#familia violet
46snowfox · 9 days
Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 07
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[Capítulo 6]
Lugar: Mansión Violet, Pasillo
*choque de espadas*
Ayato: ¡Maldición! A este paso no acabaremos nunca.
Ayato: Es una pena que deba depender de esta cosa, pero si es para robar a Eva, entonces lo haré.
Subaru: ¿Qué va a usar…?
Subaru: ¡…! ¡Agáchate!
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Yui: ¡Kya…! ¡¿Q-qué fue eso?!
Subaru: Una bomba. Maldita sea, ¡no puedo creer que tuviera ese as bajo su manga!
Subaru: No te quedes allí parada, ¡sal de aquí! ¡¡Antes de que lance otra bomba!!
Yui: ¡¿…?!
Yui: (¡Debo huir! ¡Pero mi cuerpo no responde…!)
Ayato: ¡Toma! ¡Aquí va otra, cómete esto!
Subaru: ¡Cuidado…!
*Subaru te cubre de la explosión*
Subaru: ¡Auch…!
Subaru: (Pude protegerla de la explosión, pero mi cuerpo…)
Yui: ¿Subaru-kun…? Perdóname Subaru-kun. ¡No me digas que me cubriste…!
Subaru: Mierda…
Yui: ¿Estás bien? ¡Estás muy herido…!
Ayato: …Tsk. ¿Aún no la palmas?
Subaru: ¡Ayato! ¡¿Acaso eres imbécil?! ¡¿Cómo se te ocurre atacar a Eva?!
Subaru: Si ella hubiera muerto, ngh…
Subaru: (¿Si ella muriera…?)
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Yui: ¿Qué sucede Subaru-kun? ¿Estás bien? ¡Resiste…!
Subaru: (No, ¡eso jamás! Ella no puede morir.)
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Subaru: —Ugh…
Yui: ¿Qué pasa? ¡¿Acaso te duelen tus heridas…?!
Subaru: …Ugh… N-no…
Subaru: (Ya que yo decidí que la amaría eternamente.)
Subaru: (Ella lo aceptó y entonces…)
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Subaru: (¡Maldita sea! ¡¿Qué es este paisaje desconocido?! No debería resultarme familiar, pero me suena…)
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Subaru: ¡Aah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Yui: ¿Subaru-kun…?
Subaru: …Aah… Aah.
Subaru: …No eres Eva…
Subaru: Tu nombre no es… Eva…
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Subaru: No es Eva, ¡¿verdad que no…?! ¡Yui…!
Yui: ¡…!
Subaru: Juro que a ti…
Subaru: …Solo a ti… te protegeré…
Yui: ¡¿Subaru-kun?!
Yui: Resiste Subaru-kun. ¡Por favor abre tus ojos…!
Subaru: …
Subaru: Je… No necesitas gritar tanto, puedo escucharte…
Subaru: Estoy aquí. Así que ya no llores…
Yui: ¡Sí, sí, estás aquí, Subaru-kun! Oye, antes me llamaste por mi nombre…
Yui: (¡¿Otra explosión?! Pero esta vez vino desde donde está Ayato-kun…)
Subaru: ¡Maldición! Estas pisadas… ¿Acaso los enemigos se han reunido?
Subaru: ¡Yo no puedo moverme, así que al menos tú debes alejarte de aquí…!
Yui: ¡No, no me pidas eso! ¡No puedo abandonarte…!
???: Así es, los necesitamos juntos.
Yui: (¡¿El enemigo ya llegó…?! Pero esa voz es de…)
Subaru: Kou…
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Kou: ¡Bingo! ¡Acertaron! ¡Kou-kun ha venido a salvarlos!
Kou: ¿Estás bien, Subaru-kun?
Laito: ¿Eh? Subaru-kun está colapsado y cubierto de sangre, es una vista poco común.
Azusa: Lamento haber… tardado. Me alegro de haber llegado a tiempo… Pero están heridos…
Yui: Acabó así por protegerme del ataque de Ayatao-kun… Por cierto, ¡¿y Ayato-kun?!
Kou: Ah, Ayato-kun se desmayó tras recibir nuestra bomba… pero ya se levantó.
*sonido de escombros*
Ayato: ¡Mierda…! ¡No me jodan!
Laito: Wow, que resistente es.
Azusa: Laito y yo lo detendremos… Kou, llévate a Subaru…
Kou: Sí, entendido. Eva, ¿cuál es el estado de Subaru-kun?
Yui: Subaru-kun me protegió. Estaba consciente hasta hace unos minutos, pero parece que se desmayó…
Subaru: …
Kou: Ya veo… estas heridas pueden ser peligrosas hasta para él.
Yui: No puede ser…
Kou: Como sea, ¡escapemos mientras Azusa-kun y Laito-kun frenan a Ayato-kun!
Yui: ¡Pero Subaru-kun…!
Kou: ¡Tranquila, yo lo cargaré!
Kou: Si lo cargo como princesa… Subaru-kun se enojaría.
Kou: ¡Así que será a caballito para poder correr! ¿Puedes correr Eva?
Yui: ¡Sí! ¡Gracias, Kou-kun!
“Los miembros de la familia Orange invadieron la mansión Violet—.
Para secuestrarme a mí, a [Eva].
Jamás olvidaré las siluetas de Subaru-kun y Ayato-kun. Esa no fue una riña entre hermanos, ambos atacaban al otro como si fueran desconocidos.
Gracias a que Kou-kun llegó a nuestro auxilio fuimos capaces de llevar a un inconsciente Subaru-kun hasta su habitación.
Tras eso, gracias a los esfuerzos de Carla-san, Laito-kun y Azusa-kun los Orange acabaron siendo expulsados.
La paz y tranquilidad ha regresado a la mansión Violet, sin embargo, desde aquel entonces que Subaru-kun se ha encontrado sumergido en un profundo sueño sin señales de que vaya a despertar.”
Lugar: Mansión Violet, habitación de Subaru
Yui: (Los chicos dijeron que no eran heridas mortales, pero Subaru-kun sigue sin despertar.)
Yui: (¿Qué haré si nunca vuelve a abrir sus ojos?)
Yui: (…Es mi culpa. Es porque lo retuve.)
Yui: (Si Subaru-kun no hubiera peleado mientras me protegía, estoy segura de que no habría acabado tan malherido.)
Yui: Perdóname Subaru-kun.
Yui: Todo esto es mi culpa, de verdad lo siento.
Yui: …Además, si hubiera intentado explicarle a los demás sobre nuestra situación actual.
Yui: Es probable que no hubieran tenido que pelear.
Yui: Lo siento, si hubiera sido más proactiva, si tan solo hubiera buscado una forma de regresar a casa…
Yui: La mano de Subaru-kun es tan grande… Esta es la mano que me protegió.
Yui: No solo desde que llegamos a este lugar, sino que desde mucho antes.
Subaru: …
Yui: (Su mano… ¡La mano que sostengo acaba de moverse un poco!)
Yui: Subaru-kun, ¿acaso puedes escucharme?
Yui: Oye, Subaru-kun…
Subaru: …Nn…
Subaru: Que ruidosa eres… No necesitas llamarme tantas veces, puedo escucharte.
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun! ¡Despertaste!
Yui: ¡Gracias a Dios…! ¡Me alegro de que hayas recuperado la conciencia!
Subaru: Rayos, no llores.
Subaru: Ya te lo dije antes, los vampiros no morirían por algo como esto.
Yui: ¿Antes…?
Yui: (No fue algo que me dijera en este lugar, ¿verdad?)
Yui: Ahora que recuerdo, cuando me cubriste, dijiste mi nombre, ¿no…?
Yui: En aquel momento estaba en estado de shock y pensé que fue mi imaginación.
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Subaru: No fue tu imaginación, Yui.
Subaru: …Perdóname por haberte olvidado.
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun…!
Subaru: Parece que el resto no se ha dado cuenta de esta anomalía.
Subaru: Debes de haberte sentido desolada. Lamento haberte dejado sola.
Estaba muy nerviosa. ♟
No te disculpes. ♙
Estaba muy nerviosa:
Yui: Sí… Me comían los nervios al no saber qué pasaría.
Subaru: Me lo imagino. De verdad lo siento…
Yui: Pero ahora que has recobrado tus memorias al fin estoy tranquila.
Yui: Porque ya no tendré que pensar en esta situación yo sola.
Yui: Ya no estaré sola. Eso me basta para relajarme.
Yui: Además, ahora que has recuperado tus recuerdos… finalmente me vuelves a tratar como a tu novia y eso me hace muy feliz.
Subaru: …Yo también me siento satisfecho.
Subaru: Cuando mis recuerdos estaban alterados me sacaba de quicio que el resto fuera tras de ti.
No te disculpes:
Yui: Por favor no te disculpes, Subaru-kun.
Yui: No tengo ni la menor idea de por qué nos está pasando esto.
Yui: Pero sé que no has hecho nada malo, es más, me protegiste.
Subaru: …Pero si no me disculpo no me sentiré satisfecho.
Yui: Típico de ti.
Subaru: Me saca de quicio no haber podido estar a tu lado cuando estabas sufriendo.
Subaru: Estoy enfadado conmigo mismo por permitirme perder mis recuerdos.
Fin de las opciones
 Yui: Ya no estaré sola. Eso me basta para relajarme.
Yui: Además, ahora que has recuperado tus recuerdos… finalmente me vuelves a tratar como a tu novia y eso me hace muy feliz.
Subaru: …Yo también me siento en paz.
Subaru: Cuando mis recuerdos estaban alterados me sacaba de quicio que el resto fuera tras de ti.
Subaru: Pero era normal, en algún lugar de mi ser recordaba que no querían que te apartaran de mí.
Subaru: Tú eres mía. ¿Verdad?
Yui: …Sí, así es.
Yui: Fufu… Siento que han pasado siglos desde que me abrazabas.
Yui: Estoy tan feliz que mi corazón no deja de latir.
Subaru: No digas eso… vas a seducirme y no me haré responsable de lo que haga.
Yui: Pues no lo hagas… En este momento quiero estar a tu lado. Estuve mucho tiempo sola.
Subaru: …Sí, tienes razón.
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Yui: (Subaru-kun… me está abrazando con tantas fuerzas que siento que no podré respirar.)
Yui: (Es como si intentara compensar la soledad que pasé.)
Yui: (Estoy segura de que se siente arrepentido por pasar tanto tiempo sin recordar nada.)
Yui: (Ese es el amable Subaru-kun al que tanto amo.)
Subaru: Oye Yui.
Yui: ¿…Dime?
Subaru: Déjame succionar tu sangre. Te haré sentir un placer descomunal para compensar el tiempo que te dejé sola.
Subaru: Por eso, ¿puedo?
Yui: …Sí, puedes.
Yui: Yo también quiero que bebas mi sangre. Si lo haces es posible que tus heridas se curen más rápido.
Subaru: Sí, puede ser.
Subaru: Succionaré desde tu cuello. Hueles muy dulce, no podré contenerme… Nn.
Yui: …Aah.
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Subaru:  Nn… Nn, ngh…
Yui: (Está… succionando mi sangre…)
[Si tocas las flores:
Brazo de Subaru: ¿Tan bien se siente? Entonces sostente firme para no caerte.
Hombro de Yui: Yo también me siento genial. Puedo sentir tu goce y es irresistible.]
Yui: (Está succionando con una suavidad incomparable a la de las veces anteriores…)
Subaru: Aah… Je, ¿qué tal? ¿Cómo se sienten mis colmillos tras tanto tiempo? ¿Se siente bien?
Yui: Sí, se siente bien…
Subaru: Entonces sigue gozándolo. Apenas he empezado. Y tengo que compensarte un montón.
Subaru: Aah, nn… Nn…
Yui: ¡Aah…!
Yui: (Es intenso, pero sé que igualmente es cuidadoso conmigo.)
Yui: (Es como si chupara la soledad y ansiedad que he sentido hasta ahora junto con mi sangre.)
Yui: (¡Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun…!)
Yui: (¡De verdad me alegra que finalmente hayas regresado, Subaru-kun!)
[Capítulo 8]
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn.
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alaska0220 · 2 months
I think you'd like this story: " Los Bridgerton en redes sociales " by Didadi_ on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/325115725?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Didadi_
Un lugar donde podes encontrar a tu familia favorita del momento, los Bridgerton en una versión actual siendo caóticos en redes y chats familiares
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mawguai · 2 years
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Here was my final team for SV!
