#emma may Mcgucket
magnumzine · 2 days
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Moral Orel is such an amazeballs show, theres so many scenes you can use as a reference 🤧
I do personally headcanon Fiddleford as an extremely closeted gay man who’s not really doing a good job at hiding it, but thats kinda where the similarities between him and Clay end lol
That being said I imagine Tate being a lot like Joe. I did have an AU where Tate goes to stay with a declining Fiddleford and unstable Stanford, which I think would screw with a kids head a lot.
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manicpumpkindreamgirl · 13 hours
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What a happy family, sure hope they don't fall apart due to the actions of the father figure. Also, debuting my design for Emma May Dixon
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As a number 1 Fiddleford Mcgucket lover, I honestly love the fact that journal 3 revealed that he had secretly created the Society of the Blind eye behind Ford’s back and was USING the gun on him multiple times, because it added a new complexity to the character. What he was doing wasn’t morally correct, but he probably felt like he was doing what was best for Stanford since he cared about him so much. Is it a little fucked up? Very much so and that’s what makes Fiddleford’s character even more interesting. You feel SO bad for him, he didn’t deserve anything that happened to him, but more people need to acknowledge his flaws too, specifically his family.
When it was revealed that he had gotten into an argument with his wife because she was upset he forgot to get her a Christmas gift in the Book of Bill, I felt bad for her. We don’t know much about Emma May Mcgucket but I don’t think she’s supposed to be painted in a negative light. Some people hate the mere idea that Fiddleford may have been neglectful to her and his son Tate some point down the line, but I genuinely think that’s what happened, and people shouldn’t villainize his wife or Tate honestly. It was unintentional of course, we know that Fiddleford cared about his family deeply and had a portrait of them when he was working with Ford, but him choosing to pack up and go with Ford for long periods of time probably caused a rift in the family. And yes, there is a tragedy to it, because him forgetting to get his wife a present was probably due to the brain damage the gun had on him. However, both concepts that Fiddleford loved his family but went crazy due to what he witnessed, AND him partly being to blame for his own self destruction with creating the memory gun and getting addicted to it, are statements that can and should coexist. Him getting traumatized wasn’t his fault, but using the memory gun repeatedly and putting the society/work before his family was. Ford definitely had influence, but the point still stands.
And for me that’s part of the appeal for Mcgucket, he didn’t deserve anything that happened to him, he would have been a completely different person had he not taken Ford’s call, he’s pathetic and tragic, made his own mistakes but also got screwed over at life in the process. But he deserved the happy ending he got and I just love this sad old man.
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raeofsunshin · 8 days
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chat are we here for late-in-life lesbian/gay comphet Fiddleford & Emma-May. They’re still married, divorce is expensive.
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strawberryjamsara · 5 days
Character who suffered most in Gravity Falls was actually McGuckets poor wife.
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pinetreeshack · 2 years
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hill-art02 · 2 days
It's nice that people are shipping Fiddleford with Ford or Stan but I think Emma deserves some love too
So I'm shipping her with Shermie because why not lol
They're T4T Sapphics
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brightdrawings · 2 years
Overdue Call
happy fiddleford friday everyone. I hope you all are having an enjoyable day! I've been meaning to partake for a LONG while but haven't had the time to read through and clean this up.
this was inspired by this post by @tazmiilly and I've had that comic in my mind, marinating like a delicious roast. So i hope you all enjoy!
(also on ao3!)
Fiddleford felt numb. He walked blindly as he tried to ground himself, his mind racing so fast he couldn't keep up with any of the thoughts, if there even were any, that were bouncing around his head. Stanford's words echoed in his mind. Words of disappointment, betrayal, and failure would normally weigh him down but Fiddleford kept walking. Hoping that putting distance between himself and that accursed house in the middle of the woods would somehow silence the voice of his best friend.
He had been walking in total darkness, following the dirt road that led through the woods. When he finally caught sight of the bright street lights from town, Fiddleford flinched. For a few agonising moments while his eyes were shut, he had thought he was back in that damned basement, floating helplessly into the eye of chaos. The town at night was replaced by the sight of worlds being torn to shreds, of buildings falling to dust, the horrifying chorus of screams that grew silent as a wicked nasal laughter drowned it out.
When Fiddleford’s mind finally returned to him, the visions faded away to reveal the empty streets of the town. He was on his knees stammering quietly, fingernails digging into the dirt.  Blinking repeatedly, Fiddleford looked around. He tried to find anything to quell the horrifying thought that he wasn’t really back on solid earth. That at any moment he’d find his head still submerged in the blinding light of that accursed portal. That the sound of the light wind in his ear would change to mocking laughter. 
He waited a moment, then another. His nails continued to dig into the dirt repeatedly, literally grounding him as he gathered his barings. 
If this was real. It had to be, he wasn’t floating. If this was real he needed help. 
No, he couldn’t trust him, this whole catastrophe was his-no; their fault. Fiddleford looked around again.
He had spent so much time working with Stanford in the woods far from the town. They hardly had the chance to get to know any of the denizens of Gravity Falls. Stanford was so secretive of his work, of that thing beneath his house whispering into his ear, that he refused to divulge anything to anyone outside of Fiddleford. The rattled engineer searched his mind for anything, a name, a face, anyone he could turn to for help.
Not a single light in sight. Not a person in the street. The moon shone down, poking through the dark clouds in the sky, like an eye watching him from the heavens above. Fiddleford was paralyzed, staring back at the moon, his mind racing. Was this real? Had he even left the basement? He jumped to his feet. Running for the nearest alley way to avoid the terrifying gaze of the moon.
