#farmer is doing fine tho
sandeewithtwogaye · 10 months
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Rejected gift
In case you can’t read my writing:
Nightmare: Ah, Horror. Just the guy I wanted to see
Horror: Huh? Me? Really?
Nightmare: Absolutely! In fact, I’ve got you a reward for all you work
Horror: Aw, thanks Bosssssssssss..?
Nightmare: ta-daaaah! Oh your face! You must really like him
Horror: N-Nightmare… Is… is he..?
Nightmare: Ah! No, he’s not dead (yet). Just passed out
Nightmare: We can put him on your walls! Kinda like a painting-
Horror: NO!
Nightmare: No? Why not?
Horror: Because… it’s cause I don’t have space left in my room!
Nightmare: I can give you a bigger room?
Horror: But you can’t! Cause if you do, it’s not fair for the others! You’ll have to give a bigger room for Dust and Killer too!
Nightmare: Ugh, you’re right, that IS a hassle…
(Killer: why can’t I have a bigger room?!
Dust: my imaginary bro an I would also like a bigger room)
Nightmare: Here, you can take him back to his AU. I have other things to do
Horror: W-Wait! Where did you- Aaaaaaand he’s gone. Great.
Farmer: *doesn’t remember what happened*… Did I fell asleep?
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motheyes · 2 years
i am sweaty. just opened my window tho
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skyartworkzzz · 11 days
what do the bishops do in the cult? Are they happy or plotting revenge?
At first their reactions varied from plotting revenge to escaping or overtaking the cult, I think all of them have tried to kill the Lamb at some point xD
But with enough time and the right companies, they eventually learned to like their new home! And even find themselves guilty for what theyve done in the past, each at their own pace and manner
Long texts under the cut for more details! :D
Leshy was probably the less-management one, when he joined he'd break a lot of things and purposefully make the Lamb's life harder, like a kid throwing a tantrum It was only when he was assigned under Beau's care that he chilled out. Beau has always been good with people, so it was no problem for him to figure Leshy out and help him to eventually come to terms with his new home After the getting-used-to's, Leshy became pretty much the chillest out of all the other Bishops. He's fine with living in the cult and honestly enjoys it to an extent, but will obviously never say it aloud xD once threatening people and the Lamb, now befriending / getting acquainted with some of them! He works as a farmer or bartender most of the time
Heket was surprisingly along the same lines of chill. She was definitely unhappy with her situation, but was the most relieved one to be free from the Crowns influence Now able to genuinely experience the taste of food and feel that emptiness inside of her being filled in at last, she quickly learned to like her new home Ofc tho, she never said it, and in fact became much quieter compared to before, since she no longer had the Crowns power to easen up her throat. Now it hurts a lot more to talk, she has to take meds in order to soothe it up and tends to communicate mostly in gestures, stares or acts of service depending on her mood. She also knows sign language! :D She mostly works at the mines or lumberyards, seemingly enjoying to break things apart. The Lamb thinks its her way of "coping" with not being a Bishop anymore lol Out of all the Bishops, shes probably the loneliest, not many have the guts to approach her and Heket tends to like being by herself usually. Sometimes she can be found sulking about with Narinder, the second loneliest out of all the others
Kallamar was likely the most outraged one, since hes been stripped away from the luxuries of being a Bishop like clothings, weapons, jewelries, a nice fancy home. He thought that getting the Crowns back could bring his old life back, not for the sake of power, but the comfort and safety it gave him. Hes definitely the one who has tried scheming against the Lamb many times, still holding his knowledge of weapons and magic in general. But to no surprise, he always failed LOL Kallamar only started calming down once seeing his spouses/disciples in the cult, whom he had tried to get to work with him against the Lamb, but refused or failed still After everything, he'd become depressed, desperately missing when he was taken seriously as an authority figure, but with time his spouses will teach him to like his new life Nowadays he still misses his old life, but is more at peace with being in the cult, especially knowing those he loves and cares about the most are with him (aka his spouses and siblings). Hes the one who will break the most sweat to truly get used to the cult Sometimes he works as a tailor or at the refinery, crafting tends to calm him down and distract him from his thoughts. However, he mostly prefers to be a medic at the Healing Bay, since its one of the few things that remind him of what he once was
Shamura would likely jump from chill to disturbed depending on their mood. Although they believe to be deserving of their punishment, a part of their mind which was considerably overtaken by the Crowns' ideals will sometimes force them to look for a way out or relinquish back the eldritch power, usually against Shamura's will, like voices they'd hear from time to time telling them what to do All in all tho, theyd be the one to try their best to like their new home and even purposefully make themselves miserable out of guilt for their past mistakes, something which the Lamb is either compassionate for or allows them to do due to their own hatred for the Bishops still There'd be many times where Shamura seemed to "sleepwalk" around or found themselves outside the cult without memory of how they got there. Itd be only when they ask the Lamb to become their Disciple that the voices in their head start to quiet down, now being overpowered by the Red Crowns influence Eventually, they become an official Disciple and scribe for the Lamb. Their psychotic episodes will significantly reduce, but still happen from time to time with minor consequences The Lamb often finds themselves questioning whether Shamura is being genuine on what theyve chosen, but is very much compelled to forgive them one day
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babiebom · 3 months
Hello hello. I just recently stumbled across your blog and in celebration of the 1.6 update (and also just outta pure curiosity), I wanna ask about the SDV bachelors reactions to a farmer who's ace/uncomfortable with intercourse but still wishes to pursue a loving relationship with them. If this ask isn't up your alley, feel free to disregard it. Hope you have a good day ✌️
A/N: hiiiiiiiii!! Obligatory I am not a part of this community(I am cishet lmao) so I am just going to have to try my best!! I am not ace or aro or anything but like never feel bad for sending an ask like this!! By the time you see this it’ll probably be like next week or something bc I do take little writing breaks so it isn’t absolute trash but I hope when you see this you enjoy it!!
Tw:mentions of sex, some cursing maybe,
Bc: idk at least 5 or 6 for each bachelor
Stardew Masterlist
Is this a joke?
