#ghidorah is actually one of my fav kaiju
duckieduccss · 3 months
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Next up on what i wanted to eventually draw was taking the attempt at Ghidorah. At first, i wasnt sure how and also since i was doing this traditionally, that meant i had to draw each head individually each time. The good thing tho was that it seemed to get used to it pretty quickly & wasnt whole lot of a big deal. I did slightly mess up on the front viewing heads at the bottom (for practice) with maybe the consistency of design. But i should have that better fixed later on.
[Another specific reason as to why i decided on Ghidorah but ill mention it later]
I think im doing well at learning how to draw kaiju and im happy with that :D
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agathazinha2009 · 5 months
Back in 2020 I just had find out Godzilla Existence and it was great
One month later I thought "Why not make it human?" and omg I spend nights thinking on a Ghidorah(My fav kaiju) human design and BOOM!
-What If Ghidorah had bangs? one each side
my mind was blowing lmao I thought "omg I'm genious" and literally 5 months later I find out about Ruubesz existence and his gijinkas.
that was my reaction lmao
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I was shocked, I mean I just shared the same braincell with someone else lmao
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anyway, Lots of Gijinka kaijus of my Au are similar to his coincidently lmao but I will change it, except Ghidorah bros, the design is gorgeous and I don't think I can have another great idea for them again. the coincidence was killing me lol
anyway I'm rebuilding my Godzilla Gijinka Au and I will start with San :D
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maybe one day I will do it on digital(Maybe when I learn lmao I do not understand a single THING in digital art, congrats if you do digital art you have my full respect)
little comic lol
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well that's my human version of Kevin-San, since he and Ruubesz Kevin are basically siblings, I changed the much I could for not see it has the same character.
His personality is more to Canon than Fanon, which means he is curious but also cruel and mean, also very vengeful. San is always carrying a notepad and pencil for doing notes about humans(he doens't write but Draw, cause is more dynamic for him lmao), He were once "Adorable and funny" but after GvsK events he became more like his brothers.
currently lives in Mecha Godzilla City(hidden city from other Kaijus, just like in the anime) but after a time he will live by himself in Hong Kong, and he is bestie with Shin Godzilla and see Kiryu like a master or guider.
Kevin hates certain humans, and look at us with superiority and disgust, but also think humans are fascinating. His brothers came back to life thanks to Kevin, but they don't see each other anymore(Ichi and Ni don't have contact with San).
After GvsK events, and meeting the other Mechas, Kevin did notice Mechas were no well-seem beetween the flesh kaijus, and with it, especially being now a Godzilla similar, he thinks his brothers will hate on him. So he keeps distance, besides, sometimes Kevin do stalk them just for checking(San actually miss them a lot, also Ni and Ichi miss San, but he's scared of being rejected)
anyway, got quite big, but there it is. hope you like it
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cant-blink · 3 years
Favorite and Least Favorite Ghidorah Incarnations
Probably gonna regret making this post, but it’s been a long time coming, so let’s do it. I guess I should warn, not suitable for people sensitive to opinions that might be different from their own. Can’t believe I have to say that about a list of fav Ghidorahs, but alas...
Anyway, enjoy!
Let’s start with my Top 5 favorite Ghidorahs! Going from my most favorite down! All five of these are amazing and any one can easily become my #1 at any given time! :D But at the moment, my number 1 is...
Showa Ghidorah
Showa Ghidorah should come to nobody’s surprise, given how much I’ve been writing about him lately! I admit though, it wasn’t always like this. It took some time for him to grow on me, and he actually used to be one of my least favorite through design alone. But he has grown exponentially on me, and now I love everything about him! The manes are unique and I love the crescent moons on his heads too. His eyes are so big, and I feel they have more expression compared to other Ghidorahs. And the inspiration of the more traditional Eastern-style dragon is there in his face too. 
