#divian vanrouge
onegianthotmess · 1 day
Divian: *holding baby Silver after Lilia brought him home* Oh, isn’t he the cutest little thing! After over a hundred years I’ve forgotten how adorable infants could be.
Lilia: I’ve named him Silver. I think it’s a fitting name.
Divian: And you’re right about that, Lili. He’s like a little beam of moonlight.
Divian: *turns to Malleus and Mealodie, who are visiting* What do you two think about him?
Malleus: It’s so ugly I almost pity it…
Mealodie: He isn’t a mirror, Brother.
Malleus & Mealodie: *bickering in introverted dragon siblings*
Baby Silver: *laughing*
Divian: These next few years are sure to be fun! Don’t you think so, dearest?
Lilia: If it means more of these moments? Yes, it does seem like we’ll be having a lot of fun.
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onegianthotmess · 1 month
I’m imagining General Vanrouge and his new acquaintance, Divian, going forward in time to see themselves as a happy couple who are secretly married while they attend a high school to make sure their dumbass adopted kids don’t accidentally get themselves killed-
Eventually they get mixed up and General Vanrouge starts interrogating the current Divian about what illusion he’s seeing while she’s just like, “damn, I forgot how sexy you looked in your war general armor,” leaving General Vanrouge flustered and confused.
Meanwhile, past Divian is having a nice conversation with current Lilia because she finally knows that she’ll die with the one love of her incredibly long life and that all of her pain was worth it.
But I also just really wanna see General Vanrouge and past Divian walking in on current Lilia and Divian in the middle of making out and messily taking their clothes off because they can’t keep their hands off each other. The entire room freezes until current Lilia is just like, “are you two just gonna stand there and stare or do you wanna join us?” which makes current Divian bust out laughing while she tries to scold Lilia while General Vanrouge is yelling at his future self and asking what the fuck is wrong with him while past Divian is just red as a tomato-
Just imagine the chaos-
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onegianthotmess · 3 days
The “Chrissy Wake Up!” meme but it’s Malleus and Mealodie panicking as they knock on Lilia and Divian’s bedroom door and never get an answer and are about to have a full on panic attack as their adoptive parents come back from shopping-
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onegianthotmess · 14 days
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Divian: Malleus, please-
Lilia: Malleus, you have to socialize at one point.
Divian: Talking to gargoyles, having small talk with us, Silver, and Sebek, and only holding conversations with Mealodie doesn’t count, dear.
Malleus: YES IT DOES!
Lilia: Meleanor, why did you have to give birth to a diehard introvert???
Divian: Malleus, I have a proposition for you.
Malleus: I can guarantee any attempt is futile, but state your proposition.
Divian: If you go out and make a friend, I’ll order some of your favorite ice cream for you.
Malleus: *teleports out of his room* Really?!
Divian: Yes, Malleus, I will really get you your ice cream.
Lilia: *calls into Malleus’s room* And we’ll get you some ice cream, too, Mealodie! All you have to do is make a friend with your brother!
Mealodie: *teleports out of the hiding closet* Okay!
And that’s how Malleus and Mealodie made friends with Amelia-
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onegianthotmess · 13 days
I’m imagining Silver growing into his weird, angsty teen boy phase that he grew out of right before NRC and Lilia’s reaction to it-
The poor war veteran was too used to a sweet and quiet little boy who was always eager to go for a walk with his father or help bake with his mother, which really was just him taking the spoon and licking the batter off when it was no longer needed. Lilia was too used to the sleepy mutterings “Papa” and “Mama” when Silver didn’t want to go to bed. He’d grown too familiar with the sweet boy who’d tell him and his mother everything that he knew and saw.
But time moves on and Silver had grown and become a teenager. He became even more quiet, actually hid things from his parents, deflected questions with vague answers, and spent most of his time either in his room or out walking in the forest along the trails. He’s also started to call Lilia and Divian “Father” and “Mother” rather than the sweet titles of “Papa” and “Mama” he’d been using his whole life.
And Lilia is freaking out.
He wants to be “Papa” again! He wants his little boy to sneak into bed with him and Divian when he gets scared of the lightning storms! He wants to come home to see that sweet little one having his mother coo at him and wipe batter off of his cheeks! He wants to nap with his sleepy boy on the floor as Divian sings the both of them to sleep!
So Lilia is just crying as Divian pats his head and rubs his back to comfort him. Was she also missing her sweet baby boy who’d light up at just a whisper of Papa coming home? Of course she was! But she’d also helped to raise children a few times in her long life, living in a few orphanages and posing as a nun in order to escape racism for being a Shapeshifter. In simple terms, she’d been around teenagers and knew that they were distant and temperamental as their bodies and minds changed with age, trying to navigate these changes while also trying to be independent and figure out things on their own.
