You saved me... Thanks, Pipsqueak.
Junior: N-no. I'm just doing my job as a Hero...
I'm glad we were able to catch the robber safely and no one got hurt. Those brats gave me quite the fright--
Boy: Pipsqueak~!
Girl: You're so awesome! So Pipsqueak's a Hero!
Junior: Whoa?! What the hell are you doing, stop clinging to me!
Boy: You caught the bad guy using that lightning strike! So cool!
Junior: ...Huh?
Girl: Thank you, Pipsqueak! I loooove you!
Junior: Y...yeah...
Billy: Nihihi. Seems like you've gained another fan, Lightning Boy.
They don't seem to know your dad, and they seem to have taken a liking to "Pipsqueak" for who you are. Good for you ♡
Junior: ...I ain't "Pipsqueak".
Billy: You keep saying that~ You're bursting with happiness, y'know.
Junior: !! S-shut up! I'm going back to work...!
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utapristarishlove · 5 years
Uta no Prince-sama Repeat Love Translation
Natsuki Shinomiya May Translation part 1
Hey guys, I’m translating some Utapri when I have time because I’m gonna translate it anyway when I’m playing so why not share it? I hope they are understandable and you enjoy them. More might follow soon!
I apologize if it’s not perfect English btw. My native language is neither English nor Japanese, so bear with me.
If you want to see translations for April click here.
*In the classroom, glass is shattering*
Shining: Hahaha! If you want to save her, come to me!
Shining: Those who aspire to be an idol need to always grow stronger.
It started all of a sudden.
Golden Week had ended and immediately after I arrived at school in a cheerful mood, I wound up in a difficult situation.
Even though I continued to practice together with Shinomiya-san in the Golden Week as well, it has been a bit since I was able to meet everyone from class, so it seemed like a lot of fun to be back.
Tomo-chan, who shares my dormitory room with me, went back home to visit her parents during the holiday. I didn’t have a chance to meet Ittoki-kun or Hijirikawa-sama either.
It was great to spend some time with Shinomiya-san alone but…
Spending time noisily chattering with everyone is very important to me too… It was REALLY, REALLY fun but…
Entering the class room, just as I was greeting Shinomiya-san who was already there, the glass of the window shattered.
Suddenly the principal came jumping into the class room. Without spare time to be surprised, he took me in his arms and ran into the hallway.
Natsuki: Ah-! Nanami-san!
Shining: Hahaha!
*Fade to rooftop*
Haruka: U-ummm… Principal… Why in the world…?
I was carried to the rooftop by the principal.
Shining: Hahaha. This is the first of Saotome Gakuen’s traditional event’s “Idol’s Hell: Strengthening Exercise”!
*Ringo enters*
Ringo: Shame on you, Shiny. Really. If you start with this, you need to let me know.
Shining: Hahaha. Sorry, Sorry.
Haruka: U-ummm… This so called “Idol’s Hell: Strengthening Exercise” is…?
Ringo: Huh? You didn’t hear that from Shiny?
Haruka: Yes… He didn’t say anything yet…
Ringo: I guess it can’t be helped. I’ll explain it, then.
Ringo: Well, in order to become an idol, you need to, of course, have the looks, great singing skills, performing talent and a lasting presence. Certainly luck is also necessary but…
Ringo: No matter in which harsh circumstances you might find yourself in, you’ll need to struggle through and adapt. Resilience and willpower are essential for that as well.
Ringo: Thus, sometimes, Shiny will present you pupils with a little trial.Ringo: Even if you get tossed around in the raging waves of the world of showbiz, you need to come out alive. The gist of this training is basically to practice that while you’re still young.
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1. So this is a… training?
2. I see…
3. That seems really hard, doesn’t it?
--> Choose 2nd option
Haruka: Such a practical class can certainly be expected from a famous school like this one, huh?
Ringo: I know, right? By the way, when I was still visiting this school, we had to confront a bear on the hill behind the school. And there was one time when Yuuya easily knocked down the 3m big boss of the hill.
Ringo: That bear got stuffed and is now decorating a corner of our gym. Hihi. It seems so nostalgic now.
Ringo: It’s kinda hard to put all of our students through something like this, though, so every year Shiny chooses a fitting pair on a whim.
Ringo: Aaaand this year, you and Nacchan were chosen! This is your one and only chance, so please don’t give up and work especially hard on this one, okay?
Ringo: Oh yeah, what’s it gonna be this year, Shiny? The “Bungee jumping without a rope challenge” last year was certainly something.B-bungee jumping without a rope challenge…..??
Shining: This year’s contest is a game of tag! BUT it’s not going to be a normal one. This game will be fully loaded with traps!
Ringo: I see. We haven’t done this in a long time, have we? Hehe. My blood is boiling!
Haruka: So this is…?
What on earth kind of game of tag is THAT supposed to be…
*Door opens, Natsuki appears*
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Natsuki: Nanami-san. Thank god, you seem to be unharmed…
Shining: Hahaha. All actors are on the stage now.
Natsuki: Huh…?
Ringo: I explained it to her just now, but this is the “Idol’s Hell: Strengthening Exercise”.
Ringo: From now on Shiny will run away from you while carrying her in his arms, you will need to chase after him in order to take back your partner, understood?
Ringo: It’s like a weird game of tag! However, here and there a trap might suddenly appear, so please be careful.
Ringo: Now that that’s settled: “Idol’s Hell: Strengthening Exercise” commence!
The instant I heard the sound of the pipe, the principle jumped down from the roof with me in his arms.
Shining: Here we go!
Haruka: Kyaaaaaaa!
When the principle landed on the ground, it shook heavily, sinking in a bit.
That was really scary…
Even tough we jumped down from such a high place, the principle seemed to be fine and ran off quickly.
Haruka: U-umm… Where are we…?
Shining: Hahaha. We’re going to tease Mr. Shinomiya for a bit.
*Fade to hallway*
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uesugi-miu · 6 years
This was translated from "Love Scramble".
I actually didn't play it myself but...got to read this, Thanks to certain someone...😘
It's quite long and I can't seems to post it as one whole post.