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mrultra100 · 2 years
Ultra’s Ramblings; The Deal with Glimmet and Glimmora
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Are ya ready, kids?
Out of all the Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet that I love, a few do come to mind; Skeledirge, Tinkaton, Lokix, Clodsire, etc. However, there are a couple of these new ‘Mons that I simply obsess over, both being on the same level as such past favorites like Pincurchin. Who are they, you may ask? Well…
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That’s right…I’m in love with the funny crystal flower-sponges
Coming in at #969 and #970 respectively on the National Pokedex, Glimmet and Glimmora are some of the most alien-looking of all Pokemon, which is why I love them to smithereens. The main goal of this post is to break down not only their design origins and inspirations, but also why I love them so much, and to the point of the whole line now being some of my favorite Pokemon in the entire franchise.
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Imagine if you saw someone with one of these as a pet. Just walking their crystal flower monster down the street for a walk. That’d make one hell of a Sunday morning, I tell ya much
Starting off with in-game lore, both Glimmet and Glimmora are classified as the “Ore Pokemon''. While plenty of Glimmets are able to be found on the surface of Paldea, Area Zero is the only place in the entire region to find wild Glimmora. The main diet of Glimmet and Glimmora are minerals that they get from sticking themselves into the walls of caves. While Glimmet is able to float in place, Glimmora does so by moving, closing, and adjusting its six, glossy petals. Glimmet’s main line of defense is scattering poisonous powder from its petals, while Glimmora is able to fire beams of energy with not only its own petals, but also its glassy, cone-shaped face. Despite how their bodies resemble the Terastal phenomenon, there is currently no leading evidence to suggest that the line has anything to do with it.
Judging by the lore presented here, the Glimet line seems to be going into a role not unlike Carbink. Maybe they’re related to the unknown Pokemon at the very bottom of Area Zero, similar to how Carbink is to Diancie. We’ll just have to wait and see if the inevitable DLC covers that.
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(Credit to u/sdrey on Reddit)
Now getting into the meat and potatoes of all of this, Glimmet and Glimmora have alot of inspirations with their design, maybe even more than first thought. As the picture above shows, not only are these Pokemon based on plants like the deadly nightshade and Passiflora caerulea, they’re also based on a toxic mineral known as Chalcanthte (Or simply copper(II) sulfate). Not only does the former explain the flowery shape of these Pokemon, the nightshade does help with the Poison type, as it’s poisonous itself. The relation to copper sulfate that these Pokemon share is how the mineral is not only blue, it’s also very toxic. These blue crystals are absolutely bad to be around, with it even leaving debris that is very dangerous to be around. That alone sounds very similar to the Glimmet line’s signature ability; Toxic Debris. If one of these Pokemon gets hit, they’ll leave out Toxic Spikes, making them threatening lead Pokemon to face in battle (Which is something that Geeta apparently never thought of when using her Glimmora).
Now, we’ve now covered the 2 main things that make Glimmet and Glimmora….well, Glimmet and Glimmora. However, what if I told you that wasn’t the end of it. Have you ever thought that these two weirdos kinda feel like they’d fit in within the deep sea? As it turns out, there’s a very, very good reason for that…
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GlimmBob FlowerPants
That’s right! We’re finally at our first-ever sponge Pokemon! And it’s not even the reef sponges that so many people are familiar with. The Glimmet line is based on various deep-sea sponges belonging to the Cladorhizidae family. Unlike their more spongy-looking relatives in surface waters, these sponges take on more alien-looking shapes and lifestyles, with many of them even being active predators! Both the harp sponge and ping-pong sponge, two species that many deep-sea enthusiasts (Such as myself) are very familiar towards, come to mind when discussing this family, and many species even look like strange, ethereal, undersea flowers, just like Glimmet and Glimmora!
The Pokemon’s conical faces even look like they could be from a deep-sea environment, with Area Zero basically being a terrestrial counterpart to that. If I can be frank here, the faces are the biggest reason why I love these two. They just carry that strange, vague, alienness that few other Pokemon have, like the Ultra Beasts. And get this; sponges usually defend themselves with mineralized spicules made up of the same silica that sponges are made of. That drives home the Toxic Debris ability even more!
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This is Pathocary. He’s my son, and I’m very proud of him
At the end of the day, Glimmora has taken the spot of my personal favorite Pocket Monster, an honor usually aimed towards the likes of Pincurchin and such. As much as I am a fan of Bogleech, I feel like these guys are to me as Trubbish and Garbodor are to him (And despite him not having to get around to these guys in his reviews yet, he’s said that he’s in love with Glimmora) As much as Geeta’s team sucked, I honestly hope that its inclusion in said team is what kick starts Glimmora’s rise to fame, alongside other Gen 9 ‘Mon like Tinkaton, Clodsire, and Maushold. If there was a spot for a Pokemon this alien to ride alongside the big boys, the funny crystal-flower-sponge things have a decent spot of earning that title.
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maddys-nerd-blog · 8 months
Hello again!!
Things have been… not so great lately, but I’m slowly picking myself up again, and writing my silly AU has been a great comfort! I’m actually happy with this one!!
For context, this is how the second story to the trilogy ends— after Fugitoid sacrifices himself and after the death of Zeno, Grace is captured by Baron Draxum and he makes his move to harness the power of the dimensional portals, at the risk of using Grace as a battery.
WARNING! Katie swears A TON in this one, just be aware 🤣🤣 also A LOT OF ANGST AND WHUMP. AND this is a pretty long read 🤣
Hope you enjoy!!! 😁
Familia: Through Space and Time
“You should have reconsidered my offer when you had the chance… human.” Draxum’s hand extended towards her, bringing forth more vines that shook the ground beneath their feet. Before anyone could truly react to this unexpected turnaround Katie’s eyes snapped back up towards the empty chamber pods, lacking occupants for their sinister purpose.
Her heart dropped into her stomach upon putting the pieces together.
“DON’T TOUCH MY KIDS, YOU B—“ Katie was struck from behind by a tendril, launching her through the air as if she were a baseball. She barely had the chance to use the prosthetic arm to take the brunt of her crash landing into the nearby pillar.
“MOM!” Mondo shouted in alarm, going to rush to her aid, darts drawn into his fingers. But the gecko never had the chance to reach her as the floor split under his feet to widen significantly to create a massive gap between them, separating him from the detective entirely. “NO!” He went to attempt the leap but Raph grabbed his arm, holding him back and preventing him from what would have been a swift plunge to his untimely demise. “Mom, jump! We gotta go!”
“Run…!” Katie slurred, pushing herself up to stand on unsteady feet. “Jason, run!”
“Not without you!” Mondo cried.
“You have to!” Katie pleaded— she could feel her arm crack under the shoulder blade, the balljoint of her elbow pivoting to click back into place from being dislodged. “You gotta go home! The crystal will shatter if you don’t get a move on now! Forget about me and restart your life! Get out of here!”
Mondo’s eyes widened, orbs turning glossy. His hands clenched the darts tighter, trembling fists unwilling to relax, looking ready to break. “Not without you,” he croaked.
“You gotta,” Katie begged. Tears pricked her gaze. “Jason. Mijo. Please… think of me as a bad memory. I only brought pain into your life. Find your own path. Show the world how great you are. Live your life and be happy for me.” A grin filled with remorse took root, her resolve falling apart. “Do what I couldn’t, and prove them wrong.”
Mondo shook his head pleadingly. He repeated in a hoarse voice, “Not without you.”
“Oh, how touching,” Draxum crooned, a malicious chuckle shaking his shoulders. “Family loyalty. You’re too predictable!” With a flick of his hand more vines rose around him, thick tendrils of violet swarming within the gap that kept Katie from her boys. “I thought you wanted to go back home to see your dear friends?”
Mondo teeth his grit, incensed. Turning to face the yōkai he drew himself to stand straight, readying his darts in his hands to throw them. For one so small the fierce expression he wore now spoke volumes to how far he’d come. “I’m not leaving without my mom,” he snarled.
Draxum, relishing the way the poor boy’s hands began to quake subtlety in silent terror, merely scoffed. “She isn’t even your real mother! You’d really lay yourself down for this,” he motioned to Katie as if she were garbage. “Human?!”
“She’s more of a mom to me than my actual mom was!” Mondo shot back furiously. “And if any bozo thinks he can push my family around,” he pointed a dart at Draxum threateningly. “You got another thing coming!”
Katie’s mouth dropped open, words lost to her. Her hand started shaking, the useless robotic limb hanging at her side twitching as it fought to regain function. It was as though she were staring through a mirror; three years ago where she’d been put in a similarly defenseless position, cornered, outmanned, only for the equally unprepared Mondo to step in, so much smaller than he was now, brandishing a broken skateboard as his means of defense… he’d nearly been beaten to a pulp that night.
But the gecko wasn’t thirteen anymore. He had grown. He’d learned. He’d fought hard. And here he stood— unafraid and refusing to cower before this behemoth of a yōkai even if it meant certain death.
Pride bloomed within her chest, but alongside it a clawing panic set in. She stared at him with teary eyes, unable to help from afar, knowing if he so chose Draxum could easily rip her boy apart without an ounce of remorse.
“Oh?” The mad scientist hummed in bemusement. “You, a mere leopard gecko, are going to stand up to me?”
“Not just him,” Raph’s gruff voice broke through against the strain, stepping beside the shorter of the group with his sai drawn, twirling them in his hands before taking a defensive stance. Brown eyes were razor sharp, his canines bared as though he were going to bite back. “Yer gonna have t’ go through me too.”
“What am I, chopped turtle?” Drawing his twin katana, Leo proudly took a spot at Raph’s side, blades glinting brilliantly in the light, electric blue magic dancing up and down his fingertips. “I wanna take a swing at this guy. I’ve been dying to get some payback.”
Draxum frowned with disapproval. “I thought you feared me?”
“Here’s the thing, Drax-Dumbass,” Leo’s eyes flashed dangerously with hatred. “I’m not scared of you anymore.”
“Neither am I!” Donnie fired back, pushing his glasses further up his snout. “You may be bigger and stronger than us, but you’re just like Cynthia and Superfly! You’re a bully who punches down on people who can’t fight back!”
“And nothing scares Casey Jones!” The vigilante added with a cocky smirk, grabbing his hockey stick and pointing it at the taller being standing before them. “I’ve fought alien dinosaurs, bro! What do you got that makes you so special?”
Draxum— eerily— shook his head, a thin set of lips crawling upwards to curve into this strange, sinister smirk that held hidden intent. Tilting his head towards the teens he raised one hand, fingers curled. “This.”
The ground tumbled violently below their feet; without a word of warning thicker, bulkier vines exploded out of the ground to swarm the five. Katie’s heart stopped as they grew in size, swiping the kids off their feet in mere moments to catch them by surprise. Gravity took hold of the vigilantes for a few seconds before the vines ensnared their limbs, tearing weapons from struggling hands, choking the thin throats of their captives momentarily as they were all thrown into a newly formed cage made of the same grotesque vines.
“BOYS!” Katie screamed. Arm be damned she unclipped her pistol from her holster and started racing forward, gun raised, her adrenaline pounding so hard and heavy she could hear her frantic heartbeat. Her fury overthrew the fear as she fired a few shots, the sounds piercing her eardrums. “PUT MY KIDS DOWN YOU MOTHERF—“
Katie’s body lurched backward. A powerful force seized her by the throat. Something got her prosthetic, and suddenly the right side of her body was ripped into an awkward angle.
The titanium screeched. Metal scraped on top of metal. The wires snapped and blood sprayed. She went flying.
All Katie could see in that instant was violet. Red. White.
WHAM! Her back struck the wall with a telltale crackling of her spine— her arm was suddenly holding up all her body weight, keeping her from outright fainting and buckling. The arm ceased to function.
Katie’s hearing went spotty— bits and pieces of her boys screaming, someone throwing death threats. The room tilted on its axis, making her nauseated. There was a creaking groan next to her ear as the tension in her shoulder tightened around the muscle tissue it had been fused with. The skin began to tear.
It only took a minute for her to realize that Draxum had skewered her arm into the wall, pinning her in place as though she were a butterfly within a display case. The robotic appendage fizzled and short circuited, three bolts missing from her wrist, some panels torn wide open to expose the sensitive wiring to the elements, her ring finger missing.
“Not so bold without your toy to help you,” Draxum lowered himself to the ground as if he were a godly entity; higher than thou, wickedly elegant in his body mannerisms. “Humans are so quick to use petty weapons in a last ditch effort to prevent the inevitable.”