No? Okay.
Would be disappointed at first because let’s face it dude is constantly horny
But would get over it rather quickly like just because you don’t wanna have sex doesn’t mean he can’t run one out
And now that you’re dating it’s easier than ever to do that because he finds you so attractive.
So not really all that disappointing when he thinks about it, really
Dude for real? Like ever? I mean I guess that’s okay
Sex isn’t the top thing on his list so it’s fine
Like yeah he would like to have it but it’s whatever
Would rather give up skateboarding and music than give you up so not having sex is easier than that by a long shot
Can he still get kisses tho??? That’s all he’s really worried about
I think the least affected and disappointed out of the bachelors
He has more things to worry about than having sex
It’s not that he isn’t attracted to you
It’s that you loves you for you and sex is the last thing on his mind when he’s thinking about bettering himself and taking care of Jas and his chickens the list goes on
Would actually be so chill when you have this conversation like “yeah okay, that’s fine.” And would never make you feel bad about it because he honestly doesn’t mind
Tries not to react on the outside.
I think before you two start getting hot and heavy it probably wouldn’t have come up
Because I think Elliott would want to be a gentleman and not bring it up until you do
And during a particularly heated makeout session he tries to take it further to test the waters when you stop him in his tracks
And he’s like oh…okay!
He’s good with whatever you give him
Sometimes he’s disappointed when he gets the urge but gets over it very quickly because he obviously knows how to handle those feelings himself.
“Like…at all?”
Would be high key disappointed because dude likes to fuck tbh
BUT at the same time you aren’t just some random whose pants he’s trying to get in
You’re quite literally the love of his life (if anyone asks him he will never say he believes this because he’s scared of rejection)
So it takes a minute but he accepts this with literally a “welp back to using my hand” mentality
Like when he thinks about it, sex is literally the least important aspect of your relationship, he fell for you because of who you are not because he just wants to fuck.
I think he wouldn’t really be disappointed but like dang y’know?
Like he doesn’t care that much about sex to really be disappointed
But does enjoy the act of sex, especially with a person he’s connected to like you two are
So it’s not as far as disappointment but is still like oof okay.
Out of all the bachelors understands the lbgtq+ community better than the others so isn’t really all that surprised when you talk to him about it.
He knows what it is and doesn’t mind, you don’t have to explain yourself, you’re valid how you are he doesn’t mind and he won’t and doesn’t want to force you to do anything.
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Stargirl ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The people have spoken.. They want ex-gf Ellie!!! I'll probably end up posting a farmer Ellie later too tho so everybody wins!!
Ex gf!Ellie finds you alone at the club with 4 too many drinks in your system.
Ellie x reader
This will be multiple parts sorry girlies
part 1, part 2, part 3
Content warnings - drinking, fighting, a little bit of manipulation, some angst.
(I promise the next part will be happier.. Or will it 😜)
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You sniff as you try to make your way through the crowd of people. You just wanted to get outside so you could text your "friends" and ask them where they went. You feel the wet tears and your mascara running down your cheeks. "'cuse me hun" you hiccup as you try to cut through a trio of girls. One of the girls stops you to ask you if you need help or need to call someone to bring you home but you just say you're fine and brush her off. "No!! Nono, I've got someone to *hiccup* call and I need to find my friends." She nods and smiles at you before going back to her friends.
You finally reach the outside of the club and immediately slid down to sit on the sidewalk, pulling your phone out of your clutch.
"Shit! It's fucking dead." You sob, holding your head in your hands as you look around for someone who might be able to help. No one's around the front of the club, you could go find that nice girl and say 'yes I need help my friends fucking abandoned me.' But you feel like you'd die if you try to get up from your spot. So your only answer was to laugh at the situation you'd gotten into.
What seems like 5 hours later (20 minutes) you see another car slowing down at the sight of you sitting on the curb. You sigh, thinking it'd be another old fucking man asking if you need a ride home. No amount of alcohol would ever let you say yes.
To your surprise, you see Ellie Williams get out of the car instead. Just what you fucking needed.
"Y/n, oh my god. What the fuck are you doing out here? it's almost 4 in the fucking morning." You wipe a tear and laugh.
"Like you fuckin' care" you slur, trying to get up from your spot on the curb but failing. Ellie runs her hand through her hair and helps you up, "y/n of course I fucking care. Do you need a ride home?" You shake your head and push her off of you. "N-no. 'M just waiting for my *hiccup* friends."
Ellie bites her lip and furrows her eyebrows before shaking her head. "I don't think it's safe for you to be out here alone. You can call your friends and tell them you're going home." You look at her and start to cry again. "Why the fuck are you yelling at me!!" You whine, following her lead as she guides you to her passenger seat.
She sighs and sets you in the passenger seat before giving you the half full bottle of water in her cup holder. "Baby, I didn't mean to yell. I'm just worried about you, what if someone saw you on the road and decided to take advantage of you?"
You sob into her shoulder as she leans over you to buckle your seatbelt. She gently pats your back and toy sob harder. "No one has ever been as nice to me as you are els!!" You sob.
She smiles calmly and kisses your temple, "drink some water. Can you tell me where your new apartment is?"
You nod, "it's um-"
Ellie turns her head to look at you only to realize that you fell asleep mid sentence.
"Oh god, fuck me." She mumbles, turning around to make her way to her own apartment.
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You wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, immediately feeling the pounding headache you had from blacking out last night. You open your eyes to find your- definitely not your room.
The walls were a medium gray and posters of marvel and dc comics were decorating them. "Where the fuck am i?" You whisper, slowly sitting up before it hits you.
"Oh my fucking god." You lift the comforter to make sure you aren't naked, you're in a oversized David Bowie shirt and some plaid pj pants. You groan and find your phone charging on the nightstand next to you. None of your friends even fucking texted and it's 11:32. You slam your head into the pillow before getting up and making your way out the door to find your ex.