I will tag this as "love scramble" so anyone who wanna read it and find it incomplete, click or find this tag in my blog...
It's Kenshin's story after all...
:: Part 1/2 ::
That day, I was summoned by Subaru-san so I hurriedly went to the instruction room and he was already there waited for me.
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Subaru : 「At the town of Kasugayama castle in Sengoku period, I found a suspicious signal which I think it's a monster and the possibility that it really is a monster is very high so your mission is to go there and investigate it.」
Miu : 「Umm. Am I going there alone......?」
Subaru : 「Yes. Other members have their hands full of other cases. Noone but you are free.....Can you go?」
Miu : 「O...Okay. Understood.」
Subaru : 「You're just a rookie tho so basic investigation is enough. Don't be too rash.」
Next day...I warped to Sengoku period.
But why of all places...I've arrived in the middle of the forest!
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It is that in the middle of dense and overgrown forest, everywhere covered in moss. I can only blink blankly in puzzlement.
( It's strange tho...I'm sure I set the destination as the tip of the castle town...so why I appear in a place such like this. )
Miu : 「F...First of all, I need to contact the base and verify my current location.」
However, when I tried operating the communication device, it seems to be in a bad shape and was not connected.
So from here, I decided to head forwards to see if I can reach to the town...but no matter how far I walk, there's nothing resemble a town comes in sight.
( May be it's actually in an opposite direction? Even if I'm not sure of it but just then, I'm turning my back on........ )
Caught in my thought, I stumbled upon a tree root and fell over.
Miu : 「Kyaaa......」
??? : 「Are you alright?」
Just when I heard that clear voice, a hand straights out before my eyes. When I look up to the source of that unexpected voice, pair of beautiful eyes in lapis lazuli color smile gently for me...
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Miu : 「eh...Kenshin-san!?」
Kenshin : 「Hmm...you are......」
I accept the extended hand and rise up to my feet trying to study Kenshin-san's expression.
But in that very moment...sweet fragrance...steals all my attentions away.
( Wow, what a sweet elegant smell. )
When that scent's starting to get on my nerves, Kenshin-san smile charmingly.
Kenshin : 「That's right, I know. You're Miu of the shield, right? Why are you here at this place?」
Miu : 「Yeah. Well, actually we found suspicious signal from the town near Kasugayama castle so that's why I've come to investigate.」
Kenshin : 「Town near Kasugayama castle......?」
Kenshin-san's eyebrows remain in a normal shape just until I told him the situation.
Kenshin : 「......I see. Being alone in this forest was hard.」
Kenshin-san console me while gently brushing off fallen leaves on my hair.
Kenshin : 「Right. If you wanna go into town. I'll show you the way.」
Miu : 「......eh?」
Kenshin : 「Umm. That's fine.」
Although I was touched by Kenshin-san's kindness but I hurriedly shake my head refusing.
( I'm glad he offered to be my guide tho but...Kenshin-san surely is a feudal lord. I...just feel too guity to accept. )
Miu : 「Well...If you will only tell me which way, I think I can manage it...」
Kenshin : 「You must not, Miu.」
Miu : 「!?」
Despite his tender voice. For a short while, his beautiful transparent eyes shine grimly. I was taken aback and swallowed down my word reflexively.
Kenshin : 「It's too dangerous for a girl to walk through mountain path alone. I can't let that happen.」
Miu : 「Ah...」
( You somehow now worried me. )
Kenshin : 「I rule over this land so leave it to me, yes? and besides I think fate has brought me to you right here.」
Miu : 「F...Fate?」
Kenshin : 「Right, fate.」
He beams me an attractive smile then takes my hands in his.
Miu : 「Ah...urgh...Kenshin-san, hands...」
Kenshin : 「...Sorry. I didn't mean to.」
Miu : 「A...Alright.」
Kenshin : 「Huhu. Your cheeks are red, Miu. You are so cute.」
Miu : 「Ple...ase do not tease me.」
( He talked about fate, isn't that too romantic for the Kenshin-san who is a military commander? )
( Umm well, since I was in troubled being thrown out in the middle of the forest like this so perhaps letting him help me is not that bad after all. )
Miu : 「So...can you please guide me?」
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Kenshin : 「Yes. Come.」
Kenshin-san walks off. His hair flutter smoothly in the wind. I can feel sweet scent lingering softly in the air and it's calling for me...after a while, I found myself follow after him...
With Kenshin-san's help, I've managed to arrive safely at the town.
Miu : 「Kenshin-san, thank you for kindly bring me along. If I was alone, maybe now I still wander inside the mountain.」
Kenshin : 「You're welcome. To have a lovely young girl like Miu as a company is also a pleasure.」
Miu : 「L...Lovely young girl...」
That unexpected comment bring blush to my cheeks.
Kenshin : 「Ok then. We have to collect informations, right.」
Miu : 「Right......eh?」
Leaving me dumbfounded, Kenshin-san started to walk off again.
( Now that he talk about collecting informations. Does that mean he will help me with my mission......? )
While I'm still in bewilderment, Kenshin-san looks over his shoulder.
Kenshin : 「What's wrong? Will you not investigate?」
Miu : 「Ah. Yes. I will......」
Kenshin : 「So then......start with that shop hmm.」
Kenshin-san has taken a turn at the crossroad to wherever he has in mind.
( As I suspected, he's really going to help me. )
( What a kind person he is...since he actually guided me to the town already... )
Where Kenshin-san headed appears to be a big kimono shop.
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Just when we pass through the shop's curtain. The owner greets us cheerfully.
Owner : 「Isn't that Kenshin-sama!」
Kenshin : 「Hi. How's it going?」
Owner : 「Thanks to you. I'm prosperous...Right right...A few days ago, new textiles came. Please come and take a look......」
Kenshin : 「Wow, these textiles are wonderful.」
Many textiles were spread through out tatami mat. Kenshin-san smiles brightly having fun talking to the owner while picking at them.
The owner seems not nervous at all. Plenty of topics were brought up since business talk until neighborhood's cat.
