emilianoiriarte7 · 4 months
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Finally my grimoire cover is done!
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sweetstwawbewwymilk · 6 months
I recently got into a lighthearted argument with a pal of mine over the nature of this pink line on Grimoir's cheek.
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Now, I say that it's a scar, considering it's in the same place on his face every time he moves, and it's clearly a line in his full-body sprite, AND it doesn't darken, grow, or again, move during any of his expressions. However, my pal, my buddy thinks that it's a blush mark. That only Grimoir has.
So I come to you, greater Tangle Tower/Detective Grimoir community....
(This is all lighthearted discussion, there is no actual drama, all /lh /nm, we're just being Goofy over the silly detective game)
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sk-it · 3 years
Witch Master-Post
Please take everything I say at face value, do your own research on the topics I’ve presented. What works for me may not work for you. You can substitute or subtract pretty much anything as long as it’s not a major component in a spell. Make sure you are prepared fully before doing some of the ones I’ve listed and educate yourself on the ways backfiring presents itself. If you try any of these lmk I’d love to hear it!
I’m selling 10$ personalized spells! Shoot me a dm for more info
“Jar” Spells
MAX protection jar
Sweet to me
Happiness star jar
Candle Spells
Protection tea light candle
Moon appreciation candle
Oil spells
Paper spells
Room guardian ward
Dream guardian protector
Sweet to me
Bath spells
Poppet spells
Karmic avoidance poppet
Protection poppet
Amplified reversal
Cinderblock banish/bind/hex
Dust spells
Protection dust
Glamour spells
Mirror glamour
Glamour Altar
S*x spells
S*x magic: alone
Griomoire ideas/pages
Spell forms
Spell activation
Spell deactivation
Unique sigil making technique
Sorry this page is so empty I’m still working on my correspondences and I always forget to write them down. My goal is to create unique things because anyone can look up correspondences! Placeholder section until I work with more <3
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just-some-chump · 7 years
The book of siphoning
Alright lets see how this one blows your socks off!!!
A polished black leather bound book that looks as new and shiny as the day it was made. Once per long rest you can use this book to cast a spell using a spell slot of another magic user within 100 feet of you! The magic user must have a spell slot equal to or greater than the level of the spell you are using them to cast
The book is resistant so damage and wear, any scratches, burns, water damage, Scuffs smudges or imperfections of any kind dissappear after a short rest
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anxious-changeling · 3 years
GN Witch!Reader x Familiar!Crusaders (-Joseph)
We hope you enjoy this!!! We put a lot of love into it!
His animal form is a Partridge Rock Chicken!
The only traits he carries from his animal form is small feathers dusting his cheekbones!
You met him while you were walking around Cairo and just happened to feel a pull towards a curtained area.
Following the pull you found yourself in front of a fortune tellers booth, a beautiful man seated behind a table.
With a kind smile he welcomed you to sit and have your fortune read, you could almost feel the electricity crackle in the air.
When he grabbed your hand it felt like lightning had struck you. You knew what he was and he knew what you were. A witch and an unbound familiar staring into one another eyes.
Still he amused you with a palm reading reading of coming good fortune and a lifetime of happiness. With a hint of mischief coloring his voice while saying the latter.
You proposed him the idea of him becoming your familiar to which he agreed after some bargaining. Such as what days he would be employed and what he could and couldn’t do!
He told you of his previous witch, a cruel woman named Enyaba, who would clip his wings so he couldn’t fly. A sad fate for such a beautiful bird.
In his chicken form he’s very cuddly and makes adorable cooing noises when you pet him.
He looks so cute when he falls asleep on your lap as you read from a grimoire you recently bought. Burrowing deeper into your warmth subconsciously as you idly fun your hand over his feathers.
He’s the perfect familiar and the perfect partner, attentive to your every need and attuned to your aura!
He’ll be your loving guardian against any spirits that may try to target you! Beings with malicious intent don’t stand a chance against him!
He specializes in fire magic and reading the auras of the world! Making him perfect for monitoring potions that are volatile!
He likes to show you all the little designs he can make with his fire magic. He loves even more the look of your face illuminated by his flames~
Has a fire elemental he calls Magicians Red that likes to follow him around! Going as far to take orders from him.
Once Magicians Red grows to like you it’ll lean down to let you sift your fingers through it soft head feathers!
Fully expect MR to join you and Avdol to cuddle! Personal furnace right there! Great in winter, intolerable in summer.
His animal form is a Stoat!
Carries his ears and tail from his animal form into his human form! When his hair is down it’s easier to see his ears since they aren’t covered up!
You met Polnareff while sitting in a local cafe, where he had approached you boldly to flirt. When he grabbed your hand to plant a kiss on the back, spark flew.
You could only stare in shock at one another before he grinned largely in joy! An unbound familiar finding a witch, what a lucky day!