Ellie stops flipping a pancake when she sees you and she gives you an awkward smile, "are you feeling okay? I can get you some water and medi-"
You calmly cut her off, "did you pick me up so you could try to get back in my pants?"
She puts her hands up and laughs, "maybe I just feel like being a decent fucking human being." You start to get some water, "you don't do anything without a motive. Ellie I know you, I know your fucking games."
She scoffs and laughs at you, running a hand through her hair. "so what? Was I seriously this bad of a person when you would beg me to-"
"YES!? You were, We were fucked up Ellie!! I've spent months trying to get my life back together and I can't have you walking into it again." You cut her off and try to hide how you cheeks def got a little bit red..
"So sitting on a curb sobbing and drunk because no one cares about you enough to stay is getting your life back together?" She was only inches from your face now, leaning down slightly so you could see straight into her eyes.
You stand there for a couple seconds, blankly looking at her before you start to laugh, "fuck this. And fuck you Ellie." You start to walk out of the door, grabbing a piece of bacon and your bag that was on the island as you walk. She scoffs, "I don't even get a thank you for saving your ass?"
You flip her off from behind, "I would've rathered death." You say with the bacon in your mouth before open and slamming her door shut behind you.
Who the fuck needed her anyway? You had lots of people who cared about you. Like your mom, Your um.. mom..?
Your grumbling to yourself as you order an Uber. "Howfuckingdareshebringuplastnightitwasashittythingtodoandiwasfuckingsad."
The Uber finally get here, you tell them your address and think about Ellie fucking Williams the whole way home.
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Ellie is pacing back and forth in her apartment. Also mumbling to herself but less angrily. "Why the hell did I say that? That's the absolute dumbest thing I could've said in that moment."
The truth is that Ellie really wanted to make you breakfast, give you some headache treatment, eat with you, tell you how sorry she was for the toxic relationship you both had been through, finally get some real closure, and then drive you back to your place.
But it's just a reflex for her, when you start to get mad she starts to get defensive and mean. When she gets mad she can't control her own stupid fucking mouth. She hadn't even been able to tell you about the therapy she's started. She craved your approval and excitement about her milestones. She couldn't even bring herself to want to celebrate her own birthday when she woke up alone.
She wanted to tell you about her promotion, she wanted to tell you about how Dina convinced her to start playing guitar at a local bar on Friday nights. But mostly she wanted to tell you that she really was trying to be better, she needed you to give her a hug and tell her she was doing a good job. Ellie was a fucking mess without you.
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Please dm me with any suggestions, writing tips, what you'd like to see in this series, or if you wanna be on the tag list for the next part. ily cuties ♡(*´ω`*)/♡
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crazytea5 · 9 months
Yandere Tanjiro Inosuke and zenizu.
so I’m doing this because of the “What do you want me to post?” Post so I’m doing it like I said I would. Now let’s do it! Pls note that y/n uses she/they pronouns.
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1 Yandere Tanjiro.
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Now you met Tanjiro selling some pastries in your family’s bakery.
he noticed you and instantly became obsessed with you.
he started to stalk you until one day gaining the confidence to come and say hi. Little did you know that he had been stalking you.
he decided to buy some kelp rice balls.
He asked if you would like to see him later on but you declined due to your mother being extremely afraid of oni (demons) and apologised for not being able to but he said that it was fine.
he started to come EVERY SINGLE DAY but you didn’t mind because you believed him to be your best mate. He knows what you thought of him and believes you still think that.
You didn’t just work 3 hours a day at the bakery you also did wood chopping for 5 hours a day and then would give it to you Father to sell.
after work you would meet up with Tanjiro but that stopped when his family died.
Fun Fact: You were at the kamado household when it got attacked and you suffered serious injuries trying to protect them you also managed to save not just nezuko but also Tanjiro.
Tanjiro came straight home and didn’t stay at another house.
giyyu saved you and brought you all to the demon slayer HQ were you and Tanjiro trained under him as his successors.
Tanjiro kidnapped you on a rainy night in a alley.
He is EXTREMELY obsessive and delusional.
2 Inosuke
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You and Inosuke met in the final selection.
in final selection you had seen Inosuke coughing up blood and being extremely injured so you helped him.
he felt different. He had never felt love before but after experiencing it he was safe to say it was a very real thing and not just for fairytales.
one day you and him have the same mission. You too have missions together a LOT. Due to Inosuke asking and due to him threatening to kill your Crow. Due to polite requests.
he kidnapped you when you to finished a mission. He then told everyone that you had died during said mission and said that the demon kidnapped you tortured you and ate you alive.
YOU HATE HIM! You love him he’s so kind! No we hate him… stop lying.
He keeps you in a box like Tanjiro’s when you have to leave tho thats pretty rare.
you live in a cave with him and if you do something wrong expect to almost be beaten to death.
He is extremely delusional and scary.
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Now Zenitzu only met you due to you being a local farmer. Only due to Tanjiro being busy as he would normally be the one to do food shopping when he seen you it was love at first sight. Totally not a obsession.
He was just crying and you had come to help him so he started to believe that you Loved him too.
So after asking Tanjiro Zenitzu was allowed to come with him to the farm to buy food.
Zenitzu after knowing you for a year kidnapped you while you were asleep and defenceless.
he is extremely delusional
You extremely hate him and try to do murder attempts to kill him but you always fail and he always says that it’s just a stage that people go through when their taken to a surprise home and that love will always fix it.
Ok I’m finally done because I am posting this at 06:51 in the morning and I have had 0 sleep so bye!
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saika077 · 1 year
Random HC:
The first years (+Ortho) playing DnD in Ramshackle Dorm
Yuu/MC is DMing of course
Player characters (I won't go too deep into their character details tho)
I feel like Ace'd be a Human Rogue, it kinda fits his personality imo. I personally don't see him as someone who uses brute force or blast magic, so Rogue it is. Specifically, I feel like he'd be an arcane trickster.