But Lilia had never really dealt with teenagers. Well, normal teenagers. In fae years, Malleus and Mealodie were in their late teens and had a few bouts of rebellion and even snuck out a few times, unknowingly acting just like their late mother, but they were also eager to see people and any visit or invitation they were given was a welcome blessing.
Though, the Prince and Princess had both grown up isolated with only each other as a constant. They would occasionally spend days or even weeks alone outside of tutors and meals when Divian and Lilia couldn’t make a visit due to the Senate or the weather or what have you. Both were sheltered and were considered to be quite innocent due to lack of contact with the outside world.
So, while they were teens, they never went through the beginning angsty teen phase almost all children go through. For Lilia, this is a whole new rodeo and he does not like it.
He doesn’t know how to deal with a young teenager who used to be a sweet and cuddly little boy that would beg to be held just a little longer. Lilia needs his baby boy back!
Meanwhile Divian is just like “he’ll grow out of it, dearest, we just need to be patient” while Lilia is hysterically sobbing about how his baby doesn’t love or need him anymore-
(That isn’t true, but it doesn’t stop Lilia from thinking it is)
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onegianthotmess · 14 days
I’m imagining Sebek getting a little too close to one of his calm classmates who can somehow get him to quiet down and Lilia being like “I had to deal with Baul neck deep in denial for loving his wife and now I have to deal with his grandson being neck deep in denial?!!?!!” while simultaneously getting Baul over to NRC to show him that his beloved grandson is, in fact, just like him in most ways-
Baul didn’t know how painful it was to watch him pine and be in denial about his love for his wife when she was alive until he saw Sebek doing the same thing with his incredibly calming classmate.
Baul: Why won’t he just admit it?
Divian: *appears out of thin air* Did you just admit it?
Baul: I-
Lilia: Yeah, Baul. Answer my wife; did you or did you not just admit that you were hopelessly in love with your wife?
Baul: . . .
Baul: You’re both evil-
Divian: Lilia is one of the most decorated war veterans and was one of the most bloodthirsty generals in the history of Briar Valley, of course he’s evil!
Lilia: Dearest, you wound me-
Baul: You aren’t wrong, Divian.
Baul, Divian & Lilia: *bickering in old war friends*
Amelia: Do they realize we’re right here?
Silver: They did this a lot when Sebek and I were children. It’s normal.
Also, Baul, Divian, and Lilia all bickering like they’re old friends is so funny to me!!!
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onegianthotmess · 19 days
I feel like after NRC, Lilia and Divian have two children, like they’re biological-
Both girls, about three years apart, and both incredibly precious. The older one I see acting like Lilia when he was in his prime General days but will get soft around those she cares about, and the younger one is just really happy and giggly and silly like both Lilia and Divian are in the present.
They likely age like Divian did, in which they mature like a human but stop growing around twenty-five and continue to age, only very slowly since they live for a very long time. And since their mother is a Shapeshifter, they both have a spirit animal that they spiritually bonded with the at birth. The older one’s is a peregrine falcon and the younger one’s is a bamboo bat.
Both girls basically turn Lilia into a full on girl dad since he never really was one before, given that Mealodie naturally attached herself more to Divian and Malleus attached himself to Lilia. Lilia still sees Mealodie as his daughter, she’s just a lot closer to Divian, is all.
But, with the arrival of his two newest babies, Lilia is fully a girl dad since both of them are daddy’s girls, especially the younger one! The older girl drifts more towards Divian as she gets older, having a happy medium between both parents, while the younger girl is practically Lilia’s shadow and Lilia loves it!!!
And both of the little girls basically become the kryptonite to Malleus, Mealodie, Silver, and Sebek, who would all likely burn the world to the ground for those two babies.
I’d say that Lilia would be the one to name them, giving both very feminine yet old and elegant girl names. He may be youthful in appearance and soul, but he’s still an old man at his core.
Lilia and Divian are very happy raising their last two babies after NRC, peacefully living in the forest in the cottage they raised Silver in.
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onegianthotmess · 19 days
I’m imagining Divian and Lilia when they became parents for the first time. Like, the first three to four decades after Meleanor died (in my AU she lives for a while, but just barely. I’ll figure out details later, okay-) and left them to care for Malleus, who was barely twenty, and Mealodie, who wasn’t even ten yet.