The cage rattled with a violent clang as Raph began to wail on the bars, throwing his entire body weight against its walls, shaking it from floor to ceiling. “STEP AWAY FROM OUR MA, YA CREEP!”
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Donnie shook the bars in his hands to pry them apart, unfortunately he was too weak to attempt such a powerful feat, straining his arms, groaning under the pressure he put them through.
Casey and Leo were ramming and beating the walls with a fiery vengeance; neither one of them would be able to break their prison apart, but they fought like hellfire to escape. “Pick on someone your own size!” The punk cried out.
“Case, he IS Katie’s size.” Leo bluntly retorted through gritted teeth, throwing his shoulder into the bars.
“NOT helping, dude!”
No one fought harder than Mondo. The shorter of the bunch scaled the bars and ceiling, punching and kicking, slashing with short nails at the veins in an effort to do damage. When that failed he leapt from one side to the next, clawing and biting, screaming in such a tone that left Katie astounded to hear such anger coming from such a small creature. “GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY MOTHER YOU OVERGROWN SACK OF GARBAGE!”
Despite their cries Draxum pretended they weren’t there. He approached Katie, slow and methodical, a creepy aura to his frame. “And here I thought you would fight harder than this to try and get my mutagen. Or the formula.” He snatched her by the chin and yanked her head up to meet the eyes of the psychotic scientist. “Are you really this worthless, or am I catching you on a bad day?”
“Fuck yourself, you cuck!” Katie spat blood in his face, writhing against him. “You’re a cheater! You don’t fight fair! Why don’t you take me down and I’ll show you how New Yorkers deal with bastards who try and fuck with this city!”
The yōkai madman shook his head, unmoved by the fury that claimed the woman, swiping the crimson off of his cheek with a claw. “And just how do you intend to stop me now? You don’t seem to understand the gravity of your situation!”
“I understand it plenty.” Katie ripped her face out of his hand, leveling a deadly glare at the man. “And I’ll do anything it takes to get my kids back home… even if I gotta sell my soul to the Devil himself.”
“You’re so sure of that.”
“I am.”
“Do you fear losing your chance at seeing your loved ones?”
“I don’t give a damn! The portals to my dimension were broken! I know I’m not going back!”
“What would you do if I broke the portals that would allow your dear ‘sons’ to go home?”
That threat caught deep in her chest, her heart stopping. Her face twisted into a blank stare of rage, fire burning in her eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“I could. It will be so easy! One little swing of my vines and they’ll be destroyed.”
Katie’s body tremored, furious, breaths heaving through bared teeth. “You wouldn’t dare you ugly fuck.”
“Oh, but I COULD.” Draxum’s voice dipped deep into malice. “I’d relish in watching your mutants despair over losing their loved ones.” He sank his claws into her cheeks, punching through skin to draw droplets of blood. “And it would be glorious.”
“So you’re a sicko who likes watching people suffer? Make kids cry? Turning children into orphans?” Katie hissed. “You’re a pathetic piece of shit.”
“No. I’m a scientist. And my observations over you and your family is… telling.”
“AND you’re a stalker? Woooooow, you ARE unhinged!”
“You’re a classic case of depression. An alcoholic waste who hides behind a badge in the face of her constant failures. And your sons? They’re all mistakes! Take a gander at your ‘children’!” He dramatically gestured to her trapped sons with a flourish of his arm. “A mentally unstable hothead with an unstoppable temper, who can’t protect anyone even though he’s the most capable fighter! A weakling human who pretends he’s Robin Hood but in reality he’s compensating for the fact he’s nothing but a burden! A four eyed imbecile that needs to be protected because he knows he’s not special! My own creation; a traitor to my cause, a waste of valuable mutagen, a narcissist with a bigger ego than his father who doesn’t pay him the time of day, so he thinks comedy will allow him to stand out and be unique! And the gecko? He’s the worst of them! He can’t fight! Can’t battle! Can’t match up to his comrades in terms of dexterity, strength, speed or intellect! An unwanted runaway whose own parents threw him out because they knew their child would amount to nothing, even after he was mutated! Face it, ‘Officer’; you’ve collected a family of worthless vermin!”
For a brief moment there was a rush of movement.
Draxum yelled in astonishment. The wall holding Katie groaned. There was a sickly tearing noise before it stopped.
The yōkai staggered back, looking back at the woman, realizing he’d been unmasked. And he stared down at the human woman with bewilderment, noticing she’d almost torn her prosthetic arm off just to take a swing at him.
The shoulder’s balljoint popped halfway out of Katie’s socket. Katie’s body surged partially against the vines staking her limb to the wall, her one free hand slashing her fingernails across Draxum’s face hard enough to rip his mask off, the accessory clattering to the ground. Draxum blinked, a hand coming to touch his face— she’d actually cut the bridge of his nose and the bottom of his cheek.
Katie’s face was painted with bloodlust and murder. “DON’T TALK ABOUT MY KIDS LIKE THAT, YOU DEPLORABLE FUCKING CUNT!” She bellowed. If someone didn’t know any better they’d think she was half dragon— she looked as if she were breathing flames, ready to burn him alive for the sickening words that came from him. Red in the face she continued, “YOU DON’T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT MY KIDS! MY LIFE! OR ME! YEAH I FUCK UP A LOT, BUT AT LEAST I’M WOMAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT IT! YOU THINK THAT JUST CUZ YOU’RE A YŌKAI THAT IMMEDIATELY PUTS YOU ON A HIGHER PEDESTAL THAN THE REST OF US, BUT IN REALITY YOU’RE STILL PISSY THAT THE GUY YOU KIDNAPPED WON’T HELP YOU MAKE MORE KILLING MACHINES! DON’T GO MOCKING MY BOYS WHEN YOU’RE TOO MUCH OF A PANSY BITCH TO MAKE COMMENTS, YOU DUMB FUCK!”
In the cage the boy’s went dead silent with shock, jaws hitting the floor. “Whooooooa,” Casey and Leo awed.
“Did Mom just—“
“She totally tore him a new one.”
“Holy SHIT, I didn’t think she could swear so much.”
“SILENCE!” Draxum finally exclaimed. He conjured a vine from the earth, pointed end aimed right for her jugular, leaning in close for his breath to brush against her skin. Katie nearly retched. “I should slaughter you all right now, but I have use of you. Where did you put the Goro Crystal?!”
So that’s what this is about, Katie thought. “Like I would tell you.”
“Tell me or I will spear your esophagus!”
“Guess you’ll have to kill me, cuz I’m not saying shit.”
The tip of the vine gingerly pressed against her throat. Overhead the boys started creating more of an urgent ruckus, crashing and clanging the cage. “Tell me. Or you’ll experience a new kind of pain that you’ve never suffered.”
Katie’s death-like glare held firm. She wasn’t bending.
Draxum remained there, hovering, the vine perched and ready to strike if she so much as blinked. His fingers twisted— it pushed deeper, this time drawing blood, but not far enough to puncture the skin all the way. She was unfazed.
“Go ahead.” She challenged. “My boys will be safe if you never get that crystal.”
Draxum’s eyes flickered. It was as if he remembered something.
And an insidious expression crossed his face. Stepping back, the vine at her throat fell limp at her feet. The yōkai swiped his mask from the floor, straightening his posture as he put it back on. “Oh, wait!” He said. “I nearly forgot! We have a guest!”
Drawing his arm outward, one of his violet plant growths slithered towards him, toting the boys’ weapons. Deft fingers plucked one of Leo’s katana from the pile and he slashed at the air, creating a portal that sparked and whizzed with potent mystic energy. Tossing the sword aside he stuck an arm inside, latching on to something as he dragged it out into the open for all to see—
Katie’s heart exploded in her chest.
Draxum hauled the rat yōkai out of wherever he’d stashed him, hoisting him aloft by the back of his collar like a scolded dog. He looked like hell; patches of fur stained in dark red spots from where slashes had been inflicted. He had a black right eye, swollen halfway shut. His nose was gushing with blood. His mostly-black attire was in tatters and shredded, stained in dirt and grime. His feet were scraped and gashed at the heels— as if he’d been dragged across concrete. He was bound in vines, trussed up like a worm on a hook struggling just as fiercely. Danny’s arms were pinned against his chest, wrists ensnared just beneath his chin. His snout was covered with a thicker vine to muzzle him— but it didn’t stop the hustler from screaming muffled obscenities, wriggling and fighting like a madman.
But their eyes met through the initial crazed confusion. His voice grew louder, his struggles turning violent, almost rabid, as he screamed out what Katie could vaguely translate under the gag as ‘You fucking swine.’
“I found this,” Draxum snatched Danny by the face, claws squishing his cheeks, tilting his head towards her to force him to meet Katie’s gaze. “Vermin, trying to dismantle my mutation chambers. He nearly ignited the dynamite to set my research in flames! I guess the old saying is true— cornered mice are so much easier to trap.”
“YOU FUCK—“ Katie started wailing on her arm, smashing a fist into the severing wires and broken bits and chunks of metal intertwined with the wall, desperate to break free. Skin around her fingers and knuckles spliced from the exposed tears in the replacement appendage. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HIM!”
“Why should I?” Draxum scoffed, jerking Danny’s head forward to better get a grasp on his face. “He’s nothing but a criminal! I’ve seen his wanted posters. I know that his former employer will be eager to tear her fangs into him for making a fool out of her,” he smirked. “Or better yet, why waste his potential when I could transform him into a superior yōkai?”
“NO!” Katie cried, growing increasingly erratic. “YOU CAN’T!”
“I can,” Draxum snatched Danny by his hair, moving his head up and down to make the rat ‘nod.’ “See? Even the rodent is enthused!”
Katie fought harder to pry herself free— the prosthetic still stubbornly clung to her body like a leech draining her veins of blood. “I’LL RIP YOUR FUCKIN FACE OFF, YOU EVIL WRETCH—!”
“Or better yet!” Draxum let Danny’s hair go— without a second glance he swept his hand over his shoulder that sent his vines flying, taking Danny with them as they tossed the rat into a previously empty mutation pod that slammed shut, causing Danny to use his bound fists to beat at the glass door that kept him separated from Katie, muffled screams turning rampant and urgent. “How about I use one of your sons?”
The cage suddenly came to life once more; the floor and ceiling morphed and swayed the prison, vines seizing one of the five as the bars opened briefly to allow the tendrils to carry out their load. All at once the boys started screaming once that gap snapped shut.
“MONDO!” “JASON!” Came the cries of the others in unison, their struggles in the cage turning feverish.
The leopard gecko was helplessly carried through the air, completely wrapped in dark purple vines that held him in a death grip that seemed to tighten around his small frame just to spite Katie. He wheezed, trying to free his arms, but found it impossible.
“What do you think, ‘Kathrine’?” Draxum asked aloud for all present to hear. “Should I mutate your petty lover? Or your weakest link?”
Katie’s heart felt ready to burst. “Please stop…”
“I will if you give me the Goro Crystal!”
“Please stop…!”
“Mom, don’t give him anything! He’s bluffing!”
“I could turn this useless lizard into a grand, bloodthirsty killer who could lay waste to your precious city in hours! It’s your choice!”
“Please STOP!”
“Mom I’ll be okay—!”
“Silence, child.”
“What’s your choice?! Your son?! Your lover?! Or your city?!”
The roar that deafened those in the laboratory was staggering.
Katie’s face was wrought with pleading. Tears had finally pierced her gaze, her body language deflated. But there was concern radiating from her being, eyes darting everywhere from the trapped Danny, to Mondo, to the cage. It was clear as day she was doing anything in her power to keep them out of harms way.
Draxum easily towered over her, eyeing the woman with an arched brow. “You? You would take their place?”
“Yes!” Out of breath from the mounting terror, Katie nodded. “Yes, please, I’ll take whatever experiment you throw at me! I’ll be the test hamster! Just let them go!”
“Why?” Draxum tilted his head. “Why risk your life for the sake of these failures? For this felon?”
“Stop calling them that!” Katie shouted. “They’re not failures! They’re not useless! They’re not wasted potential!”
“Then what are they to you?”
“They’re my SONS!” Katie exclaimed. “They’re my babies! I don’t care what people try to tell me, those boys are my entire reason to be! You think they’re useless and failures but that’s not true! They’re brilliant! They’re clever and adventurous and wild and crazy and everything that a parent would be proud of!”
“You’re foolish! They’re mere creatures! The human is pathetic! They’re nothing!”