Deuce's character would be a Monk 100%. As for the race I can sorta see him being a Tiefling. Now you might be asking, "why a Monk and not a Barbarian?", While I do acknowledge his tendency to go apeshit at times, he actively tries to grow and change from his past habits. Perhaps his character could be an ex-barbarian who is training hard to be a Monk (multiclass)?
Jack's character'd be a Goliath Fighter, the only justification I have for this is that I feel like the competitive nature of a Goliath and their desire to push beyond new limits fits him like a glove, also the fighter class suits him just fine imo.
Given his background, I feel like Epel would be a Druid (they're basically magic farmers/gardeners). However, he'd give his character cantrips like Poison Spray, various spells but no healing spells (yea this party is pretty much fucked). You can fight me on this but post-character arc Epel would be a Halfling, he'd use his size as an advantage in combat.
As for Sebek, I can't see him being anything other than a Paladin. He'd most likely be an Aasimar... or maybe a half-elf? No? Too on the nose? Anyways, he'd give his character enchantment spells, and maybe some healing spells like Cure Wounds.
Ortho is the party's main support, with him being a tiny fairy bard (now you see why I had to bring Ortho in this otherwise the party won't even survive the winter). He's just a little lad who loves berries and cream :). He also provides bgm and sfx for the campaign.
I'm sorry but I have very little to no faith for this party. But I'm sure they'll somehow survive.
Together, the fate of the world somehow lies in the hands of these murder hobos.
Random shenanigans
Ace attempting to steal a treasure/sacred item from a monster's lair, only to miserably fail a stealth roll. Everyone had to haul ass out of there.
Deuce getting emotionally attached to an Npc with tragic backstories and/or noble goal, and then stubbornly tried to save that npc and getting upset at the DM for killing them.
something tragic happens and someone just says "this is so sad, Ortho play the acoustic rendition of Piece of My World"
Ace, to every barmaid bc he's broke: "hey (with rizz)" *rolls a Nat 1 Charisma*
With how hotheaded the NRC kids are it's only a matter of time until an npc taunted or look at them the wrong way and they'd be like "oh that's it, now you're gonna get it! I ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!" completely unprompted (like in the second half of the Halloween event bc I still find it insane how everyone immediately resorts to violence, even some of the more levelheaded students).
The one time Ortho and/or Sebek can't make it to a session, Jack gets knocked out by an enemy and the gang tried to heal him. Ace: "ok but can we try slapping him awake?" Deuce:"oh that's a good idea! Can we, Yuu/MC?" Yuu/MC:"...roll me a strength check" (they forgot that they have a healing potion)
The DM sitting there horrified while watching the party using the "power of friendship" on an NPC
I feel like half of them would brute force puzzles in a dungeon and it works like one out of three times or something.
"why do I hear boss music?"
Yuu, the DM, puts their hands together in front of them, a strange smile plastered on their face as they calmly said; "everyone, I want you to roll for initiative 🙂"
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fakeguysarehot · 3 months
Alastor x Reader idea!!
Al and (Name) knew each as kids. (Name) was homeless and an orphan when they were kids. they had to steal and fight just to survive, earning the name street rat. And the great depression didn't help at all. one day when Al was at the farmers market (stands/stores out side that farmers set up to sell) and stumbled upon (Name) in an alley way. He tries to help (Name) but they get freaked out and scratches him. the next day he comes back with clean clothes, some small first aid, and food. (maybe just one or two) (Name) this time doesn't attack him or freak out that much. they let him help them and the rest is still somewhat not thought of yet. but they become childhood best friends, always their for each others side maybe for murder to and for comfort.
when they die they get sent to hell as some sort of rat (either a hybrid like Al or like Husker). For some reason (either related to their death or other reason) Al wanted nothing to do with them. Now (Name) would be slightly weaker than Al and also an overlord (they haven't killed as many people, it was mostly just theft and some murder. maybe more) or their very weak. it would fit better though if they become homeless again.
They could be offered a job at the Happy Hotel (Before Al joined / before the pilot). It would be funny if they were the chef (like rent the rat) but other jobs are fine to. After Al joined the hotel he suddenly acknowledges (Name) and tries to either continue to ignore them for acted like he never ignored them. and reasonably (Name) is pissed off about it.
it could be a ship (Al is still ace tho) or it could be completely platonic. but do remember they are around the same age maybe a year or two difference.
some of (Name)'s traits could be pissy, easily aggravated, sarcastic, obsessed with shiny things and snappy. just some ideas but they can be changed.
if you do use this idea please tag me in it!! :3
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spongek-squidge · 4 months
SDV Age Headcannons (Marriage Candidates)
Have I done this before? Maybe 🤷
18-20 years old, a year or two out of highschool
Probably the youngest marriage candidate imo
i mean Sebastians her older brother and he's still one of the younger ones!
19/20 years old
Very mature for her age but still young
I also think she’s saving to go to uni to become a fully qualified teacher (good luck that’ll take a while-)
25-27 years old
Young for an older bachelor(ette), but still older then most the others
I mean she had a whole life before moving to the valley (tho she's not been in the Valley long before the farmer gets there)
Also definitely did fine art in uni, I'm calling it (before dropping out cause it didn't suit her)
21/22 years old
She’s too immature to be much older tbh but I do believe she’s been out of high school for a while
Probably dropped out actually, she doesn’t seem much the academic type
20/21 years old
Once again too immature to be much older
I also headcanon there is a considerable age gap between the sisters hence why they don’t get along that well and don’t have much in common
She gives off crazy-aunt-who-live-in-the-woods vibes, y’know?
To me she’s around a decade older than Haley as well, it explains the maturity gap between the two as it would mean Emily did a lot to help her parents with Haley
23/24 years old
Definitely the oldest in his friend group, tho not by much
Probably a couple years into online uni as well
22 years old
The adhd puppy just barely passes the ‘legal drinking age’ mark (in America at least)
He gives off the vibes of someone who drank a lot of alcohol the second he legally could but has regretted it since
30-32 years old
At the age his years of leaning over a desk are truly starting to catch up with him anyway
That age might be older then this but anyone who spends most their life in gremlin pose knows that time comes very early for them
29/30 years old
Was definitely rather young when Jas came into his care (hence the having to go live with Marnie) and hasn’t managed to recover since
29/30 years old or 34/35 years old I can’t decide
Old enough to be a couple years out of med school at least
Doctorates take a while
20/21 years old
He got that fresh graduate feel about him
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Alright that’s it my brain is rotting I must make an ask
Mostly for SDV bachelors but if you want to expand on it then go ahead but: who’s into PDA and what kind of PDA do they do?