You sat in the cafe for hours learning about one another, and eventually you extended the offer for him to become your familiar!
He accepted enthusiastically and thus you set off on your adventures!
He had a previous witch who he was bound to, known as Mariah, but she passed leaving him unbound for a long time.
He’s just as playful in his animal form as he is in human form, and enjoys rough housing with you! He likes to be tossed in the air and caught!
Likes pull pranks by hiding under furniture and farting out to nip at your ankles as you pass!
He enjoys being in contact with you someway, whether it be an arm over your shoulder or his head in your lap.
If you’ve been over working yourself on a potion he’ll whine loudly demanding your attention. He wants your attention but also knows you need a break.
He specializes in earth magic and spell casting! He is a vital help during long spell casting sessions as he helps balance you.
He’s a very affectionate and kind partner making sure to never overstep your boundaries!
Beware anything that sets its eyes upon you with malicious intent because he’ll make sure to tear them asunder.
Has a metal Gollum named Silver Chariot bound to him and it follows him everywhere, silently like a shadow.
Chariots emotions compared to humans is very muted, but if he feels affection for you he will hold onto you.
Chariot shows his affection through gifts and will often present you with flowers he’s found!
You make his bonded one happy which makes him happy! It also helps you’re kinda to him and give him gifts too! He cherishes every treasure you’ve gifted him!
His animal form is a Moray Eel! He’s also quite large for his species coming in at 6 feet long!
The traits he carries from his animal form are that his teeth are sharper than normal!
You met Jotaro while lazing in a secluded cove soaking in the sun. Charging a few crystals for an upcoming major spell.
You barely heard him enter but you did feel when he passed your rune barrier.
You had expected to see maybe a minor demon or a pixie, but not a hulking man who’s cold glare pierced you.
You both exchanged words as the adrenaline wore out, and you just waved him off so you could enjoy the sun without him.
He scoffed shouldering you as he walked past, electricity ran through you both. Like a live wire had hit your skin.
To be an unbound familiar this close to a witch could be dangerous when caught off guard in a secluded area.
So when Jotaro whirled around to bare his teeth at you, he was surprised to find you moving to sit back down. Didn’t you want to enslave him to you?
After a few hours of coexisting on the beach you break the ice asking questions. Sometimes he’d grunt in response or answer in rambling sentences. What an enigmatic creature.
You learned that his last witch had been a hideous woman named Midler. He had been wandering unbound for many years, ignoring every witch who begged to become bound to him.
Humming you told him that your homes open to him and left your address on the sands as you left for home. Faintly feeling blue eyes drilling into your retreating form.
Weeks later as you sat slouched over a grimoire taking notes, you heard someone pounding on your door.
When you answered the door you found yourself face to face with none other than Jotaro.
After sitting him down and going through the motions of being a host you began to talk.
He laid out his demands, days he could and couldn’t fulfill his duties, and his boundaries. You beamed at him while signing the contract agreeing to your partnership, kick starting a wonderful future!
It took a bit for mutual comfort to happen but in the end it’s well worth the wait!
Jotaro compliments your spellcasting style and is an excellent potion making assistant! Both of you taking your craft very seriously.
When your relationship takes a slow turn to partnership neither of you are surprised!
Jotaro isn’t much for outward displays but he does like to show his appreciation through gifts. He’ll drop a new griomoire he acquired in you lap saying it was an “accidental buy”.
If you’re sick he’ll call up his mother to get her soup recipes. He’ll complain as he does but you know he really doesn’t mind it.
He specializes in water magic and energy manipulation making it easier for him to control volatile spells! He’s also very proficient in drawing spell circles with near perfect precision!
Has a minor water deity named Star Platinum that always follows him around much to his annoyance.
While Jotaro isn’t affectionate Star very much is and makes up for Jotaro in that aspect!
Star will twirl you around gleefully and enjoys hanging off of you as you read or spell cast!
Both Jotaro and Star would tear apart the world with their bare hands to ensure your safety.
His animal form is a Orchid Mantis!
He doesn’t retain any traits of his animal form in human form except for some pink dusted here and there!
You first met Kakyoin at your local library as you scoured the shelves for your favorite book.
As you went to grab the book a slender hand grabbed it first. Silently huffing you turned to swear at the thief but found yourself face to face with an interesting man.
He already started to walk away but you felt something pulling at your gut to stop him.
As you grabbed his wrist you felt electricity hum through you and his pupils expanded in surprise.
He tugged his hand out of your grasp and took long strides to the check out and out the door.
Well that’s one way to make an impression on a witch. You by instinct wanted to race after him but your gut anchored your feet as you watched him flee.
You didn’t run into him for many months, a careful unbound familiar who had no doubt been mistreated in the past.
You didn’t actively seek him out but it seemed that fate put its back into dragging you two together.