( They are really familiar with each other. Seems like Kenshin-san comes here quite often. )
( Also while we were walking before, people around town greet us along the way. Wow. It is the fact that everyone here adores Kenshin-san. )
Kenshin : 「Miu, what are you doing over there. Come here.」
Miu : 「Y...Yes!」
Kenshin-san introduce me to the shop owner and then we have a friendly chat for a while...
Kenshin : 「Don't worry. The owner must go out to stock up textiles but if we visit other shop, we surely can collect more informations.」
Miu : 「Right...」
Kenshin : 「Huhu. Let's go then.」
After that, We visit other of Kenshin-san's familiar shops to collect informations.
The owner of the tea house where we stop by to take a break said that he saw an unfamiliar object...
Miu : 「At the back alley near the braiding shop...seems like many people have witnessed something at the same location.」
Kenshin : 「You got some informations now hmm so does that mean Miu's mission was completed?」
Miu : 「Eh......? Umm...I was told to investigate it lightly tho...」
( But until now, we only collect informations by asking around so I wanna investigate it some more. )
( Although I'm a bit scared but it maybe better to go there at the actual spot to confirm the information we've collected so far...... )
Sucking in deep breath, I decided to head towards that back alley.
Kenshin : 「It's very much ordinary back alley, I wonder, Is there such things as rumor say?」
Miu : 「It may be hidden...in the gutter or at the other side of the wooden door......」
Although I'm shivering, I somehow muster my courage trying to confirm the information I got.
Right then, something fly out from the place hidden from view!
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Miu : 「Kyaaaaaaa!」
I'm surprised and unintentionally fall back.
When I look up, what I see is a monster...
Soon after I adjusted my posture. The monster's aiming its attack at me.
( That's bad...! )
I can't seems to avoid the attack so brace myself for the worst.
But in that very second, I saw a flash of shining blade and the monster has vanished right then and there...leaving only sweet scent drifting in the refreshing blowing wind.
( T...That blade is......? )
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Kenshin : 「......You are not hurt?」
Returning his sword silently to its scabbard, Kenshin-san looks over his shoulder and gives me a gentle smile.
As we return to the main street, we leisurely walk along in town.
( To be able to knock down the monster like this, doesn't that mean my mission was completed? )
Miu : 「.........」
( I wonder, this time I must say goodbye to kenshin-san. )
While feeling a bit lonely staring at Kenshin-san's back. Suddenly, I got contact from Kota-san.
Miu : 「Ah...the communication device...!?」
Kenshin : 「Miu......?」
Miu : 「Sorry. I got contact from Kota-san. Please excuse me for a moment.」
I gave Kenshin'san a few words before stepping away.
Kota : 「Great, finally connected.」
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Miu : 「The communication device is back to normal!」
Kota : 「No. This is just temporary. There's a system problem here so it's difficult to connect.」
Miu : 「And there's problem with the warp too? It's strange that I arrived in the forest.」
Kota : 「Yes. That's also the problem. The warp will teleport you to the wrong location so until it will be fixed. Do not use it.」
Miu : 「Eh...does that mean I can't return...?」
Kota : 「It will be fixed tomorrow so whatever...manage it until then.」
Miu : 「Eh...whatever......Kota-san!?」
Kota : 「S......o......L...a...t......e...r.......」
The screen distorted and the voice was cut off.
...beep beep beep...
Miu : 「!!! Are you kidding me !!! and if it will never again connected......!」
( Even if you said do whatever to survive a day but how can I manage to find where to stay a night? )
( Even though I can find a hostel but I don't know how can I manage to pay......I'm in trouble now... )
Miu : 「.........」
Kenshin : 「Is something the matter?」
Kenshin-san was surprised and now study my face with worry.
Miu : 「Sorry for being vague before. Well...actually there's a system problem. The communication device and the warp do not function properly.」
Kenshin : 「So you're in trouble. Can you return there?」
Miu : 「About that...Kota-san said it will be fixed tomorrow so doing whatever it takes...today......」
Kenshin : 「Then...you can come to my home.」
Miu : 「Kenshin-san's home?」
Kenshin : 「My home is big and there's so many rooms. Today Miu was working very hard. You must be tired yes? You can rest there.」
Miu : 「............」
( Urgh...Kenshin-san's home...in other words...the castle...right... )
Kenshin-san grin at me and I take a good look behind him.
What lies ahead is a big castle risen up to the mountain top.
( What a castle! ... I wonder if it's ok for a common people like me to go there. )
( But he offer me with kindness. Will he think I'm rude if I refuse? )
Miu : 「Umm...well...」
Still not sure what to do. I hesitate to say anything but Kenshin-san takes my hand just like that.
Miu : 「Kenshin-san...?」
Kenshin : 「Huhu...Let's go.」
Miu : 「Ah...wait...!?」
Kenshin : 「It's fine. It's fine.」
Beaming me a cheerful friendly smile, Kenshin-san pull me by my arm until we reach the castle.
Continued in Part 2
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 27.07.18 lb
hohoho let’s get this shitshow on the roaddddddd.
this prinku’s room is always one unholy mess, forever looking like some bridezilla-tornado ripped through it.
i do like that wall with (off brand) van gogh’s almond blossoms on it though. is prinku the art enthusiast this season?
this dude is a special kinda obsessed with his sister no? muchhhhh more than he was with omRu in Original Universe. like... it’s not anjali blowing on arnav’s chest level weird (yet), but still an almost uncomfortable level of attached.
i doooooooo nottttttt like the music of this season. i miss the original themes, especially shivaay’s theme.
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man in all black, crying. hits the perfectttttttt sweet spot on my tharki/misandrist spectrum. love it!
what’s with khanna’s pathani suit type outfit (impression based on what it looks like chest-up. no idea what it looks like from chest down) this season? i liked his snazzy grey suit more.
aaaaaaaaaand he’s started yelling and all the goodwill he generated during crying scene went from like a 7 down to a 1.36.
god, please writers/directors. realise that this man does better acting silent/speaking softly. khuda ka vaasta hai aap logon ko. yelling =/= good acting.
shit i would have paid good money to see shivaay pull daksh up by his chutiya choti instead of the collar.
oh no. daksh said shivaay’s trigger word. Anika. ohhhhhhhhhhh boy.