Hello dear anon 👋 Sorry for the late answer, I took too long...😮‍💨
Thanks for asking and enjoy!
Alex is not shy about anyone, loves the attention of his s/o, and wants to show the whole world how wonderful his partner is. So no walk is complete without hugs, kisses, holding hands and so on. Also the athlete will be especially into pda if his Farmer has recently been injured adventuring or some stranger has started flirting with them. He pulls the Farmer into his arms, protecting them from a pesky admirer or if he simply senses a tense situation around. Scary dog privilege, and hey, hugs!
Sam just personifies a golden labrador puppy: he always wants attention. He loves showing signs of attention in public, especially in a playful manner. Let's say soft and warm hugs turn into a tickle war, and kisses immediately turn into playful pecking. What can I say - Sammy is a very social guy. However, he will listen to his partner and won't do too much pda if the Farmer is uncomfortable. The poor fellow will have to restrain himself from squeezing or kissing his partner tho, because they are so cute and beautiful and his.
Given his shy nature, Sebastian doesn't seem like the type of person to into pda. Of course, he shows all the affection and care for the Farmer if they are in a more secluded place, but the crowd of people who stare at their cooing stress Sebby (nless it's close friends like Sam and Abigail). The only attention he will show Farmer in public is holding hands and hugging. However, he will not mind if his partner is into pda (although often Sebastian's face will be red like a tomato). He loves them with all his heart, but he still has a hard time showing his love for them in public.
Although Elliott is a hopeless romantic who will dedicate poetry and serenade to his s/o daily, he is not a big fan of pda. A sophisticated writer expresses his love best in words, not in physical touch, especially in public. Elliott lived alone in his little beach house for almost a year, and most likely led a similar lifestyle before he moved to Stardew Valley. True, after a glass of something strong in the Saloon, this is a completely different person: he will be much more courageous to express his love for the Farmer. Here you have passionate kisses, and attempts to carry Farmer in Elliott's arms (which most often end in a fall to the floor, but still!).
To be honest, Shane doesn't give a shit about others opinion, but he cares about the opinion of his partner. Therefore, if the Farmer is unsure because of the pda, then Shane doesn't mind. If the Farmer, on the contrary, manifests pda at any opportunity, then Shane also doesn't mind. He will be fine in any case, such a versatile person this chicken man! Although Shane likes when he and the Farmer hold hands or exchange quick kisses, the Farmer has the final say. Shane knows that they both love each other, and that it is not necessary to prove it to the whole world.
Harvey is a real cinnamon roll: like Shane, he will give the last word about the pda to the Farmer. The doctor of Pelican Town also believes that it's not necessary to show off your love, but also don't mind exchanging light touches, quick kisses, and holding hands. At some points, he may kiss or hug the Farmer longer in public, but he still wants to keep his passion for his partner until they get home... 😉
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notsuch · 2 years
Wanna write Junkers but dont know Aussie shit?
Writing a Junker for non-Aussies, some shit that will make it hit just right instead of half-assing it by writing arvo and calling it done:
the outback is a conceptual area, not a physical place, you cannot put "outback" into a gps and find it, but you can drive two hours out of your city and hit it. the outback can be a green lush rainforest or the outback can be red sand deserts. the point is, it's further away from where you are now and there is fewer people. A park is not the outback, but you can go "out back" to a park to infer its distance from your house.
the most aussie thing about junker queen, junk rat and roadhog is that shirts are a suggestion, not a requirement. if we dont have to wear full tops, we don't. no, that's not just blizzard going "lets show off half naked ppl", in many towns, especially on the coast, they have to enforce a "no shirt, no shoes? no service." rule, it gets that bad.
we also constantly get skin cancer, all the time. everyone. the australian sun has more uv in it than anywhere else in the world AND I DOUBT THAT GOT BETTER WITH ALL THE FREAKING RADIATION EVERYWHERE NOW. It doesn't matter your heritage, black, white, asian, you live in australia? you're getting skin cancer.
no this still does not mean we put on shirts. you'd think that change it, but no. wrong. fuck shirts. fuck pants too. scratch shoes probably while you're at it. ow my feet are burning on the hot pavement? TOO BAD SUCK IT UP. Shorts and a tank top if you really have to push it, but a bikini top at all times is perfectly acceptable for women.
but put on a fucking hat and sunscreen, you complete buffon, what are you, a tourist, not putting on a HAT? always put on a hat. DYOU WANT TO GET SKIN CANCER, HONESTLY,,,,,, but also we suck at putting on hats, just your parents yelled at you to do it and you tell others to do it and always have a hat on hand.
shirt exceptions: if you're in sydney or melbourne. they like, have actual standards about business dress. they even wear three piece suits and shit. my soul died just thinking about it. but even then,,,,, ehhhhh, if its summer, people get /hand wobbles, vague about shirt requirements. ive watched foreign business people see what sydney calls business dress and go EVERYONE HERE IS INFORMAL so like, its more dressed up than the rest of australia, but still probably more dressed down than half the world lmao.
they're call "sydneysiders" and everywhere else takes any reason to trash talk them at every opportunity. we all hate sydney. people who have never been to sydney hate sydney. sydney hates sydney: north sydney hates west sydney, west sydney hates east sydney and so on. everyone who lives in sydney wishes they didn't. fuck sydney. if you cant think of anything to say that's neutral, you can always just slander sydney and it'll be a fairly positive-neutral conversation. i can garuntee Junkers will be sitting there shoving radiated dirt into their horrendous bullet wounds, missing fingers, barely scraping alive, living in the literal apocalypse, and especially be like MAN AT LEAST IM NOT IN SYDNEY.