Fiddleford leaned against the cool brick wall. His fingers felt heavy, despite this he lightly traced the indents between the bricks with the tips of his nails. He waited for a moment to pass. For the hideous laughter to pick up again and for the tug on his ankle to bring him back to the basement and have him start this whole nightmare over again. But it never came. He waited for several more moments before he finally took a breath.
The cool night air felt sharp against his throat. Like a mug of coffee, forcing him into a more waking state. He took a step deeper into the alley and fell back on the ground. He looked up and Fiddleford realised that he had walked face first into a payphone. He stared at it for a moment before an idea dawned on him
Moonlight began to inch its way through the alleyway. Fiddleford jumped up and away, avoiding it like it would melt him on contact. Instead he hugged the wall and began to dig through his pockets.
“C’mon-C’mon Ma raised you to be prepared” he muttered desperately before finally finding a few quarters. 
He quickly stuck the coins into the machine and dialled a number he hadn’t rung in so long. This was his hail Mary, if she didn’t pick up he was doomed. His breath grew short as he heard the sound of the phone dialling through the receiver.
“Please answer…. Please please please,” he begged under his breath.
“Hello?” A southern woman’s voice came through the phone.
“Em-emma it's-it's me.” Fiddleford said, hardly able to get the words past his lips.
“Fiddleford? Where on EARTH have you been? You have a lot of nerve callin’! I havent’ heard from you in-” Emma’s voice erupted into Fiddleford’s ear.
“I know. I’m so sorry Emma, but I’ve made a huge mistake.” Fiddleford said, his voice laden with shame.
“Fiddleford what are you-” Emma asked, her tone softening significantly. 
“A great great mistake. I don’t think i’ll make it back. I don’t know if i’ll even be able to remember today…” Fiddleford fell back.
“Hey what’s going on?” 
He wiped the tears from his eyes. He pressed his back against the wall.
He couldn’t hold them back. He couldn’t hold himself up anymore.
“Tell me what’s going…”
He fell to his knees, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks.
What was he supposed to say? His wife’s voice was growing more concerned on the phone receiver and that only made the tangle of knots in his stomach grow tighter. Fiddleford’s chest felt heavy as he tried to find the words. It had been so long since he heard Emma-May’s voice, but to speak to her now, in such dire times felt cruel.
“Fiddleford what’s wrong?” Emma-May repeated. There was a sound of crying in the background. The sound of Emma’s distressed tone had clearly upset Tate.
‘Oh Lord Tate-‘ The thought hit Fiddleford like a sack of bricks.
His family in Tennessee, his wife, his two year old son; he had gotten this job to help them. To make their lives easier, but all he’d accomplished was dooming them all.
His hands began to shake once more. The receiver had fallen from his hand, feeling like lead. Too heavy to carry. How could he have failed this greatly? The end of the world was coming and he built a direct door for it. How could he face his parents? His wife? His son?
He couldn’t. Fiddleford curled in on himself, quietly sobbing. His vision grew blurry as he clutched his head.
“I’m so sorry.” He whimpered.
“Fiddleford please,” Emma-May begged. 
Fiddleford’s sobs began to grow more ragged and uneven. It wasn’t long before he started hyperventilating. The sound of his shallow breaths filled the air, soon broken by the soft voice of his wife.
“It’s going to be okay. You’ll be alright.”
 But he wasn’t.
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slightlyartist · 8 days
This is what Ford saw when Fiddleford came back to Gravity Falls after his huge fight with Emma-May
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creepst-crypt · 13 days
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Wouldn’t it be horrible if he’d witnessed something so scary while in Gravity Falls that he makes a memory gun and ends up using too much to the point he loses his own self identity for the next 30 years and never returns home.
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vintage-fuzz · 19 days
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Fiddleford Appreciation Post!
(Can you tell that he’s my favorite character?)
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paintedcrows · 9 days
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Assorted Gravity Falls doodles!
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cattleman24 · 19 days
May I please request Stanford being in attendance to Fiddlefords wedding? (I love love your art so so much)
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Fiddleford tells him he should have brought a blunt instead after this
Also anonymous I love you.
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retrovrt · 1 month
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Mcgucket family you will always be famous to me
Anyway not sure how I'm gonna draw old Emma-May yet so I left that out but besides that, I wanted to draw my take on the timeline of these guys. They fascinate me as well as make me incredibly emotional
Some general notes and headcanons if anyone is interested:
Fiddleford is transfem and goes by any pronouns
Tate's hat is the only thing he has to remember Fiddleford by except for a few photos and faded memories
The hat he wears currently is not the same hat he had when he was a kid but rather a look alike. He still has that hat somewhere in his closet it's just too small to wear anymore
As a kid, Tate would always wear that hat but in his teen years he had something of a "rebellious" phase where he stopped wearing it due to resenting Fiddleford for leaving him and Emma-May. You can hardly call it a rebellious phase considering it was just him being 20 minutes late past curfew and taking the occasional swig of alcohol. He was a sweet kid
Emma-May had gotten pregnant with Tate late into college which added pressure on Fiddleford and her to get married. That and both coming from Christian families and just being young and wild
Fiddleford had gotten her peace symbol tattoo in college
Marine biology has always been Tate's main special interest but he sacrificed his future in the field to look after Fiddleford
I'm realizing most of these are about Tate but that's because one, I really like him he's like a son I conceived myself, and two because I'm planning on writing some stuff about Fiddleford and Stan's relationship after her whole Society of the Blind Eye stuff and some more stuff about Fiddleford Emma and Ford in college, etc
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Answering Machine
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tazmiilly · 1 year
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fiddleford wedding doodles with @divorcedfiddleford :D
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