@ daksh:
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“agar shivaay ne isse sach maan liya TOH MUJHE PHIR SE BHAAGNA PADEGA” hahahahahahahahhahhahahahhha
lord give me the power of quick thinking and spin like daksh has. i woulda just run. honestly.
fuck. the mistress seed has been planted. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk you daksh. narak ki aag mein jalega tu kutte. teri maaa kiiiii.......... 
red herring waala nonsense with this chaachi. we all know it’s nikhil’s mom who’s come. hero apna itni jaldi thodi aayega. abhi toh usko aur bohuttttttt brainwash hona hai.
... like i don’t get what nikhil’s family’s agenda is though. he keeps taking money from her, okay, but like... what’s the long term plan? why are they being soooooooooo magnanimous towards her?
saas hui nahi abhi tak, par taane shuru.
god i really don’t like this new anika and her stereotypical notions on izzat and badnaami and bs. remember how in the Original Universe she didn’t give a shit about all that and essentially told ranveer that she and shivaay got it onnnnnnn, allllll nighttttttttttt longggggg???? good times, man. gooood times.
also, some more heavyyyyyyy on-the-nose foreshadowing re: shaadi ka nibhaana and all. ugh. fuck this shit.
like i said, idhar apne bhai ka patti mein padna khatam nahi hua hai.
btw this is legit like that scene in zoolander.
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ew not liking the suuuuuuuper yellow eyeshadow the girls have on.
oh thank god, gauri finally got to give her the gold chain.
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MY GIRLS!!!!!!!!! SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank god for them at least giving me the #aniRi feelz. baaki koi brotp feelz toh rahe hi nahi is manhoos season mein.
heavy foreshadowing in gauri’s little speech too. ARRE SAMAJH GAYE NA. AAGE BADHO YAAR.
shivaaaaaay literally dragging daksh in like a dog on a leash lol.
love how the doctor is lobbing this “oh by the way your sister’s never gonna wake up” bomb soooooooooo ~~~~~cazhually.
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lmaoooooooooo at daksh’s subtleeeeeee smirks. now this dude is a good villain. see? silent yet so effective. cheekhne chillaane ki zero zaroorat.
but whyyyyy is he smirking? he’s penniless without praaaanka. isn’t it in his best interest she wakes up quickly and marries him? matlab, why to prioritize anika ki barbaadi over apni abaadi? makes no sense.
yeah maybe focus on getting those duniya ke best doctors, instead of khud going and chadhofying ghodi for noooooooooooo damn reason. matlab kuch bhi. what does that even accomplish??????? teri shaadi ke excitement mein “BHAABI BHAABI!!!!” chillaate hue uth jayegi kya yeh coma se?
.... how and why does daksh know all about anika’s shaadi plans, down to nikhil’s new job??????
god this nikhil’s chomu face. hattttt.
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lmaoooooooo nikhil’s faceeeeeeeee. ‘lo yeh phir aa gaya mujhe cockblock karne. both sexually as well as cashflow-wise.’
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lolwut???? is this some secret..... code or something? what evennnnnnnnnnn??????
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lmao i think at this point nakuul just gave up at acting. this is his real voice, not his “shivaay” voice.
“pyaar mujhse toh shaadi kisi aur se kaise? us raat jo humaare beech hua...” ohhohohohoho buddy boyyyyyyyyyy. you didn’t.
lmao nikhil lost it.
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props to these two particular aunties who are squarely questioning shivaay’s ameeron-waale morals, and not anika’s.
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protip: do not make major life decisions if your undereye area looks like this. you need sleep. and a therapist. not a new wife.
oh also maybe put some chilled spoons on that shit. make ‘em less puffy and red. but mostly get some fucking sleep.
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‘YEH KYAAAAAAA CHUTIYAAPA HAI???’ same, gauri. #same.
interesting how they cut out THAT word in the precap. will it remain in the telecast, or has the backlash made them cut it out????????
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snowflower-scans · 7 years
Halo, Angela kembali. KYAAAAAAAAAAA after reading new updates, I went "kyaaaaaaa". I am sure Tae-sung actually wanted to do indirect kiss by eating the bread on the bitten side, but unfortunately Hae-bom gave the other side. Tae-sung's expression was hilarious ahahaha, disappointed. But he got something better, ugh, if only... Ok, maybe you feel bored reading this, but thank you so much. And I'm looking forward for dasadanan today. See you again, sampai jumpa lagi ;-)
Taesung is probably flustered because he didn’t expect Haebom to suddenly come and ate the other side 
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
ShadAmy Week 2017: Day 3
ShadAmy Week 2017 Day 3: Summer Amy looked outside the window, staring at the summer’s starry night.  It’s been a while since she had some time for herself, drinking a cup of tea and just enjoying the view. Everything, was going normally until... “Hey Amy” “KYAAAAAAA!!!” Shadow popped out of no-where, placing himself in the window in front of Amy, making her jump in surprise. She fell off to the floor, the tea she was holding had spilled and had burned a bit of her legs and hands. She was in pain and Shadow quickly went to help her. He first looked at her burns and then stood up. “Shadow...”- Amy began but Shadow interrupted her. “Amy, please wait here”- Shadow said while looking at her eyes, Amy couldn’t do anything but to stay there and stay quiet. Shadow went to the restroom, and opened the mirror cabinet. “You are an idiot Shadow... this is what happens when you try to impress her” Shadow took out the first aid kit and headed towards the living room, he found Amy sitting on the sofa, looking at her legs. He went to sit next to her and looked at her with apologizing eyes. “I am sorry”- Shadow began as he opened the first aid kit and took out a creme. “No its ok, its not your fault, it was an accident”- Amy said as she gently touched Shadow’s hand as he opened the creme and removed the lid. “No, it is my fault, I was who wanted to-” Shadow stop mid sentence as he realized about what he was going to say. “Wanted to do what?”- Amy asked curious. “Please don’t make me say it...” Amy decided not to force him. For the year they have been dating, Amy now knows better that Shadow does not like to be forced to do anything. “You haven’t changed a bit”- Amy said. “Neither have you”- Shadow said as he bent down in front of Amy and took one foot and placed it on his bent knee. This surprised Amy as she never has seen Shadow letting his guard down like this, he looks so...vulnerable. “It makes me think... I hurt you this badly by just wanting to... impress you, what could happen to you whenever we get, you know...married?” Amy stood quiet, Shadow’s words made her go speech-less. She never thought that Shadow could think of marriage, less with her. She also notice that Shadow stopped his actions for a few moments and then began applying the creme on her burned foot. “Great, just great Shadow...you scared her”- Shadow thought to himself “Shadow...” “Just forget what I said...”- Shadow said and Amy noticed that Shadow’s voice changed drastically, sound almost sad. “If I am so clumsy right now, imagine when we get kids” Shadow opened his eyes a bit more, surprised at Amy's words. Her words made his feel re-assured. Amy always knew how to make him feel better. “I know this is not the perfect moment to do this, I know I am not the romantic type like the ones you read on your books but... I promise to take care of you and whatever else may happen in the future, I will embrace it, accept it... and love every second of it.” “Shadow...are you propo-”- Amy began but Shadow interrupted her. “Yes Amy, I am...and what will you say?” Amy looked at him with loving eyes she thought that this summer will change her life forever, and of course she knew what she was going to say: “You already know the answer for that”
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just-a-dreamer23 · 7 years
Girls night? ... I don’t think so!