“THE ONLY CREATURE I SEE IS YOU!” Katie bellowed. “You, Bishop, Mozar, Karai, you’re all the same kind of bigoted bastards. My boys just wanted to be normal. They never hurt anyone, never bothered anybody. They only wanted to do the right thing when nobody else would. Have you even taken the time to realize you were trying to kill children?! Do you know what they’re like?!”
“Leonardo is a gifted comedian! He’ll go out of his way to make his brothers laugh! He’s a prankster but he’s also so kind. Considerate. He takes care of Donnie. He’s a loudmouth, he’s crazy, he’s a sports fanatic and comic book fan, he’s all that in a blue mask and a hellish sense of humor! He’s a brilliant thinker and quick on his feet in bad situations! I’m so proud of him for overcoming his demons and being the best version of himself despite everything he’s seen!”
“Donatello is a wizard in tech and games! He can make so many amazing gadgets in seconds, he’s a sweetheart, his brain is bigger than Tesla’s! He can kick ass with his bō and in Mario Kart! No matter what he’s doing he takes the time to pitch in and lend a hand to people because the only other thing bigger than his intelligence is his heart and capacity to help! He gets straight A’s, he loves Nintendo and anime and the Kpop stuff! He’s such a kind soul who just wants to be normal!”
“Raphael might look fierce but under all that he’s a giant teddy bear! He can knock someone out faster than lightening! He’s a massive pushover if you get under his shell! He’s so so supportive, he’s so brilliant and smart and he’ll do anything to protect us! He’s not unstable— he’s just got a really big heart and loves his brothers!” The more she rambled the faster she became hysterical.
“Casey’s a fantastic hockey jock! He might look like an ordinary punk but he’s just a kid looking for someone to understand him and take him in! He’s brave, he’s fearless, he’s got enough endurance to make Hercules jealous! But above all else that boy is a Jack of all trades who will do anything to be there for his family!”
“Mondo’s the sweetest kid you’ll ever know! He’s only sixteen but he just wants friends so fuckin’ badly! That boy is literally the embodiment of sunshine! All he wants to do is skateboard and go to Florida someday! He’s so friendly, he’s so giving! He might be wasted potential to you but he’s my boy and he makes me proud every single day!” She looked to Mondo— who had started sobbing in silence— and she smiled weakly. “I’m honored you’re my son.”
“Mmm…” he whimpered around the vines covering his face.
“And Danny…” tears started spilling down her face, going unnoticed by the callous mad scientist. “He’s charming. Debonair. A smart aleck. Generous. Forgiving.” She swallowed a sob, teeth chattering as her barriers broke down to a boiling point. “There’s nobody else I wanna take this crazy ride of life with. I am eternally grateful that fate put him in my path. I’d do anything for him. I…” she breathed slowly, steadying herself, eyes falling to find him through the glass of the chamber pod. “Él es mi corazón y mi alma.” With a quivering lip, Katie confessed. “Me encanta.”
Danny’s face was unreadable. His eyes widened, understanding what she’d said. His hands, pressed against the glass door, clenched into fists. Tears moistened his golden orbs, his expression turning resolved. Raising one fist, his fingers uncurled, moving, twisting around. It took a moment for Katie to realize he was signing:
‘I love you too.’
Katie’s heart swelled, her determination returning. “In your eyes these kids are nothing. You couldn’t be more wrong! They’re all unique and amazing in their own ways! I’m a washed out detective who gave up on herself years ago… but these kids, that man, they see past all of it and made me realize what I really wanted out of life. I wanted a family, and I found it in them.” She cracked a genuine smile, speaking with true conviction. “They’re my family from now until the day I die.”
Above in the cage neither one of the others were left unaffected by the woman’s words. Donnie dropped to his knees still gripping the bars, weeping so badly he found it difficult to take a breath. Raph turned his face away, hiding his eyes in his hand as he, for the first time, started weeping, strong shoulders shaking to conceal his sobs. Leo’s cheeks were slick with thin tears that stained his mask, expression filled with grief. Not even the boisterous Casey could stop crying, clutching his chest as though he were fighting a heart attack.
“I don’t care what kind of monster you turn me into… I don’t care what you do to me. Just leave my kids and Danny out of it.” Katie wept. “They’ve been through enough. I just want them to go home.”
It took eons for Draxum to move, let alone respond. The yōkai held his stoic expression of cruel neutrality, uncaring for the woman or the people he was harming. Methodically, he reached his hand into the depths of his robes, fishing free a slim, glowing vile of bright neon green ooze. Unconsciously behind him the glass door holding Danny swished open, causing the rat yōkai to drop onto the ground with a hard thud, unsupported by the standing chamber.
“All these years I thought you were better than this,” Draxum mocked. “The rumors certainly don’t precede you. What a farce you are! So naive! So stupid! I’m still baffled that you pushed this far ahead just for the sake of these pests! Pests who will learn to outgrow you and leave you in the dust the first chance they get! When it comes to gathering ‘family members’, you chose the runts of their litter.” Picking her head up by the chin with his thumb and index finger he hissed, “Now: Where is the Goro Crystal?”
“D-Don’t… give it to him!” A new voice burst into the room. It caused Katie to jump slightly, taken by surprise.
Her eyes fell to the floor just a little ways off, to where Danny lay. Danny, who had managed to wrench the muzzle of vines off his mouth. Danny, who had managed to pull himself to his knees. Danny, who was out of breath, gasping, trying to control his breathing but still remained upright as his chest heaved with thick gulps of air.
Danny, who still had that same vengeful look in his eye despite being bound. “Don’t… give him anything!” He panted. “He ain’t gonna keep his word! If ya play into his hand you’re as good as dead!”
“She’ll be dead anyway!” Draxum scoffed. “As if you’re in any position to argue!”
Danny’s eyes went narrowed, ferocious. “Untie me, ya shit-faced prick. I’ll show ya how a real man fights.”
For a moment, Draxum just chuckled. “You?” He toyed with the vial in his hand, flipping it up and down in the air, catching it easily like this was a trick he did often. “Please. You’re worth none of my time, and you’ve already tested my patience. Your blood isn’t enough to stain the bottom of my heel.”
“And ya ain’t worth spitting on, but at least I ruined yer stupid cape.” Danny smugly retorted, a twisted grin taking shape. “How quick that bold facade went down when I did.”
“And how bold will you be…” Draxum flicked the vial into his palm, clutching it firm. Until he reared his arm back. “WHEN I TURN YOU INTO A BEAST?!”
Time slowed.
Her heart exploded.
All noise fell into a clear ringing.
The vial and it’s contents— ominous and evil— flew straight towards Danny, who shut his eyes and head his breath as if to prepare himself for his impending doom.
An awful truth set into her gut.
He wasn’t going to spare the kids no matter what she chose. He wasn’t going to let Danny go— he was a witness.
He was willing to do whatever he wanted to ruin her.
And that tiny voice in the back of her mind screamed:
Move move move move move move move move
A second wind surged throughout her body.
The prosthetic was ripped from her arm entirely as an inhuman strength allowed her to free herself.
She sprinted.
She pushed her body over the limit.
There was no time to think.
No time to hesitate.
No time for failure.
Only a moment to react.
Throwing herself forward Katie covered Danny with her body, back facing the incoming vial, shielding the yōkai with her entire being, ignoring his urgent screams, shutting her eyes tight as she prayed this death would be swift—
Glass shattered into her spine.
Sickly ooze splashed against vulnerable skin.
One moment the form of Katie McAndrews was standing like a solid wall in front of Danny, creating a barrier.
The next, ooze was seeping into her flesh. And it wasn’t long before she began to shriek.
The laboratory was filled with the anguished noises of the woman as her body jerked and shook, staggering away from Danny to steer the worst of the mutagen out of his vicinity, falling to her hands and knees, when her body started to change.
Unholy sounds echoed throughout the chamber. Bones snapping. Tendons popping. Ligaments twisting. Muscle tissue morphing. Body bending unnaturally to fit the new shape. Her spinal cord stretched. Her skin sprouted more hair— thicker, finer… like fur.
Her fingernails screeched into the floor and sang a song of misery, extending and growing to turn into claws.
Her jaw, still open as terrible screams dragged themselves out, dislocated. It stretched. It unhinged itself to form into a stronger, square shape. Her teeth grew. Her canines became bigger. Sharper. Blood pooled into her mouth and flowed to the floor.
Her face rearranged itself. A maw formed. A black nose followed. Hair grew shaggier. It hung low in a messy curtain, hiding her head.
Arm and legs popped and clicked as though she were a toy being put back together. Her limbs were forced to grow an extra few inches. Round ears popped out on the top of her skull. Her chest heaved, ribcage expanding, making room for more organs that rooted within the inside and grew like weeds.
But the worse of the change came when a new appendage— a brand new limb— grew out of her missing arm.
She would never know how, when her body took on a mind of its own, those watching would never get the sight out of their minds.
In the cage, Donnie’s hands clapped over his mouth, eyes bigger than cereal bowls. Immediately Leo seized the younger, clutching the turtle close to prevent him from watching the grotesque display, although the slider looked ready to faint. Raph turned the latter to look the other way, gritting through clenched teeth, “Ya don’t wanna see this.” Casey promptly expelled the contents of his stomach in the corner.
Danny was as still as the dead. There was nothing he could do but watch on helplessly as the woman he loved suffered a fate worse than death. Mondo screamed until his throat turned raw. He kicked the air and thrashed wildly, voice cracking under the strain.
An entirely new arm grew out of the shoulder joint like a lizard regrowing its tail. The skin knitted itself back together. Muscles, veins, they regained blood. Bone reattached to her socket piece by piece. Soon an upper arm… then a forearm… a wrist… a hand. She writhed and jerked, convulsed, choked on blood and screams as her body turned against her to transform into something it wasn’t meant to be. Unfamiliar bone structure reshaped the woman into an abomination. Curling in on herself as though she were a bomb ready to explode, Katie gave one final bellowing screech that rattled the walls, vibrated the cage, made the fur on Danny’s neck stand straight up.
Then… silence.
A pregnant pause…
Boots clicked across the floor as Draxum approached. He studied the woman, curled tight into a ball to hide herself, blood and claw marks ravishing the ground around her body. A coy smile. His teeth showing with sadistic pride. He poked her in the side with the toe of his boot. “There,” he spoke with the faux comfort that he’d used previously. “Now… you’re perfect.”
Without the watchful eye of the scientist, the vines holding Mondo loosened enough for the boy to wriggle himself free. He dropped to the floor, staring at the form of his mother, unable to fully comprehend what had been done. The gecko, wide eyed, pushing himself up to stand, couldn’t stop trembling.
Mondo’s heart couldn’t stop pounding. He found it hard to breathe.
He was partially aware of his friends overhead screaming.
He was very aware of Danny’s horror-stricken face. Of the daunting scene he’d just bore witness to.
Like watching such a thing had broken a part of him he couldn’t get back.
He tried to think of happier memories— ones where his mother wasn’t in constant agony, where she was beaming warm and welcoming, holding him tight to comfort him during rain storms. Where they were at the beach, everyone chasing the shoreline, waves lapping at their feet, throwing caution to the wind. Where everyone was gathered on the couch watching movies, trading jokes and laughter with each other.
But all he could see was his mom, twitching and convulsing on the floor surrounded in left over neon green muck and dark crimson blood.
The man responsible simply loomed over his mother with prideful glory. He stooped low enough to start reaching for her— like he was about to pet her back—
And Mondo’s anger finally overwhelmed him.
“GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER!” He drew his darts. He sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him. Throwing his arm out into an arch he chucked the deadly weapons at the yōkai, trying to run for his parent—
A vine seized him by the throat. He scrambled, clutching at it with frantic hands to pry it off, fighting for air.
Snapping out of his horrified stupor Danny started roaring, writhing in his bonds. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE HURT HIM YOU SONOVA—“ before another tendril grabbed him by the throat as well, cutting him off.
Properly incensed by this transgression, Draxum glared at the two as they choked and wheezed. “As if I didn’t have enough to worry about,” he hissed. “The both of you aren’t even good enough candidates for my experiments. At least I’ll be able to salvage the rest of your lot,” he leveled a pointed spear-like arrowhead at the tip of Danny’s forehead. “You’ve outlived your usefulness, rodent.”
A jolt.
A flash of motion, too fast for either party to see.