His backstory and personality, though, is what really got me to change my mind about the character. His personality is perfect as far as I’m concerned! Coming from space to destroy planets just for the lolz, cackling maniacally all the way! Even the fact he was mind-controlled was something for me to delve into in my stories, on how such a thing impacts the character. It really opened my eyes to the more subtle parts to his personality, like I realize that Ghiddy wants NOTHING to do with Earth. He tried to destroy it once and that failure is all he needed to know to stay away. The plot device of mind-control is used to keep him coming back in future movies! Even when he defeated Godzilla and Rodan, he chose to fly away back into space! There’s layers to his character if you look deep enough!
There’s just so much story-potential to this guy, I love it! Even in real life, he has an arc, going from one of my least favorites to being the top of this list! That’s definitely special!
Overall, a lot of love for this character, often wrestling with Legendary for the number 1 spot! Speaking of which...
Legendary Ghidorah
The one that started it all for me and they’re second on the list?! Blasphemy!! Nah, seriously though, Showa and Legendary really do often switch places for me all the time! Just right now, Showa has squeezed into the top spot. For now........
Anyway, Legendary Ghidorah needs no explanation for being a favorite incarnation of the character. Whilst Godzilla has always been a very vague presence in my life, KotM’s is what had me diving headfirst into the fandom, all because of Ghidorah. Their design is amazing, sleek and intimidating! The detail that they whip up storms just by flying creates an awesome menacing atmosphere everytime they’re on screen!
The personalities between the heads is unique, providing all sorts of material for my writer side to explore! Their backstory is left open for me to explore as well, like where they came from and how their species functions! It’s been a lot of fun! I may be slightly burnt out from how much I’ve written and posted about them, but make no mistake, I still ADORE this Ghidorah and I have them to thank for starting this whole page in the first place! 
Shin Ghidorah
That’s right, Shin Ghidorah exists in official TOHO canon and he needs more love!!
Shin Ghidorah was one I was introduced to not long after I learned Kamata-kun (oh, and Shin Godzilla) was a thing. With my obsession with Ghidorah, I wanted to know if there was a Ghidorah in the Shin universe and after some digging, I found that there was! Featured in a ride in Universal Studios Japan! And better yet, videos of it exists on youtube! I loved it the second I saw it! 
The design is amazing and surprisingly unique! This is because Shin Ghidorah was originally a scrapped concept for the original Showa Ghidorah! Like, Shin Ghidorah is basically an oversized three-headed Skullcrawler with wings! Because you see those “legs” he has? Those are actually ARMS!! Ghidorah could’ve been a giant Skullcrawler all this time!!
I also love his movements, oddly enough. He doesn’t just fly, he SWIMS though the air, something I don’t recall seeing in any other Ghidorah!
The only thing I don’t like about him... is the fact that he wasn’t around longer! A shame the ride is so short, I would’ve LOVED to see more of him in a movie. Oh well...
Grand/Cretaceous Ghidorah
Both are the same individual, so they’re both in this entry! I remember learning about him through a video talking about Ghidorah’s most sadistic moment and this was it. Grand Ghidorah kidnaps children with the sole intent to devour them, but he doesnt eat them right away, no. He holds them hostage to stew in their terror, returning to them every so often just to listen to their screams and cries. You know he’s enjoying every minute, knowing he’s torn families apart. Without a doubt, all this is just a game before he destroys the world as Ghiddys do. The way he toyed with Mothra Leo, leaving him to suffer after beating him to near-death. Or the way he possessed one of the Mothra twins to try to kill her own sister! It was great! He has such a regal design too! I can see why the fanbase have come to call him Grand King Ghidorah, he’s absolutely majestic. Shame he’s overshadowed, likely due to not being in a Godzilla movie.
Cretaceous Ghidorah has a more Western-dragon look to him and it works. He is basically a baby Ghidorah and he is so cute! His big eyes and squeaky roars, I love it! He also SOMEHOW made me feel sorry for my least favorite dinosaur! That's some true power right there!
