#elysium colony
emissary-of-stuff · 8 months
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A solar eclipse and an aurora borealis? That sounds so cool!!
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
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"This--" she points to herself. "Has taken her place. It will devour you, Harry. I will eat your mind."
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failchild · 2 years
thinking about fruits in disco elysium
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vermilionstarlight · 11 months
If I could have any one Skill from Disco Elysium speaking in my head, guiding my hand. It would be Shivers.
Idk man. It would fix me. To feel the oncoming rain and the biting cold and know it's alive and there for me. That it loves me. To get whispers on the wind of stories happening around me, lives of others both current and long past all living in the same city. To hear her voice.
To hear her voice would fix me. The voice of a city, of humanity. She's always there and always supporting me and I am a part of her and she is a part of me and we are inextricably intertwined, as is every single other person that lives as her.
She has seen me at the precipice. And she has seen me walking away from it. She is the precipice. And she is the long walk home. And she is the dying girl. And every girl who came before her. And every witness who stood silently by. We are keeping one another on this earth. She does not wish to see me dead, and nor do I to her.
She is beyond me, and around me, and with me, and part of me. A god. The only god I could bring myself to worship with true, unwavering conviction. A god of humanity. More than any individual could ever hope to be, and yet tied inescapably and inextricably to her humanity.
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voidami · 11 months
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g-a-r-o · 10 months
Either tumblr's suggestion algorithm is so accurate and aggressive that they've pegged my interests immediately and are recommending content regarding Disco Elysium and Ultrakill and nothing else directly off the bat or my specific breed of autism is being spread in the water supply and all of you are infected
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kyriolex · 4 months
You all need to play Sovereign Syndicate
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It is a crime that the Sovereign Syndicate has such a small fandom. It's basically Disco Elysium in steampunk London, except:
Harry DuBois is an alcoholic minotaur magician
Klassje is a psychic sex worker
Kim Kitsuragi is a secretly sentient automaton
The Deserter is a monster-hunting dwarf with PTSD
Yes, it's smaller and shorter than other RPGS because the studio only had 20 people. But it's DAMN impressive for an indie game of its size, and well worth the price.
Also there's a side quest where you can supply machine gun blueprints to the Comanche Nation for use against the Texan invaders. Just saying.
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lordsireno · 1 year
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AU where Clones have been maintaining the space colony ship Elysium as it takes its cryo sleeping citizens to Utopia. Then first captain Argus wakes up after long being decommissioned, finding the whole place in critical condition- apparently that way since the disappearance of C- and the current leader R asking for him to save one specific Elysian from thawing out.
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crustaceousfaggot · 1 year
Someone needs to make a fucking. History Of Elysium textbook. I need to understand this world and its history better than I understand my own but holy shit there is so much of it and it's all out of order
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titusandronicusonice · 10 months
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Fredric Jameson (left) in his best Harry Du Bois cosplay pictured with Eqbal Ahmad and Yasser Arafat
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transkholins · 1 year
the last tor newsletter had a really good article on cozy witch romance books btw
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emissary-of-stuff · 8 months
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See, it's funny cuz he's the cannibal.