A swipe of an arm, fast and deadly, striking Draxum across the neck, catching him off guard. He was sent flying backwards, skidding across the linoleum tiles, leaving a slippery trail of bright crimson in his path.
Hand clutching at his neck— grazed, not sliced, missing the corroded artery but hard enough to finally draw a sizable amount of blood— Draxum lifted his head towards the ball that used to be the human detective…
A fiery set of dark emerald irises stared back at him with thin slits where pupils used to be.
But instead of fury… there was more.
Rising to kneel, she slashed the vines still gripping the throats of Mondo and Danny— feeling the rat man in the process of his bindings. As he pushed himself off the floor, Danny stared at the woman before him, his heart dropping. “Kathrine…?”
No longer the woman he knew, this creature lowered herself into a crouch, the fur on her spine rising with the rage, growling so loud it caused Danny’s ears to fall flat against his skull. Spotted with raven black accents to her mangy hair that hung in wisps around her snout and brow. What was left of her clothes hung in tatters around a sturdier physique. Muscles were more rigid, wound too tight like a spring coil ready to leap into the air, toned thicker beneath a thick mane of grungy mustard colored fur.
Mondo gasped, his mouth dropping open in despair. “Mom…!”
Sharp ears shot up. The fur raised on her body, spots almost traveling up the curves of her back, the ridges of her spine. But no motion to acknowledge him was made. Instead, the jaguar mutant opened her mouth and with a graveling voice unlike the detective, she roared.
And like lightening striking from the heavens, Katie leapt; claws outstretched towards Draxum, mouth gaping open mid flight. Just before she could land on him, Draxum rolled out of the way to the side, blood dripping in messy splotches across the floor in his stead.
She hit the ground heavy— claws sinking deep into the tile, digging deep, ripping through granite and grout and cement. Drawing her arm back she threw punched a hole the size of a basketball into the space where he’d been. Emerald eyes darted around, mania enveloping every fiber of her face until she spotted him.
She tore her newly grown fist out of the hole she’d buried it into. A guttural snarl hissed through bared fangs. The jaguar woman roared again, shoulder muscles tensing from the strain of her swinging arms. Grabbing broken chunks of tile she started hurling them at Draxum with the powerful strength of a baseball pitcher, the tiles flying too fast for anyone to see with a naked eye. The moment the debris went flying Danny sprinted towards Mondo, scooping him up and ducking out of range. “Get down!”
Draxum brought a barrier up between himself and the debris, bristling as fragmented pieces rained over his head. He thrust an arm out, sending a flurry of violet tendrils towards the mutated woman to pin her down. But even then, her claws spliced and cut through the toughened exterior of the vines, some of their sharp edges ripping through her hands in the process. She twisted herself out of the tangled mess of concentrated chaos to start running on all fours atop them, as if riding the wave straight back to its source.
Draxum’s eyes widened. Gritting his teeth he cast another set of vines upwards, trying to push her away, but she cut them down. Ever the cunning manipulator he grabbed the forgotten katana, cutting the air at his open side. Just as Katie neared and jumped over the top of the barrier he’d created, reaching a hand towards his face as if to rip it off—
A petrified Casey was suddenly in Draxum’s place, a blue vortex having spit him out to act as a living shield— cowardice behind this tactic. Her claws were centimeters from his skin.
Cat-like eyes turned horrified. At the last moment, she threw her arms around the stocky teen, taking the both of them to the ground with a hard slam. The portal still hummed with life as Draxum reached within again to find another one of the boys to use as a hostage—
Which was his mistake as Raph came barreling out with a shout, wrapping his arms around the bigger man’s chest and tackled him, throwing all his weight into a series of deadly punches. Leo and Donnie came running out next, the slider effortlessly snatching his fallen sword to brandish it and race after Raph to aid him.
The jaguar didn’t move from where she lay on the floor in the middle of the chaos, body stiff with tension, but the teen she had enveloped in a protective hold started to tremble in her arms. Casey started shivering to the point where his teeth chattered aloud. “K-Kat…!”
Her eyes snapped open. She looked at him, too sharp fangs brought together to a painful grit. Sitting the boy upright, the woman whimpered, frantic orbs scamming him for any visible sign of injury or lethal wounds. Casey’s form was littered with dark greenish-purple blotches that scattered haphazardly across his face, his knuckles were shredded open— from bashing his fists into the cage to break free. He looked…
Katie’s head shot up, claws raised defensively. Her gaze landed onto the newly scared Mondo— who had approached unnoticed, holding something tight in his fist. Bulbous eyes were thick with glossy tears, though he was holding his fear at bay for the sake of those he held dear. Slowly he took a cautious step forward. “Mom?”
Katie glared. Uncertain. Blinded by anger to fully recognize him.
Mondo swallowed. Shuffling the slightest inch he dared to come closer. “Mom?”
Danny tried to stop the teen, putting a hand on his shoulder, murmuring with urgency, “What th’ hell do you think you’re doing?!”
“Helping my mom!” Mondo snapped back. “She needs us!”
“Ya don’t think I don’t know that?” Danny’s voice cracked— remorse hung thick in his words. “I dunno what Draxum put in his new ooze batches but she ain’t all there. She don’t recognize any of us. If she lashes out on ya and hurts you…”
“She won’t!”
“How can you be sure?!”
“… I don’t.” Mondo pulled himself free. “But I gotta try.”
She snarled in warning. In the background Raph didn’t sound any different from the jaguar in terms of the visceral rage in his tone while he screamed.
The gecko gulped, wilting under her intense gaze. “Mom…!” He pleaded. “It’s me! Jason! Your son!”
Again she dropped her stance into a crouch, snarling louder. Her fur raised high upon her arms and neck, bristling with a festering anger.
“Mom please! Look at me!” Mondo held up the item clutched in his fist. The golden metal of her police badge glistened under the faded fluorescent bulbs of the massive underground laboratory. Untouched by the brutality around them, the insidious reflection of the monster looked back…
But those eyes weren’t the same.
“This isn’t you!” Mondo cried. “You’re still in there! I know you are! You aren’t a beast or a failure! You’re a detective! You help people! You’ve saved us a dozen times and you never gave up on us!” Lips quivering he choked on words. “You never… gave up on me either… even when I dragged you down all the time. I can’t lose you… I don’t wanna be alone anymore! I don’t wanna go back home knowing you won’t be there! I can’t give up on you when you need us now more than ever!”
Katie started creeping towards him. Casey gasped with distress, eyeing both her and Mondo rapidly, hands slowly creeping towards a fallen taser glove… just in case.
Backing up, Mondo continued. “Remember what you said to me?! Back when you first took me in?! No matter what happens, even if there’s nothing left in the universe, I’ll still be around to look out for you! Cuz that’s what family is for! I’ll never go away! I won’t go home without you! You don’t deserve to be alone!” His back hit the forsaken mutation pods; trapped with nowhere else to escape. “And… if it takes forever… even if I never go home again… I’ll stay. There’s nothing for me back there if you’re not around to see it. I-I wanna win skateboarding contests and show you my awards. I wanna go to school and bring you my test grades so you can be proud of me…” tears freely fell down his cheeks this time. “I wanna graduate high school and see you in the crowd when I get my diploma! I wanna watch cowboy movies with you on the couch and throw popcorn at the TV when commercials come on! I wanna keep learning Spanish even though I’m not good at it!”
Katie’s ferocious eyes sharpened in anticipation, claws raking into the tile to screech, causing Mondo to cringe at the sound. The jaguar hissed, airy and devilish, waiting got any chance to strike.
“I never had that with my folks before you took care of me! I never had a chance to be a kid after I got mutated! I never got to be happy! I only wanted friends! I just…” Mondo’s sobs turned sorrowful. Eyes turned upward to meet hers despite the terror that wrapped around his heart. “I want my Mom.”
Then, without hesitation…
He threw himself into her, hugging the jaguar woman.
Danny hopped to his feet, ready to intervene should things escalate. Casey’s taser glove buzzed with electricity, his arm shaking with worry. In the background, Raph was thrown ten feet in the air. Leo dashed after him to catch the turtle. Donnie was shouting something but it was muffled from the chaos.
Katie’s body nearly recoiled from the embrace, her snarls turning to growls, claws poised and ready to start tearing into the fragile flesh of the gecko as primal instincts kicked into gear—
“H… hu…”
Claws fought for control. They seemed to battle themselves, retracting, releasing, over and over again. Her eye twitched. Her muscles tensed. The veins in her neck stuck out from beneath strained skin, her jaw snapping shut to prevent herself from doing anything to Mondo. One hand grabbed her face, clawing her head as she writhed and kicked, fighting for dominance over what little of her sanity was left. Even straining through the pain the woman punched her head with powerful blows, like she was attempting to knock whatever it was inside her brain out. “N-NOOOOOO…! H-HURT!”
“Mom!” Mondo cried. “Mom, you can fight through this! Come back to us!”
“Stay back!” Danny pulled the gecko away, his eyes worried as he observed the terrible scene. “Casey! Take yer pal and keep your distance!”
Without hesitation the teen leapt to his feet, grabbing Mondo by the arm to pull him back. “What’re you gonna do?!”
Danny frowned. “… I honestly don’t have a clue.” He lowered himself to her level, narrowly ducking out of the way of Katie’s incoming fist. Spastic, she cracked her fist into the floor with a crash. A guttural scream came through as she tossed and turned, clawing her head desperately.
Danny moved seamlessly; his hands latched around her wrists, prying them away from her head to stop the beating she gave herself, lest it lead to a concussion. As he fought to maintain his hold on her, the yōkai cried out. “I dunno if you can hear me in there or if you can understand what I’m about t’ tell ya, but you’re worth every broken bone I got in my ribs. I wouldn’t trade ya for nothing.” When she tried to pull away again, he tugged her body close, pressing his brow to her own and whispering.
“Yer sister needs you. These kids need you. I need you. Please… just come back to me.”
Hope you like this one!
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @wasted-and-ready @figuringitoutasigoalong
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carol-coffees · 1 month
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Howdy gente, vengó inspirada,otro dibujito de Elías gallather pero vivo,como jodo con este men,pero no me culpen!,es realmente un buen chico y es encantador!,bueno,se me ocurrió hacer este dibujo gracias a la canción de melanie Martinez:the contortionist, específicamente en la parte en donde dice:"Bodies touch me" osea traducido es,cuerpos me tocan *por eso las manos,y ay una razón por la que las puse ahí,las manos en la boca:ahi representa como su familia en vida le daba poca importancia a sus opiniones y palabras(ya que como nació con múltiple esclerosis lo ven como débil ,un estorbo e inútil)osea sus palabras no eran válidas y sus palabras jamás fueron tomadas en cuenta (bueno,esos significados les di yo por el lore de su historia ),y las manos en el cuello:estas representan como en futuro antes de casarse(o en la noche de bodas,no me acuerdo)su prometida/esposa Violet y su hermano planearon matarlo cortándole la cabeza con una Acha para quedarse el tesoro oculto de los gallather, tesoro que jamás encontraron,y aunque elias estuviese vivo el no sabe donde esta,es mas,ni sabia de su existencia,ya que su familia lo excluía de todo literal,le tengo empatía,ya que toda su vida fue excluido por su propia familia,el unico quelo queria era su abuela,pero murio quedando solo en el mundo...vivio sin un amor platonico,ni un romance, vivia en su mundo de fantacia en las historias de sus libros....murió sin que nadie lo amara...y ya porque lloro xd,aver si hago mas shavos(se me olvidó poner la referencia de donde lo saqué xd,pero el original no me pertenece obvio,yo solo lo use de referencia para dibujarlo en tradicional)
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sea-owl · 1 year
The Gothic Featheringtons have officially started to move to AO3. I'm gonna do it as a collection of one shots to make it easier on myself. I'll probably end up going through my stuff today to track down a few of the one shots on Tumblr today.
Here's the link: Link
When Violet came back to London from her year in mourning of her husband's untimely death, now in half-mourning with her family. She truly didn't expect what was waiting for her in the city.
Violet was taking a stroll with her three older daughters, her sons off ridding somewhere else in the park. Her youngest two in the stroller as she pushed them along. Her older boys were coming around into sight again when something dark flashed by the corner of Violet's eye.
Of all the curious things it was a black bonnet being taken with the wind. Running after that bonnet was a little red haired girl, possibly around Violet's Eloise's age, in a dark purple dress. Try as she might the bonnet was always just out of her reach. Then came one final push from the wind and the bonnet flew even further . . .right smack into Violet's third son's, Colin's, face.