A/N: This is something that I wanted to write for my girl @chiizuokamisama and I really enjoyed writing it :3 enjoy! 
ps: My friend calls me “Frijol” and I call her “Cacaguate”. Also I am going to write some things in Spanish because that’s how our conversations happen in real life. Also, I feel that this is not my best work but I guess it turned out okay!
    I was reading my Harry Potter book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and was laughing at how I came to realize that Ron and Hermione always fought like a couple even before getting together.All of a sudden I received a phone call from my dearest friend Nikki and of course, I answered.
“HEY GIRL!!!! What are you up to?” we said at the same time and then started laughing. 
“I am reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you know, I have to relax one way or another! Also, Ron and Hermione are killing me cause they are acting like a freaking married couple and after all of these years I have come to realize that. I feel stupid cause it took me so long to realize that! But I guess that’s the good thing about re-reading your books hahahaha” I said 
“Oh sweet!!  hahahahahaha that tends to happen mija, if you didn’t find out then you’ll find out now but don’t feel stupid frijoooool! Also, at the moment I am watching a youtuber getting haunted while doing a live stream. You have got to watch it!!!” she said with excitement 
“OH MY GOD!! Cacaguate send it to me cause now I am genuinely curious and scared but that’s life!! AND YES, I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID REALIZE IT!!” I said with excitement as well.
“Awesome! But I can’t send it to you right now because we are going to watch it together tonight!!’ she said 
“ARE YOU COMING?” I said ...well, yelled pretending I had forgotten about or “Onesies (pijama) party” 
“YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN!!! ... what a disgrace....” she said and I immediately started laughing. “Don’t you remember that we were going to watch movies and eat lots of junk food tonight? You are the one that is coming and staying over mujer” she said in a funny tone
“Ohhhh that’s right! You see I did remember and I have everything ready but I felt like trolling you for no given reason!” I said laughing as I heard her say “Que hija de su madre” 
 “y de mi padre tambien!!’ I said chuckling 
“Hahahaha, Ay Di, I can’t with you” she said
“You love me, I know that you do” I said
“I do love you! Have you spoken to Tyler?” she asked
“Yeah, just a little bit, he is going to be busy today so, we might not talk that much” I said 
“Aww, same goes with Dylan! But hey, at least we are going to spend time together tonight!!” she said 
“Yes!! Can’t wait girl, I freaking miss you” I said 
“I freaking miss you too” she said 
     It was around six thirty in the afternoon and I had had decided to go to my Nikki’s house. I was wearing my Ariel onesie ,had brought some snacks and movies for us. When I got there, my friend greeted me with a bear hug and it was then that I realize that she was wearing her “Pikachu” onesie.
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“ARIGATO!!” I said in a childish tone and giggled 
“Kyaaaaaaa!! you are welcome and thank you as well!!!” she said   
   Afterwards we found ourselves dancing around while preparing the snacks and setting everything down. We had planned to watch movies, sing karaoke, do each others make up so that we could make a photo shot and many other girl-ish stuff. As we had put the first movie, the bell rang and I went to take it not expecting to see the people that were behind it. It turned out that it was Tyler and Dylan wearing onesies and holding some snacks as well.
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   Dylan was wearing a Squirtle onesie and Tyler was wearing an Mario onesie. 
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    I looked at them and tried not to laugh, “NIKKI, COME HERE!” I said and my friend came in a matter of seconds. She said that they looked cute and I agreed with her. Then we let them in and started telling them what we had planned to and of course, Dylan joked about him wanting to get his nails done and Tyler said that said that even though he didn’t want his nails or make up done that he would like to be the photographer. We started watching a comedy movie but then started talking before the movie even reached it’s good part. 
“Why don’t we watch old videos? I have some of when Di and I were in high school!” said Nikki 
“That would be cool!” said Dylan 
“Do you really have videos from it?” I asked 
“Yes, and I have got one that is has been kept as a secret but today I will reveal it” Nikki said with an mischievous grin. 
“What is it about?” asked Tyler 
“Oh you’ll see! Is about Di at her finest moment!” she said while laughing 
“Oh no...Nikki you are scaring me!!” I said and after that she put the video ...
   The video was about that one time that we were at her house watching the trailer of the Grudge to see if I was going to be brave enough to watch it with her. However, while we were watching the part of the trailer in which the ghost was in the hallway of the hospital. The electric power of her house went down and I jumped holding on to Nikki while shaking badly. Then I remained silent while Nikki was trying to get off of her to see if we could solve the situation. The funny thing is that after I had calmed down, her sister started imitating the ghost and I almost die. 