Yes, they both helped to care for them before and helped to hatch them with love, but they were never the sole caregivers as Meleanor and handmaids close to her would mostly care for them. So, they weren’t very used to it and were likely similar looking to zombies since they hadn’t cared for them for more than three days before.
I feel like, at one point, Baul walks in on both Lilia and Divian passed out on the couch with the young Prince and Princess in their arms. Lilia’s hair is out of its usual hairband, Divian’s hair had been recently cut since an accident with Malleus sneezing and singing her hair a few days prior, both of them have dark circles under their eyes from basically no sleep over the past few years, and Divian is cuddled into Lilia’s side as his free arm supports a sleeping Mealodie and Divian is cradling a sleeping Malleus to her chest as she lays there on the sofa.
Baul likely uses magic to capture the memory and show the two later before informing Queen Maleficia so she can handle it since Baul doesn’t feel it’s his place to take this kind of matter into his own hands.
So, like the secretly soft Queen she is, Maleficia has two maids take the Prince and Princess to their room so they can sleep in their bassinets and she has Lilia and Divian covered with a blanket and the room their in blocked off it staff and by a magic soundproof barrier so that they can get the sleep they need. It was a shock that even Lilia was knocked out cold because he was a Nocturnal Fae. But even nocturnal creatures needed their sleep.
And Divian and Lilia slept for a week until they woke up and began panicking about where the little hatchlings were. It got to the point that Divian was hysterically sobbing and Lilia was preparing to kill everyone in his path until he found his babies before the sneaky little Prince and Princess managed to crawl into the room and get their foster parents’s attention by laughing at them freaking out.
The staff knew true fear when Divian threatened that they never take her children from her again. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t biological, Malleus and Mealodie were her babies and she’d love them as her own. It was the same with Lilia, though he was slightly calmer.
Never take the babies from Mama Divian or Papa Lilia unless you want to die. Fair warning-
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onegianthotmess · 23 days
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Meet Divian Vanrouge, maiden name Eva! She’s a 1,200 year old shapeshifter with no memory of any kind of parents or siblings of her own and she’s Lilia’s wife of nearly one hundred years!
First, a little bit about shapeshifters before we get into Divian herself!!! Shapeshifters are an elusive species that are biologically distant cousins of the fae in Twisted-Wonderland and share a few attributes with them, like pointed ears, though smaller than fae ears, long lifespans, and incredible magic ability.
But, shapeshifters do tend to live for much longer than fae, especially if they have no partner or mate of their own because shapeshifters tend to mate for life, though cheating and/or finding a different partner are both unlikely to happen yet entirely possible to occur. Shapeshifters can preform a ritual that binds their life to their mate’s, dictating that they will live so long as their mate lives and will die once their mate dies. This ritual also applies to the life of the partner if they are not of the same species.
Though shapeshifters can shift to look like other people, they most commonly shift into animal forms and their true forms are tied to a specific species of animal that they form a spiritual bond with at birth, some examples being sheep or bears. Because of this spiritual bond, their natural and animal forms will always retain an aspect of their spirit animal.
Now, onto Divian! Divian is incredibly friendly and takes on a very motherly role for most people she meets. Given that she helped raise Malleus, Mealodie, and Silver, Divian often finds herself slipping into her maternal mindset often and she will give students candy or speak to them in a parental way, much like Lilia finds himself doing. And she is usually the one to cook and bake while Lilia cleans, given that the former General is a god-awful cook.
Having lived over a thousand years, Divian finds that insecurities are hard to come by and she’s quite confident in herself and wants to see those she cares about be confident as well. She’s also very emotionally supportive and good at comforting people, often times baking or cooking for someone to help them feel better as they rant to her since food is one of her love languages and a small way for her to show that she cares.
Divian is also quite a good singer, given that her spirit animal is a bird. Though, she has made birds explode with how beautifully she sings. She also has large wings that are fluffy and warm, but she prefers to keep them hidden these days because it’s easier to get around in a school and they’re a nice thing to keep hidden so she can get out of things in a pinch.
She will also freak out and cry if Mealodie, Malleus, Silver, or Sebek go anywhere without telling her or Lilia or if Lilia doesn’t know where they went. Divian is maternal by nature and needs to know where her babies are to feel content. If she asks people where they are and they tell her, she’ll be okay. But if Lilia or anyone doesn’t know where they are, Divian will be on the edge of hyperventilation and hysterical sobs while Lilia tries to calm her down while he himself is also freaking out-
Divian will also not be afraid of any physical altercation if anything is said about her husband or adopted children. Much like Lilia, she is not afraid of asking someone to hold her earrings while she beats the shit out of someone if they said something about her babies or man. Think kickass southern mama bear who both endears and scares everyone around her. That’s Divian’s parenting in a nutshell.