Colin proceeded to fall from his horse right into the mud.
The little girl squeaked, darting forward and pulling out a silk handkerchief. "I'm sorry!"
Colin, being Violet's good natured son, only laughed as he sat up removing the bonnet from his face. "Well that wasn't well to do of me."
The little girl's cheeks turned red.
"Penelope!" Another voice called from the direction the little red head came from.
Two older girls, both with red haired as well, and Violet assumed Penelope's sisters, rushed forward to pull her up. Both of them also wore darker colored dresses such as a navy blue and one a dark silver. Coming up behind them had to be their mother. Her dress was the darkest of all in black with a shall tying a baby to her chest.
Violet had not seen anything like it before. She honestly could not fathom why a family in full mourning was walking out in Hyde Park like this.
After checking to make sure the two children were alright Violet turned her attention to the other mama. She hadn't seen her before, a new comer? It would explain why Violet was coming up blank on a name. But still the full mourning clothes were odd.
"Lady Portia Featherington," the woman introduced herself, a Spanish accent in her voice. "My," she pushed, her nose wrinkled up. "My . . .what is the word? Oh never mind. Mi familia, had just moved to London from . . . Espana . . .no, oh Spain!"
So Violet was right. The woman was new. Perhaps they haven't gotten new dresses yet to signal they're coming out of full mourning or coming out of mourning all together due to the move. "Lady Bridgerton," Violet introduced herself.
The two women began to walk together, Portia introducing her daughters, Prudence, Philippa, Penelope, and baby Felicity. Violet then introduced her own brood of eight. Penelope seemed to get along well with Eloise and Francesca. Philippa and Daphne quietly talked while Prudence seemed more content to watch over her sisters. Violet did notice that the girls' English was better than their mother's.
"Why move to London?" Violet asked Portia.
"Mi esposo. . ." Portia paused again. "Um, Lord Featherington?"
"Your husband," Violet offered.
Portia nodded. "My husband, he is English. We had to move back for his estate."
Violet nodded. "We just recently moved back ourselves from our country home."
"I am glad you did," Portia said. "It is nice to see someone who knows black and darker colors are happy colors. All this pastel is nauseating."
Violet paused. "Are you not in mourning?"
Portia blinked. "No we are not. Is that why the English are all dressed in such bright colors? You use dark colors for mourning? How sad."
The two families were now approaching Gosvenor Square. Violet saw servants moving items into the house across the square from her's. All the items were dark. Dark wood, jewel tones in the fabrics, and accents of silver instead of the gold most other families of the ton preferred.
"Ah this is my home," Portia smiled. "If you excuse us. I have to go write to Tia Madea. I have to let her know Penelope has already stolen breathe out of a boy. Oh if we're lucky she'll be another Tia Circe!"
With that Violet watched her new neighbor gather up her daughters and lead them to the house Violet would never thought one would decorate like that.
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black-grulla · 8 months
this is going to be an incredibly long post, so prepare your fine asses.
Éste va a ser un post increíblemente largo, así que preparen sus buenos ortos.
This post is going to reflect my first(? Impression about the Donquixote Family. But mostly is going to be them reminding me of other people/characters. // Éste post va a reflejar mi primera (? Impresion acerca de la Familia Donquixote. Pero más que nada va a ser ellos haciéndome recordar a otras personas/personajes.
Donquixote Doflamingo (the Joker).
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Yup, that's it. Mostly because i knew Doffy like, a long time ago (2 years) and sincerely this is a popular neuron connection that i agree with.
2. Donquixote Rocinante/ Cora-san (Corazón)
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Yup, BRO LITERALLY THEY PUT A COMPILATION OF CORAZÓN'S FALLS, and of course has to remind me of Condorito.
3. Diamante
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4. Pica.
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The same as with the man from above; Taurus Aldebaran is in the same fucking pose. I actually was surprised, because i was kinda doubtful with this; then i'm watching and yup. I also laughed as a singer i am when Zoro called him "idiot with soprano voice"
5. Trebol.
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Nothing to say, just, disgusting. Bring me someone who likes this man.
6. Giolla
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Matilda's mom and Giolla has the same vibe, like, look at them; almost the same pallette.
7. Viola/Violet.
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La Rosalia
8. Sugar
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Honestly i couldn't find anyone that reminded me of Sugar, but @callmekui cooperated and told me that she reminds him of Qiqi. I don't know why tho.
9. Lao G
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Seriously, that woman has a lot of strength.
10. Machvise
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When i saw his tail i immediately thought in Mario with his leaf power up costume. Then the whole thing is a mexican fighter.
11. Señor Pink
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Oda has a lot of mafia characters, there's even an episode of the straw hats being an italian mafia look a like. I was sure i saw another mafia guy who looked like Señor Pink..
12. The bitch- i mean Dellinger.
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I saw another picture of a fish with lady legs, but Darwing fits perfectly. Kokichi was a character that @callmekui compared with. Is a mixture.
13. Buffalo.
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Look at me in my eyes. I know what you are. ( Latins are going to laugh so hard at this.)
14. Baby 5.
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Again, look at me in my eyes, and tell me they're not the same.
15. Gladius.
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Bro. After this motherfucker appeared, i was happy with two Shinzos. The only difference is that this one has not telekinetic power (i think, I'm not sure anymore) and that's when Bakugou appears.
16. Monet.
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Sorry, i didn't like her so much. I wanted to punch her in the face.
17. Vergo (first Corazon, wow)
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Okay this is a funny one. The man is Bad Bunny, a Reggaeton singer. And it's mostly a Spanish joke; his name. Vergo, if we put the a in the end is verga, and verga in Spanish means cock. There you go english people. AND YOUNGER VERGO LOOKED LIKE A REGGAETONERO WITH THAT FUNGUS CUT LIKE, LOOK AT THIS;
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tetsu-posts-blog · 6 months
Verán, la verdad es que les vengo a explicar la misma cosa que siempre les dicen sobre la madre de Luffy. Pero en mi caso, solo quiero añadir detalles que quizás no hayan notado pero mi esquizofrenia si lo notó.
Entonces, a este post lo llamaré...
✨ Lo que yo opino sobre la mencionada madre de Luffy ✨
Vengan acompánenme en esta aventura esquizofrénica si lo desean. Si no, solo ignoren, de todas formas One Piece es un anime que te enseña a ignorar lo que no te interesa.
Sin más preámbulo, empiezo. Primero vamos con esta viñeta que apareció en una hoja extra sobre la peli RED:
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Esta imagen hizo suponer a algunas personas que esta puede ser la posible madre de Luffy. Yo pienso, que solo es una "pista" que nos deja Oda hacia la verdadera persona que es la madre de Luffy.
Verán, esta mujer tiene un enorme parecido a Scarlett (sí, la mujer del arco de Dressrosa).
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Y con esto he llegado a imaginar que quizás, solo quizás, la familia de Rebecca puede guardar símiles con la familia de Luffy.
(Bueh, es que si mucha gente cree que el final de One Piece es otra guerra mundial como Marineford pero más grande y con más personajes, ¿por qué no pensar también en la posibilidad que otros arcos como el de Dressrosa podrían dar señales de cómo serán los arcos futuros?)
Mi planteamiento es el siguiente: si nos muestran la historia de la familia de Luffy, esta guardará similitudes con la historia de la familia Roldo de Dressrosa.
Parto del mismo hecho que hay personajes que se parecen mucho físicamente.
El rey Riku y Garp
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Kyros y Dragón
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Una doble coincidencia que por lo menos, me parece curiosa. Especialmente porque la relación que mantienen Kyros y Riku con Rebecca, se parece un poco a la que mantienen Dragon y Garp con Luffy.
Volvamos una vez más a la imagen del principio, ¿esto podría significar que la madre de Luffy se parece a Scarlett y tal como la madre de Rebecca, la madre de Luffy está muerta?
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Mi respuesta es un rotundo
Porque a la vez que la apariencia o actitudes entre estos personajes es parecida, los miembros de la familia real de Dressrosa (Roldo) parecen una antítesis a la familia Monkey D:
Garp era (hasta donde se sabe) un hombre común que llegó a volverse respetado como héroe de la Marina. Riku era un rey amado en Dressrosa que terminó siendo odiado por su gente.
Kyros era un criminal que odiaba su vida de asesino pero fue perdonado y reconocido como héroe. Dragon en cambio renegó y renunció a estar en la Marina, rechazó un futuro donde las personas podrían llamarlo héroe, para ser considerado el peor criminal del mundo.
Kyros fue olvidado por el mundo y eso le permitió cuidar de su hija mientras no lo recordaran (la gente recordaba su figura real como un héroe de hace muchos siglos atrás). En cambio, Dragon se volvió el criminal más buscado del mundo. Su condición le impedía estar cerca de Luffy y cuidarlo.
Todas estas coincidencias me hacen pensar que si Scarlett murió, pues la antítesis es que la madre de Luffy debe estar viva.
¿Y cómo es que Crocodile entra en la ecuación? . Aquí voy al siguiente punto: ¿Cuál es la otra característica relevante de Scarlett aparte de su historia con Kyros y su muerte?
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Que tiene un parecido inigualable e inconfundible con su hija.
¿Y a quién se parece más Luffy entre todos los personajes que hemos conocido de One Piece? Exacto.
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No más preguntas, su señoría. He terminado.
Y como pequeños datos extra que no pude incluir:
1. Coincidentemente la diferencia de edad entre Scarlett y Kyros es la misma que la de Crocodile y Dragon: 9 años exactos.
2. Sospecho, que si esta pequeña locura mía fuera real, entonces Dadan podría representar el papel de Violet en esta historia. Y me encanta la idea de que Dadan puede ser alguna pariente de la madre de Luffy, ya que por posibilidades genéticas claramente, la madre biológica de Luffy podría ser una mujer robusta.
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mikiluquebarco · 2 years
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Finally I have the honor to show you the Pokemon fanart, which are inspired in Spain, where I live, so I bring you a new piece where we have Rayquaza in the Sagrada Familia, a structure well known in Barcelona for the Pokemon Scarlet and violet.
I uploaded it again after a few weeks since I couldn't upload it yaaaas!
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46snowfox · 2 months
Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 6
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[Capítulo 5]
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Lugar: Mansión Violet Habitación de Subaru
Subaru: (¿…Ah? ¿Qué es esto? Se siente cálido y suave…)
Subaru: (Los latidos de su corazón son muy relajantes…)
Subaru: ¡¿…?!
Monólogo de Subaru:
“Salté por reflejo.
Cuando bajé la mirada me di cuenta de que Eva estaba durmiendo a mi lado. La mujer que es la clave para que uno se convierta en el rey supremo.
Parece que me quedé dormido mientras ella me abrazaba contra su pecho.
Recuerdo por qué ella me abrazó.
Me sacaba de quicio lo indefensa que era y que mis irremediables hermanos le hicieran lo que se les antojara—
Y me acabé desquitando con ella.
Sin embargo, ella me abrazó, como si aceptara mi molestia.
…Es estúpidamente comprensiva.
Es porque eres así que termino irritado, me duele el pecho e inmoralmente acabo dormido entre tus brazos.”
Subaru: …Rayos. ¿Aún tras amenazarla sigue sin entender?
Subaru: Para colmo se quedó dormida al lado de un hombre, completamente indefensa.
Subaru: …Aunque yo también me dormí mientras ella me abrazaba, así que no tengo cara para regañarla.
Yui: ¿Nn…?
Subaru: …Jeje, está balbuceando dormida. Tiene una cara tonta.
Subaru: (Es la primera vez que alguien me preocupa tanto.)
Subaru: (Y verla tan desprotegida me saca de quicio… ¿Por qué será?)
Subaru: (Incluso si Eva existe para crear al rey supremo, sigue siendo una humana y eso la hace nuestra presa.)
Subaru: (Un ser especial… ella no lo es en lo más mínimo.)
Subaru: ¿Presa…? Oh, cierto…
Subaru: Carla dijo que su sangre era asquerosa, pero cuando la bebí sabía deliciosa.
Subaru: Es indescriptiblemente deliciosa. ¿Acaso su lengua ya no sirve?
Subaru: (Mis sentimientos y su sangre… aquí hay algo raro.)
Subaru: (¿Lo percibiré así porque me he vuelto loco? ¿O acaso—?)
“Parece que me quedé dormida mientras abrazaba a Subaru-kun.
Antes de darme cuenta había terminado pasando la noche en su habitación.