   When the video was over all of us were laughing at my reaction and then I proceeded to explain the reason as to why I had reacted that way. Everyone started making jokes about it and even tried to convince me to see the movie with the lights off. However, I tried to distract them by asking Nikki how she had gotten that in video. It turns out that somehow her sister had recorded it and saved it but had forgotten about it until a year after it happened. She found it when she was deleting stuff from her computer and then passed it to Nikki. After that explanation, the subject came back again and we ended up watching that movie. Let’s say that Tyler’s arm was almost ripped out of his body because of me.  
“What should we do next?” asked Dylan 
“We should have some drinks and then do the karaoke” said Tyler grinning “Don’t worry Di, you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to but if you do I can make you a Margarita” 
“Sounds good, I’ll have one!” I said smiling 
“I am up for it to!” said Nikki 
...Well, let say that after we had our drinks we didn’t have a karaoke...no, we gave a concert; might not have been fun to the neighbors to hear though. Our “girls night” was crashed by the guys but we had fun and I guess that’s all that matters. Ha! I believe we had more fun than we were expecting to... 
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jknerd · 8 years
Everybody Loves Soo 10: Hello Baby Pt. I
[Summary: Magic!AU, requested by Iujunki261! For some reason, Hae Soo turned into a five years old girl it will take a week for wash off the spell. How would the prince handle this cute, little court lady? How would her friends react? How will Soo handle this embarrassing situation and will she revert back to her older self?]
All prince stopped what they were doing and their head instinctively went to Damiwon. Even princess, Woo-Hee, Chae-Ryung, and Soon-Duk stormed towards it. They all burst though the door to see if something happened to Hae Soo. But there was no one…or was it?
“Down here…”
They all look down to see a little girl in age of five, large eyes watery, and was wearing too big robes that only fits for grown lady. Their eyes were widened as they realized who was this little girl.
The little girl, Hae Soo, nodded her head. She told them she had suddenly become a little girl when she woke up. Possibly it was because the certain Jinn who resembled Ji-Mong, causing the whole thing. Then all of sudden, they saw a mist from a lamp, revealing the Jinn.
“Yes, my dear!!! You will have a week to stay as a five years old, don’t worry!”
And that’s where So threw his dagger at the lamp out of anger, but unfortunately he missed it. He tried to do it again, but Baek-Ah stopped him.
“Brother! Soo’s watching!”
The fourth brother exhaled heavily, calming himself for a five years old girl were not allowed to see a violence. Eun and Jung approached along with the girls. Chae-Ryung was the first on the hold her lady up.
“Oh my god, Lady Soo! What do we do now?” Chae-Ryung looked as if she was about to cry at any moment.
“You know,” Soon-Duk held the five years old, “she’s quite adorable if you keep look at her.”
“We could take care of her until she reverts back. I could see her mental status are also around the age of five.” Woo-Hee suggested.
“Good plan,” then Baek-Ah hold Soo, “d’awww, she looks so cute when with those big eyes~!”
Soo pouted, earning more “awws” from younger princes. As much as other princes wanted to hold her, they only stood silent. Yeon-Hwa came and snatched the child away from younger princes, glaring at them sternly.
“I doubt you all can raise a little child. Leave this to us ladies.”
The younger princes groaned.
“I don’t know if I’m going to like this but,” Soo bowed slightly, her lips pouty, “pardon me for a week.”
And Yeon-Hwa took little Soo to her chamber searching for any small hanbok for her. Woo-Hee, Soon-Duk and Chae-Ryung followed behind. Luckily, she found one for a little girl suiting with light pink, baby blue, and dark wine red ribbon around her waist. And Soo seemed taken a liking to a new hanbok as she giggled delightfully, earning from cooing from people.
When the night comes, Soo was supposed to sleep in her chamber but due to her small height and somewhat a little fear of darkness, she needed to sleep with adult who can calm her fear. So that’s where she came at night, met princes and the girls. Noticing little Hae Soo, they all smiled.
“Good evening Soo,” Wook greeted with smile, “what can we do for you?”
Soo seemed hesitant at first, but she managed to spoke.
“I couldn’t sleep…I’m a bit scared…”
Watching her large watery eyes, they all gave in.
“D’awww, we could play until you’re tired!” Eun said with wide smile.
“No, Eun. Children must sleep earlier.” Yo chimed in, giving his tenth brother a strict, scolding look.
But when Yo saw Soo’s puppy eyes, his eyes twitched, pupils shaking with unfamiliar emotion. Even Wook and So found her eyes irresistible for they couldn’t say no to her.
“Maybe next time you can sleep earlier…” Yo muttered, averting her gaze.
“Yay~!” Then Soo came and hugged Yo’s legs, due to her small height, surprising the third prince and others.
Crown Prince Mu smiled amusingly at Yo’s blush. Eun held Soo up, with Jung and Baek-Ah escorting her to Eun’s room to play with toys until they felt tired.
Soo slept between three younger Wang brothers. Jung was protectively embracing Soo while Eun and Baek-Ah laid on the opposite, quietly sleeping.
D-7 Another day came, and Soo dragged Jung outside to play sports. Fourteenth prince gave her a small wooden sword, teaching her how to play with it. Even though So clumsily used them, her behavior was far too adorable for him to teach again.
Soo ran around while Jung follow behind, until Soo ended up bump into So, who was walking by. She looked up and feigned injury. Fourth prince smiled at her antics.
“You’re the one who bumped in.”
Five years old look up, felt flustered. Fourteenth prince came and hid her behind as if his older brother would bring harm to her. Hiding his disappointment, So only walked away. Little Soo wanted to follow the wolf prince, but Jung gently dragged her small hand and lead the way to Eun’s chamber where the tenth prince and Soon-Duk was making toys for her.
“Soo~! Look! We made this dolls.”
Eun held up his masterpiece. He made it out of Soo’s image, in which impressed her.
“Thank you.” Soo said with her childish accent.
“Your welcome~. What do you want to do?”
Soo looked around and saw pile of papers and brushes. She pointed at it and Baek-Ah noticed.
“You want to paint?” Thirteenth prince asked.