You found the strange man at your door one morning bloody and bruised badly. Hauling his lanky form onto your couch you got to work fixing him up.
Spell after spell you cast and even eased mild healing potions down his throat. Now all left to do was wait, so that’s what you did.
Curled up on your armchair with the newest grimoire to your collect you began reading. It took him a few hours but finally he began to stir.
He looked defensive as his purple eyes scanned your living room. Eyeing you warily as you slowly stretched from your arm chair.
As you explained what had happened and how you treated him the calmer he became. He also explained he just came to the closest house after he was attacked. A low level demon having gotten the jump on him as he slept.
You happily welcomed him to stay in your heavily warded home, which is near impossible to break into. He hesitantly took your offer and so began your journey with your new roommate!
It took months of tip toeing around one another before he finally approached you with a deal. Very clearly and sternly laying out his boundaries and expectations.
You gladly welcome his into the bond, celebrating by making a nice meal! After many years you finally had a familiar!
He helps a lot to cover the areas you lack in and help mishaps before they happen! If one side of the spell isn’t reinforced he’s there working on it! Making sure it won’t backfire in your face!
In his mantis form Kakyoin is content in just punching on you as you go about doing what you need to! He doesn’t enjoy touch as much as others but enjoys your warmth!
Enjoys looking at the outside world from his smaller perspective, behind glass and wards of course can’t have a bird snatching him!
It takes a while for Kakyoin to allow himself to court you and at first he’s very cautious. Aware of your ever movement, but as he get more comfortable he opens up more!
He enjoys holding hands with you and resting his head in your lap as you read or watch tv.
Enjoys baking for you because he’s a horrible cook. He enjoys making a great variety of desserts and you are his personal taste tester!
If you become sick he’ll show how he can make a mean chicken noodle soup from scratch. The only dish he can’t mess up when cooking!
Is a helicopter partner when you’re sick, worried if he takes his eyes off of you he’ll miss something!
He specializes in air magic and has a keen eye for plant identification! Making him useful very useful when you go foraging!
Has a bonded nature spirit named Hierophant Green that follows him wherever he goes. They’re very attached to one another.
Hierophant will be very wary of you for a long time, but as he sees that you treat Kakyoin well it’ll win his favor.
Once Hierophant becomes attached there’s letting go, he’ll follow you everywhere demanding pets.
He lets off a strangely high pitched purr when you pet him and wraps around you protectively at home.
Hierophant and Kakyoin would sacrifice the whole universe to make sure you stay safe.
Holy shit that’s.. long. We hope you enjoyed and we bid you a good morning/afternoon/evening! A lot of love went into this piece :D
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teleportationmagic · 4 years
Spoilers for black clover chapter 268
So the plot thickens... Liebe is an absolutely adorable child, my gosh. I want to make a plushie. Or realistically speaking, buy one.
Also, I like how the image we saw from way back when was actually Liebe’s memory. It also raises questions on how connected Asta and Liebe really are, considering the memory leakage.
Also, I wonder if Liebe was just stuck in the griomoire, or if he actually was conscious at the time. Because if he spent a decade? trapped, conscious, in a book, right after his mother was murdered that would be... just. Yikes.
Speaking of which, I’m not 100% certain that Licita is Asta’s mom. It is very, very likely, but I could also see her as an aunt, mostly because Asta has to have a father, and I don’t think that was something that she could do without causing some harm.
But still, if she sucked out magic, Asta being in her belly for 9 odd months would explain his mana-less-ness. If she isn’t his mom, there was defiantly an accident with Asta sometime soon after (or before?) he was born.
And also. The little snapshots of Licita and Liebe! I adored them so very much.
And the “this boy is not yours!!!” I was hit by that. Can’t wait for it to be animated, honestly, it’s so frigging sweet and angry and heartfelt.
And I love the contrast, on the last two pages, between baby Liebe and adult Liebe - that just drives everything in.
Also did Licita name Liebe? Because I think she did, cause we never see him tell her his name, she’s the one who says it.
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nazali-md · 4 years
3, 5, 10 & 11 for magic ask. :)
Thank you for the ask! Great choices :)
What is your character’s outlook on their magic? For example, do they believe that it’s something that should be shared freely with others or that it should be kept to themselves until an advantageous situation presents itself?
Asked to explain her magic, Scilla would say it’s a combination of science, imagination and spirituality.
Science is the base. Interfering with the rules of nature requires understanding of the said rules. Having more background knowledge helps to achieve a more precise effect, and reduces collateral damage. Laying this base is the primary purpose of magical academies, griomoires and tomes. It is possible to do magic without understanding the science behind, but the result is often unstable, similarly to a house built without foundations. It is a common occurence with children’s magic.