we call the brits 'Poms' and americans 'Seppos'. If you are talking to a Sydneysider, you can mutually hate on both of these groups. Poms more so. We hate the English. It's not active, btw, we aren't the yanks out here having national pride about a war or something, no, its a passive, low grade, mocking tone at all times about them. Ireland, Scotland and Wales are ok tho, we like them just fine. Just the Brits.
you are not allowed to openly state something is wrong, if its actually seriously fucked up, you have to understate it. for real my own mother was in a small flight plane that had to make an emergency landing in a farmer's field and the farmer came out and said 'bit of trouble mate?' as literal smoke was spewing out of the engine block and the pilot went 'reckon she'll be right in a bit', and everyone sat around having a beer.
except for the weather, you are always, at all times, allowed to complain about the weather. its too hot. its too cold. why is it so humid, why is it so dry. "hows this weather we're having?" is a normal conversation starter to make small talk and also just kill five minutes in line at [sports venue of the choice]. I can physically hear the two fucking junkers in the line to the Scrapyard Arena being like 'man fuck this weather lately' as if it's not the 432432 day of burning hot dry desert irradiated heat that was exactly the same as the day before, and everyone will be 'no yeah bloody hell aye'
slab of beer is a defined currency once you are outside of cities. this is a 24xbeer cans. you can pay for services in beer.
when passing people, "hey" is only acceptable in busy settings, the rest of the time, we're so fucking talkative. people in cities can say 'hi', but outside its got to be the 'eyyy' 'g'day', 'hey bruz', it's always "hi, how ya going?" then a nod and response of "not bad, you?" if you have the time to answer, otherwise a nod with 'g'day gotta go' and an indication you're in a rush is perfectly acceptable. if there is time for it, this is when you go into complaining about the weather. not engaging in this process is ruder than swearing at each other.
a mad cunt and a sick cunt, are your best friends, or the dude at the party who brought the rum and you all cheer. a shit cunt is the worst person who ruined it for everyone by calling the cops because you shouldnt stick a ice box drink cooler on a lawnmower and ride it while drinking said rum. asshole.
the ice box drink is called an Esky, by the way. Not cooler. Esky.
the south is cold and does actually get snow, aka the Snowy Mountains are in the south. Yes, we did name it that.
Tasmania (that one big island at the bottom lmao) is snowy and rainy and makes really good whiskey and is probably actually just fine b/c no one cares about it and is not connected to the mainland at all, they judge all "mainlanders".
Kangaroos are like asshole deer. You will not break them if you hit them, your car however is *completely* fucked.
WE DO NOT CALL THEM 'FARMS'. They are 'properties' or 'stations'. A 'cattle station' is an acceptable term. A sheep station. If you say 'a property' everyone knows you mean an agricultural piece of land, and that it's specifically many, many, MANY, thousands of kilometers long. If you call them farm, we instantly clock you as american or a rich city person who has a 'hobby farm'.
The person who OWNS many, many, many, many, MANY, thousands of miles of land and don't actually work it themselves, may call themselves Farmers, but the rest of us often clock them as rich fuckers because of that reason.
We are not afraid of spiders, snakes, kangaroos, jellyfish, whatever it is foreigners scream about this week, the way you think we are. We don't like them, (ok some of us do), but they just are, and we all got education lessons young about how to not be an idiot about them.
we are fucking with you, at all times, i'm an aussie and I am fucking with you right now. i can meet another aussie in a bar that i do not know, have never seen in my entire life, and make shit up on the spot to distress someone about some animal that does not exist, and the other australian without a fucking beat will IMMEDIATELY. JOIN IN. Junkrat will be tricking Brigette about the existence of Land Sharks and even if she wants to strangle him to death, Junker Queen will 100% back him on whatever the fuck he's saying.
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papi-sebby · 1 year
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) x Male!Reader - Sebastian worries about his farmer husband who was mining a little too much
[Y/N] was the first guy that Sebastian has done... well, anything with. Dates, falling in love, marrying -- He once had a crush on Abigail and thought that would've been it. But when the new farmer came along and really made the town's economy boom? Well, Sebastian would've had no idea that this handsome stranger would quickly take an interest in him and get closer to him, so much so that Sebastian fell.
And boy, did he fall hard.
It started with the little things: the farmer approaching him as Sebastian had a smoke, coming to his room with gifts that he mined and coming to him covered in burns and cuts. Sebastian of course would express concern for him in the latter scenario but the farmer would just shrug him off.
It wasn't until he looked weakened in front of Sebastian after coming up from the mines, looking as if he were about to pass out. [Y/N] would stumble over his feet, dropping his bag to the ground as he fell against the fridge with a groan. Sebastian had checked on him once he heard all the ruckus, having been working on coding until the other would come home.
"[Y/N]?" Sebastian would call out to his husband as he walked over.
"Y-yea? I'm.. I'm here." [Y/N] would stutter out his response, his heavy breathing being also heard by the other. Sebastian halts once his eyes were able to land on the sight of [Y/N], his eyes going wide, rushing over before [Y/N] could fall over to the floor, letting him fall against his chest.
"[Y/N]... What the hell happened?" Sebastian's tone held concern, turning on the light as he held [Y/N] against him. His breath hitches. He looks even worse with the light on him. [Y/N] winces at the light, having a migraine before closing his eyes and burying his face against Sebastian's neck. "Do I need to take you to Harvey?!"
[Y/N] would try to wave off the concern, not moving away from Sebastian as he checked his wounds. "I'm... fine. Really. I should probably jussstt... resst.. that's all." His words would slur and Sebastian's frown deepened, pressing his lips to [Y/N]'s forehead to feel his temperature.
He was hot. He was definitely overheated. He must have really overworked himself to the bone. He said he was fine... But he was bleeding, his skin felt too warm, and... he was now shivering in Sebastian's hold.