Little girl nodded her head. Baek-Ah gave papers and paintings as Soo sat on the chair. But the problem is that the chair was too low, her hands couldn’t reach to the table. Princes and the girls stifled their giggle as Soo stood on the chair. She picked a brush and began to draw princes and colored them.
Several hours later, Soo and other young princes went to Wook’s study room where everyone else were located. Their expression changed from their blank expression to a lively smile when Soo entered the room.
“Look what she draw today! She drew about us.”
Baek-Ah put down her drawings on the table. They all looked at the drawings with impressed eyes. She was making a cartoon out of them and everyone could recognize who they were.
“Hey, that’s me!” Eun exclaimed as he pointed at one.
“And there’s me also.” Jung said, looking at his portrait(?).
Yo tilted his head at a rather thick eyeliners of a drawing of himself made by five years old. Wook smiled at the one Soo drew of him. She had drawn Wook smiling and reading. Yeon-Hwa saw a picture of her in refined robes and seemed proud with it. Woo-Hee and other girls cooed at Soo’s drawings.
Baek-Ah noticed one particular picture.
“Who’s this?”
Soo looked at smiled. She drew a handsome man holding a mask, but has no trace of scars and was smiling brightly.
“Fourth prince.” She answered.
Everyone blinked their eyes. Mu smiled appreciatively at the girl’s sweetness. And in such impeccable time So came in.
“Brother, look at this.” Baek-Ah held up the drawing of his fourth brother, “Soo drew you!”
So blinked his eyes and looked over at Soo, who seemed hopeful. So’s hand grabbed the paper and inspected. Then, he formed the most brightest smile, approached to the girl and patted her head affectionately.
“Thank you, Soo.”
She giggled, but the others glanced at one another in disbelief.
D-6 Chae-Ryung, Soon-Duk, and Woo-Hee took Soo to the market outside Song-Ak. Five year old court lady’s eyes were sparkling in awe as other princes giggled. She glanced the stock where the merchant was selling pastries. With pouty lips and large eyes, she pointed at it. But before she could say anything, Yo and Won IMMEDIATELY told Chae-Ryung to buy them with satchel of silvers. She came back and handed the pastries to her little lady. Soo take a bit and made a happy squealing sound shaking her upper body enthusiastically. And it made everyone’s heart throbbed.
“Eeee, tasty~!” Soo said with cute smile.
Then she noticed another stock where she saw a small shop with flowers. She tugged Chae-Ryung, quietly asked her to buy a seeds of flowers. Her tall servant happily obliged.
“What are the flower seeds for?” Wook questioned.
Soo smiled.
“You will see later~.”
She received the seeds and thanked Chae-Ryung. Yeon-Hwa took her to the shop filled with accessories, told her she could choose what she likes. Soo glanced around and saw a pair of simple designed rings with foreign gemstone. Soo recalled from her life in 21st century and she was sure the stone was called as diamonds. Noticing her gaze, the princess purchased them.
“Thank you, princess.” Soo curtsied.
The princes and the girls were tilting their head in confusion.
“Why buying two instead of one?” Woo-Hee asked.
Then, Soo blushed as she nervously had her one feet dancing around, her two hands behind her back and shook her shoulders side to side
“Another one’s for person I want to marry when I grow up…” Soo confessed, then she giggled bashfully.
Oh god. Everyone thought they had a heart attack. So and Wook coughed, blushing as they looked away try to ignore the throb inside their chest.
“Oooh, who’s the lucky man?” Soon-Duk asked, “you told us back when we had a ladies night, please tell us again!”
Soo shook her head no. But when she saw fourth prince, she looked back at everyone, using her index finger on her mouth making a “shh” sound.
Everyone came back from the market and Soo immediately asked Chae-Ryung where she could plant the flowers. Her maid lead the way to the secluded place in the palace garden. They all watch Hae Soo planting seeds with smile and couldn’t help but wonder what was the girl’s childhood looked like.
D-5 The court ladies were worried for their little head court lady. Some of them already leaned in case Soo might fall. Luckily, she had done a great job. When court lady Oh called out, she quickly but silently walked forward and bowed. Smiling at her, Court Lady Oh told her she may rest since some tasks were too challenging for a girl in such young age. Soo hugged her mentor, thanking her and left. Lady Oh gave other court ladies a stern look when they tried not to smile at the heartwarming scene, but the senior court lady smiled at where the little girl left.
‘So this is what is like to have a daughter…’ She mused.
Hae Soo came out to Damiwon and went to pavilion where everyone else was waiting. Even though Soo was small, she still get to tell everyone stories. She had told many tales that entertained the princes.
“So…this girl was somehow wearing the witch’s shoes that has a color of red jewel? Interesting…” Won nodded his head, interested.
“And all she and her friends needed to grant their wish is to find this wizard.” Baek-Ah concluded.
“Yep. And but the scarecrow already proved his intelligence, tin solder got his heart, and the large lion earned courage. All the girl needed was chanting the spell and clanked her shoes twice.” Soo said with smile.
“Soo, tell us another story. Something exciting!” Eun asked.
“There’s a three sibling who went to this imaginary island with mysterious boy. The boy cannot grow up because he lives there and he fights with pirates.”
And everyone laughed at Soo telling how the pirate captain was humiliated while trying to get away from the crocodile who attempted to eat him. Even Yo, Won, and So stifled their laughter. The older sons from Chungju clan never get to listen to such many stories when they were young boys.
“Hey Soo, can I ask you something?” Woo-Hee asked.
“When you were young, what kind of dream you had?”
Soo made a thought. When she was at 21st century, she used to tell her mother she used to dream of mysterious prince charming and get married. One time, dreamt of adventures with her imaginary friends.
“I used to dream of marrying a prince.” Soo replied.
And every prince spat their tea, coughing. Woo-Hee patted Baek-Ah’s back as Soon-Duk did the same to Eun.
“What did this prince..looked like?” Woo-Hee asked.
“Umm…he is tall, strong, about some of Wang princes’ age…and…” little Soo blushed then, “and…really handsome.”
“Did you see his face?” Yeon-Hwa asked, amused with the princes’ expressions.
“I don’t remember all…but he was wearing light-colored hanbok.” Soo answered.