The regeneration ability too, is amazing! This is likely where Legendary got the idea, but Grand does it better by regenning from just a small piece of tail left behind. Just badass, all around!
Void Ghidorah
A controversial pick, I know. I made a whole post about my detailed thoughts on Void Ghidorah, see here. Long story short: I think he has great potential, just suffered from piss poor execution. I love the idea of turning this alien dragon into an interdimensional GOD, with followers and everything. His full-body model looks amazing! He’s the biggest and most powerful Ghidorah yet, the biggest kaiju in the entire franchise in fact, and I don’t see him ever being topped. Granted, I dun really judge how much I like a kaiju based on how strong they are, but it’s a bonus here. He needs all the help he can get!
Adding more, his roars are insane, not just a combination of Showa and Heisei Ghidorah! But sounds that are truly otherworldly.
Void Ghidorah deserves love, and a better movie. Guess I’ll just settle on Godzilla: Star-eating Wings as the go-to Void Ghidorah video!
I have no real opinion on the new ride Ghidorah, as I have yet to watch the full "movie” and thus, can’t judge how well I’ll like it compared to the others. So for now, tis neutral.
Now I’m totally going to get hate for this list of “least favorite Ghidorahs”, but this is my opinion. I don’t like any of them, and they’re all outshined by my favorite non-Ghidorah kaijus, and some even being beaten by my “meh” kaijus! Anyway, this is gonna go from “best” least favorite to my “worst” least favorite. Here goes:
Tis no secret that I don’t particularly like Heisei’s version of the character. I’ve mentioned it more than enough. Oddly though, I liked the design when I first looked through Ghidorahs from past movies, and I DISLIKED Showa Ghidorah’s design. How things have changed when I learned more about both of them... 
Now I’ve grown to not like Heisei very much. They took Ghidorah as an alien dragon that destroys planets for fun, and turned him into pets that I’m sure are meant to be cute, but just remind me of Furby’s in how creepy they are (tis not the good kind of creepy either!). I like the scrapped idea of him being an attempt to clone Showa Ghidorah from DNA left behind when he destroyed Venus, so I keep that canon in my head just for some attempt to like him more. Tis why I call him “Kitty Ghiddy” whenever I write him, I legit cannot take him seriously. Such a shame that he’s basically replaced Showa Ghiddy on merchandise, so it’s harder for me to find said Showa Ghiddy because of this thing. Oh, well.
Oh, and he replaced the BIDIBIDI of Showa with generic Rodan calls. And he also turns into a good guy at the end of the movie with Mecha-Ghidorah, and.... well, go down to the next entry for my thoughts on stuff like that.
GMK Ghidorah
He’s a good guy here. They nerfed the fuck out of him by having him be a juvenile (not even done well like Cretaceous Ghidorah), and turned him into a good guy. Granted, he was never meant to be in this movie in the first place and it shows. I’m a villain kind of person, and Ghidorah’s evilness is one of the biggest draws to his character for me. So taking that away... It just doesn’t work for me. It says something when I like GODZILLA more than Ghidorah in a movie. His design is okay, so at least he has that going. But...
I really don’t like the design of the character. That’s literally it. I think four-legged Ghidorahs are very awkward looking; Ghidorah has a lot going on as is, three heads, two wings, two legs, two tails. Adding more legs... it’s just too much going on that tips the scales from ‘awesome’ to ‘messy’ in my mind. I can’t explain too well why I really don’t like the four-legged look to Ghidorahs, I just really don’t. But credit, he does pull off the look slightly better than the last one on my list.
Keizer Ghidorah/Monster X
“An awkward horse” is what someone described him to me as, and I can’t help but agree. Again, that four-legged look breaks it for me but somehow, he looks EVEN MORE awkward than Des. I just can’t look passed it. Maybe it’s the front legs, or the wings looking too small for his body. Des just LOOKS a bit more natural in his four-legged-ness. 