Imagination is critical. If you cannot visualize something, good chance you won’t be able to bring it to reality either. Imagination is required in finding the right time and place for the magical intervention, and choosing a weak point in reality to attack. It is the component Scilla’s the strongest at. Not only can she easily conjure up different ways to solve a problem with magic, she likes to experiment with new things, or combine existing spells and rituals for greater effect. Without good imagination, one would struggle to decide which spells should be applied in a certain situation.
Spirituality is the key to implementation. Knowing a spell and finding the appropriate oppurtinity to use doesn’t guarantee that it’ll work. A successful spell, charm, curse or ritual requires the right state of mind. Concentration is important, but not everything. It also requires faith. Believing that the magic can happen. This belief can be placed in different entities (I believe god/nature/the spirits/the arcana/etc... can make this happen), or in the magician themselves (I believe I can make this happen).
This is all awfully vague, I realize, but its also pretty long. So if someone wants clarification, I’ll make a different post with examples and stuff.
How freely would they give up their ability to practice magic? Would they do it for nothing, only for something in return, or would they never in a million years give it up?
Loosing her magic is one of her biggest fears actually. Despite having suffered because of her abilities, Scilla would never voluntarily give them up. It would mean more than just loosing her living, she’d loose a part of her. A part that she thinks of as the most valuable. Scilla tends to measure her own worth by how useful she is for others. Loosing her magic would deal a large blow on her self esteem and mental health.
The only situation I can think of where she’d choose to give up her magic, is if it would be in exchange for a loved one’s life. Otherwise she’d rather die, thank you very much.
How did your character learn that they were capable of magic?
She started showing signs of elemental magic at a very young age. While her parents have some subtle occupational skills that’s definitely supernatural, there weren’t any magicians in her enviroment, so for some time she didn’t realize what she was doing is de facto magic. Her parents had to sit her down and explain that she should be more considerate when playing, because not every child can telekinetically move sand, or survive falling from that high.
Her high affinity to different elements combined with her inability to hide her skills eventually lead to trouble.
What is the first spell or magical technique that they ever learned? How successful were they on the first try?
Around the time she was discovering her magic, Scilla, being a little kid, only used it to play around. In the desert she did not have a mentor or any education. After having fled to Hesperia, she had to develop her magical abilities in order to survive. Some magical techniques she picked up on the street include: using air magic as a way of transportation (magic parkour), hiding her presence, subtly changing her appearence and scamming people with her magically suggestive voice.
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fallenlombax-a · 6 years
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I am not DOCILE, and I will not rollover
              and ACCEPT my fate without blood               I will fight until I can fight no more It would be…                                advisable       to not                                                                   piss me off
- Musings by @coldofflesh and @inmymusings
Promo Template Credit [ X ]
🌌Penned by Mary
🌌2 Years Roleplay Experience
🌌OC, AU, and Canon friendly/Crossover and Multi-verse friendly
🌌SFW with NSFW themes
🌌Mun and Muses are 18+
🌌Multi-ship friendly
🌌Also runs:
@rebelexiled Alister Azimuth sideblog (active) 
@zerowitch Zero from Griomoire of Zero sideblog (active)
@thefallendimensions Multi-muse companion sideblog (hiatus)  
@vengefulcrowe Tales of Berseria Velvet Crowe sideblog (hiatus)
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emilianoiriarte7 · 4 months
Working in my grimoire
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solomonsbane-blog · 6 years
♣ - a fading memory
“Most memories tend to fade until you remember again, but let’s see...One that I can barely recall...”
I remember my mother.
 Her workshop was as it’s always been, part study, part dollhouse. I wasn’t quite...myself back then, but I remember books. Tomes, scrolls, griomoires, arcane manuscripts pulled from faraway lands and stolen accounts and memoirs. She told me they were my homework.
The time that passed in the outside world was hardly worth mentioning. Perhaps a few years, perhaps a little longer, though my mind had much more time to operate. My mind spent close to sixty years your time reading over insignificant texts to learn my craft. Close to a lifetime’s worth of research was spent in a sea of paper and ink and paint and blood. 
Every now and again, my mother would call out to me from amidst the sea, and sometimes I could see her.
“Keep at it, Cassandra. Marble doesn’t sculpt itself, but I promise you, you’ll stand out among the rest.”
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I never had any intention or reason to stand out then, but it worked out for one of us. Once my research was completed, she sent me on my way first thing to make a name for myself as quickly as possible. Not a name for her daughter, but a name people would remember to be afraid of. I suppose I got high marks after all that studying, though she’s long since stopped grading me.
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alleby · 6 years
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Today’s entry for inktober: Grimoire
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i think pinky promises are a type of magic. theres myths that strings on your hands that guide you to people youll love, and locking fingers is tying a promise to one or more of your strings (if youre holding hands) because love is what makes you want to fulfill the promise. breaking the promise cuts the knot from the string. it can separate you if you dont make an effort to retie it
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emilianoiriarte7 · 4 months
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Magic save my life
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