A Subaru-kun le costaba mirarme a los ojos cuando desperté, pero no parecía enfadado.
Puede que lo esté malinterpretando, pero se veía avergonzado.
Tal vez sea porque nos quedamos dormidos mientras estábamos abrazados, pero siento que hoy somos más cercanos que ayer.
Los recuerdos de Subaru-kun todavía no regresan, pero desde lo más profundo de mi corazón puedo notar que él es a quien amo.
Y ahora siento que aquel muro invisible que había entre nosotros finalmente se ha derrumbado.”
Subaru: Como sea, eres demasiado descuidada, estás en constante peligro, así que no puedo quitarte los ojos de encima.
Subaru: Por eso quédate en mi habitación el mayor tiempo posible. ¿Entendido?
Subaru: Aquí ni Kou ni Laito podrán atacarte fácilmente.
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Yui: …Ok. Gracias Subaru-kun, por protegerme
Subaru: Ya te dije que no te estoy protegiendo.
Subaru: Además, yo también bebí tu sangre contra tu voluntad. ¿Lo entiendes?
Subaru: Y aun así me das las gracias, estás mal de la cabeza.
Subaru: Yo solo no quiero que el resto me quite a mi presa.
Yui: (Cuando me dice algo amable de inmediato suelta alguna frase con la que intenta alejarme.)
Yui: (¿…Acaso sus recuerdos reales y los actuales han empezado a chocar entre ellos?)
Yui: (Eso es una buena señal, ¿no? Ojalá recupere sus verdaderas memorias…)
Yui: Si me ayudas, entonces sé que estaré bien. Confío en ti.
Subaru: ¿…Aah?
Yui: (No importa cuántas cosas crueles digas. Ni que tan directo o antipático intentes ser.)
Yui: (Porque sé que te preocupas por mí. Y no puedo evitar sentirme feliz.)
Yui: No me importa ser tu presa. Así que permíteme estar a tu lado.
Subaru: ¡—! Maldita sea.
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Subaru: ¿Por qué sonríes como idiota?
Subaru: Ya me quedó claro que eres una compasiva irremediable. POR ESO, ni se te ocurra separarte de mí.
Yui: ¡…Sí!
Subaru: Aah… No sé por qué, pero estar contigo me vuelve loco…
Yui: Ajaja, ¿de verdad?
Yui: (Fufu, tanto reír me ha ayudado a relajarme.)
*suena un estómago*
Yui: (¡Ah…! ¡Me relajé tanto que mi estómago empezó a gruñir…!)
Subaru: Fufu… ¿A qué viene ese rugido?
Yui: (Uuh… que vergüenza.)
Subaru: Ahora que lo pienso, todavía no has desayunado. ¿Quieres comer algo?
Yui: Ah, ¡en tal caso quiero aprovechar de comer algo hecho por ti!
Subaru: ¿Aah? Tampoco puedo cocinar algo muy elaborado.
Yui: Aún así quiero. ¿Puedo?
Yui: (Subaru-kun cocina aquí, ¿no? Me da curiosidad.)
Subaru: Si no te molesta comer algo simple. Ayer Laito y Kou se la pasaron molestándote, así que quédate aquí—
Yui: ¡Kyaaa…!
Subaru: ¡¿…?!
Yui: ¿Qué fue eso?
Subaru: No sé… Pero dudo que sea algo bueno.
Subaru: …Tsk. Alguien está corriendo hacia esta habitación.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
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Azusa: ¡Subaru…!
Subaru: ¿Qué pasó, Azusa?
Azusa: Oh… Eva, también estabas aquí… justo a tiempo.
Yui: (Azusa-kun se ve muy alterado… ¿Qué está pasando?)
Azusa: Es un ataque de los Orange… vinieron a secuestrar a Eva.
Subaru: ¡¿…Qué?!
???: ¡Oigan! ¡¿En dónde escondieron a Eva?!
???: ¡Su majestad se quedará con Eva!
Yui: (Esta voz… ¡¿Ayato-kun?!)
Lugar: Mansión Violet, pasillo
Subaru: ¡Azusa! Ve por refuerzos antes de que lleguen más miembros de los Orange. ¡Rápido, antes de que venga alguien más!
Azusa: Sí.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: ¿Qué pasa? No estés tan preocupada. Solo necesitas quedarte a mi lado.
Yui: ¡Sí…!
Subaru: Por ahora debemos buscar un lugar seguro—
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Ayato: Jeje, aquí estabas.
Subaru: ¡¿Qué…?!
Ayato: No irás a ningún lado. Oye tú, dame a Eva.
Subaru: ¿Eres idiota? Ni que fuera a dártela como si nada. Mejor vete a tu mansión cuanto antes.
Ayato: Bueno, no tienes que dármela. Si no lo haces solo tengo que robártela.
Subaru: …Oye, no te alejes de mí, sin importar qué pase.
Subaru: Azusa pronto volverá con los demás, así que no te dejes asustar por Ayato.
Preocuparte por Subaru-kun♟
Confíar en Subaru ♙
Preocuparte por Subaru:
Yui: Estoy preocupada por ti Subaru-kun, vas a tener que luchar solo contra Ayato-kun mientras me proteges, ¿no?
Yui: (A este paso va a tener que luchar contra Ayato-kun, a pesar de que es su verdadero hermano…)
Subaru: Tonta, no te preocupes por eso.
Subaru: Si nos quitan a Eva nada tendrá sentido. Y no tengo intenciones de entregarte a él.
Confiar en Subaru:
Yui: Sí, no tengo miedo. Confío en ti Subaru-kun, así que estoy segura de que todo estará bien.
Yui: (Además, si esta situación se extendiera demasiado acabarían peleando pese a que son hermanos reales… Y no quiero que eso suceda.)
Yui: Pero me duele imaginar que salgas herido por mi culpa.
Subaru: Ja, no te sientas así. Te haré entender de inmediato que no tienes nada de qué preocuparte.
Fin de las opciones
Subaru: Lo romperé en segundos.
Ayato: ¿Disculpa? Me sorprende que alardees tanto luego de pedir refuerzos.
Ayato: Te mandaré a volar antes de que lleguen los otros Violet y haré que Eva sea mía.
Subaru: ¡Cállate! ¡Deja de parlotear y ataca de una vez!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: …Ja, lo sabía, no eres la gran cosa. Estás retrocediendo.
Ayato: Jeje, no lo haces nada mal. ¡Pero no podrás vencerme!
*choque de espadas*
Yui: ¡…!
Yui: Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun…
Yui: (Ese espíritu… No, lo que percibo es, ¿un aura asesina?)
Yui: (No es una simple pelea entre hermanos como las que solían tener, realmente intentan asesinarse…)
Yui: (¡Un paso en falso y uno de ellos matará al otro…!)
Yui: No… ¡Esto está mal!
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun, deténganse! ¡Dejen de pelear…!
Subaru: ¡Tonta! Retrocede. ¡Que ni se te ocurra acercarte!
Ayato: ¡Je, sigue distrayéndote con Eva! ¡¡Tonto!!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: …
Ayato: … ¡¿Qué?!
Subaru: ¿Quién es el tonto? ¡Atacar tu flanco descubierto cuando das un ataque tan sencillo como ese es pan comido!
Ayato: Ugh… ¡Auch!
Yui: ¡Por favor deténganse! ¡No sigan…!
Yui: No deben matarse entre ustedes. Porque en realidad son—
Yui: ¡Ustedes son hermanos, son los Sakamaki!
Ayato: ¡Toma! ¡¿Qué te parece esto?!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: Ugh… uh…
Yui: (Es inútil… No importa cuánto grite, no los alcanzo…)
Yui: (¡Si tan solo hubiera una forma en que pudiera detenerlos! ¿Por qué lo único que puedo hacer es observar?)
Yui (Si tan solo pudiera recuperar sus memorias—)
Ayato: ¡Muere…!
Subaru: ¡Cállate! ¡El que morirá serás tú!
[Capítulo 7]
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sphinx-myth · 20 days
hellenic holidays
Holidays are an important part of Hellenic religious life across all of the Mediterranean– whether Greek or Roman. For the sake of modernity, relevant Graeco-Roman holidays will be adapted to the contemporary Gregorian Calendar.
Ianouarios (Latin: Ianuarius, Eng: January)
Kalends (January), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, January 1: First day of the New Year, in honour of Janus. Large celebrations done, and charity is highly encouraged. Prayers to Lord Asklepios also recommended.
Phebrouarios (Latin: Februarius, Eng: February)
Kalends (February), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 1: First day of the month.
Parentalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 13 – February 21: Literally “Ancestors Days” or “Days of the Ancestors”, Parentalia is the February festival celebrating the deceased ancestors of the family and the pater familias.  They are offered flowers, wine-soaked bread, violets salt, and wheat.  Often they are providing a true sacrificial banquet, but these are di inferni, spirits of the underworld.  They are those who dwell below, and proper care must be made in sacrificing to them.
Anthesteria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 19 – February 21: Athenian festivals dedicated to Dionysos and the dead.
Lupercalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 15: Holiday intended to avert evil spirits and miasma, as well as spread purification; which releases health and fertility.
Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 17-23 (Sign of capricorn): Serves as reminders of the Greater Mysteries, in honour of Deo and Kore.
Martios (Latin: Martius, Eng: March)
Kalends (March), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 1: First day of the month.
Navigium Isidis, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, March 5-6: Festival in honour of Isis marks the opening of the sailing season.
Dionysia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, March 9 – 16: Holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Liberalia, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 17: Another holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Hilaria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 15 – March 28: Numerous day celebration dedicated to the Mother of the Gods and Her lover Attis/Gallus.
Quinquatrus, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 19: When the Temple of Athene on the Aventine Hill was consecrated. Feast day to Athene.
Aprillios (Latin: Aprilis, Eng: April)
Kalends (April), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Aphrodite.
Genéteira tis Rómis (Natale de Roma), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 21: Day commemorating the founding of Rome by Quirinus, known as Romulus when embodied in a mortal form.
Serapia, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, April 25: Day commemorating Serapis, the ruler of the underworld.
Maïos (Latin: Maius Eng: May)
Kalends (May), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 1: First day of the month.
Lemuria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 9, 11 and 13: A trio of solemn days for the malevolent and restless dead, for maintaining their memory is as paramount as those of the benevolent ancestors.  Sacrifices are offered as propitiation in order to keep the peace and avoid ill luck from these infernal spirits.
Thargelia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, May 22 – May 23: Celebration in honour of Artemis and Apollo.
Iounios (Latin: Iunius, Eng: June)
Kalends (June), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 1: First day of the month.
Flight of Aineías, June 11: According to calculations by Eratosthenes, today is the day the city of Troy was sacked in 1184 BCE. The burning of Troy would be the end of the Trojan War, but simultaneously it would be the birth of a new beginning. Ultimately, Troy’s fall would give rise to the eternal city of Rome centuries later, as many of those who laid the city’s foundations had been descendant of the Trojan refugees led by the pious Prince Aineías who fled the destruction, such as Aineías’ descendant Romulus. Today is a day that feasts should be held to commemorate the flight of Aineías and the survival of our ancestors, but simultaneously a day of mourning for those innocent who perished, whether during the Trojan War or any war.
Prometheia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, June 17th: Festival dedicated to Prometheus bestowing reason to mankind.
Vestalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 7th – 15th: Festival specifically in honor of the Goddess of the house, Vesta, and the spirits of the store chambers, cupboards, and the penates.
Death of Julian, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 28th: Mourning day marking the death of the divine Julian.
Ioulios (Latin: Iulius, Eng: July)
Kalends (July), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 1: First day of the month.
Panathenaia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, July 17-24: https://sites.google.com/site/hellenionstemenos/Home/festivals/panathenaia-ta-mikra
Neptunalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 23: Held in honour of Poseidon. Plea for rain.
Augoustos (Latin: Augustus, Eng: August)
Kalends (August), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 1: First day of the month.
Sol Indiges, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 9: Minor holiday to King Helios where sacrifice is offered.
Vinalia Rustica, Gregorian calendar, August 19: A rustic harvest festival dedicated to Zeus and Aphrodite, celebrating the grape harvest, vegetable growth and fertility
Vulcanalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 23: A propitiatory sacrifice during the hot month of August to Hephaistos (Vulcan) in order to protect the home and livelihood from the ravages of fire.  Traditional practices include sacrificing small fish into bonfires so that humans would not be harmed.