“And this prince…is he one of Wang brothers?”
Soo shyly nodded her head.
D-4 Every prince couldn’t sleep, still curious of this man of Soo’s dream. Yeon-Hwa stifled her laugh when she saw the heavy bags under Yo’s eyes, worsening his face condition when he as a eyeliner. He looked ridiculous. Even younger princes were highly curious. But when they tried to ask Soo, she avoided them.
While she ran, her feet stuck on the rock, causing her to trip forward. The princes paled, worried for her. Soo slowly sat on, feeling the stinging pain on her knee as she bit her lips and blinking back her tears. She hiccuped and stifled her sob, her small fists clenching.
“Oh my god, SOO!” Younger princes tried to approach but stopped as So came first.
Fourth prince looked down, seeing little Soo quietly crying but attempting to calm down in vain. The pained expression reminded So of his childhood, beaten by half-crazed Lady Concubine while he tried his best not to cry. Out of compassion, the fourth prince held Soo up and awkwardly patted her head. Fortunately, Soo’s quiet sob was died down.
When he tried to release her, her small hands were clutching on his hanbok refuse to stay away. Soo pouted as if threatening him she would cry if he release her. Sighed in defeat, he remained to hold her and walk. When Jung tried to stop, Baek-Ah prevented him to do so, looking at a peaceful smile the girl made.
Thank goodness, she didn’t have a scratch on her legs since it only have a small bruise. Court Lady Oh warned her to be careful in which Soo wordlessly nodded her head.
D-3 Wook was writing in his study room, heard a knock from the door. Soo came in, Wook smile warmly at her.
“Oh, hello. How are you?”
“I’m fine, your highness,” Soo looked up, “may I ask something?”
Eighth prince nodded his head.
“How old I was when I went to your highness’ residence when Myung-Hee married?”
Wook’s smile faded slightly as he remembered Myung-Hee.
“You were fifteen back then. Myung-Hee wanted to bring you along when your…parents passed away. Although other cousins from Hae didn’t seem to like the idea…”
“Did I brought any burden to you and princess?” Soo asked.
“No…, of course not.” Wook shook his head, “what concerned me and Myung-Hee was…that if you were happy here…”
Soo noticed a saddened expression from eighth prince.
“Like I said previously, I never get a chance to interact with you before…because you have always stayed in your room and didn’t left. You didn’t seemed pleased to stay…”
Soo then wondered how the real Soo was like. Was real Hae Soo kind? Or cold-hearted? Or it was just because her parents passed away? Little Soo walked over and tugged his long blue chŏgori.
“I’m sorry if I had upsetter you…, but I really am thankful for watching over me.”
Wook smiled.
‘And so am I…thank you for staying with us…’ he wanted to speak.
Soo looked around and saw Chae-Ryung who told her she needed a time to sleep. She nodded her head and dismissed herself, leaving eighth prince made a small wave with his hand to her.
D-2 Next morning, Soo came out and was enthusiastically went to the garden until she felt two arms holding her. She looked up and saw Wang So smiling as he held up.
“Now where do you think you’re going, little lady?”
“To the garden,” Soo replied, “would you…like to go along?”
So blinked his eyes, but nodded his head accepting her offer. Thanks to her caring for the flowers, they were beginning to bloom. Soo brought a small basket filled with water and more soil for the flowers. So also helped her along and it took them several hours to finish. Seeing their dirty hands, they decided to go to the pond to wash their hand. Glancing at her with mischievous glint in his eyes, he used his hand to sprinkle the water on her. Surprised, Soo looked at her left side, pouting and she also did the same.
Little did they knew, their little play was watched by two pair of eyes that belonged to Baek-Ah and Wang Mu, smiling at them.
“Aww, ain’t that sweet?” Baek-Ah asked.
“I’m glad our brother regained his usual smile he used to make when he was a child.” Mu said, making a mental note to thank the girl.
D-1 It took a long time to realize that it was possible Soo might not remember what happened for a week after she reverted back to her adult form. Jinn explained that it is possible, but not confirmed. However, thinking of innocent little girl gone away was quite depressing for everyone, hoping Soo will retain the innocence even when she become an adult again.
But during the night, Soo brought a large amount of different flowers in her arms and went to pavilion where everyone was there. Jung noticed her then asked.
“Sister? What are those for?”
Soo put them down and answered with small smile.
“I planned the flower seeds and these were the results.”
Then she contributed different type of flowers that were each person’s respective favorite. Wook looked at Soo with wide eyes.
“Did you bought them just to gave them to us?”
Soo nodded her head.
“Aww, you don’t have to…but how come?” Baek-Ah asked.
“Well…,” then she formed the most innocent, wide smile, “because I love everyone that’s why!”
She made an elated giggle. Everyone stood silent, but some of them were in verge of tears. So and Wook smiled at their favorite flower. Even Soo’s innocence melted Yeon-Hwa’s stone cold heart as she formed a grin. Eun cried in ocean as Soon-Duk tried to calm him. Soo also stimulated the third prince’s emotional persona as he covered his mouth with his hand hiding his sensitive, overly-emotional expression.
‘Oh Buddha…I can’t take it anymore…!’
And Soo was attacked by hugs everywhere. It was one of their BEST week they have ever had.
Epilogue: Soo has reverted back to her young adult form, seemingly unable to remember what happened throughout a week. She got a letter from her five cousins they are visiting her soon, and heard that other princes and princess—including Wang Tae—coming over.
She prepared the teas until she heard the scream from the room where all prince fell asleep. Hurriedly, she stormed towards the chamber and opened the door only to find seven young little boys around the age of five. Her eyes were widened in panic as other girls, including princess Yeon-Hwa came over. Even Wang Mu was shocked at the scene.
The princes have become a children. They all looked at Soo, asking for help. She felt her legs getting numb, inwardly cursing the genie as the real babysitting began.
To be continued…?
Note: Done~! I hope it’s good~! Enjoy reading and don’t forget to comment~!
Previous: http://jknerd.tumblr.com/post/155993115106/everybody-loves-soo-chapter-9-run-princes-run
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