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himitsu-medusa · 8 months
It's nice seeing that a place in the world still has snow, even if it's a fictional one
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Disco Elysium's setting was formerly the site of a communist revolution that established the Commune of Revachol. It didn't last long. The Coalition of Nations brutally put the communists down, divided the city among themselves, and enforced a free market capitalist system. The results are depressingly apparent in Revachol's dilapidated district of Martinaise. "The literacy rate is around 45% west of the river," Joyce Messier, a negotiator sent to parley with Martinaise's striking union, tells our protagonist. "Fifty years of occupation have left these people in an *oblivion* of poverty." This state of affairs is overseen by the Moralist International, a union of centre-left and centre-right parties that professes to represent the cause of humanism, but whose primary concern is transparently the preservation of capitalist interest – a Coalition official happily tells us that "the Coalition is only looking out for *ze price stabilitié*", arguing that inflation in Revachol must be prevented, comparing it to a heart disease that could block the "normal circulation of the economy". The people of Revachol don't matter. Their suffering and oppression is only significant as a necessary symptom of the system functioning as intended.  The most biting aspect of this critique of capitalist exploitation can be found in the cynicism of those who represent Moralism, or at least, its interests. The aforementioned Joyce Messier is its perfect embodiment. She does not believe in the facade of humanity Moralism presents to the world, and is under no illusions about what it has done to the people of Martinaise. She tells you how bad things are, freely admitting that the pieces of legislation put in place by the Moralist Coalition to govern Revachol are there to keep "the city in a [...] laissez-faire stasis to the benefit of foreign capital". This corrosion of belief via cynicism, this depiction of a system that continues to operate unimpeded despite few believing in it, feels all too familiar.  This critique of liberal capitalism's hypocrisy, cynicism, exploitation and deep-rooted connections to colonialism, is particularly powerful in recognising the precarious position it finds itself in. It has reached a stasis that seems, paradoxically, both insurmountable, and on the verge of collapse. Moralism relies on this contradiction. It's unofficial motto, "for a moment, there was hope", underlines the degree to which its dominance depends on the preclusion of the idea that a better world is possible, that there is no alternative, echoing the End of History sentiment that created the (rapidly disintegrating) political consensus of our lived reality. Despite growing dissatisfaction with the status quo in the real world, it has, indeed, proved difficult to imagine an alternative. The oft-repeated phrase attributed to literary critic and political theorist Fredric Jameson, that is is easier to imagine the end of the world than it is the end of capitalism, has almost become a cliché. However, the mistake Joyce makes, and one that we should avoid, is to assume that this means an alternative won't emerge nonetheless.
In a world where everyone is encouraged to look out for themselves, Disco Elysium suggests we should remember the value of collectivity, camaraderie and community. The Deserter has forgotten that though the communism he identified with is dead, the values that brought people to its cause in search of a better world remain as valid as ever. Bleak as it is, those values exist in Martinaise. They exist in us. Their latent power has the potential to lead us towards better horizons. 
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maareyas · 7 months
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Comet's Log: Chao Garden
"I found what I think are like those dirt gardens that I’ve seen some Surfacers have back home. This one seems fancier though. There’s a rock formation with water just pouring out by itself, no pipes or anything; as well as some pretty plants. But, what’s really interesting are these tiny creatures that are living here. They have big heads and weird eyes that are kinda ugly (in a cute way)! They seem friendly enough too. Like, a few of them had sharp teeth, but nobody bit me or anything. Didn’t even really pay me any mind at all. My stomach rumbled real loud (I forgot I hadn’t eaten since before I got here!) all of a sudden. Then one of the little guys, a blue and yellow one, walked over with this weird fruit(?) in its teeny-tiny arms. It was trying to give it to me! How sweet! Unfortunately, I didn’t want to eat it because it might be poisonous.  I tried to communicate that I didn’t want it, but the little guy insisted. A few more of them noticed and came over to see what was going on. I panicked, so…I just flew away and didn’t look back. I still feel kind of bad about it."
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Extras below the cut:
I've decided to make the raw .clip layers available for download [HERE] for educational purposes. if y'all want it <3
Also! the purple chao is @genotaurus' Cloudy ✨
Some Edea lore notes:
Chao don't exist on Edea
Since she grew up in a space colony, Comet is only familiar with hydroponic farms/gardens. Dirt farms only exist on Edea's surface.
