#foxes appreciation post
coyotepawsteps · 1 year
FOXCES <33333
The Form Ever <333333 going fera l....... over little foxes.... <333
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agentravensong · 7 months
thinking about how the extra area added on to a pacifist run of undertale, the true lab, is about alphys's past mistakes. how it ends with the story reaffirming that, despite the pain she's caused, the thing that matters is that she has now made the choice to do the right thing. she's still worthy of her friends' love.
thinking about how undertale doesn't expect the player to get a pacifist ending for the first time. how it's more likely than not that the player will kill toriel the first time they battle her, how lots of players don't initially figure out how to end undyne's fight without killing her, etc. what it expects — not even expects, really, but hopes — is that the player, if they care enough, will use their canonically acknowledged power over time to make up for those mistakes.
no matter how many neutral runs a player has done before committing to the pacifist run, the thing that matters to the characters, to the story, is that you've chosen, now, to do the right thing.
compared to alphys, the player honestly gets off lightly, in that you're the only one (other than flowey) who really remembers any harm you might have caused. and any direct guilting the game could have done about it is long past at this point. instead, as undertale often does, it makes its point via parallels: alphys caused harm, and she knows it. she has committed to being better. in doing so, she has unlocked for herself a better ending to her story. and she deserves it. she's forgiven.
those structural narrative parallels are all over undertale, if you know where to look. and that's one of the things that makes it so fuckin' good.
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zerohirrotries · 3 months
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Sonic IDW comic background characters appreciation Each character has their own uniqueness to them that I love them all!
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star-burst365 · 1 year
“Children have treated toys better than you’ve treated me.”
As much as I love Scarlett (I’m an avid Tella hater im sorry), Evangeline is absolutely my favorite MC that Stephanie has written so far.
Here you have a deeply lonely character who hasn’t even turned 18 yet. All Evangeline wants is love — she gives so much of it (again and again) and it’s all she wants back. She forgives Marisol, befriends Luc again, and gives Jacks and the other Fates second and third and fourth chances. That’s why it hurts so badly when she gets so little of it. Everyone in the book uses her. Tiberius (to frame her for murder), Marisol, her Stepmother, Chaos, LaLa, and even Jacks. She stayed the entire night hugging (kind of) almost-vampire Jacks in the crypt just for him to abandon her when it was her under the venom 😭. In Jacks’s own words, she’s “the unluckiest person he’s ever met.” Our poor girl cannot catch a break: everyone in the books manipulate her for their own gain while she gets absolutely nothing in return, despite getting things done for the people around her. She found the stones, she unlocked the arch, and what did she get as a thank you? Dying in the arms of her almost-lover, before being turned away cruelly by said almost-lover and losing her memories. Jeez.
But that’s why it’s so inspiring seeing her get back up again and again. Evangeline would kill them with kindness if she wasn’t nice enough to try and save each and every one of them. She hugs and forgives LaLa after she placed a curse on her. She tries to talk Petra out of killing her (we all know how that went, yikes). She chooses Jacks again and again, because that’s what love is. It’s everything she stands for: fighting for the people you love and never abandoning them.
Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I really would love to see more of the characters appreciating her, this girl and her blind faith in everything that moves, who’s stubborn and fearless and determined to help others instead of herself. So excited for acftl <3
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wolftails-funkin-arts · 8 months
If the Amys could call each other sisters, can these two call each other brothers 🥹
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jacks appreciation post because i said so.
"don't fret, i won't tell your husband that you're obsessed with me."
has to be one of the greatest lines. AND THE FACT THAT HE SAID RIGHT AFTER THAT:
"i won't tell apollo that i caught you carrying around my knife, either. he and i are friends,(🤨) after all, and i'd hate for him to get jealous."
"i'm flattered you've taken such an interest in my wants. but you really should start thinking about your husband more than me."
"not interested in biting me anymore?"
"i also play chess" 😭 HE IS TOO FUNNY
i do not support cheating until it is THEM ok???
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swallowedabug · 2 years
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dbd-slvt · 4 months
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This was the moment I thought a LOT about my taste in people.
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scissor-tournament · 11 months
I wanted to share my new scissors I got a lil while ago. since I shared them on my own blog but they didn't get any attention there.
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it comes with the lil sheath with a tail on it too!! so cute 🥰
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deadscell · 4 months
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klaxonsynth · 10 months
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sorry for lack of posts i’m busy with finals currently T__T have some furries in the meantime
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echoofheartbeats · 1 year
hey so I started with the movie and now I'm here and I just need y'all to know my shock when I didn't know how it would look under the slip cover or inside I just -
Amazing art by: @vkelleyart
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catharsisxf · 1 year
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~these two make kevlar look good~
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blue-jos10 · 3 months
sometimes you sit back and realise just how deserving kevin day was of the best ext player title like
this man had the entire sport his life was built around shattered because he was the best at it. the only thing he lived for, they only thing he had left untainted by complications, snatched from him in a fit of jealousy by the man who grew up by his side, his own brother.
he got his dominant hand destroyed so brutally it was predicted he’d never be able to play again at all. they didn’t even expect him to be able to hold up a racquet with his right hand, much less play the sport as good as he used to.
this shit all before transferring to an uncoordinated team that does not live and breathe the sport and is not willing to push him to his best. they don’t listen to his advice and on court they’re as egoistic individually as they are together. they care as much about red cards as the ravens except that the ravens don’t care because they can actually afford red cards. an entirely different environment where everything is not catering to exy.
on top of that this man had to learn how to play full games. he had to unlearn the illegal violence he’s been playing with since he was a child and had to increase his stamina to play just as good legally for double the time.
this feat made even harder because of the fact that he barely had enough time to recover and get used to 24-hour days. his entire schedule upended and he got half the time to practice. he was entirely dependent on someone else to take him to court because he didn’t live underneath it. this someone was the last person to care about exy and would often deny kevin’s need to be at court practicing.
he had to get used to not having a partner he knew he could trust on court blindly because they were just so tuned to each other.
he had to forcibly let go of years of instilled trauma that led him to suppress his skill and pretend he’s second best. he had to face both on and off court the man who put him in that position.
all this while having enough issues that if he took a shot of the most dilute alcohol for each he’d be in a grave before even getting halfway.
yet he faced it. he faced it all and he fucking won.
he pushed and pushed and pushed and he fucking made it. he didn’t just persevere through his issues, he climbed them like a fucking mountain and didn’t even need to reach its peak to be the strongest. that too in less than two years like?????
he is the best player in the field and he deserves it so fucking much. i just need him to be happy plsplsplspls
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extra-joker-mush · 25 days
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oddballs gobbleballs
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ringoandolive · 1 year
Michael J Fox approaching playing Marlene McFly earnestly and doing research w/ women in his life about what it's like to be a woman instead of treating it like a big joke bc he's in drag is really kind of endearing
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