"You're not fine." Sebastian would grumble before carefully lifting [Y/N], carrying him to the bathroom and grabbing a first aid kit, patching up his wounds before having him take a cool bath to help cool his skin down. [Y/N] eventually passed out as Sebastian carefully washed him, batting away [Y/N]'s hands anytime he offered to wash himself, clearly not being in the state to properly take care of himself. He carried him back to their bed, kissing his forehead and holding him close.
[Y/N] wakes up with a lingering headache, pressing his hand to his head only to find a bandage wrapping wrapped around his head. And many other places were wrapped and covered in bandages as well. He winces when he tries to move, his body aching as he reaches for his bag, zipping it open to pull out some of the things he found that he knew Sebastian loved. He groans softly at the pain, setting the items on his lap before Sebastian walks in, a cup in one hand and a pain bottle in the other. His expression to the farmer seemed more nonchalant, yet it held a vibe that made [Y/N] want to look away in shame.
"So I uh," [Y/N] would start, holding up the items that he mined for his husband. "I got you these. Not sure if we have any room to put them tho-" Sebastian slowly takes the items from his hands after setting the cup and bottle on the nightstand, not giving them a second glance before immediately turning to his husband. [Y/N] gulps, a little nervous at how little Sebastian reacted to the items he normally loved. "Sebas-" Sebastian cups [Y/N]'s cheeks with both hands before leaning in to kiss his lips, shutting him up. His kiss was so tender, as if afraid to hurt his husband.
When their lips part, Sebastian leans his forehead against the farmer's, stroking his thumb along his jawline. "You scared the shit out of me. Don't... ever... do that again."
[Y/N] sighs, feeling guilty as Sebastian stared into his eyes, his hands coming up to wrap around Sebastian's forearm. "I didn't mean to get... caught up. I saw the opportunity and so I took it."
Sebastian squeezes his face before pulling him in for a slightly rougher kiss before pecking his lips a few more times. "You're not going back in there for a while.. I won't let you."
"But I-!"
Sebastian shuts [Y/N] up with another kiss, not wanting to hear any protests from him.
"I don't know what I would've done if I... if you..." Sebastian trails off, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenching at the terrible thought.
Ah. That really did it for [Y/N], seeing Sebastian fight back tears. His hands come up to cup Sebastian's cheeks before pulling him in for another kiss, feeling Sebastian's arms slip around his waist as he kisses back until they're almost breathless.
"I'm sorry, my love." [Y/N] whispers, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's shoulders and pulling him in to lean on his chest. "I won't... be so reckless again."
"Good." Is all Sebastian says, burying his face in his husband's neck.
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colorisbyshe · 15 days
June Monthly Music: Half Way Through Edition
Music released before June 13th because WOW this month is stacked and this post is already this big this early!
Kaytranada came out with a new album--"Wasted Words (ft Thundercat)" has hilarious lyrics, "Weird (ft Durand Bernarr)" scratches an itch if you miss Azealia's vocalizations but can't listen to her for obv reasons, "Snap My Fingers (ft Pinkpantheress)" is bouncy and sweet, and "Still (ft Charlotte Day Wilson)" is a pleasant ache of a song. Not a groundbreaking album but reliable and solid.
"Drip Sweat" is my fave off that album, which is why it gets its own line. Very hypnotic, like being tugged into a dark corner at the club for some privacy.
After years away, Foster the People are back with a whole entire new sound. "Lost in Space" is... confusing at first but it kinda makes me think of Katamari Damacy... so I like it. I do not know if it's good, I am prejudiced. (Supermodel was one of my fave albums of all time.)
If you enjoy music from The Sims, yes, the game, give "Open World" by Toconoma a shot. A bit funkier, less perfect for constant looping but it's a purely instrumental song capable of invoking the same joy as booting up the game and hearing creation mode.
NGL, the singles were bangers, but I kinda feel... underwhelmed by the Charli XCX album (didn't think it was bad, just overhyped) but of the new tracks I really dug "Sympathy is a Knife," "Talk Talk," and "365." Bonus tracks are fun tho, "Springbreakers" is my fave.
Raveena's collab wiith JPEGMAFIA, "Junebug," is a sprawling river of champagne through a land of glistening sands and bubbling clouds.
"New Way Out" by Poppy is for those of you who want a song that feels like a re-imagining of Evanescence's "Going Under" by BMTH.
"Balloon in Love" by Sunmi is... cute. I love Sunmi but it's just fine. Worth a try.
"I Am the King" Fat Dog. This track FEELS like an interlude but in a way that makes you feel transient as well. Time is escaping, this song is escaping, you are escaping.
Peggy Gou released her first album and while none of it is as classic as her earlier track, "Starry Night," I do think if you like groovy dance music, "1+1=1," "All that (ft Villano Antillano), and "I Believe in Love Again" are worth checking out!
"She a Wolf" Wayv. Fuck SM but this track does kinda go off. This is a song that would be fun as hell in an arena setting.
Glass Animal's "A Tear in Space" is a massive improvement over the lead single for their upcoming album. Still a step below their older stuff but if you were scared off from the last single, maybe give the a second chance.
"MPH" Doechii. High energy and it is, in fact, givin 'em cunt.
Music I vibed with this month regardless of release date:
"Good Club" Prince Club. Deep house track.
"The Feeding" Real Farmer. Punk, indie rock.
"The Bitch" Basic Element. I laugh-cry at the lyrics every time.
"Moonraker" Enth. Anime-ass song. Fun Jrock that you can imagine an anime character running through grass to.
"Opheliac" Emilie Autumn. Not for everyone but it was for me in middle school <3
"Jaded" Spiritbox. If you liked the Poppy track, come here.
"Make Love" Daft Punk. Transcendent.
Any genre works besides like... ballads... or screamo without a balancing melodic voice in the mix. Please. Anons, replies, whatever welcome
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v33-d1n0 · 8 months
Day 14 of @digikaa 's RvBTober: Crossover!! I decided to slap our red bois in Paleo Pines! They're having Donut's Wine and Cheese hour <3 (also I know this is SUPER late but I had to wait so long to actually uploaded this)
Tumblr media
And because I spent way longer then necessary thinking about this, here's some info on our bois and thier dinos!!