Though she’s often a fretting mother hen crossed with a bloodthirsty mama bear, Divian is very friendly and loving to those she cares about.
Also, Divian loves to dance as she believes it’s what free people with free souls do.
She actually didn’t dance for hundreds of years after Lilia died in his first life. And when Divian met Lilia in his second life as General Vanrouge, she still refused to dance because she believed he’d be better off without her dancing with him because the last time she loved him, he was murdered the night before their wedding by a disapproving villager who believed Divian was a demon and that he was going to hell for being a demon’s lover. But now Divian dances with Lilia as often as she can because she knows that their love can be free after hundreds of years of loneliness and waiting and pining.
Divian actually has a portrait of her with Lilia from his first life as a magicless human before they were to be married. After his death, Divian couldn’t bear to part with it since she wanted to remember her love’s face, so she’s been preserving it with magic for centuries and would sometimes spend days looking at it and talking to it during those years when she was living all by herself in the forest.
And now I’m gonna end here before I spill all of Divian and Lilia’s story because it’s honestly one of my favorite ships I’ve ever made a story for! So enjoy her in all of her glory!!!
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onegianthotmess · 4 days
“I Like Your...”
The First Time Mealodie and Lucienne were Alone Together
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Mealodie: Hm… I like your ears…
Lucienne: *startled* Uh-My…M-Mine?!
Mealodie: Mhmm!
Lucienne: Well, thank you! I like your, uhm, scales…
Mealodie: Really? *nervously plays with bangs* Both my brother and I usually cover them up, but…thank you very much…
Lucienne: Why hide them? They’re beautiful!
Mealodie: Huh?!
Lucienne: *cups Mealodie’s cheeks* I’ve never seen something so beautiful. They make your skin seem lighter and softer, not to mention that they’re perfectly unique. There’s no real doubt about it; you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Princess…
Mealodie: Princess?
Lucienne: *nervously lets Mealodie go* Y-You just seem like a princess to me!
Mealodie: Don’t you know who I am?
Lucienne: I know your name is Mealodie.
Mealodie: Mealodie Draconia.
Lucienne: Oh! Now I understand why people looked terrified when I said you were a good friend.
Mealodie: We’re friends?
Lucienne: Of course we are! Why wouldn’t we be?
Mealodie: *tiny smile* Of course… Thank you.
Back at Diasomnia…
Mealodie: *smiles like a giddy hatchling as she goes to her room*
Divian: Well, the princess seems to be in good spirits!
Malleus: Yes, Mealodie does seem to be in a much more joyful mood. I wonder what happened.
Lilia: She must’ve gotten some “alone-time” with Lucienne!
Malleus: “Alone-time”?
Lilia: Oh, you children aren’t all that sneaky! I know what happens when two teenagers with so much pent up tension do when they’re alone together!
Divian: Lilia Vanrouge, Mealodie is much too young for that!
Malleus: I do not understand. What would Mealodie and Lucienne do alone?
Lilia: Well, with the amount of tension they were clearly having se-
Divian: *claps a hand over Lilia’s mouth* A serene conversation away from the bustle of the nearby students! They seem to get along remarkably well considering they haven’t known each other too long, don’t you think, Malleus?
Malleus: I suppose that does make sense. But what does that have to do with tension?
Divian: Noise and large amounts of people can make people nervous! They could’ve just wanted to take a breath away from all of the people. Is that understandable?
Malleus: I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you for pointing that out Divian.
Divian: You’re welcome, Malleus. Though it is getting late, don’t you think?
Malleus: Oh, yes, I suppose it is. Goodnight, Divian and Lilia, I shall see you both in the morning.
Divian: Goodnight, dear. Sleep well.
Malleus: *teleports to his room*
Lilia: *moves Divian’s hand from his mouth* May I speak now, dearest?
Divian: I don’t know, are you going to make more ludicrous assumptions about the Princess of Briar Valley losing her virginity, Vanrouge!?!!
Lilia: It’s the only thing that makes sense! Have you seen the tension between Mealodie and Lucienne?
Divian: Have you met Mealodie!?! She’s too shy to show her bare knees, much less share her body with someone she’s only known a few months!
Lilia: That’s…actually fair-
Divian: Great Thorn Fairy, why is the man I love so smart and stupid at the same time?
Lilia: HEY-!
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A/N: Maybe the last part is a bit long, but I thought it fit really well!!! Also the audio is just PURE Lucienne x Mealodie to me!!!
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