Septembrios (Latin: September, Eng: September)
Kalends (September), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 1: First day of the month. Ceremonies dedicated to Jupiter Tonans (“the Thunderer”) on the Capitolium, and Juno Regina on the Aventine.
Greater Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, September 6-12 (Sign of cancer): In honour of Deo and Kore. Called great when the Goddess departs, (At least, the other equinox is in mythology the time of the kidnap of Kore, which is the descent of the souls.)
Apollo Campus Martius, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 23: Anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius; Leto is also honored
Oktôbrios (Latin: October, Eng: October)
Kalends (October), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, October 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to the deity Pistis (Fides in Latin).
Thesmophoria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, October 2-4:
Khalkeia, ancient Hellenistic, Gregorian calendar, October 7:
Noembrios (Latin: November, Eng: November)
Kalends (November), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 1: First day of the month.
Feastday of Julian, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 8: Feast day dedicated to the coronation of Flavius Claudius Iulianus Augustus, the great reformer of Hellenism, as Caesar of the west.
Dekembrios (Latin: December, Eng: December)
Kalends (December), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Poseidon and Pietas.
Saturnalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 17-23rd: Festivals that goes on for numerous days in celebration of the Winter Solstice with a particular focus on the golden age of Saturn.
Opalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 19: Festival in honour of Ops
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 25th: Winter Solstice celebration dedicated to the birthday of God.
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arakawa-division · 11 months
"To never have suffered would mean to never have been blessed." - Edgar Allen Poe
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Ivelisse Sofia Martinez is the third and final member of the Arakawa Division rap battle team, Sounds of Silence. She is known far and wide by her MC name, Guru. A well-known mercenary who has made a name for herself in the underworld as someone who can get the job done, this determined young woman accepted the job offer from the Puerto Rican government for two reasons. One, to establish contacts within Japan. And two, to uncover clues as to what happened to her younger brother.
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Ivelisse is a beautiful young woman from the island country of Puerto Rico. She is dark-skinned with hazel-colored eyes and light brown hair that is tied up in a high ponytail. She stands at 6'1 and weighs approximately 60 kg. Unlike her teammates, her hips aren't long, but she does have the widest waist.
She often dresses in attire that appeals to her spirituality, or that feels good to her rather than looks good. Her normal attire consists of: a long-sleeved purple Chinese Tangzhuang with light purple pants and black Chinese shoes. She also black ball earrings in both of her ear lobes.
Name Meaning
Ivelisse - A girl's name of French origin. It's a variant of the name Yvelise, which is a diminutive form of Yvonne. It means “life” and is connected with the yew tree, a type of tree that was often associated with rebirth and resurrection in ancient times.
Sofia - A variation of the Greek name "Sophia", which was derived directly from sophia, the Greek word for "wisdom".
Martinez - A patronymic surname meaning "son of Martin." Martin comes from the Latin "Martinus," a derivative of "Mars," the Roman god of fertility and war.
"Sofia"/"Sophia" - Her mother
"The Gazelle"
"Gata" - Her mercenary name
"The Caiman from Puerto Rico"
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - 32
Birthday - October 21st
Ethnicity - Puerto Rican
Hair Color - Light Brown
Eye Color - Hazel
Height - 186 cm (6'1")
Weight - 60 kg (132 lb.)
Star Sign - Libra
Piercings - A black ball earring in each of her ear lobes.
Markings - A large, faded scar on her left arm.
A tattoo on her upper right arm with the words, "La familia significa que nadie se queda atrás ni se olvida."
Family -
Younger Brother (Missing)
Voiced By - Audri Nix (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Guru
Occupation - Yoga Instructor/Mercenary
Position - Third Member
Favorite Food - Jibarito
Least Favorite Food - Sour Pickles
Likes - Yoga, meditation, solving problems with words, early mornings, chakra, exploring new places, her family, running, the wind, parks, and reading.
Dislikes - Sour drinks, unnecessary violence, being interrupted during meditation, not knowing something, gang violence, firearms, and cold weather.
Hypnosis Microphone
Ivelisse's Microphone is a black vintage microphone on a stand. The stand is colored all seven colors of the rainbow, starting with red at the top and going all the way to violet at the bottom. Also, tied firmly around the microphone is a jaap maala.
Her Speaker takes the form of the Raíces Fountain found in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Several speakers adorn the empty slots between the statues.
Her ability, Mind Cleansing, allows Ivelisse to remove any debuffs or status effects from her or her teammates, returning them to a normal state. She can only use this move twice per battle.
Ivelisse's rap themes revolve around keeping a clear and focused mind. She raps that in order to make it through today's world, we need to be focused on having a clean and conscious spirit. She frequently makes references to Buddhism in her verses. She also raps about her love for her family, and how being a mercenary has affected her.
Ivelisse, to say the least, is a very focused woman who considers herself to be disciplined and centered in her beliefs. Though she does not consider herself a religious person, she is in tune with her spiritual side. She tries to maintain a calm, relaxed, and subdued state of mind, believing that having anything else is the surest way of losing control of herself and her center of being. She tries to spread this through her yoga lessons in hopes that others can achieve their inner peace, as well.
Despite that, Ivelisse does have her share of demons. After almost losing her brother to gang violence when they were both teens and then losing him again when he ran away, she has blamed herself as his older sibling for not doing a better job of protecting him. She also blames herself for not stopping him when he fled in the first place. To that end, she holds onto the belief that he is still alive somewhere and vows to find and bring him back home.
It's for this reason this that she became a mercenary, believing that before she could rescue her brother, she needed to better herself by understanding more of the world. After visiting India and becoming enamored with their beliefs and cultures, she now tries to settle all problems by talking and discussing rather than with violence. However, should the need call for it, she is not afraid to defend herself or her friends if she has too.
Aside from that, Ivelisse is a meek, calm, and respectable woman and can be seen as the moral compass for the Arakawa Division team, trying to keep both of her teammates on one accord. She trusts her teammates and their abilities completely, having faith that together, the three of them can put a stop to whatever Chuohku is planning.
*Coming soon*
Although she does study Buddhism, she still actively prays to God. She considers herself to be a "Christian Buddhist."
Despite being a foreigner, she is quite popular with the citizens of Japan because of her skill at yoga.
Because her work requires her to travel to different countries, she is fluent in multiple languages.
She abhors looking at the scar on her arm, because it represents how weak she used to be.
Many of the women throughout Japan attend her weekly yoga lessons. This includes: Shisuta Heisha, Sayaka Miyuki, Miho Kobayashi, Azusa Furukawa, Yuriko Kuromiya, Queen Card, and many more. As such, she is on amicable relations with all of them.
Her microphone stand's colors are taken from the colors of a person's chakra in Buddhism.
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ao3feed-kathony · 3 months
The Honor of the Bridgertons
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57087088 by Ydrra3108 En el apacible hogar de los Bridgerton, una familia noble, la tranquilidad es destruida cuando un grupo de rufianes irrumpe en su mansión. Liderados por un perverso hombre con intenciones siniestras, exigiendo un pago inusual para saldar una antigua deuda: una de las hijas de la familia. Cuando Daphne es seleccionada para ser llevada, su hermana Eloise, con una valentía sorprendente, se ofrece en su lugar. A partir de ese momento, la vida de Eloise toma un giro inesperado. Forzada a sobrevivir en un mundo cruel y despiadado. Pero cuando Eloise regresa, transformada en la sombra de lo que era, la conmoción sacude no solo a su familia, sino a toda la alta sociedad. Con su retorno, se revelan estafas, mentiras y oscuros secretos guardados por antiguas familias nobles. Los Bridgerton deberán afrontar estas nuevas verdades y encontrar la fortaleza para desafiar las expectativas sociales y redimir el honor de su nombre. En medio del caos, el coraje y la determinación de Eloise se convertirán en la clave para desentrañar una trama de corrupción y deshonra que amenaza con destruir todo lo que aman. Words: 1953, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Lady Whistledown (Bridgerton), Lady Cowper (Bridgerton), Agatha Danbury, Benedict Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton, Charlotte Bridgerton, Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Charlotte Queen of the United Kingdom Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton/John Stirling I, Anthony & Benedict & Colin & Daphne & Eloise & Francesca & Gregory & Hyacinth Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington Additional Tags: Love, Disasters, Kidnapping, New Family, Pirates, Treason, Deception, Murder, Rape, Corruption, Vaginal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Rough Sex, Boats and Ships, Sea Monsters read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57087088
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marivelsblog1503 · 6 months
✧ Parte I: Somos dos ahora.✧
Con: 403 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Conozcan a las personas que estarán a la de Grace Stark a partir de ahora, aunque algunos van a estar en contra de ella. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— Hay ciertas etapas de nuestras vidas, que cambian tan repentinamente, que sin darnos cuenta puede ser genial esos cambios. —»
«— Pero, no todo puede ser color de rosas, siempre habrá alguien que quiere arruinar tus sueños de ser feliz, y que lastimosamente, la voz de esa persona está en tu cabeza. —»
«— No siempre continuaremos el legado familiar o mejor dicho, no todos podemos ser la sombra de nuestros padres. —»
«— Para Tony Stark no es para nada sencillo ser padre soltero, pero, no se arrepentía de nada, sin embargo, eso no quita que llega a ser difícil en algún momento, en manejar una empresa, y el cuidar y estar para tú hija las 24 horas del día. —»
«— Una vida llena de locura y también diversión en la mansión Stark, ¿Qué más se puede pedir? —»
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Cast para esta primera parte:
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|| Violet McGraw como Grace María Stark de niña. ||
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«— Quiero ser igual que tú papá, no quiero que la compañía vaya a la ruina por mi culpa. —»
|| Roberth Downey Jr. como Anthony “Tony” Edward Stark. ||
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«— Tú eres mi mayor creación mi pequeña, solo tú decides tu destino. —»
|| Gwyneth Paltrow como Virginia “Pepper” Potts. ||
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«— Sabes que puedes contar conmigo, aquí estoy para ayudarte Grace, aquí estamos para apoyarte. —»
|| Jon Favreau como Harold “Happy” Hogan. ||
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«— Trabajo para su padre, pero, no me molestaría que me llamara tío Happy señorita Stark. —»
|| Terrence Howard como James Rupert “Rhodey” Rhodes. ||
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«— Mi amigo tuvo una hija, será interesante de ver, en cuanto a ti pequeña, soy tu tío Jimmy. —»
|| Paul Bettany como J.A.R.V.I.S. ||
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«— Soy solo una Inteligencia Artificial, pero, estoy aquí para servirles. —»
|| Jeff Bridges como Obadiah Stane. ||
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«— Es un legado lo que se ha llevado a cabo por generaciones, y si el apellido de tu familia se viene a bajo, será por tu culpa. —»
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Playlist para esta primera parte:
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|| Aplause de Lady Gaga. ||
|| Hijo de Hombre y En mi Corazón Vivirás de Phill Collins. ||
|| Raindrops Keeps on My Head de B.J. Thomas. ||
|| Footloose de Kenny Loggins. ||
|| Vivan las Vegas de Elvis Presley. ||
|| Girls Just Want to Have a Fun de Cyndi Lauper. ||
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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cofradia-thg · 1 year
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Búsquedas de nuestros usuarios
Jonathan Brekker busca a su hija adoptiva y a su hermana. Después de que los padres de Simone fallecieran, Jonathan se convirtió en su tutor legal, hecho que lo hizo perder el favor de sus padres. Siempre a la sombra de Casiopea, es casualmente con la única que ha contado desde que se convirtió en padre. Casiopea es una empresaria exitosa vinculada a Clam Alba.
Angela Schreave busca a su mejor amigo y a su familia. Angie es una persona bastante familiar, que adora a sus padres y a su hermano Andreas, menor que ella, aunque la saque de sus casillas. Kevin es su mejor amigo, con el que conforma un dúo musical conocido como Red Dawn.
Arya Rogers busca a su hermana y a su mentora. Livy es la tercera Dawson, que actualmente reside en el Distrito 4 y ejerce de bailarina en uno de sus clubs. Violet es una conocida diseñadora capitolina que ejerció de maestra para Arya.
William Hunter busca a su hermana. Wendy es la mediana de los hermanos Hunter y vive en casa de Will desde que sus padres la echaron de la suya debido a su orientación sexual.
Nerissa Moore busca a sus clientes. ¿Te gustan las flores? Si vives en el Distrito 4, debes de conocer el pequeño tenderete donde Nerissa vende sus flores. Y si no es así, ¿a qué esperas a acercarte?
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