Also because of growing up on Ark Elysium, Comet barely has any experience interacting with "wild animals" or even pets in general.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 6 days
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comparing case notes on the ride home at the end of a long day
did all the perspective myself! it kinda' turned out jank but it's what it's. i'll get better at it eventually
really tried to capture the essence of revachol architecture style with this. the metro lines were built by the communards in '79 of the last century, about 11 years into the dictatorship. various cities in revachol have metro, but none are as extensive as jamrock's metro. however, due to mismanagement and embezzlement and war, a lot of the metro stations remain unfinished, especially in the poorest parts of the city (for example, it was never finished in the coal city district of jamrock, which is big enough to count as it's own city. the metro line was dug out, but the tracks were never layed due to the project never reaching completion and due to the commies not really caring to build out there. in the valley of the dogs, which is in west jamrock and about as poor as coal city, the metro wasn't even built at all due to there being a huge immigrant population out there and a lot of bullshit from the government). anyways a lot of homeless people live out in those abandoned stations. this among a billion other things really adds to how much east revachol and its slightly richer cities really think lowly of west revachol and jamrock despite not being much better off themselves
the metro cars and the metro stations are built in the neo-perikinassian style that the communards favored for all their structures (neo-perikinassian is an elysium equivalent to our neo-classical style). this style intends to give a vibe of old world richness and power and strong authoritative government, while also attempting to create a strong, national revacholian architectural style, celebrating insulinde's original pagan origins by reflecting traditional folk patterning. communism in revachol wanted to be purely revacholian, taking zero influence from the colonies that revachol used to rule over. the dictatorship did away completely with insulinde's original colonial past, trying to embrace a new totally revacholian identity and erasing anything deemed not revacholian. unfortunately, revachol is an immigrant country, with a history of colonialism and slavery, and a LOT of that has become a huge part of revacholian and insulindian culture. revachol is a melting pot, a mixture of influences from all over. the communists tried to erase this and make a new identity, but of course this attempted to erase everything else that makes revachol revachol. so in trying to make a new, purely revacholian identity, they erased true revachol from the books.
anways, they favored the neo-perikinassian art style with folk embellishments, but because revachol is revachol, there are also a whole lot of style moderne (revachol's art deco, a lot of airships, sunrises, and anti-pale shit) and noul stil (revachol's art nouveau which involves a lot of ocean and air organic motifs instead of flowers and the like) influences of course. as you can see here, there's noul stil motifs in the way that the lights are pearls and that they have waves on them. in fact, to go on yet another tangent, revachol's 'new disco' architecture, which started in jamrock during the new with the building of skyscrapers and new buildings in the style and spread to the rest of revachol, is a modern day revival of style moderne and noul stil that combines elements of both (i get a very og wizard of oz emerald city vibe).
anyways that's my lore essay. i really wanted to capture the feeling of being in revachol, specifically jamrock. the metro cars are also slightly based off bucharest's communist metro cars as well as the newer ones, but of course with a lot of wood instead because revachol and elysium are in a sort of era with their technology that mixes something of a industrial revolution 1890s victorian london, 1910s america and big cities right before the advent of skyscrapers and cars but also 1920s tech, and 1970s radio tech and all that shit. idk. some fucked up conglomeration
also guy on the left is someone from my de server's oc. i don't know their tumblr otherwise i'd tag!
oh and i tried to capture some kind of how the people of revachol are in general all types of people from many different ethnicities etc. and and the guy in the back looking at harry is one of jean's friends, enzo, who, after getting rejected from the rcm for being too violent (which is a big deal bc the rcm celebrates violence), joined la puta madre and now works to double-cross both lpm and rcm, doing what benefits him best. when jean and harry got captured by the lpm about 3 years back and almost died, it was enzo who saved them. enzo's one of jean's many connections he has in the city. harry doesn't remember him (but he will eventually. he has to figure out at some point where that big nasty scar on his stomach's from).
btw i spent like a wholeass hour or two one day trying to figure out what type of wood revachol would have because the commies use ONLY LOCAL RESOURCES. so i needed to figure out what type of wood they'd have. and i figured it was some kinda' birch with a very specific ashy grey wood. of course you can't see it here bc of the color-grading but yeah. know that i did research on that. ok?
anyways if you read this whole thing thank you very much for reading and congrats on getting thru it hahahaha. i really need to figure out a name for this au bc this is NOT kurwitz's elysium LOL
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