Making it worse for me, Keizer has a second form that I REALLY don’t like: Monster X. They don’t even resemble each other. I can’t help but feel MX was supposed to be his own Kaiju, but they felt pressured to make Ghidorah the final boss so they combined them. Dunno if that’s the case, but it feels like that to me. Not even getting into the “how the hell does a dragon come out of THAT, where does it all GO when he changes back?”. And the biggest thing: I don’t like human-looking characters. I don’t care for human characters at all in any sort of media, or anything that resembles humans too closely. I skip human scenes entirely just to get to the monsters. Tis why I don’t really care for gijinkas either. As far as I’m concerned, I like the kaiju for being kaiju, and making them human just takes away all things interesting.
If Ghidorah kept everything intact about his personality, but you made him human... I wouldn’t even give his character a second glance, much less devote my Tumblr page to him! But yeah, tangent over. Monster X just looks too human for my tastes. 
Plus, tis hard to compete for my attention when you’re in the same movie as FW Gigan! It says something when Showa Gigan and Showa Ghidorah can share the screen and I love them both, but FW Gigan completely outshines FW Ghidorah...
So there we go, a complete list of my thoughts for every Ghidorah incarnation that I can think of. Hopefully I didn’t miss any. Again, these are my opinions and you’re free to like whatever Ghidorah. I’mma sleep now.
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duckieduccss · 3 months
Hey there!!⭐️💜✨
Thanks for stumbling onto here!! Here are some cool things to know before going on:
★I’m Duckie/Ryuu (for the longest time online, many have just referred to me as “Duckie” but youre all also welcome to use my other name that ive added recently thanks to friends “Ryuu” [its actually a nickname a friend gave me based on one of my fav characters from another fandom but i have no prob with others using it to refer to me]
★Currently at lvl 22 in life & my bday is March 16 (for anyone wondering)
★I also go by he/they & im both genderfluid (mostly masculine & nonbinary leaning) & bisexual
★Im diagnosed autistic so my interests & hyperfixations mean everything to me✨ Speaking of which
★Currently my main interest has been Godzilla & kaiju generally. Im still new to the fandom & its my first time getting to learn how to draw kaiju so im more than happy to meet new great amazing people who also share a love for Godzilla & the cool kaiju that exist✨💜
Cara Art
Now onto some more stuff:
My inbox is currently OPEN for asks & dropping off notes for me to read. Tho i wont be answering any that are too personal or generally any that make me feel uncomfortable. Also i ask to not drop any drawing requests UNLESS I mention that requests are open in my main bio
I’ll do my best to complete any I receive (art requests) tho it might take time to get to finishing it (life can get busy) so all id ask is for understanding & patience
(I have the right to reject/not do any request that makes me uncomfortable in doing)
Same goes for asks (i really dont wanna block anyone & i try to be always nice tho if it’s necessary, ill do it)
Extra Stuff💖💜
[This is just a small area where i mention a lil extra fun facts about me lol]
My fav Godzilla characters (not in any specific order) currently are:
Gigan (my beloved)💜
Heisei, 2014 & Shin Godzilla
Kiryu Mecha Godzilla
Kamata-kun (also my beloved🥺✨)
King Ghidorah
Art Program I Use:
Clip Studio Paint Pro
(I use a mix of my own custom brushes & that of others i find)
I also enjoy some writing (maybe ill try typing up something sometime ^^:)
And uhhhh…im left handed too (wow)
Apart from my main hyperfixations, Ive always had an unchanging interest in both ducks (as a species & generally they make me happy; kinda explains my user) & stars (stars as a whole and even anything with star patterns
Im also a casual metal music enjoyer (secretly a metal head possibly) *takes opportunity to mention Ice Nine Kills 👀*
That’s it for now & hope you enjoy your stay!!⭐️🌌🌈
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