Grif has an Ankylosaurus named carrot, because she likes carrots and is orange (Simmons def argues with him about his lazy naming skills) Grif also has vitiligo! I'd imagine Grif probably comes from somewhere else that's not in Paleo Pines, but he'd probably like Dapplewood or the Valley
Simmons has a Coelophysis named Ruby! Ruby used to be Sarge's dino but Simmons basically had to take her cause she didn't like Sarge LOL (Simmons also DEFINITELY had a crisis over having his own dino to care for and grif had to convince him it would be FINE) Simmons also has a prosthetic eye! You can't see it much in the drawing cause of his glasses but it's red
Donut has a lovely Utahraptor named Princess! She is always pampered and has the prettiest and shiniest fathers you've ever seen! Donut is a farmer and likes to bake too, I'd imagine he's from the Valley
Sarge has the meanest and reddest Carnotarus you've ever laid your eyes on! And his name is Warthog! He strikes fear into the heart of his enemy's with a single look! (Warthog is the sweetest dino ever, he's always so gentle as to make sure no one gets hurt cause he's a big boi) Sarge is always making some wierd contraption that usually doesn't work, but when they do thier awesome! He mostly makes stuff to help with donuts farm, you probably shouldn't try any of his contraptions tho,,, it may explode
And last but not least, Lopez!! Lopez is a velociraptor who somehow also has a resting bitch face, seriously, how does Lopez always look bored or pissed off!? Anyhow, he (begrudgingly) helps sarge and donut with tasks, like farming or trying to prevent explosions
The team probably lives in Aricotta canyon as it's the most similar to blood gulch, but they always have Donuts wine and cheese hour in the Valley !
I may end up drawing this au again cause I ended up rly liking it teehee :]
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nanathott · 21 days
This or that^^
winning the lottery or finding your soulmate
guacamole or salsa
passwords or secret handshakes
sneezing or coughing fit
sauce on side or top
crossword puzzle or sudoku
morning jog or evening walk
farmers market or grocery store
manual or automatic transmission
suv or sedan
-most of the games on my phone are crossword and sudoku type games, the rest are mostly classic mobile games like jetpack joyride and stuff (i genuinely cannot get into more in depth mobile games)
winning the lotto fs, convinced i already had my soulmate once and i think everyone has more than one soulmate so ill be fine >:), GUAC, secret handshakes, sneezing bcs it feels nice sometimes, coughing makes me wanna die, sauce on the side fs, SUDOKUU, evening walk even tho i usually do cardio in the morning… its just relaxing at night, farmers market!! there’s soooo many where i live its incredibly convenient, automatic, sedan
we’re so alike, also jet pack joyride is so fucking fun u have good taste
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tubborucho · 22 days
Also there’s 10 Eggs (including breakfast trio) and 18 Soulgayfire members. If you needed to divide them to keep safe one egg two members each (apart from two), how would you do it? For the sake of this division, no Egg can have more than two people, and no one can be responsible for more than 1 Egg.
OOoo interesting question! HMMMMM. Sorry this is about to be long
Chayanne protectors: Missa It's pretty obvious that Missa would be the one paired with Chayanne (even tho Chay would do most of the protecting haha) Only one caretaker because Missa would stick to his job as apple farmer at the base. Chay is anxious to get out and fight with Tubbo but ultimately stays at the base to protect his family
Lullah protectors: Niki Lullah is the egg Niki is closest with so of course she would volunteer to take care of her. I imagine they would also be base dwellers, partially because there is no way Chay and Lullah would stay too far from eachother
Dapper protectors: BBH Obviously they would want to be together. While it would be dangerous for Dapper to go out on missions with Bad when its just the two of them they did do it all the time on Quesadilla anyways. Besides, Dapper found some op shit so she's fine with only one caretaker.
Ramon protectors: Fit Of course. Pac probably offered to be paired with them but both said he should go Richas and Mike.
Leo protectors: Tina & Marina Tina is the person that Leo is closet with in Soulfire, most of her family having been BOLAS. I know Leo has a kind of iffy relationship with Marina but I think she would appreciate having a spanish speaker that knows her parents help take care of her. Also I just think Tina and Marina where fun together in purg.
Pepito protectors: Rivers & Polispol I think Rivers would totally fawn over Pepito at first sight and that Pol would pretty easily volunteer to help with the babiest of the baby eggos. Plus they are both spanish speakers so they have a very easy time communicating with Pepito and each other.
Pomme protectors: Pierre & Kameto Pretty obvious choice. Pomme has the luck of having two parents on Soulfire. And despite the situation I think she would enjoy the chance to bond with Kameto.
Richas protectors: Pac & Mike (wowow) Another obvious choice. There's no way these three wouldn't be sticking together in this situation
Empanda protectors: Bagi & Lenay With Richas covered I def think Bagi would volunteer to take care of one of the new eggs. Lenay is a bit of random choice but I think these three would have a cute dynamic.
Sunny protectors: Tubbo & Arin I think that Sunny and Tubbo are fated to be family in every universe and that includes this one! Bought together, do not separate! Arin is kinda random but idk I just really liked his interactions with Tubbo in prison and I think he would get along well with Sunny. Also Sunny would totally need a parent that just hangs out at base with her for when Tubbo is busy doing coach things and doesn't want to endanger Sunny.
okay okay very interesting
i also just realized why there are only 16 ‘protectors’ actually, and not 18 as I originally stated😅
yeah, i more or less agree with your picks! (tho i would make it Bagi and Niki with Arin for Lullah and Lenay for Sunny. Either way works)
Do the same thing BUT the Egg protectors are not allowed to be their canonical parents (including married into it).
Imagine it as if the Watcher decided to separate the group for his next sick challenge, and they need to survive in random pairs-trios and find each other again (kinda like the original eggs were separated and tpd on the island in the first place)
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